OCR Interpretation

New Orleans daily crescent. [volume] ([New Orleans, La.]) 1851-1866, May 30, 1854, Morning, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015753/1854-05-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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,ý . ý ý ýl
#e _~
1-n :-s~
-:: ·· .. l{·': ··; of `.
RaruS1pýnfý : ý.. t +r r rF1: 7ý
:·· i (,
LIVEB~rob.~"-. fuat sail-,
,,inwi ' d can jPVl4I.. -sXIW nU1@ ZS8 le qau
5XOJ1P b3~ If .ht`f
ORW IoIVBPOpa h-The. AýHqNl"' "e
b8 6Aaltk.. A'gXWAZIJIIo o aIr= ClLpIM
SOR .-The A1° #1 fu'
VOR BR ~~fOL -Tw al
jjý SPOOL.-e A f1aM rail-.
..y1 A~eiobiot i WMCEVI80o»,oB.oe, 04W4
WA B9 0,6 04 ..do,. V V o. I80 .8*cmb t .00 e
0. . WjT000,00 .m1t.
SOR 'jlIYROL.o 'A 1 feet sail
3.eh P. p88T0tY O0*pso .to.t.
W. coyly - ,.ep. 'Y: 0.~t~ao Gooo..0 - ..0
OR ,LIVErVOO-ha fin A: 1, fait~j
3.ahm do & C. P: Cp t
dbdedd k:..,)fptleeM
I.`P .cý ibýot
dýp ttKlyrpb~: ,a'
FOR I4 0L-AA T tii
Csp in wld y.uW it flYR" 't 'ýi u
diiab . 0` rh l ! D Co ý c ;0~ l m· tpf
wfr-m,404 n ~ROL t
0$ WRPOO. A :Ya Nal
K i LIVERPOOL.-The" tew A I
I. s. 1P. 1nNY O.e Cr a.
jýR IVRPL.Th A1 as Bil
FOR IVEROOL:The o A1 fast
ea~ir nulee Al Eii. L',ý~ffg, t
E. elole t owodig adwitbaeImi bCdloco Q o
kneht f ice elie C ll 1y
Fo . pW1lNYk O,61Cm sre
gsaeapl o b dpeeoobW. m1
FO LVRPO-The very fast ssi-pf
OU bthsColn, pplybo
SOOERXT. W8LL8A005 k0., 00osp.
'tlr purge !,ing amuurpued accommodations, appl7 bs
Le6rd·rl, dt tPwt98* forjo b m.78
to'. L8...-Th. Ai er0 g.8st 0i1 8888 0O. P.
OWNHmK yo ll Intl. ` tols, g1, god
00W11,u8.8o78888 .0 . 800 8f8oo.
11i0.ro00..on. J8bn, 8.0.f rra t of r00esag,qp .8
GEO0. 81 ONT. 80 Camp target.
=1' 0gllS inPhU8018788., H5EO77AMAIART88. 8081
F OR LIVERPOOL.-The & 1 fast sail
8.817808.08 .h IL R Iu 517881 88p8. Dply,,
4 now Yaring, and west ow Lmamla disp·ah.Pot Itsh t /s
.ksi~aotborapplyb g{IT
)S..CoaSroShwag.,appo. 880184818108171800.21 8toil 48o511
S1.OR LIVERPOOL. -The A 1 fast sail-pig
.'sAmell688hip TAI6U1YT BA.B, Captai OHare.
tr1nd,1 88dpw111188 180 8,,. 0880P8118108870 . fo8.8oth8
of 458818..Cotton, apply to
2.PTJ. O7IHIKT ACO. I11p Caop I.
pI.s' o app8 to the 17488oao bord. 8878
FOR LIVERPOOL;-The A 1 fastsail-.
g1 ".-Iva ai l 881. II4O.804o88=pi.n Grey, 88
now losdloo,. and .111 fi",I rmmadlo diipalh. For Raigh o Sa
ath, YCotton, .pply p .
d. P. wm-fNEY t CO. tll Comp elrdot.
3- For plag.,ppplyb 0.C..7 olo acbrdl. 8li1
F OR LIVERPOOL.-The A I fast satl
f 01 Amrica .hlp OPBEL1A, Captain Mson, 88,
ao. IoW rn nd , It hire quint diymtcbm. For /rairht of an a
Co35'Popo to J..o 8 Wt8TNEY C C0.80 0. 08811
r p.OU LIVERPOOL-(Passage Only.)
U{The '78 fadt 8.. in .80, Aoo..8sh 14. l1 B11EP
118,(.80p1n 80088888, having all her cargo engaged, 11ID wov
lmmoooolo dt,08 h. 788orp8.ba, .,8ing h8nd0,m, 808nr880880800,
58F*NEY a .8V88.. 11 Common stret'
_lo or to OI..I 88 K8AR d C8., 8l,,8..8,,,...
FI3OR LIVERPOOL.-(Tkes no Grain.)
The A I 1 .ltl5l9eiog oool .8 IORIZONj 0.78W
11 .i.isnow lo8di.. 00110)8,. dl.p88,. 7888 '8, 0 10
bolo. 0oo 18, 87pply to 07. W80T88 CO. 51 C0mp00 t.
puw· 177l7888407818 8880. 084
*E2bOR LIVERPOOL-The fine fast sail
i.n. l American .hip fAI'PAI1AYTN380K, Capl8lo
00hi81, .now laldig, a80 8will 8.811, 8oon.08,tte08.P..
8088888f88o8·Ca~1..08. 1878888
W(Wbb C'081103 , appI OP 81874E0,1088.08
7. P. 8801888 a CO~ 61. Camp 086et.
rr For pneeagerpply W th Qptaia O· ld, my6
F OR LIVERPOOL.-The A I fast sail
843 bo.880, .an hlp C0OLOMBO, H1rri, mob.Or,
hnsip prt f her cargo e~ulls,«, f hna immediab d spt00. to
bolos, of freight, appplyy
hgl ol87f J. H A88sOHRIle CO.11S e8. Charl.3.str8t.
FOR IVERPOOL.--The Al at Lloyd'si
Ht. Thomwaa. now loading,, ann drill hharn Imm Catain dispeln Yo
35' fre787.7 of 600 81.15 Cotto ,oO, 0 8 to
8H C Cm.1or aer 0 ublo ,,81d80808.. ppoly to8880,h Cn8110 oon888.
~' OR LIVERPOOL.-The splendid A 1
' A 887oo ship OtSTBBONTH EU, o 007.8 H.,81
ppp !un the grtrprfho qr ergo engged, 171m,1 eve
tk8r8g8pat0 Fo J Hs( 17188~ble .8in~p 1.8 118 1808,
.P24 8. AUIBIIBRWG A CO.66 St. Charles at.
F OR LIVERPOOL-The fine A I faste
84lling 0meri0.1 ship WINDKEMERIE, Cap80oaIn
Fairfild, b pow lo~dlry, and wd4 saw Qnea disah For .ratght
881'08,. ottoo,opplyo J-. WHu' 18500C 40.mp097
passa ge·y, apply Id the Cap(Ja W oard. ,ps
FiOR LIVERPOOL.-The A 1 -list pail" B5
fag ipAmsrican eOIp ABA QTJ$$N Ou m h anan.·aaa
now 017di 78, 8nd8011 bshd Imro0.dlp 8088808h. F 8or1ayut iai
b118les elos apply 80
f3' 7or J. P. W1107ITNEY A 08,6165 088o7.
_ P-gp..1,7pIy th8 Captin qp b8r. 804117
T{ R LIVERPOOL.--The A:1 feeit sail
-1 fog Amesrican ship A. B. THOMPgYPCO at tg
00 do, is how loading, wnd wilt ··ra iokd left. C
100 a leaCo",onpplyio J.P·WHI WIN hCOIO 1 6t Cjmpt
S her 88.C ..8ply to W8T C 8008 51e b 8 01d. 10
L OR BREMEN.-The Al fast sai flng
bnow loading, and wltl reciv qir k l*h' oA
blis.Cotrt, 6pptyto t P. WHT ) o l Cm t
OTForP mw, .plr to th+ &ptarb m d mrd. apP
FOR OLA80W:.-Tha Al fast sailinga
I' etnicW sip OAUIYFITlta, apn Loring, to 0uw~
laediag sad will love gwck diepb. P i t eigght of do bale
J3¶ OR POUTSMOIIOVP assage only,)
The 16 . t.aeeaa sip
vig bw" y i
ý.-l*r "n
aS.' a
;dip -i-'d.-( -
. : c.3+`~~x...,ý i : . ..a :ý'ý u. : ýý '~. :f a fP`.'r. `ý . - ý^ .,
...`d _; ' `.i '4 "1rAi `'ý iu ; ",,"±4ý,ýaP; xxrn v"Y.Y x 1.
A * l g',e`,p6tt i
! :mrt'etw matrLur . s.ul wM
t~0~D~ &t 00. UB1~ I4i.
S. P. wns~~uxe,.
r'ý1 OR.B 1AYBE:.Th ew n$: 1
rHtp1d A nw: ,p a q
Y1.+.. LP, wff~muTtl,, OW.m
>=--i*~,l~ r ;$169 EtC. NB.atldM
~~ ~ ~~~~OC~ 0," i Fie ,.itain
~)L -:.NTWELI .-The- A I
Po, p dpl W l. C cpp o hoid. I'
1~OR,. QlVDUa new A feat sallu
I~e~ldpttdm~l IT,$IAWI&CD1.Ptw YiOb~
( Suee Al, fet e lK
)e0.e.,h t p .27 teU.ptdl OTE e., er q$
arkTfllaTE.-The os i feet es&ii.
"ýý ýUY.ij1(ter h rln ~,/ be Rrhei n
ý77t 'Tt kyfabiog~l olake wibbacb
1Z: ý1!l TWRP: e.A If
TIEfmer.fm he 'a h ·IaTtssil
4LP.4WIU 1~Y EcO.4 CC op0i e0
i, M brei . WU 0,..nl
OoW, pp), eW J P.Wft'P$YE - utd" tO:, y4
X~- }'. `$4AiOURG.
iO B HMBURGU.-TheAL flee BBa n
p 01 . Ipb~ O4OA NO, 0d.
p' p 1100,01h.Cpt?, .Lq10dL.10Ceopt
,fORHA7~URi .-Th e Al tasct ai.-"
F .tq^+ilil n b T. . RVIýE lip etdd ..s
4 o 'd tbr'l mme ,e. .teb.. o, f..ý n
Wd.3pYt d J. e1srxYCee~1 Pe;.
R EU.-The A fast nailn
J: I _Ie t 6O CD.ee41qeqq
CA te.q beq{ {. pt
HAMB~tURG.-Te A fas nalin
ksvogalkr crg rgydwnlGae mmnis. ruprr
" yfkave R etbug aanereammoatfon ,appiyt the Capuu
:pn bovd. - J. W,~HITH&$L06.( Ci Camp (. reb 6
U-' iD. p e~.uoi.AORILA.C~~
ýj OR NEW YORK.ý-The 'new A _1
'.!' ~ek~t ee ,at OLD DOIYIRIDN. apt. --.--ýe
fhgi.iiy ll hi, hr urgo" .ggd, will hi, qoJk dhpaiio
.711 v OrL.STUiTLYAIIT, Yee cue{.
tURot NEW YORK-(L LioneofkE oke&),.
o~_~·e gilbo·l~onr~r p~·ibiikMDWAB ~ fLDL
htppbo 4, boyyo.it
. my DO WILLIIh/8 kCO., 70 Cmp swet.·
V IPRILADELPfflA.-(Merohante'b
fiery tad puib.1.i9r I 9 boooeroitigT`
dloo.. ' ooY i~aemgsp~llato
O'ipR PflILADBLPIIrlA-(Ph1indelphiq
N' bid 10 OdiU. lb.. 1)-T40e A lW/ bib bieg *
NALXg, m H, I~ irl~t ~ ilo
Dooo o, utrIF hailsle
kllbcargo b. lii. wi uei w01gb...
. if. AISHRIODOE l CO. is StChuoL.*.In$.
1,ý.. J aMS" I ,h I A 00., Agiiu in Phildlphi..
1`Liae.) The ten callin bark MORNINQ 6~R~r~C
tda epees, wil kavr yy ir dlrsppaVL.~ Pm froaiphr apply m umi
ROGSRT, WELlAM9A OD..fO Camp·C myl
.F'OR BOBTON-(Regular Line of Pack
L' .o.)-Th. reloyd Puwlcebip flilicON, OIholY,,,
n ri ie r m aI . n j Pr o u o h. r ca rg o i. . . , ..i .
gmkL p~h o na, rfbt or a eapplytr
rgyti oRO. W HIINSD B0 ilap street.
SORf O .B:OBTO N-(Re lar Line
.' P;eib-Th..Aid.iM .lp BENNINGTON.
w lauh. mu lag ·a ac I.re Part oi her c.,o engaL, e
sddlLp.. WF oluioe o freight o pup .rplyi to
FyO.B CEOO. W LiYNBONeBo ap Itoft:
Pý.1 OR BOs TO N.-(Regnlar Line
E2Wubsi..l-Thh A I packet.W l.b ULIE)aN T.pb.
Mantras, ertesbal at g portion of 6erenrgo "ngagd, SE,
quick du. r.Fwr saosafrireirbtrr ,iO·ghl. to
.iyi 000. W. ISYN7OO O00.Cmp ett.
F OR BOSTONN-(Regular Line of
Pb ..te)--Th. rAJiau ph ekihuoLUUIA5. Stepa..
buinblim..oer, is .ppylou bted iilbha quickisoh J. or
Iona of freightor pasange, appia to
mmrl 000. W. HYNlON, 80Camp gront.
OR BOSTON.-(Regular Line ofa
Pb Paiol¶.)-Tn A .. 4). OILEObOk, Cipi. DiiiW
VVV sale, meeur is now lmdm ad will leave dispsuk For oaco
0011 aII. W. HO80N. O0 Camp C treit.
F OR BALTIMORE,-The fine reg~alra
holy pSS. 10bri. J QILHhORE, Csl. Doae,
Fialog of t oi ht s cargo eoge l, will kRAeeTER-We diofer f c r
b~~l ~ b iI loloooiolJyuoo. Apply i
my17 2 u e nPII W. HYNSON, 80 c-P street.
FORB BATIMORE.--The A1pcppera
I' RAN0I is cow tding, a1d will.honqick
dispel For t' uoflo of P y00pi Aipl p
iyi Do . CEO,1. NHYCSON. 80 C-Oi.trl.t.
ORBAL TIMORE.--The regular~e
W.m1,'u.i pthku bilk ohioLU~ Catin DivO OhI..Apgli
urge po1i- of her cargoA ill rave iOonedi' ioil6 .
Fri bsimce of freight, aply to
J-7'fO. W. HYNSON, 60 CampstreeL
FOR& CHARTER.-WeV offer for charter~m~
a' n A eet L·III ship, arrying 8800 baba Cotton end saili
other ttplags, lrpa cd to arnve b o b~fore let Isaa. APply w
myld 1" J. HART A CO. 19 Tchoupliouls ·tnem.
FO0R SALE LOW--The copper andrmi
coppe0l~r fasten ed 9·sL1 ýLRT aboaut 10 xlboe b ofiihe
pefntyrund nod well fonoa m I ry oly(pAeaI . ndslcttr to
mye Jw Hf McN~t ACE aoneestLt
W ACJNTED-A vesel to load for e.e
Wes W t, Fa.,of the Wit rs001o ]00 bl. Apl t
rays SARELLI Ar CO. 01 Co-on at ·uarr
.00b o 000t SUO to 000 tov00 to lend in t0e Ib0oo.'.C
foreign port, The 1-1. Moud m% draw over 11 laal water, w n
loaded. Forforlbs psrticslsllynpply·o
0eb00 BARELLI O CO. 00 Co..- arrest.
}net eatiing nbrigg or bark, of 160 tnYMW oarurlhen,j~r
to lonar ( r Baimore or N w Ynrt. riL boot di.tf01 0b.
.plS C e, Blronnwe LLA CO., 88ao0 atL
.oote oonen 00 .ob0.urI· Sicilianprigg OAOLINA, Clpt.
Ooorsoo. Sb, .01 O y the bulk olfbo..t4100 I10Cotton. Foro.,
opp~y to OCOELLI & CO., 81 Common t0,000 0005
001,1 C~rNi·~vh 0oiomepI.0.ogo o~ LbW6P
lo,'.olaoAOiooOtoO~o .hlp JANE~C C·lHu.t. O. loLooop~.
A [ply to 0 [11 ] . h'. .001NON, 9a 00.k Plait.
L A l .ohoo, REOAM. Apply to
spa b. J. HART A CO. 00 Toboopbtonl..oorao.
FREIGHT WANTED for two good firstJ a
c rlh·brie a·tha Bunk Stake Mouth or A4:hafnlnyaplýý
lort'00100. t0 o GEO. td. HYNOONO 80C, l pd . '1
HiOMrR FREIGHT.-Vessel bound to
lbh Med.ltierranean 0n ltretol freightl 00 Northern
Porten pplio.4leotO
1050 3.0. SHBRID0 5 A CO., 05 1. Cbhlog .t.
TANTED-A freight for the Medi-. i
= ernnoo bark SPLENDID, not higher up thmJ&
14ly r ndnr alto
feb . '.lOCHRAN A HALL, BB Smvier Ooo I.
Th l. Loe i ooompood of lbolrofloosl., 0000, to ail ponotorlly p
Bark ROOLT ANNING...........................How.e, moo.Oo
BrgD.BO.W .... ... Pooo.D)
~nBrig n·. .... .........ooSru,
000ROACH .......... 10004.........B .o,
.. E. S. ANSS .......................:,..........5046
Tb. .00=70,001.0,0. b ....ll oo..ly 1'. .. ,oo.110,.l
The above vsw1, wore built axpmully for WiS'·tedal am JtlSnt
oouoflligldroo t ol oter, a.d 1=.,, bl1y ao Ihb bor wIlhool
4.et000. They are com00nded b' 010, O0.lp1010000lb trahde,
an ill aiwayg lb tawad op and dow the dyer,
.04 .lal.Ooslp b.ioo0 PnulouoStob.sta ooPl.
binay .t0 , P00l PcLkgesnt. loolby.', p01 pthboa 0f0)1.00
oaCns regulr Bills ofLotting ar taken forthe am, n te al.
Bbro~np~0OOST, W6ILLIAMS & CO. No.7 OCloop street
Y bPh'bil.pol., BA00R 0 B TiTON, No. 40.0th
>ý s p> > tts'with my Agentst io
OW4%.Jo004e SCOTLAND, 10 rn 00,0 ..
- 5~.oId p0.oo eO '~lh for 1ro00501100gfoodofrom 1I op.
Neva~bihid "roar r lOnilIU. o mwbn I
1 0,N4 ebr tBlp
LUG,6 th.wg~uE.J b21hh
Disrýrý ,of au··°I
Z atr atu i s.,: alae ra~ld i
p.raig' ~fl -a fate - n~n Inaa
- T ý: IIBL LT.
`tkrs. herm'sta'e Lace
Etbtt a B'#Spport*r,
Wa~r~ti SbIIDOELVQ ArBFZ 01 01A16r35UIZT
.a~re. Th6 mao' Lace S Itew .EZ
MPI ý.Nrý7}"ýº BB4_PI
iB I IIB lE .11aha Adom- '
aP4 rdiat~lYr
P·Mnia ra etemla adrlrl·ydý }7w
~·toeaarinta EW aowllanaialdbr
d amftal Supporter. .
?panan fn Ytn
ýiarunýaIE6EaýM~tin ithof i·· E'heý , ý$o 1u17'
Jr.- Bannon'satent Lace, or
Dod B Brace.
.1 IRACE .1.dleb..
tort 011tk.WN161 do1.
by paved an oafilUOre mite. and
85.nmalam. TW e E . fo.
I Ao..Ablelrrl itttioa . m id e sewhere, permm shold 6e
.E ?'w uand Lqrge .Eaaertilflee5 of
Elastite and Lace Stockdngs,
(I1) 1.)
I or ti. [.11. of VARICOISNROIS
OF '1HO T LESS,, u ,415 ·s \rl
lkvpti>'ºalwd whom, 0091-d-4 Pre.
daoipg robfag man that ay N.H
tine b..qhlf. 04Cu15 SHOWS. TIS5,
.:' A., 410 Vrsa'Il'*' 'ea emp Cat:,
B1" S gA~tET StAhT~S,Sr p
I.Ib...I f 1rlanIRu.bty th.e ONSTRUCITORN ADAPPIU
EATION I.. 7mpor.431 Am in It b.,ll ...I,.., of the 411.11,
bbi m d 1.1. .l,,ea.p'..ttl,,m..bb. I. rated NURSER SKY.
KBTY, .4IIobI.Helhe trams 15 Iply
SifERMAN, 70 St. Charles stieeb.
EYSP&PS.d D imaeea miemg Brest Diwnderrd {Liaror Stomach,
s llo IEipti .gv.1411Hles; P&41. of Bl1od uI the Ht.. ,
Alpit oftle .1d01ID, Neua, H..II ,th, D.,15411 r Food, 81 lluem
or Weight i the tomedh, So00 Bmb·Uu*·~, Sinking or F ddnrng"
the pit of the Sumach, Swimlming of the Read, HondadDifficult
eroething, Flatteeioq et the HeertCboing r Saffo,"ntug Bromine
heo ins., anI Peoeturerd. to the Hea Headd Doti or Wphb· b .,m tts
S uby o, an the SR i HIIOPLAIO , S DO SiABa hlPenpmUShn,,
Yelia f oeot t,'Pn~ ~ n is lnithe SSide, t, L
Pll, Sudden FC.auM at HeatC BuEr..1St th. l ash, PiC- Im
Th.f o....,4,.,llrb. 'b dI. cI. seas b U lIll.,, 57
by I by y- C. H.J H A by, 01. C. H . JACSN P1.
DRO. p. DLEO Ryu u.1.11.. H Al., 3.t . 1, If .1141
Thevpown e over lb bomdissaw I net axosjle if pqudu, by
oey u.otherN, up y lahe nitd te, wtlaare atwtaaa
a II, utter Iy Vkgi I, Ib,..byl h P1d.
Tbwere Bitetmel gtia n rad rhyatithe b· tttntiq. offnnil. pawidnif great
viru i tr rddp uew otaoeoo the livuand~ Lamer Oiind,
·Ieri·aingthmcataub~~rabiogdruinwekne anderaotioaaotlbo
Ibllset·oeorgene'theyy withal. tak.Elr and pll eeavU mhalp
Mon t wtimoay·hom Aama t. fame of Ur. HOOPLA 18D'SC lI·
blted Ger III itt1.i, prepared by Dr. C. M. JACBlOl. ThI IAei
is. The reneji,, NI,11,.,e., for II1ve C.yB plbE It CpEp.is
.11die,1. LI,,obl..o ,C G ..,b..1Ido, D Seppt.II,.,,iI.Ifb1,
Alrly 1 1 1 I , E i.0 4 * i lb .. y 1 b s l , SlpslESl 51d. 11
C.A ROBINPISON Bellefonte Al·..Jao. 30,I85h11.U JlArM eS
fe l lied It vry much Tke pp.Oyle hae beev moth doeiir d hem b
it iing pa tetnt natlrnm, mud that aceots hqul of your vdblo Bl
*n.·lan rell. until it bsloorns nown."
C. FOWLERR Toerkiraa. At., Jan. goI, 18NI, lddi ' h.s Bittarr
aellivg welt, cad t think theynllt -it--- o , no they give good sotto
faction No those who breve uwd then,"
DR. H.P. LEONARD, Fapet. C H. Al.., Jan. 1 > 'U, said;
It Yau Bittertn have doy wooden is this uttloo, A .yoatl, a ea of
O, hI. Hubb.r, Eeq., tthie Bouny, bud been for wveml months under
the care ofour baetpnetitimnrr·. withoatreliifr ed the caereportea
so~lfl,audthe Jullot .,. .·haouh ecsredyal t l ~ b Lcm
manad rithth titerstor. He toard Nomc lief from the Hbotll.,
6a sontinued 11 take it autila Empleta mN was. stlsted. He is vow
perfectly well ea ae ggran ad
Thtag B tenae ntiniy Veg·1·ble, thereby paeew yraa ·d
vnnmeaaorormat oft h preportioi Ncommended for similar dit
For ale by dtden is Medicin arlp bare.
mii8 km J.WR WRIORTL CO. New Or~
l1 JAMES ·rquuld rtelnsotliullyy all the attention f close.. an
"-go"n 1 the Iollolill$ fools: He area all Private Diwgwe, ith
monuprury orl any other poieoooo· drag, no~rely " ooonhlnGaleet
Syphiln trielumtl, 6emtvel Wsnehu. Node., U1Cbm, Tpmpe, Co
oid cocottei of that who here injured themmllves by private and
improper iudulgencea in that enolst and wiitlry habit which r.LIl be
body nod in nnd ttilng them Ior either bueiuulu or celerty. The fol
low mg era Bowe of the and and melooeholq arec F evoducad by rlli
hahit· of outh, *ir eiLnr of the Rack and Ltmby pain io eke
hand, Dinneur of Vietan, I.oal of Muwiu'u Power, Pil ie-V.o of the
Flenrt, Dytluppsn, Nirvoueaees rrluahtlity, Bympluma of CC..lmp"
tol. tnaly h nflegeeo the mind are mom m be
dreaed.Law f Mmor, conm~ton of idea.l, D Lu~llio of Spirits,
Evil Farebndloge, Avenian oto Society, Half Dbtml, et ore of Solitude,
Timidity ek~ em t omel of the s):ilprodueed.
All pereaas who ere faiickdornh yet~ the aboT..yg area shoul
aot bell to roll on Dr. Jema., and be at as .,urtord to perfect healhh.
Lot no fate dolicary prevent yon; but apply iatmedintely, orate...
yourwit horn the dreadful and awful .ooe.9uoneee of thin Urrible
...ady Weaknoea of the Organ. Immadiatelp cured, nd fall vigor
E4 DR. JAMES8 hie nmornd from hie firm~or alga, o. 115, to SO
Cu~taolbpuls street, bottwen Royal and 3e.,bba etrcemi
P. S. M'"'I" g e~ t a diatanar em ban the Rrmsde. of the Dle
eawe ant b than ad·Ildtrr y girtog (all parti.alan b letter, and e¢·
Lllainnae atIoo tan dollnn. [niyP lyd.J Dli. T El
OIL,"o1. Cto of Rboamlti.A, of ivoo yeas'standi.ng toar by it
NEW ORLRANR,M~rooit 0BI.84
I htonbo oertiy bAtt I had Does b nfoltI twon Rbouma im ýooj E
yeas, aod o alto rottqy blind of tmy righbt . bronght o, by .I.
vera attack o[ Nenrnlgie. I had tried W rral PhysicimM· who Emld do
me bo Rood i and I n00i7t huOdreds oC dolan to to Pmp io... o0Rhffnt
Ooedinioee. y giveytbioIe Cr ticte without soliitattion from a. typ.
nod Ilr. AoCr dootos nut know t ohot R in Bw. and I would ft hibe
used my nome to onotttioyo..w. tes PiorioCm or Ronktt01 bad it
not reamoed roe to perfect health and strVuth. I esn Ilo es well aon
with mi right bol ·if my l'.OoIad Dvbe not yohe leutoympto,,o.ttbo.
matiem or arts thing elver ieide iu thbrily whru athums, butepend
moat ollu) time ua the aver. Any one enn see me in yenon if they
fmh, and I enn g«[ tny >BII.Oallbla gentlemen to teelify to the troth of
this. l wv take the Yedolbani every body, end yea wll or, . llnithe
inveatmept made, for I krnow it lobe a valuable Natal Medicine..
AO.Osl-J wRLrOT AO,.o0 M C. B. WfiO0000bO.
mrric~oceie pnrw~te.Wholemeand sod·Uilrmllyby
.ha A. Comesr Comimon and Magari Ie strees
t1ECRETDI8EASES.Offfoe 82 Customhouse
`2 cr..t. b.C.,, Rb0 ifsnd Bourbon .toot..-DR. JAMSIR
oCldriopeotooiy o t ib, itfe ttiif of Ci ien0,eotd4 it,.ertoawoh.ve
nnforttoatetyaotil.d upon ttottlovadiwo.,. of Lb. aboe. chbracter
ititatotoetppaliuigfoo, tbm thty rn obtein a ifotin, soafeftn
speedy enn, without the use of diannry, Hrlum, Oobobr oranl other
Poiaowvs Drug, in Trm three to ooven dnyritl ooot say jiotoo's
mieow.bythooe of e loa dldovered Remedii, which too onlt be
procund (mm biolll and f upon ttal they do not ifftot a ture, C
cbtog. eill bomad,. Dr. 0. ie to p iftonit o[ ttAiftaoe from 010.
utm ofCmihthoh in iIiftat0tbof W iooaf the tOCyiftttotbefICOO
.hotod, which went pmooCotod iot,,,bli by olcb,.ood Phybioiya0.
Olio Dr. o2o bui.oCltCdd Obho RoostAfi in thi.oi(t Lb. emtes
mtoo.. tkatbge0oma ndoo the tbermtmo t of tbow Rooodim ,t
io singleo.!tieAo sort Le prod..d but 005. tBhy. .ifbhv o.Ld Pafeet
cores, nd toarder tht the lfietad may avail hhrowlrom o! thew,
mm ity aodbthItfooldpotA 0 diro,,oeio, DI. J. 5.. lotod Otio.
t i"' OCCC C6 o f totm o .,O0 No. BR. Private Room re.
M~Sii-d. b amhol r. to p r.w, f. Is Iglp
DR. WATSON'S CARD.-I will use no otlher
ti tbl n ithfdomtbtoot Obtwb tmoy b.tomtd oin pildptrb.
BIent~ Io ptbtiom l Gooeo6na au meter ofall [ plntto [hat
are, ca it Sypblitie For neary tlfaln youn, la [hie city, i been
mywle b elness to t··Lat osYefcamei Mn Bas tbe only mibt Lhbbt
.o,,o. Ibaotstost omrsatti.ta. to oo .l...of d1i0.tbtoaty
Cher deier, an I knowthem bater thmthey do ThatI~whatIare
TRROAT5,.to etc.,E jtifbtiufaltoLR oto oetbhtotmovt...tlg.
Of dailyfbq t .51a 0 I f em my witboot Vtnity, foo I .laoim,
or aumar tha of potirk".
I Vent. ta 131.1% tcifto i At 5fiffjy..tdtof5n no ,4oo on ti
Lb.. o0 ttoso' do rithont .btoOttiogtbhepoitolto .ob
toot....! tR~tv~.. it 0tn do., hp'imttb,.tisht..ttp tioa.
orbigeMlR, Aft 'betbtoiitbntdoo,.or wjtbi. b.
Itaw maopyo'bsbtboComlbltb 4dopalottg 50500 .toSrtoo gtodd,
W. WfAftOOCIi ki.
1.0550.0...W Ld t L~'a"~"I·~44WsOemIL'. u
Tk r ý nrd d1
Doti ~ it
All sau
il .o.tsiau4&
awl.? ~
RO1 "ý', -a ail M
)AYSod TAENs Ci $ 1
aI. LB.51. hii Df R
N c TEN 51451 lU.l, .1, 14G14r.ý hp. .
.120 Bo 0141RGG~ ` , Gil .ilI!1h
geaAs yI1N'sN 441
N..l,,1,tI I'll IA ,hi..4.yNhI Il. fN hi: Q,.lG. I s..
Iot I. i-In' %
ýwafaft brtxeg~i agdlaka;r '
pgann~ta,, J .'#141.11.14 hillv . lliý fi
' o a t . B I L L I ' S o N, T ASIB"
If-hpq q tIw .I ... ee.
Thole hI.414..4g1aXt. 1114441 g...s14i~g 1.v4s
h~ 'il.r II4ii-rI,.. Mes tI1hlhi i.lhhh
bolt hil awwto. Ip, 11114,1 P b. lpkd "Ih~all. 11.1148 llhh*,..4s
UK" ..p14,, hii'tro II, $ .hil-,I at41 4hi14,, 101114-t
141.s a..; TI, 1141 -rh,4,h. h.,I 1.1 Ihih. L 141.
ENfomh NILAaO, TALE y" 1004117150.11111 II WAO,
GAII1G,,hi.,.h ai. ati~d 1.14-. Or
}.AITOa'ININ I.. , II.h.o hi~t IhjIh.thi,4 .4
*ntntnm M1,.1111I I hIo., 14 Il ITBI,h"I Aht,.Shl.g
fo~rUK stk d CARPE BAGS.pmq
ýin vratie $ a r rsaakt: t.,p'a aa,
the raiWnm$o·lgshr
T bhl~pG..A ..I,,l b i.,. J sal N
NdisgtapP ~Rimtboh hotU, indfml
pat . aa OIIKS.1 dheUiIgg llryAJIt`lthi Gig.
dhi04,.,151 Pri. t lti datil
upper Rir emors otdo a q tea, Ymhh
Iplig INd T.~o Uawtr rtanTHAYE, twII 41. pilhvh1a
ThepI,1m1 of 1i1he 0.h1 Lt.. era1WI,,GI.,.. A py hiraeo
,petlf r baigAll.h qup et fOH rA sA fy IIAS.L h e J.,il w14
plll,, 51.1111111 hf o. tAhe bIa, hA
I111 I C4 gll 4 1 io log nd Ith141,i ol l otel, . 1 1 1G .r
41.111,. O~IA.,i IONISE', hi4h,-.A1.4.LW~lt"a Lme
,hOOT. ELLIOTT, atliiiTGI,,ll
'log'e of pu
tacre t aoe, r n uz Norh IIWe" to tkitd'
Therepslr whih he .4 everpday= mb mo. to Bo S
Table. -lot fIrom these ,hi. b. ,.111. SaldrdM mob uarcain
,Ike tiad of coa~tm0ti= which Is best saltd to ndllfs he mperatrs
The. table end beads t a 6 R georý he pamre m·ni I·py· k
eremost uliableq. o detenioratiann , particnlr att~nlt ht. !Im paid b
the oanttmutiol of these part..
Ewy Billiard bo'- by blm kY ¢1fa1 gry Lbll. omblmddwith
d0G he'rryan N~dory, thus Warr dI tkm from wr pitg i soy
Thebe~da a mad of P~ent ndla Rbbbe Iavent~d y him, an
far ·oparior bo the Iroach Ybmtsh..6 cocaini ditarmt roa.afac
boles. Th. Indi· rubber slam hve be n cd by him ing 1646,amt
have ·Irwyyrirre ut/· rtid tis
eamtlemm roy Yttrv hemlve of the above #1 deltlnr bit
mdtfoylm p~l. whore 6tree1 1t r·7· I6od monntedir bm
readyfor plo gandib b wil eav ce smmss h Ilte elt do
Alm-BAL;LS t.0PIN for th TENl-PIN ALLEYS, a oapll . ot
GOAMES,.t.,el. A..
UrIarsoaoakle ycma t New Odmnyasdwb o my desire b
pprrpoou yoan of the ·bmcnllad anllds hero only Lob ttafu
B. . ANTOANTO BGNINI b U. nllottrateh m IsLocemily
geNOHN h . I boom g iffoior bi.,'leadl ·nd the
the lerget ...rat hat mafaoorentf D'lbmu C oth, hoht on kwit on
ioil it a of that lot lovr Billiard Tables, which he is prepared t
STha rrtemiam of his hot.., Yd the ra~ms which be by "tab.
liihsd, sod con um oh dor to eItdliab. with the beet man.N.
tories ofFt poi th Unite SW ecabt hm to xelallartrl
A drich ·Mrtmmt of oil deecrptime oP
forada chtmlp, NBAU%'S ktenaf r t orp 9
PASTIIRAGE.--Qood Pasturage for EbE ,
H ORSES and MOLES, t . Fifty A., , Mil llpii n.e i
IegW. at IT Poydrm street or
.PSI 6M T. THAYER, mn the premises.
PSU AE-Gtood Pasturage for Cdr,
4o b ,11:1~ r Horace, on the right back of the river,~j
opposite the city, back of rho ilzlen Warnboama. Afonli w
ep16 A. F. COCHRAIN 6r HALL, a niiar itres.
TO THE PUBLIC.--There is a Dis
at.peviig o atetnt at pram., fn tkfa
whter~ih, ff cot ahead.,d to Sr" I ,roomatesfk y o t
Herce. W. wilt -111, IntlmmatiOn of the toot. It i. Chaactufld
b aredaew, swelling, heat and alo. The redeeml proceeds from thee
ggrr .tr yyoutlty of blood dewing through the pat, oorrtootd by the
Incroa~rd tficb ofthe '..Dole. The mslltlo .rme ht. the um·
=:' the d Untnlrnl bent of the body ' pp educed by the gg**dua
wbnp hich wtkr place m the blood fni pauioy r h oes ani~ to
vacooe state. The rowdy way b nbnt it e b Laaln the quIntf r of
blood and litr otheor cooling roolediee; all others mens ar uoim
The Lung sic a at of pe liar Circulation. The convey bbolllh
their eompemtirislr )iltlD bark Iha blood, anld other t · enralg
trsndmmnod fobo blaCJ, or aeon meatsd hum wh rich erra=u the
Lhola freme They Fmm two dil~mlt b1V1.,.; each of them is sub'
div,6ld,ths right bb. rsnelttin of tkreaeob·,. Thorn, ocno mmlmri
n btee he;no f Dot ttededto b anr agn
the' ores will either die or be brohae-wioded.'
1)OC1. ELUO11:, Vaterfio ýSru0 a.
math Ic Nn. x Pnl . a ,.ow. .. .l;··
Z DR. J. REUSCHf, Graduate of
the Veterluarv Seheela c Pr~ueaa, ad Tate W
Veterinry Surgeon to hi RayaMaijedty tlhe Ktr of
Prnai, h. leab.tbho10 lVETIKR0A.Y HOSPLTAL for the rt..
io. o1 aill kinds of DOIESTIC AN1hALs, t the eonmarof Who
hed Felicitv kIreate, anlr . fullyp d. aUred to tt all di·eOeewhteh
thelarto kdooi.1,o II. b ' o
Do. R0USCd tende r o O y 0r1e0ds and pbtroon.0 h1, e t
hia met ratrfNI ackno wtdgmeuto fipm ere, ad ellrits a eom
tinloue of t.., patuanng which 1, pledge. _iml tomeritty
00 t~·ol 'Oo,,lS.a
strict ·ttoti.n to his p~rofercon and their tuterel.t.
M'Al! ordsn tel, at the Drug Store of Dr• Bmmen, No. 199 Dryaud
ttreet, oppeeite UryLe" Market, w il receive prompt sttention, mylltt
DEAD CATTLE.-One dollar
will be paid or eve fresh DEAD HORSE
or rC)W dlhvared at oms New Orleane Bona
Ba.ek Wrk% oa Wad tote oa Avene, near the Syraueyad. bA od
.ll0l0001 to l.. vmd. ,lSo. l
F W. COELER, Importer and Dealer in
Oodersrom the Eont01y illed a.d diopatch. with proEollhy. Clty
r;ha ere will have their artl,0t.ae to hi.r r0id0.Co e i.aHton
It. .leu of .herg.. modNn ,caamae en
I"None but cho. r uticle. old here°
n4 ly 110 11o Comn str ee, opposit the St• Chbel Hotel.
RAISINS-150 boxes London Layers, for
..I. by A . F. COiHRIAN ALL,
myth $6 Orniet t.
N AILS--00 kegs, landing, ex ship Su,-'
LI Hincke,sorbed Iefor tla by
febl8 E. At. DALEY, eh Tehoaptola4
SeadCowpem, forl,.1y A.H.COCHRCANAHALL,
op96 3 O iGry r trea:
STRAW PAPER --1500 reams, single and
doublo orr..o,i torb and for . by
.b901 . d. HART C00..16 TohooplLtolu t.
STAR CANDLES. - 500 boxes Shilltto's,
r1,a0tr, nbNs, for s'lae by
pi9 A. I.IRIEF CO., 4OId Levee,
F UININE-1000 oss. landing from steamer
Sta~r of th 1%h /or aal oy
my v J. HART O., 19 Tehoopitel, st..,
WINES, LIQUORS, ete.-A good assort
ment of choce qrulities, lNtoIre Oad forn -.O by
m ,l 1 19 Flt0at .trO. 0,7rr 0v1er.
OAP .ROSIN--800 bbls various qualities
Soap Ros for so1 by ADAULAGRAV& CO.. .
--ISKY -200 bbls and half bbils S. S.
m.t I JiPH t0D55 0l O.. 5I TIOpltOI u stets
TAILS-60 kegS "aOld Colony," a da.i -
N bN mm-muR for a St. to a te
-000 W • Y 'ad .S o. ;,
F - bi 75iasud nd and peirs,
QCAiT-10;00 sBacks Salt, quarter ine. for
0 aOCossjoeaowHi.,sesmnlme. OWN
7~lwý etdaoadaýg.w
Fulr eaisoft 'rig
had beeoL. Tbse v, p
fe -ter h oooeguple th, ma
TIietaoP thma wte kea 9J,*
'Ohrteti t re~~t i
i l e*$pr fhate ?iha Sa 1( 0 4 ~ fls
g:yit Slightl
Uyof waoh ; fo
hOp$h the ~heolr1
byth"et c ate ,
to be f bx n Ru si atl~ iit the ;
pormereed nt ccupied , lbaia
Ithe ljoud bltsea er fi o `be etosri ble
by' n nlttmatnoo. d , i ensai
nouncing for orbaghinqet nt
"esto Petewustrn . sue 2 , d
DritananrA9oau hs~erbei Caetlo~t~i
¢ letterfrom th n i ii up o opgernl
oogndrzohlm lnhlaaoffinaloaparcty .llount.$e-:
daysod ferther informe s a t6 ni u etote tppi
ed terms, thathie pasaporteril fthith b
prepared; and deutred to know for Vhaut piece8~
they 8hnrAd ho made ot, nod ý by wkt Perotete
he intended to ae ccompanied. Itt is nder
stood that Ito v nxtl ite~ay h
boyondefortnighft ht to .;
iowr~i Fox en~ro Rbi' e d ~
w be: l onour itaryu
r0' a p't < r
dis lesr nbfron
gentlemenwip lrrived lore lsl k -
rtadt and thd other St. etersbug about118
days ago. The one from Crdnstadt aYPpett
the Emperor is putting large heavypleoese flat
iron.down in the river, with sharp heavy spikes
fastened in the centre, in order to' piereeour.
ships as they sail towards the port. 4:
The Emperor was down there himself,loo0ing
over the differentforts; and he asked one of his
admirals about the safety of the place from the
attack of our combined fleets. The admiral's
reply was, that it was of no use keeping the
of war inthe port, as they would be aur
bto be urnt oir destroyed. Andtthetit wasr
ranged that they should be broliht' :oit < 4
placed in a line acroes the river or gnlf," $ to
act as a battery; the admiral adding-tht-they
might be the means of doing a greatdeal.of
damage to our fleet; if they were shatteetd to
pieces in that position it would not matter.
They have 8000 guns in the different batteries
Two or three English merchants have built`
houses inuthe immediate neighborhood. The
Emperor has seized them, turned the owners
out, and nade us&of them for barracks for l~is
troops. 100,000men of all arms are located
there, and about 200,000 more all along the
coast of Finland-some at one place and someat
.another. At St. Petersburg there was the
greatest consternation, and the English were
leaving as fast as they could.
One poor fellow, who had got his littlepro
perty converted into cash, was seized and robbed,
except a handful of sovereigns which he
snatched, and with which, by good luck, he es
caped. It was the opinion of a great many
people (English) who conldnot get away, that,
in some districts, they might expeot to be mur
dered by the Russians all at once, if thingse
should go adverse to the Empero's wish. He
said they would give all they had to leave the
country. Sir Charles Napier is dreadfully
feared by the Emperor and his troops.
We have letters here from some of the pilots.
The Duke of Wellington's guns are eplendid.
One of the pilots has returned from ill health,
and he gave me a glowing description of her
firing all her guns broadside. They can be
brought to bear so as to strike a space no larger
than a good door or window, and they san direct
the shots with so much precision that a very
small boat, placed a mile distant, was shattered
to pieces the first shot.
It is considered by nautical men that a broad
side from the flag-ship was equal to, and would
do as much damage as all Nelson's fleet. I be.
lieve Sweaburg is the first place Sir Charles in
tends to attend to; but'he will do nothing until
the French fleet arriven to shareein the elnro '"
Paris, Monday, May 8, 6 P. M:-It is stated
on good authority here that RuSsia recently no
tified to Prussia that she had determined to ad.
dress an ultimatum to Austria, calling upon
her to explain her conduct, and summoning her,
peremptorily, to declare herself either for or
against, but, at all events, to declare herself.
The Prussian Minister replied, that the Emperor
of Russia need not give himself the trouble of
addressing an ultimatum to Austria, as he (the
Prussian) well knew, and could tellbeforehand,
the nature of toe answer that would be given,
Nearly at the same time, Austria informed
Prussia that she also was about to address an
ultimatuo m to Russia, calling upon her to ac
count for her intrigues and her revolutionary
attempts in ths States of neighboring Sovereigns,
and in particular Montenegro, where she (Aus
tria) was determined to put down by the revolt.
She also reproaches Russia with her conduct in
the Prinoipilities, andinsisted upon their evacuo
ation. When ultimata of such a kind are pass
ing to and fro we may soon expect something
more serious.
The establishment of the camp between Mont
reuil and St. Omer is thought'tobe quite as
much directed towards Prussia as, towards the
Baltic or the Gulf of. Finland, ad,tcdoase Prue;
sla showed symptoms of foul play, it nti
probable that this army, joined .& aformldabe
BDelgish contigent, w.ld. atod t 'way . to,
bec-of thebie. whped tliatm1
t'pro eserves toledl t4 ce oau-e
;8ol i and thattthq wil establ It "
Pot a tl whorer bia ' )cal
c 1
hita to-raise tfr the n t o 4J
stated to' bie 6800Ian " '
to pr~ovid the. eon igty
tb dodtybot t1 fa Is er: llon'
and8d8pedir $ ;byp*t"
fal upon the duty o oiar
and by nI 1s iiogl:e d ta Vkyto
t4ieb1 dbgszo4San 1oni le o' -
h e , ,dros 80 any ss o h
consideredio t 46 ' -
formdlo't nls o tl
the demiseoiay ," ; ub
not strongp enough t o;i+ -Y:o': , -F:
(Bylobmaisos and;8t
Constanstinople, Apnroil$l 7
arrived hereyesterday , ...
After the bombardoment of Odessa t'hejli ii
fleets left to crnise before Sebastopbl. T ,/;
shee which has arriyed from 'Veri, b rgb
Srmor is cuirrentiat alata le t the
bardme t of Sebastopol an o ta he ,> "j
respe. tingthe eo expunlsionbefchmtin
Greeks, had peen adjusted, and RsehidFc .iei,
has made 'excuses. Ce individualns e
by the General wilenol .is pr jntle
persons being Cathollgcsad Gireeks( n
oral being satisfied by thi 'amrrangpt
remain here.
A part of the troops, in theas of. y
Pasha have rceived mtching ordePfox
It appears that the hostilities against sa
are to be .carrie oat o a 'mu8sl larger
grander scale by tlit ilid'powes., abnl
Paris Moniteur oftle 6th. in. n annoes that
the French and .Briash Govervment: ase.
agreed an the adoption of all the: mesejead
precasutios which the present wamayea
necessary. With this object, th pmoroys
deoided on theformatlonef twoes -
of 100,000( nen, will be etablisedbwee
Montreull and St Omer. and the eeetof
50,000, near Marseilles. Thoe Ehglish oe
ment, on its side, says the s oteur, ad e
paring troops and i'fleet dapablgoftrapop tong
in case of necessity, the forces neessary
Baltie or Black Seas. The Times prifntstt
both Revel and Helsisagflsare to be feoupotd
and the Gulf of Finland pletelylosed i
an attack on Oronstat Cas be organied. l5
the Black Sea-'as dibontpoe the
the capture ofeebastoia will hb f tq,
the Crimea held by the alli&d se p
scarcely i doubt tatthgisn r
grassme ,fti. el40eat
mationi of the NHorthernOIa sup t
also a demonstratl ",
anvl ýtli '({&6e6n, -µis'
wei '0 *
ýýK x
ý ý _

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