Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SENTINEL. r BATÜRDAT 801111110, 0CTO11KH2J iTING. Books, Pamphlctfl. Cards, Check., Ac, ; Circulars. ! Blanks, : BiU Heads, I Bills Lading, Ac, Ar. Dnt prssaaaptl j tat Ital, Of fire, laattae licet itrle, on flrat quality I'nprrw, aassd at l.e IrJre. t a Call. city Items.. . , , j f i27"VUfdy wa & wet. !.-aj, i.tpltasast day, totb overhead acJ under fn . t?7"Our Democratic friend. Iletjry Acbey, i lying; dangerously ill, asi is rot eipcted to re cover. rS"In the Commoa Pleaa Court, jesterJar, the ca of Dr. Fell, for aWt!on. wn tip. N" decision was arrived at. KPAlf. Harnett, the funny mm. will sire oc I of bis Ltsrtaiotneuts ia thit city -on Tuesday ereniog text, for partiealar of which set Iii!! 1 and advrriienjebt. t37"J!owea, Stewart 1 Co., ft re iu lectipt of tbe Atlantic MubtLIy for rfovenit'ir, cootaioioir ft due! fr of tiirrarj articles. Also the handsomely illustrated Magazine for! mn.,t m rmA rnw T. ....... L.1U. Tl .' '-Su.m., wm. wwi a W U U 4 4 Li is ft great favorite with jc.ver.ile, anJ, in fact, we don't tc how a rnaa cau raise a fseailv withoat CiftctB SiaiiT. Five me a. ber a of tbe Com mittee ppointed by tbe Council toexft-nine the boulderirg of Circle treet, were on the ground at the hour appointed yterday, but, as Mr. Loomis- m vi. there were three Datcb atd but two. white men, not enough to form a quorum, they adjourned over until this morning, at lft o'clock, when they will meet on the ground Tfairrtijrci FaftTiTftL. Tie uudjUtt of WashingtCD Division Sons of Temjersnof. l.av determ;nel to give a Fetival, at Mo:iic II!!. on next Wednesday exenicg. at w l id. they will have sll tie delicicies of the ea-ou. I he object is to raise a fund to procure lecturen during the winter. As this i a beaevoler.1 eMcrprine, all friends of tbe order, and temperance people gene rally, should uuit to tmke ir s. plcmnt and roGtable reunion. A DT CtSTOMca.A Sucker, wL-.e el(.ra tion muit be limited, wanting a "nip" to keep oat the rain of je-terdav moroini;, Loliciu ihr aign of "frowning 1 bloan," over their Drag Store, went in and asked for something to driuk. Tbeelark told him this was not a ttloon. Not a saloon! says tbe dry customer, then what the h 1 tlo you keep tba siga ot "Billiard SaloW over your door for? Tbe teacher dido't live in tke part of the country that fellow came from. t?rio tba Circuit Court yeterdy Alfred R chsrdson wit tried on the charge of stealiag money from M'Ointy'a grocery, found guilty and sentenced to thirty days in the couttv jil The Court adjourned nntil Monday morning, when Judge Cobarn will take Lit eeai. if ha gets his commissicu) by that time if i;ot, Judc Finch will continue on the bench. It appears tbat the returns of the election are not all in vet. and a commission cannot. be Une j until tbey are. bot iika Shut Qn the 25ih a Kuldirr nsiued John WUliaEi". keeping a attLd at Camp Cr rlngton, waa bot by a kuldier Lame-1 De Van nevs. from the tflYcts of which be died jet terdiy morning. Vannesa was arrested, atd is now in jail. 'I ke facts, as wc are told them, are as fol lows: Vacncft was in the stand, when some per son threw a glass of liquor in bis face He went to his quarters and got his muket, and soot, as ha supposed, the nan who had insulted him; but in this he was mistaken The case heirg in quired it to by the's jury CuoLtaa iv JlaooaiTK.Tbe New York pa pers of Wednesday report a csso of cholera in the city of lirooklv u, New York Screaut StillaV.l, of tbe 47th pol ce prt-cibct, waa at tacked with a dise&sa that Dr. Norton has pro noanced cholera. The Board of Health held a meeting io regard to the matter, and adopted a resulttioo directing the city to be phccJ in such a sanitary condition a to prevent the spread of tbe disease. The mutter has been kept quiet so far, but t?se p.pcrs will be full of it from this time. DraTH or L W. HasivtMaü's Hotsr. ,,Co.'ii 9tm t." The frlcnda of the turf will bo oiry to hear of the desto of this Lette. He was raised in Putnam county, and at ore seats old was owned by It. D. Bogle, of Oreencsstle. Mr. IS drove him for a abort time, when he was t kau to Cincinnati, and told to Mr. Uuell. of that city. Ha was put in training there, and trotted several races in 3 46, and one In 2:41. He was thru brou&bt to this city atd told tww or three times before Mr. Haueltuan bought .him Mr. H. bas owned bim for nearly four years, and itrovo biro, and hia mate, double, as bis family team. This fall be wss matched for several races by Mr. Sullivan, and in all ot them La was the victor, showing better speed and bottom than ever. A few days since Mr. S. drove bim iu 2 .3 J, to waou. Ou Tuesday af ternoon be was takeu with a violent attick of inflammation of the bowels, and died on Wednes day morning at 10 o'clock. Take bim for all ia all, be was one of tbe best horses io this State, and it will be a lon time before another likehim ran be ;'ound. Tuitrvsa Aaatsran. Coquillard and Rose, of tbe March ante Folice, made ao arrest night be fore last of three reported tbievet tbat bad been carrying on a cystemalic robbery for some time Tbeir plan of operations are related to us as fol lows: Adolpbus Marcbua is a clerk in tbe cloth ing tote of Fieblemso A Rauh, who have two tore. one nesr the Palmer House and tbe other opposite the Union Depot In the morotcg, about 6 o'clock, Stelsler, the porter of the GoUsu Gate boue, called and got a package of clolhirg done up aa baggage, and deposited it in the Golden Gate bouse. During tbe day Powell, tbe third man, called for the package, claimed it acd look it away. This was repeated several times, until it was discovered t::d tne parties ar teitcd. There is co doubt but there is a great deal ot robUry dona ia this city, iu which em ployees counseled with tba establishment an partie, and the employers remain Ignorant ot tbeir loss until tbey Amount to large sums The sew independent police sjstetu will prevent thin öeieg done so easily, and save budredi and pr ban thousands to our business rrsn. IriRisnu Hafttas Coins Casa. A cao of hal.raa corpus was decided by Judge Llair which it was d-trrmiued as to whih parent should Lave the txc!uive cu.-tody ot tbeir only child, thKtdiclo.ed a good many turns in matrimonial life almost enough to form an interesting romance. Tbe tact are substantial! as follows: Kid.atd K Taylor married Elm beth M. Owena. iu Kentucky, before t-ia war. On the breaking out of the war Kichard left h:s wife aad went South, joioiug the Southern army Fliiabftb, with ber child, tauved with her father's family to tbe oeighbrhnl of this city, where be .and bis family hare resided eter r.oce. In leCl K!iftbt!i uttatued a divorce from ber husband, .r. tbe Mir'ua Circuit Court. an1 h-jrtly alter .mrrieJ another man. Sjme time after this iiichsr.l rttiirr.ed trora the outh.eaw El.xabeib, persuaJrd ber to obtain a d.rorce froaj her bus band acd marry him, which abe d:d, bein the a reo c J time tbey were married. After the secoad ... . U här.4 hsii nn means ta surrv.rt his wife eottributetl notb rr to support her ard Ler child, tbey all living with Le.- fa'Lcr, j ar.i at abuod ber very bsdly, bertrg her so teat sbe bas nearly lost the hear ing io one of her ears He bargained for a bouse iu town and persuaJed ber to come and live with liim, wtich she did, her father supplyicg all the furnilute tbey teeded. !ot beu.g ab:: to meet tbe payment on tbe boue, tbey were turned out, see going ataiu it bar ft'srr. but they refused to receive tira, sni would not al low hiua to come about He lelt shortly after, for Mue otter place. In tbe mean time abe agalu piles fi.f a ditorce, aiid that ap'.icatioa is now pending, and will be heard at tbe present f.rm ftf . the turt. Kicbard came back a few days s?nce asd tried to persuade El:xatetb to let J bin lira with, her, bat she refused, od her fam ily woali cot let tim come to tbeir tout At ft meant to get the wife back he tried to get her child from ber, sw tome four yesra eld. acd to which she it pftnioofttelj atttctH Oa ul Tuesday, on tbs eireet. oear tha roet-cfiee, k taw tar ftixi tried to take lae ehilJ. Jacacf. awty by force, bat ber parents being with ber patent ed i, a od quite a scene wu occasioned oa the treet, ate eekieg refuge, with ber child, in the law office of Hrndrick. PVrkins and Hord Kichard then sued oat a writ or Laoeat cor-po-, to obtain pcfeMioaof the child, thereby britgioj; tba matter before tbe Courts. Her co-Lsel conter.ded. on the trial of tbe care, that be tftd co means to support tbe cbild, tbat be waawoilhl, i eo!-t fellow, aad not a proper ptrtoa tD ecirujt wi:b tbe etre of a child of tte are of Jsoea. HU cocieI actwered that the had 11 red to abtbdoMi lift.. aoJ was cot fit to be traited with the ct:!d, and eTiJrLce wri ia Court, on both aide, to ertMib tbeir points. At thie stag of tbe ease the original record waa exinice-J.aiKj it was feutü tlit the Court, io granting tbe firat divorce, gave tbe custody of the cbild to Elizabeth anil further decreed by the Court. On this point being raised. Judge Bla.'r at oaee dismissed tbe suit. Tbe counsel for Kicbftrd cooteudd tbat the f ecood mirritge between the pariiee aet aaide aLd annulled tbe decree of tbe Court ia grautinj; tbe divorce, plan ing them aitbey were before tbe divorce wti granted, and it ia a alogular fact that there is no record ia tbe books ia which a cue involving thi. poict bis been decided. If Richard still peraitts in L:a prosecuiion (or the possession of the child, be will bare to do eo by gettiüi tbe Circuit Court to tet aside tbe order giving ber the custody of tbe cbild. Hendricks, Perkins A Hord appeared for Eiiz!tth. and M:PQaU I'oarbe for IliclisrJ. Cltr Urdrra. Waiited, a lew City Orders, for whi ket pice will be paid in ci.U. Arp!y at this Office. ch the nisr- 1 t-w ST"Ve would call the attentijti of parlies wi.ii!i Stationery, Knvelore and I'sper, lr.d in t. arjy goods ia that lir.e. tu the sdvertiif eier.t . iü another column, of Parens, ilacauley i Co , So. n Ve-t Washington street, who are ju'.t opening a new wholesale house in our ritv, and offer their goods at the lowest piicc. We sre conUdect of the succeM of this ncn Crnt, a.i well as the adv-uiUge it will t.e to thtt dentrt meet of trade. 'J? 3 , riTTor Tooth and fine Toilet articles Hair, Nail, Shaving Hrushei, Soap, I'o mdes ftna ilandxercbief Extracts go to Dmj Store, No. T Mites Hou?e H!ok Ser.our'8 Ot tie lUautiful an! thß DnrnUr I. TLe list L wrsf-, For abirb bs er.i, Ills l.. thit g lick hi tate rittii, His neat mtde sack, I'po his tack, loJlcslr the rf fcwliJ rival U. He Las r;!re rare , l or hat he wears. Hi Ott, Iii pan's, hi toots art 1 ai! tits!; i'.ut Le trills a sor g, The w!fle day i. ut LS ifit i.fw f?!'iy hst. III. Ha rsaio to m, yuit" reiedly, Wllh deeply wrorij, tu 1 ;h,'.;t:.e ny, t'.'it I s ippwe, 'i'üat bow Le kcow, VThere a neat Horns Ma l Rat tu bay. IV. I fiv to yr-u, '.'t .uii.isy do, U Leu yoa go to chur.h. wi.h plt.i; List t!ir voice CT, X i lnuil and, ' Tnill hlna a ribt th- kst you r. V. Can more be said, Ot hit Home Ma le, i tl.tG nts of say Indiauap;? He wears a crowo, Of tra.l renown, Te s1'.r tbe had cf th MttrcpoIU. U'. p. F.r.OWN, Practical Hsjter. ?fo. Ti Kentucky Arenas, "rxt ta Mala OflVr . .t-rv it htiit,ue line of Ure-s st tl r i'"v t)rv (Joods Store. l(i-',w Jood !v.d Shawl .-2T" Thtf pri.v u. the Diiiy Soulincl, contain in, all thti ltt;-t nes hi.d I'eleraphic Dis patches, is only Twenty Ceuts a Week, delivered by the Otrri-c in a:iy p.irt f the City. tf tyf" ('.".nas -ii. ,1 CloaaiiiK. Haluiurul Skirts, j Flannel, H!rk!p, Ac . in variety, (t the I City Ir ettcct. (.', u tore. .No. M7 I!tt Wah!ntvn iG-'Ier TikKK llarre ui Ixmaaarouia Uailkoaii Caa.Mc or Timk On sn l sfier Monday, Oc:. HUih, l ho time f ihlsio.l will bo changed a folio Wp: Westward. I.imvm U I. A. M.; Pf- prei, 11:11 A M ; AcoiuhmJaUoj, 3;1ü P. M ;, J:1H P M Ka-tward, Anive Kipms, 3:43 A. M.; Mail, 10:40 A. M ; Aroinnio lation. G:40 P. U ; Kx press. 7:15 P. M. S-ß t?T American and Foreign Ooodj of ill kinds ! Cheap, at tue City Dry Goods Store 16 ilw TturtHAXCE. Ucv. (1. C. Heckmau will ad dress the people on I euipcrance, at tbe Taberna cle, Sunday 4 o'clock Many of our citizens who have long doited to hear Mr. Meek iran will do well to embrace the preaenl opportunity. Go and hear bim He is well known to be an able speaker and ranks high among those )f his prolension. These meetings are iucreaHti; largely in numbers and interest. Tbe Tabernacle will teat about two thousand persons, and it is hoped that no vacant seats will be seen. The hout-e will be warmed and mtdo comfortable for all h'vcrytx'dy is invite'), ac i a crowded house is expected. Seati are free. It is the in tention of the Committee to coutinuo tie Surd it nectiiig. aid we a?k all onr c:ti;eti to a;i'. i. in our lat'rs. Uy Orcr t tbe Committee. tar The City Dry Goods Store, So. 37 Kat Washington street, is the place for Darg.tin. lC-3w Kaits vs TBtoaiES "Cire me a place to list mv lever on,' sty Archimedes, 'and I will move the world " "Give me pure and unadul terated drugs," says -Iodic.?, of the olden iirne, "and 1 will eure disease.' j In one sense, both of these learned pundits ' wete tie veriest charlatans. They knew there j was io place to rest their levers on, either to j move the world or to cure disease. Mechanism 1 was in a backward state, and the medical profe j aioa was but another name for sorcery and all 1 the adjuncts of magic niters aa 1 charms against I :be effect of "evil eje, Ac." j Hut thec Utter days hsve borne unto n i something more than even superstition at.d ii crew env dre un! of in their m iJJet phil.s by. ; In ttnca ol science, wiiat was theorv of ve: rJ iv i fact tjdav, and all the a o!d time notions become as babbles in the sun, and burst and break with every biealh we draw. Let ArcbinttJcj shouiJtt hi lettr and we will find a rucuuf: pUce for it to move the world. Let mine auouut Mcdi&ui pant and toil no more , for the drug's ho ho soie'.y ntad, for we have them at our hti.J.erer rrsdy 10 re them at bis beck. Retired i i 0. lafcrttory of Dr Msggiel, tbe finest niiteria'a knowr. in the tneda-al protesiou, are o'tuinb!e vy any cne. Iiis Bilious. Dys- peptic. And u.arrtfri rn s - unj u:,nva.i, ano his Salve Of crates with msg.c etTect upon burns,! .'silwayeß t tie c;:y to te.I ti.aets cover seaM and all cres and tilfers ot the k:r I " S the pi-.i; .at d gifinj: a;i eotrtnee to the Iu lart. we th:nk Mpgiel"s are the wonder of this ceuturv, and w and Salve e are l.arpr in the tbouult that maty others of our brethren of the craft scree with us. V e would earnestly counsel that all families provide themselves with . . ... n . . ii Dr. Xa!giels rrcparsticns at once, anu arep them ready at hand, bo as to ce theo at the most orDortune time and as occas'on serves Valley Sentinel. au d&wlam tff" The Re.1 Jacket Stomach Bitters invito rate the system, give tcxe to tbe sUcach, r.d enliven the mind Thousands have used it, and there is but one voice, atd that of their wonder ful care. Tbey are s id rj all drc.:;ijt eepd&wlamlt lti76ee Dr. Wm. Thonwon's advertiiftmect on tbe fourth page of to-day's paper. jin Telegraphic Dispatcheu, aaeotva r rta--tTcra aantif ATtiavnaii. SbXlTDIVIOIIT REPORT DAVIS' FOUTIICOMLN'G TRIAL INTERESTING 3IEXIC1S REPORT. THE INDIAN COMMISSION. SOITD CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. MLIZIUL OF ALCOHOL. GEORGIi Sl'iTE CONVENTION. Ar., v. Auiuiiiienta r rrrdiuru i Affairs Hi .'Vllaalftaippi. Xrw Yobs . Oct. QG A special to tbe Tri bune, dated Waebingtoa, 27tb, sayi: The fol lowing physicians were to day appointed Exam ining Sarona of the I'ension Bureau: C. K. Irwin, Dankirk, New York; Jai. T. Matthews, Carlinsville, Illinois; J. V. Smith, C. S. Charles, Iowa City; Cooper Wheeler, Jonesboro. Tenn , and Jamej Holers, Knoxville, Tenn. Advices from Mississippi, received at the Freedmen'ii Uure-u. to day, reprraent au unsat isfactory state of arTairs existing in that State, ia relation to the freed men. Many of tbe courts H:H refuse the admission of negro evidence, not withstanding the proclamation of the Governor, acd evince an intention to evade io every wav possible a recognition cf the rights of the freed -men. Teachers for the freed men, scut out by benevolent Northern societies, are leavicg their schools with the withdrawal of our troop, deem icg it unsafe to entrust themselves among a people who are profc-felly their bittereit ene : mjSJ . South Carolina .Tlatorte Appealing: tn llieir llretli ren f the .torfli. Cfl.nLiTO?r, Oct 27. The Masons of the j North are about to receive a di'tinguiaheJ Com I mittee from the rspitil of South Carolina, j The Ma.-oni? fraternity of Coluajbu have choaen Rrt then Wm Gilrr.f-re Sima, atid Uobt. ! llruno, as Commisei.jneis fa reprffent to tlnir j Northern brtthrrn tbt' ditrt'jscd and prostrate ; conJiiioo in the Mahoijc L 4e of Columbia, i where the were once eo nurnerourt, strong, power- ful wed active. The workir implemer.tfl of iba j Order 'jhtrij ttrly all been rir?trcj cd tj the I rulblce.s ha:. .fa of war, and tba Lodti (;nc(alIy ! are in a mou holp'e.-s condition. The Hroiher I h"'0 1 of tue Ni itbtrn iStitt. it is hoped will ex j ter.d ihe lnt'.d of welcome to these two coiiLeut i menihcre ol the frutemiiv. Thoy will t.Ue thrir depirture l r tlfl cry of New York in the i ttetmer on Thursday. i .Murine Uisnster Pott uf lie Clerk t Arreated. Niw Yoac. 0?t '27 Cht ?ch loner August j Smith, of ftt.d from Il t3n for Newbtun, i:s i abtr. iuLcd at -a on tbe ilr, iu 4 hi;,kitg uu i iliti n The c:ew wete sevjil .ti.d biuii:',;t t. ! :?i s Lölt, I Cutisi lers'ol tue lair.efs isitjUheie tt.aJav ni tiie irport'd lo.-i ut tue tesnur North Star. It rpt'jesrs slP srrnn ft If ik .trd pit into Norfolk to repair, and reached Norfolk Dcb before Ukiug in inucli wt.T l"!if:e no p-ir-ic or t.iuiiity en hoard. Yesterday Mr. Gr lor.j, .special &.j;eut of the Post office j)'prHr.ert, detected Kdward Felo fee, oco of tho clc-rkrf in the Urookljn Poi-otfir a ia liicact of opt-mu; t Jcucr. aad took I. im icto cU'tody. A larre luuiIio: of le'.trrs had been .H'.wltu, aI.'kIi led to an invetiisation and arrest I I he ffiinla Ambasandors Judge Iten- lion. Wa-kimutox, Oct. 07 The l' Aiubi.i i dors, inrotnnmy with Consnl Perry, paid an ofli- cial visit to the Secret try of S'stp th:s morning, ; and left with him u copy ol their credentials i No time liaH et bceu fixed for their formal pre- fntnion to the President. During the day the di-tincuishe 1 rancers, under the escort of Mr. Cox, of the State Department, and in open car ripc, visited various localities of iiiieret1ti the city. The ex rebel Postmaster General Reagan had i loug interview with President Johnson, this ui rni3g, and will now leave Washington dire.-t for his home In Texas. Uftcnpe or ia Counterfeiter. Uostok, Oct. 27. .Tames Gray, alias John Pettiogill, whose arrest in Springfield for at tempting to pass counterfeit $50 greenbacks has been announced, was to day arraigned io the Lotted States Commissioner s lnnrt fnr ttiml. ,ialion The CeCe.,nrT witnes-es not beine nr- reLt, the case ttss postponed, and tbe prisoner ttken to the Cambridge street jail, aad while the ofticers were taking a description of his person, Gray euddenlT bolted and made good bis escape. As be la well known to tbe 4ete:tires, bis rear test ia probsblo. w r 'l ite .eiexlcan I. own. New Teas, Oct. J7. Tbc Crst subscription to the Mexican loan to day was male by 5). T. Uibbitt, who nbowed his spprfcistion by taking äve bonJ. tho next ubsrription wax taken by art army cfiiter, w!h took ilU.l'OO worth. A New Uedford gett!nin took f,Qt.00t) worth of bond 1 1 ia ai.iie I (Lai lc..l aix banka to-day ap plied lor ageuviea The news rferi vet; t - lay rf the siege of Mat-amors- anel the inTcs'msr.f of TampJco seems to .t-ve iiveii i e; jijipttuj to tbe wovcrnrct. 1 lie ImliHii C'oimniaatoncra. rir. Lotis.Oct 27 Aa arrifil from the Up per Missouri reports tiiat the Indian Commission abandoned their 15 miies below Fcrt Sjlly. It is helieved thit the Cjmmisren will acroo.p!i&h tbeir mUaiou, as it is said no hostile 1 binds ie wiUua inaut ; Toris Still. Union and Der (hold hare beeu evsiuiteJ, aaJ an imuease -amount of freight ia stored at the mouth and below Stone River sod Fort Union iu consequence of the inability of Jjbe steaaiers to reich their destination. anJ will havi1 to lie over t 1 rrii;g. -iaa --awaa aaaa toavia' irlal. VVa'Hingtoi, 0t 27. It is now p.,jitively kc here tbat the tiidl of Je.1 Daris .has been ue i i -i upon. it.J the mn: hwe been re u iy completed. The tii i w;:I t. ior the t rine o: trc-.a ju, nnd will pl.irc ei:!iCr in this city ir Ivi.o.rn onJ, ard tho General and tbe fiie.-idsof Mr I'eris have fc!rtd and retained i'j'i.fl fir him Now that the Win trial is C il hi I. S k; ej lhv I w IX -f i ISt'lV f.-li'w l In Soldiers' lloiuo I tilr. rsiLAfBLnua, 0:t. 'JT The Fair U-r i.e Sol diers' Home proves ti:i Isr a great success. The Ac Hems of Mcs:. is i r iwje to eie day acd rrr tr The K( i tu r !iive exceeded t'.e eit-ct :atii.ns ii tno mu-t sHnguiae. Ar- i it etncrits have teen miJe by nearly all tbe re i. 4 eitrlcllon tor Tiasriler clitiirt alcohol. Naw Tobe, 0.t h2l. Geo Maaser, convicted r the murder of bis wite lsrt wetk, wss to-day ( et.'.er re i t i lC he 15:h of Us- cerut er The C5 oterui; l feas r'e ! a large qaaatity of alcohol .n s oojn! of tt.e oarers attempting to de'raud ii Curtutc House A naasber of offi cials sie said tu be implicated it ths swindle pHi-iiug; lutetllgenee. vN'ts Yoee. Oct 27 P;xur beat üsaeral lutler in iht.r tao-nsüe Ut. lu wagons, this af trruoon, at Kssnioo Coarse, lime, five mia ute and three quarters of a secocd, and four oduutes and filly-six and a qaarter seconds, be list beat bei or; tbe beat wagon time on record intcretttCS' ?3 axle an lie pert. Wajhikoto. Oct. 37. A facial to Iba Her tlJiftji: Setcr K.rnn, ilf licm llicitter to the Uoited States, U in receipt of dispatches tibia CTtaing, wLica aotxipata lie capture of Mail mora t and tba entire aecopttioa of Iba State. Tamaolipef by the Liberal fortes coder J cares There can b? co coibt of taporUct mora ments havint been on foot to that end for weeks past, and of their havios; reached a point a reasonable aucceci. läcio re;orU are under stood to Lave corroboration in oScial dispatches rtceive i so-d? by the Oorerctaest, tltbouih the Tactual occupation of Jdata moras by tbe Liberals bis Lot been stoouoseJ as conarsned. Importtct discloforta renting to tie recext Imperial decree eslab!!shcg tbe Lew Ei press Cvopiuy, are;y to be mftie in a lew dftji thftt will' show up tbe tnimci of thehtaPhlU- de!cb!a dispatch, deelario tbe Liberal eaute bopelets and ilaxiitiliac'i Gaierarcert firmly faiteced on tba people of Mexico. Several gentleman are implicated who have hitherto bald cS:i! acd confilcntiil poiitioci with Mr. Lincoln s Administration. Death of a Dlatini ulahed Atithor- Xlao uealher. iiotiot, Oct. 37.-Jo. E. Worcester, L.L Ü , author of Worcester a Dictionary, drift! at b residence, io Cambridge, to-day. aged eigblj-aas yean. A cold easterly rain-storm prevails, ana in sonse of tbe interior towns it accompanied v hail and snow. suicide of nn Alleajedl Tlttrderer. Xkw Tofti, Oct. 27 Levi Farwell, the al leged murderer of Harriet Wilkes, committed tuicide lait nizht bv cutting a rein with a piece of pewter plate, and was foond desi in his rell Ibis corning. A 1 out radictiwn. Nivt YoEt, Oct. 127. The Post's special sars: I cere u no trntn in tae report that tbe Xary Deputment hu ordered a Urge nnmber of war vessels into commission on aceouut af dipluastic complications. THKE1! O'CLOCK. A. K M CHKVri.'Nr. ITF..TI UK TKXASV&T bXFAKTafEVT CJtCLLAft. New Yokk, Oct. 27. A circular bas bean isucd by the Treasury Department, authorizing permits for the shipment of sporting guns, pis tols nad ammunition, without referring to tbe Department at Wathington. AMEftkAX ftlBLI LKIOX. The Aa.ericxu Uible Union LVid tbeir aeeocd and concluding ssesion yesterday. The princi pal buiineis transacted wss tbe adoption of com mittee reports, especially that relating to a new and revised edition of tbe New Testament S'r Morton Pe..i visitei aad trade a short irch. iiXoxixi' arrucAiiox. The Titties' tpecial from Philadelphia ujh The bankers and brokers of Philadelphia applied t. day for ati injuncticn against the coilectcr, ristriiLit g hitn from collccticg taxcf for xfockp, Ao , sold on tiieir own account. This is made in ihr face of the decision of Judge Ne'ion. de nyit: au iuji.r.ctic n to New Toik brokers The motion for injunction was denied. x a net si. nrRtss toMpAtr. I Lr Na:i.nil IIijts Company, re.-er.ilv ot g'trzfii i:i Kichmocd, will elect their officers t ext MtLdiy. P.x-Ge'.e.-tl J. H. Jobnt:n is up for Pie-idcnt. 6.OU0 shares have been set aside fcr ?a!r in Ntw Yctk Thee have all fcceu pcr clsjc'l, :no ott . foi Ii.tre have been niaJ ir. mod. rr.M et Arum Thu Fenian Senate is now in session at tbe Astor llf.ut .Mtrrhet say that everything is r.roirsing linely. It is stated tbe military plan by which the? freedom of Irelsndfrom tbe British Oovernrient can be fecired.was ubmitted, and dicu-rtd by the leadiiii; reprcrentatives, but no tletifeirc rction has been taken. It is further rttud thai Ccugrers hu perfetttd their great eheire tor the icdemption of Ireland, ami that the rr. t reifet t unanimity pteval!? SXaCL'TITK SESKtO.t. WA!iiotox, Oct. 27. With tbe leturn of Se.roury Seward, alt the mamberj of the C:bi net sie in Washington, and were in eonaciJ with the Piesident to-day. liSSXBAL UltM l.'er.teiiit.i tlenetsl Gram poid au oflic'al visit to ti e Navy Yrrd this afterLOoo, and m as te rmed with the usual houors. Ha waaentbnii- aatically cheered by the assemble l workmen MBICT10M lOXOftMXCl PAfttONS. It is understood that the President has directed tint all pardoss under the Amnesty Proclama tion, which are not called for at tbe Department of State within one week after they are readv for delivery, will be forwarded to the Governor of the reepecti? e States. raeiiiBiTios or sjvhtiss. The Secretary of War bas, it is said, prohib ited the payment of bounties to sucb of the eol- oted troops who were not free on tbe Itith of April, ltb), thus setting aside the decision of tba Second Comptroller, which was based on the opinion of tbe Attorney General. Tbe law pro rides that colored volunteers shall be placed on the same footing with white volunteers in re gard to pay, clothing and subsistence, but not as to bounties. TIC XXPLOIIOX. NoaroLK, Oct. 27. A tug exploded ber boiler this afternoon. She was blown to atoms, and all on board five men killed, including lbs Captain and crew, sod Mr. Pattor, agent of the Hosten steamers WEOEOIA BTATE CJMVkKTIOX. Milledokville, Oa , Oct. '21. Mr. Anderson. of Chatham, introduced a rsiolutica to sn. poitt a Committee of fire to memorialise the rresident for the rft'eao of Jefferson Davis. Mr. .Joshua liill moved for its indefinite pes!- ponement, which was voted down. Amotion to lay the resolutiea en tbe table was also negatived. The resolution was atasuded to invlude all oriscnei. and wss then a lorted by a heavy rat- jority. An oräinsnve repealiuc. the ordiusEce of se cession was adopted. The resolutions of the secession Convention, which were incompatible with the civil and military laws of the United 3tate, were repealed. An ordinance to redistrict the State into icveu Congressional Districts was pas?ed. An election was ordered tjr tee loth of No vember for Oorernor, Conjreumen aid Atiem blymn. At tbealten.ocn iesioutbe Convention leftieJ to rsviie tbe State, e'ection ordinmce bv a vote of 4J.n to SCSIM CAEOLIXA LkeiSLATtai CcLLaJ?iA, ?. 0., Oct. U7-In the Legisla ture, to-Jay, a mcasae was received from (tov. I'erry, transmitting the report of tbe Committee sppointed by the Convention to prepare ttera of law adap'.ed to the re w sttts cf affair. The report embraces a bill regulating tbe domestic relations of slavr; a bill preliminary to legisla tion induced by the emancijtatiop. of slaves, ar.i a code fur tke regulation of labor and for the protection of tbe colored oosnlaiion of the State. Theas were -ordered te be printed and will he ror.sidereJ to morrow. Resolutions were adopted appoittiLj Com mittee tr, colle-t under oath all the evidenc of unwcri actable seirures of cotton and other pri vat; 'j:operty the war, to be laid before the Tres dent of the Unite! States 1 Le litb November was filed for the election ct members of Coneresa COMMERCIAL. I ev Tittoasra. 1 i ittclnnam .Tlctrket. CtarrsssTt, Ovt. ST. T'iour u-tbaeg-d and drocpfnr; the lower graslea are rorcina! and tb blbar gradrs hU r.rmly at a Oogd l tc r sitra Fiat; SO o 9 ao for eomiar.n to a-ood U;p.DC brands extra rourdbocp Ohio, aad 9 75-4)13 f.r trsis Vraas. market clo-tng e, iiet. wt-;dsU a: ii o tor p-t. olO red; ew uackasgvd at 1 A tf). tern ia tetter ataitb. el'.ed aar U bald at 4r-e Oats dill at tic In e'.eratets. P.e :ea!y at bOc far prims raw Hrr uccbanjed ard n-itn!ra'. I'rovi'iwta serr dull. ktets pork la oScred at 33 10, sritk.u bijtrs. Ualk taeatt held at PÄlj-.c for Shoulders aoJ idrs, a0 bacon at 90c, i.d '21t for bn!dara, s'.dei a -id clear sides. Lard call at tue far prim new. Whiskey in fod dsuao at 3 H. Or dear. t ualy. Catawa .ulat at 33 fvr aali.Cai VERY 1 4 naraet. Saw Tsst, Oct, 17. Cottnai lesa sclre aad hvla rati-r atlSaVSOc for aa!lilla. rletr canned ratker catettle and 16c lcwer, at I on A 11 for extra IS3 50, aal faaai?y and fancy kraal fi . tuary i4r at I SJt.'aVO ftr Weetera. I Wksat epsced Cmer; tl Tial OforCblcar iprkg. i -! ra rr siiivaaiia cia: I ei&l ra far aa Miiwaakla, ao4 X SH 30 rot csw aabar lute, as4 tor coTtmon wtus etsrp, tke Kartet cloahr. quirt. i Rye I as.,i fa ft. ftPj i )a f-r tern. Lanita barley uacbaajftl; Cauula W :' a: 1 r i zu oarlejiualt aniat. - - , t Corn artlre an 4 fc better; 77 for unscnn1 avl a?t rsr souna ralif d weitem. Uats a hada flnner at 4HS1 fr nwritvt and 54 Rice quiet Co?ee quiet aad Cra. Bajar steady artirr; Coba MncaraJa uarana atc;aies rjTn at SOjGO fr I Ota XSia vado. i Hepa Aran at hl C far tha rrai,, f 184 aat 3(mOe foe rctroleura aasttle4 at 7& fir (rc3i. f. fsr m a a a a ah " iar rernea in non-i. aii ..ViTTc. Tor free. VN'ct l quit and f rm. VJ ..... . t A i era fccsrwru sl Ivwaj- r.i m jt un ur anaaa. iicaice at M U ror saah, 2 . CO far pr ae, an-1 5S bO'i79 un ror prttna tbss. Br"r Ursa at 11 0O li t0 for pla n asti, 14 00-il7 frr extra ecm. Letf bami i!d at 3io37. Cat msata unehaeee: ssia-l aa:a at lßWatlTe Cnr aouioers, ana wsusc ror lim. aoa du IL Lard heavy at JtSft.S'. Chieis CraCit Ut, t9c Buttrii IenaDd at 2"asi; Pt Ohio and SO,', ftr ra. SVW T.'IK NOSIT WAItlT. . i ;. , Kaw T.a,Oct.S7. UoLey ratbr a! Sterling stcban.e 1. i.i . at perctrit. en call for loam. Jail at 10.(,ultror frst-dus c!as bills Gold a bade lower ofesma; at I t k, a-lvaacirgto 1 4Vri, and clcainr at 1 iit. CibTemment stocks without decldaJ chaoga SPECIAL NOTICES. tum: t vn THaf ot;.--11 v eiflii unt on Monday, Oct. 1G7Ä, for the WAje- $aU and Rrtail tradt, at Ott oll ttarut, s a r 'Sf. m .irtm .m ,; tut omt u$trted $1ork J j Fur (aOOdS, trtry Jt$ctiption, for Indie', dentlrtven's, . . t .Vtssea and Chili- rtn t wtar. ttuit U r7re tttr hftn untrrd 11 - a thit city IJ buyer irdl come and look at our ootid, they hall he tatUfitJ that hm e the stock to select from. Win. Doflcl aV Co., HaTTEES AM Ft BEI EKB, 144 Main ?t.. Cincinrftti. -tilitHi ! A w 2 sr HOME FOR INVALIDS. sr. joii's 110m: ros I TV A .V Li I O S ! I T1l:F.QUEST Ai'FLlCATIöNi TO HAU30KTUE CK acd give thsai the care ofauDraa, hare induced the Shters of rrovidence to open so lufirsaarv. which prepares them to give, in time of aickueaa, an as; lam f paraons who bava no regular borne, and who, cons- qaently, suffer greatly at those times, frem th wsnt of good care and cf proper accommodations. The need of buch au Institution bas long siaoe been felt; Rv. A. BcssoLjeo, wboe duty ofleu calls Ulm to tba aick room, teeing tbe ßo.-d that an Invalid's Home would do, hai, wltbln tba lat two jear, requested th Sisters of Provi dence to comme&ca one, aoa It is at bis repaated ang ge tlons that the S:tera inske now an attempt, hopint to benefit all tlo. e wb may rind tberualre In tbesitna lion above alluded to Tbe inUntisn of the aaanagera is I establish tbe houie en pnuciplcs of charity, as well as of bsaevolenc, and the basis upon which It la fouadad wdl.wkea ia sue cecsfBl operation, eaabl it to provide for lis own sun- fiort. Tßo inralida fnat hare mean, and w)o will be ob? ts the cIais r f sick boarders, will pay th price set down per wek, but Ibis rbartje will b reducad in favor of tha who? reaoutcai are limited; lu this case, charges will b proportioned to tb means of each ne. Let it nu be nndrtod that tbe destitute will lie exclude ; to tbrci specially will tbe hand of merry be extended, ao far as ibe honewill be able, to gire thtm gratsitous admittance; it is enly to be added, that, on thir hshalf, sotu aasiktance will t aedd. The fand arising from tb recaipta of the ,uk bard. er, will. It is expected, in tins, snppnrt the establish, meut; bnt until tben, it is hoped tbat tba cltlaens, vew. log it favorably tui taking interest in 1, will, fr fha prcci., help tuaards its maintenance, Tbsugb It le Kins on "mall beginnings,"' ths nsual mode f benra lent insfitutfor.s, yet conMderable exnens it required in tbe start; a boum bad t b fouad, sofdclsnt Inmitura purchased, and erery day's living provided for. Tofta fray tbe tlr.t eipenditnrs, th Siatets bad n hand a;.S, collrctad from St. John's corgrsgation, on tb occasion f a lecture giren bv Ker. l ather Kilrov for the lant if this innrinary, tben in project; alse 'i and IliO do. natcd by Individual parties, makloz In all t5t0: with this sum tbe hon waa furnUbed with the Indispensa ble reqnlremantt. Countiag on th well known cbartta M dlpciition f tba community at large, alma will b looked for; tks gifts may bs in groceries, goodi, furul tare, market prorlslcna all will be thankfully received, and applied, in effect, t the terrl e of the reduced and dektitute iarallds, for wh'jm only tbe alus are solicited. TweBty-flv Jollars worth of rccerUa wa received aa soon as tbe bona was opened; tb donor la tbaaked for her liberal benefaction and ready will t give bar aid. The bnllf log fitted op for St. Jvhn's Bom Is en Sanlk Tetmesyr street, Xo. 135. Price per week, duriug ths winter season, far sick boarders, with tb bat accomaiodatiuns bad.f f. Invalids select their own pbysiciaa. For adm'Uanc apply to Slater Superior 5t. Jehu's Hani. Apphcatlosa can also b sssd to Rav. A. Bes aoolea. 5ISTEK1 or runviDINCat octlO-dttAw3t MEDICAL. Seely's Catarrh Remedy WIM. CCRI CATARBD. WIM. CURE COLD I!t TUK HEAD. WIU. CURE AN OFFK59ITE BKKATB. wnucuRr. pain inr. ihid. WILL tt T.K UliCRHATION IN THE ROSE. WIM. RESTORE TUE OF DlABlKU. WIIJ, RESTORE TUB SIN'S K Or Sal ILL. TlU.RKST0RKTmgIXSE0P8ir,KT. " WIM. RKSl'ORK TnE E!YSKOKTAft'fl. Wil l. RFSTOUKTHF. TOKT.. WHEN rtUSBD BY CATARRH. Catarrh Snuff an Injury, A is naw admitted by all ibforiaed, caaolog irritatloa ass Inflammation af tk mncois membrane, while the Liquid Catarrh Remedy Gently and gradually reraoeee all annatnral incrusta tions aod deposits, reitorlng the deceased membraa te its cormal condition. A aliifle lloltlc v last ts. .tfonth ts ke tiaeet three) tliaaea fi dsajr. IF DJ SECTION ARE 0LI)TfX0. l$Call for t Circular dencrihinp all Sympttma !)r. D. 11. SDCI.Vi: JL CO., Sole PEoraisToE, Cklcags.nianls. ; rI.anratary al Fraajxrl, nia. AT wnti'f.ESlE BT JOHN U. PARK WM. JOHNSON DAILY, KKEFRE 3t RUSTT. BROWNLNi) A I? LOAN Ciociiiuati.U. ,.ltrU,Uich. . .Indianapolis. . ..Indianapolis, deeM-dlyecd yUMcd tar ra!a by all Dragits. LECAL. At tiiohiiioitt INotlsMv STATE Or INDIANA, afARloN CGÜNTT, 5. Befi r A. i. Wallace, JutVe of Ma'iou Co'ir.ty. .tok Tresler, ) VS. JaraV rV'hlsnder.) Afa--brasiit. 'OTICK is bereby ku to tka dsUadat, Jacob Bublander, thit tb plaiatiT, Job Trealer, has coaacencod k u'.t in attachment before ce agalnat tb property tbe ea'.d deraac'aat, aad attacbad certain property mt tba said defendant; and tbe Const able baring rr turned tie fun.mot.a hereia, tbat th said L blander U not fuud In said Marion caaty. Now, tbe defendant is bereby iwt.Sed tbat tba cause la set dwa fr ual before me. at my office, la the City cf Indtanapol.s, on day. tka litb day of Navsmber, lS&i. at J e'clork P kf. f salt day, aad tbe sa'd defandaatts repaired t appear and aotwc'r r demur thereto, or th matter will be keard and determiaedlahisabaence. , , :. Oivea ander my band and cCcial seal, this l&th day o October, lsM. A. 0. WALLACE, i. t. ILJM J jss C. Rttsjv, Attoraey for P!aiatl5. octJl-wSw .lew Tssrsx- MEDICAL. LAD EI7S ' rORTirii-.FüirTriTr. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS EST Crt frrii sllft-isss-e ariat-e from aatsal atraaa utrai 11 BäU ftrasva I aar I ftk a aawaw aa as M a a.- ws . TOLTBITI. I5W2CRJH10X anil SL-r. al Preaaia,! Iiapar'aaca; OeaiUl. Fayakal aad Üerraa Dsb.litr. Gleet, 9exaai a.aaas, Ac Ae., Ac. 53 CHAJfag OF UIT IS KICX53ART. aaa tsey can be aaed without detactieau Hafk taima SO p Uli, rrlca Vym Dotxaa. It y cacaet get tat ijs-a. rsfi.auicry wur ift seti ct BaJ lecarsly seal - -r ' mi tut niu uiuaiji, vaai issara a car, ca rsceipt ortba mesar: an4 m uanklft mt im Ue aryarser jasatu tae coBseqarcces asa' t frts; Hceafiraculre4fer rta. 1 t..." r...nk..ak - r. u. Bos tw. Bra4tar. Saw Tork ia.frs csa it sarnl fd fcv Deaaas l aresi A r 1 Wkalesale Arts. Naw Terk: TmLswi A r. i.t.' 1 inianapvui. More Valuablo Than Cold! BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS Rs HeaJacba. DUt'scaa. GU'naas. Drosrsica.. I'm. pleaaaBt Drsaas,D;mBsssef Sight, Ifid.ffsTisB, C!(aae Isaraa 5w Ira In tfta ebitlate4 as4 ' LBa BlfBla arxl Rnwala RESTORE THE SICK TO HEALTH. PERFECT Try item! tkey on'.y ccit 13 cects, acd if you cannot ct thea of yocr ingt iat, saad the aionev to Dm. J. BRTA5. "jrn.iH, 41 Broadway, r. u. pox ivjv, a they will bs sent by retara cf asaiL pestpaid. Dealers sappLed by Deaaas Barnes A Ce, Wtelea Afsat. BT w ferk; TamKason. Cox, Ar-rtfT Ia!lai pal-'a. mm ... It ?a require a ral'.abla rsa ta ....... . J a-iwiw J V, -raj DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE FILLS, a asver-failing remedy far tks reaaorat f ObtractlBB. I ' ' a"y arjaa. aaay are aais aed aar, and will restore natara to evarv r, tv,-. r !......) . ! 11 . . . T . " ' -" r.i.ivui is mi carre ei neaaaeaa, w Bites, It Upaas, Ac. Bald In boxes costalalos; 00 ftlie, Prtc Oaa Send far Dr. Harrsv'a Tr! sTreasssl tsfemalei; 100 paces, ttrlre full lattraninn. is irni. ircn.TTdlorpoHlft. ir roa CIBnM tiirrkiu Ika Jar oraggisi, tta wuue sent by bbsII, post- wt vi . v.! ... vcbiuiiiik arsician. P. O. Box 607. 4ia Braadsrar, Ssw Tark. twaiers loppuea ty asanas Karnes A Co.. Wkola.a'a agents, .lew iorK:iemllnson Cox.Arenu for ladiana. poua- aor-'ß-aeosAwlT A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPOIICO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, FOR FEMALES. infallible iu Correcting lrrcttu inriiies, iccinovin9TObslrurlions or flic iTlontliiy Turn, from lliatcvcr Caiiwc. and Always uccciiii un I'rrvrntntlvc, An th"nly sure"snd CXSTAIX RIKKDT for all long amictMigcompIamts to parti liar t tbe aei, wbath- er "married or alncla." Tbesen.l.s are nothing hew. but hare beet, ee' bv io uociors iar wacj yeare, tota in rraec ana Aaser- lca, wltb unparalleled STjccer la very case; and bs ta or (red by many thousand laciei who hare need lb em to uiao ii.c ti.ia Duuiic. iur lav aiicriauon vi icose aui- renng rrona any irregularities wbaterar, aa well as to prevent an Increase of family where health will not permit it. renales peculiarly situated, or tbe suppe. lag themselvea ao, are cautioned against aaing the Pills while in that condition, a a th proprietor ausmes so reponub:i;:y artar the above admonition, altuoorb tbsir mildcesa would preventany miscblof to bealib. Otaerwts tbe Fills ererecernvtendad. rn wd rltr1a a i .i . . a airrcuuHs accvwpsny eacs oex. iO.OOU HOIPS HAVE RTCr.XSOLD IN1WO YEARS Ten thousand boxes sent by letter, both by myelf and ai"ts, to a!I parts rtbe world. t which anwers have been relented, hi which ladies say notbiagl!kth'abr Ptlishar been knawn siar the 8C IENCK OF lifDI CI!?X DAWSEDTjrO!! THE WORLD lit REalOYlKU. OBSTRUCTIONS ASD RESTORING NATU&K TO ITS PKOPKKCH AKNEU effilH'ne tba nerves and rasf.rina ths'rny cnlr af Bealtb" iha bra rtha macf '.W tm't. IT.1US tl (0 PEP. H')X. KU P.OXKS farl i r. fdd Wr all DicecUta, snd ly the follow In Jabbir.a nd Ilms Had, Agents r IrdlanapeUa, Indiaaa: (idsntlally by mail, sal without oberrs:'lon, ta any part of th city or cwistry,) and tor sal by I I mel.m BS S a a a I r ar BE 1 a.-. n a a Ika WM1. a lUXUrtiSUX AUUX.rTo. I, KaM Wssblagt street. STEWART . VOWAW, No. 4ft, Pa-t Wab!nrta atraet. W. I. I AEgJTT A CO., Ha. it. Weit Wabhig;aB 'rer. H. H.l.jr.E. N IS an4 Cf. P.atai Rleck. J. T. SltNOUR, Ne. a. Bates House Block, acd bs DAILY. Urri LU A Itl MI. Wiiolsia'.e Drnag!a'.,No. T Sontk Mertdiaa atraet. ti. S. LACRT,leneralTrarelIngAge-tfr lb Waatam Mate, is., uesrbarn it rest, t tlcas, IillBali. N. I. Nose fienn'.te cateis tks boa is signed "S. ti. OWE." Jau3l-dlyV DANKS. r. a. w. avif, UteTslIeref PlstiherA Sharps's Bank. SAMCIL O. VAWCS. oat r. Basra. Stlllil wm. w. woixax. Lata Cashier First Nalloa alBank.Pra&ktla. wiu ias. waas, jom u EfTtsaa. SKBPaUH. INDIANA RAMING COMPANY, IftOlAXAPOIalS, IND.. RCT NB Slid. STOCKS, B0.NDa, K0LÜ, SILVER, A NU Al.L KiNUS Of Government Gocuritloo, Also, Deal in Foreigu and Domestic Exchange. WE sell oar Wight Unfa i.a Euro; a, la a-aaioialt at carrenl rates, iaeposlts received, Caoaasarcial paper dlxaaated, aad all budoaa appertalairg to Legitiiaat Banking trass aefsd. .T ar special agca fer tk sa e.f the SEVEN-THIRTY GOVERNMENT LOAN. Thea Roads w w!t firtdak t p.aaks ardP.akersat tka usual dlaroant. Our offlra la an th earner of Wathicgtga atraetatd Tlrgtn-a arenas. appAstt Cd4 Fellawa Mall. T. r .VO(lLM;, Cashier. 9 ' -W T iy26ia PnOCPECTUO. THE NEW-YORK OBSERVER. A WF-EKLT ; RELIGIOUS AfsD SECULAR Ntw.paper fr tb I's- ly and Piresid, w.H soa er.rsr rn its r o u t v - r o i; u t ii v r. a it Of Publication. Tra to a tie- III HCJII the COIVriTt TIOSI, at Sid the I'llin.Ma li is cabnlaisd I d;fy afl pies- l-.'b OLD A.D YOVXU. A I " iitViV'i psrieg us ia adrau for lAd sbs'l tare their names iranvs-fatety erdaree. and fie Observer will teesittetbeia. - - UMT1L JAMUARY FIRST, GRATIS, Sub rib , tb 'e j-arf- waea tk name a are antared. will ctt:wf;.e ftimpl coffs tft aij ftddran in. Tirmi,.1 .Oayeftr in advanrs. SIDNEY E. 1I0BSE, Jr., & Co., ut wt 37 ratrkltoTäT .lew Ystrata LUTHER 0. YATERMAM, M, D., llaololttiA and Surgeon, f ATI fargsaaa Talrty-alaia ladaaa Tlaaurs 1 j Oflc -Ca JtarU psatasytvaaia trsi,kaf as aar aorta ef tbs PssvoCc. taa bw frtad there day aa4 algit. JyA-tasOaa a ----- j "PnccPCCTUDe - - - 1 ö a o . THE WOULD I AN 1XDEPEXDEST DECCmiTlC Daily. Vcokly, and 8omlVoeStly AFTER tOUa 1'KALS OP CIVIL WAR, FOiCXD upon tbs parl f He Uaited States by tba vtoleae of sscLoBal partle, we sow eater npwi a new era af salty and of progr.. Xarth and Sottb, s cordial c-pr-lion of all h.nat men h ra-dei to reyatr the waste af war, ta establish rar Teva thresh tß. uismah fsaad eoaitliutl.inal prlaclpls !n tba aiminUtratlaa of the Gee- eraaest, ail o-r fn'ty, try gnartrog al tbat taakes Union desirable. The area? ImocraK Party, w. tirforj ia tks aast la tie hUtcry of privat rro.-perüy, f terrltrlal aivaa- an, and af pab'Jc ortf r ia Acrrka. stands new as It has ever used, ti e Tarty af ike Katiea, ss serier U aU sectimal paaIon In in loyalty t tb rights cf e-el Statei and t th l.Urtiea af the ladirisaal cttltss. Oace ore Its voice will b heard, one eaor its a4krats wta b rall.ed to lis tiroe-bonered standards ha every cite aad tuwn of lie Northern aad of the Soatbera States. To tke pilacipleeeTthls great Drmocratic Parte of tke Nation Tut Woatn has harne f rtn witness tbrootbost tke ordeal sf civil war. It will bsw U !.ro.J t tba .i less ardaonatask of ar plying Ihee pt:adpUi to tba e lation oftbeMiy weighty (jneitieaa assscial. si- claL political wbick eon up aa wjtb tb ratun. peace. Paftklai t tb teal lateral's cf all sactleas 't - ill be tilaveJ ly ;bs prJ'id.,-e. inl U.asJ l.y tb profatslons f rttja. Thsl tks pntcfpieicrAmsis:! Demurs y k. j.ld tiaa be ttered, w!;h weak r BU'erta'ti rule, bar la Iba great sir trrpelilan center .f Atasrieaa eaterpriae 4 conixerce. In mat'sr jf such lmprfaw t everrcia. ten aa recommend Tba Wobu t the eo-eperatiea sud suppvit af gd mea ia al ssctUss ef tb I'niea. Wkatcver Saillcau da isa or aaterpris accuapi:k will ceBtr.'ute to aasTna Wost d what I !s "ir reaalv tbat It VallesviaBStabe Newi?piper of tho Day. t'r patrt.t totte'paa'ienii at viiy Caasen .al aad political cater nf bth Htmitpheree, wt ar alwsyskf airacted la Baak Iba fraect ant proasntsst ksftb tsl-ra?k, wd! kaep oar reaJert Pally Itforsssd oftk dftlat-s sed pr-rra.. ef rsiilind a't prtP Of tk gleba. ftl eft Es THE DAILY Y0R10 AB'jrd a vaa;is coa:pauilu'it upon, th Bswa f vry day. of. aud oaiaaseaury THE SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD Ii a largr ;ja:t alett, aaa,e alia aa llly, auteJuf all i newt, correspendeata, edltarlala, coanaaarclal aod sasiket bis, call! tnsrkel aud prlaia report, aad a treib and entertaining mlecrBy of l.rsrator. fab Hhed Tuesday and Priday. THE WEEKLY V0R10, A larne quart sheet, ait al.s as, Las aew tb large.! clrralatian efany weekly Jaarcal pbuaL4 ftav ol. Its extraard'nary ancre-s , a a iu &? wlta th Naw Tarb Argns bas J jolif.ed tke aua-t liberal spadi. tures, wbkh will make It ur.nralrd ia iaterest anivalas l far mars. Published Wadnaaday. 1. Its Maaiar SartTsmbractb Now fork, Albany, BtUhton and Caa'-rldgs I. Sck Markau; tk Hew Tork Country Pruduc and (Jeoetai iTodac Härtels special and valaable II vp Ir.tsil'fsnce; a de par me at cf Agrkallursl Rea;ts; a I to;thr raatp-Mlag aa aa rivaled band-b-k of carrett iaformatlan far tb l araser Live Stock r iteduc DeaUr, tb (Vijry Ifertbstt, A 2. Its RiADia rou mi Psaav Cisci.a eaabracoa tk rrekest aud beat Sionas, Toe'ry, P.el'g'cvi Readleg, ets. 3. It Diiiair tt ths Niw ii iff, ni&? City wk lies, a aner wa!s-baket of tk !).!; only matlara luiereat and :njxrarc are rbtrn frsa th thmas of it rcttn'i ar p'?ad jscially fr tb Wkly. In rery jr..t-o.c d ..;,; u It akoaU a fosae4 av.sna art'ra, zlV.c firltaJ Dsbk rat, who wiUcafera benrSt spou a a, hi eelLbra ad tb caase, by aaaklg a delarmifd eSTert to frtn a club t.f four, tea, twsaty, st fifty far lb Weakly World, t oor greatly red ad ras. reatt Ilwcturtiean las 1 crista. DAILY WORLI. Oaacupy.o'eyear.Vy aasfl TBN POfJ Att. sfafl -WEFKf.T WORLD. O: rcjT, m year. . . Far crpiea, cl jear. . . roi R IxiLLAR ...TP 3 UiLLARL. ...TWENTT lcixaxj. Tn cop year... WEEKLY WORLD. On year, aaa Cvj y four cap. , au year. TWOPoLLARA. .SEVEN laJIXAKS. Tea ccpies, n yar. ITETEEN LCLLAaU. Twenty copies, tie year, to oMaddre TWENTT-IIVC OLLAlA. f ,f.y caniet, or.e year, t one avIdVta s lim LOLLATJ. i a extra t py af tb Ce'.!y ed.t.oa fur-.:ad ta atuba 'f twss'y cr ssrre. for clnbs f aty tk Seta!-Weekly, b fer clabs ef nabaa-!raH tb Daily, wjl la a it t tbe gattr p mt a elib. Addit'.oes sasy b aaa1 a to cl:bs a a fry tls-e dsrlsg tk year at tb ragalar dab rate. Charge i f;m cltV rates cab orjy It Lais Vy rsoast f the per"? receirig the tl) pe.ages. AH rack re cjaaau sr.ust aaaa th ed.uo, Psstaftlca. aaaai SB a A A which It kas previeatly been sett, sad Incl tweaty 3s cents te pay fr chaaglng u aeparsU addreaaes. Order fr ay evtitlor.s f Ta Woaaa saay bw aaa Vy n-ail, snd hoald iclaa JVal-cfica afoeaey Career ar Baak Draft fr amewst (ls tb dlcsat - W asw a aatkarUed txavaliag a grata. Money ant by awaUl srUl b at tb risk of ths seaJsra. Orders sad letters ae!4 Ve sddr4 u XI-XTJ WOULD, 3A rsarat Raw, Www York waafT-dft wt.