taairiba $arttautiixdtas Vi i .
MIondoay, MaIrch 10.
New York, vin Il, Jo ,olS SIIAWTIA, BoIA. Il........ 8 AM
Flo0i s h ,.,,, t... A....... CVAN 8I SII,1', ,ill11,.......8 AM
Co\llIo............ ... 5"50111N1 . PEARI,,ITlIo SIm.1S AM
looloill'e....:..·. SOUTIlIIIIRNIIIS; Tlslj.. .I I'M
UCicinntl Q............ QI'I:I. (I F' T'811 WMuT. Wsa,.5 PM
i~oula lllc ...... ........'t' C ' 1'W IS A.ll , I' Il l t. ...... 5 PM
Pearl Rlve ....... RUIP, 51 . 5 I'31
Cooelila ... ...R ..... .U S ST'I lS', M'o,,,o ... ....... PM1
sophih .............. ,II PIIAST, Taylo,...............5PM
Aokoooso Illo (lr........IS ;LfA NO. 2. MooL y.........., 1'M
Ten-o',ss Rlvor........ EASTPORT, osrrlhon.... ......5 I'M
LolloRrrI .............. DR. RATEY, fogF......... 5..5 PM
Plt .',bn QU............. ..QUINOX, Iowlcy............. PM
IlobLI A..................FLORIDA; Frol......5.........5 PM
1 n.,Sl S I' I).............C . D., Jr., Colon...............S I'M
,.1I's ....... . S....1MANDA, Rlher.... .. .5 I'M
Touesday, March 11.
NI."s... ... ... ,ISN', WEBSTEII, Ploer,,s. .0 AM
Co,.Is,',, . U...... .UNITED STATES, AntsllIl. II 10 AM
Mobill.. ................OI.CPLIFORIA, My, Po.. M. i.I'M
Woli .l, I 'IIe....... . O..J 31 S II(WEI,, r1r......8 PM
Reel III,,.. . ..... ...S.II. MAA GO-11...... 5.... ..5 PM
Alro,,o · ..P.........T 1' LEATIIERS, ennett ..... 6 PM
Aleln1lI. Ri ,.r. ......s I, ISAGALEP, Sinnot ........ 5 PM
SS..3IINOLIA, Themasoon........5PM
IrL.tII, P I:............p R INCESS, Illllos ...........5 PM
II, l I0'Sr............T S WOTITEM1AN, MIallooe..5 PM
III. I.....!: ..............51.)I TRABIUE. W'iloi........ 5 PM
Loi.ville .....I.......DArV WIIITII. MISIISI........5PM
DAiV. 0.11 SID (IIIISON, MIcKinley....5 PM
`Ciosnc"Is,, ....... DELI' LlA., POol ..S................ I'M
Louihill ..............B.EN8 PFANKLIN, IullI.......5I PM
Los avll, ... . I.. .PRSS, SheIolr...... P......M5 PH
Rod Ri0, .. AR... ....IT CT ITS, Applgjatl.......5 I'M
Cigciw,>.. . MARS, Slcll1..................... 5 I'M
owoo, 5e110 .. ....585II. C O ,llogo. . 8 PM
Rod Os' .....I..... .. RAPIIES, DoSty ...............5 PM
51,alcp.i...............CII105, LonorlS..... .........b I'M
Th.e 444oo14cr nlily L rletia, Ciptithn
71 t from Cllarlevll, 6. O., now lying , t 66 st I., 4,1st 166
r144, 66l be1in to dfisborg, b-,,g ur 16116 3o'I 6RN1N6.
loftaii;.ch a Ro regaehlerl to attend to thle receplag rP their
Dods,16,4,1rwiso thy will 6. 1.1.! at t6,4ir e46,4e and ri,6.
6 1111AR:I.I.6 ... f1 t C6. mon street.
ggl^'d'he Ship Tri-Dlouatarrlll Capt. D sdJ y.
116466,66. Is n46a 6666 66o66,6gP. 6616 6,66,66 46;.. u 16e 6
:4146, TI6ird 4)6,rl66. The noes46414 of 66 r e6644 m46ed
o di4,16,1646646 cler4k on 64h46Lcrc, 46 ~,e I6 ty will 66
fired sr thecir exilcnre anld link..
46 U066. RI. IIY60.1! 1'60., 62 (mp s6treet.
.11R(:6 DlI ..J131 Ms,-shy, J I WIIII,. T,.,a; .1 64rr46.14,
346,;."I {V U66,e. F: I-6166aoe .I 3)4, '60; N .j 66. 16.;a
J Tho.lsIVh. t, 6Th;.) 6uar,6.'I, V.6,; 1 6J 66ne6, '1116.1 J F I by
1 I' sIHIII ,1' r yYI.I) J Y" IC(I1I.Td Camden; F P 13 11(i1)10.
J1'.J L6ot4pi6. 4 ' LoA64y66 K6, ,,J ., GI A6 Il,4 ,6on1 J 16 Sa6,
dr s,15 F '1'}'J' tim. nd non, J II 1.,., Mcuraw, It Kingston, La;; J S
Tierra .J ne WS,6,, MI,,;J Y AIh66, La; IV 46,ith T64,..
CT. l.666'1S....I636 4ue0, T6 D 6nr1ere, N O; U 61141Dkin
son J ~lnlile: J {Ycst c!. d , selIlix J C Linden, i Eglano d f, B
6ll,6,66and aJrv3, N Y; }}' Il 666,,;J6;1 6i, 666ri6er; . 2 Ile.
dersoul. ti 0;I.PxrsoaJ. , Iitun:\· V'lTllll kowa'rt TTcrrbbns J
14.1666,6 I)6666Ii1146 I3;adea, J G1od-wn. 6N Y;T Ca44d 36414,
s466 I66664 6 a6d .646616646, 1 Lo.us.
SI'. 6616AR1,0S....Ma5 314 n F.6 nnc6 and 33,1 466 6 666t,
}V R 11.ylle,;666,6 1Minn )In 5. .6166na4, II' Wrren Johu
am:, Siioijppi6,646,660,,g, 4 6ew6Orle6661; AA 6.04mnnW,3'S
3166666d Yoldlc; J 6,,Od6606,, S IS B424'I.I,2, YOrk: 11 Jl31
6 ',1 l 6,61 62y,6 )31,66. A 31 416166in64, ew O2441 1666;
4.,,,. New O.6 6616,,, H Iin66, ,4.irgi1.; J Mo.466o, bile;
6.,.,;,, 1661166,6,666on 6.44,416d6611,,; .43421461466, 36,4
1 1, Iy ,s Cnfts ;- s.l .oK ],na~gherty Ioaisfnnx;.lames Bllrrixon, New Orleans' J
'666.6,' 66666666466 J.466,6) 14 .tan, Tennessee,; D1,s F':,Iy
4466 .lk,. 6,6 r ,66 6616;.T 6, 164d66,,,hns6u, W4ro.e Te66; 66 P6 .
tric, 6. r.i...1e 666 .6 II"Recd, 6.li,6rul, ; . 303nl6,6.and d6..i64p
.1I 66 66, ... 1 )l6.,,o166, ' 6J0,6,,,.6 3161.Ip M 63'n 4ai~p
4,,... I6,1,6"r.I-,;.,s,6,i J T, i6o inipp, l } F SA3',4
34;46,.,,, .666y,6,66,6 ly, Baltimor66; .1 6 cle6an,
'it'J"; .11-illlP1 CuutBI. John Stroud, Jrf~ew Or
Fenn,, is \ Cmnblbr nlll ladyl Rodney, J C P,,,n, Lzn
S T l,, [.nmlllr: II. I - Ralirceholl· lala .erra nt, ntller
16 V 66l.' 36,66,64· 2 66 liT 61,,,,6,,,.· 166,666,1166466.6IIH~
' c66-.666x",.,n Tongs: Miss I: ggda rcld L6ul6ia,, 6 ; Da2,d 211,arw
IF166.6666 NW 6l6.ll6lo 1..I I6.6.nn6.66 316nel461y.1666oll6r, , 3
416,6h;1,,T, 6,r, I,6666,, 314 164446,.3y66,661,d41.6 .6 61,
John I Iz'r, lfrd, It,:dnucha' R i f Snyder, St JePl I(;S
Pn, i,: I' I'Ii il lerr. Nvlhviil: ; F; C Groinsu, Triled States }rymy'
S11'l, n.,, Georginain
CI66,,. .Y l. 1..,, 66l6.666)64il4. ; C I111,11. .,6.66 ; B 16,e61s
4466,icnlll I. 6 ,, 6ll66,66V,6 661; I66;mth6l, I66664,'46N: 16{re,
46)3t 6 ,illiam ,, Allen,, S i6.-; 66S 6yi66666. 1466,tgo. 16, J
1,16,,,,..o 66.666, 1666crP,,61,I1666,; ,,4,,nr6,1664,6. .63,,,
.Sou . 6., Willi6,, 64itmn6, I6,6,66,6,,e, .lu6tr\ille; T Far
6.6666 61,666,6 )b6ar6, and 5ad,6 1-MlciV63., Ark, ; A S e,
46, and 36-t,6t,,,,,, ro66l,66,-,,. I6 -K,, h..6,, 166. .1,6.
6u1t i'o:,,t I'oupce; 1' F' Iicnfrnl, l'xnn; R J ,tlcphnot Milan
.C Iu son,66, V0,6,66,,,,,,; 16,,,, 6,,,or, Rat..6Reu6:
.61 h6..l 664 6.,,,..d ..y, K .6k)';I J fr 3,(6,.6;.66.oy,6,
Qag,\li" ""'' i S Tlenlani 'i, I:lint 55. · .J~lr lillt
1626 66.I66666. i 16 66.4d6, ,.,I,-,oR; 164F .66666664V Sv to
14. \I, .,l in, 66166,,.,,, 6yl6r 61 1T,.,,,,,.6. 66,1r, \r
6.6 I.166666666.1 I66t06 I16j : It W .6,.,,,It, 1',.! C661, ; 6,
F a61 66.,. -6,n, G 31,,6,, 6,, 66-66.,., 1666666616, 6.4066 1r ~n"
6, Ir fS~" ,Pi' St. Man: ,,-.6,, , 16 6 ,6,6, in,
611 36x,66 n 36r,6ll. 620,,,.,,, Ji,6,,N Catchil, F:R ,6 ,
wIlt +; "l",rgluwn.
V, .%TSI ; 1)-I)IIIOP 66L6:666I' 66,6,6,
6 6 6. .6 I,,6,66 66 . 6 n.6 6166 61n1,666 et.
W ANTEDI~---A Yot'NG ý.~ CAPl~t:I.S uF 'iEACIL
4,I 66646~l 61 6l ' 6.. b ,, ,be 66666 to, 6 6 66 166
u 6. u cuIsntry. Th4 b1346 r62.616666616.6 to 66pn061 n1
hn 16i 1i6 66666 r i ,6 666. Ad rI.66.666l,. 6'ic. I ..
T;1: .11 TI,.ll-.1 I71'( ,17'iU S 15001(-K 11":PK(, BY
.,g nlE~ur . who r,:ul L -61,rl the bi·~t refrllerences oth tol
tii,- aniin~d \Inbilc. \s h Le clill l to Ile t1- -ghly llv ipmp
t -11 ,"x pacs[·ct a lillrrlr salary, Addles, JJ~l. 1'. N., CrtCIII
W11 --~ 61-666 1631. 61
W 1N .U.-,,-,,, ,I 16666616 ,6 6 6A61666Y 6OR A
tr4. 6 e 6t,66, 6 6..," 6666,6,66 and term. 6,6 ir6
'YX NI V~')- 4~INO461IATIOO2.- 'T6(6 UN16064
!'V ...I T .,,6.n to .-,-,6. info. 6,664 o6.666,.,,,.6 6 FAIR
I'"°,',, sll hih nort been hrnrd o s666; . l6 e Promi6, d t,.,,rite
I Sat done "o andc ·. nn it is fearedi that h, Iil Be nd. Al,
,.ý~ klin~r his IllelcnllbVIII nr who11* ·.IO Itný r", l or hnrd ea nItim
F IOU. It'NT.¶- lION 'rliltl·:E-11T1111Y IV 111li
NIo , No. 1101IIoydrun 11 . Apply oI Ii pr1m Ies,
'1':L lrnnKC eu set. To a goed t1 lt til rent w ill Ihlo
AIIIII to 1;.I. UNA,
fr·l lot r rrr F.<rhnnae I'Inr; · rtllrl llht111J1111nn \ t rrrlx
yr Jra of llge. Kunnnteer in Cvrrv, n""pecl. Apply to L
,.to 61` ori\ liI· Ill ,7UII IlMl rl l0prei11(d. U. i~l~l
F l OR poullIII I rl E ',nnl 1111 r Nak e Ied; III ~ w11
nrommrnlel~t or h nnrn rl nel NOlll t 011 p t good p1I1101l100
JO OR Snl E I n IIIIIIN i IIe III0nII 1 NIl)-IlJ-nCI Iforlhi
TI'OR MAL A . N . 111 N IUI llAlIOB
nu 2t` No. S r~iflil etr ,tact.
(ýI/lt NI I : IIINnR.\ . T Innis-' I, t.WP 111
Fit Sr\rspnpr S SIE lill EIII' lNT'IIl 'I NI 111 In p ludu
tiF. ORMSlre1. II\t, im III CtIis INII INNIP,
u 1101l1 oad l ]0 ea1 t 111 d 1 1'i,;u 0', I', ,oIlli IOL 11 111111t
Flnq olre Illineul other, No. 12 CuI1 )tI1 ll AMred.I 4lOEO 151 '
to ,,it TOe nt Li Ull-tly lruc , butweclll U, ri l, Ir and Perdido.
I' \I-.·i~ippi, near 'lrrrmllton, con~taining nbollt i00 barells
ApiYt ,1 I 4 1 IAPA711Z
IllL'i N l I :i 1',IEIIIhoolI trI1l'
UTrL I CE(~IiU1'I'I1IiIPI'lr I~lpI.
E 1O 1 SAILE-I Ill ll:10 -l O ACCOUNI OF MY1
.C Itcnaosn to thke .\hitil Sllriups.
11,'te I II 111111, 11l nrds from IlO r 111111 nt II 1 ding, an0
P;l1FIrIlo A0'1 ,n 11,0101 H E l .WO O -P liB. I11111081 1
xlli n i ll Ihul cm ilseaieuer clire d (nr a plcllrlmt nulrllrar or
rl': ill~ornl in Holed fnr il* line Spriogx, to whichm ll' tlt
a IIh I, i N 1 11111p1 it 1 01.I e 10tl 1 11l yrlln f011r IIHII1ntII I II'
" h." aI clibcd. Its ertl11,1, I mar I hI j11111 d 111111 r1 e I nct
fam~ily of children aulnd wrorknluin, Hrl I~sic uevdr dllled in
't'ile properly Ct o nol"ialn of n tvo-story lt idle Iollsc, fours moms
hrll~iw and( font alXI\I. e, ,it IIC(I:Lll o It!hUilrdilI I OIcllnrdl
/:1aldrn, ' ThIe ,Lna I tI I It n let frUt frnt, N lol y ''N I
III Ie ' 1Thr III Ic heI o illgl i n 50 II or ,ore INH rn. 1 1r
rnindit11 it thlere is growth of mugnolin, ank, Inllel, pridu of
CkiIII rll·.
Cill lll u ýýut, or to the subUu."rihI~ r Covington Int1.. 1'. 1.
1'l. I: Im J, . li(1SSIRIIE.
".0(10 Sicily Lentil Tree.,.ci
2,& X.l~nl Oi , o lrng Tee'.u
l9.U1l1¢ II.aFalli Orange 'fl re;.
GUO Jlhllnriu UrlongI Trcr.,
A i·.ril lv of all 1, rods of Trop~icall Frtlllu andl I'laullr--r lle All
Fig, ItIrnuuna, Ycnl n·I III)IU il yel ow ino C .:n Plant")11 TronIIV IU de
rA.T 'I'1II RIIO d will hrP plllklid wlith :(1 ItlllO rre. Ordersa
tent to N 9'(:ilnmprtlrrltl to
It. F. N IUILOO.J, Importer of "11 liilld of P'ml ne,
111·'14111 t...n the Bffclilr rrnnlll n.
A UCPIOON NU'PIL'I:.-'1'lll tiL-f3Sl'ItlllPI( ItM:ý
let In rh~ll o til rill of Hrcil I~lls'··, Stor~ks, Negroes, ll
m:1iii .llrn Lc, .A n1011111 i nil all U II h IIII r 'o1110 111 VII -d") T r lea
`,:.us N lr \ill h~e kept opern for II the Real Rriilte and
T; Ilrl, Ii.· IuI, 1'ur mil.. eithlcr nln p, ware Ilnrln , nl· at lpli c nnc
ti",1.. I!, rrc 'iility in till, power trill l e utti'rrrl to I111 era Andl
6tll:illlr o I1II ii d.tlill r. (1~- 111 I il rr~ i~lle u
Oll tr oun ce (··llil*tl.(et
Wtilli Ih, Z·.; 1+ n'n ucc that he Niill glee 1·· \1011 1 1·r1111.(1 to Pil
1I1·· ·Ir.. nn alll its detallli,, lll e rl Ini that hr ill nllcril r n-In llC of
1'16 l i: 1II. 1 i l O; nll I~illl c (·t No. nap l).ii rect.i~
P ii, Fitt, lnl~il· \)Il I Iiu·, 1 olupl~ily. II !I11ioi rI~tlbli~hrd nnl c
RIP il..(l S". 7 r.I) C ail ll llill ~l (lour, llll i))ll · r-III.Y ll -. call
,ro,l ,~ll ir =t: S F iu P r iilhir m !.·- Im'gr + nl 01 hlll 111111(l iill·
m' r C s i:av u N ; iillg r° lu rn
wbir ··'· n :L., ,l 'ý \ : I.I-, · ··I,·\ :· . I'r · ·F:I·IIc l. n : nn e,
.ý:", + ý1'r rpn .lil u nprltotcnru+ft n "o
V~ar intum r AMU[ .f
S Now Orleonns, March 8,1806.
tThis Institution Is now uolly prepared
to resume bustness and to meet all Its engugementt, whether
for depostonr on time or on 7ll.
The oles, wtllbe open iml MONDAY IORNING, Msareh 10,
at lo'ltoi k. 3ytordelr of the hoard,
it. I,. ROBERTS ON, Vice ProeIdeut.
mil 3t I. N. IHILIPS, Treasurer.
MIr. Thohl keray's Lecturelr at Odd Fel
o iws' IalI.-A worti' of four Lectures to be delivered on
T'HURSDIAY the th llest.; on ATURIA)Y, the 8th hnit.; on
TUESDAY, til lilth hltt.:; and on 8ATURDAY, the 15th hnt.,
,ore e e ng RI 8 o'clock .M'. " '.
oubocet--" The Georlge their Courts atld Times.
Tlekeyts for the coure,, admitting one gentleman adti elit
ad'i y . ................ ... .................. 501
Adttl olle gentlellt nd two ades ................. 00
SInglu T,, et ......................... ........... i..
For sale at NORMAN'S No. 14 nam tt htretl and at the St.
Carles Bookstorehl. tinder Ile St. Chlatri e1]ote1. ttt It
TiCr~estCtett'l tr.,'
Ilty or New Orlettt, Moarisih 4, 1i.Pi
101-Tle public are hereby notified that t is
flo rtment i nw prepared to isue licensesto on profepoiolt, ind
for the payment of lnSI i gainstt thety. "ill.
0,5 ADAM 018FFEN, Tl'reiturer,
aI`Lyeesum Lectures. .Dr. B. A. nGould,
f hiethltdge, Ma1., lectureI iI LYCItUl 'IA s.L i AS
t7 lo'clock.
datmItt..cc to otch Leeturv.to eonts,
Tileket mirSy hEi id at tho .lbirary (No. 10 City itall,) or at
the Idoor of tle lyetllt HtI, I1open a5 7 o'clck.) mt3 if
'tUNIOt BIeN Or ,OltnItt, 8
.ow Orleaet Ilth Eebtiiry, 18t6.
121At whlee glm of the oard, held on tle
ilth tnst., it ens ltantmouSSly
tonihed, Tratt it vigw of adding permaneney to the il ofi
thtis stock, ado raltntillg itrettated facilities to the growlig
onegoiofiNew )ril ansit Is d1eemed expedlent sid Lthe mo
ment ftor lle for So inlcrease it the Cipital toik of tis 1,Snk
(tay lnt to exceed$l 0 U5X,) and to sthst end tilhe requtito notice,
iu Cloforllty with tile ERtll arltcle of the Charter authnooroab
the acme, be given to the, OttOholders. In obedience thereto-
Notice is hereby gK{en the books will he oplned to tIhe
StocNkholders thl rlay, (who are privileged for sixty dIyc,) for
tubser pt on to said increase. A Provilolnl Subtcripthmu List
is also opened to the public, fr said portion of nubd increase as
may not he tnken or lamy b'; wived by [he presellt Itoekholde's.
Sitoek taken lln{dpiId will s e entitled to the pro rata dlividend
to he decl'ed It.July next, tto be omputcd from the dsate of
p1;p101 (,,O. A. FtREIET, ..l.ier.
,- General Relef Cnomniltree, 0.0. O.F.
1eielorr or the Iretsent term : W. It. Ko0.iie President, No,
Exhiange Plice; It. DaSIl, Tr ealorer, to. 50 Baechu,
street; ]as. Folil~xne' Secretary, Odd Mellows' Hlnl, cornet
(:amp anll I,fatyellltestrelts;,ll. hto.r.;..I, Exeitige 'lnce, Pout
OsIe iuildlntllts; Jo.e RiY, No. 201 Camp ntreet; J. 31. CRAw
ronn, coimer CatLp tttd iriler tlreltt ; . W. LAYiolnRTOS ,
Fourth District; T. F. 1'Kxelos 0. Cautomlhoueo; 11, IL1. SAN
L', corner Teholtllpt las and Riellard street; J. J. Stte.
wo.ll, A. 1Y. 1SDoitCtt, F. I'. .,FtDZiNtenOt,, (nomnti
street; It. ASincetneei, Cust.o-house; W. oDlKsoe, corner
Tshotpitnl,,,, and ioydri d streets; M. tMColeie, Aleiers, I.
T. PAUL, T. icAuDAIS, No. 18 Chartres street; CtttnLeS (t-..
e)ula,,lr meetil,' he1 d the TIIRD iMONDIAYS i each
ontl, at Secretry's ofce In Odd Fellow 11nll, at 6t .o'clock
felt n. . JA MES .URN AUX, Seeretory.
A- I. O. 0. F. - Loidoulal Lodge No. 1,
meesl EVERY FRIDAY EVENINGd in Room No. E Odd FPl.
Iowa' Ill. Oltrorao-.-OHN I. NdRSIENT, N. f;,I J. it.
OR7NNISON, V. 0.; J. Ii PORTER Yo1F0ary; 1'. LOI.
ELLE, PI'ormaol lt Scretary; H. OILLINGHAM, Too,,,.
rer, fe26
Jed 1. 0.0. F.-Howard Lodge No. 13 ,oot,
PFelo,' 11, aT 7 o'clock. Olloer,-J. 0. DUNLAP N. 0.;
Secretory; GEO. H. SHOTWELI, PoSeoSretary; A. DEROLA,
Tleluurer J as
liý" Attentlool Company 0, National Goard.
Yo b ereby ordered to attend Drill every TUESDAY EVEN
ING, at 7 o'clockr; .leo, Monhly Stetlog the lnt Tu'eday of
olh Fmonth.
0181 tf CHAR. IOIREL, 0. S
- Ateotlono ConopOnyB, National Guard,
You are hereby ordered to assemble at Englo Hall, corne Pry.
tani nod FeliciO sDOrmF, every SATURDAY EVENING, Ft
, o locik. for rill: Dad FOtend MGFnlhlpM1eetinglo og, he
60 oFder of th Coptai.
lylE 10rles 0 L Mmhall0 Is a RcandAdate .or
REoordo, of bol E'uootb IliFboct. Eloudoo Rn Mo.odh, 106.
30,-A MIaster-Pioec Out Done. - W have
laoy upo0Fd AVEIOO CHERHRY P"CTOrOl oo was thle UVI
timn Thole o Ii e and that nlothigal,,d been or w Fld be in
ve01d01 Ihb-O0 Ol-,1 spass It in its Oe point, or OITellenI o n0 n
NDhcine. Rooloooo nr oooodedtll iooourod by tlle competent
to J- 'T o- thle sdooll that Ir. Ayer', ,oeo Pill. excel iso blog
w01 00bidelyilehlOted nlotdool oorly
IEoll. II, d I in ooo d lo loog them M0 only ol'l .llo.nL to
takie hia powerlld to care t.le Iarg clans of omplaint, whloc
Q. Iru,~' o'u r, J,(f-,en ter Ah~ter .goy , Ky.v
fo"lN 2ldoWW anlbidl di.T fityL DOOOIIGI.
010010 at the o011 of tlh City hlobe, or at No. 9d3l rooode
Ice steet. nlu Ig
I [IIITET, oopoooc the L~fonyctte Rrlbdbood Depot.
('I1,1AIIPAIO;NI J; INES-Clbbgoqool Ilobobob6, l'olbiul ooo l othe
loooolbbodo s,1 Ff1perior GOLTIEN OIIERRV;
(III Oooooob Sid,. NlIAI)EIRA; oOp boi- od PORT OVINE:;
Snpcrlor CI..blIbT., 'o the, best br1nlodo-lClooooau Mo-g,,, 1.1.
.1010 n D plobvriey of WINES, JII.OlQ'lR oon CORlDIAIS;
0 oo1.fooo odd lIIGNAbC-Otoool, Ro1o olod ,J. Ilcunea opy.
A large nnlur lomo, of FREIISI IIROCEURITI can, odloo, be
1011u61d a. Ihe "RERIER."
m 0 tE.T, ER11R
r' I.EfI\ .Al'C; tti, liltclpal.uwyer nt the Bair of I·;lris,
now PI1:00000Ir lhot il'o.,,o LnngEogogIand French Lteraturo
hI, 110 1.010,er000 of Louilono.
!RI French rl 1.ool oolri o'clock, Itrry ntming,
nt liis t-ti. University I(Ruddillgi, crllr or Ilnronne And Crorm·
.an streets. m103.J
V mIj, mi, 0I llCo oy 000t an Aonchor UCIIA.AIIAGNE
11,00F 0L.C100101, Pt, She0rry, hI 101 (1001.1(00100n Chamber
lin nn l oool WINES; Anisette;1ooohio; Cameo.; I:oo n
( ,nCea hn ialoo~nlclol Seabee,o etc.; leicer' it.,
0r-n 1W01110o'oISollnplo. Foroads y
m0 10. F. Lt-. 1'O0(ER,I. lI Cmnosret
I' Ir 10,teen Ind11101p. hb' il, CIII 0, oof 10000 10'
o tol, orlocr of 00 .r of thOe Lest 1'k . the turf In the Old
l'o,0rrt. ad ,ollo',l iooo'oo 0,'ilr.,ble 00,0 to t1,e Ibeoeding
ailnldlferetlh a , l :d wiih llj b, old ou reooioololoorrmh by Il
E1,1,101'7', iu whooe hanos he is tell. 1a0 bh 0,00l t t1h
10S. It Imllnycctte erect.
Tb wubscribora hate colnnnica-3 inl this city the manufacturelr
of n Sllop (for Fily, Ship 0 1 Steamboat a ohioil the)yPn"
0nl' to the10 1 pblic r i0s 00pp00100. ill with theREST
ollopo n0100,hlts lall 100 repmainna, 11 l,iooo -oollonoo 0ith f000
lulu f000m tho 1iooyroohlo effcc,1 of orlioooy 000s i0 use, and
o'illI e fnno.llo poo trial, to pl,(I1 wn(hi00001010 l IO per
10rti0 ,, an-. is 0110111110-II -l 100010101 010 igr11ediru01 ill iienl
11111ntit to 00011r 11[c lin 11d111' , of Indies' apparel.
'0 l 000I11000 of 1111 l O~lnl001nt1 :and olhlle, Loin, able to
01ppl111' telo~lolooo -t-a11 00110 0 n 1110 Rlly 0111101 if not
Lecto0r, inhale of hlomeII ,IlnlInlfnOOllc, Hil, 0'Iel000[01 1110
n glnnrr, and lho! slberi~uis r,",pcct~nll muliil errounge.
11110 II. lIhE1l C
BEEl'-IEI r ice 1101101 (1111110 l I dia ,1001 , fa100 rito
JL 6rlld, fal' mic btr
0l0 S. II. EENNEIOO' 5 111.211 0o01I0 reel
BACON-0sI k hams, id r rid :bolooldo r, s for 10 al b1
1010 S~. Fl. KENNEDY 4(` O, CO., Poydraa treet.
iREAT-0 cask10 1010 S0lt. for 01i10 (If
.13 11110 S. 11 IdI.lNENDY hCO. CO. 20000sre0 t
FCLOUR- 1WU bblS Sllle One Inntllng, for " by I~
mI . li. K~a;VNFDY ,E GO, W P'Iy(1rIR vt-t.
GUNNY lAGS-20lnlalo foa I:> 100-1-0
n1110 S. if. KIC:NNI) 9 I:Y 0 Poydrle streT(et.
osT's pa TENT P.OUG 11 and SCRAPER.
'V 11 1111000 LABOR-SIAVIN I\II'LEIIEMN:NT 1(100
11n 0 ued maya11113 ondo ykio ooiloollo 0000
111.0000, hi fly-1 , ki. d l000ded. 0110ays01 re
(00 1110 1l4l lgino, ooolrr Cofolon hl rel.
a-y paidc falr tile lrprl lhllaill l mad deiii-sryto thu sllrcrsifncrf
'R 00110100. G1TN EdS, P1hEAS.\N T, )lolilc, Ala., o101,
3hyO EI(IIEIIICK, h.0, on the Rl0l Fhooooy.y ohnollded
rul tllrio 01101 11 0 i0 10 olile0 c1r1s11
Said boy is n brighlt uloIbol ooillo. 1'ohrkld fuor,hooolo
l,,r, keen block hI yeEand dowo t look;100 1 bouto Io eall0 rs
of g1'.
Any inlforma1ion concernin0g11im 1 0 bh addressedo to eite
mLe,-l. O1ates ,1 Ple,,aot, 1obilo, or
Intl 6t^ W. 11. 101iN, ,hlA'rdeenl, Miss.
(iAN9DLE6-1000 Lowey Proctor & Gab,,l's Stn, Der dies,
00)001') LANBIO & (:0.,
rub 33 TF,,npi),0,0 street.
ALCO [OL-O F),). IForle'). 99 o,.c. Proo,, far '00,. by
JOSI":PH 1.,\N1IS ` O0.
rt18 _ _t i Tehupitolllus Itrcet.
BIIANDY-5 g 4nnrter casks Dourest fo Ir sale by
mg :i3 oupitouloIstreet.
W ILISK Y-50 bbls (iron) F),d) MooFlgFln, for :dc by
)V0 19)l1 IANDI)S S 00.,
mS 2)3 Trlhuupttonlas street.
STARCII-50 00 10)00),nl or.cls
bJOSI'11 LANýiOS 099).,
m49' 33 Teltoapitoulln .streot.
JJA0OD-1Wl )) r and tieres ch)oie 0e)U, for sale by
(0100))09:S, Ot oS 0 C:0.,
ms_ 15 T))oup)it) lla)s street.
l An l"-100 tierce chpice Fllpnr (od, tar sale by
9))0)))IFOb, 01)0)000s k 1:0.,
1173 15 'honpifaolHR street.
I¶1LEIoS-.UO bes 0)illito') St , fr W)e by
P 00000)90G, F (RI 0O .,
n~fi 15 1'rho ,)iln ),)o)street.
TEEN-60 h( I1' Lbilh Inainiek's Brtmtrp If-, f or skis by
'UND O II TS, fl RII10$ , 'r
mS G ll pion h treo~t
POJUI-50 III bbl. nlomnnichs' I'ig, for solo by
S ,4 15 L'5 dF),l FF9010090:
BUTTrF ER- 5 I'f b LL RollPflo Lwd IBE.
I00 IIp1ES, 00) \yL CO10,)
Ins5 15 TrllupitoubIi street.
r uU-llrI·s -
IJ boxes Sheled .ALMONDS
00))) FOkw-) )00)) 0ANTS
1115 No. 3fi Gradrer st reet.
M/ sllrrihclr bas heoarr ilnll on huod nI fall assorhnent of
It rvssed Lumberl of mel beal lllnliO. a lpliird from the Ilngdad
rStrlln ]tills, f E. E. Simpson A: Co.,) near Pensacola, Florida,
Le 1, laga of
Illrrow Flncrinq, tangoled end rooved,
will, FlosirFrqlnr edged.l
ieil~ Floating, , i lllcol and groored.
\Cide sad Narrow C(eiling.
\\vathelle Ilola do rto.C
Alpo Stripsr, Intll, nlrh, Dor nils l Juldna d
Rougch I.lhnlllr of all lesrlr -allh-nl of lr4l il b 6
eithler whiale'ale or retail, oln thea most Bvornblo terms,.
E. W. DOR(R.
.in0 3m N. 13 Crorinjilol anding, N ew naii
rv inr inIb" I1inr I rin;; ine. Morels .,II Ill f-bnrrrl n loCe. ''T~C R~
.\Ct '(TOO CiS . MER(RI(L.
Snillrk ~leb :., li ··, .n ;;i ·il I',lr ". Ito~ Sham" NgsL~ig, Sb eePP
`+11.11.: I(t614.:-yl'ENC'kIl FIELlD 0 ('0)., DEALERSM
3a @~demrra St" larult.
Cnokunn inF·. Hgi O1 A 5 li
as thee lat The Baltic's oalcer checked extravagant opera7 -
kions In cotton whichtr, h aow ve, he e fallowed t y tht e t
commeneement of a moro active businus in Wester 5prod uts, 8,
the stockst f who h are dai ly accumulating at na rapid rateA t
good dwemald will spring up, for Alabama, (iGeorgin and Txas,.
and tie lorttlwcitem section of our own tntle. The rcmuner9t
ting retur , for cotton will lead to largo Invstments in every I
kind of Westernt products, and it has never fallen to the part of"l
the historian to recordg , ltt treats o0itngdipcnly to a spring's
business than that which i. now programing. Turn which everI
way we will to out great Levee, our gre thoroughflres, our 3
wholesale and retail dealers of every grade and every class, and
we have unmistakable evidences in supportof our views. That
there is more business doing at this moment than eror ihas been
before, is manifest from the activity of loans and discount with I
our bankl, which reach the present week to two millions and six
hundred thousand dollars. Loans.to this extent, would have
never been solicited had there not been business to warrant them,
thogh the sales of produce are not to the amount of last week.
There ha been a very fair week's operations in Exchange, up
proathtag two millions and a half of dollars'
ioney is accumnlating. The wekly statement of the Bank
show'tn increase in deposits of 318.032, which, with the In.
crease of last week, makes 9579.,9 for two weeks.
There as bntlittle paper on the market to-day, and every
thing in the way of negotittitions was quiet. Some small amounts
ofr 1 paper were placed, which was the total resultof the day's
Stocks continued to enhance In prices. 102was ofered for
UnionBaink, and 101% for Bank of New Orleans, Th0only
ale wa 25 shares of Merchants' and Traders' Bank (the rst i
sale of this stok for some thne) on P.T., but blieved to be at
The Exchange market to-day presented a firmer appearance,
particularly for New York funds. Thie anks sold checks at 3
per cent, discount in small and % discount In large amounts.
Out of doars tile amount offering was slack, and in som ,aections
tihe demand was not fully supplied at tile opening rates of the
moring, to for sight drafts, Good time bills were dealt i
to some extent at 13; and % $ for 60 days siglt, and 70 days date
drafts forbankers' bills, and 60 days of other grades from 1% to
2, 2%, 2% and 2% discount.
Sterling wa.lrmer than on any day of the week, without,
however, recovering the decline established since Monday last.
Good clear bills were taken at 8 per cent., and some bills of lad..
lng drafml at 7X. We quote the closing rates for clear bills at 77a
to 8 and 8%, the latter for remittance and bills of lading from
7iftohi. The market has bien well cleared of francs. Some
small sums were wanted to-day for remittance, which were
dimfficult to he had under 5.25au 5.233, the market closing with
a very scant supply.
Ad vees from New York of to-day, rcelved this evening,
quote Sterling Exchange dull. We also learn the arrival of
the Africa, with three days later adviees frbm Eumrope, which do
-t favor any advance in cotton, though peace negotiations were
reported to be progressing favorably3
Th's corresponds with our views heretofore expressed that
cotton would not advance materially. The intelligence will,
however, be fully considered by the time for opening business on
The weekly statement of the Banks to the Board of Currency
tie morning represents the following variations from last week :
uncreasc in .S cie of ...................................T4,14
Increase) CCiculatlonof ..... e............... .... 195,5P9
Increase hin I posflts of .................................. 318,032
Increase in Exchangeof ................................ 325.551
Increase in eollectinnaccounts distant banlee.. ......... 281,692
Decrease In Short oans f of: ............................ 163,119
The variation for the week 11n long and short loans is two
hundred and two dollars. The statement In the aggregate is a
very strong one.
The line of deposils is largely in excess of the two provious
years, being for the sawl. puriod in 1854, $12,777,918, in 1855,
12,2, 38,916, in 1856. $14,2-,923.
Condition of the Banks ot 1h is)eiýfor the tcruk e1$di8g Snllurdol,
.tfarrh , 1856.
t'irculation. DePosits DueD. Bk.
aunk of Lrousiana............ s89,34 2,990,456 936,727
Louishma Stare Bank......... 1,371,880 3,885,298 422.775
Canal Bank ..... .............1.155,180 1,118,631 95(,04"
Citdecrs' Bank ................2,865,315 3,409,123 189,9'!9
Mdchanics' tond Traders' Bank. "177,r(( 947,091 106.2$3
Luion laulk .................. 722,205 811,960 260J,38
Southern gsnk ... ........... 219,.3' 315,151 1,2 1
Bank of Ne1Orle0n1......... 641,1O1) 859,69 39,130
10,472,179 $14.266,f83 $2,232,793
-peice. v0 day paper. Exucbnage .
Citie of Louiian a ... ..... 2,0514,89 3,.10,1'7L 1,322,914
Uni o na nk ................ iL26,71.2 4,939S,34 4 701,0.5
aohen Bank ................. 69.09 3.15.°06 I05,382
r Bank of New Orleans........ . 315,22 1],206,fi1 201,013
C;,....., a.. H ,otsssat .for ,4 B444.1.
Marc5 l 1. 6larch 8.
Spesi ................4 . 7,2.,4295 8,437,641 7lt....534.146
)irc) l atio ............ .276. 4 8,472,4179 Iu ....15,595
I)epoits ... .........13,98,251 14,20W,983 lne....31.,3,22
SBort lonns........... 18.52,311 18,189,:23 85c..1;3,119
MSbage ............. 6,103,501 6,2,5.66 IJc...32.51 51
Dsoldistat Ba1nks..... 1.523, 21 24.2,703 Ine.....214,672
Lo51gand Short Luoan,, Mnrcb 1..4................. 2, t
3Long and Short Loan, .sMarch 8 .................... 2,232,6
Actual inscreas for h week ..................... $8262
'theme is, howeer, a great increase iu tile line of loans and
disoeout. this seaon over the same period last year.
Total5amount of .diou4nts a4d loans, 3larch 8, 1850..$22,274,686
Total a544ount of di4eounts and loans, 54are1 5, 1855.. 18.919,916
Excess for 1 56 or 1,555................. $3,312,76
It in reasonable to consider that this expansion is due in some
me(.25.uto 4 g(rowing increase in tile trade of tile city, aul 5ith
sone oblications renewed over from last year,
,intc the last table of receipts of specie tile following stlms
have beeu received :
St( .lnor M xic Fm4, 4 etn ....................... 4,5,78
4:. Bealer, from Alabama............... ...... ,O 0
. o.(4le4ly(. from Louvlle ............ 42.W1
u. Iro obile ............................. 1,00
Srllr. Ed. Ilarsrd, from Tlmpico, silver ....7......... 71,31
5c4r. \ 4il4t4iffer, from ,BraI o, ilver ............ 7,23
Brig 4reole, fr7 Be5lize, ilver .................... ,)
Stems bi p t .e',li!,l-. from lll',,.o .......... ........ 156,492
Previou6ly rac55 e4ld since 4 st Septem er ..............3,316,18
Total re.eied4 snee 1.t Sept., 1655 ..............$3625,79
|'here were aolnc sales of .Mexican dollars to tlhe extent ot
The a5mou5 of mloley 5 il4 depo5it, helunginlg to tle o('er4m4ont
at tile last umonthly reort--say tie last ,Monday in Febrluary and
sulrect to dinft was $22.114,916
Amunnt on hbaud Inat of Jnllnar\ ................... 24,5.9,900
1)e.r.as' f,,r the euno lh1 .. ................... 0) , 4,&S5I
Or tie aluotllln oil dep-oit, here was in atho Branch Mint .New
Orleas,. $2,021,949 ; Assistant Treasurer, Boston, $",99, i II : at
4(w York, 55 .651.16 ; at St. Lou27, $1,81,8,3,2. Assay Ofice,1
e.w Yolk. , $7,744,514. Mint at I'hiad(lph'a, $3,3($,854, Tru5ls
f5r ordi:rcd to New Orlell, $1~80,00.
The,5 oloile Journal o" Commerce and Price Current, of th4
84h. says:
The n ie'rs are all In fine boating order, and the receipte of
prod1ci( ther4eby ar4 to 4 fair e5tent. The cotton tables4 I5w.
ever, show the arrivals of this article to have slightly decreased,
thongs: they largely exceed tho.e of the corresponding week
1l4 eaer. The 4hip.n.4ts have also been very heavy, reac4ing
tile large amou5nt of 3(,581 bales. Th6 extenlsive arrivsls and
shipmelts of eotton and produco have imported an alaimatell ap
peara5me to all pmrts or the city. The demand for the leading
r ttlels is oln tile same liberal scale noticed at the date of our last
r4o5rt. Sto4k6 of "5e4ter produe are l 6ght, owl(g to the ill
orrupthio n 6. tilt' ultiglon of tie Uppler 5lMsissippi and its
trlbutarics by tile late fr'eee. To this cause is mnhdly attributaed
the advlto notiiced i0 bu0tter, cheese, flo5r and Iork. Cosfbs
.nld hay ]lave allollo d nr goer an imlprovement, and lumber anl
115644,s05 have I4 u(4war4d Lte4mln4. Freight7 have adva55 ced,
and the rate of Exchang6 are 4 4n 4 sade hidlser..4In b45on 5,n4
44ndbs alone, w are 4 enabled to 4 a5 prices have declined.
3Ine, 5on4tin4 e ple ts very little di5 iculty 1 bl4 e1 p erinced4
1. negotiating gRod 5 ,gtres5. The seather has been variable
5t times the sun shone forth very brilliantly, and a624n t(e 4d4
s 164palld4 a hi4illy, tle clouds 4 2wear4g a t46rea4en7ng 6 appear
5n444. (ain i4 filin4 g while we write this notice.
jbieiu ot fly Jarlhetz.
COTTON....The demand was moderate on Saturday, some
buyers holding brak for the Atfrica' accounts, which did not
rrile mail business was over for thoe day. Tile sales reaebd
about 6500 bale, prices ranging generally at our previous qu
tuatious, which we repeat:
Inferior ....... ....... 5("(. 6.. Middling Fair ......10O (61001
Ordinary ..............' H!:t8L Fair ................... (u:
tddl ........... G ai....... .9'a()@9 I Goodn d Fair ............-(:
TGood BCd...lig e id not hear of 1a ale.
Cotton--boles. Tobacco-hids.
Stock onhand Sept.1 155........... . 40,537 11,715
Received sones ............ 1, 2 12 5.0
SOSterndy......... l1,i59 4
- 1,305,786 - 5,052
1,3464423 10,707
Expo red to d ter...........1,0N 0 ,1 15,6S1676 7
Stootdo o ........ 11.002 010
' --I,00,73 -- 15,08
277.,20 1,159
SUGAR AND MOLASSES...... Sogr was firmer and in
good reu0ist, with sales of shout 650 hIld, t 7.a.@70c for Fair
to F olly Fair....Of Molasses 1100 bbls were sold at 33t1033c
for Fair to tloice, snd net or two lots of Choice in half b4ils at
2te 9) gallon.
FLOUR. ...The marke wao s dull, the sales including 750 hbls
Illinlois ild luolian at $6 870il'$7 for Suo;erine, and $8 for Ex
tra, n id o00 Mir0ouri0 (bakers' braid) o private terms.
GRAIN...IPoru was in fair req.ust, Wii!llo les of oo seks,
of which 1500 Mixed 0and White, part in rotton socks, at 48@52e,
200 White at 53, asld oi0( Prime White at 5ic 90 bushel.... No.
tiling of any consequence was doing in Wheat....Of Iye W90
sacks were sold at 5', and the sooue price was offered for a
largo lot.
PRO1E 'LSIONS..Pork was lower, anlld we noticed sales of
240 bbls ULinspected Mess at $16, and 2i0, in two lots. on plivate
te4'n0. Retailing at $16 50()'.16 75 9 bbl for es ......
Small loS of BIcon Sides were sold at $874, and round loti of
Shoulders offered at 8e 0 ....Of Lard 500 b0ils tower dipoood
of, comprising 206 No 1 at 8J7a(00, and 26 Primo at 5(d0,9!0e 7
l....O Dry Salted Moets a lot of about 6M0,M00 tbs Sides was
sold in bulk. at 6E34, 24,000 b at tie same, and 10,000 t 6c for
Shoulders and 65sc 7A 0 for Sides.
TALIOW....A lot of 472 bbls and tierces Wester, (Louisville
Rendered,) part in poor packages, was sold at 91.c oI-an fur
LIARD OIl....We notolerd a sale of 25 bbll Chilled at 95e
COFFE....Good 0000demand, with sales of 2770 bags Rio, ilo
cludihg 900 at 11), 35O at 115, 750 at 113), 500 at 11 13.16, and
125 at 117c 9 .
TIUNNY BAGS.....Friday' sales embraced 105 hbales (of
which about OG0 were then reportoed) omprisdng 1o06 at 13c, 250
at 1354, and 50 at 14e 1 lb.
1C1 ....140 tierces were sold, to arrive, at 4%1 y lb.
CA. NDI,IES.. .About 1000 boxes Star have been sold withi
the last few days, mostly at 24c 9 lb for good brands.
WIISKY....Tie market woso unsettled and prices still lower
The sales embraced4 3 bbls Rectified, in lots, at 30(32c, anu
0om1 low proof at 28 gallon,
PI1 EIOGITS....A hlip wos taken for Havre at o 1C for Cot
C It .0: ", nt011'000i.010e0the0r1mo00(80.
EXCHANGES.... Foreign WI. nreirm, end we ynte:
Sterling .................. ........................107'Y~r
Franc ......:............ lf.2l.. 9 2f.O. p; Boller
NewYork tety~day BIII. ................... ,e et.Wc die,
Sigbt Check. on KerYork .............. @'dd:
JorreoOo C('T, ?trchl 9.
Thle ,apply of Beef' Cattle continue. very ample, and the or.
kOL elsy 099 plrb~or fllI 9yok ,f 1,gs 9llhrin rg i
ktee o ncae. h.rk flgs ergwa asmall, and we beer of only rrtnil inlrea at advanced mrate, Only
few other tork offer.
BeEr 0ATTLE-4 I',,,innd .9099..:'.·.::.·hg····......
Stttt .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. ........ .....S:: r:: r, :A)
sau' .. i lpt. ....... .... ....... . . . . . . 5 K s
999999999~~ ~ .0999...C
C& a:?l9990... ................ ........... -t
Y-Floc licntluclek .........................:.rii~y
IrdIllury ................... . ..:...ifi4
(.dr.Ce.AND 1 A It 1.1 Yll .......................:.........gL(4'8t
MoNsDA', March 10, 185.
Sleamclhip Cahawtba, Bulloch, for Nev N oro : n HI tavana,
Jame 0 Connoly &co
St emrhip C ,landerbilt, Smith, for Key, \1'st vali Florlda portx,
" lg: is M i Ro grp kco
Ship Locahel, (Brit Roger for Literipool, .at 1 tarlton ttco
Ship John Ntrmau, (Brl) Glltrn, for Liatrpw.a,
~Js fdlarrl on fco
Ship Edward, (lrlt) H1r1ey, fatfo tLverpOol, oSybndtT & Ncvia ,
h1pZehoa,t Brit) Rber oan,fr, fat Lltr dgt.
Ship Rhoderick Diu, (Brit) Owens, for Livee ttil. m. co
Bark ,Chiefttln (Lrit) Scotf for Olangow, J P Whtney , coIO
Brig rownrille Ro erx. for ITarnua. Ooldeabow & Lesparre
Schr Isnao Tunuel!, [.lbrook, for Chandelier IIlnud,
.1 M Elauore
Sehr I [I ontafue, tButler, for Haanna, ioldehbow & Lotparrt
5th, Con uett, Jein5,i far Peascola, . John HIurley &tco
Atenehip :larle M 1or"'gn. Lawless, fro Inndianola Gal,
ton, to Darr & 3Lorgan--lst d1,& d r .
Ship Chlateterlmea, E-tts, from Cardif, Wale0 , 9th December.
to John Touro--Point.
Bark Tammany tIeehan, 25 days from Boston, to G W Lyn
son 1,co-- 0 district .,
Bark .Jacob Prentla Kelly from Metanms 29th February, to
J B Muarrison--3d dditric.
Brig Florentine, Aras, from Barcelona 4th Jauury, to master
3d dlatrct 23.
Schr rgenette, Handy, 13 days from Aspinwall, N G, to ma
ter--2Id dlrtriot.
Schr P i Brown, Forbes, 2 dare from Mobile, to ma!ter--Hasiu.
Hchr Delphriue No 2, Irom BIay St Iuis-Basin.
Schr Molthene, osTE, froAm liobfouaT-B0atn.
Schr Vittori, Fordt , rom TcthW efunta--t,
Sctr Saraht Bladent I.h, kfro Penrl Riaer-- uitu.
Schr Baltear, English, from Hay St .Loui--Baslt.
ctr Florida, lichols, from Ba St Louis--Basi.
ScOhr Alcyon, frotm aonfouca--aian.
Schlr lrtn Margtaret, from iloxi--Battlo
Schr Maylowler from Amite Rtiaer--Basin.
Stlt Cltmentinet. Nictl, from Bay Si ,out.-Basiu.
Schr F Mmrque, I.und, from 'ascagoula--Basin.
I.ewia Whitemano , W tllace, from Ytaoa Rior.
P.I. Cobb, Northrn, from Camdon.
Ben Franklin, tToney, from Loaisaie.,
Alboma, iGraeff from tinden.
Sdontal Jonston, from Mindco.
Princess, tIolmes. from Vickebnrg.
tease K Bell Catierlin, from Cinchitati.
Catherine, Lundy, from Pearl River-Ba.iu.
Owamp Fox. Kioanat, from Grand Ecore.
Delaware t 1, ctry, from Cairo.
OpelosaOs, Noeal, from Gros Tete.
Amanda, Wltson, from Dlinden.
East oft ttarriso:1, from Tennesse River.
SF Trtabne, ,White. from M tmphlx.
Catlifornia, Myera, from ,oabile.
Caub, Helm, from Mobile.
Htaort, Mfoody, from Jeifrs ot Te..s.
T.t Lcatlet , t Bennett, from Lttle Rock.
Indiana, Barker, from tCineianna,,t
imnrs, Stein from Cine fli.
Nmprexs, Shearer, from Te'nekee Rivet'.
America ,.ohnson, from Nashile.
Music, Joftrlo, from Jefferson.
Ruby, Poltewnmt, from Gaugetorgwu, ]as.
Towboat J L, Day, Brown, from the Parses-went done light-
s rougnt nlp bark Jaol, Preatisa, brig Florenthne and achr
Towboat Mary Kingaland, I'hillip,, from the Pnasese-went
down lighto-br nght up :hip Chesterholme and bark Tam
*003Steamer Musoc rports Red P.R.cr fNaling rapidl4 foom
Shireveport down; pnnsrel slrelrmr -ampmI Fos nbgl-on d at heal
or 0)ai3444e Islaod.
-gSlpoocr 1ll0o04 r5poo holohlg let Ca)iro on toe 31
lust, a 4 o'clock P \l: no bouts i,)port.
LV3ERPOOL--Ship I.ocldol-1004 baloe, lo11on, 240 ,1. , co
501 redo, 1"g'.
I.IVEL, I0000-Ship John , Noimn-31 IIICB ctton, 6100
ancks orn,
1,13ERPFOOL--hip Zo0l-,i-70 b,1aes)o4), 061 bog, 12
I'M"s on rake.ir
LIVI4RP RP43-Ship 1114003ri7 14-2109 1,1les.otton, 170
3,0 tallow. I615 L)k, ,4cnt, 4041 t10 hel, 41)444n e.,
LIVERIPO(II.-Shil lidmond--IF;. bales cotton, 21111 DUI
fl6r, 4o2 sk3 orn 150 r1dnr II e 1 lW 0110044.
1I.ASOOW-Bark, 10hie0fti,,n-2231 0411,otton
11AVANA-Brig0 Rlownsil-35) Is 244 kg. ikdl, 30 tiorco
Iou. 20 b34 004)4'.
11AVANA-S4,o (1 11 M.,,,ontpgo-549 4e0395 kegs 1-1, 0
3b,10 tallow. G0 boo p4ok, W lo, 1,0,,,,. 140 sirs corn, 2)03' tor
p44)4nc. 34 Ck4sal. ash.
CIHANIELIER ISLAND-Feht Is0n4 Tnulooll-ln balast.
BOSTON-tonrk Essex-500 bo10 44ot114, 5 bales rag, 3d.
mos4, 2 do rotp. 331 sks orn, 12 31id4.
NEW YORK VI A1I.AY.1NA-S0oo43)ipI (o obohrwn--8"2
Dtles otton, 32onlos skins, 100 103 6 033) L, 200 033 04llo4,
501 ten stenrlne, 03 bxs Prc~crves, 50 pkgs mdse.
KEY WRST ,AND FLORItOA PORTS-0,toootldp 413 4."
derbilt-153) 3141 6'"r, 24 ,W4d poro, 5 do liq)rs. 00 oldawgar,
230 sks corn, 40 1,1 , m 10 , goblo 4er0 41 s01)1s.
PENSACOIL.-Beh1041,1)4P41-310) ,ks c014. l33 01,, oat, W0
do toltee 100 do salt, 301 bhl, 14410),15 do l', 51)443441u. 31
do potatoe, 30 do onions. 24 do pork. 10 1bbl 0ol4044 514.314
4g40,31 5 t44h1s. 14 1,1,115 Isol4, ock . rice31, W0s c1lln,. r141
CABDIFF-SP-ip ('hA4!ernln-c-45,A 14444 railroad ho:. to T
BARCE4ONA-Brig Igtrontine-Assorted wines. call.
M.4T.N'1SZA4-Bark I ch Prelisn- bl 425 hh 544(ugar,
185 bls molnsIBs S \iehols4,44 -lot fruit to mu4er.
ASPINWAIL-B4hr Argeusttc-tlu ballast.
144STON\-Bork Tammany-Ass4 ned 4sss rchndi4
'4DIAXOIA AND GSALY 4T44N-4 444444~p 4425425 lor
444-16 bales cotton -.44I14 114444 4,444 4d, or man4o;
4 Ity,_" 94444442544 B 44444 Y 44, 444-S 2541414-40 4 Bt4d
ford-B60 bbl, molasses B54hnn4non, (Carr4ll So-10 - tobacc
A(il 44,4,4-1Ul hld42 2 ,44.s skins 4 ,44kA kD,444s'-257
hides Ibal kiisA Thoinc ken--32 hides 134 13 444s445sJ ar
44b144!5, sgt-s- ,1425 to 4 .\ 4 4cr-F IF Fol4gr 13.044d4 \04
Ci- U-1,'d)o a B4,-T ill 46 b4le,4 4 44044
444RIL16-Steemc Coln-215hales c1441 - Fnrl4y, Jo44e ke44
1 bbl suu4rita J AG M1it4 &-4-I0 1 onio4 s 30 14kgs 68425 4,,a
snndrien to R f~eddes and order.
9IILE:-StBmrer 444444442i5,4 bales 444,,n Bradle4y, 544
so k 4o-41 J T 1125,1442525-14404ith k 1154,1,-1U4-445 o4
bur4s 9gcotton gins4114(2nrt5 r Se's--4 pl44a mds A\{ S44444
15 boxes1 3 b444`1,us 142444444d1e R Beddes-2, doG 2 au2 Co..
4ol4 44-2- do J J M4 4bo44-T4a 162 454les coton.
GiEORBGFTOGWX-St4mrr Ruhr-103 b4les cotton 444 e44o
k Bs4etnlf--IB2 I10yu 4 Ha2rrison-39 Worig44. 14re tort 444
68Byssr s2442 91 e 4nkolYro,0444 44 tnus 142
11-20 OoH y A4-20425 Fries4 Slder- ,4 Mils, 25o045 Wa s&-1
0 11 A by On64 lades cotton. Ada., kco- a i t.--soo
dries to oorde-otl6 er-Totabl &5.3
BOBILE.-Sch4 P 4 Bross-S bbls n44 a stores to )fay,
Yaulook kco.
BAY ST LOUIS-Schr4 Dlphi444 N. 2-344,1 feet lumb2 r t5
IO3NOUCA-4-444 BI SPsG4B,4-24,0441 feet b4ob42 B1 E
T41144:FUC\C1\-S41h Vic4ori4-204 b4425 4sd to order.
PEARlL HII'EP.--S hr Smxh 0110 neo-35,011 fcet lumlmr to
Wanrd &,o.
RAY ST 12514S-25444144125r-SS sorsis wood40 order,
BAY ST LOUIS-BSchr Florid4 -2519 cord4w,1od to order.
44ILBXI-G414 244y 9142rg5ret-35 cords w0 54 to order.
AMITT RIV44R-S4,444 914-5e-35 cords woo14 to 4 4er.
BAY ST L100-S 4 Clemntin4 -2SB cords sood to ord14.
P,4SCAGOULA-4Schr F Ma rquez-3s-SS44 t lum4er M54rrit4
4 BtCso4nll.
BONiBU44F A-Schr A1414-4,14cords [rood to od14r.
GOS TE1TB--Ste3mer Opel.sa31s-18 hal, cotion 3 .ndero1on
A1Metealf-4-3 B.rady" 3ton113 - co--h1 3 1 nrd 31e & igna,,l--16
hhds sugar Bogari, Foley & Avery--12 do 50 bbl3 moases. A Gi
31nreneaus-34 hhds 1 -gar I3a3 e 1 eCa,01--I do 100 bbls mo
Inses , Dgelos, D -rive &co--103 do Henderson & Peale--202 ha11
BotliL3* 1 G1an3cheau-1723 bbls do Edward Shifft co-1473 do
Al 1) 1elly 1c3---undrls to order--Tot1al76 bale cotton 62 hhds
uga1r 572 bbls, mon2 s 20211 hf d1o.
3A1R3O--Steamer I)elaw,0re--320.3,3 , corn 16 bhls3 pork 73 do
ard 4 bsrs .h,50 bblhs whisy, Mlorrell, Gayle &co---00 do, lour
; , la3rd 2370 slns corn 200o do oats Pr3ce, i'onverise . c--72, e
,e-n 1 b1' mds J O JW.oodrutf co---18 bola 3 ,hi.sky l1 1i1, olM o
1Son--100 bags flour 6 bls d ,o 5 b1dls brooms 1 Y'l1'urner--300
hs flour 1 James ',omaly &co--1032 ,aek, corn 75 do onls
73 1V Sbhw &eo-1411n b 3is candles J Avet--300 3ks wheat D1la
ue & 8loan--77 bbls whisky F de ntes 13:o--27 1irkins 1r3tter
roreoran & \hllhlhld--3, bhoxs mtdse {" ] Itedding--2bola
sohik,") 3Iololley ltraeh5 i,kga butter ,1 ,I Adame &co--5 hoLs al
.hol P 33 T13 hel3,4 Aco--13945 Oka carn Grnu3 , 1 u,-kilgb1an
41 c3k 3llonlder3 , 4..1 pes do 1W S 1right &c--15 bbls ard and
pokrk 0 5 lgb flour G 1W .Nettleto1n Ae"--31 bbl. ]lr nd n rumps
5 1ks tkorn 2 hbds ,o tobaoa Fello,. So--2 do do 2 bales cotton
. 11 Short &o-13 9 3 ks orn G \b " G yons1 39 dr S 1.1ich1ll133
co-513 J W 0-7 pkga md3se Ada1,3 &,13-T1333 2 bales,3ottuu 4
hints tobacco.
0AZOO 1RIVER--Slea3n3 3 ,3.1's l3,1,olan-,- )4 bl3 s cotton
Rob1,on1 , Allel-l-513 W3 nd, Sl,,de,,o 13tu1t,-036 do Pavne 3
1lnrriaon--19 3lnhe,13 13.lyll1td Leo---160l Prt-r3on, uonwa3y 3co
113 Bueb3n3non3 Carroll 3 n--3 t0 , h, Adams--ll4 1 3le3a AI
Irldge & t'ut31nan--69 .l31 13131r3, IRaygblllr ,.eo---51 do -akcy&
411113n13 (13'3333,bell &[1t 1roug--l1 l3idg3ll, Rlibert. 3 Terrill;
335 3Il3, 0odd0 13utnam--t113 1 13 & 1,nmwell. 2 SO1 Nelon3
3o---0 . elis {\alker Lco---' 1' 1 Skipt111 -1-- 3 ,13e. Bailey
•'eo--19 W A\ Johnson &vu--17 }lellmin.way, I,'ridhlnder Aceo:
h1i I.ewis &t1 15 Wt t, Nohle Mobiy.1 - 13 31 D 3313 ooper 3 o
113331 31y, 1anh3ok o---13 Riehr3L Na3gent Sro--12 IBeald, M-s
s 1e &e1o-l1 Bol3erts, n 31eDn133ll3--l! 1n1 33el , 131lir 3 -.6
Te,-S,33 , ,13lway &Io--5 3I3ie, 3 d.-3 &.- . t'lddy, i3row3 ,
& 3-.-51 J T 113 3 3 3-,lrdl 33 & --tornll3l , 3--1 Ta3rlton, 1 hitiug S
Tkllisav-I -1lrdlev, Wilsonl &e--'lIV WL(hhing-10dt "'k r
3b3led bides 13 1 nn1 -9 kegso nils Murray, Miler 0c1--3r3
hides ,-,-Trse tco--1 plow; tl[lghes, 1llyted &-uc--,unndrie,
to order--T*otal 2133 bals cotton.
C&M33EN1-Stea3le r 3I3, L 1obb--17 bales 1o1to3n (3llelaad
Brothers ,co--38 l'rell.,n, Stevenson &,o--10 Ri Yeatman .:co
2d IIoyd A Fr1erson--8 Camnpbell " Sarong--6 Perkus &CO-22
, I1nll,3nn3--1 31con, Titus 1:co-3 1 G Rogers &co-17 Andrew
& Speran--l2.5 \Wright, Dnrtcnort A 1:o--1 rl I. Carter nco--10
Rob.on 3 Allen--17 3 3rlil3roy k 11lorrell, Gayle -
l--12 Oakey A IlahwiIs--4 Ctllllunlillgs, Stewart &eo--1 bale
asii k i ll n l lla Bro--Total 409 bdles cotton.
iOU SVHl.If,--leamer Blen Franklln--120 bbl, apples F To
r3nto---Ll bde1 pa3,3r 31o 333gid33-100 h3bls ,l33,00 27 do vege
taWlWs E W Illntoln kco--?l, hbildsbllscon 4 te1 hbms Nolle, Slln
mera Beo--lTi do 76 tes hlmn, and hloulders 311 hlols tork Par
molc & Ilh--1 do beet' lie, Buchalenan -e-- bblh and 4 ,f d,
ee3f 1 ea-k do 1 b 1 tongue 133 bbls kraut etc D1 Se1l33d-33, 3,o 1
pork 40 do bfIl,3l6 lard 335 dnl 313,o hame 50 bs, tongue s Mllarin
Owen & t:ohh,--591 tbls grcase 426 bbIl antio 2f0 tfe hird e 452 bbl.
perk l-tt eks brans antd sllonlders 100 bxs mtddlos ttewiit, Nlor
toll Seo--. . b 3bl tongues F 3)3lbond1io--00 1do egg', 5 do butter C
Fe neider-- 14 kegs butter to order--l45 bead mle. 2'2 do hoorse
90 do cattle 485 do ,hcop and srut rie- to order,
1INDEN--Steamer Alabanm--231 bales cattanl Bntehannon,
(Jrroll Aeo--27 {lson, l'omnroy Lo--165 Ilawllhts, Duncan L
c.--139 MeKlerov A Bradford--127 John Wrtt &tco-107 Frier.
"on, Conway .co2-101 .¥illinamn, lhlli1ll[ &o-100 do (levelmnd
Bro.tler, &co--8(.(lltClnl*g, Stewanrr 'o--F'i 3Y1 , 'aVnhook .
eo--85 Wrl'glt, Itvenpolt Lco--7/ Rande1r, 1elcnna & )Ili
hard-66 Bogart, Foley A33 ery--3 9 (313 mpl Il , Strong13 13 1l
1.1gel3 1 Blair &co--3dS o nelson 3 eo--31, In13erso1 - Pe00e1
'.t Faiioy. Jurey &o--20 lDvis, Jlenkins Sco--13 Hlenld, )as
sic &co-.12 Okley & .Iawkllo-3--8 J .7 ca3 hon-- 5 , A Mlitchell
3 lrcndersonl Terry &c oro-- W SaunlderL I lliat--21 tOr,,
S Crump--2 bxlea peltriev 6 tide.- 5elpty barrl, (' R SRdey
o_--1 low Campbghell A Stroug-2 p kgs Wil oMl, PeInroy Lco
Total 1942 ble, cotton.
MINDIN--Steanter Svdonia--.2 bales cotton Bllebannon,
Carroll co.--187 Rawlin, Ilunen &co--55 Farley, Jerry" Aco
138 Word, Sounders &lluut--ll8 Perkins co--ti8 bMelleroy S
Bradford--75 IIendersou Peala--71 Clevehand Brothers &co
,' Frier,?n, tonwav Leo--45 t'nmpbCll 0 Strong.-q Rrandor
11~iaonna t liuhbbg-.-27 IVlwlloh, rollrov ,eo.L'. ,I IV cghlt
333 31-8313313313131-31313 33130131313 P00 Up 131313 1 333
V45ho5 FI)t-) Cammack, Rqulres & Weer-ISTa. n, Whi.
ling &t Tutlf" Gran & Orntr-'l Ar S[(ItMbonlat-ý d 1{[c
)laic[[1 bal peltriers 60 beef hldes tlchannonr Canute yo
pkge) mdT - A N 'orton )e-Total 141 )5uteal F S
VICKhSBC-1-5.54 er Prince1s--h48 hslscothOr1n)17ae
pSg)1tanton k N 525-R1 F5 c)A5 )T)5 144b Carroll, P.ttohl d:
Vo-50 George (SFF5olly--554l11 rt) oley b& Av ery-Sgt
'm k Peale-32 5)1) ck)- 14 o 24a L OF) e-21 is sedr -8, d
31eKlernIy a 15o55or1-IS 3)oh5 Watt s-2 (1 O00 P5)15)15 &
r-0 Is, , Snhoki 555-A do II soloti5) & H)I4cllbe5y-4 do
Wright, baveneport bcrr-2( ak F rtton F'e'ed Cnmmnr.L NI-ifrr
ak '5-5545 V so d on Watt ken.-ot de 0 P 540 -crTýJ1 d1 s ),
5500,54ie ,k)s-S pkg) J 1\ Snon sso-Totas 917 bTles csttnn.
('1NCINNAPI-Stsamcr .1,,.o 16 00ll-OS 54515555) 44) do
ps.le) Bettertnn & KesfS-I3 p51,5's F 005 5is-T5SSRoyc-b5 hl1
parki J G Iogan--y do bltfcr F Dclburddo_- O do pot b000 10
to eggsi C S plsssdcr-1S kg I5 (ieddo6-I2 dss (4sssy k t o
1s5 do Frley, JIIIIYS )5-7 duo rlmirx .1 fl5s4& Jones5SF)0 k. gs
IoM 13 h51d Ss 54,1551 15 s15 lh , ad 10 b-s bacon 61 tc,55 1560)
bile 1 S."h ',oobl Fs-Orlggn ke-;0do rin ' Ik I10)0101- i
Ohumwnyd: rl)- lr~pnp--il bl1l Ifr,u :r .1 ine krrLU bi'ila
,ad 0), a0f lrn STSh hhl dp 51 'bbl
5R1,ohal .loSUph to'ned .- -55) 1s. Isi w k It -lcr1 regr krrr
15 Jree md'i .J Wright Soo-:.3 coffinl rope, 3 pkgs 3 in 1' F Vol
1,5'~t &c0-S rs·]. nl I Walo , ,5s-'li551s ,-O rSSSirs.l .l vet
00r do.\ n crievd bria-In do 0 i ( 1 IlIy r-1W Fnlpty Il:·l
-. "ms li rep, Ird ..r rTh
111 ,k""smdse.'\I )1111a,--m bids d, isky James 'rlnllolgt Lr~-1'l
Jig*on nrtin, Ossn k C4sdo hi)bl) asd 16 hi so beef IH
taalland trro-6-Z hhds and I,, hf do beefR Geddes-62 hhds baconl
IV S Wripht 4.o-1l0 hf bhi+ beef 50b s' ndles J J Ada)s-II1
Jots wsits T Dugan-155555, and 14'5 ts bacon 1s bbds pAss
` John urley kco-II70 bfily whisky Rogers, Iic~nlre breo.
FF1) RIVER-Stssas0s, S3lnsc-210 boles coton)55 l
11o4ir ken-127 Payne & 11,555)5-4l12 l? 1 6le5', & B)),sois
Il 7 Sssndý, 55e1,,a F ))Fslmd-5l5 S O N51,s Ass-SR.))do
Wr45h' 5svs-ssst Fss-I 5- 1 Cl4eland 14ro5,5)1 ,os-7'7 [tonsi
Gayle d&co--,5 rarley, Jhrdy too-3b~r H K garter boo--IU do
Suchsun-n, C Irroll boo lS so5art, F 1s 1 ,"5Ae 5-'0 D)avis
Jenkins &c Is- t I E5-l, &5s--3F J F 5-5cho 5cr1- to
(:00000s08. 551)5.5 Fs,-2I - all.M.Boost- srr-21 do D1)5),,
110,)s00 F-o-L) to order--12 Olsc- k IHsOvki -1S ( Casmpsell
k S15ongl-o]0 Gen k Crum-p-0J ssros4de bo~-5) Is-d,55s,.
Ferrg -o-5 5lsse. Pom55y leo-S (:'seddy Rorsn kS- =-i do
Prollsee, 5tercoonke Iomirva bo 1} r~e-
Tarlton: R'hitlnqg k Talw-3 31,T snhook 1 5 -2 do - Wits,,.
L~ipscomb kco-vb do Williams, Philips kceo-Z holes sank e root
D)ss.l jsSniss 65o-i do peltries 152 he,1 S bbl beeswax 1 bag
do B tsann,-sundries to order--Total 1SS0baea cotton.
PREARL RIVFR-Sseamer C4h)erSne-54 bbhdstr Hall, Kemp
&5540,5,0 Ff)rt lesur Huns Fillsott.
GRAND ECOR- Steame- Swasp Fss-5F41,sks cotton B
Toledano k Tayylor-3"31 J It Planetlie boo-2{ W dnckaon too-
1S211F5ne k ia-rr s-i uch)nnnn, CRSI)S51 &os-15 PsFsel5en,
SS)even)on ),5)SF,5 I5Bl5555 5)S00-9 J R B)15lo5s 555-SI ds
E 5 UoDosy 5co-631 J Mlont5os55s-2- 3 K Crter 51 o
SDutilho-41-4) Porellk &1pki0'-s5'5515Carron, P) 5,55h6d55o
150 5 Ch6te55555-1S Aodessan k LfetsssI-1) Richard 45gen5
boo-3-8 i Jhr 'hnhoalr 6r.--6 Cammack, S q ito k West-:~
hides 7 baleb peltries bdncrs,0 Siltcxlf--2i bide1, Ftges doer
skins boo 0,000. kco-10 cileiakhr trunks I box Henderson, Ter
F y So-S-undriks to order-Total 1545 bale5 cotton.
TENNESSEE RSVER-SissssS) Esslp)F-3183 hale5 )ton
to valrious consign-es.en
)LINDEFN-S,,,51) Amanda)-Total 1041 ba5155otto5)-5so
doles to order.
MEMPHIS-Steamer S F J Trsbs)-Col)on and i4,155)) to
varin is consignees
TENNSESSF. RIVER-155m5r ESmpress"-'5balS5 cotton 12
hhds tobacco and sundriesI
CINCINNATI-Steasmer }tars-Assaorted merchandise and
C'INCINNATI-Steamer Indslia-Assorted mdrchandise ,)4
LITTLE ROCK Steamer T F Leathrss-Ts.5l 2516 hale5
JEFFSRSON-St)5555 Storm-Tot511478 ales cotton.
RAILROAD-I) bles c1)ton Payne F 555rri)55n-1I MIois .0
Levi-20 Anderson ) 5lrteaM5 -5 S R AbT-13 bides 3 bdW s ski n
Robeson Dennctt &eo--lO Dkr cotton seed Anderson & MJetcalf-
Totls 64 10016 cotton.
RAILROAD)-5 hhds s555515)5 bhoe molasses ))) elo) , ,uriv &
w5-2) do 265hdes ssnr 5og5rt, sloy F AFery-24 do W.ooCk
son ll s--100 bbl5 55,001,000 de Ega5a-5- do 35il5 , Adbrs=
Fss-TsS,) 54 hull sugar 229 bibis [unlose-s)t Algerss Suga
Mart 515bi55) sugar J Y de Egss-t 5 hidesjB L MrLa5-': catt))
to order.
,4t14 . Sc1. lo., .....31 ...l... 1... 41rc t
Atinutic .... . ...·-..... ladl1tt Paol. .................. 2iild
A44114odor ..........3. 11 II 314e.........78,44
A4111414.4..... ,31......,31 TO1,3111'lain. 11... 13.... ·5:,dS
2413rin .. ....... T..........45 1, Thomas 44 rlln4 ....... ... i1
44 II 1111144,113 ..... 1,41 ,d 1 ,1,4441 ...... .31.41
Abby B413yp11...14.3.41
.1. ....... 4.414 1........ 1.1int
Arrnn ~........ ... ..... ...337dl·TTl3oo I ... ......·... ........dl
.Artl,4r .314 , 1 on ...... . ...........124,4
Antelin ..... ............ ,01'Vorricee................ ..44
.41hlnnd . .. ...........'drjo appe ...................Ilgias
14arn4rd 4.3....... 31. ...Point 1,ll 1 311 .. 14, 144
Bombay - · ··...............3(1,d Perrle.......c..
Brnnd3"r 757 .............. '4.4'\1'exulem Impirc.......... 4.d1
Carac ........ .."*?,"1 W P Schmidt............. , 2d
11,1043.... . ......1 W e11 n........... ...?11 1,43
Chnrle4s Fnrwell .......75,4 \oung Ru. ..............:r6,d
1144rle114rook 4. ... ...;4,413 1obon4 ............ 1... 3141
Cmarlea Sprague.. ..... .20,"'l " 'hy.r~r. . .....-....- .. .··.81,1i
11.4431. . .3,1,11... W14 3114411.
Cliftm ................ 1c1 d Bark".
Cori .....l 1 ....... 43,3 1 14111. . ...... 2.41
c'nspentnri a ·..... ·····-··!8,81!, Arl nnvc.................. 21.4
l:ongnesl .... ......:;,3 nn ll.... .. .........Algiers
1 h. ifta1nl1 ....1. ... ...... ..1.:11,
noolulbia..·...............:i7:jS31(o Lepyard.............·· I M I
Dindem ..... ..... ..... .17.d ' C.!runt. ..... ..... .... i,,1
Dictautor . ......:.........70,'lDia ( lmhnn...............2,4'
DO ...... .............. "9,44 13,i m............. .32,411
Rnpir mih .... . ..",'121 '...:...........·.il( 1941
Edlllhdn n ·· K ay,,.. . lr~lcr... . ..'P~te .......".......W
}.'u n..... 52.34,4.11,131.... . .1.......... 112.43
... . . L 144,1rn ... .... ..1.3014
l,1.1 Iloll,311 : ...... P
FIx r . . . .. . . . oint :i( ý . . . . . . . .I i r
?' . 4.. . 4. 4111 1411111nan ... ....... 1
]+idc. . ........ ... A Inmp re "" lsn.,.. ..2 .d
Gorg ........... .. ···W.d 4.losrp11 ' la314131114 .. . 41
G ulf St414 .. ....4T.o wci St ....... .... . 21
411 11...1. 4... ....1 4.. 1, 4114 Juia ..... .... ........ .21 43
lllennint...., .... ....10,,13 Morning ng Sur........... ',lidilld
Gnls uk . .... ......... ..2tn cy A ........ .. ·.. ····'Gi.d1
n~ltnailnl··- nu............:d...._frOE
nrrick ...............-.. (: tow sn u·. ···'on
Glad 3id iPnr 4144144111 ll, 14o11.......... .1 1
Ilenrp CHH)c....··.......... 13,41;N Bo Ilooln..............9.oin
114B1 ....41141ie pf Wal .......3... d1113l
31,1,14' 113 31l43141.3 31 ..1..........clZ
.1nrri43,1 1.....11144 11 nl t ..l1 1 ... 1A33
Ilnrr3- ilu1 ............37,d1C:dl ucle Sam.... ...........20"dl
1tre1 .... .... .1 4.'i ndt . . .......... o int
.3l" 11. .e s.. 1... 41, .l-W l~ll1 .~ae...... i
Ieah lla ..... .......... . . 13121,
Ina 14'lell. , Brlgs.
Ironinm .................. 27,4 Aur i .. . .. . ..c ..1P
33,1134',14.chcr.....1.. 41.i ,ll
.I L Warnrer. ....... .... 39,43 I'nnstnoot ... ..............19,43
.Domes Hovey u.............. .30AI Camcreiuio .· .............43.4:1:
.fnbn )Lr~ enzi. ....... M'd3 Ilo-le .... ....... . I.1T-- ···I. '
.f \nmi... .....·.....····Oenlul I·:lirilbaul........· ...... YAd
344111 111,11141... 111 - · 13 I Il.inare... .. . . .2
.3u 111h3... ...1 . .. ......:i6. 13 411ckn......1...1,, ..l ..10.41
J3,li4 441..... 1 ..... 412,,1 T "11n......3 .............49,
J ate .rno. . . . 4,3,41 Geo1,e ..11 ,. I .. 41.....
K1 e D41, ...... ..:SS.d. Ihn,,h-oal ........... ..\l2,1 14
K3,1vin.1....... .........1334:! 3 . -nry Broo ke.... . ....11
3144.cn.. ..... .111 . 71 ,41114 B41114..4.. . ...41 14 :
T-ly W nsunlarcl'nnll... -... Iris....... .·............Pointr
L-te . ..39.4.43 .141(3etting.. ...202
,1441,1144 .13,43131113 11~l13 .1.... ..T t4"
411111343111l .2311,1.........11.1141
T. 4chi3l .144 .1411 . .. . 7. ,44 1 3,1.31 41111 t 3 1 413
I.n - . . .. . .. .... . .lg er ý [n Q ten ....... ···.·- ··I.I'
43nda 1 ..114, ....44 ..433.,I.. .411.411 11 . .._.
3111 Ogden....... , .14dli Bl. 1'[11 4,o 1 . .....141
1 3,111144, 441.........r,114 ;1 abI,11 T .3V ...1 11.... 4!(4:
..rtim1 1 T.i11114,14,411 ....... $ S c I .... .83412
13arti1 Lut1her.......:.... 43.113 Berson .....1 1 .. .47.11.
Marga~ret Pollock....... Point Telcgrmpi ... .. .. ····-·IIP'f
.fnry P, Balch .......... .0,d11'ivd ......d........... ···-····T'1
.lamb, 4 ai4-,4 ..., 41.43 Wm1 (:.1 a3 k 3 1.. . . .
I 443 1111,1311311 .411,311Mld Pigeoy.... ... 4 1 .11 I
4411, 14n'1.... . ...... 1114.46 11 111111331111....... ...19,'
\orth . , ..Win .kiuuur .............'':`1c
Ocean, Bnu4u...... .. 13,113 3 1131111,1,111.... IN
1141rr 444411114, ... .S32,,I .
GEt-um ....... .. ..Getn SC1001ei
Grion...................-.39 111 "\Ihos-iiiuc......... ....Polint
Otanica...............·.·. ··· R Belr I iilmond......... · LPTI
Perthshire ..-...... ... AI 1'i rs Bull hush1.......... ..LPT'
I ~n o m .... .. ..4..2. 3(`el..... .... . X
Paraon ... ..........3n· d F-cel~or.... .........36.d t
Pnrth................. ..27,"1 Unrullnl........... ·.····LP1
Peter aswcll.. . ...13:0 l ciznbth Seg e..... I.PI'
Quebec ......... ...· ..MId1i;I: 11 Montgue. ...... ...0.4?
R B Sumner. ... . .. 'inricieorge 1 I'rreo~t....... 21 AIl
R D Shepphcr4... . . I-··:i...................·. LPT'
Rh'e~riek iIbn.... ..Fyiill(:TTn lne Pennell. . ... ......21.41l
SRichanrd .Ilrop....... ... 'ooinltl V liner ........ ........ LPT
Real ............. .:'S · .tl5di:.lsnl )3lirreth............. [.P
Regnlue................ ['nnt',Ioo is Meicnn.. .. ...5.41
Illrpn Rglva .. ....... .... 'uut )fnry )D ILnnP..............T.011
itI. Giichr inl..... .. -ri.' i, 3lnry I.ucretin........... "4.41
Rioebuck ....... ... ...· .. 1'oinl'lil a Schiff r........... ..Il,'I
P.ncknwny ....... ..· ......'wc dl elI nka .............. 1P
Samnrhlan .... .......... ,4ti ixnru .............LP
Fhelm cld ... . ...... .. . " .11Pe na s. ..,. . .. ., .. .''
Sir Chnlb" ""'Pier..... ..:a,5l3;'Pbamllr 111, ...............2'2.4
Ruzne an F.Frrwll..........r.211,"2 Crinuut.... .......... ... LPT'
Speed el... . oi ilam . . .. . . . ..,,1
Samuel Adiume. .. .. PnIlI~ IV Brkner,...... ......I ITT
St Pe~l ter. ug ... .. . : 11. ...................l....... ······
j]`j-IERE A', Abby H0vI3, 3ildow o1 III
m r lnllirr l hals pc·itiollcd the ourt P1 owe~fr of ud-~
ministratio on the esbtte cf ill, I'll" Min~au Until, dr·rcoscrl,
\otice is hereby givenl to :dl ado n it may c onlrrcl, to show
cnuie within ten days wi sly the, prayer of the sold Ilctii ter
slrllolll not he grunted.
By order of the , ourt. 33,3.3
33 12 15 133333y 0'3"S3.
13E3'X10313IE 3(331 1D1: 1ISTR31 'T D31 LA N . RLEANS33.
ATT~END" quo Abby Ssvayn, vCUYC de TIL
nnnln tlnrt, a prrscnte nlne petition I olts a l'ufnrf d'olb
Icoir les Iettrer d'lldlniuirlrrtition a it, successi n clono de fenl
Ilium, hurt, dl I(1cU6 iltlertnt
Aris est ,, 1e ol-irc donne n ton, rcen qn cola prof call
corner, d'n3oi3333 3333,333,3, 3ir3 di,33j3333,3333,,,33a33o33s3por I333
qucllca it ie scrnit pus fail draft it lit tite petition..
Ynr ardrcit e In conir.
33,015 1A. DR1133, Doept,3 33311rer.
300333J~IE· 0233303333lr; O .3 33333333 '... 3351'
3'3333103'3333.33.3333 3 '310135 Alt13333113-3\..6,411.
BY VIRTUE of a o'rlt of f.3'3 fact a to 311
((dlcede,( by thle llonwrabllc C. MI. Bra(frd Scod luic
the fence foe thle I'nriall of Ollculle, I k~ill Proceed o hell n
public a lotion, aft the prewiaircý, earner of N' w ILcrc and Philip
str31333333 FRIDAY, 11 3330 21, 3333, it ,,12 olock3 3.
t NF: I3,0 F333 I(3O 3111, .O3D .113 3IAR I3JILNIT3.0.
Sr~ild in the Ilbure Wait.·
'sS IIS-CCndI on Lllr spin.l
m9 13 23 33. W3. MITCIII3ELL,, 303n33,ble.
F3333 D33S3RIC33133033 A. 1). 3313333F .. 30., 3s. .33OH1 XI
3Net,3,01rl333ns. 33 EM' 33MIT. 3, 13,70).
p 33IRTUE of awrlit of fieri fo33113 o33
dlirectedl by the honorable rile Fifrlit District Court of Nenr
orlmns, in the abolve entitle~d musle, I wi II acesrd to sell att
nnli W ort ion, ill Cho lolsnll s of` the coy i'Zuoge, St Louis~l~ll
vtrurt, between 'lhartrra n ll I Royal streets, oil FRIDAY\, April
4th,, 1033,33t12 o3'cl33c 3-At
. 3033l3.013 10(2'.R1O\ OF G1ROUN03 ,;331 te in3 t3 .e
0,33,,333 23ll,3,333333, i33 t33e 3333333 Di33trit 3333333 ity33, n 2l331
,uruli,, t,3,3corne3r of \3'333nr3 and 33333331 3333street3, n33333333
ki03gPart of ill, l333, 33sigun3333 333 3 die \n=.3 , i3. 33331d 3333
tion of '.con', InrnlulrnllS in French lurn~nrr , 4 1'et Iroll onl
\'i torg with by ail" eet m dep~lth Illnl trout on slldcvll c rtrol·1.
Togeins r ul thle buildingsa and improvementsl thereonl
emni~itingr of n mrnr dwelling-Lonuor rauniniilbr I rqnlargoroms
l3333 unbinet33and 33 cl3sed 3 3 ll3ry 3 kitchen 33,33333333 ,133
"tnts' roan,,, privies null venter-aorkn.* Thu, C re n few allli
rate or $25 per IIlloutll.
SSirell in te ubulve ~uit
TERM SYS-Cn~ll i~ thle spot.
n,3 17 31 n3 Sheriff of the Parish or Ol I'an',
(1lsolum.~r, Corn on I)ICTRICTT Z A. D. OIEFF A CO)., es.
us: to NOUVE~LLE-O1Issl., } JUIIv XII)E\E3 5111'1'11.
No. 107 ,0)
E~N VERTU~ d'IUT writ do tier( fnctas a motl
No, rlclle- Or pn ldla, darn, 1',1 Inflru l('-dcssos I~oe pnu t ee ) It: y do h
PHElr 4 d'ossil dnvil 112512, i midi, dnn· 1 lu ]aondc (r In Moorelr- de
Ci~s, rile St-Louis, eam, rellc de Clutch'. el It lo) si, u L'nrljami·
CF; ~'R'P\ (fN 'iOl?'TIIS DE 1'F:RRF: sltllru nul
s ille·. !!t Il,;lnnnlt 1"nngla des roes Sixndevill. et de hi f Vie E::.LL
tuir, etConnt fili~Ill tie des let etiuu elcnne sons es c No+. 4 et 5.
I1n dill' frtl ,1 d. CrrTo nyntrtt m nre 5(10t r , 41 ped., fa
d Ia rite d e la Yictolre e r ti plodss de prufmi 4cr ct Puto 11.
aile lnndevislle
En Csemble nano font., les batiasrs et elsbhorution j lul ceistent
drssns ii-Mant on ou lne muiruu inl boi·, .'int gnuidera ellun·
bros. 2 gt'xnds cabinets et nalerlf Bnnee ; nu cuisine coetclmal
des ehllmbres A din-atiques, liensi d'uisnuee, iaslsllntlons pout
Penn :Hrbrec frniliarJ et d'nnfrentent, etc.
xdie d llrll I'aftsire cll-drs llr
CONOIC1OS S-L'550 not on l IIlnNC1 d. 1'I1d UdlOUIIoU
T431181.5 Shock do Is parolae 4'U'rleau:,
dl lE, CAUWE .1; Ce,~ l
J.' CARTER C s o.,
ConserConio.. and Tehonpltoulas stretts.
LARDObIL -IaSSetn:'t.
IANNERS' 01 L-2110 baSes00
NEATH FOOT OI --'J b'1 ieb;
I. NHP.EDIES) (01- 51..25 cr Z
SWEE.PT On -*50 baskd;.,."''~
O.tI'EOI I.-3 bbt, for ale n
aloeI eor$1 r f:sS mlO and S7Sos5AS sslna .,.
ý.a WIRER 0OI11015s..t;
GReEN COR~x-10 anrs;
ROAST T 21Tf0! .10 050001
TOMATOESI-21 2 cui;s
,:LAMS-5 caeca 2 lb cans';
OYSTERS-isaltim5' (, .1il. 2 lIb C, fss -to by
sll0 (S .'Truer C5mm, B and Tthooplroula s.s
SHBORE No. 1- 0) barrels;
.50 alf barrels;
SO quarter barreL";
300 kIte.
LABRGE NS. 1- 25 basss;
IS half1 barrels;
25 qItetsr barrels,
SHORE NoS. b -150barren;
100i 1 half barrels;:
~LARGE-E25rsNo. I- Sbarrels;
50 hal0 barrels
100 quarter brrels,
L.ARGE.S\.3- ISohlfbarrels
SHORE NS. I-210 asrrsel;
500 10L If barre.;
P00 Sis;
to For by J. H. CARTEBk CO.,
tI 0010 6t 1 smSer Common andTcbospiSSSi, seta
8 tierce ~~o. 18 0SALMON;
12 barel.. ..
.5 kts
2 barrels .. HERRING;
10 hlf do ..
4o boxes No. 1 and Extra HERRING;
50 kit HALIBUT FINS; for sle by
.10 6 corner Common and Tehoapitola sip.
1010 quarter boxes;
50 oxes;
30 drums;
75 half drus;
IAO quarter drum.;
13 barrels Pickled; for sale by
sul 6 scorner Common and Tchoupl}oolua is.
SCHNAPF--1773 cuea, foIsale by
Sole Agents for N. Orleans,
ml0 Gt 'corner Common and Tchouploulau st.
BRANDY C.IERRIES-100 cases fresh, for sale by
m10 Gr comer Common and Tcbouppitoulas ota.
RF RENCHI FRUITS-j0 cLes, put up in their own Julce,
for sale by J. 1l. CARTER & CO.,
ml) t comer Commoun and Tchoupitouls t s t.i
LUCCA on--20 cases snperior, for sale by
sl s corner Common and Tchoupitoulas t.
S AIIA-PAGNE CIsDER--75 cases pints, for tale by
il0 corner Common and Tchoupitouol a,.
SO.AP-I boaclo ctlt Nos 1 and tral Iss for le b,
J. Ii. CARTER S Co..
m10 cuorner Coummo and Tlehupitoula. ,i.
KETCHUPS--10 .ssce Walnut, 3 ,,,hroom awl 'roma:o. '
fur sale by ,L 11. CARTF-lt & co,
o1 lllcr Colmnon Rind Tchonpitoul.t. Iis.
B R AN DY --100 c ,aes Ot ar d Duup[y, for . al e b)
m10 6, corutr C 'ommon anid echonph-ula5 It'.
STOB,.CCO-50 bonea xtra t'leClng, for sale by
.L J. IL. CARTER & Co.,
.10 6[ omnec Cuwmuo aud Tchoupitoa;as st,
" Idian, for wl by J. I. C ARTrER & CO.,
u0 6t corner Colnmol and "rhoupitoul- -i.
E ASS-10O bLnrlls Northern White. for alel by
J. 11. CARTER . 'O.
1ty0 .I crner Cnunoy an, d Teholup l tnh, T t.
PLIYING CARDS-100 gross nariou, qualitlcs, 1f.:n
Y.EAS-T PO. DER- Imp. Enpo.rdr, Loug .. llym..
s tile PouciyoSh r% i, for rolle by.
C Eley ,y . II. CTARTER k CO..
010 t6t orflr ('Cnllommn andl T'choul itlt ..
kygs, Iolor sale by . . CARER ..
ull dt corner Coymyy I mo -I TchITonypyiuy l..
CIRUSHED SUGAR-1E byayl, for sale by
d. II. CAwRTER E Co.,
mil0 , orylr Commeon and Tchoupitlolh, r,
STAR CANDLES-NR boesy, for sKl , by
0 l J. II. CoARTFR & CO.,
.10 6t corlner (ummon nud Tchoupionls tr.
P SCIIE-1D yBU Rigy-, bIrreils. I ale ellwbr frl
BAR LEY CADIRLTE-- bogx, for salc by
m OSHEN BUTTER-, IbIrim , hade Toui, ne,, o,
b y J. 11. CARTER & CO.,
nilU 6t ~corn,,r Commou nnd Tchouphvulai, st,.
FAVA COFlEIE--Ii pocRkets, for BeIe by
J. H. CARTER & (:0.,
m10 (it colner Cmmo n nodl Tlehopito ily h,.t..
A AVlONDS-25 tinge, fur sole by
m10 6it corner Common anld Teboupiloulus hlr.
NA1LS-Zi0 kegs b) orrrd nixs, for -1.. by
m10 6t cmvlcrl'olmlron and Tchouulilouln5 ere..
TIQUORS-600d pnckbgeeo ol1 BRIANDIES, WHIISKY,
RHIO, PO'RT, MAfEIRA, SHERRY, and RUM, in more
st~d nll· uia by J. II. CARTER & CO.,
11110 6L corner Common an L~ld Teholipi(OUII: 5 0N.
T -Rnnninp a1I Ill hourM1 of thle day throughouUt the ,iy
Agent for theu I ontchartruill Railroad Company fir carryiut
)hllsl. and having alltira charge of tha Laggn ya Oar.
A m"'en(;er' will wait upon ppi verges in t!', cars.
c he. -11 he given .ur all bngg..g.. mke .I. charge Ihy thi.
Baggagle checkedr from rsidei It. or the office, to the laRke
boat,, by Iuthority of the Pontcharrain RailroId Com..
A Wi-,ely F~lprt.*v (every Saudlly) to ((ulvestmr, lad iabllula
FPowder 11- and Monct01on., T-bb1.
A.\. fVp.. ,i TleIng. sill ..e diip.tnlbhd three time, a w...
to IVl t ,eterin. Pgl..T, on th1e Die. Orders n0 d plrcl.. rr
eeiicel at thle office.
13,11v oC lading llt't nt the .Qco for goatsr by th:e New 'tort:
nod ' Turns steamersr, will mrlrt withr prompt at tenti on.
Pf'cledllr of ratesand slignal. furn ish.ed, by applyin at Ih
liriiar h dnicc at thle Pontteharllain Mdlrond Drepl, fo~r the Ti
.1 fi..gf ag.gage mId I'Tnk..g. Op.n. from .? . .. . to
1'hcl proplrietor hsgCs to, nmiD thle pnbliei that his is! tl;,c onl)
Ci '. _vp.1vs now running, turd iT [ his mhi.e. , ,'1, .., e now
emnplrteit, anld thalt promptness iu 1I th to dlivery c r v a,&' canl b,'
rcl,:d upon.. 0. 'OIITOY, Jr., P1'ro1Ptor,
foid Ii Priml...lpI olli., 75 Ulhv er street, corner CG.rp.
the meet tr, cilutille, able And esprrienepd meclnuriir v and n
ghiter in thie U'nited Mutes tiara epol.0.. this \Iocl h I..'
pmnellllred it one of thle muwr buelldiul and useful iuuvuwion+ of
rn it latne.
By simple yet Ingenious device, ns tho Enlao inreases In ...
verity, the Mhlljb grRtlUH a y tolrn rat a nd w gl~be the a81g81 at
wbiclt they. wlro set t fr it gentle breero; present tens uul lessb
relb.....c to g.h..w.nd, till, whe0 the tfllp..t is Tnliohat inn
heiallt, ile is p~rt etrt i toihle rs Voer souso thu thin edgerx. ,\+
the oif dre gl al ,, t uns ma their 0t . Ii g I thlis ind f 0 o 11i
10101 0111,, 1. lontii.o ..lf'iyhii~olb' 01r 0hni0lbg l0 oa
tiou of the snits, s hatr mchmllcs have so long sought for inl
The speedr of the wind wheecl is netlt gsoasd by n powerful
storm ,,it. wid. for it in as fully under the colltm l of a regulator
as i+ n water-trhecl or n steam engine If IliN Mill a s -11 pat
up, it wvill require no cure or attention w oustuer for weeks to
The only reason why the wind for ajes past has ne~t been olli·
er allyl awed as a motive poweur is well known In obe the uwmi o
u elf'-regulutiag machrine. In heavy P mtlcr the ind-alrlcl, x
heretoferre constructed, witr either Pruerrnlln iu 111, .v uin or
revolr.L:( witih ouh rapidity to welar, hens and . . fi·, grlolto
to th.e 0llm of an.y . nd 11 .1 cnnng p.... h ; '1 1" I dO if t be
weather, reqioiring t...columlI cursiand ITitliy of the, rnen
int. 'I01, didiit.lty is now r1.1 lrel obviITI d, grid th,0y d ab I -
jectionl tint .n possiblyI be arced is thle ilaulutsnrney el 'he
in. T'..,ithI ompemtlibl for bi the fact that It req0.re.
oaty), or .!pet1 to run the .ivid en;i C-llO men to ied or
fuel to feed Il, Os !l lit f uxm power. 1he mlll rcnder- it, an
0.mc, dy or nlight, to boimovod by the wind from any oT.
the rb..p.o. It will 611 large harks or p.uds, that can be awe!
dur1il the interpnl0 of 111 11wha 1 0lowing ; Ii , It the size of the
mill, pumps mad riservoir b in proportiol, to the quotitie. s of
later r.0 1,ired, /hero. is , c 1ertainty of a g..00,1 n .1 ,.o.
through tine ear. For silroad atijuan uul sugar and cotton
plintutfens, such it centrivauce is uneqtuu lled botht fo~r Ipnlpgrl
water and grinding corn, or orcruneatoc f~ouataius, A emnl
sized mill, wioth biotodhrate 0ind, will aiis. I'111 gbtlonl ofor'
tcr~md erirld 9ve bushels of corn per hour. }`or furthear Infor
Nll~lrll, OrOrdCrt Iddrase
S. U. G LMSIAN, 91 Natellel street Nowo Orloxus,
c$441.w Wly Bole AIent for le SOUthOe. SlI..o
TIt. riT-4 ARLLCS T4IflAý1AT' M~g
A7 T)I,-F ., ··..... .,.. . ..... .....Leee an 3anei;
g.R. IU;FZTfLD ..:.. :......Acg ge.
C O. CH1RYY . ,.Treeaarer.
Drtap.A ;otoek. 01" We at half.{qt" i 'clock.
girth night nf#)G. E, T.. D)AVEMPOIT, th f fitt Amen
FT. 31A PC, orA It T 01'flM,-St. 3Garr Mt. Pvta
nt~rt: r;rmordo, t r. Pof ~ Yareat 3 r. 9taodtcyhborarla
Str.{C, ight: Dlananm. Mrs. (Ndatane: Thar, ea Ira
fleEa Mj P. gt Rt N?. Mm.
n,-W, wd f' . hy CMIT TF B tyP7 WA ý
t F T: hdyp ly, fo yHonth E CRat V
Yr'2o-mnr oi Ee1o,-T~M D M V 45
zix -Wednmday byh rerinestT.1fLT
Ag$ýýS boaeeaF, the act play, OZXQ WYMAN.
1usi IDea n SHA aelevenlocg, 'DghW ap.
rErkaa atlabanaal n'play , pa! iCefITll
; · ndc the msLnagrmt` of THE COHPkANY.
,' Patt ot tunendr _To nl p1ft rxo the house........ 5 onto
' Jialla.11 abau glaa 31r. Fred M.
Thye' eter M fipto; 3tr. Copland:
2.o T , 9Brote'Hein lre. Iia .......Tn
conealtala MY WIPE' [Ah!MHWOMAHi-Maa
'-dsb Yr. . E. Oeg;1adyakrsMr.R'
o~~m Second Niht o inD~RA91
-1 open l a TWO Caaal ,aes A hall-peey aSai
* a ents, adf the
ýYoLa. ,
pgph Lalo oIIP oo 4%-Firty Perumt, to an puin othe.
boz pnhesh o ew wo loe yb
Beeea:n··loet mr·h·-as
MRE. l".OLIS, :he woynIar tdah ga
to' a-m-e than a w U gvf a -ice
Slasical Euerdmertfn"t Kt aIir ""po
DAIY, te 12h. FRIDAY the 19th#1
li m ]lh, aidh d 6 fe ant 1bdO
acC.cae 1 talent.
Th f G n fte drti~pmend li
rCIRovC at I~j.¢ AC:F .LKPlhHITHErr R-Will pp~t
at the corner of Garomie and rdre, commeng e eeroh l
for 'be,. danly.a only. ·
Offrinrg to the pvbiilc a 8 eat rarlety ofalla t i.ýi
other Chens now travebng ; boasting of the betEteatra'l.
Sthe world,'together wahl a forge 21 compete trasp o A7(
bori and OGmnn.rtie pet formers, iotrodnciol ina'SeAra asL
enttraty now nrd Mrlfaat aleries 6f GvmnasUE Fets vat he
Yore witnessed m thi country- Sot t~eart ia C.Wz frits~
of this immense establtihment, 1s the fInnatiOnLomo U
arenn fo: thesrst lime in tins l · d8 a comlatyi''P gett
The Gre t idADI ote v aldn sret plaa x
beeGreatI Srw tlna~ nd i s mpose of n iea d,
by the immortal Hang Goal, tlnntom_ c ccpsrt itrY4
the Circus. `
A~dmission-Private Bests 75 cents ; boxes 60 t tits? pit 26
an -_ GEO. E. HI;DOi, agen
Celebrated Immense
of the
From the Commencement to the Itambexrrsnl of
bhW hy~p~oiM ra &rLn
Amid thetjsanuDAYspiosion of the mines, rolling of m lth
xnd ttdpyoiu of oahbl~n together woith the luarld glare ofhi
batning cit~y, prodtiing an effect once seen never to be flor,
7%.conael9 ,'ýDtr open ati Cnm dg at 8 dclo~
Admmstoc~n, b0 rs.Y Chldren.. F cents
on WEDNESDAY. nndATDR~dlde at P jf o'clock for th
get-Se pror cc Sundays.s. ·
AT-Sats no he e ecured from 16to 4,:," fe1
LOVELL, has arrived wthR Itis large PERFOZ ING B:AR
from Astraiii, and is rawjS s x4 biSinb S ighftsi EH UChar)
street; from 9 A. BI. until 9P.'31. dally.
This animS,.i the lhSR rat r -aptur ewighlingUpiligds of '
2,099 rr, ds, ~;an a taken ~hen (tulle yo, b;py8m.
Local, and has 1a-en r,,.,ud by himself alone, aoN he
exhibit, an inteligenc e ihsit human.
Ile also exhibit} the taus[ rf pooate arno ime,~e his made g lut'
tack when an enem7 approaches, 'in rPich hemeakf~ ixa;
rifle htiitdes arc taxer, api eSects whichs isipish d grit`,tu
prd A its0 on thamiS iig yet terrified ldienccidi
VSsi Rssde or npous wuhn ssekinC shelter i rofu the salts
son ofgIa i i .5555 a is usalisudn a =cries of grotesgt
and Iadghn ptet.-rr ·
:'ezt the wrant: of o hi nature are told in a manner which nablec
beings miRht SaiT.te tSRh Wdvantagee
The grand e nnO.nseric is cshibitod when ItT. Lovell, enten
Einnte hliisi d D!":, i 't tin the ]waver of this Wi'
ULleni~n of the Jungle. n;,il ruoltrolr soot tile magic power of
stud a ny motioan .1, tlds r61ri mon.alln , a Isola never before
pcrlfonne by 4"'y othepr tl-ja i being.
I1ýFor pnrdcniilnr, see hli :.ia2 I
(:IL. wro0s0. TIIS6T~IM
i\llS FN - ~er 0,5O0) AT)) on' InrinS his pr1IOTIFA0 exhTi
hi~~Eolooo Ii, LoI-m: ty oto.s
HrE rAmErICANt HIAN AIIk 1111r. Tiire-oprn HARDh. SI.en
did Roona, I Ero. C 10arl es o0r oploS Lo Is oolmery Bank,
Ihlh[)'lean'd, liouho l seve oSl oddiglobR-ooopiOntir
T I.100, I polo 1 'I :l\)DO1R 1 T.155 M .H , 11i' o
the tirent,:st 1:·iriositr :' [his C:erttllr, ao 'n a
hndir ln or al . .... lenu "s I Bl ; ronP h. ea
litý"r ins" ritirrlond, Fnut~ce, Eni-Ind Qnd thle l-[utc treo..
THE iV , 11. 'n ,t-d_ 'n
in to oII S R A in0O,,t'. Ciid o ,10E. IIRRI
ills AnP1C.%-N fý Is ty 51, ]is 5LL1"i Fid1LD from.
\Ctltmr, Fxnaklin " n nty \Isine, and vrio Sa nearly Eight
leerhlnh, and n cichr Tlr ,1 hvmdrci nodi Eightk-on0 Ponna
ilnel~lircl 0¢e Ihonllred and filfJ-lanr rod tthre0 qorn-t
ciirdr nT rrlinn dIly so~t Fnt r i C ccmpleis rrea
{y Doaon, open ar half-pmtf 9 A. !L [111 .W 1'. 31]1., , oll 6 to hell
px;sr 9 l . Al.
-ild -loo "ý,i c entu. Children and 6efi3UtH half prce.
H Fit FFHFi.F .I. ,llA It F XI'Xu F. FIT 11FF. MunIFR
Illll L"' SE al'Ct}:r.ý-t:hIucg 0. Ptrorarnme iostantF7.
"iil perform E"ERY EVVII\ t:, nn thle corner of~te'sgdnq"~
tnll J.1"rp hne l ·t fost '
Fl: riatI pr l' IF n FF11 FF,FFFF:riF r P..FFrmeuceF iFF FF Fdl;
1'a: ~· ':.iiiir~ll apalhlll l of r·nmmlup )u,4~ penaivb ohen the
rueuc from:,, of itid-, ;",;llurl.. aul ilirlrf ; Cblce LeCls na,
l'nnn.,liun., AelO'n!:.. -'I Itcrrer, vill nnpe atr
' Fl 1'i. ',c FF4 the F 1bFF-F1 IF. BuF
Ihr lireli~a ~luu~~r: 3· ici pdi:L 1 1IL· act - -IIadman
lhp \\i lh H . Si. ·.icrol r I"ýotlrcrr scen a nd prbre$ )pu G ae h, l
Hx" .:Lnndrrr il III "b." Ire .;ind m~n? Rer: FkF. Lhr, L ,F1.
the FFFFFF :1 uutiF Fr n FlhFFF1 Fiidie C FI. LJFIdye
FFn Fst F !oitv' in th) I F rnInyDFT FrTSRIFOON s
rruod My II?- forrmrmRmnwll be li for uc eIFFF1IIcom
t-ell~el!. 1- upo opn at 2I: I'rrtur~mnnar to comimence t 2
U,+riir nm. c ;: , t" , ++r "":,: L.l+u? yr·!i 5541 ff cri i rn I"
111\l;II S i"T, i i;·l :,11 d+.i I·:ic-: nwi ino- celriin~ied Danced
d the Lny ill timln ·SI) U FF IFFFITI LF'· PIFIA.P
" Isu troches )"1.\ I PE\l U X II TI au- IF FIFIFF s dF\ ced
FF thFno-F F'n f i.nnhll: nlud -elect colons of the FU' Upitall of
Fllri..-.FFho msiic 13 n inch, by .1 IFFFFF, iilader d',; FIdAt, etI.
,l\d I, nnT , IL .'.'rIIF i M RIOlD S ifad xst,
F 1 .l. s ter Ildi.c n ad IIIFF.ruF for I F ilt MI..
FFl n1 -.i.- PlFF. hilla WFIFFlAY-beg I inning each
FF1uiu 1 ' FF orclr Fk"
PrivI teFFnnliri. FhmiTI, n Mil f. I.R FIll pemin.ri Ft -
'1't1:JUS FUR TILE :.)Ur~aE, "
Srllich moons thr BholiilF1 nynirrmcu; by" the Pupil. of anl
leFign Fy i fylda f inF. ........... ..S. ... · .$IBI
FF ,m1 0 .ý have alr 1 Ft 111lclglnhvIIIIFIteIIFF of dancing
and w ho dclire to perfect tllemscl, s n h latet ad m
filrlnonnble dunces al' the day~, na sire fancy lsocee, etc.... $8
((var~xbly ht slsdccr.
1'0: furthesr Put Llcul-' apply . 1 the ceddcnlr. e2
,.t,. .-R. Y. SIILAMSli I Camp wll tret,'hnu lost reeelrsd
illi cif- fo Ir solle in lot,, to nul pm'chnserr, a fine aesortmao
UR.;1\DIICC 'SnitcI \'lneyard Prollrieto;8. Otnrd, Hernnemay
nud other . rCII-llkOWn anld fR\-Olilr brandy, I. hlf, quanrter
i SS-ie 'ic clrriidm IGhn:
PlO ILIT S·epuli -s.1 ,14rior t. Cro w Ral
IIS F '- In +. 11 olrl ll ICI,,-, PS' d1 n4dC riins thhelro 1in o brands;
UdlEIlll-Rlncl;bnt u, Ohvcira, gooHlites nnd and,
CL.ýRET--Of nncor rcde and brands, in glahss:
SIIL"'RRIES-1 Rlxcp hoprioljutener
'nnKRIe-lr ml-, l' · Biclnlun ls La Car Echacopar'a
foal vario~lusIlberrtsnd in wood anlld 311ili;
AN\ Dý" teemhetr Pcsls, { c s:ra
OR t lul, P. nremons, Rturios, Lca"..
Rr~e I ldrd P rvcrr F-1. P S, Sauces, Pleklcs, etc.;
(`o!·diinl. Rittepr., Slnntnl. Pepper, syrup, , tc. m3J
NEW ORLEANi JpuarI 2S,81M86.
A. rll attention to thu followinlg uttaouncement of their Glm
eoor house:
~o~o ooI· LASGOWr, SRl Jimo10I. 555.
GOkS'0W le JIa 0yun 151 1010111 o f our I1oss In Lsadon,
under 1h line o '\'.ISTOO\,a CROyS ,I CO. , to bI
d0cted Iby Po. WILL 100M CROSS sod AH.,WILLIAM ORAW.
lORD, x, rehirlciIOIrtucrJ.
IA~ mite th1, n Il'l1101 at' rlltin"" that Mlr. ROBERT D.Y
NISTOUX o"\d o. ALEX. DE\NXSTOCN, Jo., eons of ou
prilcipal, 01r. :Alexnde1 .HunlP'tt. ,nowIan have bseau
1 let .J10w.1. lh. 1, part-r' of hi, house and of al its
,iny)n J.·. I A. HENNISTOUN.
2-1 S ilrrcnon ·Ir o, inear Cnlni1.
11oud-0 .1 FwouSi1ur1 of al I crfpti go, 'old or x.
ccllududalao r, paired and varnirlied inl thle boot roooue sad ma
rl'<"rlnn d-cliios IlolsC keeping anlid "lllljing to d: c'. ofa
11.05r f 1rnitar buld do well ou cull on the uln'ea'rnd o
1l'feln 1. 31. TOCR1o o .
GtROCL+`lzu+15, et., -A'f gtlOLEý:\LE -
A1I.E-h-ly1 bhir. 7ilylor : ion,, .1lli~ul?·
DoIIS-I Ib s10 ,tol Cll)., .ollptisýýh.'
Do :U ca'k". Rend':, Nan- York.
l:1o MR-lay bblsan 1I, b 115 "Bern '
'1'Is'.AR-IW enIes ('unistlC Imperi al.
"WHITE HBAT.\S\-; Abl Ii l110ton.
P~II., AF UTTA Pll, 1101
fllllEN ES IICI'Pfil-li i :,riins, Jas. receliccl ·
00.111ER1IEI.A cuN"lcSI do 'tu-u of no _'-ýg sR Cd
"":SOI IC H II .1O-P bae' F. D1101.
Do JSOIbo CHP ltloltp·l; IIIen e.
IL ITTl OlIll ll''ll do to110
ROCK ('M.ANI) 'All II N +Isn
ST~I l CSSDlE 111011 R511 & Co.
00101151 ICK llAS'ER-6 hall bbl I and f care-. ach
OpI Polre aindlil lfoI'
0.51= ,. [). OICI\\lFF h IO.,ICol'Id dy OIt id loO t.
maRNR)OW IS LASE T-I.'ll T.A PO:lO 0 4 RER "
n:.r Vl n meter, UiennIiucr \l JA - 1 · C')iondc
IlI T ; bo- wuill iimcdct, E ;;i t ir. I i'i ; Fhi
lol i ilh, . l other SIO(EFY, cO irUs~ooct,. cet.e
Jrhi 1155. C p) ISISPIIOYAHEI~
Iý-1'a rralral atlrr t~n git on a) the repilir , ýo 1i;irhis nod
Timle 1"ie":rs. .rci\ lry ntnwi~iaciur d and +. pui elrl. (ý_+ Im
t he 1,-Y-1,l F':cr fur the I,,, ( I:olS -I E FrOliRING
({R- Ma; l'a'-wry o+. \ i·.li·.t·i ,n rclalc , city of Jeficr.run . La.
FORWASDLHH-a iERCITI1IsIOVI 01 36 001 1a e
OI C:IOO. AIIBTT`LS-\ . ST'Ltoo 1.\fl F-oPBI
}t. I. \'[IEPBIIl'l., dii i;";du st·
fcl 3u) V. L'.A\U.'-U 'Oravier arcrt.
ay al ndrdt the tiwc, dit,"ct t~lum lia wuuullt2Furntro. Fcc
ante by
jalddm C. N1. k,.AR\'EY ,: 'O, Wtulonstnop
STO N PHOODI`LI No, 9 Tr~~oietpiL1a ItinbeI%·