Newspaper Page Text
V9 tsba ub (A or TA A, 9 *s Pay M Saturday, Marchl 1. I'm C l~................T~R. TI Xh',,lrnrr................... 5 .1M1 IIllfuercllr... ............. M. rllnll9'AI9AW9, ''.. ,.9. .9 AM I]llnlllr A99!...... .......(I11(1115(. Ilrlr,',.............. 9 AM 9aAvi9lRl AA)................ UNI'R1 99.99(999.'I Atdlll..... i) AMl rn~" ........... .. 019999999A, Ai,,A ............ 10 ANM I.olll·~tl: ....... ...... \ANNA' YI:I.9.ITT, fl. 9,92 9! hfnbilc .. ...............I'1.()KI O.\, IFrll: ...............91 I'1i Occ in ,'sig .......'t t '" , 51, 1,.......... I :l, IiA, , ',, ll chirlpu...... ......A Pll Attnkurin ............. 1:1.111;5, Ia.;dlnilllr........)..... 5 I'll Tunnrýýce Rirl 1.......... 111 OAS, 13,-nl .... .......... ...! '\l l\iilllnnliloI.................. is A LADONA. 11,15.ll~... 1; .. I'Ml I71ly-a l llcct....... ... It M II:lrl', 11.11 .............. 5 1'1[~ T,, c ,,.e R l,,:r·.....".1: CUEl~ fICPR·: Irwin l.............! 1'M Red Si,,,, Il~... .........I: W P( WELL, Alr n tin......... 5 1'\fL S rrnl i .... ........5'1 N11:IIILAS, Yoe ..·.........A I'll . ni*\ll9..... ........ 99991) ArT,, 9!.........5 r 0.o9999ill"............. 911).5155 BIII.IIIt,.. N, A!,9,9.' r... 5 I'lM Of,':1ý,+15a... .............?1ARlY IIlgSS, 1,30xll........... i 1'lf Reell Itirvl· ............. 1' OTA, PIark c~r.................. S 1'\1 Alllllilli It i l. ···· I~l tlli Mori(~i........... !, 1'1 (2,9,9. 9999 River........ AtOS~sS U9AA, ;SR'unu, 'I 9.9J 1'i, 99 lrui. 9 . .,9...A .\9,9!9L , 99,'9A9m........99 1'99 Illiil+jll: L .i.lT·······I·() ,A, l )i'Iin ·· ........ .... ..5 rM 99:",,ýý lrý.9 9 . ..... 9 .. 9999N1.9, 9 9 , 2 9 . .. 9....... r, '!!:-1 It d Iir\ r ............. R Al JONES, .T(.]II, · ........ ... 51 1' 9.9AM9AAA 9!9*99999........ A .....s nrrnl.·il· It,"r~........l.LUCY ROIIISrN,:oN, LMilllll+... r , 11 99 ') ;'9A999., M,9a,9k. ........9 I'Ml nA:. .n.··n .... .......... \sNAIVAN, , i.R l·l·.'.... .. ..... 'u t'1! I i,,,"irnai ..............I Nl 99999AAOi, llil1 I'. l St` I.:ýlli· ...............EI.I;I EPHANST, rC-rnl;:rtr.....~....6 1'31 Attllriira 99 ............. A9T9,I N 9999........ .., 1'M AMY!99dn !A nlnr 999 2. 99,91vr~tm .9............I'?;RS: VnRA; I'l , Tnl999 ' ......H .A.99 ls.?ln"Siul. .... ....... 1.\l:CFlit, 1111.1., H+ollcr........ 7 ,\}! )nui ile ...........:... ... . . f,.1 N N .IA,99p ..99.......,9" I 9A9.,9.N9A 9 9,9..99 G. C. B. 2- 2- 12. PRINCIPAL HOTEL ARRIVALS YESTERDAY. F1R Y '... ,. F ,rla rd Fll'irillFF I Manrp, F. IFr.:¢,:llr, ,1.,1m f' S.1, E.r,,hl l.; A "1' 14tln lley Il· n k]lit. J'nlý ir..1 1 kin: , i 'rr ; 4V H S Mc d-I , U na; ,Tanre. 5 ( n,:lu Flr ' : In ll e '.'IFl; l'e l A-u Il, I '! ]" WilliAF.F r!F r' h,! F ) 1)1 1. ]Itt!:nrld !ndy and ,,, I.rnlH~ii,; .J \ lrrn (rIoll, '. 'TAi.n 'F F' F l FF1 t: F 11 FF'r !, and hi,iv - M1 F, F FFFF' , W , Lr. I . Pv,.r1, \ . YF rk; I I,.. ' i rwd , a CI,.'lI; n y ' 1.F 'FF' la 1,F, IF "1F . 1 i.\FI, E1 .,..J V'V ], nnI ,, I; I'FF k! I IF .,!,'',! F 1,'r , F.' .. l'.F IF l -I F, ,i l.1", llI F ., c'l. 1 I "l .' k,, Fl- FF l l',FFF ' ing ,k lad'. L 'F i~ F! ,,' 1Fk''" FF; * IF ' i - t.L:1 r: cn + , .r N ; . T, V F 'F au,.r.' F ,FI, - AFFF, ,DE. . F 11F' FFigFF,F r., 'F'F.F,,F , arr'FF'F ; i '. ): .: iA F li F i. 1",n; ISF' F-', FF', Arl:; , 1 IF FF m ri-, FF " F' l 1. .'F..' YF" kF J Fi F!'ggin FF i,,, I M • :r; d,, 4V F'B,,,,F1 0 F F'2',,,,,' ',F WANTED. Xl \'I I T-i l f l .I ITI-T III I 'lIlNi; T IN TO i . . ' i, y,:l ; I fll t:l , I l, l tI -, t::1 h, 1 1 ,II Iý:[J. h . 2A"i'wt , . ix l'i? ,I" ill I) :lllll :.'ll l . IN l3 l i. +h'atl: of h , 4l }+,- 1! v !, II- I i . :t: Il t I f' I F.; · ' : , nlon or lnu-..,,,, 1c,. Vi-ýa 11 111l hi 1.,1 .. cm t -:tLd,,trl ltr,i ra u eI. ofl 'f,.l.ý.:, FLI. I N CI L-'III I.- I' I . II--s t) , r, ? allnd , lr:ýL ,:l. l dilrt in d r ir I ·,: . 1'. \. . I i-" , ' "+u A 1NT E11-- A f1 u} In -I PI:I l AND I' ,- ý, 1, : ,u I 1 , 15I" , . ,t or , -1th1 N lr, 'I bu I. , FI,.. I: I Ti.:IIi li , 1' .l ' , poit kIT F ----I.1'LN-I ---N-lIIFIN Si I, 12 . ,a , f i., , lel l , r ca ',, t:II I, ,I III ll Hll l lll , ll :, ý,I ,tr':ýnt iw"i i ·· It -, n. llil, 1.. . i1t1: ,,It i l- 11: l ý.. ' I-i.. ,,",i . ,1I. , ,, "11111 t M II 11 il, :, r l 1I- .,,, o , A I r M rl Io I:.\NT. ;, hi,,:. r hIlhtl r o,.,ýr, u:, h.. L' ll,. , ,.;r:.. ý ,l ,Iý- . ,· ,I h*,m ,, , 1i,' l , . I l" , ,,rh,, 'i'U I{F "'L.--lIII il $11T II' FY Ill -I. NIl,. NI 2 ' , 1:;, ! t at mll+ r'e ht . t , ... ......t .., 1 0 1'es -A-ir . .... ..... . 61 11,,,: , "' _ .,: ,, ]:F . PO0.)IAN TO[[ TIE P0.ItEDIIU3II Al COIten . N' ik Fair hwthe bet t ORN ,m FoLtwIINtt MILL. 'fhse tleinh n 1.Ih can h n , p iocd t .0thie Brnl 0 . sing \t- p , l.t ar ,.IilA N ol , N 10 . . N, v ll'ea s. yT- ¶11' 1 f.c iTry l lo le. pA 1nue., city of , le.n , ril. . y \y : I ?i ...... Iand 1lt' t, No. 96 Ntehe,: s" cct. Newt ihankN,, dl i tn r 0. !-( 1,, GAS_"- GAS GAS--T,.I: SUIISCRItBER ItAV- b pny, n,"r io n;llO"ll"nc' tflt he ih low polr n'l r r t' fe . . nd p at'rlll c, rASFLX'TUIt;S in rbo most app'.-lrv stylc, and at 3d! t 1 r1 l, 3u . I 1ANNIIN , 11 i1 Or r cn e lerft m. islirld Stand the Braat Fount ry, .'o. 214. t. 2hleh0ll 0tneet1 All lv l[. ^ CoTID. VA(CIAE 3FIA TT 01VAC--C.3)INE,3 M.\3)rTER--I'IIi 1,1 .0 l ;. 1,110.111ll lclll t l ' 1,l1lll b1 b1 ' iedwitt a p .ire arlfe It $2, 50 per seatn , by oppl iug I 1 SBAEKIET.& C,., 61 Cooanal street t0. N. MOIAI , 1 0' 7 31 0a13 n .. . 1I Ri 0 .L BA . iII. 0A.1I0, A.I3,10. Sllt. Te IN%,R3 I L 1 1111 15 . C TANO, 111.ia, inl 1 (1re1e. Niý 1.713 El.--3l.ll. RA. T.i R 0.,10 , 1U00I010'UY Co.,1 "i;Ltll t :: .xtI art er piles. Also a superl ar ti'Bete in cs of nne dozen ( vlarit 1ocb, on onsnlg n t orll. Ir s ale y - ,0:im ('. t. l KR 1 N.'I 72 g zinO. 0 U,.n street. T AGE-ST AE OIL---TIE AL .IER W0.,R fI I0 AL'ý 1.-- 13i . ti 11F 3)'0A N, . 7I1i 1 \e nt re.1 ( th C OIL-IC h d .311 b,1,0.1 .0.10.11 0.0. ,111, Let, k. . .t \I+O, , t cd v.rd far Ihe re'e tion o" railroad l Iig 0. nii. l es, IoAstf . m reg 7 fa3or3nbl cone h 1a1e h . LAN. ,VAItd&NTS.--iiI(I)SI I:S'|'M F 1 T RATES pa.d. f1 r Land War1.l0s.. Al0o, all kinds of l' ncurrcnt LO IoVPEAS-, l 1. iAon a(d A.LNA 0..1ch 1e prc TseA, Iby 11I. 13.l M:. f.R HE1,1 C O. ,he Ti:VAL ST(iNRE..S-TAI, ,rr31 AN.D r.OSIN-1 aluge ,;ize barrel- Inmdiný and for solo by ' [el2 A AIYF E) Ii 1 E.Al. EY, ;2 Magazine It.0 , O1A11 ('(18:13 I.--,t10.11 E11( 11 '3k.1 F .0 . (). ..1 -,10 tIE inl 'itshnr gh ,\nthrac:iit Ame r hi2tl Engliflr aid Scotch {.ti llll(2 ('oa.b A L, ANTON, Al t"TION AND CO)M.MISSION A . EI R(' \IIANT, Anemia, Ttrnn. rived, furo salo bY 7,:2 . .. ..... "_ %REL ,I C CO. 61 n treet. rl INERS' OIL--t0 IbaI.S, LAND)INt VA R1(ItUS T dhit for solehlw by" V(I)t Ol I ES, ¢{T: IGIS, k CO .S, N I A I L -io - 0 1kgfs. h v at m i s b r a nd s a n d s ize s c fo r s 1 e o n fa - ".IIALE o SIRatIN ln OIL--) cas,. all 2 fr { er rel., lr e in th iby. re20 AIyl F; KEARNEY, 7-2 Magazine street. I .ortedE--.A 0 'h ,sThlton, fr sole lb L NSEED OIL--18i barr.Is ard * tasks, raw allm boiled Union streetbetwee St. Chal a C' fe2 _ ARE.LII .: C)., 61 Common Nreet. r;iP ? rIC LC ,, 1' 1'N r,!. IIA VU OF LOCISI*qII· ANi'A U, Ira~. FI I, ! 1.'ruy lb1sF 66. 11111 1,1.1·II' 21111 Ioard1·IIIV1]V~ 1r,-At n Meet lnG of thle Boardl, belt! on t is 1 , ,', i+ w fly rnnn to the vlrre or 111ln111Flci of \lbA l1lI,1 lb, it i.b 1:1 Ic I Fxprd llt nod 11,1,; (.,ly no~t to exrr rd 45 (qIxX),) ) and to th at sle.l theo rnrtllrite nlotice, ill i orll~ nity '.vil, the 1 iitihllt :n ll iul. of Ilr: f; Ilrlrl. lll ln i Inn the asll he Ri to tlCc Slo,"Il (1110. A. InobCIIFllen IF, rclo 1111111 Ix F p.11hr NbFell bIu FOrl,.x wl ill'u ope.dl, w c Siorl.I~l lll irrn tiliIi l i,,·. rsllo; n: I lrivilugrlrl f,1r .i?.l)- lil).r) fnr ulllacri llinni to Enid l ljlelslh(·· A I'ro(l·lijiolll Suhkrriplilojll LiefI in rIhn opruccl to thL pnI F " I fNrFNF.F, ' nrtllb lll l N. I lll Slln k ll lll l ll or11111 I 111 FFll h 11. v F the FIpo1W. I StndI to Ihl dll"ared in JFylFe5, to 1),iOill lrtll ollbl hu;N ilNlI 111112' Fllllllcbl .ll bll 1 FF11 VFIF of tell NI ''114110 TNI EVNIG , f 7. II. ml It CHOtAS. A. LAI((.% AN, Av--,n--.r AFF I' ll l'lb *en 1r! II ('f nlLFce, NI. . O. F . 11~o iFF-I h, 00 ,(on bYv' I ~ ,'o.nt TdNoo11. ..O s111FF J.e. Ivullrs uxl Sc,;rrhlry. Udd I'Fll- I' INIII, 1 1 F 1 1:r lu IIy IIIC(· i; NII0VI·. FI'rlP Ibýlbllch A.tll FFu I"I'I lli, 1.111 dilF;: dllllS lbev, No. 3)0 ('blplllbNA.FI . .l\.l(:Ib Roush Distl I~i~irict1; T. 11. I'creirala. ( llno IFI. If.Alli - laWc 'Fill. t'. b1, l)F,1 11l: I . {V. I·· 1111 bps 1 11;r :1.(1 1 PI m.,)I. T. I.I, *ulonli,. No. 15 (;hurtle, street; i (:ItA:I~eP Ullr K.f r 111ltr aia tIlel l Fi D111 the TIIl I) IOUn.\TR l - mnrlFnbVl, +a lbllFy'l olie, 111lOdlbell-lka. fall, It;i o'cllck 1'. M.. t; ll fin ,T.\MiS PUPI.\ksAU Secnfrrtny' 2S' I. O. O. F. - LoF'O l, Lodge No. 1, ~": 11 u, l;lb"ll blRIDAlY llillb 11 III . 1111 NI. N5 ll U ·IN .11111111011 FI llilb Il ,11-.T1bIl. k Ill NI I,,FF' IF Ii. J. G F:NNISGNS Y, G,; J. II. PO)?pl( T F·TftII SI.I.I.14:, I'Lrnrlnnent Se~ru lA; 11. FF,.IEVOMFFFFF , t'I.lUlI FolAW MilFipl lo oOpNy N.2 1111 1. 0. O. bl.-llvlbd Lodge Nok 13 mkeetk IFVAIFPI 1]" 7 1111;111 S71,\]' P. Fill Tmdgc Rnpl No. 5, Udd V.1,;-' allbF lIt701,1O .(tirr, 1;, npooy(ANobiGoo 1 Ir" rlllll(. Firemen's Benevolent. assoetn 1111ii111. A ll l F1l1 Ill, : Pbty Il rl, on iIIy NFINII.IN,,, M FF '11111 l-, e It. t 101FF 212 b lksoo BO ie Co,,otnlRnl , No. bi .-Thei 111,1111 1a1,1 lll II 1111 bI ll 111,T 11: 11 .1:~ r, - Iby itled 1111111 C 'I 1. hie_ _t, 'Is 11.f1 r.} of i. rt t c sll h1 e 1111 nrctpd. ml .JUII\ P. GPR1: BER, Zrrrrtnrnry '17,+u,"6,;11 1III1 II:sllltP `{; tint' (lllllit P I1I· /l:TIlli. lo l W l~ to alt, o'l thlr· rr; lllnnllhl y llrlli:1 nod 1 CiJil illl Oi St'NI)AY Nm~Is( \,;, Muchel 2, irt 6 s clock, to he 1,41 at th~ie Eulline tnl A. L.. I'1,\TTS\IERT(, Secrnrtarpr eA 1I~l~osIiotll Fhe Company, N o. 2.-Thelc olli~~s III c I::I II:L III jlf f lll lil) re l Iun llli + m lltll~vI rv: stn, cl, I, nt 7 r·clock Jr. B1. ]TiElt. I'orcnan. ,p' ýA1 per hn bninlC cinims nn the (:ompllny, r onltee nn I1IP I'rIC·I~U TCT. will ple-cil I ,I~ill within lten any x rCL N . 0" BnEnI I lj' -ltt cottonI C~ompanny G;, Nnttoital Girard.. ING, atl 14 o clocki; oleo, ]fm;~tlly Melting thL first!-Anlly of L:srlr `,lllth:h c "I tf (TI.\S. 310I:EI.. U. S," t D- lttet ttlol: ColrlpnnyB, N ottlolnl Guard, Y- lnre 1-0,yll oild,!rd t~ It- lblc a t 11-1ce 11I. cornler Pry.· I ((lend 31,,:n i 3iI ctiagn. on IL (tWt Cirnrle I.. 1Moechlnll Is n candidatlne for` P."", or l," of' thL 11 1 I);,trfet.iet Electio n 24th ?larch, 1E56.iG x,*Y':\ inlstrr-I'lei~c Out. Dollr.-til I hav ill"irl "I'M, oulo~ lld 'u rpil· it inl its f.nL poi n;l, oF LII(llll-ti(ll ii n n p.1111up! 1-t'; lri 1: ~ t (7'.V-.~' S nC:OlTTON ltARVESTP)R t !"O( T, - I,dr k;::ý" r·ll,· i, rle tfc ý, 1. Iýýv n11·, il· e celll l . 1:~.- 7"r1 7i1r · III.II IIIII : 1.1 ".,n - l il(i rn, rl a~a:. ;' i ilil ýtr-.I. : , jillli l·; i I :It ll . t: nullorTo.r IN i 'I'I:. lluri, i: l· i· intl " Ii il ita call oll 'I. ur ,I, n i-~ii i i)-Iii \\-,,l;.:, ,,,, l «.I ,t t: lll·-olii co llnr li ;,'l, '.,. t lrr an ii( j1i Ili }}-c t.": nwlll ,, tlo (u t cn ry r;"ht f::tl ll lr'(·'1' } ,' yb h--MRS- tor l:a . of t1 . F lrotulit. An.'IiBAN B~u hinnnlut -A by IBIBIR . I Nýtt ,l, ~ l Ja III &lccnte~n 1 wil Ii llcuo , 1}NNBt iuIN ..A.III.1I'4y-lI' -'Ic Ial!I - I K NNII" &1sn R1,- RIN-fr } fElF oy. It;llINN \I t:Y Bl . IlI y~ I ll~n Ilri. 1111 1RbIk 21\ 'AIIIIB BlB. 7iiF Fr HI1AIN O E N III i,' v. II A 75 Ir~cý nrtei , ' 1\1)S lrv ~cla;r l :.N\1'].\: il an rl.san rtl+; t F'nr nullL i,y A.\ F. (:ULC·IIIIAS k II:\7.i., 5 t' r AINDI'V to l 3.3 l'rlloupit olll~li rl rrct. FL -l-rllwil 'rn" fr by--- ml Il. KENNIMY & Co., ! r~l ry. lra hlre· h G~CS1~S~, I~lr·,fill Ii by 1J P. i -li terc Iuil:Snlr \[c r0H 4) l iss \f,, re rt=1, t 1J ml S. N.e e It l2\ll. :DY k t',1., i_'ii t p."'I'l illJ II l*Niv 11 'F IIIB LO sri"D -I t ,il : ut linllil ei aalpplp nl ' r" liin l Ornnc 1. }I'II.IIIVIUII FP·II u L ouir ottn rinitill : Il,: nli, una ,rurrnntvlllt~ l p1I1I-1-ntl])ll'in) all llle othelrr kli(Ia ll~i rini u iu bean r 111Ipxl. e cneU Of o fRn":o. '1'Itey [ orlike Yet nt':*l 31 95 tilH;;ii n~e ctrerf· t THE FRANKLIAJ LLN IIO U6E, TI,. f1 ('-\Shl. 1.I uu`I en ntf rrltbi~Irpnli;~ i· l lll Il lh· Ilt fire, i, now~ open To; Illr :cco ,n dlation of 6,arl~inler nnt I, I afteT~r th ir.A or \f urrl f Tr'S ,CITY AND SOUTHER~N EXPRESS ToB-Bit at all I i111au111 of thle (in,' hI(IIIulllt the Lly % toat for the urtrni ( n ltail mad Cnin pany for rarryinl;: ( ill· C~leck, rll hre gi,-,l for alll hn_;;ah to c' inl rhnrgE by? thliJ l:otuppally Ililp- iln c r checked frill, ·eirl l"ilrc , or the I'Ad (,to thle Irllio by altherity of the I'olntel lllrt r n ltnill ',Ad uy.l~ llr .1naAAAAIEA'Tl, AAA;I AA'A' AAAAIAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA ,IA IAAAAA A l AA,(.eery i. ll 1 to A llAA ull ,lA A aA1 , IAta An1 jAA jIAriA Place x31i1 b Il ,ic l helN Aime, melelk AllSb ulei o raA ll'ls nd sigllnal' fur c AIRAy applyig;Ant t oficr. Knmrhcl office at thle I'ollcharnrrrlti , Railroad Depot, fir the tr rcrplion of I~llpiaue and Pan clingmr. Ofpcu from 3 A. 11. to 1 The praArdlll g tl AAi C i p lll Cie t lat ll ishe r City F._xl,ýi IIx W Ix l lninnin ll nnd tlt I, " all IIOCIICIII il·C lox'\ rolpleicd, and that lllnrpllip = inl the' 14"'ry~i or rFoods can heu relid a ,on. 5, TC(llY Jr., Proprietor, fe25 I Pincipnl attirer. i5 -,,'ice tr-tr, corner (:nml,. 5 O 1(.V IS '1 IE TIMIE U PUlRCIHAS A ;:rr ,irate, nnd .,her .1 F.\\"F;Ll Y, cheape tholu ever receirrd h is i ll II ll All AlIArnt, bI I,. A. TYLER, Ag\rnt. 30 ,Al-p street. AAIAAAIiio ls Vtt(llAi nLiBI 1 AlA 1 AI C AliAAA, AAAA 1,1P IC Tlkl~ AAlll S-l A IIATAAAAAAA l. 1IAA Al 'lll, A 1AAA IA C'fll P AA1, l ` A A T l pAIIATr, lll llk ýflk 3 1.,25, MlTe Frecl h l t, hutIsrlI Cape, NnA v bllac It to thcil- intexert to ai\·e the n D.1 CU. iOHlNS'1'UN 7 A l''ydrna sh fe26 ft ett tecrero ap CANDLES-:AU b I." Slhllita'i SAA,, (lr aIl' b Yl1ORIIIIEA (C I:IAILS & COA., fe26 15 Tclhospiionlas street, S I- 50 hazes, I 'hurchill' ac in, for sAAA by l11,lAAAA'AA:S, llAAAAA .lC. lA )P 15 TAAAI 'IT i Aonln, sweet". ,ANNER S' OIL-"nAI ,1AA lAAAi aAAlAA, for ant by Ic'rj 15 AA'clAA pitalAll' A.Ci AT AI N ESA AT R ANI A E SA FAAIPIC, 1TT(lAAAAAA eII c.-It. F" SICII111-S, !u 1'n101- strA , bus.aC uIst ,AclI, And offer, Ifar sle in lot. to suit IEaA111a fill naaorhn -T lIMNAIE'A-CAAAAd\ ineyrd I, ropAYAAAAC OI ud, lien.-y andA otheI r IIIAAIIAAAATI d t',:,lriATurand, kll' huIf, AA n l1IN-Fiy ppC, 5ch dam (;in IAAAI- , --ill AAAAsAAI, 1,114 for S i. of c Ru Om; 1'l IRT WIN M ! wood 9111 ,1lr~, of ,'ariasi facer 11 lhnmd; \i.\ll E .~llt l l-cila 1111, Ol;\eira, Dal rant othersUI il i wood andl C I..41t FT-O F yniour rrltr* and bramtir in RI~;~ R\IETI:IIS-KY--eW OCAiAA ,PA1AA'Aor EAActAPAAI (I INDIES, 100n,1 koItis et-Al, rte.: AN A, RII, Neart India I'recayes, (cats,,,,r Saue-, . Iiilkr, Or.; l:ordinisr, IRifle.rr \hlstnrd I'slpper Syrulp, trl. fr25 6t S7ITHISICY-2N bbls Fl"1UIIPT(I Extra, for Icl by S I JOSAPI LANAIIIS & El.. 1i25 33"0 ' onosEilKnf street. ýy NlLES-1000 holcs P'roctor & t;amble' Stanr Candles, V S0r saP- b JIIA'll'ANAIAAIS CAU AAO., fe25 ~ 33 Tchoaopitoulas s treet. ~ST.1ttCH-5U boxIr IAAAA, for aAAe by 1JJOSEVII LANDI8 & CO., fe25 33 Tehorlpuoaln start., SOAP-250 boxes 1'rortoi & Uniib~~r Oleine, for sale by f, 25 :3 Tell aplt-loaln street. ORLS- UPIT ACIIAHLE, LINSEED LD1) PALM OIIT, sa1 ALFARED IEARNEYORTA i? xiue cct TIIHE COMMIERCIAL DEPARTMENT.T gIdD Odrcaw 33}nntg jhiftt. 22t122120 01 '222w, 11o110 ('222p 22r12., Fvhh, lv T.:vennlr,. Feb. %).. enera transaclns were suspended today 2 by, the rain, which c2mm12 ce1 fal1l2ig i the. inhld2l2 of1 2 ings h2onr2 an1 d sol, - t2nued rIaii lte in thIII 'ven2l2. ,f lo2,r12lhe 1222o4t' l. were ihlllrlnoulnable, and though the day cannot be claecd as j 1 l1n 12r2liday, it mn2 y 2 Io cllled 1w2et o1ne. 2 The operatlons in paper lo-daty were restricted. No changet a wlru tmrcclvabl, in thle genre'el tenr,r ofT lhc mrk~ret, andl we !Ik~ , e only to 2,2 y that all2,1 h12 o want'k m2mey 1 and1 have2 tile2,,0 4 req 11.e rccurksuch s Al factors' ace(,ptanees, mortgage notes, Ilngl: or short, can Ihe reaily acc.,mmodatcd at rates ranging fr'om 8;: i t11o 9for he Ig est grade, a 91 to 10 for second grade, an2 12 1 to 15 for thlirl-rate. The c:lls on the B;anks were rcadily h 'rant e 1.2 1 T'hu. lixchange mr arket was well supplisd, and las hve a i \ lownward tewlency. The bankq ,ere relling over tile ri a on lew York at 1 for small lnl2 , anlld 15 for large, th1llough wih some ther$e was rather mor1 inqu1y, wh2idh might1 i2 n other thine be called1 brik. Privete bankers were al2 o 1 2 lli,g at tile s2ame ratxt.. doae good drafts wr e re saoldt . disounrt, and so far dayi t1o2 11k nwl d C 2o2Pill, 1 f 1 elih 1 f an2 we2 g onay be cu1 on- 21i i 2dcre at 22 2.anhd I. 3 io si. days cler 1ills th e werlerd of I l7,.a. oThe Neew Yorly few drl eroffr, and ththr e yo were .yI . $-1e,OO wrere itold at 121-I6. TI21is s 2a new 1olnk in E2, 2ha2c, nldl5ttlng oi fraclnss of Pxteenths. ecxt fr e m illl have to 5 s-( ord thhby-one lhirty-leeonde whickl tallies very wfll in halr- o t 1lreigneti ,t grtngs l.p2 to lod Olco(on. Othr 1 oo1 ity lday hill '' weel tkeic at 2 2ad 22:1, i2hh hn ofrea2h12 su2 , plr. We deetmu I pirty dys on Norls m cities about !C lower than on t'elttrdimy. per cent. premilum, yet tie demand ih good, is sofm sedps ofn t co2fee are to he rem2itted. •.1 1 h'is no eh2a1g2 2 n prhn1 e bil2ll4, 1 whichl rang, fromn 8, 8):i to e:" awl 91.. Tilers w,.sr nothing done " Te. There wores ofl fewsn drafter Bof rncs, andNwYk thewer 1o our know2222,ledge 2, bills of 1]2dl22, 2,22l We co1l2llhu1 o1'r 21 2212211 2lens at T, 7.. and 7g. me a) days clear ll sere placed at t 2Ths2re 1 We1e uliot1ed h 1f Stock2.2her ofwill, 2 1l t2hel a1ow 2,112122,2, 1121211,2,,.2,12,72,2422,. Farblarcqt121122, .2122112144.2,l. Rn115.1 . F 3irst-cla 2, o 2' 4aris dh'e2et 1rom 5.2112 to 5.12I 22. Wle'Fr have o ly tfo remrk the arlolu d rerpin havlltl ie anII upa Bla nk of New r Orleans at 1.)!:. We learu Ihat te Pelican ])ry Dock hans made a dividenld of rcesn per cenlt. out ,d" plSt31 f3,r the li2t 1ix 4lon 1 , 2 1 In bonds wc revire i~ot heardn of any operatins other tha~n the s de, or I, 'lei;s it n ny 1 e teunled. ol C'ily Itinods to Ihse Jack~on 2,l1 Olo1sas 1 railroads. .t 12, with tile ,2rivlg22.7 o 2 redmpi,n. Thlere w~ere sales of Loulisilamt State BovL in Newr Yorkt oi1 tile oI : n0ha eur and conhaut be rey fr.ti we-uh tim brogh w re ns emiStocks wilm huoe , won.. h enew Wer ]tavl: oald {o I.Blalk flinlt all decrccitiods havle inL opward1 tendenchy. Banlk ofl Lou~isiana .......... 10L, paid................51F2 oni .n 1te matk.................... 2....... ...... 12 1 1-12, ('ana~l Inlan . ... ..................................... 14 11iti1en s' 2 t,2k1 ...... .... 2 2 0 12 2 .. ....... 1 2l2,tsae-1142 1, 1 .eh 22'a2d." a 2,2 2121'erh' 2 allk2..............................112 ,ther 222222 t12r1.... , 1................... . .1 l Uldo). Banl:k................ ......... 1016.~ hd! l1ank . " 2s222( 12r , 2a222.......... . 1 ........... . Itl 1122' 22i2,1t (:2,nl2l2 '01.0....... 1... . I20 ,IM .......... ..... . 2m 12e 12cial 1 2l-1.o rk.... [...I)...................... - ( 1.2ll ol]2: m t~d 2r,21 ............. 52......... ............ 222 3'2 2 t'on h lrtrsi ll lt al .........y 1 a .i................... b n rOpe~rlou na Iairo~ltd ............ .. 2.5.......... ............ .1.;¢, 2,! 2 2l 121r2. 1 cnt. ,I ck, R ilroa dr . ..........1 2 ..-....................iif St.1(2,,2l1. ·l 222212 1,2, n1,........................ 2:t! O,, e ,rer nro, , t k lk.............. , l......................i tl 21ei124llry Dock ..................................1...11122 22)2 2i2 o i Jnua2.I1 re4 t2121 2I w .. ................ lmna State Irqvlm ...................... ............. ... la~lst sql--II3 Il.~evI:.Ie (l:,utrl tc.n Pres. ................. ............... %.61.!L) St. (:harles llotel Bond . .. ... .............................. ;',,0(i.9 wlienrrent coi int been freeh" ofere t when e--mlh of tld. colu is hroniht h,.re by irl ul 4 from ol uror ne, who g ndli L2" dn-Th ,2 on ,I at ere het . 2i Iarp nrrivln th~e parst two inll hr, thpere a. no thcen inlale ct hil on thle in trkt... Th,.· rceipti of 3Ieiean cohllli t~rc. !eskha~ h,22n or1]. ..1})'). Th, i~liil. Dylce on 142122 sh 2.2t is 2. 2t. 2 22 on p.ohurrert lin o not th et n hope c i;--: e l 'non-lnterconr-~c ;e t ye·t exi-t1 wir te hrefor mixtures in ay ith In rledhu llpld o['I~1- ~ TLInn~tess banki l~l.S.. Tle hankL issUe5 of this Elate aire Ib(.Cmlll:. o explandedl that~ a l:li~e ·lhare of ;i~l, ]~l 2i2ti22l2rly 1 h22 lew T2h 2t2lk, are regrde2l.,12wilh 2oll2d212,,1'd t, l~lni 01 Kentulek% Tndlaila andf li...;iri, theure .e on~rly o derate r1in'll, IloW ourrinllc We alnne: ouu' l~ionl we'ekly rlllautlionp of e¢,.n Ran nol:e*. \Tiarlralg HIr ;il~l df~le~i at our rater. GiOLD AND SILT*EII, A 2mericn ha2l 2 Dollnr2... ..............22 2 2. 2 ,; A 2eri n2'l 1 , 2rl4r2 , l ar.. .. 2....2.2...... 1d2 2 1cnt.2 ll:; hi ll .\e ·auD It . . ·. ·· · ··.... .... .. .. .. .. Id. 1 . ee t. .Itr·;.,idlii 12l2.l r,2 'l2lllar2 D!l ar2 .....................i12 u llt.22r'll 2l1 nFirltm, Irat i' .:cr ·.......... ....................: ....... ,¢.Fr t £.! 2 ,2 111 1, ' lrl 2222 12.2 2...... . .. ......................... 2 : .2'. 1 2 Ten i 2Thah 2 22iv -... ............................... 2,242,. 7,,2 7 i}Oll~i~~ dO,,ll· ................... .............:15 ¢.)(¢ ]5 7 31,t2 22122'Ioel . ................... 1221t2,2.21 ,22222, 2; 22 2 \I·tdifuthia r~~!l·~tI~~t ................ ................... dlrl5 t;3 5 12'22r. 2 2 l,- ... 1........ ................. .......'122," 1 1e t 2co n Iwalb il lnt .. ................................... ....I4 ,I bl mwkv . ...........22.2.122,2.12... . . ..... ... .2222. 2.112222 2 Newi o rha .... ... .......... ..... ..···. ... ...··...·...·.... ia 2linoi...................... .............2(24,5 1 ellt, d2i22 ,uht .,2d221r.22....21 .................... nt8 a I.22 :u2l 2122,122.1 at...2. ..........2..2... . . , 2 cnt .ds 2c t 2.22r22eld o, Crlin ............... 2 I N 21orth 4 122o2lil 2 .... 222' 22............... ..............212 [. 1 1 Sol-giu ;roia i.... ...............................?B! 2(."9 . d.C~tnt Ailahi na i... ,_" ....... .... ............... ...... ... 5 {:l ibtr qlll L .2 t..122142........... .....................2.......... coullt "t'c ii.. ..ce..........·.·. .. -... .......... .... ·. II a 2; discouo nt 7qAIl. i;·..........................-.............. par in . d:·cotmnt C',.ltalncri:[ :.iu J1,i ..ut:i··alerl at azoo, M~irn.......:. .......par 'i~e receiv-e( t -day s¢ m~e f, lrthor iolrlt(l[.ilt, e Tronl Fhllld,~l~l tlr m he Is( ill-!lltl[ ]no01 1pv beeRIII h I lt r ! e T( n o ire ae l .. .. I,,;tll- to Ij1z per cent. L'gII-o:· loe (hit [,S the~r~~ wee (Il re~icut a lvice T:',mnl 9.)? to 91 ., bnlt u;nhq~ded t·, 9JY. II: thle l~t hll'alll, expect~e d to "adI to 1hle Sl~e('ic in. lhmkit . Thle retnr·n t'rom ther l~lnki of Enchim~l for thle week eul~ln¢l tlie ,ihhl thrl prorlnui \r .ie : Thsli fl~pl~inll.( ··. :lt).e* h! c llehlnJ.. .n clRr £1S.2 .5q, eiza (le f2ld'4'2a22'h a 2d. 1.er222 112222, ill .' 22 o ,2.2'ds12,e2222 222,211 2'd 1tn ihe lrr:,lclln ofte lrll inii Ihe ~llarke. Iltlndelr.. in n'csshlg ..l a( o lliill tel f:2 1 .. niid titl seuine ease hadiu te Ilard rejui~i~ctcd O i·efou,1III[ t)[~r:I ftttde itdnlterat oft f.,ih watr an arlna, 'J'h k!!!lthL·-ierci of ......!" ... . . .•....ldIyt e ...iiy.. t acr r s simll leoi'3 carid etet nlr ccr!l'ttilt ~·l, llnl irt rl w n ] l .( p' t;l~ tolh'reltwd hvl trnFechfrrhlg, har" fa'dr toc thorle r~rls h, rc th ('h,'t~rlotit~rof" A~lnherlleneollmerce i nos tslyhdt at New York. (it. h s een tli dd for prilllu lard illr t thesellich "~ •, .i [re., It old fc ori .lle: ofhd q Clolltity. : I*n-The ,louraa remark lirccy apl68r prtely onf ts abo\'cr a. f The aover hows theer Iim oraeeo ahlhehrctr o n sll Ics~ lrll.l l !. Thce H!t ) IIea Cl'. to he not iesioil 1OL'tO wh irl the h·rd tll qto.Ol Wl~l;'F titll[tl'l~leB'd holere ; i itr wasill lic 1o1¢1i t!Lli i,,. york loiii.hllll.II Ol- Il tllll ~a. pi~el' Tkor ],.igli'' l hsrt )t,.i c'lled flor allliIv rs tlhP amrt o lliehl faria Iiehrlidle o otllr -ii .tll lle.t.wi tho ·11 tr! 11(.. II. l its C hel ilb lk'ly state htlol par Im t lyi reportsi. * Slilr llt' El mzl]lall lfts trr x telld t (!,pl g rt, Ii. o ]1% prai tirtll. tt) New York il~ld pneketlherre e'r lis eoallllvtnryll ths helrd 21 1222lrn2 lll222 (h2llnPd. 2 fi2 herd is not 2222 ll pr 222212211 ti'n. M2i2.ell d p1121'2 I O' r 2,I' i2 ll, 2 1 hoe that d2, g1rae w2ill Iott "U"be \vipedor ot 2re 311 2dd,2let2JohnBll 2I22lo.e for 12lxtllr21 2B 2lly t21il22 eormlllrcial, lolqitilcl antd lilla/le[r1;. kblidu nf 1ie jiarhtcts fnr 1Snt lC ree Cooo'o_,T lOroTIoNo. 7OO Cop oLstret Soooolay Mfoololg, )1oarl0 1, 1 6 onr maoo et for \{loo o11 oPr do- is mill oitl-t 0000vi:y, .0 funns of tLlih e'esollllun of nvl igilliD1 on line upper d vells and With it prospect of lib~eral receiptss in it very short Periodi, thee tot0es f 00r s 01000rticle0010 ve Oioo ts doooiPorld telndencyI Flooro, Coo,, hloat and toasoo oinds of pro011100s 1a0e00 dr 0n10 boortheor olooline. Cottoo 100s1 ooooith a good deload dn rin0 th0e week0, and prieoIohae been alol. Sugaor an0oMoloo'oo Invo boeeo io r0000o,lole moo tly at asier rates. Tho stock of Tobneoo . oolmot exhauslled, and thle busoioeooas o een li0ted b 'n looat sllo. Fr'ighltl have ,0ee farm an4d ire, and Fo,,040" Facllsooge has agnin improveP d in the :ores. Ollno Mo 1a moooinog e polllishod rho Atlantic's 0110', 10,0001iogl iverpool 01te4 to Feb1a0 oflh, miol on t110same c0lo the Asia'swdaises opoooood lio t bol vng ape0,rs, brinoginog 011 oar date,, to lohe g0il of Folrury. Th1 e 1 ales oo Cotto1 at 0!oeoo 0001 dalrigll the weLo preceding the A4 1 4epatur0 e were stat0ed at 5001,0 bae,000, i 2l1,od0o tokn 20 r speculatpoloo la port. Price0 s w0r01 epOrte100010 i-001011,0owin0 0 dv11a00c1 e 0 0bl is Foilo andl a oll"ooof 1-I6 on t 0' 001mon qnnlitioo, Fair Or Ionh Fwas )an~ted at6l A), anod MIiddliig Orleans at 53 1. o 1 rc d solos'wore o oted at osligholtdolio, onl1 th1e 01l'ey market w 01par0rd 101 e 0OtriulOt. Cols ol0 , however, had improved, and the closinOO 0u0ttiols were 91 11?. Thle Americar's advises werer received ycsicrciay afternoon, 4nd will ho founol 00001r tehlegplhic c000mn 00 in morling. COTTON TT0 Collar market opened1 witoo an active de mandll on Sxlllrdil0, no000,00tnn01i0 ile conti0001 delay of toe 4tlnotic's .olooo, and 0l11000h1 fa0ctors w1ere 1a1her 1on1 i00th0eir "1, be sales reach11 0 14,000 1le0. The dem4 ul ,amino," on 04.1,ly marl ooood yl 1001sult, inn1 business of t11e a, dayo of 23113 00 h1als, prices0 en1rally sho01ng an hal 00001en0 of !ic nn thle rjam loo, of thle precding Fooidoy. On W~bdneo ,lay- thle rilane-et Fsr rater Caller and purchasers w'er'e Carla, for 11000 bales, and o0 Tlhursldayo boyers obta10ed a f01 rt4er 1 lih0 oOanba00o prices1lligll bob kll to nhobt Solollodos' ra0g0, 00h1 da)'s 111es 110br000in0 0loot 000 1b0les. YC, 00041 >om0 11,500 1101001e 1, sold, abnbog the entire b00sino11 of tlhooook 23,000 "esc\ tlle "arkltc losing at aboult thle rangse of oalr yuottttious, thoughI excited mold III)1C1Id by the Americas new s, tBI hick il. flo.atinhgbouo t11e oL sets ate1 in th0 r0f:01 0. NEW OR1LEANiO CLASSIFIIATION. Thterdoi. ............11 ta0 ir11 I Midling FOOr..IO I0'(n100 , )niinlar y ...............ICi:N' Fair..........-i L STiddlioo .0............. ssi ( GoodF ............ (floodIMoiddln.g........!i5)6100100 6010and Fioo .........- 6 TOIIBACO.... Th11r00ipts of Tobacco have bee1 light, an1 with little or no stocki ill fisrt handsa. the trmonFtionr have been limit4d to000000 100 hh004 01 said Ne.1 Crops, of nll L at 200210 37 011)?, 41 a0 oOd at 101e14 10?3o 12 at 9c 0 at b?0,o. II ,1307,i'i.oS11n1101nd 0t7,1.ePThlb. Thle o kloot io1very fO0,, l.,I 0 ices are fullo3p to our 010ure0 Factory i.ra'0011 ................... 1100000'ov FlaotoooP 1.0,......... . . . b304 1h11(1 S0loCooonl............. . Lc.-1, F6100t Fbin......ob Cbooioo 00 Slloooiol~s............. 90 11.... COTTON AND TOBACCOci'AAEIEOO. St0,k , ba S)• t. 1..5...... -07 11,115 teoceivl elae . ........... 1,228, 4,3 914 ' S ye0'terdy ....... 2,152 ' 1,270,101 14o,. 110 Expoored n da00 ...........0.97,00 14,(1 yeidoy.......... 5.109 39 -. 1,0003,0 .'221,002 100' SUCG.\R.,.. The supply of 00gar has 000n liberal, and prices geneallyesler r fbuyers, wih , a le of na0ot bbdM 11, in clIdhli,, f4, taken ye0terday, tile malrket closing at thle raoge of our qrlutio llt , which are ax follow: ooir to Flt]OIy 7 .... Ž1 3 a $ " 1Weck', r0ceip03, 5,218 hhdsE-x ports, 871. I0j.ASSI0 .. ..T 'bf article l, o been in fair reqtle=t, but monstly at o . furthr reduction inl tle rateo. Thie week's alos em noarly 5(0 bble, chiefly Itt 3.Vd3le for God to Prime, .0d 3(o,o3274 for Inferior and Ordinary, will an o ,ceasiona lot of 0'ery Choice lat 0Ml4e 0 gallon. YesterdayN4 ) b'bl were sold at 3019@Me E gallon. Weeok's receipts, 8,1803 bl1s-Ex0ports, 1,81. FLO UR.....Tle Flour market bas worn a dull and drooping nplpearane daring ti e r,'t week, the, toles up to Tb ni'dny eveCn o,.0ainlg rech1ed ba-rely 41JXO bbl, at 7 6 750201 f7 r E lpo6 fill.o anid ncludingl a few loti at $7 87)H4i;8 50 for Extra, $6 25 for'A Fine, rid S 75 'o' r Common. Yesterdaly 310 bbls TennesceI, a hod br n,, were ,old at 37 2'5 &! ill. Week's rec-'ipts, 3,778 bbh0-Exporls, 8,447. W0U1,0A'T....This article further 40ave way in the early part of weo k to $1 50 for Reld and 1 55 for o Whte, with sales up to "'I'h oaday evening of about 12,0(0.0okso at that range, and ai few of Rejected at 810S1) 15 -3 back. W',k's receipts, 11,378 Zack--E2xporta, 10,716. CORN'....Price, have again fallen of for Corn, and buyers 0 for exporit have come forwoled pretty freely. Up to yesterday moruing nearly T 1,000 sacks were sold at a range of 45@0e for Mixed in cotton hacks to P1rime White and Yellow in gunny bags, and MO@30c for Yellow. Yeterday price were tend;ng 0 and 50l0 eacks were'1old at WoO04Me 0 4ls,01hel. Week's reeipt s, 108.5 aek-Fxporots, 55,918. OATS....TThe rates fortills article hIave been rathler firmer, wil sales of somne 7tX00 acks during thie week at 41@43e for Ohio and 45(4c0' .0 br,,hl for St. Louis. eek's receipts, 1010 saook--Ixports, 267. RYe.....We avre noticed vales of a few huldred acks of RIye F lit $1 P. bnoloe. I BI1A ANDHA IAY.....Bran has old slowly at 75@.M10 I10 ,....6Small lots of Wetern IHay lhave been selling ait $5 ton. S'O01RK.... The market for P1'rk has worn a heavy appearance during tile past week. the sales up to yesterday morning eon p]ri0shg some 1500obbl) Mess at $15 0 50$1 06 0l, for Ordinary I to Heavy Unimnpeoted. Yesterday 16J bblo Uninopected lMeoo were taken at $16 , bbl. Tile 0 tock at tile iupection warehouses yesterday was barely h 600 bill, of all kinds. S-Vck'. reoeipt', 0i1 bbos--Exports, 1,247. ItACON....We have noticedar.ew ales of Sildes at 9e for I0ilbed, and, 100@10(lo fur ('ear, andof Shoulder o at )oi@9o00c. lb., omall lots of Ilain UIhms have been oelling at 100g4(le, nud somo e 2:0 tierees Extra o ngar Cured have been sold in lot,, on the le vee, at 15@co16e .b. Week's reccipts, 1255 casks-Exports, 313. I)RY SAL.TED MEATS....In tile early part of the week some 30),0.I0 were sold in b0,lk, ,notly at 6.ic for Shoulders, oe for Sides, and 07)7%n for Ordio ry to Primne lots of 1rmn, t with one or tO\o 0mnll lote of HIog-round at 6.4., and some Shoul drs ti casks at GJoo0 fi,'6 c , 1. On Tlhursday 750,000 1 from Arkanras were taken at for rIams and Side=. p }EIE....We quote Mess Beef at $1208413, PrimoentS10 @ SWeek'os reeoillt,,, ,55 bL--Cxporto, 2. LARDo....ITbi, article ba, further decl0ned 7f:~0i3e 3 I1 for larg: package, and we have noticed sales of about 11(1) bbls and tircea, mnostly at 8)c for Prime, and 87449e for No. 1, with a few hundred keo at o106013)e 0 00 . Yesterday 171 tes Prime were sold at 911e, and about )3 bbls and tierees at the Week', roceipts, 2,0 1bls and 13G kgos--Ixpolorts equal to 4I kegs. i i'TTEIR A ND CIIEESE....Wetern Baler hasu old at 1,°@ 26e, and Cbheee at 12@l38e ' lb, actrding to quality. 5(a 1C. q, lb, to arrive and in store. WIIII(Y....The supply of Rectiied has been very light,an prices harve impll-veI, while Raw las been heay. Small lots i 0f thle fornr hl0 e sold hltte rly t 31 37 :e. and th' halea of Rawo include 4i a bbLb tal0,n o,0il Wedlleday at 31, and 20, 0 t 30 e . 1BAGGIN G AND 1 t)'..... Wequote Kentucky Baggino at 1c-.l' rnd Rop-e at I:o l 10 eo, cordin to lityd ei:e. of In-dial IltiF -lg 70o) tO t0 bales lint; e bueel sold, mostly lit 13u, 00 1,4 1 00'-P. 0imp0460-k i -Itobood BAGS S - -(; . 'rli anricle ha.been hell genrallli at 1,5..' Oc. oln,! Ile o,, 0c 0o in o7u, _) O L o) 0.1 ' ,, 15oo1 and irolnOigh irgh a[ 14'2.:. 'O I.'EE..... T.e dcmalnd for C,,:e hos Ieen mllderate, with ah.01 n1f abot 55Xi bags :li to y-,terd'y InOllli-,, It I L'an0e 04 hd;,t.lll. fr In!'reo:r and (Irdinlary, 11 ýihllI', for Fair I,, G and ]n. 090 12c 0 0 00 ' for Prime. Yesterday 42,y b, so were Feld at lltn@12,. Tllere ha been1, no cargo an-rvls during tile week, and the direct imports since ihe l-t of September remain at 215,132 bag. Ti1e st0ck on band lao0 evennog was about ),o lhJ boags. S-IALT... A ho:e' cargo of :j02 sacks oiverrool (1910 Fine,) w1a som at 9e roud, alid oo0e of 5510 C lo o at ot 85 73 "a .NDLES....The receipts of Itar Candles hve been hta'y, and thle rates Lave fallen of to 5 .; 1e t9 1Lth. TALLOW,...Thioi artic l as been very dull, llmders gener ally asking @llal(ll],e ; Il for City Rendered, witlhout any Sos;lol-' f noiet. LIM}.... Eantern Lime h:s been sellinlg from second bands at N.\,VAL TORT.... ..We have noticed, a sale of 575 bb,1d Commnoll it \o.? . 0,0iI700I 07000 .I,0. ...Pitebh 0 , lgoe at $1 30(051 75, Rind Tar at $1 6C'£.ti3 5U ' bl l....Splrts Ttlpen oinoe b,,s been hcld a o - ' .ALCI. IOIHO .... ics Larve declined, and we have noticed one or t 0o 0al0s at -"4_e - 7,1loln. IoREI ooITS...o "ooie u t as to een 0aei' e and ( ar0 an, d we have noticed tle oenagemelt of alboolt tifteen ships ftor Liverpool at "'d for Cottonl, and L('151 for Corn, one or two for IIvre at 1(e for Cotton, one for Genoa at 1fc, one for Cllristiona, Swc den, at ooolc, and o everal ships placed on tle berth for Liverpool at 14d for Corn and Od1 for Cotton. Coastwbie we noticed three or four vess0l, taken for Boeton at 1, (Cottan and 170 for Corn, mid one for P'rovidence, I. I., at 13-10e for Cotton. EXI'IIA.NG E9... There bas Ieeu a good demnud for Foreignl i1 aii he n"u have mlthcr improved, the mnnk-t cloing at tlhe r an iof our qnolatiou8 , Sterling ............. ·7@ I0. .id ilsJj j ,'r lu s ........................... ... 51".4§?.(1 5i6 . , dollar. \New York Ni\.y-alt htis .................... '1o'l..12.{ t ct dsi S!ght chbks o, Ne-w York ............ . . .i d~ CATTLE MARKET. 29 J-9F9So\L CITY, Feb. 29. Ther market co:tinned well upplied whith Beef Catle, and a t fir stock of Hug ' contin'l on "le. Veal C,(ttle and Milch Cows c.tiuile 9c rc. The Inarkt is bare of Sh2e-p. 1'rices are firm ant oar ,92t',til, . :. 5 BEEr CAy,-Wealern Frue alld Choice ................. .81." S rnln.trp, 9:................. ... 4 Attakaps, T-ul,, etr ....................-(td ITocs .................... .......................... .... i2ILCII COWS--Fiel1ky ...........9...... . 5(o Ordin ........................... . 94.(aqI C3ALV ESr d\D .EA R LIC9 ... ............. .............11 IS': Sip in. nnteliplt . SATURnnAY, March 1, 1856 CLEARED YESTERDAY. S ean q ip Texas Forbes, for Vera Crtz, MIarrti k claol'g shi . y, T'rid, 5 9 l'' raon, f, r 2 ..l.w2 rp, 1, L \Vghitney 1 co ]Bar-k 2ho9na. Allibone, 9.2299crna, 9or l'hillelphln, 1i' I" llyson &co al.lrk .uelia lRogers, Sun-r, for Boston, U W lynuon kco EIs'9 l1222lici. 9p M2tcn,92 f2r B rmrcelon, oJ Barba lndiunol ie0ar2, 2fr Ysw 2ork, . Cllogmer- co c ,hr 1'rnutsit, t nhalll, era V or a, Crn ., lhlealolu o & IA elmrr e ih 2ehic Fh 2 for 9 2'p a. c.lll, 9o9ldubo 1 ,.er.spar. S tl acl Wt . . B igi.., St l nt2, for .lntgolerl" 11-,Ala . ARRIVED. 1t99g Mary 1li9rbc2], McCo1ne!l, 5 days from Iav.1 a, to rmn9 - t er--2d district 15. Sc2r (2o:l.ue-t, Jelklus, 4 daYs fro n P99sacul2h to m2ter Selhr Jlephi9s2 2'B9ec1,2 h ds fro9m 12bile, to lost9r--llsiu. 9,hr t 9'lil9Orll. I .owcrs, front Iilo ..--12:t5 n. S2llr ,2a2lah Bl1de2,2 2 dutL from 1.9ubil2--l9asi2 Schr 1:ell WlVtsillgton, .,.'eaon. CrumLI I'ewdrl ii\ cr--Bosin. Sehnr ,outhleru. , frol[ Baty St Iotl a-- B lsin. Schr M ry s . e, 1) from Ilonopl a Loprin. Schr Octri,2 . F.rgersuli, fro A2ltc Hirer--B2sin. Sc2hr Ar'9die Jicroll, 2'5 trolp Amlite hirer--2lini. Se .r l 92ci e, 2clo9n, t'rlll 2 oltOl;-Ban, .'.chr Ark, Andrews, fr01hn ll;yt St Louis--l(lain. Schr ,be9l2 t 2 oi, o fro2 l I9ltouu92,l2--lin. chPr tell1e rose, from ll foucA:--lhTSn. i c r w c lit i c l , WI n frol 1 n3 C uolfo c - B nug. lr blrigOn, Ien, fronm flayb t Lchr :l.rrillelll , .,lleltll, from Per l Rier--2ln n. SchrlArse lle I''iver, fronl Trlom'cefuutlr--) 2,9hr 2ictolit [l, 1 r2 m W2 ll2efl2,91 --B9 ill2. S 1hr (eorge, fro2n Tcl1l91nc 12--9llt'. STEA MBOT S. Mary Ilss, T,rr}.s, from Opelnlsas. F ,U y ,.,Plti h k,· Olrl . ,bfllll rOm Lockport, ('l 9 2bn l2irll, r,m )L .oile. 1,- 1t;11, lloopcr, flE n Bayou Sara. Towboat lar, Whitncy, from the Passes--towed down and to lip brig M2Iry Elibt2.l. BELOW--COMI\0 UP, Ship s2l..2. Clark, from 1,2verpool Shit) , ve2n2g :tar, 1', from 9922 op. 1EMOI7ANDA. Cop 399919921, of th9e bri99,g V94 li294 212h, from 1129, reports that the chlip Anna Tilt, Copt Golding, hence, putl into Il39111193 on the 12:11 F9br94 2 ling badly; ( as I9 i, l (brging cargo. EXPORTS. VERA CRCT993-t2 .h9p T99s-2 004 aes 92 nd 919291911 b2les cotton, 20~ bales cotton ducki, rl boy soap, and sundrdies. ANTWl231'R-Sh9i P39292992319 bales cotton, 39 92994 to b9.99, 26 121s h22es, 192W 9races. 1'II.A119P2IIA--Ila19 Th.os Alibon9 -10; 9 9le9 cotton, 21 2.99s sugr, 70 bb3s;99 ln,7999 11OSTON-112k Adclia I9 1er1-3223 s49corn, 300 b999291our, 412 hides.. 19A111'LO19IA-Brig 231921-399994es 9ott1n, 2293 slaes,. NOIW YORI9-S2-32 1tdi99.,91-35 bales ctton,116 do rope cuttings, 000 bags ,heait, 398f hider, 7 boons radlivcroil 4l'Z ton' lir9121999. e c999 992 bbls 32292, , 43 2 bd9 , 72,9, 9 poles. VPllA 31112/29-999 Tran1it-71.5 9a1es and 11243 ha2f do cotton, 7001 feet lmrtber. COR1PUS C(II1IS1'-Sch1 V919132--9,999 b992k9. 149NT90M491Y -99te9499 9129 l19,aley--125.919 and 35 00419ugar9, 45(1 004 and 91 940 f ibis 99 oln9se2 250 socks entre ,9" 2 99s fl99, 190 do 9otat99x, 10 44asks bacon, 2 Qo ram, 6 t o, is I11111. 13 kegs nanils, 40 bIle w hixky, 2 do lard itl, 6 do parkr, 4 elka ale, 61 rs candlles, 2 kegs shot, 3 pkgs mdse. IMP'ORTS. HA9VAN2A-3923 9111291 921921th-91,2-1 o ci9221 Cl 9.ken dr2tl9-21F V929199-1 Castllo .@ 129 ri49-9 9992lli 6209-6 919 92no 419999 Valk 12 Sa&9bol92 1-1 C Sc32 9ter-22-9s32en, R19 4399992 IB9o 9 1' 1124122-91999929999929-21 199Y14141939.-7 4929`99999- 9ts C 2o Ag24rs J N 4l2ulfi-3c 1, R1929,9-I F Ri99s-5 A 339991-1 939 \3 9rc-14 do swe91tmeat1 330 b2,939192119 1J 11 cC99ll92-1 fruit j1 I.ore191 I'43N9ACO~l1-9ch (19999199-55 b9lt- cotton O.9y & 1499'k1999-149 to s999dry on31992ee39-59192 3eef lum92r l 1114114 cComll-1Tot 114 b 919t9 MOBILFE-SOS, J~ecph~in -bi bli r.=ln to order. 13150X1-Fefir C caifornla.-:.,MN) feet Inrrir~r to ordem. MOnlTllS-9fllr Harsh Jllvlan--S?.,AW fee Inlet- to Poohc;, .Yicol 9rn. 11111L RIVBB-1111, lGen W0111in te-32lI OAIeetII1 10,01 545 W WOO, I ,r k BAY ST I,514,-S, S0I1Bolll, ,1Omcr- wod to order. BONFOUCA-Schr Mary SS X·,·lioe-1 4151,4· to -'do', AMITIS BIVER-&ki- l OI ,SOi,-40 1,1, 0 111 and l,4 1ds wood to -I' cr. AMIITE I1VE1R- Schr i0ctavie--a) bbll mulneires WOW shihn .gles 15 cords wood to order. BON1FO112(IA-S, r ,0Id,-l-f) eor1i, od to oder, , LAY ST 1.O'1g- 411r Arkl-B,, cords' woo to order. BOINFOU1A-1Sc1 Iilberty-36,(00 bricks to order. BC1 FOUC(1A-Shr Belle 1o, ,-301101041ck to oder. 1112OU510 Hcllr D-ko ire-5.0-200 brick to o1der. BAY ST L2UIS-iSchr, Aragoo-2004,1,1oidAo o der. PEARL IVIIER-S0,blr E 4perim,,o-21,1A 001tl..o..012, 050,alhsJobh, Trento,. T111111'UNCTA-Schr 01115e-235,0400 at lumber 11-4 ,1t A McConnil. TC.IIEIF' C CTA-SIh Victoria-32,00 feet lumber 1 Merritt )IColnnrll. T';IIEFUCSCTA-Schr G eorge-60-C bb!s shells to order. RlECEIPTS 0P PRODUCE. BAYOU SA AI,,,,I,01112 l11,1llBO.14r At 1.,,Iry-21 J 7,L ,c-1 OakeoA 11,Tiakioo-l Otmllbcli A 1tron00 Il-111rn, Vance A o -7Aldermoo A .0etcalf-1011arroll. f'rilellnrd &cu-.tG arrla & L w.+i --1i {rlglrt, Davenport (.o--l i Ilemklrson & N-11 -2 do ram,, to ordefr-3o) hhds sgar ,'.1 half "',1 AI'11,-1 4 rbrid . dodo,, 12-bl, do 10114 c011 sugalr Green & ('rump-21 hlvl angr '25ISbb, ot,- 3'l Gl a &w-G boe ar sga Bm .Sane co115 bt molases 20 hhd~rs suganr Gj IV Shaw eob=6(( bad sugar J Y de Eg,11.-19 doISTAl U 0010111-11 441,1114 M,,CII-11 A, S fCcllel~ln- 3 o DIlns, 1)urie ., boo-lB 1;[Dnlon jr-3 do 16 1bl. molot,, A A 00,re, ,uoo--11) do J B 1'Olanche 4 ,-'lI do ,ran4 A .10dry-li do 30llhd1ugar UO'(I 14,o-n , bri-,, t, order-Ta4 107i tales cIttn 211 141 h ougar 360 n0o1r,1l and c sugatr 76 1,E bbl. molwurcr. OP11.IIUOOif-A11S-ttI [lnrl RBot--I2 halos . l44 10, h1ds su "nr 45 bbl., mullc;ee Payne & l e-7 idn-IoL bales anton J B 141555 ljW,,-11 f,1rest k, 0100,11, B Ait , Oh,,,i11 ie2 ,1 alc 0,11,13? 441-151^r~r 431 bb,1111ol, ..,l F F1rret-310 bales cotton Miller &t Forelitler-7r Toledln ll A TRnlr-- hhds anger 01dIl Eg an.-,I do Frellcn, 0l,,1B1 I W lA-16 do Jxo 0,k T o , , ,,/ e h t - I d t 4l A 1 1, 04. 1 ,1o l 0, 11' A n I I ,. r,,- 1 1 4 , RicWIrd IgBent .o-1'31 doLdo Ilan, diOl k O PlY WISTBBIs half bbl m51.-, A D K lelly ero-ndn'er to order-Trotal 216 hale, cotton 147 hhds hogs, 525 bbls molasses,. LOCKP[1ORT-Stenmcr anny parltnwk-3(l hhdx solmrd I BAI,;inri G S ,1,r-51 do Tr-,, f Iir . 111del--1 do Iny-it A Char, p; 11ti 21,1,2 at If fe &,101 do Anti 010 n 1011,111 t-53 1.1a molal-es' 1 (7 3".1,11411 &'-18 bler nlals J J Aldams-T.ota1l0 11hda sugar 71 L1,1. 5,41,1eses 18 bales nlu-r 3I0ill I1ri-Slanmar Cub,-410 ba~les cotton Farley, Jnlry 6ico 0 Tarrlton, Wbilin g & Told:.-0 D )lKllr oy & Iliorlfad-15 do do' .J '1' Hurle &eo--1crate mus 3 hhds d 20 bas d 6 trmlkndo 4 bales do Hariris & Ynrgan-1 1, do Smith A Bros-1 late tobacco V FHumbola-5 rkr cu t { A .1510.55 &c5-2 Wec silmplers Volt- & Beaten-1-- d6o 1 pkge mdse and sundries to urder. RAILROADS. NEWT ORLEANS, 0 1'FELOUSAS A\ D ( RI' T WESTEP.N RAILROAD-25 0,5,01 -ugar 1 11g~rrct. 5.1,-y A A gvy-471 Lbia nioin-yes 1 bb 2 hii do syrup W G Hewes. I)ATWENT SEWING MACHINqEIS.-.-GROVER S I AKER Sewing Hlnehlne Coin any, having etabllished an ofice at No. j Cnmp street, .econed cPr, would respectfually call the stucstion of the putblic to thlrr large and unrivalled assort ment of SEWING MALI UNES, con scting of 'ibteen different Fariefir s at prices ranging from $75 to $150. Trhese Machbines, unilke nv others in use, frnn a seat with two continuous threa.?s i,ýrm erdhmnrv spool s, mnakng i knot at every stitch, ,¢bieh prowiass the wwrk from r'ppin under any eircumst:mcet :hatever. They are p-rtieubtrly adalped to the nlanufacture of clothing, chhte, collars, hldies" dre'se's hats, cape. shos, ma tilll. q ullted work, e:uhroilerfes, crriage trimming uphol etery'work, and in fact everyfling where the holle and thread are reqtninite. An examinatliou is all tHit ih necessary to Lati.Fy the most incredulous that they are far nupe¢or to algy Machine Ler'eofore offered to the public. ExLclusive rights for districts n:"y he res-ared h immediate application at the ofltce. Z.31iel nuns silk and needlels constanntly on hand and for sale. 11. C. V LIE, General Agent, f2i lm No. 7 Camp street, second floor. NEW ORLEANS..lanuaty 2.15 1.56. ,. J. DE .,NISTOUN S CO. J:G TO , l. • clt: atlou to the following announcemeut f thei- Ghls gow houhe : GLASGOW, 1st Jannary, I-M. We have this day opened a 1raneh of our hoe.e in London, under the rnn of DENVNISTOLN, CROSS : CO., to be eon-, dlhleted )i)v 3r. rIlrrIIAI CROSS and 3Ir. WILL~XI M CP~RA - FOR1}, ns resident patrtners. Tte tike this oppor un. y of stntin t at C r. ROBERT DEN NJSTO'I' and ][r. AL[i:X. DENI Jr., eons of our prineipal, ]r. Alexander llemidstoun are now and have been, since L t ,JanarJ· 1551, partiora off thtis ow -r and of all its br::3chep. Ja303m J. & A. DENNISTOUr . S -TRPACB'S PATE rT CO]RN AND FIOU'RIN k.. 5hll .o tavrornbly kiloal throng~hout tile lolltheral State*, as e uachsively p o,.eing tile combined qualities of I. Being firmly -et is a strong iron ftame; 2. Using only tle hreat French Illnrr Stones; 5. the lower stone, which eIhyr fast on the spindle, [ ean never conie in eontact with its tfilow, to be injured by ; running. empty; 4. faving IiO d'1t to get loose; 5. ilnbinz no drives or n'ne to make it ohake; 6. laville its spindle in one piece, frou baidge-free to hopper Toiw Mlr will inn five years without dressing the stone=, and Is nly Uw, it the fnllhwhlinq lriree : 18inlh, .h~g]. gear, ./l.}. S...... l1, l Donble emr, $IS9. ,e 2111.11 . .. I~ 3,O ·.... . 1.. .. 21d). Tie ,nO-i 1cth mil wfil! rind 40 Iiu. 1p .i n tlour with proper ep.ed, and the smaxler ollnes ill prpo' or,] ,l. i S:{cll i. If. C:II ,(?11 left 3:W3 a No. \031 .lcbr te ree: , st New hleann, QFCOti D-HAND FURNIT'URE STIORE, No, 2"2 't5 aroma street. hear Canal , Seeond-hand Furnfitre of all deseriptions bought, sold or ex changed: also repaired eln vartfllied in tile best IU-nier and on rc ronnllll terms. r'::;;;' 7,;;;il;. ho,,,o-liopio. td ,winking to diep .. of their furniture, wottld do well to eall on tlhe eande;rsine!. fe'233m .J. \l. TIllURNE. ` DRESSED YIELLOW PIS E Mt.-Th. VT h sU leiCmtbe hltas eon1 ly on hnufd s fall assortoBent of Dressecd ILam~ber of ther best quality, siupplied from tile Bagdad Steam MIillst( E. E. Sbnpeon S Co.,) near Pl'nieohx, Florids, i onslbtitllg of- Nss Floor.n. tonglced and grooved. narrow Flootbll, lfqare edg( ,. Wide Flooriig, laned land grooved. ridr sad V mc t' onn6.llg "Weather Boardr. etc. Also Strips, Lathe. ":,lh, aonr, Mlend and tonl ings, nd togll] I.lulbrr of all d,,riptions--all of which wiill La Bold, either "holurale or retail, n ot!le most fc, vrable terms. FE. W. nIIIR. Ja9 .m No !3 Covintlo n Ia.lhf, Noew asmin. TILE B'" GA.SSE ]U N-WAC'E.-IETTERIS PA tent for thte United States were l anoted :oS\ SAMUIE L 1I. GII. IfAt\, of No. 31 Natchez street, NVe ('lcan., tnd`: tcie tbue of neeenlber. 1,J51, fulr a 6'nne, na ' Iftlr rniug{nod anti ltagasse. Chis Fllrllar e eombineq tile fallowing qulialltha fnlly proved in taking off SEVEN CROPS TIIE PRESENT SEA S1t. It works e 'oely by nntural drmlght, and without the aid of o Blower. 2d. It eontains no ^rate bars or other frosts iu Ilia interior. 3ý1. It never requlres a 'toppage of the miil to have its ashes cleaned out. .lth. The Bag-ase is never stirred or touched after it arrives in the fmrna,.. 5th. it ballrls all the Bnasse, ant m-kens steam enough to run the mill engine, a steam battery, and n pnll inp nginc. 'this is le oý" frniac tinht h as taken oi1 a crop iu Louisiana in compliance wn:h tile atbove five eollditions. This Furnace makes no pretensin to bLurfn Bagsse alone, oled does not re-tmble any- other furlhae in II single feature f its Tori tth. p'rfneilea uepon which it works, or in the results whiaf it produces; neither does it approach tre rights of any other porty. pcmrts eirelnid to ti, contrary eare "mere tricks of trale," known to be fiase by those who mnak Ile l, and ea euhtted only to deceive tile plable and phns off :tr tlrles that eannut stand upon theirown merits. No person will be allowed to sell, milteor use an}" patent F urnee without authoryit fora me; and all personshdim, ing euch authority. will be lully guaratueed in its tndiietnrbed lnc aid possession. ty L'atent Furnace is its ttpplieahle to a rnof kettles as to steam boilers; cnd I am prepared to eontlact to apply It to hbln ing th"" Bagnae to hell come J)lse. in the comlnaO train of kiettles, under a satisfactory guanrntee to the urchsel·r. A treatis. on the selha sub et, in nnulphlet f'onr, with draw. ings, etc.. to he had of the subatriter" hy I11 l .ir hlr vise. - S 1 `2[11~oS. GILA.1 N N, ja9 d&Wllm .ql Naltrche street. New tlriean*. MILES C. FOLKES, AUCTIONEER AN1) CO.I 111. M AIBSSIO) )')') IANT, ashington coicct. i, Vickburg, sasis s.ii~ i -{Vitt colt Melrchandise anRd Property of t11 descriptions cousiagcil to him, Ilnd prompt remitlanccx made for the some. -Rtefers to 'lisrs. John Watt A Co., 0nd Cu2ddy, Brown13 Co., N'w Or. e__s. R_;" 3ply HE SiTYL·E OF OUR. FIM D IS THIS DAY CHANGEDer TO A. WY. BUSWCIRTII k CO. STANTON A CO. New Orleatrs, January 1, 1STS. A. . &OSWORTH C CO., WITOT.LESAL AND Retail IDedcr i il lCEE Iiustness IIIr, , os. ,1 and 72! Front street : D0 6I, lulwre c 'ocýIn' and I'alaygctte srrects. Two Lvge Ie fe )ellola. St. '1'hninns rrreilt. Ice Iluoucii, bend l)A ItasA. Aol)ANo. 196 lAciAr street. AlAb,, Ire DOIA, No. 2I PooA)hanrtrain Railro1d, uppe)r side, -pp., itr thle t'.iý,enLý r Saloen. N ,, Orleans anl 6m AUCTION NOTICIi.-91IE ))U l)ORSUIIIE) )IE)' A jIA)lly infoI))siA frielnd s and the 0 1d, )hat ha)ing rc1 snm hi '! old baO13UA, AO)'rTIONIli iR td APPRAISEIR, has))0lnhisoll ))ice, No. 33 Oamp street. Witl a13Al)A)lAe sdle of Ren,) 1.,)!), Stockls, Ne'lAroes, Ad A'll, lh o lols, L 0,llncm+ m) 1 a oll ) ters, a1c1di1g to )aw. IA w ill al.o Ey pbollrlyt and personal )tE'ti o2 all ent~oor A )les, of evrr dec~ripton. A 11 eiAyiDte ill Ie kept open for all the Real sta)te and mends lie line for sale, either on private tells,, or at p eblic Ilsr tiol. Everyfagcility 1n his)00w3. )ilN)d to buy*. A and sellers of Rlal Nih 11'. A Practical Drinigaltsrmm and Plaon Drawecr w\ill be In constant attendancee at hisa office. With the assurance that he will give strict attenltion to his )Ial ever in all1 its details, he tnrc~s 'I lo he will receive a sharec of publlic patronage. BENJT. t(I3NIlt:. Auietioarvlr noU)))loir)! lo. )A3 (')ap street. OFFIC l )!)b)I i LLCAN)) AI VING)0 V NS]UTION.=Duker No. lit ('amp htreet--Iucorporn )ed under Act of th)e Lg, la)l))1 on 151h MIachl, 16M-. Thle olhlet of the Institution will to open fur ilia reception of Deposaits every morning : (8111dH_ e rcclledl from 9) to 3 u clock,, and on Sia lllsg vclgi fr om 5 to S .'clock. Neposits 19 OlfA)ne IA)l gtr ad10jg ).l Ill )AAl g be r Acei!ed. The emlploymentl of the fumlrl 's strilyl limiited by the Act of Trrnrporntinn to the puballic Debtsu of thle United vinesa of the Stateu of I.ouisiamn, anld ."'the Ct flw~lo Loainl)on mlortgage of nA l iA) boed :tAA IunimAprovd RA)) Rcttat within the limitsl of the City of New Orlecnhl not -XELc:L. 0)l')))') 1ciri. of 11. Kill ,!', W o I -,Inc I.unm upon Plege of tho e Stock of t Ie .ncorporated Banks in Ne v O Ile ls ' not exedding W0e cent, of t A.e m 0)k0t value All Interest or Profit rlerived frn thle emplorlneut fr s. T.ond is to be diAA),t b n. .i)A)li,, IAo 1) 900!)))).to No Trustee em)l directly or illIirncitl: borrow allny of tl 111 foods,, or receive anyPu0y or 1mol 0)10)1t PA,12,A Ccrti~cldes of ileporif , havring lerct o a rate to be· agreed upon, will be issued for antis not lessts Than SIOVV deposited for a specified limo. T RIT S ES. George Fuleis, . . ~yli!ly {. im Pogct, . N. td""r, Ooo.Urgldhort, R. B. Smmnrr, AC. uc, c). c JonII , WYilhelmus 11 ., t, I'. N.mod Thus. A. Clark, Thos. A. Admu, E.A. 3)rxdt)rd., I). lDl.AWith 0. \V. N. "IIICRIRC I President. K'\f. VOLTli, ~c reiens N. II. SUMINER, D. 1). WITI)ER , Treasurer. N. B.-CopiAs oI th, A,! of InAcorp'a)Ation )) d IBy-I.oooan be obainid oA the ot0!h). 130)) rgB Y'S CITY PACKAGE BX-ERUN-NN 1L NIN(i AT Al,! IIAAUIO T)IROU(IIAIUT THIl CITY The underTb 11 tax establi))1d 1)laity 151.lo zpe0a For thIe AA)'))b)! of f )11ce3rt )! by )13 bOkk))) Ey 11 sllllldlca. 'lain .nd to 1)otel,, Rilroads, Smmbnb( ad 1 'ri Residences. *11 Thle Proprietor will gico hl, personal attention I. all bust. nclr connected with the ollicc, and the public onlyg rely upon promp~tness andl care in thle receipt nod delirery of proporty. ,tYP Thle business will bie conductead upon Whe scone syatmntl so auc)Issfully ! dopted by the Pa)kagl A ExprAN) s in tIN Suthere cities. O ndO Off. open at all hours of the day for the reception of Wrders ill W. la- Signals will be furnished to all.1 1 A S y I)) 0r., Proprietor, nonl 3m 75 Cravlcr, corner Camp street. )ANK SHAlW.lo Ar.. N )oA, COMMISSION AND OhIo,)., tD 10)' 0 A013 ) NTS ANDlD 1)1)AER) IN WESTERIN PROD)UCE, No. 3 Tchoupltuulas street. New Orleans. olp if 18) a W. MI. IOINI.-IaTT IOOW. AND c90N SI 8.I.OO nAT-LA\\ , nd Solicitor it, Chancery, Laving removed from New Orlema: nndlaccrlcd in'Jaelaon, Mlsy., will Fier prompt attentionr to all business entrusted to his charges is the hig~h Collit of Errors and APnmnle, the Superior Court of Chancery, the Uatl Stntrx ( 111 mrd Distrito Courts, andl the Circuit ind P'robate Courts of Hinds, Rank~in, Warren and the adjoiing 1111 tttenlfon to COLLECTION OF CLAIMS, AC CODUNh. NOTF.S. etc. OFFI CIn Ellii a Buildings, corner of State and Pearl Stger, cp Dk. -, , nW tfdAW _{ SHEa6Ri IF' M S. For'n', enam Coinr FAT I. F Af.SMf ii9. and X.I1. tO7:lh-Ne,. Og, 413& T VIRTIE of an.d In obedlcnee to anmoO I BdJFII y1 l2ib,16tro directedl t'1 the II IIrnn the Fnnrth eAFIJriot E io the SFLmr olHld m1F er, f I o i cl pieMer41o n e1 otifmi, Irk I I*"lotnda of the tCfy Eedhcean, At. .frmL FtreAt, hetwemO Chnrtren nm}_Iieyal xtrEeg. nn rmI.IAY. Nnreh 14ht 106, at 12 rrcixk,-Sf., for eulnmtt thie nrertttrr c r gii Inwutlvbntl ,en nhnree of 1h Fetrkr f the Wt[h'lhogto 'k' `Ie Ocrlecoc I rqrah ('n. tiny aldlaerl %p xo Syt. hventa tt their crd(toeo. Tol0044H 'Tl$ heieeo te eeormo aodlect t'eeelep, the ohece, eltcrited hteares o lfte willt he definitiy otlotdlitted to the highhmr and f3 14'dlril , fat r ah;evar therr will *114p, g d c,4 month" creditt tle DheeeOter hetteloyhhg teeel wilh good anO el~ent 01 Fori htft rehording tt .o h mY 3 ]D 3 9lshftf.Af heC'arirxr of (Odean'r qt: rnmca Crr·a nsDIETU1L i S"PER F.S9It, r E Ne V2RTU d'un or a o vientt;rerE4 le 12 d, de Pihtrict r I c t a mol~dclrrre par i'l a rle 9trf Lma Sorr.l ]iir e de. in 1Co;rcll I 1 d.-aa ~infr c ~ k Ic ~~iI~-I ~ 4cc , Ie IleI~ 1I Ja predercI VEN DIIJI 14( Ic mcc 1&"A, clidi, dons la ilotonie. de isIconrse de ( 1ite, rue ditlnnfr, enure -Mle -le charlrrr et &Ic.b, pnc l'e I mpte des em='e des Icc-cl vables n l'+ullldidatinoi de `n,' l r:Tlfli D I:,TOCl de la Ccecpa¢ic ddT ele: cphe de IV,,gccc, d ect do la cci-(ici( c. Abanrl-t .ve+ -I-ln Islr blo d. Won crW.AnderA; C(liNHIfiO4ii-Cic criee eventl i sIcicde ec rliccie, le1 dices actions ciddl dclnitiemcdl vIeiC + . An plus ofiecci cc e rlerrntderisenr. poor le crix rji en ewe o11srt. d lome mol dccrelil. P'c renr durnicii Iccc, Icc c anbliýiddlc, dwcc caction lde e olvable, conformccdnt A la Infi. .131013 _ Shccif dla p a-oiccdiOlccicc F Bete N Sw'OrrrY"Ceeaeleaa L.OFI Bh MATHS ,N..(1E0RGE N f 5sl r MyURYKTdT bNe . - O, 1 . BY 'VIftT~of writ f a r ztsre and sad5le B direted hp Iie·Lonorsble the Fif th 15tr5Il (fe15 of New fJlcays in the 55lbic mtftlededbse. to 3It. Aseissy, tale Sheriff. andLL L,_ id I, S1IltS to to tran5111 d, I v ysiiproccd le sell 15ntbpi. nn55551, Inthe Ree 1 s ,1 the Flh S Sy tsllsB St. 15ui5.:fleet, between ChFleece _ 51 1 sytreets, snWEDft~iS DAY. Mstrch IA5h, 5515. at 1 sleesis 31. '\ CEIITAIN lAY]' OF (r0KU21151,tssthes5th 151111 hsieisgand isiproS i menps s thesss. eights, Wsys, is']-1 itsie and sppy51ennnces thereunto 55el5h ,t-. situate hn the flee ~irrct---h- x eitp, in ttl eyelet luuded P- oepf tes hinus P555 SysUi fled sd sl, chtsti reets deegiealsby : e12 -n aPlan dmrm by f . A. 1er1inc.ivsil 55i1. on ths15th' 151155, 1515. sla depeebsed.s lbse cySessf 1. 5. (ess a s, tmy publicl in aq, ciity: tl~iSh mid loit s'paures stw-fi55ft 5eet eleven inches front cn Prrdyfarre stree by hS·e ticsg-ir feet. ten inches e a four lines in wsidlh in tle rear, 5,55,555 on esalley eight feet ts-Ide, diciding snid seisses andi peninigsn it test ,ise sd Fsssher ssetthe one huns il amt ss-fss feet nine inches in deth 55 lthe fete feel big tiAn SssS t dsifrher,ian idssee 15151 t 15al 5 fosr eight inches ssn p linesi h dssh w the aide ltowrds ITe iildigf s and ispio-ements ,I rad lot coIs1st of a t1wo 5isS5n5i5 dscllsis, slate rooted, lmclg twg o Ii Isisyo amd fli alle d no. ad galtery"}n front p-rtn era, twos ee rllelre Isis;e siiss, 555l gsl51- iSrm. I ; st-ih5ree apa55 5-51 fiee peslid, tso-ssory, hst - roofed, upper stosyfor Iset tsia rsoms bricked, Is e coach gite g euding from street istale, cis ltrn in yard, lc5. Sefrrd in the ,Lonve avit. T~d1511M-Ti islý thle secod asil lest auction, th5e 15lis dcssrilsd Issiersly iwill t dLiesitsiy siisscated iothe S highest and 1f55t Id,511 for i-iwssshssit wisll brie(; at twele mont15' credit ;the DIIchhaer nenisalingi bond with good and solvent isrrily, hssinsgpe Cent. interest per sshis f om date, and spscial mo55551 'o155he propersy soly until fi5 l 5511 esy t 11310135 . 4Lerihsoff the Parish ofOrleans. CI-,QUP.M CII. DE DISTICT 2 LOIUT ATIIE ,,. 91EORGE1 ne \111 I O ll 09111. P I1IUIIY9TCCRY>dAL. Ni. 1129. F ERTII d'an V"E't d ~e easelst ve 9te ad ER drlI par IItOnI 3 1 11 11991 Cingniei r de Df1,ri97 1de l \unvelle-Or!ern.-. dens niaaire ci-dees~ns 3 i. )lnfilne i-de v1nt 1111ri et par coin-c! a 9 91.191! ey, je 91 p14,11 le 1I FRORIflFI1 d1 99 1mars19,e 1,ii, d999, la Roondo de la 12' t 1 de (!R6, rue Et-Loul99,c99 e ce,, s de C12 rtrrs e1 4 oy1le, i 1'adjndication de ONS TEI:RA I itub dare le Premier District de cone e rills, d"' 1 I'ilo bnnlb par Ice nies Poe; farce, de I'Annonci 1,,,,1, IIelonl et Fauicher, 19,14n6 911le \1. 51 d'9.91,1 . ,,plb dre1.941r 11 A1. 12din, in9r1iel1 12l. la 15 de mn,' 19 y et dillosE.-e s 1'etnda de I H K Ccens, nowirei pnihlie on cone -isle. Iz ilit terrain . esore 25 Pieds IIponc " fae A. in mee 12.yfn 9911111 Ipieds 19 ponces 11 114i;1. de 99,,1enr done le fowt, frtce d one ailee cte B pieds de 1Rrcur e, divisnnt le dit r liet oori ant nr Icy, rus de 1.1nnenci9tiu e1 Foucher. 124 pied9' 911(999s de p .149dg1r do 1919 d11,9 rue l'Annonciation et 121 pid. 3gI-me et 7 lignrs de profon-door dR c~tB de la rue Fou Ensemhie arse tonics ",t hati==ea et nmC~io~atlios goi exisceut ta1[ Ic 1114 t11in, It 1g911941p dr1i9l, pri14416Fr, 11prl,,1 111 anmtnes r att.:dl~s et p npplrtenant : ley lten epe: amelhora [ions consistentt en olne [riunison h~mte en : irlocu, convene en ar ddsce a vant 2 liiicer an reads ehnnnrx6-c nu premier ct Fnlerie dsmrxr: t_ caninre hanute sorrrre on ardui~c, s)yrnt 3 ;ta 1,ec Pi,,,9,r ; 1111119 s 10911,1 1n 91is o21e2e en9 It'etage snpirii-.r arruot de 111p119121 1 do:n99i49111 1a, c...Ui · t" "ttfo, une Frauds pone-oehi~i: core daps our, etc. Iie tons sarii d- 1 Iaffuire ci-dc.-,r ('ONDITIo\ýikne cries stem~m I. secondse et Verners. lal Sdir, pro nets e rr. dfinitiremen; rljs~ee nn plea o'lmrnt et der nie enchcleriscuur. poor to prix rle e sera offer[, I doorse m~.i d,' Scredlit, I'nrqclmfllr fonrnlrwlnt son bon on obligation " vac ira t r ollbnan ct ao!rlc.1 pnnnt inters[ an tanl de S 74'nl doll dadte, et hypndteyene specitdo Jor 1. propdctci jusyu'd' pnrfaft ppriement. m131 1n Sheaf de iPnr irse d'Orlenna. FOCP.III DlsTRIC ('O 22 D I)AVIIL ýIELVI.1 i . WILLI.AM C Srr Orleanos. SOLOJMO\-in- . 978. ýý7Y VIR7'[TF of n twrft of Iieri fnetnu to me hn , tull n' thie Ilnnilrnhle tle Fnrt District ;~',lt or \ew Ilrl;,n~. inrhr ~arre M. rlld e lu l N3, . d md to to sel C. A. ý(31 uncti.on. a '1191 C',, No. V, 6,h (. 9ISi, I3 II 3 cluck 10. 1.. o ý 9ei 17 o u, 1 91, "rru n a1rc , in thie 99uu9 OS1S I.O'If' ii JE{{rFELRR7 to Per inventor}-, nhicih env be peen nv Inv nffOF "Id fi n thec atbve suit. TERMIS-Con99 on the 9pot. JOSEP01 IIIJET, 9969 2I .115 09eri9f of the 91199h of Orleans. Qu,,RI£\5£ Carm D£ MInnICL 2 DA "I, "EI.lI.TLC I .LT Iý nE a \' x ceFII IOMON gir. 0,9,732 E a r V l 1 iu n 7,.~lt de2 a 2 fn0llo n ,o i e [Zn~ lr ~ololl nntri" me Cour de Inirtriet do la \nuvelir Orleans, dap nL I i liire cirlerrul. Je procelernii le JEI:I)I. C de mars, lESg I Iled A. 11.el n n~lind depot since mie Jele: sou, o. 23:, dons ]e 2rn District!rc Md de cette r!Ir u 1'ndjudicatiun le I,' LOT 99 BIiO['2ERIE, aui3 nt in,,20nire depose en moo Lurcau pour recoarr. iO\:i.- Oomptal n an moment SIa I Tindiction. JO"' Pit C YT l C.'"_1 5.15 IshcriT do la Paroisse d'Orlenn. Focnru Dlsmt sr Cucfss LOtISIANA MANUIFACTORIY Sfew Orksse. )COJMPANY-T. A. P. BOARDMA,. rt nl. No. S.W. BI VIRTU- of n-rrlt offierl faclaadlrected sthsl lHonorble the Folrth )istrictCourt of N eUsbrlrns. in sh.S nbosr entitled nbesM.M n dgylssrie ]te Sheriff.bal by stid lutel sifrif t me s,, nferrrs , I sill entered i- Mputb lic oi::ln, in thle Rotiunda o the I' itr Elcilnn~e. St. Louiea P1·(.C11 IdltTdyi ('hurry. -d Rl n strIeet on SATURDAY, )Im 2,l ":.Is . nlt2n'stIir tM rrllr l o 1 hay flln~iturp tackle, npgnr"l. !;heli PLI·etc. ." hh now layn in the SBI Uia'ill TErMir S- the sllhve puit. TItRl.tttlaSlt on thie s tt, JOSEPHI ITUFTY, fc1S m21021 FShcritf of thel Parirh of Orleans. Qcermevp Cora DEDISTRI'CT T.OPISTINA % h N'FAC T HOR I V0311ANY.s. A. P. nE t., Nnrrer.rEOr.t:OtElsa 1.il3AN 1_0 ' VEYLTU rl'ritl rrllt 611 ficr1 ) acln ad rew r , ,elun ii +ddcl HH It nr 2l I Hlpo Ii 1 Lb; H*TIThI:A\ ·-Al 'A:I` Cr POST ISO ; ; P(1 senrl~le ncec _`I' inl·. etc.. tul ciu'il ec iiour 2 maiulten~lll dlmn le N -U- nu ); Llarin. Ini 1HTml I'd:T~ire ci~llc'"lu CONI)ITIONS--Culnptant au momeont dle IPnd)Ulicntion. ,,"JOSEPH TILFTY. Icleir~ln1n P , rif ins In Prroirr d'ilrl-,~r LEGAL NOTICES. F~n1. Jl-Smt' C , IFO1E 'kFRTIc( TAI It. le ,Ia Y AND JNO. J. IIO11F, Fla rrc' aaPnri'h of Orlenný. C, -\nlco. 1i,OSI. flY VIRTUE of 1vwit of ficrl facls tome direct t eydht IHot. D. F)lilrlhchl, FO,.t Jn11ki of the f 10Se I,,r it, DN 1 Orlm I proceed I u sell, t pu1lic unctlion,, nn \1'I·;D)TMD~lT, thle 1:'.t lhy uT \Inrch, 1556, at 1"l. oclok W, nt t helr Iron Y onnae, oa Tchoupitoulus street, betxercu St. J-ph a nd Ilelard !) IIs (INIA I1[111E.C _110 AN) CI" 112 th.e F. QUIe eOitll bai1, T ERIN-1-Cat h 5551155 Spot. ml 6 12 WM. C. QUIRK, Conctnhle. SrLcot PISZHIU' COURTs SUCCESSION OF OORS. FIDELIA t f FLYV IIaz y. FA (:Fi R -F io. R d i - OTICE Y 14crFhy 3 "I.I to the Creditors f1 Sl this Iisntc, and to i~il other persons herein iFF ere¶. d, to show canobe nsitlin ten darg from thle pr{ ent xriinnltioo, if anyy they lacerr or can, r\-ly the accounlt pr rented tj- the Ildminislnl tor of this elmre should not lw Ilulolo,-ated and nplpreed, the fundsH dirtribntedl in acrordance tl-e~etil. By order of the Court. IySc: IFFI m iIFU I A. PRFIS 0c25 Fl 4 IOIFIFnt Clerk. Darztrxc. Cor~n DE IPrsrntcrrj RI-(`(`CF.IOX DE 11'1(F.E Ifle n SFIT)EII EAGER. T0. v 4 est par A. pr ISREI'X, aiaz cr aa - 21cicr* e t nlrclile cae·errr .1n et u routes ant- pe PITOIIIIP qun celnl Ix·~nt eOIIccrnIer, d'ncni(· 6 lednire, aons Itix oa x a dntcr p In p grlcli e pabiirnll nl lei niaulla pour lesqilellcs lc cmtple prcrcute par I'nlllsinirirnn~u delit Inlire aucccr onll Iec rmit iul .ltronvo et llnltolallle, Lua loadh entre sees luiies "panns colifor nteutx aunitdit -.ptie I'.tr -lnl- do L. conr r".,6 A 4 A. DRitr:r , Deput( e Gretftcr. STATER OF LOnUI.SIANA. PD-o Disrtrel COUrT )r)ESO :F U. ROWSER -. HIS SCREDITORS AND THEI CREDIT. of New ORlec D . )ODSDf 13. .ROWE R & CD-ND. 9591. NOTICE Is I ercby gIveot to thte Credl Ior of DDorDDDC. DOD.r. IDte creditors oDID. lros-er Co., - osEnuse tritllil tru dnvls f'rom the first publicxtimt herCD, Dlll the seconDD rov ii ona account foled bI thDo IIndiD oD Dl, _Du v Dni ip DiDDD rIldd nSt I ID aODprDD ODlid IIamnlo F~ned, and the fluds liitrbbued Io n11 rdtnce DIIIIith. I&v osier of C T AtC fi22 27 rul O. L.UMINAIIS, D~eputy Clerk.. FTAT DE LA LOUTSTA\E. Cl\QrlEME COU1 E DISTRICT (TF.OEO C. DTOWER ""s DE r* SET CREAN(I'ELT c I. lET EOUVELLD-UOLEAES. )CREANUIERS TIeB. BROW LIE CO. No. 983. AVIS cat ynr cea preacutr donnee aux -ll eierTT de ernorxe C. Drover, e[ xes crenniorr de 1e. BmoB er ('o., d&xc&ir tinoux Ii jumdsde In premiere (vblie,. tilun lrea rniaons poilr Iesquellec, Ice Errlnd tnblexn lrovisoirr en rcgict- palr le Li'"dic C ks c eennleirl tl<Ldil iv-I-blUeeS le dernit pseeepp nee el llonlologtje et leefeond entre ceT main reparti, eonforsmde nrr fli wbleaD I';lr ordre de la Coat, G. LUIJNAIT, fo22ei Gr O . N OTICE IS IEREBY G1VENt that within I ~forty daps fnlln rite date ere f, thle nndarsig IIIil ýppl~- to the Seconld DiatrictEuen Court of Necw Orleans f fur tha eulencipation of His slate, , Eugete Ao . Smith. JOHN G. COCOS. New Orleans, Febrary 2a, 185.-tf28 b! 1. AVI5 > st p" le presaet do.W nt dednt. µi qlllrae juilrs dtuer d I prebenle Lhlieatc.n, le sll FiE.11 fern a .ppicntion a hn Seeond Cour dr.ietriýt de In Noll ý dle-Orlanus, pour Abtlidr 'elunnucipn.ion de eon esclave Eu ,ene A. Smith. JOXN U. COCKS. \oa'elle-Orleanls to 2$ fevrer 1556. fe tin30d SECOND DISTRICT COURT OF NEW ORLEANS. WHERE 1S1YIllnm T. Ri-hrnd- he pctI tioned the Couilt for lcttere of dative testmnentmry rrccn lorship of the CE1HtC of the lilee .lamesC i)'Potllell. Nonces is 'e'p (; icon to a ll Roam it ..Y co nCern, to shOwV cnnse within ten Bllg., Rhg thea prayer of the culd petitioner ehmded net be trallicd. f27 ntl 5 ofteatt . PREUS, Deputy Clerk. DEUXIE\IE COUR DE DISTRICT DR LA N. ORLEANS. A TTE NDU cane frrm. T. Richnrds n presente e li peti~tifintion n i utour u petet auccssiu dObmr lea Irttrea Welcu tearts tonria d ul i rerso de fun Jnmea O'Don--u. Avis est pnr lc dreptnt donne s toua SS.r xte -la pent mn comerl· d'n\ olr a deduix SOUS diz lure, lcs rulsn pour leSuelles it un aaraip p.sC Sit droi 31a dire peition. Onr Ardr, dDsp. canc. f<'Liml8 A . DP.F.ITI, Dep. Breffir. TOBACCOh SpSerio b'-de Virginia manufactured, sl ways onhndfor Salebyy Ja16 Sm V..HARVVYFP kCO.. 40 Unio St. C DAL--Sod TONS LANSCEF. LUMP LEHI(GHI COAL, SUIT Sable for foundry use, for sale (to nrri"t) by J. I. ASIIBIIIIODE A CO., few 1BJ Common 6treet. S PERM AND WHALE OIL.-2( CASES AND 31 barrel, Ior lle by -"' , 3MM, VDIOJ OUIRCISIAq,. PES ss AnaS1 To l a ,41 Cl 7F amewSSeluenIe of 7 et "N:"-it AI' * ROBE'Yte Naaron T3~3W/ 1 Li4746lth 413 Tim~. 3{e 3. 2f r it u: : 13,,al,4,atrd3 ,4tl.-tS '4,1 Cd,1j dtlri1 ir. TEA ..p of s 7oacrtaon: Crd' the'tahs Spps 4F S'4141 44 ad13~tBl13iFoFk;at1.F, 4444 414lado [tee R ao 4 07, 4,14t n::.4d B1 W ms ncoa 7paaoreyrton ohuc aacersb' 1b fll pe, e[ JQi iiARBne l`X5 THERtR!)i.-Htt 'tý_ ~house. 99fi-Gf eopenfmI"to~elock~wen L~dvsuyit 4.44. DVBF F41I........ .D. C. o.aaH... ..........: D TME-ALTEREDR, arthopen'rs 1,7'l . 0vrtr as dq7 TWO E3I0TfllG AND A7F.CTi" ,THIS 374312rn, 1Marh1 I, 14789., , AFEUELfA-Qouimod4o. Ml.Poj,, "Cl4ud4 41447k 7 studley- 14,1'igire 04 .3.14444er E44,4,4744, oAd *414, . 11e3 Mr43. 91 Y;, Jack~lie415a44.I e 44 si.. 3)AVM 444131r. LendR tRZFIA~tft-· Le nnard Fs wpli.dtm Bo qg or'oO taee r . .- Overztme a hatf-astasv nso~loe},teLktcy; , . 'm2 LAST 1IGH1 OF 14 SPAHISWE A416ET'dt1IN.L Will bI ,144dDluoniu41'4 opera, 8.mBLts,' A 11 1 D,3E GIAIENIT. DANCES. 2 Rambo~ p rovionss b rIEFEcr f QiI ,sm dc g- nnnyBmnt-,31'eBAR~ii-'se:-Ilntlyb A. Dam4417,E UEEMIFONDUS o~ ~n y 13nn7444.RCJr 31,14AMO7 a Tof ; a P Doors open at rwel -coiok. r pFLIC AN T~AWEII- m r P ST, OHAP.LZS ST. 1N NEW ORLEAN,7 OF SIGNOR D0NETT4,S WONDERFUL COMIC TROU'P1 ACTING MIONKSEYS, ;Iýoge araý ' vaiamet =z `L DONETTI'a Beanttfol ond=$eeoe d Ra3LEEDosCoIPXC .L AxU5 0Ns. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS, t February 29 and Marchi, Previom to their S u:3 FI NAL DEPARTUEB FOB BUROPE. 0332 GRAND DAY PERFORMAL'NCl On SATURDAY, March 1, commencing a I O dock. ft S-F, p1rtic3l44l4s, e bi11s of 1 . d . M Fa Doarsopen at i o'clock Performances to eommene6 at7% [ 33'A4414441441-D4411 Cirle and P1d44444114 7d cents' Chba 7e n44 142- re44441a4e to1Dress Circl, 1 01cen4s; 714444T11 I1 25 cents: Colored Bos1 41 ot,-1 9? A Bo432444444144,1pe3 daillyf1314L to44P.1 44fel FOURTH CLASIcSiij CONCERT BY )B. G. Mer. Clligeee btes levee to anmor that thre Feettc the series bP Cieeeieel Concerte will teeke ple on FBIDAY FVENING, Februaey 29th, 18KE atthe ODD FlMLOfiWB aDThe Concert tll commence at o'eeoe-lt peeete 3DTbe pro emme oe theO~eeonerte betbeeet ee-etllt el from the maetee-ptece of HIydn, M~eet Betetet, eehe. Hoeek, Hnlteel; Mtendeldsohn, Bactl ldy, qttloet epohe. Rried, Cteyeebee, etc. PD-The eeL e oef s beeeipdeee and of oiftlee, te be eblained by eepplicee Mc er. Ruder, nt the he oC the Oeleae 'Ibeater. ` .tnhneeribee are respeetfelly reqeeeted to Pt, MY. BT'V EIEIt, at the tbe oEf the Orleans Theeter for their Tickets, iee of neleeet or iiei e on the part of the t itrab 1.0T2T plan oT Odd Fellows' Hell is deposited at r:H tHttt't Iubele Store, No. 1t Camp slreet,end tetMr.W etttin'e. No. 5 Camp street, where seats can be seemed tt the day of the Concert. "t iP-T.creee and eleeeat editiout of the mesie performed at the (Le' esle, eae be found at Oebici'set lu ee tore, Re. o1ylRe ee! BY "Doors pen et seven o'eloeek: concert will commence at eilht ehleb. . fete 2t HORACE ~l..S9IITH'S AMbERICAN CdI 11 U.-f. 3l. Smidb. roperietor ted Meeeeger. Moesieer e'lemeeet. aibecl Direelor. ttMFLkEE E hGtCECCSS-Chanee of Programme eoneteetly. lill epehenu EVERRYIIE N\INh, tee the corner of Magpeeeee Seeld preperatione of Eqeeestiean Performances ie the splen did neu- It'eileon, edeeete oeeonteinineeg id eereone, when the C ttrt Treete tO Riders, l Dalters, Veeeetshee. Tumblete, tleteee Ceeedlete, roeaeh, etl pacd D ers weeee ill appeer. This is tee oF the beetTeeepee etee te t Otleae.e com eesingg U. 3. Sleith, the geeed scenic and prieeieal act Alder, ee .eeteerone, the celebreeed teo-horee Rider; Aeeehee Ateb, the eondeee ulGltihe Dancer and Ridee; theeelteheed G. Baity, ehe geeat Gytteettie Performer and Rldee; Clite. Lees, the eeeeompeished etilt in Eeeilihe Eeeereisee; John Johnson. ehe Heeeleeen Woneder, dee. r.. C:teer. the dareng Htnemee ; the Weonderful Acrobee Brotheers: the uerieeled H. Gareder, the ieset Clown in the eorld, anee me y otllter eertt.t. PlIceS Or An<ttdeIOS-Dreet Circle, It eente. Peeeeette, 25 cents. On WEDEItVPAY and TBURSDAY AFTEBREOON a Grand Dty Performance eill be gelen ee the etdael net om eedatian of faeily peeriee, when great eteeectieee eitu be pee sented. Deee open at 2; performetne to commence et2_ o'eloek. beth A? N.IORY HALL-NOW OPEN A HANINGTON'S Celebrated Immense DIORAMIC PANYORtAMA SEBASTOPOL, bhrnlg eity, producing n effect once seen never o be for. .Doeri open 5tcctcommencing at S o'elock. OfF'Admtision, Si50 et. Childen. ets DAY EXIIBITIOX On WEDNEDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 1 o'clock, for the celommto tion of Ladies eamie Chldren. MN',N performanc on Sunldays. i0-ietis n be seured from it teo 4., felt THE GREATEST ATTRACTION AT 95 ST t'H ARLES STREET- LOVELL has arriveod with his Lipe PERFORhMINGi BEAr ferm Aeeitral and It now ehbitieg him at 95 St. Chele street, from e .i . i ntiln P. M0. daity. leThi les l i the largest evercated, eceldnee etietw s of 2,000 pounds, and s taken when taetse youe by Me. Lovell, and has been reaeed by himself alone, eie. he now ehiblts an ientlligeee almose t huate. - etack when tht eet-appTRcche in, wtieh themoheter ti fle eteit dee e re take ne d effects hith e e tfet t - produced on the admiring yet terifed audience. Next his mode of repose then seeking shelter from the sultry Sof his native ,tgles is describedh i Aeries of groteqae too are talincnd t d effects wnnhic are f Sr D aree d laueeghable pt uicre. Next ilewant ofhs naturetee teeloldinea mtiner which anblr beings ml ,ht imitate withedevantet . "ý" heg gteed eli eaeeies i eehihhe d eehe ee. e tet ing the iEAte'S DENa is left in the power.e qde Wild Delizetn of tihe Jungle ad controls wiit the magl power emind any motion of thells terreiei monster, a eat ntt.ede. etrformedhye an thehtirhnmeh eie. For partictlars, see eg gSTAdmittance -.5 cents. JA24 if d W. PI-p EON'S DANCING A ADEMXY 200 Barone street, lbetween eLafayett (ete r Hevla) e Gi rod street l'n pii. taught the WALTZ, QUIADRI LE, POLKA, of the da ie from SX TO EIGtHT LESSOONS Ste.•. also teaches LA ¥ ALSEDEUX TF PS and GALOP, ae daced in ei the st ohionale and select alons iof the gay capitelt of Euroee -the musci of which, by Jelliten Charles dAihert ete.,, pay- b obtained at all the. htuic stores. Tie Academy is open on TUESDAYS, FRIDAYS Ci SATe URDAY, forieded laed seee DllteeueMONDAYS fo hnete. ed a Steet Privaete Cltass on WED7ESDAY--begheS t evening at'7 o'clock. Private Faemiitet, Seaheenl, td Yoteg Ladles Semetntes ef teethd. sres ........ TERMS FOR THE COURSE, Whichmes the horoug aetquiremen e tueT t h iLo ani elegant style of dancing ...................... a .......$10 Parties who have already tcqnired a knowledge of detieg, and who desire to perfect themselves in the latest sad mo.t ee~ltiliedetlsteetmeettthttTOEtG' LtEthhehee deeett fasieenable dancees of the day, as also fancy dane, etc.... $ (Inceetealy ih advance.) For further particulars, apply ati the Acdemty. 112, e.m O ORANGE AND LESION TREES- htll Jtmaie i ,,, 'e , e re ee. ..000 Sicil Lemon .ee. 2,t05 Creole Orange Trees.: 4,000 Havee Oraeteg Tecee, 4,00 Meputlis Japonica TreeS, 1,100 Malage Lemeon Trees 1,000 Genate Citron Tiees. 6 Mandarinee Orange Trees. •.Also .. A variety ef all hinds Tropical Fruits aetePlan-ee-each tO Fig, Bene ees, red and yellow; fine G taa Plane TAemiartdsie, etc.. etc. . Q-The above wi be packed with the utmost care. ODdeet seet to No. N0 Cemp street, to R. F. NICHOLS' Importer of all kindsee Produce ed ditrraan eno 6me frome the Mediterraneee. THEE ARRIVAL OF DR. SaERID-mAN IN this eity for the tecond timei from Sone Stephens' Hospt tale, Dublin. re t deity performigetiefe wonderfuvies, of t e. storteg right tothe bliedan, thed e deto their hetaring. Be will alo eire tcancers withoutthe sel etinstrumentet, and coe sumption even in the second stage, ir to 25 days. per. sote trouhled wieth fits will go to Dr. S. aned get reetoted, to ever te ehe troubledage Piles cured at once-bieody piAe er hltid p e or outlward pittes ; baed legs e anty tatt ereed spedily rlbtumseete pains baneshed on the Etet . .ritdaee, Dr. Sv wil o r e t~oo har to the bald. F3' Secret dtsetses cred on the frit attendtaett.tSd without loss of time to the patient. Advice gratis. Persoee in the cont can be atitended t statitng etxtly the state they ate I Dr. Sheridan alloweths Day Boek open to all persons m reheieue to his woetnderful cres e ie this yity'Tm St. Louis, ad the hdedhe has restoreed to sight, Be. S. allows he Dieplomatothangginthisoic. Pertoette allwed to te this Doct etoresteinEg tight to the blind. iDr. S. can beHt ee.h lth e t esfrom 9 A. . to d p. M. o17 6m No. 228 Canal streets, corner of Treme. eilittrul ah Nits ilBo ttiteeet. eeeeeetfreeete. o a GR.OCERI S, etc., AT WHOLESALE. .ALE--100 hbls, Taylor 5 SonS Atbany. Do 50 do Vaear & Co.,eoughkeeptelt to e coskt Read'e Neew Yt CIDER--Lt htbl and lb boxes "tlyrnt'eJ TEAS-1-0 eases Cetister IeIperil. Do 2t0 haIf chests Slehk. WRMITE BEANS--75 bbil Boston. DRIED APPLES- d dt.. GOSHEN BUTTEER- 17Sfiekm. Ju received. LARD Ot.-1 hlhbls, viouat brans . MACKEREL-A eempletpe ttrtetnit oe packagest ane numnbers. CHEESE-lih boxes tP Dairy. Do 25 tett Pine Apple. Do 100 boxes Western Reserve. liC t.llS-Sels, helee t aned quteeterse ,T .ERTIiE GS-4t0 dtn Ott - BOCK CANDY-dI toee Lttg; e STAR CANDLES-15de Bgetl t Ce. - _ _ BLUE LICK WATER- h0 hlf b bls and 50 ealse -ht doetete f "eleh S store faeed for sale ty hme Js.29 1. A. D, GRIEFF & CO., 53 sad IO40 ee st S {, from Trapannifor Bale SAT E3 '"W 'DWI eJaT J. tt. ASBIRIDOE &i CO., It ttttnteiteet. EE -350 TCS PP B MESS Ceytfoeslehby ' "+" fal S. b H. KENNESDY & CO., R Pyid tret. LOlJD -2dhb Ohioe ti e, e we y F JOShED LANDIS & ova 53T . tc