Newspaper Page Text
BUSINEsSS DIRECTORY. BIUNBONIJOSEPIh, 119116 AND hIUN PAINT Zin ,xF t. o O e ,o~ nmrp re e t t ox Dood t I.nfuyalte Sydowntdr. Uoppar nbd ho hht Sqhhih wi v,,i. i a27 BRow N, THOS., uaP1.NTER AND JOrNEIti 12 I 'nydrnx ntrcet, retuams thanks to his (tlendn nnd tbo Publicc for pant fi vel, nlnd solicit n conlinuanceh ohI ihlrphtrhnw. nIl B EAIIX, &. A., ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, No. 68 Comp ctlort. Now Orlexns. nl B'om fR G ''. i Co., HDIP A OF;NTH AND CION. JJ 1TI H IfJN bTRRCHANTH, 711 treet (>iiLTER & cO I, J. IiAi.LiSS IN STAPIL n F hhcy ,rocmhk, of all kbtdx, co hler Common and T oop if mdue xtsreclx.x CoIELERI . W., WINES, HIANDIES, JIhESERV rd Fndt1 , Sauces, etc., etc., No. 110 hhmmhhh slrelt. .ICOMMISSION AND 6liOtP i Wllell nndn Rahdli Diealrs IIn FSluun nud Domi tic Llguuii, Wines, etc. iorner Oiroi nnd Commerce str, dCewh N Oi kuans, il ihl CONVERSE `11 P Co., 11001-MS AND) DI.ALRI(S t I \YBHTERN RODU'I:, throe 0101e bounded by Cano1, Now T.evee, Commnon Innd sllall streets. CORNELIUS, WiM . ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL. 'IOORhh'-Ai--LAW, AND 'I. 8. COMMISSIONER, Rohyhl xtrect, ovar Iba Post-Ollicec x D MIERON COr~c., J.D DEALERS Ifi N CARH PET. Ines.i?, Oil Cloths, etce., No. 2d (' t "re s w l "27 (:artombouee xttouts. DW IGHTR, EDM.LUND, P., ATTORNEIY AND Al CSIUNS:1.OR-A7 I-LAW, Nnpal;ouoollve, pnllklr of. Ax :urnpllen. Ln. Will ( clioe it. Ibo tlllrk(lc ofýAto~amllt ioo , I flroo,, T Ihhonnh and Sh. Mh'. IRefes. to. Iiewus; iýi.. ST.. SlNrk, Suotlr & Co.; Ion. (I. Vooihkin; iii,. E. ii. Iuutli'uuu. _liI; ti , OIIYNS & HARIRINUTFON'S DA~OUERItEO.~ D 'YI'KS, ,rooer C oop and U:nnnl atrcotl, (np xusirx.) all DOL'b: I't, RUUSY WRITIN(I ANID -OOK. 1111, hi h hTAIILIH iihiEN id No. 11 i i iidhlli street. IDolllelr's supelrior Steecl f'ens t'ot alel, in Inrlie nnd slnail finnu - Lilies. n27 1IUBANKi, H. N. .TV., 81 Co., uIENFiiAi CON I iI N Ih S YIhIIECh[ANTS, N,. iii (1utrea Tj7lCHELBERGER9 .T. 1C1 IITITLDER, Circus "" teemcr, neatl to thre corner of ievta, TcF orlrllllri 8ru ipi lii hIu IdI olrultth u done with ,iiuui s innd dih h pulcl,, on S le Ii t r, li ii,, hle farmsI, E MANUEL· BIiSSEY di Ci., DEALERIU IN liluul,:lut ANO Si 11 DlulAiISK, iii, PbLO, huh1 andriiir Tin phntOlut, iI scd, ChhouLpd ihad Oilh, No. 91 .Srg,,odinh ThN Odies-. Phi5 ly FROST & CO., IhAhEihu.R IN RIOOS, 0 SHO01S, 1RO f anx, hatst. Cupnr, vu-., No. 10 1 ug r ine xtrect. F , Y ICNAPP N1 W. S. CHANDLECR, D`N GEIO, THOS. F., wHDIXEsALE AN)) XA'rAPr, Dlil ndl FI' AXXXAXXeM, coXe,' 0n0X 1110 XXX. MaXIe, G '!,EL&J1DISNTA1L ANXI I.1X7VY lURY (los,,fl r~ dheepl ilnpolrtn llop Y, Nn. 1 Cluutrln· street. (IAINES , C. C. Co. TIIXI RTXIXXX AND) IXCAL. ' XXXII IN IXXTXXIIN'Ai tLI, XICUTTIX, ec., NTa. X . iT sURDON, o RI.Co. XXCX XIXXTXXXIDOT IXr XXX *XT,XXXAT.,XX IN LXJUTXXXXX-OlliXio XXn Yrid .1 CXX Ie.e,, cTX-r of IXloXX I,,:!, kXXpt.XXXXtly oni hXXd XCX,.,X AXIXI,, IXILIXI I'X,IX, IXXXX XXXII-, eci ngTXX, IXXX,X l Sl thnigluli c T-n i~e l and Or--ul Illa and 11 yp-enr. Oxk XXXil XX,.,,l 1 A n . XXXXaXlXXXI)XXXaen Xtlll. Xn2I ODIES & CLAUSS XXROXCERS ANY D IITTATRS 1I IN SCSI l';ItNI'ITXI)CX.I, NXX. 14 New LXve XXT dT T,:h pit-N-trrthtnsP. o25 lydkw ITI'TI)FXUSON & Co., S. & A., IXTOX'XRS- sl . i.XXluXXnt and FXX u1T 7 SXX lep, XorX)r XIX1XXXCX0 andX Xat f IRAILIA, P. A. IEA!ERS IN STTPLE AN) .X 'ne X!XXXr X)rXXXXT, NXX. 1I) XunAl XTreXI. rI ARRY, HORACE, XTAPIXE AND )XNCIY I DRY 1 t -k*. llllll uidcrlaa, e ., No. 18iX5 XXXII M~tr . HOWELLL, R. K., ATTOIRNEY'-AT-IAW, Cn. 13 H ILL LEXANDER, IXIPORTCIX ANIX IXCAL H t TI TN XXX!), .IX11;VS, tD(CN", PIXTIXCI,S X uLER 1,1 FANCY YARTIXiLES, eX., X NX. 5XCXI)X III IPIX . J. .3! Co., IIEAI.IIX1XX IN XXXXCCRIES, 1irA,!, CAl')), et., 77 XI' TI 'rIX) NIDXX XIXIIIIIWAXINEIX,' ID EALCER IN CIII. ____A _______ X1ASX:\t1IIINIAE t., TXXXXXXXX F. HYNSP,0 (EO. -V. & Co. SXI)IPINIX AGXENXTS ANTI) XXtIT )1IS411) )II-IMIIANTS" U.DXX, t. H TE b GOODRICH, JACWCIERS, CII -r G J(ENiIG. BENT., AUCTIONEIR ANI) APPlAI IP r. NINIIXI XII XX.I TXXXXX KELI.F 'XtL IIO XSI I'I.IX.X UNIXX T. SiT. ILOXA:;X IF ND S. Ii Co., COMMTXISSXION TIC)! K NN)I)NTY. ALFRED, C0)I)1ISSION MF;RC D ANT le.," nICIYnn Ihi~ RD I XXIXXXX. iXXXXXXXXXXXXiXX )iXXI)rickXX, etc., etc., CX. N 2 MXXX. EV' XS CO., .I., IIXXIEIXS IN XT.XIXT ANID L nny D ( -1-~l. corner I'nriKI 1III Illillliin l *!I·(ll _ TnVILLEE F. CI, ATX ITXICYXT-I,l.\\. NI. 1X .L) 7?. lill-e rlllcc, uppulrlte tile I'obr-Oficu, No,. Olleilns. l1 01IIX'XXOIIXCX I T AAIS, JOSEPH & Co. CXMMISSION XER I'IIAN7'., AND DEALERS IN 'XESTERIN PIXIXTUII, tiu. :4: 'I','hnnpif rrllis trect. nl.: LEIG &TO N & HAIUOT, XLXXIIIEIXIO, XXIXXX oC TrEvFrrIcrr, wVrr. F.. &: co-, T'1'oN~, FAC: j JMIIlS ANI) lOr))1ISSIO .I I ,C SN',I . 2ICXOld I11fOO1)Y, hi. N..SllTi ~(TI~1~ I'IIH X "yAt"yXXXtiXlIX:~.,XXXX.Xs'X et TI,,, ill i ;,; I;* oll lilacy an lcr ro-tir ndl~l tl~ ~l MOILISON, G. NJ , XCXTXTI>Xl, IX XIC;IIIX OIL.', I'inilil l'li f'liln ·1 , etc., No. I'L Mnn;;ri liu' tr.""!. 1:. i1. ,11 11i f, wT. E. MA~i R. A1ý l IT It.It. G. .E., ATXI~TORIIXXI.AT-, 1XC, Al\,+ IS ,'o o ~r od I I re. New Oriu'uiý w I I'XOI{IXAII. T. II., IXI RoXX.,X., X... coXXer XX Tn,,liXXe, I . IIXITXATIXiCNTT.XI I.N'X IXANIXA A II'T.TX Iº7!XII :iiZl, DI. II., IXXI XXX "rr"1 111IM\(R ,IYI.XNIXIIIXR.XLI.XXXN 1: C 'TRYX,XCIlX XltIIIl IX XXIXXI XAXXXIiXR. AlX JX.XXIXXXXnrIXIX. r'ai~ J .,.., 1'~. a,Jj.] ((000 51(,,. OTISN.R. J. N EA. &CR. MN's AND) 0(Y,' (i.A) N1 O,.0 IN, B. [., B)OKSI, IIAN ANDSTAIOINERI, ,ý11 p, ;;te P,: ____r Jy 'l ; .4O II . & OVrll4 , 10 1 (Ics ; s, Iwori . email N O; s)AN, I? (OO IF I T &1sO~x i,\ A lITS TOs N Cl' Ni o I t . ,,,,; l, -..,e,. st,, t ,,, Ht. 'll nrl l., H otel. pf ICIIO]NF C.. 1., MF'AORTSR IND CT.DTIIIR INI i \Vlne".. l.rsnier I'rl.~tI (AcI N . ! S) Ianlp Al )Aet. p AON I lI.V CV ('LIOTIIIIOR C, )rnler Cs.a p I T)SL('|II (OOD1)RkIC, s Co., COTTON FA(' 1T ~il)ltý.\Nl. t'OMI\ISSION 311EI1tVIIANTS, I.; s'-odc ],t ,t, . vornrn i· of 1ll,ioll Mtreet. rip stirs, nlS lCw M}ITI{IN 1H. &'C¢o., I)EAiERS IN CI,OTIIIN(] AND) ' I ' ItN l.IIIN, 0001N, No.47 (ulnnll stret. +c7 1'IINSOIN & CO., I. 111. WIOIES NN.\IE AND RE I . fl,"r--Stcandhaa and fsmily supplies, No. IsU Gra 1EI IVLY P. E C., '.\IRS IN SILKS AN) FAN I. "1 ])I: y G{ 1)S) , e ,,mr ,"e'n and CUo stret, . a9 I(A(..ESIIIIE, I ENRY (Su s.e 2or Io Fd . N. ]lfr atI-onN) N !'T01)Y PUBLIC, No.'.Cm ccdPae e 4IL 2WFUAIK Jo & l C IIS:II, ANl) Urban,. 1.21 L5A 1IONrl, W. C., F. RIIIAN AoN2r01 ,No. Cl ClmN &.b ttel. :Ne'w, I''LIIIl J. CI, s SO I& o.. )slsSs IN PIARDWARIE R,1r· . ('I rent .ntrrl, hctwelwr O envier :tald NVatchez .1,l eels. S`E2VAIM tT, CI.I~ LEC A.II nDAFR IN FINLD IJ oIl Fal.JllliiSle Fnlllljit l,re, Nor. lit 7 a dll i3 :nilll s1, trot. S,,,-,,, ,' . . 'obo, TRNKARE L C:I Iy AN & CO., D,. P., NOr.\IIOLW I aIrOLTrE, 1J Ind Fine lL I ''l my G-1ka Nov. 12 al 14 Chartres nn r"ý. SAVA:1G 7.1i.&r Co. CONS.IISSION ORIt('TIIANS 3 AN I, GENRAl, I'APR)UODUE ANID PIROVISION SDEAL( ]?t:`. No 2f; lh,3 dra. sh ,t, New Orleans , my4. r.. nw. 111 . w1w. 1v. sll.lw. J1. . SlrNw. AIA"iG. & Co.,V coF1, FoDllICON AND FORI 1) W.\ir I.NG biliHhthANITS. No. 24 Poydras street, New I)qlirs.i myI :1IA\ RFRARNI, J &. & Co., COMMISSION AFND U")1 tOtW.RIINO ,MERCHANTS, AND DE:ALERS IN IV iEn1'IIRN PItODMUCE, No Tcvhoupqltonlan street, o01 TI(,INGER, I., & Co.0FASI4IONABI., 101O SP0T1LING FUIINISiIIN(t GOODS, TRUNKS, CARPET lt.1uS, rte., N Au 5l:nn lp street. myl BYTIO DU JOIIN J Co., A IUB E ,VARF tIOCSF .. N o,.. 1.6(h,.n-oan street, butw-en and Butuou r1,el , a19 y EAMAN, II-. l). Co., CORLMAISSIONS FORWARC - S) INi ND W ESTI,'N PROIDUCE AENDRTATI.T'S aNdl eARer A ill O)11i, Rice, Aleol, e Ptc., , 0. 001 oydrs street. A12 0ICI)1S S Co.D DRUGS, C EDICIF NES SlUR)ITAIL SINSTR( U MNTS1 eIc. , wholcsalo and retail, i Nos. 8 and 91 (Cal n1 ASet. i I i9 ATLAIIIR STAURFEIt & Co. I A R D L A R1 , 1J ll(., Atc. No. 6i Gaunal strIet, ss gents fI r i ages' Sa 31ills. a9 SIZE!. G(iEO. VV NEW ORLFANSfh AGRICUTU SR.\h. \\'.IEII(.USF corner of .3ongailne nlld Poydrns tremor., all STEEL, J. B. 1100KSELLER AND STATIONER, TIAYIOR, S0..E0VELL T. I 01POITER NID A DTI I, er In fine 1Wi ocs and Liqulors. Noo i Itoynl street. lD(1D), s. JI & co., WIISOESALII AN) RIrTAIL J-DA.ERS IT PAINCT.S, OILF PAINT PMIITSD WIN Dl}i ICI ASS, , RUSpIES, and Co1ors of all kinds0 , 9 Ssaga-s z[,,e su'ee." ' na2 `]AIENTINE J. U., B Co., DErAI RSIN BOOTS, Si"DOES ANID IHATS' No. 51 Conlmoll street. TTOOR I[IF.S GRIGGS i& Co., COTT CMISSION A9IND FORWL` RDIlNG M CIIARUIAN'1'S 15 Tchou piounh s MCA, sC, TII5EE1 OO, E. . .II. D.ALER IN DLRUGS. FL)I ,. ch il'hial Oils, e '~. , Not..I . Mttlaazin . street. W0 OD:LlLN O.O., lHPoRTER ANI) ns-r, IN ., non, '. hlicnlsl Isl'cnt Medicinec s, fInts, Oil c., C0o'IIPl 'nnlllnno nl(Il Magalzilne strets . TIITE& TIIOS. L .F Bi00,SALITR AN)D l-P t ioy) r, No. 1I5 CN 5,sl 12tr'et. iAT RIPiT ( -.J-&.-).EALERS IN PATEINT ANTDI ,YV .sl s I' IS u uPe etc~W. iaF, tcL, c . s. 2 1 (a., 1, 15Uhr trAT Ch~' . COPR CFIiXER 21, IIU n\I .I I-ONY 0, Pa ri Osh RapilCs, ,C..I. ll. YO IiOYI, New Orleo ns. IF-TILSON, .OIsIROrLo Co.R COTTO)oN FAOTOIRS WILSON, AN t!'O iMMSSION MEICCllh1HNT, 35 C[rondcl1 street New Orleans. x20 elis , i!. R'alDO..... ........................ ROBERT L. ClE 11ES. IATLDOR CHULO, . IRY\tDARF. ANT SIIP As - I.i NIID0.11', Noi. 3 FlroR tndR 1 Fulton sreetsf ad ll LOUSAS, A1N, J. & BRO IMPORTERS AND SI)DA sBS- IN IIAI\)WOARRE, IUTLEIIY, etc., orNer Yngain~le uilld 'oilnloall ntrects. , e ore W~ C. I"LUER, UN o t :F:R, 211 T('IIOU1'I Y .tonlns V1 11le, Nell~ Orlonlls, Collins and }lrngses nlx-ny in rlils ss. Coli n lineR d with led, for trnsporlios , Ct ltnrt notice. al28 ly gNORITII CULLOII, ATTORNEYCAT-Lo OW WILL [l. to all profesioal business i St fnry lad Awyellr., that may be entrusted to I1a care. Office nt OP. LOU.\ a.I Refcrenes--Chos.N. Walermn hardware merchant; C. N. Oli,[ r, Esqy.; 'Phos. D. Miller, complssioun mlrci'rnt. Ch.s, B" Singleton, a roraey-at-law; Niso0. Adams Co, CreJent OIH 2 New 0rlenae. "o NEW UB LEANS DAlLY CRESENT. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, SUNDAY EXCIEPTED, BY NIXON, ADAMS & CO., AT NO. Y70 CAMP STREET ry VOL UME IX. MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1856. NUMBER 5. SEA-GOING VESSELS. TEXAS AN) MEXICO. " T. call on TPURSDAY, 1thh itt at 8 o'tlotk A. M1. FOIL (8ALVESTON AND tIATA D3iIIiA8AY-UJ 8. 1,ul11 t.iuug-Tlul new mtuu muguiilcest 3tcnmxhitp Dhnrlus ·. ¢Rt Hutnry Plac, commanidr, will mall uu aiovp,. ForIT ,t g patuugi, havinug mopoult tutuuao ltut, upply on bItdl. or tt 1iiARiii & MOIOAN, foot of Jlls utie, oppoite the Steamstip Luu-ditit. N)Thi18tnumunltlx ofY. flit lI wtll htustfter puy idght. enitg it up m holok l oip lrd INt to Lt e. - Sbippcra will plutwo t rovda h",I to ex wltll the steam 7tsilln of IrldilE. ~SUlrer fnrm~w 1, to sgnCI1. m l_0 Will Iltap TIUSiDAY iiih irDlt., at8 u'lokl, A. M. FOR BII.AZOS SANTITAGQ DY - REIT-i,-T, Ntw OrltIa, puP 'u',,,u iU. A. Mal Line. The new and magnificent ,tuuupfluip Nat tituf, John 8. PTlu mpson, eompuiter, will ieave t above, yuntually. For frtilul or Pt xage, i1-titg tulegeuut xe-room uttpurnduatttn, rpilytou tiAtItYtY & MOD(IOiAN ltoi t Joullat steet, ppositullituetnnuuuhii ItinrUdhg. gqgg--ll frelt~ight sippd b tlo Nautilus wtll Ix, delvered t Cipliilin Kennecdy, of W. dreamemr Cir,lmgll, unless otherwise dilrvrted. ' D7jy Sluipptt mtutu provdli therluctt t with the stpraucru' bills of Indiagp No othecr form will he ignldrl m10 'I1o mail on FRIDAtY uutpiit 4tup. at H o'eloul. A. u F FORVM RA ORUZ.-ll. 8. MAtSI T.INE. PT uux, tom ituldel, will lravi p Texas gt honv tbutu'u,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lm fuuuipuiy tuuiur iV ii t n, rP. Spl. w nbave, puuotulanll4 carrying the U. .niia q~p-floc freight or p~raHIIKE, having elegant srccollmnllntiogl forsab1n and mtecrnge imxxenger1rr apply lu H NURIH ,t MUHCAnN fowl of Jlllin street, (ipolslitile the Ii cr JuittLatting, OpjirNo freight will be received without an order from tiroo AgpuIts. r <a-r NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS U. 8. luit, lINE.- Fill lIAIOi'lii'llN AND 3ITA''iliAu HuAY.-The fallouipg new mid uutuuiicelut uhlniuip u wulliercnfttr lPtPu on SUNDAY stdp '1I'UII U iul Y, uiu o'clclu A. I., Iuunctillui. Chtilt 1'1 i pluii,,iu u henryi 'l u p, C uitunder. Plexlco, .luluu Y. I' dlp,,,, Il. Lotnl-lul ut tll' ultn. Il. upnl, dol tt'tellutliuuuu,uuuuury u htepitugl, do. Ifuliverllg freight for itll 5 alntis i.i Wetm lruu w, at the J, n P. P-Tlu iA, 1p; pleasie iloyirlue tlit uutclu t wilu, theul Pepp, eNS Viilla of lulhrg, rw no olhr atru wit l h - signed. Pull Line iultt ullt. 3tlillF luptluuubi hidufwn ktPilot lot uixselt iutttiutlluih l e nt uiu liuu duuu be ,h kes iu l outtun t1Ia rlllilrintand-rncnof w of fi own (:nptiins. s25 tf. CALIFORNIA. l 'rIv E A on TfTllAV , March 11. ill 8 o'clock A. M. SNE W ORLEANS AND CALIFORr ninueSleamhl-hp Mioe vln Niclaralgua--Onl- riecet - line from New i)rlcl'ns to an 1'rnn cieo.-Tllhe ru pm'lno ttrollyltiP Daniel Webster .T. W. Ptte'son,o corn madler, will ca\e 'or 1Tta . u +, IT I aITIIIII , a1 r mvE coT - nueting with tile .en-luip Siera .vuadu, on1, llaeIncifc, t Stu, J.aiu de. Sr. Poa.-angers by thlw line are o9'ered grent i , dulldllcnm t p, both I eololly anl ilue. Thle C lmpny have ernEl lint ne~v iron Meant-cr on the Intro and fivier, and mre em Nlleld to transport pnebengerr with great dispnteh Annd comfort Iwl- Ill uGu. For ureigIh lliug, rllElyl W. I'. TLSII'I.,'I'N. ; trmp I tret. NEW YORE. -~,* F OR NEW YORK-REGUILAR IlINE l /\Thl e A}l w~n}chrroI r Ida Corol, mnasler, havin; IInearly all lhr earnoo hoard, will have qluick dlspEl tru F'or balalce of frtiI.h, o. 1 .Stu,$g apply to S... .. W. w.Y SI %&( CO.P', m,_n.re__ PItILADELPII Ah. FOIL PIIILADELPHIIA--R REULAR I.I F:.--Thre A regular packet brig May Qloeen, Jackuon maRter, haing aIlarge poItionof her cargo wn h ill have dlt. rieh. For freighit onnrpa.s a .e app*ly to I E(). W. IIYNSON & CO., . 2 Cimp strlet. FOR PIIILADEI,PHIA - IREGILAR Ilne-Tile Al regular pGlEt brin Dalllel lIolo *ly Wldl n nluster, having i 1arge poll1n uof ler cargo on bo1d, will hlo.e diispatch. Fr freighlt r passge apply to hEli2 . GI).: U. Wl.u oSN A C'O., 82 mp strlt._ BOSTON. FOR BOSTON-REGUILAR. lINE-THE ligiar llpacket llhip Norn, liellLs ml ter. ise e, p loaling lod will hIave . ubic di rtchu . For I ad-I -cc of Lr,.lIlht or pasbnagz,, :.p )," on bJourt, W. l to f2<Il i. W. I NSON L CO.. S2 Camp street. F.1OR BIOSTON-REr ULAR lINE-TIlE Al pa'cket Iark AdIellaiRogers, anoR, m. s bar 'l,--. Iml I.. llII hr 'ligS engUNd, SIl take the hulk of rah) thn,-c;..C,,n., f,, r t'ti,-ht or v~hh'h, aply ti.o h'ea; (;go. %r. l g. SOSU ,s CiO., >2 t;,:np slreut. ' FIR BRISTON-- R (; Ulh-AR LI. N E-I":TLE, :1 ·llendid Tip Jtnllet. Ifmaltoll,, ik non. load ill" gll[ .ill fllt" qullJdi: - iid palch. Fur bnllclol e of t'rrleh~t or Im",a~ge, :r+eply to) fell C. AS rIsno'ie cr,. ('OR^(`am F1TI1PI LIVERPOOL. F'OR LIVERPOOL-TIl E FAST SAIIINi Al sll PFerthshire, >,lou. nll - rlIi. ' aror h ert'trtpci~l o tnl lvgngd, will mot -wit dispatch. illIicu ofIlei1i, aholy tI mI8 .1. II. '.SIIBRI )CIF & O., 120I Conlmon t. rFOR LIVIERPOOL--TIllE A AMIERIAN III . ip lVlll1nm NteI , I l( tair CheeIer, paIing m lenrily al lier (,rIo I.ll;lle, will m : withll di atch, rlr ci0gl ot' I'l) balsc, noton.aly n board. or to 1i. ASO HilR 1 )'. , &O.L, TII CoI' 111 s1reNt. I FORLIVERPOOL.-THIE IA FAST SAIL. nhg ship :1la l'll L~uther, lifnder.o,m nUts", p. o .hll er r cargo vnl!Zlle. will meet with da! ;t. 11 II ,i. II..llII IIII-S , I)O. 1D (.EIl l.lllll. ,. I, OR 1IVEIRPROOL-TI' 11 IETII s. plliI AlSllh ll lo ole. In3Io r er, IlaVigle the grater . lug ot" her col gl engaged, ill meet ,L filt, d-pnltch. l,'ur t: r~ght or [,,t.,ge. atpply to 11[5 , III. lA,IIB IIIl Ei. ,t: C ., l1 ('Inmmoii ,treI t. ] ,FORt LIVEIRIPOOL- T-T IlE IErY IAST ,a-aii~, pr I ,nkt u llf 1'. e' r".nr "lgo t,.' -,ý,~ia r' 'll m~vWle et bolttl di~l," l l. ' For r7ll: llc·c. of 'r~·elgh, m'· prl, ,age, ,llll to I1',> I J. 1 . \I IIW.II)(iF (& .. ')' l .O1111l11l1 he*e. SROlR lIVXERPOOL,-The AF ARITISII pyý} ei p Zobofltl, Rohe: ttoll ..Innttr halViol," )lart ,,f FOlhr c IarE.. eNOA-Ig'I wll et w11· illnc l. di, pltll, For Irl lt, inpli t~ l A. II. ASIIIIII tIIIE & CO.. 12 Il C lllllO strt't. heWe, .1 i, it],h "hip A i ' I . ..... n or bill ig"c, h nen a. + tltlrt onl " ] fet haer.'l flItg~l t+ h im ediat Jl 1.T.\IIB PI{ItIE &Il~ ('o. 1.) C ,lnmon stret. 'l I IVEIRPOOL,--TIIE-TI: FAI\T SnIIL. ,hip Thonls Pe'kill Fllirginýusi m :er mill tapnt ll. rillli nnc o fui Ftor freiht r pb ae, op-ly 0 ply' ,o lf6 J. IT, ASHIl ITD(;E & CO,, 130 !o'mmon st. GEN0A. . OI ENOA--TII" REM:3ARK{ABLy FASqT `'tllniu ,ticker shlll Gleloa, Georgfe T. ]':1ttrsol, uml[Iel', htvin h part tq" hetr clll.o cu1gnged, r win lmee 'alll drslpltclh. For ow-ll~e Or" t'leiglt or p l gem. apply elV board, or to ' " mi6 J. 11. ASIllBR IDE& CO.. 1"2) COtlnlOn streel. __ - -I trn u v HAVRE. FOR HAVRE.-TIIHl SIOlPhLNOTH Al clhppai r (Ilt chit 'Ed vl'i Flye, (:c kin·-ul n rater, Laving nearly nldi her cargo en Biag d, will meet ,. 1 I ASI II1IH fIHH ,1. '.121o. lH s1tcHt. Iso P r l. vim epeeol aco apta-e ' apl toth 1,14 An HI. ASiIOIIIIJ:E H C6., I raHHr pp,,,,t,,2. FOR IIAVRE1.-HllH PI' AhOOi T 8I111' .mI col l shlHip Se pri.l, Co,,,tr, l asitr, hovigy the enerpat f m'IIS(1III \ till iP qil.A I. tl)l 1 FTP p190 in l. H. IIYSOCN & HO., n. C , ipa) WANTED TOU CHIARTEPR-Ab OOT) A. II. AS I lE llllH O. ('t., OAT1 1200ooou 6rpl FOR SALE-, PHO IllT, OH A CII HI.-P IW bllim cur l, ltl·u ksn, ntxw oil, halI ' ee Ply ally her cargo engaged, w511 ~ l ~i.ill I11; 1 aiol: d smpl the orr 'rpri Ali boO pas'dl, 101 t g AlT O1. W. IIYNSON k CO., 82 IHop street. - B I LA'I' H AHlRANOTHOI'I'Oi 00101 MIY WANTiDiT ONHIIllll.lAT ITO CHAHRTER 'I'ANO. ia I HciTli 0lFoiT~i'ioaiiiliiy, ihniliiiliil, oui, fIe,,)i IT iT) bly 2ii i 0uiIHT i C lomm oin Street NIbi ull fi't, TV Hiioi pLooioy wtI ,IA to. Inet, r Isteoe T ill s c,) op biiTH '"P I)'.TI;e ig i, 3.1. ioi TITIIs TI 'eleIii ilTAIW to hak T0001,0. Fo tloru Pbir . RAILROAD TRAVELING. NEW ORLEANS, JACK sup AND u~SOB ~ r'l o on CalliopeSII, I)rpot on htyCet· earner of lnra stmt., arty the Newn ilaxill PA:\oI1N1IER 10.1.100ra0 the til dAoll at1 8 A. 31. RrohllesOl)o 01t I P. M. l1.ocl O, (W at 2 1'. 31. Berhes Ille city nt 7 I'. 31. P1einger receiI IenIaed n1 all Intel, llrdfitr allain llu Pm -Fo0lr ents per mile, rach loo. llhildrell and "'vent Ilf . O1IM1;IIT TRAIN from t11 Oiy to Olyko ad 011a i rnlr lilr " rltntionx, evorg '11osdn1011 hn1, 1 1 a1 d Satu1rd01, altfron 1100111 to 01w (01"100,01 11:11 inl1 odiao lstolioul, e11r1111n1 Ilay, 1edlAlnylanld 0id.0. 5210111o111'riokei i ;Wed1, on np11li11111, alod moderat price. ire-F,,,i ol tn'1'ickr nt trll pDrice to any *tetia ofile oahurod, for I '11101,1egoing Wad rtnrn the tl 0 llnio day. C11C. 11. IIAZII,IOIIUIIOT. (lll'l Slopol'. Tri-Week0y lilln of ST.\IIIO TO J001KSON, \I..: Ill NEW ORLEANS. OPE D N 0 1- - _1 1 0 1 IM l0,S AN D 1 I M AT I 1 N I 0. - SUZI)IE1I ABLAN(:EMEN'TPt; Thii 1.ond will 01. open Car i..1111 ll ll ealll.11 1 a 1 1rri 11 f 11m lgiers to 1112111I1n0 00011 nce of sevcmythreC miles, on and after tho In of 3l.\RCI NF\'1', 1.NSS101001R TII AIM Lollls the 10 0ot0nt Algiers every d1111 0... SilO A. 12. 01re1lfllovver d1yt...........18:11 A. 31. Arriveiol l · 1.101 eyrlrlly dlay a[........ 12:30 P. 20. RETURNING brave Ililen Brenf f.............. ...... ]:'30 P. M. Arrive . . ~vri ) ..................... .0:30 1, YA. P1 t 111.1... .. 6U P.. 3t. enc way....... . ............ ..........SI3 N A Fe'rry Boat w ill ~onnecct withwit the Pass'age' Patin~, leaving the foot of' St. Arm streret uv·rr morning, at 8 o'clock Ilreeircll. Flreght w0ill .rllevd for lol.,yllol llil loi ofll0,lo.l tl.e 1 1. 1iolls by tlll 1mllplnyloo l lhe I 1 11f th1 foot of St. 11111 s1re11 ly dlally lllil1 :3O.'lo.kP'. 20. All 0p h1ight 01os01 101 1aid by tine slllp0ll0), 111f1 f11ghtto b0 delivered 1 1 0t1 oll otter St1ation t11n llll\you des AlleIlllmlu.o, Rnll1 Med, Lslollrclle Crosillg, TuorreloIullr , Tigclllll 0n1 Mayon R en111111 (where thO CompalP y 1ve 10100s) m01t 1 e pOlllllrepaid. P'rinted R~ules and Raters of Freighlt 1. pnmppblet form for eir. rZ inlob n o plcntion filIe office of the :omgpany. 12511 A. 11. 001.11it, Vice Poooidlot. NAVAbL STORES-TAR, PITCII AND ROSIN * OJla xb caro of sc0ooner Sellntro, 1,001, WilbIlnlglatol larg1 aim0 L0rr0, h120din 0nd flo -lob N . fe12 M4077310 $E3RNEY, 72 Ysg(Wlln At. -STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. 01IO RIVER. Shill leave.. Tr1lRSilhY tlhe Bill iu~ a t 5'slos. FOR LOIISVILLE-T iLE F ANT runningl passenger httaamer Itnh't J. Ward, I sill 15151 di[,t, and for alintistssmsedil sandsollg. 22or fCreOiE of p issssc nppiy nn Imnrd or to IIESTE1ITEiiITON h K9N'E, 29 IIIAoitnuler curet,, BEI.I, 1llChiiON AC00. 95 Jlil;Njne ,t-et. qty A phan of the cabiss Csila:ssan and amtsi roems s n-sed by~ applying to Bruceton k 1 {cent, 111 't'he Rob'tT, Wanld will take frlght fors Serniphis, 11(2k man; Cairo rid Paduri,. - UPPER MISSISSIPPI. Will leve on TUIiSDlA Y. 11th insO.. 55 0'ilosk I'. 31. PFOR IT. LOUS.Y:--T 11 IN 50511lar 7' 5,-gar ss 9 S. F. J7. Trab,. J. Vii. Slijis, 5nil*IP, sill lsssCe the IS,, ii sls i-s .1odh lt,.,disgs. sor freiglil or pnionl, apply on IiIIIN F:. IIYnS A CO., 3d I'nylO5. street. A plllss of der Ch l nnn be aen land rmle-r5o5 s l ur"5 , on nlIliillt n tohe R9-at=r m7 LOWER MISSISSIPP.' Will leavs 51 MONDAY illh 5115., 15 sslssk I. Y For )Icnllllli·--'l'l e gable a lternate Rat, lllal -t Nf1rv'*k~rUFS(5EM NT 15151SF. piclklst BeIfnst.-Tle nsw light idill aullt nsd spls5Iirl Paing5(r5555n IEI:LirST, issn. TN. 05mnir, .I, 9 leave ",1 her nxt trip as n,55 , Ior Sissslibis.ielasm, )Iln,, bis. OlsenvsllsiLsL Wssri:issss, is. s Prsidcusls S silcaihg, mud allI tei B lisi Fsor fsligt n,. psa5ge, hbrving line , cevm ,dlatiinsoi, aptly on bIoiarr to SNAPPS CO., 37 Front street. lttý-'1'hvllelfas will recmain in rhlo irnlde lle elrtile snnsuil and pnltlallllr nlteli:Mr g 'en to ill way and plnnua ion hlii~incir pOyýThe Bclfnei will tiker pae.rl psh I I1I freight ortitL. ILolib is,,s ll5pi. Ci,,si,,ssf i Ssni Ni'hvilis, ssssssuins 5t -slili insshsefsor iisss pliaes, nsIN Will leave WEINES15AY. 12t1, f511.. it S n'rlecl P. A It1'IGULAJ3. il1RiII'IJUS l'Sl(l'T Puri4 So lspllls, Ileslsi, ,,;:pN1dsos.(;ssssds,,i',l 3,w" : I ll 1igs i55 the lbs l ll.,-,i(-,ss n -glssi fl -lissltxli 1s5,oosr, 5,:1r 151sinngli, ree ,1 e nSlhsaov. l'5or 15sg[l5or p55s5ngNO, s1l152 boasrlOr s IF'ilrs Tssssss '.ill Ohs 1isssi fss N..Ssills, s551, hIb pri. eilgy osr srhiijs(si. t .Nsslug iss on tie NSillle :mI Oso iii' iss-Os!. isS,. (. (1liss, ul,. Oimspiso, City o sifm il adKmbrsshy. nA s ill ,m~e WEUINIRU,)AY 12th 5 a 'lnrl: P, Am. REISULARI 3IESI PIjIS SS 05 L't 1 1 - P,.st-CFnr 5lsmpslfl, 1elen55, Nisisen, reen sills, and ill landing:: ,n /he OSClula-The ll i reguslarp ,rsissEr pssshs Iigsomsi'. . ils. \lll,,s,,sl. le, lsill MI real to reeive IlHeighst on 555 ll'55, 5 morning, i nd tears a, lib" e. 501 1rr15 r. apply err Lo:ud, m to m7 JOHN E. ITYf)F k C(1., (il I'oydl·: l turret. ltZlse 1s-'snsss sill tske freisht fo 51srlisill-. ;Il pirivilge of reoint (1. l at fSemll·i-.5s thie s;:slhsills nn"1ren phius irskesi Joit 0. Cilae, Jloln Simplss, (ity of Hlvnltslli I7eilre o., TIIU ~iTSDAYS xt 5 o'clock~I. 1 U. S. SAIL LINE-STEAMER Southern ellell-Rs,ilng i is , Pr iNces and \istrh-c-For Plioi(,ss, Aslriss Pilsiss,' l'oilsl, kipwslll,'s Lssding, 1,0l 'ssesrvilencs, Ossod sishi Issldi,s 9illhsslllsBsil,. ishielbig, isiisd hisllissIo ney, S;atehry: Fort Adamr, Ba-al Sarea iamlo Hoag,-, a ndl all in telrutldne lilldina ·-lho plendid, lir rruilln pathchne gli packet South1ern, sIlle, L. h S. ', ss svells c stersswill leave as nhoye. F- 1311311,t or DahlFl, ap~ply " 'o 1 or to 211 111-11 lsOUl)IIIC h (:R., Nfi 5155rond'1s( stes. ,piriThe(ilgothesn {elic ,i salo Laks frsisht for all Ps5lts1Iie the Y s s-illr, with les privilee of reshippngll als ,siissis sI-e Iral'l a isllno ssry isldrs ssiull arsulsll ss for thist sur is, $°e" sill clek sill be is tise sIi, se Tisisr- li ornini' to t ','ssi ls'r (n ig sl. (1s' lis s ''('Ills Southernelle will attend to the 'usiness of l,5 ateilnl"l . I"'. J. Trilbac dirilletl lc Spring " illll :matinee mo anerili~ PEARL RIVER. I Le.s l'sh , I ONDAY 5(l1 (I SN 55, SI ro l hI ~ T~T i~r0h lii '1115(1 II IOR GE , A'O5s 2', Rtr1Dh i VEt R -,1 Cs, is 9151 011 III, is'l- sislt, dnIrgL : ste amr RIiN W.518 . R oitrvEII Im!iF t, r, sill lravt" nr ilhur. F'ar trto-ighror Iau~lpan~e yoll,pl nU, at1 Kew- ain,el 11 Nssrid (sls, nrsto Nlrllls-,,s, Tll' IIS S. "i, litiii("`,'l..... 5 ,. FbZOO RIVER. Will Iossssin s'l, 11,11. inst., at 5 S'r POol,'.'. M. FOR hlU8'O1f, C~lF Ills-D. ~nN is s- 5,s ~ 'i's ll, la i , (15 Ick b r , :c r TFVNall i s','sL i Ill l herlill P. i, r 1'ncliet 1.1(45'`j \V71771·:)1 \--Chh " 'll nli m~ 5,if; rolm 9(51d Ii StliN1'. iT i 5VI'1' 5 m8 12 \c~~~ I.r.',·c. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Will IlI,"5 iaNl .ST. ms, 5, ,t, at 55 1,a m F r. l.5:S(iR sRiN' RIVE'- C. I IIFs SlnI I. rhy~,, mater,· will leave 1,e b.- lilt~ TIes Fssniii, \,i(-ib, l, isl,(, S Nri-iulss Ii, (lssdllle. 11%%T- Nlor reigis-ss. Passae, aply n iind. 1,r 1,,5 Lf~apIS SS.\'r ,t co. a; r" roult =treas. 0.P Tllo :orn Nn. 2 is lou cert.i in;; rrcigllt r ,,h[: fonit of sllr i::lio-itir lnlg Coiln i»;1, te above · tralrls Wll leavre onl TUESDAY, th~e 11th~ ih~. i 5 o'clr k. FO 6R FORT S X1HTH, \":\ Ii L'RF:\ 'fhe Li;:· al,;! I, rlllnin^ pa '~;"r c tenulncr T. Pc Loutiers. ilinllrlt, n1erer11 ill Ic~trin Inaniice ur I'l eight ur ; an~ are, :VVI S S NIA snp, ii"riur iilulliun O1 151 P11,i on CO.:,* u :;, or to Wiltn, nWD S ,10 ntn '~x.FOR ARlli NS:1S RIVF.R-R-7l'llr _ ," I. \ ,I r fart n u r~ p 1,-arr. t-e, iillill)·ile ] et L ac{i~ __,1, Itob e i1l1e iýSlal~i,·lcb r1,,r;rr, Irn Bnrsl I"L1,r the Ia»ýhr 1,r. \[vnduv IhC red ý-to r high c.n wiI leve ile 1'ov:l ' l li la true.:, fine I;hrt l· noielll for S;Iilolrulr, l l l l»liný" , :,lu. e Doli~lll, SIi iri, tp C. lila. rillcli a in ter, ~ill ]rile iii r Inilindi-,*. _ _ THE LAKE. 044,141 0Irl. n01, ,,, l Y1141144 1 ,,,l, :,,0 , I ll FO lOILI ILC 11 Ihe ],like . ive meiartrnin niio::d nu .\I(1\UCn k Y , A 4444441, 41411411 141 1,an , IIF I i he ,, rival oOO P,, A.II, ,,,h, M. h4,.erni4 414 4l11'-11144,l 4:'1':,4 7'1, 11)11ni4ID\' 4444 half l441144114o'c1hlll,44 Ti., rm~l rnllIc r, il I.r ie e F inl ae fo clrllrl~ln 1 ;iiro nk u. riu s. For f ei;:llto l or 31allst aS- imd T no tlnn crcl i l to 1'1U.S. 01 4Ia I ,4 N,-,... .......... ········O D~re or lr, A I. h[ycrs, cnsl 10141, b A. . 5 44 44 t LAKE 4,LOR 13At'IOE'11 41· 1.r 4a li c~liwple III, 44,,lul 41,> 4h1144l , 41,144 4444l.14'ol' th114 44 . 4,441 · 44,4,ynn the :t,.,1,,,1 ,h44,l4 4 4, , ,,' th Pul.\ t nla4 will U044p .11 I 400 >14. I 44F444 441 n 14 04 4 T141414fA4 4 1441 lo IV4444 4s. arN( or I4 il ...... Til .... 41 '0 10 D, ck . ...I4... ..... ..... 40i4, 4441 4 .. ,0 114. .... 1 . 4 444,4 :S .4 gut 10 44 :k 14 LO 4e4rln, 14 e h" 4411,. , 18S . n LAKE SHORE P.)I.eas R AChP \'SI.B: 444444 l Sri~s un~ 444 4-4,,Ii, ada 441,11 her hips1 11444-1. 41 4 4441 11l14 411., 114.Saint 1 he Isple4411 l1w 144 1.l11I,~bI I, , 41r 1411 4,, 4 4ol4,4tr 4,144, Itutchina ., mnstc444bo4,[ 41, 041401fnr11, t 111 4d i -cr u ·ri, ro mlueoda Itiolwl ! nuteLk edo lePo thrri .I 4,4.. .41 144 1 ' 4 \[ 1 ca 4s41 4 f~~~~~~~~\ Ii . 'lANY.4410,4SA.0414.4.41 1 41 1 -,1,,, 44,14441 414 :\Y 1114 14 , a 1i41b44441 .. 4114411114,1l44 AI ar Pre i Ian SI-TUP. DA YS,... 1.. 0I. F.-IIIU. A1441 440 41 n4144 '-Ii T.. Ag14, . 1'. 40,4',,,,, 01441,1-4441,4, 411141 41,,,,I,.,,>'-4,,,,, 4, 1.4 14' 44il . rplle, 444, 14 444141414,.41 .l 0,.III,,,,,, 4~iti l 4 ~ IE:ILI' 1411, ll 44. 1',I ll,4 0 ll~.·-t 114,114 o.IS ~oroo, rln NOTICE-Tll' SI'N MU T rcl·unll r. 1Iln INSURANCE n Clc i inti t -aot I, a nd are r epl n=ti to silk Fir ,, Mori no and Rive r R."-,~r n[4.A14'1NI1 14440444 n4o4] lla4. R .I. flail. J. V. :( .l. (:III k Bel-., ~lik .l n. 1). eneg e, 1. ('.'1 re m ct 4414.411044, 44ell,0 ,1 1 44,. 4 . I'OR 4,,414,1,' 4,4 141444le 1. 1 e4 .4y, 1ll1,1444 ,4 ]e'l,,l 111 ,, l~jol, l4 11 S4j4.. 44444 T4 414 GM ANYAND FLO ['reidenY t 104 1.\,4 S0 N . I). 01414041 F4111 lc 1 re110141.14 few O.eas 11144 1,4,11 44 044,4, 0400144 44 141J i i44A4P.44014 44 4114 044 141444 III: 4.N lll4lll 44 1 G 4444 01044 '1' 040140, 0414 1 414.0has hud, will 4,14 k, 44,1 1,41444114 0,p1441,pl4 f r s4,44414.,. e1444 to n11 0 4 repa fal 14144'11141 h4 4II4141I441"4,441 1 ~tll44141Il4 CII4,1111,1 lit ,it res;r I). FI IIT B F, and F S'^.1,D ,Iit",lNl1Sr etc., c l. HainRECK.eNRheIUGe.-soAytrL.Tl o. 44[1C4114,4e14r .d Fll-w' 41 1444114414414 1444444441 ll 14.1 11111144 11144441114,41 Bill lanie sl rect. he i, oepnleel toncron modnty , ~alsi bu 910eers 11114,44 IlII $44 4416 114 14.44 44~lll,. Ne I0014140nh-o Nrein wiol 1445,d 44410nsgmncnt-I' Sla"', 7' al \ S lr. pill! Y, let Common SUM.r Ri:Fmi} \'f'F.? -1' elluls C Cn (ý ,II, "(. Yes0 1 ; . C.-RIt k Y O17N( I Nl" Bo.:(;It()ES, ,i l c.IIE1(:L~I: 1J ''I~ nmi Doul1, or Shil hcsrynn md, No. qe, Orn nn street ts; olllk and I'Iri fflelph Air, 1'iar nu~l IIInnASIIP nod o, h} "arll arr; Y nr hogshe d, or in La ter, p cked ill hover or )- ksr to suit pm 1I1* rn s. :\ so ilnpa rllr Scotch I a Lon=Ion ]'()I ter. Ik (ioorl dpli and pmt fur ateiiiu aid o ni or ders . tlI: 2 1' O: I.1 I Felln'Ito Itcsl r 1 'or 1 Vtic-st cd cusl - 'flbo l· Il enn-I Rlnl~rcI'res,(Iirieato Ilort Slics , elu., Illlo ts te - nrp Oiling l, 6nrr cr . ,tl,, Lah r Iio ,. Fi PIc' la-Dcrh li Fr ill hr. \I el lt Lcr-N , lulic er~c Ju \C. l'. son, Ceo. S cnr n:I, TL Grrrcld lnn, G. 3. loe i'chl . 1'. War ner, it. l Lusmredc, N. ltnullce n~te " I'AUG 17. o~m~r , 1+.S Tn, nad1 STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES FOR RED RIVER. WJIIl leave on TI:N:9I1,tY, 11th inst., n15 dclclI'. 31. k FOIMINDEN, IilltANf BAYOU, 0~ ·~1~ ~Cimi, 111 A l hB~k. C . (s4l~ 111111iau 1111111? 1111110 C . hllnl t F l,mii0. C2aaxeagr alemer A lrbam1,1 1 . 1 . Gr11111 , Olglilid will lave fir tllh e11a11 a ond al , hi Ielh isg 1111 10,above. 0or t'rcigkttr paeynge, apply on oaErd, oTr to mxr10l I:. 6N.LPI'1· k Co, 37 Front street. flay The Ala111 -mIs now reeivin1 freight 1 t t010 foot of l:uetomho.ii- imatEf pill Ieve osn TtiEISAYl. 1he 11th 1nst.1, at5o'clock' P. 11 FOR A110,El, FOICO IS 1 CO., ll locher and (.rand Reore, vin Cnlit and Limoe WljI1 111 IOI.NC IIA.Ibly 0111111.1. 15171 F 1tB0.--TE Fight draugh passenger reamer Swa lp iox, m. limball l..ter, will lapse 11111111 Wboillnd all hI ennllinte 50andings asabov4e. For freigh. or pasFsage, a OEPFRSyNn bar l, OTr i 1;,1RB<III. PI:ITCIIAILD A Co., 1110 i: 3 1C.'n H01, C12101,let0tr,11 Willjenva on \r 1. Si:1ta . -4'o ily. 91th0n)1, at1111io 1 FOR BEOCU R NICS.IITOIIFAST rutt41111 st11114110-1111 11 . lt$ A. OrN.ti Jr., mler w~ill iIarv· fur all InuriioF\ rll l~ut asst, n" nbu tr. F'or f~reightt or Pus=+'g appplly on bIoard, root of Will leave 1.1,E111S11 Y, 12 1, 10a5 elock, r'. if. FOR LE SEIITBISTESE OI l'11CC111, (and 520F4C11 'lm , and oll. n edrirtic Iaotn, Th* l'e mrperinr Ira==eager =texmer 5101"m, Jloaly toaslter, will leave as above. For freightl or pa:-agc" apply on board, or to rnlO T. II. XMITH, 12 New T,:m.C will It-,- on WNDNlil SDAi Y. 12,5 inSlt. t h 'clock, P. Nn PI n ( GRAND Ecu llm E N.\T(:11I tnche.. kr "1 11ý-xuuririn.Thba rccl llr Ipiltii 'ti idlnt'e. I'ar frCeiz l r 1 "' " riim lyol o, rd, l· 0 mfj If. it. Y.011INSON A CO., IM X) (rnlier etrcet. -W~ill lr-i;·c nn t\ I:I) F,SD CY. 12th1 ins'., a b h'rlnr4 11, M.,~ FOIL- JEF'FeRSON DIRZLCT.- Fo:FIe, .folic~io:.. , illi,:,1, 13-1,,ll Port ("'-lb Ali,:ny,·n) · Swiomra ll'r and \Ioorine`~i I.Rnnlings, fihrvvvpfo, r, r; rrnd If.lvuil. Crulnlte, Aicsandl-r. i oro rG ;!drria steamme N 'an; Ynhsntul. e lr fiat- D. D III1I d light foe , nlr lller n.I..l tkiin~a~nl, nlitster. will leave D). D). ,1TN\l.iC\, Nn. S F'ront atrCe!, Thle I'lnrltewill Igke freight far all points F Rho- the unitl Wviil i I~nace d n'irebI. I:SCAM, Ybrerp do": I, \i.In FOIL JEFFEBISO N ",-I T LA D,. fi~i~i Miiu, Port (::u ido .11I m.', hirc r vlpla trnd B Cr ip passenger Isi~lli; si~lal inter· date land 9. -T The aP peioar ,, ill leave m e n1 ! . N., S her..-' .V~. I;warncr ma*:l,, will leavee ns F'or 11 eighU t or jln nnee. i appl y rot board. 110 - l - Lr vr, with DispacplN,. FOR. LA FIZII BISTENFAU AND pil::mmu C. 7r~aye&, It.... Wrivlt. matier, will .\l·sllili toad al* lnl~ll illierlnsilin Inollin:r Forfreight o1 ".'auv~gc, apply ly o on hoard or to mi .!:IFTS eNIPP is Co. 'Y(--Front ,. OUACHITA RIVER. Will leave on MONPAY. 10th int., at 5 ncdnek P. M., REGULAR OUACIIIT P'I:KE'' - lu ~nren khdll .Littl flar, 'husuuug nl,, Siilmuinuuon, Pigeon Hill-, )Ine liuu I.aU liuud. , Maluu.. 'Thenuu. Vluluuuiiu, rri flu llllp TrinUiy n udll imli meduilate Illh i is.-TI' line arm light dus,, ] D. ". Mtacy, Len. Sfoarc, m.ltle, will let- a, sluu. u l',r u'igllet or luu.; upilsl,) p board, or to Ina I'Fili ;SuN',P (C., 7 Frunt street. Will leuut uu MONDAY. 10th ini at 5 l ell P. S M. REGULA.R OCACIUTA PACKETL sy Mýae ul l. ter, uill lic re nI above l'ur uflalbuuuf.?in_, i.ffiul'isu, mouuu h u ilu fl luartlhl, mnerrand d l'.L Irborm, IIRI-ie, Suebilll, l3icttol, Slnnioc. ('olsnl Irin, fine 1 31.ýd'+ Tiarriia ilbur g, and Ilil in:crrlcdht. landings. Fluor frrigiu, or fuazl'u. .,plly un unnrd, cr to all T. B. SMITII, 12 Nfu' Tfs . Will I..... Si WIIN ll5luAY, llll0 inu,u., a 5 5'51331: P. If. FOR iIACHIITA RIVER-TIII 'A!" Lnligh Aud' slu"uuuu 1. L. Cssl L,. \Null . b. In;; ul Ir. u; abuuf ffllu:mul,, suh l 1fills, Pulel lnlls Clsu1 funh ugullu'.i fu,llh of Ilfylu II. - ~il ity, :,ud I'uuuuuliuu. For fuslut or peuiuiu, apply us Snilld 'orl 1 unlllufl , lulls llu , l ll, fl; Front stree0t. p The'il R. L,. :o,b mall uiv\e tllrongl, bill, l:. ding t 0-dedc RICGULAR PACKETS. PiFGULAR FACKET STEAMIIER oSt n I.' 1,1,1 I,,,, el T.. IIIrfSErII Pt NI \Ia 1101110 n alIt I,.term 111-01e IIAWI , giantGE ,v iSo "5,,,-7e Siot',1 . etc s, ,p0a itll Capt s t, li, Ytl l'hum"ým mill i-- f . s hie a ve, eilly TI S DAs,, at I s ,, I,,,,,, OIo s, b oad, n r to I,'l~o ss,-~i~ ls I.\ I. Sl oo· IIissl, o liBFlil. .II. 11 1 ,SI.,-sI l II 510 5117155 L . time 11 i [red for 51 I uvt };illei. 13. "N t GI I ele , ,fanufn repaii of 4I AA d ruad :r the Leere. RO o·,i eo r packnes of l' sin ode toorder noel SI,,s s',nI~Iod, nSnds eslnl:R. 8E SoSlit1\IS 1 ;.OU tI1O5 "nd 111 llll il, SAN-II; SI, TU S1' - the pnmic:.rennil i -l, a v, ,,~l. nil almit·l o ana tee. or I·;"lii l- li p^~ :' a ]ri Inc ::, .l. lici. to IL L'clec , P. of I1 S I XkRPLaIT'O IOI--FO R SAI.I IN IIINTE. 1 (:IIIII) L. I).ll, n ii ud ýn hllill I:~illrl aide upwardsi of fifty \."croe . 14-1c. c.....·· ii: n gauid Ilroaulc.,u state of cultiilltioo.- n12a It. N. ELM INK, J R. & CO., 32 Campll street. CRlbNE' P~ITEB'IIE' METALLIC BUORIAL detlto l (ttttv Jcallic tt na Cailr t, for ltlo Sudes of mti~~i~uol :tlol S, Fnd Fr N. o. 01 St. Charles stOAZI oppr AlE I. lAPl 11i. iN ao I I.t Itule l. new t leos.101. Ott TFIE STYLI`. OF" OUR PISUIIS THI1S DAY i eLtt \x.1.11 TO A. \t". STANTONI .F (7:). STANTON A CO. N,,w nrle~ur-, Jiutuary 1 , IFSG. A . Rltr Iil IWORT F' CO., WHOLlESALE AN Dil FInill streert Deemllo. het viwel, IYoydrnu and IrlnfnpStrl trncts. T'rwo larg~e Ice !rellni Sr. TllIlnnr ..,rect. ), Rend New firmal, :aid n .0 196 tiliavlieP acct.I A\~o lre ]Iepota, No. Li I'ontl-hl~urt nln }tnilronid, uppecr nhlle IIII QCTAN I':IINTING.--11SS S. C:. 11'ii.C08 ;'lute of rC..a, , eelcs rily ciu;l -relInirrer o acýIoir n it in I11 its lrYý"" 'hn lathe, me n:,peetiltll; invitedr tq -!,~it her I~m at No :N6 Canrp s)':IL.t1, et-ell S t. oxep1h n1ul DIA."I LtelltIC .trý°loonr, open 1-, om IU A. AT. to 3 I'..11. W.S-)ir\. will giv·e IPrivsl t L los to pyii;1ili S. `& A. ITENDER~soN 66 CO., lI~tA'LIxs ST., _11, ec111 1u·urnmuut ot' i i Cltc:~ill t oral iuvi·ir thelcntttclioti of` par chaser,. ThI~leir Mock has hla Ilri caref'ully' se·lct·d, nod cmuprisc. aII the article, acedetl Ibr Parotly ruei, pr for· mcrlhnn d n the cunty. j19 Gttr ]It'll 'Ilk clay calmedlcr int~o C !:ottnerabil, rende~r tll: a:gla of 11U 1,1"R [Eft, YI.\1 RS & CO ,lor Ilse pllu pose of 11rilnsllelng. Generaienl uontimraun. iair and1( Cotton 1 L:Brlnlril e IlllnillCII hl.FRI:D I11['!":I:IIý. R U 1":R.'f 1. SANDI11154, Office, No, 14 St. Loin~s t c~et. NwOl..",n· Isll Dcc" lel· S55. dI~tC sTEADY RATTERV AHATT1.ARIFIE) FORI SALE..-Cue lr(:upler Liatlerr rix i:(· iecl n ianlelcr h taro nlll n h lll T fact deep, wirill tw. rapper ' roans nr t-r inch the coke; and c.1 .li~ in good ceder. Also, awn 1:ca ,motors andlll ]Intlclp ,near)· of the~ mssl nppr cc'1~ court, ertiti-lnl M ;, lielui a,:ncity a, stakingili ten hegahlladdr h.9i l per day, for deil on m3.11f S, 12. 3333,33N, N_ 113,3 3,3.lca 3.1.3133 YVVIL ENGINEERING r' D ti'RVEY'IAG. fl e nn· lill signed b aa\ilng fb~m~ IIolrlncl p "i121p for· the p ,"" Ilo ne II' ir clink ,>) "~y (Iu'hi-c~ in tit. title et' (:iril F":i llntt ·IIIF r13d313333he ,nti*!f li to them, 3333333 t th3e ,,33 fP I.ollirlil a~tlliui l rin~d `t tsirla lnbla csleriellre in thatu fluegt' ýb nasllevs,\ llnd nrilrec:loly ,.licit intl~ro at' Ilntroinnga ,"TAn these une crateR1d ther3in, 333, 331. ('3, V--a OT- Na 27 ommecia Plae, . S. NII'TI11vIEI.T.. eonslo. rntrFElv" anarra 81·EUSOB G1.YF1`IN ýt d3T"ED50F. \TTlr.t` [ES-A\T-T,:\\\' mU art l ot.' T the give P 1 lnpl Itlfnliun t" .IlrclinF' e}lne iii nor part Stateslil, an I act a, l::r lll tar per otlr coinli I.nnlr, nr mtend to any1 beniiacsh- pertaiuili n t it(; m:";~rut ABIITA WATIER.- T 11 F, WATERS CF 9.111:4; CORI n ubmtud Sp~ri'g':ne n'ir sale iusnch G::lniticl u., may be dceirtdl, at Nn, El S!. Chlarter street, -11-l of tbmmlnrr ca1 1ialn, inarr:. .:1 " lops of the r ndo'r. I~t: Orrlcla li `chii yin, p, ;r ll~lian'llt ruleP ill 'GottI1 tittle, 1)Llill 118ltitiolll it will be forlý,l of' F, e~tlrrr ice 5r,117T ts umI il tic 11xe li . tlU alo L Inlre nlld a,`,eeablu! i. ;t to orate 'diet biRIII 1. In Pronl, I Cltiii~t Nttw Onl, vs, li( Tlis is to cartil'y, that I lensi inivl ~l*nen 1,111121, 854 fonnJd it toIC~illL ptilCO IlI1clFIIIIIeB the care o f 1)t.. stoneB 333 GY 11- 33 133,3e3 fa'Tar ,) Jl r\TFI rRU Fn \'nr iU It , li.IEE. T tlicl held r I'CCOI T- F La 333333l 3333, ! 3,3333. , 333 I1.1 a33,3u333r3)33 \T13nyri3, roof 3333333h33 . "* 333 ,,,,,3o mcce ni 33t,, ,t le}.I 3,3,,,iiutc I 33 gnn 3333333 ce and f3,,, d 3133333 lf 3 3 33 3 r3 iirrrll of nlv iliering, (. Lvhlrih aaere c y Aral")i in about Paner \Feefi*. I nut uoar · nn my wTFi to St. I·OII; v: here I resider, nail nx m',: tho'" wale[,, Tiiu :rililie;tes of 17octo~rs lN'lrrcu ~n 111(1·( :1nIltl~l '. C. bnyer, Mu- l- la l to he aldo n do Sauteie 'I'.-a thle if ia.: U li my idilc.:.·· 33, 1333333II333M', 'rhlii 'erlhl" tha:t Ili·. IT. Nincnlaaevc~a o inner trealtment in ilnd deranged n, i~ilnl·- trcctaiolls, teen, which hIe ,ulTrerl x 'reel}.. I ;;,ace 11111 11 lll'ie(' i;, CUOIIL'Vliol \ aitll rho 'II\·i cilln of thle h,,-l~, bat 1'V reecir el no Ihidteri h benefit. L,4ige"l NS 9()1,NT ) P. C'. RCYIRl. Ilan" Physician,. I rotor to n Rew of th~ole yrllo halo ","I th~le Water : G~eneral J. L. I.c~rip, Heal1l J. II. Caldscll, (iul. ir. Chrilt v vr. redaerbrllr n, .7os. ,~\-el, l$l·I Dr. P'orter, etc~ etc.e OZ The houre rat the Spa ing, 'ill be' rlortly re-openedd under the direc~tion of a coenlpctunt NlimlgErr 1"13a let J. S. 3 - SSI3,b,3 BEELr--75 T1EI1ClCfi L'lllMt: MESS, FOR SAL.E BY Q.. 1 2 i7 R3 ";0, iV~ 9J 1'otir a nkr. yra co nrca TEDEa . Caoncerning that which has transpired in the world's history cn eorrespanding days in past sears, twith other matter trinent thereto9 preparedl expreasly for the readerso.f the Double Sheet Crescent. Still more pleasant and gladsome in our clime of sunshine is the present week than its predecessor; yet.battling with storms and sleet and hail; with cold breezes froth the North and driving rains from the East; the heavens draped and the mornings coming out darkly, sad and sullei. But white has begun to show itself, interwoven with the color of eadness, and purple streams in over the :dges with a great promise of subsequent joy.' The emretreign df the old monarchlis fast dying away, 1aid hisftuller-bloodehllieir is watching at the portals, key and scepter in hand, to mount the throne's steps and enjoy his rule. Wel come! every dawning of the perfect day. hOosnday, March lO.-The forty martyrs of St. Se basti, A. D. 320, hrave flee fpecil rights of, this day, with very little o position. The upright chiekweede is the emblem. Sir Hugh Middleton, a man well deserving of praise for first having matured the idea of supplying cities with river water, in this present age, died in 1702. Into 1792 John, Earl of Bute, prime minister soon after the accession of George III, died. Benjamin West. President of the Royal Academy, died in 1820, aged eighty-trwo. fIe was an American by birth, born in Springfield, Pa.,in 1723. His family were Friends,' who had emigrated from England. Of Blnjamin'k youth many singular anecdotes are told; how he got paint from the Indians, and made his brushes of hair cut from the end of a cat's tail! The celebrated painting of " Death on the Pale Horse"' was his, both in conception and execution. Tuesday, March 11-St. Constantine, in the sixth century, is the chief patron of the day ; and the Cornish heath (erica is the emblem, On this day, 1752, papers were affixed in the.ave nues leading to both houses of the English parliament, avowing the intention of the people to destfoy tihe young of all kinds of game, if the gentry persisted in their rigid enforcement of the game laws. In 1704, at day-break,four hundredand fifty French and Indians, under command of the infamous Heaxtel de Rouville, fell upon Deerfield, Massachusetts. The inhabitants and watch being asleep, they burned the town, killed 47 persons and took 100 captive. On the 8th, 1846, General Taylor moved from Cor pus Christi on his way to Point Isabel. On the 10thll, news was brought that a large Mexican force was as sembled but a day's march from him and a combat was expected on the succeeding day. It amountedto nothing, however, more than a slight show of ma rauding and freebooterism, which caused more strin gentregolations for the future and brought the cele brated Texas Rangers into a higher rsnk. Wedncasday, March 12t-St.Gregory the Great, who was a prator in Rome, under the Emperor Ju;s tin, is the chief Saint of this day. The channelled Ixia, dedicated to St. Gregory, is the flower. In 1689 James II landed at Kinsdale, in Ireland, with a French army, to attempt retaking the throne lihe Ihad abdicated. lie made a public entry into Dublin and besieged Londonderry, which was vigorously dse fended by Rev. George Walker, a retainer of the Duke of Devonshire, or Argyle, by whom tlei place was relieved. James held a parliament in Dublin. but was defeated by William III, at the battle of Boyne, and driven back to France.. The Jewish fonnrm of government, which haid been adopted by the inhibitants of Rhode Island, was in 1640 supplanted by a civil code, which continued till a charter was procured. Tharsdtay, March 13-All of the Saints per taining to the 13th, are located far back, near the year one. St. Euphlrsia, 410, is as prominent as any, and has the heartoeaase-rio!a lticolhr-dedicated to her. The City of Vera Cruz as formally invested by the American Army, which landed at the Island of Lobos, on the 24, and summoned to surrender. Tile bIombardment, however, was not commenced until the 18th. Froisay', March 14.-St. Maud, a beautiful queen, taken captive by the hoors, is the most worslhidpfa divinity of the occasion. The Mountain Soldanel is the emblem dedicated to her. In 1733 the English Excise bill, so generally unpop nlar and so bitterly immortalized by Burns, was moved. In 1757 Admiral John Byng was shot, at Ports mouth, by sentence of a court martial, for not having doune his duty, in an action between a British and French fleet. lie met death bravely, and, it is believ cd,innocently. Melnoih, editor of various classical works, Cicero, Pliny and others, died in 1707, aged 89. Klopstock, a German and author of the " Messiah," died in 1803, aged 80. Saturdlay, Mzarel 15.-St. Abraham-not the patrilarch, hut a hermnuit, who lived with his niece, St. iMary in the 4th century-is the mostpromlincnt. The colt's foot and lasting 3fercury are the floral emblems. Forty-four years B. C. Julius Cesar was assassinated in the Senate-house of Rome, in the 56ith year of his age, having conquered three hundred nations, taken eight hundred cities, defeated three hundred millisss of men, and slain one hundred mnillions. Hie wrote the " Comms itaries on the Gallic War," and, whnca shipwrecked in the Bay of Alexandria, sw-am to land with them in one band and his arms in the other. Dr. Thomaws Franklin, translator of Sophocles, Pha laus and Lucian, died 1784. Sundayt , Marel 16i.-St. Julian of Cilicia, and St. Pinlan the Leper, are the protectors, and the nodding dafibdil, narcissus ,nutans, is the plant. St. Finian was an Trish Saint, descended from Alild, King of sMunster, who built various abbeys and was noted for the miracles he worked. In 1723 a royal proclamation was issued ordering a thanksgiving for the end of the great plague. In 1820 M.aine was admitted to tile Union. The events of the week, it will be seen,:lre of com parative unimportance: still standing at those atrc janua and black gates which open only to great deeds and notable achievements. There scarlet and purple still flutter in tile van, encouraging to greater hopes and to continued faith in the chateaer Id'Espagne. ABOLITION " PHILANr snuoPY."--It is well unlder stood thalrt abolitions "philanthropy": is not skist deep; that it is all a lie, a sham and a deceit, and that it is asosomed to delude thepeople asd put money in the pockets of hlypocritces. But they are generanlly e dhrewd csousgh to make as respectable a showing as the natulre of circumsotances wvill admit. We have a case of flagrsnt ihypocrisy and measn ncss on hand, which we intend to expose, telling tile tlle as it was told to us, and which we believe is ltrictly accuralte. Itl our bhsiness cohluns a negro boy is advertised bfor saIle, and application is to be made to a geutleman at thie Arcade HIotel, "or to Johnl Coon, Clevelad, Ohio." ThIe circlsustances are these: MIr. John Coon, Clervelad, Ohio," owns one-third of the boy, antd has written hIere to hIave him sold, in orde: that he may realize his interest in cash. Nothing very wonderful in this, so far, the rcader mnay exclaim. Well. thlere iss't; but when- we tell thenl that L" Jolhn Coon, Cleveland, Ohio," is a noisy abolitionist, that hie is connected with an ubolition journal, that he tolks abolitionism, writes abolitionicsm, and never tires in denouncing thle Southln and expressing Iis profound pity for the "poor slave," we are inclined to think they will regard him as the most contemptible speci men of humanity that ever disgraced shoe-leathel: The above is thie substance of what was related. to tous. " Comment is ulmecessary." Exor's.--The clearances on Saturday were: for Liverpool, 10,727 bales cotton, 2,80O barrels flour, 17,010 sacks corn; 616 cedar logs, 400 tierces beef, l21 bags oil cake, 179 tierces tallow. For Glasgow, 2,231 bales cottou;twoavesels,loadedwithlard. T'he tllal costwise tctllenC.. TELEGIWIsED TO THE CbRESCENT LATER FROM EUPOPE. : ARRIVAL OF' THE;SIEAMER AFRICA. L Peace Conference Piogresaing PFaevoably. New Yonk, March, 8.-The steamer Africa hw arrived with later intelligence from Europe, The English Loan. the report that the Rothscehilds had taken theen - tire Englishl loan is rally confirmed. The Missing Steamer. The Africa brings no tidings of tihe missing steamer Pacific, and lmo-pt every vestige of hope which-sere entertained for her safety,is now abandoned. s. The Conference. hibL ference at Paris is said to be progressing id it was qa te confidently believeld that pe od he obtained. W g.ncoee, March 8.-The Baltic brought seo 5 dispatches from Mi-. Buclana, but the IP' ideist aid Cabinet disclaim any uneasiness in co'nueqnuee of ihe k transfer of troops to Canada. In the I-osse, Mr. Stephens presented a. minority I report in regard to the conetested election eaLes of Kansas, and urged the sending of Commissioners to take evidence. In the Senate Mr. Braun introduceda bill providing for the construction of a railroad to the Pacific, com mencing at some point south of the thirty-seventh parallel. The bill gives forty million acres ofland at fifty cents per acre to the company; saidcompany to deppsit $1,000,000 as security for the faithful per formsance of their contract. One hundred miles of the road must be completed within eighteen montlhc--thetGovernmeihtpaay$600 per mile for conveying the mails, until the'oad is fin ished; and if the road isanot completed in two years, all that has been done shall be forfeited to the Govern ment. The bill swae referred to a special committee, with instructions to repor next next week. Additional by the Africa. Owingto large rceip;ts of Cotton and the stringency of the money market, Middling.and Lower Orleans grades are 1-16d lower.' Other grades aiieonchanged. .T The Peace Conference. The latest telegraph from London on Saturday i states that Counmt OrloF arrived at Paris on Thourday and that.the Conference would begin on the 25th. The Russian Feeling. Letters from St. Petellsurg to Warsaw and German papers give reasons for the continuance of the war, and state that on no apoint will the energy of the mili tary department be abated. - Large Frauds. It is said tihe amnoont of the frauds of Sadlies, the recent suicide, will not 'fall far hort of a million of poundo. The Baltic Fleet. A portion of the advanced squadron of the Baltic fleet was to be ready to sail fom Spithead on the evening of the 22d. Nothing from the Crimea of importance. Louisiana Legislature. The Governor this morning appointed George Eas tis, P. Soule, James Robb, Dr. Mercer, P. E. Bonford, Dr. Labatut, E. J. Forstall, C. Genois, E. Briggs, and W. A. Gordon as Administrtors of the Louisiana University. In the Senate, the Cat Island Appropriation bill. which was defeated yesterday, and passed to-day. The act for improvements on Diamond Island was also passed. It appropriates $12,000 for tllhe purpbses contemplated. . The City Charter. The City Charter passed the House to-day, after a long and tedious debate. tMr. Jourdan and Judge Beecher denounced it in most violent terms, but it re ceived a large majority after some aomeudmeuts had been made. Articles 118, 121 and 126 were striclren out entirely. A resolution giving a vote of thanks and a medal to Dr. Kane, was called up andlpassed.. T.H Mf.tT.s.--The mail due on Saturday failed from beyond Augusta, (Ga. Yesterday there was a partial faidure. We received Baltimore papers oi the 30, which wasa a late as due. There will be due this morning, New York and Philadelphia papers o!' the 1st, 3d and 4th inst. Coerox.--The receipts of cotton for tile forty-eight hoars ending att o clock last evening. were-by the Ia -tport, frou Tennessee river, 3,1s3 bales; Eumpresri. from do., 520; T. P. Leathers, from Little flock. 2,546 : Storm, front Jetfferson, Texas, 1,478 ; Amanda, from Minden, 1,011; S. F. J. Trabue, from Memoaphiti, 2,739 ; Ruhy, from Pearl river. 2tMis., 653; Jackson Railroad, 64 ; Charles Morgan, from Galveston,"6 ; Lewis Whiteman, from Yazoo river, 2,133; R. I I, Cobb, from Camden, 4109 ; Opelousas, from Washing ton, 75; Albalaun, from tinlden, 1,942 ; Sydonia, from do., 1,tl1. Total, 15,20O bales. anh'l ngol n l ll. atiollnl 11onutmenet. In the Washington lutelligencer of the 3d, we find the yearly report of thle Board of ltana:gers of the Washington National Momraent. They state that the old Board, whlo diltled the legality of their elec tion, have withheld rome thenl nil information cont cerning the afttits of the Association, and have thrown every possible obstacle in their nay. The efibrts (of their agents in every part of the country have been rendered futile by the action of other peisons profeso ing to tbe agents under the authority of the old Board. When elected they found the treasury bankrupt, tblr machinery, tool implements, etc, in a very imnperfec t state, the material on hand for even a, temporary re. sumnption of olrk, and the lasl colrmes laid so defect ive, that a portion of tile stone had to be taken out. These results of toismanagemnent were remnedied,withl the exception of the emplty treasury, and in regard toI isho future prospect of raiing fonds, the report says : Tile country cannot toe roused toliberality, nor even to gratitude; and the agentaswholhave been approinted. nave, larny of tllela, returned to us disayppointed and lesi airig. and deeply wounded by insult he-rled Ulpot thenl. The scheme with which re entered upon the teork has Ieen broken by the mistalken action of our predecessors; and it will be dilicoult indeed, if not in vain, to renew it. Tile tide had bbd e before our eleetion, but we are not responsible for the difficultie-; interposed tly others, which tlrerloded s te bon taking it at its flood. We can only deplore it, and by re enewed and earloest elltrts endeavor to remedy the evil which has already been done, to awaken the public feeling octher than go to, for legislative aid. The receipts of the year have been far lens than in aylr reeding year since tile corner-stone nwas laid. 'tahe graost neoallt froTa all sources bLs been trt $7 740. We harve now $25 ill the treasury, and are in all responlr sible lbr not exceeding $30 of debts con traetedl by us, all of whirh is exiereted to be liaqui dated and laid by tie end of thtis-motlrh. Additional acecounts of the receipts and expenditures are pre pared and ready for inspection. SAVANNAn MhIERo1HATr.--.t a recent meeting of the Savannah Chamber of Conmmerce, a merchant spealking of the character of the business men of that city, remarked that for the last eleven years, no for eign bill negotiated in that city against cotton sent to Europe, had ever been dishonored or returned. His authority for this statement was a gentleman con nected with one of the largest banking houses in Engianid. When the heavy shtnments of cotton and Sther produce from that port to Europe is considered. :thisf tct must redound greatly to the commercial S' of Savannah. The Indianapolis (In.) Journal states that a feav d ays ago, a nunber of drnunkcn nen were quarreling" in t Zionsville, Boaue county, when one of them fired a p istol at another. The bullet, however, missed the m no for whom it was intended, buto struck a man who ai as pasing by the crowd on his way to call the doe tn 'r for a sick child. It entered one ear and carne out at . the other, killing him instantly. Ine fell dead on t ton street without n word. The child died about an a mor afterwards. The mumderer was arrested rnd in nm n injail. The injunction applied for to restrain the Ohio and 3t issi.sippi Railroad from laying tracks across the de1 'ke to Bloody Island, opposite St. Louis, has been re Lusred. The Circuit Court, at Belleville. Ill., decided th at the track anight be pomatranted bhugtdiatcly. "y the steamship Charles Morgan, whicr arrived Saturday, we~ie aat pt es frimn Glvestoe and in ,terior Texas. The eletion o.mmunicipal officers or the city of taiveotervtakplised asn the 3l inst. 4fr. J. If.Brown, the Derhoertctfcandidate for Mayo.y, was eletehtby nitin ajority' oe d tat-inid, the nominee of the f kAtamrig :a ty :n l gnocrate electedeightoutofn.ine Ade r reri - reyor and other ofeers.- The a ygm inees for 3ar.hall, Clerk andl bi- were The Indians have commenced oper ataonfor, thh spring in a very energic manner ou the Upper Gn. dalupe and in the valle7 the MCiolr, stealilg and. killing fiorsee and cattle a d committing murder when opportunity offeth.s of the 22d from Ciholay eoiP.lain bitter and well settled nlea1yiwithin a few mel Jrge torg , (San An and New Bren e, e the -quarters of troopl-tuld be in continual peril froti mamcnngbands of oevagee. i efttr (.rm the saie vicinity says : e t'bIendians seem to be ti a' tate olmadneso and letalatto at the meoe timer From, olme young and toe Ely fat clte they cot outtbe heutpieces o fýeai, while they had kuedothi arnimal, far more alftabie Sfor a tfid'fenlelt theft eritte; thinletg plerleaps, th8 eotit ore eder. Oar otck at thi. e 1lahe very ht" on acoonnt- iti ilegevore wentherand-risnad patre., ....e . .. we a .tain from Sthu edi3aea is more eovre, `utst cut ga u tale e to; Ifimk u the len tattes n ant emala lict huve lbeocufatetird on Corn-nrd near the hounte. The Texan haothe foltriagBr On yesterday, Wedntdy, te s tblgt tidirg came t our city, that the ehe Ci IoeO, rho letintt pif0roitof the Indtanvt a.t oa_.tred there on th 2te. ttitling'cattle an driviPg ellggre, had orert kejt four ,f them in the vIitn.t e the Bandera I'ass. .nd had a eotrttwith tleking three and severe wonding thotherand ;k from them omefnityyh'f ttr-s. "Weerfoet _teto e ar.a that three of oar citizdnt, engaged in t itthecti wee wounded, and thei probablydaftgerpsly;: `" Two companies of soldiers hl otartediw i Mnr alittle later, were unable to the trail in eonn. quence of a heavy fall of rain, and retained. The Texan, of thet2th, has the foliiingminte - gence ol a later occurrence: We st op the press to ennounce that to.o persbs were mor.iered,yesterday near the Cedar Brake, on the Cibolo,'and only eighteen milesfrom San Antonic. MIr. Hill, at whose howe these nturders were com mitted, is now in our eftiee, and ttZthim we havee the particulars. It seems that' 'Hillt fr. Brown, and two others, neft the housne of labout fotro:clock yesterday to visit the spot, a short. diatneoe frotp the house, where a German try hilled an Iridi.a a few days ago, an account of which te have given in an other article. The Indiansol ueei.s, iwere' eatching them, .nd as soon as they left, came to the house of Hill, and ohot a negro boy, some eight years old, and the mother of the boy, who was the only Other persotni, saved her life btcmrawling under the ~sboe. Mr:.tobinson and a brothi of tr. Hill were at work in the garden about 100 yards from the house. They surrounded themand pierced Rtobinoon with a Iance. barely escaue:l bh ruaning to etek'neor by andod swimming ajniro. s , _e Iidians thm n b iuiietered the house, taking away all it ?-aluahle s. atddestrying -what they could not carry: 'hen takin._foua muls and two American hornes, they j.natef.L As soon as Mor. H. brought thlneniYe to inr city, Gen. Smith in one hour had a eompavny.itt t of the savages, who were nix i numnher. ThreJ.h' won arrows, that were cut and pulled oat from Rdti.>s'~ and the _oh are now on our desk before no as . write. Two of them webhelieve to be Camanche arrows, and the other of theToniquways. We esxpect every moment to hear'ofu'more deplreditiotnand Citizens;to the rescune, uonr fnmities are in danger ! Cat ilanud Cl hlms. In the future history 'tf this great State of nprin cipled pectlataro, the above must certainly'pasaintg a settled by-word for eery boaldfaced and transparent swindle, to be hereafter perpetrated on the people. "Cat Ilaand eldinis!" 'Letreach citizen examine into this matter for himself addtif he finds what we are about to say in reference toCat Island untrue, then let him pronounce us liar unaconditionatly and damn as in every truthful, consideratisn hereo ser.-:. "Cat Island is a strip of :nlldial land locate d`above Bayou Sat , in the'parish of West Feliciana; and bor deringon the Miisippi: It is called an island, from the fict that the highistanda skirt it on the east, and at their base a stream of water, coming from the hills and the river, sanoounds it at times, and, ste the im mediate', babaqof the river, has heretofore frequently ieen iinder*iwter at high stages of the river. The whole area of Cat Isad s. set down at 37,I03 aores, of which about 15, 04l aeree accrnedto the State under the donation from Congrees. This landwas taken up by speculators as seon as the design of " reclaiming " it became known. Suppose the whole 15,404 acres taken at $1 23 per acre, it would amount to $19,455. .l Boasd of Swamp Lasd Commissioners were ap pointed in viottion of the Constitstionswhich deleares emphatically that they shall be elected, and Mr. D. C. Jehkins, then one of the editors of the Democratic Advoc'ate-before having acquired a residence in the i),trict, was appotintled nae fT tihe Commiasiones- Il' the Fist. s trict.i itn hicli theaforesaid Cat Island i, located. Mr. Jenkins went to work and contracted for $75. 03',42 of work to be done to reclaim this $19,4-3 worth of worthless tund, and contemplated a further appro priation of public money for the saime Cat Island to make up the bill of costs to $110,000. This was -sone with the chet staring tile Comminsioners in the f'ce tihat his district wassonl- entitled by atiprepris tiso to $61,625, and the i!gaI! eact of 1r54I under whicl the B's:ard wa-s ,esncrstidtuionally organized, ssx reesl y ;net th;lt no contract shall bie entered into ecyond tlshe aaoseast appopriatedt hi the face oflthe-re I. tit. \ith tei coutractors pleading ignorance of the law. a bill has been galvanized into life and legalitv by the " (treat inquiseitorial tribunal of the State rresresented ts the "great Demcratie paty.: appro psi.sting $32,100 more to gs into the hndil of spec ulatora,a all the balsnce of the Swamp land fund has sone. This too, alter the matter was fully and freely dlisassed on Tuesdlay. and settled by- omP e o trw Des oasIts tilorwing off the susal shackles of party and volting conscientiously. \h,.t shtls thle people of Louisiana say to this ? What a monstrous mountain of sinbas tile Democrat ie Central Committee to answer for through their rep seosentatives in the present Legislature! !-[Baton Rouge Comet. 7th inst. THE Al.oe I5N TWE loE.-We find in the Northern papers the following account of nhe difficulties encoun tered by the steamship Arago off the Banks, on her last trip from Havre to New York: The Arago experienced strong westerly gales on the passage, and las detained 54 hours on the Eastern edge of the banks, by ice. Feb. 22, 6 A. ., lat. 41,00 lonr. .I,l00, passed three iceberg. From that time until 24th, at noons. It.44,24, long.4t..00, the ship was constantly pibcking her oway amongst icebrgs,tlarge .nd nmall, and ipatches of closely packed broken ice. For a part of two nights she stopped her cour-e, and at other timeaswas running slowly, frequently stopping and backing to avcid colli-ion with fingegono piieces. .t noon, on the 22d, she found heloelf in the bight of a bay of closel packed broken ice, and borge and -mall icebergs extending from S. E. around to North, as far as could be seen, with no open water to West ward. Stuol to the North in hopes of finding an upening ; buth, after ruioiug 30 miles, found the ice extended to the N. and E. co for as coald be seen. Put about ship, anti stood back again to the South, ex ploring whatever had the appelarance of a 'passage; at one time runnincg t bo e deep bay for 30 miles, which was found hcl.ely blocked up,aoclhad to stand out again. In this wa-y the ship made 200 miles South ing, without seeing any olen watCer to Westward, Be fire she foundu a passage. The cronitity of ice, from the-largest sized icebergs ralduaolly dorwn to tile smallest pieces and packed ice, excedede i avthing of the kind that Capt.Lines hro d ever seen or heuard of aout' the banks betre ; and as it is now earrly in t1e season, Ie is at.aid that, in a few weeks, the widest traccl for icEopean navigation will be impeded by this dangerous foe. He therefore ree ommends ship masters bound for Emuope to go South of the Banks ; and to those coinig, to Westward, when apprciacitng the ice trlack, in thick weather or in the night, to uas the utmost vigilance, and have their ships under perfect command for any maienuvre, at a moment's notice. NOT ALL iLaVEs.--Our readers no doubt have pei reived, by reference to the proceedings of the Legis. Ilture in the ecote-ted ccaes of Leggett and Hasrison vs. Labarre and Whaln, that not all the Democratic inemnbers of the House are slaves -to the tyrannical edicts of King Caucus. We take great pleasure in embracing the earliest opportunity to do an act of jutice t tthose Democratic Representatives who re fusoed to lend their assitance to the iniquitous act of removing Mesrta. Labarre and Wh.anu and electing to their plce Mese seors. Leggett aqd Harrison. Mesors. Wallker, Patten, ifamsiltos fsd'Inarper, all refosed to ote nlucon tile motion to idopt the mcjority report and resoltionse. They eornfened that they did not understand the merit of the canes,.aud s they were not allowed time, by the eastinc vote of tihe Speaker, to maOke tile oeces~ry exasiniaticc ih order to vote understaudinglv, they wero ender the neoeseitv of asking to be exccsed from voting. Such instances of indepe de ence are rare, and co t.euoe atly all the hore deserving of notice. [Bation t 115e 0larette, 7th inst. THE SoEnvTn SrECTIO.-T-- he LouLsvileemoeiot, one of the most ferocious enemies of Americanism, speaks of the seventh section of the American lat form, as follows : S form of words could be dervised repudiations more clevrly thle loctrine of the Wilmot Erooiso ; and it jut n adistioetly repudiates the doctrine of thle Missouri Comprenuse. Stick a pin there. Thae cne sucar crrp of tile oear 1353 is estimnated by tile olicials in \Wushliigtaona, I). C,, in the Agliccl tumot It'cOi, at lz2i,i0o,0.