Newspaper Page Text
Per-the heaven that emile ve mo,; awa nry spirit too;. Pe human,_ tthat binde "ForthetaskbGodaaoigne e; For the bright hop. me; TeeA meg Ad, etofoliowinthrwa : snd theOst atI c an do. I live to hold ommunion , w= i heartand mine ; 1 iem onlatemhdir B*, o " I~livte hail that season, " kndiotaloneby gold; hen man to man united, . Ad every wrong thing iaghted, The'wole world sall be ghted, As-Eden was of old. Ilive fo the who loe me, o th beie who anow metran m e; For the 'heaven that smiles above me, dawaits my pirit toodesign. - oU thet ehsa that s ean, ed; Andor the wrong that needs rediae.; Forthe feture in the distanlce; And the good hat can do. Loublilsan L.rislatua'e.5 WEDNEro.Y, March 5HoA e-Fifty-tw0members present this morning.' ' Mr. Turdan offered aesolhtion requesting the Gov aed6r to return a bill, passed some days ago by the Hose, toequallze teaxation in the city of New Orleaus, for the consideation of the House. Laid on the table. * M Sterling, aceording toprevious notice, moved a reeonsideatio of the'vole taken yesterday on the act • tdpay for'woir done on Cat sland. tr. eDonad moved to lay the motion eona the r. emmesmoved to lay Mr. Mconald's motion onath table. ,MUH ool called the yeas-yeas 31, na.s 26. :th Hoase thena rconitdered the vote of yesterday, and again took up thie bill. .Mr. Alexanider moved to postponethe consideration of the bill till to-morrow. Mr. Semmos moved tolafthe motion on the table. [On calling the yeas and nays, it was ascertained that enough of the opponents of the bill had'left the Hall to break a quorm.] Mr. SemmDs moved that the Speaker send the Ser geant-at-Arms outto bringin the members, and-aquo rm was obtained. It was evident that the question had assumed a de cided partyhphase and as suoh led to a tremendous sragogle. he debato was participated in by a large number of members, and afforded much bitter patti san denunciation. The House went into Committee of the Whole and adopted the bill section by'soctlon, and after rising, t was adopted by title, by a vote of33 yeas to 15 r.Jourdan gave notice that he a wottld move to re consider to-morrtow. The Housedhen took a recess until 6 P. M. TaweaaY, Miarch 6.-Senatee-Mr. Walker intro duced ahbil to repeal the 1st Section of an act in re ference to criminal prosections. Read and referred to Judicial Committee. Mr. Manday-A bill providing for a penaltyagainst Sheriffs for fuling to return any slave to the 'General e ot. ReBad'and referred. The order of the day, a bill appropriating t130,000 for the construaction of -a levee in Diamond Island Bend on the Mississippi, was taken tp for consider tion, the question being on its engrossment for a third reading. At the hour of 12 o'clock the Senata proceeded to .the'consideration of theepecfal ordel, which was the follbeving resolutions, offered by liessrs. Simmes and Kidd, respectively: Mr. Snimes' ,esolNtion : lesolved, Thatthe Board of Publih Works created by the Constitution should be abolished, and that the Judiciary Committee be in structed to report a bill for that purpose. Mr. Kidds substitute : Resolved, Thatithere should be a Board of Public Works to consist of four Com missioners ; that the Stite should be divided by the Legislature into four districts, and one Commissioner should be elected in each district by the legal voters thereof. Mr. Kenner offered the following bill as a substi tute (!) for the resolotion : " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Staite of Louisiana in General Assembly convened, That Arti eles Nos.. 130, 131, 132 and 133 be, and the sane arce haeyq rebpealed as far as it is provided for by Article ' on was made that the bill be rejected. The S:.: aye were demanded and the vote cresulted ,lto ayes 14, naVs 14. The president cast his vote againtst the rejectadn, whiclh passed the bill to a secondleaduing to-morrow. T he Senate went into Executivesession,after which it adjoorned. , Houase.-The New Orleans City Charter bill was made'the special order for 7 o'clockL this evening. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the specald order of the day, to-wit : the General Ap propritlain bill. The"' ip of appropriation were considered and aeted, il'ptn their regular order. f ,c ofthem gave rise to considerable debate. Am: t was the item of $6000 to the clerk of the"' Flie'"strict Court of, New Orleans. Tlis amoumt was reduced to $3000, the balance of hil 'alary of $6000 to be made up in fines and forfeitreas. After some farther business the coannittee rose and reported progress. The House adopted the report as far as it had pro ceeded, and then adjoornad tol 7P. . Telelgrphic 5Aenra. NEW YORK, Mareh 1.-The steamer Atlantic sailed hence to-day at noon, having lIon. Geo. M. Dallas, our new Minister to England, and his family on board. The Atlantic took out no specie. NEw Yong, March 3.--he brig London, of New Orleans, with a cargo of molasses, is ashore at Squan Inlet, fnll of water. PORTLAND, March 3.-The bark David Nickels, from Cardenas, was sunk in the harbor yesterday by the floating ice, and Captain Sweet, her master, was drowned. A fire occurred here on Saturday night, which de stroyed five stores on Middle street, occupied by Da riasa White, O. H. Perry, W. S. llichlandand William Russell. WAsnINma oN, March 2.-Mr. Crampton has writ ten a note to the editors of the Intelligencer stating that he was not instructed by Lord Clarenden to sub mit'a proposition for the arbitration of the Central American question, but only to inform Mr. Marcy that such proposal had been made to Mr. Buchanan. CHrcAno, Feb. 29.-Thomaf Hayne, United States District Attorney, attacked Charles L. Wilson, editor of the Chicago Journal, in the street yesterday, striking him a severe blow'in the face. Mr. Wilson returned the blow, knocking Hayne through the window of the State Bank. The difficulty was occa sioned by the comments ia the Journal on the politi cal course of Hayne. CnrcAao, March l.--A dispatch from Kansas, dated yesterday, says the Kiokapoo Rangers ihad commenced preparations for driving the Free State men tfrom their claims. LOUISVILLE, Feb. 29.-The notes of the Central Bank of Tenanesse, at Nashville, are refused by the other Nashville branks. Te bank is said to be owled in New York. The Attorney Generrl of the Statehas been directed to examine into its condition. Their ecent issues are payable at Danridge, Jefferson Co., Tenn. THE MISSING STErAMSIIP.-Mr. Chas. Aborn, of Baltimore, mate of the English brig Bogart, which arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, on the 27th ult., publishes in the New York papers the following re port: We left Shields on the 7th of January last, and ex perienced very.rough weather tihe whole passage. Fell n 'with great quantitias of drift ice on the bunka and sow anumber of iceergs. Was under tlr lee of a lerg for two days. On the 19th of PFebruary, btween two and three bells (1} o'clock) in the afternoon, as I was standing on the quarter-deck with a night gloss in my hbad,:I saw a steamship orossing our track, between two and three miles ahead, (I think about tlrt dis tance,) she was steering to the eastward. The weather was tlhick ad foggy, with a sight drizzly rain, and blowing a gale from W. N. W. of N. N.W. Occasion ally the fog would light up. I could see her through the haze, but not vry distinctly. I thought it was one of the Collins steamships, as she had no bowsprit. I ... know the Pscilc, having seen her freqouently. Her starboard bulwarks were gone, starboard wheel-house was alsa gone, and Ithink part of ter wheel. Her wheel waes i motion very slow, so far as I could see. She was roiling very heavy, and I remarked to one of thie sailors, " There's a steamer which has had a lick from an old-fashined scea." I only got a sight at her now and thed. The foretopmast staysail and main Wncer were set. The foremast was carried away. She had a lst to port of about tireo streaks. We lost sight of her in hanf an hour. I did not report this in New Brunswick, as I knew nothing of the abosence of the Pacific The New York Express says that tihe above state meat was read on 'Change on Saturdary afternoon, to an auditory composed of Mr. Cunard and Capt. Nye, and othier leading ship owners, all of whom ridiculed it as utterly destitute of foundation. A CzAL.Lwmrn.-"Do you mean to challenge tihe jary?9",whped a lawyer to his Irish client in Cali Yes; If they don't acquit me, I mean to challenge everlse of 'Aae" SHEE3&WRe~S M.BLES. Stiat~ mtrstttt (ove FORtTURMINAD o .ih'L IiC Ror OD 0 Jt.' t STAFFFORD tNhn Ots FOR. StC. tS. o. 357. 'IRDIPY I of a writ of w ieri faeias directS ed by bo the hhonerbl the Sixrth District Uottt of NOW Or tl in t it above ttd etaeo , to M. Itarliny late Sherif, [ ndtr said iola Sheriff to me transferred I will "a y seil at pnblle auaton, in the Rotlpda .of the City Exchange, St. o , UhjoS Lodls;otreet n"2711 Chnaret and Royal steets, oo THURS DAY ,ttrfto 27th 10560 t12t 'clockt - TWO CERTA5I VACANT LOTS OF GROUND, sitate in the fIuborog Idvudais, now'part of the Fourth District of th city of New Ort tOahi It square bounded by SBtodfbt, Ory des, Setd tnd Third streets and designated bytNo,. ad til hit laf drawn by C. A.hiedln, suryoyo datid tie 10th Septether, 18-, and depoti the t tte olieof 0. : Str, n tony pubia, irn th ciyof R h 0rle ns. Satid lots of gtroud adJmhto ach other nod measnre eech 31 feet, 3 inches front on Second strtet hy t depth of 102 fet anod 6 inchies betwen pratlletl linos, as per sid pimt. Seized in the above sylit as bIelongig to defendant Smith. TEtRS--This beint tlh second ald lst auction, tle above described property will be dhft ely atljudtcatd io t1he lighett and last lIdder for whntover it Nilt bring tt 12 mtnths' credt, the purchaser Y .nishing bond with goe1 and solvent seeltity beting 8 per cent. interest per h ahm from date, and specit l on th2 property sold until h final tat 0e t yt 001O 17 24 2fi Sheritf f teh Panrh of O.resns. Su0mma Coaxn~ ehw Itxnc O TOURNADPR SAMUFL -nS IA S BRICKFORD--lnTB t ,i. -NO[l oLLS-01A. OT AFFlO D _CO. NP. 8676 TEij VERiTE d'unn writ de fi iir 'iWlnO aadres .L se par 1'honolrbl I COU, do DOOMIct de la PioUellO Orlenne, dmtwlcrinfalra el-deaeas, d 3 arigný i-de 27 lerif et ynr celniici d moi trattsferr,.r, e is proeopPR1 I JRUDUI 27 do dI dsl 1 lPMb more 1$56, 011midi, dns 11111 R1101n a 00011011 c do Oit , nJe' , tl loni ent i ylo df dll 011 , It Rool dI'adidl01121.n d11 Dl~oi 7% jTHRR ttdjtIgo1 VAOUF 121me .n Li12 diI . dlo doll, It p Q trphq o IPloeoolt ýC pAd illo do to 21 N uolvlpOrdll oJ ll200o1.o ooDra rocs acahps, Iyadde, 3 .s c Ns 9a 4, enivant pla17 24122epoynr 011111d 7o d du 10 do deptambre f8 d t d.V.. e. llO ee d T.r O, Stark, notaire pulrlic ea la' Ladt ert st rtgu tmsotcten lT3 pancee itce lCla rqo Denlxi~me, amr uno pro~onduur do 112 pld t 6 pouees, entro Ilgnes psca1101es, confortaomont on dit A''ppnrtonntnt av defend-u Stulth, at snial Bans I'altiro ci~dcs· sl;ONhDITI otoo-Cell iooo trnt In "sc~an~lo et opt t re, la pile ph todn dctiuilivment ndjugeq pv plus offoan( der ,ooor on y Inols 1 prig qi eu sera a$-ort, a dom~e mloil de credit, 1'arlseuuorerurp lourniusnnt son 1,on ou..o~ligution, uvec at tiad~bonne et solvnblc, llorhint interi~t nn tnvic do pour cant 1'nn do la data, at Ilypothctque epeolnle ur Ia prdprio to vendee jus qurnpnrfaitpairruent. JORIPI IoUFTY 111017 2426 Shlerif del In Rnroipr. d'Orl-ns. Fin12 DOS1R.1. COUEI 2 CITY OF NEW ORL:EANS s. J. of New Orlcus.. S TINCIIANT. No. 10,21. BY VIRTUE of phuril us wVrlt of fierl faelas Sto m 1 directed by tbe honorable the Fifth District Co2t2 of New Orleas, ill the above eutitled eause, I will proceed to sell at public , an1ou, in the RotSnda of the 0 ity E21 chn1,,e St. Louis street, b0tw2ne Chartres and Royalstr1ots, on FRIDAY, April 111 1856 at 12 o'clock 2M A LOT bF GOUND iOtuatCd i the Second2 20 District of ,. this ecty n square No. 16, loslndod by Birracks, Bourboo,222S Royal anl Esplanade slrec2t. Said lot measnres 60 feetr front on Barracks street between Royal and Bourbon, by 4 feet in depth. Together w1h all hile buildings 5 nd improvements th2reon, consl1ting of a two-2tory brick 2i21 1ltcrhe 22O28ofed. c1ontaiuing doroms 2 stables, 2 sheds nod 2 cistorns. Teiaed tn thle above su t. TERMS--Cush on the spot. JOSEPH IIUFTY, 110141n710 She.i"f of the Paris2 oE Orlen1s. CooQolo Cooe Dr. o LAs 1,1 VILLEi DE1 TLA N' LE. do 12 Nouelle.Orlens. 2 ORLEANS vo. J. TINCHANT. No. 10,211. II VERTU d'un wiltdei hurl o fcloo t mot 00,111sse voi 'ln 01onornble 'ioyqinolbmonr 0} d d 100110100le d o~~oo~,doot 'I'lo'ire i-doooool Jo pio odooollo TEN 111001011 d'.ooJI 1850, n m0di, dnnn 10 loto100 d In Bouro, d1 Cite, rue St1Loaui, 001.0 ctllos do Cloortros et Royale, a l'ndludil cnfion dc 12 TEIRAIN Bit 00 d00 Jo I010010me Districl cel tto ,0 Mlle, dnn1018'il '.11 I0, 100rr00 0nr lo rues do Qonrtiorooo1 looorooo, Ropolo ot do 1'Elploldc ; II dit terrai0002 ontoto 121 race n liL rue du Q1~V 1CT81m 0Coxt i cr C ni ~ TO1, C 111,00 dIQI ceo 111ollos 010 Royalb 00 t ps nO~, olere M lllodt l face n In o e ood Qnrtir Qo r ioo poCdSot de polfoo deur. 11,oemloo oloooc tooto, l o t 1,2110100 01lmeliotions q0i ent dlesus tonliltllt oo nne cisfoe n dOoottogoool boin l lUl, 0OU oerte ooordoiooo 0,,lltoenool fll-01,llobol, 2 ooo,2 h2l lng,,ld,2 ueves, to.. Le toot du~idns 1'nffalro ci-dessus. ONDITITIONS-Coooptoot 01 moment do I'oIVoOdicnloI.. JOSEPH HULTY, m10 124n710 She0,d de l. p1ro100 droborlol. FOvaxa Dlsmtc ot·1 U(i. TOURNADE r a. RDWAI) of New Ot"""s. 5 I()UA. No. 96)5. B Y VIRTUE of n writ of fi, fnclas to me dUirecte by the honorablt the Fourth District Cotrtb-f Rd Orleans, to the above entitled cau.e, and ""anlt to nIlull mrat onterrd into Ibitworce the panices intferested thereinl I w~ill proceed to Hell at plllic ulpion, on. dAT:II1DNY, MnSraIi 161h, U.3i, nt 4 o'clock 1. ).I ,t m.y Wore-houNs, Nn. 2R J.,Lirson .trees. in the Second Disitrict nl this cily A Y OT OF FLRNITUI , etc., ll Per ins...toy ,.lickh can b~e ""' at toyy olfil·O· Seizedl in thle above rout. TURMS~-Cashl ou the spot. JOSEPHI IIU FTY, .10121; Sheriff of the Pairirl of Ot'icalas QnL~rra!Ert Corn Ir: n ,tom TOUTRNADE EDWARD R a R kle 0chkcix* s EDGAR. No. 9R. E1 VEt1TU d' n writ do fie1 fclns I moI nLlIddlCSst: )lr IhIIIInnlblB allnridnle Cnnrl de llistrfet do In~ Soa\·rllo-Orlonnn, dons I'ntfinirr el+Jenwrn, et do .-ont-nmull SiD .pnrlii y intcr EEsc RE, je Pracedcnli I d SA3ienr dDOdi , e Id56, n J?; lellres P. \[., en mun mn);gllri de dei'n itno rue IrfiE ion 40. R, Gnus le 1)uxiime Distric t do e ii u ,il, 3 Ind indisntion de UN LET DR NEUBLED, etc., iuit inventnirn depisei e mon Luronn pour ncours. Bllid2, d. x n'ffntre cf-dousul. CuONDDITIOSr-Euiiptii u mo lent d 1'ndliddiidtion. IDEE:PII huFTY, .101214l. Fl'orif do in -lnlTiihE tl-(llleml LEGAL NOTICES. 1'utr JR(xce' COUT, . .Iubtl 81'1 . It. 31e. I 'I 'NX\ND INO. J. IUP1'PE, 'lANE l,~ lIAN IN,,,Nih "lPI I'nrislt of orlmllns. (on~illL-- -No. 17,081. i tITU·U oo f ih " i t t oierl ln toinit: diii urud the }Ion. D. IA '11"'I 'I" Klrt J ;.tie of thel fenee t'or the Ililriah u( rtcllna. I w~ill Proceed to ,It at Public ctiouul, onI SATU RI)AY thle 15thl day oF -11-i"l 1856' at 1'. clclock 3t., xt the iron Holllo, ou' pcelou;,itonln a streot, betweent St. J."Ph ll ad I)elord rtreetr - I)NI: 1IOI1Sli, CAB AND HARNESS.~I Scircd h tbu nbovo untitled suit. ?'l'1I)(X--l-Cosh on the spot. ul 4 1 0 12 431. C. QUIRK, Coartble. PREME11 CoFn ne JFsrlc ( EO. McORlYSTAI. s. B. MC an I'ENcN. Y Ic. . 170P1·. L oI,,'P, ('rlae i. I'n. i'onllt J.V.Yo. lied.!, Ný RTU 11M Iv t de lipeblic, IIeI1 112 udcir Pr c 'lec 18 or30, A fi , . ccc chIi l, cci : e i Ice,, l c Ie, Iutroiaae l'Orlnulr. I? Irocar -uil ct,\au ropPsll" ll(li xm~IIIKS) o le 'IlmarsIe lil 86, cmll.di, It face up, nfo Iced If-"cc ill a lu ill Tcllmultitualna. lltr lag rurý D Iluort t- S 4'iuruph ItN CIIIIYAJc, CIIAI cc II AiNUIS. Suiso dints I'iIiliro aidca sllJ. I:ON DIIITIINSa-Ccincmlrl. mi 411112 WILLIAM I. QUIBII, Ilcell. FttIII ·T+TtICP·* C.-r GlEO. P. )[IkOO (NL1 ,s. SUlf M111 1'nriQl of Orlcnns S 1n. 21.011. B7Y VIRTUE oI' n writ of tiers facia8 to mee ý lireecell by tie ktnnlorrbla D. H. )Litbell, 1 irhr le'ticr of the Pa~ce, ror thle Ipari~ i of Orlenn*. I gill procrull In Ilenl puhlle n Imllu nal at . Wr relhnuac, No. 73 .lilin street helv,~r l \I1Itilrin .td Ponho treet, oi3 SATUIDI)A, )larch 15th,, R1 11O0 E1F I3ENITI1E. 33j))rl in tie n 3ov 13-tlled .3it. II ISIYS lI r. .31015 WILIIAMI C. QVIR Ii~Con (Ale.n PI2ENIER CORK DF" TRSTCEt OF.O. 1 . MFECO EI:dL w. le Illl_ nmi a rl'lOll calls. TýN VRRTU d all -rllt de iicrl fnclns n 1110 a arlrcsis lr 1'lloaunlhl e I). F. \Iilchpll, l'rlllcrlolr 1'ur J . AMFge d )u Puir do pnr5 ase 1555rien, ld, J N. 75 5n Js fV pal~lir cv 'e.,) I'` 1l ett Ingm lr5. P mlli, uu N. 78 me esxr I l BNSeic- e a rinrlsc- I~ FO S~ 55..g I..,-d SIONDI'SIOS-Iss,,. C:ONI) umpAS uml.~alt m3 U 15 . )SII.I.IAM C. QC IRIC, Connttlle. FtRlSr JUVTIII,'Y COURT ý)1r6. M. A. WAT'IERS rs. 1Irs. SL 1'arish al' l lrlennn (1. \o 1,i! BY VIRTUE of at writ of ficrl fnelm, to lin l iracl ut 0 'tle ]o lnnrable I). F~. Yiti:llll, 1' irst Justicie of' tile Pence 1'ur thle pariarh of Orkaný, I will liroceell to sell 111 pulblic auction,11 nt rp \are lwuic. No. i9 Julia hrrcut, h~lr l 11nkn Jae a nd 1'uneller streets, ar S XhTL~tIIA]\, 11-h 1511 dh55byih a1k.T l 'bnk E..MAili 1NF.LOT (iJFIINITURE. Steed 11 WIhA e . s UIRK, C .it. TERMS-Cueh.h mi 1015 WILLIAM~ C. QUIRK,. Constable.. Puux-t~ Coen n erlTC·. J IUIC. : 2. . i\. WATII(R r J. \tme. ~la In Lt t ro l d'Urlr u. S lSON'. Ni . 21,00 ~N VERU d'lm, wri~t de Rentl fnclaln 11101 Id,, - rxra 1" ' 'hlalornble 11. P. \Silrlhell. L'ienlliur Coy' Il .lulir Ju I'nSý le In :arois~o d'()rlcuný, la I lirI· CIPI.I aI en wore Iinl~ iir 5,\LIS ) I le 1 , e Inrl 1. !ii, d mdi, I'll No. 73medllr rnltre lav roes Faucher et Blnllvile- I:N 1 ,T 1ISIS SSEUISS.ES, e c. 11is1 thusI IntM SI. 55i-5le550, m4 1 5 \'I0,.\ c URCoou8r .SEC DISTRIcT iS UF UCCESSI J. F .'MEIS LXYNCI. of New rlmnns. \ 58%,4.A N OTICE itIo ebr y gIven to thi, cncltora t o I I (ha eahtto andlr to i 1I orlhtr pervraol herein iutci u.,rell, to Dhow mr~use withinil ten dlil)· from theu prr:elll otiliuctl loll il' xný the>y hove Or ran, \\.1) te a nt grmci' Qd by the ditire les ghhtud xr,)- 1:It"lllnt of tile deccpnsod h-dllc Ir et h0 L~rm01,1 FnmWll wad app,.-Id, nurd hq fundsl diatftihleld 1.ucordnucee IllrowritL. By order of the Uoittt. mi 10 15 A. DISECX, D,'ptLy cOBB. D l CeEC S SST Dn 1 1Nolelo~trlnunre JA1 I I: lYNCI. No. NS3l. CrI ul c ICY·C~rcl, CH C, AVIC, st par le entA. lEnn, u x Cr.ean ucliers de In rlladitc hreg nt etle n lm l· Icrrr lle Ilie cel;a penlt eooeernerr. dl'ivvci d diddailer Hour s I lours ; dater .le In pri sentG Pelrlicaliun, le, rnliautlJ P ul lesqurl b c laenxpte Ilri aenl8 pr I'rarrretesr alllmeulrimlr daxtirdl del'alut le -..iti Ioi't l Dprr alri ex Ilowlolu;:nG, Ica f-d' eltru aen mnins r~lpar lit r eonformilrnir nu dire cnluptu. L'i I ulr dU la In mm m1 1a 15 .ý. 111EIB nep. Urnicl ., .co V» DISTRIICT ('(It71iT SUIT :RS.SfO OF NI)>IWAS NTTtICE tors I . crt ante and to ulll a) rru I1I Por__=wt. t htnei ri inlrl, if 1I to ,llern~" on or io l.r~i \ tý"» d ý., an. d~" Pre51·l ltcd b)· ,, e ý»,ý.l totr ýt' tf i a tnittu Dllld »lut bc IlcnJ .Cnl p lod w II by the Llll Ille fund", di~tribuwtel in ne-da1.o theore Ill I Proed, an By orde~r of the Court. m7 ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ 101 DIEUDPt C .ek 1611elI- (.Mf; 1t' tr b ere P rart`ta PSr? O DI A SI j .\S 1 " I . \'llu <lrtcnn".. } AI; D UCKSEN. 1 o. 4,;k11 AVIS est pnr le presentt domkle MIX crem,~ " eiur ale In hllrdilo tlll·".nion t.1 ii fOtte* a lltr'i lireallll r !1 : clre p'u lrlnrlrerlrr dnnraoi rledllin·, none diý Jollle n llltrl I'IC'cnl a pnr le eunrtmCI11 de In dllt e encrd*io. nu XrlnII r llill Ilgproue r a t omolonlle. ]s (olndh Iutrc *ur eerie, r vpiul tie ·U;I(UT auhleit nut dir roulltr. r 'nr ardre elo In1 cane. eui 1U 15 A. D01E X. Ddpnte rrrtlicr SECOND D 1ISTRICT COURT OF 'P08 SIE , ORTIEIANS. \ HERF:1s aldrrI C in tglnll Qta llefi tlontd thuouulrt t'o lellurr of n or a nilli ration oi the tate of thle Iota W\illiamn 1;, (`rlrly, enllrr withlin ten lr51Y why 1 h1 IlnlyCr of t~C raidil nctifiUII: ahonlil nut bu grnufal: ity order at' Iho court. Ilil 10 15 A\. 11REL'S, IlennlyI Clerk.. DEiUXIEME COVE DE DISTRICT 1)DC A N'IS.ORLEANII. ATTENI)U ryn Dorrls Callaghan a presettto ISo pptiull In roar 1'C A 1'oStclir Ice (Srrl·ý Si.udlnii strntlou d In .succession cl f u \'illilnl I( :rus·!*- :Mxetpnr';l leprisrrnll olllli t us l eell ur min prat~ ca;n cnrncr, d'a, nlr d Odluirn *mlr ltit s le Ia rn ~·a pear I lus sarllrs it re -it fa lit clrolt a I.n Ililu 118iitiuu.ýsý l nr orclrae Lt I ruur. nli IU 15 A RLN -,Cek NOTZICE TO TAX-PAYERS. _ STAT TAX.-· Colletor'by office f. the hyire[ Dstrict ote ctyyilyy o few Urlesns-'fhe asdrsilnned Collector oft Stale Tllrrr. does hera Ihr notffy -11 persoar indehted to the State tar Truce fort Ih,·. yaar IW- and thane for IicrnLs for thy acne IUI.. K, lltil) sliC fretDisatrict, to cal! at I%'t oel~ , \o. Si ity Itylb ll hird tory, and pa thle samlne %ritlllil ti c time p-crribc·b by lam. 081 a hours-9 1. I. to 3 P. \f. 1n5'-'It TIIltMAS fSIPW, Collctyor. AvIru nr CONTU2RIM ALEWHE\IISX. DU le li lt;"t .lle-(IrienI·- MI sonssiI nI collr tenrde tILIe( d'F~t."tr d e vi1 r Ic p erwn[ a toes rellr qll dairrut deg tores n 1'Et [Pour aullee Ir e[ r des I-., de licrnn·v poor !'armr e It'a6t , dx e 1 s llrmites bu dit p,-.1 tr district, du cet r n tuna Lurrnu Ao.' 26 City linli· tTrillelwe ewlrE, et de p., rr Ics duces ruses sails le dlai proeerrit Pn_ la loi de 9 A M n3P 11. nm52it THORAS ASSgE\W, C Uesk[[r. S E 'SBPF' SAL;ES. Ftt'fn Dtsyt i CR 'ount' liQItti (iATIoN u. iLlIX. 'ItNIw OIL (LI S" . `rh1LhR-No.10,A7i.. tlBA(IbL~,ttld L M1*Nl+~ ~ iII BIuY'V1Rt l ttIE . i a t ut~t(LI I clns dfutdl ti Sed by rho bonarnblo tbyfhlfth. Dietth Court ot'hNe~r Ur· leanls, ;n the nboru untitled'. oyuao to M. 812167,lam S Inre and by said~late YberitP to mo transflomdd I will rcaral o sell at pIIlA( OIII n the Rounda of Lit City r'xcrly Ii, R body sytreet, Itlveec u~bnrtras and Royal streets, on TUESDAY, 211rch 11th, 785i, eL2l o'cllck LI. tT CiIRtAIN dLT' 0 t tilt I lreih t Ie -? ~ll of n larger lot of gorlnd dllttdt bLythe Ni. 83tll t83l No. Lt, btnnlllladiht't. hltmu1al fd Enhrj i dE l tanin'streotx, and sltuated in the Into UL1114 Allnllniiillln of this el Conlin {~l n plnn oof xniB suburb dopoliited in thb o81cc of ,Piorrm.~oescian taro NotnY to thin t)L ad which lot*fgrotod ie rhooue- alr o snid lot of h+EI Li i 11t, nitt Ip to Nxyadws atrcot, and measures 31 feet' II inchecs and 5 linen frotonYqInnl atest between N~gyldes end 1'rytmdnstroetn, I27 feet l0.igch nd b lines deep, betweenl p-11cl lines, ognther wtth rho hrdldinge and improvements tlloreon, rig1~ ,ax prlvilepes etc.; wvhichl buildings turd improvements con slet of. sma11 rmma oboie, sltngle roofed, contuhdlug one room; 1 abod, 1 cistern etc. fisheod in il rhtao n lit J09IE IILLTY, fcI 18 m3 10 L hriff of tht Ptrish of Orltnus. ULlQIE1E C(oonB D isiOa (10. IHEATION no. ALEX. DE L NOUVELE. -PtRoo So :MYERS, No. 10,432. Ej N VERTU d'ua wrlt fer ionofoI nwdros po tnr I'Itotornblo Cinq, rrlot it,, II Illotlilt de Ia Nt,, Ip-llt0Cleoot, dons I'oOIlre c-ttl ''usA nt i , ci-doootrt sh1ri et ',tor othd-oi A tooi tlotrBl , to p rocderni It MARIII 11 do tors 1826, d oldi, dlons In Rotondo do In I onse dI. Cite, to S1Loois, etdty llot do COortro t et IIlyoIByA I'tdjuliottl dol UN TERRAIN Ibott In ,oIIlo '13,0 pIus good ttttoind dAslgs sous Ie No. 12, dons I'llet No. 75, mnprio intrt11 0t1 rues Polytnlie. Nnyndoa, 33 030, et Prvbtnce. 1 00,6 Yý.L oiideralt Cnabonrg de I'nnoonciatiuold o cotta rip 4' polonn plop du di, fPolrAtog depooo en I'elud,,do 10orro 111 ,oltx, ,i do, dnl notaho en cello vino ; I~cqllul termiu cs: in nuitio d,, dil tooin No. 12, l pl8sC,1,0s1d de Pt In re 'noyo, et tnnsnr 31 pitI, It ponoe, e4 ig lt aI t 100 P700 6 aic, YI12 pieda, 10 ponces at L 15nes de profotleur, Antre pnrnllalcs, mesnra nnglnise. FEsEmblo nrec lest bfitisss et Rlncliorations (Pt{ exirtrnt des stns, et loos les IlraitJ, privileges,, etc., lea4'teluu biilinscr et nntc Raratiatal consistenat on -am petite oral) en boss scouts d'olticr, colntunnnt 1 clleubro; Itnnpnril, 1 cilornlq ete. L~e Out snisd dons ]+n(Ftire ci-des~na. CONDnITIONS-Camphtnn nn moOsll do i'nctldicnlion. JOSIEPII IILFTY, Po It ott10 Sh.iI do It P1roie d,'Oltnns. Fsr"H DDsilOs COURT 5 CITYSS NEW OROLEANSa WIOCO If Noew Orl05 . ADIANSI 01'ILIv'b'-XSo 9,071. BYVmTUE ofm sitof fiesi sdns directed by tlhe Ho,1orbl el Flbth District 0mtrc of 51o5 O540 nir, in the nl 1 soeticed cause, to45. 51lri0g1, Iatl 1111 In 4 an 1, lsaid lute slls'115 to m4 tran41 rre4 , I10i llPlllt to sell a4 t p11 ublic I,, io lb in the R4,0ndn of the City ExSlchang. ti. Luis s1 et, betweenl Chanrtres and RoJ-xl streets, on THURSDAY, Marchre 13. 186. 5t 12 o11lock 51 OU114 LOTS 015GROUln' ltnnte n( follos, sir ss ne ;ý;; 4,5 a: the corner of Barracks and l'a'ctic Rnndl, or Fret,! at"e, tea..n raicui ingliofeet 10 inches nod 4lines f-555 o5111l1 e I Iri.ln street, b1 7:3 fIet sl inclhls aInd 2 U sb dep, anal Lear othlelll s mer heSt. Togelsrlil thfalSll tebuildlngsabd ilprovelllment thereon, consisting of n .Irree-story brick housle, shote rooted routilllill: G rooms, one on thle Nrst stmI.y, twYo it iU rho seco nd and kttcol on J. t hlird story, wi,ti f ot galllery n th -stayl·\ brick kitch1n; sl1e ro11e1, sutsbuisg 11ir roo141, 45th n gall5 y o4 cirtcm I and water-works.s ANOTHEI 10T OF 1ROU D. 4054104ino tlhe p55cediglo4s 1414nr44 20 feet 1 inches nd 4L Inss1 frontn 1's bulic R114, bly n depth 7 i.3 fet 10 inches alll 5Lincs. T1osgetllor withllll Il ,h bIslllings Ind it, Got, .cute theb1 , c5n1i1tin5 of a hIro lSyllyblick store, roofed, 555hll114g24i5 rooms1, n ee-story brik itchlen, sinceo roofed, contatining to rooms sail gallery, water-works,. etc. ANOTIIIR ILOT OF GR5OUND, 1it5414 Is thle rear of tl pfrot1l firstly deribedl, rlssotll ills 1i fot 10 isebs 4 lines Sini street, byn depth ( 73 feet 151,11 a d 2 l1414 front e1 Barracks street. Tgether sith al111 th buildinlg, and tmprslateoventent thereon, onsisting M n hree-story bookl Iso, 4 oofed, jls4 ni4 151441 rooms, a 1114li15 4 s-1 brick kitclen, 1nto roofed, co5n400ni4g tb5ee rmnnss \nter-wmtis, etc. AND1 ANOThER LT OF G0OUN11, 4ll[.oinisg t.ic one lastly· dusetI ell .ensurng 21} feet 10 inches unit 4 linesr frontn ni thiydlolibSI,44Sller by ntt3l fee. 1 nlclhellll l es. To gether withl all alto blilding% and imp vemdshernnconis ing of n three;-store brick l~ure, slte raof'ed, otl~ghe ro 1om, a throe-story 11ri0 kithe1 , slate roofed, 11 11125 2 3 rooms, watelr-works etc.. Seatedl in the nbroru sni.. TERMS-Phisi being tlae rrolld andl lasht nnmieiu the above described Proper-rty will be titl it too adjust iU1LIol to the higihest amtl Ins, bidde, for whntevor it w~ill iiliE, lit twelvl e Illnltlr credit, the purchaoser furnishing bonld with good and solvent se-· euritp, bearing f ive Pcr cent interest per in fu rom, dateo, an spacial m~ortgageg on the property ruld. I math tnnl Payment.l~f JOSEPII IIU'TT. fe25 .31012 SheriffoF thle Parish of Orleans. 7C3Q1N0'N 7007 D 0N1 IIt9RO2L ITF 7)E LA Nou "'Yh~E~~,ir 9.~~~~~~~C jhi 0 fr,,0:, l.,~, 0 1701) DE LA NDUVEI.LE-GILEA\1. S 1.ELI.E-ORLE ANS ce-cll Vence r. GUMLET. N. ho. 9854. NVERT d'un slt de lied1 fncla 07 ddre0 1) 1.))r )honorab ilyrdin l (enr de 7)7)70 ict '0 e Io 1 - vellp Or)oo dnns 0'n Elie e-d utl : . Ili ,ony Qi-dooNant shmcif et p~nr eeini-ci a moi trnnfere, es pra~ederni le .JF.Ur1I IS de Imels IAMI. midi dnns In pourjer ne E~ire, rule st-Loruis, ell "e relic de (A-1- d R .3 .1)-nc, a I'atdnrdientioll de (lalllicterraiinl ilnesit lvi t'N rE~iRAIN s hte d a Ing~le dcs roes do Qllaticr chiu chr mido pt all 71oo71 I e, m6 2! 7777i7 p71 ds 1 Poom ellst 9 lides f10e nu - c 1emin publie , It lgo'ld 10 onle. et 2 licnol ,I pr67'nndeur t fore a )1 mo de 7) nrtior. 70007)07))) 00o t'. R s Ills batisses et ameliorations 4ui sent de-,nl rou,:stlmt at uner 1nieo),b0l o ri oo17 3 ,oagos convene 0n ,rdoixcs, ontdnnnt l clhnnlbre+, lute +tt T re"-d. ebliI. r, 2 111 premier t 3 nit secondl HY(I Cnlleiri c ; une ctdsinll C en )rillles 3 etages conve en l CIICC1 lT dois7 7 coute, b glt i ch 77)brs Hurt Fe ledc ; u- euveldrun, 20)0 No0 )) 0 O.loo 10 UN AUTRFI TERRAIS IRO A )nn t 1.rcr0dnnt 07,,rnt ntc I fa lcr t l~eIce nn rbelnin Ipuli snr': :~; pieds I pun ills r -lins. Ennreruh n ice 1-- - ill b--l~l dis et Er:ulnliorntieul s 4lui watlt derous cnn~i plllll en tiIBrll~ :\ SIN en 1 birll v n 3 utnges convert el n Inrdoiae* I: 1o1ten1)1Q 3 llil fires: nn u eubine an tieqlls i t thlges convrrte a 1 ilrdoi,,e emittllmot h elts bI'l et onle gnlllrrir,, 2'!']' t, et c" IIF AUTRE TIIRll.lrX sirlle derriere In pIrop lefa lcllcr l prrmiernreo n lcc ilo, olasllmnf 2ti pied, 17I pocees 11 d ligues fi ce a ]I, mre Gallatin sQi uneu prafondpllr d 73 pineds pnncee et :,limecs fneeal li ran rll ell~lrrler. Eusembrn I rnce ollse lex ia"r`Ie t ills « melimntiouJ 4ni soot [1csxn,, consistenlt ell n u ne b e : brillar s ale en ux i cts el Irlure enelllt e albr ni lbrerll hyd rant, it I 3 etgrs convrrte oU il nrd~oiSEJ rlltennnll j rhillbsru hcdnmt etc. F, r UN A LITRE TER RAT N C-Hwl~t a a~lu!-ci acrs:la drrnii~rc- j mmt r dealt, ntensrant 26 piedr 11) pot set 4 ligue, filer a ] n roll1 Gnllnliu stir one gmm'oacur dle 57 pirda II pnces et " llene, I i,- semble nvice tmillP I,- baati4C -It 1i01 1 ))7i ,nt ii 0 csiat alit en on nlnpiaiin tll b-illtuc 3 etaeea cue lvcrt tun urdnrloi n " contenalil i chr\,r es : the ciil"'l enl bdquen n 1 3 etneee convrrtee en -1,i- ie ecmteasn rilammrea, rydault, ril. 1".. tnnt ailiri 'marl 'Htlinirc ei-dernlx VOONDIT OSOi--Pris grille tulltr ae la d ccd tdrirl Bite orupriete Icin 'Iieitiramltllt ardjei~c m pin, crtnwt " t Ilur iar rcllclerisiear. pour le prix 4ni en Her~a ntf'er a 12 Inrrir ale ilodic, 1ilellerre! r I'otrnisi~mtt snit bon ea ublicillion nvice cautionl he-ue t rolyilllc, plort nut illterik nn riul d e Ciiliq lrlrre ll ·1II de In1 dtel, et hypothucgoe tLpeciale suir hti proprricte vendeer jll - 4A'a pnrfnit pniemmcut. 0 07 10071 III0FT0) 7 7)77)))1U) 12 7)7)) 71 de In )7)0 )))10)O0 s 7 F'FuR 1)001 D COURT 1101.E 1 B1FF-!IN 01. 111 .I.\ CIFAPMAN MT AlAS, FF1 'F IF OF. CIIIFFFFFFFF\'F ANIbL FAFFI; .FFFFFhN FAIAF itt FAMFI"; 11)110 IF. FtI"'1 of SAFFME I.FFIF, Ul'FIF S k FAJIFIM- Nov. FO68O, 0:ielU GQ2 New FFIFO. 20FF, 911F, F7l1t.9 thlt BY VIK'PUTUE ofeveof 1Imta of f oeri dtacfn to U lav Ilirecled by tlle Iloaarallic tile Fu ll ir l i+"L L' .t'l~r l ~i Newv Orleilns, in the Illlnve eutitlcll tl tC I u ill PIIICETI J . ' 'CUMl M-t' FF0,,'., n t"o , o1FF FFI F IFIFFIF Ceit,, F I:FItflB y , Lorai arch F8, IFF0, alt ra'd(FF0 IF. '1`1 STEFTMMFFFa'F C:APITOl,, togeFther with all IFOFr Eulrti tac F lOFFiF ,(FF1001, I Flli0,OF F ctc, nn rlu now ý 7)x rat \Igiers, on Ithc rightitj' °Y" ""I""I",] thle river \lizas lli. IFo FitiFve s FFFFt) Tl tIF FS-t F10h IF, the Fpot. fe25 .10 17 2 SllcritY f tho Parinh of 0111011". Qu.r19otol (1191 119 1909,17 IIIOUIN . V [[N (cllP MAN de In DISTRICT ` f nls., pr1 re1 t1 n I, 1111 l d v P, 9 1 d N'Ile nrlenn, P\I(OI: J It. CHRISTIAN. t :0 va. lei nlemecls; JOHN I(.AISI'R rs. I lei JOHNII It. P [:'I'Ull ce l- n9ud LA17OY, UPTIIN & Oll0I.1)It11n19 lol. ll e, .1111119 [191IED1991902 II. J. I, WARNER191 9,19C.s.0, Oo il~nov No,,. 9101 ),9 99S,2 9103M,91(919, 0'1 39799) E Y VF~ C tJ rf sept writs de fierl faclna a A .IT. e+ 9 u Ihounrnbl, lllttii'mc CoI' 11l I I ll dle N N-rroll\·ul(· · ir.lnllr lnll Ie.,nt'i ilc. c-lk.ýeia, Je pnrilrdle lni 1 111 1 lRl)I,,lll,111d1lma, ll'l d Ill nli.ln, Id 0 otnml d1 in B.'."', d'! t~ite, mie St.-1,01111, clltre cedes· do hart-a of Itoynlc 000ldtnto 11[1J91-[l119l l 1 I'll I1TFAU3 .1PR 1991CPIT [p., [ITY [619,11e 119e 911 macal aJ ,99nenl,99 tcl , rlln'it ,, trmtve mlnintounnlt dnný le Porrt d',\I~er ~n~ ri, drone do lcurc resya'en Puce de la vide do it lla 8.0 1 cdlmc lea nfliires (1/-desslls. CUNHIT'IUS~c-IoU ptnnr l till romnllt de 1 Ijuddirntionl. J()"F.PLl 1112PTY, t'e'?6 m101727 9llerit de Lit 1'ilmisse d'Olrirnns. FOURTHDIITT[C COUT 301 N S{C S IYA '. .,. i'rP / NW)n.A TAI\ .¢ O\·SERRS-\e. 8986.· B Y VIRPTUEi of n fvrit o Rorl facln* to >,le lie illctinn, in the I R011und11 r thle 1'ill· X l-l~r·n).I>nlii 9[rei , I" ',"en Vliirnlr'vP i t Itnyll blrl'eth l nn aI()r).\Y,1 March 31, l&56 at 12 o'clock \l. THE STEAMBOAT ) AT OIOS(:O [IEI( , tu- ` _ ncllhincry·, etc., as ahe now M3UH . in te '"F-~~ Scirc~l {n 1III slxlu sat. TERMLS-t'gI~h on the rllut. fe2 110 1729 Shileiil of f the ]'ribh of f rlanne. Quints-l~E Orto neD[ UE c 1)SllC .dVll Rn'.,13 & CO., rx. lr N ~1o) ' ) V h'1IT1I Savr etrt.- -ll tt ItY 1', le t'rI'mt AI\11 M N, 1'I1111IlY.I112h;L:. \o. ;9io. ErI VERT1U Wmi wii~it defierl fnclas a jrtol - i uldrrsnE plr 1'.tonuror tl,! e lluinrii~ llic (,1 11 )Mi' let do In~ N dll s II 1.a · A i 111* i.S· . .I oI.,, I X N 1,000duTIOSS A56 d iditni Lt dp I210I1l n r, n ia ed ltY; c "table n II~rc an lir Iinr, at r · "1eubl, ri Pr RA Y.MON S Ttt' JIWI[131.UliYo 3,I' AT BY VIRTUE of n rit of!,3,r 3do "l snl3 Seevr l llls, ii till? ýlll mcoilled cn tic, I will 1 eed to f null nl pulblic nll nrlion in the Itotu:lld of' rhr lily 1Snrhankl·. T 3.3 f , 3-HIP r PIN 31116, 333 3.33 N \I 33333 ' O3 ' 33333P 3 I,, 333333P inClo33 n D~istrict Pf thisr rit)ý, is ile s lllill Lulllltlcd b! I'e81/el· · , y;;; 3Ink'~, . 33,ento 333 l 333, i l 333 et :nut ''3Snne " 3 by33~p3 t be No ,3,hr p, 3333la o 333i333333im 3333d 3,i pla, 1 333l. fromn it nnlnld 1'rrIleln t Jlcol liilc, I i·~1d in the irl 333t (eu, Pny 'bi 3333 3.3~il, 3333,: lo3 33ý,31,33. iliucs in widt~h in IhoL reý , ;l lllu PL ct i' ii A inches and ; lines\ ill depth II the linC diill llr cllla i fr th uI d a XP. 2, nn,14: r It 2 in hes m t ; lim" in deph n he in spnutit;itInis ot\J 4 ing, nttd it I fiehllll lUlti' o a g..,t hlt"r na o roofed, ..l 3iRn,333-'3p~ 33333 c33333333 in the al it 'pIP h 33333 313h3e 3 po1t3 333 St~t~xct'ne pr 1)irutr iRAYMND OC l:1.7vý E VURTI1U Win% I w t dle -Isle t vent c· n t nIoi idnire ýe par Ihouoid lr: ir.ielu c (`uulr do I)irlrlci I ,le In "AA (li "l I.IIP -l) UI ISI LI1T [la ISM, iL mi r I ci ,, la lzl, lk. d It le ludicntiau de 17''il R. dll \ One Jnnn Is Premier IdI L·IIiltrictr de Y1~tte 3 J'np es un tl1h1',i b'K'liu I II:C1C P Un artc do T111,r do Rc,\ notni rc pnblic en rclte villa cl daa" 15 Jc r ani 1D'3 ; Lc dif tcrrniu meaare vinylt +{tnlra prrl* fun' 11 n r+ u Je Lt l lvlirilt. yVPIb iedE C t +11(l e liti tcs de 1IITCCI T d1out lc f[utl enaljTOI le lri p nces "t II {; ors i'i C o pollcr am l like 4u1 110 fuuclrur a rIntix lit; i IeF d , ids :pan ;e ct lii r e do pro }:nK~ilbla nace [Dote, Ict b~lti"" e l nmlinrilinln + ui wentt et y { tenant. Lee sai;C bfti sre I lu-lioratioilr o, Ir;*r lnn en ur· Mllu ecurie convetrtu en ardoirrs, cove, tc. t-:t)\ lliIONS-Comptaut an rnnutent de 'nrl~sdli"ctioo. d/)SI:YII HCF'1'7 106 mlp 17 28 81,16ff de Ix u'oiuaa Il'rlauu. SHER~IFF'S' g .LS. 9gb,,' DtT10T C,.OoUT CITIZENS' BANK 0.1' 1,0010. O NOt 001.0 .. ANAyI. JOHN I. NORTON. V No. 9,803. BY VIRTUIE o a wrlt of sotlanee 0uo1 sale to Nmo direct 1, ,te1 honorab0 O e thcasSeIol l pd Cot Is Nowv Orleaas, i kbev ob~v eltta ue wl ran sl at 81(0010 ation, IetathB 0Otn,1,,, flthleetyy En hot g, St. T,,,tt Ircet, Iet't ) Cliotfreo atd Royal, on SATUIR0AY, 31,tch 1329, 1810, a0 12 o'ctock \I A LOT F GROUND shiunted is hto Firs Dtrict of t the tity ofNtf)~ ,o tto ~t10b Ttt~ol ,,t. JospN , CtoltItit, no tliin streets, dtsigtato d bytfot the N. 4 an n ttto ,tbat, by 0.,tdintt It, ,botlt, ,t ito, tt, mt theo 13th J dnami, 1351, n a de .sitedi fn d itt t e of A\. Boadollr 11i, Ntrys, . ow lN~~r. rlenei h ns, saIII id lot monsuring sfeet 0 inches front en Tehotpitollns ,tree[, by 88 feet 2 inhes and lines fu-deqlh helist b Parapet Ilss- Toq I'so willl the bulildings and hnprovcmonts thereon, being No. 2101 T 2 tpito8las which bnldfus colnt"" of P threO storybiriclt store, evitl balcony in 'real walrybre IitB o~-n, containing. three rooms and one pant ry ; wrater works ; the I Together also with one hunldred an~d thirty-twoO (132) shares Of the ,.pitons' Bank stock att ached to said property. Seizeed in the atbove suit. TF1:t AND C ONDITIONS-ThuU purchaser to furnish: ,st,A A stock note for thre sum, of four ihonannd three hundred s SIT, is pt delta',, ($4,31) payable on the 1st day of Jlmre ury:'l&~7T or renewable according: to charter of the Minuals' 2d1. A contribution bond for the Saul of two hunldred andl eighty-hvo rlolher ($'1,2) pae}-ahl fn two inetnlnlcnts dl'$141 each, on the lit day 01' Msy, 1851, mud 1857, respectively, oasts of said' tnstnhnent, to hear 8 per cent interest per annulm from maturity till paid, and thle balance of the price cash. The purchaser to assume all ,Pre obligationsa and responsiblli ties of' a stockhrlolder resultingg from the ch., er anid the laws nnlendlnq thcayrmc, mod the notes and heads to be 93 tlhed to be identidied wvith tree original nets of mortgage and thle Shrer Itrr deed of sale. JOSEPH BUETYI Fe2Gm0 fal)1 23 Sheriflf of the Parish o Orleans. Dpoxppnp COntiDE DISsIC 2 )L A EANQUE DES CITOYISNS d. In 2 · LA IA C4SI AN44 vs. J20. NpsellI-OIlenns. 4. NSXIrON. Nu. 1S41. Ej N VERTU d'lu rlt o (1 soislc et '.nte a L m ni0-Oold esr pnr I'honorubllL Ieexiime Oolts de Ilrtriet dle la 8 6316 1O-(rleans, [Inns I'Rftilllo ei-demnlw, j ro Iloi le do(')T do mrsp 1SIS , midi, dospn n isotos,,d> t SCite SII,, m es,, cellos do Clrtref t 16 ipysle, d 1'(d -'N 3251R1.U192211, dons Is 2Prmier District de lI, ville de In 15onsllp.I(Irs s, dins flet bps,,sp,,sIs, sps, 'nIsIO- 12222 Piims·s, I-,,se,,,Ilop , sumercu et ie, dsissps .sosns I Nn. 4, d'9p810 p.u 'l' sre , 5-spss din .t lI, S archl trcl., en date d¢ li de jam icr 1x5, et depose P~ 'td e~ Boallondeul ,, eolniro pub Ile e¢ In ville d4 ins Nto olle-Oslsps ; Is dit ssrrnpi m~ssp 22 pkias sp plos f,,e s Iii it, Thospi. SI[nth", ' 'r S3 piudJ 2 ponces Set ligups de 4P I2SPPSdduc e UU lignrs Ptbltoleso ; Krecmbles nvcaftoltiss lI, h8tisp,,s pp ,pliss,,Iip,, ,,, ,,sno dessns, of conaues vans le 219. Zl), s,,s Tc2s1,SisiI,,Is. Lss litre h~tir;·e i of amcliorltiot vConsistcut cu nu mg llai ll troil Imcsl u ,14,iaSS, nsvc 2,nldst," In f1,gndl ; Ulpj cpi,,pua doux s9Iiscped s , onte,,nn, 3 sIlhsmbres t uus s cpuss,, Iydsps, etc. lIu cour es[pave. en ierres pianos. F:2,,s,,I ,,ssi nvec ,en, Iprent-dsps, (132) onions, do fo,,lds "nplhds de In Hallquv des CitnJenl Vile In ILouisimw gu Snrnut je pnr Ilysuohhtlac snr ind rite ppropriete. ,e Nt, t saip i dn,,,s 11' ai ', i-dessns is USS'DITIO'N-I,'lqp',rer fourisrn le. ; UIs stock note pot"' Ins psppml IS goon4 psille troll,4 ens, soiS,445,'t oss, p51Stsns 04711) ,ssIble l Ifp ,I 5,sss-sr 14)52 5,, an',npsplpl sslss nn t nasrefines o In ,Lrie [le o Rangn des Cityens ; menlpI, II'sfllqss stps I.'iPbHIyss l'nr bond lde lootoobufion pourr In som 0, de den-a coat ga*tre U, \sIIse rl spspiS,,44s, IS~s,,)pl~bp spppps dp,,lss ,,,,spsn kF11el reg en iste Soo oo l e ltt oposd 84 hn-bn le 1" d mlli de eheelale des none" tKSO et IS 57, respecti rw u[ ; of In Ilshlcc do prixr d'lldladiuxtioo, eunllLl it it mo _cnlt de I'adjndicnent io. oesvjlrer Rslm m olc lo, obrligations imposee, Rn actiosaindres et rrsultnnt de la LIHrtr Ft des Joie emcodilst in dire chntrte, et les stock note et bonld do eontriloniion ui -ow fi n -r isr do ~out Gtr.! identities tnvca ; Ice acres hyputhecnircr et nvec focio ed do vent. pnr le ,ben.f JOSEPIH IIUFTl. fe~liml10 17 Si Of dle lu Inc-i+, - l'O,"lcouc AAAAA Cx2}. A. CANOAN 'A. CHAJAALES N. UI(lS DY No. RY lI'fE of'a writ, of fHel facial direcft " Cd t the honlorable the late Dien ictC Clamr of ther Firnt 7a1 diaAA ,Atrict of the State of AbA ish A John I.. I.AAAA, h late Sheriff, by' him trans'erred to Jlue.. f. Freret, ixla Sherifl, by him tanaf, rred to ,A. aArigAny, lae Sheriff, and by the hit ter to me trausferred, I will proce'ed to SellC at pbli, nactio t Ai the A.oAtudA of Ahe A ily EAehAAnne, St. Lonis street le, ten CllartNs and Rl stlreets, on TUESIDAY, Ma-rh 25, 1856, at 12 'clock .AM 'IlS UNDIVIDED IHALF HF FOUR VACANT LOTS OF (IROUND, situate in Fa aAC A aAoAreuil near this citC e- sg aAted by thie I Nos. 8 11, 1 and AA oil AA A t C llCAACa A ..oaw mile AAlloA I'IAtemecuAr, srCeAyor Aanli n A-chitect. on tlAe 2"1 Jml uary, 153,., lad deposited, for rel'crenee, in the office of 1'. la eoate, lloAtry public: said moar lots havlg, ill ArnerleaA IAll F ure, tle following dinAeAsAiona , Ai: I.ot No. 8, 30 feet 1 inch al , oA IC IAlb front on AIorean strcet, the sAme admeA.Aremont on the rear liue, which smrates it frol I.ot No. 3 of the shllle lAlAl. AillAA 120 feet deep oil parltAlel liAes; and os. A11,12 d 13 atte oantignnus, and measure each 0 tfeet frontr ot a lid 3lortan AtrAet, by 11A feet 9 inches deep, on AaArallel linos; LA No. 11 fuoring thle corner of Ehuidre mstet; together with the eircu.n staAnces aAd dependencies, without A AA y exceptioll or restAe. .eizedt in the aboce suit. TERMA-S-CaAsA. JOSEPtI HUFTY, CATA .101A A HcAriffif thie C'aArih of OrleaAAs. C E. A. C ANON s. C2AR2ES S. DISVEICT. S 22LE2Y \o. 24115 F N VU1~RTU II.,! writ de fierl farlae addree, se pa iiir l'huolluiabe l'ilnciellne Conr it, Dintrier 1lI1 rulliir Disrtrict Julliellre dle I''Ma~t 0,e In Iolisinne n John L. 1-6.,s ei. Ilrvaat Shrrif plnr Ii tlinihte1~ e d ,James 1'. Friers c i-devilnt Sberif, pnr ccli >i \I. Yiiinll ri-devrsut Shin e n ru t cnd Il I, ce Bernier le Snni rise St'erl.oi in, lracrd'lni, I'llInns hn Inre, oae et o Ile MARDI, 'L il ,Gy2, 2A2D2, 2r, de n2us, 1,1i2 d midi d C'22I. 1, ,2,,,,ion de -I;. nloit Ie i el ivin do nlola e lots Ile terre nos shies nn fn llb01r1 M,,nn rrlui , pee~s relic viile, Ilesipoo liar le!i Nun. b, , 12 e 1:1, rnlr nu Iinn rilreza c pir Kaile .lliou d'Hcme cllrr. Ill it '11. c 2 l,e, Io~ 1 ve, 2' t, et ,4,, e 2e l, 42en~,e 2,, i PhlipePhlipp ppe pe nrate tupiPour recourb. Ic* Bits qunfrr loll nlurnn pnr u ,Y Illlcninioc Ir·J rlilnensioluv li\-ute s Sivr7u' : I No. b, SO girclc, 1 iKlee e nm g l ll U rlu iile I I ,in·. N.. sll Ili tmenm 1IC pplain et 1_0 Pirls de plrofolrricl slr Iil~nes pnrnllllein; Cl les Nos. lI1 t13ciotimr. cll:,el ;ll Bllicll de face d is Mite roe M.'e Il r l· 10 , 9 Pou B n; .le IICIIUonllenr sue IiEIICL (IrTlIJPJCS le N. 11 I'.: mllt L·IIUUiTIIIIr: 1 11 rue P. iffl e. E-enlllle les circoostnu · uc' c t ll'lpl"nllcfleCY iil s ,Ile "e eaptiii o Ill reiI4 c. Sa{'ie dill Li IalllillC ri-dcs*.llb C0 NI)I'I 'IDNS-luunpptuutt ,JDSEII DCFTY, nl1 1 t 2Ifl " 1; FI Nil. I All IEEE, I<' iIK BY VII ~l tT I ii N,,idl in obel lle e tN o all E r I tillc rrll,, ucl l, l, urý ), I ib' and to me dE, lgI.d El. the Ilollol11llr tllC ýucnnrr I)i~trlct Cmn , t O SCv tTilrilx, in theU nile Ite iE Nt l ilIC Iteit)., FI)IIN ,, fit I Millt~"rthe l llyyillyrtres wS Ropnl tilret., T'IItil)AY Mrch 25, I1li. nt 72 o'clock N., fur aeconnt lil raid *Ili'criiiou- 1, ýl, SLv F SI'l)lI:1 IUURTIS, n Yegu A~nn, noel! nhloii ~I~n~. ILelnnginll to said l -I1I·.*hiuil JOSEPH 11 (ITY, fc22 tn10 17 21 shlcll1'o the Pariah f Orlcnlu. V C Dt x SI'. tSI.SN DE FEU D)R,. le I s l tun sspt Srlen~ I lt, H'15l, SI" 1;. , "`t. TY VER~TU cl'llr ordlre It ti e reS.tain l fai2r de 5 trict 1 u l 55(515,,lefOrne , li llr ntfi ci-drtns. je llrolederni to 31,t R~l 25 de nounr IriBd, d midli dan, lu Rot ondonr dola Rmtrsr e dl· liir, r er St. I-d"i · enltre erllen dIe (`lluirtr e ri oo;:,r nNrar le contite, de In~dite succor liion, d 'lidjnrli citiu l de l: PS('I..1CR nommc e VI.,TO-, ni"ýre age d'fll-inmt 25 ,.s nplntrt'amtnt L t dnrite n ruca in. CONDS1ITIONS-C-pnt it~ nu lmnnlnt do l'nli/llli.,itiu il 17,22 nt 10 1721 Sh~l~if de la l'l-i-·e WOW,".,lnr 6eUOSU I)F 11 1011,ll) ,FF tF-',IU\ 1F)N fIllI.. FF1 )} 11;101, (IF LMARLQIF, FF1 B vflrUE ofnllclI obed ience to an or 1II lolmlic hmmrni te Seond I)isrirt f~nurt or New a'l'es.., In thei above e ClllilE(( matterC, I will prncae f to Hell ut P'-t lC II Iueiiol· itl the IRmundn Il u' thle 1;113' 1:..<chanyc, S[. I.ouil street, betweenn Clmrtres nt!l Ro~ni, ou 'C tulr 'Liac h , rL6, lit 12 o'clock 31 :111 F: SIAVI RIRI. N o I.oFII.I.Fo , Hed iF 1enr0F, THRMS~d- CaLI I au tlte hot. .IFPFF II II'FTY, f,22 FF101, 21 1111ill F . the P,,rih ,f 01,i,00. 1 Ayn cus rCmt r. II(1C. 1) sTC(1EAATOX DR FIAT: (111. rl itnSn lnnto·rlll;rrnx ,\[ GC;.No 153 VERITU d'm ordre de d e, te rclldtle 12 dC ~e I'G crier 7fi, et u wot addrlle se par Yhouontble l U I)CUxCII I Jc procedern~li In MARDII. M do marerb cl~, ]esii, d i, delns In ltoi -onde di, In linT "; de Cite, me t.-I.olti* sntre cellos de Cli tree et tltoyidr d Iilidjlldifniiill do I,'A Ul; Cvk no l-(-LAFIIIE, Ag(e IA,,nviro, - a-, ap pnrlen irt a la dirte cnlrcssionl. CONDITIOT)NS-C!pnTnt an Imoment de I' judirtio A!ITA l' I,, Hli F', fe22 n11017 '21 Sltetif dal In I'llroi-1ll , Orle-tiI FOU'RTH 1) ISTRIC~T l:OU nT 1111,N I)F:I(S( N k I,:AIS ES F . J. of New~ Orleans. II. IHI1 F-No. !,y(0J1. BY VIRTUE of nLd lit obedi ,enc to nu or der of urcic rendered ll I:lre t. Itili, Hurl1 ton dI Iirected by the IIllhd tII I) ysisflb'ie ..t of N... (trlrniý, I the Ibot a ntitljted eaile, F will p~roceedl to ul ,k t pnhl u lle Inch. TLT LEyI.\)AX(yrr'h 1&, Iybi,, ,,' o,'lock A. AM., on ,' he rile lt.unh', Z ilhlitol, note i1ýink nt Algiers, righlt bank o: tlio1 ritror 01fý".isvi {pi neatly ,p, p.le the Pit o.1 New (1,1.... A IIOF (IF -il Ul il AN I): R111 (Y \b AII, etc, ný per SrinA in rho alOPI init.l "8";1018-f'nsh ou Lht; spot. .II1n1F1I HFTY, .1110 11 17 Phaili of the E,,.ish o f Or.1.,. ', L.\ \ICl'FLLY.-O. SSs. 5 .. II. URI'. Sn. 96,I MI EN VERTU dl'art o icrre de velltp. r~ends lc ler j c ,nr d, n61r10ic de m S-v,11lc-rl clm, an..., rn j~iiO :j-drhll , je procedrrni 1,- JIARI)l I9 le milr 1456 it 11 1-Ire, A. MI., d'11;;{" '{, drnitie do I llel1· · )liirrippi, rprwrlse' i h", do l'. lt I~eý d \c .\nýnS51:{1I~l"11 , h;VbRnýRI.RI, , diCcilijnl de Tn I~t rl Y.\S~gl~~l~.~ EL~~utcf . ni *eFnul inscutniair dcl, r n ,nonl bllrenu pourrrecnnai' I, t ins rnlo c I'afi irv rie.9rnfla Co. j)jTl0NS-C-,ptn11111 nn I. a lnt do Ilndjllliw~fioll mn~lli 0 41 S crll' le la p il'oni' * d'(rlenl v. SIXTH tlt4Tn`I ICT COURT? ~YIRAYMONID POCIIEI2i . U I Yv RTUE of a wnt of seizure oral Unle to Y le direrrlel by the hon~lorable the o iiltl Iiitriet (:,Ilrt lit Ntt t)r4!lllr 1In 2 ho nh t " Ilill prorerd to s-ll tl pulblic auctionl in the IROMUIlII Ut' the Pity - CIIOIl~l ge, St. U.\I', Il~lllL .IIII. Itl'ýG at 12 o'clock I! ' (1 ' 2f:F R!.\[\ I.42'AI .42 ' 144)(1,NI), ,i4,,412,4 the Fird Ili4.),rier (I' this a t-, n)1 tilt .e , 4,,y11h.,)d by i'Hl ;llf r, Il._\lil et, n llnnciie/ltion nll IIII( tilicitr all ecru, desigillil - 444414, the . 4.4 1 ,(),,, (4l 2 14 (4,44,n,!secho tesnr udote III n lin,".I t o nn neIt of iniP 17-ont1 lllpl10ld l'ochrl to Jacobl~l K ea-sad bfore1I.14. t uls4")4.u15;h4144)n, I l-lo 1o. t 1,r·lllil the coiner of · Pclirit( n.odd 12 'oo 4d( lion Intl lnearilin - :M 1cet:S ,I, I, and l li ni~e fronlt on Felitrilr alert ·tlr t, Hhonlt 0 feIet li inches ;unl1: line, inl depth o n thuI lino Incp· N,. lot o. 2 11)1,.res 21 feet from on Brlic icle, w feet and derpthl on 1II lino repinil it It 24l ,,o 4 No. 1, a 4d about Y feet d inche.+ancl :I iar,. in dep1, onI thle line lilplratinill it floor Intl illli i nplolt rlnenlfl col"'t or it tw,,.,torO y brick ppae, motelt rootedl, .nnunilll 1 ,onuis and .t gallery. r·ied ill the chlore .it. TERMS-[ 4-li4h o4),he h44ot. ,)SI-1 I24'FTY. 4,4 4,2122 44,2,4ri 4(f 44e 2,14, or (4,,icns. Bltleele (1:,I:I; 11 m . srll RAYMiONI) 11)CH' P s. nn L PATRICK SIdOlISILCIC. N 3.II .l. TV VERITU cl'lul- writ de Sfl.I e. l te n, No,-I." l '"l"Ill .. 17x j iMiil 11I lS Ito 1211. In Itunr· e do tiri.te, e S.-1",, ii are cell's du (:Earn ,t Royale n p12., , p. I)El.XTERR.INS it iIn. I",l'ctdc I~iSSrc Ni S.tte .ill: Ip d, c .559 ll. u, des 551111 dllr.nig -.:c,.d-. I'.\ t luln ,Slill.lIlltqd de llg N.1-. l c. Irlnn ou I'a~tnis des silti d s . ruIn.1-2,...,. KlC III0 n so 5511Sf I ' 1.1n c r lilS IS ndIIS fll. ncr d I e Pa."e par -tai' Wir de) nut 11. 1S. piVcn·. , e lrnrrs e I.,, trre )in No. Ie $ pn r Plmgle des r: d o In eds ct·Itia lr de Il-r*oll In ur Ir :te ni irun .5;i pi,,ded,. et i cr c lig, , de r1-4ue lilignealdl rofandeurenrsnrla , lig d quno Ilu Lc I, torn -No , ct lrru dl Ilird·t, ; ponrrv et :1 limes d u e pruoodeur suer In lignr` qui le di ',.,'j, nr i :~em~ r uccc " ll·· t~ti~sus nlnliorntiolns qnli snot de":usa droits, Pri cilrerr. r -R 1"" e t n nnnlgrs r attace" et y np partonnniilt. Illll litre 118n-o(1 et n ueliorrrions oll~irtent cn 1111 n L iun ca d data t l~l g-, cuu- e W en e Curdodivcs conic- , u k rllmtnbes et olne gLlertrir , Ite. I.I· tout "nisri dnlls I'a ftut i-dram".. 1;ONI)i'CIO\:-luotnptat nu alllcot do I'ndjudientionl. JOSEPII IR k'TY. ftt36 m1017 2 Shcrif de la I'nneiaao d'Orlcene. ·.isiirn.; 0010n DooxooOI Dotlooo LOitT IIATOOOI ,o. OF,OR011ý of New Ooloono, I !O1RYSTTAL-No, 10,420. lY ViRTUE or a writ of oluuro ajod gab 4 1lroot ,y the 0111, ow l 1ho00 ltODistrict Co ,rt of New Orl0nn1 , iu the 0bove oaottl0d1'o,, to TT. 30nrl(0, ,tlotll bo ollO' and by ants late Blorln t0 o lr trallf f eti I w Il ptncdt( sl 0 ntlbl cI0ioltl, (0n rho 11oht0 (.oIi (o City l1IlI goIl.It LoDAY strt, boe 110 01 0t10 and1 Ro1al streets, oi WDI NE. DAY, lMrch 10(11 1616 at 12 cl1k 11. A (t11TAII LOT CIF (ROUND, i0 (ltgollo.oitl nl tho btlhlgo Os ld IIIrnveluets (01 cren gl0 , 01101( 1gh ervO0 114001a1d ,ppoorlonlnlmt (0heron1,1 Ib1Ilonglig 1lto t in the 10 10t D(is(1 Of 01,1,0 0(01 in tie( suburoblI(I(II by III 'lally Aaoollel nti,10 I)elord and tt anhor strcetn, designatedIs l.52 Aon'IIIO1II, 11001411 C, A. to 0101(ivil ond0ne(1( oni tNI. 01, M trcl, 1A52, andl deposited in tl o1 ee of II. I3" Combsw, to nolnryh pnlItlbi th(01 t Which 011d llOIeot o((ro twe1000lt ( feotclot n inclh (,o(rout on I'ocyt'xr.. strumt, b y cty·8v feet tau inched anld four liied In width i 0001,o rear, 111110log -' onlloy eight feet 1id , dividinlg solldlolu,0(0100. opening on Awlnl(101d10 and 1 11001or stre( one hundred nna twenty-fourr feet nine inchels inl depthl on thel side towards i\nnlncinaln street and -no Retired endI twet1119 roar feet eight inches aond seven lines lit depth on the side towards Foachcr street. fhe blob divgs and mprovcnlcnlr f said tat cooalsts of tt land toly l'h~ik d (0lling 0 1111 , llillg o 1(0, hoIlol 1,4 0o1r 0111113, aold gollory in fr001111,1,01(111101 lpo-p0ory kit0111 shrte rouffet. and ga~llery in frontt , havingi throce npnrtmenis, inane atnlrle, Iwo-srtory, slate roofrl, nlppor story for servants' roottts, yard bricked, n111 c0,01( gate loading fromo street to stab11, ,ll tern hts yard, etc. SeirediAn t0e n111e salt. TERMIS-Thi~s being thle secondl and last unctionl, thle above aednrt pre et'q" owil bu lunnlte nrullipttecd tolvethe highelst and 110t ds-T[(, I111oyr o, lloo(lIrr (t ll brigl nlt t 11 w01101s' credit ;t1(( plulrcaser 1(1 01, 011000 on. ri1 h goad0a1 d solveo0 0 docarity b arill 8 Per cent. interest per annum nlll'on date, and special m0,ortgage on thle property, sold until nnnl pp 1° ent, JOSEP]1 H0111, 010131018 Sberih of 1001 Par0ooh o01of Orl,. CINQnlsul CoU DE IIISTRICT? LOUII l MATlIE YS· GEORGE DEW N* OUYErrLE--O~ILII INa· if de snf TAe . No. 10429. EN~ VEILTU d'nnonle rtd Nli t et d ~lrdressG onr 1'I lr~ls :inyni13mu I:ollr do IPtsLrict de la h'aarolle-Orlcesns, dnnx I'nlfnire ei- desanx d 31. ]llrip'y ,!Ad - unlllf iriif et pasr c'lniui uoi tnllla0or, 1o procdd 1 t )IF;IICIIR1 19 do mllru 7851, a midri, dnnxr In IPooolldo do In Ronniae toPI'dmice o Citn, rue dSt-Lomis antro cell's [lo Oiurrlras o Royal., LUn TEFRRAIN silt.B dnnx lc Tread'er Pistrlct III Cott' C volep, dnnx filet orln par t'a rues I'oerl'hrr r( e 1'.\nnonci-ý,ýy alioll, Pcblon t F A. Slr, ion6~l soyas le No. 52 r:'nrnia nnlI~m plm 06 1'Gt P~ tr OG'. ,d d din 11, i11. Co uro civil, l0 r 15 ti 'H mnrx s'5? ut , l tl1 ild e 1 . ouollii ", licFi c rle villa. I~dit ktrrnid memo' '15 tells 11 Ilon~l once P In mee f ooyfnro, ror 25 plods lU pouccs e[ 4 ligucr oI It it, r ,:il lc t'ond, loco a on? Ille 0 0 e 8 pillcs Is ooo cr, div ixnnt c ol. of~, c ouvnlmt un's,* ruesf de 1'.llnooieiion el '0ucitor Oo pseda9 ponlcesll de Profounr dtt p1 t'Il In rt' I' Annlon In 4 rt 1`24 girdas 8 potca of lig,- lie e poloondoar du cute to Int no Poo. clrr rn~nsem e'r nnh's lea ~itissre et nnmelionlliol ns qci eclltellt xnlr le dit terra 1r, 't tla u rir Iiiiae au rial t lions voanii'ent en nn,; mxison !,noteII1 ell 111·rnlle couvrcrtu sn ur doivsrs, nynut _ " iicev lt rea-rle ehillvlec, 4 l relllir n, gnlcrie de. nlll: ;one cuisinle Ilnlle 'ourort0 el , doixer, -au, 9l ppi~res picfilcric dorn: Bllis Inltuo los oltlt 'I iorr I'Btll c snpierie nr xeue ex, ou~uI llllcti llus elr bli yneeEO, I g', lallll pulrrc-corllarr, car~e duos Lt colll·, c: c. I~e Inut snieii donsll I·116liTB Ci-dCcbllJ. OON 13 11, 111 S-Gear erica 'snot In --do 'e t Ilerllorr. la [Rte Drulprir·11 FCII deliniitiCII11 II llgr1 n plus of nfnt et der nicr rnenlcriaeser, pour Ic pris alai L· sera offer[, u donne moosi do crerlit, Ipeeqaerenr 1'onnllssuut non nunon uh uligmi viceee al don 6ounlie e[ solvnble, pnrmntl in; "rlt an taus d 1I· 3 0r do la dame, et hgpotlteyuc spcinle ear la prop~ricte plr l' ari pnicmr l."IFE'l HUFY ml 31018 Sht-rif do In I'nnlirn, d'OtICbanl. fltr C T CCCU21C J IRESk:PII PAT URZO Ys, The CATroU or NEw P t.F,.Na" S felt ImpTI ttoICI COIIIPII IV no JACE,,S A.\RRELf. No. Ecicl) DY VIRTUE of iallinso orlt of lierlfp ficn B naalnnt dame. Fan ell anti t, o too, tvrrld by floe honiorable t1, Filf l il, l Court of Net, Or iena, in the above entitled anilse, I trill P~roceed to .cell nt public Iluctloa, Inl ther iimundn ofl tho P(ity Elcllnllsr. t. loir si~ro. Ire r c, 1003. at o n andII RoyalI strcet. n SArUCCIx.A" 3lAIt l221., 1513. 12P o'pl lk, 11. A CERTAIN VACANT LIOT OF GROCUNI) aitl I :e tally in the late 3lliipcipily No. I, IPIP n iSe The 'hard)itrirt o tbin ity, plnki, pg rt of thie Do lpIPRI Ilheretofore b logiing Howe aInd o nrtin pp1 ll bly to b ply d,,,n by A.lpp 1)'HCml . court, so pi yor, date p1,1,1 Ffl bpt, , !8' rifp p for ref 2 ere n the offic of Luncien Hermnlln. Inte n notslv in this it S ill Pll l o lf I d i pis l p1,1, No. 31, mPb10fllp I,1, IS esiP1s1ad I l In t opP \lnrib o AveueN. IIP}} 599 Nt 11 inc2, adl L lines dee pil pph111nick di villp ,p,.l lot rom lot Nn. 3'?, land 9 1 il+ b a1nd II ,li, thile nl l: n per aIC 1,1r,2l ibellre A.. CI hipcllp, notary, ou th1 e 311t d,7 of August, 'zedcr in tIhe ahoy snuit. TEii.ITS-Thini being: the , -nld and I-~t anetiou, the above described property will be definitely adjudicatedd fr t(o thehihest and last bidder, tI whItever it l ill p p wve. il n 1 ths' credit-thbe pnechnhser l'lrl tiPPbIond with Io,?,lland solven rell Y heIlrlling o - per feat. httererst per snllml oml dale, alld .,pedanl leeaigagc n thre property sold u Iltil finall Pay~menlt. 'If OEI lI [[VINTY, ,051017 21 SheiffC of the Polishpof Orlenp. lo PIF. OP. Cou D ItICT JOSRPTL PSA AU1 T2 sI . 1.n dI: Ld rVO'FI.I.Y.-C)FII~ilA\V, COd.-.~ni & AudiorI ti ddeOl. l lctt LJAJINS PAL( (&I.,. Ipi., lp,1. ,VN VER~TU dl'tn allots rit d tieri facllns LL contrr .fum I'll II rll t nI i uldlr-. Pr, I'Ponorable L'inynivmc lour 0 e District l u b, pot do ll II blcg , deins I'er ri~ircci-&--,llE, je Illoel e O4lgITEI 22,1r n1rs111 do mdi, l1n Il Rotund' de In 1t.0pp 1b Vile, rue ti. I.nis, Abl-ul, lopl p0NOTll IOO,-il.. lc, a I l' p II 11111 b d I- l Y r RlRltll AI gAIlUN: sttL. a IOtilly dn lit l ,lbvnglb ý[nniicipelily So. :3 nlj-"o l Iluo c Tr·airlirue m irtr t d o eri villc, t'rrrnut nParir do IlbrbitatI cll -b(-IClllb.A1 t N I, 11. 1 No\v of olmin, 11140,0,, iU 1 nn l p 1Nn drea 11"r -llan d Uoprmel.rr, vorr. do 7a'ln de fe\-ir 1815. i' pea lolr rrolll-, au 'elilde doYl~uiiivn IIeroinlln, ci-d-ern t llnll sc ill e i r Ctto \ ille. I.m di, renninl est [ erii;no sull Ie So. 31 aL Illruurt: 98 I~l, 8 ýa n .m a[ 1 licile Inca a 1':\rehu c InriRII. ur 11 Ilrdl* de plro. urbdlur Fulr I:u liglle qli ]e cpile do Icrruill 1. 311, Pt S1il pfrt. 11 IPollce· cL 4 lillcr dr pent oudrur -ir II ligne lui le xrpara do tarnllll Kn. J'_, l[ h\ Pic~la 1 ponce "t 11 lit: nb dnua I foll[I; Yl 4n' d lil ppel'[~ da IiC1U RII I·RPPOt' [ 1 A. Vbiupcll. nwalre liu ite au eerlu -ille. en dalte drt 31 nouit 1518. SaiFI dun. I'allllir cl-d....... CONDITION;-COW , eir- cl tl In --1,, e· t der.iarr o propriete ci-de--l derrite Warn dl:8itivcmullt Idjllgei au Plowl o F-illt et derni,:r t'ucbheris-ir pour le Prig qili c + Fern oll;:rl n doua" Nuai'i r ( erect It, Fl-v, , l., IhllroiFsnnl snu ben on ullolli~il icD I-lC -116111 home ello t ulolvlls Portent intcreb i nu tnlx dle ri hourlr cenlt Iian do In data e· t by)potbeyule spacinle snr II1 propricte \auetre i~sliLU'n pnd'rit Ipnirmela. JOSEPH't IIl-N"P l 11,5 1017 21 __ _ Slerif de II1 I'nr o--[" Il'Orl nlili. of ?iiew Orl-l-la \TCALLi R-Nn. 9 92" Cityl Conrt. FFe FFF mc Co F11121 F II~ S ( 194 F". CA'FTNFF'M LF.. -, F 2 or .l uNfY \V 111FF: 1N FF1 IHFS. N,2Fh~lyysi. 33l:1 F- 20FF (Flluckt of te1 into ]). at' : li odiciFDkI2FitiFt.) BY VIR dE of two Iaias Flu i. ihrit ofi tieri flleine to mu liiredted by he, l Liolnlahle thle sold l )ihtcW1 l',nlrty of \ew tolll* i the nbuvar entllall i a xpr I liru re`1l to ,ell ait publilic nnetionc. "' thle R~ol mlld a of tlle (:irv ha n '11F 1i).\1, .11,-b 01th, 1 NIF Ii 112 11 cl1c:1 IF- C'2lF IIIIFF 1.11 i FS cdie IF Fery1, vi: 1.2F Fy11N F.I F yhoffRi hyFIr,iF FF2cr II,19 N, 21FF an ý, il IFhi2 F2r,i FIIF4 bml 1112 er F U lCooti, 1-.Iler mid St. ILcuii, r1Ie.PIS in the Seconld 1)iatrici ti of the city ,iIFF OrlFnln : ilyll I,,l u(rn (112ro t11F pine n,..rIe by .ln-.PI. I'ilie, Imd .ta veyo i d te" .IFIiFF.I Inv o n,.rbr. InSI, nnr deporitwd ill tte om. Louis~lai T. Cllirr, hute n Fo ryPui t inF 2 1FF ' , F ,FI1 N F Notr.i, 42l Iti, 121111);. aIi, ilIdi1 ro~ct~rl· irh~lltl l Ilo ellina lu filjing I menu the , ucln 1FF, hy FII of s r-story Fr:l FIFIIFFil au cs rllhls a oFher donrl·, mUI and .i ih1iFIil k 1 wn FF1t2 n , n me i4"d!:rrr P~m Lotx V nx. iri I l~r '_'U alloin enlcl. othrr nlod font oi (n ((ti t.IIFieFch'II FIIw IIfot u Indic Fr.i foi, i 111ne 1FF FF121 F sl F ,:ttres muF FIFFII.F I nFF, n 11F h12F. 2n1' 1111F t (F Fe. IFFI IN 11111 1, iF11 11111,4 nre each M fe e·t R inrhe nm l fl I~liel front on s'll r l etlc· by twclFFhit ah2'hi ni I n inc 1 ,, and Nl, "i dept. l y-Fri 1 .lueIricnn 1 FF~iIILot \ llo. hill Fi IFIFFIF I F1Fooie sid FFFthe IIF IIt\, FF'1 191 aIF h.l). 2. FNE 1FILi1hR FO.T uF F yROFD.FII .uF. in tin Lsnnle 1u. 42, Lollsll d b1 Z Stf~~ll X. Lolir I~nbonm~ and To211FF Fl .I iii, in 12 i Fli FFFF S2FF LoFl 1,1 nvtill Ior1e ' Ft. FF2-'F'. .1reefs, F -ill uring 3F feet FFolm oli S IIanis s . ect, 7,p IOU f 1Fet nn liIIl FF IoIIFFII nFForFin' FIIFFIs nonFrFd IFiI dI 1FFore I,FI, T. (FF$FF IFntl n i oI1F 2.11112in this city, oFF r h111 7h FF iFF Iof FF11 FIFFIF 1F 3 111n hnltridc~u, Ilcltaul,; io;elllpr it" I'll the ild.lSgr and ilngrorc alfnty tllcrunl, nnliisille of s two-,trt'r brick dlscllinr; homel· 12,111 FIaIFb111 cnnvenic 1 FiAll tFF FIIiIreIIFid flh,'Fl anIId send!. dosFibeFl lot, oFF IFF11, f111,F2 BllF'$wFlh 111IS2; I'ilF nid 11F' Frlv F ill F IFFIF F tr+,l theii rehunto i IF, lt) lrl will be sold 'hel, mcl 11r*·la- e ill fora,~ of rho I? :iri-r l Ilannk al' Louklonsllll (:I'LtlZo S BANK of liOlISIA\ S A, tllnt Ss to nv, II StoIck of tlle void Ihmk in oddlr it. (:llterr Ierore tll; rsnme w ended by [h, rl~: =nverdlil ud I b the lr;;alsllnre of ibe Spa,, of nl 2116 Fhilnhe lyr 15i.i ( FiI ol Fill2? FIte Flj 154F nIFFId r.;:: the :IIsncl· of cold Ollispn'x 1I1I:I Imni in IIeeld:LIII e withl fhe ;3-1-.itws hereof.I' Acts snirl sllal ds bolos nowo redurced In Ill in ncrorduno to snidt Acts lnd nji s wn, I .. m. 1 i, s ll Uf· 'l bl p t onl*01 IhI: por U sold Illfnlndilllt whicih ,tortel is rerlrrd by sp-ieol ol orltia;- e on thr, nraperly .ililner dererbel~ll steadl of dedol i~tt and n xun. oi il of I.Is blit~lttln., s mwnrrlx Illu ,nil I:itizun,' lino':, foe tlle Payment of whenev~er amount11 may le ,Ince to snijd host, t o IIIlclllt 'r Enid Sloe s and 11'nn, mode .,v II snbil (Sunk asoldll( Stock, ll nll II~sonling'I fnrthennorcIC tl., mart'l "nsen of said dllf~lfnllt i to br , tiltzen' Illnlk of II.lljiillll IoU thle payment of sn1 *iid RlOCk. Seinedl in Ilhenbnve soil... RMS1\S-lflee plircbnr er will retain in hIlk bonds oult of 8tile .oekl I'll e don tbedl lt rnl'lllllllar ý t1'r for ,4;Z10 III ' ,, rk" llc· (:llclllil l l)ld 1-n i '' .iybl 1 8,l two eeqnil int.88)) ; of gl` 131; eachl ;lure of the pacrle of adIodiiealo.m cosh o.. Iln: Pott .TorKI'II 11L:'rf 1' folio 2 mlo 19 Sheriff of llle 1'mish~ of Orllcwts Timut.(;ov nRI175~trTS NCOLS VCRRAR Y "x. Ne msl sovv (.Ip-OROs. 5l: nN JOAN 1A L1(lll5 No. 9925. 11112lersE Co2a2 DE DISTRIC)CAT CliKRI1N i. CAMP. nE LA H) r IIi 11 lle .1e i011 NI r-11,E-( 1.11. '1AI I, I 1 2 SlIMON MARl. No. ?Z2,LW. (rCr. do D du ice I~t Jre, TTN VI.ILT~U (I : deaI ll -1 pherllli w lt dl L lieni aiNR2 2 I llCi, ·dIll'.CS )III lea 111 'e.,u11. d. I 1dc , S el\clh tn,, dolts$lll Ic. aUuirier ei-dCehllJ · Jr, llleeIICrl l Itou 1 dle Citli, roc S Louis. enuie curies do (:laltrlr el Royal,,, a Paldjudicinioll dc I,. 1'f ICj 'RIIti NS dlsi 11 sill le, Nu.. 18, 19 ,D 21 et 22, lnllr filet Nit. :It, borne parl Ics rue, R obot ll~ nolr « - t'1111. 211lrr 1t CI-CRC, dons 11 ARmnt Lhitd It, illrde l Non 2lclllllll 111211, con d2nu 2 dl,,21112l, 11(2,e par Jo+,"{rit)/ I'ilil·· eidCdecant Borer, date du 9 I de n vcnllble ·1Sa et depscr e cll I'lte IL do Louis l'. Odic, a loes solllir palblic cli allci lle, let1 A , ,ler oi IC2IO I its rblea nvrc fo toll Ica butjll,-,a t snicker nounols (Itui existentt ,,it c ~i~it, le Jlle lir, eonaisinnlt enr ritillao l · c ea bass osii Iel Nola e t epen(, enceivc, ncee inillAlmioan poulr lionl, et connuosc sous . Ic nfm2'0:CI· d \Ill diA l.I·' Nos. 18, 19 of 20 Want eotiinlr, t font frere u In rne Colti; Cllile it d'ella innsre 28 pie-l r 5 pPhlrl+ fner it In Jile nlo, oul 105 pied, ,11 Ilrulblle al·. III rubo Noei pnrllille·IB. LoC N. 2dr 1,r~c1',1 t! R ull .1.12112,2e CR1t, c. etneleprutr 111111,121 11111A1, ei NoI. 21 t 22 ,,1it ruii4,- et 1.112 - rllt rllnrlla 31 Plodl s 3 Poore, e t fr li-IIr, face d Wl r"'J \'illerr, s*ll Pied, 10l- II poncesl ct I liincelP de profondeur, eltrc licnes pnrnl· I Ni. IIIC ItsUr: II AIM". Le No. lAR 1 t C o, . ap":II No. 4I, pb,, I IIIp e RobUrr~on, St-uInis, (tiboruc et 'Lfolin ll~e, it le memon l dirll'iet. I.11;2it t 1511IO,11 f22r1e 11111 des rles' t-11at11 et Roert1on, e 12r~un ~ pied, filtc n a St--I. iI, o2r Al picd-. or , r ril I Nobi'rlon aTinTPlnt iiEN e i .1,1 IRdI, Rintp ipnllC p1Iri r~lllt'l'. vm Ic c- 111t lic r aiclARI 2i 1,51d1 172111. vlireiol at c~c tomes lIr ban-,, e t ameloriliorat ns ai existent rlc1111\ Cott~~iat ul i en n b naon brii0111ira1Aiann 0.1,1 Inr o St -Lnoi,,+, or on "'aiilir ot bnv.. un Ipiý c [cotur e en rlrlliacs et 1A11C1121,R1 la it,1 RIIIIRR1nn IRIdcI2I IAIIItI 1SInppltRAA0 Lea p Irojricra idsel~i Prcniremelll et rlalllld slemeat de, Crit.r .1111121111222loc P511 'l 11e u R lo, diur byptIAe io,- ensemble S~lp i In Illnlae deCitoens deb IRt ZR 11 ACS St I.... I1F:0112 TRI,.R TF: SI X C,ý"1,1 22 CII llA i d C pldill 1if do C I1N121 d1112s2-I..IRR IIer iLk llr, rAesl 212 Ir li,,oods - IpiRallIc In dire C I, 11ne son, 11.IIIIIIe .L-l1,iRte CR1vat nIllt, to f2t .m·iA O lute Ie+ I enlCl, l* ea dI I,, 1111.2111 de II tat v N o. N 11, nonce 1:x,2 noes SI:. 5^- et d216 ,, annco 1115 et alcl . 2llr ul l:l41, llR Ied iIII Cl c doIl, dl Ilclllllir de· Iiu · I`ilnyrn, et lute ]e+ lrd'bl, et lilrut a ye rolblbmcma. Ls0d11 '111r111111,211 e 121, IhIatl'll Cl dit 121 dl Rh 1221,11227 Iux'it, 8" ' 1:,i,2411,t nim.. 111111 Asiljnl it,, AdllJAicll e 1b part du etleudeur; M, dices actions -It FnEn ttiP par hIICIPTY, 112 mpl) 1, s 1e l 111 p dlpriete l ci Pazsdml d'ritrs. - f: Wlit l h Inci nit l ira t plla dieti defendnr ,so - rv mlra tonicc le,~ ollli-ltiona 1.1- aI dire Biluurlle des (11-1ell Par o r end tt'lelt ·,celn monlltut 4::1 Pllrrnit i'tre du u In dire ,noel,,l, olr dic es al ctions c[ It lua ('ni ts p ar I lici~ bnnql ,or les 111,,, actionls, et en ontrc pelllln Inl revers i o den hypo Ihhgll e a a one, rr Pr le defendenr en fuccltr do in dito banquc pour It, palentcnt des dices actions.. Ftc ot ioiai dam: l,,r nlnires 0.1- Co(nNlirrOONS-I: nnrtPcecur retiendrn Pnrd1,1 let n 11, ductioll do Asriz d'rurhcrb e Imoltnntt alI . ;Illlel des lliloyens a llr1(r s tock noate piryilble 11 It, janvierr 1857, de In :,omme d1 *i- v11 U : ail tenolnvebbe d Wait-o en nonce, cunfonnement nits tenses d1 bt eOullte die In dire tamlmlll. Rood de coutribntion pay. ablo en denas canyonsr de 0136 ebneln, les lcr Is m~i 1856 et ]:157, ,it $172 at. ,L,ý t1' t In bnlxnnee du prix dl'ntljudication: Coml'raul molueuf de Lcdjudicmito l. JOSRPFI IIUPTY, 181625 m019 SL~rif de In Parolssa J'Orleaons. SHE~IIFF'S gBLESS FIrTHDIsTIIOT Coolil S2TANISLAUs 0BiER .v--. bEbI2 of 1 RIliI A.LT AND X. ITTEII. Now Orleans. WOIFF-No. 1059. Ul(.YYIR7'r of 1 writ of ort faelnet di B rw;Vd by the- oenorl tithe Fith ibltrict Court of New Orleans, it tht above entitletd cause, to iM. MCigny, hito Shor if atd by s Ib ie Sheri tto me transferred I witll prteed to iell A tpublloaiuetlOnT n tot Rottuit of the City thcl iate. Stt Loittu street, etweei Cihartres and Royal streets, on T.URSt )A1Y,·Tnr h 20, at 12 o'elock .M AbLOT OI Ot IOUN, slttuatd in tle Ttii d t.srlet f Now Orlrnua; 7 sld Lot I desigllated byb the number 2 In sqare No. 17, bounded by Urquhart, irode, Dexlree and ylmlro streets, on a pla drwn by I. J. I ll , dt ed 19t19 of No. embyrc l&l1&Y, and meabsuring, in ANeQle t nI illen'r, ;I1 feel front o t Deelree streo, by12 0LJ feetand 7 Incitea Ii doph, hbe tween pnrlol.l lines. S --aLSaO- AN'OT.lIR LOT OF GROUIND, ers gnatt by the number 3, in iold sayum', a1 lper todd plnn, and ntlnxl ring 31 feet froat n Doeslree .....e, by 120 feet 7 1neihe, 1n depth, between ..nn....i libmeT Together with the bl tldint atd in trove tnet ou sabd lott. consistliag of n one-story ftrue ilonle, xhhingle roofed, co tl niubi two roos, it sttlmall I'flao kitohelln Col a ni. one room; ono stna bit, one glied, etc. Seiozed n the above suit. THUlMS-- hshon tho spot. J OR FIl, II F'ItUT l'16 °5 r 19 sh eriff" of tlhe P'arisi of Orleans. C4)Q282VE Cop 4)s )4)T ? 4)P HANT4AU4 2)lC122 vs, PE N'LI,.E O )N. } 1INI2 C1t A lf,1' & X. 112. 2124WOI.1, No. 10,659. LHIVE TJ 'a wrt d urlfa naAd-' 16oornble rimnuielne euar du dixnrict do In NI&l Urcnr 1sla 1'l.flhr eldans 4) I. Jn 42gy, ciel l 20 ooo', et Pnr relei-ci d mol tnmafccr 6 Ju pru cc dern l JEL op,' onr, 14)22, d nddi, dlnn In 11otondl dt In I'oUxo do aloe, rpo 14-l 12)AN, )'I ,lle io CU rtrU s Ip Royal, dipIt U so UNUI 'l;ppls,, do' po du, Ua 2,,. 2, dpplavlcl 2) Ind l No'115 le Olleunx, dcaif nu Hnll e .\o. 2, dnus 1'ilrt No,. ll iljiir 6Uple par tea riU, Urqph)rt, Pip,), I)U n At Etl rlrP , ijiil d'sprer: r P lan drcsse Pnr I.. .f, Nilie on date do1 1 dre s soo ib c, 14)32,t UcsaPnt nn4 pied 1 ppplpdpPieds 1 n, 7)e" er 12D)4)ie1,, p pp. U I4corondrnr PP trcli Is I pn2p llp let A pUai u l, ,,,tro tcrrui i, 2ppPen p 2), 2, P p, 1242 vnn( lu dir Plun It' oso not 31 pird fnc n n rue. )Faf ree olr 120 pipla, 2 Irooec do grofundenr l lptrL 2IP nrx pnrnlllra ; enxcmlidu avice Ice Iritixxex I:L uneliorniolln qlii xout dlenxua, COIIsillenlf en one nlaison I),- e n Lot+, cull\·ertc en Lnrrlerlx of tolt p Z chinaa 1ren, ,, ppl4 2,,piln, P n LoiU pp,,,lpppc ant cl une, Le 1 nn 4'pffpjpp etc p coN4)nt T1O dn4)nU4)'n P82t.32U dP132 U~nONI)ITIONf3-Compl unt nn Inonlnt do 11tJladirnlion. ]'elG 25 mlU 19 Sl~rrif de Illl' rois re d:0rlrlens. SIZE! sip 10100507IT CITY OF DUNW ORLEANS B s. .110 oF NMIs 05185.5. IIIt1lE DUVEIlNAOT-NI. .7003. BY VIRTPUE o an allay wilt oflieno l fciŽŽ U rircrctctl b thle Elollonlbl e hc Stith 1linrrict Court of New IllaL lly Nlitl Irate ShoritT t, mer trnustbrrrtrl. I wrl iIe dr 111 ...Ian., in tlb bo 0Ž1Ž0 title.. 1Ž, to \I. ŽŽIŽŽlu o, Itob Sheriff I.oblbŽ street, hiŽ w 1 I 2 b"l'lC 5 1Ž Ž1,Ilyl I lb 11Žbo SATU0 IllAll, l 29 t 1 bSbbl rat 1 la bl N Ž11100 1 A VACANT I.F I'OP IlIlUN I, Ž110tu1 in th1e Fiot 1)1Žtri0 of till. city, tbieg loll No. 21, In ll 0Ž No. l8 11100 whch .ll Io 1 b585x5... twentyllne feet rrol t ou 1 Ilib llbtrbt, lb ellighŽ-Žl' feet in drl-0l"bbol b tothbbwit ll 5 ll8 rightlp, w pyl, lllrlrko go.I nd 5nnhlges thereunto ))Blllngigl (, il nuy lS Ile appert~lli ningG 31S -ti -Un~h ll n llo spot. .bOS1i'II I{IUF'Y, Ib26 tO1017Ž5 0085lb11 of the II' Žll of 0lllC . SIZIL-Nt COoos W: DISTRICT n iled a ol~lrOreu uEt: e . 1I0O119fl1 DUYI9I1NAY. 7nntru: rrrýs No. 2,"d1. EN VERTU d'au n Ins Wa wlt de lla rl fnclne adndrrnne 1> Br Than' 'sS 'll Sisiemm Con ( d Dirrict do laI Noarcllc-Ol-lennn, dams I',lniiro d~el-&-,, d %. Madrly ly, ci d-aut t *hlrif et par cellli-ei d moi taw..sferp, jll Is Isni l IAM9(DI de mnrv 1(999 19 midi, done I2, 92,9,19e I9 9imr >, de (Iito' rule St·Louir entre colies do Chartres et Royal,, a 'nu· 319199-91 II de U N'r19910 IN NU NE fi92 dnny s 9' 1mi'r I122-12, do 9otto vilie, ct deJIgn 9 No. 91. 21, dare P9il9t No. 9o. Idit termiui I erlirr y pi -d,9 fa~e a la rue 'rioul T Que lulre IlVl 99991(2e, d4 prlfudl2,l-. 22, ,9l nt lee lul y I9 droi9(, prlvil9ge9 , 11-1iI ul99 1t ri1 hues y ag ttachesn el v Hlnllrart ultnt ;iul'ix daur I .7(99191 119 CON DITIONS-Compntllta lo u moment do I. sljilde aiio l. .IOSidPI I HUFFY, fc26 nAO 17 24 fibcrif der In Perri-s~ d'O)rlcan4. Fo501, DtSo,,CoCO,,,? LOUISIANA SIANUFAOIY0115 of New Orlons. ) COMP'ANY,,. A. 11. 11501)IAN. aal. h'o.B6 o BVYVIRTPUIO ofo o oItoffloIforl .,Inedlrrcettd J-. 'hy0I11 onoo0,l.0 the Fo?,o0l District Cuorl u00 rNew-klen in thle shlrore entlitleh l , to t. OIooigo,,Ioe Sh!oiLS and Sg rnll lalte iShc llfto me h~nntforred, . ll p10d,,101 tG xll ooi b· li motion, ino tho :O 11,0 f o d City h XC, hljo bo SOh. E,0,s htrcOs, between Ihortr o n hd Royal 01, 0u SATrURolhAY, Maorc dI, 2 1e1,a t 10 o'clooh 2I with ll heI llr I1LllllOAlC tnella. apparel, mnecbi 21110 ST1AIIoIA'r~d ShooT O(OY trl*. 0000, etc., nn soe noh e Ioo, u thoy Nutt o Ruin. 1,11d i21 the n000e hui , o ll;I2.IS--Cnalr ou tllo HIIof. f, IS uv" 10 21 Sherriff ut hu I': P1Ih of OT )ileni+. Quan[lIEN CocO DE TIIIBICu I(1I1[77 tTN .\ANItPAf ne [. \ NOV e[.[.t:-st t '(xa. 3Ud \tU)IA . No. ý,)fl Ev~ vr~i~m a nn nrrlt. Qe licrl fnclns rlclrrs Ilc par lhnu illll c llntr l ilio (`',ll Pe Iiixlrie de h+ \ lsvellr. 0 ku,+, d 4.ra t'ntftire 6i-d--l~ d Mt. 51121Iy 0i 11.1 ant 1,lcii, ct pnr rcleiiie $ ooi t11111·lsr . jet luooe ldul nl c .\\f l": I 28 d11 mll1"lj llld~ii jill(Olirtll d,ý I LS 11UrI- de C ;itC1 ld dl-f~oilir rl;re Mt, d re 'hllrlrlr et Rnylrlc. 3 I'nl~odicxllon de srlnmlla rrce =n alurbir. etc. lcl ,tv'iI se truut'e mnintennat Puna Ic linurLcil l Hilrr u 4 nl dn., Patn ti (:ONII L'PIU`P-I~oml~tnlt nu moment .le 1'n 1;udlrntion. felF m: 10 21 xharf de 1I1 Ptllonii*B d'(lrlen.. Snox. DISTI:tl. COURT? ·rSEPD A. BA~tFI - LOUIS nr j A 6'P 6I.IS.\ 'ALR 1 iVF{ fIlp.E i-trVIdRTUE of u writ of aeiziue and sole to 6)666 b7' t6e 6. nnamllle t66 e Fo6610Ž7 66 67 ri660N, 661 Sow l~llell nl l in the LLIO " Ul itlell cI IIX C I mill p roceed to "l:II 67, Public ,.,b.d ,,677, in,66, Rutund,4 ..1' 10 Pity ExchnllL. . 66,6nn~t e uc 6,,6¾616 a6, d 6p6,6,.76666 p'ret, n-6j..',7 { D A Y , Mll"I, lrl .51, nl~ 6 6 1 iln 6 71; o,-!' 7i, .1 66 tT'TATS 6,676 1,6,.6, ''66,, t'SD, 667, t.6, ,ii6 6.and imT rove667.6 nt6 t\66..,66,66, wn n, tll. "Sew.i) . )rl' 6,lu. b.1 ,, ,,r d b l!. can, ,7 ,6),767,6,rl67,.6 t 6 .), et6 end6, th 77ern ,1. ,.,,,)77 .n .A 6,,"' 4.,- .61 6 !'crt hunlt oni thle nid randi, Ly ni d~·p111 oL ~fO Ilet Letwu{ n I lto rinl 1'h, buI·LilCP·bildng, and ·ilp rler U(.(II on pail pn rtt · ~alt ý,[l f 66d7'ln of n l76e' nor, i6 .7c )ll ,., 6,6,6 667l;ý l l, Kro ." \ I.()T(,P r:~)I:SI nrlr 11 A llli 41 n: 1111) illil-ltlalll).vt 626uc, 'H oary 16. 67,,,l .6.,n fur 66om ,76t.7 66r 6.tbu: h f ;n thc . , illdi ndl i ull~ni n ficl: f` I O ry il 1 1usg. IIIl~ -Iota roo J lly, ndin T it. whole depth ut ·-iljl Portion uPt nT Indl thereon .i nntu in rile same ryu~ nu. nml r! ruunr, ni Futi lia U (i~as and 5 Hl ll t in depth: "hl oti ol ne n'lretulosdS ilrntlrl y tc" nH an :1 o n p n ir4 1 rie 1io}So .666666 I l~l:TY. "Yo" n 1)61 676,.,)6r .667,t . PnriC l no,,66 n7 061 I)euAr'n' (l'Aurs DM. AASTIIIC JOSEPHI IARARETI,I It, (Il KoL'r~rAlelolINSB r~.itE ~A I Nou","N, 0715. IN VEIRNA dT l writ do O niHlO 1 t vT7 E te n E i ii u11- e'e I) stI -boiro l It lme t ur rte I'ti trlt t Os In \ollrrlle Orluannu. diln I'ilfl lire ei· l car llc e prurerlcrll Iv SAMEDiT2l, dr mur llt , dmilS liid, lits Ristolndo s In ttohor Ile (:itu. ruu SI.I.o ulir + oiltre 'lle+ do (:irnrrru h t ltuyulc, I'II'1 lo. L'1F:VIERTAIIF: I'OTTO.V I g TEIIIt cllueln 41r rpe 1e4 b81ii rl·*t illu fo r it lll IIII Wont I CII IIJ (10nn11 i;J;?;1 Inlx le nom fl, ` .f Olidlrie lr I ocoll\· lltrOrl pl" lc," ril lecl P It-, le l'niiidlmlu Iiitriet do ecttc;llp, filet Lorns 55 0 rllex 1[orcilll, llon tel; n t Clollel et le rll,'lin purblic, Ilynnt (In dltc portion dle tare·) Ille~ure nmerliecnin, pluJ u nlniar, 24 Rlell filen n llcoi l Pblicii, xur one Prof,,ndcar do 309 IIIC(N entre lisnlAt Isis IIlca LII* batiraez at nnlrlinrntionx xur In dire p rtion de terrc con· trnt t .1 Inc wand, um- n buxss, s' briOe, collvertC ru nrsitsen f'snnt f- inlls Ii lbli ; Alltb i It ,tt lsi- d\ 'ear, Ic brnill irc ii Ies Ficex n prex.Cr Ctc.. Iltf lulnes In dire c" +i~-e oi*i nn Igrs lunamnis d',ttO),Ot.·,n Lri nu r en e~ t x'etendnlnt xur route lar profmlldenr . do In rlii 1-~~i pot~ Isis de iuae 20. utSlt -P s teso dannee. ssx lot A e4 et n155 s Io ion, ti ni coot d-isll u i" c mtOm il Ist Iti irrnin) n ISSe Al))lx, ]l5t',e'lx y p141, t fi[cdtuIitile l'iS.l's s' 3. lioll.. 17 oll.'spC lii l do proiI. ýI7 Nl itrrSNS-E5,st comlltxr 51 , tirr s ins lI ills pnr tst NI I 'lrt 3 Ilr ull 11111 1 rleerr nr 1, coyerr de In ripei, Cct depoxri~ Cn ]'elllllr de IPellml,, r, lani en n d dll Z: Julillut I$:1.5. IIe, batl, x", et nnlel llslu ien slr lc ri turrnin i "is ci lll ll cr-l c prn xi*nll g aio m 'ell~tl enl briyuile, cuenvrrr cu nrdoixhrs t'eallnl fore In curie ('loner.. "c [nult ·ii d lhn I- ltliil r, ei-IlCSIIY. UOONPI)IT IOHY-C -CUIotant nu moment de 11,0 lrlicntion. JOSAEPII III ATY, 040 m3 10 21 ShsriO do In purriixn sit rlents. 1)OV RDISTR'ICROR \:N INSURAN CO., ot " JIAR. II. U2 EiJ, MIISER ANDi New Oo,.UoAY . OWISNESRS of SOe-ooo CAP'ITOL. BY V IR.TUL ofn writ of liar'l fncins Rji i' et. I li"Hr ' I:·lurt of N,"w orlrener, in the, R),or entitled nnaset I will Proceedd to sell nt pub~lic merlon, in ther I - I'ln of thlu (dp ErehooRo, St. L. 4.00tr0 , beok een ho oooro Wo. l udROyrl trcetS on NIJAY , Jloooh 24th, 106, ,t 12 o'clAock ML AII the riht, title and ihOooot of defendant in and l n thle atteuialt U \LVITOI. ; toctllc- willili_~r her lcrF nrlitnro, tnckNl, appl-el" nlllohineryp, lc., 69 now 4a0ing 4t Algiero, on the rigbt bank of th, ri0er SNobs Cop)i. iojdin the lboro it. 201R200-( o O the Spot. JOOROTI ITIJOTY, c20 n31022 OOrSol ho thelriolk of OnRot. QU (Io.4t.4.4'4. DE 44kW.4 9 TA 410M'NPA(4941 41'ASk - N.4O .4LLE-OR44. 7 TAME 444 H. £149, (:.Pihoto9 Ct I'ruprlllninra s o l Ltr9447.-vll 449944AiI i,. Nl . 94117. I N VERTIU llun ssrlt de 11 CA fnclnu ooltrc II, Jnslcr II. IUre, et n loi ndllrcar8 pur I'honllantbe QI ntriemcl I: 14nr de )isll 4l d44 N.42-14d-I. le4414 dnnn 4 'n4494ir444-d2'4, 9.444,044.444 44- fUNITI 24 40 444444 1.49,9 444444i, 444444 44t 444 I deý·~l I Inttll)- de Citt-, rueU St-L U N1 l ntrre cellcsl de Ohnr. tres m le, 3c. I'ndlmllcntstin de loll 4 I Broils, litres et IE.Lo d , defend. , 4, ,4 an l;81taIlI-- npcllr CAP'ITOL ; el w mole n ice~-hL~ ,'I nlilr~in,, ses m WIIr, rte,. trl lll'il sc troucs~~-e~ mninlltenllof Alger rice droitU dol Ilencn atisnissl)BI I)Iml' : i' I:dfnirn ri-ts, t s. Co, 'IT1ISNS-Iompt ptlt nu moment del'ndrlllldrrtiol l fe21 m:4 i( 'L Shhrif I s In 11 coiss d'Orlennr . Prtrn (FttTG yior. 1. DNBAI2[ e.II (((VOL f, New < crlriiila. (YT2C,-N-So ''S78-(:olnlcr cild Tenet.I B , VIItTUE of suck 0fu oiedFF( e to an order Af E al( N 11100 OFre"'+ , LA2, Ina ,and 000 ectlel y theF F(( - 0rahlrtl l 'Foip.(hDi-, t (0 Fo 1o(0 ew (.rlen11 n, i( the 10(11 entitled ma(tte, to y[. ((d( oF (y FIttuISeriiff + d b Iu id late dhelrill to mr tri -1lbr I wT~rill prnc'.l to aril~ It public llle ((i(0( i1 the Retnl f the City (F Ivmyt ,St. Fon(F Ft GOOF be tweenFFc ,antohxrn e, (a I n strts oby Di FFP, 'F(nr(h 21, ItU30 li 12 W( 'cS MFk . fo, nccoFF0 l of (the (FitF ot said in. ,\ CERTA IN PIECE1? OF 7..\N'71, Ueiug nituatpd on thekt S'r T(Filhh, in the y 'nrish of 81, F C(F IItt ill this botli F 'M rootlliailly tllrce bemlared ld purltaley nracrs, more or les, "'~U UrinR tllr lower dart o f m ulllltvided section of lanJ; together with0 n1 Il. udding"FI and tFFSrovulents thereon, or (( ((((F Ft (tllcrtullli'lOl to the1 'sure. ,I'll , nnid I i(d i(,FnltFd nn follo1(s, via: ty ilia north bt Isods of Frnoklio bady, purl ndsvyeqllynl of Grorge'f. 1)III1 bar; on the -I by thle rivrr lf mgip inlou on the eo Itb b y bendsll of Willi- \fc)icl c,, anid ail the west by lands of slim (iorgu T. I lanbor. SllrrelldEred by nnidt inolvent to Lis creditorx. WolRJS--On' [hint cas, unit thle bnlillce titone and two y'ear'h Cre~dit, with interest after ltolltll t 1 Iim h per felt, er nnaauu. ind special Nartgago on the property to ld, until final JOSEPII IIUFY, fy21 oS3 1 22 St ri( of tie l'nristh of (rlen1F. CVrmu noVn DlaVncr jGFORAEF 'V. flt'II F QUATM S1I \ c Olul.e n9.Rt SESR CtE.ANUI1 RS` CR ony do ('nm. Na. 252. 'N VERTU'd'nn ornlre de vente renu n Is i sZ de Sits bre 1755, et ndiliesxG par 'llollornUs V i- ritnle ourl de Di.,strict do In Nullrelle-rln · lli '(ii ·-lra (; Zss~-OsI~sss, d 's illsir d }l. Msigby edssssnnt "cseit par 5610sl1st moti ssslsers( Je clderaa Ic lUNDI 4 do more. 12256, miii, Isnns in Iotsudo 12 In Ilo 11ku dP Iite, ruse Btouis, sdre cellss ds (/latcsa et Rornlol, d I'nllill'dicntion dtý i NE CRIIRTAIN PORTION PiE TERRIS situl sui In rivii l'ulgipntis, dIss In p roiss2 Stc lislens, ea coat Faint, cootennnlt $DI ncre Vllx ou mains, Etnnf In portion~i inTftripllr d'nn section de tarre ilnlir are. Enssmbi ece Lssis.slbkjstiasen et am~liorilsis ssiexisltlen IIl dire force est 1-6e ec omme suit, .,eir : An nord par lee Ierrss di Fs-ilj ia adg t snbeeqllment de fle. T. is unbar. d Pest liar Ia riviire Tsngipsi.oe, sit su ipr Ise trssl de Wil liam s,,s Mlciss, I ifiucet par lee ftrces du dit 1cargo T. Dis bur. Abei22siss par p 'issolIlsis sea crbslseiers. CSNO ITIIINS-Us tiels dI prix pnyble colsplsst, et Is bs lIss5nce et2 an de 421dit dl er intEret nprj s 1 cl555i1 5u a faux aIl b1it p5r centi, If'", t hyptllltquo speci's'su r tI propri~lt csisAe juslu'l pafril palemeut. JOSEPII HEFTY' le21 s310 22 Sherie o s isPa i ess d'Orlesos. SHERIFF'S SALES. , S,/URDs44 flss T4J45 4 4404'44547 55. 454RI54Y44ORs fiadn lalccolr b:.rl! Itý()1`si TN. %EFiPYlal of New Odle0n4 . I.ATOI'4404-No. 4,674. Y VIRTUE of 1 writ of lCZ l'Cl atlldl sal Io I mo d rec s I49 bY I4oll4ornb5 the 4l4cl4nlt l)ishlct 4,4 1 r ,l Now Orl450 4 , In 141 W445 1444444114,14444444, 14will 4444444 d 44444414 ,,tpublic . nucli, , i Lo 1bt188 d of 44 City h1 44, 514 4, R t. ", : Lolm x1r eet, 1, t w181 n Chartrcl4 s 1 1 I oyll 4 troets, 5on S 1 A 4Y,' anrc4h 81, 1854, 8 12 o'l clock 81 A ( 4R1TA I )NI'4'1'ION (RF 44R4UND, lo4e4lc4r w4th444 1444 ll4 din4gs 4an4d 444proVemUn t oo 44444444 xit4 44O i44 n th fnnl{3lbo tl. r1 8th, 8,, ,4l b tricl of .[) r thin it In t hy, PB i. . 444444444 4 4,44444. 4471111 444.444444S44.H4444444*,4 . 9 4444: 4444p a44 r44"441 4444 streets, and 4 au4rlll4 4 4 4 ot front on x1, D42104111 wooirt, I4,y 41 'cot 4I e44p44. .Tha b lldlnlg Ind Ihu u t td I tion of eP roo. lutl ,qEi 4o4ll4st of i ong-ory .Iou4 -, br)4 ks4 b 8etwen p44 .t4, 445ngl4 811,4 1+ 11 8 1 four r .or, one 1181 ctln W runt ra llery; n two. btory s ll1. g "o B V l" ix rooms; it olo·. story fr4a' 4 w 4x4holl44, xhingle4 8444444444, two ,545re, iro l4 . turn, water.work4s yard p4a4d with 'f4 hot4x be'I4 Nao. 208 and 212, TIlT.(| ill tho abovo stit. 444MS--O4ah o2 lho spot. • tD JoI thP teL UUFTY, 1f01 1n10 ?.2 29 Sheriff of fthe parlsh of tlrleaus. Dr.Ulxuas C OUn ue 1,lsTaT 1 I'IKlipF ROUSER i4 . IE nr, LA NourTELL-Ollr.Eaa. I~'HIYIIIN LATOUII. Na. 3473. rj N VERTU al'nn wrIL ?C anlnlu ut 'urttu a # mlol adllrcs.! put 'llonornlblo Iunlxlele (lour de ! Ilstl iet de In. N'iovclle·(Orle'-. dons It1I6r1e C -rllrrnlr Jcllrorctl clrll lu s 1L'N141 :1 nts 1354, it 41 id8 , d44 - le Iol4,4 k in ,4,14144 de Cite, riteP gt-Lusi*, elite cellos de Ullnrtrus ct Roy) nle, n 1Cnd UNII CMII'PINI P4ORT1ION DE CI TRllniltE ,41,a fnulbonnc ''I'clllr·, date, l Deexlltml DirtrlICI de CCtL illC· 4444, 1'11,11 ,p,4o4 r 411 * r, u GI , 41 t-34a, ndeC St-3.4 ,3 llfppe t des i1,a,3art4, et ,e,,rnu 34 plada nu a r, fi na l,,, 91 Plo 1x de pp 34 l'oedlmr -It IL e'e sve routesc le, hatihrcs et nnaclimlttian 11,11 cll~ten( sm" In (fie prortion de, letre c llrisblll n ono nllllson Lome let qlletieo cotta pimesax converrt.ten bllnlw,-l, nynelt 9 ~ntnbre.. e. nelt el gallerie der~riere; uue ullinil loupe u uu Luis -"'el, en bnlrdcnll*. lyn ll i ckw"1;" n ; Ille o -1 vnl d Inver T (·OIICrtO to bnrdenlu yyllr 2 cbnslrel ul, ca , wnlerivof ks, cony hriyuetee, etc. imI m keti Porte le N- 5 3)80cl212. I.c foul minii dnnn '118ire ,J-de-m.lx I;ONDITIUN? I-C umpt it nn moment it , 'ndiudf-Con.n JOS1;1'fi If it l+TY fc21 t11 22 Z1 Slerif~ de in~ pnoinxc d'Orlennq. SIXTH flBRILT (:UU 3f jIADWAR I) Mc(: GIIiE vv, A. AI1A7. ar N~tr (taiR*NI. 3 AS k I%'1-N1'.9 3,12. BY VIRITUI n lld In~ obedience to all lor. . dedr of solo, rldFnrlercrl ll II 1, IAA, rad to aleI directedCI by thle Ifonornhl! the Srllll Illerlrct ('onrt of New trrhsalla, in lhr nhove entitled Gansu, [ ill prloceed to fell at ]],llifeu tineon is thle Itutun'Ii of the lity Fbxellnllco St. I.olll Hrrrc. betweeni lEIArtre . and nyy'nl treutn, on 71 71,2 S 14 Apr77 10, 22,6, at 12 Mul k \[. tle 'ollowlnl de..+eribed Slaves ,~a 1ýP11.I,1, ni~nd nhnnt '.J yi·;ah; WASHI2Ib7ITIN, 2727 1777t7 7722nr2; 71111: and 1111,1,7, 2277213ja' 37722227222d 211AR11,, 2222nn h Ynn '71 13i-,,,,h u tl7 spot. 731277 28 0 S1,erI(1 of 122l',2i211 of Orl227. waxy..', noun D)E T)STfT ;6 tAR!3IO111R s.A nr. .. T ,X 'i "R I: nnxc...-()n~nav, ý o. :4+tY Ej~N V9 I 'U c'nltortlrc do erllterolldnId , 1'd5. el~i t d of ndilrcarr pnr i'tleiilliilrl Si lxlllc 1·(lll do ii~tiet do In Nalloll-(lll-(rlcr. Pu do r llllilrl e d d-,-, .lei de. In I~liuui ur o d (( te" n'e St 7 nulis 1tr1 8 f~es'dd ('hnrltme .,t Ro-all d 3 I'd~udiieltii v d', ep.-lacer doori Ien Ilunr et dgcl sll.· cen. n nnroir: IRfT,1-9Rrr d'anviroll 3A ana. )f)Is et aMI1A.S--ng;e B S llx et drrlr A1, Fnlcis dnnr I'allllire cii-rlrriss )NJ J) T 'IONS-- Coruptnnt nn ramrod do fail III,] jllllintiori. ustrllIIn"TV 1'UUIITll 1I)1111111' fONN4 .1. ,J. jAk1 )T r\x l'lEOI)fJDI, Of Nt . fl,'IEn11N. S IAJl IIifAS-X.,. 3131. BY VIRTUE oft awrit of 11e.rl foolno to me Jllilreocl by the hl--,ble thle Fourtlh 01-le~it On")1 of \ew Orlrirnnx, In the Ibnre entitle) tonne, uuJi I111feýIIIIIL w n , ylre. meat n: .d into Ibe Pnrticr itit, n~v~ell thIFein, I wit1 IIroo·csrl W xell ill Iblll u iIen, - ~dTUESDAY, 1-1 109, IM, nt A0 o'etoek A. n., 11; lJOU ,1,HiNNiIl the corner ,r .,N 2 iimlm 1W5rt 17 Milt IN IC str et ithie I NI.,u I'Nriftl thin (N.... Thu wbukal, u, per illclttury, which con 6e s een~ xI n) ether. Thle unexpired·CI trrm of the Ir of k ýJý "n i~l;ril, . 11 t thel T r next, 11 8 r'6.) Itl~.) a Ll" We ruleU of S7!M1 pe: month,11 EJOsl lln lb bvenlit., al iL(I*-rrtlrec culltellls of ;liilI ls- -(:.rt l n the iII andl fur te Illa Inoudlig IrIlaIc, ' n Ilrwll uoLni nuaiieirl t *ee ril c. mH 12 15 18 filncritf of the I'i~ri-ll of Or)rlsr s. Q UATR Ngo COUR DrI nnrnlCT T. lr, AN\SnOT ri. 1' OINO I VOW f7~r d'ur, writ de tier]r faelam a mof Ipnrrir, p inlrreML'url., ju pra·Id-J 1c 3I)(ll((:llIel1 19 do Ulilr, 0.'5, n 10 ilr cllllre A. M. tu Iva l eu. Iurelji jlolr Ioa de-i I.F: ('1)\r F.\ u do In rolli,- ,imam it 1 'nui lr d., ruci des i ' r ~ " .If, et (:nlll nll dn., I) a T 1/.- III.11.Ifi de cote vilili can -tnuolt rn t'cnn dilllcy I~ iy - 1, 3cublý 3rc rrl·\··il; 1. 1 t I, n I'r apl rio du d d.; In J *~l~u r exIr plirn ·I Ic 31 cl c tor' tOn())j nl nS u " pa unn FIFT DISTIC COURTT ?.. 1). 1)N ME~TE)Y N l ., l W1tf 1. ATINE ET AiS-N. BY VIRTUE o n wit o li fnuc ton me di-:1, Iby th h ho-rab N. fl, Fifth Illltiiel Tourt of \e Orlenný, In th!Ie above entillnl·l I" ý",l· I '~ill reell td o ,liI rl I'ýýr,_.3 T m I)TTNiT) TA - E i, Niunr ; T I 3J l'ra t , TE TT , iIT ")FTAR TTTTT'TNE, TI1 CLTitTTT, etI., Ecco ) ýIN inTTITT.TY, Td ITilTT it TT toiT., IT TIIETPI ITTYIT, o-, 1 I ITT TITTilT o thie Pad, TT ..T TI In,. Ct.Nrlcrrav ('OCI1 D r. D 11-Im J. ). DAMP, ItO N .r. VIE., v 1N E'I:IITU tl'lllw wr 4 d (ie fl faring 111 L cold r+ýeP Imi I'rlnorao ly t'iuýýn:ýll-nII 1'o r , ll I tir ý ý ix drýý,71215t ritiP rne.leflhrxi :lý. 23, Iian. I , I bp rlriiut I1i),ndd ,ir:`ýn~ cii neon Litrrlli l l r nr rcrliuin. iluý 'nl rrr c irýu, Serrorn :V TOIN II'IT7I·r O I. C JAMEf Q. I'.TTO f 60- F".\\\\(7. \o. ,,7 07. BY VIRTUeE of awrit of tiers factns to mo Iliirnlo cl by the li Illt . f;jlj·f. It; lI ford. ,lý.lilll r.. Illr rF the 1'enrc fns the 1'nri in of 011111-, 1 nn, I Mill p ilr, Il and n ll yl IiL Iril n t'1l1 ll ll o R l · In l l ; il·. 1I1I un iCIII I vi ne lll NI - A cll' 1!1· r i the 1,0T l' 1ei o r a r . h e ; z lak)h.lN:1'L 1 , 11 :1 11[" 1), 1\ ·I ;, I ICL ir Illlfrd ruin tbt r.,,,,;; ; ii~ i, p i, 11,·i ad l,. ln~~r.terut ii'llil eslrcel il ill lli: ( n lU~lly :11111l, situata J In h, h' I1II Ell I,,, fn ordie, 7 o mirl n te 'ni l of tol]-," , n fl., o l·b ITTlie oft, 7771 TI, of 1o7,T ('7707, 7701 ,,,, 7717 0llel by ·h N pncr lu lld n n Inu l : *il n l: la eit y. lr il r~r r~Ir S .S ýt'h ItI 1 re eLS n il the u(7onnerly t' ·rcrl and lu r S;. i , )r lhl '`Li2J[S-(;us on lbe jrot. JOSEPHI IIL'FTY', fe27 777n, 97'7 III"''- .221 NAM DOR J(ISAA , MINI MIIO. vsd 11 25) (IFN.X Oll dN1.i.vs S ti II. b ,4 151211,-No 8.01 UY VIC7`G I!` of nrr nllna ýcr02 of 1222 21"1I 02'illt BiC2S 1 22COonIro 2l 11 .21111 di reel CLl I1 I the IIIIU 1 btu the (· Plnrth District l',·ullll LC \ut\v Ifll'illl, ini the -hovIOe Cli title·d -rel~ I teiil p~roceed o Hell Ilt pnllllie illilti~nll in the I ((II rr elorlc N1. THE1 SLAVE NAMEDII ISAAU, n \cgro Jlll 1ged -hunt 2 5 Seined in thle nholre sit. Turin --C ilsl on the spot. I .TOSFS1'11 ITUPTYT, 1',12 18 m3 14 hri ftePaiho rml Qonrrslrae nova or. I)1s7'11)cr atrlIrs .. \Ir·\rl1rmO .x. II: · 1; nuteerltEeflxt.e~tva. Vin. rya r EiN VERTPU d 'an alias `rvrlt te ficri facingi n ntsre Iiclrunl )le(:onnnll It u nli ivl icr·i · Iý.lr 1'hmiernhoII Qtoiltriemu c lts (1e Ininrrmtar o 1,< x~~llreel -·lrleli ml , lnss 'li iiro vi-ýIrr.+ur, je IniOL·tlelli M0 SA\~ I)T 15 dol nini.+ Iti~i, 3 midli d1)11 l.I Iwo 'Ie In I In ibnrnv du :imv, mie St lIuuli, lntru ·llvx de chnlrtrcx ct Itu)·nlr, 3 N'djlldicntiol dc cnrl unx. Sllsi En id l~ir c"-r i~s (:0 IT1 [TIOSS-~llIInlilrf -I;lllcin al , fIR1I' '1'' 1' E .IANCIPATI N. IIIF U·p l1Ii1f7 h: lttrllolt to opplly to tlto e lrlrh o nensii ofe'io o lfte Fi oh oli irir Slowcs Ilrlnngisl: to him l: Harriet, n quadromo n -nun.ll, a--ll 2t 4 prvtrn; BRnndo1111 u9011 1 Year, rllth Iterto aien to nrr i ni. ill 1110 Stitne.W.N. oo) re'5 3t io 30d By hi. A ttorneyi, tilmond,: k' C netr. E MANCIPATION-11 80! 81MSIS N7TIFIF, LE, Ilir du 0lstr it de ]a N otvt"11 I n~rlcu lll'li'. "tiao d Irv I'remienl 11 I·t¢l a"1'F quartronnc gcc deaum, etllProi rmfnu *I:\ 1"i dc I I an8 t [A .N0.1.1U-ti ' nn 7 In 1_A8'.rUrisi8 (1, &Frcr dints fell." t in 30 n Bs.vrný ininý, Fnýr SISCON1) I)ISTI1I(^' COURT OP NO' JOlOllE:ANS. TI IBREABBS Noel Bernoutly lin g petitioned file coonoar for ýIctterv of nllsiliitrillulu on (e ? eltle Ut' Ill ]C li0Urie Beccscla , i till CCI Nancre '' It ... y wa gtelln to nllirl lulll itit mny cinle lrrl l to 81iors r:ILe frith ill gram, 'e, )·tlly ollil)·CT of illB .ilid IlelftiUllel· llJ order o thI Cullrl. CI8 12 15 lIly (. DEUXIEME codl' EP DISTRIlCr DE TI. N ll'j (IRT.EIAS A FTENDU lue Noel Bel-Ii.11(ty n pl'eseot tineu pi~tiduu a In couc t Itrout B'olan nitl I~ ILtl11·e d'illlnli Iirlrnltion d In s resrui dl fen Ioullni Rlrlldy dldddj6 tlEs A ddlfl l ii lst So l t pa I I ( n 111. eeil n oc rein pent (onrrr tI T, Slit-ir u d~duire so1 s A. dJ tons its... P"., Tll."''M it tic utiirit I'"' nniti Inll"' 1 g6tition. 1'nr onllr de ]nt cote. tns 12 15 A. 1)ILISITIX. I)(p,. (:reflir~r. NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN, that. wIth1, tort),( day, from~ tho onto h Ierroll, 1,, Illljlr.ýijllir rein apply to thn N11-1111 Dinlriot ('ours of .Ye Orllrnlli for ther rsluncipatiol of hl, ,lave, Eugenle A\. vlithl· I'-.1 ONlenný, February 2, 185O.-f,28 51, i, :011 d VIS estpar le plreseet donnlle roa leedanl yI~nnn""' jour, u Ilnlr do la lrrchulle 1 tllbl ation lc oull A.gub frrn nppliration d ht C rond t'nr do itrirt dH (1 N -112 vcllo llrlearn, pour obtr--ir L'eeun eipotio n dir non -lall\ YI No-Ole (I~rlenn, to 29 fevrinr 1W1. fr84 5t in 30d ."EC0\il Ii91[tlC COU SUCCESSION )Fl J. II. PAIY oor he. (n r:Ae, S ~etN.5,+3 NOTICIT s II.O y Ivel to the Creditors N' of lhiy f stnle and to nll otT er eson.ll herrill iutrrreul I, to nltowr entire w~ithin ten days 1"..I~n the prel.nI 10 11ntilirniiu, it nn1I) they hare or enl, why the acount pn~s.rntd by tih, cnurafol l thu deceased shouuldl not hu Ihontolo-nted :gat pspruccrd, uuil Lll !'di undoibltibuted in IIcCrddRI cC therewith, ]iy order of the court, m812 15 A. IY EUX DEUEIEedE COUR DE DISTRICT SUCCF.SSIOP PET. 11. DE-I. hNOovELLr--ORLEAsu. J PAI.MER. \o.8213. A VIS est par le presrltt donn~e Aux rrell Sciers do la uusdite succession et d, route., noires perm.,.,', true cols pent concernor, d'nvoih d ddduire, noneu di, jonrs d n te~r de InI p16acnto ppsblicstiun, les misou pour 1c~ynellcn le rompte presentd ppnr 1'erecuteur du det'uu t e ,emit p)oint lql Iiroav0 t llomnlaguL( les fonds entre ses Innins gnrtiJ confur IICment anl dit compte. Pnr ordre de0 la epur. m812:15 A. DREUX, Deput1 (1ret1er.