Newspaper Page Text
JOBIAL~UW xA S *tnsy Zrxpa. WitlA S.AV, S6 1 1YTXO ; ADAIM& 6., 6FFIVCE, NO. 7W 0-Y a Ps j: TR I. BtatBf y1b NB l f ysB.xpted,)fo AiaNBSNB Bad Pafitor> t thh zame:rralC.0rc itli ýiý.s acký aP v tothe ot ers AtVý'ý{ý hrarF{1~e61kst.3t ~rtt ~anal erse darenta: b° ý p hchad Sitor every insertion. ha ·7':·eijd$ Advertiemanmput l~hr at ra arvaie ýO rg S per egnar oet yuei. Advnrtlae~f L nqt aý7.hd, ;ltblejablab d on mouth,'c ldngeq hir 4 aTtn ;P advertisement or ub. scNIPtlo1 BBB tid:ed utIB B mgb paid, at the A'ilBcre1 P DiaO Boi in rol made to regular advrtisersB SCRESCENT Itd orolte'ahihreiis it a desirable medium; for adver bass; .'"A] A A~tki4X 7! rss it atrcl~ates larg~ely, rcnalldly t--11,BBNadrB! hbBs nBt an early hour, nd beng rea '.: ti ~the pM~aub O biairieahome,. consequently article' for fa(i y, NBeem b' e advantageouIly publiskhed i It ;, olmemo ". T1EE 'WEERLY CRESCENT BPIs p bots iohB&BBy iioabBymorning tB $3 B yoer, invariably advance, "HBBiogBB extensile ciroulatiOt throbghout LoB iaibBIBPIB krkntoaB , Alabamo, ToOB. and oth,, 't Stau, ibB B a favorable mode to advertisers of maktin By $BBBBBBom iIB known. Adgttisemois fu BBB*B&190 BqB sBBre, BBBh inseriBon. . .. MONO.AY. a tMOtffNG, CARtCH 10, 1N6. The conte. of bnr double sheet this momting c00 be oas ed from the following index: ThIe First Page-Polendnr of the oomlng.Week, Tele graphc;.,'oWobinogtoo )on oooeot Assonotioo, Loter from Tooae, ae5toeoo. eiship, solamboandothO i advertisements. tare, eo;o o bfci.Wt t Correspoondonce, Let kerot CF eooot t eof advertfsements. Thdop with advertisements of almot ev d 1'ootn h r dtoialt, Local Intelligence, editorlal no Oceose ando85 oecte: ,1'850k, Pdge-Ceooomeeetal a0d Shiplpug Intelligence, 'AmuoemeOtO vaoeudar othler advertise8uent0. ixthPage-Fouoth sdhafith letters of James Robb on In .-al tImt rvements, molscellameous matter, official tabular . atements and proceedings of the GCoodson Council. "eventhpI.eo-Co.odntlnton of Council Prooerdings and 'fotciol advert€ements. ighlh Page-tootyeo Legdslnlve, TelegraphicItems,'tho oissing steamer Paelft , aod legal advetisemeuta. ir To the officers of the steamers Ben Franldin, 6. F. J. Trabue, Princess and :labama,-weare indebt ed for late papers froni Louisville, Memphis and other siver towns. W t Readthe artice fromthe Baton Rouge Comet giving an exposition of What are.termed " Cat Island ilaims." It ought to open the eyes of the people; and probably will, if anything can open them. Good ness grtoloost don't the public money fly ! MoR. Reo S' IsrrnSo.--The fourth and fifth letters of Mr. James Robb to the Governor on the important subject of internal improvements, appear in our col umno this morning. They are exceedingly able and forcible, and should be read and reflected upon by every tax payer in New Orleans and the Southwest, and by every man who ever expects to become a tax payer. We think these letters are destined to do a great deal of good in awakening to fresh lile a proper degree of publio spirit ar ong, our citizens. Buot whether or no,the writer deserves much credit for the ability, re search and labor bestowed upon the subject. CLAY M.on.i.NrT.- -We ar requested to state that there will-be a meeting this evening at 6 o'clock, in the gentlemen's parlor of the St. Charles Hotel, of the special committee appointed at the last meetingof the Clay Monumental Association. LoUIsIaNa SAVINGS COMPAsNY.-Aswill be seen by the notice in another column, this Institution resumes payment in full this morning. We are glad of this, both on account of the depositors and the Institution. But for mischievous rumors, industriously circulated to accompti sinister purposes, there woald have been no o is0eon for a temporary suspenion. To those C causelessly damaged an honestly and prudently' managed institution, and frightened depos itors into selling their certificates at a heavy discount we wish all the happiness their consciences will allow them to enjoy. Dn. GOULD's LCTIUES.-Dr. I. A. A. Gould, whom we regardau oneof themost profound and scientific men of the age, will deliver a lecture at Lyceum lIall this evening, on the subject of " The progress in our knowledge of therTrebnlas, and new laws revealed to us bythe Comet." The theme aflbrds a wide field for the lectourer and as he will unquestionably han dle it with remarkable'power, the large Hall shoul" be crowded with attentive listeners. Those who ne glect attending will deprive themselves of a splendid iutellecttal treat. WAesrNoTON AND CLAY MovsxENT.-On Friday evening next, a series of performances will be given at the St.Charles Theater, the entire proceeds of which are to be appropriated to the fund being raised for the erection of suitable monuments to the memory ol the immortal Father of his Country and the illustrious HEnRY CLAY. Mfr., DeBar htis liberally offered the use of his theater for which lie deserves full credit, as well as does the eminent American tragedian, IMr. Davenport, and the whole theatrical troupe, who have volunteered their services for the occasion. O1 course the house will be crowded in its every part. The Gaiety and Orleans should follow the examph thus set at an early day; and the Legislature shouli appropriate not less than ten thousand dollars to each of these patriotic associations. If the people's mone: could be better expended, we would like to be advisen of the mode and manner. Fos CsLIFOraL. VIA NICAA..aA. -T hesteamship Dauiel Webster, Capt. J. WV. Patterson, will positively leave on Tuesday, tihe 11t. Connecting as she does with the steamship Sierra Nevada, on the Paciflc side, inducements are offered to passengers, both in time, money and comfort, that, render her a very desirable mode of transit. ST. CAoLeRES. THEATEa.-On Saturday evening, a new piece, entitled " St. MIarc; or, a Husband's Sa crifice," was produced at the St. Charles Theater, with a good cast and with some new properties. The play, which borders very close on the grounds of smelo drama, is not such as we can give a dissection of, this morning. It shows a strong womanly honor and con stancy; manly faith and firmness; and very unmanly intrigues; which are, nevertheless, thwarted, and made subservient to the ends of honor and happiness. The plot is plain, and like most, possessing that com ponent, is good. The situations and incidents are nu merous, and the emotions upon which the whole is based, and in which it has life, are the strongest known to mankind. The result, brought about by no unnatural or distorted means, is pleasant and artistic, and meets the original intent of the drama-to show that virtue has always its reward and vice its punish. ment. The principal characters of the play, St. Mlar:c lMr. Davenport; Lorenzo, Studley; Gismondo, ia friend to St.Marc, Pope; and Dianora, married to St. Marc, Mrs. Gladstane, were very hlappily conceived and well executed, giving a smoothness and effect to the whole which is gratifying to every spectator. Mr. Dampoast'a rendering of St. Marc was peculiar in som points that we have not present space to men tion; but was nowhere other than studied and excel lent. Tle same may be said concerning the other prominent characters we have named, excepting Mr. Studley, who, in the last act, either failed to compre bend the entire wants of his part, or was not able to bring oid the fall significance. Mrs. Gladctane's Dianora was avery womanly conception but hardly angualar and jagged enough to carve a permanent mark. ToweoAT NEw OOEAN.-The fine new towboat, New Ocean, Capt. William Fish, arrived in port late last evening, from Cincinnati. She is lying, for the present, at the foot of Canal street, where she can be visited by those curious in marine architecture. MeT.riL~aT t..Sev Co.N.-A man and his wife have been arreatedin Boston for " sweating" Spanish quarters. Thls operation netted them about five cents on each piece, as they put the coin into a tlavhbio Fpd cilippad the entht e4go of a thin utripl In 186352, before the paldeotial nomlnations were made, HRaer OLAr wrote the fdllowing words re garding Millard Fillmore: oTao mm reA500 or 50 asseos1 e ars auO RsMe. Pass> ga. rae ASMLfuluO'. T HAS sEERn os A" eroue, fe, rsns re, aoos oursare eoosowmssos." There are two short sentences in the foregoing lite tIe extract-only two-but they embody whole vol umes of noble eulogy. They grasp also every essen tial and every quality requisite to a combination of exaltedandpatriotic statesmanship. Thereisnothing left out-no loop-hole to hanga doubtupon-noomis saon, even of the most trivial chrater . The simple, sublime language of HscNR CLAY, 'covers all the points involved. In the first place, Mr. CLAY says Mr. Fillmore's ad ministration was conducted with "signal succesg am ability." As ageneral rule,ability commands success, although the history of the past furnishes numerous exceptions, which, however, only tepd to substantiate the infallibility of the rule. Abilityand success dogo together, and should go together-should follow as naturally as the rewards attendant upon honesty and persevering industry. There is nb doubt asto that propesitton. The premise and cordllary are uaqoues Superadded to this magnificent endorsement by the grand dId statesman of Ashland-whch is worth mil lions ofmoral gold with millions of people-comes the ,subjoined unqualified expression of deliberate opiniop : "Are has been tried and found true, faith fid, honest and eaoscientious." It will be seen that' Mr. CLAY awards hMr. Fillmore success, ability, triied'trnth, faithfulness, honesty and conscientibnsness ! Here areall the attributes which goao the making up of a great and honorable Chief M~iastrate-of a man the country should delight to honor--of a citizen without fear and above reproach. When HENRY CLAY wrote the foregoing memorable words, disease had laid its fell hand upon his mortal frame. The shadows of the grave were gathering darkly upon him. Death was in him, around him andahout him. There was no chance for, life faurther than that which a few days or weeks might afford. The lastosands were rapidly disappearing, and the in satiate Reaper stood upon the threshold. His body was wasted, but his mind was as fresh and brilliant, his fervid devotion to his native land as strong and as. unabated as when he stood up in the councils of the nation in the full flash of manly vigor and might, the foremost man of all the western hemisphere-aye, of the earth! More than that. He knew he was dying, and had no earthly wish or ambition to ac complish. Hence 'his words should be considered a priceless legacy to Mr. Fillmore and invaluable advice to hisconmtrymen. With the mighty old statesman a 'vTh sunset.oe life sre him myoicns lore, ond coming erents east theha shadows before." He knew hisaman, and spoke accordingly. The time was when the words of HENRY CLAY awoke a responsive echo in the hearts of millions ; whenethey rang clear, strong and glorious, through out every State in the Union ; when, from the north ernmost bounderies of Maine to the green savannas of Florida, men loved to honor him; to listen with delight to his counsels; to respect his advice; to re vere his enlarged patriotism and matchless character, and to cling to him the closer the more unpromising the clouds which hung over his political psesent and his political future. Can it be that his voice, coming from the tomb, has lost its influence-its power? We believe not. What say ye, who once rallied un der his standard with a devotion that never was par alleled. Whatever may be the future public lot of Millard Fillmore, one thing is absolutely certain-no man ever had a more valuable endorsement, or one which should carry with it more weight with the reflecting, intelli gent and conservative classes of the American people than he has. THE WEATHER.-Yesterday was alovelysspring day, anld the mud of tile previous few days disappeared as far as pos sible. Throughout the day the streets preyentced gay and happy appearance. Peach blossoms are abundant, sud a few weak kneed mosquitoes are tuning thell pipes. FALSE.--The two alarms of fire last night were false. FIRST DISTRICT CounT-A few sentences for petty Cnaen res w pnsediby Juldge tobercten ons uaturday. Nothilg elsp was done. SrcomD DIRTRICT COURT.-Oliver A. Pittfield and E. 3teFarhmdr i ere Imprisoned in deifault tf $S5,I. bila eehwerae takel before l idge t orgaccoi t Surrday, or n welt t t f ha bens corpus, and, after a lonlg argument between their counsel i the District Attorney, they were set at liberty. Immediately ai terwarda, Mayor Lewis rmade a new sitdvssit before Recocder Bright, embodying the substance of the former amidanit, wilt the additional charge that they were "acessories ofter the fact.' iMr. MelFal)lad, hearing that this aidavit had been made, it ocre suarrendered hiuself to thie Chief of Police, and ill tie ev. enciug.l'nruined biul, which Judge Robertson had ordered the Rctetoe ix to i at $7000. A M.lDERn Co sP'LrETin.-J.ohn Lewis, alias Jeers, who was sabhhed on Tesday night test by John Bell. s liti Scotty, died at Charity Iospital on Friday night. The (i,,r ner's verdict was to the effect that death was caused by pllito nitis, from a woualt across the Rabdolmen,, illicted with t cuttin inirumlen in the hands of the said John Bell, etc. From the testimony it appsraed thlu t hie deceased and Bell had a diti cltyr at the Louisiana Ball rooma, and greed to go ot ld fight. Accompanied by several other persons, they wen ot t Esplanade street, and when they reached Rampart street John Short passed a knift to rell. Almost innediately tile latter attaeked Lewis, tslietling thie wouud of which he diedh.Tle deceased wa, an Irishman twenty years old. 1ell and Short are both in plisop, ite latter, it ir eaid, being desirons of turning State's evidence, S IDEn,.-Augunste PIoeto, A Erench barber, thirty yeals of age, nommlitted stlicid yesterday morning, illc ac o"s on Old Iteaee street, between hIospital intd Ursiuliness st'ectr., cutting his throat with a rare: 'The Coroler hel and inquest on tile body, ard returned at verdict r cior'iiugly. The ll.t of trh mad aet is not knowl ; but it appeared Ihat the scarved had been drinkhig c ather fteely of late. DEATll BY LoGsJAW.--A little girl namlees S5lsalt ..elllhrt, the daughter of a widows lady in thfi Second ca ncriet, died eon Sccary, of lockjaw.t. The terrible distae was,' brougt on by the s ulciag of s ,acil into the ehild's fot a l'eiw dccr pre sionlsly. HAin To PUT OeT.-Spmeidea of the difficulty of noighborhood is all in a mlck with mud anld weasl ; thes Younc g Amre teia ca s atd squirta away altesaLagin ey ; itd alt oue the blesi are as well drenched Its rocks ie a cstiraect, iley el tinue to smoke. Fn GITIoI, ARl.ESTED.-Edwinll Jones, alilM George Wilson, allas tim Johuson, aleia Clifford, was allSled on S5 uray tand lodged i, Jail. 1e is neacued of having perpclrated recent robberty in Mobile. .ECOlRDEll BRIoHT'S COURT.--). H . Thompson, rlias Chrles W.illiams, wa examined n So1l y a.. sca be fore tle First I)islrlt Court to answer the charge of (ductlg or inveigling J. t. Wilson's sinve girl Sarah, on the lith of January, ihe having been felnld, disghisedt as a boy, ill ib state room al board the steamer Persia, which was about to leave for Cineinlatni. o was refs)ed hsil. W ri. allowar wa i enn t down for stealit g a pailr of cooti frm ra sLtore st ew LeTe, t.otiarte t adrgittet dti, cf usite. Frdc- a erit ekad ti rin . lring ere ,,dt l plitg , i ley oceuttor and rope fatro tile Shippcrc' Presr, and i.llllting ad bitict oieer '.\hl iec Wil. Sulliann was sint down ar r a e hcee t itýnalnt uiniL Ar. nal Mr. J\lbrams in eier ohos on Perdilo st t ',it. , u el St . . l ern , tc urittg ed ith a ob,'ec ing rquttity of lil'ua ilelccr fcl.e pret'n'tcc wii c at llcdlle ' a'ud dr.''c i rfora wt of er hhei Thor T followaing tt alr l for tcatacntssta : 'Priektit[tesses, t ,setd ,ilth bi 11t, hok clingld tral~giu ilidg t b rien, int theil orrlr ofSt, h oph aar lls t ile one ree s tor w, u\hi.1; anrts , charged ith uitreat, stg t I lh beating i re . etctieh Wale s a RECORDE n tIhAerOn' CouRTII . The followlng were diRechrged o5 Sataldey : John lhtkiuheirl, vhlry geed with hea ile edtl .aerks ou Sin iecs tes; Thacnse. tkh, ta. I ., e irgd with lhirlx of tr.Mt; and r ngehe ('btllt'r, "harged will, .i tltia. aJten T oassy was arraigned on ta thnrge of ttealitncg 3t0 i cmsh aid a ,l at iy of t..'Ish ftrol hr.i lge'I fungi) store, alt tir corner o" Cl5haltrc ant lien l ila sLt iet+, oUS Friday night--ent to priron. Adoen berltmn o e s a'ni.. hgrt a ehcrc of .eetcingtte Illmre froet fleh Jacob, inll teetnr I"t, ae Slnireth amtagelne Dah at wore artrignt d on a eerge of ith l'at. ng smi hineccer furiniture aea ro ebig e te * h call. l'hey wereht a el, for sl ex htionto l nthe 151h. RECORDER SEUZKNEAU'S ('Ol'IT..--;\tthatlicl ;[' Catlnes clam ltd ' bheftre Asistant Recorder I,,ec on Satur da.. onrt cuare oatr wunding and atiteptintt to ssllSilate R aorder S.u snesal there tilce court. ie -eri l worc ago. The Recorder, wvhose eck ias very sitl .o] Ite ,Xroa.l rrreiced, ai-. Ceared is'ourt agait attee aclused. The palttecdr, of the r. efair welt eorrc:tly puablished rby u at tlle time. Neee ilhstaes l. toag the abundant proof against Mc('ann, lie nserted tshat he t as i amocen of the charge lie 1rwas set tfi tile Fcist istriht hsatlltt, batl of $30011 bel.g requlred, hat, of eo5see, aot flnis ed, A ail.r ntamed .Johi Thcomas aa arraigned oi a cllrge of attenmpting I, murder tile ite of tile ship to whrlshich e blongt --sut to priro. ceven saileors belonging to tehe shiipe . i... t a. nioe. were arrrign ied on a eharge of bIehaving mntiuourly dtrilng ite reactt nrp.y. of tte nhlip to this port. Tchey wre csetc to prron,. to await the order of the ln'nted States ColUcfi'-iCesr. arganrer t l.xlnlghslin wa i held for a htearing eo a charec of slig cottnl. Otlicer .ork roraot, charged wsith srlbbinig Bill Sith oiut twro n'is ntlhs arI.o, was nalee tterd to btil OtF hosi ; ()little 0th ins., nl 55. oe'ica 5\.A,}. S, Il, et'etctc'[ o Ieat thc streee, near Fe ciit BuIlda ('al, J'tS. II. IiI)RIc'iS, Ic the forty--.tEeU d year'of hi sre. His friotcl aco requeasted to attend his fSmreal TItie 0DAY, at So'clO.k P, 31i. , fola s late s' ceidrc:e, .,i.Out fsrthee: nO:!ec', fl}tstsher, 'laskekcesgnd sect ksvlis papnes pears ersy, Amus.ements This Evening. SI. CRARLe' THEATvE.--Mr. E. L. Davenport. "St. Marc; or, A Husband's Sacriet," and rBeauty sa the Beast." GAIETY THEATER.-" The Hmichback," and "My Wife's Washerwomnu." ARnORY HAIL.-Dionmilo Panorama of the Bus amn War. - AMERICAN COmous.-Corner of Magaeine and Jose phtnertreets. Everyerniuep . THE G: IAT BAn.,-The great Aunstrlau perform ing bear, at No. 95. St. Charles street. Dy and oerenlug. Cot. Wooe's MereU--" Living Giantess," 'hIn frant Esau antdil other" no wonrerrfl Orench Warbier. No 18 St. Charles street. - Steamboat Departures This Day. LOWER MISSISSIPPI. Belfast, Taylor, mstrer at 5 to'clock. Lewis carpp & Co., 37 Front street, agents. ARKANSAS RIVER. Corn No. o, Mesby, master, at 5 o'clock. Lewti Snapp & Co., 37 Front street, agents. OUACHITA RIVER. D.S. SOtcey, Moorr, master, rt'lo'cloek. Lewis Saopp ACo., 57 Frout, and T. B. Smith, 12 New Levee streets, agsete. YAZO0 RIVER. OLewis Whitemo n, Wallace, master, ate o'clok. T. B. Smith, 12 Now Levee, agent. TENNESSEE RIVER. Eastport, Harrison, master, at 5 o'clock. Lewis Snapp & Co., 37 Front street, agents. PEARL RIVER. Ruby, Poiterent, master, at 5 o'clock. Shaw & Zunt, 40e and 2 Fultor street, agents. A PBEtF.rmD BREATH.- What lady or gentleman .oeld remain under the curt e of a disagreeable breath, whe. by using the "Balm of a Thousand Flowers e a a dcntrtlce. would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as ala bueter ? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop of the " Blm" on your tooth-brumh and wash the teeth night and morling. A fifty cent bottle will last a year. A beautiful complexion may eaetly be acquired by using the " alm of a Thousand Flowers." It will remove tan, pimples, and freckles from the skin, leaving it of a sft and roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and wash the face night and morning. nhdrt ee hl de Easy.-Wet your saviug-brush in eitherwarm or cold water, pour on two or thlee drops of Balm of a Tlheou rand Flowers," rub the beard well aud it will make a beantifrl, soft lather, much facilitatingthe operation of shaving. Price, only 5t cents. Fetridgo t Co., proprietors. For ale by J. Wright & Co., O. O. Woodman, and all druggists. fell dkWetodfi t ot If you are sick, the probability is that the root of yeour sufferings ti .in the stomach. From a wee. stomach proceed dyspepbia, languor, oppression in the diaph ragtn, jaundice, headache, nange , bodily weakness, dimness of sight, heartbu.m, costiveness, dysentery, and a legion of other tormenting diseases. Indigestion produces thin blood, and therefore destroys the strength and vigor of the system. To restore the strength of the stomach, and enable it to throw off and dismiss forever all these tormenting cad dangerous com plaints, nothing is necesatry but a persevering tnee of Homfland: German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. Therer s no mitake, no filure in their sanatve effects. See od. vertisement. m lmd&W (Jrpetings. FRESH XIPORTATION - PER CAHAWBA, NO. 1.0 CANAL STREET, NEAR ROYAL STREET, tare Just receivad and will open 5Monday morning, a choice lot of TAPESTRY, THREE.PLY and INGRAiN LCARI'ETING and RUGS, all now pattern, for sale lower than over offered before,. mld 2plit Gray .Hair Changed. N'O DYEING ý3 YLOYED: ThiO happy tate of things can b succesafully accomplished Vanl Deusen's Improved WRahpene, an ttrticw whiich has established for the inventor a reputation oully sustained by the thousands th0at ave used it. For resteo. ing the hair to its original color, promoting at luxuriant growth in the plaeo of wasted locks and renewing its natnral and glossy appearance, no preparation has yet excelled tWS vNuanbl desid For sale wholesale and retail, By J. WRIGHT & CO., tu10 2Spt 21 and 151 ChaLtres streLet, .ilourning Goods. We tove now in store a largo assortment of all articles for ROCRSNING, each a. CASI1MEIES, BOMBAZINES AND ALPACAS; EARPOUR; CIIALYI; CREPE lIE LAINE; G1 RENAILNE; IAREIE; AND CREPE EARBGUE; CNGLISOI AND FRENUlf CRAPES; P'LAIN BLA(CK SILKS AND FOUILARDS; ONSttIIAMS; CALICOES, etc., etc. GIQUEL & JAMISON, l 2pt IS CIhartres cstrLtl. .~'ew Clothing. FRANCIS FABREI & Co., Corler St. Charles and Common sts., Wcoold call especial attentlon to their extensive and well oeo Iccted stock of NEW AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, --onmisting in part of PINE CILOTI0 DRESS COATS; PINE CLOTI FROCK CO)ATS; FINE CLOTHI BUSINESS COATS; FINE CLOTH TALMAS, etc., etc. --Also .\ oImpleto aortment of FINE LINE. AND COTTON ,10 2pILS0tW3t S H I R T S. J~Iatches, Jewelry, --" TT FL 3 S 12a F TL. 'W A F l. S E. DILLON, No. 7 Cramp street, New Orleans, Otfer, for sale an loegant assortmont of the abovo, guaranteed o he FULLY STANDARD QUALITY, AT MODERATE PRICES. CATCIIHE S of overy deScription carefully repnised and 1ar1 DITAMlONDS re-et in the neateet style1. JEWELIRY REPAIRED, at No.7 CAMP STREET, m10 2p6t New Orleans ..Iiss Pardoe's .'ew .a'ovel. RIOMA.NCE OF THE HAREM. Price, Fifty (lots. JUST RECEIV ED, AT, .- - C - il ORl 4ia *n a EXCHANGE PLACE, lAdjolning the Post-Ofice, New Orleans. Popular Books -ATr sF in. IC- ORronIL.1W's0 Exchange Place, adjoining the Post-Office, 1V. O. TIIIHUNTER'S FEAST, or ,,oversationl Around tile Camp Fir.e, by olp. .OIn)-e Reed; $1 25. IIO0ME S FOl TIlE I'EOPLE: Tie Villa--The Mlollslou, and othe Cotsa; $1 50). ANSTfIIElR ID)l IFT, or, Things hich I saw in thie East, by Jale A. ,,ntoo., "o" tId edition; $1. TIIHESIIAKSPE\RIAN PAI'PERS of the late \Willialm haC gi.o ; $l. MY FIRST SlEASON, by oeatrico Reynolds; 75 cenl'. TIE 1110 AL. ItAUTIES, by Misl Pardoe; IIlolots. Togethelr withl a large ock of STASNDARD ANID IIS('I. lANEUCO I1O11001S, o, oouo.oilg of TIrA VELS, 111OGR APHIY, I'OETRIIY, NOVELS, etc. J. C. MORGAN, mol 2+,OO (CiO EIIllSol'e Polato, I1lo.ipulte the PI't-OOice.o Pledical Text Books. BARLOW'S PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, -For osale by 'IrfOMnAS n. wn1 rzT3ni, BOOKSXL 1 LER ANDI) STA TIONVER, No. 105 Canal street. IL.. RO(I' IIE ON YCI.LLW FEVER, two \iRlmeo . MIPIOIS ONI I)ISERASERS F WOMIEN AND T1 'III,REN; I)IETT'S SYSTEM t)F StIIOEYs; TIe oeIodicald ook, .eod iI tilu MeIlial C'ollege of ,unsiana, 1ol0 2l1t 10. ('ANAI. STREET. Clothilng -Az LEIGHTON & BARBOT, CORAER (O1 ST CHARLES AND CALAL1 STREATS, Ofer th balance of the WINTE'R STOCK OF CIOTIING AT IIEI)UCECI) PRICES, to make rOu for Sprinlg GoDls. Our frirituan ud cubolmcrs are a tl.ichýflrly hlrvled to givt us OVERCOATS, BUSINESS COATS, IHEAV. CASIMRER PANTS, AND CASIHMERE VESTS, S., 5CE, Ste., AT COST. ISIGBTON & IBARBOT, mis ':ti CS.TL 6l. CElCs.Id esu E"AI BeautW'nl Spring Clothing. JUST RECEIVED BY THE CAHAWBIA. A~XFRED mUNROE & CO., No. 34 blSagazine street, Havc received by the abovo steamer, a large and beautiful Sortment of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Suitable for Spring aud Summer wesr, to which they inlito the ttentioa of purchasers. Among other goods received are ts following FINE SINGLE-MILLED COLORED OASSIMERE BUSI NESS COATS; FINE SINGLE-MILLED COLORED CASSIMERE PANTA LOONS; CASPIAN TWEED BUSINESS COATS; FRENCH DRAF D'ETE FROCK AND SAC COATS; FRENCH BOMBAZINE FROCK AND SAC COATS;. ALPACA AND ITALIAN CLOTH FROCK AND SAC COATS; FRENCH DRAP D'ETE PANTALOONS; FINE CLOTH FROCK AND DRESS COATS; VESTS, FOR SPRING AND SUINlER WEAR; LINEN DRILL AND OTHER STYLES OF SUMMER PAN. TALOONS; LINEN DRILL AND OTHER STYLES OF SUMMER COATS; UNDER GARMENTS, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR; AVERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS; UMBRELLAS; VALISES; TRUNKS; CARPET BAGS; INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING, Of all kinds. Winter Clothing at Great. Bargains!! Wo are now offering all style5 of WINTER CLOTHIN at VERY GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, and persons from he country, in wantof such articles, wll do well to call and supply themselves. .aoSr S' Lr''taSc. cOLr acvE. A VERY FULL ASSORTMENT RECEIVED BY THE CA. HAWBA. One Price for Goodis-No Deviation. g Clerks, speakinbg the French and Spanish languages, el. ways in attendance. ALFRED MUNROE & CO., 10 pt 34 MaNI gaine sree, corner of Gravier. .rew Spring Goods. Nos. i andr 14 Chartres street, Beg leave to offer to the Ladies, and to strangers visiting the city, a complete and entirely new stock of SPRING GOODS, comprisig in part SILKS Of all qualities, colorb and descriptions, such as Plaid, Striped, Chine, Jaspe and Plain Tafetas, Gros de Naples and Foulards; Black do., Plais, Figured, Striped ard Plaid; Rich Ilack MIOIRE ANTIQUE, for Dresses and Mantillas. FRINTED SILK MUSLINS AND TISSUES; CREPE D'ORIENT; ORGANDIES; JACONETS AND BREILLIANTINES, in pieces and in Robses,. EMB OIDBERIES, Comprising a large assortment of Black Thread Lace Mantillas, Scarfs and Shawls; Point d'Aslenco, Point d'Aiguille and o'lnt de Gaze Lace Collaosand Sleeves, and everything new connected with the Embroidery Line. MANTILLAS. A choice selection of Embroidered Silk, Lace, Applique and Muslin Talmas, Mantillas and Scarfs. MILLINERY. Paris Spring Straw, Hair and Lace Bonnets for Ladies and Miises; Ribbons, Flumes, Flowers, etc. The whole of the stock of Winter Silks and other goods dt and below cont. mlS 2p3h Leighton X Barbot, CORNER ST. CIIARLES AND CANAL STS., Have on hand some of those MAMMOTH SHIRTS, Half-a-Doze, for $6 00. -Also- The 1 2, $150 and 2 00 SHIRTS; besides a large stock of YORK MILL and FINE LINEN SHIRTS. S- SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE. lIs"Manufatory, No. 106 Grand street, ne ssBroIdwoy, New YorLk. LEIGHTON & BARBOT, comer St. Charles nd Canal st,, N. . We have a choice selection of NECK TIES, of varinus ,tylcsandpatterns; CRAVATS; SCARFS; Jouvin's GLOVES; SUSPENDERS; SILK and MFARINO UNDERSIIIRTS sad DRA.WERS;'RICH EMBROIDERED SHIRTS; MORNING ROBES, etc., etc., to which we invite the attention of the pub Ill. .Ito 2p3t Bareges, Organdies, etc. 185 CAMP STREET. 185 IaqS Just opened, a new supply of FASIIONABLE DRESS GOODS, which he is offering at unusually low prices. Rich Embroidered BAREGE ROBES, $6 to $1050; French Jaconet DRESSES, $2 50; Plaid Mulin DRESSES, $1 25; Flounced Organdy ROBES, $4; Striped and Figured French JACONETS; Fine Figured Linen CAMBRIC, 40, per yard; LINEN LAWNS--small patterns for chiidren; Super Figured B RIIL.ANTINES, 25e per yard; Plain and Dotted SWISS MUSLIN; INDIA MUICLL and Nainsook; Rich Embroidered COLLARS and SLEEVES; VALENCIA, SWISS and JACONET SETS; Infants' Embroidered ROBES; Embroidered and Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS, etc. HORACE BAlRBY, nlt 2pl t 16 5 tamp sl-eet.l'. .1 Sickly .ltternated .lppearance In a child is prima facio evidence that its internal organization I tenanted by some one of the many species of worms, wdich filiet and too loten destroy the most promising children. The eet thing o hee Idone is to adminiater WINER'S CANADIAN VERMIFUGE oithout delay. It will dislodge and discharge thle enemy, if preoent in the bowels, and if nIo wors eio t iit ill cleanse and avigornte the whole digstive, secretive and excretive s~ystem, nd cleate a healthful aIppletite. De -B particular and remember tile nhme, "Winer's Canadian Vermlfuge." This is the only rticle that can be depended on. For sale wholebale and retail In New Orleans, by J. WRIGHT & CO., Sole Proprietorx, e10 2p6t Nos. 21 and 151 Chartre strbr , N. 0. Clothing, CBERAP FOR CASH!! The undereigned will sell FAILL AND WINTER I'.OTI1 INO now vry heenp for the purpoe of closing out Iheir etlok If goods, to lmakie tenet1 fr . sleldid stoek of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. We are now just receiving a full i:sorttlellntler- LINEN 11OSOM.SIIlRTS; (COLORED S1 IRTS, made In h be tyl I.OLII{ED CAiS COATS, I'ANTS AN) VESTS, a new and lealatifutl article. A largo assortment of FURNISIHING( GOODS, TRUNKS, UMIIELL.AS, ert, R. PITKIN & CO., ml)0 21t 37 Camplstreet. 21 AND 151 Important Discovery. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAPICRS are unfaillg in tile elre of ('oughs. ('old,, Asthmas,ronchitis, Sore Throat, Ioaono., i)imielt OBreathig, Incipient Cousumption, and I)Dse.. of the They Iave no taste of medicine, and any child will take them. Thouraods have been reatored to healh thathud before despnleed. testimony gieni hundreds of easee. A eingle dose rolioveain TCT MINUTES. Ask for BrynlIe I'ulmonle Wafers. The original and only ReuuinT I .tml,ed " yBryan." Spurlou kinds arh ofeored for oale. Twoty-fi, euuts h hoc. fold by dcaler. generally. J. BRYAN & CO., Rochester, N. V., Proprleotcs. Fold in Now Orleans, wholesalo and ret l1, by J. WRIGHT & CO., mrft 2peod3t 21 mud 151 C'llartres treet. lDolbear's COM'MElISIICIA I COI,LLE;I , reanch, Spni-h Germa,. lelle,. Aritmetic, oere y, Surveipig, Na onstion: l'emonnhii, PIhonography, Solo-Keep, inC, o are ta asgh n by able f'lol'esoor.. 'itireu. and. tngera anre invelarlo rol. Thrie arc NI}; apartmenll . NoWnt SILAS'i:S this week. RUFUS IDOLREAR, mI10 lm,31' No. 106 t'nan l ul reot. fL'oodnaan's rpo r11r. p CT e pr h Incipient C.olesumplion, Brlonchiis, Influenza, Colds, Cotlghs, oarseness, 1Asthmna, aned foe' the relief of Consumption in all ils staloges. A medicine that will promote, cpectoration, while at the lBato timeH ilet elhevnlid rCemoe Irrhioli t anlld Inflallle ton of the Luengs, iha ydeyldltunt lo.g ofight by tle Medilel proles eion. The ttleeeCy of ,hllic i i- Cmap-eIIIId are lII klownllI medical en., mie are ased by theml daily ill all e lee onary cou plaint.; hot the proportions are ouch as to gino the medlcine a power And ranee of applcale.i )wo-.e.- d hy uo ~fb!er COmpound. F,'or sale, wholslale tltd retail, ih, New OrletansI by J. WRIGHI T & CO., 21 .aIna 151 Chattres street, and 0., O, WOIODMAN, 0Ill:2: 21 e t elelCICOIdt(C" 4 IIu I )d 4 E 4 sltut. Direct Intportatton -or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS GIQUEL & JAM-SON, 18 C..ARRTES ST 18 We have Just received, and will ofer on Monday, 1d lnstant, ur new styles of FLOUNCED AND PLAIN BRO001E AND JACQUARD BA REGE AND TISSUE DRESSES; FLOUNCED AND PLAIN. MUSLINS AND ORGANDIES; PRINTED JACONETS, COTTLINETTES AND BRILLIAN SEVIGNE BAREGE, ORGANDY AND JACONET ROBES; EMBROIDERED WHITE, BLACK AND COLORED SILK SIANTILLAS; LACE MANTILLAS, POINTS, SHAWLS AND VEIIS. We would ask our friends, and thoose in want of Spring Goods, to give ub a call, as wo have amongst our recent arrivals many now and desirablo syles of Goods. GIQUEL & JAMISON, Jml0 2plt 18 Chartreo street. Byrne U Co., WROLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, Corner of Camp and Common rtraeta, N.W ORLEANS, Respeotfully inform their friend S theO poblic that they have opened at the above location a large and complete aMsst DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, SURGICAl, IN STRUMENTS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, etc., fl eo which hate beon selected by themselve with a special ,ieaw to the requirements of this market, and which they offer for sale in quatities to suit purchasers, on the mot remsonable Congss, o Empire, Blue Lick and otherMINERAL WATERS oooshantly on hand. COUGH CANDIES, GUM DROPS, LOZENGES, etc., from Ihe celebrated manufnetoryof Messrs. R. L. and A. mStuart, New York,in packoges of pounds and halfCponds, received by overy steamer. MEDICINE CHESTS for Pintaotions, Ships or Steamboats, constmaly on hand. Commission Morchants and Couotry Dealoro' orders Oiled with promptoess and dispatch. Plnoter' orders will receive peelal PR I ES C R I PTIO S. Having secured the services of very competent apothecaries, Physicians may rely on having their presriptions carefully eompoundod at all hours day and night. BYRNE & CO., .Yew Books. MISH KAVANAGH'S NEW WORK. RACHEL GREY; -For sale by BOOKSELLER. No. 105 Canal street. TIIE ATTACHE IN MADRID; CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE OF NAPOLEON TO HIS BROTHER JOSEPII; IO)ME SERVICE-A Manul for those who are occasionally Prevented the IHouse of God; S. . PRENTISS' MEMOIRS, by his Brother; two volumes, m1O 2pSc Selling off to Close Business. THE ENTIRE STOCK -or JosFmPI-r nrarror, No. 20 CAMP STREET, under the City Hotel, --comprising- GOLD AND SILVER WATCIIES ; JEWELRY; SILVER AND PLATED WARE; COMBS, BRUSIES, PERFUMERY; -And a large assortment of FINE FANCY ARTICLES, --Is now selling at COST OP IMPORTATION. City Dealers and Country Merchants have now an opportunity of purchasing at the above reduced prices FOR CASH or CITY ACCEPTANCFS. f Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. F. ROBERTS, Agent. 'Remember No. 20 Camp street, under tho City Hotel. 41l 2pcl Carpet Ir'arehouse. 19 CHARTRE RESTREET. 19 l daily arrivials, we are receiving, directfroI manufacturers, fres.h nuplir- of new patterns of Wilton, civet and Brussels T etre. ruhrel, 3 ply and In grain ( ARPeI raiotsI. Also, FIOOR- OIOL COTtI, oar 'Go.' wLidtHr nd TH mlitier. c t to sir ll re, of prtmeni l. Ctr, crut loths, lWin ow Shode., Table and Pino rIovero. lair Cloth, Stab Rols; x101 whbich we ofer at te e lowest market pricer. m10t 21t A. J ROI;CSEA0I" E)O. . RIich o elvet Carpeting. We are in receipt of nmew and beatiful designs of Cholrc Velrct Tapeotry b ARPETING ; Choice Brame], .. .. 'holc I Bigelow Thre-iPly and Tapensty hlgran CARPETING : FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. A large aaortment, from 3 feet to 2 feet, cut to oait oany sied WINDOW SHADES. A v'iety of tylet., oErw ptOLero. Window 'CoireL, etc. J. D. DABMERON & CO., m3l 2p4t 2I Ci.r's and . o (lustombtourse treetl.E .4 Card. N,;w OeLb..5, rch7, Mrc; I 10 Do. SAtoce, R.r.ooS-Dear. Sir: The caner on my lip, yrich you hrve beoon treatinrg, I lr happy to eay, ha, beoen n tirely ,ondioated and the lip I entirely. well. Feeling gretoful to you for relievring mre, I take pleaeruro i allowing you the uia of my name oin the umerous list of testimonials, which you have t yourenr ommotd. Very respectfully, Your obedient oervant., D. S. STACY, Swedish and Hlungarian Leeches. Tile eabscriber i constantly rceiving fresh importation. of SWDEI)ISII AND HUNGARIAN LEECRES, eand ix prnparcd to rsupply Druggilsts by the hundred or thousand, at Iowoel pricea. JAoIe S SYIME, Druggist, .3 TMptlffornerrol C oo)nd or.ndlet streets, N. G. JI"eolesale Drug Store. PIIO'IIIANO, DEucOIGIST", ILANTEIRS sod Are IncitedI to 0-1ins one stock, 1hi0h emrll oso FIETRY AR0I10,0: IN TIle DRUG1 TINE, gu laleed of the frst guIlt. 110, and off, red a1 n0aorable prim. 0 s 0 0 be ha hd lo 10e JAMES SYMIE, Druiggiot, 3Mly2pltf 1E7ood 139 CT tol ret, comer CErondolol, N. O. Surgical Instruments. On baud o lar1 e !0pply. ,omprislig lmost 1ver1 instruelnt re diral by the Surgeon, of Folnch, Eglish And Amoricn ,.anafactnre. --Also- MEDITIANE HIIIESTS-Ioslhe-, I ,ooo,. Mloloonny; MEDICINEA SEAIIILE 11(0S, ill ever1y style, fo rle by JAMES SYME, Druggist, ol pif 137 And 130 C0loslslolot, corlner iO rolldhlet,N.O. ,g Qulnine. INE TIIOIS'hND OITNICE1 just reeived and to arrive. Thy, sulbsciber Iea urrolod to b le reglnrll snllyled with tLho superior QuinineE of Zimmenlr. 11 vanl A Kenrt, of London;: Pow. ere 1110 WoiylE,,s1,,u of Philadelhia; mid will sll at Ithe I. market to ice.. JAMES SMtIE, D)ruggist, tn3 y_+In 137 Andl 139 Canal street, corner C:nrondelet, N. Ridc S Co.'s Salamander Safes. WILDER S PATENT, With Powder Proof Leeks, that have never Ibeen Robbed. TWELVE Y E 0 EI S D NOT 0 DO11.0 0 WO0 D OF I00 D0O51 on p*PenY -STROIED· y. A Ioln1 Asormllent of the voluablo Safes conlstntly on hand, and for lyy u by SOUTHIMAYD & HARRISON, m161y93 Camp street. Fancy Saddlery, \'VAREHOIihol;. Thy, undersigned~ have remixead by raecent Arrivals, t MI And 10,pl0ta 101or00000 of all articles in their line, direct ft um bh0 mnnufnctoryr, in I'hilQrlplhin. 5- Aoy good, roll by them woll ho worranlod of the htoL saterial, aoed 001.1s1all 0 va1ne1 on ma1nufacturers10' price,. LACEY & CO., 113 001 01 St. Chaolos 010001. Dr. Thomas J. hopper, SUIIIGE0N DENTIST, NO.1606 ST. CAIIRLES STOLREET, Opposio I.tel00011te Square, Neo Orleoso. gT Do. II. ,trendslo the llclio of his Prolessoon In 111 11 vnri00 Iranches, an1 gm-511ess11 01tis1011io11 in all cas. d21 3plo Dr. Samuel Reynolds. OFFIC0 -No. 115 ORAVi11R b 0011000, NEW ORLRENS Coures CoNCs, 0y00oLD-H0ElA, W11155.O 0WrLL, 60000 and Citrusls ol ooy diorldylbl oAl 9 oto Splenditd .ssortment 1 3F i 3 I: X1 4I [-r qr I" W1 p _, AT RIEDUCED PRICES. P. A. HEBRARD, 118` CANAL ETREET, 118 Is now openg th following SPRINO .O01)S, received by he lal..t arrivals, which he will sell at very reduced prloces. Plain, Figured and Flouneed BARHGE DRHBSSBB; Colored GRENADINE . Black Flounced BAREOBN Ilatn Black GRENADINE: Strdped ad nd Fld FOULARD SILKS; Organdy, Plaln and lounced DRESSES; Munlln and Jaconet Valenciemnn LACE TOILETS; Embroldered MusUn and Jaconet BANDS; .. .. INSORTIN1S;j White Cotton CAMBRIC; SJ.ACONET; BRILLIANTINES, White and Colorse: Real SWISS MUSLIN, 4-4, 64, 4,4; NNSOOE; Striped and Check SWISS MUSLIN; CAMBRIC; TOILET QUILTS, Whito and Colored, all I.te: TOILE DU NORD; SILK CRUVELLI LUSTRE, for Traveling Dre.lm; CURTAIN MUSLIN, Jaquard, Dameaked and Rmb'd; 12 4 WIITE BOBINET. for Mesquite Bare, made to order; Irish Linen SHIRTING; SIIEETING LINEN, French, Scotch and Irih, all idths; Yellow and Colored NANKINS, etc., etc. A complete aslssortmet of PLANTERS' GOODS; READY-MADE CLOTHING AND STRAW II.AT, for Negroes. fe25 5lf Fuernitbre--- Purntture. LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH. -A~F Nos. 171 and 173 Canal st., New Orleans. ALL NEW STOCK. The undersigned havlug opened a largo'and splendid assort ment of NEW SOUTHERN FURNITURE, is prepared to supply the Trade and Families on the most lib. eral terms. This being the only new stock in the city, pLt. chasers will fAnd it to their advantage to cell and eormine the gods and learn the prices before purchasiulg elewhere. Will keep constantly on hand- MARBLE, SOFA AND CENTER TABLES. EXTENSION TABLES, of Mahogany, Walnut and Oak, and of ell sizes. ROSEWOOD AND MAHOGANY WORK AND CARD TA BLES, DRESSING TABLES. WALNUT AND CHERRY DINING TABLES. OAK, MAHOGANY AND ROSEWOOD SIDEBOARDH. BUREAUS, of Walnut, Rosewood and Mahogany. ARMOIRS; WASH-STANDS; BEDSTEADS; PARLOR CHAIRS; ROCKERS; ETEGERES; SECRETARIES; BOOK-CASES; OAK ASD WALNUT OFFICE CIIAIRS; CHILDREN'S CHAIRS AND IROCIKE HS; DINING ROON CHAIRS; MAHIOGANY AND WALNUT TEA-POYS AND LIGHT STANDS, etc., ate. Bair, DMoss and Sprlng latreeses. LOOKING-GLASSES AND MATTING, ROSEWOOD AND MAHOG ANY PARLOR AETS; Together with everything tsually found in a Furniture Ware This is an entirely new establishment, and no old stort on htad. Purchaera will find it greatlly to ttheir intellrest to give thle store a'eall before buying elsewhere, as the proprietor is confident that he can oner them newer style of the msct fash ionable Furniture, more substantlially made, and at greater bar gains than any other house in the city. CHARLES A. STEWART, feISR lMolt 171 adt 173 Cannal lreet The Diamond Light, -rROu- WV. ro.elling an iluominating oil at SIXTY CENTS PER GALLON, wblch we warrant to give a brighter and Dtoadier ighbt than tle best Sperm or Lard 0!I, and at less than one-third the price of th cheaperht article now in u., The oil is burnt in Lamps, invented for the purpose, of which we keep a gnueral assortmlent of 'arlor, Chamber, Saloon, hall and elchen Lanps, at prises varying from $3 50 to $I5 each. A an ele gant a. n cheap light, the S) Ivic Oil and Lamps are guaranted to be uneqnaled. We have also fnr anle and can elwpeciily commend, WEISB'S PATENT I)DEFI.ECTING ,AMI'S, which will ive more light than any two solar lamps now in use. For illuminating parlors, laloon. and tteamboats, they are quite tile artile. lie Itefcet. In, Lamp eau be eeon o board of tihe teamer, Natchec and We inie the ptblil to call and ree thel S3vic Oil and Lamps, Salgo the Deflecting L.urd Oil I.amp hlorn at o,, r Store. W. P. KIRKLAND & CO., Agents, fe25 otf No. 5 Coonunn .trent. Glenn's VII GINIA TOBACCO AGENCY, 93 AND 97 GRAVIER STREET. ITo have in store the following well knownbrnds of MAN UFACTURED TOBACCO, to which we invite the attention of the Grocers and Deaers geneurally. JENNY LIND, (Berger'.', TEA LEAF, (Ayres'.) GO.LI LEAF, (Ayrep'.) HARRY OF THE WEST, SAME OLD COON, DAVY CROCKETT, RAGSDALE'S BEST, STONE'S PIEDIIONT. V'E11CROUON S ' ISL," FERGUSON'S KNOW NeOTHING, FERGIUSIN 'S C'BA, FERGUSON'S MAID OF ORLEANS,' FERGUSON'S BUENA VISTA. BURTON & MAY T'S EXTRA, (old;) BUIRTON S MATY'S CIROSS, (old;) JAS. I.. CLAYTON'S EXTRA, (old;) J.A1 L. CLATTON'S CROSS. (fresh;) HASiEY HA BOOKER'S YOUNG AMERICA; HAL.ISEY K BOI)KER'S LECOMTE; IALSEY & BOOKEI'S PEYTONA; lHAI.'EC & BOOKER'S LEXINGTON; HiiALSEY II)OKEIR'S I'ITAYUNE; HAI.SEY & BIOOKERI'S LECI.'OMTrI PANA.\KE; MIIllER'S hIik'S' CITY; SMIT'SR ORANT DAID 'SI TWIST --Sole Agents In thlu City of BURTON & MAY, JABES I.. C'VAYTON, HAI.SEY & BROOKER, DR. JAMES SAUNDERS, CITLIIAM AYRES, I). C. RAGSDALE & CO., FERGUSON, IATCIIHR & IcO., GEORGE T, BERGER, TIIOMAS W. ANDERSON, BOOTH & FERGUSON, POINDEXTER & HIAI.SEY, GEORGE A. SMITfH, MILLER S FEIRGISOoN The nboyo are the plineipnl bralnds of these Manlnufaturers. We have also a burge nssortmenl of their nledhlun and ormlmon br-udA, composed of pou1nds, 5s, 6, n , 10, 1, nud SBIOKING TOBACCO. A. GLENN & CO., fe 2pMon if Nos. 93 and 97 GraIer st. George II. rinten, PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE, No. 105 POYDRAS STREET, NEW onL·EANs. pO PreIses, Types, Inks, Paper, Cards, Conrd Rod,, and Printing Materials of every description furnirhed at the shortest notice. Old Typo taken in exchange for new, at the rate of Se. per pound. 4Ja,5 Imo George R. Carradine, DENTAL SURGEON, (Late of Mobile,) OfTers his Borvices n all of the varlous branches of thl profe. sion, to the citllns of New Orleans and vicinity. 1» CIIIIDREN'S TEETIH EXTRACTED, and advice given to parents in regard to the management and treatment of thIe teeth, free o5 charge. $$-OFFICE--No. 1 Crondolet street. J)1 2p3m Ilarney House, Baton Rouge. This well-known lotel has undergone, during the paot two months, very extenaive alterations and repars ; various improve meats have been made in different parts of the eslabli-bment, the rooms supplied nwith fr-places, and nothing overlBokSd that would be likely to add to the comfort and convonienro of its p - The B rniluroand overythingl perltining to t1) hoSo ha1 bn tlhoroughly oerhaled, a;, put in perfec order, and WM. MARKHAM. jnl62p2m .'adamn Faquer, THE EGYPTIAN ORACLE OF FATE, Philosopher, Astrologist and Physiognomist. O THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE REVEALED. RSlsEnceE-ConnER or H,,., AND BARORNE SoTRE11T, Nw Orleans. fen 2ptt Depots, WHOLESAILE AND RETAI,, FOR TIlE SALE OF THE GEN UINE DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR, JaN 2pf Nos. 21 and 151 Chartres street. Tobacco. LONG BLACK RICH TOBACCO, for the Mextc an ad Texas Markets. Also, Tobacco for Plantation use, In lhds and bbls, and CIGAR TOBACCO, coulsatly on hand and for aol) TURNER & RENSHAW, o6 Ipm-!54 i4 Camp litton, Rp Ignn, COTTON OTT.N.................. COTTON. 11BY I. B. STEEN. THiS DAY) March 10, 1850, at IOli-paI t ! 11o',la I))) OOSippers' Preoo, for aounIIt of 0)hom it may concert, , ll b 0old 40 Iboe COTTON, damaged. TEBEOS-Coh.,M1 I'OTATOES ..............A......LTO TOIliI. EB 01 DAY1 OTlarell, 10, Btlm 101s 001W .h'clock n n the Lever, rr: oyll l'ile No. 24, Second but rlt, Weer be r I) . the Vegetable Market, or ac coun~lt of whom it reply concern, wlll WO0 barrel' I'OT AI'1F:Sr, moree or lute; bending a hip Glad TEEIIB-Caoh. _ _m1 EXTENSIVE TIME PALM' OF WANTCIIPE JWFEPLRY, etc., an NI Ireceu f II Olo f MulvlI, B CEo. 11Y 1 AI))AIBEB SMITII, Autioner. THIS DAY, nLR-.el 10, at10 'clock, and fol lwing Any', wi ((·ll be hold at auction, at the store 99 Canal *treet, net0 C,))p-I A large stock Ph,. Cold \{'atchee , (:lnlll and Jeiwlry, of every desriptlon"; lis: Pislole; Plated Wnro, oh., .p ,1, Inn libera-lot "a.l 3 FINK MAHOGIANY ,'iAEAI11 ANI) BEDROOM EURNI 0)lrog, and (:songs PicceSo 'i),B BY A. 100 EiIIBON. TUO5BRIAY DTIarl II, 185O0 t half-pool 10 r.o'clock, on tb ynm ixex, corner lot Ilncu mull Anuuuulatlon l1ree0, wlllhoe hold ,I0, I'urEOl))S of xl loll b5out, coo.i.)1)g in part Er Twoaue Sofns: Spril,- Seat /'hnlra; Rorker; nnlllarlor Mahogg IlY A0Boir BIc,,,oId oo)l lMlole TBp ti',l,,tno,,OS ldoS..oy 110oreopiltil),;I Ml1ntel Or100,,; Frenc, Plato Mlrror; Kitchen Fort! in,, etc,. Ono I) osoAC)1)o,) C 0011), r1-1,1. Z.Tllshle funitre Ix all nrnrl) new and In good mds. m66 TOWIBIOAT STE'AM))) 0. W. IDOWNS. lIT B. It. SOVII)C. W ' rrll be solDA at 0 t118O'clock I.* Threo~~~lourtb'0) 11)11)0)) 5oIeIeu obn . BI'. 000u.. Theefurh ltees te taml Boe g . he1 I, t, rte order, hxving been In dock last Iocembcr, and thorn "Pni rlrllrrl TEBIIS-OS),crl,,oh c,,ht unc-fourth l) lI d1y0); one fourth Nour months; one I 'h ..l , 'lth, f1r n 4proved endorsed notet, ,oNO lltrro0 II t thn rote o2[8 per cent. per 00)). Those~ disaparll to pn«' axo nu exnmxllluo her as she laryt at Algillo. sIB WHITE Gll.)NIT) O) EAUrIIENWABE. BIY It. It. Sl1ACES. I TI)-AII,)1 ))Inrcl 1),o , at $710, llylt 10 T 'I c)loc, lo)tht )I. 1r7-IANT.)I'5 P. II.IglnCIIICFII close emlaigmncll.ill be 11)0 I S IATU1BOAY W 10e 1511nite lr yonr f Illocol8sort 50, Received dirct ll)), n I)I)TV0s. J. INc SIAc OB, Norlhfeld) PIott,). ('ntnlogucs wrill ble « n~lv for rrrlnlllittoo one day prurlous to TER-IOo l sIT,,,unr, A-il cs: ovler R217U, ulnll) d. a for npprorrcd pnprlr. m 01,1UR,)) Y, Thr 1811I ny o s)).rcls, 1850, h 12-S :lk, 1!1111 1~" r . ýl, ibo 0110 1)-N, ,,, s 4 by1)10 f the co pr~l'rirtorl, lot Ihlllkkr' .ýrlllll" Mxgllill lrel~ l by .ir tae of nn sedrr l eon, ile ouI. i'. 115th t I adgludr or the Sjecnd 'Ille etsbllabllllrlt kno+ a e 14Ai It, RES of F". It. I)'Aquin A:,;,., ritunlcid lot No. 3t Nuw Lrrre hrcl·e. Pirrt Ilirtrint c om ,)hing the MI,)lelmy, 1l 01,llI 2 Me1n. t, Ilrt.,lanlld 1,f ot0) IIt nkury-togethr xith Ibr Lease of :11 lrmhes, and .+ fa~llowing ,.... '11L`1II 1'1'T SI: S I..It~st. beingl nil first Meo Ilnkurn, and nnlllg flu n+"'e,'r"+;d oxe n-scI-S erxrT cost m Utfrs, lund , ilole, ,Iook', etc, 00c0 I-Adlu)1 , )l01,1 I. lnl 2l T, I) 1 2 o- . ooP CR11, 00.l o. ^", Iunelp , 4I3 Ploc 3-,1~oirr,4U 7 orn (73-Ioyni, 28 year' 1-A1«, 37 J )anru' 24--la,<xrl 32 yearn 5- 10nrtlr1tt )' 1 y 'I) 1'rSpenc.), 31 ) 0GENS B.11mIs 1LB7N1r:1SmiNih, 4iI e Ai' 8--t'nla, 29 vents 3-ti-nuu 4r j'eer'a LI--C'hnrlc :: ;,'0 yours '",-Thom, ail Vcux 113-Daniel, 8 31- N. ny 01 -earnd 11-Den ix, 2i y eCr, ar 4 8 yearn· 13-Frnuoise3 ears :{;--Nesv, 41 Ilrnrx 14-.1im~wS ens 3-Itob}. 1'l year Ib-inn, ;ii "nrs &5-d3(ihil,,39ycrr, ll',-J hn (olU ti3 xr+ :3-t\` illl l ,l 13 year'* ItI-Moors, :31 )e~ius ;tom--Sornnlt. ý3 yenl 19-1iliee ell, 1 )con L-ui;ri uI,·sie, 6 )rel· III Ad imlldinlri)- Rflcr. wll be o *ld, for rash theIll Stcck, nuclt Trerms and a Culllllu/Unourlt(·- rui lil ( n'jl the halinlinrei· 1 at 1, S gage r n .aid rose n"d r'. I1'1I I t o the n01t 11 1 .,.Li +jl :,"ln·( of the Is opsut Ihu pnrrih interested; loud if of nut paid tt t n1;1'r1ti y to beoar 8 P^^-r cent. i+ serest. Actsl of Ml b~forr J. \ggilrr.. Notary Public, u; :he r·peneo Sof the ppar "n~'lr Fuo flrtllrr pnnrucllnr n apply' - t hli·prmok-a i Frmnn iusprectiro of the bok- of rl the 'bush IinkL-ury, it u-ll be unc, thant lI," rrotil+ ~ t " I (·llli~'· froTTm 1Il t 11.66, Slr.,,eq jenr. III 114 3 nl m In 15 D)o 1-011 IF Vie I i)·61 Cornerr Canal at. and L 1GIcllnl, R Place. IiAL A- )ZE.N F R ýi +Al s:."II r.,,{," clu 0 -loll \fi ll," b l v-rrlt YOI: 1IIl-i': N I IRD R !, H, ill b Wtl d hue·Td to. (;EST . EJII:S+ i Ld +~t I SIII-+: r" of S w'At likewise be t o"L"1 lota 2118s 2plY·~l'IF'1C~ n'J rir. Cllla1l1 1 ":1 I~ctki lin I'1~cB. J. It'. Seymour, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, IA' ON IROUGE, LA., Practices hi. P'rofesion in Iul it, Branche, in the u'a isbe. of EAST and TWEST TIATON RO2V( GE, EAST mnud WEST F.EIT'IANA, Anil SUPREME T; I'Ol'', a Nows (dcans, octlG 2pt $30,000. Improred IFavana Plan Lottery. THE FAVORITE. FORT GAINES ACADI:EMY LOrTERY. LIT AUCTHORITY OF ITITE STATE OF GEOR.T(IA. CLASS 13, To be draun to the City tof tlta, i G., TUESDA l, t. o 25th IAPIT'FAI. P11IZE, 8,0(U), 3'1 ttrice of Tickctr-Whola.-, $5; llalves, $2 0 ; Quater.s 1"P'riCn in thin Lottery ara paid thirty dnayel Tr the draw. ing, in bills of specie-paying Banaks, witholt dedtsqtitn, otly an prsentliou of the Ticket entitled to the Prlue. B ITilla of all elvent Banka taen at par. All eomamnalca lions strictly VonfIlddllT. re25 2ptd $30,000. Improved Havana Plan Lottery. BY AUTHIIORITY OF T1HTE STATTT OF ALABAMA. Southeran , MIIItary Acadensy Lottery. For March--Class A--New Serles. TO IE I) RAWN I.51R"If Itaer, 1M, IN TllHE GITY OF .MON TOI.IT a, .t IT., Capital Prize Eighlt Thllollald DoUtrsal Price of Ticket,--Whaoles, I$; LsTv'e, $2 .1; Quarters, .1 25. Prisaa in this l.rttra y are paid thirty days after tle drawing, in hillt of specic-pal ink llauka, without deduction--only on pro* aentation of thie Tiket ,raslwing ahe 'ri. .- Bills of all solvent Ilanks taken at par. All eommual. latlois strictly conlldenhtnl. SAIM'L SWAN, Agent and Manager, a12 _Montgomery Ale. Removed ! Removed! ! FROMX NO. 15 TO 17 ROYAL STREET, A anpply of CREME DE IIOUZY CIIAMPAUNE, in q.Tqla lnd Vpilnt, onsalnly on hindl, which is equal to thle bCt that comes to thi, market. .. Alo .. OTHER BRANDSI lF TNFERIOR QUALITY. TPARKELING lad STILLT IIOCT K MADEIRA and SITERRY WINES. BIU AN DIE S: SAZFRA, of th itae ita so795, 1 79J ad 1 5, aod other brauds. wVIIIs K Y Of all de.criptions-Scotch, Irish Rye and BoLrbna. ALE and PORTER, in pints and quartl. Onl handl, may usalal asortllt of the bIa st WINES and LI Q1UOIT is tOs market, whiet will bO hold on as retsollTbla terms n any otlter hoaus in the city. SEWELL T. TAYLOR, 17 2ptf No. 17 Rloyal street. Boots, Shoes and Brogans. AT WIOTLESATE. 'aNow lanndinTa froan shiap Nsrfilk, andl ia saor na generaal assot ment of MIIOOTS, SIlOti, 11ItlANS., l.S'1'5, ('ALS, eale. L'alntltionh suipplied with prim l'Tllt I)I'IIaNG BlOOTS, RUSSET BOOTS. BROGASS, S, WOOL, MEXICAN IAL. LEAF, STRAW and CAMT'lEAIIY HIATS, at tie lowest market prices, by FROST & CO., Jy13 91DW 10 Magazina ,aree,. IIATS, CAPS, etc., AT WTOILESALt. Wea are conalnutly, teeiving a genleral assortment of Silk, Fur, ('imere, lalnama, LegornI, Stlraw, 'lllu Leaf, MLexsca and Woaol TlA'S, It thO LOWEST MARKET PRICES. FROST & CO., JTy13 2pW 10 lMagazine staeet. IMPIORTANT To those Usuing Star Candles. The attention or theti>-bli k is invited to ihe fct 1Hutt moot of thae Star 'nnI lcs rifr.() for rile nr DIFICIE:NT IN WEIQIIT, to that whalt I, ,old fora t Doll; --tallyeigh. ot fattteon o fifteen ouncees, anld packagesie marlte 0 U"rolaor t three, and even Dye ploundsl per boa. Ch~lia lass does not fall upon the mholeanle Renterr, whlo sell po,, nie s t [hoe marked weipgth or upon the iteltoo'!, alto stll by count, but tpon the Consumlers, agoa thus pn; for nboo~iL one-tenth more than they receive. P5" The snbncribcre )!nm lnnys made their Candles fall rixtern ounces to thle ponlud, Rllt 11Irk packages of theirI real "eight, w-hich may be oarerllinetl by~ tr.iilC them. A. theft experlenco to the 6usincas cllllhlca them o owrirr an artcle qllnl to qusdity to any in the market~e, they .ealicit the patronage of purchnaors wuho desire to study thecir ow~n interest, and n t thel enure time ouaourlpe uorrect de.,li-. P1 OCTOR &GDAMBLE, Cincinnati. 0 thg unldersignoed on1 sole ogeott fop t, above br dptd'0( JORj"H LANAIS & CO, IV* g JJ Topoupitotds? rktst,