Newspaper Page Text
i DAILY SENTINEL THunaoAT mqümmj. ootouek so. . 1 coou tin a inr aiit. Afrnsewr Jkf AftuUmy Iürkr Arrant rntnti and Vrteeat tkt Cuitlnt. Tram th New Tork Trfb".l U is i lf rooo, well lighted, cd furnished wita many beeches, a table or two, a safe for food, mod the black, uacomely range tbe sooty, rcav-tred Caliban, who does, without murmur-iz-.tbt will of tVa Trcirtro. Tbi but walls 4 amcovered flO ah!n with cleanliness; tte tUa windows are crystal clear; t t Iocs tible betwca the rsBgo and tho benches triad a alen-1 (t Frank, wbiia-capped, wbite-jackeUd, white- t rz'jJA, and irJrd about wth clean napkins, wLO aibt be a poet, but who is tha dexterous pair of baoda wtlcb tie clever brain of Mocsieer Elottaimatee. Against tba wall, and on aside table, atd ander tbat table, ana about tberacre. bet no wkerl eal used! y, are whole families of sauce pans, tribe of pots, nations of pane, and race af porcelain kettle, sieve froa icfancj to well developed raatunty. boxea or all ages, spoons, pewter, wooden, plated, whose "ioioite variety" rivals Cleopatra i, and a larre aod small, pointed collection of idIts, I and blunt, but all of aluterioe keenneaa. Tbe boxes, clearly , la beied.cootilo ipicej, lagar, ult, rice, and ether appliances. Atoidat tha orderly ditorder ttarjda a eryatal vaaa Curd wlta corneous sotuan Cower, A black board between tbe window aonoan ces tbe bill or rac PoUg pure a U rIne, m, bakl, Ckickta lanti, a rBco. Cäoaa a la rrtot. I diet of Met larded wük la y- ralXwr aa rraUo. Tt'be boor strikes. ioe proieor Delias tu I t. al liteiroctioca. To tbeaw votarie be baa already cxplaiaed bis theory of the art. There remiici to be disclosed to them only the flee paiticlea to be exhibited the delicate results of hia pro eeaee, isoeittio, will reward their most asrloaa attsntloo. Tbe aoup. we diacovcr, already exia'a in the embryo, for a French artist never allows bis soup kettle to leave the range, where it geutly aod cobtentedlv simmer, every ready y receive the awkward knuckles wbicb mast cot di8gure the pretty side d;b, tho marrowy bone whoe analirM'iucaa bauiabed its aucculeuee from fie platter, tbe trimmings of the ahsptly joint, the skimmings of the turbulent pot whence savory cbickeoe r a tender leg of vel scud forth appe- tixiog prophecies. Soup being incipient then, we are rrqueted to eowider the fillet, which mut be treated first, as requiring longest baking. Upon the fillet we concentrate our gaxe, and we learn that it weigh five poucda; that ii ia carefully cut aud trimmed; aod, altogether, a credit to its bovine originator. Baking, jJonaieur expuiba, it at beat an ill sub stitute for roastiug. Tbe juices are dried, the . t . art aaeat is toughetieu. everiheleaa, be Bitters bimaeX wbeo tbe joint ie dresaed, and cooked as be advises, tbe injuries which the oven Ic fiicu are iu a measure overborne, and the wroored and royal beef "shall hae hia ain again." fervaJcd with sympathy for the beef, and men tally beapiog objurations on toe oveo, we Cang on tbe next woids o! the philanthropio prole.-ur Tbe as.stanrf under mjgL ic coutrol, co words Letng spoken, ancea a cariot, reiucea au onion to impalpable graim of odor, aJJs salt aod pep per, lay the larded beef in the pan upon this vegetable basia, poura a ladUlul of broth over it, and stts it over the Crr, where tbe liquid boile furiously and the beef emokes. Moaieur explains tbat tbi s jd'len application of extreme beat alight! j incrust the meat, keejw the juices pent witQio, and makes it, therefore, nutritious, while bastiog it frcqust.tly with the broth keeps tha surface tender. W tnrn now to the tomatoes. One of tbe flashing koires describes aa equatorial cirele round eight polished, scarlet spheres, aod they ar bmiapberee. The acidolous coateata being scooped from the ruddv bo a Is into a shining saucepan, bread crumbs, wbieh, in. this skillful intntge, put on a huudreJ dainty and tooth some oisguista the delicateit spices, and a sus picion ot onions rush together to form the stuf Cog. which your new-born confidence in Hon sieua Blot a?ares jou will be excellent. And now it is time to turn tbe bile! eiill bubbling on the rango. Beup, beef, tomatoes being all unser way let uaeiamioetne cauliflower. IVtatoei, explains JloAAieur, being very expensive, we do cct to dar cook them. American boue-wives cherish the pcUto, but at times it is extravagant, and it is never ludupensable. Ihese tomatoes, with their atufTiDf;, shall be found very good. Tbe cauliflower, rtfioed by our process of cooking, aball not remind you of ita coarse family, the caooage, acu iu rcamj, in tau uinner, so uorni- rable, there ia no placa for the potato. Well, theo, cauliflower is boiiei with a drop of milk in the water u give it wbitcoes, and. being boiled, a delicious ureasing iin poured around it tb baali of every 9uce and every gravy being drawn iron tbe ineituunible and all pervading soup-kettles. i neu a pale lslat.d m a tei ol sauce, wbose uneven pummits arc white with the k. S . a. i a meviixoic &reauciumo. it 19 lost iu lut yawn ing oven. Alenwnue the Clilt Is tbe thud time turned, aod il we bid cct seen it quietly inured in the oven, we could aver that it was turning oo a epit, no positively, through its a ivory lumes, it declares itself a roast; aod the tomato juice, being done now. ia whisked from the range, re turned, apotbeosird to its native tells, bread crumb again, otu again, and we wait while hope becomes fruition. Not IJlj, though, fr in some imperceptible atom of time between the ripe state ot two dishes the nimble cook baa lound space to make tae paste for bis cream cakes. A little flour, a little butter, a little water being gathered to their final saucepan, the master subdue them with a wooden spoon and the power of a giant Egg add themclvetf, apparently ol their owo volition, acd tbe delicate compound is ivdy iu the twink lieg of an eye. Wbeo tbe p-itte eoois the patient bass has bis tarn. Auother knile, Und er as tbe biases of Damascus, meanders down bis right side, anJ make sharp vertical incUione in the lelt, that tbe dressing may penetrate and flaror the üih. Thea its sauce broth, of course with magical ipicer, aod the plump bass follows the fillet and become a memory. Aod cow the chicken. Two small fowls are dissected In a breath. Tbe fine, plump pieees for tb waiting sauce pan, the e rgey bits lor tbe expectant soap krttle. Santi, explains Sir Oracle, is cot fry. Frying can be made palata ble, and not unhealthy; but frying, as practiced ia most American kitchen, dncngsgre tbe fatty aciJs, toughens the meats, and produces a dis gusting and indigettiale result. Look, now, the chickea is placei in this pan already betted, an atom of butter is added, that the bits may not burn tbe dish, and the well meaning fowl de velopes bis tendierest possibilities. Heefstrak cooked in this way will be found excellent. TT bile the chicken eimxer the are baking, the tomato uee is prepared. Then the lid of the soup kettle ie lilted, acd out cocas a venerable fowl, whose w bad cot auspected. This chicken, explains the tutor, waa old and tough, ard therefore chsiper. But by long and killlul boilinc. being at flrat inly al low el to simmer, that tie juices m;ht be civen Aak äa. : Ii i. . 1 . B fW " 11 win oe loaLu entirely tci.dcr. 1 ce aoup iealreaiy flavored; we will take a h i of tbe white meat, which, ehoj peJ very fiuf, hall fire rietcesa to tee troth, and to morrow the contin gent remainder of the chicken shall reappear in a delieioua $lnü, called of tbe vatgar hash. Aod low, continues Monsieur, we have but to take up mis iittie dinner, so easily prepared, and taste it it be cot excellent. Diccer ready, ioiudibly murmur in atnax. meat! Why. Jean Cook baa but froliickrJ with theaauce-pn,and ccqnstted with the oven, acd played fanusiie tricks with the mot and vege table. At borne, dinner is the tyrracic!, the oversiaJowirg erect ol tbe j. ,0 j bere it is a eharming paJoe. TLia is tot cookirg. This is be w itchier cheii:stry. This is tbe ecgagicg sport ol two idle hours And tbe dishes sre cot real, but odorous tricks of fancy. eveilheless they are real, and tnotl tocth lOCe. For, be;ER delicately served in their orJer. we tase, aad tate again. 'o watery soap, co stringy beef, co tattclcM fish, co ill-dote vegf. tables, CO vulgar spicts acd over flavored com pound. But Jove aid bis court might sit at thia board, acd count tie Olympian bouse ie;.i:,g a coarse mistake And yet these materials axe dally in our Luch es; daily paa under eve of mistress acd baod of cook, abd have co such admirable account to reader of themselves, because neither misireea cor cook k&os bow to cvok tbe latest capaci ties ef each. AcJ theo tbe fine economy of this wunift! A grain cf icfeofTiooua here, fills i:i txact pitr tun; bor.r, lmprt:ceotia U:s Jib, I a ceeeaelty ia tbat; a aerap of atal bread It translated into celestial uses; i bit ejf luet rising en the kittlt tacit b kept as re!1gtonsly aa the Decalogue. Acd the are wtih bau sit lUf, end tot only stew, but broil: tad cot content with broilirr, b forced to boll: and cot jet folillinf ita possibilities, nuit steam aa eil; end heitthe cat iroc alio. Neither tnxr Ibt took wait My for either stew-pan to bubble aod for tbe pot to boil. Tb nimble ban dt or tn nt alchemist teed crucible tad alembio tad retort, cacb ia its turn, and last at the mement tba fine (old cf this mot f xcellent dinner if feud ia tun. Bad foed ia Do'uonine: ui a Ballon. We our selves, who have bought vnteea cookery book i ia serea yetri, walk from djsrptic brcid od leathery steak to oar deek and dot jr. A at rlcan wires cannot isaka ealls, and entertain visitors, aal retain the three languages Iber learned at acbool, and keep up tbair muaie. aod look after tba ba&ies. and do tba family sewing, and read tha Tribun dailj, and eook besides; simply beeeuse there ara bat twenty-four noura in tbsir dar. aod do elaitio mansgernem win stretch them Into twesty-efgbt or slaty-eight, bleb would not be too many lor the oraiia may - t . I - Tl,4 Af Iffe V IP f are expet ;eu nonyr. ft tores have crushed oat fairer livca aod gsyer hon.i than the wbeala or Jorrcrcant. Oar mstroos. who should le smiling, celestial rosy trad, are weary nd pallid, and find bouse keeplrg a misery and a leiisre. n ao cot eibort them to toe I ft bor or one ioaunt more. Bat tbelr nick braioa and clear executife power are quite inadequate to the or der!o2 of a well-regulated kitchen were a few biota riven tbm. All the bote Id Scotland a aw the tea kettle boil, bat eolj Watt corrected the vapor into a steam ereine from which a bundred thousand mechanic caught biete and earned their tread. Oolr Monsieur Blot finds the kitchrnn So9biratiin. and the four barrel ao noDubliibed tosm. He sizls that tbe odi hate " - not made it poetical as well but be ran appa to our harder nature, and teach us to reduce our a a tyrants to visulnce, and force obedient and ready service from them . COMMISSION PAPER HOUSE. PAI.SOX9, MACAU LEY ft CO,, vrSOI.ESALK DFALtRS IN SCHOOL BOORS & STATIONERY Hook I'liblishrrs and Mmlcr, INo 1Ü WoHt Maryland Ht INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Btfi-dtr MEDICAL. i 1j a I i EV S FÖRTHS C5F0RTCNATK. BELL'S SPEOIFIC PILLS Are warranted la all cases far the trccuv auJ riaaax- MTCraa troin all dleaes arl-ucf from sexaal eie or YOLTDFUL 1KLISCRITI0S, Seminal Ita,X!RhiTy Kralsalrn and Seavual Preama, Oenital, Fbyitcal and Nerroo Debility, Impotence; Uleet, Sexual Diseases, Ac, Ac, Ic. ÜJ CIIA5QE OF WET Is KECSART, and tbey can be used without detection. Each box con Ulna 60 phis, Prtr 0s Doixaa. If you cannot get them of your drorgiot, tbey will bo aeot by nail securely seal ed, poatpaid, with foil Instructions, tbat lnaaro a cure, on receipt ot the nionej; and a pamphlet of 100 pages ou the errors of youth the consequences aod remedy, aent frre; 10 cent required for pottage. Address Ir. J, Haras, Consulting Fbyslclan, P. 0. Box iitr.'J. 442 Broadway. 5ew Tork Dealers can bo upplle.l br Dernau Barne 4r Co., Tbolesale Arects,5ew Tork; Tomlinon a Cox, Agents for Indianapolis. Moro Valuable Than Cold! BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS Purify tit llluijJ, Remove Ufadache. DUrineM, filddlnes, Drowints,Ua pleasant Draams, Dimnera ef Sight, Indention, Cleanse tbe Ptomacn ana uweia, Issckx Vtw Lira lu tbe deblllated and RESTORE THE SICK TO HEALTH. PERFECT Try tkemt tbey only rost IS cents, aod If yoa cannot get them of your droggUt, seed tbe noney to Da. j. BUT AN, Consaltlng Phymcian, S41 Broadway, P. O. Box 30751, and tbev will be sent by retain of mall, postpaid. Dealers supplied by Demaa Barnes A Co., Wholesale Agant. ffew Tork; Tom!inon a Cox, Agents for Indiana polls. If sa require a reliable remedy to restore yon, we DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS, a aerer-falling remedy for tbo removal of Obstruction, notnatter fn rn vat cauuthfy aritt. Tfcey are safe and .ore. and will restore nature In every case. Tbey are also etScacloa la all caea of VTeaknet. AY bites, lTo- lapons, Ac. Sold In boxes containing CO I'llla, Trice U!a DoUax. fui for Dr. Harvey'. Private Medical Advi-er, ad dress d to females; 100 pages, giving lull Instructions, 10 cents required for postage, if yen cannot parcbaae tbe pills of drnggiKt. tnejr will be sent ny mail, pot pad. aecoro from obnervatlon, on receipt of One Dollar, by Dr J Baias. Coasu.ting r bjuclan, P. O. Box 60T9. 4Ü Broadway, !tw Tork. Dealers supplied by Demas Barnes A Co.. Ti holeaale Agn.a, ew York;lomllnsoa A Cox,Agent for Indiana poll. aug26-VodAwly COMMISSION MERCHANTS. U. F. ft A. J. MULLEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TU llrona t.s niaatis tlle, Tenn.. DKALKRj IN FORZiaS AND DOMESTIC LIQUORJ, Ac. fOQjrOrders filled and CcrsigütusLU Solicited. I'ost office BrtX SM. 2t-dtr BOOKS AND PAPER. BOOKS AND PAPER AT W H O LESALE! 800 DOZEN RSADER.H, WO DOZEN GSOaRAPCI ZOO DOZEN UR.UIMARS, a.l'OOKEAMS WRITING PaFEK, ngAMi wnArnra rAi'EK. 500 REAMS PLAT PAPKRS, l.rKO.oOOENTELOrE!?, JU)DOZIN BOTTLSS 1SK, yj Ci ROSS BONNET BOARDi, COO DOZKN SLATES, .LATE TENC1LS, All IT 'i i'tifli or Chicago Wi'mlf I't ii f. IV utvvi;f i i:VAit i a io'v ISDIAXArOLIS, 1SD. ta-.3-!tf OYSTERS, &C. THE REGULAR BALTIMORE WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT. OYSTERS RKCITVED DA1LT BT EXPRESS, IN can half-cans acd shell. Also Freh and Sal: Water F;b. Orders proirpt!y fllled. Small proüt an-J quick retarn. No, 11 North Illinois Street, Orpoe tb Bate Honso, Indlaasp:!. aiK-CCta C. C. WILLIAM. FOR SALE. Priiils!.? Office for Sale. EXTll IndaceBeats W.:) be gfven to any on war.t leg to parcha. It t Democratic Paper, con otoer a4 apply; ha il lb Ceanty Patroaago. No oOer paper pahUahl ia U eocoty. lot parumlaxs !ats!re at tt's e. octlt-diUlaovlAwlw cnoccnico. F.B. ALTORD. 3. C. AX.TOr.TJ. BTRO. ATTUtOAT. E. B. ALVOED C0 AYiiolralr Dealer in -aI- Ea b s tu Ö EC S I NO. 1 ALVOBD'S BLOCK. Cor. Meridian Sc Coorgla Sto., ARK IN DULY URCKIPT OF FRr?1 t;O01. CwbOandr on haii and fr aaU at the lowest pi.cas, a larg and sncrtf J 1V i Coffoo, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, Tea, Nails, Glaes, Woodenware, Soap, Candles, Starch, Raisins, Cigars, Tobacco, Mackerel, Whito Fish, Cordage, Twine, Dyc-Stufls, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Whisky, Notions of all kinds aüD'.wc ns naxm. No. 1 Alvord's Block, Corner Meridian and Georgia Sts,. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. sep30-d&wlf "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL" 'JEH J. DCL J3C -rt. ICLT IT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBEBS A.D COPAIBA, IS A SURE, CERTAINAND SPEKDT CCRK FOR ALL diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, either In th Mai or Femal. frequently performing a Perfect car In th abort space or three or tour days, and always In less time than any other preparation, lu the ne of T A KRAUT'S COMPOUND P.XTRACT OF CCBER3 AN I) COPAIBA, there is no need of confinement or change of diet. In its approved form of a paste, it U entirely taeteleH, and causes no unpleaaant sensation to the pa tient, and no exposure. It I now acknowleged by tbe most learned in tbe profesMon that in the above casea of diseases, Cubebs and Copaiba are tbe only two remedies known tbat can be relied upon with any certainty of puccens. TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CUBERS AND COPAIBA NEVER FAILS. Manufactured only by T A II RANT A. J O . , 278 Greenwich Street, New Trk. IT7"Sold by Druggists all over the World. aprt9-dly REAL ESTATE BROKERS. f 4. A Jaly7-lly SHOE STORE. First le 0;;ty. Firat in Style, and loe:t in Prices 17 West Washington Street. nTOrAITAPQIaXS, IXD. J. A, 00MING0RE & 00, . jrv i fUri, 4 c. t YHuJf at ; ep65-dly Philosophy of Marriage. fTHE PROPRIETORS OFTHX NXW TORK MUSXUK Il of Anatomy have ctem!ne2, regardless ef et pense, to tssae free, (for Ihe beaeflt of suffering hu manity, and ssppreaaloa of aaackary.) fxr f their saat intcreatleg aad iaatntctlv Lectare aa Marriagaand it tLaqnalT-ailona. Narvexs and, Physical r ability. Pre mature decüsa cf Uaxhood,Isl'.gtt!oe, TTeaknca or Deproloa. Im potency, Lom ef Energy aaJ Maaly Pow er, the great Social Evil, and those Maiadiea which reaolt from yosthfil follies, exeeaae ef natality, er ignorance f Physictogy aad laws ef Natur. The 5 invaluable Lectures have been the mean ef ect'.ghte&tcg aad saving thousands, and win be forward d free, oa receipt ef rear stamp, by adlresal&g Secra tary, Nw Tori xtstua f Aaatoxey aad JCadidsa. tIS troaway. New Tork Jsctl-dlj v 7 Ä leW r-lCCICAL. DR. .FOHW BULL S coiiroiiND uum im i 'i i: its. The Latrstt and illoal Im- portnnt Discovery OF TBI NINETKHNTH CKNTUUY ! ! I No man's natu Is more Intimately connected with the history of MATERIA MEDIC A of the United Stales, or more favorably knowa a a pioneer I Medical Discovery than that of Dr. John Bull. of'liOiiUville, lil'II tilt h s . Ml iLltLltable preparation f 9 LA baj long Hood at tie !. poor I f tbat valuable dmg. lltSIAl'Altll,a of tbe varlou r.,r0. Hi. OoDbouml ul WILD CUEKKY had become a household word throughout tlie West aod South. Ilia Worm Lozen fcreu, la leM than a year aftar thr introduction, attained a reputation Aa wid apread as th continent ef North America. But the crowning glory of bis life remaina to be attained in his discovery, or rather combination, for he does not claim to hav been tbe discoverer of CUUItO.X which Is the basis of the Bitters now offered to the pub lic. That honor belongs to tbe native Inhabitants of Central America, to whom its virtues have been Known for more than two hundred years. Armed with It, tbe Indian bids defiance to the most deadly malaria and handles without fear the most venomous serpents. Ills a belief with them, tbat while ther Is breath la thebody th Cedroa Is potent to cure, no matter what the lisar may b. Will Dr. Bull is not prepared to endorse this extrava gant pretension, he ia nevertheless satisfied from a thorough examination of the eldBC relating to Its virtue 1, that as a remedy and preventative of all dis eases arising frost exposure, either to change of weather orctlaiate, or to mla.matlc Influences, It stands WITHOUT A RIVAL! And Jattly deerva th reputation It has s long enjoy la Centrat America and the Tf est Indies. IN DYSPEPSIA And its attendant train of symptoms, it acts more A CHARM tbaa a medicine. There is nothing wb.le range of Materia Medlca that can for a 1 'IKE . tb i.fnt bear a comparison with It In this disease. A full account of thia wonderful plant may b found in th llthedltlon of the C. S. Dispeuaatory, pages 13a7 and I38A. A series of experiment In which Dr. Bull has been for years engaged, has jest been brought to a successful termination, and be is now enabled to offer to the public a combination of CZDRON with other approved tonics tbe whole preserved In the bent quality of copper dis tilled Bourbon Whisky, which he is confident has a equal ia the world. He might furnish a valuta of certificates, but tb pub lic have long since learned to estimate such things by their true valu. Th safest plan is for every on t t for blm'elf tbe virtnei of a new medicine. OIVK T1XIS OEDRON BITTERS ONX TkiAI., AND TOU VTUi. 9KVKB USB Att - OTHERS. ' It is not necessary topubllah a long list of for which :leCEDBON smaKa are a specino. laauais esse 'the Cowcls, Liver or Kiduey. Is all afftlM of the BKAIM. DEPENDING UPON DERANGE- !ENT OF THE STOMACH OR BOWELS; 1ST GOU lMlHEUi: ATISM AND NEURALGIA, AND IN FEVER AND AGUE. It ia iastined to supersede all oiher reuedie. It not on'y cores tbe diseass,but It prevent them. A win glaos of th Bitters, taken an boor he for each meal, will bviat th til effect of tb most unhealthy climate, aad screen th person taking it against diabase uadertk most tryisg exposure. Sold br Drutctale and erallj. Urecers ütn Pr. JOHN UlILl, Pri:.!pal OSc. Fifth Strt, I.onUvUle, Ky. SOLD WHOLESALE RT DAILY, KEEFEB & RUSH, TS Se at tii .n er Mian Street INDIANAPOLIS Ifho als sen BULL'3 3ARSAPAJULLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP. aUaeaaher DA1X.T, KCKPfiK A K 17 Sil, dcir4-dtya-llt MEDICAL. Galen's Head Dispsncar? Catabllabed in 1150 and Chartere lr turn sUwartalator ef Cantacltf. tmr stae srwaxsmasat f an. At J a!I Afct!is ef tie Urlaary aoJ Ost ' of both Bexea. JCST rURUIEED, A ntiVATi: rauDiuAL. Titr.ATi.ik 5 TXTntBJCAL DISKARK. J lnclndlng OoncrkoFa, Oleet, Fypciij Btncture, urarei, yione, j. Ruptures, Piles, rStula, Urlaary Deposits and a!l DiMaaea of tbo fc Kldners.EladderJ'roftrats Gland. I and Sesslaal Ve.klei, and tkslr treatment, lnclndlng a chapter oa ffKMALK D1AEA8KS. witb ob- serrauoBS on mamage and iu. l ' prsreoUoa ef concept Ion, Con I t t I talalaga Treatlo on Self Arne, '.'V ' ' I Ipermatonhea, Sexaal and Ner- v, T'ltJ ToaaDeblllty, Bamsuesa and Im- . . . . , . V ie i ;t- t .. 'J otenrw la both aexea; tbo effect of tbe.o dlaeaMa oa the body and Bind, and tbe Autksr's New Treatment of all the eases la mil, tbe antysarcessroi meiaa ear., with an exDooltloa of Quackery. Tbl work Is not a quack advertisement, but a warning and a raid for married and single. It 1 tfce only book that gives tbo treatment of all tb above diaeaaea la plaia XntiiaB. with full directions for self-treatment, and con tains much valuable Information aot rrepsr to mention la a public notice. Tbe work contains i&Q psg, and 100 plates and engraving of tbo above dieae. 8ent to any address la a sealed wrapper, oa receipt of on delist Those aMicted with any cf the abors d'ieat.,ttfors pladng themselves ander tb treatment of any one. anonia urn rraa iui wwi. OWCI SH Fifth street, between Market and JcSer son, wet side. To lnure safety to all letters, direct to OALXN'S IIEAD DISflSSART Drawer 247, LeuisTUls, Xy. octa-a-dAt ASls'GtAbWliL THE MOST SKEPTICAL, THAT THERE IS UNEOUALLEO VIRTUE W THE ' BE JACKET, tf.JP IS es C5.I V 1 'A II, eV"rc a. coinomatton , HAUE HERBS. rcpore d. mine choicest I 0l-b BOURQON WHISKY. VsKi Ttiey W: tiüj JSft They Oy They rFtvThry Ttiey strengthen and Invigorate tl.e tritem. give a pooj ana wir.y sppt inc. assist digestion. ar tbe beat etlmulant In ealatence rftx The y are a prevenure of fever and ajjue vjThey cure nervous headache. They are perfectly pur ana palatal. ie. Tb. KJ Jxkrt biliar ar. wU la quart bo tla by ail arurgU aiul da;r la tb. cvualrjr. BENNETT PIETER3 8, CU. 21 RIVER ST. CHICACO OLE pnoPHicrans. sepl3X5 dAwly TlEn QUARTERS 11 lU THE. STATE cIND1ANa ? a v T-iG w. 'vVZ't' .,!, " U.. Tut UL il (Ti n nravxtrTlO'l XTTTU AXT OTJllR IXtXtlLlf.l kfiiT of the suaie nace, in or ov:t of Ia3:wii.l W. A V. OLE-TO Pre Diietc FOR SALE. A RARE CHANCE. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE FOR SALE. WITH DOC P.I. R SF.TS CF P.rCTlFIPRS. TUX Stock of Llo,aors doe. not amevnt to more than U tAcutand dollar: The leae runs for three years; rent low, and the Interest in tbe concern will be sold cheap. Address Lock Box 114 K.O , Ind.anapol.s, Indians, sepli-dtf MERCHANT TAILORS. wx. sat-BAar. s. r.caaibBBan. a. l. aawuT. Wall. S WEI -MIAUT CO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND DEALER IN Conts' Furnishing Goods Tio. Ul South .Mcrldiau Street, INDIANAPOLIS. IKD sp21- ' '1 IZT ,Vv rr a " - Pjt 'T 1 A .'WIL at. 55 jXiaTj V '.-av 11.1 I AI aw wail I r.TCDICAU REMOVAL, Doctor WiTl. Tno.TlSOIY, HAS REMOVED HIS OFHCE PROM VIRGINIA AVENUE TO I7o. 29 South DclaT7oro Strcot. WEIRX FJK WILL CÜNT1NCI to treat aad uro Privat Di.eaaea, la all thetrspecie., .tare.. ramifications aod t-haaea. Dr. Wm. Thomaoa will give to ach patent a wrtttaa In.trament, binding himself to effect a radical and permanent cere, er make no ebarge. a Ir. vrra. Ta'.rnfoa has mad tbvX treatment ci Itiva'e Diseases arZcL specialty sine th year IA3I three years lathettyet P0"1 N. T ., eitht years In Chicago, III., aod tw years !"?" m- Duritgight yeara practke In Chicage, lU hecured ever thlrteea thaasaod cases. Dr. VTBV.Thoi8soa,tB his practic f.r rrofai, Xkea maue and general f th blood, as Fumiga ting Tapor Kala of the aiot ingenious Alsd.ta certiase tlon with internal traatment. SXM1NAL EatlSSlOSI.theeouaeqaenc fe!f.atu. This aoliury tic, er depraved aemal iodh!gace, I practiced by the yeuth of bth aex.a t aa aimaat an Ilmltect xtent, producing with u earring rta!aty th fallowing train of morbid tymptoms unlet, combated by scientific rasdical meuores, vlt: Sallow ee&attaaac, dark spots and.r th ey.a, pala tn U. baa, ringing la th aar, and aotaes Ilk th rustling ( laa.vaa aad rat Ulag of chariots, aneaaloess about th lolas, sahau ef th limbs, confused vision, blunted Intellect, ls of con fidence, diffidence In approaching stranger, a dlallk t farm new acquaintances, a tfispoitla t shaa society, loss of memory, beetle Cashes, pimples and various em p tlona tb face, furred tongne, night sweat, fetid breath, coughs.contumptloa, monomania, and freqaeat ly Insanity. Tbeafltctod, en th flrst appearanc af aay af tba abov .yinptonia, ahoald Imnieillateiy apply l IT. vena. Thomson rr relief. fjrOü c aaJCoasaltatlon Bcoai!f.t3 Socth Del war atr.t, Indlanapelia, ln4. P.O. BoxlCiO. iaaJs-dly IfeTCAl.L FOR A CIUCULAIt DESrRiriNO A IX 8 iMlTOMS.- SYMPTOMS: The aviiiptouia of Catarrh, as tbey ge a;rally appear ara at tirst verv ilicbt. Persou find they have a cold that tbey bare frequent attacks, and ar tnor aensltlv to the changes or temperaiur. u im iu'i'i"ui nose way be dry, or a slight discharge, thia and acrid, afterward becoming thick and adbe.ive. As tbe disease becomes chronic, the discharges are increased in quantity and changed in qual.ty; tney are now mica auu ernj, and are hawked or coughed off. The en-rtlons are of fensive, causing a bad breath; tbe voice 1 thick and na sal tb eye sr weak; the sense of the smell Is lessened ordeMroved: deafness frequently takes place. Another common and important symptom of Catarrh is, that the person is obliged to clear nis tnroat in in iuormun thick or slimy mucus, which has fallen down frosn the head during the night When this taxea place the per son may bo sure that bis disease Is on its wsy to the nngs, and snoma ioe no um in arre.uug n. Tbe above are bnt few f the many Catarrh symptoms. A Single nottle awlll last itlontls ! be need ibrce tlruea a dny. a? E S T I M O IT I -A-1 from Hon. Thomas J. Tamer, Ex-Member of Con gresa roa lllinios, late Speaker of the Ilünoi Hons of Rep resentatives, and Grand Matter of A. F., and A. M., of tb Stat cf Illinois. FustroBT, October 21, 1S63. Da. D. H. Satri.vE Dear Sir In reply to your notice of th lr'th inot., 1 would aay that I waa severely afflicted with Catarrh for years, when 1 became acquainted with yea and bought two bottles of your liquid Catairb Rem edy. Be for I bad aaed n bottl 1 waa aenoibly im proved, and before tbe second bottle was finished, was proved completely cured. I can recommend the medicine to all afflicted wi'h Catarrh. Respectfully yours, TUOMAS J. TURNER. Ir. Ii. II. SEE LYE A CO. Sole raonmroaa, Chicago, Ullnol. AT WHOLESALE BT JOHN D. PARR Cincinnati, O rTM. JOHNSON Detriot,Micb DAI LT. KKKFER A RUSH Indianapolis BROWNINO t SLOAN Indianapolia E?And for aale all DmggUts. deel? . eod trrilfst IfJiffl ItffJi rm J ls PabUri! A Arriften-a Urge 1 II 1 , Ultr rarea fur two arJ ... . 2 cent stamps. Young ?IrnN JlfMlIcnl .4tlvler. dfi RATTJITOUS advke riven la diseases of the ner JC voos seminal, urinary and sexaal organs, In tbo reports of th Western Medical Association, which are sent by mail in sealed envelopes, free ef charge. The era-anizatlon was formed to dspeoe new and re liable treatment, and ia composed of the well knowa phytic! acs, to whom all letters must be directed, DRS. JACK80N, I1ERBKRT A CO., b3-dly Box aW Cincinnati. 0 DOCTOR BIGELOW, OSoa 179 South Clark Street, O&rner of Monroe, cXTXCdOO, Xr Foot OSes Box. 1M. AU Chronic and Sex n al Diseases of a Private and Delicate Nature, treated with, unparai leled success. Pr.Bige lows Gnide to Health, fr ladio and gentl men, is published monthly. Sod f -r It if yoa think the vrritings of a physician wbose reputation extends throu2ttout the atlr Weat should be worth reading. It ie ent in plain aeall nvclope. free of charge. Almost very caa caa b. trat eJ by mall. AlediclnM sent to any addre. Ladiee, eeod tr deeciip tl v Circular of J V rie Rfjrudc, tb latest andf best preventative ofl veaa4e Iai ar aar a Viaa.vMVaS aa aawa a. Rooms Seyrat for Ladies and Gentlemen. CONSULT ATZOV AT OT7ZCX. Till Orr :cs norxa : Prora 9 a. at. U I r. at. permatorrhcr-a or Nerv oca DetRlty, a cur. warranted. HOTELS. SHERMAN HOUSE, j Oppoaalresax Union Iixtf INDIANAPOLIS, IND., Itttrarra A: ( o,t Proprietor. coli, el-tf MACY HOUSE, Corner Market & Illinois f 4c lrVDINAlOLIM. i.r. E. PENTECOST, Proprietor. v TAEE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO MT I fr lands an 4 snnterous patrons, tbst 1 aa new es tablished ia this hMN, which 1 bar rrrornl.hed aad now thrown open for your reception. I Uke tbe opportunity of thackltg my many former frienda for their patronag during th two yeara whll 1 waacondoctisg th Oriental Oauee, and will at a!l time be gÜ4 to see ilem at tny aew stand. oySsf PENTECOST t'.EANS TO SECUfG00D HOMES. -tA-tt. ASJt omiLNa ictzxics iNnuczüiTNi to persons with a tittle ready raea:.. tesaccra hose. W will sell Lots Entirely ou T4tuc, sad erect eferUt'idweuiDgs,hnt r g workae Ind la good style, ea the payment of (aa mock as tbe approvements will cost Ute ranalnd. to be paid on easy payment not much tiers than a fair rent en the premiaea. Having lot lu nearly al I parts of the cfty, ws can acccsmooai aa wutmg vt aecr hone; and hav Eg a large aaosucf Isjaier jon harri-asd wozkmaa reay smpleytJ, ws caa erect boildinga ao hrt aUc . M'XXSJAJ as PII.'XS. sp-dtf . TnltataU Ipitt at pcrnoLGur.i. THE FIRST NATIONAL COMPA.lSrY. Orginii uovSer lie lav f Prabaylfaala. 5 ve saber, lC4. CAPITAL STOCK, 01.000,000 I'nr Vulueol Miarrae)ia Eaach. A F.iwith AatoixT or Stocx 01 sill at THi luwiu cts itii'kinioi rates .r ar rtx ewiBi. No Liability (o Stockholders Tbe land of this Owtupauy, iobraiig over 17,500 acres in rax si una aad leaaebteM, ar- situateU in the VERY HEART OF THE OIL REGION! Tbe l'i3 acres which they own on tbe Alle gbanj, two mile. arme President aod only are mile from the new 2.V) barrel we!I od Pinhole Creek, and tbe le.-, of 132 acres of the cele brated (WiILii:a Tract" alone, sre ample basis for anv Cquhmi. auJ rt worth raore than the) entire Capital Stock I the Company. There are SF.VEN W ELLS now In successful opera tioo, yielding largely, from which rwgulas moatbly dividends of two pat cxüt. are baiaj paid to all stockholder?, aud there ie avrar as at aacx that tliis Company will eoou be able to pay Irom SIX TO TKK PER GENT. DI VI DEN 1)8 The First National Petroleum Co. Rank among the flrst class Comparjie. and is justly aM to be the nxt iurcewful of ao? yet org nixed. Its reputation has now bft-oroe eu thoroughly established, thai bo mere oead b said ou that point. There' are greater ioduce ments and better opportunitiea u sake money on thee Stocke than any other In existence, while at the same time they ere good raorxaTY for any anil all persona to hold. From the New York Herald "News has betu received and ahoadantlf cwa rcued from v-ral source, of the) Striking of a uew 200 barrel Well ou CLerry Kvd, above the RecJ Well, a raw aona raoat rax raoraary or tax Fisst NanoüaL PcTaoLxrv Oatfaxr " From the New Totk Eveuing Express.; "Our telegraphic di.patches received to day from the Oil Regioua, inform ua of tbe striking; of a 200 barrel flowing well on Cherry Run, isax thx FiaaT National PxTacLXcat CoatraVT'a pxoputt. Chrrry Run Stocks will be it de mand to morrow." From the New Totk VT14.) 'Taa FiaT National PxraouxcM Com r anv la a first-claas org anlr.a lion, whoa) o Seers art of the highest standing, and wt chaerfnlly recom mend it to all parties deairooa of purchasing; re liable i tucks. The General Superintendent ia a pioneer in the Oil business, and wall known aa a most efficient manager." From the New Tork Tribune. "Tr.a Fixer Natioxal is the name of the f troleum Company whose pros pectus aod Inap are before us. The names which we sea among the Directors are araplt rtxommerjdAiIo&i for thia Company, and a eaficient fnarante of ita future management." KyAu. oxptas bt Mail oa otatawux wiix IX PXOatmT ArtI!PSÖ TO C5TIL TXX StOOX IS All SOLD. tüood responsible Ageuu aud xchaae Brokers wanted ia artrj cite and Viva lo III United Statea and British Provinces, with whoa liberal arrangements will be made. lTAll orders aid applicatloca, wUther hy letter or otherwise, must be addressed U U. ii. PsOnC Cs. CO., Ooscssanni Ur:n srra. ' ' satM dtf CO I2xrtr St, ffrej Tffk. PETBOLEOO