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4 LOSS IS $200,000,000 HEARTBREAKING SCENES AT THE PAVILION • The Immense Mechanics' Pavilion, the former scene of many pleasure* and sports, was utilized as a huge morgue and hospital, and soon Its space was filled with dead, dying and Injured, and Its vaulted oelllng echoed their cries and groans. Fully 300 per sons were treated. Doctor* and nurse* by the score hurried to the scene and volunteered their much-needed aid. Drug stores were broken Into for med ical supplies, and the department stores ransacked for pillow* and mat tresses for the Injured. The scenes and cries were fearful to behold and hear. The operating table* were filled all the time. Infanta were brought In In their mothers' arms, burned and bleeding. Men and women had been caught by falling walls and horribly mangled, In many cases the broken bones protruding through the flesh. .At 1 o'clock in the afternoon the flames, which had been gradually creeping nearer and nearer to this Im provised hospital, finally reached it. Dr. Charles Millar, chief surgeon of the Emergency Hospital, immediately ordered all patients removed. Every scrt of vehicle was pressed into service, and the dead and injured removed. The wounded were taken to Golden Gate Park, for there was no other havrn of refuge not In the dan ger zone, and were laid upon the grass. Many were taken Into near by houses by kind-hearted people and cared for. At the Harbor Hospital fully 100 In jured persons had been treated up to 10 o'clock in the morning. Upon the receipt of the new* of the disaster torpedo boats and tugs loaded with navy and army doctors, nurse* and sailors, were dispatched from the Mar* Island Navy Yard and Goat Isl and, and rendered great aid to the In jured In the Harbor hospital. Never was there euch \u25a0 roeno In Ban Francisco as was there In Mechanics' Pavilion yesterday. Too much praise cannot be given the doctor* and the nurses who gave their aid to the In jured. Their work was beyond praise* As assistants to Dr. Millar, Doctor* Plnkham, Herzog, Tillman, Roche, Qoodale and fifty or more volunteer* performed the surgical work. And tho nurses. Well, their effort* will long be remembered. Young wo men from the hospital*, graduate* In the nurse** homes, neighbor women and those who drove to the door of the Mechaalo*' Pavilion In their pri vate automobiles, all took a hand In the work. Cathollo Bister* worked by the side of Salvation Army lasses, and the priest* and minister* made their way among the cats, giving the oom fort of their cloth. MAYOR MOTT OF OAKLAND SENDS MESSAGE. The following message was sent last evening to Mayor Schmitz by Mayor Frank K. Mott, of Oak land: yff Oakland, April 18th. Hon. E. E. Schmitz: Mayor of San Francisco: Large committee formed to night ready to go to San Francis co and render whatever assistance you need in caring for the injured and helpless. Los Angeles has wired me offering similar help Let me know at once, and will act immediately. . FRANK K. MOTT, •Me/or. • , FIVE KILLED IN OAKLAND THEATRE OAKLAND, April 18.— The earthquake shock began in Oak land at 5:14 a. m., lasting* twenty eight seconds, in which time neai ly all the principal business build ings were badly damaged, five people were hurled to death in the ruins of the Empire Theater building, and scarcely a residence in the city escaped without more or less damage. Those who met death amid the ruins of the the, ater were Otto Witcher, 45 years of age, Amelia Witcher, 13 years of age, Louis Marney, 25 years old, and his wife, aged 25 years, and an unidentified man. J. P. Judge, a locomotive engineer, died from heart failure caused by shock and excitement. All were caught by the falling walls of the building, and were buried beneath tons of brick and broken timbers, the bodies were removed from the ruins by the firemen, and were removed to the Morgue. j The buildings which suffered most from the terrific shock, were the Physicians' Building on Washington street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, the entire front of the upper floor being torn away and hurled into the street below; the Central Bank Building, the walls of both corners fronting on Broadway be ing wrecked, the First Baptist Church, a handsome stone build ing at Telegraph avenue and Ho bart street, was so badly wrecked that it will have to be torn down, a three-story building on Thir teenth street between Broadway and Washington streets, a com plete wreck; the building occu pied by the Crane Company, at Thirteenth and Webster streets; St. Francis de Sales church, one wall of which was torn loose from the building; St. Mary's College, and the First Unitarian church. Not a brick or stone building in the city escaped damage, in most cases a part of the walls of the upper stories being torn away arid thrown into the streets. At the corner o fEleventh and Clay streets, a bakery wagon was caught by the falling debris, be ing reduced to kindling wood, and the horse killed. Awful as is the damage to this city, however, it is nothing com pared to the appalling calamity which has overtaken San Fran cisco, and the people of Oakland are thankful that the horrors of fire were not added to those of the earthquake. Owing to the fact that the en tire telephone and telegraph sys tem has been rendered temporar ily useless, it is impossible to se cure details a sto the amount of damage done in the interior of the county. The newly erected magnasite plant at Fruitvale hae been entirely wrecked, and a num ber of other buildings more or less damaged. Among the Oak land and East Oakland, water front a number of warehouses and wharves have been partly de molished and will have to be re built At Niles large boulders dis lodged from the hill and crashed through the pipe line of the Spring, Valley Water Company, and the flood of water released from the big main washed out the tracks of the Southern ' Paci fic Company, delaying trains for several hours, and helping to cripple the water supply of strick en San Francisco. A number of buildings in Niles were hadly damaged. At Centerville the entire front SAN FRANciscO, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1906 MARTIAL LAW IS DECLARED After a conference between Schmitz and Chief of Police Di nan, San Francisco was placed under martial law at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. All the troops at the Presidio were rushed to the city and mounted couriers were sent out to notify commanding officers of nearby garrisons that the Feder al troops were needed in thej stricken city. In less than an hour more than 2000 regular soldiers were pat rolling the streets under orders to shoot thieves and vandals on Mounted men drove back the frantic crowds by riding into the press of people, and many were injured in trying to escape from the riders. Disorderly throngs rushing over the fire lines called for quick and effective methods in handling the jam of people. A Many acts" of vandalism were committeed and during the ex citement crooks looted countless | damaged stores and office build ings. Colonel Morris commanding officer of the Presidio, is in com mand of the troops guarding the city, and Major Brown is in com mand of the artillery division, comprising the First, Ninth and Twenty-fourth Light Batteries, mounted troops and five compa nies of heavy artillery, dismount ed. One , troop of the Fourteenth Cavalry is acting as mounted couriers. The Twenty-second Infantry arrived at noon from Fort Mc- Dowell. Drafts of troops were sent from Alcatraz and Angel Islands. More than 5000 regular soldiers in addition to the militia, police and special officers kept order in the city last night. wall of the Centerville Bank col lapsed, and other buildings were damaged. Berkeley escaped with little damage, a few chimnies being thrown down,' and -the - walls of some of the brick buildings slightly damaged. Not one of the buildings , of the ; University of California was affected by the shock. The Southern. Pacific sheds, and the coal bunkers at Long Wharf collapsed into. the bay, car rying with them 'thousands of tons of coal. AnotHer heavy shock was felt at Martinez at 6 o'clock .tonight, which still further wrecked the already tottering buildings, and should there be any further dis turbance, many of them will col lapse. The damage \ already done by the earthquake is estimated at $50,000. . SAN JOSE IS RUINED Passengers arriving on trains from other cities in California bring tales of - death and disaster from nearly all of them. The loss of life and .property in San Jose was great, it being estimated that nearly 50 people were killed and many moreinjured. The Vendome Hotel Annex was badly wrecked, between 10 and 15 people being killed there. The St. Francis Ho tel there was badly damaged, one aged woman being killed. 'Hiram Bailey sustained internal uv juries. Dr.; DeCrow was killed and his wife. badly injured.. Every business building in the city was demolished to such an extent that nearly all will have to be torn down. The building was half demolished, the front of the new Court house fell into the street and the entire building is a wreck. The First Presbyterian Chuch is completely demolished. Martial law has been declared, the State militia guarding prop erty together with 500 special deputies. From Santa Cruz, Monterey, Gilroy and Hollister come reports that all of these cities have been completely wrecked, the damage at Hollister being greatest, even all of the frame residences at the place Jbeing razed to the ground. The d«/ath' | list r st[ Santa Cruz is reported to be .very large. \u25a0, ; .; ; ,.,. ;*„ .'...A1l of the Stanford University buildings at Palo Alto with one exception, are r reported demolish ed. No loss of life has been re ported from there. ". The State-) lnsane Asylum at Agnew is reported demolished, the superintendent and his wife being killed and seventeen nurses injured. Two hundred inmates of the asylum escaped and are roaming over the countryside. . . .The military academy at War ren was partly demolished and the students are making every ef fort to get away from there. MESSAGE COMES TO PARDEE FROM ROOSEVELT OAKLAND, April 18.— Early this morning : Governor Pardee received the f . following message from President Roosevelt : "It was difficult to credit the news of the calamity that had be fallen San Francisco. I feel the greatest concern for you and the people, not only of San Fran cisco, but of California in the ter • rible disaster. You will : let me know if there [is anything that the giyernment. can do. 'THEODORE? ROOSEVELT." Governor Pardee also received telegrams of/ sympathy and of fering help from the governors of Louisiana, and Oregon. ';. The following message was sent by Governor. Pardee to Mayor Schmitzjof San Francisco: • "Am appalled and overwhelm ed by the great calamity to San Francisco, " only meager; details of which havereached me. I ex-j tend sympathy and assurance of • my earnest -desire to help, those • inj distress inianw manner in ; which I am able. I "GEORGE iC: PARDEE.'' REFUGEES GO TO OAKLAND OAKLAND, April 18.— Thousands' of refugees, rendered homeless by the J terrible calamity which has overtaken j San Francisco, have come to this city I to escape from the terrors across the bay. On learning of this the Realty Syndicate at once offered Idora Park for the use of those left without shel ter by the earthquake. The offer has been gratefully accepted by the Police and Fire Commissioners, and two hun dred cots have been placed in the the* ater for the use of the refugees. Re lief stations have also been established at the City Hall, and at the various public parks throughout the city. Other relief stations have also been established in such of the ohurohes throughout the city as are considered safe for use as such. Mayor Frank K. Mott has issued the following appeal to the people of Oak land to aiid the authorities in preserv ing peace and order: "To the People of Oakland! \u25a0 "The earthquake this morning visit ed upon our city a great calamity, yet It Is a source of much satisfaction that we were spared from a conflagration and serious loss of life. The officials of the city have, the situation well in hand, but I desire to appeal to the peo ple to co-operate^ with -the authorities In maintaining peace, and' order. "As many- buildings are in an un safe condition the public are admon ished to keep off the streets, and par ticularly warned against congregating In groups. It Is also very essential that precaution be used in the building of fires until the chimneys have been In spected and repaired. Those who have not either gas or oil stoves are advised that danger may be avoided by mov ing their stoves out of door*. "FRANK K. MOTT, Mayor> Chief N. A. Ball, of the Oakland Fire • Department, ha* made the following suggestions to -householders regarding fire* In houses the chimneys of which have fallen: "Build no fires In coal stoves, grates or fire places until the interior of the chimneys has been Inspected, cleaned out and put In repair. In many places where the chimneys appear to be all right, they may have cracks In the In terior or may be stopped up with refuse, which might cause a blind fire. , While the earthquake was at its height, the two smokestacks at the gas works at the foot of Grove street fell, crashing through the roof of; the works, crushing the boiler and killing one of the firemen, whose identity has I not yet been learned. The force of the earthquake has caused the Twelfth street dam, oppo site the boathouses -on Lake' Merritt, to sink eighteen inches. A report •comes from Martinez that! the Martinez Bank Building, one of j the finest structures in the town, has been completely destroyed. It is at present impossible to esti mate .the amount of damage to'prop erty in. this city, owing to the fact that! practically no inspection has been \ j made of the buildings, except by Fire i Warden 'George McDonald,* and this/ > only . for .the purpose' of condemning ; 'those which are unsafe and must be > tornrdown. { Many of the structures j : which from the outside show little ap : parent damage, -on closer examination ; prove to have been so badly twisted ( iisfis^^^^^^s¥^?BP^Bff^HHsW^^BlSB^^Ss» i^^^^^'«^^s*^^ff^*¥ii I and racked by the shock that it I* faared thav will have to be torn* down. | SANTA ROSA IS A TOTAL WRECK SANTA ROSA, April 18— This city is a total wreck. There are 10,000 homeless men, women and children huddled -together. The loss of life is not to be esti mated. It will probably reach the thousands. As the last great seismic tre mor spent its force in the earth the whole business portion tum bled into ..ruins. The main street is piled many feet deep with the fallen buildings. Not one business building from the California Northwestern Pacific depot, in the extreme west end of the city, to the Atheneum on the est, is left intact. This destruction includes all of the county buildings. The four-story court house, with its dome mounting high into the heavens, is merely a pile of brok en masonry. Nothing is left. Identification is impossible. What was not destroyed by the earthquake has been swept by fire. Until the flames leaped into the heavens there was hope of saving the residence district. It was soon apparent that any such idea, {hat might have been entertained, was to be abandoned. This was appreciated by the citizens and they prepared to de sert their homes. Not even their household, goods were . taken. They made for the fields and hills, to watch the destruction of one of the most beautiful cities of the West. The water system of the muni cipality was destroyed by . the earthquake. Fire fighting, was not to be thought of.. The city was at the mercy of the elements and crumbled and cracked as the gentle west breeze from the great Pacific blew from the hill to fan the flames to undestroyed local ities. Thus the citizens watched from the Rincoon hills their homes erased. In a few cases some attempted to return to the burning city to rescue valuables. Many of them who ventured too close were overcome by the. heat and smoke. They dropped, choked and faint ing, in their tracks. In many in stances these foolish souls were left to their fate. There were too many injured and dying who needed attendance, and who had been injured in the first awful crash to allow those who had re turned o f their own free will to be cared for. Later in the day some water was pumped from Santa Rosa Creek. This was, comparatively, of no use, as the fire-fighting force of the city was limited. Among other buildings ruined are the three leading hotels: Oc cidetal, Saint Rose and Grand. It was in these hostelries that the greatest number of deaths oc curred. \u25a0-• They were all brick structures, the Saint Rose having a stel frame. They fell as if con structed of playing cards, and in tahe heaps were buried the hun dreds of 'lodgers. . .Relief was immediately dis- i patched from Petaluma. Carts | and .wagons loaded with provis ions) and clothing were brought j in from the "adjoining city dur ing'the day. These supplies j were distributed among the homeless.; , ; . . - : When the flames allowed,- the ruins were searched :f or dead. The undertaking was far greater than had been imagined. ,' It was found that besides the hotels, the many lodging houses • and room- OFFICER KILLED IN DYNAMITE EXPLOSION Lieutenant Charles C. Pull*, commanding the Twenty-fourth Company of Light Artillery, was blown up by a charge of dyna mite at Sixth and Jessie streets shortly before noon, and was £a-^ tally injured. He was taken to the Military Hospital at the Pre sidio. He had a fractured skull and several bones broken, and in ternal injuries. He will not re cover. Lieutenant Pulls placed a heavy charge of dynamite in a building on Sixth street. The fuse was imperfect and did not ignite the charge as soon as was vi expected. Pulis went into the building to relight it and the charge exploded while he was in the building. The injured officer Is. a gradu ate of the Artillery School at For tress Monroe, Virginia. He is thirty, years of age, single, and a native of Chicago. £ ing quarters of the dty contalo- Wlth the limited number of men, and th» mass of ruins, month* must necessarily elapso before any kind of an appreciation of the fatalities can be learned. The mangled forms will be found as long as excavations are • made. | On the north conditions are fully as ( shocking as here. There la no com imunlcation by wire or railroad between here and Healdsburg. Besides, tha wires all being on the ground, the [ bridges crossing the Russian rtver at | that point are in the stream. This j makes all communication by rail from •the northern part of Sonoma oounty impossible. Many have arrived, however, on horseback and in wagons. These messengers bring the saddest tidings of the destruction of Healds burg, Geyserviile, Cloverdale, Hoptand and Uklah. This repor takes in the country as far north ta Mendocino and Lake couutles, and as far west tts the Pacific Ocean. These are frontier counties and have not as large towns as farther south. In every case the loss of life and property Is as shocking "as here. In the country the .farmers have converted their spacious \u25a0 homes and outhouses Into dwellings for the people left without shelter in the cities. Every man of the country is working to ra* lieve the suffering of their more un fortunate urban brethren. That the beautiful old summer re* sort of Skagga Hot Springs, the sec ond oldest watering place of Califor nia, Is in ruins, was reported late this afternoon. This place is located far > back in the coast range of mountains, and communication with it is cut off. The report carries, however, that many were injured who were regis tered at the hotel. \u25a0 \ West of here seven miles the town of Sebastopol is no more. The bank building is the only structure left standing In fhe village. This hamlet is located in the most fertile locality and was noted for its prosperity. Here too many have suffered death and Injuries. As here they are being cared for by the country people. The shook, from the condition of the frame buildings at Sebastopol,* was even more severe than here. In most cases homes constructed of wood withstood the twisting effect of the disturbance. In this country place buildings of wood were dsetroyed along with the brick and stone structures. As the residences are all constructed of wood, the injured will number large. There are 'not, however, so many dead in the residence section as might be expected. They were saved. In many cases, by the peculiar way In which the buildings fell. The timbers did not give way entirely and. the occupants were able to crawl from the tangled ; mass. ! Although the city of Petaluma lies ! but sixteen miles south of here, it es \u25a0 eaped the more violent shock. But > few \u25a0 buildings . were totally destroyed. (The injured and dead are small. j In view of their escape tho citizens [ of Petaluma are organizing relief par* ( ties that- are being sent into the neigh* boring cities and towns. t . To the southeast of here* Sonoma, Glen Ellen and a "dozen other small towns "throughout the Sonoma Valley, i aro all reported in ruins. The country I far and wide, from the meager. reports received , by horsemen, must be in , ruin. ; How many are dead and suffering in * I these outlying districts cannot be as* ' \u25a0 certained at this writing. It seems that to say, "Some are alive," la the easiest and most accurate report |a> send to the outside .world.'