tDAALY CR1. ... ! S -T"her' ras; ewn~s It wi it fMy eatiefed b: Sby tl r eownarguo ntO' ; approer, Opposthion t thecthemo i f'ontar"t retu ain Railroad, no a t 1 tof conferring very gree r 'we advantages upon our city eptcial nad eaorbitan erel itors, which would so hav ntid them whatL they were to perfort. '_ r oitienfi, to whom it wks referred t, ftitfy or not to ratify the conditional gran moade by the Legislature, might well hove rie Pted tao approve it, npon the original terms o that grant. Stuh an opposition, we repent therem nod we ourselves, as our files wtl, were of it; but that legitimate oppositimr . another totally unike it. unfounded il , sted merely interested and selesh, ha riber trken its place. It is no longer, thatis t, n y. a pulic opposition, a fair oppositon, ani mated by any aim in which the people pf our city or of the country can sypathie; buhot th' ignoble rivalry of individuals, who labor to pt-t vent the aecoimplishmentb f s on enterprise the most auspicious, only becatte they dread tliw it may diminish the profits of another in whiel they themselves expect to make or to bloat in fortunes. O.f sob ar ppWsition as this last, the puolli w,uld swe are ture, he little tolerant, weroe evuhgeeoaoerned in that whicth is in contest: buot where st in this case) a warfare so strictl .n;elh is directed against not merely a greai privatne interest, sanctioned by legislative po etiy, but one of such wide concern to tle generatl prosperity, that to attack it is to attaot the iomnmo good otf the whole body of our citi zens, we persuade ourselves that the puaitli will, when satisfied of the facts, be even toori than impatient-be sternly intolerant. We are satisfied that such an oppeosition as we have described-such anapposition alone--pec sonal, selishl, bitter-as little scrupulous of the public good as of fi telity to its own pledge. existes ag t the Mobile Ratilroad. Thusittios Ii d, we proceedl at once to establish ith facts and . point out the individuals i Un. whom they lip. The h.ed and front of the entire mrt :ie gentleman somewhat diffusive in his pclci, parts ; at, once engineer of Railroads and of 4 C works, legislator. ossiataut-alde~orn, trand Prodi dent of the Jackson & Opelousas ~iailrcad, Ib mulccplhes himself among talents, power- ane, offices; on this shoulder, he cnrries the ?tate: on that, the city; the Gas-works on his back . in his 'right hand, he wields tie J,.ckcon lladl road; and with the lett, he smites down el others of which he is neither .trecident nc, engineer. In a word. he is or he represnc s state, a city, a diversity of corporationse,s,.era; sioenpes; is a legislator, a politician, mathe, orator, financier, practical chemist atd,; besidea he*g the agent of so many othe !ags, is the in t imnt generai of Mr Jan,-: ~nbb whom he. efat least cc fithlfully a. if it were hefro nom he draws his triple line: of pay. O Acemnclating upon all these branchinrv ~onurs cnd emoluments that of chairman of tit legislative committee of Internal Imprven,,t. this Proteus of genius was the person who rc ported to the Leg.a/oture andc .rclcrt< rt beib r,e it that -very gcrant of the llobilc lui/rco,, which he is anow Co strenuous to destroy. We are bound to suppose thalt, s a legislator he knew and did ihis dity: yet it gcave tou ' t -PntchaIrrain roald plrecsely thi.-e wocrct. -ll t.g.ouTis privlleges whi,i thile puiclc h.ts ,I ."cc provd, which .cvcc dcsapl .c cc tin!d . tcl.c 1 ,I;e , ctnptlOy itself c lcas yi cdde- I up That clc:1 .-. .n ht:s recu ncil, l eve, yh. l:y hiut hi1 wi repsrted the le:Ic ! ':tive gc rant-ccevery'!.-,ly c., h t~ :tad hei tpriuc'mi t, Ni iv if Mr 0,,hh 1." c'r-ei nicnlbly opposedt to the Mo'ble Riilc v, on acny I rotna ewhtl:oe," he cichuld halre prcc I.ents1 Mr. CnitlmphIls sualpcrting it: if hI lmeely ,cjc'ts to certaicn conflArrc ou it, le houll have prohicoicd cc r Cc s r.e ntlc-r.l ug them. or else oabc:+ldon his olic;t-cc.-. n Iw tHat their slleged cauee has oeen r lnovc c . lcth he .;ad CIol. Cca.lmniclnil are cstccppcdl : c ' i cno only be ill obedience to Mr. liuHbb',, tic i, - mentc that Mr. Campbell now licght;-i ca;;cn that which hie advuocawl , in . 0c ccca tre :cj" tionahlhefor: he is merly 31r. co's c-g, ,c therctre': but the prih.,ipc . is hind y 1 l acets ofi the Igentl; ncdll thcrc [ure l.,. I:b.,cic b .uad to stand to what tMr. C. did in tire Legit lctcure. 'Posibly, however, it was only to ci',,t i t log rolling" operation that lo r C. adlvoo, t this bilt: ihe did it. to get aocistanee for his ow.' road Dut what then! It he di, not aolt h:, estly then, he ahould at least act decently now The stmpnle truth is, that there can be no excnsr foiMr, C,'s conduct; for if any !tody was i.out . to stand by the tlobile road charter, it was he. toand by it even without the coneessions: 4 et he and his principal are now not to be re conttiled to it, even by all the concessions nskel andm I Evidently, they dread it, as likely ed their own road, as the 'acek for traovt, and are therefore determined not come into existence on any it is now too 1 te: they houltd this discovery a little earlier. hwewver, is not oll. We Ihave lbefore Iti eviden t moot positive and most respecta;la thie lMes~,. I* & Campbell hate, besides the ill-condnot already shown, d rectly 1tie r faith with the Mobile Road Co : thait they (ni gaged, if the Company woul, " submit a soatre tuent ofsurvey, plans, estimates of cat, andii pr:positio ufroti.respotible parties to tbuil compltete anid eqtnip its itoad to M ile., a t ( dition it can receive the ore and at balo inillm of bo[ds proposed," IMr. Robb " will cvk o no opposition," and that Col. Campbeti-" will "t b governed by him." it will be ritelirOlt that these tednts slop far .,kort / it wihai t Company has. i,.e done. tBat this is not oill These protmises were betdl dut, to tait n p'o cuniary.aid to.tyrde Col. C:lnmpeh,l-t election to his pro.stt seat in the City Council: that, i;o waI accordingly given, t to tih extent :ski i : !nl *yet Col.Catmphell his p:iti:ly it;ited thalt Ith Company gave jttst ihoat at tL defe,, hi. election ! These fact look incredible: but orch is the goodness of the proots on whiolt ey reet. that we cannot doubt thiln. Those prots ;are lit tllh, commandof the parties i lpoeated, lheuev r they ask their publiotoy. Autagnttirtio irf soejo Love, ro o:ioai OTC n * powerui dppveitoo to tlhi worl.; t:n tpposi Lion wltob is uaaomirtariuoa is io s aoo titity a nd31 unoerupuloos in its tnotie of atta4*. 11. 'think, however, that this well porerte dlecidely itt its favor should the Cotmmeo Coteiil pet'oi t the qpootaon of the e't1,:erploej n by ti r;"; I a toihaioi and a hil f tao oo;litul aitLk of t1.1 00931p to go tof ,re t e people- '' are o aotio. LrdrOth wi rrqoitv watbiteoor utheAl ttt t4 en", of the aft l omeas 'Ti Clht, Ott~ eateentoto, unot4ir,.to RA ill, ,to blind thte eyes00 ~ R)",rw ,iht paeat y,{uaint."d Or en 'of cot mmoo lThe diecat0o50 hent, woich eattrtl ot,l 00 tttt bdthe tb*;urtier iote tote CompbetpI manking people naquaittitd Ibs e ttlrpttae mati htin or'the prospect- rrqlter the certairity i iEs.laecese The 3 ,ard of Assistant Aldeo :eeu O . Iappointed a meeting for to-morrd 55Oin. the purpA o of passing upon the t toer a vot. of the people, and we hope that ,st and- cotmpretensive views, an emoinent re id forg~ interests of Nw Orleans, will iu l t..' decision and sni leat the designs of idg opposition which has its foundation houh t this o ceive aid from Sei cit, as h the kasea and Opelouoas aids !. Whl.e nn l e objection has yet been .,ade which hasnot nbeet answered over and ser aghin ? What can be urg against it of a ,rions liature which does not cqually exit withh espect to the other roads? We know that it its been asserted and reiterated that the con itions, upon which it is proposed the city render Sarnid, are unjust and inconsistent wilh lhtr on rights; that t.o teltms of the co-p.rtuer saip asked for will be unequal. Let us see what ne company offers to cast into the crale intlust ile $1,530,O100 bonds solicited from the city: t otfers to surrender the earings of the prsecnt oad (the Pocntchartra;in) to tilu cocstruction ~t ie extension, which aiuotunt to abouit b30,(L00 .nnually; it offers to put in tue charters, eur :eys, estimates of cost, nnd the grant of 360.00t, :res of land obtained flout the Gcnera:l G(C. oniuent ; also, to obtain individual subscrip 'ins oi the mnount of $500o000, ten per cent. of ciich shall Ie paid in immediate cash and tl rmait,,ler during the prnore-s of the wor. Iad the city is asked only to iess, her bowl- a thue we adv laost 500.to00 wheyIc ixty fI.* ar eoupileed and in ,peration. A cbese investigation will, we thlic, scltit :,y person, however much diisp;ced1 to be'.ieo' sherwise, that this enterprize offers to the cu, deontages and inducemenle s for its: suid ope -cr to what any other now .n view con pr:seot cet all tlis, of course, bhut gives acddittoi-- .ue ifor hostility on the part of tihose who c(,. pose it. The matter, as before stated, cotmes up hefrbe lhe Board of Assistanti Aldermen to-liorrot . git, when it will be dcilced whletiher the qnes s-us sholl be submitted to the people. We i- miall doubts as to the result. Ten of our citt utlters, we -blioee, will l.e anxious to tl,Ak up,,., 0eir shunlIehrs the respunsibilty of dtel:riet: t. the people shall i;tve n; voice in a m-ttte. 1, nearly touhicng their most imlortant in'lr ,t,, and wlhich the Lh..ig.istture l50ns dhcr".-v: 1- cl be pltc-d in their aruts. It muost , tl Siu:tnI of- evetoy, uusprcju dicdIl l~on thttc o i tie ilmperative duty of the City Council ro -Ithmit the luestion in a r roper fso trm- to the ,0-pular vote, with as little delay as p-ssiole. New Fublications. We hlve receivd f"rm Mr. J. Cl ,lrgn, .i n iige Place, the fliuwtinrgnew I bet:: ( icos " An Art-Stu$inn in Muu,.h," Mcy \i. Mu ir Iowitt. T'icknor e Co., t oistin. Th;s vhtuu uiE uf le'f .min f'to htters writte fro, Ih ich ,'u ing a c'i ,ctr itihere by tc e tut:! Sth0 pliurpose of c r:ictiic study Tii'! cc lii. [:ss Anna 1:ltry Hew tt, is the luh' r I ir aucl Wiicum Howitt, su wic lIiy i wiu it ':rtture, aunI wwho hts hersel at-bt dinl stah ,rily s a' n artiot Toe wok is ict inl hicul ill its c Lr cteri', cn'. j'st a ac l :il ,, ,r n sphy a" might bc c i,.,v.etd wi.c ,1b , , ,:ti hi A , ;c]icrili .c tlic 'i-I i '!.c+ r., i,, c:.., 11i linee , ' t all j cts tilrou it : i ."i l, v ,.1,'d le(eitumt, Rni to ;i.v,. t ta lttan ow 1 1,ppy awl i"te t ifull. 11 .i Ill ll' 7011ý 1('" i fct -ce' CIo 11'..s> lite ,,e 1 h; c 5 r," it . ill , . itii c hi ,I, " it"i l 'I . "ltl I U f] ' I ','U . ' 1' li :L 'i* - t''I ,,,, ,t ;' lilt,It , :' u ', ": 1 l t'. i1,l it-c m 1; .+ _,. .. +t .( I , ,( ] "I i'Cc1. Vhiic I '; \ar::y c,''lv-, v it. I ioi i" 'f i. .I,.f'ti u ,ln ,,l"'t'. ' ,y ,loc' i. , ,, , D., of 'l-,. ul v,.r-i yv, i, ., -,ed lby Ticknrt & fl : . c :ict l it' t 'iio, ici .ii' itnl Nly it:i ..:t, i-cec. chieiet , "t 1cf,,i.: iic'ii''i l'c cc+ Icie icgci licc vied mdci hr iqiii' ,':t , 'ccii thf I c rc'-it.ic ccc i c , it Li, nut lie l ,,w's live ew f,, .Ily , ]i +:. c,ill, ut .ou~~ l .•. I , , e l~;-" i 11,y ,:I' ,. ,1.1 c-. , in n ornin, , at _ 11 1o du :. 1 k . I f. . i' t ~r3" ilt,.' .:It, ], ,a e ,.I+' ;,:.',_ '" !-'!' 111t lt . th . ut].,'. I! i t Il~ l t)L'i :, ,."I` : +h , I , - . t' I l ,:S¢: ,1O +J:1 . tt'c cv. t,P+l;Ilyr ul~t] nm rnin:+,. I+t | 1 tfcl[,,P I, t, rt tI . :,)I " I 1'1:c ,110. +'}t,r r,:rtiet,>:l of rlte'{ . and ft e a T'.. tre will : i. t (hi1 ' it. , , E f. I T 01 tDt:. L ill t, 11 , ý,, , 01- t;,,' .L+;.eti ., -.i,;ht. T ),'1 ,'i.: ir te . : (, tie ". I'.,.. I Ubamtllounio" an,1 tI.. faree of t[ t. Itu,.l: t .,a, .ire to lo! pterfiormted, M10na li s l,,]1 o" Th. Freuch Opera (Cotnhly, has vwhlnnt!(,i l t, ais'st on the occ.. a ion, ulal- will si t; ha f var;', cene. We hope that lhi fTir benefi" try n.:t have at good hou1e, aud indeed her polulri with theatre, gurs here can!"c cl:.el! o1 .+ ur,t:tt + ;I h. W~e b' ru b" tb~eariu.tII loto he. 8th ins', 1,0a er (the diit,i which 1ti4 d ii'~ n '''''i "" , lIt in tll. diiy [ci'1r: 5 r 1; the ,Ill',lCll l I ,`+out 1,'.,t\irtog 1,"r:, CantLI. to1I Ill thetn iWt" t., ,,, otll, dews acrv t-" 111t;t! A lL'i' 'ii~n iii I 'Ind - 114.1 s ~n)·11 1) in or !li.lic A . ailui ,.:tul ?.j:,i Lnti' . I,'ur'i, ,, l ` h 1I: 1 ,iu gui ; 111I.'s ':"ISt il - t, ,11 i , ' Ivc- ii i," ui'1 e ii , r vsdew nuei~o its iod " i, i} :i i, t r ,_ T'i j (' l rk uof t?;, It '' h'I, p~if 1 i s is lisuic se d I ot. 4cr ub li 5 roteln hnnsi ej esh. dcliii W Gen sa ii 's hiuanatgd fc c,. ctr svl ~ N) due Sprilaltotrepealnte at tot ('t tie l nee grenrutt. i'Wasnr : rio . ihly 5. 1854 ' The veto is still the suttbjcr of much cotinient. -ImhI the conclusion monig pr::eticaL nevn, by lh:ch I tmeann men who are nit mere politteian., ias tht the Preilent wo;ld nor hivre been so gliltgent in seeking constittutiontl objections to Ills great pi t' of ibelevoiletnee had the mnea.nre oeen eneto'ully urged by dtmteroirts. It llus teen allirmed, iin my hearing, that, the P'resi ilen alve 3inss Iix tile most decideti approval t f t tie timov'n'.ntt. would explain this, hmw 'ver, as he has alWady attemlptd to explth Ilis " forkedl" ,.g uange upon the Neibraska bill \lthItlgh the bill wao pnot.ied by unusually large ,ujrlt es it both branches. I have tohope t!t ,t will colmmand the .eeces ary teo-thirds to carry it over the ie:lt ot' the Chiefalagistrate '1 must Ibi,!tthe end ofhllis flaur years, t iLch, tailppily. tne is already past. Mir. ltidell's movenutnt in the matter of Cuba witl not locvhe [lte colutennltee of the oiniote. or even of the Cotmmittee to which it was re i', rr dt: p-to .rs he i;,l not exonea it wohbl I have ,d "'teon to b-here that it tol tite san. i,l ' iil President. t but this will not give it much, it ity, additional streuthn . Filtbuster locki is hoLw par helre. and theretbve people do itit se'e wh'v it pirt cuilarly coccrns this ca, try wheather ulbat is .lfrieatniz,'+i or Chit!ntzed, or whyl, ls we w le:ve grown, rea o vutlylv stroll ld hIea:rty sitce we set out in ,our nat:cn,. :areer witiout the p ,tsession ofI CiubI, we mn.. o, ''ntinue t t thrive e0en if our " i manl",t I,-, ly" be difirred an:uther gcneratiion two, "netll,, ;e:In be the next'locofeo w:r-cry. '1'h re is t lo t :Lmalde of olclnbtls present by w~hi,' It a!,ljurity of rsnoe half a doz1,n is relit - ,: ,,n ,r itiin i u p th ie iNebr k e bill on liai t1i ,o ; 'fut.-iy next. b, t hot, th lror io :;t :.. -e :y ;"1t .e phrelminses iuthor:zes any extr:aor ily le ,b;t ve eclrse, wtcie w ttWou1 it h. or h t e.1=tv:, , i vote of t o-thirdi s, the N0,, r;, . t,! e (, be r'.tohed ;)r reek , eolne. I'he" hru"s" led by Mr. Cottihg, v; N. Y., will ,pptse the bill. excepting ldibe WVal b, who 0,''_ "¢;'v mluO]! on his own hoolk, and occupies s,,oe - ,.'° , 1 " : " t t ; " i n 'l]iu q, ' . (f '. i, , w oi:h t[hi I ,cc, that Alike is not dieting fur the U. Senate. I'-,; hove l a ] ] 'in sTt nusing d:lousnson np}V :1 "'! e inl the "t'e~ii hill, givi n , ' i ll:( I l't '- rr t-i.n A pt: ,, tion V, s in'ri, i n g wife. M I , Li. the 41, le t ,.h ,. li ei l ' on J e 6t, our / hri. l . t 't . 'd. "11 u t: - 5U veui,,, ,h tlil " -b-, 1 t.r'.,',, t,1' n , c .t , } . : t" l: tt. . . . l, ' " lt: ,, " , , -t . . .. ..... il :h .·,. I;·iL ,. ;.l', 1. a :'~. .,VLlwi 1, ,1,. l t,,,v ,/il' t':: h , ' L !"[ }j ',s ;1 '3 .lk iv,5 i . · Y·· i :. ,." , · I :l .i~ i:d "1: :: . i- t P.. ::i U, , l I.', , I . ". ' 1" ' ý1 ." , .t . : , : . .L(- , . :. "II , , : ..iii,, . .. . ', .. .. . ' .... '":.. vI.., ,t'i.."L , ' .. .. 1 . `·i;·r~ [};. 't" ,· : ,, .l , i , ,. . .: .. .... .. , Lt . ..... ~ .'., i; , ,,", 1 " "", ' . ,- :t ; . . .... It , ., , 1.1• . .... i . · , . .. ,; , ' .,i .,~··; ,, : I ·t - ,, , . , . , .. .. , ·' .' . ;- ' J· . i,· "[ \ ' ,' : . . . ' - - . " ·· ···;~ '. i i·· · : ' : ··· . ~· · ·· ··I · · . I· .-~ .·i·~.,, II· ·~· ·~:· .:1. ······· ·~·-~·· ·!····· ··~~·~·..~: ~· ·. · ~ I··· a·; ··; ~v .. ~, ,. .il.F.I..(.1..1· ;il :e ··r i)~' -· R.· rn~li! ir, rrulir`, gj Cunp rlralr. ., Q 1'hen the body is subjeot to many ýý n 11 ,llutira w tlirine. Sod I.. rb n G i hoo la :1 Ir .ltl' lr x 1.DI W VE .E "J I t hl t n'lll ii h' ,.(i ,,, t thz.y I ,,t.xr aar,,.. s, +, ii.,,' n nl: t "i - ý+ i , r tI I l ' h tnl lJ,: .i .i , I h"r' rl: bn . ati z I+ at' r, M-r ti n . L t I*y ll,, ln nl " br pr, ; it . Le,+. Sor0:t w u i ts r t l tY ' Udllp st J. , h,.I I , I W.lW l lSnhlm o h,+ C.1S('IIIS C ,ito m.-tU . s ruoo has tsh tn. or .ti mpu,1 D·- 1t ;11 thr r"+ i, e Cl l hnt r. wer fond th Arr-ti+ Rurr or u sr.. + t-,, ", Le x urt,,,,,v, :. , e , -. "r,11 [J r J. N'It 11witl u .'()., n; 1A l. '.nrl t r p : t "! vsi' sul (:UJ(1 OtIS['A)- t I ,o; a t UIrs'lti VC I'. tot I.'..' Ittr , arrivals at th Principal Hottls..". """" May11. ST. VI ( ·:lEi .. \liJohn N ll'r'* , . J .. (. I'J Inul I 8i,·u l- ,.\ 1' . P 41 ) I' leeslle . I 11 55' Ix, IV Si I 'r.l u 'xx I'r S II I Ix ·rvI ii N 1) ; J ` " , I J 111 ",".u. I-:1 s ii , I'xxx XI·. } .II.x. .I x... Al~. `Ir, x. . , -.11- . II) -'xxIi 1f It., .'.5 :111' IxI xxx lx 4.. Y .`II S 1'.' JI 5',x ~ r I· ··.- · · ··~~i·r.s ~ ·~r, ·· . ~:·...··. ~ `. ·' 1. \·:i·: :i~:;r· E~t,,:cr~,·~t: ~~·.~~~~·: . ··· ·~...~. .·~ s ': " :·-~~ ·~, ~··:·.·r . . ..... · r· :`~ \- :L` ;···.~·;. (· I 1. I · "i ·..I i~ ~ '· 1. :~' ~ ··~··-i~ i· I-· ·.·.. .·.·I-. ·..'·-·~I··;. :1.. ·i: . . i I'· i, Iri . 6·::i.i.. itit m aw;-1i r. ·· -ii .,8iv<" < AN ''± :Y ilar ,5'v a ýB';, LX ThX hU 'S *dbiaz-Jzt'ri'h I ··' ;, F ' -·;r l ` ·' · ('11t... Pd~iI .VE1 pl 1t; " 1. 1 I ,, AiI . , tIý'L L:.:t" k VIt ' ( OttA tl .II.u.NI "tV I-vt I * ul V. ' Iu ti ý t~··:·: · i ,~~!ti e. " i 1.'~ II1 L '( '·1· t ·I ' · - -. l.i , :,~ I·. · I: ýý ýi ' iE i:.l li? ·I: i Idl i", St L~ ·..'. Loui Su·, . m! .mils a l ·bý:vt Ix cý ; ·r, o 1ruu. m· ~t, R, B. SYKES' AUCTION SALES. O)n Awolunt orf, (',ura rý`. ,' ý ý ,. . Li ,, iln-i, tut i ~ * D lL . '', S"D-1 l·ibs in aarc-, for id, . la to lose tiLJ tlisymLt tF L ll,ýio 1'.,11, tlt5L, c''O~,ytfojiialt r{.