Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BENSON, JOREir, IhOUSE AND DIS PI'AINT. Flt OmnFF, etreot, up xreln I.S ,, ,,Ote Hqllnre. Copper andl Z__n S__tt rnad for cssrces st.l hotcxllwndows., a27 BOcERT. (. C. & TS.2 ,505, I D S ANI) CON 3IHSI tEN 1OUll CANTS112 atruut CIOXE & BREIAEX, ATTORINEYS-AT-LAW, No. ES 'smp street, NEw Orleans. _ nl rCCARTER r& CU., .. H., DEAL RS IN DTAPE Ir TBLER1'. 1V., \YINNII BRANDIES, PRIEERV. o ad Fraits, Douce, etc., etc., No. 110 Coammon .street. CR K N ·II RI Co., COM3[IM0sDo AND R IWA (CINANTO, Whollsalo and Retail helerso i Foreigsn nd Domesi Liquoqss, Wines, etc. corner Gi0rod'sd Cn'Sorce strees, New Orleans. n29 ly CONVERSE & Co.. GROCERS AND IDEALERS CIN WESEFRN PRD&l SULDE CE, hr se h , bsmdad by Canal, New LIYUL'( Co.,..O. nhd )'ultra[ Streets. CO EI.ElUS WE.r. ATTORNEY ANDI COUNSEL 1!111 ert th post- AND ý U. S. C03ISI191IONER, Ron sh'eot, over Post- en. Z Ri SlAASHER SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. IN qIs.a ut the 10l,, of the City Hotse, or ht No. 95 Caronde letoStss. 0,l10ly DrAIERON &CO.. J. D. DEALERS IN CARPET Jigsg, 0I Oluths, etE., No. 20 Ga't'es ad I1 Customhouas streets _ _ ý'WICHT, F U!1IUNY) P., ATTORNEY AND if OUNSELLOR-AT'-LAWI~~, Napulconv)Ila, ttrsl[ of Ae eumption, I.u. Will1 practice in thle parilshes of Asaumlllon, I.nfourshe, Tserr,,WoEusill St. N[STJ .Refers I W. G. hews. NSsp, sor,"r,. SlorkSoSaUfer A Co.; IfS.. C. Voorhies5 ; hIon. C. I'. Kiiirldna. elf 6., DOBNS FARRIZ TONS DGUEREO DOJ TYPS, copser (Slopl PssE oi streIts, (ysas.lq DOUI(E~~:' ·E 1AFUFUS WRITINGIR AND BOOK.( IIIE I~l ES'AI:.ISI..INTNo. 106 Canal Street. Dnlbcar's superlor Steel Penn for sale, In large and smarll 5 101. title'. 277 E UBAN-K, K. .N. Jr.. & CR., GENERAL CON 3I115IhIN MIEElCIISNTSIE No. 82 ClinpolDS Es I ELEG tJ. K. B 1UILDER, Circus Estn~at, nerxt to thle comerrh I~ervh[ New Orleansr 11ý"'Itepniriug and Store Filling done with nmltne'a and Ii,. psch tiysSI- mot rInablE terms. su30 E LM A NU&Y ILESS tY & Co., DEALERSR IN FR ll()lU(: AND 3LIRRII* ANDIIB. Tar Pilell. Basin Mu alotreet, New brlsn Felu lp I10Sl & 'Cco., If f'ALfD .IN BOOS,1 SHOES, ODDO I` gEml4, Hatee Clips, ete. 'No..70 lngaztne street. H.: KNAPP & W. S. CRSANDLEU, FEN T'AL SURIGIONS, I5D Canal street. J.1 GORDON & FOSTERE, DEALERS IN FLOUR Got"', acrl Poyllnnr and New Levee street., yl2 l+ f'rUIOY, THOSB. F., WHOLESALEF AND RETAII. l. Stnier in fine Faney Articles, corner Canal and St. Chlarles etreet ss I G7 EIý,TiEL & BON AMION AEANIAND FA3CY DRY G (Ibor of direct imnportatio,, No. IS aib't 000re.e - !'t AONý, C.C. & Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALF. SisDS INtIl 5RDWARE, CUTLERY, etc., 7SY. .25oga eine Inld 40 (;nIIVIE Streets. Got DONVME,&CSL DUCCFESSRSTO GORDON G.5 B UR:TT DEALEr t N I.UMlllgt -O-O1Gd - an Ysrd Front Lsevse, corner of Uolrd street, Lop constanstly on ihand, Wioeel Atsq.y JsIt E'ltnk,]traeE SOiT, IDecking, DosESg ,nd St isaheeir: Ts ,ssId isoond Irsa and Cypress, OsE Timbernd Pinssk; pO1 osos end lIngtths. a, 24 TOLMES&OCLAUSSS OEOI.RS ANI).SDEALERS .1 IN WESTERN PRODI)EE, Nos. 14 New Leve 1nd014 Tchsspssslo 551,reet. 025 lydkw 'GTJRNI)ERCSON & Co. S. & A., OROCERES clier. ;etiPl\~P 91LeSc IRIt'.-n It E1 SEEBRALI4 P. A.R DEALERS IN StAPLE AND H tin Fancy Dry Gnada, 0o..118 Cenni street. HARISY arHUIACj0V.ST,'IP F A ,D Fe1NCY DRY HOWVELL, R. IL., ATTORNEY-AT.l1AW, No. 13 HIL*L, AIoEXdANDsER IMIPORTER.AND DEAl. .R LER 'PATTIIES. JIWELRYE Iet.S, P1STO351, CEUT'LCRY, FANCY ARTICLES., t., etc., No. E' Crpu street. - a7 'ART A E 1 & Co., DEATLER! INSEROCERIEO, lDRL iS, DI'OIC LO, PAPER5, etc., 77..d 79 TeS.u pitouiru ,trept. TJINDERSON & GAINES, DEALIERS IN COI S IS ICLASS TIIF oS.%IIIS, StE, tc. ,sot S. IITGSON.( F. VW. & Co., SHIPPINt AGENTS LIHN, (;03iITi~a ION Ni ERCIIIANT, 8NClllp sr. UYD E:i GOODURICH, JIWEIWLRS, cornSer Csl Il llii~ocrul xtrr(·iT_ TT Rf nDIG ,A CCTIOSNEEI ANI A PPRAI .Y1. SIC l ClIP Pame PUcE I. 1 fC~lat r. AWE.R'(lI l: IE IS)CSTSSII.ANEII IEX KS, 24001 '. A L'E lSd, :E ATlI'UlICN-AT-ION.AE.2 ND. l TFýF.NUEI D 5''- , & CR.,' COITM19ýICISSIN NEC. St1it N'EY, tsin. 1ssts) 1'oydru s [, New Orsy, . .-1 7ýF..lI1V Y, 511t1101, ('CLSTIIIIIOS MlERsCHANT 11 Deirlcr in Itilnc I'dlino. Winldow Clu~r. Camera, F.n-iiill. I'illibnra ;rd lPo-riolia Fire B~ricks, etc., ISc., No. 72 Laa;, r wVoI) S CO.. J., IWAl. & IC CTTPLN SA C 7' AVIM, ', F. C.,ITONE1CIIANT- Os.W 2O. 11 !'Placei I'uc; oppositle [he Pust-Olhecj Now OrleauuJ. L A1I)IS, JOSEPH & C'o., C031 SISSSIOV 3IFR : Il T'n 'lA NSI I)IIALEtS N WESTERNR PRODULS:E, 33' f: lrnnt'illir lllas Lrre:. 1 .: ." T'EIGIITOS & IAEYBOT, CLOTHIIER~S, corner of LI"IVE1;ICCII, W.RI. E. & Co., COTTON P.1C LTOltX ANDO C1)3I3IIdiiION MERCHANTSS :in. 24 Old l~1 ii-.1~isyiil id 1 anen o Articles, corner Enanel streets and ICxrlinn ge 1la:e. ;7ý1ýý ( o s G--. , . WII.. .o.F,.,E IRrI GIST, OILS, &TLPaint,, 1' 'er m ey-,etc., MNo. 13 Magazxine ntreet._ j).O ESInn . G NI . nIM, c. w. lt.iE ItE H. & : G.W.E., ATTORINEYS-AT-lAW, N~ 13 t'.r,,m-r c .ll Ples. New orlen.. 212i . I1I'OI.EOltIJ~t, . I]., 5lblv l ýtretI cornerof To-l1-se, MADIi1' 'AND CENTLEMIEN'S EIANCY ARTICLES AND I) 'I'IIU\INIY SRTODEF. jet M 1TEYEIE lDI. II., 10 Ilamp street, WATVIIMAKEK 1 \N1 AIIID I iI IN ,IEFEL.RY, OOLD )PENS,. FANCY AIRI,'I ,-S NI) WATCIIES. All Jewelry lrticlel repaired rt n,t!,raste prices. n13 TIAOIltGN, J. C. BOlOKS AND STATIONERY, Ex .1 shimn,.' Phwce, ndjominln tile P'oet-Offie . M/UNVIJOE, A. &C o, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLO TIf iI N, 1ti all izes and gllldi"iie, wholesale md retail, cc2rl;,.r of Grnir [er antd . S:r/n ii h-trt,. N OEODIAN. II. 1I., IIISOOISEII,ER AND STATIONER, N o, ] A C:nmlI streeL ani under the 9i. Cl'har.T iered. N IClIOLS, U. I., IMPORTER AND DEALER IN \inos, ]]rnndulld c*, Frnit:, etc., No. 90 (lamp street. _mOIKI.. 1'AY, V LOTIIlERS, corner Camp anfl C;ommon streets. ILCHlIG G REODIIlCIh & Co., COTTON FAC TORSIA (AN ))MMISSION MEItCIIANTS, 411 Caronde eL street, corner of Union strest, lup stairs. nl)d1I) PITHIN II. i CoN IEAIS. S IN CIOTIIINIIG AND FURNISHING GOO1S, No.37 C(anpstreetl . x21 D OIINSON & CO., H. M,. WIIOIESAIE AND RE )till Grocers--Stenboat and family aupplies, No. 1O) ra vier street. EIILY P. E.8 . IDEALERS IN SILKS AND FAN I CT DItY GOOIDS, corer Royal and Caro sltreets. n9 A .ESIIIDE, Ij ENRY, (Sece1)sor to F. N. I1a, W l )NOTAR.Y 1,UBLIC, No. 2 Commercial Place, NIew Orlan. n21 SAYMONiD, W. C., FAMILY GROCER, No. it Camp . eL ateot, New t-rleals. |ELF J. II., & Co., DEALERS IN IARI)WARE, e1 ,., Frntrsree3t, between (raeir and l_,tcher streets. _T]W.VAUT, CIIARL.ES A., DEA.ER IN FINE 1J anl -lhion,,blle,,Frniture, NDo. lT71l Ln CanIal stireet. QUANLAN CO., D. P., DEALERS IN MILL.,TI Svllry and Fine Flancy Dry Glood, N.os 1 and It Chartres street. QAVnAIAE7 J1I. 0& Co., COMMISSION MERCIICANTS J ANI) IENERAIL pIROI)UCIE AND PROVISION DEAL EllS, No 26 Poydras ,treet, New Orlens?. myt cv. w. "" I w SIIAW, G. W. ?& Co., I)ININIISSIO N AN) FOR. - WAIII.DINGO 1MiC1IAN'SI, No. 4 'oydras street, New L ,,e)n . myE 1ll,11 FIRANIK, Jr. & CO., COMMISSION AND .0 1,IIIRWAIII)IN1I MERITSANrS., ANI) DL)ALIERS IN FIISTERN _IFOI)UCEt. No8 TlhIoitohltOIsreet. olI QTIINGEG R, 1F., & Co., FASHIIONABLE (1.0) .J TtIINN, FUIINISIINGI GOODS, TRUNKS, CARP'ET IAGS. etc., N :15 Clmnp street. my 1 QTROIUD, JOIIY 8 Co., MARBLE WAREGHUSE, ,. No. 1456 stretV CErondelet and lBaron ne etreet. a19 ly (IEAVIRAN, I1. . & Co., C0MAIISSIONFORnYARD 3J IN ANI) YWESTERIN IPOI)UCE MIRCIIIANTS, and dealers in Oils, Rice, Alcohol, etc., 0).11 Poydras street. al2 RICKIl)IS .0 Co., DRUGS, MEDI)ICINES, SURGICAl, I NSIIEUMENTS, etc., whole:alo and retail, Nos. 88 mad d0 Canal 1u'ee1. a9 IILAIKI, STADUFFEI & Co., 1 A RD Iv AR E, .7 IRON, etc., No. 64 Canal street, Agents for Pages' SIw 11ill. a9 IZI.:. GE). V, NEW ORIEANS AGRICOUITU SII {AI, WýARE U'SE1," corner . Magaine and PoydiaE 1streets. a11 STEYýL, J. I., I)OOOKSII.ELR AND STATIONER, S3 No. G0 Catmp street. •lAYLORE SE.VELl. T., IMPOIITER .NO DEAL - r ill f1 n `Tine s and Liqnors, No. 17 I)TRyIl street. -iODD, S. III., & CO.7 WIIOI,IISALE AND RETAIL 5, 1DEAI.ElrS Il FAINTS, OILS, PAIN'T (ILIS, WIN. DO\VW GILASSS,11lUSIIE S, and Colors of all kinds, () I)1ga stinr street. .a1 `JAI.'E'IINETI. J. B., 8 CO., DEAI.EIS IN BOOTS .i11OFC I, A IliATS. No. 51 Comlmon street. VOOR~IIIES, GtlI8.GS 3 Co~COMMISSION ANDI FORWARDIIINU MEROHANTS, 15 Tehoupitenlaa street. YI ilEEI9OCK, R. H. EAL1CR IN DRESS, MRDI s, faintsIiljl( , Oils, cIC· I o. 43 Magaziine street. W ?OODAN, O. O, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN VVDrnlc, CID, aieulll, Intent Mledicines, Faints, Oils,-etc., coiner Common and nllag.-ni n streets. WRIjHITE, THOS. L., BOOKSELLER AND STA G~ tillll(·T No. 105 Cost sreet 57TRIGIIT S. CO., J.,DEAI.ERS IN PATENT MSr)I VY cines, Dingn Peil'emery, etc., etc., No. it andlblCaar tres street. LWt't Wttsov ParishI apider, Ia £.H. 555555, NEw.OileaOs. WRLSON, 'POMRROY A. Co., COTTON FACTORS 050 CSMAIII lSSISN ESERCUAE 55, 35CSNrodelItsters5, lNss DOllis. 00U CH A.. H. waLDO.........................·... ROD£RT 4 HUGH·J· W T Ai AJ O & II DGIHI S, HARDWARE AND SIP YY ii CHANDLERS, Nos. 3 Front and 12 Foltnu streets. -11i WYTERERAN. J. & BRO., IMPORTERS AND IRAIERS IN IARDWAIIR, CUTLERR, Ic.,corner yl.-Inill and Comlmon sotreets. W C. *FLUER, UNDElRTAKSER, 11 TCIIOUPI . Ioulss 5trea, N'ew Orleas, Cofsns and IHesIes lewaYs £s rediesl. Catlin lined wtllS 115, for SI SISortion, at short notice. -2.81y COAL; l OALI-SPENC.R FIELD & CO., DEALERS IJ PittsOrgA, Anthracite, American, English and Dcotch Ceanel Coal. f-DFFICE-Corner Camp street and Lafayette Squsre. VIRisTE LEAD-SSs tons WNil, Lead, various broads rY and qualities, sumory supeior, for12 sRiIe I 6LFRED EERY a? 72 Ysanine streat. NEW ORLEAN S DAILY. CRESC PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED, BY NIXON & ADAMS, AT NO. 70 CAMP STREET. VOLUME IX. . MONDAY MORNING, AMY 12, 156. UMBER ". SEA-GOING VESSELS. TEXAS AND MEXICO. To sail on WEI)DRIDAY NM, 14. at 8 o'clock. AM. NOR VE RA CRUUZ.-U. 6. MAITL I.INE Tor ne corn nder, Mil I...v for v Crur r Fb,,,3 p f ,lly, carrying e h In. 6. malls. DAMl 1or or p MdIngN, ft legnth accommodatioNs for cahln nod etcelrLe tt nnsengra, nlrslg to . 3Tt~lR g A M l1(1AY foot of as s· treet, opposit th Ie an 1 bl landrg #'P-N, reight ill Ln received withlout an order from h Agents. mJ To d1,,,,nTIIUPRi4IAY , ,,,15 . t B,,',1,,k A. N. To ait FNOR OGAI.V MS'ONo A D IIYIATA IAOP.nil)AI stiAY. il L-. UI SDII W. 1- . TT, A tol, cnmmandor, rlll leavh s hve g- or313111131, ,8,IOll t a 1apl to IAHIIS kA IATAN ont of nnia street, oil 11 ite tL fe 6[enmlps laindin6. 4 Thle steamships of llih liuu will hereafter pay lighterage en gnodll front Powdevr hornm La Ivvilen Glhippcrs will pessxe provide themselvecs withl thostenmer's bills of laingl~. Nn olller for. x"111 he signled. rny12 BALTI M E. .JFOR. BALTIMORE.-REGULAI LINE. ThIC Anel SohMIIP Look fl"Ele rLSltlh, master, 1,I qq nearly all h 1er cartfo( engaged, will Irmoo gq,,k p For bdl an freight or GOlt e a1,t y oCGEO. W. IOYNSON k (i,., my9 82 Carnp sreet, FUR BALTIMORE-REILIJLAR- LINE PEL.-L A-llhet stil.nlgpacke hark DennIs Kely Cronmanr, 11-rlni most of her cargo rn~fgpw11ha xn K~nlnceof fretghlt xpply to . 9r v CO:; 82 'amp street. Il "or passae, appy to' n foln a bana. ntyl " FOIL BAL7'IiIIO F,-RF(ULARA LINE- The fast snilltlb Bnihet eehononor Sh1 ey Prlce, Gand, m llll;rl, nearly all Cier ag engaged wixequick dlspnlech. For bnlnseu of fretghrt or p~anenge. * FOR BALTIIMORE -ILFIRST VESSELI Rgh Linn c Paekete--Tlle lost s RS pg yekrt bark uc AnLI, lCcllcr, mnEler, lIeLving moyt oPer LnrIn 11 rdill h Fve ,dispntcli. Fcr l 1-c, of f reight or pasag r EOpl to 101.0W. IIY& C, I Co., a19 82 Camp street. *FOR BALTI7IORICRE- IRS 1LS.IEL Th1e splendid new Al brigt Flanny I llg 11ttt1 `Cymast., hCISC, InrCa ICrti,.; f her lCgohn 'I d, will have immbadltc d th. Forialance o freiigt fit passage, apply to · a8 11 O. W. 7IYNSON , CO., 82 Camp street, " PHILADELPHIA. FOR'PHILADELPIIA - R1IIUAAR T.INE-Than Al s8lplld packet bark W1V1b Ingtn D teer, Collins, master, having n Inrgo II oao engaged, will hnre dipiGteh. For bhnl22R of Irielgh apply to 1vylG EOG. W. HRGION & CO., 82 Camnp At. FOI H~L PHIILADE~LPHIA. - REGULAR Fa,2paag, aply 1 he2 faptefn; un board, M the beef S ail ORG. W. 11UESDAY . 1O.. is2 CRmp 11111. FOR. PHILADELPHIA. - REGULAR l.INE.A'Thl Alne, fast saili pAcert l.k ChW Iopd lllaetS, ter, havri,.g oiylrlo lA her crGgo S1-MPiiIn, will sail dai1shre. For 1 ala2c, of freigh2t or pas 1212 IIFO. W. rIINSON A CO., 82 Cap street. SFOR PHIILADELPIIA - REGULAR lNE}-The 2pl11d Alw W-2GAR. ford ill hpunhlid ne l al l her Cargolllle ar ,dillllnroaslytr l er , ha ving 2ar , enfrngeJ,,.ar. dispIac. FR For bal 21cefGfleigh or p my6 C,1 1. W. IIYNSON & CO:., 8 Ciamp 1tr1et. FOIL PIIILADELPHIIRA- EGULAR ,Tti F.-The splendid Al pkket scho Uer Funnier lI.NE-ThI Al spl1,,Aid packel bark Old HIpik Ry ,81.At, master. }li meet whlll ldspach. For 112.21,t 21,1 p 212pply on board oppnlile P12:1:3, 8212212111 trict, orto 12,3 J.11. AGHRIIEOGE A CO., 120 Common 21. IUSTUN. FOR BOSTOiE-RElllLI·AE LINE PACK II TS-2he Al splendid clipper laL IoIEIa, k..ry, master, bovinel most· of her cargo engagedl olel mtk the bulk of Me iairell flour For t reighit or gpl uge, applCy orid, L I Ct P1t 21, FPirf 1)i231)11,r to mpl? O. I. IISSOl)N A 111.. S2 Caep et. FOR BOSTONI-EC-iIARI fIN rE, or PACK. LI ',-TIe Al paclke aIlip ar- BradforEd, dCCCCL tr, i now 23ainq and will hovl quick dispatceh. For f i or Pna~sage· apply to mSI'2 PCI) 11. IIYNSlS k (C)...12 Cmlip ,tret. FOR'-BOSTON-llI 'iLL.lE I.IJNE-TIlE lP i) lCu9 gl picket Whir. ColchiC)), liPilPIC 1 necrl h ler lit or alcnsnge yre nick di"1+>+tch. For L:~lnnec o Tf f frigh or passne, wi sply t 12317 Ihl)0 W. IICNSll Co)., 82 Ciarp street. FOR 1101,¶QN-RC.UIIIAE -PACKET I.INE. -11.e Al IItCITQ~Ent h lSp le ]o mEII $t.?ri;;: henr_'Cof ur o.111 ns+ *PISe PC;.~il lfdve rliylri ch N.or b.,.wl1$reil.l.IA23sEdtC0l) r31 GEO. 11 . I1YN31121AI'O., 82031p 3,2t. FORi BOSTON-1F.ClEIAI PACKET .INE. 1lge .i Woirk BrooIl , I praClIe rdllmr, lihqik lets.: IC ortion of fer c~pi g engaged, will . .-2) nick diapn0.h F'or balanlre of fmigell or rpw.ilge. lppl to 1131 1,1112. CNESO N CO.,'8211C-,3treet. FOl BOSTON-REE3IIAE PACKE":T LINE. -The 1131111 p1lCiet bilrk 1elphEI, Soule master, Iuviny ll 131 11chr ergo on b1331, will hove quick 3)111. a above. FIor bi3Ie of Creight, apply to .23 OLE EL. 111)1 t CO., CA l CnnlP street. FOR BOSTON-RE'lCIAE LINE. PACK. FITSJ-The Al pocket bark Ah er11a, Ilnrker, unnv r, hn ing n largae Portion of );er cars.l ell-rrd, will have ImP',t. For IlAiCL1 of fre 'dht apply 2 to Rlj · GFO. W. 1113113 A ('0.. O.IEICmp st. FOR flOST4JN-ICI;IJ),AE LINE-TIIE new or, ..nre shiip VY1 nilher .,g -ga edniel .lonea, mii~cr, hilillrIlcrlg nitber nra cn~ae, will hlave m'dI p111 aice of f. reigh , 11,23,1.11,pply boar,, LII 3ICt 1?, Fialt I I 3ICri E3t, or tI .1 (.EO. W. IIYNEON A CO., 82 Cump Etrpet. LIVE KF'UU L FOR LIVEILFOOL-TIlE Al IIIIITIOO ship Naboh, lIomcr, 01,.le ,. erino;; P11 of he cargo c UgXged, w-i11 met vFitl dispatch.Fr rigt J. IL AUlIlBRi(O & CO., a17 120 C:ommon treet. HAVRE. FOR HAVRE.-TILE PACKET SH1IP Richmo nd, 01ook,, 000ter, hay in;; nPlOOP all het cargo engaged, will hro, quoick dlpOeh. For S9lOP 10. W. IIYNSON A CO., 82 Crimp street. FORPREIGHT ORCHARTER-TIIE atlo sailing ship Choorlep, Ilnrk, master, is ore dy`LP~~d to reach, frcinht. For roans, aIpply tO CDPptai 0 hoardst 2S, Se. 00ond0 Dtrict, isp orto, 0O. IV. IYIYNOON & CO., 82 Coop stroot. -. FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR CHAR P00i-O1h, remarkaly fast sili,,g Al drip Asto olo, A. F. fiolm5s 5 tour ; iarteis 25 bulda r ot ton. App 3' t oy3 . II. 11. ASIlRIIOO 0 CO., Ill Common street. FOR SALE, PREIGHT O11 CHARTEiR-The pnod suhshitill schoo~ner St. Lawrence, Ca ~pt. ilot pid, 153l tons burtltel, is unlnudin; at thec First iis , Pi ,,Tier, oid wii be reaiy to r g(eive cargo Mn Monday, the 151h inst. For puticplho, apple to a1l OAREI.I S 0(1.661 C,,i,,,5 at. BtAILW 1I1tA V± LLJV. U. {\N V 0 LEANS, JACK-N H RALR A, Depot on Calliope street, coneor of Chasl street, near thle New Bas:in. PASSENGER TRAINS lea.S OY-k IrIS. 5t 1 A. A. Rsas,.e N1,-s Orles a 11 A.M51. Lesves New OrleSsI dily at 8; SM. uS eachesO sxyARSi' P.t. Passengers reeivedA and anded tiil indtermelidiate tIationRs. FRs-F5our cnts per mile, each way. ChildrdI and servants, half Price FRiIIIIIT TRAIN from the City to ISykrt And all intermk lim1e 5ntionx, every TnsdsI T hur545551; SnirUIySIand fIrom Osykn to New Orlsan. and 65i intermediate st 515555, aver)- Rlon OS5, WAd sday and Frisily. :RJA\n IwsiS train wll IciSs tlbS city every Sounday 9A. MI for Osykrt 1155 ito1 mediate stations, and return by 100 P. M. Fnaiokl I tlhIsus, I rate, D5SSlnsou TickutI issiued, nn IIpli,15tion, It R moderate 1ric5. R bS. Ii. IIARIUIIUIIST, 55n'11 5pcrI'. Tri-Wssbly 1,in1e of STARES TS .I AC I1NII MSiEs. nl NE<W OLEANS OPE __ LGIISAS AND SREBA WEST ERNa~~~ii" j~sa RAILROAD. SUMM1iER AIIRAINGEMENTS. This Read iill be open far .,ssIIISfiybS srSRAIRies to Bayou hoof, n dirralle of sov, sA )gthree mules, on And after the 1, of MARCH NEST. PASSENGER TRAINS: LeaesIthe Depot aI Algiers every day at............ 9S: A. 3. GIreta every 1a5551............NR:P A. fI. Arive at Bsyou Bi every dy a.. .... ..12:30 P. MI RE.TURNING.O Leav I BayoRussi........... 1:30 P.MI. ~.Arrive at (iOTnn .....................5:1···6:0 P- M.I Algier.:................... ..5:3 1 P. 5 Fare each wu) ........ ..............3 00) A Ferrsy 155t wll conneS t withi the PS555555 Trains, leav55g the foo5 of St. Ann street every moisgig, s8 o'clok prcisely. Frei;,"tt will be received for Rayon IlmufTnnd intennedintu Sta tions b I the Complasss the whalrf t the frit of SR . Loais sS SIiny iutil 3cok 1'. bit All u' I51i S mast .e paitRr lbs lippers, and sigei 15 to 1e deliveied At All other SII ti s than BayAou dos AsA rlr SS, iRiSelnIr.II,,fourclssl rossinRgR Tenss isnue, Tiger villaani d yS55.RUISES (whSre the CompRIy have AgRI) murst be prepaii. Printed RulIsS and ISn-. of Faii~lS In PamphleIt f5rm for 5 1. 5ln RSion, to be had on application at tie attics a5 thelbs CRpay. 25tif A. B. SEGI. Vice PresiIsent. -A LG.ELRS SIGAR IIUART.--Tl UTIlE R SS siSSneI is SISS PrI.Red to receisi o1 storIarR, ior sale or reshipment, in tiicproof uulelioalas, well lighted, or on the pls form reeenly erecl, to lbS covered with trpsaulins ,sg E r or molasses, having CapucitS. for 15,000 hogsll1A&.. Pinntcrs or merchants nn the line of I le Ope~lousas Railroad can have t1eir products diiehnlrgsd fro1 lts ems, eilher in SSSIsIs orion the platform, and delverI d IS ships IUS SsgiSS srats isee of labor, dISSIE or tSIriIulin hire. SrSorSa a5 per tariff TARIFF. EUGAR-PIr hlgshSISI, SR cetsS, fsSom 1 to515 days, orSS cent; p ne onthl, madb5 arcentx such, suceerding mntle. SIO.ASSUiS-.PSibarrel, 8 cents, IISS 1 to 15 days, or 12 ceuta per month, met 8 Gems sRrb sueeSding nSiIth. N inssIsncs required if placeii on the latform covered with tarpaulin; if in the depot or warehouse, it cS le euSSIRSi at tRiI lowest rates. 3 References by SSI eciS Consent; Ju, Yde RERnnT, J. P. Whimsy, Darby T TremSulet, P. TlnspIro, Geore Uquhet Lolt , 1 nlt r JDnc.g e ý. W.D. I Urq pentia, Clark & SI5ETIys6` .s SSSSk, SiiSiSS'W5 EISRIud , . ..nn11y, . B5ennett . Cs., 1 Price, Cnverse S Co. TV.SII.RIsS, Co., IlsitI. NorIon R Co., WR. . Iles-s U. G0dde5, Austorin A ThibsI, J. W. Stanton & Co., Charles DIIirSS, MarstinS Owen & Cobb, John O. WoodSrT& Cs~ 'e A. U. Idy C Co., S.O. NelSon & Co.. rt N. BI.-RSugar or molasses sold At the AlgiSI SS TISS3nrt wll be delivered atiIhe city, If required, at same rSSSs As charged from Opelousas Railroad Depot. S g~rdl dresa. h BROOKLYN WAREHOUSE Cj)I'ANY, 55 TiB J. C*ASEY, da1 No.91 Camp street. 1s 1ýTAANUFACTURF; y TOCACCO-2aaO iorcs In ' store and to nTSR) par bbSRk BrooIs .CUNYURSB ERCO. I cor5,r of Canal and New Lives. STEA.BOAT DEP.ARTURES. OHIO RIVER. Will tleave on TIUESIDAY. 13th Inst., at 5 o'clock p. M. Eltar pssenFger packet sltste r Alntelope, Captain Ed. Brown. will leave for Louig3ilo nd all lnternediat landings, as above. Fgr freight or pasgsage, apply b), lard. or to IRETTERTSN & KEEPFR, 29 Tttttttplfouttl tittt. Ap an of lo U bln can be scen and State-rooms secured by" lying to /he Agsnta. . takefr~ e ght for Memphis, nCaro and Paducah. my10 Will leave on TIIHURSDAY. 151i Ma, at 5 o'clokr P. M. FOR LOUISVILE, NEW AI IAN, Evansvllre, Paducah anl- d MNmphis.--The ele gnntand swift running passenger packet steamer Belle Shergldo , Capt. P. A. Ky, ilt leaveIas above. For fret~ht or passage, apply to mv9 T. B. SMITH, 12 New Leve street. N. ..- State rooms can be secured by aplling to the lagen. STEAMER NIAGARA A larry I. Fpotts , Slater-FOR I.OUISVILrE- ' tix .l~ndd stemer will )nave for louisville and all Intennediate landesW tllrorunghout tle season, a follows: Leaves Net Orltans on WFEI)NESDAY, Itay 14, at 5 P. 5. SATURDIAY Say 31 at 5 P. M. . 'WEIDNESDAY, June 18, at P.M. . . SATTUIIDAYt Iuly5, .1P, 5I. .... WEDNESDAY, July23, at 1'. . State-rooms con be secured by ap lying .to sp21 IIELL, JUCIIANAN & CO., 95 Mgtsatins st. STEAMER ROBERT J. WARD; Cbptt. Sllns F. Dlrller--FOR IOUIS1 VIILL.--Thin well known passenger packet will leave for tile above port and all intermediate laudgs troughout the xeason, as follhws: LeavIes New Orlea., SATURDIAY, ay 10 at 5 o'clock P.3M. . TUESDAY5y 27, . .. FRIDAY, rJe 13, .. .. .. .. .. MtNDAY June 3) " . WEI)NES)AY, Juty.", N. B. Passengers can dependon this steam er leaving as advertised. 7. --,RNo stateroo1m considered engaged until paid r; -' fo A lan of the cabin Lon be seen and saterooms sectred ort rely othe aboe trips, by atpplTinto tile Agentsi IETTERTON A KEEEPFI, a3 tf 29-Tchoupitoulaa street, STEAIER ECLIPSE Capt. SStur CC..on--F OR LOUISVILL,-his manllaelnt pa..sen.'er .teamer will leavi for tle above and all Lntermediate landin s throtsltghot the P. as folte - Leav:ben Ne.w rleans 5~.-3 J .at 5 o'cleks P. ol. " 9, it5 o'elock P.M. S' - June 25' it 5 o'clock P. M. • ' July II at 5,o'clock P, M. -State-roomn can le scr by apptJyitg Flt sp2 . BELL.I BUCHANAN SCO., l5sagatinett. .1 kSTEADIER JAS. MONTGOMERY . Sam'I .Montgomers.y, naster-- Thlis tpletdid teamer will' leavei' for LCUISYILLE, throaghhout the season; as fo1o s- - Leave.New Orttatf on tWEDNESDAY. ]ay 21st, at 6 P. M. ... .. SATURI1)AYJn 7tb, at 5 P. 31. TUESDAY,June .bl tb,.atIS 31: T" IIIRSDAY JnI"y 10th hSt.P M.. MISNDAY Jutiyiqith, at'SIP. f. THUIIRSDAY- n.ttgt 1sthaI 5 P. h .' The Montgomery is unsurpased in P,[nt of speed and aeeom modtioUs bycany boat in the trade. Rooms for a.ayof the blove tsFipi canPI be eeured on application to aplI.. E- IL, ttUCIIANAN & d CO..95 Magzine street. - STEAIER MIAGNOLIA-TtIE REG ,ular pa1nengtr packet Masnlolls, St. C. . Thomaoln, masterr will leave fr Louiar-ille the remainder of tie saeoun, as f5llowa : SATURDAY, May tll, st 5 P. 31: TUESDAY, .lune d, ,at P, M. SATURDAY, illte 21st, at 5 P. 5N. TUESDAY, July 8th, at5 P. M. NIo more pTsengers will be taken than can be accommodated with berths, and seata at the table. State-room, cn be secured at tile office of ap2 TIHEO. SHUTE, 22 Common street. UPPER MISSISSIPPI. Will leave 0n 6 ,ESDAY.- d~tli inst., st sto'ilok P.M. IfEGUL AR ST.LOUIS PACKE~T The f Itt.,ssenger teamer p ~ i t b lea, G. {. Ford, mtsttt, sill leave for St. t.usp4 andit itermeditte lantdings, as .Ssve. For reight t or pattsge apply on bard, or to JAIttN 11. HIYDE & CO., 66 Po'ydr.t st. SZ- A plan Of thle enbin can be seen and tatne rooms'ssculred by appilin, to the .gents.t tYlI LOWER MISSISSIPPI. L Deaves on NEnBNSDAY. 14th i-t.. tt 5 o'clopi P. it. REGULAR MEM.IPHIIS PACKET. -Fr Mlemphsi Ilsenl, SNpol., tireentilis, Lokt Prttditne, i iyktsrbgand ln ll! interm-dliate lnndingr--Tllr fine emllnl and fast runninH pnurpnaer atenmer Jobh. Stmottde, C. ti. Ctturth, t.ister. wilt be readytto MMive freitltt 0n ltyttt mrtinsg,td ttilt leavte ts tbote, lavin ly very suprior .econnoodntion r. Fur freight or Insi sage, apply o.u board,. or to JtItN E. TITYlE S CO., 116 tsydtstreat. 3'-Tels Simonislwill tnkttniltplnntntiontand 'g'sttreisrt atsd pnatsttteg, for St. ssui6, Louistily, Cintitnati nd tNsihvills, connething at tttlpltwit psti ett for thostI ptt ce'. msli) THE LKE,'.. STEAMER 'lifornt 1.-Winte Arnrmge -F (0kE S~i' 1'. 4 i:, GUG loS en.-or Oce·an SprinF~s~and intermeWirt land- i'ga, exsendig her trips to far as Piscagoula M Tuesday and Saturday of "_ rhracL The splendid low pressure 51550t steamer California, Louis elson, ster, built esprcssly for this traSd, nith su-erior sssodlations,. wrillleves the ss ls e end of thle Penss,, 1 Railroad on the arrival t tilh Lake of the S ars,,S follow1s I.ea Pontchartrain Raiload, Leaves, lOCa Springs. TUESIDAYS......9A. WEDNESDAY ONIRNNG, TIHURSDAYS... .9 A. M. crs, FRIDAY MORNING, SATURDAYS,.. .4 Y. SUNDAY EVENING. O. Tuesday and Siaturday she will go as far as Pascagoula. sI S. GEIDDES. Agent, 10 Rank Flac. FO R MIAiDEVILL.E-U. S.31all FOR MANI)EYVII.I,F, Iagcistsi, Jindisonlils , Cosin ton and Abiji Springs-The sss V11"isli,, Pssssl, Captain .. 9. Ilsothss, levs's, t, Ps itcltiltri n Railrad every day aftlr thle arrivasl o lth 12M. care (Sundays e-,sp d.) Itdllsig, n l, Fs Covingston every ...nin Et 5 oslcE (Shndlyss esepud.l Para. $1. Men'l Cnts. For particulars, apply on board, or to a19 If D. U. LOSIIER.,3 9S Mssine street. FORE ?lOI1LLE DERLECT, DAILY E. G. MAlI, LINE.-Wlinter ArragEmt.-ThIe sptledid to ensure.saket steamer Clba, R. A. seirl, master; Florlrid, IV. I. IIHlciinmolter; Oregon, 99er1, master, having been bult e xpressly for th1 I.lAie usl, with sluprior sCCss.O'btisls, one of the above steamers will leave tlle Lanke end of Cm P iontchartrain Railroad dlily sn the sssissl of the S otclock F. JI. cars. liesosisg, will stop at Fassssgsdlaa s sondhsy and TibradlaF ev5ings. Casin Fare to X bile.......t.......................56 Dec................ . . . . ..I....... 2 R. OSIDIIES, Agent, 10 11nk Fissee. New Orlsss. Novembler 1, 11955. . s8 a~i 6'1'i L' YV'1' Y V. 1:U sod rllVa STR;EET-T1'hA nnder ignnd had on hlndn and will keep constanntly for sale, for either las or City Acceptance a 1nlla.s.toament of SLAVES, consistning of MECHANIIS ni a nidespdner ns, HOUSE and PIElD SERLYANT, etc., etc. ontving leasd tile three-story dwelling No. 156 Common, near Baronne street. he is Prepared to accormodat transient Tnraders I and their Slaves on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in thei city. - Particular attention will be paidl to consinments of Slaves. THOMAS F. FRISBY, 156 Common treet. R.R.nCs.--Fellon s Co. ; Cnurn' Person; J. O. Ricks A Co.; RinhArd lBeck J. G. Cocks .rCo. .; Waitt DeSaulle. N. 1.--The HIGHEII ST CASII PRICES paid for LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES. n7 il 1-I. Oo. F.-BOARD OF DIRECTORS of 'Odd Fellows' Rest" for l56.--Otleers- lienrv Bier, Presidet; JoIhn Slroud, Tteasurer; Jas. F'rncanx. Secretanry. Cemetery Commiti tee-Iarper Oillinghnm, Gardner Smith, LIUther HIomes Fi nance Committee-Thos. Keet, W\. C. Wilson, I,. tomes Seoton--IDanie Merritt. Members--Frnk Lewis, W C. \Vil on, Oen. tymonur, H.Goldnllan, G. B. Bowdninh, J P. J ar ier, 1I. CastaredeS. S oullemt. p VAUL'TS 1N "Oli)D FELLOWS' REST" nmay e pro cured y applyihn to F. M. CORRY at Sickles k Co.'s, t' Ca n l street at D FELL & STET'SOn'S, 5i Campstreet : to Ii. IiILlSIAUGII, U. S Mint, and at te Sneretary's of'ic. , in Odd Fellows' HIdl, corner I mp and Lafayette streets Tile price to mnembers of Stoekholding Lodges will Ae $40 per vault; to all others, S$50 per vault VW- Information relative to the purehase of Lots, can he had on appiication to the Secretary. apll JAMES FURNEAUX, Secreary O. F Rest. CRESCENT CITY SOAP WORKS-IEPOT' . 11 Lrafayette street. Tie nubscribers hav e commenced in this city the manufacture of a Soap for Family Ship or Steanlboat n e, whi. h hlly pre ent to the Public for its approval, in conpeltilon with the nsst isoaps of esitabllished rpnntnion. It combines economy with free- t dml from the diagreenale effectsi o ordinary noaps in use, and wIil be found upon tril, to poss twashingnpnroprtie s in per fection, and in gnnrnteed to containi no ingrelient in uffiienut qunntty to injre tihe finest fabric orlnadie' apparel. The indrantages of our mercnnnts .nid oths s, being nahl to suplly themselveis and customers witlh an enually gtmd if not better, nartilenof Loma manninfcturl will present tnhemseea at a glnni e, and tie subscriblrs respectfully solicit ptronlnge. mil0 In G. IIAZEN CO RLEANS STEADI 1eAILLS-OFFICE, 7S POY do s street, New Orleansl-Thu subscriber rep-ctiully in forms the publlic that he keeps constantly on hand t full supply of FRESH GROUND AND UNGROUND Cornmeal, Cotfee, Flaxseed, Hominy, Pe )pprr, Mustard, Grits, Gingr, Oilcnke, Craennd Corn, Anlspine, Wheat Flour, iy, Cinn.n.on, E, do Conn,, Cinnen, RinI On Ou Mace, Dyspsnin do Ern, Nnt ne.ns, Beuwhnet do sjPrCotffv Roasted and Ground at the lowest city pricee. an3l Cm. C. IHERWIO. HOWVE'S COTTON IARVESTERIL FOR Tickingiienttn, in ll tie ld. i'nuenteid I)eccnmber , IS.5. The ttention of cotton growers andl olthers interersted is partin lmIn invited to thii new and vnlnablu invention for picking cot t'o in the tihld. ThIn mnalinie is simple n its onrntn,snon neinhinn n ignt ,ounds, and with it one hand cn n do thie wrek of n 'ron l three to fiBemen in the field. Cottoln pieked with thismachine is mnuch cleaneranld freer fronm trn"t andl is let in better condition for ginning than t nat pic nied by the ol n hand net u nl. eTrenowselling Staltennd county rights for the manufnr tule an.d use of the abeve t actne. Any information relative iinnnn'lnnnin bn ni,tilnicnnI Inn nniiin nlilni4 i~nnlnnniinn n~~i I,, n therNno can be obtained hy saling n thil ubscriler at the Ar cn'le In tMl, between tile hours of'10 and ! daily where a machine winn be in openration, or by adndressing G. A. GOWnE, Clevinell Ohio. Price of machine STi. Ordlrspronmptly attended to. W. E. CSRNS'AIL, nl Agenl Hnwe's Cotton inlrventer. A ANTlICACITE COAL-50I tonn best qnality broken and screenled Red .sh, in talk and enaks, foir sale by IIORITIIIR TURNIiR CO.S fe22 77 Grayer street. STORAGE-STORAGE-T'IlE ALGIERIS WARE HOUSES.--A. F. COCIIRAN IIALI., Agents, 36 1rvier strcet, have room mow for file bulk o1 10O 000 bushels or &0,00) aelhs o stall. Also, a houselld yard for thie reception o railroad and iig iron. Rates of ntorage as favorable as can b haid. fe15 OA.K...I-1200bales, for sate by - ALFRED KEARNY a7 72 Manga.ue~ street. p)IANO TEACHING.--A. B. CIIANDLER informs tha Spblie that he ls now ready to give ILessons on the Pano, either at hi rnesidence or at that of hi pupil. II A Ipeculiar method for teachiing children. d Residence on Orange stIeet, betwelen Clnmp.neetiand Coleum Place. SRIPS, STEAMBOATS AND FAMILIES, SUPPLIED SwithhEcef, Pork, Mu1tton and Yeal, Sausnges, Tripe, and every thllng in the buthering line. Barnel and half-barrels of SChoice Corned Beef, ptll up to order for Cabin or Family Use, I at Stall No. 2 POYDRAS IAICI iS, Iy RKEL. InAUGUSTUS C. MERKEt N. B.-LSteamb.i and Shiisonplied with all kinds of Live Staock, such aiA flsh milch CowL, Iog, ShoRnl, i ige, Sheep, Gonts, Geosi1 Dlnle, ChiEckIs, etc, lmnI STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. FOR RED RIVER. Will leave en MONDAY. 12th .Int., at 0 o'clok P. M L REGIUILAR RED RIVER PACIK.ET P For Shreveport, Graol Rayon, Campte, (;rand Feaors St. 31erise Cottle Alexandris and (;or ton's Landlng.-The substantilal and lb olt draught teamt oat Planter, ID. D. Atkilnson. matter, will leave as above. For freight or psa~ge tpply on Imard, or to SP. II. BRINTON A CO., 4 Lafayettent. The Planter will tlake freight for all points above the Rlft, water permittig, my Will leave on MONDAY, 12th l.t. t 5 o'oelock P.i. FOR JEFFEItRON SMITHLAND Ito;ntotn, Port laddo, Albany, ghrevepor, Grant ayIly, Ooranl-.core, Alexandria, and alltnter mediat landoings. The osperiortpaseogtenerteaer Grenada~, Cruop, mstoer will leave as above. For freight or pasage apply on board, or to - my3 LEWIS SNAPP & CO., 37 Front street. Leaves on TUESDAY 13th inst., at 6 o'clock P. 3L RE(IULAR I.AK1 IttSTENEAU PACKET. on Lak.e Bisteneau, Grand lBayou, Compte, Grand loEero, St. Harurieo, Coloe, Aleomorlat and G0o. ton's l],dling.-The fNot ttnning steamer Belle Gates, L. Bryanoo, mater, wlll leave ae above,. For freightlor passage, op plyo.board, or to myl2 P. I. BRINTON & CO., 4Lafayette stect. Will leave on TUESDAY. 13th int. at 5o'cldek P. -M. STEAMER ROSA IN PLACE OF thelteamer Rtapldes-For Oorton's Lanidng, Al exndria, St. anotie, Grand Eeore, OGrand BIyoo, StWgveport and all intoermediate Ianding--The fine fait running P[Loeager packet Ros, J. C. Dowty mastert will leam a ,above. Sor fro`elgt or poioqp"Ieappoy on board, foto f Cuatom hbohde Ftte~t r"[~ - - LEWIS SNk-P & CO., 37 Front street. The Rom woill take freight tr Fort Jeferson and upper Red River, withprivlege of reshipplng on good 1at0. 0 myl00 Will sv."o0T0YP ESDAY. 13th tolt., at o'clockl P. 31. FOR JEFFERSON SSIITHLAND, .Benton, Pbrt Caddo, Albany, Shreveportrand - Ilayo. Grand Eore, Alexandria and al inter oedAl. ,'Oalings.--The sopoeror light dght o ht steamer St. Choroe ,S. .Xpplegato, master, wilt leavIb n above. For freighl or pssage, apply.on boarolor to my9 T. B. SMITH. 12NewLeveeo. Will leave on TUESDAY. 13tf inst.. at 5 o'clotk P. M. FOR JEFFERSON" PORT CADDO0 Shreveport, rand Iayou, Irand Ecore and . . ~Alexandriao-P'Io tpoeroor eioy light droaght and swift rumding Steamer DI. L, Dougherty, Capt. w. Stockone, willlleave for the above and all intermediateo land ingt. Por frightbor passog. Opplylt T. l. SMITH, 12 No. Levee street. N. B. Shippersomay reoeyonogols goin tlgtronghwithoot de tention. There will tbe a clerk on the levee to receive freight on Wednesdaly morning. myt Will lave on TUESDIAY. l,.hiltt,.. at5 o'tiok Fo , M. " 1 the teanelr-lIapides. For. Gortoln's'Lading ,alnd Aelandria, Cotille, Saint 3fMnnre, t:iand Ieore, Camte, Omrnd Bnyonp Shreveportp and all intormediata Iandlngn. The fine, fCat running passenger packet'sleamer Rosa, J. C Dowry, m.a terr wlnleave a above. For freight or poage apply on board, foot of Custohouise street or to T. B: SMITH, 12 Ne Loevee. /Tt-The Rosa will take freight for Jeffersol and Upper Reol River, with the privilege of totring and reshippilng ongood boats. , . . toyl2 Will leave on WEDNESDAY. 14th inst.. at 5 1 'cloek P.' M. - FOR RED lEIVER-REOGUt.AR J p0oPoket s oeamer H. Dt. Wright Clarke, master will leave positively, a alove, for Shreveport, Grand Boyou, Gran0 d 'eore Campte Alexaodrita, ;orion's Landong, and all intermediate llndings. For frelghtor passage, apply b board or to IIT os.o . ,ly12 " T. B. SM.ITH, 12 New Levee. f-Thoe 1I 0 Wright wtIltake freight for all polntIabove the raft, with the. privilege of leshlpping. " Will oeavrbon WEIDNESI)AY 1411, inst. at 5S'loek P. M. FOR RED RIVER E P lUt. A R Pockgt steamer H. .I. W lght,_Al srke,. 0 master, will .leae, pol i ltreI as above, for hreveport, Graod'Beopo, Grad EePor. Campte, Al.andrla,o Goraton'aLneding, amtall intermediate landings. Foro freight or pasage,- apply on boal, br to ayl)2 LEWIS SAO NAPP& CO. 37 Frontstreet. I, S.--Tho I. 1. Wright will take freighg t for upper Red River. wih thle privilege of resi•pio OUA ORITA RIVER. Will Ieave I" TUIESIDAY. 3111, 15. at o ' k P.M. - FOR CAiWDEN-THEF FIN ESTEAMSEE Cityof Cafro, 5¾1nm1 master, will leave Il~glIS S~S SFgh 55111--TIl. FS`TI I as abovee fur Camden and ail internmedino lend tg,.. For frrefh[.or pnEsage, apply· on hoard, or to 'T: II. SMITH, 12 ewo Levee. SQ-The City If Calm w-ill IllS Ithronlg bills of lladng Camden,. SlsedISwsSII,'IS isles ll, er - . m.1 - - SLMII.R ARRRANEMF.NT. Will ISIS on TIISDAAY, 13 intl., Il 5 o'clock P. M. DII21si:T--Tlhe 'cry jig draught, 15 inchl ~C-~~ FOR C4I(WEM SC*lSi'Hl* giSEnl rtrelmel Atalanta, . ( ". Briggs master, will leave 1151 Ca 11e, enrh ,Ills, CI1InmpnignoliS i, 5ie, Sab5ine, Islrams LaudinI, 1ou1ll I~nlyS BIrthlololmewa Snd II, Ariiour, e Iton, M1nr15 , ColumbiaS. Ifarrinllurg, nd all intermediate Tannings. F ur freight or nos: age anýl}-ýon board or t o my-]ý) I. SNAFI;S CO., 37 Front street. WVill leuce~on TUESDAY,! tit Intl, M6 o'clock P. M ý-U RE(GULAR OUACHITA PISSEhT IS),,l, TOUIlO-IS r Css I51.1S 51ilnimlkt(II Pigeonl 1ill, Care vtlSe 1, 5115 SIll AlabiImI Illlllau d ling, l SuaiiS lIly I.ocSlhlSniI 311utl I1'Arb15 , Tsgs mn, Monrroe fine Blatt- Caster's Lordingr, Columllin. Ilnrrisnn bur11 Tr51,55 htIi, B1kd1r, and C I 1term1dinte aIndings ll, on te Ouacllila 111-SI 'ri III. u 1 f151111,1t light dIasghI pa5senger p lckt steame11 Judah Touro, H . (. Kouns, master, J. ]Y. Tobin, clerk, will leave :w above. For freight or passage, haring sbupIrior IIommodntionS, npgly on !ardg or to 5(11 IEBWIll it. 510B 37 51an11stree1. IISTlgll 11billsfi5din Fiven, with privile ge of reshippinl _____ IIstsrIl. ]I. I.i Iscy. Frillr and pa 171n11rs 1uar.nteed to be takeý7s [o !heoir Plare ofdestination. Thle .ludnlt Touro will posit 1111)' arriveo on thre II t1 inst. TENNESSEE RIVER. Will leave ono 1ONDAY. 11151,1.. nt.,1t 51loc1 P. M. FORTENNVESSEE RIVER-TI1E Jones Ilwill master, will leave ats ab~ove for Eastport, Ploren, 1 and Tolsmbix. For freight pa s1age, hanving very superior accommodations, applyl on board, or to L. SN110 A 0 CO., 37 Front street. The Cherokee takes freigh, for Napoleon, Memlphis, IBatan, 1lickmnn New Mandrid, Cairo, Paduacah,, Nnah,111e rid all wa YAZOO RIVER. Will 1,av0 11 TUESDY. 13,11h int., t 5 o'1lo0 P. M.. FOR LEFORE, G R EEENWVOSD. SIDOM 'OhlhI,, Yaoo, Oily, 01111,111, S'lcksor~g, Natchez "'all 1 int1o11,l1 Iandings-lRegula TYaoo oiver Pocket LEIIS WIITENMAZ-The new and sw1if run ning passenger 4teanier Levels Wliltenian, Wallace, ' r w ill leave asabove. 1or freigh1t or pII , applyll boardo, to T. I3. S^IITI. phJ8~ 12 Ieve Lvee FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Will eav1e on WEDNESDAY. lohl inst.. .115 .'clackI'. MI. FOR WIHMTE AND ARKANSAS Rivers.-The new ad ligItdugt steamer J. MIIorPisett, D. 51, IllelOug. master, will leave far 1-k-1,-1, E~liobetb, AIugstaIe, E re, Du0D ll'I Bluff, Aberdeen, St. Charlul.7ndinn laiy, and all inltermecdiate landings, ea above. For freight or pas s:re aplply on boarld, or to I.EWIS SNAPP ýA'l., 07 Front street. I&-Freifiht taken for Napoleon and ll 'lieBends; also for Arkansas Rivrer, if consignled to Des Are, D...117. Ulslf or A~berdeen. y13l REGULAR PACKETS. Leaves evey TIIHIUSDAY, at 5 o'loclk P. I. SEIERIE ARRANGE'M11ENT-Ur. S. Mail tealme1 R. 0.. McRAE, in place of the steamers Princessand 0athez-10o1 Princeton.. shto, Pl5 's P 1oin1t, Skip YIIth's l·RadiIED I, I'roi enc1, Tic.sbnrg 5lon Newarthaeii G d E.l. RodnEv. uE, ll N IIII nl Poi1 AAlnams--'he elegant :urd swift nosingl pnssengar pocetl R· E. jY. Lo1EnC, Cn. L. \. B01ndwe11, 111, Ic.1, for the above a APd alt int1 oedln Io 10111. For f11111pt or Tpn,100, ippl on board or to T. M. SJI TII. a'L 1 New Leveie street. Leave every TIIURSD,{l' at 5 o'clock PI. It. - 3C1,IER ARRANGEMENT-II.P-U a f}}+ý \hnil rtealler R. W. MCR.1E i n place of the Vices ses and Nncstcheaelle--nloa arPrince rne connection aili rtcnale l Pllc s n 'thz-o rinc con, Ashton,. Pitchler'. Point, SMVipvith's lamding, Lake Providence, Dood Helyn Lanmding, )lililiril' Bond, Vicksburg, Grand Guilf, Red neg ntehz l nt oi n S ara, BatoUa~ n Rouge, andl all in hrn ed ateledln s-- he Uendil,1 1, master. wil Ileave pake a nR .W 11aC .W prodywo ove. For CFI gt or passageia, .Bb i board, or in I'ILCIIIII: O GUUDIttCII S CU. 98 Clrondacle strert. ark-The R. R. Melt-, waill also tad hi~eight far all points on Yazooo River, with thle privilege of reshippinlg at ikelsbrg,, she having madle very advatageous arrangements for thart ptly posc. 4 cb lerk will be on the Ieveo every Tuosrlny morning~ to receie freight. 14l P. S.-'filea R. W. MlcRse will attend to all business of thee ateamner S. F. J. Trabule during the Splring anld Sormmer muonths F ORANK SHIIAW. Jr., I' a . COMMISSION AN\D FR WARIIINA. MESUIIAJNTS ANsD DEALERS IN IVESTEI( N PROIDUCE, No. 8 TeloS piIo S treet, NeS Orleans. 019 tf C OTTON PLANTATION FOR SALE-SIAM IrTON I'PLANTATSON.-Th .Ibcriber is prepared to ell tl 5 above IstIte 'IISt- -I-SIjble terms. II e plantaSion 55 1ituated on the SSSou hedS four miles from its moAnd, in the parish ofMorehouse. It contains one thousan'd noecs of ban~d, abeat seven hunldred of which are at gresear in u high state f alli-ivti.. 'he estate is well '.ildSor d, halvig, besSides u SromfIrtadI IDselling Hio,,s. good ASin, Stables, Negro Cabins all the ,sy S ld ldi~diles. This pIlantatin, n IddIS t 5 its sire, ferdility and lannlio I, dsSe~e. nsdvnSStds inferior to none in th vialley of tae OIashita, Itd the risim[ is willingi5 os 55e great SI ISiSYS d51,5dls f 5,dInInoi d. Pduds5iSSS will be Siven immeddarly after the tlaing 55.01,5 op. I'Ss tIsthys TaI 1dti 5, sndls 'IX I). IaIdRdrs IdlO E., MouSn, La.; IlLA'dLdR, I Ol)Idlll U A UO. New OrNs ns05, IS IiIIERT I. 5IL .SON, HssdId. PlantISiond, layou ni1 SI MassIs,,s. Is. A BITA WATBU -TTIII' WATIhIRS ON THESE: CMI. e brctfel Springs aire far sale in such quash,!"lir a Its ma br desired, at No. EI Sit. Charles streJ[, corner of Commerciltl Allk, ty J. IkODb:CII . Tlik Akkitlk Wad-, kk been found sericnabl 1. all Cutk kkkoka Dkkeakek, klhykikk of Cho k lnddkror Ikkkkkkkkk , Dkk kkjd*yk Gautkk, I; ravel, kkkkkkk of tkke Wkk, etc.: kenerk l I)kk kiky, krikgt from hkighk litlk , ktc. In all cass ofiarrheak, (wkthek cleronlc or otherwise,) it wlk nflkfod imkkkkikkk reiek kknd ekket npekkkak kkore in u shkort time. I)`ijkk dentition h viiikb fl + d of gkkkkt semi; IT Is, and may bykkkkkkl ky the most kklicate kkkkkk durink meals kk diet krinkk kith pleasure, so pure and agreeable i k it to kfkto k nd sight. k k proof, I exkct Crum one of the unmcraon eenleiltea on Ilnnd: New' Oi.ksskk, Ayit 21. 1821. Tlkkis is toertify, thIt I was in n very bad kc of heykltkhkknd fo kkk it n kyessary to plake myself under t ke ckle of Drs. Skkk akkkkuye. Iwas treated a t kk great cik e bykthosegk for Twok MONTIHS, kkU kOUNkkkkk kLIEFk. I kkrn hdrc kek thle t..ikkkkk Christy' Sprlingk, and, uk'er th ekkkkkkkkkkk f of "kpk... S. kosnkkkku, in tilkk killakg of CUkikorne, thrry milk l o Syoho. ti kkk kommced usikkg thO wkkks te kpyky. Ikk shork time I Ogk to plrov, .nd 01 yook elf entirely rkk Bkkol ofkkky sutkkrinps (wkkkikkkkro Ilky knkk in akboutfour weeks. I km nokk y my wkkyk Sk. TiedkP.hoe I reide, and woPld ckquit myself k kkfofk kk. P kut to the nkflklkd th kke of tkkkse ventrs. Thke ckkkikkaekofm kokors Wkrrkkk Skkut P d P. C. kkpyer, Ilokk kI'kkysickkkp to tkoe Mkko do SaOnta shlows the ..lure of my sease.. II. MACSIIANE. This cerkfielk that Mr. H. kpkekkPe wak kkiner trekpkment i the SiPisok de Santk for two monkkk, for P Irritable Bindkdd and d.,.,ged urinary sonretfools, from which he suffered se ppky. IppgkPim P yadvicepin eonnoktkokwith rhk Physk clans of the house, brt ýe received no mnuerlal banefit. tSigokli W. STONE, M. D. P. C. BOYEIR, H5ous Physlkon. SI Irefer to few of those who have used the Wate SI lkkPnkl I. LJ, 182. .. Caldwkll, CPl. IT Ckristy, Dr. Weddakbko, T.lbkrt Wilsok, $sq., 5. DMCkkCork k, Jos. ILoell, ~lk. Dr. Porter, etc., e. p I KT he house a,%, Springs will be emorlly re-op~enetd undo /the d eckklondS voPk knlIt lta p roger, 82k 1. S. BOSSI~kE. SOUBLEZ 2HEZI Rtud Orhtans PaiIY fCrcsctut. W1Tn CoPnfz2lra wsnra i -lna. Concerning that which has transpired in the world's history on correasponding days in p t yeears;.ith other mattle pertinent thereto, prepared expressly for the readers of the Double Sheet Crescent. Like the itelt of some nsweet tune, May grid. onwod into June." The days wax in their glory, and the year passes from youth to manhood, at a single step : leaving the soil that is yet hard from the macadamism of winter and its long sleep, for the grassy meadows and flowery plains of a newer and more beautiful being. The stars shine no Brighter above, buntthey seem to gleam with a khidlier and more vivifying infinence. Every thing grows animate: the little leaves strive for a grander stature, and the old oaks for a firmer footing. Manhood, sympathizing with nature, feels fresher blood in his veins and new' ici in every `muscle. - . - MIonday, MSay 12.-Sts. Nereus, Achilleus, Ger manus;and others, are commemorated' by the church. The tGerman fleur-de-lis is the emblem, dedicated to St. Germanns. On this. day, 1780, Charleston, S. C., serrendied to the British fleet under Admiral Arbuthnot, andle .British army under Gen. Clinton. The garrison was ordered to marchuhot and deposit their arms, bhitwaso not allowed to beat an American march. This courtesy was paid back in the same coin at Yorktown, eighteen months after,when a similarly humiliating cup was held up to Csint allis. Tuesdlay5, May 13.-St. Johnsthe Silent, 558; St. Peter, 1456; and St. Servalus 384, are the saints. The common comfrey is the plant,. - No battles, no treaties, no deaths of great men, no renowned deeds, are recorded for this day, in any works we have consulted. It stands with its two suec cessors, as days of no worth, of no importance. What, in all the years, has prevented its attaining some glory and securing'to itself some honor;passes all chronoldgical knowledge. But, it must be passedhby without praise. Wedniesdany, 1iay 14.-St. Boniface, 307; St Pontius, 258 ; St. Carthagh, 637, are the saints. The piony, common and coralline, are the flowers. The- remarks concerning the barrenness of its pree decessor, are applicable to the present day-which has no history, nor 'no eventfulness. The crown that gilded so many days touched it not, and'an interreg num of activity seems to have existed. Thnridpy, May 15.-Sts. Peter, Andrew and comrpanions,martyrs, A. D. 250; St:Dympna,seventh century; and St. Genebrard, are the patrons. The Welsh poppy, dedicated to St. Dympna, is the .plant. Any" event of importance which may have ever 'occurred has found no home for its historian, and has failed wholly in that immortality which other days are crowned withal. Friday, May'lO.--St. John Nepomucen, 1383; St. lHonoratus, 660; and others, are chronicled for the 16th. The great star of Bethlehem, dedicated to the first named saint, isntle floral emblem. In 1806, Britisli orders in council declared all ports and rivers from the Elbe in Germany, to Brest in France, to be in blockade. In 1820, oMaine was admitted to the Union. Saturday, tay 17.-St. Paschal Babylon, St. Cifthan, seventh .entara,.gs&, Bishop of Calama, are the saints. The early red poppy, dedicated to St. Paschal, is the flower. In 1756, England declared war against France. On this date, 1817, Mir. Samuel Jessup, of pill taking memory, died at Heekingson England. In twenty-one years, the deceased took 226,934 pills, sup plied by a respectable apothecary at Bottesford; which is at the rate of 10,806 a year, or 209 pills each day ; but as he began with a more moderateappetite, which increased as he proceeded, the last five years he took pills at the rate of 78 a day. Notwithstand ing this, and the addition of 40,000 bottles of mix tures, andjalaps, and electuaries, extending altogether to fifty-five columns of a closely-written apotheary's bill, the deceased attained the age of sixty-five years. Sunday, MIay 1S.--St. Theodatus and seven vir gins, A. D. 303.; St. Potamon, of Egypt, 341 ; and St. Eric, King of Sweden, 1151; are the saints. The mouse-ear, dedicated to St. Eric, is the plant. Sir John Carter, memorable for his mild and con ciliatory conduct to the sailors during the mutiny at Spithead, died in 1808. General Taylor took the city of Miatamoras, in M3exico, 1845. Later fronm . Mexco. By the arrival of the steamship Texas, Capt. Forbes we are placed in possession of files of Vera Cruz pa pets to the Sth inst. They contain nothing of special interest of a political nature. Gen. Yanez, Minister of War, has resigned, from bodily infirmity and incapacity to perform his duty In consequence, El 'Vera Cruzano suggests Gen Parrodi as a fitting successor. A newspaper published in the English language and edited by Mr. William Moran, has been started a the capital. A leader in El Vera Cruzano strongly advocate the claims of the projected railroad from Vera Crem to the city of MBexico,and makes statistical compari sons showing the benefits to be derived from it. DeocRaTIC HARal:Hos.--The Washington Sentinel of a recent date, contains an article'of seven columno in reply to the recent Richmond pamph!let, entitles "An Appeal to the Democracy of Virginia." Thi, pamphlet being an argument in favor of the renomi nation of President Pierce, the Sentinel remarks: Wve Infer that lhe pamplerteer is a District oniCe-holder, he scase tle tield oswn fwith gentlemeren wh h have no other mean ofsgnialsin their fealty to tlile treasury tlans by a onymou rhosaias to the hand shat holds the lkey They are enturaee desirous to renew their poliles, and effect an insurance seeo their s s fore te tfoar yers to come. oWe nfer that he is no o irgional , because he neither owsthe principles nor respert the usages of that ancient, honorable, anld consistent Dominion and eiluse his counsiels are mither those of a citizen nor of e true friend. The Sentinel then draws a comparison between thl public services of Gen. Pierce and MIr. Buchanan, ant arrives at the conclusion that tis latter .will receivs the support of lite National Democrats and the Na tional Whigs. It also makes the following remark "It still require a new administration to turn out tlh, F'resoilerr front office. 'The present does not dare s do it." a r Gen. James Gadsden, of South Carolina, United States Minister to the Republic of Mexico, arrived in the city yesterday evening, on the steamship Texas, which sailed from Veoi Cruz on the 8th instant. Ma. DAVo.NOcT.-The Boston Bee, of the 3d, says that Mr. E. L. Davenport is in that city, and will shortly commence an engagement in the National Theater. Malcoln, Lord Forth, son of the Earl of Perth, has been proclaimed an outlaw. This is the unworthy, or deranged representative of the ancient family of Perth, who was sent home from the Crimea by Lord Raglan, for refusing to go out to the trenches. An able defense was made for him, through the press, by his afflicted father. MEMrci L.-The Medical Gazette for May, gives the following tahle of graduates for the Medical Colleges lfor 185: JSchrsoe Me1dical Colleg c.................................n15 University of tIeniylvani................... ..........14 University of Noi -York............................ . . . t..... 8 university of Nashville.......... .......................... 8, Mledical College of touth Carolina..................... 85 Medic-1 CollcgeoF Georgia................................. -7 University of Lo isalina ......."............................. 65 St. tLouis edical College .................................... Rush Medical College ...................................... 42 (:ollege of Physieians ahd Surgeons ......................... 90 Clevelansd Meical Colege. 4.............................. L'alnnslvanid Medias Colleg............................... ve york Medical College .................................. ,5 Universilty of Missouri ........................... . 28 Masla usett edical College .............................. 2 Philadelphia College or Medicine ......................... . 21 Sterdin Mdcal Co eo............... ... Coe s l Sterlingedlial College ................................. . 2U dedieal .College of Ohio .................................... 11 Darltmaouth Medical College................ ..... .. Medical College at Yale ...................................i Medical College of Savannah... ... ........... Oglethorpe Medal ollege.............................. Baltimore College or DentalSurgery ....................... "i Ohio Cullegesf acqe.tu otgit7 ............................. 11 B1~4 orn ` n.t`'dUi a/it~B NLt n on.~ _ T ~-t"e Questiossa th Nw icaragua Minterepo nr-t4a thehal nie Ne fiteqsosifioo n . h ,i in Cie la Rin. ou Nothing N againstBho't~S~4E'lratu at. ,-Tle decision of the Cabinet upon the quetion of tt'Seeception of the new Minister fro a has tots en made known. Some assumee i usot~be received, for the reason that the g cannot suddenly change its policy on the b of the Cincinnati Convention, and that the origighml reasbn for refasing to recognitze Walker's government, to. wit: that it was not a civil overnment, still exista. `Bat on the other hand, it as urged that the present government Has the almost universal support ani confidence of the Niaeraguans, and that it is mon permanently established than any previo.s dynast, for some time past, and that there can be no .erae,. objection to the new Mnister, who is a native Nich *, an, and connected" with the hierarclhy of ti.r .tate, which is an influnential and permnanent elemen in the government,and eordianysupports the present regme. , The new [inis nr is in New York,butwll not com to Washington uninvited, nor present himself anun welcome applicant for recognition to Mr. Marcy. It is also a question before,the adminisatration whether any and what notice shall,!1e taken of the interposition by the British Government in behalf of Rosta icainc the rggnt 'coanflict. There is nothig ',lthe 'C(ayton-Buliv'.aT'niy which reestrictseh ther party from forming alliances, offensive and defehsive, with aly or all of the Central Ameriean States, still leas from selling arms to either of them. The ques tion foabar own government to consider is, whether they sall imitate and go beyond the example of Great'and after recognizing the new goveinainent, proeend to afford it material aid. - ,It will require no a.propriation--no repeal of the neutrality law to do this--as we have recentlysaeen,in the fact that Walker is receiving reinforcements from New Orleans and other quartersp7without the slight est hi.rand e from this govermnmet: The answer to be received within a week or two from the British government in renard to the enlist meat ease, will be one which will irritate the admia. istration~if not the people; and it is very pouible that Central Americanmay afford necessary causes for dispate. [Cor. alt.Surn. Tie Panama and NiLenrgua Trouble. Through our private eorrespondence from,Wash inton we learn that several memehrs of the Cabinet are warmly in favor of prompt and bold action in re gard to the recent outrages on American citizens at Panaia and Virgin Bay.- It is donbtful, however, that their coouels will prevail A'war ve. lgis ordered to Aspinwat, and another war vessel itsnp posed to have already arrived at Panama, and ordern will be sent to the commander directing hi to remain and afford p rotetion to oer citizens cisasing the Isthmus. .Whdt core-will be,takento obtainrepara: tion for the murders ansrobberles committed by the inforlated mio, countenanced by the athorities and aided by the police, has not yet transpired, If it bs been decided; wiihis problematical. The massacre of unolfending American citizens al Virgin Bay, by the Costa Rican soldiery, is a matter of even graver importance than 'the Panama affair barbarous and blood-thirsty ans it was in all its details At Virgin" Bay the Costa Ricans, acting under thi direct orders of their commander and officers, wan tbnly fired upon and killed a. number of our citizen: l sno wise connected with, or participating in thl Woar.waging betweeen Costa Rica and the Republic o Nicaragua. The Costa Ricauns had entered the plac unopposed, and therefore no provocation had beel given them by the victims of their savage onslaught They were peaceful men in the employ of the Trunsi Company. and their only oflence was that they wen Americans. We have not yet heard what our Government in tends doing to avenge the'outrage, but as it has bths leading facts already in its possession,- the- country will expect prompt and decided action on the matter, Certainy, the Pasnmas and VirIn Baay outrages auffor the Administration an opportunity to redcdn.=i. foreign policy fitram much cf the discredit into raci it has fallen.. But it must not be prompt and ihslex ible towards the Panamenos and slow and vacillating with the Costa Ricans, because the latter are incited and encouraged. and to a certain extent are unde;tlie protection of tile British Govrnament. If it'*WlRI mHake the persons and the rights of American citizens respected, it must be as fearless and zealous in de fending them against the intrigues and enmities 0l the strong, as against the weak who merely give reiol to their vicious passions. We hope that our Government will arrive at thl resolution to pursue an independent, American policy and pursue it without regard to what 'European nu tions nmay think. We do notintrude ourselves in thei difficulties and quarrels, and we should let them tkmo by our actions thaimt we will resist their interference h mattcrs that spcialUy concern us and the States o this continent. If we adopt this policy, and shou them that we mean to adhere to it, we will avois complications of oursrelations and difficulties in tlb future, which, otherwrise, will become inevitable, ani perhaps force us into obstinate and destructive wars [New York Sun, 5th. AN AMASADOROn FRO3I THE CANADAO AT AT ASn .TnorN.--The proposition to send a resident Ministe to Washington, to represent there the interests of th Canadas, is very seriously debated there. The To rontots Board of Trade make it the subject of specia argument in their recent report. We quote what the, say: "In approaching this very important questiot your Council has not undervalued the difficultieo which surnoend it, nor have they arrived at a hasty conclusion. The chiefdificulty which suggests itsel to as, as British subjects, proud of our connectioc with and alliance to the parent State, is, that if thr proposed representative at Washington be an ambas nador from the Government of Canada to that of thi United States, which he should be to have any weigh attached to his suggestions there, that the proposal to establish such representation may be lookhed npon as an infringement to the Royal prerogative, whict your Qouncil would be the last to suggest. It cannot be denied that great necessity exits fo some active, intelligent and influential representatiw of the commercial interests of Calada near the con trolling power of the United States-and that, unde the rapid growth and daily increasing importance , our commercial relations witli that country, this ne cessity is every day beconing more beenly felt. W see and point out the want, leaving to the Govcrr ments of this country and Great Britain the task 1 supplying the remedy. Should neither Governmen see fit to take action such as the commercial men e Canada deem necessary, it will then be a matter e consideration for the different Boards of Trad tllhoagheout the Province whether a simply cost merieal delegate should be appointed." NAVAL PROTECTrION AT PANAd.--The followini letter from the Secretary of the Navy to the Presi dent of tire Paciic Mail Steam Company, is publisher in the New York Commercial Advertiser : NAVY DEP1lAtTRNT, MAY 2, 1856. Sir: I have received your communication of thi 30th ultimo, in relation to the deplorable occurrence at Panama. The Department will endeavor to meet your wishe in the matter. The U.S. ship Cyane, supposedto b at San Juan, has been ordered to proceed to the poe of Aspinwall, and tihe steamer Fulton, at Pensaeeola has been telegraphed to the same effect. The S1 Marys is probably now at Panama. Her commande has been instrueted to remain there so long as Amer ican interests arequire the presence of a man-of-war. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. C. DonnoN. To W. H. Thavidge, Esq.,President P.Mt. S. S. Con pany, Noew Yorb. AsenrcAvs IN CANADA.-Oflate,many Americans, induced by tie cheapness of lands, abumdance of cer tain varieties of instructed labor or other causes, have settled in Canada and established their various branches of manufactures. We notice a recent in stance of this kind mentioned in the Rochester Dem ocrat. A Rochester tobacconist has commenced in Toronto the' nanufacture on a large scale, of plug tobacco. HIe has nine presses, and intends erecting six more. But probably the great secret of his select ing that point for the business is, that he is there ens bled to procure, at comparatively low wages, the ser vices of experienced negro wortkmen, fugitives fron Virginia, whom, of course, he could not expect tI employ upon our soilt Forty-nine of these, at accus toured to the business, he has now at work in hib factory. DARING AND SCCESSFLs, HIGHWAY Ro.0BERsY. Mr. Richard Joyce, a cotton broker residing in James street, was attacked on Saturday evening by three men who robbed him of a waliet containing $160 in bank bills, and notes of hand and other papers to ths value of nearly $3,000, with which they escaped. It appears that shortlyv after 9 o'clock in the evening he had landed at the foot of Roosevelt street from one of the ferry boats, and was proceeding toward his residence when three men came up to him, one of whom jostled against him while nnother struck him o powerful blow iun the face which knocked him to the pavement. The thlieres then stole his wallet and two of them ran of with it, while the other remained to rob Mr. Joyce of his valuable gold watch. Mr. J. was determined if possible to save his watch and also to secure the robber, but the fellow was too strong for him and tifled with the watch,.leaving behind him thowever, his cba and a black velvet cap. Mr. J. fol lowed the rascal and recovered his watch, the fellos inaving dropped it in his flight, but was unable t overtake him. The whole transaction was the wort of only a few moments, and it was alt over when th Spolice arrived on the spot. The robbers are no Snown, and it is very doubtful whether, even if 0l Srosted, Mr, Joyce would be able to recokaize them. / [N. Y. Tribune, th., The Eaton Ron "" . "' T t R ette of the llth f1cst , To e H to,.The 9eriff 76a , ieiktf the (Goveruor, the death wrr cant Peie , vctved of mir'Or sore fourtena- a-.+ n ;Ic h,is lted for the cloy O dentisO ,, the j~Oralin Journal, of thl* th,'ena itclemeinL proepecta of the tedmfag end onhjct ihe weather for the im f exception of the maten! in ere.t {ye ito, we have had ninatelngence perfect calm in the porg to.ex S'he Richmond ddvocaWOlldf qaantityeinaha ifalen tkr.past" w a Sutrday iht tehe havy fall ° 1igh wind, hichdid rmch by 'down of fense, . etc.; aaeonde . heavy shower of heapreceged onef wexthave ver seen fnllwhic con The Cbncgrdia lttelltgoncer of theettt, TanCnos. lhe pltenie& howers+ f; Tmvestr ed the chinta .gtth tlave made the weedsad ge&l ctareeeebr e andthe rWace, itgog be as t ,e ofbdo; h the dog; bee c visted by ,a seena detructive teorem t * n, feet to ems Amin And in per blowing down tIersa OOhe-t d° career. W e he a rd a t bt that ltae miles below no the w hInd lpew tearing dowrldwellings; " {r` toveting the forest for mileeas tion. It is said the dmag ' is.. Fortunmately, however; wo of life. Or irtvr is-aganin rln ; he ee experiencedel in this oectonwilt dobhtet sfficitent rise to afford uninteruptedm a Camden for a few weeks to come. u p t. Love Wozoc Focsco.-Mr. Hoogh, of't.h l while hunting for plover yesterday, found a perishing condition, unable anta apehlessedo nthoushoet!lkonnt I with cold, starving; m.i : ;bkiin out several nights wlthoat d..f c;.eI .helter:f some timebefre he cold -get -any aecom ofl,,: she reme there, orwhere she came from. ~t leog t .she said she had friends at' KingstonlTCeregm andp ptxl and offered-him his hat foil or gld if he would take her to her friends. He endeavored to bring lmr in, but she could not walk, .avinglost the powere f herfeetandlimba. She xhlbitedabout $12 inmoney, andhbesought him to take it and shoot her in th forehead. With great dificolty he got her t the - 'nearesthoue, (Mr. Brenn's,) where she waw'reeog nized asthe sister of J. DI Hunt, f.q., late of, this vilage, (now at Minnesota.) From her ouffern gr. some other cause, hermind is in a sate sf b - tion, and she is an object of.onmnlseh..tlo"n ':-. S [tesph.eoipoinh (Wisi.)Pmyiey<:.: ,, A Mttoncw Jon.-A very paifolu event erescidl Taylor Co., Va, recently. On a Sabbath o ffnitls" yonngest son of Mr. Boyd was takensick; inthe eve. ning another was taken down in Wanner; . and on the next morning a little girl X -a taken like the others. They all died, and were lard -the a e :grave. On the day of the funeral two other :e.. were taken ill and one died. Ths,n inode weel.fjai , weretaidinlhe grave. Before the edeaho off thte l b a ' one, the fres which have'Baen rag.gsofextenivil-. Iutel It irginia broke ore abor ttf mlesfinahi 'rsidence, andin one hour Mr. iBoyd wv t`rpedoi olt he ossessed-hose,, har. w.latiay;,o and corn-cnro, fl Te child washaatifyremoyed,andwhen brought heck there was nott place to by himon te die. [N. Y. Mirror. T.osm Monaocs.-.-Alarge paty ofmornsv nan bering 535, went offlast evening, n ,ood shape,from. the Providence depot. The party tiled seven, cars. Theywent on the Plymouth Rock to New York, t9 follow the party that preceded, them over the Erie: :Railroad. A cleaner, betterlookinglo.og( h t 7ever came into the port of Boston, i-reed may be. [Boston Chron, 3d. - 1 rSTcLL Anvxceneo.-The Ellzabethto f la telli... gencer says that the "Am cran d rtyI Hiar ~~o. Tredand'Htttv andt~three.. :fugly, in betweenfw~o ndlr~ ltlndred strongcr .,ttf" ime than attoas laot . VAtgau.t, when orm tjonty wao unpwards of til. I_ Shrl agains nave.ce oads ie .the'Amedican part' €,vi r ot "..; -.,:. rift` the [ c.itae. Kenta.stucim . ° rs t JWleo t ten thousond majority i No. cern r. ' [iosnisyilte Journtl, 5th. NOW 3MtU*6;_1 Fus.--A quantity of sample cotton in the upper .0 story of the building oecupied by Toledano & Taylor, anught He , from some unknown caue, at half-pat sfve o'clck o asoveanitg. a- The firemen were speedly on the spot, and esUngih.ed tha ir flames without material damage to th budlng. S Bor DRowNit d..-A German lad named Erbals. fBley, eght years old. fell into the river to ths Third D .-det on Tueosday lastand wa drowned. The body was resaseo.t d and the Coroner being aent for,gave a verdict of e accidental drowning. d FroST DI~TRIT Coore-Judge Robertson passed 3. the followingsentencesonSaturday: John Lee, Arceny, two years' hard labor In the Penitentiary; Pierae, tseaoy*. two years' hard labor in the Penitentiary; Thomas Johnson, u sault and battery, two months in the Parish oisn: Jobhn ag r lone, larceny, two years' hard labor in the Psotenearoy. e FooRT DISTBICT C oTy.-The case of Winter vs. t Nixon & Adaot ouepied this court dariog the whole of Sator day. It will probably be concluded to-day, and ita o we sha y publish the testimony in s(maso in to-morrow's Crescent. n U. S. CosaT.-Louis Onlliber had his se S cond trial before Judgo McCaeb o Saturday. On Mhis t tri, y he was convicted of opening a letter, at Madsonville, which lat f ter was not addressed to him. He was granted a now trali : consequence of hisgettingnew testimony tothe ffect that he e opened the letter in the presence of otherpate. Thtimeha was found guoity with a recommendation to mercy. FATAL ACCoDEtTr.--A young man named Wmi La Sfontaine, in attempting to ump on board the Algiers ferry-boa on Saturday evening, fellinto the river and was instny lled by passing under the wheel of the boat He was a worthy young man-au employee at the Algiers Foundry--sd leaves a widowed mother in this city to mourn his untimely death. e THE RECORDERS' CoURTs.-Recorder Bright sent 1- Leander Spicer before the First District Court on Satueday, r to be tried for a violent asvault andbattery upon 3Ist Kate Hort f ings, at her resldence on Gmrter street, recently; ball $500. 0- Malachi Dvis and wife were arraigned on a charge of baving '0 aided Pat Kerrigan and Mary Tate ina general endeavor toaske d- the life of Thomas Fleming, on Gmorai.street, on Sunday night of Inst; Pat using a club, Davis his iste and boot, and the women t going in promiaseooaly. The Daviseas gave ball to appear, and of ab pulioe are ltoking sharpafter Pat and Mary. Lyman.A. 3f Cole. charged with stealing a clock, and Thomas Welst, ths ge Swith an assault wth dagerols weapon, ere discharged John 0- Tearney was tmnsufeTed from Charity Hospital tothse nna Asylum, on account of a mind badly diseased. George Ztch was hold to answer a charge of brutally kicking George OShrt. Recorder Ramos looked into the case of Jeremiah d aldwin, accused of swindling a Memphis Bank out of $I7,00 by means of a forged letter of credit, found the eidence againt him strong, and remanded him to prison to await a equistion from the Tennessee authorities. CatharineStield, who ander Stook to drown herself in the river, on Friday evening, wlsta to.ated, ws sentto the WorkHonse to chew the ud of seet and bitter melancholy, and pick oakum. Barney McCbe was sent to the same remunerative institution for stealing a pair of Sshoes froms a store on the Levee. Pierre Altmoeyer was sarrtgn Son a harge of so violently beating Nicholas Wilhelm with a 1, stick of wood, on the h of Apr, a to confine h to the t, pltal ever since. He gave ball to appear. Neaomi ayetano, 0t f. w. c., charged with battering some white womamon the head - with achsar; D. Barjan, charged with aswidling J. Femeanrs out of d30; and Wm. Brady, charged with faOengý Mare Aan MeCabe with a sdck of wood, at No. 31 Hospital steet, are to be eoamined soon. t Recorder Seuzeneau sent Jeff. Pierce before the First District Court for cheating Thomas C. Hogtarth, a satlor landlord,outof 7. GeorgeWallae wassheldtosanawerachao.i e of stealing omething fromH. Heeinrh. Mts. Haeis charged . with illegally seing a lot of fsrniture, was examned aod sdo s bcharged. ve Recorder Jackson sent Robert Ollias to the Work t- Ioue, for havingbeen concerned in robbing SMrs Louihs C. n- Weber of $0135. Leopold Hebron woassent to prison to await a s hbenrhg on o charge of trying to break into Mr. Moran'.as pream Ig ies. JohnEatman, alad, who accompanied sHebroninhabsat. Stempt, was sent to the Hoas. of Refuge, Dennts Shanahae , t- aeused of larceny, w discharged. MtoISERIES OF JUaord.-The practice of locking up a J Itlrors fo nocturnal cogitation, whesnever they arue mo nlucky to thoe nble tos agree by dayght is a aseriouoe, if not aryitg oieil for which we Would suggest a remedy were a emedy pee i s'e. Uponmarried men the practice beasrs partioularly hard To have to forego the plasures nd he endearman of thehome circle for the privations of the Jury room, is a grievance that cannotboundertoeodti it i realited. The followeag appesit Sfrom married men who have been incrcerated upo noturonat juries during the present week wilU give ome idea of the ealf SferlngoaofJurors int general andmarrtedlurorstinpartcOilar. They tO were addressed to the Clerk of one of the District Courts. e Dear : If youn hae any tkindly reoslectioons of ths pa It when we wore young and innocent together, try and get me oa ae bhisiuferaljury. Yours, H. ae M3r. - Dear S r-It affords me infinite plesaro to ha Stoinformayou, that we have as one of our' intellnct n wtl~s , Ofwe were about to spend tho night in thisein.ermi'eves, vsa sa ideotaitsy made this intarstting discovery. flo and 1at,, o Vivo Os Rtpubique. al To--- -Esq.S ., ClerDIstfr icfhtdt O i uetitb t taeso Ssuering from hun gr. thirst, and other des eteit La poltt to imagine than t specify bess to present sl cats" tos your 0 1eo d ruion, Aud state t e reaon wyt old Son -er held to serve as • juror in this ho no ul r cout . S irs. tlyisathfther ot w families, n itoas , t om homhts hb t ms provide, they being etirely dependant his daily tabo nor - Oepodti e iy. H almus of 0one of his wiutes and h ibsene Snayynf.fqd e Oat soot1t to sms gaygailatotoonam than n jaoaa sod peerhas ondosbhimtunhappyf orthsematnt f -k Thiray' teha inducing drowsiness and sometimes Usep.· se F- a thliay. asoanstve sremao, and obfnn t hod roth be Swas oat atsota fron sa a nr t tnA bastating slept ith9 oontinao untoItition, edI ;Taveplo aysto. 5I