Newspaper Page Text
r-v a Tr -9T . IATrI"VTl AI . ma a - mf i t - 11 mi TJI ÜXI05 IT MCT Bit rRlSERVID. 1 Janiaosi MOjfn A Y MORN I NO, 8 eTtEMBER 2S tu li kxtra ftiio-Tiii: renne ULiir. Tbo Coart organ tejQ:.rea from whom ! de riffi tt Infarnation that ib mats o'ett of Ilia EicI!ency in calling the e itra mmiod waa toadjat the public dett wbicb wm tv. rwalt of th compromise with Pctx.ii L C. iii 194&-7? Dire the Journal dnj that last purpose wm the main, conr.ierntioa which induced bits to coorene tht Legislature in ffciil eioa, in November next? Dire th Journal deny tbt lh principal or;ecr of the Governor' reteut fiit to New York wn to cou.ult with hii fioar. eial agent ia reference to the nutter? Will the organ of Hii Eicüer.cj deoj that he raturtted (torn the Kant with tho fall ioteLt oo of recom mending to tie Legislature the tdjutatLt of Ike fatded deM by ubstlturn C per cent boad for the 5 per eett. and 2 per rent. boaU? And will it den? tbtt tho Governor cicce Lis re tara Im become little weak ia the back ia re f ard to the meaiure? The Jouraal we wrote an ait:cle in Feb ratry lait, recomrreadipj; that the Lfgislitore, theo in session. ahouM ttke ame action in refer eace to the public deht Jailing due ia January next. We did to, and certiioly ßfol faith on the part of the Sute to in creditor demanded that it ahould make some provision for the paj meet of i'.a obligttions when the tinje for their peymeat arrived. If there is aay portion of the poblic debt falling due in January next, it was the duty of the Legislature, at tint ae-aiun, to bare provided in advance for it payment, and at ft time when lo sup!cion cr dour.t in regard to the mo tires of the uie ofScers,' and the mem ber! of the Legislature, la rean! to them, could properly have ail -en. The Uovcrnor, in his iac5ae to the Legiala tare, in January lat, thui refers to the matter : 'mrr nrr Ar Mxrua rnn. "The pubject of the St ito debt nod SiVaing Fond will be reserved tor a specitl commurjici tioo to the Legnliture at another tiais." That "another lime," luwever, never arrived. The Governor midc iio cCij'nl comnaunicitioa to the Legislature the fuhjfct. It i evi dent, however, from Li$ reference to the matter that he regarded the bondi i-!"uci un Icr the cora promie between the State ami bfr creditor in 1&4G, as filling due in Janu-try lcx. This Tie of the eise is confirm! by the fart thit the House Committee oi Way ul Mesin, a rxnj rity f whom were the political friend of the Gover. nor, during the ae'inn repot ftd a bill to provide for the adjutlrneut of th it pi li ou of the public debt of the Sut?. We have tot a copy of the bill, tnl it ln effect reco.iitneu-Jcl thit the I iok Fdod and Sinking Fund ahojl l be uecd lor the purchase of tho-e bonJ, and thit in addition a new loan of four ciillioii", beaiii-g s-ii percent, interest, ebouli be ncgoti tted and tlie j rucctda applied to tbeeamo purpose Of course such a proposition would not have been ruiJe without oosnlt.t.on with, or w.thout the approval of Hid Excellency, neither would it h ive beca offered to the Houe bj the Committee ot Ways and Mean, unless it was their conviction, ai:d alio th at of tbe OoTcrnarV, thrtt lb it portion of the debt bc'ctme due in Jmuu irv, 1SC7. Ity referring to the a t of l!4fl, ihe law "to provide for the public lebt of the Sute ol Indi ana, and for the com; lesion of tie Wabash and Erie Canal to Ktatisville," will be foun i. It is provided ia aectioo 1: "That whenever the holder ol any bond or toad of this t .te (the b -nd- iuel under the original bmk ch irier exceteJ). siktll choo-e t surrender the im up t the S ate, theie shall be iiucd to uch Loldcr a new ceruncte ot tuck, whicb ")ck be redeem-ble at the pleasure tf tht Statt after twenty yenrt," 1c. Thia act was approved the 19. h of January, 1546. The KcntTtl impreiou bn been that tbe bond thin iud fell due on tbe 19.h of January, 1147. Sach ha-ibecn the view taken by the Agent 4 of S: Ate who h.vo bid occion to refer to the mtttr, nLd we accepted thiacon straetion of the act of 1J15, in the editorial the subject in February last, to which the Jour nal refers. But the Journal thinks differently. In its issue of Saturday, referring to the article we bad written upon the adjustment of the debt, tbe day previou, remark: "If it can convince the Legislature ot that, (to-wit: that the debt falls dua in January next) the arrangement wilt be mide, for if the debt really becomes due in Jauuary, the good faith ad honor of the tte roi'iires that it shall then be redeemed. Ife do not belt ere thit the debt it due, and we, some tuouibi tunce, so expressed ourselves iu reriewmg au article on that subject, prepared by the Hou. K. N. llud-uti, and pub lished in tbe Cincinnati U.ieita." Tbe Journal, the organ t f the tate Adminis tration and profe-!ing to represent its view,sajs emphatically, that i. does not believe that the debt fall due in Jcuiry next. If such is the case, there can no longer be any iue upon the question. It i a subject upoo whicn there can be no tartber controTery. If the debt doe not fall doe then the honor of the State doe not re quire its redemption at that time or until it does. If the honor of the Sit its is not involved, tbe people should rot be akrJ. r.or will they be willing to piy $! ." ,IH0 Iditional taxes annually to benefit a lot ol speculators who have beca purchasing the LooJi at low rats in anticipation of their being excharged for six per cent, bonds iu January neat And what ne cessity for ea extra e'iori of the Legislature, aaddltag the Stite wiili $75.() () more expecseo, when there is no exigency in the public affairs which detnar.i It? The t ix-p-jei! of theStte will not be able ti -?c it Hut the Journal standi sponsor for the extra oioa utJer such eireucaUance. Tbe Journal Chargen that "a lot of Demo- erotic operators have bought Urge quantities of our State stocks wiih'a view to speculation," We challenge the Journal 1 1 uae them. Tl ere te no truth In its asrertior. it i a miireprcsenta lion macufct jred out of whole cloth. And more than krows it to t e ev when it says they, meir.ii:;; te "Demoortij epera tors," "will uin.hal a strong looby intljeuce"in its favor wneo tbe Ltiilature ambles. Whit necessity for thi. if the Governor desires tbedebt to be adjusted by subititutin C per cett bonds for it? The Journal regrd- hiin a an iialivivi nalofsucb lofty pMriotisra and eivaieJ public virtue, that of cour?e auy n.esure he should re commend would a: be aocepied ad acted upon by hi politic! lrier.d- in the Lefislature. Our ne;fcLbor Iio th nk tht e are aaxious to get a large slice of the torrrptina fund, which report aay a lt'i raided tj pot t ae sneau.e through a Uepuhl. can Legi. 1, tire This is rather aa Ibsiauatioa upon ih Uepubliean li, We never kne a roue t iat did Lot suspe;tlhe mo'irr of o-.hers to bs his own irct tfoet cot the Journal make a bt ! fjr a good hare of tbe "corrupt oa fuoJ"oa account of iLe grealiapottiiice it places upoo H ii.a'jeoce a-th the Heptibliean prty, br teü'. g t!.e bondholdrr that we fJoarcal Coipitj Jo not teüete ttaal the debt ia due"? It i ia e:Tct yrof to the bcnJhoIJeri, " (lett'eraea, you iuit blteJ freely, or ! tee h!l ke?pou og and i2 lin ing that the debt U cot due " Of eeorse, If the Jaureal's eotitroct'oo of tie clef 164lcretle the debt. Is wrrcct. there is no cse for any farther dlseasslea of the sob jeet, r.d it will be an act of folly to coatene tie Legislature in extra irtsioa to adjast a debt not dee, or, according to th learred ct srt orfar, that will ever fall due Tin: ottGAi or i in: iioinociiAt Y ris.l, !!! I si. While tbe Republican all around ere yielding to the demand of public lentimeLt that the holders of the United States securities shall bear their equal portion of the burlrr of taxation, the same as other property, the Journal still bawls cost bitterly for their exemption. All its sympathies appear to be interestel ia behalf cf the bonds that receire the highest rate of in terest, for the reaaoo, we suppose, that that class of creditors can pay more to retain and continue the extraordinary privilege they enpj. Even the New Tork Republican State Coaveatioo abandoned the bondholders n the tax isue, but the Journal holds en wit a mi?erly grip, and for tLe same reason, we suppose because there U gold io it. The Journal harp a good deal abont the patriotism of the bondholders who loaned meuey to the Government in its hour of nee J, at big rites of interest. The Democri tio candidate for Governor of Ohio, General MoaoaJ, tbes forcibly puts at re-t this impoit ant preter.ion of the purchases of securiie, in a recent speech': "Cp ttl did cot come ta the aid of the Gov ernment, but in the hour of need it forced the Government to pay usury, ttut you lay that money was Decenary; that money rnuet be had or the rebellion triumph. Granted. And it is of that I complain The country was in a struggle for its existence, and the meu whe owned money took advantage of the Govern ment, not six, or tea, or twenty per cent., but by paving gold they bought the bond of the Gov ernment at thirty and forty cents on the dollar, and then made lie Governmeat pay usury od the whole amoant. But, net content with this enor mous profit, these money changers demanded ytt more. They forced the Government in its hour of need to consent to exempt their capital from taxation that i, exempt property, and throw the burdens of the Government upou Uber." Tbe Journal puts money above blood and the risks of tho aoldier. The moneyed elapses, the Journal sajs, must have the pound of fle?b, because- it is denominated in the bond, but the eoldier who risked his life, bis neahh, his all, in the strupsjle, mmt pay hii taxts upoa whit pro perty he ha, but the moneyed aristocrat who only put his money at veuture for a bij compen sation, escapes the burdens of Btate and local taxation. The Constitution snd the Supreme Court may take the side of capital and against labor in tbe controvert, but such is not the spirit of our institutions. ji:igi: in ;m:s aku cam;. i hi: whiz 'Drayfogle" understood to be an att it he of the Journal office, in his weskly correspondence to tha Cincinnati Commercial, thus comments upon the recent litt er of Judge Hughes, condem natory of Mil tiry Commissions, with especial reference to his connection with the Wiz case. We suppose Uravfogle" reflects the views of His Excellency, whicb, of course, are those of the Republican central organ, whatever thay maybe. Says " Brajfogle:" "In list Friday's Journal. Judge Hughes oc cupies a column or two of good space in ex DUinia his rcnonj for drawing out of the Wirz case, in tbe cour.e of which he indulges ia re marks bearing about them a strong savor of cop perheadism, It is an old adage, that one cannot touch pitch without being defiled; and it is evi dent that the Judge's course of cott m specula tion, in corjunctiou with such virulent copper heads as Dan. Voorhees. has left its impress up n his polhical character. A man doing a broker's buiiutis in cotton permits with such associate, is not apt to escape conttmiuation; and it is net at all strange that something stronger thau a lawyer. identification with the cause of his client ehoul 1 be found cropping out in the learned Judge's manifesto, which is an "elaborate mockery' of a justification of himself. But admitting all that he pays to be true, we still fitil to see in it any justification of his aban donment of his client. Tbero is no first-class lawyer that does net beüere that lie can do more t save a client's neck from the noose than "any other man," aal we have no reason to bc liere that Judge Hughes umier-otimates t own abilities. Yet, tor the gratification of a Ute outraged profesional pride or vanity, he throws up the ose, and leaves the poor scoun drel to his fate. lie profuse to believe that Win will be unjustly banged by an illegal tribu nal; yet the poor devil's life weighs as nothing in tho balance against the punctilio of the pro fession. Wirz may be hanged, but Judge Hughes has shown to tbe world thst he it prepared to re uet, l the indignity of a difference of opinion en the pail of tbe Court, by a prompt withdrawal from the caso. He Hashes to the line, ltt tbe chips fall where they mav. The dignity of the profession is sutained, though a man s life may be sacrificed " A lrnctlra( TOiaccrenatiemUt Ortaavford County. In The Bucyrus Farmer says;; On Friday of last week, a large and portly gentleman of Af rican descent, named 'S. las Bryant, visited our town accompanied by a white man, who from ap pearance we took for a police officer from some city. It turned out that the white man was a detective from Nashville, and tbe negro resi dent of the same place. The object of their viit was to discover the Abolitionist who had stolen the wife of the sooty gent'eman. They had t'acked the pair by bard work to this county, and ob Friday morning the detective, when strol ling about town, unexpectedly came acrosi one J rub B. Heller, a resident of Liberty township, in this county, and who bad recently returned from the army. Heller it seems, was accompanied by a portly, voluptuous IookiDC femile of rather dark complexion, whom the detective at once discovered to be the wife of Hryar.t the colored gentleman accompanying him. They were about ouying furniture to go to bousekeep ing. It teems tht when Heller returned accom panied by his duky beauty, he represented ber a a "persecutjd Union Southern lady" of gret refinement, whom he hid married Of course the "loyal" in the neighborhood went ii.t ec- ttciesÖTer the hero Heller and bis ijutKe-n bride. They went into the be.-t eocicty, pmties were riven them, tfiey atteudel church, an) ever)lhin wen "merry as a ramiage bell." But. as the old aisge has it, '-murder will out," and tie vis t of the colored gettleman from Nashville who by the way i, a black as the ace of spades cat-t a dark cloud over tbe hopes of Mr. Ulller. It seems that Tabitha Jane the name of the woman let t ber husband and three 1 tt!e picka ninnies at Nashville, with the avowed intention of T:siting some friends in ilea;h s; but in stead, she eloped with Udler, aal came to Crawford cout.ty. Bet upon seeing her colored hatband, Tab'tha Jane's old love for him returned, a-jd her hcatt yearned for her children She concluded to re turn with him to the house she bad made desc iate; she, therefore, forsook Ler whits paramour, and tttrted back on Saturday moruiug wi;h her lawful husband to Nabvil.e, leaving Hel ler either to hsDg himeif, hact another wench, or go somewhere and learn to he a better man Before leaving, Bryant euteied suit against Heller, in the Couit of Common Fleas of Craw ford county, for seducing bis wife, claiming damages ia the sum of tea thousand dollars. Stat Fata. For the convenience of those who design attending the Fair with their own rouveyancer. an extensive and convenient camp iag ground bs been secured, capable of accom modaticg twenty thcusacd families, with their teams. There will also be ample wacoa yards, where teams will be taken care of, and baggtfe cbked for a small consideration. Feed will also be furnished if required Extraordinary efforts are being made to make th's. the only rir ever Leid ia Northeastern Ind. ei. the mtwt successful Fair trer held in th S' te. Indications point to a full rea!ixtion of this anticipation. Fort Wayne Sentinel. What. PaaTice Haj Preotice says: "Tbe two wiuifs ef tbe Republican party are as much at Ttriisci as if tty wen the wiogi of eVflcr ent rooaters hjTtiiny Xexi frtm Afrxico Jlarez Rejrted to he en route for Wathimgttn lie Propo$e$ to Submit hie Caie to tfotiinal ArlitrationWhy Did the Senate Refute to Ratify the Treaty teiih I lim 7 Catholic Colleetiou in Aid of the Soul .4 Urxlllaut Reception'-Vrotallt Abolition f the Freedmeno Durfu. WasaiscTOv, Sept. JSCS. MIETINO CF THE CaBIUCT. There was a rtry brief Cabinet tnefeticg yes terday. It is said taat the Mexican question was not bcca ment.oced; but it is said also that tbe State Depirtment has received authentic iattlli gence from that unhappy country of a later date taaa that meutioned ia tnj lst letter, but con firming the intelligence contained tberela, nay, even giving it a darker shade. For it is cow rumored, cot only that there are no longer any effective bodies of Republican troops in Mexico, but also that Juarez, hard pressed by a body ot French cavalry, had crowed the Rio GraaJe at El Paso, had continued his flight through Texas, and was making for New Orleans, en route lor Washington. He is ai J to be accompanied by a stad of about twenty oßleers, and to be well sup plied with specie. He was followed by a dozen ltd torses, carrying hii bsggage, etc , and by as many mounted servants, or ex soldiers. Ifthisrepott proves correct, it will furnish those who desire the recognition of the Mexicsn Empire with new arguments. It may be well to remember in this connection, in addition to tbe facts stated in my litt letter, that the firt blow which was struck by the UauJ but es iu favor of Napoleon's design iu Mexico (for such it mutt bo considered), was the refusal of the Senate to ratify the treaty which had been made ia IcGO, I think, with the Republican. Government in Mexico. 1 bis treaty was ia every respect favorable to tho United Sutes. It is true that by it we Qgrecd to loan Juarez four millions of dollars But this was before tbe decree of Juarel, suspending the payment of all debt due by Mexico; and if the loan had been made, the decree need net, and probably would not have been issued. It is true again, that this treaty pledged tbe Un.ted Slates to uphold the Monroe doctiine in Mea co. Was tht the reason why the Senate refused to ratify it? The treaty secured to the United Slates the riht of way for railroad privileges through the provinces of S,non and Chihuthua, with a protectorate over the same, which would ultimately have resulted in the cession or annex ation of these rich States to tbe United States. Now Napoleon his taken possession of tnem He was not afraid to advance $50,01)0,000 upon such security. If that trety had been rat ted, the Southern Pacific Railroad, ruumng through the heart of Texas, would have termiuatad at the seaport of Guayanas, which would soon have rivaled Sn Francisco. 1 he refusal of the Sen ate to ratify that treaty, sealed tbe fate of the Mexican republic. I will ouly add to torn sub ject the Utfit on dit, wtich is, that a few weeks ago. Juirez, Hiitioipiting the neceisity of his nnal Might from Mexico, cent a certain Mexican gentlemm to this c.ty, with a proposal tj the Government taat tue question of bis right una that ot Maximilian to administer toe Govern ment of Mexico, or in other words, the question of republicauif m or imperialism in Mexico be settled by appeals to .a Cougrcs of nat.on-. turopcin and American. I believe both Na poleon and Maximilian are willing to abide by the decis.on of such a Congress. But there can be no doubt what that decision would be The action of Brazil and other Scjutli American States who have seut ministers to Maximilian's Cuur', in add.t.ou t J the ei'ht European Min isters already there, making a dozen in all, set tles that question. CATHOLIC COLLECTIONS IH AID OK THE OLT11. 1 he following is an approximate estimate of tho amount cosiributed last bunday iu the Cath olic churches of Washington, Alexandria, Baiti more an J Georgetown, in aid of the destitute reo pie of the South. The figures are not official, and may bs iu some degree inaccuiate : In Washington, St. AlovsiusV Church, 4501); Si Matthew', HUO; S:. i'etera's, S3UÜ: St. Dorni- iiitk's, $300; St. Patrick's", $200; St. Mary's, 1UU; immaculate Conception, SlUu total. $l,yjO. Iu Biltimorc, the Cathedral, .$1,000 ; bt. Lrojola, SbU'J; hi. incent a, $400; others, $ JU'J ;otal, S.JUU. In Alexandria and George town,$200 -rand total, $4,500. COt'.NTkBt KITI.Nfc IHK CIBRENCT TO Bfc rak V tXTLl. I believe there is authoiity for Baying that in a short time the public will be perfectly protected againat the dangerous art of the counterfeiter, so far as tbe national cuirency is concerned. Tbe cause of the numerous counterleit greenbacks and compound interest and other notes, is, that tbe genuine notes of this kind are printed upon a kind of paper which countsrfaiters can readily buy. Now the paper which is manufactured ut the Treasury building the yeliow fiore, or membrane paper described in my first article upon the Treasury, cannot either be made or bought by the counterfeiters, because the process of its maaufacture is a secret. This piper is to be uaed in future for all enrreucy authorized by the Government, as sooa as it can be manufac tured ia sufficient quantities. REcrmox or the iaiu minister. Tb.9 Danish Minister arrived in this eity yes terday, and disembarked at the Nary Yard. He was formally leceived by tbe Commodore, and a 9luto of fifteen guns was fired in bis honor. Tbe rnariues, one hundred and fifty in number, were drawn up, iu full uniform, and tho Marine Band furnished the mnsic. Tbe whole reception was a most splendid aiTair, and shows how we'l a militiry pageant may bo gotten up by people who undersUnd it. There is no reason in tbe world why the cavalry patrols iu tbe strett, and the guards on duty at the President's House, might not make their uniform j as clean and neat as those of the marines. But it is notorious that they do not do it. Asa general thing they look shabby enough; and yet they have nothing in the world to do, except to keep themselves neat. TUK PRO BLK ABOLITION OK TUk EBKPMkx's . Btaeav. The IVesideut is utterly disgusted with the Freed men's Bureau, which is ceitainly the great est humbug of the age. His recent orders, cur ttrbu its powers, and compelling it to abstaiu front ita wholesale "cofi-c .t on" of lar.ds, and to restore to the proper owners a. 11 entiles im properly "contiscatc J," will eoti be followed by others, dismissing a host of clbeers counected with it. General Ilowird l-tvej here to dy on a tour of inspect on in irgiui'a, to examit.e iLto the conduct of the negroes, and to ascertaio. by order of the FresideU, whether the Freedmeo'a Bureau may not be discontinued. It is titd, semi-otlL'ially, that the Bureau was only created, iu the tir.-t i'i ince, as a temporary expedient, to arrange the d tEculties attendant ou tbe etnL C'pation of tbe slaves; but tbat it baa bceu fouud that the negroes universally consider it as a per manent institution for their becifir, and by whom and through whom they ae to ne forever suc porteJ. As long as tbe negroes entertain this idea, they will net work; and it they cann-jt te disi-uu-cd of it in any other way, the bureau will be dissolved The rebu ts of t:ic operations of the bureau in this D. strict are enough to show the impossibility of inducing the i.egroes to engage in honest and profitable voluntary labor. There are more than eighteen thousand of them in the vicinity of this city, and not one out of ten is eu gged in any regular, stea ly, profitable employ meat. Nioe tenths of them get their living by s'.etling and pilfering, and by practices not hi to be named on paper Their vice and licentious ness not only bring hundreds of them before the police Courts, but also lays the foundatiocs among them of diseases that will carry them oil this winter like rctton sheep. Yet it is to thee degraded brutes that the Republican leaders in Congress propose t o extend the right of suffrage. It is a pleasure and a relief to turn from wretched beings snd contemplate tbe few hun dred really repectab!e colored people in Wash ington, who are so well known to all tbe old residents here. There have never been any paupers among them. They have been knewo and respected for rnxny years for their qeitt, modest and industrious habits; and 1 need not adi taat they keep entirely aloof from the idle acd worthless creatures who are pampered by the Freed area's Bureau. It is proper to state here that all the Soutaero gtatlemen with whoa 1 have coaversei oa the subject, are unanimous m saying that free negro labor at the South is a total failure, aai that effotts are being made everywhere to introduce white labor from the 'ortn aaJ from Europe all the result of the Freedrr.ea'e Bureau. Darm. CoHmi ro mi RancaLR. A special dis patch Irom Washing ju to fie New York Tri bune say: "The mutt pestiferous and malig nant ttbels hiTirg been unconditionally par doned, the rumor g aio curreucy tbt a procla mation granting general pardon will son be issued." Still, trtuoa it a crime and it mutt be punished STATE ITE.n. A beautiful new Court House is beirg trected in Newcastle. The Cataolics have aboat completed a beac tifal seminary in Valparaiso. The Indiana Vlethoot Conference, at its seaeioa a few days ago. located tho Female Col lege to be oder Hs patronage, at New Albany. A primary election will, be held by the De mocracy of Wells county, in tbe different toVc ehlp. on Saturday, Sept. 30, to select candidates for Coroner and Comrrisiorer. The Democracy of Clinton will hold a County Convention at Frankfuit, oa Ssturiay, the 30ta day of this month, far the purpose of nominating candidstes for Representative, Com missioners and Coroner.' Speakers will be in attendance, and a good gathering of the Demo crats of CÜLton county is expected and a general good time is anticipated ' " Ili." We learn that Butsch & Dixon'a oil well in Vernon has been sunk- fett. Tbe indications are better than they were at our latt report, when it was stated that the smell of oil was d d strong. Tbe Superintendent expects to strike a sand-stone layer at the depth of 50 fett, and then a bi?!a of oil. It i said faith will remove mountains, and the stockholder of the Vernon well hare confidence in success to keep pegging away. Dr. W, M. Doilr, whom it will be remem bered, was expelled a few years ago, made appli cation for the restoration of his "parchments," at the recent cession of the Indiana Methodist Conference, whicb called forth a very iengtby debate of more thau a half day's deration, and the casewa finally ubmittedo a committee of cine minifters, who rcporte against the restora tion, and the action of the committee concurred in by a msjority of the Conference. We are uld by the farmers that tbe li'.e potttoes are not molested by the rot, while those planted iu the early pait of tbe seison are malt ing away like 6now beforo an April sun. D.lohi Times. The ravages of the pctito ret in this connty still continues uusbvted. Fortunate were tho-e who sold their crops early in the season. Va rieties that were heretofore cbnsiJered invul nerable against the rot arc affected as bad as auy. Crown Foint Reviver. FaTAL Accident A Cit.tiiu of a tanal boat on t tie Wabash and Erie Canal, was killeJ on last Friday, a thott di.-fance below tawn. by what is termed a Spanish windlass. His bout ran aground on a sand-bir. and iu his endeavor ti gtt it off, tue windlass, or some portion of it, became displaced, striking hiui iu tho ttomach and side ot the bead, killing him almost in btantly. Delphi Times. As far aa we cm Iwrn the com crop iu th's county is now out of all danger from fro.-t. It is probably the largest one ever inataied in ibis cout.ty, an immene breadth having beeu plaLted, and tlie season having been very favorable. We Iern tht in- many the yield will be eeveiitv-five buchelj to'the acre. Mr. Green cs Morgan Prairie has perhap an average crop, and good judges think thit hi whole field of huudreJ and sixtv acres will average sixty bcshels to the acre Valparaiso Republican. Tue New Catholic Church at Hlntixcton. When computed, this will be one ot the most gor geous and imposing edifices, devoted to religions exercises, in the country. It is one hundred and forty feet lotig. tixty fei wide, with a concave ceiling ranging from thirty-four to fiftj-four feet iu height. The walls and ceiling are richly frescoed. Fourteen large lancet-poiutcd arch windows, ono compound ogee arch, and one circular window diamond sash, with tuained glass "Fill with holy liht the wondrou fane." The crowning diamond of each sash is adorned with a symbol of the church. These windows, in their prceut state, are the magnificent gifts of private individuals, hoe names appear on a lower pane of the sash. The Temple is con-tructed in tbe Gothic style of architecture, in which are embodied the wor shiping principle in man tbe loving reverence for that which is highest and holiest, and the sentiment of Christian brotherhood. These harmonies are expressed in tbe principal lines, which are all reitical that is, aspiring tending upward; in the circumst tuce tUat the whole maps falls under or within the pyramidal form.'which is thit of flame, or fire, symbolical of love; in the pointed character ot all the openings, whicb, as expressive of tirmncs of base, denotes em bracingneas of tendency and upward asceuaion as its ultimate aim, and in the clustering and group ing of its mult pie parts. Gothic architecture being thus representative rather of the unity of love than of the diversities of faith, it seems proper that it should be tbe ftyle for all eccles iastical and other purpose having reference to religious life. Three altars have been improvised for conse cration services, and will be used until new ones are constructed; and a temporary pulpit will also be.used for the present The sanctuary is large, and grand in all its appointments. On the south side, by the main altar, is a statuary painting of Peter, with the keys of Heaven, andon tbe north side a similar painting of Paul with the saord. Before tbe days of dedication, several statues ia relievo will be placed over tbe side altars. . , Altogether, the paintings, devices, statuary, etc , are calculated to impress the beholder with profound reverence. Even in its present unfin ished stato, we trajrerse the spacious tmp!a with a soft, silent stepfbverawed by the solemnity rf the surroundings. We feel, although the sacred fires have net been lighted upon the altirs, aar! the hillelnjth chanted in choir, that the pres ence of a divinity hallows the spot ; that tbe wings of a presiding cherubim are extended over t be altars. 1 heronstrcctiou of this edifice is due to the untiring real of Rev. Father Mayer, who has en do red himself to bis charge by his devotion and deep piety, and to tbe people of all denomina tions bv his urbanity and social qualities Hunt ington Democrat. MASONIC. SPECIAL MKETLN'ti OK ANCIRNT I.A.N DM ARKS' N . 3IS, will h ht-M thi (MoJay) even lag, at7.1, o'clock, fer .work third drte. XI. H. HAI.MX, secretary. SPECIAL NOTICE. A CllOWtt or C.LOKV. KTKRY ' MN, VTOTAS aiit CHILD wba ha uwd STKRLLWS AMBROSIA, I w;i!jEfr, to recoDi.nrsJ it. T-ree year or rar.i.ily In creasing a'e biTe ira Je the Ambrola famous all OTfr the worl 1. His Warr.mUMl I ricasr. It cur $ Itchiiu cf th? Head. It tnke New H!r growoa Ball Ileal. It prevent! the Hau from Fal mir UaU It render the Hair Soft aad Ciloj. Oarers the Scalp; Coela the Heated Brow; Kcnjove Dandra?; Curca Serroa IleadacLe; Care I'.iUrim; In are Laauriar.t Locts; !nct:n?s Hair to Carl; SuperMdei Wig.; Kill Ha r Eater. Goo J eS-ct apparett at TO THE LADIES WE SAY, The Amlr: wilt uit joatoaT. Elegantly put up. Hicately Fr nmed. Tatrotired tj Opera Slnjerf and Actrci.. S...11 in fr.ttr.4id taxes er cartons, ccataii. Inn two large litt No. 8 for momicp, "o. 1 for Tenirg. Tlit-re is no Mistake about it. STERLING'S AMBROSIA M th r-ft, tnwt agreeable and effectlre to'.'.e: tu th world. To pro thl-, try a carton. i Svld by Drxfjlata. Sterling's ambrosia Manufacturing Company, j 215 Kulten Mreet, eav York. j WANTED. ! srru.ivrioisr w-a.imteid. A TOÜ50 medxal an, fron Erstand, of good i refomxPDJatiot, Ii desirous of s sltuatxn In a lira Sters. Addra, "J. D.," ear cf Mr. Jacob tieaoa. Darlortoa, Vantfcacry Cbty, Indian . aplwiw COMMISSION MERCHANTS. re. w Mtrrcm, jaa. u itircima, w. r.wariOTi. OCO. T. DEDEVOISE A CO., 3 TO RAGE, rORTTARDCCa AXD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For th Parrbas ani Sal of GJJII, FLOUR, LARD. BlCOS, Dill ED FRCUS, SEEDS ASD PEODCCK 0151 RALLY, IVo. lr Xoiilsiaxiti Street, Opposite Eatt End Union Depot, Indianapolis Intl. ajtna, st rurasoi, ro Vtt 5atiaal Bank, IcLaoapoIU. K. B. Alrord k Co t Whoteaa! Grert, I&dlanapoll. Alfard, Talbot k Co Stolenale Orncer, Indianapolis. Cropland, Magair Co., WhoU4 Grctr, ' CoueUj, Wile k Co., " 4 C. Yt. Ma-th, E(j , Gen . Treignt 1 gent, C. k I. C. R. R., IndlaüapoUa. Lude U.U, R1-. Csa. freight Aptnt, Drlt. R. R., lQdiastpoli.4. M. U. Laodia. E.q., Geo. Freight Agent.T .11.4 R. R., In 1'arap jII. II City, SreUry, JerenonTfJe R. R, Jeffrr fonTill. J177CrrspoiMlence aoticitad. iep1S-d3i GEO. W. DEBEVOISE & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vo. 1 Louisiana Street. Agenf for the al of Daubenpeck' celebrated "Wild Roe Talley," and other brand of Family Fleer. i"p-i3-tf Vf 7-KSTKRW RESERVE BUTTER, ' If Id store and for sale by OkO. W. DELKV013K k Ca.. General Commiaiiion Merchant. sep23-tf 2o. 4 LoaiMaca street. PRIME LAKE MICUIOAX WHITE FISD, TROUT and Herrinfr new erop la store and for sale ty GEO. VT. DKBKVO UK k Co.. . General Comniiin-ion UercbantK, ep'23-tf No. 4 Louisiana street. FRESH IS A F.ELLA AMD CATAWBA GRATES, Received daily by GEO. W. DK.BEVOISE A Co.. General CommUrion Merchant?. ep3-tf Ko 4 lx.uisiana atreet. REAL ESTATE. B"ST WILEY & MARTIN, Keal Estate Brokers & Auctioneers. TWENTY BUILDING LOTS AT AUCTION ! ! On Monday. October 2df at 2 'O'clock, on tho Promises. rBlBKSE LOTS ARB SITUATED ONLY SF.VKN 1 Squares northwett of the (Joveraor'a Circle, fior.t- Ir: on Weft, James and Camp streets, and emVracethat tine ground on tt west M2e rt Vest atreet tbat ba. heretotore been much inquired for, and only now nbdi ided fc r m o. Tnerus lots are in a section of the city that ia rapidly improving, and wiihtn an ea-y walking distance from the buMne cen'er of the city. The groands are h!pb and dry, and overlook the city, and the temm-f ale rre within tha reach of ar.y one. Darin the past frw years no other part of tLe tity fcas rapidly improved . an 1 in nn other are at deirable buildia lota to be found, or opportunity r Tor Judicious U.ftixuiuU. TERMS OF SALE: OTe-third at time of nie, one-th'rd in nine inotiihs, and one-th-rd in eijiteen mo:i'h, a ith in'errat. WILEY & MARTIN, sepi3-d!d Real Estate P.roker. FOR SALE. BY WILEY & MARTIN, 200 ACEES OF LAND, AND A KTEA.M SAW HILL, AT ATJCTIOlXr, On SATURDAY, September 30 WE WILL SELL A8 ABOVE, AT ' O'CLOCK P M., In front or our ofllce, on Washing oa Mreet, -0O acres ot firnt-cUss land, Mtaated. eleven ruiiej northwest of Indianapolis, on tbe conk aide of tbe Ibdianapolia and Craw ortiav.Ue Hank Kad. Forty acres of thia land ia feLced, cf which ten acre a are cleared; the balance is in Rood oak, poplar, beech, ah and some walnut timber; plenty of nave tiaibercm be cut. aNe cord wood in abundance. The Saw Mill is a good Muley Mill, in good repair, and now in gocd ranting order, and in the best situation to do a No. 1 bnslnesa; engine and boiler in first-rate order. Frame Uoae of ix ioota, well, Ac, on the prtmlte. Sale positive. Teraaa Cah. VT1LET k MARTIN, ep?0-dAwtd Eeal Estate Brokers. REAL ESTATE SALE. FOR SALE AT AUCTION. VNEW FRAME COTTAGE on East Vermont atreet, between New Jersey and East itree U containing Four Rooms, Halt, Kitchen, Pantry and large Cellar, will be bold at Auction, on Monday, September 25th, at 2;,' o'clock P. M. Lot 100 feet front on Vermont Btreet. lasou llalf cakb; balance Id C, 12 and 18 month a. SfUDKNSnCKfcK V KaFPKS, Real F.rtate Aeento, fcp22-dHt 113 Ea.'t Washington Mreet. LAW SCHOOL. LAW SCHOOL. f Ml?. XrXT SESSION OF THE LAW SCUCOL OF JL tha Sorihwexiern Cbritian Univerrity, at lndi. auapoli, will commence the ttr.t Monday or December, anl continue four months. The Frofcbhors of tbU Institution are Hon. David Mc Donald, L.L. D , U. S. Diftrict Judge for thi- Ute, Hon. Cbarle a. Kay, one of th Jndgea of tbe Supreme Court of Indiana, and Hon. Albert U. Potter, lateheport-r ot t'de Supreme Curt cf Indiana Tbe character of ihe.e gentlemen a lawyer give aafilcient auratce that the 8ch'ol will be conducted ab'j and eScientiy. The Court of Instruction will two annual MSMoiu of four montL acb. Tbe otject I lo ite to every .tuJeLt auch a traimn in the varioua t ran te cftbeComn n Law and Kqust), in tue Code cf Pracke and r.e.diitg, in Constitutional Law, aad io the Juris prudeuce ot lue United Mate, aa to enae him t enter on tbe practice auccesfu!ly. lu.t rue tioiy mill be given by day 1 ctnre and recitations in the Text Books and a weekly iI.Kt C nrr. Tt taliioB ia S per xevtion. payable in advance. TL! embracea all fee., except tbe d.pioma fee, ablcb i 3. For further particclar, a1dre Hon. David SlcDonal-i, at Indianapolis FLU AH OoOUniN, ep22 dim Trea. Board Ir.rector, . YT. C. U. MERCHANT TAILORS. WM. (KlkUatT. . r.ratroHKAr. a. l. ixrr, W.TI. SWCI.MIAlt r V CO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEALERS IN Cents' Furnishing Goods Xo. VI South Urridiaii strvvt. INDIANAPOLIS. INI). ep21-!23i BANKS. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS, No. 23 North Meridian Street. Special .ccnf lor the Male f tbe 7 3IO Lan flHlS BANK IS 50W OPKX 10L THE TRASS 1 action of lu:ne ; ill do a General Banking BaaU Dr. Warersnaect SecaritJee of all kind kept coattaatly oa ha ad aad for aal at iL aoat reaoonablt ratea. HK5KT acU5CLL,FTtUlt. T T. at At-OTT. Catktar -tr AMUSEMENTS. METROPOLiTiX THEATRE. Cornerof Wukintfan and Tennetue Stvfru. ,T1 ana(f r .Mr. w . Il.ltiiry. CHASGt OF TLMX: Door f jwD at W o'clock. ÜTertcra bg!o at t I. Monday Evening, Sept. 25th, 1865. Mi SALUK ST. CLatR Mr. CH AS H. BARtAS. .SKIUOrsFATlIf.Y. COUNT R Y COUSIN. Tajcri or Aoarato. Parquette and all reserved ifatiTic. Dre-4 drei 50c; Privat Boxe, fir Ii peron,f5 00; Orchestra Seat a, 75 ceau; Ga:ier aad Familr CircU. 13 cent: Children to araa. tl. PAKT1CCLAK 50T1CE. Tne liorae Cara leate tba Theater erery evening at th clo of the performance. People Urine at a d;tatve ean relr on tiiU. MASONIC HALL Wednesday Evening, Sept. 27, 1865. OHA A D CON CERT! T1IK PUPILS OF TIIK KORSMIi ACADEMY OF MUSIC! AüUted tr Sii. LIESSLKR aLd A. K. WIMM EHSTtLT. The whole aeder the direction of Mr. II. R- PALMER. ADMISSION 30 Cent. 5a charge for F.eaerel SeaU. Tlcketa for aale at tie Ua1c Ktorea an and after Monday, Sept. lSth. e;23-d3l COMMISSION PAPER HOUSE. a'AKSONS, 71 ACTA I? LEV & CO.. WBOL1SAI.K DKALKRS IN SCHOOL BOOKS &ST1T10BRY Ilook I'ublislior and JHiMhr. No. Ul AVwt Miir.vliuial rSt., INDIANAPOLIS, IND fep21-dtf WAR CLAIM AGENCY. LAW OFFICE, WAR CLAIM, AND f;cI.,Ki:TI03 AKXCY, fro. "tii liest ualiltistnil Mrett, l 1)1 ANAIMU.IN, hi) A' LL KINDS CF MiLlTAUT BUS;NK8 ThASS- ACfKL). All claste of War Claim- correctly irr pared, applied for. aud urctnptly Collected. olaier and Ofiicer, who, from defectie roll tr other cautes, have nvt obtained full Pay and Bsnnty can obtain the aame from the 1 reamry Lepartirect tbrough thia a?mcy. 1'ay, houuty aal I'enMi.n for SoM t r, OfÜeer, or their Legal Utiri", if cnti'led. Tay Lr Uoia-a in tattle, on picket, or in the line of doty, under order. All damage by Troop or by Military Ordr; every clata of claim founded iu law, Justice, ereqnity, s curtd. Unpaid County and Town -kip Bounty collected. Citizen of lndi nr. a holding Military claim, o'di4r arid OSicers of the Morgan ra d, can oOta.n their pay. r.aslüess before the State Military Audi id Committee for Iocs or use of property, ubti.üng, transporting or recruiiiiigmu,aill be attended t proncptly. Ufflcsr' Hick Pay for Servants Wage, obtained. (Of ficers will call or correj-pend, and find it to their Intere t to do BO.) Commutation of Rations for I'riaoLera of War, or men on furlough, t-peedity i btained. fcrrora on rolls ccrr cted for men wrongfully cnarged and tried for de. r'ion, or abercn without leare. Civil and Miliiay Collections made in all Counties of the Mate ty Traveling Agent. Officers' Settlements and Returrs made out on fair terms, and certificates obtained with dipatch frcm tbe Departments Mr. JOMX P. LCRFIELD, formerly of tha Second Indiana Caralrr, ia attached t tht office , who has been for two year In this bua1oes of Officer' lie tarns aad Settleaeots, and is thoroughly ported la every question. All Veteran OOicera of Cavalry, Artillery and Infantry, who are being muUied out can obtain their Final Affidavits and 1 ay Account a, warraated cor rect, on which to draw the r tioal pay. Tbe Clerk f this ffle are all Veteran Soldiers. blanks of all kinds on hand. Fall instructions given to returnieg Offleer w ithout charge. Competent Clerks and notaries always la the oC'.ce. An efficient Aeent at Wafehiugton City. Business in all parts or this State or other States transacted by mail. Olcce opposite Metropolitan Theatre atd Ma'or Dnnn'f C. S. Mas erlcg and Disbar-ing Office, beat to Maonic Ilall, SheeU building, No. 7 Wet rTasblcgton street. J. W. BLAKE, Late Colonel 40th Indiana Vols., Attorney and Claita Agent. au2? dtf AUCTION SALE. Brick Residence at Auction. WK WILL SELL OX MONDAT, SKPTKMBER 25ib r.ext, at 2 'deck T. M., oa the premi-e. that fine two Mory Brick fuelling H jui-e, No. 211 Kat Ohio treet, (old No. 113, aitnated on tbe south aide. of tbe at'eet, between New Jerhey anl rant street., being a first class wrll-built building, c titaining seven rooms, porch, and cellar under the hule houe. ith all tte modern improvements lion e ia Lewly papered, has gas in all the rooms, pantry, closets, aat other con venietice. Lot 22 feet 6 iucbea by 11 teet deep to an aliry. Lot ia well .et ii nrubberjr, fruit tree., Ac, tine (fT ape arbor, wood-boe, A".. oa the hatte. Tlrtspropvriy will rent for 70l per am, um, and tbe sale !s made for the rt-a-on that the owner it to remoe f om th. city. Tkhms On--balf cah; balatce in x ainl twelve mo..tbs with int. ret. Wll.KY k MAKTIN, epl-d7t Keal Katate Auctioneers. 550 REWARD. If. II I'O.ri' MAKE STOLE.Y. STOLKN, on Satnrday u ht la, September 16:h, rrcm tb Subscriber, livir g 3S' mile, eoo'b of Indl anspoli, bta cei tie bluff atd 1 tr e 'ytfa Koad-, a LILt ny Piny Mare, 14 Laud-. h't;h. a aall wlite nA on tbe felt witter, aboit year olJ. Anyone said Mare, tr giving lLfjnoaticn whete il,e can l found, will receive th abive reward. eptlS dWAwlt JOSM'U UtitOVK. NOTICE. Notice to Liquor Dealers. Ordered, BT TUK BOARD OF COMMISSION KU Or MA hi ON County. Ind. ana, that aft-r the first Monday or Mem ber, 163, the Mid lizard ai l nut cutiM.ler or grant ap plicatlnL for l;cene to retail l qaor. at other than lie Koaa mm. m 'JL' wmmm M. Bkuo a-d held at the Court IIene, in Iudinapo!i, on the first Mondays of Mirth, Jur.e, Septemter and Le cei.ber, of ech )er. In:aitapclta (n-pt. . 'iV JACOB T. WKIC.IIT. .'pll-lmodl4tw Auditor Marlon Coutty. COMMISSItDN MERCHANTS. it. r. a. J. ii:m.i:. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ?i llrond t . .Mlvillr. Tenn.. TJKALXHJ I5 FOREIGN ASD D!5MET-C LIQUORS, Ac. t Order. Cited and Coi. netit Sl ciVd Pt oflif Kox t20-dtr OYSTERS, &C. THE REGULAR BALTIMORE .WHOLESALE 0YSTF.ll DEPOT. OTSTEKS XKCIIVF.I DAtLT BT EXPR1SS. IN eanji, ha'J-car ard aicU. Ala Praia and Salt Water Fih. Orders prt n.ptly tiled. Small profit atd. qnick retarn. No. 11 North Illinois Street, 0ppo.1tatb Bates Hous, ladiaaspoUa. a(5-d6BB C. C. WILLI AH J RAILROADS. Atlantic & Great Western Railway 175Tr-rrT rr BROAD WAGE TO NEW YORK. THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY FROM CINCINNATI TO NEW YORK. Special Notice to tho Public! ON A5D AFTR SCFTRURKR 4tU. itt'r to th rapid lncrea tf TaMttfer ta.lre -a. atd t aJd to the eon fort f tl trare'.r pub'..c. tL. Capcy hare pot ah a Lighting Kirr TiaJa. t.cb kim Cn- ciacati at A.M ; Crt aoa, 9.17 A. K ; GaVca. 110 r. M : anivinc at New York at 4 P. at. the text Cay. The Coctpaey are donr ererj thine In their yr t. make the A. A O w. Ka:ar tb qokkeit. afet and tnot cctnfortatle railway fn tie ccnr.rry. Tkt eerBea, cara aod other eqn'pjer.ta are entirely r, and af the moot modern anl itnproTeJ pattern., anrjnalied by any other lir.e on thia continer.U Th lrtn en the er.tire line la new an! heary, ad th I rldcea ar all new and aafa. The acenery t aot urp.e-t by any other I. n.. Tha car are wide, and eil Tecu'a'.ed. l'anenyrr letTlrjt In.Jlar.afv!!! at 5.30 A. if , ty tb Colamboü k InlianapoMa Ontral. make clone eacnctiaa at Vrbana Ith tht 9:40 A. M. Fipre. oat of Ciactnnatl. The XUht Fxpres, Uarlne Ind.aaaolta at 7 40 P. M , tia Co!nmhsi k Cer'ra!. a mk d.rect roo aection at lrtana with fe Ntvit Ktpr whk leare. Oncinnatl at 10 SU P. M. KenjeniWr. Three Tbrotrh T!. If ave f aflr for w Tork, Roton, WahUrgtoa CI'T, I".ait!oore, PbUade!pa'.a, and all point, in tb Kat. Throsh Ticketa for atr at the Union fpot. Iodiau pli. and at all the t rlnr'i-il ticket cftirea :a tbe Eat and West. Kacrare cheked throngb. Rate of fare aa law aa by any ather rente. Ia Ut rovr ticketi U ure the j . read Atlantic k Great H eMern FaMway. f or p.rtk-nlar. In regard to tb reste, Ae are mnatl Mil and map. J. BURGESS BROWM. Pa erner Afent A.1G.W. Ka!lay, aet.Jtf I5D1AH APOLIS. Tcrrc Haute ami Richmond c ii a . ; i: o r t i .11 e. 1S65 Summer Arrangement. 1S65 ajeuansenciiir Monday. Aits;. 28 1SC5. raien per Train ill be run t f llvwi until farther notice: I WESTWARD -LKAVK IXDIAXArOUB. TK)A 51. .accommodation Stppira; at all S'atKfi. n 'et.a!, cnti-ttng at June tlou, at 9.00 A. fir Crawferdrvilla and Lafayette; and at 1 1 4S A M , fr all M tion foiith; reaching Terre Haute at 10 2tl A. M. Make no Terre fJau e coucction. i..15 ! .Tl. XI. Loan F.xprra Stops only at Carterure;, Grencaetla, JuscUoa and Brazil, reaching Terre Haute at S 'M P. M.; running directly throua t St. touin. arriving atlJ30A. M.; connecta at Terre Baute direct fr Fvatixrille, arriving at J 43 '. M ; makes te Junction cvnuec lion. 3. IO l.M l it V nnllimd Ilxprraa Step ping t all Station on Signa!; coanecting at Junction for Cr wfordvi'.le at 6O0 P.M., and with tbe New Albany train from tha Sooth; reaching Terre Haute at 7 tfi P. M.: Makes no cotrnrrlcts Scu'-h cr TTest of Terre Haute. I0.20 I. stellt i:xprea-Stops only at Plalr.field, Oreencaft'e. Junction and Erazil; reachtrg Terre Haute at 1. 10 A.M; running directly through to St. Ixuio; arriving at 10. li A. M. - lLf" The Mail and Acceutmodation train will stop at ttlenvale. Peckabtrg and Fairview, Flag Statl.n, on Signal Sleeping Cars are run in the night train to and front St. Ioui. R.K. KICKER, Scperlntendent. SnperiLttndenC Ofl'ce, Aug. 2'ith, 1SC5 anpM-dtl BELLEFONTAINE RAILWAY suns: oiaju.k or ti.tii: o 15 AND AFTKR MONDAT, AUGUST Tth, TRAINS will leave tnloa Depot aa folUwu- 4 00 A. M , Kipreaa Mail. 4.00 P. M., Accommodatinn, 'for Cntwn only.) f. M.t Sight Tapress. raata aaai'. m rao raa ar. 10.00 A. if. Accoiutno!at!cn. 12 M) Noon, Nlxbt Kspreu. 30 P. M., Mail. E. !f. BS0W5, aurt-dtf General Superintendent. REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1 2s h a W . 0A 4 6 r lalyiT-dly FOR SALE. A LAUGE STOCK OF CARRIAGES, COXSUTlSfl OK Barouches, Rockawayß, Jenny Linds, Park Phaetons, Coal Boxe3f Top and Open Buggies, Of several d.fferant patlerit, hHh ew and C'Bl hand. My new work la e(fanly fntdad and rw patterns. I'ei.on. de.tin otseihira; r.ew and Beat will do well to I 'ok throogh ay Hock of work, Cal.hed or in procea of contrucnon, txfore porcba'.r s;, if thay want a fashionable tnm-cnt at a fs'r price. II. V. ll A , .Mo. 211 i:aal ierclst Irret. aep21-dlw Btaeen Meridian ard Pennsylvania. ALES. SANDS' CKLEE&ATEU CHICAGO STOCK AND CREAM 1LES, JOS. 0'CO.Vi;U, Holr Aprnl, No. 54 South Illinois Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. TIIIK nnderied haa always aa haaaalarre aupply J. of Barrels aad H:f Barrels for tha Trade, in 4 Quarter Karrel. for Pnvat. tamtb. Ueaiaa bwttlea AJ and lorwr einrwaaty far Privat Families, a It ia strongly recamna4 hy IhysicJaaa for IU aa4cloal property.. NOTICE. at'AKrRMAsitk.susit ASüiiEi.oornciM retinae Uaam tka Veuraa aric, tuber y saws r rt r rwt(4U, caa mil lhir wavatvr attaat p withcarrrctneM at4 di; auh at Col. Eitkt I MlUtary i Cla-ca Acency, appoai a MatropollUa Theater. A Sa ury KabUc la la tbe otto, j.ia-dtf . JOWß W. wt-I3.