Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENTINEL THURSDAY MORNINO. AUGUST 10. t.arlnr ttse tre Und ! Iii Allan jtie Cable A Cirapbic Description. ;l";a tbe !xr.4'n hLj 5, July iS.J Vaiestia, Sunday, July 3. Tbt acccesful Iayiag of the bor end of the AtUntic Cable yesterday morning made a tab leau for in artist. lattice tit test of the good Irish scene io the "Collu Dawn," or "Arrab-na-Pogue" that Li, imagite the cait lovely sceaer y, the most picturesque costumes, and tbt moat effective groupings, placed la a splendid catural amphitheatre, with iotene human in terest as tit motive power, and thoroughly im pulsive enthusiasm as it accompaniment, and too will realize Terf fairly what took place on Saturday in FoiJbommeruin Bay. Ii jt before doing this, pray understand the impedimenta be I '.lieg the jcuraej tlitbcr. To tail la the Great Eaatern fron the Nor to Valenti to witceaa tie laying of tbt shcre-end of the Atlantic Ca ble doea cot at rtt convey an idea of difficulty, or ire pi j a ncL'on cf adventure. But wind, weather, tbt condition of tbt coast, the rast aizt of one cable ressel, and tht very ihaky cotsti tution of another, the amenities of Irish tratet, tbt lack of cars, and tbt wily sabterf uges of car men bate collect: ely combined to mike reach ing Valentia fron the Great Katern a matter o! more d. Scully than might be supposed. First, when ili wn near Valentia, in the rough weather, the cue of the boat, sent o J with ao mscb difficulty, was restricts! to Mr. Moore, the pilot, Air. Canning, tht chief of the cable-laying staff, and Mr. Temple, junior, who acted aa bia aid. The waves, though both smaller and quieter than we had eiycrienccd during the hours when tht Caroline at our stern was iu actual danger, were still turbulent and threatening, and alter tht boat bad more than occt narrowly escaped destruction by tticg dashed against the big ship's side. Captain Atderion wisely ordered her to f'Ufh off at occe, refusirjg cither Pakensers or ng gsce to be got on board. The Great Eastern was then, as you kt.ow, uken icto Dearbavea for aLeiter, acd all who reached Valentia had lo do ao from that port. Twenty-two miles in an open boat, tcd Cfty four mere in the rude?t jaunting car over the wildest ai.d most desolate pirta ol the couLty of Kerry, brought four ol these trarclers here vertcrday nioroitg, but some of the director acd their ds hare not made their appearance up to this rinse; some art on the big ship Kill, force ye: oa their way hither. ad others speediug bark without seeing Valen tia or the real commencement of the enterprise it all. Thai it is that of tht forty cr fif:y nlo.n paasengers wbo left the Nore in the Great Kast ern, only four were present at the ir.tcreslirg icene of yesterday, who were not absolutely oc cupied in lav tog the cable The first fight of ValentU from the land is disappointing. From Waterville the road is un iotereiitio and dull. Large gloomy mountains altercate with Tail patches of wild and unculti vated bog, while the tnerciles shower of what is eurely the rainiest country in the world damp the it. hit aa they soak the body of the traveler. Low hanging dense clouds ob?curc ti e view, the im possibility of obtaining trustworthy informaliou toured the niind, and the uniformly evasive an swers of peasant and way side pedestrian who might Le as impenetrably ttu'id and blandly vacuous as they pretended, but who succeeded in roekting the ir.fjuiitivc Sa?n.uh with con siderable humor aud force irriutcd the tem per aof thokt who were hurriedly the hope of arriving here before the höre en I was laid. After much mortification and humblirg of the spirit and great weariness of the flekb, a ferrv bouse wan reached, from wlith, at a distance of half a mile across the water, the Island of Va lentia, and tho white houc and alatcd roefs of it l.ttle town were (laiLly vifible. Two per fectly idle steamers lay io the Innd -locked har bor, but not a vestige of either cable or elec tricians, or either Great' Eistern, or her heavy suppIemeM, the Caroline, cr her guard ol honor, the Terrible ai.d Sphinx, or her companion steamer, the Htwk, or her lue-senk'tT steam boat, the Advice, was tu b seea. Rut for the palpable newness of the lougMv hewn hiU barked stumps of wcod supporting the single wire which ran by the roadside along which we bad been jolted almo.t to dislocation but for the strained air cf cicitcment acd etpectnncy of the three bare footed, bire-t hesteu. hock headed young tatterdemalion on the wharf, one of whom said of the'oui portmanteau aui fat carpet bag he eoti.ideratel v (ouniled on a stone-heap, ani then dropped into the water "bhure, Mickey, au' thtse are hii homer's imlitruments forlayicg bur!" and but for tle cooscieutious nei of the old boatman, who deunLdcd half-a crown tor iak:ng us acroa, wnue admitting a penny, to be the price to "our own pople;" but for thee trivial circuicstarct, there wttj nothing to berald the nighty stride about to be taken in the titorr of civilization, or the ameliorating iflect itk apj roicliirg consuniroation had brought al.nut. Once iu Valentia, 1iocmt, the inquirer heard on authority Out the Ujing of the shote end waa expected to commence that morning in a bay at the other ride of the island, and five miles from the town, and that a horse and car could bt hire J a a favor for a moderate sum .ay the prime co-it of both in which his "honner would thravel as iligant an' aiy a; in his cradle, t urvidid be slipped up tinderly, and avoided pricing too hard on the wake side." Seated in this precious ve hide, which required aa much trimming and careful distribution of weight a one of trie's lightest o Jtriggers, our typical explorer journeyed along the banks of the sea channel separating Valentia from the mainland and rucniug from the bay. TaMing groups of peasantry and pigs and fowl, all strangely animated, and all jour neying toward "the telegraph to 'Meriky, ycr bonner 1" he reached nearly at the summit of the lat hill, a low wooden hut, piinted black, and not unlike t!.e ummr rthlihmfnt nt some watering place photographer. This in the! temporary oCice ol the Atlantic i ciegrapa Com pany. Aloog the i:c land, at some distance to the right, are h tlf a dozen thatched bovel, while a few feet from the grsM grown turf wall wkich divides the held containing this oilice from the cliff, you look down upon the Caroline, which is In cooimutjication with tJe land bv a let-gthy floating bridge of fihing boats. To the right and left recipitous rockt r e i,carly three hun dred feet from the se t, fo hollowed at etch sue aa to give to the ftcurely l eltned iit'le haven, which i scarcely a utile fioi:i end to end, the conformation cf a hore hoe Kutted, uteep. and utterly itncct.Mible, sive where rude and broken path hi le.'n formed by the cable men, lhee chfl' are stud le 1 ilh wild (lowers and ftrtx, aud variegate 1 by large pttches of the brighttst vcidure, which nl(vrii4te with maases of tangled ea weed und huge blockt of slste and pttti colored rock. Hutltr'a UUnd.a lirge graa grown Urip of totiy ground, trelching from left to liht, from the f4r point of thebty, lessens tht openirg to the pea, an 1 niiU-riallj helps to ahelter trot hetuliful nook, though, as there is, of cour?e, t either hind nor brrskwster beiwe.u its entrance aud An.nic, it will b readily urderrtood that io rouh weather it ptc seat a vrry dilVcreut appearance to the one it wore jeterddT- Then all wi saaliuc. uunv aoJ calm. The sfectitor who, after drinking in the beauties before hiui from the heights, scrambled down the rugged path and stood among the men hauUng tht cable vt thote, or biUr.crd hitne!f oa on t the cn;i rreticg hit downward path, was, at l Lave d, i:i a magniticcut natural amphithcatfr, with toil-ug pciiantJ, esrtent $itun$. eicite l eameii. I eager rapitalists for his actor pr;c-t. h.ctl jrirT, clcctr icia r.i, and telegraphists for hit fellow liK.kers on, and the brwaJ Atlantic fir atage. ilr. Cretwick nsver surpated the rch hur p.r. I bright tints) of !ht rocks ai.d vegetation aroui d; Kiith i.eter painted brighter ejrut, more uj pie Cjurvt, or more pieturts.pely artiv.i, cotuuitt theti those of the barefooted ny mj t ffn.b'.ed to look at Pat or Mike "helping the tihrapt: r,iut!emari oa," Stacf.eld Ltcr transferred to canvas a Bore beautiful aLd varied ret piece than the on ba.rora La On the hiirt.e-t Mnncle of the r- , to the rtht, the? country people had pUctcda Succeion of improvised tlp, conitiue; ofj colored pocket htidker.hift, carlet c'oaks, blankets, petticoats, at d what nut, wluh tlatter i Ki!y in the breeze, while all rout.d the sum mit a loig Inae wf S'jokrrt on uod out sharp aci clear i;hi the blue ky. pome mounted, some equalled tm th pround, dudbecn in mouth, r,ett:culat;pg iu l.ttle group, acd all maiiifept' log the keenest inerett in the proceediogt of the day. The peasant's view of the myterious wire !t that it will rcri.ww bricg him r.carer to the land of rromie livery Inb laborer tails vo of tht reUt!e rr Itiemlt who hae ro'er-cott'.ae-l tj teitthe wire as lo as it w being paid oat. The telegraph ic ftice at alentia town w informed uf the cutoSer of miles laid, atd of tie perfect condition of the cable, at short inteevala. at. J every soul tu it, from the di. rectors stsyin at the over crowded hotel to the car driven, lerinen aud hangers on about the el in America. aid axu or srexrun here seems too old or feeble to hope ,nr thedsy when their latin?! will amount to "fivtcr lx pounds, yer bcror," that thev ar biJ tke old coootry good b?e and begio tht world acew. Tbt teltraphja colors, repreente.J by rosettes of rtd, white, and blue, made and prepared by Lady Captl Moly teax. decorated the coat or bat of thoae imme diately Interested In tht tnterpriies, 2d out of the three or four hundred employed on tht boils acd shore to aiit in hauling tht cable in, it is scarcely ceceary to say no two figures were attired alike. The high collared, swalbw-tailed blue coat, tew psrhaps, bef&rt . tht electric tele graph was Invented, and sadly soiled and thread bare cow.workediideby aide with the ragged non descript garment which had been fustian, bet bad reached tht ftagt of hardly-kept together tatters. Shlrta which blushed darkly at being exposedjer sies blue, red and brown, cape and hats of every Tariety and shape, bare headi, bare legs, bsre feat and bare arms make up the line. The boat were similarly manned, and coatinaed this lice from tht stern of the Caroline, aome seven hun dred yards of, so that the cable was literally passed from hand to band from ship to shore. Tht appeaiance of thij long row of boats was rery linking, atd when, with true Celtic im pulsiveness, their crews let the eablt slip prema ttirelv into the eea, that they might cheer and waive their hau at iu being brought safely to land, aiid tht bridgt resolved itself into a little fleet, the whole bay seemed animate with life. This rather Irisb incident delayed tht proceed ings about ao hour, as it was not until the bridge bad been reformed and the cable fished up and restored to the men in the baats tnai me Faying out could bt recommenced. Meanwhile, Mr. Canning continued his earnest supervision, and oat or two enthusiasts ia the cause, atripped to their waists, plunged boldly at sea. Strict injunctions not'to shout were fairly observed, until the Knight of Kerry, ipaken of aa "the best of landlords," aud immensely popular throughout the country, waa recognized on tbt cliff, when the repressed enthusiasm had to bt again worked off, and the call for "three cheers for the Knicbt" elicited, despite the deprecatory hand-waving of its present object, another bearty burst. Tht accompaniment, however, waa tbia time restricted lo one baud, and did not interfere with work. The Knight of Kerry wbo, alpenstock la hand, tnidt his way down tht cliff to the shore, was himself a picturesque addition .... at to the already picturesque scene, ana bis pret ence was, moreover, a manifest encouragement to the simple hearted and affectionate race labor ing at the coil. Sir Robert Feel descended witb him, and joining Lord John Hay at the toot of the cliff, remained until the paving-out was stop ped for a time, and tht Cable wai pulled up the cliff, and iu end placed iu the testicg room cf the big but or office of the company. This was done in procession, the peasants carrjioj the massive coil with a certain teodernesa. the old womeu and children, who bad not ventured down the iteep and hazardous incline, pressing for ward to touch it as it it were a charm, the two Catholic priests heading the company, and be stowing, by their presence, a tacit blessing on the work. Thus was the shore-end of the great Atlantic Cable reverently laid to earth in the trench cut for it, and running from the edge of the cliff to the instrument room. Had this been a mortal fuceral with a rousing wako to follow, there could not have been more joyousneas and buoy ancv. Mr. Glass, Lord John llav, Mr. Edwards, Sir Robert Feel, the Kuight of Kerry, and other gentlemen were thereto receive it, and appropri ate congratulations acd good wishes were ex changed. The Caroline tbtn alowly steamed out to aea. towel by tht Hawk, and completed the ret of the twenty-five miles of the shore end at a late hour last night The work of landing the cable commenced about 7 A M., and lasted until neatly l F. M , and the solitary uutoward circumstance connected with it, aavo the half laughable delay I have turned, was the impossi bility of communicating by telegraph to Log land. There wai aome hitch iu the toil near Killarney subsequently found to be due to an impulsive Irih cow, which had considerately knocked down post and ome wire the day be fore an l no mesages could be transmitted un til late in the af ternoon. Oßisera- of the Com pany remained at the csble house all night, and streets, was practically in communication with the Caroline during the whole of Saturday. The little place it of cour?e full, and every available bed occupied. The Üreat Lastern hat been telegraphed for from Ueetbavea, and it expected in eight every moment. Five A. M. was the hour named lat night for the departure of the Hawk and ntitv to u-itnew tha srlicin? of the mÜU Ctble with the shore eud, and to convey the one or two gen tlemea still here who propose making the trip across the Atlantic, ilut to send a menage twentv miles lo this nart of Ireland involves time, an! the morning will probably be well ad vanced before the Hawk atartt. Alter the spüce four hours will be allowed to Mr. de banty, elec trician ou board tht big phtp, for thoroughly testing the inaulaiity and working power of the connecting wires. Th.s pronounced satisfactory, and assuming tht weather to remaiu aa favora ble as it ia now. the Great Lastern sails forth with, leaving the the quiet waters and romantic (cenery amid which she has beeu lyiag since ea nesday night for the surging Atlantic and the ex citement of arduous and continuous worn, win fairly commence the grand undertaking to which the occurrences of the last ten data have giveu such au auspicious carneat of success. BANKS. f. a. w. navit, w. w.wooui, lata Teller f Fletcher A Late Cashier First Nation Sharpe's Bank. al Bank, Fratk lin. SaWVtl O. VAftCK. WIIJ.IS s. Will, juu p. saava. josh l. asTcian. WUJI4M ltlHAM. art vi V IM)I ANATOI.IS, IM)., HCT AND SELL STOCKS, BONDS GOLD, SILVER, AM) ALL KIND OK Covornmont Socuritlos, Also, Deal in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. UJ K eil our 5!cht Draft u Kurvjx-, (u luuia to uit at correct ratet. lloit recelf J, Commercial a;er Jisoauntfd, au! all builoen appertaining t Legitimate Hanking traot-ai-teJ. Ta are prcial ajet.t for tUs alt cf Iba SEVEN-THIRTY GOVERNMENT LOAN. Tfeeie FnJ w will faroltb to Eaiika and p.aker at tb oq1 dteact. t'ur i flee is rn the crrifr cf vTahlrte,ton irret sad Virginia avfuu, eppo-lte CJ ! Ftllow Hall. v. v. iyoolm:., rDjl.Cm Caablcr. PROPOSALS. To Stono-Cutters and Iron-Workers. SKA LED ri.Ol'OSALS will ba recelfaJ by tha under inl. anJ a! by the Au lltor of II"oy Caanty, lud , until the isth day cf Auut, ImÜ, for tbe Cut tons not ar.dlron Wirk i-f th Henry t'ountj Court rian, p:flcati.ii. and Working rrawinjf can b fD at tii of I. llodt Architect, Iu ferilmrl LailJinr, liidiar.apoiK, w bn all bcniry information nay le baa la rrlaticu ta tha work, wbkt ara or con idrralla mafnitM'V, arid worthy or tL atinitlrin of lbs brsttOQtraclot. Ibry will la let to ttta lot rspwn ibla bidder, wbo will b rvjalrnl t bond, w lib good ecantj, fwr tba Uitbral perforotanca of Iba con tract. Iy vrlrr ofths Coii:'.:!ii"uer. I. lI'iIISuN, Arcbtirct, aan-dtillacil. Indlanapoti, lud. REAL ESTATE, &C. FOR SALE, 15 Very Desirable Lots, ON BRADSHAW ST., Within 200 Feet of the Virginia Avenue Lino of Cars. fV,llk.r WILL VK SOLD AT A VIKT U)W J prka 3 long credit, tbt puribaf r requ;rrU to LuUi on eacU Lat wiihla a Rltaa time. lor rarocular j'piy al tba otT.c. of tba C.I.ko luft Hallway Core pany. U. U.CATUEÄWOOP. L.aUnaK-l. Afrtl 21. l-CS-aprtS-dif INDIANA BANKING COMPANY MEDICAL. DR. JOHN BULL'S Cli (I II (IN III HERS. The Latent and TIot Im portant Discovery or TBK NINETEENTH CENTURY ! ! ! 5o man's oama la more totimataly conuectad with tha hlrtorv of MATKRLA MKD1CA cf tba United States, or mors favorably known aa a pioneer In Medical Discovery than that of Dr. John null, of Ejotiisvillc, KentucSav. HU IniQiltable preparation of MA UNA l'Alll L IjA has Ion? stood at tbe 1: t of tba rariona rmn pouoJ.1 of that valnabl Arar. His Compound of WILD CHERRY has bocotce a household word throughout the Wet and South. Hi3 Worm Lozen ges, in Ichs than a year after their iutroduct'.ou. attain J a reputation Aa wida preii ajti Ilo cu.tiitr ut of (orth America. But tbe crownibg glory of tU Ufa remains to be attained in bis discovery, or rather combination, fur be does not claim to Lave been tbe discoverer of ClifJIlOI, which Is tbe basis of tbe Bitter now offered to tbe pub lic. That honor belongs to tbe native inhabitants of Central America, to whom its virtue have teen known for more than two hundred yean. Armed with it, the iDdian bids defiance to tba most deadly malaria and handles without fear tbe most venomous rpents. Iti a belief with them, that while there is breath tn the bodjr tbe Cedron is potent to cure, no matter what tho ies may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to endorse this ettrava trant pretention, be is nevertheless satisfied from a thorough examination of the evidence relating to it virtues, that as a remedy and preventative of all dis eases arising from exposure, either to change of weather or climate, r to miasmatic influences. It tands WITHOUT A RIVAL! And Justly iMrv lb rrpul.liou It ha.o loog eujoyrd tn Central America th- V'ht Indie. I IN DYSPEPHIA And its attendant train of symptoms, tt acts mora L1KR A C'lIAkM than a medicine. There is nothing in tbe whale range of Materia Medica that can for a moment bear a comparison with it in this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in the 1 Ith edition of the U. S. Dispensatory, pages 1387 and IM A aeries of experiment in which Dr. Bull be.s been for years engaged, has Just bees brought to a successful termination, and be is now enabled to offer to the public a combination of CKDRON with other approved tonics tbe whole preserved In the best quality cf copper dis tilled Bourbon Wb!t!ty, which Le Is conSdeutba n equal la tba world. He might furutüh a volume of certificates, bo' a ab lie have long alnca learned to estimate uchl.. ,j0 their true value. The safest plan is for every one to le for himself the virtues of a new medicine. UIVK TUfc CEDRON BITTERS OHK TRIAL, AND TOC WH'. JUVKK ÜSK AS OTIIKUS. It I not rta'ceary to pubtlub a long llt of dilates for which the CKDKUN B1TTKK8 are a specific. In all dl. eset of tbe How t' Is, Mvt'i or KldiicjN. In all aSiM tloua of tbs RAIN, DKPENDINO IH'ON DKRANUr MKNT OF TlIK STÜÜAC1I OR ilOWELS; -13- GOUT, RH EU M AT I SM A N D N KU R A Uli A , AND IN FEVER AND AGUE, It MetinJ. to supersede all othrr rrmrdlri. It not only cure tbe diaa, bat tt pravents them. A win glaa of tha Kitter, taken an hour feefora aach meai, will obviate the 111 effects of the most unhealthy climate, and screen tbs person tatlcj It against iflieii naJr tbe mot trying iponr. Sold by lirtifsTlata and Cirocra (Jen. rrratly . Ii. JOI1.X HULL, mm.: pal CfT.ce, fith Street, lOuUifla, Ky. OLLI WUOLlCSAUt BT DAILY, KEEFEK & RUSH, 12 kamIIi TierMlan ilrrrt IDlANAhOLI Who ala sail BULL'S SARSAI'ARILLA, BULL'S WORM DE31R0YER. SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP. Eemember DAILY. KCtlrKltft III Ml atlU-tlyAwtJia MEDICAL. Galen's Head Dispsnsarj EatnblUtard in t30 and fiaarrere hj tun Ievlalatnre of Kcntar ky, for ttae treatment or And a'l Arectlocs of Criary and Ges of both fiaaas. JC5T PUBL1ÄH2D, A rUIVATP. 7IKDICAI. XltKAIIH fZ TTtTVXRKAL DlfXAPES, V J tnciudirf Gonortaa, Gleet, ypbiüa, trictsre. Gravel, gtoca, Eaptures, I-Ua, FUtala, Crtnary Depoalu, and afl Diseares of tba KMcej8,Kla2d?r,FTORtrate Glan-l, ana sTJcaI vet treatment, 1 net ad FEaiALF. scrval'ons prevention talainr a T permatorTUea,BauU an4 Ser- Vi-. Z'Z-l'F ocaDebnitv. Barrer tse. n.t Im- W ia both sexes; tha ejects of these diseases ea the body and mind, and tbe Anthor'a 2Tew Treatment of all the cacs In fulL the only successful method of cure, with an exposition of Quackery. Tils work is not a quack advertisement, but a warning and a guide for married and single. It U the only book that gives the treatment of all tbe abore diseases la plain English, witb full directions fur self-treatment, and con. tains much valuable Infonnatioa aot proper to mestlon In a public notice. The work contains 350 pages, and 100 plates and engravings of the above diseases. Sent to any address in a sealed wrapper, on receipt of onedcliar Those aJCicted with any of the aboTe diseases, before placing themselves under tbe treatment of any one, should first read this work. CttFlCE 311 Fifth street, between Jfarkst and JiSr. son, west side. To lnure safety to all letters, direct to UALKV8 HEAD DlSPiXSART Drawer 247, Louisville, Ky. oct aa-rfAwlv Tt Mi O V A Doctor WJ1. THlCaV, UAS REMOVED Uli CFTICK IK0Ü VIRGINIA AVENUE TO No. 29 South Delaware Street, WI1ZRE Z& WILL CONTIXCK to treat and cura Private Diseases, io all their pecies, tage, ramitcationj and ph? s. Dr. Win. Thcnson will give to each patient a written instrument, binding himself to eCect a radical and permanent cure, or make lo cnarge. av Ur. Wm. Thomson has made tbe. specialty since the year 1S51 three years in the city ot buffalo, ". Y., eiht years in Chicago, 111., and twoyears in Peoria, 111. Durisg eight years practica In Chicago, 111., he cured ever thirteen thousand cases. Dr. Wm. Thomson, in bis practice for Scrofula, P.beu matlc and general diea.e of the blcod, nres a Fumiga ting Vapor Batb of the ruost ingenious kind, in conjunc tion with internal treatment. HKM1NAL EMISSIONS, the consequence ofself-abuse. ThU solitary vice, or depraved sexual indulgence. Is practiced by the youth of both wsxes to an almost un limited extent, producing with unerring certainty the following train of morbid nyrcptoms unless comt ated by scientific medical measures, viz: Sallow countenance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in the ears, and noises like the. rustling of leaves aud rat tling cf chariots, uneasiness about the loins, w eakness cf the limbs, coufused vision, blunted intellect, loss of con fidence, diflldence in approaching strangers, a diflike ta form new acquaintances, a disposition to sbun society, loss of memory, hectic Rushes, pimples and various erup tions about tbe face, furred tongue, nigLt sweats, fetid breath, coughs, couvuroptlon, monomania, and frequent ly insanity. The afllicted, on tie ftrst appearance of any of the above symptoms, sbonld immediately apply to Vr. Win. Thomon lor n-lief. EOSce vd Consultation Ronn'u.! South bei ware street, Indianapolis, ImI. P.O. Box 135 . Jaii'24-.!ly MAN H GOD: How Destroyed, Hew Restored. Physician and Surgeon No. 24 1-2 E. Washington St. IN CONNECTION WITH TflK GENERAL PUACTICK of Medicine, 1 treat by a new and reliable medium, and with the happiest results, all forms of diseases of the Nervous, 8t-minal and Urinary and Sexual systems. Toung men with hollow cheeks and pallid countenance, telling in fearful language the silent working of some formidable disease undermining your constitution, mem ory and reason, hurrying you to a premature death, re flect while reason holds sway and avail yourself of a treatment that dissipates the slightest dieae, and cures the barreling weakness and other cautes of seri ous diSlculty and ptrpetuat annoyance. Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal Knils sions, Sexual Debility, Impoteney, Kflects of Self-Abuse, and their results Inability to Consummate the Carriage Contract, Mental and Physical Pro.-trtio-i, Kpiirpsy, Insanity and Consumption. The foe. Like a staunch murderer, steady to bis pnrpusr, Presses h;m close through every lane of life, Nor misses once the track, but presses on. Till forced at last to tbe tremendous ver;re. And at once be sinks." Likewise, I will guarantee a radical cure of Syphilis, Gonorrhoea aud Gleet, in all their stages, entirely re moving from tbe blood tbe lat spark of these terrible diseases that s gradually burn up the fountain of life. Diseases and Conditions Peculiar to Females, The beauty aud extreme delicacy of tbe female organ ization, to say nothing of Its physiological characteris tics, are sufficient indications that it is sub.'ect to forms of dieae and modiücations peculiar to itself. The pbysician of the present day does nwt encounter any more forms of uterine diseases than did the physician of fifty )ears ago; but owing to tbe presentsocial condition of woman, her diseases are Increased to frequency, and to tbe truth of this assertion the melancholy deatbsby consumption bear ample witness. At tbe American Dispensary wa treat by a new method, and with the happiest results. Prolap sus Uteri, (falling of tbe womb,) Eruptions of tbe Skia, Chlororli, or Green Sickness characterized by Iellowlsh, dirty green pallor of the surface; Kuiatisio essiutu, or abseut Menstruation; Amenorrhea, or In tention of tbe Menses; Dysmenorrhea, a painful and did cult flow of the Mmses Menorrhagia, or profuse Men truation; Leuchorrhea, or excessive and altered secre tion of tbe mucusgenerally white, or nearly coorest and transparent. Header, I have given you a class of disease that are met with In Females of all agrs, whether married or un married; and to married Females would say that tbera are many oth r furnis of diseases peculiar to your rex dleae of Pregnancy, Parturitlen, and Lactation, of which space will not admit an elucidation. I mit It for tho council chamber, adding but ene more disease to this list, aud thai is a, formidable one L'lceif lion of the body of the Uterus. If you ars aftlictrd with organic v. eaktie, or .wiy as semblage of morbid pbetiouiena of this character, yu have no tl:ne to spare, but at once apply for u dcsl a'd. If too late to arrest tbe disease, it U at lsnt possl ble to palliate the symptoms, and ibu smooth th path wsy to an untimely grave. In a majority of instances these diseases have mads counlderable progress before the patient becomes alarm ed. In some cases an emaciation is the f.rt ind.catlos that attracts tha attention of tbe patient's frier 4. AnJ here, reader, 1st me call your esrnst attention to tha fearful slifiufcaiKe of tbs word "wasting." It not only constitutes tba leading fsatare, but tbe earliest ani mt otuionus symp'vx of Comumptloo, examples of which are tnvarisl I . net with In youtx who are gifted with high l.,i lectual endowments, refined ac conip.iohmei.ti, n l , tiasbli C with unnatural bril liancy not regs-U r. th'a iudicatlens as being those sf Incipient duea", br t those ol personal charms. True, als! tha poet mii 'Consunjpil'jris' cät-ek ne'er looks n-ora pure. Ar.J lotelj, ttsu w hrn past ail cure, Aud yet that bloom, so fresh so t!!l. Has lent its fleet iiif aiJ ta kill. And speaks, to those who watch Its hue, Of darn, de ah and suCerit g too: Though bo, Ju.t viewing anaUt so fair, CouM ilreani that death wa ttiere!" Addttss P.O. lo lD0fflce htmrs from A. M. to 4 P. M. fco.! Na. Js S. Fast H Mblnrtoo MreeU IndiaaapoUs, la liar.a. fealtt-dly i'iiiVATi: nisiiAsi:. DR. COt.TOUR,MKl'lCAL OFFICK NO. 63 KOUTH Meridian Street, forfeit his fee if he fails in cur tng any case that may come endtr bi care, t,o matter how cr-st!r.a'e ar long stand. ng. lie warrants yu a cure. y;-Ml, in the primary stsge, belped in tr.ic ote, cured In 31 boars. G!eet of W years itanuln? eur'- v Dr. C. 'a, ,OUf , 7 to III p. M -r: THE INDIANAPOLIS I iVsst'ttA XCE CO. lA V , Is now ergsr.iied td reaJy to is-te F!re Policies. Capital, - - - - $200,000. The Stock holder ,f this Compasy comsri soma f our most re-pvr.bie cltlrei.s. I) I it r. : t o it m Ä A. Ft areata, W, U.Tatorr, A. L. lbucst, A. tt. Vtsro. e. j. rc, Aqciixa Jossa, OIJTISTOIUT, Tuoms A. Moaa.-a, Wiuiav llasrtsses 0?.ce at prc-.e!.tlntb9 3:nk.rg Fur.i Pillllng, crcer cf Penn-jUauia street aad Virrnla aveuoa. IZj "The patro&sg cf the public Is oilctte!. Wm. UJCNDEKSOS, Piesid.f Als x.C. Jaaaice, Sacretary. uayl-dly eTvi i DOORS. BLINDS. CcC. REDUCED PRICES, WAIUSEA TATE, DOOR, SASH & BLIND No. 38 South: Hew Jersey St., INDIANAPOLIS, I5D. HA TINO aa hand a large stock of Doors. Kinds, Sash, Frames, Ac, I am selling the same at great ly reduced prices. All of. my manufactars is warranted both as to materials and workmanship. Iealers and Builders are solicited te call aud examine fey Hock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. A fall stock af Fooring, Dressed lawaber. Weather Board; g. Molding. Brackets and other Manufactured Building, Matena! always on hard Flooring worked and Lamber dressed and tawtd to order. myl9-d3m 'THERE IS HO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." C0MFOC5D EXTRACT OF CiniEBS A.l COPAIIM, 18 A SCT&K, CIKTAI5jrD SPIIDT CURE FOE ALL diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, uber in tbe Male or Female, frequently performing a Perfect cure in the short space cf three or four days, and always in less time than auy other preparation. In the us of TaRRAKTS COMPOfJSD EXTRACT OF CCBKBS Ali D COPAIBA, there Is no need of confinement or ch ange of diet. In its approved form of a paste, it is entirely tasteless, and causes no unpleusant sensation to tbe pa tient, and no exposure. It is now acknowleged by the most learned in the profession that in the abova caes of d it-eases, Cubebs and Copaiba are tbe only two remedies known that can be relied upon with any certainty of success. TAKRA2TT'3 COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CTBKBS A5D COPAIBA SEVER FAILS. Manufactured only by T A It It A N T cV CO., 278 Greenwich Street, New Tark. IJ"lSold by Crnggists all over tbe World, aprtfl-dly HßJ NO OOtV'XICTlOX WITa ANT CTK.R KAJXRlltt vent cf tha Same rime, in or out of Jnl:mapoL VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. 1865. 1865. wT .... jTVJW 7ieC-.-. TT - w.,TT,.. "Eighteen years established In 5. T. City." 'Only infallible remedy known." 'Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to tha Human Famllr." "bats cuiua nut cf Uieir holes to tle." "Costar's" Rat, Roach &c, Eiters1 Is a paste ed for Rst Mic, Rtxifhf, Llitrt itn.l f!'J Ant, Ac , Ac, Ac, Ar. "CostarV Bed-Bug Extorniinatorf I a liult rr wash, used to destroy, sr t a's as a pre ventive for Iled-P.UgS, Ac 'Costar,s" Electric Powder for Insects Is ftr -Vs, X'tjuUott, i', J,nrU, A'ltmiU, tte. V rr -Id by all Druc and rtta '.ers ev ryher. Jr t I t F.cwsas 1 1 : of all wonhle liBitatlon. Jf VSet thaf'Joitar's" rurac Is oa t fh Box, i.ttl ai; I Ha k I efure you buj. IIDMrv K. tosr.tlt. fTl siNfifal. Irnr, 42 P.aoinwav, lt Tosx. Jy?oM by aU Ti.-ug5l.ts a-J !elers la tadianapo 1, lit. 18 0 5. FAKMKUS AND IIOÜSKKKKPKUS SboulJ recollect thai liundtelsuf dullara worth of Grair.. Pruvialoti, itc .arc aariually destroveU by Rta, Mio, Ants, an l other inects atij vermin til cf which can Lf rrevrnte J bj a few dolNr worth of "CoiraE's" Hst. Roach. Art, , I!., tern inM:r. bou.;lit and ue 'rrelv. J2T S.ld tv Brosri iti k Sloan, S'ertJL Alorean, Törulicson k Cox, Y. Egcer, Wholeaale aud Rttail Areola, io Indianapolis, Indiana, ani by all Drupjrists ar.d Dealeri. mytl-dAwSm r "TUt K- rioi-- 1 ' VLilirv. 4i.irri t.'-iiw . j Ii I 1 ; -r-i fx? V :.: -;lHs.vr-' : üiififlpii WATCHES. American Watches. BCT A GEXCIXE AVALTII Ail WATCH if ya .v s durable an ! reliable time-keeper. BUT A CEXUIXE WALTIIAM WATCH It costs s and la worth donble tbe price cf tbsss worth EnlU1 ao1 Swiss watcbaa. 0EXUI5K WALTIIAM WATCnES, roaJ. ePres1 br Ktubvad Enjir and CJuctor$. GrXTJIN'E WALTIIAM WATCnES,mada eiire-a' for &User heavy fcuntinc-ease, aeenrats tltne-keepra Wa get owr Watcbaa direct fn ra tha nisonfactur j. aa. kn none but the fenulna. SINGLE WATCnESSENTTO SOLDI F.HS or othei lo wnt of a time-keeper, at tba kwet .oeiU rate- Tbe tradd sujpliedat factory prices, eud lor a t rular. We also have a lare variety 1- ri i fUi Watches, Tina Jewelry anJ Solid t'nMi W. P. BINGHAM & CO.. 50 East Washington Street, Near Old Tallow' UaiL REAL ESTATE BROKERS. r . s. .-K K 5. jTX n. re- 1. Jaly7-dly MEDICAL. . r e. a' fÖCALL FOR A CIRCULAR DKPCRIRI5U ALL SYMlTOMS.-siiJ S c" MPTOMS: The symptoms of Catarrh, aa they generally appear are at first very slight. Person find tbey Lave a cold. that tbey have frequent attacks, and are more sensitive to the changes of temperature. In this condition, tbe nose may be dry, or a alight discbarge, this and acrid, afterwards becoming thick and adheive. As tba disease becomes chronic, the discharges are increased in quantity ani changed In quality; tbey are now thick aid heavy, and are haw ked or coughed off. The secretions are of fensive, causing a bad breatb; tha voice is thick and na sal; tbe eyes are weak; the sense of the smell is lessened or destroyed; deafness frequently takes place. Another common and Important symptom or Latarrn is, tnat the person is obliged to clear bis threat in tbe morning of a thick or slimy mucos, which has fallen down from the bead during tbe nicht. v hen this take place tbe per on may be cure that bis disease is oa its way to tbe trips, and should los no time la arresting It. Hie above are but few of tbe many Catarrh symptoms A Klnsxlo llottlw will last a .Tiontli to he used tiiree time ia day. TESTIMONIAL From Hen. Thomas J. Turner, Fa-Member of Congres rom lllinlos, late Speaker of tbs Illinois House of Rep resentatlves, and Grand Master of A. F., and A. M- of the State or Illinois. Fs 1 1 roar, October 21, 163. Da. D. II. Sbclvk Dear Sir In reply to your notice of the irta in.t., I would say that I was severely anllcted with Catarrh for years, whrn I became acquaiated with juu au uvukui iwu uoiues vi jour iiquiu v.aiarrn item eJv. Lefore 1 bad used on. bottle I was sensible Im proved, and before tbe second bottle was EriNbed, ws completely cured. I can recommend tbe medicine to all afflicted with Catarrh. Kepectiully yours, THOMAS J. TURNER. nr. u. si. si:r,LYi: v to. Sota PaoraitToaa, Chicago, IUIuols. AT VTUOLESALX PT JOHN I). PARR Clriclnoatf.O. WM. JOHNSON lK.trtot.Mlch. DAILY. KKKrF.H A RUSH Indianapolis. IIROWMNU A SlXJAX Indianapolis. KQjPAtid tor sale iy an lruf gists. decu-dlyeod (irratot Io! llTCklaf Iter FalU nej ! -Flfteen-wn Isrra letter pages for two 2 rent tamje. V ti 11 n ?In ,TIellral Adviser. GRATUITOUS advice given ja dtsessei of tks aar on seminal, urinary sod semal organs, la tha reports of tha Western Medical Association, which are lent by mall In sealei envelopes, free of cbargs. The organisation was firmed to dispense new aad re liable treatment, and is covo posed tit tba well b noes physicians, to whom all letters mast be directed, VliS. JACXSO. HELMUT A CO., eh3-dly Ra 4M CioHnnatt.O. DOCTOR BIGEIsOW, OSca 279 South Hark fitroot, turner of Maaroa, CJTTC4aO t X. Tom Ofioe Box. 1M. A 11 Chronic and veiQ. al liiseaeeaof a Private and LU ata Natura, trout -I wa 1 ; ta en paral leled siieeesa. lr C ts. . W. Juile to Health, f r la tie and getitle tien, is published m nthly. Feulf-ritif y-tt think the writinr tf a r-hysirlaa wU -a repntatlon eitenls tbruu(Wout tha ttitire West hcmli ie wrth readiBg. It Is sent ia plain sealed soveIpe, freetf charge. Aim. at .very casecaa ba treat ad by mail. Xe-Leinea ent to any a Urs. Latie. avj 1 deerrip ti ve Circular tT Vssaru A'envJa, tba latest and f sfasr'aattLi.sCk Si rwiaV tBa. Rooms Separata for Ladies and Ger.tismsn. CO.naULTATIOX AT OTTICM, fBSB. Crrics Horas : froca 9 a. at. to r. u. .'permstorrbrra or Jfervnoe IWlity, a cur warranted. I.IVi:itV "TAItLE. n K5&T ALLI5, Xsw TarkUvsry and lalsiu Am Xce. 13 and 14 last Perl street. to the raaref enn's VMorb. fabwa , V -F0R ' A 1 05) PETROLEUM, THE FIRST NATIONAL PETfiOLEOE LU1L COMPA.2STY. Organitad under tbe laws of Fconsylvaoia, No vember, lt. CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000. rar Value of Sliaro dich. A Limited Amoixt or Stocc roa iait at TBC LOW 1ST CASH I SSCB imO" raiCK Of 'S Pik SBAkE. No Liability to Stockholdr n The laud of tbia Company, embracing over 17, SIR) acres io fee aisfrLK and leasehold, are situated in tbe VERY HEART OF THE OIL REEION I Tbe 123 acres which they own on the Al' ghany,two miles above Prwideot and only five miles from tbe new 2IsO barrel well on Pinhole Creek, and the lease of 132 acres of the cele bra ted Wilkin Trat t" alone?, are ample bm tor any Company, an 1 are? worth more than the entire Capiul Stock of the Company. There are SEVEN WELLS now in successful opera tion, yielding largely, from which regular monthly dividends of two rra carr. are being paid to all stockholders, and there la eveet a MiEaNcr that thi Compxiiy will eooo be able to pay from SIX TO TEN PER CENT. DIVI DENDS. Tho First National Petroleum Co. Ranks among tbe first class Companiee, and ia justly said to be the most tucceful of any yet organized. Its reputation has now become ao thoroughly established, that no mere need be said on thai point. There are greater Indue menU and better opportunities to make money 'on these Stocka than any other In existence. while at the same time they are good raoraaTT for any and all persona to bold. From the New York Herald "News has been received and abundant! f coj firmed from several sources, of the striking cf a new 20() barrel Well on Cherry Run, above the Rred Well, a few aona raot tbe raoraaTT or the Fia.T Natioval 1'etaolei'h Coxra.ii." I From the New York Evening Kxprt.' "Our telegraphic dispatches received today from the Oil Regions, inform us of the striking of a 200 barrel Sowing well on Cherry Run, keak the KiasT stawoM I'arrtouu Cojirajrr'a raorraTT. Cherry Run Stocka will be in de mand to morrow. ,f From the few York World. J "Tül FlM S ATIOX At I'tTEOLlLM ColffAXf ia a firtt-claaa orgsoiaatioo, whoae officers are of the highest standing, and we cheerfully recom mend it to all parties desirous of purchasing re liable stocks. The General Supericite&deQt is a pioDeer in the Oil business, and well kcown ai a most efficient manager." (From tho h'ew York Tribusr "Tsi FiaeT NsnosAL ia tbe name of the Pe troleura Compsnv whose proapectus and nap are Ufore c. The names which we aee among tbe Directors are ample recommendations for this Company, and a suScient guarantee of iL future management." T"Au. cartas bt MatL oa ctuaawtag will be raoMi-rLT Anisctn to itii the hroca ir ALL BOLD. J37Oood rfpotiiibU Aget.1 and Eichau! Brokers wante-i to every city ao4 town in the United States and British Pros iccee, with whom liberal arrangements will be made. r?TAll order and applications, whether by letter or otherwise, must be addressed to U.K. ItOWE&CO., CoMaltUlOX MUCIAVTI, mar 14 dtf 43 liberty St., New York. e