Newspaper Page Text
C IlZISNOJ3ANKCOF LOUISIIA JA, i New OOLEANS, March let, 1056. J Report by the Cititdoltt Bank of o10ilsian fiscalo ogent of the city of New Orleans, tqath Comnleon Council of said city, in conformity with the lot article of the ordiaan o t of aist Mlay, 155: CONSOLIDATED LOAN TAX FOR 1.54. Cash ialutce on hand on 31st'Jan, 1850...$40,014 0o )c posited during the month of Feb. 1850... 647912 Atlournt of coupons paid onu bonds lesued by old city.... $7,045 00 Municipality No. 2 ............ 720 00 Colnolidated city.. ......... 210 00-i-8,75 0i Balnoe on hand l29th February 1850.....p$41,04 o2 TAX FOR nAlLRoAn'noNo COUPONS. Cul, balance on ]itl.d 3let Jae., 1856....... $,0U20 74 Deposited during the month of Feb, 1850... 7,090 83 Balance on hand 291th February, 1850.'..... $910 57 All of which is respectfully. suannittnd, 1UG. ROUN.CAU, Cashier. By message, the Board was informed that the Board of Aldermen had concurred in the fol. lowing resolutions adopted by thin Board : A resolution for joinht meeting to elect a Treasuror to serve during the vacancy caused by the suapetision of W h Garland. A resolution approving the action of his Ionor tile Mayor, iu regard to tie arrest of the Tnasnrer of the city, nod the attachmenntof the chtoonor and her raturn to the City of New Orleans. A resolution accepting J. D. Denegre and Wm. Ailing, as seeorities for Adam Giffen, Treasurer of the city. By a message, this Board was informed that the Board of Aldermen had adopted the follow ing an a substitute for the resolution instruct ing the City Attorney to take legal measures to Aecure to the city the amount of the indebted ness of Win. . Garland, and instructing him to send persons in such parishes as Win. 11. Garltand may have property in." Bonlcf, Th'nt the City Attorney be instructed to take aI legal lmeaures requisite toaecuro the City of New Orleano from ally lois rising ot ouf the defalcan tions of its late Treasurer, Wm. H. Garlad. aid ill furtherance ofsaid turpose re Is hereby anuthorized to employ agents ill snC parishes of this State, and in noll countes of the State of tMisaiOsipp as may cot: ltun property bIelonging to said Gariand On motion, the foregoing substitute was con curred in by the following vote: Seao--Messrs. Banister, Benit, Bonny, Cham bers, Eager, Fabro, Guyol, Hebrard, Howell, Landry, Long, IMeKnight, Rusba, Stith, Thay er and Violett--16. The following message was read: BOAISRD OF AhDLIOSMEN, Now ORLE0AN e, Feb 27, O1856. 'I'l tie President alld Members of the Boaord of Assistant Aldermele GhsTLo:drOtto--Tle following retoluniotln, adopted by your Ihonorable body, wore concurred in by the ttof Alderment : A retolution to pay sundry person--adopted Feb. A reolution to pay sundry persons for services ren dered dluring the disobndmlnnt of the Fire Deparotment. A rcsolttion authorizing tihe Street Coommissioner t t place a flag crossing at the intertcctiot of Delord andl Dryande streets. A reoluitlon accepting the seeur lion of T. Steig0 Coltmissary of tile Ninth street Manrket. A resolution nuthorizing the onle of the eontreact for reptiring the paved streets of the let atd2d seotiolls. A resolutiott authorizing the Surveyor to put a roil itlg along tile ditch on Claiborne street, between Canao Cutlrondelet and Canal street A resoluttoa levying a tax upon every free bank in the city of New Orleans, of five cents on every $100 of their capital stock. A resolution authorizing the Comptroller to warrant Oi tile Treaurer for the suon of $l0t for tile ielebra tt,, of the aoniversaryofthe birth-day of ntashitigton. A resolution uutitortzing tile Street Commissioner to iosue a certificate in favor of Johln Ahcrn, for tile nalount of poer tentlag received on the certificate alrwady issued to him. A resolution authorizing the Maynor to convey baeck to tr Didicr so muchof the ground as was eonveyed to the ctty iu error, for the opetning of Itroad street. A resolution at t ropriating $3,011 77 for the payment of supplies furishedl tile Workohouse for the motths of O Oc ober and November, 1t55. A rosolulio nappropriating t1,t.19 02 for the sup pieos itlrni hed for the Itilnth of Decembert 1o55 A resiolution, deelringit no lawful fr theTteasurer t recceive hiereafter in paymnent of any lax due the city, anythnllg except monrley. iThe ,following resolutlons, adopted by your hoonora bb. h..dyv, ,ere rejected : A rroeh-totn authorizing tile City Attorney to bring othe cate ,f J. t. Gi. Arnout vs tile City of New Or leans heftre the Supreme Court of the United States. A re-olutiot authorizing tie keeper of tile Court. slouse to purhiaso beds and bedding for the use of RespecItfully, CHIAS CLAIBORNE, Sec'y Onnmotion of ,Mr. Fabre, the following roeolu tion, rejected by the Board of Aldermen, was persisted in, and the Judiciary Committee was appointed a Committee of Conference on the subject on the part of this Board : A resolutiou authorizing the City Attorney to bring i tih easeof J B G. Arnoult vs. the City of New Or cans before tIle Supreme Court of the United State-. Mr Bartlette took his seat. The following preamble and resolutions, adopt ed by the Board of Aldermen, were read, the rules being suspended, and concurred in by the following vote: Yeas - Messrs. Banister, Bartlette, Benit, Bouny Chambers, Eager, Fabre. Guyol, He brard, Howell, Landry. Long, McKnight, Hu sha, Stith. Thayer and Violett--17. A prenambe and resolution authorizing the Comp tnodr to se ll a cottract tor repairing and keetping in realir for three years the shlell roan of the city. A reoltutrio nt.therzring thle Mlayor to lssut e to the New Orleans, Opel..eao, andt Greatt WVesternl Railrood Colpitaoy' thirty bhands of the city of New Orleans of 111o eatch tit replacemelt of t ike bonds lost i their tr.lllisionl by mail betweeo the city of New York old tile city of New Orlteans. The following resolutions, adopted by thb Board of Aldermen, were referred to the Ft. nantoce Committee : A resit:ion authorizing the Comptroller to warrant o thle 'ITreacsurer to favor of Grosjean & Bcneteau for A resolution atlthorizi g tie Treasurer to receive fr,,m P' Casellave, agent of G. "V. Jotillhor, one-hlalf the rtm:onntt of taxe, payabo e 1n 15 oil two lots with butldings thereon, sltulted on 'T'oulouse street. The following resolutions, adopted by the Botrd of Aldermen, were referred to the Com rittee on Streets and Landings: A recolutton instrueling the City Attorney to take proleeding: at law t, compel the Colnmtreit alenkth or Nefw Orleotls to pelform its hotarered tuties itn con ecill Wllll its exclusive privilege tof upplyltg tile oily of New Orleans and its fituhourgs with water. A r.otlot:in authorizieg tile Conptroller to aidjndi ste to tle lowest bidder the cotttract or building two across Canal Carondelet. [The report from the Assistant City Attorney atil documents accompanying the same, were referred to the Finance Committee, and ordered to be published in the official journal, and will he found in another column of this paper.] PETITIO1N S. The following were referred to the Finance Committee : OT It. G Pearsont asking payment of bill. Of J. th. G. Arnoalt, nosknlg payment of bill. Of .I. Iltobbs atkillg payment of bill. Of iaunsel White, to regard to certain fenses on his property havillg bee taken down and Iris property errooclhed tpot by the city, ande asking relief in the The following were referred to the Committee on Streets and Landings: of Patrick Flynn, contractor for cleanoing, deepen ing tnd .sideig Ilelpomenee Cnnal, askirg that the Surveyor be autllhorized to issue to him his certificate. Oft 'lte . Hotlleesry, contractor for dlggitg tle Camp street Cantl, askllog that te Surveyor bhe authorized to issue to hnlt his certificate. The petition of A. Daniel, asking the use of Congo Square to give an exhibition of Fire Worlts, waso on motion referred to the Police Committee. Tie petition of F. Allard, offering his servloes for the situation of gardener of the city, was, on motion, laid on the table. E SOI, UTIONS. The following resolution was read, the'rules leing suspended, and, on motion, referred to tito Committee on Fire; liesoeod, That tile Treasnrer pay on the warrart of tile Cton .trolier tile following sums to the proper off. cers representing the late Fire Departlent, to-wit: o tihe Treasurer of Vigilant Fire Cormpany No. I, hbalance due on tle yearly apupropria toa .............................. ....... $50 00 Fire Cotpany No. o, balaoee due on trie yearly a pr prat ................................ 50 00 :ire Collpa:y No. 1s, balance due on the yearly tpre priat"ott .......... .. . 0 00 Frou CtoptedyNo. 01, talne dae on tihe yenorly appreopiatio .............. ................. 50 00 Fire ompanl, No. 1t, balance due on tile yearly Aplrteprtian .ll.b . b.r...... 0 o 0 00 I.ire Company lNo.l1, baloane duo on the oyearly appropriatiot .................. . ..... 0 00 Fire Compaory No.2t, balance due on the yearly approprlalion................................ 50 00 $310 Ito Mr. Fabro offered the following resolution, which was read, the rules being suspended, and adopted by the following vote: Yeas-Messrs. Banister, Bartlette, Bonit, Bonny, Chambers, Eager, Fabre, Ouyol, IHe brard, IIowell, Landry, Long, MeKnight, inshu, Stith,Thayer and Violett--17. Reeoloerd That the Street Commissioer be author ized tro hatile iron beneoes on Jaelrso Square re paired, aud also to have tihe iron railing around said square repaired. The following resolution, offered by Mr. McKnight, was read, the rules being suspended, and unanimously adopted : tirsoloed, " lat the thanks of this CounOcil, and of tIe people of New Orleans, are mainly and chiefly due to the Filantee Comnmilte, rttd especially to J. Eager and N. E. Bailey, the chairman thereof, for their una tiring industry and zeal indiscoveoring andexposing the fraudt of the late Treasurer, Win. .. Garland. The following resolution was read, unani mously adopted, and, on motion, sent to the Board of Aldermen for concurrence: iResoled, That the chasirman of tile Conmmlttee on the Artesian Well,hbo and is hereby requested to repo1rt to ithe Council at 'tsesnext moetlng, the condltLonof the well on Catal street, and what prospect there Is f a speedy completton of the work. Mr. McKnight moved to reconsider the vote taken on the ordinance granting the right of way through Jackson street, Fourth District; to the New Orleans and. Carrollton Railroad Company, paoed at the last regular sheeting of Mr. Fabre objpoted, and called for the yeas and nyes, and the motion to reconsider was lost hy the following vote: Yeas--Messre. Eager, Guyol, Howell, Long, MclKiight, Rnsha,.Thayer and Violett--8. Nays--Mesors. Banister, Bartlette,,Benit, Bouny, Chambers, Fabre, Hebrard, Landry and Stith---0. Mr. Howell offered the following resolution, which was read, the rules being suspended, and on motion, referred to the Committee on Streets and Landing : Otesebled, That lbh Surveyor be and is hereby-ln slruated to continue the ditch on Cloaborne street, from ie prcvnt termlination to EIsplanade street, and also to fill ti the canal itll tile center of Ihegreen to a proper level with tlhe dirt lakenl from tlle ditch, and to obtain erom the Directors of the Uiroatdelet canal permassion to remove from said caolll as much dirt as may bc re quired to complele the work, adll- Be it forther rlle.osed, That the Surveyor kave'cort structed a wooden railing on the line of tile ditch mo correspond with tIle one now being erected on that portion of the work already completed. BPECIAL COMMITTEE. Mr. Gerard Stith, on behalf of the above committee, offered the following report, which was read and adopted; the rules being aus pended, the resolution accompanying the same was read and unanimously adopted : The special committee, to whom was referred the Washington Monument Association, asking the privilege of erecting on Lafayette square on equestrian statue to the memory of Wash ington, submit the following That it is with 'senimentls of deep pleasure they Itave had referred to themna t ubject of so interesting nature--one that touches tIh heart aud arouses thle pride of every true Am.e.ric . Louisi.l.a and New Orleans owe io leso to Washington thlan they do to Jaekson, for had the formernot made patent thl glory of American retistnlce to foreign ttyrannyte latter would ntt hay been enabled to put the laset oaal to her punlishmenlt of foreign invasion. To nJeksoot we haee awarded our mede of gratitude and adnira tion, and we sltould hasten to tomlpletc tIle sate testi tloliol to his illustr ous predecessor. .1nidiring the intimate relatioos of respect and frtoed-hlp that ullited sVa.ttiot , tie father of our eountryI with lafayette, tle patriot of his own, your conmlttee have deemed it ill consonance witt tie ihotored tie between twlo such great menl, to reco1l melnld that tile statue of Washgllton be placed on the square to which we have given tte name of Lafay. ett. llistory and the tatioeal snttiment authoriz. this continued propinquity between the two warriors atnd toateomntt America loves to much, so that the mere ofTeringll of ouradmiration for them, and homage to their memory, be as closely and appropriately linkted. Your coromittee do not think they are verging beyond the general intent and purpose of their appoittment il suggstittg that tie proposed monumellt to anothe great Alncricano, Henry Clay,t be placed in Canal street, a wide and stately avenue, in olose proximity to the hbroad and mnajestic .tssissipli. A street lof thle di mensions described is required to give a o lonumnt of ally size the prominence and commnanding aspect that art requiree, while national and hlistorical asociatiol.s mtoke it peculiarly fit that a monument to Henry Clay Sllall hbe near tihe sweeping maze of tile Fatoherof Wa ters. Its current flows from that great West which the departed orator wa so proud to represent; and to him principally, as one of the Inegotiators of tlhe treaty of Ghent, are we indebted for the exclusive right of navigating the Mtississippi--a right that hal made New Orleans whatshe is-the enlporllm of tll WVest. (GEORARD STITH, T.A. HARTt,t'TTE, V. CHAkMlBEtRS, E. L. TRACY. E. TRACY. Resolved, That the Washington Mlonument Asocia tion, of the city of New Orlealns comlposed of the fl owlng exeutlve committee, viz: Mlajor Geu D. . Teciggs, Major Geirc.J, ho L. Lewis, Brig. Gen. E L Traecy, Gen M1. GrivOt, Glee. dly Burke, (V. hi. P'erkins, It. l Summers, J.Meor gl tlaIll, James Stucktonh, P. Deverges, Geolge Rare ehlde, Wee. Chrislty, It G. Steteon, A. B. Seger. Geo. WV. telelon, A. Foster Elliott, E. \V. Sewell, Charles A Labuzean, Scamuel l. Todd, jaires A. Hopkins, Robert Little, James Davis. Johll Strotld) Waiter Nieoll, Tl'hos. Me,:lelan, George I'ureese, J.L Warner, 'homas eMurreay, ttenry Bier, A. WV. Bosworth, F. A. t.umedene. B. 1'T.K. Beneet, J. I. Gubernltor, Joh llL Dliliels, Johun B. Leefe--e hereby graluted tile riglht to erect tit Eqleeslrian Satue, on Lafayette sqeare, to tile memory of Vathillgtott. Mr. Stith was called to the chair. STREIETS AND LANDINGS. Mr. Thayer, on behalf of the above Com mtittee, offered the following report, which was read and adopted. The Comellttee of Streets t td Letndings haee the to report oet tile bllowilg etubjeets referred to oelll, viz : I. 'Upon that part of the Comptroller's letter, Feb. G0th, 1t5t, " regarding tile ferry privilege at Canal street," your Committee report, together with the ferry privilege of Jackeson strct, Fo,urtl DisBrict--reeom telld itg that the speciliceatiou of both ferry privileges he o etmended by tte Street C.otlmlsioteler ttlld Surv.yor, as to estahlisht the rutllillg hours of the hboat theroot ttfroct 5 o'clock A. MI. until gun-tire, ald to make tripe every half hour;" ttloo to, atllenl tile Fourth District ferry speficitoions, Iby steriking out that part .'requiring 'the toutetactr to repait the wharf ot a the other side of tile rlver'--alld that the Comptroller offer or sale tile ,eid rivilet,e ,alter tit usu.t l Ilotlce ill the ofticea l jeourltl, for wilech it resolutioe is preseeted for your . R'Iegalrding tlte tetter ofthe Street C.emmiasioner inforrmnlg tl eCouttecil of e"data,e done to Ihe pve eIlee,h guhittre tanl ceurb-lones bIy the Pire Department in ord r to make tetporat,y reservoirs of water for tllelr apparutu-"' tlmda-kiug instrueti)ll s thereon. Your Commiltee rrport a re-olutc o authorizing tile Street COlPlnIl.ion,,r to repair the srld damages, w"hetlu.Ver asld wherever caun-d by the operations of tlhe Fire De. pat' tneun t in exl i ngu t>hlng fire U. the letter of the Surveyor--regarding the contract for attendillg tile Bayou St. J,/lu bridge with J. titeghetrec clld that thle ge witll expire on tle 31e t of this mt e tl---your Conlelilte - report, advising tIhat iwc on eotractbe eold by the Colptreller tr i tctndenf the said bridge for one year, to date front the opeing of tile ilavigation of tayou St. Joh--for whcth a rtese luhtonl is pro-cured f,.r your adoption. 4. Ylur Commilcee report edvereely t to tile petetio of Chri-tlne Counell "asktig that the Surlveyor give hues for tihe cubillg of C ee,tope street, betweenSlcr til Cad Clara street," said contractor hhVie g beell be hilld his tne--e llell tile workli was to b- dohe--ren deled hie ectotnet i etl etllad vid c ant t so t our emtlllitee recollllelld per resoltlon that It Ie so declared by this CoUncll. 5 Your Committee report adversely to tie erection ,of i laImp at St. Joseplh street--as expressed ill a reso ilttlio referred to your comlettitee, and for that part regarding itle wooden aewnngtll obstruetttng the lump at t le corller of Teheltpitoulas ad Poueher streets, eour Coumumittee report a substitute rtequiring the Street Cotnneisseoier to remove tilemesae te I ccordaence wit ecxlsting ordialleces. i. Your Committee report adversey to any atetioln leig taken by thle Surveyor ill regard o te gradineg ofe Girod street feo New Levee to MLagazille, as report ed by said officer to e fte Couueci, ill acconle ae with iaee. Tit expense of said grading wuult amount to $J.510o, altd tile nleessity at tile present for tie same, iwould nt warrant tele outlay, particularly whei the Ietail Ihoroughfctres of the city require immediate at. telctine, and ehould be first providedt for. 7. Tihe petition of C. Swvecey " it regardeto ohe eont etract purchased by hitm flt repairing the paved street= of theTnird Section First Dstlriel..," your eommittce have referred to te Flnacttee Committee,eas the subject matter of said petition it already before them. 8. Your Committee reeoe nleeld tile adoption of the ordieaneee 'to determille tie proportion to be paid by tile propertyholders for tte expense of laying it roueld slonetpavenmnt onthe publiec road oc Levee street o Stie Third Distriet of tile city, as directed by ordiuatete No 2471 of the Comlumo Council. All of whlich is most respectfully subhmitted, ISAAC THAYER, V. A. VtotrTT, S. IIOW\V 11L. The following resolutions accompanying the above report, were read, the rules being sus nended, and adopted by the following vote : Yeas - Messrs. Tracy, Banister, Bartletto, Benit, Bouny, Chambers, Eager, Fabre, Guyol, Howell, Landry, Rusba, Thayer and Vio lett-14. Resolvett, That the Comptroller be, aod he is hereby aothoriseod oand instructed to sell, at pubtlic auction, af ter ten days' notice in tile officiial journal, to the high est bdder, the aforesaid Ferry privileges, separately, for toe years, elch to be estahlished tihe one at Callal street, tle other at Jackson street) In acordallee with specifications as amended and ot file in tlhe oelc of tile Street eommissioner and Surveyor, said saes to he subject to the approval of tie Cotaltt on Couteil tad to date theroefrom. toesolved, That the Coseptroller ie, and he is hereby authorlzed ani instructed to sell at pubie auctiion, af tee tenl days' oetlli ill tie offical journal, tile contract for atttending th Bridge on Bayou St. John for one year to date fom tile spenling of the eavsigaioL of titd Bayou St. Joih--subject to the approval or rejec tion of the Common Coestil, and in accordance with speeificatloos oll file in the Surreyor's office. The following resolutions, accompanying the same report, were read, the rules being sue ponded, and unanimously adoptedt ilesolhel, Thatrthe Street Commissioner and Sur veyor be and they are herebyautlorized and iostrueted to aoend tile speefications for rnllning a steam ferry at Canal street, Seeond Districtl, alld olse at Jacko street, Fourllt District, by fixing the running hours of the boats tit reof, "frosm t o'clock, A. l., uttil goult fire, ttd tile trips to os made every half hour" Also by strlkilg out of tile specifieatioo of the Jackson street Sferr Fourth Districtl i that part "requiring the lessee to repair tilre wharf on tile other side of the river." Resolved, Thltttle Street Commlission or be and ie is herieby authorized and lnstrueted to repair all dam age to tie pavetments, gutters alnd curb stones at tihe cty's expense, caused by the requirements of thie Fire Departmest it the extinguishing of fires. esulortd, That tie coltrttu ettered into by the city with Christian Connell, for the curbing of Calliope street from Mlartin to Clara street, be atd the same is hereby declared null and void. The following resolution, accompanying the same report, was read, and, on motion, referred back to the Committee on Streets and Land ings : Resolved, That the Street Commissioner be and he is hereby authorized and requested to remove the wooden awnintg obstructing the light of the lamp at the corner of Tchoupitoulas slsd St. Joseph streets, i inaccordance wlthextlsting ordinances. *Mr. Bsthifte offered thefolnowi tgesolntion, which wee read the rules being giis~pded, and adapted by the following-vtei -y-gatioMesirs. Tracy, Banister, Bartlette, Ifenit, ]Bouny,Ohambers, Eager, Fevre,. Guyol, Howell, Landry, Ruesha, Thayer and Viiilett- i9. ResolRedl That Ithe ComptrollerI warrant on the Trem urer for the t um of-FtvC IHundred U Du!ars,the same tt be divided equally between Capt Bowditeh and Capt. Mtloyeii aes a rewird for arreen.lg V. H. Garland; the late absconding Treasurer of Ihe city. On motion, theo oardpdjonrned. JAMES A. HOPKiNS, Seo'y. BOARD OF ALDERMEIN. March, 1, 1856, The Board met this day at 6 o'clock, P. M., on a convocation of the Mayor. Memilbere present--Mesers. Bailey, Durell, Do.neg're, Dupre, Piero, Price, Pide and Tonip kins- 8. Mr. Durell was called to the chair. The following mressage was read: MAYORALTY OF NEW ORILEANS, City Hall, Mliarch 1, 0081. To the President and Merbers of tile Board ot Aldcwmen: Gsrce.r.toc-At the request of 51leri IBatley, Price ad Daprh, members of your body, I hove caused you to be eolvoked for thls day. 'those Agentlemen wtll explain too object. Respectfully, JOIHN L. LEWIS, Mpayo. Onmotion of Mr. Bailey, the Board went into secret session. After which the doors were opened. A committee from the Board al A osistant Al lermon was introduced and submitted-the fol lowing: To tile honorable Board of Aldermen oftte city of Newrleans: Il behalf and by order of tile oard orf Asistant Al dermelt we, Logan McKnight, T'. A. Bartletteo, Win,. ChOamber, Geraerd tllh antd Stdard Howell, do lerehy announce to you that the following resolution has been panssed by the Board of Arsieta.t Aldermen: Resolved, "'I'qt thits Board do hereby charge \Vm. H. Garland, Treeasurerof tile city of Now Orleano, with cross malfleasance it otlieO, and that tlis tbody, aetcng witll solemn regard to their responsibiitty, do oer, by inprnch, said Win. II. Garlatlnd of high mtisdemcauor ill ficet . itresolvedl, Tllat a committee of toe heappointed by th chair to prepare aforesaid charges of impoeach melt. It ,obedience wilh ttese resolutions, atid in the ham, of tle Board of Aesistant Aldermen anod of tile citizens of New Orleans, we do here notify you of the impeachment of Win. H. Garland for higl misde mealors, and that Ihe Bloard tof Anirtatt Aldermen will, ill due timee, eoxhibit particular articles of imt Ipeachmentt ogaont said \Vm. 0I. Osrlood, andt make good the same. And we do demaltd, in tile lace of the Board otfAsistant Aldermen, that you, members of the Board of Aldermen, taoe odorfor tile du ap pearance of said Wint. I Garlalld to answer w aid im peaehment. LOGAN MelKNIGH'I', T. A. BARTLETTB, ,WM. CRAMItIBERSO, GERARD STIT'', S".'OD.. D .:WurId.r The President informed the members of the nommitte that the Board would take proper order on the subject of the impeachment, and notify the Board of Assistant Aldermen. Mr. Bailey offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were read twice and ado pted, the rules being suspended. hereas, The Board of Arssistanot Aldermen, by Logan tIcenlgh.t T. A. Bartletto, tVm. Chanbcri, Gerard Stith ald Stodard liosell, ai tile bar of the Board of Aldermeo, do imlnoach Willian II Garland, Treasurer of the ilty of hw Orleans, of high misde menloria n office, and oave aucquaited the Board of Aldermen that the Board of Assistant Aldermen will, in due time, exhibit paruieular artitlesof impoachmntl against ole, tihe said r tiligail H.ttarlal, and make good tile same, and ilketoise have demanded that tle Board of Aldermen take order for the appearance of said William I0. Garlalnt to answer said impeahmelit. therefore Orsoleed, That the Buard of Aldermen will take proper order thoreiu, of which due notice will be given to the Board of Ansisiant Aldermet. Beii t frther lesolced. That the Secretary of this Boaud be directed to sotify the Board of Assistant Aldermen of the foregoing tesolution. By a message, the Secretary notified the Board of Assistant Aldermenof the adoption of the foregoing preamble and resolutions. The following resolution, adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, was read twice and adopted, the rules being ouspended. A roalition for a joint session this venillg, i5nrch i t. at 9l o'eclock fr tile puraose of appointing a suit able persol to serve as Treasurer pre tee n of the city ofNew Orleans, utlll such office" is otherwise pto vided foIr according to law. On motion, the Board adjourned to the cham her of the Board of Assistant Aldermen. The rolls being called, seven Aldermen and sixteen Assistant Aldermen answered to their names. Aldermen E. H. Drell, President pro tern ; tebsrs. Bailey, Dupre, Denegre, Price, Pride und Tompkins-7. Asssistant Allermen HIon. E. L. Tracoy, Pres ident ; Messrs B'trtlette, Blridge, Chambers, Chitipella Eager, Fabre, Giffen, Guyol, Hob rerd, Howell, MeKnight, Stith, Thayer, Vio left and Rawlins--16 On motion, the Common Councilproceeded to the election of a Treasurer pro tem of the city of New Orleans. Messrs. Adam Giffen, Thomas Theard and J G. Dunlap were nominated. The chair decided that inasmuch as Mr. A Giffen was ineligible, all the votes cast in his favor would he considered as blanks Mr. Giffen received the votes of Miessrs. Bailey, Dupre, Deuegre, Price, Pride, Tomp kins, Tracy. Bridge, Chambers, Ctiapetlh;, Eager, Guyol, Hetrard, Howell, McKnight, Rawlins and Violetr-17. Mr. Theard received the vote of Mr. Fabre. Mr. D)unlap received the votes of Messrs Durell, Bartlette, Giffen, Stith and Thayer--5 The chair decided that there was no election. Air Stith appealed from the decision of the chair, A motion to sustain the chair in its decision was lost by the following vote: Yeas-Messrs. Bartlette and Fabre-2 Nays - Messrs. Bailey, Denegre, Dupre, Price, Pride, Tompkins, Tracy, Bridge, Cham hers, Chiapella, Eager, (Guyol, Hebrard, Howell, McKnight, Rawlins, Stith, Ihayer and Violett--19. Upon which Mr. Adam Giffen was declared duly elected Treasurer pro tem of the city of New Orleans, until such office is otherwise provided for according to law. The Common Council having terminated the election, the Board of Aldermen retired and adjourned to Tuesday next, 4th inst. CH YS. CLAIBORNE, Sec'y. MoNDAY, March 8, 1856. The Board met this day, at 6 o'clock, P. M., on a convocation of the Mayor. Members present : Messrs. Bailey, Culbert son, Durell, Denegre, Dupre, Prague Price and Pride- 8. Mr. Durell was called to the chair. The following message was read: MAYOIALcTY OF NEWV OB.LIEANS, CITY HALL, toarch 3d, 1e56. To thle President and lMeobers of the Board of Aldermen: GENTLEo.Ns: I have called you togethebor this cveu ing, for tie pur ose of tall joint action, with thu e Board of Assistant Aldermen, also convoked bysme for tis eveningt, o the sureties which will be preisetd by Mr. Adam Glffen, elected by thes ommoe Council as Treasurer pro temproe eafie City of New Orlecas. i take this opportunity of intormingyou, tlat under instructions, essued by me, tie Chief o Police took the necessary steps for iioercepting tile escae of tile late Treasurer, WVn. it. Gearlnd, aod hls succeeded it aving hmn broughtobacki to tie city, and he is low ootlfied il thl Parish Prison, tnder crloiaoot procAss I cscl'e herewithi tihe report ofth. Chef lof Po'lice, it tihe i llter , for morer allple details. As some expense lla Ieen incurred i tIhese pro ceedlgos, I respecflully request that your body wilt take te matser 000 coosldcraltion. ad sallctioe my action in the premises. IRespectfully, JNO. L. LE\VIS, Mayeor. The folloningresolutions passed by the As eistaut Board, were road twice, and concurred in, the rules being suspended : A resolutio uapproving the action of his IIoor tche Mayor, in regard eto the arrest of the Treasorer ol tIle cityaud iheatncohment of the schoouer, und lerreturi to tile City of New Orleans. Yeas--Messrs. Bailey, Culbertson, Durelt, Denegre, Dupre, Prague and Price-7. A resolutiot for a joint meeing this COevening at 7 o'clock, to elect a Treasurcr to serve ur i tehe vaccaney caused by the suspensio l of W . H. Garland. On motion, the Board adjourned to the cham ber of the Board of Assistant Aldermen. The rolls being called, eight Aldermen and twenty Assistant Aldermen answered to their names. Aldermen-lioHen. E. II. Durell, President pro tem.; Messrs. Bailey, Culbertson, Denegrc, Dupre, Pragus, Price and Pride-8 Assistant Aldermen--Hon. E. L. Tracy, President; Messrs Banister, Barbarin, Benit, Bouuy, Bridge, Chambers, Chiapella, Eager, Fabre, Guyol, IIowell, Kelly, Landry, Mc Knight, Rawlins, Stith, Thayer, Violectt and IViltz--20. On motion, the Common Council proceeded to the election of a Treasurer of the City of New Orleans, to serve during the vacancy, caused by the sucpenslon of W. H. Garland Mr. Adam Qiffon was nominated, and having received the uoanimous vote, wys declared duly elected Treasurer of the City of New Orleans. *'The Commion Conneil, htving terminated the election, the Board of Aldermen retired and returned to their chamber - Present--Hon. E H. Durell, 'President pro tern Messrs. Bailey, Culbertson, Denegre, Du pre, lErague, Price and P'ride-.8. The following reeolution adopted by the .As sistant Board was read twice and concurred in, the rules being suspended : ": A resolution accepting J..D. Dcnegre and Win. Ailing as tecnriti-t for Adam Giffen, Tresarer of the city. The following resolution, adopted by the Assistant Board, was read twice, the rules beiig suspended. Resolve., Tilat tihe City Attnorney be instircted to take all legal measoures ,o save to tihe city tt New Or leans the amountt of the indebtedness of WVm 0. Goar lard, and that ih he instruocted to'sendsuitable persons i esuci p:lrithes as \Vtd. H Giarland has property. Mr. . urell offered the following substitute for the foregoing renolution : Ieeolted, That the City Attorney be instructed to take all legal measuroes requisite to secure tihe City of New Orleans' from any lnos arising out of the defalco tioll, of i, into Treasurer, Willinam t. Garlalld aild i furtlherinc of eaid purpose, he is herrby authorized to.eninoy agoents inl such parishes of this State and IIt sutll eountln of thie Stite of A.ississippi, as'may cota tti properly belonging to said Garland. On motion, the Board adjourned CHAS. CLaIBOKNE , Sec'y. TUESDcl , March 4, 1856. The Board met this day pursuant to adjourn mont. Members present: Hon. J. J. Lugenbuhl, President; Messrs. Bailey, Culbertson, Durell, Dupre, Prague, Price'and Pride--8. The reading of the minutes was, on motion, dispensed with. The following report was referred to the Finance Committee: CITIZENS' BANK OF LOUISIANA, To the President of the Board of Aldermen of the city of New Orleans : Sir: I have the honor to eratesmt herein the Intlthtly report ofthris BU tk as Fiscal Agent of the city of New Orleais : Very respectfully your ob't serv't h EUG. ROUSSEAU, Cashier. CITIZENS' BANK OF LOUISIANA, Nxt ORI.ooaeS. arch lst; l.56. j Report by tle CitzeslOt Bankt of Louisiana, fiscat agenttll the ty ot New Or!eans, to thie Common Council of said city. in conformity with the first arti scle of the Ordilltalte f Ist Mlay, 1855. CONSOLIDATED L.OAN TAX POP. 1054. :ash balance oil hand on 31St Jan., 1056... .40,91O 06 Deposited during the month of Feb., 1850.... 647 23 850,559 29 Al0oullt of coupons paid on bonds issued by old city.... $7,945 00 Mlunlclpality No. 2 ......... 720 00 Cosoltdated city ........ 210 0- 8,8175 00 Cas.l olt bhald on 20th Feb ,1 5 ....1.....041 684 29 Cash balance oit hand 31st Jan., 156 ........ $2m0' 74 1 Deposited dLurinag te ontlh of Febo 1850...... 709o O 83 Balance cltchand 2tOh Feb., 1856 ...0.......$.0,126 57 All of ht'lich is respectfully submitted, EUG. RUOIJSSEAU, Cashier. The following message was read: BOARD OF ASSISTANT ALDERMEN, New Orleans, Ftob.'2th, si50. 5i To the President V atd members of tie Boared of Aldermen GNTLE'e eN--I have tie IOor to finorme you that the toalowinlg esolutlohs. adopted by our heonorable body, were concurred ill by this Bard : A resolution instructing the Street Commissioter to cause Colliseum Square to Ibe eraded with til eareth talen trom tile Calnp street Coat and instructitg the I Surreytr to tave a woodoll railtg and trees placed around said square. A roeolutitt making It the dlty of the Treasurer o, theoitl of New Orleans, whe, drawing checks, to draw , he same payabe to te rdr of the tc tt Uomptroller, who shall keep a registry of Ithe slame, and tho shall ronder weekly a detailed statement of tlle same, and for what purpose said cheklts were t drawn. A repolulcttt authorzinlg tle committee appointed to examine and report upo the books and acconts ofet tile Treasurer sliad tile city officers. to emtploy an addi tonal expert a examine the account of B. C. ,latt, late Assistant City Attorney, (with an amendmenot.f Tile subtaitutt ofyoeur honorable body for thle reso Sluation auttorizig the Surveyor to cause tie roof of tile Meat alld Vegetable Miarkets of the Secolld Dis trict to be repaired, was concurred in. The following resolution, rejected by your honorable body, was persisted in : Resolutolts authorizlllg Ithe Street Commissioaner .to a.ll.w the toe lighting the lamps of theo Fourth District certlailn dedutio ns i ltad ita ll ct rl+ cote of Decemllber. 1.55. Also, au:horizilg tile Street uonl.liloiller to replace such ltamptlts ttay be unlit tfr use in tle various di-trlets of thle city. Messrs Fabre, Violett and Benit were op- I pointed a committee of cooferenoo on the sub ject. The amendments of your honorable body to the follosing roaesdlution was rejected, and the resolution persisted in : Itesolutton requirinlg tihe Surveyor to make certain brtdge,, antd requtrintg the Street Comtissioner to tereOt atlamp-pot at the corner ot Claibortte anld Bt. Bernard Avenue. Messrs. Wiltz, Stith and Bartlette were ap pointed a committee of conference on the sub ject S Respectfultly, JAS. A. iIOPKIIINS Secretary. The following amendments of the Assistant Board to the resolution authorizing the com mittee appointed to examine and report upon the books and accounts of the 'treasurer and other city otlicere to employ an additional ex pert, whose duty it shall be to examine the ac counts of D. C. Labatt, late Asssistant City Attorney, were concurred in, viz : To srrike out the word " additional" and to add the words " provided the same shall not cost more than three hundred dollars. The resolution in its amended form, was, on motion. tdoptred, as follows: Resolved, That the special committee appointed to examine and report upon the books and atccounts o tle rto asurer of tie city, aid the, beiks, papers alld accounts of stuh clity o:icers s ey may de in proper, ,e uutoriz di to employ a exlert,n at itsaanryof iot toer~- thia ole hlittdred dollars per montl, whose duty it ,hall be to rexlluille hthe bookit and aeoulla of. C Ldratt, late Assistallt City Attorlley aid to report thIereupon to tile Cllllnoti Council, provided tile sale shall not (oest thatn Ihree tLundrt~d dodars. Teas--Mnessrs Bdiley, Culbertson, Durcll, Dupre, Prague Price and Pride--7. Messrs. Direll, Gulbertson and Prague were appointed a committee of conference on the fol lowing resolutions, rejected by the Board of Al derm.n and persisted in by tie Assistant Board: lRcsolutitons authorlzing tile Street Coni isstioner to allow tile cOlltrator rt lightitlg the lamps oftile Fourth Distlrit. cerlttll doductions made in ris ceritliaete of December 155, snld also nauthorizlg tile Street Com missioner to repaee suchli tapse s muay be unlfit fr use IA the various districts of the city. Messrs. Dupre, Deuegre and Culbertson were i nppointed a Committee of Conference on the fol lowing resolutions, persistedin by the Assistant Board: teatolttiolls requiring the Surveyor to mai e certain bridges, luid requiritng ile Street Coum missione to erect a lamp post l tile corner of Claiboro, street a od St. Iuerllrd ave,nue. The following message was read : BOARD OF ASSISTANT ALODERtIENt NEW OREnANs, Feb. `5, 1550. To the President and Members of tile Board of Aldetrlen- ocntloelert--Your concurrence is respectfully so l etted ill the following resolutions and ordillce fadoptld by this Boarde: A resolution to pay sundry persons for sundries ftr ishaed tse City \Vork-hoose. A resolution requesting Ihe Surveyor to report to tile Conlmoll Council the cost of the repacirs necessary to the privlds and sinks of the Parilsh Prion. A resolution gratinge all exiension of time to Au gusate liller for thie removal of his slaughtner-lhouse. A resolution authorizing tile Fire Committee to act in coitiuictio n withll te City Attorney inl the ease of Atell tand Ilugeubultl us' the city of New Orieans. Resoeltlotls to pay Patrick Mlurphy $695 :i4-100, and authorizintg the City Atiortney to institute suit ugaillst John lIoey for said iiiiount. A resolution to pay sundry persons. All salin tnee relative to thie branchl of ile New Or lelis tldtd Carrolltto tailroad Comnpally, on Jalekso street, Fourth District. Respectlflly. JAIMES A. IIOPKIINS, Secretary. The following resolutions, adopted by the As sistant Board, were read twice and concurred in, the rules being suspended: A resolution authorizingi tile Fire Committees to act ill ronjunCttoli with tile City Attorney ill tile suit of Ali.n anld Isuge nibuht vs. Thei City of N e Otrleants. A resolutioll to pay Ptlrtck Miurphy dOS,5 34, and au. thorizitlg tihe City Attorney to sue .iohu Hoepy for said amonllt. Yeas--Messrs Bailey, Culbertson, Donegro, Dunre, Price, Pride and Prague--7. Aresolution to pay sundry persons, ladopted 2611i February, t5Rt ) Yeas--MIessrse. Bailey, Culbertson, Dcnegre, Dupre, Pride, Price and Prague--7. The following resolutions, adopted by the As sistant Boalrd, were referred to the Committee on Workhouse and Prisons. A resolution requesting the Surveyor to report the cost of tih repairs eeessottry to tile privies and sillks of the Parish Prison. A iesolution to pay rsulldry pirsons for sundries fur nlished tile city workhouse, (adopted "26th February, Iw5i.) The following resolution, adopted by the As sistant Board, was referred to the Police Com mittee : A resolttion grautingao extensiont of time to August Muller for the removal of hlis slaughter house. The following ordinance, adopted by the As sistant Board, waits read : An or.liiaiue relative to tile branch of the New Or leais and Carrolltot Railroad Company on Jacksou Istreet. Mr. Denegro offered as an amendment to add the fitllowing: Be it further ordained, That the charge for the traits portauion of passeugers from one point to the other of ealidcflh B rending ermm t tlB obrceitt tit Sl n eiding on an rive arh aI lTqn . r,,i e than five ceents. r" On motion, the ordinancBs . mendment were referred toB ap4nial committe, of two. Meeasrs. Durell And Gilimore were appointed on the above committed,< The following message was read: BOARD OF ASSISTANT ALDERMEN,[= New Orleans, March 4, 18t5. To the President and Membersa of the Board of Aldermen: Gentlem5o-Your concurrence is renspectfotlly solic ited in the following resoluuoo adoptec by this Bouard: A rerolntion placing $t0Oc at the disleoal of tlhe Mayor for seretr.tervice Respecltfu!ly. JAMBS A HOPKINS, Seey. The following resolution, adopted by the Board of Assistant Aldermen, wao referred to the Finanei Cotlntittee: A rrefnltfo placing t1000 at the disposal of the Mayor for secret service. PETITIONS, ETC. The following petitions were referred to the Finance Committee: Of.: Josre Martinez, relatl''e tea .gdgment obtaoined against inm and recordedr in tioe morlgag office. for a tatrdue fo, teN P3 o t propey nver ownerd by him , The following petition was referred to the ComtmitTfe on Streets and Lardlings -Of Pattick Flyinn. praying the Couletll to aulhorizt the Survaeyor to issue him a certificate fhr tihe clean tng and widening of Melpomerle Canal. The following petition was referred to the Police Committee: Or Ferdinand Carpr, asking for permission to open a pleasure garden on Lafayette street. The following petition was laid on the table. Of Widow Lodgardy otuhlberger, praying for a peddler's licenseo free of charte. RESOLUTIONS. MIr. Lugenbuhi offered the following resolu tion, which was read twice, and adopted, the roles being suspended: Rtsolved, That the Finance Committee be and is hereby requested to report to the Board of Aldermett .the amowlt of money now due to the City of Now Or leans, by the Parish of Orleans, on the right bank rf tit Mlississippi river, for parochial expenses, since the year 1840, and farther thatsaid committee report tha. ahount annually imposed on said ection of the Pariah ofOrletane, for the purpose of defraying the pao ochial expenses of the Parish of Oriec,s. The following resolution, offered by Mr. Bailey, wasread twice, and adopted, the ruler being suspended : Resicoted 'That no member of this Board shall le ave the room while the Board is in session, withoat per mission. A resolutio "autthorizing the Lessee of the Meatc larhket, S,-cod District, to continue stalls at the endc ond on both sides of said morktl," read and laid over on thtelthFtre ruerYtllSSt was token up and adopted, afterhaving been amended by striking oat the words, Soilt eachride and,"and also the words, ,' provided the width of said stalls b0 not greater than eighteen tResolved, That the Farmer of the Beef Market. Second District be permitted to continue the stall 'eat ithr entds of said markets. The following ordinances, laid over on the 29th January, 1856, were referred back to the Committee on Streets and Landings : Ar ordinance concerning tlre grades of sidewalks tit the City of New Orleans, adopted by thq Assistant I Board, Decembero, 18 tS5. SAn ordinance regarding o new grade for side-walks int the City of New Orlealls. A report from the "Special Joint Committee to whom was referred the resolution with re ference to the feasibility of erecting a Market I House at the corner ol Eeplanade and Galvez streets," together with resolutions accompany ing the samenadopted by the Board of Assiet ant Aldermen thia evening, iarch 4th, 1856, and sent for concurrence, were, on motion, re furred back to the committee. The following resolution, adopted by the As sistant Board, was read twice, and concurred in, the rules being suspended: A rscrolution requesting the Chairman of the Conm mise on tie Artesian Well to report to the Couc[il tihe condition ofthe wtell oil Canal street, and what prospect there is of ra speedy completion of the work. Mr. Durell offered his resignation as a mem ber of the Committee on the Artesian Well, which was accepted. On motion, the Board adjourned. CH'a CLAIB3ORNE, Sec'y. REPORT Of the Assistant City Attorney and the accompany itg Documents. ASS'T CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, uarch 1st 1t556. iTe the Hen. Common Council of New Orleans: GOetu.u.EcN-Ordinantee No. 1443, regulating the offices of City Attorney and Ausistaut City Attorney, nakes it tile duty of the latter, ulttually, ia the montt of February, to laybefore youa stutemetnt of tile con dltti il of the accounts placed It hii hands. A literal compliance withtthe ordeUctte would ust a most oner ous aud laborious ttsk, as it would iuvolve almost aln entire tral scrpt of the bookhs of the oft:e. .1 shall. therefore, colteutt myself wlti settillg forth ugeneral ottlttelof the condtltllo of the office under my chargte, hvlllg a referetlce to the hooks of'the t .ffices nttde Itailed Stlatenent of its coltdution. lmmetiately upot lenteritg ihe office of Astsntant City Attorney, tlt May last, I tad a register iuade at tie City Treau, ry of a tax tbls huanded over to me by hd Treasurer for collectuion, shtwing thle number of each b, the amotult o each particular Ltax, together cwilll ttlt total amlount of the clm nagil-lteah ,ildildt.ul. li also prucured a suit dcketl, setlllng brllt tIle un I her of each bill, the ilallle h l elcht pterson allt rlonul s ttt brought, the court ill wtch It Is liled. tie date h thell tiled, the silt nt clt llled, te date of judgmleltt, the amount of judgment. Iile date of record sag of jademutlealt fit tlhe mortgage or'ice, adtd the d tie "tthei paidt 1 also procured it book of returnls, ecorrespou l ill form to ;lie rcturlls llltde o the Tre-ueer. l\\ll ien ever Itltve hae td t sue of motey el" sufticllnt Ill or- I allane oil hand to warntlllt my Inaklllg a returlln theleof to the 'I'recsurer, It hat dne st without wuie:ing fore thle turid lixed by the otditltnce for so doting 1y re turlt to thlt offier inltead of b.illg made mtonlyl, uhaV-, ill mally lae-lltblC tlbenll made t .teeth--lUet a te tLtutline keepig a dupliuate of thse eam ill tlthe olite; takll) the Compil r iler's t rallt alld Treasurer'e receipt for tie IitOullt ot the samet and attaelnt g it to the copy retained; so Ihat it is inmpoa slbl e, Il Ill.- opill iout of tie undersiglned. thiat Llly dlscrepanlcy caln ever atie betwoell tie ulldersigned lid tosu officers as e to the atoutlt or the nature of the accounts returned, the dateo, the pylnent lo each ecou1t. being also noted i the register alId suit docket. I hav, Sillnc elltrilg upon the discharge of the du ties of the office collected and 2aid over to the 'e-t surer, as slhown by returns to that officera general Syno.shs of h hichilts hrewite transmitted, thle tllow ing sulns to-wit: A, itatement of 1 u5' , ................$1ut ,72e0 it R3 " 1t5tt t................ I'',tui t3 h2 ' 1u 1 . .i . ................. 0l2t0l 4 t Totai, .............. ... .. $12S,G68 70 S talalce this day on hand,....i $ 10i 72 The boohs Ilrttlll bere mentioned, being the prop erty ofthe city, belonging to the offte, are at all timel iopen to ts inpeclioll of the members of thle Council aid accoullnting oficers of the city. Tthe bills for taxes were placedtl i suit immediately upon belllg received, alld jadlments have bpell oblta ad Oil tie whole of tlmm, with but few exceptlolls, the aecounts for licenses were also cued upon as soon as received. Itll controllilng the multifarious busiess of tlle office, I have been mel with the most hearty eb -operation e ll the part of irli Mtariguy, ate Shertiff of this parish, n as alo by his successor, lltr. tefty as well as by tihe clerks of the svert l district courtsin which suits have been bloughtt I should b- happy to be Rble to say ,"s much in re gard to the officers of tile inferior or justice's courts. In them, particlrly onlt the parh f tuyconsutables lately gone out ,of office 1 have experienced h y1 apathy i re-t. ard to the colllection of the executions placed inl their Iaulld-, :lnoutnllng o such a neglect of their duty au ot te t to make me regret the neceusity of beitlg compelled to bring suits ill tile justice's courts. Several of the late constables have friled to pay over collidetrable sums of money collected by them ol account of tile city, the exact atloultt of which I have as yet beeu uuable to aseertain. 1 mtake this suggestion in order to be intruetea by the Council as to what toursd to pursue ill regard to them. On entering upon the discharge of my duties I found ua large number of suits, instituted by mly hprtdeessor. for amnouats duc for licenses Drine; pally, against persons keeping coffee houcg, pendtng, which had then not 3 been tried, not havingllyet beel reached ill their turn, the defedanlts cuoentesing the tcontltlutiolnality ald legality of tie ordinance under which they were sued. Til firstl of thse cates waus tried ill Jnttle at, before a jury, iind a verdict rolded ill nfavor of tilhe ity, which petwas appe lud to the Supremle Court, where te slllno Swas tried ia De ember last, a'ld a verdict rendered in favor of the oily, settling til constltutionahty anlld legality of tile ourdllilte. Sitee tbell a large Atlum 3-.Ir ofthrt class of cases have been tried-both by jury alld before the courts ai d judgment renderd ill t vor of Ihle city itl every case wter tlie necessary prtof tts beeui furnisLed. ct The other licenses eta trades and professions5 did not Ccome into miy hallds Ulltil September last. Suits lere birought for tile recovery of the amountt t due the city uu them, itlntedlately oil their bel nlg puacel id in ttatd tds lyudgleut hytav been obtined on tlleml as hlet as the operations o the collrlts lould permit; 0, but a small umount has thus far been realized from that so*rce, Ia the delays eonsecquellt to bringing uit, ob ttainting judgmnlets oil iessuing executionsl tl s enaule'l plruIes Id meany inlstances to transfer their stockl ill trade, or disontintuc btsinellss, so tlhat wben tlle Sheri colmes to enlturce paytnllent nothlyg can be fOuld, thus leaving tell city to pay a ubill of costs iand tle Attlorley - his laltteor fr notlbing. ee I would earnesty recommend this matter to ti seri ous eolsideration of tte Council, so that the Legis-llt te lure note ilt sessio may be applied to to supply tie of proper corrective, which, in rhe opinion of the under sigted, cau oly be dolte by ita proper sysltem of fiu e tulldl pehaltles tIn order to carry out whihe, thie law Sshoul be tso made that parties doieg ally busutesu dubj . ject to the of a licellse lax, without havilng plld for and procured the same, sbould be subjected tc arrest, to be held to anlswer tile charge brought aganasl n- thent and the payment of such fine as inlght be adjtdgec against them, and lmprisonnlent for a linllted time in at catte thne fiebe not paid Such I humnbly c,,itceive tt Ibe the spirit, if not the letter, of the htw at tills tisnu but as the Recorders and other portions of th., judiclar) do not so interpret it, some further leglslulton oil °il subject seems necessary, lit justice to those who pay their licenses without murmlurillg alld who are eali on tied to be protected Itlllheir leg timatc busine-s againn tho-e who are illegally comp,etllln with them and de priving them of the [egitilltmtt profhts of a business rh, burthens of whitch they who ply their licellseS ar is. made to bear aione, The underslgned further venlure. of the relmark that if all persons doing business, subject tI M aob~n bf~~ioir ekide~ aefid same, the bhthef, of tepzuipa hbareae no heavily on| eat -er aej6nnly erdtited to the great reliefof Popertyhotders. Any other tethod for the enfoetmntof the tpaymentof lienses than that hurein at alluded to matt,tn the opiniaon of the underaigaed, te prove fallaciou and tllusory. re The cne matybhe said with equal if not greater. T force inta regard to heacollection of fines deotnited stt lagtant the violations of oritanteca upon the attject C, oe'ete paoleio an the present mode of attempting taenforce them t y auitg folrah recovery of filen is notonly tahieet to almost endless delays, but actually I enables those who have no tangihb:e poperty to seize to sethe eityantatoritues t rdefiance Al If, t.airaing t:e foregnttg auggentians. I have in some tegree wandered feom the strict line of a report. I rttoetfutl behe to, be eetned, on the ground that f humblyconcetve the CounaC l to be entite to tay views resrlting frotmy eaxperience in the matters treated of. h All of which i respcatfarllty submitted. pa S EHIESTANDf to assistant CityAttorney, f SPECtf litAT1OgiS . For rcpairitlg ite pavaenets ett.rtt the firstarld sec ond sIetiOalS, THE two setetona shall' he adjtdicatun ia'onecu- A traet, aid halt comprise'all that Putlon of the city lying betawen the cort stonea ot the sonth nire a, Felicity street and tle curb atone.e oil the torth side ot Jutia street, atnd rett the river bantt to Clatbea t street. ti The repairs within tihe limits of the Contraet shall onliat it reinttuting, wlith otldlty ar.d regularityilt their priiltlve ites and tevelsu ait the ptavemenats. whether oa routtd sote,, granite blhksa or b.a:lat; nluao alllgutters onlst[ructed with t ltetra or wood; aiso all aorb stotones also all paved supportt on the unpaved streets; al o a, the street or gutter croassings wltch tay have behn constlieutedt wLth atalute or fidggltgi all l Ull gs a d adflaggit of the britdge and .alverls wllch llay have beu eo nstruteed with atones;-alun all eldewah+ks ti front of city proproty. and at the tnterseetion of streets Constructed u lth brhueh or flag ging. lte contracteor shall furnish at his owt expense, all the labor aSd taterial tneeestary to make the reparu above specified ; and all repairs hatll be made wltlrlto twenty-four htolt.-.afer becoming necessary, excipt only tnI such ea.n at where, by reased of tutet mug nttudor.he heltdte a the weather, further. time noay be prsetibed by tihe Street Cotllltisnoa-n, who ehall exercise his' dtnteotiot in tlli reapect; aad it CaSeS wh-re further tftnm than twenty-four hours ttall be a.lowed, the eontrateor shall be bouod to fill up. tem. turarity, with shingle ballast, covered withgravel or s nells, all holes or depres-iotlr, eo Ihat the eonvaaiaetn use of the stre-t may notu be at any ttme a ,terrupteu. Lt repaiting rotttldtloae or gralitn block pavemet tile hed shall coaist of aour t ctettt s i depth or mare. o equal quanttitiea of river astd and staru p sattla mixelld, or river sand and lake shells, mixed the inter utines shall bh filled witt aharp sand, finle gravel, or I lake she Is.or the samen materials mitet; a,,d shall reelve a top coat of the same tnatera,s, at least two inthes thick. The work shall, a all cases, be.veli rammed. AI'roand stolttshatll be placed so that their lontgest diameters haltl be perpendicultar to the base of tlle pavement. In making all· otter repairs, the materials to be usettt thl, be blllnlar ill killd to those originally used it the worh. un all cases Ithe mtatelas to hb used shall be of the best quality the market wll c afford. litt eaes whero repairs become neceseary, by reason of ttmages dolte ay the-gas-lighto water-worktt .r other'eorporaetton,, the coantractor shall be hbondtlo olahk thlem, in allcasue, dxecept in tlgte whereni the conlractlor.shall have specifically notified the Streht Caluoisiolter of their existence, it'writlg, and witin twenty-tour hours after said damages may have beel, existillg. The etrattator shall comply, within the delay above specifieda, with all verbal or wrtltcl orders of the Stlreet Comtntssioe'rt, or lis subo,dinate fticers, lelative to the work toe dote by them, utt'er a petmlty of twetn ty-fivedollars for each neglect, anda farther penalty of the mounat of the cost of doitlgtlhe work neglected bt the ontracttr--in ease the S trteetCommiseioler causes tiloe same to be dolta, tand whichhe shall haIve the right tl do ill all cases of neglect by the ca,,traetor. 'ite coutrator shallatllat the Street Commllssioane' ofafie, in the aty H.a, at, It oelocak, a,., oa - each and every day, to resetre orders relative to his work, and all or ders writtenll ttthe order bolos in saidoffice, couislidcretl eqtivalent to written oders served upon the contractor lo person, at tae dates thereof. 'The streets shltlall be delivered to the contractor in whatever eondtton thley may be nlt the day he hegitls to work. The contractor shall iatmadiately thereafter and duillg tile whole.time of thle colltillu.ante of his contract, ilnake all tie repairsspecified as above anld io saulldeliver tlhe streets, at tite explratiun of it, term, ill perfect conditioi, iu drfault of whlch so much of the alnouita of the last cerltfieate and the reserved per centlagre shall be retained as shiall be necessary td make the repairs needed. Thie eotraetor shall furllish security to the salisfac tion of the Filtlttea Committenof the Commdn Coun cil, equal to half the amoant of the contract, conl loaled to guaranlic tile fatthful perlbrmance of saotl contract. ayttltllts shlall he made nmoltlhly oil lhe certificate of rtie Street aoutlnssioCert, reservillg ten per cent Itom each mothly paylllctl untili the expiration of tile cuutrwtlv lu case of neglect oil the part of said lotraetor et, comnly n strty With tllhee, tile City CUlall shalll have te right to declare the cluntract i pro facta null altd void, without applylllg to a court of jus tlce, or wllhoat indemtnltfyitg tl, contractor. 'iThe coatract shall be adjudotttead for one year, otd the paytolut shall ommanllte from ih, itate when tite cotat t for shall iare actually n Olleatttct d the wotk, ald altr thauvtlg, with hi t securities and the blayor, signed tlie toon, act. Too City Council resterves tte rtight to reiect ny ad judleation tlade ullde ti.ose specahcations, if deentmed t dvisttble. AUG. S. PIHELPS. f iStheet Cumallssionler. New Orlcans, Marchl 10, 195i. [lApproaed by the Comlnlttee of Streets e land allding= ] Il I i 5t £MAYORALTY O' NEW ORLEANS COMMION COUNCIL. Ci t of New N tr (lllStS, IIIrc a, 185e i [ No. '2iS. ] li'hreea, The sheli radis o" this city are iaet gooin to r..:ll act tlhe wanlt otf ; (mlll[ OU(lty itl repairs ; an[d whereas, such )roads c iauc kept It perfect rep:ir at a mih i hg'ch tctl dt su hha l Ileglcted ndt. ciheerta, provi.titl has been bi itdein tile t udee ot exretlldltures lt the rerr t of tid roads, v lllci etiib wl be insuficienlll unless said itd; receive ittt m.dla (b repairs; Thtreforee b it rejsolied, Thit tile Comlptroller se' tI i tuct, te afteir ten day,' lOtee ill the official journati, i C,,, traet for repairing, anlld keeping tIt repuir for hree years, thehll roads or Ihi ctty acori h ithe slCfiettlittIt olt fiit I t ite uStte.: c tlhte ei itsale to be muds subj.ct to tile appllrovl l of lte i',ttvil. [Silglel] I. J. LUtENiBUHL, President Board of Aiderntel. [Signed] E. L. TiRACY, President Board ofAssisittt Aldermen. Approved March 8. 1e56, mil0 I-ie[ned] JOHN L LEWIS. Mayor. No. i65t. ] Resolc:i. rthat ti!e Mayor of tile city of New Orlecen ie atithoLited to stiie to tile New Orleans, Opelousas illd Great Westerln Railroad Coin )1y, Ithirty botds o, the city ofI NMew O r'iealls, ofOttlle thiouseild dollrs eaelb tio bie dated the flirst dy of Mtty, lb5, alld nulberedt (Letter C,) trim 759 tolby illeilusive, payahle Itt ttetly years from dter allid bearilg ittereet t Ihle rate of six per cent. per alllltem pitytble altllUiyI oi tie first dii r of Novelber anld tirt day of iheyi of cacli year, Withi thirty-eight collpo01S attached to sach bolld, nluunbred frontthre to lil-ity tlleluslrve; said bollies to be signetd by Citlel htyer tld Treasurer, and coIuteetrsigned by tile Comnptroller. Sald bonds to be issartl ill replacemellt of like bollds, in nulnber, amount and deserptiolt, lot o) their tranllllll.sln Ioby mail btWeeln the city of New York ald the city of New Orleansr, on aned after the itit day of Scpitember lust. Prov'ded tihtt said New Orleans, Opelouas atnd Great Western Rttilrotd CeteOn any do by nrcelneenl, to bI signed iy its President oil behbil of sltid Cjpmpay, obligate itselftto ihold tie city of New Orleans Iarrtlliees from ally clanim whihLei maly hereafter be made by ally holder of the bonds and 0oupols so lost as atoresittd. [iSigned] J. T. T.LUGENBUIIL, Presien t Boared of Aldermen. [Signed) E, L. TRACY, President Board of Aretintot Aldermen. Approvred MarcI 8, 185F itllu [Sigined] JQIIN L. LEWISb , Mayor. [ No 6li60. 1 i eolriti,' ThIt the Colnptreller he, and lie is hIereby aitulorized and illtructed to sell t publict auctiol to tie lowest bIidder, after ten dayis' Inotice in tile official jouriIal, it contrate for the conslruetrllt of ta iluislCie wharf, oippositc Independence street, Third District;e ie work to be doine i ccording with plans and speclfi atios tion file ill the.Surveyor's offiee., the adjudication of satd cotraet to be subject to tie approval or rejec tion of thie Conleton Council. [Signed] J. J. L(UGENBUHL, President.Board of Aldermen. [Signed] lE L TIRACY. 'resident Board of Assistant Aldermen. Approeed MIrch S, 1856. tel0 hitned] JOHIN L. LEWIS, Mtyor. [ No. 2661. ] tecitee. TllTat the pecial committee appoiinted do exanlllle alld relrrt upou tile books and accl.,lls of tile Tr'Peasurer o tie city, ad thle iiooks, papiers Llld accounts of surh oily officers as they itlly deem prop er, he autttorlzed to empilov aln export at a silary of not more thaiRll one hlndred dollirs per ltllll, whose duly it hull bte to exeiie the books and eccounts of D. C Labatt, late As.istent City Attorney, and to ret port Ieereupon to tie Conltiolt Couteil. AtLd, proeie-. tied, the stLeiL shill tot cost inoro tit tihree hundred dollars. [Signed] J. J. LUGENBU!HL, Prediidnt Board of Aldermen. [Sigued] E.L. T'IACY, President Board of Ascittant Aldermen. Approved Mareh S. 1850. [Signoci] JOIIN L. LEWIS, Mayor. A true copy T'oes.r 'rTaeit, Secy. 11110 [ No.tLs. ] Reeolrel. T'hat tile aetiot of is Heoller tie Slayor Iti regard io the arrest of the Treasurer of tie city, aud tihe tllnettlcmnt o tile seilhooller atnd her return to the city of New Orleans he, nlldis hereby approved. [Signed] E. L. 'I'RACY, President Beard of AeiiittAltiderinen. iSignedt J J. LUGENIBUIL, President Board of Ahltermeni, Approved March 7, MiS6. itti [itetedtl JO:iN i. LBE i\'I, Meyor. [I No. 6a5t ] RIesoleti, Tititiii City Atuorcey be instrulced itt takie all legrl req.iscit . to ecure heti city cl New Orettelt te anlly losis ariiillg otilt of tle tieulda Ilolls of its late Treaurrer, \Villi tll it i. trlatld Relti ill flrtiort.ce of taid purpose, he is hereby authorized ro enploty agelll ill sech ittrit'es of ths StatLe, ild It such counties of tile Stite of Atlssisiippi as may CeOlt tin pero perty belngingl to said Garland. itgeed] E. L. TRACY, Prerident Board of Atirstnt Alderrmen. [Sigled] J. 3. LUGENBUHL; President Board of Aldermen. apperoved 1arch 7.1856. niS [igned] JOHiN L. LEPWIS, Mayer, Ot--I--4%PTtOLW 0 .j" iy N ':-"~P R#Ootoooto aeo tiC31Ct. Resolve, That tthe be and ho is to hreee uothornz and inatloetn> tll at . .db)tidaotfon. afer ten days' notie , thtq tOtmeial journal a'eontrcet for etn:ing.the .d lma.*chtnee:of the MTtMrd Section, Third isttriet, forone, year,frpmo the ith April, 185t, subject (o the approovh oarrt taao of the -Common Couneit, 'ooaldeetljaatdo A41 Ar $~t Abtoraeta. [Signed] ' . EU N HL, Presion ~d of Al dermen. Approved Febauary 1.i " [slgho at' PfIfPESL. L~fWZ30tayor. S[No. 4'J4i ý , . lesolved, That the Comptroller be i ited tao saeltS he contract, after eil days nootice, fidttepair.ig the paved treett of the sr.eond seeeotitn e g po popifieititona on file it the Street .Oiflmattit iS ta "tSle, suhject to the approval or i.tjttelo of the Coat. mon Councail. [(Signed] ' E.L.TRA~Y, Preidentfl oa.r of Assistant dermea. Signed] P'-: J. J. WOIGENNS#IjL, .-] President Board.ofAtldermen. Approved Febroary i9, Ib to [Signed] i.OHNL.:LEWIS, Mayor. Notice is hereby given that aon MONDA', t7th itnt., I t til ajUdlattee at my offle, at 1 o'clock M., the ove contractsa. m0'0l O. DeBUnkS, Comptroller. bOMPTHU"atit'd hfr 1I hy Heaf'th , the i iadk ~ er be, dtta& I Ie hI 1& h suthorirud andregpired to give noticerbJ a ataoding ad trrtignment inthe c~lrdai journal, ý1ar t0.i ordanee ·ritb the nioClc,}tdttonof ordluii6 NO. 1."approve 11arrfb 30,. 1854,tbs Conuoit'wl oft pay rr bill ngsiont ch` City "elm co Etrlctxd under yntrorlty of as order froa the Conlotrolle ra I4&&fdcu&. writty tha ttdiunaate raferredto. " [i8iv14t41 H L CY. * ?sidait R1tadW of IabtanDt Atdrman. EPlaa~tj l;H LA ApprotedAprli28, 1855. > (8ignedil 3JOHNfL. LEW14 TO o attention of thae offic" of 414e thyity'a i h puhlic itrtpe~ctfnty called tobah fOrhrtlget raautroo 0. DA BWYe, OlO tf * )tmPtmitlor CCity of New Odt.Bt. " Firot District Pound. Wi7AS broeght to theFirst District Pondo, ~D ades stieet,between Julta and Gireod strik as One white the Goatt no horno. with wattles. i tine she Guost, whitt body, the neck and jaws bliek, with u collar. Which, i' snot claimed within ten days and the ex penses thereon paid. will be told at ptblii auction at said pounds, on WXDNESDAY, the 12th instant, at lO ocloc, 48. M. AUG. S. PHELPS, Street Commissioner. New Orjeans. March Ist, 1 m56. L a ele conduit' an depot dis epaves do Predser D'striot. rou Dryades, entre lhrues Jltie et Girod, comme epave- Une-hlevre blanche. sans eornes, des glandes au cou. Une Chevre, le corps blane, le comet les maeholres noirse aver an coplier. Si. 1 ttits animauxo no soot pas reelames, dansdix j.nrs, et les depenses payees, its seroall vendus a t'aolhere pohliqjue, an. dit depot, .MIE.CRED Ls 12 courait a 10 heures A. i.U AUG. S. PHsLPS, R . Ctmmissaire dnes Ren . N'llerOrlen.s l'ere mars 1956 - m3 7 11 Sepond DisMtAct Pbund. W AS brought to the Second District Pound, cor Ser St. Anne and Derbtgny streets, as estrays: Ote white and iron gray she Goat. One white she Goat with ye'low hed. Which, if Ilot claited within ten daysod'lthe es pences thereon paid. wsil le sold at public auction at said pound, onl MONDAY, the 171h inot, at 10 o'clock A. M. AUG. S. PHELPS. Street Commissioaer. New Orleans,S arch 6, l1P, . m1015i Iti a eoe conduit ao depot de epaver do Second Dlis triet,-eneoignure des rues Ste-Anne et Deriigny, .e,.mme epaves- tUP e Chevre blanche et gris de fer. Ule Chevre b!anllee, a tete jaone. r. S elic ne o nst pas reolameer dans dix junrst elto dtpenses payers, elces ceront venduee, i . enchere pu blique, le tLUNDt 17 du courant,.a 10 heureo A-.S1. AUG. S. PHELPS, Commisenairn des Rues. N:le-Ooleans le 6 mars 1856. m7 10.15 Third District Pound. 7AS Drought to the Third District Pound, Nr. 52 Elysial Fields street, ats estray- Oue whte sihe Goa. 'ow spotated, both ears rplit. tne black she Goaat a spots on the face, the legs and on one side of .. body. tVhlch, it not claimed within ten days and the ex penses thereont pd,will be saiold at public auction, at caid paund, Oa S[ONDAY, thr t7th.insL, at 4 O'clok, P. N.. AUG. S. PHELPS, Street Commiassoner. New Orleans, Ilarch 5, 1850. m6 10 15 L it, etecoduit au. depot des epavea is Troisierrit District, No. 2 rue Chamnps Elisees," omme epaves- Une~ Chevre blanche, laehetees de jaune, ire deux uretliesi ieadueus. Use Cilevre nioire. ayant des lathe= blanches ear is face, Its jamlbes et sur ull cute du corps. :ýi lee dtt+ auiuiaux Sr sentll pay reellmendn dsti d1 jnnr?, et lea depcases payees, tie sernnt vendnsi a rantl, a4 ,,cures P. 11.·-··I~ AUG. s.PHBELPS; Cmmissaire desiRn f 'lee pulihiqu, du L dldp~ LUND! 17· ?(OU N'iie-(,neene UG 5 mar . 1558. LS8 10 1 Fourth District Pound. WVAS b rolght it) Ihe Iourth DlutrOct Pound,Jack S(lll streel, bet ween Coll.s..tle anld l arel atrel. e it, cslrays- One bal.k she Goat, "ithb uwhite ?pot on the eft =idr, white face--the left ear eropped off, and long horlrs. tIlie white she Goat, witih oitg hor.s. , \Vhich. if lOit ,,lýilied iwithin tei dayeaihi4ie'ex ihereon paid. will bhe -old it publie irLiti;h, at ,tid ptutd, oit THURSDAVtie t11th lnst.,;aelo'clohk A. M.. ' AUG. S. PHELPS, Street Cbmmissionsr. Nwc Orleans, March 3d, IEN,. i 8 12 L a el condni t au depot dies epaves du Quuatriente D. va-1,, we Jackson, mire leD rues Constance et Laurlel, cu illne opaves- Unlr clhevre~n etr ;uytllrdes tnehea blancehes eur le lute drot, la face blanche, l'orelile gauche caupee e6 lea comesle longues: Unel Chevre blan~che, avec lea cornea longues. Si lea disc aaimaux re soot pas reelnmeea data dim fours et lea depellpes payers, its serontl velldoa a l'en chere publlque, au dii depoi, J EUDI 13 courant, a 10 heures A. Al. AUG. S. PHELPS, Caammisaire des Rues. N'lle-Orleans le 3 de dars mi S 12 AS brought toe he Fourth District Pound on Jakeson street, between Constance and Lau. el strcet, as estrlays One small bay Poney, about 12 hands high, long inane and tail, no brand. Oone large she Goat, of grayish color, the end of the right ear split, the points of the horns cut off, and long hae gy hairs. Which, if lot claimed within ten days and the ex pesnes thereon paid, will be sold at public auction, at said pound,e on MONDAY, 17th inst., at . 0 o'eloek A. 1. AUG S. PHELPS. S treet Comlaissioner. New Orleans, Mnarch 5th, 1650. t m 1015 March 5th, l656. me 1o 15 T a ete conduit au depot des Epaves de Quatrleme District, rue. Jaeksone, etre les rues Constasese et Laurel, co me epaves- LUe petil Cheval bai, bnviron 12 mains de haut, la criaice "et la queue longues, sans marPue. Ulle grosse Chevre griss1ate, te bout de loretlle droite eoupee, Ise bout des corne coupe etepois longs. Si le dits aimaux e asent pas reetames ddas dix jours, et lea depetasea paees, ils seront venduts a eselschere publlque su dit depot, LUNDI Ie 17 di. courant, a 10 ieures A. NI. AUG. S. PHELPS, Commlssaire dos Rues. N'lle"-Ole-ns le 5 ners 1.5 .w. m61015 City Police Jail. WTAS brought to the City Police Jail on the 14ith ¥V ihst., the negro boy G tORGE'; is 5 feet 4 inch es high; Ias a scar oi the upper lip; is about 10 yeers old. Says he belongs to widow Sally Yager living ili Ghent. Carroll county, Kentucky. odi o l. . PLANCHIARD, fl5 lm Kieepecr orf tie City Police Jail / ASAS brouglht to the City Policn. Jail oil the 3d of SMlarchl, the light graf boy THOMAS i5 fieet 11 inches i ieh is bout 20 years oldt ilas a nark of a male rick olen te iorcehead. Says te boeltlg to Mr. James Browln, a bricklayer by trade, living in Rodney, olistis tipi. The owner is requested to call and claimt said slave according to laow. E. PLANCHARD, - 1117 15t Kleeper of tilhe City Police Jail. feAS brought to tie Cily P.citn Ji.t. i the Itot d ecelber last, the grlt matl JA qIES O'BRIEH is 5 feet hiiches high ; is about a4 years old i and 'lte mulatto hby HANDY O'BRIAN ; is 5 feet I-_ inlches high is 02 years old. These two ilavea were free inte of color, bat afterwards stated that they belonged to MIr. Joht \V. Rollittnse, eottot plantcr, livt p in Pike eounty, State of Missis slippi. Th'ile owner is requested t call and claim said slavet according to taw.t E. PLANCHARD,; fel5 Lm Keeper of the City Peliee Jail. Wj AS brought to the City Police Jail t te 0th V insttaut, the ntegro ttatt EDIVARD is5 eet, 4 inches hit-hl has two of his front teeth brokllh ; is about 41 years old. Says he belolngs to lttr. Uaed McCload, a sugit planter, litig it Loettlit "n LBayou Lafourehc. The eowuer is requested to call and olaim said slave according to lat'. E PLANCHARD, . fel l tt Kepcr of the City Police Jail. -ýýTAS hra tohii tittPotco Jlct. 1 tte rdid r tt int., the gn tiph iLtLtMPP, 5 i'oeti incher itglh i is about 5 yarcisr old; say- lie haiangsno then torte of I. rIollatn ie agelts are requested to call and claim said slave acordiig to law. W ATAS brought to the Ciy Police Jail ea the 5-th 7 ao 't t httie ne . err , boy WS th Ah ; is 5 ie ,t 4 iches high; is hbout'i ydYe isen,tnr y sy he helunur to John Creswell, living itttne" Third .Di4ijiLe4 Th wvnu e r i s r e q u e s t e d t o ca l l a n d elai h t - a id s2. @ q t'oit- "