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ENTIRE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO IN DANGER OF BEING ANNIHILATED Big Business Buildings Already Consumed by Fire and Dynamite--30,000 Smaller Structures Swppt Out and Re mainder Are Doomed PANIC-STRICKEN PEOPLE FLEE SAN FRANCISCO. April 18.— This city lies la smouldering ruins and to tal annihilation seems* to be Its fate. The magnificent business district ly- Jns/ between the water's edge and \u25a0 Tenth street and evea stil! farther west is destroyed, and there Is scarce ly any hop« of saving but a few of the •magnificent skyscrapers that have been -erected during the last ten ' years. Thirty thousand houses were either partially or wholly destroyed by -earth' - and the subsequent fire which started In 100 different places simul taneously has swept the city from one end. to the other." Hundreds of build ings are burning without any effort betas; made to check the fire. By to night It Is estimated that there will be 150,000 homeless people. • NUMBER OF DEAD. the number of the dead cannot be roughly estimated. One hundred bodies about have been reoovered, but hun dreds perished miserably In the broken | down wooden houses along the water front, la the Mission shid along Mar ket street. Falling walls pinned many victims Cast end they wers compelled to euf- | fer ttatold agonies while the fiery ' fi&xnes crept toward them. Some be tter* that the number of deaths win reach the appalling figure of 6000, but - from the number of bodies thus far 1 recovered the figure may be excessive. *- PEOPLE IN PANIC. • The entire city presents a seen* of ; taOescrlbable confusion. The fire rone *is so large that It takes two and one half hours to go around ft. Every /automobile vehicle and wagon ta the city was pressed Into eervioe as am buiano«s. • Mayor Schmidt appointed 8000 or more special policeman. It Is esti mated that aside from the regular fir* department there were 21,000 fire fighters. Marvelous deeds of heroism are reported on all sides. There were many thrilling rescues. The deeds of valor performed by the firemen and police would nil a vol- TURNED INTO HOSPITAL. The Mechanics* PavtUoo was early •ftl« morning turned Into a hospital Or the city Injured, and a resting place for the unfortunate dead. Every physician and nurse In the city volunteered their services. Short ly after noon the flames hedged the r»av!!!on about and the Injured and - dead were removed la wagons, auto * mobiles to the Presidio, the Children's \u25a0 and other hospitals which a go to the front and assist the po lice la mfffr fßi " Ir> ir order. Market street at the two extremes of the fire and all the Intervening streets ere practically under martial law. Mayor Schmltz to prevent disorder ordered all of the saloons closed. There were but few cases of theft reported. The Call building la already de stroyed utterly and 1 is probable that the Examiner building anft the Chron icle building will also be .destroyed. The Emporium la reduced to ashes ( as Is the Flood building. The mag nificent new store of Hale 2 Brother* • \u25a0 •. \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •- • •-.-.\u25a0•—"•:.* \u25a0\u25a0"'t-: -\u25a0-—\u25a0'.« whs dynamited In an effort to stop the progress of the flames' which burned with the same uncontrollable Intensi ty that was manifested in the Balti more fire. CITY HALL GONE. The City Hall la a grand mass of ruins. It la totally destroyed. The surrounding streets are choken with the debris. Sev eral other buildings were destroyed as the huge building tottered to Its de struction. In all 160 of San Francisco's J best buildings have been destroyed and probably 20.0000 others. STOPS CLOCKS. The earthquake which did such terrific damage occurred at 5:16 o'clock pre cisely. The clock on the dome of the Ferry building stopped precisely at that time. The Ferry building itself was cracked and split, but Is still In a safe condition. Twenty or more wharves and the buildings en them collapsed utterly along the water front. STEAMER SUNK. The steamer Baa Pablo wac struck and sunk, by a huge girder which fell on it How many lives were lost la not known. Some of the crew are missing, but j owing to the _ great oonfuslon nothing j definite could be ascertained. Another vessel Is reported to have been sunk by the walls of a build In a falling on It . The name of the vessel is not known. After the work of demolition had been accomplished by tho earthquake nrea in twenty places started up along the water front. It is assumed that the twlstlngs and turnings of the earth broke the electrlo wires and caused the fires to break out MANY ALARMS. la twenty minutes' time alarms to the number of several hundred bad been turned In. The fire department responded, but the extent of the conflagration made the streams of water poured on them seem like toy streams. On the water front the hose was con nected with the bay and a fair showing mad*. Owing to the fact that the mains of the Spring Valley Water Company were broken by the earthquake during the early progress of the fire nothing could be done to stay the hungry blaze. BUILDINGS DYNAMITED. More than 100 buildings were dyna mited with hope that the fire could be kept within a certain district. In the business district, at Sansome and Bush streets, the names are sup posed to be 'under control. Twenty buildings were dynamited in this dis trict One of the paxtlcularly sad "features of the catastrophe was the drowning of a score or more persons In the Mission. Apparently the earthquake was more vio lent at this point than anywhere else in the city. Depressions of ten feet were made. MAINS BROKEN! The mains of the Spring Valley were broken at this point and flooded the I tenements.' Many of the victims were pinned In the basements by falling walls I and had no recourse but -to await their fate by drowning. 750 ARE TREATED SAN FRANCISCO. April 18.'— Up to half-past two this afternoon, more than 780 persons who were 'seriously injured by the earthquake and the fire, had been treated. at the various hospital!" through out of the city. The proportion of dead la i not an large as it might be expected! Only twenty of those admitted to the hospitals have died since their admis sion. DEAD IN STREET SAN FRANCISCO. April 18.— The front of the Bailey and La Coste building on Clay near Montgomery fell in. Three men and seven horses were v killed and were still lying there at 9 o'clock. \u25a0,-., • Captain .Gleason of- the Police De partment was. seriously Injured at noon today by. the falling- of tllins;. BIG FIRE IN MISSION SAN FRANCISCO, April 18. —A great fire- is raging in the Mission I \u25a0district*" and "is latterly beyond control. Before" night, it is estimated, that in this partic ular section of the city 50,000 persons will be homeless. RESIDENCES BURNING SAN FRANCISCO, April 18; — An intense fire broke out late this afternoon immediately west of the . Mechanics' Pavilion, threatening to destroy one of the most thickly populated "residence districts' of the ."•'\u25a0 city. As there were no fire apparatus on hand the flames are raging unchecked. RUINS 20 COMPANIES SAN FRANCISCO, April IS.— From the present appearanoe . of things, it is prob able that twenty or more -insurance oom panJes will be ruined. The , managers of the \u25a0 larger companies are of ; th« opinion that they will be able -to meet the losses. 1 In any event all of • the . insurance . com-, panics doing business in this city have been hit' a staggering blow, from the ef fects , of which many '« will . never Yre 1 - SAN FRANCISCO.? April .18.— The United States bonded warehouse where liquor is stored before the dii-. ties are collected Is destroyed .-.-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 EMPORIUM IN RUINS SAN FRANCISCO, April 18. — The Emporium is a mass of ruins', with ' nothing but the walla of this magnificent store stand ing. The buildings immediate ly adjoining it are doomed to destruction. • • 4 •! DYNAMITE BUILDINGS SAN FRANCISCO, April 18. — At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon the firemen are dynamiting one of the most imposing structures on Market street. Buildings in the vicinity of the United States Mint-and the United States Post office were blown up in the hope that they would be saved. Both of them are in grave danger, and while standing the shock of the earthquake, will probably fall victims of . the uncontrollable conflagration raging in that vicin- DOCTOR'S BRAVERY ;•»\u25a0**-» -c .- \u25a0' : \u25a0-..\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0-.\u25a0 \. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 • SAN. FRANCISCO, April 13.— Dr. Me-. Glnty" of «the Central Emergency Hospi tal, while attempting- to rescue some per sons ,woh had been; burled by., the falling wall, -was himself pinned • to the ground by additional debris ; that ' fell. He i was rescued and insisted on renrming 1 his du ties: of attending the wounded and injur^" FATEFUL BUILDING BAN FRANC3SOO, April 18.— The scene at the Meohegrtoa' pavilion during the early hours of the morning and up until noon, when an -. the Injured • and dead' were remored. because of the threatened destruction of the building by fire, was on* of ladesorlbable sadness. Bisters, brothers, wtvea sad sweethearts searched eagerly for some missing dear once. Thousands of persona hurriedly went through the building Inspecting the cots oa which the sufferers lay la the hope that they would locate some loved one that wns missing. - The dead were placed la one portton of the building, and the remainder was devoted to hospital purposes. After the fire forced the nurses In positions to de sert the building, the eager crowds ft*» lowed them ta the Presidio and Children's Hospital, where they renewed their search for missing relatives. WITHOUT A NEWSPAPER SAN FRANCISCO. April 18.-^The buildings occupied by the San Francisco Post and the San Francisco Bulletin are threatened with fire and may be consum ed. This will leave the city without a single dally newspaper. - DAMAGE A BILLION SAN --FRANCISCO,. April IS.— Market street, which has beet) the: pride or Sun Framclsco since IS4?, is simply on© black I mass of ruin. It is estiraated that up to j the present time, the nre and earth quake have done at least J1&0.00O.0O3 i.worth of . damage to this thoroiyjnfare alone., .The damage to the entle .city will- pobably aggregate j1.y00.000,000. There 19, however, no accurate means whereby, the loss can . be ascertained. THEATERS RUINED All of San Francisco's best playhouses, including the Majes tic, Columbia and Grand Opera House, are a mass of ruins. The earthquake demolished them for all practical purposes, and at the present time it appears the fire will complete the work of de molition. sThe Rialto and Cas serly buildings were burned to the ground, as was everything in that district. • ; ; , . The Terminal Hotel *f tSa foot of Market street tell tab morning and buried twenty per sons under the • debris, Xbese were incinerated, and there is no possibility of learning their NARROW ESCAPE SAN FRANCISCO. April 13.— The Btereotypera and pressmen of thi~~ls> amtner and Call, as soon as the temblor w&a felt, rushed out of their buildings and found tnat the coffee house at Stav <nson and Third street bad collap«sd They tramedlatety set to work with • axes and anything la tha way of an lm i plexnent they could arm themselves with | ana s« to w«rk t*> iwcn« ihir.-» inside. Mr. ~i::£ tins. Sts^s, rts* y.'ryi i ;gt'nr &Mrt his wife, end 'a' waiter whose name la unknown, were resetted from the build- Ing *-.hd taken from uhder the debna ua- SAN FRANCISCO. April 13.--EV *2ry grovernnicnt conveyance is press ed into service and is used In haulms explosives i.frorn the Presidio fcr the j blcvwing up of buiMinga In the center of the city. 3