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DAILY SENTINEL FRIDAY MOHNISn.JULY SI. tiii: n:iiA( iiitoriii:iuivof. Ill Objfrlir Ainu and i:t jd lenef Irtm nn Ararrlmii sinndpoinl. ilr. B. D. KiLLUf. a citizen of Et. I.ouii, aud well known in tbe Western :S:!e. in reply lo Utter from Mr. M. W. pnbUe. for tbe beoeSt ar.d itforcriaT.i&n of the American peo ple, the failowla,: e apoeV.iori of the ohjecta and organization of the Fe-itri Brotherhood. Com ing from him, it may, we uppo. be accepted as authoritative in 1! particular: St. Lot m, July 1, l-Co. Ii. Voran Kiltian, : Mr Daua Sia As the Fsaiaa roovtmcr.t it . litt! understood, or but Taatty known, by a ' vast majority of oar native born fellow citizr, and knowing the deep inured joa uke in trtrj thins calculated to better the conditiou of the Irish race, abroad as well a at home, and be lieving you te be conversant with the Irish rero lutionary movement of l!, and the caue of iU failure, I request you will favor me with jour opinion oa the object and expcdieLcy of the Fenian BrotherhooJ from jour ftandpoint of Tiew. I am, my dear sir, very trulj, jours, Ac , r M. W. Hooai. - TIE I r.M A VoTraftXT. Sr. Lori, July 3, 1;GS. Mr Daaa Sib: You requested me to eipreii my opinion oa the object, tuean and expediency of the Fanian Brotherhood, la complying with yur w;h, I hll maka no eecret of mj opposi tion to the real or supposed recrecy of the So cietj in iti primary formation, cor shall I uaiit to mention tnat I should 6ti!l be opposed to the organization if objection had not been re moved by fuller and later knowledge, Hence, in whatever I may tay, I cannot te ?u.pected ul prejudice or prtiiii!io an unreasoning antag onism or a blind a Jmiration. To me. the Bro therhood i neither a chool of ir.ti iel cut throat cor a league of white roiied pitriot. tut an open, straightforward combitutku, composed of men of average respectability, sincerity and pa triotism, intact on a noble ciuae, and uin their beat intelligence to obtain it. What is thit cauae? Iruh independence. What are the meatiht Moral and phjeal inter vention. I intervention of tither kind, or both kids, legitimate or practicable? The riht to in conceded by the common eon sent of mankind. 'I hoduubl andiiili.rulty begin when we coma to conider the method aud prac ticability of insuring it 'I L captive should be unloosed and her anxckle broken; in tbe Fenian Society to te the liberator, and has the time come fur liberation? I have no hesitation in raving that the Fenian Brotherhood, in it? j ic.-cnt development, is the largest, the beat organized, the inot cosmopoli tan, aui, to ni t mind, tb most prudently mm aged efXjrti ol Iriih Nationalst:! iüce the Iats of the voluntceia 1 I.jJ uluiot haid ince tbe Kilkennj Cun federation, llttiii tbe inevitable ControTcrsiea of its e.irlj home or-i', itnd the more recent ill judged mtaugleuient wiih cer tain member of tbe Hierarchy, it can jut!y claim to hf tctttd comparjtivtlj clear of the ro'.-ka on wbivh .- uun) nm enient bare foundered, nn l Vj luve rtachrj conJitiou of acknowledged eafctv and j-opuUrity. Stiong in Cumber.', tiuntr in d.M-iplui9. truiieni in mt Approving 7m!, it njiab nia within iti undo c:a brvce LCirlj all the notiv' ii,rrej of t!i world dividrd U. I;, iti ui, h-t iujj be foiiin emi nent extmjlri j t the tu:nt thttdiuilj, the pracea that i i.r:, aiid th hri littided C'urae thit c irr:e into vxv in a pj!i:ica! prora:nojc. Over a1!, it ; - .!-, as !.,.( ..:.;! leader, u ruin who it f;inri to iiou" iti j.r.)U:t? of r'i tr-trter, in oervi a ;! fjfTfrii , in rrr iTi-ut purpore?, in orginiz.ß t i!c:it iu. 1 :;iU!!iituiI aco.iinpli.nh uici.ta Ii I Mite iii-d to vie l lioui the citv logue ol inv at tint iiiit-4 one who r ru t uii nrtitiy i-onibitird t.o itiitit ctivc knowlfdo of nvtioti'v! rhr r, ti e 1 t; veinrütu-u l our race tor tlin true ui ILu sattJ, Uiili tU- .iii.Vir of th oli r, tue U J iiir' lipo-i!..:, . tto tr'.ic pi Si n it , ai. i tu -ii.ii .1 a 1 j j. ,1),1m i.n. i beet ar.d pr i -i rv e thr i ! n -1- .. n u'e.-, I pllOlthl po III 'O .1 i'l.l U'.'ü.lLnl.lV, V'XJ then, to be,:::) 'h, numher, Z'.ul, oritilzition and le uYrj ! h" !. h --el ljri. ttc: nfj tiled and never ex . Med; fit. tfiv be lülv ami li.tpc lull u-e.lT The rilit i 1 ..!.) nil iL-' in tliin countrj to oiatiizf lor llie j nrj - t uei tpii :tiij; levolu fiou abmtd, wiih-o.t the knowici!;,, convent and appioval of the lov ttuiru nt, in njtje;t to et iv e ijic-ti..u. id, it i-i eiierwll v atced that there no Miel tiht For belter or worse, itbatevtr ov.r wi-!u or f. liny be, wc aro boonJ by tur eilieu-h p to counJtr all tuitiora on trim of amitj rd iiitrrconro with iho Uni ted State- Ai fi'icnd, -tod ull olhcrwi.o as cue mice. The v:rc it ihiutd, howev er, when revolution is actuallv inttiur ited by pcr.'on-t not citizcn.H wf tho United St.te- O'jr (Jovcrntueut ia bound to lecoiiize the tute of Llligcrcuc j . T h tit t itto Kl,vt'r,llu-'it a".ti!cd, and the ac credited rgtu c't tb? revolutiori:vrv movetuent, tauJ to in the re! tio; cx a'juo Following Ungliah prcelent, our eitizeua c-vn acll to tr trade with either or bwth parties, accord. nt; to their lyinpithif. Thoev?ho wih toeipatri- ate tbera&clvca fwr thi purposes of active partici pation In the -trudle, have the tiht to dvi to, it being immiterial !n they Und at I.ivurjool or Cork. i hoe who !iire tj e:!; in the parliatiship of occtn warhue, can hv.i-t tho insurgent Ii tr, tanJisui: the chance d üuece-a or failure. In hott. th citlrctH of the United State un do everv .in 1 ill thinir a individual, in such a continue!. e , which 1'r.tirh aubject did during cur civil war. T!e Fenian 1'rotherhood need deirr t " wider vv arrant or a t:ion forcible eaaniple Kven in a Ivan c of an ItUh upri.-in, any MK-ial rUi in thi cot.ntrv, enteitainiti eitra niliuntl !; ivl. may, by open orai.iz.ilion, Jte- Jaie and lat or tr ati occai.M to ulttte thcro. t may prv j-rly mh tod.rei l public opinion in rhantiel c K idited to it ilLfme our loreign di plomacy, not btcau!it it a c! j-, but for the bet ter re.i.on it i u ptt is d pir'cl of the con stituency t tu f 1'ccted by the vr unwise tie of the n it . n 1 i ;.!!;i. in. e ;:,d authority. They who ati!t to r.iprt the (iovernment :n pe.tce, and who hure i' r eril in th bhdy artii ra ment of ir, t'.e t. :nc ii.:!-t t intlueticc it foreign ilcalii.-: :t ilin c t. h n.e ynsjnf'U. There ia u!o an nrec: Anteiicau r,j'iwhv thi r iht btcouii' a duty ot vmir l'r-tl.erhoo I. If the c !f it-j et. t of our c'.:i.try sr.i,d i:i greater pcrd from cr.e i s:e thin l o.j ac count of a jvocrli.l . i d .- id:iy ii.ctes.i. An glican iatl.iet-.ce on trie-e.bord. i'ncWed by the whole votnmcr.' interest ol the Ujt, and kept in countenance tv nauJIin philanthrcpy and btd hijtcr.", thin tritiaet.ce ihre iter to i eurralize and hold ia oli.tin the li.::e-t A .t at on tattr taiced in t! e Wi-t ani S-uth aau.t ti e l art taker, bv Kn;l it. 1 rf'.rit ; i t;r late ci-i.te-t You hear a oVi! o! rnonaichy ia Mexu o. alaik il whit bate i ttevth indemnification lrltnii-h t-.cutralitv, a it waartllcd.i spoken of in the Katern prc ? And yet, which ii the gretcr wrotifj to b in in lav no claim, ten wret of a to the bottom i:-. nr.ted t'i presence of a icur.try lo which we or the charred and rot tbiu-ird n-.erch tr.tmt u, fent tf." e witb American pootl? in th.r t ' i d the Aineiu n mlcr at the.r 4ak? Southweat Tl.vt t '.d wot id a-ecter in the 11 be ei.n;,ei by the penim of mar.tfc-'t i:et r.r n-. nue e. l.lluC I ::eii i .ie isnia. und n i it it n Meiic mear.tlu.e die :t,e of hih w ri b r i irv but the Croat.;., crime of the ti.y.v ot ti e lie-.: !;.! n:tk A..b.;:.i. 1 -r i'.i t'.r e ! x ipert out or atm.r 1 f r if :! . Ar r our r.ti. r. .1 h r..r -.'! tbe Tattir I er."? v S.. br;c about ;.-.-uff ;., t;. w itti a v e t. . t v i ' tain o:.r : : fce: t . :.,:. (or it.t'Tf : r.o'. i . l:r' :: l. ; grncy , a: d it it i. .. - ( ! strong j r . : ainu t i e : .'.-a:.-'; I i I i ' o :. I- r w'.-.b ' . :! H i i '.; r to e . te 1 K m ' :ncr. t j! i .- . :. , err y ii .,:tite :. c : ' 4. : ...iiii) i; ' ; V -..I. Jemand ' . f. c a ".v't. ir Mex i e ir'i '. i; 'ern- Ho or. F i eji 1. oni.ty t t ry ...-. ( ,r rc; ;ri, :i ul 1 rs and trj.itica i.f!ct.d :n our persona n;sl at our verv i f t, -t',: f r i r ;-.ire be--f the t ttjrl i Iop t3 a'r:rr tr ' - rs beiuj rra! 'n ftL'r-t! :s w.: Frs-ce on n puncti'o, the F ; s rr :. t ttcernble lo ctu- ura for keeir. jrom ;r:ly t?f'thf iisti n tit flaratt ou'.r.t A , in n. mere and r.atM t a'ilf t r;-r it.-! V:-.' -h .ub-ect.a, and hie! iel by I'.i il.-i ii':;-! jin cy Thia I 1 1 be ,? iroa.e.i.ate irr-ioi; of your I?rothtrh-o.J, a:, i leitlmite laud able tvidtLC of heahly cit enh p it is the rtt step ia tha raj t trar s Atlantic arr.cliora tiot, effc-luiliy rru;tcrt tbe pt-.rprie cf jour Solely aod tha traditional tendency of republican icsutatiou. . To Ibis extent 107 cla3 cf tbe comannnuy at J joura among the num ber may ue the freedom of tbe adopted na tionality for fVeia objects. Such moril inter vantioa ia umeij a conceoUatad form of the American national spirit mat sublim spirit whicb aytDpaihixea with tba oppreesed of everj Und, and only require an American Induce mant to pas from passive avmcatby to active support. The aetwnd meaua comtempUteU by your Brotherhood physical inUrtenUtn ia also per lectiy legitimate in the manner and under the conditions specified. Tbe problem of Irish inde pendancc mutt be eaujed by tbe borne IrL-h and worked out 00 Irish toil. The right of expatri ation ceases the members of your Society to participate in ail its KUca. The law of nature mikae tbtoi parlies to it; and the opinion of mankind approves tbe natural law. The '.riet est construction of ceutrahty would never think of comparing their fiii! aSection to tbe unholy lust of tbeiiilJibuater. Tbey rontemplite to national rape they atteoipt nu foreiop ptoce- of provincial seduction. Germain by birth and blood, and commou inicrcsta; tbey yet 't the hour wbea their native land, self-asserting. hall cry ul for assistance and protection. To hear that call to tM prepared for it to respond to it by every rncana at their command ia their raani feat duty, and in ita performance tbey will work no irjurv to the Und of tbeir adoption. Let tbe United States be neutral if she will. Io that event ehe mut be itnpirtial, and impartiality will serve all purposes. Tour right to organize tein conceded, your further right to afsist any home movement for Iriah independence beicg nllowed, the prime rction arbea, ia tke opportunity about to be giveu, and are the chancc3 in favor of succor? Utile RrO!s and systematic deception i. bcini; prafticelby the leiderj of the Drotherhaod here and abroad, a in Ireland may be expected within a very short time. It m not, I under stand, dependent upon the nsrt of Enlani' being tnraced in war. It ii to proceed on the hypoth ecs that such a ri'ing in the bc-t way to induce foreign eomplicatior., but thit, whether they happen or not, the ri-ing itself i practical and politic. Iulhi view I concur. The beinniug is half the battle, und any briunir, in Ireland oiu-t prodnce momentous effects The Uugland of Waterloo is not the Kurland of to diy. War of any kind, and especially w:r in her own household, ii full of terror to her She prepares to looe her grip on Canadt. sfhe places no obstruction in the way of the Fed eration of the Austiian province- She fehirks tbe Dtnih (parrel, which she incited. She aheda tortentd of crocodile tear over the I'resident's aasiioation, and clap her bloody habd in simaUteJ joy over the recon struction of the Union. Let but a voile? of mus ketry startle her in Ireland, and that ainle re port would work her more present aud prospec tive ony than any or all dangers which hare been placed In her path during half a century. Let the nucleus of insurrection preserve form for a month, and the Irih element here, instructed by recent events, strike directly at her com rccrce and make way to her höre, und a repeal of the Union m?rht loom up in the array of Urit- i!i expedient?. He tbi ai it may, 1 favor the eipcriment. The worst failure cannot be more destructive of human life ami human happiues than the present tat of Ireland, and, for one, 1 hall wih (tod ?peed to tbe enterprise, now aud at all times. k I know the HTpumcnt againt the hope of ItUh independence to be drawn from the failuo of the Southern Confederacy, but I deny the analogy. Waring the question of relative merit, Kurland eontd not bring into the field Sd.lKK) men, and ten times the number ceuiJ he raided ariint her. Mnik the difference too, between a nation enter ing on the suppression of a rebellion with the greatest nationil debt in the world, and a nation similarly situated, without any national dfljt. Consider again, the duration of cur civil war. Now, I hold that an Iriih raisin?, sustained for one four the time one tenth the time ctn only result in independence. The heart of the Ameii can people would be with it from the bepinninjr Their tnenra would be at i's disposal. Our State Department could not fiil to make u-e of it in urgent demand. Whoever iPrueuibera the wild envhui intn of '-H. when the new ot the firt t'nte.t with the I'fili!i (overnment te.u bed oiir h-in, requires t o argument to be tonvwKtd of the tuet that an Irih rtbiilion i onlv inother niuie for a piasi American atru ie I do not siy the United States would ne cessarily drcUre war; but I s i? that to all in tents and p 'jrjos.cs. the people of the United States would so asiit a i Irish rebellion that the omisaion of the l'iovenim;nt would be compen sated for by the ardor an i self-srrilice of the people. Hut why chaffer about probabilities? Tbe shortest way to satiefy doubts i.s tbe trial, a ad there is no want of willing hands to make it. The pica that the certainty ol succe-s tdioutd be demonstrated before imperilling life cr pro perty, is u plausible and fallacious one. There, is no demonstration there can be none until the thing denired i.s dona or blundered. A good cause, nn honest intention, a regard for the cus toms of civilised warinre, a reasonable discus ioii of the perils and opportunities an overt act, and the demonstration comes, of course, favora bly or adversely, as l'rovidence ordaius, and brave men help. It is somewhat remarkable, in thia connection, that nothing ia ever ciTtCto iu the way of liberating people or nations without heilig attempted. It is alno instructive that some very hopeless looking enterprises bare come to successful endings; where ones sppirently easy of accornplitbiceat rcoiaiu to bo debated and ad mired for waut of a tart. Unless all the frigus mislead mc, that start is about to be made. Haifa million of drilled tuen await the signal. Fifteen millions of tbeir kith ar.d kin stand at their back. All that is chivalric iu the tdd world or the new ia ready io approve, to sympathise, to aid failure cannot be worse than inaction, and success is glory and benedic tion everlasting Imagine the worat; an uprising and a defeat, short, nharp and decisive more crave in Ire land, more convicts in Tasmania. If the unity in this country is cheaply purchased by the death or maiming of one hundred and fifty thousand Irish-Americans, would a blow lor Irish hide pendence be dear at the cost of an equal number of lives and limbs and a bul,rl full of " Arms and Sedition Acts?' I think not. Tho grief and crimes of tho Middle Fähige the mi.-eries and privatious of the Irish p-or the deaths cir.quent on eonttrained emigration, and the evils of practical srr!tkrn iu our large cities and public work, yenrly o-jtwrigh the most dis. .utrou results of an ui.'u-ce jf j! rebellion. Is t ured that failure will ivea greater rciu to tyraLny? Kven if it were wherein could tyranny find new processes of persecution? What basil left? What refined cruelty has it not practiced? Hut I qusition the fact. KngUnd has panned from the dogmatic lo tbe trimming role, as wall towards her dissatisfied home sub jcit as toward her foreigu colour. Rebellion iu Ireland is only another nime for greater jus tice to Ireland, let the effort end bow It may. The seveutcen Ter. since lr4 are full of lesions of 'eulency, fitly ezemplißed and approved by the high txm;'cof this (Jovcrunient stnre tho c!o-e of our war. Kngland, heretofore flow to vi Id, is ro lorprr !ow to learn. You will notice, my dear sir. that I exprc-s no opinion on the method to be adapted in an Irish iti-urrection, or the meats already taken to assist it Of these I care to say nothing. I believe in the jutice cf your caue: I have faith in the a;eidea at work to further if; I trust lo the wis tioiti ot its leider; 1 approve the olicy of early actio! ; ami, i: comtu :i a .tii thoe intricate i by birth cr blotl, 0:1 the result, I arn prepared lo share the god or e vd fcrture Vtty truly, yours. II Put in K 1 l 1 1 a . M W ax, K.p. Centre, Fct.ian Hro'herhood. NOTICE. To Carpenters. Stairbuilders, Cabi netmakers and to the Public. Jtil'IH UOI.H, r: . ; Orr.anset.tal Job Tcrn M er. N-.-jtn ir. et, tr.i lvnnyl vania a-d Mtri '. me.t. Keep cuii.'.at.t j ou Lud a C'Od avrt Lj'!.i ?:.r iv!;t m an ! Neil I-l,!, arid i-cs tlera to orvier. iter. Al.-o. ; kind t fturu-.r.g in b nidiu? work dor.e order. I w'.Ii receive ail kin1 ( r er in tnrr.fnff in to Ue iv!;.et iaak;!.jl l.e. bedstead U' ie leg. Ac a:i 'irt e promptly, teatly fcd at reair.abi L. K;LK. WAPiTED. O f Ot k MOSTnt-AGKXT WANTED KVEHT 1 wbr to iutroduc tbe improved haw A C.ara tU ew.rg Ia.L re. the r.!r lew prce nu- krr, Wbeelr A Wilvja. lUwe, Mnjrer ft Co , at.t Fh-eil-r. All other machine w m-Id for le.. than forty io.Ur each ara infrir gen:er:t-, a&d tbe eiier a:.d Ler ar liable to f.r.e and impno:.ri,e;,t. Salary and, er lar( comailMlon allowed. I..otra:eJ cireuiar teat free. AJ4rt B.yV.'lwm SniW A CLARK, Kldlelard, MalLr. PETROLEUM. WABASH PETROLEUM ! COAL MINING CO, -AT- COVINGTON , IND Capital Slock, 'JVi.)0,000. Divided into 65,000 Shares at $50 Each. MXKHkATKD U.M)EK TUK LAWS UF 7 H X STATF. IXUIASA. WIUJAM DALE, of !?ew York. PrM.!:it, JfWKMI KISIIXK, Cavir-sron, Vice Pre-idrni, VT. I). KP.KR, ternary, J.MK W. KINii.Trea.iirer. i l" o o t o x f& m II.n. JOFPII K. McbOVALD, Intianapo!i, In.l aoa. " jmy K. COP? KOril, liontington. IndUna. VM. DALK, New York City. " JOSKPII W. NEW LIN, Attica, Indiana. " JOS. RISTINK, CovintoD, Indiana. " K. M. MclXNALl, CoTintrtcn. Indian. DAVID VTKBB, Covlniftcn, Indiana. OrriCE South t'ule Public Square, Coving ton, Indiana. f 1HK Company hoMü by lee, and In fee, about twenty thousand acres of the most select coal landa in Wehtet a lu t.anfl, bordering bth bides cf tLe Wabash river. M of tbeM lacds may be teen at tbe office of the Company, In Cov!n?ton, Ind at tae office of Wm. Dale, No.2ü Park Place, N. Y.City, at tbe oflice of Hon. J. It. Coffrotb, Uantinfrton, Indiana, and at tbe oSicacf Koacb A McDuaald, ludiauapolis. A reference to tbe report of tbe H n. David Dale Owen, late State Geolopi-t, will ihow that tbese lands are titnate In tbe midt of the finest coal field of the State, abounding aUo in alt, Iron and other valualle mineral ubtances. Near tie mouth of Coal Creek, where the Company ha larire quantities of lands alt water has baen discovered eqnal in quality to tbe Kanawha. Thia water was pro cured iom 3 years ago by boring, aoon after, the On ondaga alt Unding Its way down tbe Wabah and Krie Canal, Mr. Tborua, the proprietor, finding himself un able to compete with It, abandoned the manufacture. Iu his boring he encountered that which recently dis closed facta prove to have been coal oil- Those lands all lie ia cloe prox'mity to the Wabash and Erie Canal, some of them upon its banks. Mr. John McManomy, th business agent of the com pany Lai retained from a tour ol observation of tbe oil regiobaof renofrlvania, convinced that the laud leased by tba company," in Fountain and I'arke counties, has, so fr as the Knf ral formation of the couutry and the surface Indications present themelve, a stuug analogy io lha oil and mineral ubtancs a found ou Kreucn Creek, IVLusjlvania, where th' greatest quantity and the mot valuable oil is fuund Mr. alcManomy Las pur chased for the company ' tbe m-t approved niacbitirry, with all the fixtures necessary for operation, and pre paring' with experience! workmen the pe dy develop ment of tbe hidden treasure cf tbe lai.ds of tbe company. All tbe indices of coal oil.fouTid ia local ties where it has been procured, are strongly marked In various lo cal. ties of the landa of the Company, affording every rational prospect of ucces. Tbe company think it un-nece:-ary to malte any other reference to the character of the land-, other than the report and map reftrred to. 1 100,000 of the htoek. being 2,0ml nharx. Is proposed by tbe Company to be offered in tbe market at on-balf iia par value, being sj2 per bhare, for tbe purpou of aiding the Company in a speedy development of tho Und. aprM'i-diwtf NOTICE. S.1LE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY N WFliNKSfiAY, THK C;th DAY OF JL'LY, I4., lDn'rl.V if wilt Iiii,l f PiiSV. 1 i.rlini. to the hi?hst hi lricr, nt Camp M rion, near Indianapolis, lii.lnina. tb fallowing tesi rittd j rjMrty lie onjiiiK to tbe Military Frl-on, to n t: fj'i Fifty-'ik Stove. Ct-tV) Three hundred ad eiKbtr-five j.-int i .t iv l'ipe. (.' ) Twenty three Farmers' fi i!ers. s,!y Kire FiakN. ") Seven Ir k taii'ln. Ci) Tr KaleM. (I) tliif JM'-ihige H:ub. ii) Tbirty-eibl Laiupa (laruo (3-) Thirty e'Kht lamp Ch ("V) Flshtr-t C-lnch (II) Hevn Sheet Iron Dipper-. (I) One Horse. (I) One eW. (it Tw Table. (I) (r,eCI'.ck. () h igbt llimp. (I) Dni letter Pre. (1) One letter S-ale.. (I) Oue letter Sump (I) One Tin Hucket. (4) Four PaMIr. ks. (I) One Jack Mane. (I) Olid bule (two foot ) I') Ninety Spade. (-.') Tavtity-bmr Airs. (24) Tenty-r..ur 11 k At llan.ll . (:)) Thirty Ae (HO) Thirty A lUulIes. (.'Ul) Thirty Wheelbarrows. (I) One UrlndMono arid Fixture.. (.1) Three Paw. (j l ive Hand Saw. (I) One Kip Saw. ( 1 ) due l-ore I'Une. (n) Klght Womt Saws. (!-.') Twelve llatrhetn. (I) One Oimlet lütt. (Is) Klghteen Iron Kak-. (I) One Oil Can. ( 17.'41Sf vrnteen and one. half aioundit cf Kpr. (4) Fonr Office Chairs. ;ä) Five Lauterus. (: .) Ihlrty-i-ls lU llector. Ci) Tw )nting Ilratbei. (I) One Stove Shovel. '!) Two l'okrrs. (TOO) Seven hundred iVrtid Natl-. (?) Seren et Hinget. (I) Ot.e Cress-cut Saw. (1) One lot Kelt Kooflnjj. Sal to e'iritlniie nntil the entire lot la dlrpoaid of. Terms cash. Is AT. 6HUKTLKFK, Captain, lTth Keg. V. H C.A.A.Q. M. Camp Morton, July, lCi- Jyl7-dl0t A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S liOLM TMIODll'AL I'lLLS, I'OK FKilALK.S. I nf:illill( in Cur recti Irrcmi l:u itic, Kciiioviii !l ructions ol the .lloiilhly Turns, from Wlmfa'Vtr t'tuisvo. :nii Always Mk tssii :tsn rrcvcntati , And the'vnly nure" and CKHT.MN KKUKliY b-r all tbe a tit lit ngcomplaint n peculiar t tbe aex, w teth er "married or unfr.a." lbee Till j are uothlurf new, but have locn u.ied by tbe Doctor for many year?, in rrance atid Amer ira, with unparalleled mece- in every case; and be I urged by many thousand la Me who have used theiu to make the public, fr the alieviaiion ol thoie ruf- terlng from any lrrcguUritiea whatever, an writ a. to prevent an lt.creae of fdm:y whee health Will not permit It. Ftnale peculiarly Mtuated, orthoe atippo lug themaeNe m, are cantione.1 agalnit using lie.e 1'ilU while in tbat condition, a tae proprietor aume no repoi)Mbility after tbe above admonition, although tbtir in:l.'t;e would preventany ml-cblof to health. Otherwie tbe 411! arereeommendrd. Ft.ll and eplii it direction aceoinpjny eai h box. r.nwo, r.oxrs iiavk pkhxsold in two vkaus Ten tbound boxe nent t.y letter, both ty myeif aud a(eot, to all part of the world, to w huh anewt r have teen riturt:cJ, i.i which lai:eaj the above I'll.. have beeo kn wn ;iko the SC1KXCK OF MKD1 ClNK DAWXKD UIt)N TUK WOULD IN UKMOVIMi OHTKUCTll)NS AND KF.STOKlSli N'ATIKI.IO US FKOKKKCHANNKU cjuietiLg tbe nerve and ret.r;i.g tce"ru-y col.-r ol Lea'.th ' to tje ibeek or tte mn.-t deli cate. ITÜCE 1 ist I KU I.OX. HIX lUJlKS fur J j Ul. Sold by all Drug:t, and by the fj. lowing Jobbi: g and Drui; Mwu-e., Agenta for Indianapolis, ludiana: dJif , by tetid.n 1 1, can t r,:ute the rill, wnt coti tilet;t)lly by ma.'l, and without observation, t' ai:y part cf the cfv or country,) and for Ie by TDMI.IN'SON A COX, No. Ka.t WaLiugtea !re t. STL WANT A ÜOi.iiAN, No. 40, Kat Wa.-b.i.Rtcr i-treet. . I. ll ASi;iTT a CO , No. M, Wet Wah!r.gton i:rtt. II. II. LEE. No.; IS aru! Mock. J. r. 5EN0UK, No. 5. Hate liou.e Blk, and by i aim. iiz:x:r2:i: a kimi, Wbjle:' L):si,-. N'o. :n, S uth Meridian ctreet. ü. S. LAtJF.Y.rier.era'. Traveling Agent f r the We-ter :a:e, UT, Lrrtwru :reet, CLicaao, lllino.a. N". Ii 5.T.0 l"ier.u;:.f Lr.l'- tbe bcx is i: A "S. D. HiWE." Ja:i31-dly.od THE INDIANAPOUS I i N l ' 1 1 1 Xt i : CO.Tl I' A Y , Is Uow j r.:!y i i arid ready toisue Fire Pol.cie. Capital, $200,000. The 5töckbo"dr i.f tbi CVnipany compri.-e n.rue of orrmotreporr:b'e rt'.-en l I is . t; r uiiM S A . Ft-tvcst a , S a . , W, 11. Tat iiTT, A. I- iAlK. E. J. Tick, Agrnxa Joaas, OuviaTorfccr, Tmom i A. Mtaaia, A. E. ViTo. WlUMI HlNMiMü. C"oe at present li the Sinking Fur.a lir.g, corr.r of I"en?.-y lva:.:a turret and Virgtnia avenue. IHi'Ibe patro-.a( of tbe public I o!clted. Wa. UK5DKSON,Iiesideit Albx. C. JiMtHi, Secretary. taayl-d.- - OPTICIAN, . MANUFACTUIIKU OF THE IMPSOVED PANTOSCOPIC SPECTACLE THE BEST IN USE. MOSES' improved Pantoscopic Spectacles combine advantages mc. chanical and philosophical to be found in no other Spectacles oiTcre'1 in the West. Moses improved Spectacles i.M only give clear and distinct vision, do not weary or fatigue the eye, but tend to strengthen and preserve the sight. Moses' Spectacles arc made of the finest materials, and best workman ship, fairly represented, and sold at their fair value Cutti'.m Xn Ayr.t or Pullirs oiij'liyal. Zs Semi for a circular containing full tie cription, irice.s, &c, anJ how to ensure a perfect fit and havo them sent lv mail. Address L. Y'. MOSES, Optician, 50 East Washington st., Indianapolis, Ind. PROFESSIONAL. TZ 1.7. M O V I, . Doctor w.ia. TEatMas'. HAS RK MOVED U! OFFICE FROM VIRGINIA AVENUE TO rio. 29 South Delaware Street, pennnT.n t ti:r, or nok,- v--o,-r w Dr. W.u. Ik- nis.iti Ii i.i .! tbe Ov; --fes' ,.Jl ' tttuiUuM ' I'liva't I-i-eu.-e S. v:;V??f. hpecialty tbe jearlVil tbrrc yum in tbe city ot buiUiv, Y . , eibt yearc in Cli i. ;, Hi-, and t yt-nr-ir. lVoria, IU. lVirin eiglit year- practice In Cbrapo, HI., b cured over thirtf:i (l.ou-.i ,.l äs-. Ur. Wm. llu tuson, in bi practice f r ScT-.u!a. I' tuatlc and general di-ert ol ti e b'.c 1, u.--e a Kuniirra titiR Vapor Hutb f t Ii ? must in --iiii.u ki;. l, In co-g'jt.c-tion witl. Irea'ni. Tt. tfKMC'aii KMISSIONJ. tbe co-im jim i.t e of-elf al ii-e. Tbl Kolilary vico, vr depraved Kcxual ludulir nre, I practkvd by tb youlli f bulb s ie lo an almost un liti itcd extent, jrwdi:cin nah ui.trrin;; jiruii.ty I lie fwllowit:: train of tuorbid r nr.:.-. . C(.t:i' au d by cientü'c nodical measure, viz- Sallow cmnit'-ii.iii.e, dark op.da under tbe eye, pain It tbe lia1, rinlTu; in tbe ear, and tii'i like tbe riintiitii; of lt'a e and rat tliiiit of i harlot, r.;i ii!ie.s aboui Ioi;n, vei-knr of the linib, ronfuse.i vMon, M tin tod itiU-llert, 1 ( con Iblence, iül.lence in j ; r( bit g trm rs, a di-lihe t form ti'-w acjuaint it'ce, a tipi.?it en t olmn .ciety, lcs (,f memory, liect'o tlu-.l.c., inipW atrl varioiit erup tloti. about tbe f.i.-e, fuiri ! loiue, iiijrLt m'i t-, ft-tid breath, coiirIii, iinrl !f',, tn. i.oni.ii.t.i, aul froijuent ly Insanity. The altlii te l, in ti e tl r -1 nppcarance cf any of tbe above iy mpt um , t-hou Id in. t!'-.1 lately a i' ply to It. Wo. IbmiWiii t'.r relief. JJOa'ee n.!(;onst.l;.iti,.n Ri r.'..-J-.tith ll,!-. w are rel't, Ir dii.ti.ipol!., 1) J. 1. O. Jao'.'l-dly MEDICAL. M A H H O O D ! How Ih'Mrojnl, How Restored. Physician and Surgeon, No. 24 1-2 E. Washington St. 4 N CONN KCl ION WITH THE GKNKRAL PRACTICK of Medicine, 1 treat by a new and reliable medium, and w ita tbe bappiet reNUlt, all form of dii.eaie of tbe Nervou, Seminal a'.d Urinary and Sexual t.ytelU!. Tounfr men with hollow cheek, and pallid, telling iu fearful Ungual? the talent working of tum formidable d;.seae undermining your conftitut ion, mem ory aud rea-'on, Lurrylnjr you U a premature death, re flect while reason holds may and avail yourself of a treatment that dissipate th l'Khtenl disease, and cures tbt harraetiiifj weaknes and other cane of eri. ou diSicultj and perpetual annoyance. epermaiorrbtea. Seminal Weaknc.-i, Kluis n, Sexual Iebi!ify,, Kflerts ot Self. Abuse, and tbeir reMiIta Inability to Conmnimate the Marriaa-e Cobtract, Mental ai.d 1'byaical Proniratio-., V pilcpsy, Insanity aud 0riiiumptiu. "Tl.efoe, Like a o-t.iun. b mnrderer, cteaoy to Iii pirpo-, l'reaea him eloso tbri'Urfb every lan i f life, Nor nil --e a onte tbe track, b-jt preise on. Till furci". at laid to the tr meiidou erge. And at once he biiiVs." Likcw se, I will cuaraütee a ra.l.cil run- cf Syphili, Oonorrhwa and Oleet, in all tbeir t'.arn, entirely re fn.m the l.ool the Iat epark f the.e tei ritde di.easrn that 9 gradually burn up ib- fo mtain of life. Diseases and Conditions Peculiar to Females, Tbe beau'y and eat rem dein acy cf the female ora;aii izatijn, to say i.ctLi.. cf it phy io! j.c tl characteris tics, are .su't'.cir-tit'ioi. that it U ub'ect to fornn of disease Atl j mo.l.f.catio' pul!ar to ltsrlf. The physician of the present day dors Lot encounter any mure fir;a- of u!-nue di-eai than d.d tte pbys.cian of fifty jiars but owln? U tho presei.t social condition c f w ornan, her d;s.vioi are !ncrea-cd t' fr:;t:er.y. and t the trnth ef th a aertivn tbe me! ir. ;ely !eatb by cr.ump h n b ar de witne.a. At the Amer. i lnfpensary w treat by a row n-.etb.-J, 4.: , b thu happ;e.t reulu, I'roUp eus t'teri, JfaV.::,-; 4f tie woüit.5 KrctlDr.s cf the Ch!oro-i, - 'irt f.ckt.e cLaract Tin d ty yell" ifcb, d.rty gn k j of the surface; hiuansio Mes.uLi. r al -eiit ilei.'truit.on; Amenorrhea, or Iie tcntioti of the M i.e: ; Iij --ar uorrbea. aj.air.ful anddiül cult f.. of the Mer.-e : "rnorrhaia, cr pr' fue Men ktruatioi.; Ie-irh'.rrhea, r er.eeive and akered ecre Uun f tLe tuuc ;.- . ;4Üy white, cr nearly col re- and trauspa.-ei.t. Reader, I have ;!! y.t: a c'as of .!;-i-ts. that :e met with in K males yf al! acr. hither married or un married; ai;d to marred Female would i-ay that thrre are many oih r f. rmi of dix a-es l your hex d;sea?es cf rrf?2:icy, rartaritit, and L.icU.:oi., of which paco will r.ot a..iu!t an elacidali n. I it fur tte council chamber, a.Mir. t-t one disrate to tbi Let, and that L a formidable rr.e Ulcerrtiot) cltLe body of ihe L'teru. If you are a.f.ed h Ith ornic eakr.r., or any emdise of m r! 1 pter ce. ra cf th: chaacter, jt-n have no tim to par, tnt at arp'y fr rc-d cal aid. If to" late to arrt tt the diea, it J? at leat pti. ble to pa!i,at? the symptoms, a:d thu -ia the the j ath ay to au ULt.a.f!y srav? . In a r.-.v..r;y if iuiar.ce thee d!-."i- hi.e ma; cn-f leral le ; r. jr" li r the pat ent t rc' mes al.irdi ed. Ia n;e ca-e. an etaac iatioa Is the first ir.d,ca!i r that attract it att.-i.tioti of tt" patjeut I'ri. -i.d.s. Au here, reader, lt if c.ill j.ur earnest a:;c;.::. a t j tl.f fearful ;;n;Scaci-e t, the w r ' U2J1." It cot ot.ljr coi-türte. tie leaii., fTre. bnt the eri-t acd tat cn,:n"Us y;.;to r ef C or.p' :; r.. exan-p'.-, t.f wb;cb are inva-.a.i ctiwiib in you..' Z Ud.e fc.- a-e pfied ;:h h.h e;; !"r?-eat, rtLt-l sc c.n:p'i Lr::e-ts, ar 1 c-.e- fü-hlr. v.'th ctinatrtra! br.3- not rect' l : ? it--e i ..d ...r a r.e-r.e- tb -e c: pr-c'nl cca-m.. f li.tipiet-t difK-r...f b-it tt Trse, aiax the poet -..lss "Cor. un-p:; cheek r. 'r!o.s pure. Ar.i lovely, than thn pav"t a'.! c-.t-. And ret that bloom, m fresh j ci.'l. Has lc: t its Scttice, aid to kill, Ar.d p'ak.., tu inu-t h j watch it h i", I if ck;.e ., ZfA'h and sr.fT. ri: tc; Th.ei whn, -:t v.w;- - arch: f'r, Ou! 1 dream that death w th re!' Addri i'. ü. Loa nyoCce hour fron ft A. IX. to 4 P. SL Room No 2l,s. Ia-t w'aahir -;?.t. .vt'ect, lr-'.ianapg'ia, Itdiana. fetlC-lIy 'f ti :r-at at.d cute l'ri.ate .. r. i -it It. jiM 11 i'l'n.rUl itl.'i'- ' " ' C" ...n ar.d j j i7A Ur. Wm. TlK.n.-on w .11 iv t. 4l f -""M t-ai-b ;.!i nta wriu-ii inst riitn.iit, S . a Jri-iJV. ' A atid DOORS. BLINDS. &C. REDUCED PRICES. IV Alt REX TATE, DOOR, SASH & BLIND No. 38 South New Jersey St., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. HAVING en band a lar-r atock of Docra, Kinds,, Frame, I am Mlliug the aame at great ly reduce4 pricea. All f my manufacture la warranted both a to materials and workmanship. Dealer and Balhlera are ao?k1ted to call atd examine any tock and prices before purcbaing elsewhere. A fall stock cf FooTir.g, Dreed Lumber, Weather Ev-ard'ag. Mo'.dir.-f. Brackets and other Manafactared Bu'Mir.g.Material! always en hand FlooriDji worked and Lumber dreed and aawed to order. myt-d3m "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." 'ir .tv i& n-a jTk. ja? mr ' COMPOUND EXTRACT OF miREBS AXD COPAIBA, 18 A SURE, CERT AI!TAND PF.EDT CCBK FOR ALL diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Urinary Or-cacs, e.iiaer in the Male or Female, frequently perforsulca: a Perfect care In the short space of three or four djy and always in !e time than are other preparation. In the ns of T A RR AST'S COiirODND EXTRACT OF CCBKBJ AN I) COPAIBA, there Is no need cf confinement or change of diet. In its approved form cf a paste, it is entirely tisti-Ic-sj, and causes no unpleasant sem-atin to the pa tient, and no exposure. It I now acknowleeed by the mot learned In the profession that in the above cases of diseases, Cubets and Copaita are the only two remedies knewn that can he relied ttpnn with any certainty of success. TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CTT.EF.S AND COPAIBA NEVER FAILS. Manufactured only by T A 11 II A .-N '1' A. !., 278 Greenwich Street, New York JlHrSold ty LruggisU all over the World. aprC'.i-dly he:u tor (fii& THE SKTEtjlNDlAN Hza vo ocÄsticTiox with Air rnm.K ir-ni.i." cf tho Raruc name , In fr t-.t of Ip.l: uiaT-ol:j W, & H. r::nrietora VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. 1865. 1865. "Kiifhtt-en year etah!i.sled iu N. Y.City." "Only infallible remedy known." "Free from PoWons." "Not din-feroca to the Iljnitn Fm'lT." "Iia' c n e cut .f tbeir bolf to fii." "OostarV Eat, Roach &c, Exter's Is a paste i:n-d for 7?i Mi r, .'.NirAe. ..'.' k l ti-t f.'ff Jnt, Ac , Ac., 4e.,r. "CostarV Bed-Bug Exterminator, I a I'.cu'.d tr h. uei ii d'.-troy, ar.d aUo aj. a pre. vfMi'.e f. r Td-Bu-;, Ac. ''Ccslar's" Electric Powder for Insects Is fr .).'!',', M.nto'. '. .e.-Lit iwti tut !" t :', f. rU, Aui:..-'', A 1 '.cid t y ail iru a :d reta.'.ers v - t wl.e:r i' 1 I 1 I'.iwtki I : I l ali worthies, i n;!i:ion. J. f'.v-v- tLat "Jo.t .irV' name h 'ieaah Fvx, H aie i'id Ha-k ': iVrr ou t py. in st v ii. t v r u. Jf-i'i-lxaraL Dtrcr, Ba. xx-WAi, Nk v Y.k. IfgrtuW by all I.-ijis ar.i I-aVr. i ii ii T.,.po- s. I- J. i s ; 5 . FAllilKUS AD HOUSKKKKrKIiS ShouU rccoIlecUhathuJrcJiof dollir worth of (rain. Trot i.s'et., Lc .arc ai;nai!Ij de;-rro" b? Rat, M'ce, Ants, auJ other : .sec and ' .in ill of whicb cau be frfv tdbyafe ,.r? w.rth of "CTAtV litt, jach. Ant. Kx terininitcr. bought and ue 'reel. VST '7 Krowßing L Woan, Stewart L Morpan, TuniSii son i Cox, Y. Kpnor, "A'Lulestie ati Ketail Ageute, io Indianapolis, Indiana, and by all Drogist at d Dcalrra myll-daf m Sl 4 " OsstVr' ! . . ic . .0 . .1 r ire fc . . . v r t . . . X . ony coods. Pi 0 H to K (A 0 0 0 Ö CO r. f-i O P w w Eh P W w o W b H W & b 01 0 b 0 H sK rST d Pi b H (S REAU ESTATE BROKERS. 7a ar Ox V Vi, 4 6. lulv-.'7-dly MEDICAL. tldiffj WILL CURB CATARKI1. WILL CUUF. COLD IN THK HKAIi. WILL CURE AN OFFENSIVE liKKATH. WILL CLMtK PAIN IN TUK II KAI). WILL CT RF. ULCK KATION IN TUF. N0K. WILL ItF.STORF. TIIK HKNSF. OF I1KARING. WILL UKSTORF. THE SENSE OF SMELL. WILL LKSTORK. TIIK SENSE OF fllQHT. WUX IlKSrORE THE SENSE OFTAKTE. WILL RESTORE TnF. VOICE. WHEN CAUSED BY CATARRH. Catarrh Snuff an Injury, Aa 1 now admitted by all Informed, caa-dnR Irritation and liitlammatlon r ine mucouo memuraue, while the Liquid Catarrh Remedy Gently arid ralnally remove all unnatural Incrusta tiona and dep.a.t, rentorlD th. deceaed membrane to its normal condition. A aliicl" llolllr will Inat ta .Monlh-to be nacft flirre lliiir u dii) . tr ci n i: ii Mil iL4rT:n j IF DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED. CffCall for a Cireuiar tletcrihing all Symptom Dr. f. II. sr.iii.Yi: A; CO., Si.i.k I'acraicTc a, Chicago, Illin.da. jr7Laliratory at Frtepvil, lllitioia AT VtlKU.KSALE BY JOHN D. PAUIC Ltrcliinatl.O. WW. JOHNSON Detroit, Mich. DULY. KKEKKU A Rl'rfll Indianapolis IJROWNIN'J A S!XN ;f7Aiid for al by all Drn?a;it. decU-dlyeod b;.-t X'ii A TjcLt Fwr rai!i-W! traV-ifteena Urjc letter ja;eii f r tw- 3 c tit Utnia. Voiui ?Itn'H .Tltdicil Alvier. CI RATCITOUS advice tfrrn la dieaea of the ner T voua aminal. nrlaa'T and aeinal nrcar.i. In the reptr.a of tae Western Me!ical Aoclation, hich are eut by mail in ealM et.Telipe, free cf charge. Tbe orranliatlon wa formed to d' i.ew andre. Habla treatment, ar.d ia ermpnd ff the well known thyicianf,tv)h' m all le'ter rautte aireeted, lij.j. ii r. is i. ik i m sß., e!3 dly 0 Pr" Cineii.natt,0. DOCTOR BIGELOW, Office 179 South Clark Street, tnT cf Monro. cXTXtZjMO , JTr.. Poat OSea Box. 1S4. A 1 1 Chr iA-. an d ? e x n al Di'm r f Printe and Dlie.ita Natura, itU onj.aral-lr-le-l tucca. Dr.Cie I tr i Cnida t5 Health, fr Ia!i4 and ftitl men. 1 pobllabad ninthly, ruj I r it if y u th.iik the writing of a rhjiclaa wb reputation xtrnda tlir.ajhaut th entire Vet ahouU b w.rth real. rr- It ia vnt in plain aled Cifl 1, tree cf chart. Altixt cTerycaaeean be trcat el by mail. 3!edidnf! i nt to any a l lrm. Ijuüm, and Ir dirrlp- tiveCircniartt itiiirte Uml th lateit and t--st treTcntatiT cf cvoeeptKiQ known. Rocr.s Separata for Ladies and GerfJaman. CONSULTATION AT OTFXCZ, FHIK Omca Ilorxi ; Frvea 9 a. u. to I r. at. Innatorrlwe or Nertoca IeU!!ty, a eora warrai.te-1. I.IVRI1Y STA IS I. F.. ' ALLX5, 3ftw Tara L! very ana Sale ft U No. 13 and 14 Kaat Perl th rearf 'J Block. ß g (0 1 ffl H j PETnOLEUM. THE FIRST NATIONAL PETBOLEÜI COMPANY. Organized uodex ihr law of renr-Tlvahia, Nu- CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000. I'ar Value of Share Iirh. A LiuiTr.n AkOtxT or Stock ro salk at tiik lowkst CAn pfBratrrioji raicr or il (Ml PKR. SHAKE. No Liabilhy (o S(orkliolder. Tlie Ian Li of thia Corurmiijr, caibraciug over 17,.r()0 acrea in Fit mmple and lcischolJ, ar situate. in t!ie VERY HEART OF THE OIL REGION! Tr.c V2'.i uctc wliirh iliey uwn on the Alle flianv, two ini'.v alove I're-i.Jent anJ onlj fire inilex from the new 'i.'.O banel eil on i'ittliole Cicek, and tlie leano of l!l'2 arrca of tl.c rt!c Lnte1 "Wi!kiii Tri !" al.u.r, aic a:njle in lor anj ntfl r worth njore than tho n'iu- Capital Muck of the Cornaiif. 1 hrtcr aie 81'VKN WINKLS now in euterful otera tion, yit J.Jii lirjjel, from wLich regular monthly tlirMriuli ol two rt u. r iNT. arc beii iiil to II '. kliol lern, un.J thcro ia trur a hi KANtk. tliat thia Company will aoon be able to paj from SIX TO TEN .'KU CENT. DIVI DENDS. Tho First National Petroleum Co. Ilauka atooni; the first clasa Co Dip nie, anlM justly aij to be the tnoat auccteful of any yet organized. It reputation !it low become m thoroughly tablifhed, that no more need be said ou that point. There are greater Induce mei.ta and better opportunities to mike motiey on theee Stocka than any other in existence, while at the same time they areoooo raoriaTT for any aod all person 9 to bold. From the New York Herald "New ha been received and abuuJantlr con firmed from evral fources, of the striking of a new J0) barrel We!l on Cherry Hud, above the Heed Well, a rrw ora rion tut raoraaTt or the Fia.iT National Peteolecm CoatraxT." From the New York Evening Etpreea "Our telecrarhic diiTjatcheH rtceireJ to dat from the Oil Keirion. inf ur m til uf th tri V in - - of a 5J) barrel tiowinj well on Cherry Itun, sraa TUE HI.-T .ATIOXAL 1 KTEOLKl'M COMfAXT rtoriETT. Cherry Run Stocks will be in de- a a maui to morrow." From the New Ycrk World. "Tut FlLUT .VillOIlL PmOLLlH CoMfiHT la a first clahs organization, whoe officers are cf the hihet standing, and we cheerfully recom mend it to all parties deirout of purchain re liable tocks. TheGereral Sujerictetdeht in a pioneer in the Oil buaine, and well known aa a mot efllcient manager. (From the New York Tribut.e ) The FiaaT Natio.nal ia the name of the Te tro'eum Company whoee prospectua and map are before u. The which we te among the Directors are arun! recommenJations for tbi Company, and a sulLcieLt guarantee of ita tuiure ojanageirei.t. ?3T A t v Mill nt ntlll tUlkl TILL m M J m 9 " ' bs raouriLT ATiaxnar to i ntil nit Sr's: i ALL kli. t3T"(iool repooaitle AgenU aud Exchange Erxkers wanted in every city and town ia the United State abd Ilrlli-h IVovitiCM, with ahom liberal arrinjements will be made. fT"All orders aud applications, whether by letter or otherwise, must be addressed to U.S. EtOWE&C'O., mar 14 dlf liberty St.. New York.