Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENTINEL. THURSDAY 240RMNO, SEPTEM BKR M . .... - .VL ,. - . , , . JOB IJirS'TIIV. Books, Circulars Pamphlets. j Blanks, Cards, Bill Heads, Checks, Bills Lading, Dene promptlj at thlt Of flee, In the Heat style, n flrwt tjniatlty I'nprrt, sat l.w lrlr. . Cilrv um aa Call. i I CITYJTCMC. fcf" Adjutant CtDcral "ble t etum! jetcr day, in good fcealth ir.'l spirits, from a hört vieit of relaxation. tT The total debt ofthtcityof Indianapo lis, on the LeM lhowinjr that can he rrnde. it $303,947 22. mi- i i i GJHilorfes no!d at tbe (oTercmeiit luetics yesterday very high. A gentleman from Chicago tell as that both horse and mole bring higher price here than in Chicago. LT" We understand prospects for selling the city bond in Ntw Yci-c are very flin. Tht banker who bold city orders as collateral secu rity will hare a nice time Hin them at public auction after a while. tW Patrick Murphy, city hod carrier, intends taking a tour of tbe faebicnaMa place of report in tht Eastern and Xorthern cities, for the benefit of bis health. The laburj of bis office, for the past four years hare beeu bo arduous that he finds a tour cecetary to restore his exhausted Tital energies. . w '-.', . -- ------- tZT The One Hundred and Forty sixth lept auent. Colonel Welch, was received yesterday in the uoiial form. Governor Morton made tbe principal speech, followed by General Matfßa'd, Colootl Wasbburne, Colonel Welch, and others Thi. regiment number? 771 inen ani thirty-two officers. t5T The new Dry flood house of Conduitt, Pee L Cox, No 1 AlvorJ's Block, lure their gcod s opened out, and have already been doing a first rate business selling. This firm hate a very heavy and well-selected stoc of fresh goods, bought before tbe Ute advance, on which tbev can offer excellent hiducctr.e&ts to country raer JbanU. fcrA yaller doe catae to grief, aid al?o an untimely end, on Wathintoo street, yesterday afternoon about S o'clock; a war worn veteran outflanked the canine enemy, and rhot hirn nine limti in tbe bead wfth a double btrreled revolv ing club, when the majesty of the dirjj liw was 2aznininouslj declared vindicited. He died iitb hi face to the foe. , Pacing Race The mott interesting rate of the) season rame off yesterd-tv over tbe Sugar Urove Race Court, between Wood's Kilt? Clyde. Caylora Flax Tail, ar.d Brown'- Wicked Yankee1 Kitty Ciy le was the favorite with tbe knowing on en, and it was the understanding amon them in making their bets, that she was to win the race, but they were sadly disappointed, as Wicked Yankee won the third and fourth heats, and the race. Tbe beat time made was 2:40. Tbe race was largely attended, and more interest was taken in it than any racecf the sea son. l ... Cohsty Commission its. Yciterdtv the Coucty Commissioners granted licence to the following persons, to retail liquor in this city: Wm. Iskey, Vm. Wester, Uharlei Patton. Michael Meade, Jaraea Diver and Johu B. Fay. Remonstrances were filed in each case, and the Auditor was directed not to issue the licenoe for fifteen dajs, to give the remonstrant time to file a bond. The application of Delxell A. Hare wt re fected, oa account of the insufficiency of the no tice. A road in Lawrence township, petitioned for by J. II. Thomas and others, was established, 'i') feet wide. Do Bit. The idea is prevalent that whiiky is the only certain remedy against the bite of a nad do, and we pee a great many arc acting on bis principle. If you eee a man on the street indirthe influence of liquor, the chance? are en to on he has hi finger tied up. where it was oitten by a dog, and only useJ the ardent as a medical remedy to prevent hydrophobia. These cases are tnaltiplying we hear of them every hour iothediT, and frequently of persons who Lever indulged. If the saloons ehontd be closed up, at is proposed by our temperance friends, we greatly fear people will die iu large numbers of they can't get tbe remedy to apply. The temperance folks will, if this state ment is true, be repponaible for a great many deaths ergo, every temperance man ia equal to two mad dogs, and they had better be chained up or muzzled. Police Matters. Yesterday was a busy day iu the Mayor's Court. Sim. Johnson was seat up for ten day for intoxir aiioo. John Camp and Daniel Boer each paid $'J 40 like mtn, for intoxication, and went their way tfjoieing. Patrick Eagan'tf dog wasn't muzzled, and Pat had to pay, in fine and costs, $6 70, besides los ing valuable time to attend the Court. Julius Schwiater was fined and costed $7 40 for public indecency. Another raid was made on the women of easy virtue, and tbe pockets of the officers are fat this morning with the wages of sin, obtained from these harlots. Hattie Taylor, for keeping a bagnio, paid 70, while Jennie Warren, Ella Wilson, Lydia Jones, Lou F. Hamilton, Susan Harriaou, Minnie Carter. Nellie Carter and Jen nie Long each paid $14 70 for occupyiojr houses of ill-fame, being, in each cae, five dollars for the school fund, and nine dollars and seventy cents to be divided out among the officers Robert Robertson. James Johnson. Charlie IIrrioo and John K Davis each paid $14 70 for vi-iting houses of Ill-fame. lar Drnlb ef Henry O'llnrenre .Vr earthy. Fs.tiAM Hall. lxoiAMaroLis, Sept. 7, l!?65 ( At a regular meeting of the Indianapolis Cen tre of the Fenian Brotherhood, held at their Hall, on Thursday, the 7ih September, the follawing preamble and resolutions were unsni tnoulr adopted: Whereas, It ha n!eaeJ Almighty Ood. in tbe dispensation of His wise Providence, to nend amoncst us again His raeaecger, Deith, to beir away from our midtt, in the prime of lite aid a carter of great usefulness, our beloved Deputy Head Centre and Brother, Henry CCirence McCarthy, who, a short lime since, confidently looked forward to the day of retribution, rapidly approaching, when Ireland would be freed from the galling yoke of Piifub oppression, and drive from her sod every vetigeof the haughty despot, od iu which struggle fur Lis country' indepen dence. our deceased Deputy Head Centre in tended taking an active part, and for the accom plishment of that great ot-ject dear to every I rub man's heart, he was willing, if teceiaary, to acriCce Us life; be it, therefore. Revived, That, while we bow with bumble eubmiasioa to ills manifestation of the will of D vire Providence, in comnija with all Fenians, we deeply deplore the detth f our beloved and reacted Deputy Heid Centre, Henry O'CUter.ce McCaitby, whose e!otunoe, eniu"anl aterlin z worth wete uitaluab'e t tie cue which he had espoused with all the e m.e.-tr.e.- At.d zl of hi ardent mature, inspired with a love of country which le bim to devote fcia titoe, bis talents, aad all tt at makes lifo inviting, to the revora tion of Ir..-h Nationality. Ke.olved, That the dcrmio-i ai.i iCX f our dccejeJ brother in the givix ciue in hici the brotherhood is engage! is eminently worthy of imiiatico; and if the a a me spirit of unselfish patriotism which animate! hi:n inspired everv Fenian, the redemption of Ireland from her rrent thraldom, acd her recognition as an in dejec leot nation by the powers ot the earth would not be loug delayed Resolved, That we ajrnpAthue with the Urmly of the decease! in this the-.r great bfieavement, and that the Secretary be instructed to send them a copy ot tbe-e reulutioca, an! that they he inserted iu the minutes of oar meeting; ai.d Reaolved, That a copy of thee re-olutioi.- b sent to the city patera, Bjaton Pilot and Ir h Americaa, for publication. Thomas .Na, Centre J. AlsTts Snvnr, Ser'y BU8INE9Ö NOTICES. ' Dkm6cxats or I'Diava! la felling jcvx produce, buying your goods, insuring your prop erty, or transacting business of any kind lotbss eity.teiare in! eximioe tbe adrertitemeou in ihe columns of the Daily Sentinel, and do your bnaines excloTelf with those bouses that advertise In your paper. AU businessmen who WAit the patronage of Democrats will use the column of your paer to let their business be knownthose who don't want your patronage will not seek it through the columns of the Senti nel. Remember thi in doing your business io this city. JS Officer Pay for Servant' Wnrtt nn4 Allaivanrcs Obtained at Col. J. W. Blake' War Claim Agency. Blanks and instructions just received. Ofürera will call or correspond. 14-3 Hocck' Bates: Macaixk The patentee of this Machine invites tbe attention of the public in general and of brick men in particular to some of iu leading claims: 1st. It tempera tbe clay in the most perfect manner. 2d. It makes a perfect brick. 3d. It makes "pressed brick" at a single ope ration. 4tb. It is equally adapted to all kinds of brick. 5th. It makes two thousand brick per hour. f tb. It is simple in construction. This Machine has been tested in every way, and challenges comparison with any Brick Ma chine ever yet invented. Call at tbe Spencer House 12 6 57"Large Furniture Auction, at No. 20 South Pennsvlvania atrtet, on Friday, Septem ber 15th. l'tGS, at A. M. Dining Tables, Fifteen Bedsteads, Mattresses, Comforts, Feath er beds, Pillows. Carpets, Wash stands. Safes, Cooking and other Stoves. Ice chest, Chairs, Qceensware, Tin and Class Ware. Tubs, Lounges, kc , kc. Oo and get bargains. Wm E Fkatuix'TOji, 14-2 Auctioneer. TrAfMia's Examixatioh There will be an Examination on Saturdays, the 1G b and 30tb of September, and oo tbe last Saturday of eac month thereafter, always at tbe First Ware School House, Indianapolis, beginning precisely at 9 A. M. On other Saturdays I will be found at my office In the Court House, between 10 ar.d ÜA- M. P Bei, ll-d&w School Ex miner. tcxKlA? Thx Infallible Hair Restora Itv'k Decidedlr the be.t articlo for restoring grey hair te its natural color, (not dying) curing all (ÜiCc J of the scalp, preventing the hair from fnliing off, giving it u poftnes and glof? that nothing else can produce. Price $1 00 per bHt!e Sold by all druzgi-'tt J. F. Senour, druggist, Bates House Block, agent. eod tf - Hoisr and Lot for Sale, No. 430 Norti Ilm xois Strkxt A desirable residence, con eight rooms, furnished in the best style, with closet, pantry, and every convenience. Lot 40x195 feet, with well and cistern For particulars, ii.quire of A D Ohb, T tf Uniou Ticket OffrO. Crompton'a Strawberry BalsnmLiiu cer tain lemedy for dirrboa, dysentery rho'ett morbus, flux, beirtburn, and all bwel co.n plainu. It is entirely regetible. A ppecitic for camp diarrhoea. Sold at wholaale by Browning A Sloan, Indianapolis. 7 ei-d tTThe Red Jacket 5tomich Bitters invigo rate the system, give tone to the stomach, and enliven the mind. Thouiands have used it, acd there is but one voice, and that of their wonder ful cures. They are sol! by all druggist. ?cp dwlaml y Wa?tid to Rent A comfortable house of seven to ten rooms, north of Washington, acd betwtn Tennessee and New Jersey. Possession wanted in October. A carpful tenant may be found by chIül at No. 4 AUord's Block, South Meridian Mrvft 14-Heod f"One of the nicest and most reliable Drug Store? In our city Is the "Capital Drug Store," on tbo corner of Mii$achuett avenue and Ver mont street, ar.d :sr commend it to all iu need of medicine, fir; '.p", pci t uncrv, .in! fncv good. ' i:t 10 " tSrOr-riciR-s' Retlrxs Maie Oit and guar anteed to pass iti"pcction at Washington, at Blake's Military Accncy. Ifi-:ru'::ions given to returning veteran rfH-jeM fre of t-hirjre 14-3 tST'The pri--e of the Diily Sentinel, contain ing a!! the U'est news ar.d 1'elegraphic Dis patches, is ouly Twenty Cents a Week, delivered by the Carriers in any put of '.hs City. tf C5öfe D. Wrn. Tborcc'on'i advertiseuicnt on the fourth p??e l to iKy's paper. jan 2.' tf. Officer' l'ay Account Complete, with Jlnal ajjidatitt, made on fair terms and warnnted correct, at Col. Blake's Military Agon cy, opposite the Theatre. 14 3 NOTICE. J-FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS MATnEMTS' TEXKTIAN HAIR DTE baa stood tbe teat of trial, and 1 constantly Increasing in public favor. TUK VENETIAN HAIR DTE Is tbe best and cheapest made. Its price I only 75 cents, n4 each bvttl coa taioa doable tUe quantity of dye In tho-e U'nally sold or f 1. TU13HAIR DTK 1 Manufactured by a peculiar pre c!s, which render It lnflnlul uperlor to any dye io market. Being complete in oue bottle, uo preparation is reqnlred, wbich grilj simpliftVe tba application. Cf USISQ THIS DTK you avoid that acerv, da ap pearance by which dyed hair and whiakers are readily recoipiieJ, when an inferior article ba beea ue4, as It produces a perfectly natural color of any baJe that It desired, from a ricn brown to a Jetty, lustrous black, tht will not .mat, crock, r tin tb ctotMr;. laTe.t 75 cent. and yon will be convinced. Sold by all Dtbr g'.tt diiJ Katicy Good LWlera. A. t. MATHF.WÄ,iluufctnrer. LK.MA3 BARNES 1 CO. New Tork, Wtoleaale Agents BiylO-dco'1-ly .Holtlier' 13i?ch:trest. i 1ENU1NE IHH:CMENrs FOK SALE. ADDBES3 T P. O. Iof 13i7. sepU.d3t WANTED. VH0USF-, coh.d:pj sit, eren er eight room, suit able for a Bvar niiz-hcase, by a prompt paying ten ant. Icqaire t tu; I !f.c. 7 X T I O IV A Ii PETROLEUM MIMXti COMPANY, OF INDIANAPOLIS, IND. OKr.AM7.KI C5DKÄ TI1K LAWS (F INDIANA eupitui, st:iv;o,ooo. In tit lOO tharc, at Ifty fjollttr Facli WORKING CAPITAL, 7,0W Pvrici No. 3 TalUott A New's Block, Ir.dUnapolJs lad. OFFICERS. Wi;;: H.Turaer, Prenldent and SapfTlrtetdect. LVk Root. V PreidDl. tdwln A. Davi. Secretary. J. C,rrf, Treaarer. DIKECTORS. Iel9-s F.DOt, W. A Skbofleii, Wia.U Tarner, J. A. lirov.fcor. Wm. T. CUrk.. C C OUa. i. C. Urtb, l.a, Omar Nfwmaa, Jerre Meiose and F.dw.a A. A l.tu.ti attuibr of $fcarra are bow 2rrd to la abikc on irot that tba Company fel ca4rct will py ubcrior Over Two Hundred Per Cent 1U per bar only repaired at time cf asUcnptiou. For iP, clrcnUr t Information, apply ta tbe Sec retary et ia Company, at ln.iuospolia aprl dw-dfrjAt Telegraphic Dispatches. asremn iraBatt vaatca t itatxi sen it l. MIDNIGHT ItEPOItT. Far Tlornlne: UepwrtSee riret Face. THE WERTZ TRIAL. GENERAL SLOCIM'S LETTER. MEXICAN LIBERALS OfS HEARTEN ED. Freedmen's Bureau Circular. AFFAIRS IN THE SOUTH. Ac. at., sVc . tfc-. Ar, The Trial of t ertz. ' Wasiungtox, Sept. 13. In the Wertx trial, cn the opeuingof tbe Commission, this morning, Colonel Cbipraan submitted the following com munication: Old Cahtol pRtao, t Wiukcto.t, Sept. 13, ltbo j Colonel Chipmae. Judge Advocate: Sir Captain Wertx has been pronounced, by tbe Surgeon at this place, to be too much pros trated to appear before jour Court to day. Very respectfully, your obediett servant. George West, CapUiu and Military Superintendent. Old Capitol Pxiso.v, f Washixgtov, Sept. 13, IfeCo Cart. West, Superintendent Old Capitol Prison: Captaix 1 have the honor to inform you that Captain Wertx is uuable to leave his room tu dav. He is suffering from nervous prostration. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, C. M. Ford, A. A. Surgeon, U. S. A. After the reading of the record of yssterday, the Court asked Mr. Baker whether he was pre pared to furnish the name? of witnesses who, or Monday, he charged ha! been tampered with. Mr. Biker replied: It was irapoiole for hire to know the witneea by name, excepting three or four of them. lie would, if he could, give the names with great pleisurc (Jencrnl WlUee said: The Court appeared to bo sitificd with the inference drawn, from the fart that the cout!?cl i uo ible to pij the nicies of all ihe w;tne?4cs alleged to have been Uin red wih. &x.d to let it be placea before the peblic Th Cornnij-io-i aJjoumcd till to morrow morning. a li aiAxicim l.lberula In Had nr Tltw rima.i lie (lilncr Iliffl cull)' Secretary .Vlct'n llwcli. Xxv York, Sept. 13 The CommerciaPs tpeciiil ay.: Accounts from Mexico respecting the propped for the Republic aro bf .'ouiing more gloomy. Mtxi:nna who rtill adhere to the lie lut!ic becarurt discouraged on heriog of ttie rtduciion of Sheridan's army in Tins, and are nuking tbe bct terwi they can with Maximil ian Without an immediate cupply of men uvd money from tho Unit J Stnte.4. the Liberals must abandon tbo contest. The Administration, however, will neither ?ut?er the neutrality Iaws to be violated, nor will it go to war for an idea. Iu view of the prospects for the establishment of tLe Em. pit e. the sutject cf frontier defenses i now receiving tbe atten tion of the Covernmei.t. The Peniand are looking up as a source of diplomatic trouble for Secretary Seward. The English Emb??j has carefully noted the Fenian demonstrations, and the facts of statistics have been sent to the home government, which it is understood have become the subject of com munications, and demands that may soon le invested with National in.erel. The Chinese trouble Lis beeu unduly inagui fied. It is not expected that tbo State Department will suitain the demand ef our Minister for the surrender of General Burgoyse, he having vir tually denationalized him.lf by becoming a Chinese citizen. Secretary McCullocU ton template? cm ly re forms in the Treasury Department, and the weeding out of useless officials. .lorlb Caroiinu Affairs. New Yoke, Sept. 13. The Tribune Ra leigh correspondent says : The giving of rations to whites will cent on the loth. Notwithstand ing they have immense crop io field, they con tinually cry to Government to give. There are no coloied persons in Raleigh receiving rations, thev providing lor themselves. A good many whites have either sold the rations given them by Government, or fattened thair hogs on them. Oälcial documents prove tbe horrible treat ment by Tcm Long, one vi Heveroor Holden V rai.-trates, of the frcedann, Richard Cotton, who was beaten on the wiib u pistol, bv an C'fiieul.theu given thirty nine lahcs, and tied up by tbe thumbs two hours, in accordance with a sentence by uid Long. (eu. Harding hs ordered tbe arrest ot tba guilty parties. Virginia Affaire. Washixütox, Sept. 13 At the coaimisary sale yesterday, at Alexandria, Virginia, ofetores no longer rtquired fur the ailitury, one lot of pork sold as high as $14 25 per h.urtl; hams at 12c per pound, au 1 silt beef from $2 30 to $2 5 per barrel. A clau-e in tbe Virginia amended ConstWu tion prohibited all who had aided, participated in, or sympathized with tbe rebellion from either vot'i g or holding office. The first disability has already beeu removed by iecislativo action A proclamation of Governor Tierpont now submiu to the people the juestion whether tbe next Getr crel Assembiy shall be clothed with the power to alter or amend that article of the Constitution, namely, as to holding office? There j-eem. to be no doubt that this disability will ! b re moved. IVew York tulo Fair Utica, N. Y., Se; t. 13 The annua) Fair of tbe State Agricultural Society, in spite of the inclement weather, bes thus tar bees a perfeet succes. The grounds are the best ever used by the Society, and the accommodation unsur passed. Total number of entrici, 3,1 DO. The total receipts up to the present time, $4 400. Major General Hooker. Postmaster General Dennison, Ex-Govcrnor Seymour, Ex Governor John A. King, and several other notables, were on the ground to dav. A delegation of New York thieve arrived this morcirsg, but they were announced in advance, ar.d have been cloelv watcKod. The Tltuter Out or cro Troop, Waiuinwton, September 13 Net only are the organizitions of colored troop in the depart ment of North Cirolioa wbo were enlisted iu the Northern S:?e to be mutrrad out of the ser vice immediately, but similar orders have been civen to the commanders of the Departments of Virgini. Klori ia. Ten. Louiiiana and Arkau S.. The nnrnher of tr ops in tbe Department of Washington i to be reduced to b.lWO. Tbi will be a very considerable diminution. ecu (illiuorc-Nfcretar) Mauten New Yokk, Septenilr 17. Gea, Gilrnore ar rived htrc Ironi C!' tr i n yetetdy , ei route for Waicgton The Time-' special : eereary Stanton hi been living for evttal ly- ou a vessel in the river, tear West Po;nt. tn search of quiet and re.t He went on Mocdav to Newport, and will visit Hoton aad this ci'y before he returss to Washington. The Indian council. Fret Smith, Ate, September 12 In council to dy tbe Seminole pree'eied papers abowicg their de?ire to treat with the United States, and their wisbea in relation to churches, acbools and ir.teml ircprovetneata. lbs llotirwa ly. lUrrtLo. Sept. 13 To-dav waj the warm- eat ot the teieon: t her mo outer 92 la the J bade Tfiw Letter f Ga. si wen an. SrtACTii, Sept. 13 The letter of Msj. Geo. Slocwta to John A. Green, jr., has been furnished by him for publication because of tbe publication of other alleged private Corres pond esc e. Geo. Oreen farther saya, be publisbea tbe letter with the view to let at rest tbe efforts to ir jure Gea. Slecom by tbe allegation that be accented tbe nomination because of hostility to the President, growisgoutof the jnetion arming te Missis sippi militia. Heatqi aetx&i Dtr'i Mus , YicKsBvao, Aug. 11, 1SS5. Mr Diae Sie: Tour favor of the 'J J intt. has come to hand. In reply I would state I am io favor of principles which appear thus far to have governed President Johnson in regard to tbe Seuthern States, that is, to allow these Slates to decide who shall aod who shall not be entitled to the right of suffrage In few words, I an in favor of returning at ibVearliest practicable period to a government of civil law. I believe the true interest of the country clemands a more econom ical administration of affairs. An effcrt to reduce the national-debt; a substitution of civil for military courts; and a more care ful observance of the Constitutional rights of States and individuals. If these views are such aa will be endorsed by your Convention, and if the Convection should nominate nee for Secre tary of State, I shall accept the nomination. The only mail bj which this communication can reach yoa before the assembling of Convention, leaves here within a few hours. With this brief statement I leave tbe matter Iu your bands, knowing your friendly feeling toward me, and being assured that you will be governed, in some respects at least, by these feelings. If the Con vention does not adopt tbe platform you antici pate, I trust you will not pros my name. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient ser vant, H. W. Sloccm. To Hob. A. Greeu, Jr., Syracuse, New Yotk. fien. neade'a Account of Affair In Virginia and tne Carolina. New Yoee, Sept. 13 The Commercial's special says: General Meade's accouut of the condition of Carolina and Virginia affairs is very satisfactory. Tbe people and the prominent cit izess everywhere are disposed to accept frankly the issue of the war, atd resume their lormer re lations with tbe National Government. Ar rangements were made by bim, under the au thority cf the Prcfeident, for the gradual with drawal of the Federal troops and the resumption f tbe civil. The people acquiesce in submitting all disputes between the whites and blacks to Provost Courts. un. Urn at at st. Laut. St. Louis, Sept. 13 General Grant and party arrived here at 3 o'clock to day. They were quietly taken to the Licdell Hotel, under the di rection of Mayer Thomas and a few citizens, where be will receive the oublic to night. The English party will arrive about midnight, and will occupy apartments at tbe Lindell Hotel. oä s-o - - A fienlat. Pit Hole, Pa., Sept. 13 The exaggerated reports of an epidemic pre Tailing in the Oil Reiond nre without any foundation. Those having friends in this eection of country uetd have no anxiety in th'ns respect as the general health is good. Attempt at Mtiride. New Tore, Sept. 13. A Citholic piiest, named Peter Hamil, made two attempts to com mit suicide, by cutting his throat, this morning, oa the Kcstou mail train, and it is uonbtful if be can recover. He wag ininc. LATEST. THREE O'CLOCK, A. M. iATi:ui:sn.iG iritis r.rr. THE r AB POX BLRKAf. New Yo, Sept 13 The Herald's Washing ton epeeial says: The reputed project of estab lishing an Executive Bureau for the speedier transaction of business pertaining to pardons lias given rise to considerable disccssio concerning that business as at present discharged. But two opinions are held regarding it. One clasj of men feel vindictive, and believe no pardons should be sauted until tbe people ot the rebellious States have at lean psssed through severe pro bationary pardons, but believe the present laborious method of examination of rase wholly impraetiesble. XCURO LABOR IM TBE SOUTH. Another illustration of the change going on in the minds of other men, concerning negro libor, as the best method of adjusting themselves to the conditions hy which they aro surrounded, was isvealed in conversation this morning with a geutleunn of considerable wealth before the war bean, and the present owner of two large plan tttions in Oecrgia. He inteuds returning home immediately, and subdividing bis plantations into small lots, containing from tea to fifteen acres each, leasing them out for a number of years to the most reliable and industrious of bis former negro servants, at sjcIi rates a3 they will agree to give andean well afford to pay. In some itistance- be will give the right of purchase at the expiration of the lease. Wbeu the negroes arc settled, he will erect a cotton gin and open a country dry goods and ffrocery store, for supply ing them with necessaries, and he believes that iu a few years his racics will quadruple what they were before the war. He is too sensible to be long without followers. Tbe true interests of large Southern land holders are in this direction. rt'lLie LAND AFFAIRS. The rapidity with which Government lands are being taken up kinre the close of the rebel lion is unprecedented and a matter of considera ble marvel. The following returns from Got ernmeet Und offices of the operations last month have Leen received at Winnebago, Minnesota. Seventeen thousand, seven hundred and sixty eight acres were entered for actual settlement at at tbe St. Cloud office, Minnesota; 13,590 acres Biowntville, .Nebraska. Advices were also received from distant points in Washington Territory, Olympia and Fott Vancouver stating the continued activity of land operations in those quarters. THE APrLICATieXS FOE FAR0. The World's special says :2U0 or 3UU applica tions lor pirJon are received a day at the Attor ney General's cce. The number on file now it over lUO.bUO. A large clerical force ia required to arrange and classify them for elimination be fore tbe Attorney General. Among those of prominence just psrdontd is cx-CoDeresjmia D. E. Garnett, of Virginia. GENERAL LEe's COLEJA. A Richmond correpondeat siys: As soon as President Johnson's Proclamation of Amnesty appeared, Gcu. Lee determined to avail himself of it. In this he differed from many of Lis fol lowers. Many of them were bent upon self ex patriation, but Lee, relying upon tbe good faith of tbe brave soldier who had pledged his word to him, and lovisg bis country (to tbe list, dis suaded then from sli such suicidal idet?, and urged them to accept cordially that allegiance to th Government of tbe United States, which wis honorably decided to be their duty. His appli cation for pardon was all prepared and ready for transmission to Wa&hineton, when the Norfolk Judge iiaued an unauthorized indictment against bim aad several others for treason. Upon this, Lee, instead of forwarding bis application to Washington, sent it to General Grant, and ealüng bis atteatiou to what had transpired at Norfolk, acd remarking that if, under Use. Grant's understanding of the article of capitulation, he w liable to in dictment and prosecution for treason, he did not feel at liberty to make application for par don, but if he thought Gen. Grant's understand ing was different, then fee would be cb!i;ed if Gen. Grant would forward his petition to the President. Gen. Grat immediately replied to the note of Gen. Lee in the most friendly and complimentary terms, mciosin a copy of the j letter which he addressed to Wsshicgton wi;U Lisi petition, acd taking tbe grouna mat, under the terms of capitulafon, the proceedings at Nor folk were wholly iBadmisat!e. sen. johnstox. The Richmond Bulletin says. The Düoville R R. Company will invite Gen. Jobnm to as sume the Presidency of tbe Road. TUE HOEE FAIR AT HABTFOEI. H abtfoed, Sspt 13. The horse fair hat been a great stece. To-dy orer- 1ÜÜ.U0O people were oa the ground. There was a splendid exhi bition of family and matched horses. Oid horsemsn assert that it was the finest show in these classes ever seen In to" . out. try. It was) certainly the finest ever teen in this) city. The VERT whole mens gersent a well as the display of hemes gite the bfit of sitlifactlon. To morrow promise t. be a great day both for the display ef horses and for fast trotting. OE.X. rtüüTBACEta . KvtTiJ-vJ MoyEoiy Sept. 12 Oea. Penny bscker, who wa wounded at tbe capture of Fort Fisher, has so far recovered as to leave the hos pital for his home in Westchester, Pa., accompa nied bv hi aid. Cant. Bornum. CrOSOlA AFFAIR. Naw Yoa it , SeDt. 13. The Tribune's corres pondent from Hawkinsville, Ga , says that throughout the whole of the State people Sock to tbe offices of the Provost Marshals to take tbe amnesty oath long before the necessary blanks can be procured. In some instances ofl cials have been asked why the oath has not beea administered before. Some planters have tray eled thirty miles to the neatest Provost Marshal to take the oath, and had to rctarn again without doing fo, because that particular individual had co jurisdiction over tbe country. TttX EKTOLIT10X IM äAN OMINf 0 OTIS. The steamer Eagle from Havana, the bih, brings the following news: Spain has evacuated San Domingo. Tbe revolution which broke out there last month, in wbich Cabral was named Protector, ia all orir, aLd the Dominicans hope soon to reconstruct their country. THE WFBTX CAF.. WAsmxGro.x, Sept. 13. The Military Coca mission will summon a part, if not all, of th witnee named yesterday by Wertx through his counsel, by whom be expects to prove that many of the acts ascribed to bim were commit ted by others higher in authority. The prisoner his been sick ever since the trial commenced, and is now completely prostrated. ATrLICAKTS FOE fAEDOX. Thu Executive Mansion was again crowded to day with pardon seekers from all puts of the South, including a number who formerly held clerkships under the loyal Oovernment, in Wash ington. ARREST O COUNTERFEIT EES. The Secret Service division of the Solicitor's office has been informed of the arrest of several person engaged in counterfeiting. One earned Jakes jumped fiom the cars, while they were iu motion, but was again arrested ten days after wards, by Detective Nettlesmitb, aod another named Tobias C. Eckert, was arrested In New York yesterday, by Detective Land. Eckert bad on his person 600 ore dollar Cnit6d States notes. Arrests are continually being made all over the country.' PLEITIAX bXCElXI. The Govern meat baa received from the Lega tion of the United States in Pern copies of two decrees issued by the President of that republic. First, to cloae the port of Islay Asica. ud the bay of Quiliea to mcrchsnt vessels, national as well as foreign. In order to make effectual tho responsibility which any ships may incur from any infraction of this article, the period of time fixed, taking the date of the decree, tbe Ötb of June, is for all vetels proceeding from ports ih Europe or Asii, cr from the United State of North America, Mexico, the United States of Columbia, and Venezuela, in tbe Atlantic ocean, five months. FREEDVEN'S Bl BEAT CIKCLLAR. Circular No. 15, dated September 4, having been by actilent prematurely promulgated, is recalled, and tbe following circular, revising it in some particulars, is fcubitituted therefor: War Department, 13 i real of Refluxe ) Fbeidmen and Abandoned Land. Washington, Se;t. 12, le65. ) Circular No. 15 Circular No. 13, of July 25. 18G5. from this Bureau, and all previous circulars from tbi Bu reau conflicting with the provisions of this circe lar, are hereby rescinded. Second This Bureau baa charge of auch tract of lauds within the insurrectionary States as shall have been abandoned, or to which the Uni ted States fhill have acquired title by confiscation, or ?a!e, or otherwise, and no such lands now in its possesion shall be surrendered f any r-Htmsnt except as herein after provided. Third Abandoned lands are defined in section 2 of the act of Congress approved July 2, 1&64, aa lands the lawful owners whereof shall be vol untarily absent therefrom, and engaged, either in arms or otherwise, in aiding or encouraging the rebellion. Fourth Land will not be tegarded as confis cated until it has beert t-undemned and sold by decree of tho United States Court for the dis trict in which tbe property may be found, and title thereto thtis vested in the United States. Fifth Upon its appearing satisfactorily to any assistant commissioner that any property under his control is not abandoned &s above defined, and that the United States has acquired no title to it by confiscation, iold or otbeiwise he will fornnlly surrender it to the authorized claimant or claimants, promptly re porting his action to the Commissioner. Sixth Assistant Commissioners shall prepare accurate descriptions of all confiscated and aban doned Und under their conffxd, keeping a record thereof, aod lorwardiug moulbly, to tbe Com missioner, copies of these descriptions, in the manner prescribed in circular No. 10, of Julv 11th. 1865, from this Bureau. They will se't apart so much of said lands as is cecespary for the immediate use of the loyal re I u gees and freedmen, being careful to select for this purpose lacdj which must clearly fall under tbe control of this Bureau, which selection must be submit ted to the Commissioner for his approval. The specifia division ot lands so set apart into lots and tbe rental or sale thereof, according to eection 4 of tbe law establishing the Bureau will be completed as soon as practicable and reported to the Commissioner. The abandoned lands held by this Bureau may be restored to owners pardoned by the . President, by the Assistant Commissioners. To them applications for such restoration should be forwarded so far as practi cable, through the Superintendents of the Dis trict in which the lands were situated. Each ap plication must be accompanied by the first evi dence of special pardon by tbe President, or a copy of the oath of amnesty prescribed in the President's Proclamation of May 29;b, lbC5. Where the applicant ia not in cluded in any of the classes therein ex excepted from the benefus of said oath seemed proof that the officers of the Bureiu, through which the application pa?es, will indorae.tbereon euch facts as may assist the assistant com as is sioncr in his decision, stating especially the use made by the Bureau of the lands Eighth No land under cultivation by loyal refugees or freedmen will be restored under this circular until the crops now growing shall be se cured for tbe benefit of the cultivaters. unless full and just compensation be made for their la bor and its products, and for their expenditures O. O. Howaed, Major General Commanding. Andrew Jqhsson, President. COMMERCIAL. .bv riuauri.. :i nclianatl narket. Cincinnati, September 13. Flour dull and prices nominal. Wheat declined to $1 U0 for prime old red. Coru dull at b"3&öc for sound ear and shelled. Oats declined to 41c. Rye steady ot rjOc Bar ley unchanged, at $1 60 for prime new fall. Whi-ky firm aad in good demand at '2 23. Provisions firm but quiet Mes pork $3) 50 31, tbe IsMer an extreme rate. Lard held at üJsC, htJ ia fcool demand at o-,, A moderate demand for bacou !ides caused holders to put up the price to löc, aad ealea at I7'4'e; shoulders 17. Bulk shoulders are held at löc. and sides at lCe. Linseed oil $1 Flaxseed $ Gl. Timothy $3 75l. Egg 2tc. Feathers are 10 higher and ctive at eöc. Checke firm t I73'le.. Butter firm at 25 Gold $1 43. vorn market New' Tore, Jsept ember 13. Cottoti Us active, but prices without decided change, at 4.Vc for middling, closing heavy tt about 45c. Flour dull and flower, at 't 50(3? 60 for extra S'ate: "5(39 00 for extra round boop Ohio, and $9 20(211 for trade brands, market closing quiet, with no boyers at outride quota tion.. WblAy firm: wes era 25. and retail loU at $2 23i(32 26. Wheat oull. heavy, and 12j lowar; $1 53(3 f cor, nv'tmxrt snrtr.s-s.nd MiltraokM dub. $1 C4fll 65 for amber Milwaukee, $2 02(32 OS ' for tew amber Etate M f? 35 for prim white weitem. Rye quiet. Barley steady. Barley malt dull aod nominal. Coro without decided change at 72c for damaged. 75(2 37c 'or onsoncd and b9( for sound miked western. Oats dull and 1 rat 'c lower, at SUgöQ for western. Wool dull. Hop steady atfJ05Ofor the crop of 15C4, and 40&6O for that or lt?65. Serar bigfcer; Cub Muscovado 1 lJ4l5tc. and 14e for Porto Rico; Havana 1315 Coffee 10(3 1 i Mola doll. Rice d 11. Petroleum dull, at 34ffi3.'e for crude. 77 (31 for refired In bocd and 7779 for rvöced free. Pork I. -firmer $32 37t(?33 75 for new mesa, closing at 32 75 rasb; $.30 LM331 50 for'63-'64 do cash aod regular way, $24 25$ 25 00 for prime, ind $23 75(29 25 for prime mens. Plain mess beef $4 50($12UU; extra mews, $11 0014 50; beef bams doll at 3tHc. Cut meats -dull and heavy at 15e for shoul ders and lU(322Uc for bams, bacon doll. Ajtru sieauy ai ? italic. Butter active at 23 3 32a fcr Ohio and 32 (34"e for State. Cheese dull at 1116. NEW YORK MORST MARKET New Tore, September 13. QMoney neady at 5gU per cent oall loans. Sterling exchange dull at IUJfIüyg lor rst class bills. Oold s shade firmer, opening it $1 43?.. it- clinini? to 1 431. and closing at $1 43?, ToUl exports ot epecte to day SJ,loo. Government stocks lower. OIL STOCK. OIL A17D IIINING COMPANY OF ORrtAItUKD UDXR THK LAWS Of THX STATE. Capital Stock, - - $500,000. Divided into 10,000 Sisare. Vnr Value $50 eatcti. Il.l!tlll0.1 DAILY President. II. tOSETIlAL.Iv rrcatursr. J. XV. THOTIPSOM, Serrctaif. FlUK abuc are hereby notified that buki aro no X open at tbe cCc I II. Daily. Indian spoils, and Ii Botenthall, JeSersonv lie, Ind , for tbe sale ot a limited Bumbt-r f shsrea. Tbe proceeds ef tbe sales of tbi stock to be devoted to tbe development or tbe oil anil mineral laada belonging to tbe Company, at and in tLe neighborhood cf Uenryvllle. Tbe boring Is tow pro ST'esslna: nnder tbe sopervislcn of aa eaperienced opera tor The Company has three thousand acres of land, situated nineteen miles frcra Je3ersonvii:e, near Henrj ville. The surface indications n these lands, together with the xeetogictl forctatton. are steh as toj unify tbe mot aaBffvine expectations ef Ending abundaU deports of oil. Experienced oil men from tbe oil regions of I'ecnsylTsni aod eUewbere. have prospected this ter ritory, and say that it compares favorably with the tet oil regions la tbe east. Tbe reneral impression seems to be that tbe enterprise and capital invested in the development of oil will event ually settle npon this portion cf tbe Slate as the troM promising section wits in Its timitt. HARRISON DAILY, auIIO dwt President PETROLEUM. am AND GOAL CO., -IT- COVIKOTON, IXTX iipilal Slock, $3,20,000, Dividod into 65,000 Shares at $50 Each. IXCOkPOliATKD TJJTDKR TBE LAW OK TIIK STATE OP L5DIA3A. WILLIAM DAI.1E. of 5ew Tork, President, JOSKF1I R1SUNK, Covington, Vic Presides t. W. D. KKKK, Secretary, JAMES W. KING, Treasurer. X ireotor a. Don. JOSKPH K. YcDOVAXD. Indianapolis, ladlasa. JOHN K. COFFKO Ii, Huntington. Indiana. " WM. DALE, hew Tork City. ' JOSEPH W. KKWLLX, Attica, Indiana. JOS. R1STI5K, Covington, Indiana. - K. M. McDONALI), Covington, Indiana. ' DAVID WEBB, Covington, Indiana. Ornax SouA side Public Square, Ceciny- ton, Indiana. rXlTH Company bolds by lease, and In fee, abocl I twenty tbeaaand acres of Lb most select coat lauds in Western ludiana, hordericg both aides of the Wabash river. Maps of these lands may be seen at the office of tbe Company, in Covington, Ind., at tbe office ef Wm. Dal, Park Place, N. T.City, at tbe office ef Hon. i. H. Coffrotb, Uantingjton, Indiana, and at tbe office ot Roach k McDonald, Indianapolis. A reference to tbe report of the Hon. David Dale Owen, tat State Geologist, will show that these land a are situate In tbe midst of tbe finest coal fields of tbe State, abounding also la aalt, Iron and olber valuable mineral ubstancea. earth mouth of Coal Creek, where tbe Company ha Large quantities of lands salt water baa been dUcoered equal ia quality to the Kanawha. This water was pro eared ixit 3S years ago by boring, soon after, tbe On oodaga salt finding Its way down tbe Wabash and Erie Canal, Mr. Thomas, tbe proprietor, finding himself un able to compete with It, abandoned tbe manufacture, la his boring he encountered that which recently dis closed facts prof to have been coal oil Thone lands all lie in close prox'znity to lb Wabatb and Erie Canal, some of them upon iu banks. Mr. John McManomy, the business agent of tbe com pany. Las retained from a tour of observation of tbe oil regicnaof Pennsylvania, convinced that tbe lands leased by tbe company, in Fountain and Parke counties, has, so f.r aa the general formation of tbe country and tbe surface indications present thermal res, a slong analogy in tbe oil and mineral substances aa found on French Creek, Pennsylvania, where tbe greatest quantity aod tbe most valuable oil is found Mr. McManomy baa pur chased for the company th moat approved machinery, with all th fixtures necessary for operation, and is pre paring with experienced workmen the speedy develop ment of the bidden treasure of tbe lands of tbe company. All the indices f coal oil, found In local ties where it has been procured, are strongly marked In various lo calities of the lands or the Company affording every rational prospect cf success. Tbe company thinks it un necessary to make any other reference to tbe character of the lands, other than tbe report and map referred to 1 100,000 of the stock, being 2,000 shares, is propoed by tt Company to b offered ia tb market at on-halt iu par vslas, being 35 per share, for the purpose of aiding th Company in a speedy development of tho laada. - ar-dAwtf .MEDICAL. . I A I K V f OR THE CSFOETOHL. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS Are warranted la all cases for the setter and raaaaB rr iaa trora '.1 dieaes arisiag from seiual excels T0CTBFLL ttDlSCfclTION, .'nnit.a! Lea,'!gbüy Emisit ne, acd Senul Dreams tier.ttal, Piysical and Ji erven DebiUty, Impotence; tilt't, Sexual Diseases, Ac, Ac, ee. XJ CUA5GE OF DIET 1 5ECES3AET, aad ibey caa be Esed without detection. Each box con tains 6 pii'.s. Price 0a Dotxaa. If yen cannot get them of your tfrsi gist, they will be sent by mail securely seal ed, po-t;a.J, with full teatrcctioiu, that inaare a cure, on receipt of tbe mon j ; aad a parpblet f 100 pages on th errors of youth tt consequences aad remecy, sett free; 10 cents required fr piae. A'Idres Dr. J, bans, Consulting Pbystcian, P. O. ftox ;. 4 Broadway. ew York. Dealers can, be supplied by Demaa Barnes aV Co., Wholesal Agents, 5ew Tork; TcraLnso k Cot, A;er.t for Indianapolis. F A. UEITZ, COIIIIEIICIAL HOTEL, One Square North of Union Depot, East Side of Illinois Street, HDIA!1ArOLI9t I NE. mRJi HOTEL H1I BUS RICI5TLT EIITTTXD JL aad rfnriah4- Th uaveltog ahU wUI aaosra vrytUBtton t aaak th feel at k. vVwl WABASH PETROL UM EDUCATIONAL INDIANAPOLIS CLASSICAL INSTlTUTEs Acadrin) for VounJlrn and Boj? 13 and 15 new Tm ttreet tvtwea ret.r.yac!a ani y. sreeta. f eccr win c ewnerea yOStUT. VEPTEMtER I I th, aal tbrouj lattrurt oa wL'l b ftts I a-.nxtltala f er sssmss . t.m i ss ress. asaasl nsstliriitfi tica. Ch rats Herste, payas. oa r befor tr o.Jw'e of ta. h qisr:er of teo weeaa. epj-dsr L. H CivOLU A M, lrtacy-i. I.MIA.A XOItnAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC, AT INDIANAPOLIS. riHX rati arssiox willcomsIecxcs htox. J day. CepUBMi 4 b, aud ilj ca Saturday, ftb ruary 1. KA. lestruct on are jrten In the f.How'rg brancSea, vie: TbUrgn, P.ano, Ca tsr, Voe.litsttoa. heriy a4 CorapoMtioo, be art of T tu g an J tadleg Caotrs. llastin are rrov;!ed f-f o-ir OrsSuaie i. deatred. and w en vacancies oc c li oir Aralemy they wtit be filled frcsi ear i wb O sJust s 0.i. Th Acatemy Paiiding atd PrJ:r Kstatltshavat are paabtlv situst- on t!.e ilrC.r y k-tste, Ss. tCJ IkiU'.h Mrtidisa tifet. to t t3tres octh if tC Cti Tepot. Py special arrargea-ett 1 b the President f tb I'd!ai.s!H Pttuae in- itite, Ke. C. W.Uewes, scbolars Ielon(;inK to tba arae, aDd a Lao oraaa Tsa ScMMLaas may re. eire their le.M & dar.t the rkolasti Tear at that In-t tue. Fcr Cirrclarn, Ac, spp'j to tbe PreUler.t. CH HEM, augil-dlu Letter Box 15. la-nabapcUs, led. THE INIXIT TjKK3X 0? TUI. UMVBRSITT OF NOTRE D IME MLL COiIMF;CK OS THE llfili Dny ot Soptcmlior, Flnn cew College, tut Jut rtcted at au aipease f I 10 W0, will be rea'y for the reception el ptplU at the cpen'.nfof tie term, sr:i m i!l aPr1 smr le accemaue dat en fur Be hu- dieo i.eaidrr lhecoure vf iffuction in ery department will be thorough a rtul iu tbS Ids Itution Term, S 127 SO r e-io et fiveruonth. Kor Catalcfcties and mora patcular laforwiatie 4 dreu KF.V. P DU LOS, S. S C , Pres. Or ti e Agen st ludiausp.l. J. II. Mi KF.aNAJ. aiu7-d)-.'t WINE. GOOD WiKE MADE FROM SORGHUM! JILT lJib. ls;2, Ilev. A. Myers, or 5prtatf eM, Obi, secured a j st-nt to make fecrgbkia Y ine. This Wine i not irtoxiratrg. Is beuer ti an tie t-X. I b'prr tlan tbe eh'spet. I v ry eSictfttiB css?"i cf sicii.e,s. Can Le mt!e lur 2i cen's J r gallon. Iieuiie t o druv tu make iu Can te n:a1efn ra tbe f k rau.frg tft yrtp r.akiog. No trobbl to make :t If anybody wann o kw w arytbir s; about this rTlas let them address Arpie A Ueucr, rt. Pui, Ind,b are a.'Ignees r.f A. ljfrAj tl patt Lt. a d prrpr etors of tbe patent inver-tiou lor lCT:i.rvTe.l 8ortLum Wine, in and fcr tbe Mate of It dur.a. and Lo at now pre pared to sell County. Town-hp, Msriufscturers and Indi vidual K.phi, wl bib recnj t iw n,ake tt tee. Agent wauttd to j-ell K'gLts in er. r Coucty tot sol. For particular! eddrc aM IEA HKM.R, aUfcS-dCm M Paal.lLdisaa. TO MNKIXG FUND D0III50WERS. A LI. persons icdeb-ed to the S nk;r g Fund are hereby noticed that all Ur.cs n nsca to said fucJ, atd on wbic iiitere t La rot Le. n paid In advance, fr tb preent year, wrl be advert:e.1 I ,x :xty das preslooa o and ofteret at public sal oa tbo s-coul Tuesday a December next, liy order of the Iksrd r.f ('c.iun.'-i(-rers. VT U. TALIOIT, ries'.deut. Ja!y lS,leR5. Jl Tbe lollowing named ne.preri will p!ea pub lish the a)ove adrt riimriit in ia ir weekly ismoe to tb amount of Juo Z'UIit$, aid lcrar4 ctpy tf paper a 3 4 bill Io this cfiice, v i: KcgMer and Kepnblic p, Ijiw rrxcetcrg: Courier, Mad -lsoi; Jcnmai a:ti I-tnkrat, Ksi-vile; Journal axd Kxpresa, Tcrrc e; Lrmocrat, 1 riucetot; Pre, Giteacastle; Palladium, Ktcbmondrntinel, lrt Wajne; hun. Victenne.; Journa , 1.4isytie; Keview, Crawfvrds LvtD'vrst. GvM-leü; Li in. Lpfrte; Mandard, An derten; Kaijie, Decamr; KepuLIcan, .rn.lufg; utl cel, hochootcr; iMmocrat and Kpubl;ran, I'ljmeath; Democrst. MouticelK; ttepub.ican, ku .hMl -; Volunteer, hbrlbyrilc; Demi erat, IliLttgtut.; ldfrer, yew Al bany; Democrat, fln; I m t r.t.tV.lanibus. Register, 8t. Joseph; kepnbücsn, Valparaiso; lV.rt.Co vmb:a Ity;, hiooB.fiio; D Bi .rst, lausliu; kerrter. Ca' Eeltoii; Drcirrat. C t d-n; Im mocrat. Iiockrort; Union, Lanilie; Cresrett," prst.ktir; Tiaes, lelpbl; I'bsro, L;snrori; C i.rlr, t wcs-tlf; uwen Cvaiity Journtl. bpncrr;I)rr!irst, l p on; Leeil, Tevay. r. a. w. pav?, vj w oiiu, la'e lellerof FM-her 1'eCs.Llrr Mrst !fatla Sharpe's fiark. si lisnk, FraLLlin. itsirio. Tincf. 11X11. wess, JOHt r. BSSTa. JoU L. XKTtMSSl. klSuUAkt. innv 'it rnim i '1 iaJI 1X1 Uli l I 1 1 1 1 I A .iaa .a. i IIB 111 IMIIAAI'OLIN IM.. BUY A!fD SKI.I. STOCKS, B0M) fiOLD, SILVEB, Alt D AI L KISDJ OF Covcrnment Sccurltioe. Also, Deal in Foreign and Domestic Eicbacge. WE sell our Sixht Drsfts !: F.'U'.ye, iu salt at currrtt tsti. Lepolt received, Coa;m-rc!al paper d!vauctd. at.d all bu-ines appertsininj; to Iveg.t mste Banking trans acte i. We are pprxisl at; "z.u f. r tb ssle r.f tb SEVEN-THIRTY GOVERNMENT LOAM. Tbe.e R,nds we will farui-b to tanks and P.akers at the oual CiscouLt. O'.r ofilce is on the corner of WstLirgtcn street at d Vlrjitla avenue, oj po.;te I d 1 lelSuws Hall. ssiii'.m Cashr. Seely's Catarrh Remedy fÄvCAl.T. FOR A ClßCn. A R DESCkMECH) ALL 1TMPTOM. ea SYMi-TOMS: The symptoms cf Catarrh, as tLey , enerlly appear are at tr-t very sl.Lt. I er-.ta tiid tuy bave a coll that they bare trequer.t attsrk, and ar mw atsitiv to the cb acnes of tecnperature. la tbts cooditioa the dm may be dry, or a alight dirfbarre, ihm aad acrid, afterward becomn g tbxk ai-J ali.eive. As a disease became, chronic, tie dibarges are lrraed In .aactlty and charged in quality; t bey are r'w thk.k ai-d heavy, and ar hawked or coughed off. The srereUfsta ar of fensive, oauMr.g a bad treaiL; the voice ia thkk and ta aal the eyes are weak; the teae of the smell Is lessened or destroyed; deafn- freixj'-s.fy Uku place. AcctLer common and Impwfar.t symptoin tf Catarrh Is, that th person Is obliged in clear h.a t treat in tb anotnlsg of a thick or slimy Kucut, si h b haa falkn own from th head d ir.g tbe ni?bu V hea tLi ukes place the per son may be sure that Lis U ca ita way t th angs, tud should lo-e no ticie in atret!isg It. The abve sre brjt few rf the nary Citanh ywpteme. A Mnrle Hottlc II lat ex .lenth--la te uacct itaree time a day. TESTIMONIAL Eroua Hon. Thomas J. Turnr, Ex-Member of Coogres rotn Ullnios, Iste hpeaker cf tbe lütuois H ju ef k-p-reefitatlve, and Grand Master of A. I -, aod A. M af the State of Iiiiroli. FtiiecxT. tVuber CI, Dm. D B. Stsj b Dear S.r Io reply t your botic f the lih inst.. 1 wot Id say ttat I was severely Ste4 with Catarrh for years, when 1 betas rqua.ated with vea and bought two bottles of year Iwjnid Catarrh sVeea idy. rfors 1 had urd oe bottle 1 was aena;bty im proved, and Uforetb aecotd boule was funhrd, waa cerapleteJy cired. 1 can reCotr.metd tb meda t all aHiCed w Carrh. JJ z;mfm Dr. U. II. SHELVE CO. OL roriETtaa,a!cag,i:i:aols. AT WIlOLXSaLX TT JÖU5 ! PARR Clacisat!,0. WM. J0H.VSO.N Detnot, atxh. DAILY. KEEfEK A RUM1 Lud MSXpl. EKÜWN1NÜ A LOA tisdUajawei'ia. JfAad for sal" all Drvggliu. deL4 ivn i nivk'ix j niMiMvv EllAJAiEila EJ.BillklllU IU