Newspaper Page Text
G.. N.. _n : N :e i .DIOI 8iHON, WHOLFEALE IPRUGGIST No. 12 G , 51Jngina street, hlas cnstnntly n61 hand a tery` exteaelvr lsock of DRUGS, MEDICINEB , CHIMIUCAL PREPARA TIONS, PERFUMERY, SURGICAL 'NST RUM N TS, PAINTS, OIlS, ClASS, etc., whclh 'rod ,o05r d for ole hIn quantitie0,1 sit portlrsoro , on accomnodtlnlg terms. Tlo floollooll is 1 poltotl ofr: etook'0on .d and to arrive: lO0 ounces Sulphate Quinine, French and Amerlean. 210 pounds Blue Masn, Engllih aud Americo.. 10) " Itolomel, 200 Mercurial Ointment. 300 " Honduras Sarsaparill, 10 buet Turkey Optm,. 50 ounoeStlphtate and Acetate Morphine. 25 " Otto Role. 00 pounds rEl Bark; crude and powdered. 50 cskes Sn. Soda. 0 l keg. sup. C.rb. Soda. 10 " GermanWash lo te, 3 cases Indigo, OaraccaM and Manllla. 5 barrels Curcma. 5 co' Pot. anCl Pearlasb. 0I al1 0,r0oein Saloratos. I0 lI ruo l pure Castor Oil. 5 " Peruvlta BrLk. ) " Copperas. . O " ],rur ttl el r, 10 R oll " I balsn Seona, East India and Alexandrls. tlH") pounds OGum Arabic, salect, ine and sorts. 25jallr Curb Ammonla. 5 olrboys Aq. " 5 " Spirits Nitre. 25 Sulph. Nitric and MIlailo Acid. 100 pounds Acetic Acid. 21) " Tartarlo Soo0 llnes Tonoo " 1]000 pounds Arrow Roo, American. ,2.1U " " Bermuda. lSt Assafetlda, in cans, 1) " Balsam Copavla. 0 " " " solidlfod. 10 kegE Pearl Barley. 51I pounds Simaroubn Bark. 200 " Wild Chrry " 5 barrels Reined Comphor. 50 boxes Castile Soap. N2 poutds Coyoenu Pepper. 10 gross Cop0vla Capsules. 2 cokos Chloride Lime. u0 ponds Chloroform, P. nd W. 5 barrels Cream Tartar. 2 .. Fol. Buchn. lWo pouonds Lobelto Seed. 2 arrels Uva Urld. 2 .. Gum Myrrh. 2 .. Sugar Leod, White. 3 .. Tonlr lln oot. 2 .. Tapioca. 2 .. Cammile Flowrs Rom. and German. 2 .. Scotch Snu, n bladders. 50 doen Lorillard Maccnaby Snng. 1(O .. .ooome' .. nd Scotch Snuf. I .. Garrett'a .. .. l00 pounds White Wax. 50 .. Dover's Powder. l0,0 .. ossomtod Herb. 15 kegs Refined St Petreo, to arrive. 5 cases 11Briti,, Lustre, olpertor article. 1U .. Coop0er's Isinglo. 5 bales IIops. 1, pounds o1dide Potash. 10)0 outnce Nitrate Silver. 2 case0 Muun Flake anod sortl. 2 .. Mognela, enlcined. 2 .. o etrb. . R, lnnrd Borax. 2 rog0 lllery'o Calclnt MIagnesia. 2, pounds 01 Iorgamot. 20 .. .. Peppermint. 20 .. .. Aniseed. 21) .. .. Cloves. 5.. .. Cedar. 10 .. .. Ch cbs. al .. .. lllnck Pepper. 25 .. Phosphorous, In pound bottles. 3 gloss Shemaker's Plabtors. 8 .. Heidliot Powdero. 5 .. Soda It .. ,o.gar ofl.molo. 5 .. Yoest Powdero, 2 bog, loluomo o Root. 1 cook Ge1ian 1 bale Liquoricea. 3 caseso Liqlorice Calab. and Sidly. 5 .. Pearl Sgo. 10 krgo T''umarinds, freh,. 1 csk Bay lRum, pure. 25 dlotoo .. . 0t pounds Powdered Cnuthaldots. .l;30 pDo;nds Madder. 1 cotk PIpo Clay. 20 barrels EnCalil Venetlln Red. 10 .. Spanish Brown. 15 .. tonoral Poalt. 01 .. Whiling. 0t .. Parls White. t Chalk. 25 .. Lamp Black. 5 .. Plmice Stone. S .. Powdered oap Sl0oe. 5 .. Putty, in bladdors. Whiln lad; Chrome Yeleo; Prussis Blue Pari Green; Mt, l,,ink, Yellow Ohree; T Itd'Lend.iienna, B. and G.; is Veedyke d erown; ,"r' pllncl; Black Paint; flnl~ate., Dryes; Lithge, ,'opal Vanish, LinIeAd 011; p I Bylh Splt Turpeninse; Sl Ji pun .. Taunus' 0I; Whiite Dom" varnish N s)aaoot Tilnck Comber S. olar .. ( Aepllnlmm Lasrd . 1 Dnisk lk BB; hle, Pe~ksehle nl~e Whilte Wlh rllhee P WindoeGlass, Flenhend Amerdee; Shoo IIru sea; Olissmel Jers, blue sand chle; BlaDking .. -l , metal d eartdle ; Blolk Writing eink; D riaydgee, arge 55155tme1 ClttlkBrokse' Ink; TeeleS, " Geold Iea; Mls. Betts'a Support"ss DeBiAi' Gold Foil l Apoheecehe' Bcales ; Glaiea' Diamonse.; .. Po.der Boxes ; Medicine (:heel, ; I'll Bexes, Cood and paper Medical ledl1l1 Bees; salrIdseeor; Phlsileeoo' leas Tooth eorsepe; Am matlngdeeIsleiuntr Thumb and Sprng Lanets; Pocket Cases ; Boullee Hnd Cbeteee; Cuplinlle~laelsse Nipplo~resat" Brennt lil~tsea; Wmorba Breaet Cups; Pefunmery, IEtc. I'elogno Wnnrr, Gorman and Amlerican;: I llssrrinole' Ext act, for Ienndkercbi.a; ; Lubin'.t' .. .. . t ,llro nR trtnrta W0ighl 's oaps Cgne I;. ispe LII fle Crenma; II iqulid (flue Cug Boxes ; Tooth Uupa Clothl Brushes; Lynne .tmin Bngfnlo Dresntoqp Comb, ; HllrelSrcsin Comesk DeelleHelebe; 'Ioy Peintl Boes Shelvig RBsDhee Trasparent Slee Belle Burrle'e Tri1Cobsraeee eildol's lEdnive Sne p BBlitle's Pol~irla Soap, Lowe', B Irow. W\Vldanr ot, ; ; Feserl, Lolic), for Pondelring the skin sofe Ind faire BYrm 's Blown Winflldsor Soup yran'a Soap for tooth ceCa~l's Chk Ilelle· CIole'a Tooth fell,; Dr. IdeCIlue' Tolth Specpifi holl Cream \}'! lit a Odontlno: F Panel, and Americann Pomades ; Vermin 1'uio1n Vinnllig lle go; osalt)SoBePBlve D nesn'e Sap......s CompounF d PFetest. MIedicines, &c. FAII 50TCK'S Voeliflgo; 'SDOWN~i NlD'nS DSapeeila; BULTIS 'S' r oomm pop SAND'S lS lIOBBIDON'SNI Seespellds; UDOOFLAIID'B IlceesI B~ll's; JIdI'PATBS Pleleie Bisscr; MTO ISTTDN'B ehlee's; TAILY, x"O "Ill,;. BlPENSBB' r~s.; BPRRNCYR'8 liitore; BBVAN'S Plltlonic Wafere; WTSTIAIS Ilnlklel Wild Clerry; DA lIS' Wil Cherry and Tari IDE1:IR'S Ijelrwort end TIar 1111D LIVER OII,, I'leeImane Clrk e& ID. CDI LIVER OE II1,, lB .h, Peesol kA CO. (ODI LIVER Ill, l.elle's; IIASTiNIN'S Serlup pI NeByea; JAYNS'S epleltoslet; OSOOD I'Dý Clleldoguo: TIIO.rIIEON'B :ye Wetse. W RI Or D'S lndianh~ NegetablPille; I 'IOIPIN'D B es r suit Ague Pill?; S Ol 'PINGT NIINS Fever ed Ilele rill; DI1IiNEEB'K VOeOlK'S Pill'; IA YNFi'S SBletive Pill.; BRINICNU'S PIlls; ROel AND'P' TonS c liii,; SPEBIle'S Flbrilege; THORN'S }:.trac. BADWIlS Randy RBlief; Ill lIEN'S Elide I llllilrle I1lloWN'S I{",xenc of 1}inacr: Jic\II:N'S Tglixr of Opiumlm DUTlER'S ,'as lce Sel ljit Pdlerse; IlA.lEi"S nin Estrncle; DA VID' i'i Killsr; DIUDNAN: aLItllilli DRt0AY'S ODoleeoli; liii ND g , Clel, ial ICNYS ~l ~1slI'llo D Nlonl li.D Tlll lll'S DFIlegeDt, AIEXANIISR'S Blisldlllhe, II I lilli' IIliN: (Aoe Rem y, IAYNCAA~i II" Nelilerup Bl P IU N'S I nic 1) l lll l. l Ri' \I'l'Rrlllt .NDDI~'' P11115 CI DI.iERE WINBD, OdIC PDU111111 I .\r i'aT¶'S'XB' I iP NAL SUPPOIKT Ii· N. NCliDTiCN,~~rt -J 5.' BTlLS P \R'eNF )llSI'I DDIASPr DIos-o NE UIN. IZIIIBIS LB leeceheesP II ell. OUIIANA IUTPUAL INSUI.AILkC0' CUOSY PANY OF NEW OLhEANS.-In conformity wltlh the re quiremetit of their charter, the Company publish tihe following statement: Ameuntof pre1miums forthe y.ear ending 12th Mrch4, 1&5524v,: On Fire Rinks.................................... $16,301 26 On r ne Risks .................................... 116,72 79 On River Risks .................................... 53,74 13' Tol Pr... um..: ....................: 3 88 Lees retur pmu . ................. ....,9 0 21' Less premium; Vn rlnks not terminated (re-" . ' erved) ................... .......... ..... 7,89 . 26' 62,93 47 Earned pem ms for h yer ........... ......... A,.2'16 0 Amount paid for loses during the some period, VI : For Fire Losse..............008,111668 For Marine Loss ........................ 33,693 8 For River Losses ......................... 14,240 72 120,645'22 R-l4r9ur99 e, expense, Ito'et., di6e., etc., 28,605 91 18-,161 11 Net proft for the yea gMal rci 124,1855....... 59,174 3 94 The C.3mpany have the following assets, viz: Bills receivable, at short time, for premiums ..........4602 98 Bllsreeeivable, being subscrteon notes ...............199,647 16 Du for4premlum9.9 centke ofcelleti.n ............... 29,92 71 Investedln lans on stocks .................. . 6,321 20 Ch on hand.................................. 373,27 Ttel asts ........................ ....... .. 316,01036 STATE OF LOUISIANA,. . Parish of Orleans, City or New Orleans Be It remembered, t9aton the 24thMareh, 185, beforeme, the subscriber, aJuste.t of the Pence in and for the eat aforesaid, personally appeared Charles Brlg91, I'residnt, and I. P. Jon vler, Secretary of the Louistuna ,Mutual Insurance Company of New O leans, who bcng duy sworn, according to law, do de Pone and may, lt] at e above nccoun['s pro Just and true, and correct tranauript from the books of the 0a0d orn any. . CHABLES.BRI0G8O, President. 11. P. JAN.VIER, Secretary. Sworn to and ubscrlbed before me, this 2th day o9 f M9roh, 1855 - C. V. JONTE, Second Justlce of the Pe9ce for the Parish of Orleans. The Board of Trustees have declared a dividend of twenty pet cent on thle net ea9e9d p 'emn9ms of the year ending March 129h, 1855; for whichl scrip certificates will be issued on and after the first da of Jos neato. The Company continue to insure against the perila of the seoe and rivers, audios and damage by fire, at the current ratea e1 preffmiumce Pr..enseutheaet corner of Camp and Natchez streets. GHIARLES BBIGA S, President. A. CAERIERE, Vtee Picesident. H. P. JANVIMR, Seeretay.. .¢ew Orleans, ,March 24, 1855. TRUSTEES. A. Carriers, E. Ganncheau, Wm. Urquhart, C. 9 9onold, P. Martin B9 re,. J. II. Oglesby, b .A.9I4ett 4n AI. 016101E41A. R4. Montgomedy,1 John Fox, F;. II. Pomyro R. C. Cammack A. Reichard, J.9C. S4 mnon, P..9 Degelos S. . Creen, J.. 9. Shvage, F.W. Kitch1e, A. Lecourt M. Pitcher, R. Nutgent, JFrnk9W9l.f9lm, IV. C. Templeton, M. .Muson. C. Farsy J T. Hnnema., , P. A. ,Du9bar, 1. Bugler F. J. DaSi9va. W. A. Johnsen, J. Thorlhil,, 4.0.. Fosdi4k, D.P. I.,og, m24ly OFFI10E O1 NEW ORLEANS SAVINGS INTITUTION.-Otiktt No. 61 Camp street-Incortors tsd tster Act of the Leglslsatwo on 15th \tssrcb, 1855 Thb Itit o the Instisution will be spot whysswptIw of Depostss everyy mrrtintgSundays sltcetsed) from 95, 3o'pclock, and on Sturday l ka frm to ils cluck Iowots of One Stllwr atd upwards will 1w sewtsvd. The employment of the futot Is sswtcy itited 6 theAlt of Iwptrporwtion to lt,, Pubtbt Debt1 of the United St tates, of the State of Lwtstinns, end of the City of New Orleans. Ioun. npon martyl is of lbs slI enered and unnimproved heall Ests sittit the limits of the slty of Now trltnnls, not ,swesd 1nq h0 per cunt. of s uraxdcshnle 6w uptotI e i lbpslwsid csh lts'tt. 1,tstn neon pledge os ltha titwlk of the Ittwporwted Bstnbs in New Orletis, not sexcweing li per cwlt. of the market swssle All Interwst or T'tttt derived from the employment of the fuwtds 1sto be distributtd ewi-stnnttllystmong the Deposittws. 96 Tustte wan directly or indliretly borrow any sf the flud, or receive any pay or emolumesnt whatever. wsniscits of de ystts, Lovitg Interest at a rate to be agreed upon, will Le issues for sums not lets tos tst1ss0 deposited for n .pesilsd time. TRUSTEES. weorge Esstis, A. I). lly, Willitm Vssel, W. sSttMs, Geo. Urqutbrt, I5.0B. Sumttr, II. 0. llunts, A.Hetn,, Georlge ,J s, Wiibslmus Bogart, P. N. Wwa, TI,,. A. Clask, Tiros. A. Adaso, E. A. Ilsdfwtl, D. . Withers,. W. N. K ERCER, Plssidsl. A. TP. til:,, Vs t, P. IL WIhiiOIl, Treasurer. N. B.-lCopios of the Act of Incorporation sd Sly--Ls6 can be obtained f the Itsnl. ate17 A LGIERS SUGAR ISAR.T.-Tftl E 5 U190.R A signew istsow prsslststat rective on t stt age, for sale ot ressiipmsnt, i,, tltttroot ,tophnsen,, well tiglted, or on the plnlt form recentlytreclted, to It csseretwlitllt[.Pautll,, slgar or molasses, having talttitys for 15,I00 h)bol ttws. Planters or meral lantn on tieline uC the Oyelonsas Railroad can hIve their prsducttttts is, lbs 1 from the p rs, tssslls is breh rsessl or o ttle pstltFot l, and delivered to sdips b tndsttsw. boats free of labor, drayage or tarptslin bire. Storage is per SUiGARl-Per hbogshtd, 25 cents, from 1 to 15 days, or 40 cents per month, atld 25 cents each succetdits month. 9[OLAbSSii-5'st hbrrs, 9 setts, from w to 15 dlys, or 12 cents wer month, and icntt each st int montht h'No Ilsstwsc requirt if place d ,t tbtplsatfotw core, d with tarpautlis; if in the slpt, or warehousete, it can be ellnted Ib the lowest rate,. Refesences bylSpecial Conwset: Jtsn Y dt Eg ,1R. . I1. WitAtity, I lathy 6 remloulet. )Ispetro ,;,orge U lilrnn, lImbit . 4 II;TPenliel, t'tnsbkb9Isstlt, lottmno b, bsuire,,&bWesl, Bratd ltL F. Kenlttttl Co., P'rice, f:onverrso'- Co. F'ellowes k toi, ttewiltt Nortun Co., W. I3. Us,,,,. 0. Gittdet, bgrtttin b Thitt, t, .1. W. . Stanton k (o., Cihnrks Deellsn e. Matin. Owen t S Cobb, *ttot 0. W,,tlsbi Co., li. I), ittly S. U. Nelson 6 Co., N. tI.-tuotror ,,s sold 1t Its Abtits. Sugar Mart will ite delivered stto tity, If relquired, at sate ratels s tharged fim Owit,,I, Railroad Depot. IBOOOCLYN WARIEIOUSIE COIIPANY, Tlor J. 1,.1 SE ', HoW E'S COTTON HARVESTER, FOR picking yy.yb,, n the ,iy1I i Paet I I yytbelyhi,,g11y' . a nuenlno of cotton KroHwcrr and .there interested, is pnrticll inrlr invlcd o0 thishOw and hllble iveilltion for pikinbg cot ton in bye Il ld. Try machin .y ll lyIIbIy itO oed I,, tIy , weihing onlyb b igylt Sounds, and wit it one baud co dlo the workr of from t rea to ,I,,yllyy Ilyd withl this ,hi lln y yyliyaneyr aRdtI,,a that ),,)Ii tb l is l eIf nll lh h II condi ion o for ginningy than picked h}· thle ol'l hnnd methbod. \Ya are uoweeilli .1-te and co:mlty rights for thle mnnlfne· t tee and norn or the nborl mnlinx . Any subscriber re lative 11~ct con bre obtained In callling llb an the nrsibsr at the r-· csde Liltwcen the lallh of 1(1 anld l daily wherre a Innrh~ina will ba iu operation, or by nddlrliug G. A. !fOWE, Cleolynd, Ohio. 11 rice of nlaclblne $J., Orders prolnptly attended to. W. P. IIIIRNIAI!,, ml Agent _ A lgall (Ily .' n nr)y r. F. J. BAIMANN, ROOT AN!) SHFOF MANE. 'ACTbYIIi;R, Ny. 112 S1. CbhyIlylstreet, near PoFyrir, mkes l to ordy r and haY ready made on ! and the lh lloy, lyyy lylce of Roots anldl Shoes Gent's superfine French Pat. Leather BOOTS.. Do do do GAITERS. Do do Ido RIogf and PIImpr. Do do do Calf Skirt Boots. Gaiters,. Cogross Shoes end Bragnur. All of wlhll arc mode in the best style, and wlbe sold law yorcosh. illuib3 PRANOS-TIIE SURSCRIBER. RREI(N THlE sole Agenl for the State, of Louihiyanll ll3lsissippi, far the sale of the celelbrated PIANOS of MIehe. I.Ighfee, Newton t Bl llnl.y of N,., Yor, woyId call the .t tentionr of parehnsare to bit. Int-Re stork, comprising every rlc ty, varyilgiu priclfrom l$L0 to $2l, and from 1.3·y to 753 octaves, ln evlry kind of style and "ib. These PIA 6S. for ribhnys p1rity and e1eunea1 of tone are nnlnrpn))yl, aad have been ncyyl)) lldgEd by lh. New Vylk )h od toi l)ty, toether withthlhe mast renowned Pibnists of the dayp, to be squ61, it oat eupertor to all other Pianos of Ameri Also logy l ye nalorl))t of Eyropenn nod Ajl.lcnl PIANO), MELO IRONS, VIOLINS, RUIT .RS, FLUTES and Illklndll of bMnscnl mllionylbtiIo, togeter wtlh i large nld select alIort ment of Sheet .mole!, and I in daily receipt bf the latest cam v,,iOu Ifrom the ) publishers throughout tb. United Pianos and all other Mmlllb) l Intramlll s tued and repaired. .y,,ic Books nyatly boynd. yyp- Pianos to rent. Second-h.nd PinoA OItab in part pay. menc for newr ours. Wr. S. IIALSEIY 186 Cant steet,. ,.a a c, .1 " - 1.1- c. not.:.. 111,,,,"1l~l· TRAVELERS' TRUNK DEPOT NO. 67 C7A6NA ST7EEET.--7'here will ahvny7 be Found the largest and most como leta assort ent of SOLE LEATHER. IRO7 FROAME 7 77777LUN71,, ldies' and gentlemen'' CARPBT BAG(6S and SATPCHELS, i6 the Sonth 777. WRe havo in store somo of th7 finest 7 ladie' and gentienlen's Sole Iarntber Trnoks ever offered in this market. Having hern engaged in this line of business t'or many )ears nder tho firm of I. N. 'ETERS & CO., ae are .ell apprisee of the, wrmts of the community, and will endeavor to merit a eontinnaueo of the patronage heretofore extended to us. ,5- CmtrnLy merchants and our friends genrally are invited to c7ll and 7xamine our 7o777k. 7. W. .REYNOLDS A CO., 67 Cana st7. rf74 J ENGLISH CATTLE. - .777 RE. eeived per ship L'allender from Lierpool TwO fine You"g7 I7U7I6IA7 COW7S, in tull milk; one wsith her calf. evenvouu.gfull-bred DURI.IA7S-theca7 B7ULLS and four 7EI7I'7f7S, o7ne n7d 7 half years old. Al,., two .u71-bred 7716ON COWS, three years old, ne. climntedl. Also, n few SU'FFOLL(IIHOGS, bloth male and fenlnlo. For p.arthtutars of price and qnllaitY o stock, hl tuire of fell R. F7, N7ICOLS, 0 7 7amp tre7t. IHATS, HATS, HIIATS-CIHEIAP, CIEIIAPI.R, C IIIAPEST. 1 would inform my friends and the public In general to the fact that I am now selling my stoce off fast at reduced ,rices, to make room for Spring goods. 'Tholse ni want of a good cover, would d. well to give me a call, D. U. JOIINSTON, S9 Poydra trheet, fell next to Corner of Camp slreet. SOTO' AND BAR IEAD:.THE. UNDERSIGNDED L. offer for sale, .r} lkeog DROP and BULCI.7-fHOT and BAR LIEA1). They will be conestntly .npplied with the above. -om the lmnlruactory of Messrs. Kenne1tt, Simonds & Co., St. Louis. KENO NTT, DIX .& CO., Jal6 71 Tchoup toluas street. BIB.D~g. J. GApUDIN. RESPECTFULLY AN nou, es. to the n iblic that he has received from Franco tfi heart ful PIANO, whieh, some tima ago, he adverl sad as on its way to this city. This instrumeum is, as a sp-h,cn of art, of the mleor beautifil inish ; it was mnnamnc tared Iy M essrs. Pleyel & Co. ; its shape and slyla ere a In Louis CV, manufcittlred of Bengal rosewoodand ebony, with bronlze cart ifs. Its quality as an intrument is sunfficintly extolled by the knre mention of its exhimition at the Universal Exhibi ,ton, held in 185.5, at Parls. T3 pblic are respeelflly invited to call at Mr. G AU DI'S, No. 101 Royal street, to examine this instrumewut, hicb, for its beautiful specimen of work-manship alone, is well orlh the uoti'o of the public. jaug PH(E.NI - n OUSE,T ST UUR,,. ..\ ' ,jSTIREET. T.' s well ]lown establlishment is againl openl having" during tho snulner, Iunder gone a thlorough~ repair, with seerarll additional improve lenl. 's ' lrl B car etaurau, 'Oyster Counter, Billiard Snllonn Rider and Pistol Gall, ries, wsii. be condulcted as usulal tll tile best nltlalllr. The pro ricotr has obtabled the best Rassst an te, in order to gihe sadsotetia n to tho se w ho m ay favor hi m with their paltronageo Wn3 DAVID BIID)WELL,, Proprietor. TIHOIROU(H-BKtED ST(KOE SFtl SAIu--One fine .\yrnliro BULL four years old, fully acclimated. SOno sboer-hored dDurham BULL, 2 yeara old, leony ,1coahltled. One till bred s .ort-horned Durham COW, 2,1 years old, fully aeelimst ed. ttne full bred COW (" Patton" stock,) 4 years old, fully acci mated. 'Three fine full bred D)urham BULLS, short-horned, one year old. Tlrves tihle full brled short-horned Durham HEIFERiS, one ari o`ol, Sic pair fear larK,, ýizd Suffolk HiOGS. )he htgre fnll bred [rih Gr'arier ROAR. For full rtirtnlnr., i ( ilh'e by leteor or ofllemrwe of di It. .-. N I(:t11,1.S, M.'p fli street, New Orlenns. NAb[[S--fidrltl ogý "ill ioan bl'tldun and sires, for sale on fa f.'al .... .1 RI:il) KiEARlNEY, 72 Mansgaine street. T I.SE1:yD O1L--16t barrels and 2 cakkn raw nmd boilud, ,Ip1 rIrf·JiE:hU , ,t KEAR'NEP, i72 gJtla r|.,l) -o lIu8u rA2ORAE~iO A HT M MUTUAL I111URAN CE, y PMANY 1 OF Np W ORE2ANS.--The followi2ng statement of 2h nfalrs of difis compnoy is publlshed In colformity with the re : ulremen, of tbteir cLhsr r, ia: z monnt of pret;nms received for'tle year ending flst December 1 5 .................. n.. ... ,94 Amouht 2 f unt2rmtnatedrl2ke,231t De., 165..2;:.::9x gl Total ardnnt of premiums for ,ear embulng:8ln Da- - cem r, 185 .... .......... ..... ......... $640,02 20 0.::Fopre, ltma oa .22 2,, 2 ... $278,07620 or premieres on river rlk ....... 269,62 42 Fo1 premiums on marin rsk..... '92,99 34 :pat-4020,20220 Le2.p premium t o emot'2202. 22 t22d 31st Deem0 r, ....0 . 2.." 2,27S 0 Rtrned premu 6................... 472 2 20 .h, 1622-4,2 ,14 20 1,t earned promltun fo year ending 3st Deeem-. 1 her 2 1855 .207.2....................... . . O 02..e e 0 2i . t. 2 sa0,2e 22riod9 via: On iv r s ... ........... .......... $146,0772 2 ---- -$421,70214 Net e2rn2d profits for the year ending December 31 , 1, 5 ..........................................$612, 986 The Company have2te 20 22olloowingsets, via: tnvested n mortgagee on property wot Sdo2uble the amount loaned thereon... $23,260 00 invested ýn bank stocks ......... ........ 685615 00 02ned on bank 2 1212....:............. 125,490 00,. Invste2 d 2t real e2tate (oico 78 Ca2mp t) 51,000 00 Bills receivable at hort time for preml.' ns earned ................. 144,£0 76 Bill1 receivable, being balan0ces on s2b sripion notes ................... 44,418 856 1)u2 far premiums o oo2of 2 collection 12,406 61 Ch on and ............. .......... ..... 86,04,19 Total amot of 8 2 .................. ,871 31 STATE OF LOUISIANA, . Parish of OrleanCt.Oly of oew Orleans, e It remembered, that on the 15th January, 1562, before m2, the ub1scribor, a Just2c of the Peace In and for the city aforesaid, persnannlly appeared Alexander Brother, Pre2dent and Jayaes 21. Wheeler, 2ecretary, of the 20 ome 22, ua Ins2rance Company of New Orleans, whobe, g dIly.worn, ac cording to/aw, do depose and say thlat tihe abovoJ.,ncounta are Just and true and a correct transcript from the books of the 2aid Company. A. BROT ER1,Presldent. JAS. H. WHEELER, SecretarY. Sworn to and xubeeribed before me this 15th day of January, 1866. ,CIIAS. 5. BRADFORD, Second .ust2ce of the Peace of the parish Of Orleans. The Board of Trustees have reslved to pay an interest of six 2er2.22, in 2a2 h on the oo2t,+t2 n ,n c,.rti0cate2 of profits, to the i2I0der thereof, or to t21ir legal repres2entatives, on and after MONDAY, the 10th of Febru0r noxt. The Board of Trstees have also declared a dividend of ten per eent, on the net earned premiums of tile Company for tile eard ending 31st Deccm2ler, 1&55, for wi22 h certi2ficaes 2 i2 he lesued on and after the 13th of 12arch next'. " -This Comyany contin2e2 to in22 re 2gai2 t the perll of tihe ea, r2ver2 and loss or dmage by fire, at the current rates of premium22 Offi422 N,. ,20,,20222streetB. AHEXAN 2DER BSROTHER, President. JOHN R. SIIHAW, Ve-President. 2A2ES H. WnRE.LE.t, Secretary. New Orleans, January 15, 1856. John R,. Shaw, S.L. Levy, W. L. Laner, Geo. W. West. A. H. a, Philip.A. Shaw, Richard .loyd, John H. Owen, 2. De iser, 2.0l h Pe2le, John all, Robert Dysa, J. 2 . 2arr2son, Ru20 us, Mlhenny, W...Avery, Joseph H0.y, J. O.Cocks I..S. Isenhour, L. C. Jrey, J.A. DoA. ,rty A. 0John. odenburg, . O. Nelson, n.. KentE.0 2 , A.Q.Kennet,2 Alfred oul2mn, A. Dessomme. , F.6. Converse, W. C. Tomplir., John ,..,Ooorich, J.Ehger. L. D. C. ood, S.E."Carry, . Jau16 CRESCENT M01jUTUAL INSURANCE CO1 PAN--OFFICE IN THEIR BUILDINGS CORNER OF CAMP STRIEET AND COMMERCIAL PLACE-MA RINE RIVER AND FIIRE INSURANCE.-The Company heve tale following assets Inveated in bonds and mortgages on propertyworth double the amount loaned thereon .......... $3,016 00 .Loans on bak and other tocks .............. 88,26600 Ills recivable, boeing uote for prem1um........... 140,871 0 Invested in real etate , estimated value $70,100, cost 63,444 08 Due for premiums in of collection............ 60,388 6. ficrip from other compttet , eitimated ctlae...'..... 3,065 O Cash on hond................................... 100,948 20 Total 0 a et.................... .......0820040 THOS. A. ADAMS, President. OEO. JONAS, Vlee-ore0'dent. C. J. MA sOI, Secretary. TRUSTEES. J.ohn1 rell 1 S. Hawkin, E. r Smedes, J. A. IrellI, W.E. 0Seymour, Thos. Hender. n, fiomuel tell, W. 3G. Robinon, 3. A1endeny J.. W. Nchalre, A. 3. Stooseo, S.51. Derby' 3M.O. H. 'P. Simms, N. Slummy, C. T. uddeleke, R. W. llEstn, 0. Heine, W. lP. Vredenburg, T. C. 13.Yullle, m'lSmith, S.. t.oonnedy, John D. eln, ,. P. Coneorse, R. . Smr, .W. Carroll, Go. lacGrego, I. Frells,,en, C. Fellowe,3, . B. Noewmtn.' W. P., f0l, M ERCSiANTS' MUTUAL INSURANCE 'COMPANY OF NEW ORLEANS.--In accordance with lrticle eighth of tile Charter of tie Compaly, the following statement of the affairs thereof I, pub ished:l Amount of premiums for the year ending 0 May 31, 18555,viz: On "iro$16,2 48 On River Riks ...................... 82,127 21 On.larine RI is ..................... 82,32 84 $2--11,390 23 Les rcturn premium ................ .. 9,078 481 Lena premi.m on risks not terminated.... 214,23 008 223,101 45 Nel earned premims for the year ................... 448,29 08 Amonnt0 pai( fr losses during the 0 a per4od, e 21:1 ,On Fre Rihks....................... 305,313 92 on River Risks0 ..................... 41,469 83 0n 3a-rine Ris6 ..................... ,46911 Paid for losses..... ......... ........ 353,22 86 Amount for lose0s in course of settlement and adjustment ...................... 31.893 62 Total losses ........................ 385,145 48 Relnsurance ......................... 19,63061 Ten per cent. re1turn........... . 14,06 42 Expenses, includ1ng1those of2the1agencies. 31,50689 447,350 40 Net pro1fits for the1 year edng 31st : .1855........ 840,938 63 RECAPITULATION. Amonaiof earlned premiu2ms a2 s aboe ...............$2829 03 Less amount of pr1mium1 g11 by the 2ler222 111' I21221221 (ol2' 01112710 or r,,-inring their outsan1ing po li ies, a1l on which they abandoned their right to profits, es per contract.. $80,000 00 pld 1by parties who b ave 1 bam d0ned their rights to 11prits, in con sidj1ation of ten per cent. interest, say 150,924 11 230,824 11 alance, being net earned premiums partic1patin4 tn the net profits of th c2ompapny..................$257,364 97 ThO, Company have the folowlng assets, vle: Bills receivable, 1tshor time, for pr1miums..2......$112,025 16 Bill2 r 1ce211ble, b21hg subhariptlon note ........... 90,72 13 Due for premlums in coarse o f ollection............ 66,&0 0: Due by geuts in course of settlement .......1....... 18,1930i Real e1tat1 , office building .......................... 21,0114 6 Cash on hand ....................................... ,046 0 Total asets ............................... . 7$1,632 401 STATE OF LOUISIANA, Prh of Orleans, City of New011 Oleans. 1 Be it lemembeted. that on the 12th of June 1855, before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in and for t!lo city 80ore 11a11d, 1eo011a4l1y appeared Jon P ,emberton, Presient, and A. Sebrelber. Secretary. of the 2 1erch6nt2' Mutual I.n1ur1nc2 Co,. pane of ew Ollcnn0 , who being duly sworn, according to law, do depose adsay.11 that the above a2o2n12 ,t are Just and true, aria a correct transcript from the books of said Corpany. JOHN 'PEMBER13TON, President, A. SCHREIBER. Se2retar1. Siwons to and subscribed before me, this 12th day of dune, 1855, C. V. JONTE, Second 1 Jutlce of the Peace for the pri111h of Orleans. The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of Fifteen Per Cent. on the net earned premiums (particlpating In tit profits) ofL the ear 1111ending 1st ay, 1855, for which sorlp ter t00ater 01ill be issued on and after t21 e 1 t or August, 1855. JOI2N PEMBERTO7 , President, A. 90HREIB R, Secretary. New Orleans, June 12, 1055. DIRECTORS: John Pem16r21on, B. o. lg1laud, J. A. Brad, Logan 3c1216ight6, 7. C 7ddy W1m. Vogel, O........., iicri Po.. ., G. .lilten1erg1 B. ]. . onlhi11, P., Maspero, 3,13 TIFE INSURANCE - STABILITY - SECU .L(I'ITY-PERPETUITY.-UNITED STATES LIFE IN SURANCE. ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHIL AI)ELPHIA.-CSSATELS PERPETUAL. Assets, Jalnuary let, 1856, $1,240,6I0 06. DIRiECTORIS or THE HOME BOARD. A. T. 'I'Iaps,,,s, FssII.(Goddard, ERR',. Flarence, Ssm.9. M. S issi, .Cam-5, Osvnso, Lossrene ,oshnsoo, So,. S .slIO,,,. S. 1. Crawfod. Goso'So TEnglish. Buln. W. Tingloy, OTEPIION 5. CRAWFORD, Pesoidost. LAWRENCE JOHNSON, Vis.FsresidSot. PUNT FiISE,- SECretary and TAR,..,,.. 555AN Os Orleans Braonh S!le, No.41 Cnmp street. T'lbosoderiood, Gen,001 Agent of thL abo5e well knonsl Uompsnys for the S01, 0 0 States, is prepared to roeeive apply cations for insurance osl he lives of whie pIerssoss ad slaves at the tude rat";-sond by p horisa,, has FIoesuro in submitting to, As friends ond the public thie, wollosonp BOARD OF REPr.RENCE W SI Lstcfords Co, A. IA. Kelly k C., {Sm. \N. Perkis,, North, ,SmdoskoS.O. O.N l ol o o.; A.HB. Jasos, J. Burusids R Co., dos. A, d, 40 John Msngidass, (Toossok, Squies s oWt; jot,, Pmnleroob , Tl esholsl UTosoIsss' Isuraton Its. Compaoy. Thmmlss Sloo, P 5resident S 5u Insurance ComSpay, Jus Asssnos,, Prsident OrlSos Insuornc CoosUsps Coahn UsJalso, President N. 0., Jkon sod S. V. 1.1. C., I7losy 7. Lonssdss, JaosS I). lfisa,, I"losis P150. 550, J. 5. AolliAs, TS-oD,,,, rny MoERk Walton. 7Psolicies issued dlrcct from this BsEnclA O~R, eod borses Paid theeo. p F,,,smphloS, blnotso,-rm,, oW., nun he ofs iu d i the ofofi. ,1 nsPH i RF.I EeED1,S "I.D2 ueicnl Exnminors. 155555 lA55uLttoS5 Al. 0. 5 lo attend nn14 , dally, from 1251., to 3 P. 0f. }hARMION DOANE, Geserl Agoent, IsIS2 S No. 15 CUmlps Ostt. TORIE INSURANCE COMIPANY OF NEW II IORK-Cnssh MApitsA, $100,001; Am5m5,is of Assets, bA1s Juno, IbM9 $717,972; 44; Amousnt of sinOhil'll, SIRS 55. CA. . A. MA.RT'IN. Presiden. A. F. W III AII ARTI Serory, F. {P. SAYNE, Agent, 4C Unmp street, Rew Orleaon. The ,o,,Ao,,Ao csl, Agent ofs 01 1, a50550 I5'tpoiblo Comp0b1 yj Is dolt' nlthorized to IRhwe PuBlici~s of Ini'llrstle on bnlldilugs, sorci,,d 'hi, s,, s in port '"I -h1e1 i poslsos. Also, cotton in press, gin nu5 d 5 gar lhouss, hmsoeshold fss,,Sltuso, OntIFO peso property g11 ,flly; aginst loss0 or damgep by ire In t15,c, andisollsos ountry. 't',e per c0t0l csh rrImsd onp5555,51,, preossIss. Lo.sss eoquitablyallduodsantd i prsomtly 1aid. d55,,, R. W. R\YIE, AMIdt. VOODWAUD'S CABINET FURNI TULlE WARESROOTIS, No. 178 Mng i s,01trMet and 7I Julia strees.-FurnIture of every sariety fU. sale and made to order in agos d s, nd o ubolnssissI msos. Olfose Fur-ituro Innde nu, d reppires. Hotels, Ships mrd `ioarding-hoaxa,, supplied wsith Furustnro and teddissg a the shortest notice. N. II.-Ioinvsg itnkssbs 1la , rgo brick-ooessssn J5lin slr,1t, near Moosssiso, be ys epsdred to store any quantity of goods for Tsooliss losiss Ailse oitly. Furnitur, Cart5 to hire na5 moving a4tt 0 to w cSll r 500. iy9 ly SL.JONTE & A. PARKER, WShnl.nlklad 1100!i Doko.inSI.I Old French lonrkeO, SLllla NON. I at l ý. Prirote Famiicu. lho, B~nq l UTT YEAT, KID, POUiLTRY o d FISHHou tha shortest uoi I. Any nuilntit>> ad of the best Santt, :11so, co1{NE BEEF and TO\GU F;9 ShLT PORK, and every other article In their line, at market psIo. 5- All orders promptly attended to. m7 1f ) JSSET BROGANS AND MUD BOOTS AFO1 PLANTATION USE-Theo subcribe.. havte onts&n superior Oak TTnned 1 u51t111 15ns an~d Mod Boots esleoted for plnsatison 55s oopressly. Also, a well sosrted ssolk sO Bsoobts d Sb05, or W5 015 low. d5 .1(11 B. VALENTINE & 00.. 5I Commos stooet. C A.GE N LANIER JACKSON IISS., GENERAL C SENT AND C5(FILEuTOR. ýt lstsslo ay doserip. lion entrusted to his charge will meet with frompt attendon. Notes and Accounts collected throughout t1he Stae, and prompt remittaucoh made. ....REFERS TO.... Jascson, 510... Ne Osleaos. s'enm, Pstsnm Co~, Slaro, Ds~1S & Staud' William lsrdssas, I. M10,h stnmSn & dL o., W CIIlfor BSct, NLzss, Adanm * Co,~ mEEW HOTELSAND' RESTAURANTS. MQJRPY'g HOTVEL' R1STAG RANT'AND OYSTER 1AIOONf No. 98 5nd 1500fi Charles trHb, Isopen o o40 Ieption of t; 011010 3 '031, ond Ill 1he DollciOSd o the aeason nerved npp n te mal ppproved style and shortest 030000, atollS ours. "JuetobroeowIv oI 0ePineOyla fat nd salt- RICuW .{R MnnRPH. d9 it %" !1FI~87 FRANKLIN IIOUSSE, 'o. 93 CANAL stroue0` havng 3been pol.1nlliy bul0 by th3, lin 1ire0 f now ,fisiE:1 fn a must xtl lerb and comlfortoo ale styalr, n he 1.1 tS 1 o , open for mi 01100105ton of 01Ird I110 oh of >Inrclr. 0125 31138. L. A -IOWE. SPOYDRAS hIOUS3E 7 No. 187 POlYDRAS ST., 551117 7013.1011113 310130. 7!o u Anrlooolgod oonuod ren H11-H3ully inform thO public iogeerally, 1that be has recel0 puiIIhu sod th hOve [ Ilmmd ctnblishmcnt and fitted Ilo In Kood ord0 r fo, the reception of 1oard3rs and Lodgers. Th1 0,.= Room, i, greatly Improved avid will be eorutnntly supplied with Goodl I0000511 IO'and attentive Hll1 pOHR barkeEpHIsOo r vOeIt out. 7l.,oilil aooho oan good Ihmc1 0IOerved upfro I eOiht unti eleven o'elin~·k In the -morni ng. oldtriot anllldon to 00 llnes1, the proprietor h1op1s to to 000e3ve aliber00 3 l,, of public paltronge. RIS 10 J01HN"17A.IL, Propr1,tor. SAiRb' SA.LOON 101 ST CHARLES * 1373133. This lplodlAd Saloon having boo, llboro0ooly 0010,11d up. f0r the l,01ing,03 1,00. now open. T'lh Hopp belt OyOsters yo0R be co-, stantly on hand, to he dervedlbyooolibin athooHH'IHR Wlnes and Lq 0101 00 the very h 0t q 0ality, Ire 010 to boo Hound at thin est.lAshmenl, 00 n0 ,0c'se or price h0! erred the IPopriHtorHOIrom keeping tho besi to he bld. 030Out HOPE HALL, No. 33 Sh. CHARLES 87133137. '1'e ulldersf gned having. Purchased tyb o'nj lIlHmntl No. 3 0 1. Clorletltrete, yntelh kno a91 0000 8sl ALOOOO', and oo pletott overhau led and P 00 0110d it, h. given 0t the nHme of ?135 HA.LL, and re00 pet 3ollyIaoHnlrroH LiI OloOodr 0,11111 poliO, 0H0 0310001 of 13103103, 0311 ho II OrpelOHod 110000111 thoto 0003 opiollool 0s well. bad~lly comforts to [heir entire satis~nctli 1. Hie AR 0will ho constI10tlyforpifOied with the best {SINES and LIQUORS 1hat can be impoaod, sd -ohit a10ngement1 in tha enlinlrry lino cannot be slllylfnsed. pýIle will keep at all times nil the delicacies the Saathbcm and Norther mrLn ntrkfsorrintrd will uupply famlies and pm- Iics with FISH, GAME., OYATERB; toc., in their nsntornI state, or cocked in the most approved style ,@ý-I ha eroploycd oblligrugj nitendntls, and those who be stow their pntronege on Hog Hulrl, raty rest assuredrhat every attention will be paid thlem by the proprietor and assulefnnts. dl] tf JOHNS J. DANIELS. MUSIC TEACffN(. NSTRUCTIONN IN VOCAL 11RUIC. T110VIA6 S JIAY.'fI V one rd' toe oldnst insaiuctors to this city, will Fite I. tsts in this acstttpliiittt to Lsdies orGtlemcu. His s Unity 555tosteliltttin tt recrulro recommen dation. R' Osdersleft with P P. WINLEN,- No. 5 Cattap street, st i m ttsith prompt attention. 9 i9f SI¢CRS. CAMPBELL, TSACHER OF MUsIC, giros LE"ShONS U\S THE PIANJ AND GUITARI, at Ler residencg, No. 22 COn10 hnee aireat, tool .o at No. 80 Istri storeet. 5p0tTermts- 5 per month, or twervo Itssooa DgLECTUtES of 12 Constance street once a week. felly PIANO TEACINR*G.-A. ii. CHANDLER informs t i ptblic toot hie ,istwo ready to give Lessons on the FPit, itihCr at its ratiisoet or at that of his pupil. A p meti th ttttod fs r t0 eliet etitrtu. Reosidence on Orange strett, b bvecn Camp t treet t Cdliettl Place. MILLIN ERt Ž NEW SPRING UILLINERY, No. 229 y ýCam .treett corer of Julia. . . IcENANY respcctflly informs the .Ladlesi . that she has received a l]rge and elegant asomrtment of Ladie.' and HIsses' Faucy Lace, Uair, Oimp, Diamond and ns STR AW BONNETS. Misses' Leghorn, Straw nd Laeo FLATS; Boys HATS and APS..-A - Alargo assor tment of Flowers,. Ribbons Lace Veils; Emroi dercd Fllest Grloves smd Hit, White Kil Gloves, Embroideries, Parasols etc. whlch will be opened on 3tonday, 25th inost. Country orsloea punctually attttdei to. Toe25 tMyl7 LADIES, OUR OPENING DAY..ds. ./ -Lrs. G\. ROPIER, No. 1i5RFoydras, b-s twen Cartondelet nod lBsronne streets, beg». leave to inform the Ladies that shc is Just opening a spleodid ssortmeut of RICH MILLINERY GOO)DS, Silk Bonnets, Velvet Bonnets, Satin and Plush Bonnets, Ribbonsklter; Flowers, 1"so Voils, Osres Trimmio t s, etc. Whicsh Mrs. R. respctfully invites the ladies and the country buyerrs to call alol snssin. snllos W 'INTER OPENING OF RICKE I7M1I,.1INEI .-MRS. PECK, lAte Jellrs,)r '" corner of tCiamp and Julia streets, begs respect-. fOlyO to informo her stomerx, lld ladies ingeneral that she hasJust received s larg invoice of FRISENCII HATS, OAPS, CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, which she will openl o Tuesday, November 6th, 155, and .olicits their attentionto them before T purch.lngelsewher.oso. . . A largo and elegant srorrSent of DRESS TRIMMIINRO;, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, VEILS, GLOVES, eit., all of whicl will lm sold at low pltces. Dress-mking superintendled by Mrs. FECK herself, is a g, rmtce that ladies map depend every attention will bie paid to .'shion, Tast and Style. fAs3m DENTISTIRY. CHiARLES E. HELLS, D. Ii. S. No. 151 C5nal street, between Carondelet ald Bssron eetreets. New Orleans. ARTIFICIAL TEETIt inserted I full or palrtiel sets, which, sor Beauty, Utility and Comfort to tbhe Wearer, cannot be excelled. 1a5 ly DR. J. W. ALLEN DENTAL SUIC GEON, has removed to RNo. 140 Canuul street. d7 '55ly JAS. S. KNAPP, . I. S. DEN. TIST, No. 16 sarouu. astret near. Canal FREDERICK H. KNAPP DEN TAL SURGEON, 155 Canal street, an re turned to the city, und is prepmed to mnadl to the duties of IlIs rofessionI n i yIgdtb -IEO. W. S¢IIET , DENTIST, HAS RETURNED, e and ill ,tendr to the duties of his profe sio as ,sul,. corner of C Irondelet end Iefi stre'ts. n15if - OCULIST-DR. SUSTINE'S OFFICE, FOR .et the Treatment of DISEASES of the EYE and I\I ' C3 PERFECTIONS OF VISION. No, 169 St. Charles ta-,t opposie Lafayetto Suare, NMer Orleans. D'All Surdcl Operations for tile EYE attended to. Sllch as CATARACT, SQUINTING, the INSERTION OF ARTI FICIAL EYES, etc. I• a28 9E SDR. COWLINGC, PIIVSICIAN, OCUIIST -I.n.d E AURIST.--p5rticlar ent iEnon paid to all diseases fs~P the issand 11l"'. 1:14 Ennssstreet. s2ily 1IREDIEN's CHARITABLE ASSOCIA LTIN--CspresS Grow and Greenwood Cemeteries--(lmiel lerrit, Seltou.)--Isoh a' these Cemeteries, bclonging to the Firemen's Charitbble Asosciaion, are situated on the ...s elrie idges near the bridge, aboutl 21 miles from the city byL the Rienvtlle street Shdel Road. These ru"a blrial grounids are handsolely laid out into weltsi and avenues, and beatfully oirnamented witil trees nd shbrub bery. Thbesncome from iteenssts is devoted exclusively to charitable purposes. The p5ries of LotE C SC Vauls are f55 aod f.llos IN TEHE CYPRESS GROVE CEM.ETERY. Lots, prices from .......................... $16to$30. Vaus, uppertiers ....l......................... 35 IN TIlE GREENWSOOD CEMETERY. Lots, prices from .... ..... .......................... $10 to $30 V , upp r iers . ................ ............ 40 Plane of these Cemeteries can be seen ad further informa tion obtained by applying at tle Osice, o, 25 Commercial Alley, or to the undmraiguedcommittee. E. 0. SIEDES, Chairms m, at Nortlb, Smde0 C CS.'s, cor ~sr MIagazieo and Common E.vees. JOIIN F. (GRUEER, No. 2iS Girod, noar corner St. Peters. JnI20 JAMES WARD. No. E5 Poydras street. THEI ARRIVAL OF DR. SHERIDAN IN t city for the second time, fimbu M IU tephens' lospi. tat, Dublin. i mi i P f his w,,i,,i l midres, of storing sightf to the M blind nd the deanf to their hearing. lie will also care cnncroa without the its. of iusrurueuts, and cuu sant ion even in thle second stage, it from 21 to tt Jays. I'cr emus troublled wvith fits will go to Dr. S. a otgo rend Gstore, sn ns never to be troubled again. Piles coredl at once-blody piles or blind piles, or ulyvird yilUe bad IrgE In any state , cul speedily; rheumat icpins PEIE GhrE od the lUst attendance, Dr. S. will restore gooi hair to the bald. !^ Secret diseasesr cored ou lire first attendane, nod rrithuilt lois of tine to '1, patient. AEEvicE g,,dk s. Persons iE the country can bie attended to, statinlg exactly the state th~ey are in. gEE Dr. Sheridln allows his D'y EEEIk open to all poGIsns IGrrefrenIe to fiis woderful cures IE dtis dity end S[. LEG,, nd the hundredsie has .stored to sight. IDr. S. ohm's his DiplomEE to hng in his ie ll. Persons are E llEE -d to see the Doctor restoring sight to the blind. TEE S. can be seen at hs o IIeE It A. M. to 4 P. M. 017 Ott No. 228 Canal stracts, corner of Treute. THBE BAGASSE FURNACE.--LETTERSS PA. Lnt for thle Utited Snrtt s were gr d EE SAM ICL U1. G:lT. MAN, of NE. 31 NEEtchez I reet, Now EIleaEII, uder the date ofIleEel iE I IS l rlb 5 f e rit tV dIEEEE"E. MiE IE EurnceE ie lllllEvin,, lli ill . l llt y proved to inking oEl SEVEN CROPS T111 PRESENT SEA. SUN. Isl. It work. entlrely by naEEEald alughllnl nd ithout thG aid of a Bllrerr. 2d. It contains no glate hsE or other irons i tihe interior. 3l. Itnevr requires asoppaeie of the mill to have its Elhes cleaned out. 4thE. Thel ngMse isnever stirred or touhed GEM r Et I n the furnace. IlL. It burns ail the DngnIEM, lIdE makes IenouLgh to rInthe EE Itll einesteam IEmlE lIr, ErIE EEE oa iEEiEng This is the only farEIEI" that l ms EL I eu ftE a crE p inp LoniE Sin complianlce wall the above live conditions. This 11 nrnnco makesl no pretellriol to barn nagnese alon aidd does not rrsenllle nn}" otherr fnrnlln e in n iefila feat"'. of its fImELte P EincipIes I which iS i ks, or In thIEESeIEEIEs w~iiCii It prodnees; neither doesC it trl`PT-ChI the rightsi of troy other gaily~. I16ýports circulatedr to the eollrimr iro '"nnr.r tricks of Imrld., h known to b. f+Jw b Iy I, nee who makec Sthem, "tat i Cnlrl la tOd nly to Jl`CC1V0 thle I`Ilt. r s1,1 tin otf ar tlcles lil cannot vullutdnpn tlie l owe nue-itx. No per, nn vill be i dloar m sell, malt'r or use any potntel l~anrlle withouolt aotlluiily Crum mr; nn ll Pr sans sthrpd ile s,.ýnn por t ril be all gu r utee in it nisnlbr useandapplcabe n 3 Potendct Pomace in as o a of kettn 1·~il~ as n strumm troffelrs; andB I am prepared e oto contrac t to apply it to harml jIng tlho 13agn.r e to boll conse Jaico ill i. ca 1111111 train of kettles, 1under a iaivfnt tor glllnnruntc to tho Darrbnrrr. fong, Mer., to ire had of the subscribeir, by Ilaillai.r othlerwise. F~t~r I:I c~fAN,~ Tall d.EhTtim 31 Natchez street. Now Dries ifs. CtTRRzlI'i3'1PAENT CORtN AND FLOURINGw A7 JIiII, n t'nr"nh6 knownl tl-nglla a thIe '."them Jmte"~ nx 441lu44444y 1'4sr4ilg th4e 44mbin4 d 4 :diti444144 a' U ' Re Bl 6r et in n stfrong icon Crane; PsI~llg oullr 111' br F1e 414 1Br S441144; 3. 1inni14 the lowe.r 4 ne, which being fast nn th1e spindl, eon u ever comne in contact with its fellow, to be injured by, mitlinng cntplS'; 9. havingll no dint t o get loose;: 4Iln4441o drie. or mid 4o amts ItI *44j Motlvinga its lliortla in one PDiece, fromu bridgaelrea to hopper. This MIill will 8444 f 444 411s -ithot 41.414 44 t 1etones4, ,nd Is now olILrod at lhl following prices:~li 41 ir44t, single gam, 8134 l. SI14. D4hblo gear, 116. 2 . . . ]ll ... 10310. 11 30 136. .. .44 1 14 SThe 36-inch muill nill g,61 40~ blldlCls nu hour with proper speed, and the smaller one1 in proportion. .SA) U1411 II. G1412AN, fe11 ',18W1 No1.31 N.lhex nrlree, N O44444, SEIIIOVEI.-WP. K. F. F141811. INDIAN 1 1OCTOR, 1ý. ha permancntly Iehte0 , RI, Vdicnl and Co ma Of-oul~ a No44.2116Old Lev~ 1,444 114444en 44rr14ks 4nd E4pl14444,4I 44st 41es, oppsito th U 11441Min. All city 4nd 44ountry orders4 enclosing S5 post paid, will be pulnctua~lly attended to, sanl mcd· l4ine, w1ith dir4ctio1 how to use it sent by 441444 of mail, 1ri, of Pnsbtge. ,ý014h44 home from 6 o'clock4 A. I. 1111p o'clock P. 1. L 0414O4lens, La., 181. N. 11-Do not m44 4ake my num444 r 44d 44dr441. 4144 SNU LL nlRV (144 r44SS. NE4e iron WELL' scre. 884.4441,d 414444441r 4,1 im4ro414 14 14ou Press, 4141h4444by Dr. Nowell, of Gran44 d Gulf4 , And n11 In gcuernl use; worked by hon~e or steno powar 414o-4STR11A1'S PATENT PRESS11.0E CORN 3011,14.0 being the most 44818, durble, au4i4 every r441p41t th4 boat Cm i . us . GI0IJLN, 41 4ltch8. .41tt61. D NOOD MEDICIf:lIM4.-tT IS EBTIMAT$I! TA'T G AIp, lit 55515 tl hlyI te dl t ItC Yrc hHil donemore to promnn the pbl health, gth t"orytht co came. Th OHr cn i h nlt..I a titchat t t(t Hit diH hasl y Jth ittMnd onitl Hlisnd itt Of d ky. S t fia, etlhmat Ltrotp, Ifyuen y, lronchitln, ett., tertmtth tled. he pportlmtl urdeallr tr om ImmwnmplM cusenla in .thin notdn,.lh Hitiii eP tt Rod an the I'yytitl and will hire more crmtp tin, Every boudy nests more nr lens Prurging. forge rhoh bled from itlghbepnryttte. Yiula the titO ela< L vrr ahl the Ptiyt vvstys l ayntem from ondtrnctt on.''Porga out Ohn dlscalcldxlhich Tan on ths Lod yto wank itr decay-'ybtiihih r ditiltyt shuld ribe only of Jd age. Tn. e AI tibotlle, zany ctt ati t It PflaR the yydam. tieforo it is yottrio etrnng to ield. Ayer'n Ylt tdotruxt nt dtigeni, nt t only tette it i. weak bthI whtit tbW ta 1. Iltitttthald. Relad the otltAnrigdtbtt mentaof theme who II1Ve bee~n cured by them fresh dreadful LHcrofulln Amery, VleEi's, Elkin'7jitenseY. KheornntiD1 Nfe"A" gla, I)I.WP*IRwin, Inefl Ya~na, llilloll LamplainU, I/eeft),llm, 1 radnhe, liaitnnty an tuy Yeesd dngeroun .but still th~reat-in;g l tsot, auch a pimple On pe face, ·ffomma, Nervous Irita .Wlts.Ixn of xfjpEtlte. Irreiiulsritic s ulera i ir ml fhdgevers, j+ellucr r n em] indeerd ^crer nr~lety etrLam plaints tot which a PurgaEhvc Rememdy Ye raequired. Thera arenlo random t ftatementea,!ler aro athcrrrieatrf2 bg cur own nel1ýýbora End your own myhlcuuns.a Tty tbcin onlce, nld you wilt never ha rilbotit them, YPrrd a e5 etbsy. pIr r. tox --5 -.Holraan four )L 00·y aol uses., andorrr rnt fe2 3m11 ,J. lt'(IiHT k C .,. Wholenaal Agent.. ITIlWE'IZtNCANADIAN VErUMIVUGE.- A CTV CeitE R medy for WIrma. It is a fac, etablishel bt tond the:thditt of doubt, by the t ,balane end NVItm tytt t eminent physlicians more than thrVe-IVlnb Vof the dIR.VI chl IEV iido RiV sI VId by WotIVO, dlseases with which children are tttily e are cue yWrs and lhoubsnds of children die anndtily from thIb diseDses, Itlm the cause Is either not known or attributed to something else, Various era llu preparations Fktctob bet been recommended llR ramedicllfl Wern,ttut b xtptdenP t Ens proved fe all mIre or ltss Ineneemti ; ie hid however hu lt length been aainII, and a nVtly' found which t hlb neVTr Pled to destroy WRui. wherever they have eItVI'SI . This aisytnlon is Inpponed hy rile testimonly of the most eminlet physicians and Vipectlblh Indt. vjidua; t o ri e roue . The reinedy 1( i WINED'S CANADIAN VIRNIYPUFll$ WADRRNTED - PURKELY VSNIRTASI~.E atny other; SomeI t oeti anh sR1IVVVicy a th iexit ecIl VtVrbht SIRI it theVsympVRVs tViEEh EIiRViaeV Dheilen Ife thWrms in the IV wels we as folio": the countenance iE pale, of a leaden color, ne sdned with aceuioana hushee the eyes are hearvyhnd del1 ,th the h reah foeti, the uipper Ulip swllen,. Eiticng 3r the nostrils. which causs the patient to pigE his ine D E the slcr Ip dibItIled, the paItiV VE len awkenieng i great frIght, and tIIIiVble to VEniVVVIIand griIVVI the teLtht; the appe Atite ecedigl irregulaierd bein gt umttjmll Eratoui, VIIOE f'eblt end in some IVinsVnce depaved'l. TV t1e followinVIR Ittitcares nVltrots migVt tE added, EVt it Is beliIved that th1ese are Ilmfieili I establish the lact the WINEDR'S CANADII.N VERIIIFV E IS A SUPERIor REMIEDY FOR WSORMS. MEDICAL EVIDENCE. We, the ends VigVVV, EEtI viV frequenly administered a mVVVi. etaV pIITa IE)'tr. John Winer of lin town, designated J. WIDER'S CANADIAN VCRMII'UOE, Vnd b1eingalttylstit tied wiEh Its effiiVcy, coIV idenAVy retommeIV it an a safe and IIII eieut comedy for the expulsion of Wetcee from the intestine; camI. 0. O'REILLY, Dlientiate of the R. C. Vf SttBlVVit IIdl0 eta. ltEmbr of the t . C. of Surgeoons in London. etc. FROOI TEE REV. J. FLIENhOAN, OF ANBROOK,. C. IA'. .. WINES-DIV II have m lde the trial of yo1ur EVEIdidE tVrmifITe, and wiih the moE t happy reVult. IV my oIn Vam Ily and in ,eery eIse tthch hls Vemo It ieybnoiletdIe, the Vt pviVion of Worms hflEolloved till VdmViistedNig Vi your Ver "ifulg, aVVIeverVyVV heIe prefers iftto any oVt, its effectV Ve certain, and chlidren take It more adilytIiVV is a greI V point gained In giving medicine o to hildren. July Vi,. IS. JOHN FLANIOA N. 'I'byV IanVgtenerally now ue t WIDER'S CANADIAN VESMyIF'UE'TEEIV madiV o i1 aI simple Vv eIVIIIOiVII, tiln, Vad Vau Vethi'.'ell adVedi llIetd with' perfect' saIVtIVI' tonfidence alst to the rttdttltt. I will t lwys destroy WTIotl, VVd restore the patient eeainth: Over one thousand d crrleatea have been, sent to Agents f, am planters,tmerchants and physicians, hewring trtItIVIny VI II efficlcy Vt tel ifallible remVty. R nrrVntV d int ll caes. Prepartld onVy by OSI wINWD 1V.II t atidttring Chedmidt, and WholeVleV etiruggist, HamiVton, CVIedf WVLt. p- Sold wholeVale anidV reol lt nVutIRuIVVrer's prUeite by - J. WRiOET CO.., NOttlttet. v.. an ra -112f fnreee street. N~ew Orleans. I-a T WRIGHT & CO.'S CATALOGUE OF GENUIlSE .1. and popular Pmily Msdicines, ,Sich thlep ot2 I to supply Drnguists nad Dealers nt P,.Priw~r's lowest wholesnio prices. 1enera151epot Sypeial Agency, II. 151 lp 21 Chartres t0eet, N1ew Orlea1s, LI. VERMIPESES. RId 52,11Sheiry Wil, W5in2,' Canadiadn, H11hingM V1ge15ble1 Dyspeypia 6wain's Gu egetable olma' PYerr>l Dead Shot, 11215 dGI OygII *HyII's Tonic, CUSMETCS Kerl', ologny W51tery, Bly Wail, B. A. FabestocL'l, Floid W~ater.lclM Pun, McLane'.. 11211 Lilly WSilis. BALSAM And COUiH REM- SOAPS AND CREAMS. EDIES, Lo- s L rown Windsor, W lstis alsam of dCh1 Joie's Chemica, HIIItng's Naptlh, RIdsly% Medicated, Castile, Sherman'- 5,1, AIlmond, Toilet sad S mily , S,,h,,1' 115u , Shvingg CreIII il CollSI l 0211s1. Wild Cherr-y Ad Tar, of al dyoriptllns. 50hen1215 P11111,51 Sylup, PILLS. New ,Edgld CougS SyrIP, Wright'. Indi, Vegetable, I1511's mnew'. $speciorwnt, Mo@[' itc Bandrred, ondo finll". Bnlmn lndons, Ieeetat L ,no -, 5111,1 S l, WlildChelrr, PSrr',, Sappington'., Chlmp. .Ayer' Cherry PlIetornl, ton'a Taylor'a Bnlsmm Liverwott, Gtefeb sg Ane', s Bsqnviv pnes Espectyosl, JSyl Ague. Winer'S Cnm Wmeru's Ellleampnin c n I. 11,1.erd 5,0 1Llor sId Tar, HSp~llss' Intiillhls, Peter's, M51. Gardyiner'.L verwol2t, Coop,,',. Cis'le, CRo,,Il, Stadler'. Cheapy Expectorant, Covcl'r Rhesnlntic. Itsnlou's ndin i, Ade on', Allebasii'a Healthb Its. Rose's do, Winter' Gentle Pllrgnri'u, S.\RSAPAEELLAS. Alllollil' Ague, IIop i 's, Dr, ,Tin IRoll's, IhiISI'l SuplIt-Iid. S. P. T-lsend'es, 5115111 ASI-Siillus, 5ec110 SSldauds'J9. wil's. I Old ITolld'l, Lady's Slood, Ingoldsby's Pill, Carpentelrs, 512111regeitlle, E:ngou's, WylolIp'l, I3 Ivs' Seglullorl, Shaker's, Rose's $nilroad, I.eiy'n Fcmdc. (iineffnberg s onden'slninn Santive Ur Itol's, Louen. gu. Holloway's, Guy-sott's Yellow Dock. Gede'.Ati-Dy's'peptic, PLASTERS. Girdon1', Mf.nlnl's Lllr. Wrell's Strengtheningi , HAIR DlnES. E5"en's Strengthening,. Pltalon's "Ingle, Batchelor'., Jew David'si or Hebrew, :ilmlnu'' J oltt aeuos. 51d121's, BSllirds 51111. HulS's, Alcock's Por1,, , MISCELL Aal'OUS. (510. llt'Adhesive, Dl. MIII¢'l IhsigllaiSg Cuy S Pplloway l Al' ,i,,Il, dPIiIIPinR,4IISII LI115151, TheaslEixil 5115 I, Aiiiil a IEIS hI.nng lairlnt'. Aporien 1, FaLOSCiIi'. Arbe 5511511 lpoI~iiil, hbab Butler'ser rve xad Doneoue Carter'.O Spanish 1Listuvc, Tl Hunt' PPA tlerT ' Beliei, Slps' ootl Dll rops, To ,I,,y x VII~inTl on'lS, MIII, Mag Pow5ders, Howe'. NPrve and AESe, Tliidideri x Cordi,. ý" Kellinger' ' entso F e Wer, c. c(nrrtboerla att's Nervous Anti, S. S ArtinD's HIorse. 1illilng'l IlsrringPnt, )Icrehnut'a Gargling,. llynntt' Lit'c Balsam, Cherokeellll. lullSn' Pilir of O5,101 Ja'l yne'.. l, y l l11'1 Really IPeltei, I A GUIE RFBJIEDIE5, rte. Rssloru y'n Resolvent, II goal's Indian Chiollgue, T 11150t's I elible 1 k, Ro-.,,,s Tonic .llisturo, D.Ftl~ ld-res OI s. SpIhIr. Fll+' R Sholder Braces; [- WynkiRo's Tonsic, Dg. Fch', luing TPll, Spee,'. ea Ferifnge, D . Rose's Ircpamria llr I Il ,li Ple IYIifil11. ,Vnl1 '.lI Arcanum Illl 1111111 h LOZEN(.:ltri. 'Tenon,". Hlpuiliu [.Shermaln', Couglt and Wnn, n, ahlll'a Cathlolic-,, Byjan's P Hawn,, nsrlrm, Dr FIitch,` Plplpilntionl* hI 15,ek'ni il, c .afers. l511il101 I n Onu Syrup of T HAIIR PREPARA.TIONSS. Yellow Dudl; ! Lovett. Wopeuar leirllo, Perry' Dnclh' Pain Killer, Blarry'sa Tricoogburous, 10,0,0 t' Essence of (h hogs, - Lyon's (; 51tlnroo. 'lortlluoro's Rheumatic- Cotn Poyi1's Iddlyll. j.luid, pIoi&d. el WSPlliiISCSa ifiT Invigorao e'o' Cordhd Bitty,., :e J ¢yne'al~r Tnc, 's E-.ract of Rook hose, it Van Denren's ,tllpue, CroIV. Spruitic, 'endow'. O'*rienltal ,,, Tonic, Dr. yard Fib eihr +e ,tnedr Ent, Lu1 ol51 C Ulllmm's Pile Eleetnnrj.. -s Old "'g 'n Ulm of Colombi, ter' Opedilde,' h- Rndway's Circassian Bob,. Gdrey'. Cordial, to koyk'CEAS. Ttrigo' alsnam, Swains Hoock'r, Dr. Call'eu's Preplmrtiouii, Culleu's Indian rpgetuble, B,'. Joy 's Dropss I.a.cie, 's Great AN ~en D"Jyn' Foty eicns 0. OINTMENT SLVES.Seid tz ad Soda Powderi Unloyos toio Yun~trx~t1 ppig' FUId Exrac Rnhu, m 5,0,1 Wtleous Dent on Rate ec., y, uy ' h m vt'sSpcifi, eiy' Enwiive Saxp, Loo'J's llRgnmic, Jndrkilr' Il's Cll~lllent Drops, Loudien'. All-H0Llug, Rut ssia. tll'r Cholera Syntp, OILS. Slsaln's Headache geme"'.y, Rushtron'. Cod Liver DLI, Conl' Lizore, Mcc~air'. Acnislie,'a do Dr. llnmelllil". Uterine Catholi. Blritish, IIarlacm. curt, BITTERSB. Co~nn 's I.ithonlriptie.· lPotnt'n Phan[.r, Blluku's AIto- Idall's I'reparnuons, mp rusf l[ ougbton's Pepsin. )[. Iibla' d'e Wild Cbcrly, IYOL`E'S AROM~ATIC CEIDA SCHNAbPPS. Is A5 Drngt~ists nd Ileichaainn, toil all 110015,0 in any of thee mtHIICILY I·0itil·el iu thie -hero emaloag e, wlll find it to their ad.· :,. vnsgbc y caing: or sending: tbeir ordears ns al cv. where will lab found thle mar the lbai e u-)r t et' OENSUr1 PATENT MEDICINES i in the Unitrd Srntses,, and at the lowFest prices. ~jPlease address .1EII'', O:REIU Ir. GENU1NF. DEDICINQ r IIZIOLT I, 021 tf Nos. 151 nadi 21 Chalrtres htreat. S'X-O lees.* ,,will ,ffo cure LIVER COMP~LA'l lINT, DI 0I'l1PT1,e, .ALUNOIDICE, Chronic and N10,ooa IDbility, Discusesof tile Kidneys, and all other disluses arising from ldllllld11d Liver or stomach, Such as C'onatipa 11on, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Clod t th IIend, acility of the110 0eh, \naus0, Iiea0,0,1,, Dilgolt for Pod, Fullness, or wight lathe Stomach, CSou EruC lojoali, Silking or Fluttering 0t the Pit of the Stomch, Swimming of the fiend, 11, rricd Cod dif. Cienl t breclhig, Pluttcring g 1t t 1111111rt, Crotll0g or OCOCOting S0,110 o, whell in I Lyingi I'oght, Dllle of v isio1. 1,1o1 Si wetbs before t1e Sigh,, F,, oan 1D011 Pai, in tho 110 1104, 1),Ctjotp Cc Pe Io t l I Yellowness of the Skin and Eye0, Pain il the 01,d,, 1B111, Chot Limbs, ecete,o ing ino FIt Iloh, CBo, stead ImaginingiJ of ~ipl, adgra Spirits.. 10h10ropritor, in cutlliC t1le1 atention of tho Publiic to 1hi preparation, does so tvith a fingi. of thle utmost oonlidence I. its ,"rhres oPnd d't tit1 to tho diseases for whic it is recom mended.. It hs no ncl and untried article, but one (he1t has1tood the test of a tun peaur's trial before the Americanll people, andl its re11tn P i,,tl e is , I CRC,, oed Ily anilosO-lar nT(nlntiU n ezmnl. 'phe testimrony in 11v filvor riven by the moIllst prouminenl ll(] e11cl know~n I'llyzirin lls and indtvlidnniv to all pm is o1~ f the ceountry) is immense. 'fhc ('allowing from -at' amt t, tUl is res ectrolly submittedl, IrrleerrOa all y wla o (LI· mill doulbt, to my ' y.\ý l1oTl( lf, r Yreticni Hecril, L Silo for Partner ntl Fnnrilice+, to be had gratlnis, of nll lle (gentls for the llermnn B~itters. Prineiput office ad Maullfucbtory, 1210 arch street, Philnrlel pII,, P,. 'O,'id Whitolr and Rettil by .1011 b Iy w IIT I CO., 151 Chartres trece ,, Now~ Orlc~oms, -1111 by Dnllggists gencrr~dlly my-4 yIi\5 TIRIPROVEI) HAND AND POWER GINS AlC THE, E0:i0(1 OCOTTON GIN NlDEOT, NO). 57 .T. 1II. ROES STRO'ET, Tours u ildingiIfourt hotre from the It. Ch00f0000,nel, N'%, Orleanst Always onl oht od large stock of th' bttl Oins, of 'very dr-iptlOn, adapted toeverltv.riety or ('moat, anId tcnrrnnt ed euporl il 1)0 respect.t 1'OWý ER GINS, of frotttt 00,00 orIII .oto each, for toarse St00,t or {Cnter 'ooer; will turn out roo, too to teo bales per 0at o rlen (ottot, ttf 450 lonltda ach. HANOI (SONS, of from 10 to D) snott '.'1 , so constructed as to be drNv by tooks nItonthte sow t',inder shaft, or tit it mch greater ap e d bto1nt com driving ptlley, will lcant from oSo to 450roThetsCo uins tove the tntent totflpthed Gtes to ndt Itt pro00d tttEl.oad ton triototl thle lat improvetentt in In otlooty, aod otrttottt,,Ied odo he best materials t ol h orkOtoutt 'hip Atot.ttntoootawardt d to the tFde (on'tot in t the torld's Fair, at 1 11,1011, and n medalo otoo n price of tt0lNWt ,obpcthy ,OEi O thtloclttt l Sotlety oh IIo. honnterx :nd Coo lton F'o"t. ore intidtotcil att inOectoIttoi 10to, at tht Wo thotet, 57 St. C'harltt stItee flo WILLIAM 0,. CRUS1ING. AXoet. 0BRL.EANS STEAM I1ILLS-OFF ICE, 78 75Pt densltreet, NtettOrlcnts-The stbscriber respectftlly in bo-ot tohe opoblo tht he tkoep onstntOly ott hnod ut full ottpply FRESH10 GROU1D ANND UENROT`ND Cornmseo , oCffo, rlottseed, htotoinoy, Yl'ppioltt. Mtt, Gitsoo ott ApIt, k tio ihstte OOtttonottt, hlto 00 Ilnv, Gnnouon Rp' d Olsto, (Cltoo,, 1 do Sott~, Dy,1'op~xlos to Ott,, Nuotmegs, Bte kt tIt do )>ýpCof~eo Roasted andl Ground at thle )5 est c~ity pair~i 10 (t E.C. E IOR IO YIG TAR -1781010 WilmigttOta to trrtio, t oototolt m3 AREJA.k 110., dI to'oO000 otato CLARETN0 thoses mold 10 ooko St. Jt.00t, I. ttore ,m m orl L O ale by 9 $ýAILL k O., Q (lommrn greet. tasr. that Eamclebad entdy, Mf1K'fTSY.K'S r~fkti lA'b t COIPED ~l1t. PI PRLY7:, wbich h:[a gained suel? great poymnlnrlty whemiver introdulced,~ the rt" npectue known for the Ifecrlll cure r this p~infnl dix sows 7>i remedy; haw; riradyy nre.Y Ulalwnods of caana, a corohrbing Avery ecemnlý f Iý,,oý thbt complaint, froth rite lu-Soy set) (orm., bttandul with naeIlings and all.~ Illq- OCthe, aim,,, t old edronllcerre of ten o twenty and thirty ear-' btndin. Those a dholi "Cor yearn reworked to thee v~rtna eelrrated aprtnn, had frbl aD £h Ihalhn nix add ezter nal appilr~tnnx, and been under ll··treatment o! some l' lha aableet phirshlian boh in till, nnntry and Earoyle and wtre plea, either hobbltngapon nnhlrre or confin rldred' o el, Entf this re t o pl, I~ ana nr~h~he ..,e of We. have cwt apart w taypwape~er arlveriteesnm nyhtgmnrhnt A srnn l porn. of the.,araaeSC~ec nisbhl.Zi evidrrr rimer fom 6udr-en'rlitall raM t hirpile eaH~r.` crrk everyy mind. Ttrd t!S tit Orlotjhhjgh~tboq tpu biie )oncosts have PU Aiihed t91(o the -arid wmhdmr ¢1dndtieneGlal l fibt iv themxelven h'id rise :c .corm,, themnn acrd in same £n~taznfi ap~ik or hundreds of sore hortclgpe }rave cevdrtedw and :;l u hat, eaven in emrem . als, mtfee ebns¢Itbtbh hidbc,.ee h ,d, and they had deetdetd cut rhsre.Nwe ,to r o r or-nUr, ev~en then, hapy prncured W , medl a' hd admfmutereq t nnr It effected a complete c. tebt efh ft vy d rsdtoa'dymmnintaia Q1 hav~e written and pp tetbsd hat h as do~ne tt themselvesant theilr friend~s; wf do n..nehinta; officer-, mdtehi d sad :· W citizen.,. have {ocrlr-e~ volomea othe evidence ont ' charxcrer, ,nch as adc^ mpnniea no other rpio flm' . R'e wilt tiye a abot syttoprti f ad anal{ sendto of \ th genre, and ands ail re. ho whtare !hmose e, wo wereIa to thete agent and get a circular, and Z. ht(acvowr on fr n said of this remedyy. Ir. N. tnoal, nr_, of the ediioon of thle Fit. Loofa nthi R. pulblcan, gitiet n a long .inil~iib h·~efssd~~h wa, cored OI·:hL Tm. fj·. he atdpitoti of g 6rSi ld TIE n ttt e" rte .sin giv-,, introeof Irf rondertru h'e'rs in ering a wcveral c t( of chronic rheumariai. The editor of Si. Lauie"OrKan and R itttt dgtitl a long colron'. in bhalf of a w aonderfu e~tetg .b coring Amtttttt of . stet 1r, Brit ty. The edtn L o{ tat. I4aN American Baeder, Tet.lperagce Battery, and 9t. tilt l: norm, have all asi anted to It ,mpbrr a ill.d aneces n m crrig this ib saea. The editorrul Kllecllle (III.3 Adot,! to -,ile and pub: itches lie maglctb elt'ecr~ i coring him and man~y amremd Cim.' The editora of the lCia, bt Tlmea, -American Eagle, and otlime .j, of the South mod WVfnl. Gave given volonttht - lalnce or their knowledge bf it, virtue,. The editor of the German Snltollal i~ezette publi~hed . t No- 21 Spruce street, }n the city of New ]jok, ender dote of Sep[. D, 1 2, givds the hie~ory rn two ireppr E.iene of wF~fch tit, to peraona1St sl dedg Oqe t-the mife oP a wen~thy merchabnt,- who had emr years tried the. tý,rtn saad had the tetment cl the most eminent ght .1nnn titmer~t~:s Stnr effect nothing. She wva abltcted twith chromic rhecumatism in its worst rttit. ]Y wax iti-trn mental in iudueS!I a trial or hia-compomd, and it sheeted .nl complete care. Ff a xlno -tares that a t'ew weekrs since, he honki vitibottle anid eent ii to a bg it lemnn. a friend of his, who -reined a vitm to [his !! edtorils, his one bouit" ctauY Alm. Wre might add editorials, ant 31i thia'rmtlre sheet, but Will give a few em-c of prominent physicians, merehants,-and others, cured by it. W. S. White, SI D., it eminedb thytiilen oT St Loalr, etrite+ to u brother member of the tprctsoitsn Ur. B~eae, oC lea' York: ' I hale witnessed the effttte of Ibis cmpound In setera slits Ceet sum, when eery Diner rrmsrly had been ineffectual, ti?*i would not hesitte to recanenl or precrri6 it I thilll.-whenl its irtuex are uaertam dlB the pprOfesatoo, it Will L(Uleelrdr ce other remedy In the hc~atmeht o{ vhetnrtalrnt. St is n~tnp ted to every formic [Ua disease. and .I'know. >b complications eontrn-indicalhlF its uaa. I hotl it to be [hedutjo of a tp ptu, when ronvinecd of tlld efficacy of r emedy, mtIU l 16 alt over alt others, at least for the take of hulmemtg to axe it.,, T. 3I. jigs-, St. D., writes from Cente College, Danville, FBy., " thai n yy ýUng man, a meber uRth- ollge, as lo [ht, in conaplretimr, be and other protrtaorn had decided that he comrl no[ recover. They fmalllj eonlu ved to fr thin remedy,. and to their ggreat Pstouiahmmrap obartls ,-gored 7tim mimdrrad ice(1, ntthoo d be hod nolt walked a ,slap ur ie no lll Itse ttist t::rodthat, ltd tt tentttt It tit .plsd cc, be 1lad before c; tmexxed a remarkable core." Professor is L. Dn ball II. D., near Ctgpttttti, Onto Jloint "n a cab, ettte Cor pllblletlon with rrp clergymen et th Bagpiil Church, thu caws of ahfghlc ,expects ble 's~tb n fur eighteen years ktptyed, sad bed bcome heiplesaaoald in[ all othecr remedies knw, wr ell an ibe sk~ill oT the maws mi hetpyiin.hd hltbiti and there seemed no Dope "of rev Se cry until thcr fnally eobilined Chia remedy, and it nrrul 8cr eoundondttl. ,.,. .._..,_" zen or Cincinnati, tttest taxt the wril severely e®Icihedltweiht; liEra ears hih drouic rl elrnrrrlirn< and nenurnfgia. II s joint load 1,ecomC sly', mad l Iltbhng gave relief until he got tbiseiepvr, pomld. and it rued hirn. SY Price., merchant Of hew Orleans, writes that be wras ten easer a cripplo from chronic [heumatismm, and for three pearsr eoldd scarcely turn hlmltlf In bed: it hndnffeted his whiole sys` tem. Ile tried. llretned ies e could ber of, nd all the nyat ceiebrnted physicians, !lllfonnd no relief nmlil and obtainled [hie. eoroneuod, and @ n rn lion (F ~air/. NV might give Iltm dreds of sUCh cares cured in swOlen n the Sooth. Lest nilliJ.of Cttawlfoa xtbtath n'srrl atdicted p road linoissnrr for secenteo rtun veers ha could bearrvcelpy walk n step. Thle flesh ad shrunkr from dohs Itmbs ; the most espennisa effort hnd been tried for rears but be had last all hope oP recovery. A merchant behhg in gt. Loris, healrd of this remedy, bought it and took it It..., and prevoll, d on hire to use tt. lde certifies tlnt it cured him seurnd nd well; Ibheinh had returneed to his limbs, whlich had become snong ae ever.- n-i nlight detail onle tlhousnnd cases mlore oP equal impoanrlee. ire most respectfully ask tbosa who nre ;L !""I m t send, theil agenlt inl their vicinity and g~et it circular, and read the;letters tod certiicates at' Rev. .James Mitchel, Reg. \, G. Ber'ryutnn Re. J. H. Ly)nn, Rrrv.J. M. iicllc, Rce . R. . Colhurn, andl other clergymen; chile we add [fie names rf HIou. JI. Smith, late President of the Bank of thle State of Miisraori; Gjeorge U.. Atherton, otlier is the Banlt in St. Lands; )Jessrs. Jirm i . FEdr S . IDoeniug, A. Htolland, C. IV. Stone, J. ii. Christy, Jo~epit Southneh..with other proadritnt merchalnts of St. Ladsi as also vst numbers of other citfrens. 'this is Monte vid,,, an~d thesre are heirs[ ciitrt,-s, nbrcre this great remedy was first introduced, and whelre ,any iion snnrl have bcm etlred during thn littsro "'t.'b rale tors huese now Panedcr their Grru[ C(entral O6,ceat Hg.l Bnrchfy stree[ (Astoar Ho mi). Inl the city of \etr York, wbere all ordlers for this mledicine wrill be plromptly attendled to. gy rdre Thisf is a re~etnll --pit-nrn intrrnn remedy, prep re ndrc commnended f or thils ono dkemla alone. This it ill tare. Price-FS Pe~r single: b ottle or III-s bottles for SIO. W.V ~. -I, r.1\\\DEn CO. Pmtprielara. 1\ . 1 Barcla}" Ftrert. i\CIP York ei?· Sold by J, 1 1HT S CO. fell 2 and 15 11 ('llnrtres street. rH3G NI "1'lkethe aV l ýP ~ '1I~OII. lik-e Wle followring fire reecbill rSTe IProlTc ttinully, e llixt We etiicncy o. A. FAlI ESTO( K I"FR)IIF 1I t 11 lad be;lring¢i an itnc~a .n Inver of IN curntirr pet' ers. Ute It whit Confidencee, o' there neter 'a* nrprep a: alio ponsessinS ranc eltmurdiunry)~fo\P era to ecp "I Fornm*..x SUTIN, TF.%.\ , Tei, 1Fa3 Jllessre. R. AI. Fahneslocli k Co., PittnibarO. Fu.: licntltl r : lurinp the twn years thnt I have heed Welling your edebllmted "anrlitore. i tutee witreeau ire eaheaey ht a if pelting~ norzn with cntlafre~ion. It .illcrcmiinly expel suchl if there be (YULW inl the nystm)· As a drug illt· take plensttre Inl Leering testimuony to flue merit of your valuable Cernifung, nod but echo the scuitruenfs of south, of to y pntrons and c irlom era when I say flint I believe It to be 'It, best urtielu in c Cur the expulaia of by worms. p M Dy-ye ec Sold whalesnla endretail by all byl principal dntgghrtr an country merchants throughout fit. Unitred Sie, frl d . i DRUGS. I UICINES,P EI:RFUMIE G-X ETC.-Thu sn eiie 'cild ,p~'~l Ph.,UINEU . I, b ad P oll cDllA W T 1E . r ý t$·,,ln rf1lutr, s rliie oIt1-wll+cne tc, ealllpiisi ll erety wrnirl " in bin\ line 'i~ii +;ýF;NL-IN F',. 11u roil;,l. on, d \!I,,, i +nIl IE.\il I nll llr p]'ar TIrral \ý,] ertn, as 1'ON]Illl Fý, HIC1 I] r1Ii, ec.. rte. lb Il. R s * pIlloii d ul re osb I]e ter nL* \\i:I, I ItE lIONEt. EJSSENUE PEEPEEMINT, h i;LLhl EltI' TERS, etc. TUOOl:S A.1NICIN. Drui lin and n-iiyd o311g cur. l :".uP IuI' 'ardriii.tpruil -. OFFICIE OF THlE DIAIOYLAND CONSOI1L DE I0IILTTIRIIIEI.1 ii Aliore. M.1ry4iAn, 11th JJllg. 1135.--L~hl:7I ý.-LOT1' F. R FR AUDS.-Thle Coolumissioner "r rie Ahay ).all Silwc Iootcriec has deemed~r it his dluty to cap tion the Public againstt the Ilumecioor -ballets u bb irculata by n~il and othlerwisea, trioidulenn Lour- Schemesr, and pretend to be nIeuts lot the salo of tickets in Lotteries which are wholly fictitious The only legal I~nttet is in Maryl:and are~ thosae drnwv daily lnderthe ulllp1Pnlt i1111141 1e i elc11eJ :he people of tho Ehue, tinderc ti:e new c00hlilll~lull to cllllile and~ app rou thle schemes and attendl to thu drawings~ All tole tickets to these Lotteries and all certificatres of paci:. ages of ticket1 , 1 av the lithographe diignat . ur11N. 1RE1 .I General Agent for thle Contractor. Office of' the Maryland tins.~nn eolidated Lotteries, Bnlt-lore, Jld. A~ll othlers are lirnlllld-,l: AnyI iufnrmlltfu ou We subject of L-Metre= [he mannellr iu hihthey are dram,7, etc., etc., w~ill ha herrflt lg givern 'y ad dressing. nA ly F. X. BRE\:AN, Baltimore, 31d. PI. W. W. WOOD.--ATTORNEY AND COMN ,l SlELg OR-AT- Lha\ and Solicor in Ch11en1, K1rin;: gim, Slpeil altellliln to COLLECTION OF CLAIMS, AL BuN., DIIANTON Ste. 4 Al 011 l OFFI1CE-D1.4A 411111, colg ner of i stat. and P 9trectg ts Ula ed t rso s , lif r s. D au1ic L tt'd, ani th pardFn r IHlmLE &ROts T ER 111, 1,lkind 1111411-m' R ank Notes,,C11,4lllis. ll1111adExlha 1PeI11d B~ Sceilntentin t COI. U. M ERRELL A CO.,~C n3 d&A$-- l l6 No. M Carati-, strmtn, t ente of PCIITI B411. All ki,,4, AUCTION AND 144lg iA1 N 114111 I~iu 1114111 111 i~l,1111111 111111111fUICI~!: Coai l~p1A,p, J,1111ll &u 111,11-h 011011rge Mllolllll.1 1 . \ lc .h Ad -ices m Troadade e P.ý'ibnra erlCnsh ari~c idon e1' rinds of merchln JOHNN HALLF:R .cc DRO'rPlFR. "+i 'nDli, .,' l r) ouiar strrcr.Hllorr dr.Jo:, ,,,a Ld dooil l knds o : AND of .-ot IROY \POLII( ERS, are n. rppincdtos to Ikns l ~ll fn1 their line of business, such as pottling ps Till and CZ ps rUll1 lcrs, Yalleys, etc. Also. lllin n Copper, Tin and$ Zinc Hiialt in dr iP ts of the city lit nollciato plices, with prampnness illlt diappnclt. All kinds l . Jabbing anld Hrpniring attendded to withl dispatch. By st rict attrention to nil orders, we huge to merit n share si the public pill ong.f111e x siJ men i\slg -h o thnn Drroier ,t F.J\Yhtg ?, ~ lir, ol hIorh oe o· lhsO-t I stilE~su U. (C. (·lmrrh. 1iclmus lurny. jsnlle djiil? 3r, NTOTICiET CA.xhP ENTERs AND lSG4L4r ")iS4'. _ 44i44t Sawed 40lleinhrbutdilg,4 loth rough anlld d.n , 4rol t ery 4 fot h "rl ltlllrb for `sle at $14 per 1 forr ro- ylh, and S:7 per .I for dre:ied, ill late to snit purchsiers, Iel99ir r Saetvd io order. eT9 61m1 STAR PLANING MILIL,F Ne4 Bain. IBRiNDIES.-4 AGERAC, OTARD, DUPUY & Co.4 in eighth and g4m4ter 01 Al4s. Al no suerior article i4 C tCs of one doren quarts eacl) on ennsigllment. ]'or :ale by ja183m (. M1. IIARVEY CO., 40 Union ree4 . lTORAlGE-STOIRAGEI-Til4 ALGIERiS WARTI F. ktlOUSES.--A. COC0 A (:l .1N, IIAILT. .\gents,:f 7( nHvfer street, have room now "or ihe bulk of IIU 000 ullr.hj cr SU.U00 aLlcs ut salt, Also, horned cyard for the rcception cf railroad ald pi- iron. Rates of .to lag.n favorable as ern bt hlld. f115 3:lm (1 -5SGB WALE, . LINSEED ANDI) PALIM 1I,1, feor ale by AL.FRED KESGRNP4. 72 4(anelne rstt. T1OIY'S : t.IYP CKA(0 EXFItAC4SS-I,-4. - J- LN N .T t4144 IIO44U4S ''IrI4OU4I1OUTL'r'4144 4l' 1- `'he eig r'e 4 4 e.sta 4 lihked a Ci('4ty 4 lll4k4Fe l.kre14f hell p li " ose.f litectiril g ~d l)elircrin,. Packilg.; 1,Bl~ebla IIIlil Il!ndl 4, allnd to ll4ot'l, 4Railrod1 ,Stea4 mboll4'4 4 Pi4 ite R.esl enco Te PI'ropritor nill $ioe his persoQnl attcul:o' to all i .ss connetted wtdL tie otli'e, and lbhe public iclncy rly uipon pr pfl ess aind care in the roeve nrad delivery of Fl op l)V. O1 TIllO basiless will be ,oII Lfeted ilp la th. .flleTO s-'nnllllll lC l 4n so nilc44444y adoptcd by the Packlnga E44 re4 s in the Northern tite. of4 I or open honrn of ti0e day for the reception of yOrders tol Signals will 5e furnished to all. S. TOBY, Jr., Proprietor, o775 Grayor. corner C-1p srot. T. ih7 h ILL lqAliT EN, GA5S FITTRS, No. 74Sr. rn e re Ne t'etl, e ostantly pn h:mld nk n 1 rgasorrmenlt 44 h44 44clier4, 4'4n14nts, Brackets, Pillars,4 P i litn Fiigs of all kinds. \ l h'ge 0 hsotlsela'ci of Parlor and Cookig STTOVES aRnl GRAPE::. Alsoat PttPortable la pllratus, tomke gas from-rAin to which they invite t he a tclltion of S1 gnr PI ten. ftU20 mt ' IniST JUSTICE'S COURT--D. F. MITCCIl4ILLI ,L J4dg4 4 l4444.41.44 . 4 QUI4 I 4, 4lm4t4able, he re4oved fro444o. II4 Tocl.Topi nnlp stre t4 o No4 4 77 JULIA. STREET, Sbetw4een Magziue and4Fo4 her street.. -4.4 4I44 It FU. A~u ts. Ur. i CLY 1iIOOL FOR YOU'NO L.I)IESNs New IRl, C,:u. Bo uvl writh Inustruction is all dile uauni M gaalial nurellc., Lokprli er with 1.tin, FrPoh, Itn~h . ando Spaidi'-l-pe unnm8 -65 Ilu'il, if I lred, by RorFO:Rent teaher'. REFERENCE : Ree, Rrea ixh Dn}}'; We Prevdaut of Ynle College, Wt-. P. Cro .Nwell. Prof. T. ThxhRr. Yxl: College. Prof. B. Riilirun. Sr., VI:e Collcg. iL. P. C:1:01. b R , New Orl1Cn oo dl 1 '1 EIU VýL -'Cha undercri nrd d hl9 removell to No, 3 11 niau trTert, betwren 6t.if Churleý anld lCBTOndelet srreefý, where he will ICr::e hi.: hnla time to Lp I.::uf. sionl 0:::::c, xs u+.l .\unully nt(·law, Notary Pulblic and Conuni-one'r ~ for ea rly1eery CCte :t WILLIAM CLIRIRY. y15 Gin ~ LI)[nR~T mo P ]PLANTER 1. TH 11: R'i1 DESIRE CUllRO I lan GOLDEN SEEDRICE and SEED PEAS, are in:ited tl th BARLLI £a C0., No. 61 Common Iet.oo hu fft 3OV Wil(o4RIRA$NT I mm. d Mag.Am 91Ylbta have on' hndd T1TWA eTvk r. eign ad rn;Trz w tfv a, gene ?,eor g eof'a ei'. ae ta, in l rtb follows: TILRDW"Lu'r, C Btt IiYC. rrog, Std, NMt, Tope, Carpenter NT CirptetA;.. - Stock an i f, growmpa, loghe, 8tcp Cotta a, A I a, 1i Ag rdn -a ' n~oes, Hamels, LIhovelsa~id Spadel, T trtoltnlm r'*~r -~p Andirons, Fenders,( Ohaetl and TogsC w x. , Capper an Iro Coa tHodl, Cob Chfneee Gongs, Iron udute.0, Brit-nitand FBte Wr $rdns MngTek Ov CIRABs 0. CARL IBAV d& Co. fI3POBTh AJ0 UPALE1 L' FO$EIG( AkD DOMSBTI0 Ok.w d a g0 t a 0k, f hand, C ano~d 25 sE nsU igifl:d Cb00; Cakenth Cu Toob I floe 4 en afdl ow.i: Corn eBnd .iA Bo , Uiland Chelan; COtton and S~anilla Sops AnvlinVkea end Bellows; Coanrer aadPLUafarlu~i1~a 3taee'awr len Screw Plates: Andlrmuos and Tadts Hn ad m bg; hoele ead Tongs; Or modaaBen; Canon aw, Wol erd s Sook ant ýtnns; Iron and Brrse aaas; Togakhet t fB anatýý adeattmeo oP Fnnc ooda, s iý`Qamkio:C Brmhesr Parrowery.Pzpa tad gin* ISOokn, ete., bfbeta offerel i tf-fowest W far nnh or city newer ndmiv 1.2 1211' LVZDB~* N koOir wnO,,,01,122;,,gs. s'esRlller, t,2.C lllV auiy14I1OIISI l gar lettlca Clrtirf en~ es, YfJts 3nm and I~oaU PmteorIt·Dr ig 3rchlnynfsi Gam 3111b, lfia-ftnrlnslagr E 7re~a - Front for IBeild;·ngs !Tombs, fm~n~geprBig gf ate;~ !fwchtnerj reoutere or ithe t'ruttr 2,.f \T h.e b ,,6 rln1 a riorizdd and s ad sdheb 37"I LLMA 'jPtPA1 BT-BAOFA IR ACE. 1012-.d y E S b . T THEEL EDW& RDS, tALLCCE, 09 T, T W212tO il,,d 31 Fulton street' m'snurer of oweryrdecript ca o qi-.' Wo Tin, Sith Iron iaid Bras W1orh. He 1s nom ready aml :o: the making of 6teap Trais, Clarifyingand Evsr~p Panns, Fiierers, .Poie Boxes and-everything s ppetimdng nfoga L07NESo1HLOS +Rs''sCo ,A general assoanmd-r drm cu Chdrres, Steam Whistles, BirC. Co la, Cuo Solo Salves ate., ntl on hand lie a'oniq Cali the 01051 i., or planters to the Steam Trains which horn ben In succersfnl opperarion on the ptantationsoC u~l. R, C. Clta'p, Xe.=.erC S. T. flnrrfioon, E. J. Porstall, Nelson k onknOgodi s'ec . H.Sckos, .Thomann R Co., and L. Fl. Funral), of this City to whom hi~n .pe-trolly Iarn for full pndienlan. ,I. W2111111!« . r112r4 LUTHEE ER 21 & 2F1ALL, UCCENDSORY TO L R.ONG 3 MAGLO Nl S.nn CIIer9 of Copper, Tim and'-Stool Iron Work, healers in Stroves, Cooking Ranges. 14)rates Coatings, etc., etc. No. 219 Tphonpitmrlar street. 55 .r~ers tor Stanmmbaa(. Plantation and Else' amitha' Work,. executed withr neatness and dispatch. tigll IILOSSIlqS BR~OS. & Co. 112 Camp .ir t, beg IW ve to ads the Ciy and Country trade that [bap. have on hand on c-nsi~oinenz, and are ordered to citen turthvdth a iafge assanrmeni of Gran, Rliea. Pistols,, 111131 1210e anId 81,%e 10tl 1. 2122111, 2911 1n oafes titc. to.. Which ~tog·ether with their w~ell knowan s14FbkoC Bnildiera' Hardwnre. oT every. desrriptian, Orates, Tool.;t tc.,' emr., etc., they offer at tmoatreasonable prices and on am 'a- rlin' tenns.. 14 . tTI1RLUTHiERS SADE A, OUNDRY AND .LLRORII1NAHY.U 2N111712A7120A11272112 122222-E ppNlENhL..OKGoe Chre uphrosinr: streak , Office No. 15750. Cttarles street; (T· wo doorsrom the SI. phales Theater,) Niumfae [urer of the latest and most approved atters ofRafi V· P t 1I21111, Doors Sb,1ter1, WI 111111111111111 11221111 ,,,1d11,121112i1, Fm 111 1,111 and 11111g1 1 l WFRO0GDTI IRON tTOXR for Bundingp-rposes . ME ,11oing" . io r, Guard 1117 es,, t.0What and VaS tllators, for sarle at the Old S tand,, 106 dtt Chorarles reet . I Ne Orleans. ·ia al TTIRERRI'011121FE A.1N VICTORIO3.,816 rzTRAI)RI) LS.\RY INSB RI:CE AGAINST8 FIK& r 1 of s aiter Crom l1 i 1 1 l1k. Va., ICted Jan. if, 1865I2 lfesern. S. C. lipnltlar .5 c:o.--Gentlemen: Oo the 7th 1?e; cemb1r h21t, 111211. A111s1 Co.', E1pr1sa 0111 , l itgated 11 10 large j',oturory brick buldliinx, in this city, wras tme siuate destroyed by fire, }md their safe retrained buried in the burning minatmtll; yesterday, he~n it 1.r dugout, ud-den tire- found surrounded with live coals, (and almost red-hot iron .lay liesldc it,) the brat'' Iornamlents and nobs melted off."i' ere nitneasuea tothin fise 1 cud if anything can resist such hex" it na enough-fire could not be hotter-iris a triump indeed. We enclose acertifcate fro several partes wrho utw it pened. Yours, truly, ROnTIAI D It BROS. 2922Out, Va.. JE.12,1156. I By to nest of Meets. Rowland .L Bros., a'e Itis day attended thle opening of one of Herring's Patent Ftre-pmof Safs, w~hich wna: I. the fire of Dec. 7, bolo-,-i. to lfessra. Adlams s Co.'a S Expr, ss, tad found th papers acid coiitrnis fn a.perfeet slate of s res"vntion 10,va, In or opiion, e 10000 u tes as cold be Ca. Irgd 0100-0111, bullding n-eu entire) destroyed, and rite s Tenained the whole time enrrmtndred isy fre, and sub jectf to nulnteose hen( fofr frydays before dug from the rnfns. I igedj M. D REYOLDS 211.09 DAVIS, U. HALL,. A. B. M12.0.LA, W. W. JACOBS. I stn tally atGsed witih the manxer in which the above men ioued Wae presersed its oomenWr· A. A. 3 rER~Y, Agenot of Ad.. Ca.'a Pxres& [F..treet from a Yorfoik iBPIrl AD~xa' glE·--OII. of HemnE·6 s ielrmted Fire-pzOof 66a4 was in A,188 6' Expre s Ollllcl whentho Unildiet wee Lumad, ..11181 week, ago. It remained burled in the rubbish ontil Tilurrday, whenc It web lian ant. The fire, on the oceasih, xlluded to .wns nnle eC the flcreen t we .vet sa and when t hel eheat was ýaund aftr lapse of tarty days, It was aorroodesd by embers, glotricg bt idhtlY. Whn pned, the paper. and ' ~ir articles it contained were found to be sound annd geneielly to nod condition, thnrs sllordlttsmoiher proof of the sectssiV and as1-1.6tir R these safes. Thle nne alludedi to may at th~e warehoue or Hesrrr. Rowland SS Bros~ wao are agents Cur the m ts,1,,. t sliuws creal v the ,once ofeo a ,1111. teat of itsj incornlliblie rlrnliria, n l en Its exterior wasi red-w" '° the buntll~ furnance that roared .round et, xnd staid the a" ,het glared around it for hour., day- and -.lm . -ý .t Thle ullllreii-nud are finle Agents for the Ole of the above Haweld Fnfes, A fo~il supply eounrwntlr on hoed.. C'. C. HILLER I CO., fi6 tF So. ii) irnvier street. 1 rCA D E OTEL, Y\yl:. p'IXB STREE R BE A £h\p-:E FF .FABIER _\ 1) .\'CUi FF Ii. S. f ORSE PrFprietor.-'Itre pn prietor re1FF rc:full ilFlimr FF1 ,riends -l h patron, anmd the ,,,billu rene::riliv that this well kuownand pop uirlr esr/l,·lirhruclll p s beentit' Iy Fia- rclluhated d \1urse Ff . ti"' Fart sltrln rod ncwlp t'nmied throlughb tA easingll rba adjoiningllt polisS much ý,1' the Landis-,w hich rrill euable him [n arlcommallua much inrbger Imnibr of i itomlr thanI Inn[ iulFr. F I blIe-lipene us been spnl. d by the Frnpir,- to nunbIIs hm IFto merit n oulilluaner of thle g<ý.teous Ililrunaer he ha heretofore receiv-ed : mud ee yr e-rtiou w ill be luulir by- himself and as slsulnts to reveler thle -).dm of h6 g C:Iets not only oloffmble bat ag-ablu' el·.ilrl!~ t ili~rl.i the, JIcnlr can SIHER WAITCH STORE. NO. u CAMP _E' bva ."i. .," u=: pane wih nli nets gudý Lons~lipd TIN "F IrIl lLiCIIF.JFI F.I.R 1, Fr\l, P10TO1 , nýýc crr+" varlrets of fancy goods of the late; lnerms. l,-'lF11FF3iFd the cervices of IF. Jos. EateF, n erper riemeel Cutchmaker, w-e meu preparerd to do all kinds of w~ork I that~ liua. .allu .. IDinnlolds ..-led, soil Jewe~lry repaired dud manufactured to order. N, I -Old GolFnd Silver boughfF. n~n ll4OFIl & WILSON. JOSEPH HURTY G cAl SIIRRETyPORTER, J ýlc a al f ll l+lcr inl tine \Yarches , Ji ,~yRich Funs}' +u~d Stnplc II dd. \o. _1) ap street, under the O[ Ho \ Fe- )rle01s, respecrlullg iuvitlM the atte111 n Of W esFR nIFFI Rehm I eFrs and p:Frehosere o his VERY LARGE II 11' OF ,11-11)S. which iF freshly impoited, and coulhn lq +uut ,lien hralihai i hL her VI'CIF1,F -I t uRI'PS SF l and Bu11, lo Combs, of ever stkle nFd F 1 i F1n. I33U II ece ~rr descripti m, et' his ownu manufacture, and FFIs tlhe o Fst NoFiFIru Iactory priles-. TPOILELT ARTICLES--Such as t'rrfimery, Ihdr Oil, IBlir Pitns, LILi" FF1' 1nnc1 F10F'g elI, FINE FANS, Y R51:5, Pocket UoOkr, rrork Uolra. Pa -hi t~ekk: together with , en edless a riety of Poneamonnies, 11Fser) ue iFdtstrla:, Fmll art FnuIFmllg low pRleell tIC\S, 1, IST(Il.'. 6micrl.- t'oy's :aril rrimlers Revolvingi Pis tola- Sciirulr, l(tia-,* Life Preser~vers, Fishing Reels and 'L'llulle, of e. erv v~u iety , m swt ther most determuined eglet. \Y\TI'Li:S, .IGR EL.RP. etc. The shtock in 11, ;ic, conIl li IIIFfLRe T, T. C Mouer, M. I. Tobias solril real Ju·1·lh J uhoral, movumenra, with } a me -sort luent of Swiss and };uglivh Levers, teb~elher wish i largo arts]; Jline ":"tern Im-cli.. ill1,1, eF., tilne been selected with gr 11F ca1re IF. RIOTEr S, ta many yeors enrlly FI 'Iie \471 +1ct1 P hslle Ys, and havring benpurehasuhrod ezclasively for criill, great inducements will be offered to purcehasers, fenders. etc~ eas.·Jeel~;t. 1cefullyg Repaired and nmu glol Fte E s, Jwiell 11I1-IFFe F F P110 1. PFllFFrl 1 01111 11. FIIl11RolI TH1EE ILILLAD.IY. AirI.U-D-MLL.--MANY Or r ho most seiemillic, able nut! expe~rienced machsnics and en gineers In thle United States have examined this Machtoe and pronounc~ed it one of the most beautiful anrd useful inventions of modern date. By =asimople vet ingenious devicer, as the gale increases in $a verity tihe salts Fradnnlly tutu round chargye the angle at whief, thry were s et for n gentle breaz, ; prene~tt less rut leas rceilllmee to thle wind, tll n'lt ~en 1118 temOPet Ia raging at fte 6cigit[, lintsn is rrcelile to its power aura the chin edges. Aa the fllr): of the Fade abates the fro sgrndaallyll resume their Orlg mtpeitxion. tolhnhg of thiia kindi, tar "hang nX the paai [ion of the nailsl, its what mechanics have so Long sought for in vain. The spaerl Of the winad wheel is not increased by n poserful storm Uf a'md. for it is is fn11 I under the control of na rrlateto is n wateltr- heell or n tenm engine· If thils Mlill be wetll out upI, it wrill reqnim no core or attention whatever for ·icai-r o bgrlher' Th molll reason whiy the wind for ages pant has not been nrd va r. aliy- ,i=",1 n motive 'e'e iý well kno~v to be th -n~ of s ,r f-regnlu[,, g m ac hi ell,, In heavy gala the nrut-v'Fhesl, ¢t !rrerlnors ru rlrllril. Yid l either Iurronr: no in 1101ciev tn! orO :en~vied wisih fneh k idJ:IZ u I war, hen[ nut Fl!;lt- Greatly to ther insure el' any rkind of Fcur'tn attached ; be'·t. lv; f bad to rnhl n, rr'Inllrlli rite cmisuuu t aro aunt nl sirrr of the, tiered. ant. Tldis rltflicolhv 1, now cltllrei- lritlpd, r and [!e "I b .b j`-ioin iil~lt eau l pnstLiy bra lirgd is the inuonalatui` ° the iu ld. This iý rumpeniared for by th~e tact that it reýýdrca no ntiny or expenscne to nut, the wFind engine--no men to tend or fllei to trod it, as with nte; 0 paver. T!L Il is truly atJ il any banel, day Or night,. t0 be ntovrd by the wind ifroal GrY paint of ,hie "min'a'sr. It ttill rill lal cr tank~i or pawlsl, that eorn bie used do rFin thle inset.\ al-.+i the n'lnli'J blun'ing tio i the ",i of tha 1 mill, pasteps andl rrcrrroi is in proo~roidoo to rho yµuuutiia of suer aItplldnel hem· iS n ertailil i f ililrin nn alblndLCB th~rough thIe year. F'or i ilruad sr tan and 'nom h~lrr and cotton phrnnuin·,n* uuh n cuntetilmu es is illsuinallcd, both Cor pmanping ttittcr a d grindling nro or trn~unentud , 110 n us. .\ small sired still, -I'lil 0- moillle windn, will r;,iso 1,[410 gallons of wro Iternnd rind line burllcls of Guru Per hour. F'or furtLcr infor motion, or oIer. i1I nddns ,t il. 31 ýntcilc stbt t, `Ott thlrte l - Ook11na.ER'1y Sula Agent for alts Sauthenrt Slams, IRON 9.1FE.-O I, ARGE IRO`: SAFE MN il'Sllia tiNl 1e~ p -OFFICE FURNITURE.. ALFREBD KiEAR\E5Y. ja )I 3 Mage W areal. Jb JAES I8 H~C E, $( ISRS1, OF i.\RO. 47 lct P nd ,Jelin .tr o". 'c' sl'l I)ENEX R 17. F1 01,II T.. E rMinas 30O of R OlI naANT, 01ldigd, Isacd:, hul~ - beo\ and Fruit 'Crcs ; u lariat al i,;ty ntT Zhallial'rcra conlprtu+;ý inc l1,,goolias, Tllllow' TIrce. t",iila .\0, Out :,r,; d -lustr; 7,010 iillu44,U and Stahr-iicrrs- ',ia4) j47t ))7l- L44l. isall ahas a unlcpaully s.)44d4il to. P44 mc4lrblm 2D ,Je in this city to, abl, Celeabrtedl Cwl, d, and keerW4 constla nt uýpp?' n hand, 0. f +n h',,, laaitir s ur evades, citl l: 19,'41, 0' 'f. LYi, 1915, 1902, 175, 1795 on New York t ortes an t( p~rice., by 019 Iv \\'l. 1.. LFVERII CI`11 CO~^_}?Old Leese. MiILES ('. I,'tOL R IN, \C0I`IU4EER A ND , L'O I*I tI 1O\ IERC1IH\\'T, I oathirngl.·? trret, \'ickslurg, ehl 3. c tcllrudildi- anld FroperTIJ o ; I Jsirplru d o eoiliened tv him, uu i prosljt rendlttiaeaa made for the aam%~ 3-- Itifr e on\Ft C"Aa CudALyBon- o u