Newspaper Page Text
1JEXAS AND IClb. 9rh, at s8'clo A. M. wal.. and Iadlaala-U. S. Mall L-neThn aMtxfop tmalpAlni Harny Sheppar,, dr r, will salas above, ptcu 7 For freight or Q n----e, h slpnfItn stat8-romn &Ceommodstpno tJ ppty to A RIB MOREORGAN & O(I;rIo to J~ola street. _ relghtwlail betaken for Br l kaotoago, but none for p .l .dlton annl.dishcla.a Shippers will please provide themselves with the steamer's am nob4fll oflading. Noneotherwll besignad. fall To ll on ISUNDAY Marh lbt, at 8 o'clock A. M. OUT1:IHIRN UIOEAMIHIMP COM Sply--For Galveston and Indlar-a-U. 8 MaYil Line. the new and magnrlen tlb steamship Louis tlana Wm, H. Talbot, ommandr, wll leave as above. For _ilpht or passae, havag mperiaor acrommodationas, apply on board or to HARRIS & MORGAN, foot of Jolla.lstreet, S opposite tile Steamship Latldlng. .--xne steamships f this Company will hereafter pay light 4-5g4 on aawfl dro' Powder Horn to L·*aes. hlpplra wli a apease a provideo thenaelve with the steame,', Porm of hill of 1.ldi. None other will be sgned. 1e02 LIVERPOOL. . FOR LIVERPOOL-PASSAGP. ONLY 4 Tb everyf ast alllg AlAn ealo patea ahlp City f Brooklyn, Mitchell, master, having all her crgo engaoged and go .,. on board. will sall fi a few days. JONEI, MACKINDER & CO., 91 Gravler street. For pana e only, hbvigw superlor aedommadataon. , Pplp.ta tBe capthla on hard. Phat 44, Third Diltrlit. r1eo SFOR LI-VER OOL-TII Al VERY FAST itrlllng American ship Richard Morse, Per kihs, mater, Is raw loading and will have immedli atel spatch. PaFor 'ral'htl. apply to S J. P. WIITNEY A CO., 35 Caraondelet st. For pa.aae, apply to tile cptnn on hoard. fe23O FORLIVElRPOOL-TILE Al AT LLOY ID'S . fot saling ltrlih ship Bannockburn, 1ruce,, w Ivne la.dang and awill have lammediate dls. yalc For freighl t of provlions, aor O hales cotton, apply to 8TIWAW T R& CO., 18 Cnrondelet street, r J. P. WHITNEY A CO., 31 Caomadelet street. For DMa.a.e, apply to the i.aptaln aon boardl. fe20 SFOR LIVEIUPOUL-THE Al FAST SAIL I.t American ship Chicago, John Chase, master, awll lae di aplteh. For rea gbl apply to J H. ASIIBRIDG CO., 12 0 aommon s.treat. For pautge, apply to the captain on boaad. fo41 161 LIVERPOOL--HIE REMARKA Slhy , s...ll,.g Al Alarahj. shlp Cordella, a aopn m r ,,,a now ready b receive hebav freight a wil meet wthpromntdlSpalteh. Fr freiglht, apply to J. Ii. ASHlRIR GE lt A CO., 1211 common street. ltThaabove.hlp made laat voyage hence to Cork its 28 dany, and "rom Havre to New Orlean. In 214 dys. fell FOR LIVERPOOL-lI HE Al FAST SAIL. lng Aaserican ship Dorcas Priteoe York, mal. Is now loadln and will have lmeulalte despatch. ay frelghl, or freight of311 hales rottan, a ply to J. P. WIITNEY A O., 3Carandelet street. For panag,, apply toa bh mala oa, hoarad. 1,19 FOR LIVE]IPOOLT-rIS AI PFAST SAIL lag American ship Excelsior. Capt. Swift. is no loadlng and will reclive immediate dipateh. For raigh, apply to PETER MAXWELL A C0O., 17 agazlae Lt. or J. P. WIIITNEY A CO., 3Cnronadeletsat. ,or paNlage, apply to thle captain on hoard,. tel8 SFOR LIVERPOOL-TIlE Al FAST RAII. lng A.ralraan lship Pocohonta, Waooderona. mter, I now laad.lng. Fora freight of t bale, ofa cott14, appl Il tJ. P. WHITNEY a CO., 35 Carondelet st. Faor l.naae. npply to ilh cnothlll b hoaard. fell NUR LIVERPOOL-TIlE Al FAST SAIIl nAAmlarica 01hi, Caabrla, Capt, Perry, is loaldinla, For t'right, appl, a o J. P. WHITNEY A CO., 5ICarondelet et. Firpt.a.e, apply Ito tle e.atpan oan hard. fel FOR LIVEItPOOL,-I al, Sl'.INItIII AlI .1 .-,w ti. Ja es, tloilller, mlster,. having a lrealrt of helr eareo eagala, will haveimmedliate 5late,. l hl .r frghof llbales otltnn, apply to JONES. LMACKINDIIER A CO1. 91 Gravier street. For nItsea. apyl, lhoahe captlain In ard. fe14 FOR LIVERPOOL--TIt Al VERIY AST aililng regar packelt a hlI i h. Curllat. Curling, m,,ter, 1. now hodndig and will have Immediate din. pateh. i r feiht of Nl ialma ouon, applIy to Ji3NE. IMACKINDER A Co.. 91O ravier treet,. For passage, hlving llpaeror accommodalin,, apIly to the -aptmin lm I-rd, fe 4 F 'OIR LIVER.OOLr.-' ', Al AMERICAN 'hi, V. llbary, llIaha' -mastr.. alll mee. .ill I,,,or hLaaaa.of freight. aa,.:I to J. it. ~ASRllRiDE" O., 1bl Common 4t. For pll a. Ilaply to 1441419 pld Iard. fall J.tS O LIVESRPOO--TIIE Al FAST SAIL. M i:g Amerau hip ST. rt l.reen Fairaanks, r, is now odllng. P. freight ol 4100 hbIales of .otoo, apply to J. P. WIIITNCY A CO. ,15 Carondeaelot. For pyassae. 4l,l ly toi,, nus ter on oarI, fe2 -b FSE LIVICRPSUL-TIl,1 SIRS LA, J t Salli,ý Slý;+.,l shaip Agaoalntatao I-oa , Tier, ilo loadlng. '..r ! gellt of ;1,0blacol-1 t49, app~ly t I HnONT.O). RANKIN A CO~ 125 Common at., or 1. P. WHITTNEY t 1 t..,3 1 C-ralelet at. For maasen, apply to. ;,e r.pttir on laiHrd. fe3 FOR U I l LVEI1PPOI.- -'rill: At AT LLOYD'S,` Kl.',4 ·f·L+t a,,lillg Itritih M.11, 10ttll lt or, }llyne, lum. JFaa paa.T.p l , :a ,.a 2 Ca . rm, ,a 3 t Cl reet. or J. F'. WIIITSY d 1'.t. 35 Cnroadelettt For p.nw,,r ap,'r 1 yo ",minaio. l l,,o b<.r~t. __._ FOIR HAVRE. F VlE It ItV tE--r.,fl F'AST 9AII,INT; Al l,9rk Mallatllatt Verlon, oolla r., rncr, will met nlth d;.,, cih, F .1r I l.,,at, app, y a t Ar2' .1. I1 hA 11tE11',: Al ,', 1.,l 1.451 Comon t. m'a~~la,lal.a 19,[11. A- 5..II,i laaI. 1,1 91, nII) (.41f S" )Olt IIAVRE'--'llE Al: AEt'1A F 9'S1.-1 m" Y llg Amarplla .iapt N,,laos le, ll Na)rla e, 11,, iB m ,ltLr, Iflon loatdinlg. Fur o'regJtt. ot I1) bales of , l P WTIITNEY .5111.311 . .arondelelstrr,,t. Forp alpI p 4 l,yll! to 9,l'i ll.ln lln l., !rd tel2 v F11()t I(t.SVRR--ills: At F.t..l' ,111.,',; ýrtn".ll, ii, ni .hipl Wlit. .ll!*oolluryl t.%Iclln, i ·..ter, Is now Uliodng. Fur freight o, 5121 halet of cluour ul~lllg m .i. P WHITNEY A CO.,, , Caroniale ttreel. nr 1'hEETY , F. F VAR [iL, :1'I Natchez st. For, apple to eila ,lan nn h,,ard, jx25 FUR1t IA Vl.E--1'i'ltF Al AMErLt AN SI'iI [rSl ll Luthler', Nt4.ol, mtestr. Is nlonv ld-<I l'or Inllt hnl otn hotile, rnl,mton ar y to t J. 1'. W III IT N Y A I;0. ::5 Unrundelet st, Fr,r pa,.. , apD'y~t teoo lll e iai nn ta-rd, J.,24 FOP ST. PETERISBUJHG. FRST. PETEH-BUUHG---,At)\F: 1114-TI Iln 111, At fa it ,4.11 A1141rican Whip Al- n 4441. 41.111R~tk,,, 411111. a1l l.1e 40.1u III ga414 , wall L di, 41114..c 1.11 1.11 .1. P. 0 444l . CO- 3514,1de1et1eet. FORI ST. PET'rERSIU RG - PASS 1. F , I 0.14-TIll' 044 fo14 .l'4ling :1 ei-i14Whip Patter pop4,4gp. 141.1,1,1, 1114n a1101 he,1a4g4e4age, will ve 4,040te . } .J. P. WIIIT14P.Y A CVI .32 1 411ond1t 4tn41. Fl), 44144l.'. opol 1 . [he l lslll. ea unrd. 7x1 GENOA. FI)IL.GEENOA-TIIIORLIFAIIK141.44' FAST A., .14, .41n Al441 411111 IVbrl. II. lWl1fp. %.F lol men. aua nlo·. wIll me1411 with11 ui440l11. P,' l4nine Irlllr orpnoir apply to .4rl .If. 1N111111444140.t CO.. 1t11 C,,.1R41 . TR11E STE. xx FOlR TIIES -TEII44 44111 PAST 0.11,F. Inl..1si, LR2IC1ah44e, Alrleln.a aster. wl me111 w 4i1411h 1i1..4L1. For 4,1141114 of .reig1ht or p1411 4, re ply allll h Id, or to fw 11 .1, if AS Ff11RIP(:F h Cn.,12 C.-coslreept. G LASGOW. & FOR (ILAPS(OW-TII Al AT I.4TOIY1R f,1 nt aellmg l Icitislt slapr JOLr Anackel)zie, - , clf, in nowr~ i.O Inndiug. F or freight of 5W bales cat tanr, ul~llll to .. P. WIHTNEY A, CO.. 3 Cxrondelet street. For pa.~tge, applyJ to the cxptnin s t bn Id.unl _ In0 t GOTHENBURG. FOLRL OTHENBUIRG-T1TF Al FAST 41,110 A 1114,11111,11k 14411 P4IgaIoP l,14I4l,.n 114 Isnloadino. Fur reighl4 of 441l bale, o4 coetto.* apply to .J. P. WI4ITNP. It CO., 335 CoRndelet street. P.11 p410..4g,.l4l14111114lIto on l ll. 2,40 H A BURP.3. 4'OIL HA3IBURS(0-TIIL Al FAST ' .41. 'n iRI CL1IUIInmhnr paeret eh,,1 Oder. RSrhuensun, lll'1·1· ',a~' no~v loadingl . F.. freight l· ·Itl .U: 1 bah U1 rotten, 1· ply 14 A. 4'. 44414410 .1 14., 3i C4nrondelet t4. For 111-lire. a14p11 111 14h1 expla in o III l,,l,., 4(01 BR EM EN, FOR BIIREMEN.-T44 Al FAST A411.' 414 American hllip Commodore4410P1, . 41111is, 4 ll441114lug. P41 444fr44l1.1 1pi4 to A,1 P. 4C I4NPY 0414u., 35 C4,xrondelet It. FoI r 1110.g 1111 ap 141 41h111il1 1111.ol14 1144ft NEWTON .. WILSON St CO., PRODIICE 4RO K0E1. IIONFORAI, C14334IIS1044N IAn FIOIRWAII)INI MERIIA4130, N11o. 1: PIIIIIIII 1tl 1t. 4ll h1~l4l111 entrealt11 to'1411I11.111 receive 1h4ir person14 4t teutia:, and meert wall prompt dil~ppmehl M41111 . HxggertJ h l; .11 ly( L 'l F'uuchOT and P111114 4111 Pope.44,lii C41o.1111,;s 28l'o d t n street; bOOS.ll It1 lr. 1 . R geprl. Illir h Co. ...V A. 4.341,1 .. .. I 441. 4. (41114l1udllp '1111110 5i,., o4_ I1 TTNSI:UALL 1IA'CE 444(4 RIr 4121141.i 54 1no llnrlllalllý:I 111 .1o li t Iw,14 41 the Illlli opera Fur erY'll 411 I Ni lplllllSTI.III `llllll '1 11 1 "c'e-' l, ri wli _i, dote 15414h 4,e4 1 bee, 'iýr. 3 e Said li eor )I,:r h ,vne Itlls c rt ~t, lll u hltir lol tar ull renewal tlln t roar ins tern uvur F tor~ the I llll ileI.lllt 1Outlrtl11,I1 4141441c 4t444 4i 44443410 444a lltnl. Ve 1*1414 ,aSe . 01,1,1 441rcl"n, 4 4141101. IS i l .4411 6 v1 P VrN'r' A 3IEALIC.4N CIIARCONIL GAL 141AN;'.lllh 4.l144- 14. Ae t I,4B\Y d . 441 t Ikn,:;=1`I~r 44 1 4 1, lsr l,.4Imoll ,1 44' 1 :1.44114 .4lllr m 1444l O l 4 te41)ll wh'll 1 4 bin ir're e- a n ulv l nhIlin L rr c 1 nit. ;:a.ll~ anr e ll I~:. e! . 2tni, iea fOr 'I461 ilri ncl .·n STEAM l E1INI4·-4 4411544liol tuII 01114 u.11 III I ,,',11111 Imcr 4111 'I .414441 1111 . 1 4 t aT u nn the pe A i~u Iý,tiN it\ of [, rl ve,", I 14rV1 1 f111.t ll IIu n 4Illlll , 1 11 1 411ilrb ll nn1n1 4,l l~l 41 / 111n1,te rllll,1114111111111111141.14 .llllni l 0 C i,'1, 4('1F" dllil I·II PVI' N'1 I e ' -' , ,I ( eII IIC III 11 ar. lam 1 ·,1 III ,111114 vhýV r [n 441 0 1.14 111..11 4 ,11 ,Fll(.il 4 s4 (l1LI4.. 44, 1 1111 1· 4U1 14 A 11n t 11 ,,1411l' lII11 1111,444132l' 1111 *l114A141 ,l140llil U111 440ll~i· lEO 0i.· 111 J 01.4 lj (ho. ) ll l ·I~ilil111 lill e t1 f.1lm Aý"r11t, f,"tlr the Nhaaull(·tlilCI .· O tt'A ULF, STEAi K M NGIN N:ýA-FH i !h PlI c,,:.i, ? r llllelrla, rrii lll .Inn".I liryar ;t of I~~mt: ý 1 a Son.i (late Fiu u tl S I llndt ird,) ilir, i[ *· r - Iliali i in their 1II Irlllil a1144111111 41 farm 1411.0 14, oer4. n-. I ' J44", 404A0 14 141041 i \ \ l. t \'r -r in l1 " llll ·;' ll O~lliter nt pfrs*l, wain ore using )em, .,It be lent LS 'mil nn al o repunr·. 1II ; andtr all rilhtr~d inh L a";, l ('land upon thei ll t'.t li r.'I'.-P. II l ~+lrlL S ,,, pneu· L rr .nl~ i nh: i Cc .,'ir +n xn3lr ems N .3'S. laruFtesup NJW ORLANS DAILY VRESIr'I. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED, BY NIXON & AD AM AT NO. O CADMP BT~ VOLUME IX. THURSDAY MORNING, FEB-RUARY 26, 1857. SEA-GOING VESSELS. FOR BOSTON, FOR BOSTON-"CREBSF.NT LINE"-THE feuy 101.llIlg Al Aooelpo., ,blr, Dll Rack, obae, osololC lo loloodlig and will boolltmma! 0ae palob. For frelblg of lOll bbl,or l00 bale. cotton, .lONES. MACKINDER & CO.. l1 Glraler.10t0e. oflorccg, blla, e Ing fn com doldloooe, apply to captlai FOR BOSTON-'CIIIOOCNT I.INE."-THE splendid new ,llppelr hrk Wanderer, C. Colloe. a, 1having a large p, 0 or her cargo engaed ate Rofion hoard. wil have Immedlate dispatch. For balo¶c1 of friht pply tO JONES, MACKINDER & CO.. 1 G1ravlerstlelt. For poosgge, boalo Lfine acommodations, apply to ho 1011. 212n, onboard.Polt 27. Seondol Dl,2,ri2t. 12 FOR BOBTON-lIEOUIAI LINE. PAUI. r OTO-Th, Al packet allp Juliet, Moulton, m,,. lhaving nearly all her eargo engaged, will heve 0021" 211021. lFor balance ofreiht or 1 pa lsge, apply to 1,23 0RO. W. 12NSON1 CO., 8llioap s0e.0t. F FOR BOISTON-TIIE Al PAIT RAIILING .hip Carna Lc Cpt. Emerson, I. now loorllog od bill have qulik dIloetrh. For freight, appIy to 1 J. P. WIITNEP A CO. 2 Corondlet at. For passooe, apply to the 12pta02 on boom,. fe19 FOR BOSTOIN-RlOUOAR LINE -THE fo,0,ailoe packet book Gies. Tayler 1s02 B00 02,01, haolng neols alllof 00 r 0 ar0go engaged0, 'ci coeqoiok . di0patch. For f. 0 1ght or p,1 0, epply to fell G0O. W. HYNSON D CO.. 82 Comp 1tre1t. FOR BUBTOIW-RE2OCLAR TIN1.- THE regalelr p011t ship Thomas B Wale, Ho.. ndmaster fa now l20nding and cei boave qolok dl." pith. 'or balI. help( or passage, 0 lzG11, 02210 ste NEW YOBI. FOR NEW YORK-REPI.AR .110N0 The .l spioldid clipper bark W. A. Newvman, 212,1m01tr.1. ne looallXg ..d will have qui02 Spm For hlvc of freihoht pa707%2 a. pply to frPl GPO. W. 0YNRON 01 0., 11 lump.atre100. B ALTIM1 ORE. FOR BALTIMORE-NEF.IO'IUAR 0INE. Tb, Al re102lar paoket bark Javld 0, WIlson, 1101000.0mast11,2having mo. of b.r car0o engaged, ooarlclck dlspooeb. Por b,20nee of freiglt 01 poIC~og, fet 00EO. W. 0 0RON k CO., 82 Coop streot. PHILADEL PI A. FOR PHILADELPHIA - REGULAR L.NE-The Al 010 packet bark Fontalne, Kl). less matter, ls now loading 2 nd0will hco qoick d2. pa202. or, 20020,21of freigh1 1 011110, Oapplp to tel 0EO. W. HYNRON A0 CO.. 012700pet0110. FOR SALE. ý "" FOR BALE-A 022E 0IOR Al FAST SAIL. Bgm,22)0 022p oj;lO')U 2o2le21e 2ci0 . W ,11 be sold 1o0 to i late a c000111110. Apply 1o Pol 0011. W. 0121001010 COI.. 02 Plopn 121111. - THE LAKE. I 111FOR OD)BLLE-DAILY U. 0. MAIL I INE-rWlhiter AIooI mgemen--Th epIlod. d 200. p111,1210 1221011 0teamer Coba, R A. Horn, mater: Florida, W. II. Huthlilgs mas011; CR1001.0 ea, A. I.. per1, 100222, m e,22lt exprssoly for the 100e trade, with all b iopo2 0r 1 0l11od 0ions-one2 of the abovtel 1rs will a,,re the Pontolpbl,,ol Railro1d DAILY on the arsivol of the O P. 0. tr122 orcar. Ioltnrolg will stop at Pascagoula O IONDATS and TUCRS DAY'. Cabin Faze eah wy............. ..................I Deck .. .. ............................ 2 i1l R. 'IPIIOP. Agent0. 10 Rk Plop,. P LAKE SHOPRE PACKET I~,4 TSTAMIER ARROW-Por t2,0 p1111nr 11ler pi 0 01i tiro Creole-For O00u 0pr00gsand lntlr 101,iat2 landloo gsl. -Th,, new surd splondid low o plooc p0ac0et 111002,1.1,001)0', 1,0er, Neson, , neter l hnlltexp100l idhl0 trade1 , 12222 022ppor a0)ommod22 h022,, 2.2l leave the Poolp ont llo RaolrNad on the arrival at the Lak0e of the con, as follows: Frnl Nw" rlens. From tUernn S arin~-r. TCE.02A 2110010'O. In 101.2 2,2CNDAb EVEN I tNi. THURSDAYINIORNTN0I)pA A. .M WEDS :iN0 IIA MORN 1NG. SATURD0AY ElENING. 41.311 FRIDAY MORNING. R. 2101DE0.0Ag02,001001Bank21l Now (Orl2,1,. Jalnuary 20. 21057. lol1 OF0FICE 01F NEW ORLEANS SAVINldB I NTITUTI2ON.-Ocrlo No. 2)2202,2l s2tr1c-lncorpOlO. lcd 021)o2 As, of th0 I2,00202022111 on 01th Mach., 222. The odic. of the Il,,llrtivo willlbe open for the reception o0 Doe,ooih, i21021 mo002o2,2(220l0oloosreoed) 2 1rom 9 to 3 o'lock, cult on.Snt)nl2),10102)2) f222)2 5 0o R0'0loe2. 1D1pos22. of PUo 2022llr and upoopo willle reepo lved. Tbe oruployool2e of 2l.0 Iuud2 i 202 120222 limited bp the Aol oP Inorp, r.tion to p hl id 2o 12,2,2,s of the UClted )1tare, of the fi0)20 2,ofIonioio, ad of 222 lily of 101w Orl1,a,1,. TLo,02c.aoP. nton1000000 201,i')y1220 nd02)22 unimproved 0eal 0,2222e within th2 ,2)lims of 2he city of New orllooo, no0 e021011 10 512 p1110nt. 1,o1 the appso).sd cosh vles. Lo.,o22p.., plon t 12)0he Mlocl of0 21e Inorpora0 )1 Banks in ewo 2)2eans, 0ot noto'odloXg Gl 2r e02. of the market v022,. ANu 1, or Prolit dlrioo.2 f0120 22e emph2.)ylolnt of the fodl, i to o 20 diotribute2d ) e 02 onn20o2ol0aong the 2lopololrs. No lotlee innoiirerp12pr 010lir) 0 b02:ow an0 of the funds, sr receive a*ny pay or emolllmrllr whoieyes. i~en-:irrxe ofd Isll, t ohving tutee t at a rate to hetqreed opon, will 0, issued udfor 00 not 00,0 than 411000deposited fora epoerlea time. TR~IfiT.ES. Oeorge E0,2s, A. 12. K1221. Wlliam, Vogel, W.. trrr, Go. Urgtthn. R. ff. wuoer, O. C.. Du0,. A.Heiojol, Gor0geJoo01, WI)2,elo Boot P000011, .2. Wod. Th. A, Clar,, Thou. A. .022,0,, . A. ..fopd. 0. I0). Witheoc. A1. 20. KOREL IO, 1220. AT. 2N. 12211.N', 2realde WM. V U01,)2,, 1 lOcaPo,,1221 R. I. SUIINOR2 0. 20. WITHUR lp Treasurer. N. B.-Coploe of the Act of Iooorpololion and 0y.I.ols can be obtaine0 the 02 ffl2 . '2'ltlo DOCW E 10AK E,) TEATS Coo DISEASES FREE: OF' ll A*i(21F.-Ill. O,,.,boowill 22,lro. epecial aslent)2i00,2 th)e followin) named diseasles: Cou1222 s, 02)2202 Con rmprltion, Ilrorlp, Infineii .A, Atllnnn I linlrlhiiir, and sill other )2200021r orf l"'c'hroat lI))l2. 122.0,2,11"0 o)22 doolte p0r 12202)2202)22 dhen to N 0p trea0tmen))20 L,2)2)) Sc ,,o2,,. 20),,), 2002)a., s0)am2 12.2 0hron100), No,,oolgi. 1'nr)21,2o2, 2pil2)oy,. Dyopl)2.)l, Pd)20, o, an ail ,2,),),,o,2002, O lhf the s,0,' li2)00 10n0 I.o22o: and ol~o to 222ch200020 i-lt 122y.,o · . r lp- o. h" temimro will Ler given to ther t-Bacoet of the FjeC illll I:ilT Iyr. HHmnC. bas millie uIIP\ lisrOrvTT ..fRilitl shat will I)ddllP perfect xC~s, ýrptfon f the I ~·( , the knife D lj r rl Ihu l- recannt ri~d.l t" tý a eve without s irs u e of r~lllr ~.Ialr . prndecz nna t~lnlrp d can inilirr o Iih, Ierfect xllcew .sh eaer 1114 ('uncer,, U dld Sorer or Ulcers, Fistula, f the I lgb r Tumors of e\*rr y dcrl liipti. n, an 1 she use I~ of the thile. Spacial rnn;;lamlln t- l i, ninduldL with h Dr . illlkec forr thle treadllm oof thle Inrt twined diseases, au they will require bin ronxilnnt n[ ad virr and ned/tinn I l°O(Hllsr in oneC of the mo),)t XtllfnLI and celerrxtnd 5ircnR 11I n1 I'llvsicianrn now licit. lilt fame le knownl prrronullly in near~ly evnrs priseilplll city in thle world. All lettars Airetell to D~r. )linnl-re, lit using i t postage stalmp er Bar cents) from anyv disnwrerc correctly Rtntiiir the IIxtuio of the dt-sure. shall be plromp~tly answered,, and the plidema treated Odire Iruu- from R A. MI. LO 5 P. St. D)OCTOR BA\\lKl:F, d2." GmdA W Nn. 52 Cor-Ilia x t., N~w OIICHII'· L.. flit. I.CKWUUU. WHO HAS HAL F'!VE YEARS L expenriene in thlis "a0 n.N pllellioooe f medicine, for the futnrc wilt attenld prinrilpnlll to oticn pntctise. Re takes tills methodl of iut'urrmingt thre puldic thatr he reats with unparal leled rueccen diseasec of tile Henri. Enr, F.Se, T.nugxr. Liver, Ifeart, Kidneyx, liladder, , rhrolllr IiirrillrH, in a word, oil chlronic cpm plniutn; Cud Rhannnurtisru In its slr 0t formll. AI o, :VII diseases oP wromrn and children-l-rxprrinl:) of fmlslcl: Prlop r - Uteri, Flour -\Ibns, Alnlinorrllo e tc., etc., and that ciass OF diseases salmon V~enereal, pnnvsry and secondary. All a 1 n ire sufferringq woulld do werll to give me a cal] -fre. IoinK zlscwhe si and they will receive a sofa and Iparog core. I olliglnle myself to carer all p too sh who haive Rheemaliam or Pninnb is [he Iilli*, o r make 11 CIHgs ) 1 m s ervices. My RHU(C'II9AI 1 a;Cl: FI I can only be End t o err office. Ti t, onei of m3' '1e" Il dixcoverlen i. IterlR laeiIcll, mod f[ 1. takenl with perfzct snfaty it bringl a cegetltbie copund.ld Da rollnaqilrueu of the ninny homing rivcrti-inuenta In the newapilpars. I with Bgrent relllEtRlile give myy nhnl to thle pnblie, Address or call onl me at DA\'II)S(N'S KI)\I' 146 UARON Otice di, etupreet" Itwn e Hno ra n iydro msd nu . I is n'..M.~ O~iepntuirs. >Irfm~ .3. to .(. 1 s5 J. E. I.O(:1(WOOlDn M . - R .G(IinAN'S PNEUMI.ITic STE.,AM. GRANU |,rg fOB ix nnw In umel t ul c vein" ph lahtintn. nopruisfg the iartle-t and .malllvllt elsas~e: ,ni Iume , which it haI takenll off three elops, ,ite a eOl ..hinmtiort ol' tile fslloewing advantages over ur g.,tl.,r k .l2111,7plcl..¢tion of s..rna to t .tew. Grano.. Int. or pan111 nano-faune~ll train:) 1. II r~irer buih la pressure of 30 pounds of eleam to " strike a BantervI." 2. It requlres no additlonal water for the boilers. 3. Its ptipes uever "orna' " o1 re+ tfire elemnlln i. its hedtilng srface i. e( uall y di~trflhtcd thmnrghout the bodh- of Juice, so that in. e.en am.; hard grxlnwlu Haar is nade, fl 5. Tle stealn bhingar l .1el cdensd and returned to the boilers direct, Ipan aldiionrl bailers are required where tie sugar.mill bOilers are ttg.e uhai t ilnd ti n's Baga .e Funlace ts used--One p air of' tnlhder (oilersrx :il nhes in diwnmter and 34 ecet long, with timalu'.l, Iagathne ururnace, lnow l'rlliah ,toMnn to grind the acne and ru[ tie Pneumatic Batltry, making l0U hhds. suagr pet' hey. 8. Thle Ptlllmmalic Batter)' Graeulntor Is ptllt i ope raion at much Iens e llSaT to the e h anter than l)thor H thlml r bat trey or applicatnoll el au to me akingugar, i;a ptrt or eatire y, rby ,tam. Nor farther Illform lon, n pamphlet with toll speciiantios and drawings wil bn tll hisher} oni alppdeutlOtl to the sbseril· r. who is now prepared to manke cnntior. for thl" lbatter), :eapto rators or Olaritiera, to be nued with direct or aellau-t steam. SAMUEL l.. GIiIMAN d4 81 Natchez street, New 4)rlean. La. F.IVE HUUNDRE TIOUSAND DOULLARS E OFOVER.'qMENT (IF N ICARAGUA L(OAN. Ity a decree of the St:prenmt tloreronmetr l of Nit'norgua paused oil t e'l8th Augtelt lSal., that ovrllllll authoirrr e a [.caln of t5110 000 andmedIt telse sonme il whe city of' New Otheau to be carried out utlder t la d retiuu anud lptotne) oT the under aig red. 'r'i> LoTno it made payaabhle in twenty years from tile tat inst., at tlhe littlk of LouisianadHl in rarrymn.. six per eIat. tlrr Ian tllm In'erect, payable ,wumually alo it tilhe hink of ilnS{Rian. ThisC Go.ernnelRx Inhr tnart by this. dec. we t In,. 11tlilou Ar`es of their hets Lhand as alddioal eeru. ilv to the llnOd hofl-e., for lhiri auimlate (alt~ent; the Scrip I'n. whicht Land we are aN. in ,p ,red to o.,ite for sile. ,tin tile t"--erllttenlt hars ýeruome rlta !i{hled on a permleut ba-1, ve think th,-e x,'clll ties oI!.'r great Illu-neCPIledlt oLeaPItuliJ. ialid pda.ll.'I. 'hey ,e n ow fered fo 'll. on very r".l a),hlde tner . We aollli ivItl leiptiew t ho t'eel intere"ted ii thillls eilertlie OC great il,1:talire, to exr uMlle the atltre derree, which is of t recurd i[ ll ol iei o: Wm. clrl-t", iotalu , of llll. ehy. 1I. PI IIE1IR. 8. F. SLATT"R , Agents. For sale by N1. PIL.CIIER. ,,24 I! 4i C!aroldciet tC.. eorer ntion. C\ HlAS. U. U.tonES - l'u. IlI't)HIlKF a.NOi) l FE.\ Li-lRl I FONREIGRTN A i DIlOMETIC ýJ4VJ al) ravier street,, hire on ohu, andl ,ro eonstantly receiv ig, ireet" froml the ltlullt'aectlre Nailt" tCev iags,, Axe.; Carpenter's Tools; Hor·. Sd. i anl Shovla: -Dorn and Cfofee Mill,; Sx ,,, Lag I' til till,+; tCoul,, Ha.d Manila Rope; ;it" h nwl Tract t'hahis Nil, Ph and h'rIvs (`lu ;3us; hn., Vice, nod B~lwhlws; Comltiter nld P:at'orm dc-icl; ..tnckv xnd Die., crerw Yl.ttee; Audlrn- an", gct.,ierr l Halmper. and Tong.: Sin,,-kanlrd Tong, lOrhu S ltnur. adl niee;' ,,)(. l i ,tad wola yTards; and Hinges " I -.. gd Bers-. Screws t'in tare`; R' f levy. To-,qltier w'th n. rge eanortmen t ofn a nyOoaids I.: Combs BIrlt+tes, 'erf'unl+.r) , P.1pr ,fill titl Rk lioks, et., which art utt~lered a+ 1l| ]llll'.. nri'{t,, r',, . 'l r c i~il an te , io2.%1 N'UIiR1 ICY AtiU" 1A(0H1!\F Hc)P. 1 Mr`"AN ,t P.VI'TEIt..DN, ,'o,,,, ,,ir ilhl,I and New I.rver-trcels.,-'1:"e au.lg"''d tr +,, )reptred to , .,G iut,<e7% '".:,,,! F:.,-IN ... '.... , n...d AI'HT .i • r ,.f ll ka ,,, tfot t,+1. : l ,, l l Sn, ,, r Pr Fnnanf Ilon% uv, MIl-. ,(a,111" Couou ,_,., Drilll- ]i.rehilir. ev' hail Sra.dý.. Gm ,rlnu, I.relug Honre -. Fole fProw-t Furuace )lnnil , u a rlo l Iluttvlller- of i;r,, il, s tlina- Wo;rk of ,,It kind..uh mv ,-.u,:v'. Poc>k. ,and Va:lr,%,t"ev,,,fvrm de.,rip dll; M(eodlhc w,, kid.;: for .<watm t 1liniler. +,· . .ll ltt:l RingI, etc. lBhwk.mhh. W ,rk Ir for Meln 11 (IO.«, Sow ly il111 or Na rhinery I1, d,-('rip,inn fha i ,a e ,ooirn·.I. b 'Il~rcy ],a e n+,1 i l at aill limen . I]l' .l librr N\heel .titrup,. F!...g 1 Rust. t" a ge r¢,ck,, Trl . t ' a l el Iw. ;d by seam Ih, , ,h.y hop,, b~y .,d,,Ul attion to th:O u,.it,. ail:ly 10lAN AFATfERol'. STEAMBOAT DEPAZIITkIS. OHIO 'BIVER. Wlll 1.., THIS DAY. 2d 4.1.. .1 1at5to'ottt A. M. r ýostt1lted. P.4..,, M si,, N1,.5.2ld . IHH,..,ndFI,.I IIodtoge im above For f etgt orpaCoq spp1E 0 board, o B. EDIIIELD. P.28 Corner,. .,d Psdldor . and LOWER MISSISSIPPI. Leaves nn THURSDAY. 26th instant. at P.PM. M M IIEMPHIS AND NOW ORLEANS PS.-PACICETLINS-Wednt522t Poclrt-Fmoem ] mediate lst di gletl.- d TI.Id p ktk st amt er Belfast, t Church, matter willbe rady to receie fretghlt oMonday I Morning, end will leave a above. or freiht or passag, app on 24rd or to frti \ JOHN B. HYDE A C0., 60Po es street, ( This line of bath will giLv thoutgh bills of ltdint for freight to Whlttttisr with piiege o.f rhippngat Napoleon N n 1 .teanncm Sam Male, Jews aser and Hie aogs, also connects *tMottpl lle with the Nashville Hkl. Polar Star and Al,.,. . Leaveson SATURDAY 26th t~.. atiP. M.2 i M .EPMPHNIFand2NEW ORLEANU PACICPtT LINE-S., dsp Pstkot-.For Mta P lnihngs Hetspnle2, NapoleonGreenvlle. and alltlter- i .2.24.te htdts,. tf, .p2,tdid paRckt steamer Nebraska, Alt,. R., master2 , wll be tady to 2152ve 21,tghtoo t this morning. 2t the foot. of g0 rd ,street, and will leave a above. For freight JOSaa I.. H YD ktCO., 66 or t s1,.1,. Pf l Rl1 HI~ &CD..SSPoydrt. I6 RS. ThIs tII of boats will lIa, freight through to White Riveetob reshipped onthe White River Paktce., Sm Hale,, Je..ll,24, and Etxchang at NaMolton. Also at Memphis with the ptketst Atson, andP Pso SrSt',,,r Nashville. 1,26 LeIast eery WEiDNESDAY. at 5 P. 26. REULAR WEDNESDAY WRLY f ý Patk,-P Cs,,lite I Asht,.h R Plctt , Point-TktE,2s th'd In tttt 1,l2ltL1 e Protidese., CamackLs Landing S1,o Wo s Bend, Vie and Gra nd .V. t Rodneyt Nt15he,, Ln Wushington, and Point Wo1,552. So --The elegant and ew{Rrunningg pssenger iptoato. stemer R, I W. Powell, J H. Estis, wil leave es shov For freight Or passage, apply on board, or to n1112' T. S. SIITH, 4 Tthotpiftttlls stre. Lesves evr THS2'DAY ,'eottt,'hP. M. 1 SSTEAMER S6UTSRERN BELLE W. C. Porter amnmmder, lenvea s ab sove. for rand .ake., C.rolhsl..d1pg, Ashton, P1 chrtt'. Point., BkIpwl.' L.nd.lg, L.k, Providenc,. Usat ma.k'. sod GoSdrich's LtedH5o, ,lll,,,n', BIndYitVichegg Grantd Gulf. Rodne,* Na cbhe and .ll Intermediate I.222tngt. ThI Snsthern Belle will ont552e 2 In the abo2 e trade the year. and ,2ll attend to the bttinss of the steamer Eclipse during her absence from the Vicksburg trade. For fritght or p,.sate, apply on BtOSd, 2or 119 BROAD EILL, BROS. N COt 6I to.. REGULAR PACKETS. WEPCl II 21AIL LIA E ~TO YIUK1SI2ORO ON TL'IUSESAY, S1 ON THURSDAY, ON SATURDAY, a2 1P.M. ,atlP.M5. 1P.M. Th,.smg.IcentU. The m.gniftt,,2 Themtgniteent U. States mail ackset U. S. mail Pactkt 52.tes mail pathet Pit Ad, A , N.W. d.aNathz ,thCt Wilsmt, will lelve Cat. J. t. Cn5on. . IT.P., RedtpSt. w for Don aldeonvllle..rf leave frDn-lae o oolsn Plagnemlne, ao ldovls Plaqoe-l iille.PPnqqlamfne.Bd. RoSt.e.PorpH mitt. Btton Roude. top ROte,,Portd 0,2 BayOU 000l0,t R.d Port HudJnne , Oaton ont, t.Sdlth, Red River LapldingIonSota, Red Rie Rvr o Fe Adams, Natchez, I~ooial, Fort Ad Adams, NsteheaWa St. Josreph, GadtpofRodney, oeh Grand(tll O~d, Wrretonnd t. osep'iGad IWarrenton andVicke Vicktt.bhnrg ev t y5.12, WVtt,..i, burg every DATER. TUESDAY, .11 P. Vilcsburg, MIlli- DAY. tliP. M. MI. itmsRend andI~k Prnvtdenre, St ar Inland Reach n ,evry THURSDAY, The shove mentioned spleandid passenger packets will leave on their rrpgial days, without fool. at thle houir appointed. All busineosentnlrf ed to their care will b promptly an~d fnitlbf 2$. att,.dtlot. FrPightl take for YaToo, if c,,igned to W. )i. SHAW, thle xgon; of the boats at Vicksburg, wh will forward it withoult delay, anld without anly extra charge. Th,.. hMats wIll not 12 rettpolsible for any lettel ,tpltkpo containing money,~ jewerlry or other the cont ents gularllH biles o fe Ightttimi; no takenfor, spaclfyiog the ent and ynlue, Yek t fed pi n f any vnlllshles deosited with the clerk by Oh e Avengers, or consiinell In their epp;e For Height or passag~e apply on hoanrd, or to CARRIII tIIIT,12IRDA CO., U i, N Row. 53 t'aroadele stn n36 or T. R. SVI(T II, No. 3 Tel.olapitnn ins st. S11456,11257-MSEMPISI1S AND) NEW ORLEANS PACKlET LINE.-In order , eorac- the phublic, the Owners an-1 esters of the packetsa heretofore It, tha tradle Mt,,,,e thle two cities, 1ove,21 Atcl .omtloty. to rune TAI-WEEKLY LINE 1OF PACKET T8t betwn Slt,.l i' ,1ad NetIt Orleans. uder the .,l.. ndst aler. T1IY EEPII1I AND NEW ORLEAN:AS PACKET COMP.ANY. The Bodet comprising thle Lne ere all of the FIRST CLASS8 inferior to none in the West or South for speed, comfort and safety. Stil leave etch plao esery MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. at i o'2'nek P. JI. SEY"Partil'abir attentionl will be paid to way business. Nebrassk,. C. S. Church, master. Bslgoanr,kI..l,, 21.0.Am , master. w90Nxeo.1~ PACxEre Johnl S1 a l. . \V.H. Neoewn master. H. H. 1V.. Hill, tl'1. H. Nelll, master, BE)I Frankllin, 0l. 11. Anders, master BoIIas., H. L.'Ci,,reln mtLe r Sts M Ii . td passeugers may rely on the pnnetnr~lity of the ,,ttl~tlUO' ti 03,2... hThe Lit:, connects at P. HYDE with the Isophia and Oltt Basil Liiua, and a-Rh all the railroadsr and boats s fr Sirsbrills, SO. Lonis, Louisville, etc. g9` A roinimmncllle of the pntronne hlitherto extended to the oa Hera of this Line is revpcctruoil ulieired. For t'reigbt or pas sage aplply on board, or to selY~nl TORN~ F.. HYDE COr.. 64 Por dm·s-tarsi B OtEEWSTERK &A ZAUJ-IbLIE-NO 31 FRONT TREET, AND NO. 36 FULI.TON STREET.-Wswould 36 Fulto 55hiree Where We onr e p5PeI..Ie ISAS t all times ato furnish tie h IN o S nS t 55 5 5 'l'sIs kind p5 1 COPPE R, TIN ANDN SHHEET IRON WORE, BRASS ASIT, INAS. BI.ACKI) I tthetion etc. Eadc A member of the BmS O givIng piers ol attention to each oS department, e can oleS eu fiacllie S tsISS, patties ll fIaing fix. Our sliips b for fulf i the wlAi ork are not er peered by El) housre in inthe Southl or r %IONtYF TN ECH RIS PPS AND SHEEI T IREB N PIPES; CHIMNXIES, BIRI~IECRIN:S: FIRE BEDlS, ASIS PANS; STIllSL WORMSS FILCLAERER. ,EICE ROSPS; CLARIFYINIS KETTLES; HEATERS, etc., etc. ABached to our etnhlishment re hove a general FurnilhsSg Store, ,,h All ,,IIR rU lssSlDD for STEAMBOAT, PLAN TATION AS U 150051 USE may A Afound. I'OBPS.- SSAortSigS,,'x Sn 5.t1 Seam Pump. S. P. R,,se's Fire PImp. 1011, Iron0, lSA ,ad Copper Force and 1.0 P ASDO. STEAK tI3AUIIRS. SAOhe's {'I naS and Steam G05 as, a bee Iinicl, adorin the hig'hestpon to w~hich steam may have been curried during igits a. SSASoo.AeSWI0ugS. TIN SIAE. Chlono D15he5, ASur 05et 5 S DUSh Bas5et5, JAeiy fand Oate ' 1,1 CoffeadTs Uins, SspTlTusss ; Pssa,, fnd otheronro, o, alt s ivs tsl.. Together wlth tart and Sheet IOEnrti f So'sa; WaShIng and Ironing find Box Ster: Fancy Cabin and Parlor Stove,; Sul. Ra115,ur flid IlaAo o Ihock Stoves, etc.5;ForEgs ; Fire RAsket: Buece Wrenches; StIm Whirtles and Vdlves; PnW So B,,oisinels; Grate Bars; Ratchet 5.00lADE Hose; PlOs, IrlylSder, Iibb, Stop oSd Coupllng ClckEs (lO and Force Pump iCocak; LonterisA, Imma , 19.51 sill deseopliuon. NLREWODE. C ZACHARIR, Nol. SN sroot and 36 PN,51, 05,515. Sole Agets for iSchnSer's S.aI I,, anl Vacuum .,u gAS ; Hear sASSa's Rnsr WO 0ge : O, P. IoP'a Fire Pumps; and 3. \. CAS. tos' 's11 Patent Yts m Heads and .'at, t hus. ens ly L EEDS' FEOUNDRY, NEW ORSBANS.-LEEDS A SL'.A.,m Isondr PS i 5355 uiltnr SIAIDSIISS AIVtlcll,.Hld SIASI. onitsld Co. tr5m FgAin, RBilers, Sais Mil, VacuBillH PaoP. S, gar Kettles, ,larises Fil, 5te1,mi an d Huron P'per s, losi bi5g 50.15d*,B Saw MiSll. I G n iOorlS, 1ro1 Cols, mns .,di Frunt" fur UaIgiira. Yurnsrte )loutha, Groin Be,., etc., and allt M-h ry~r rryuired for the South. WSe hS,, ave bn duly astltSIA and are prepared to construct BTO.IEIAN'S PATENT HBAASSE FURNACE. SOS2 dn illS L, D0 A 00. JD'11. WATerMANCHAS. Y. WATERMAN .. WATERtIRAN & IHUOTEIHAB, DBDW'ASEb; IERCSANTS, ,,iC,, of Com mon and Ihagxruu, street.t. havep on hnnn Ofl ., dily receiving by foreign and domestic St. rivals, shnera , asIortmhal of articles Aomprising 1, part, as follows: HARDWARE., CUTLERY. BUC. Iros, Steelp, PASS Ro,,p. Aes,. (tlA,,, SDAISes, lCss sos7' T,,lsPAiS. AMolD, V'Ds BelomS. Stock anld Dins, roo, F ate,, Ploughss, ly 17utterh, Corn DIslsen, lA,,Slls olilol Imple, ,sp Bill, Ijorsoll ,,,,,n Pit Sswss, 0, Poed,. Bwa, SiDiOptreeI, TollollinEg La , Hoes HSe. Shovals and SPpades, PIStfoSmSSc,,,DI, A Adiru:.., S'OaudiI, ShoDlp and Tongs CGO[ BhIlls, AIP'Prr 5ad Iruo C,,. SIsl Cub SrusAhers Singly . iandDolble Asrrl Guu, dIal,, Ilol,,,, Cl,,Anol Iislics. CAD,,,, d,,,,g,, IIA, ISiAIsAS, BriIAi at d Plated I, Are, Msl,,t C eElllt e., P,,,,,a A Stoclk Kti, FiYorsllsForges, Iy Dpin,, Fishi, g P aeo T,,,Akp. rSSt.., en HEN KITTREUGE & CU., I)1 poi A 1"·!I·I of Uuad Spurting AppalraA i fill it rnce.V le 5,, x retil deniAs {r. Ametiemi Rifles, I'imlaland Fir-I I,..f ranr· -xri,,"ry. 55 St ('liirles street, near brCar Ine, e rlasad 3 t..,O lt,!. coa13 Btii OAlSoS nCIAJ LU1'H Wllt Hlsl:S, YUUNUUtY ANH) O RNAII N:N7'.1 .{{-tilt K Corner of Benton nad Rlphroluoil streeat. %; 01B e N, 1116 -it Uharlea streetn (T vo dour, t..... .ho St. I~lllrlns Theater~ :Juralal~ torn, of 11e. I DSt and mt,sei IAgPattIrns of AiaIlinAVI, hr SDnirn, ISDl SIIA, llnll l i l lkI SlAof I:AI T Ahi W RIP.ICIIT IRI IN WORKS, fur lSl.Iil'l ISA'psesA. ,g RaDStE, Igis, Comngs Ard Bes,Afash peSihts an VeA blosa, tloa ia at tISA Iat . Ir 1 St. Charles aIsAre. Npw 0rlertns, r:L51) SDANI"I. EDUWARDS. I 1CCEDIIB TO '111i ,II Bdsnrla,.) Nat,. A,, 31 ,11nml :3 New lnIv, nil :11 trodni 3I Firltun trout l olall'I'acorrr of everyy dosr ariPtiiS of CIIpperI TI,, SDiod Iron .,1d l4rasa Iork. He ac now ready to conltract~ fur thv makinitg f' Strl'u Tnalnx, 4:larifyingand Evnlpo::stin iPons, Filterera, Juice Boxes Arm Heryt, A aplrtaining m AASI SDaS Illlk D US A general Ipe Ilimeat' Steam , u,,lh Steam WhiStIAS,'.AS.s Sglkr, SAlpliSg IO~csI , etc. IoIAAAs AW I oA hAS W IS Ho isSd cull the atesnlllion of plAiIAsm tAA e Iteam Tllal A which Rese breen in sncensrsl aprr.ttian on thn plxnlmionl o Col. R. C. 150mp, OSSSr. S. T. IlSrrisonp, E1J. Fas.dll 5,15,1 SIA,,,DonAOsgooadk wI.AA1rene, W. S&H. Stual,,5S iu A. ThomslA lao. aSd L.F.. FuIXASSll, this city,SlAwhom AIIAS *pe "', 'k*Ii;. Ss l rIlnll lSSnltS. UZ2 I DEIPORT ANL)H oT TO COTTON PYLANTEIRS SNY I hlih tirll . sllAbllYl.S sIyAI,-A lilllII1sAl,-I Ill,, iui,,,,55 nIlSlSirb StIIll Ar l r I, t ,IE'Iha I'nPiAI SP a S ts,",I ASt lnfiPglll As biAA5III Tb mAAltiI, I 'u: "li llSnt \PS,0 will PA' I Dra Si TenIIr IIAA 5m SA.d As t lAe iL mA il· ~·II1 I1- t al. Ii,·~l llrr I, ,II I IIIIIAA 5Pi~c l 115p515 11 . l I p,.,,,s, y u^IAv dli',.A to presltIhe cotton into bleor dispr r""L''I.. ;, thuoe of Kirin ing C sld ,Pinning :as l LL·PIII( " Inn II tae my t'A a rr.. made of l lAll nI Ollhl. Ian II wll be Ilv 11. p er cen t lTo ge. ll .15 l s dl riaSed P-l"Il Ill SI; AAy I t lllllpl ll Illcjet I., , in 1, I IThe Aadc·lul d is pi e C S EDIAE H. HENRY rtil llp, Al.c t'i I '1~n 1t1; 111 Otli:L. l. ·bill~ 1'a infnrn'le"· a, to terms, -/ll l nl I~t'ne nistrnc 'r'" h nr . to oi L· 1. h11; 11 t o Ibi nhi the is) T in. F·,nln· F,.w~ andl Irnuph ,u .Ter,. ri sHENr~lr !c3 l; J\ (;BOB(; G. HENRY, 11oblle, Al.. THURSDAY MONfitI;:PBBRUARY 28, 1857. Talk on 'Clmnge. There was not so much'doing on St. Charles street yesterday as usuaL However, what was wanting there was made up on the levee and in other locall ties. Take it all and all, trade was active, very ac tive yesterday-wholesale dealers are turning out im mense sales of goods for this section. The cotton producing country is reputed to be rich, and mer t chants are buying liberally, as well as paying up old balances. Our marine list will tell of the heavy re ceipts of Westernprodnue. As for cotton,the chances of any further advance in this market are remote. Mr. Bull maintains his usualastbbornness, and will not buy only from hand to mouth. The reports which we received some short time since of heavy receipts of India cotton into Liverpool are likely to be con firmed. Allusion was made to the quantity in the circular of Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co., which we published yesterday. This is the highest and best authority. We mention the subject so that those planters who have been holding back their cotton for fifteen cents can take warning. It has seldom come under the observation of the writer that the cotton trade has been conducted by factors and commission merchants of New Orleans with more ability, eaga city and intelligence than what has attended the 1 management of this present season. If there are any planters dissatisfied, it would be in vain to at tempt to merit an approval. Under the advices received by thethree laststeamers from Liverpool, the market has not been marked with any degree of alacrity. How much cotton is held here on specula. tion is difficult to say. The next accounts from Liverpool will be by the Niagara of the 14th inst. via Halifax-they ought to be along to-morrow. The maiIs are arriving after a fashion. We have received no New York papers later than the 14th. There will be due this morning those of the 16th, 17thth, 18th, 19th and 20th inst. We shall be com pelled to bid Mr. Postmaster General Campbell good bye on Wednesday next. Recent Puhlleattons. From Mr. J. B. Steel, No. 60 Camp street, we have received copies of the following : OsNVER TWIST. By Charles Dickens. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson. A handsome volume, being one of " Peterson's Uniform Duodecinlo Edition of the Complete Works of Charles Dickens." Of course, everybody knows what " Oliver Twist" is. The present volume has for frontispiece the famous scene of Oliver asking for "more!" THE Two LoEBS ; or a Sister's Devotion. A Do mestic Story, by the author of" The Twin Sisters." Philadelplbia : T. B. Peterson. One hundred and sixty-two pages, paper-covered. A story of -' the vicissitudes of a young woman, one of a mercurial and generous temperament, confiding and ardent, and sparkling, restless genius, whose marriage with a wealthy but unprincipled man is fol idwed by events of almost a tragic nature ".-all in England. LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE : and other stories of the Heart. By Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz. Philadel phia : T. B. Peterson. Thirteen of Mrs. Hentz's exquisite stories of do mestic life, in two paper-covered volumes, amounting to 275 pages. Each of the stories will make a delightful hour's reading. CoTTor.-The receipts for the twenty-four hours ending at 6 o'clock last evening were, by the Judah Touro, from Camden, 1,920 bales; Lafitte, from Jefferson, 641; Nebraska, from Memphis, 3,264; R. W. McRae, from Carolina Landing, 382; It. W. Pow ell, 157. Total, 6,212bales. The exports yesterday were, for Liverpool, 12,114 hal, : for St. Petersburg, 2,723; for Genoa, 1,025; for Boston, 1,921. Total, 17,893 bales. We think that the wager on fifteen cents for Mid dling cotton on the first day of March is already lost and won. How much champagne is tlhere in prepara tion for the supper? The Atlantic will return about the 8th proximo with a good lot of turtle. BAYOu LAFOUncsE.-The Thibodaux Minerva of Saturday last informs us that Bayou Lafourche was then in fine navigable condition. PaoHmmTcoN IN NEW YORK.-A new prohibitory law has been reported in the State Senate by a major ity of the select committee upon that subject. It makes it a misdemeanor for any person to sell intoxi cating liquor as a beverage, punishable by fine and imprisonment, and makes it an offence punishable by fine to be intoxicated in any public place. A HoaaID MURDER IN IOWA.--A Mr. Kellogg, of Delaware county, Iowa, was most brutally murdered by his wife on the night of January 9. It seems they had lived very unhappily together for some time, and at the time of the murder occupied different beds. The heads of the beds were some distance from the wall, and she, during his sleep, deliberately chopped his head with an axe in a most frightful manner. One blow inflicted a deep wound directly into the brain over the left eye, extending to the top of the head. Two others were on the right of the skull, causing immediate insensibility, though he retained life for about eighteen hours. The circumstances are rendered more painful by the fact that the woman ex pected hourly to assume the new relation of mother, which has since transpired. THE RING.-A desperate fight took place lately in England, betwcen Tom Sayers, 30 years old, weigh ing 151 lbs., and Aaron Jones, 25 years old, 168 lbs., for a thousand dollars. The fight lasted exactly three hours, during which sixty-two rounds were fought, the contest ending by both shaking hands, after being so severely punished that neither seemed to care to " try it' again. AN AssAssIN EECUTEnD.-Verger, who killed an Archbishop in a church in Paris, was executed in that city on the 30th of January at 8 o'clock, on the Place de la Roquette. He crossed the threshold of the prison supported on one side by the Abbe Hiugon and on the other by the executioner. On reaching the platform Verger fell upon his knees. He then threw himself into the arms of the Abbe Hugon, and then submitted himself to the executioner. RAILROAD ACCIDENT.-On the night of the 15th, the engine of a freight train on the Central Railroad near Albany, N. Y., beeame detached from the ten der. The fireman, Jeremiah Tellman, fell between them and was instantly crushed to death. NxRRow EscArP.-A Mr. Moore, in Albany, while being shaved at the Delavan House, discovered a large piece of sheet lead falling from the skylight overhead, and, springing from the barber's chair to I escape it, was bIadly cut in his chin and on his hand by the razor, but he saved his life, for the lead came down upon the head-rest of the chair. HtARESSED WOLVES.--A span of wolves, regularly trained to harness, were driven through the streets of St. Louis a few days ago. The people wondered and all the dogs barked indignantly. Were KILLED Da. BCURDELL ?-The following let ter, postmarked Cincinnati, Ohio, was received by Eckel in the New York Tombs a few days ago : SCiseINATr, Feb. 15, 1857. John J. Eckel :--The murderer of Dr. Bardell laughs at the surmises of the d--d fiools of New York city. I am traly sorry lir you, that you are suopected, for it is mny crime, not yours, and the authorities can go to h-1, and catch nse if they can. Yours, A BOLD WI-TEsI. " MY HOUSE SHLL BE ALLEDI) THE HOI'SE OF PIRaYER, BnT YE, ETC.-A gay young man in Pitts bur'g entered one of the fashionable churches in that city, one Sunday recently, with a lady on his arm, and after gracefully laying his overcoat over the back of his scat, sat down. Suddenly, however, the congre gation was startled by a most outrageous racket, and lo ! from the pockets of the young lsan's overcoat had rolled a torrent of bullets and caps, lidlowed by a si ver mounted pistol. The owner of the coat was ob served to be very red in the face. MARDI- RA$ PD8TIVfITI. The galeties of Tay night were neither few nor farbetween. Allwere largelypertllpeted 1, and with -many they lasted some five r s homrs into Lent-that is, into Wednesday morning. The great feature of the night, however, was the festival of the " miSTIC eW or COMwrs."" This" ktewe," concerning whose Identity and par poses ther had been anch tortures of cueriosty and speculation, made their debst before the publie in a very unique and attractive manner. They went through the streets at 9 o'clock with torchlights, about as much resembling a deputation from the lower regions as the mind could possibly conceive. The masks displayed every fantastic idea of the fear ful and horrible, whilst their effect wassoftened douwn by the richness and beauty of the costnmes,and the evident decorum of the devilsinside. After going through theprinolpal streets, to the great astonishment and admiration of the outsiders, and calling upon Mayor Waterman-for the purpose, we suppose, of obtaining a license to "raise the super natural" in the Gaiety theater, they proceeded to that elegant establishment in order to entertain the host of guests they had summoned. It may easily be guessed that soon after the brlef theatrical perform ance had closed, and the audience dispersed, it was again filled with the guests to the festival. The interior of the theater was decorated with a proflsion of hangings, wreaths and festoons of flow ers, arranged in a manner more beautiful, if possible, than on the night of the grand ball of the stock holders. The parquette had been floored even with the stage for the tableaux of the Mistick Krewe and the ball that was to follow. In a short timegfter the doors were thrown open all the space inside, apart from the floor and stage, was jammed with an audi ence composed of the elite of Louisiana and the adjacent States-none being in mask but the Krewe, but the fashionable and costly costumes of the ladies adding much to the brilliancy of the scene. In due time the Mistick Krewe appeared on the stage, in the full glare of the lights. If we may so speak, they were beautiful in their ugliness--harm ing In their repulsiveness. Bach masks were never seen in New Orleans before. There were upwards of a hundred of them, and no two alike, whilst all were grotesque to the last degree. As may be inferred, they represented the different characters with which religion, mythology and poesy have peo pled the Infernal Regions, and which Milton has ag gregated in his " Paradise Lost." We will not under take to describe the masks and costumes-it is enough to say that they displayed a fertility of fancy and a disregard of expense which captivated all be holders. Four tableaux were given. The first represented Tartarns. The characters in this scene were Pluto and Proserpine, presiding over the three Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos; the three Fairies, Alecto, Tisiphone, and Margesra; the three Harpies, 1Eilo, Ocyphete and Celeno; the three Gorgons, Medusa, Sthreuo, and Euryale; with Ixion, Sisyphus, Tanta lns, Minotaur, Cerberus, Charon and Chimera. All being arranged in classic attitudes, they were flooded with colored lights in a manner most beautiful to be hold. The second tableau was The Expulsion. In this were represented Satan, Beelzebub, Moloch, Dagon, Belial, Isis, Osiris, Mammon, and a host of other Infer nals. The third tableau represented the Conference of Satan and Beelzebub. The fourth and last repre sented Pandemonium. This was a most magnificent spectacle, in which the passions of Gluttony, Drunken ness, Indolence, Avarice, Murder, Vanity, Theft, 1 Discord, Licentiousness and Jealousy were personated, all being presided over by Satan and flanked in by Sin and Death. The different tableaux were arranged in accord ance with descriptions in Milton's immortal poem, and they were acted out truly and successfully, in e manner which reflected the highest credit upoi the poetic taste and judgment of the gentleme.icoinpo sing the " Mistick Krewe of Comus." It is needless to say that these representations, being somewhat new in New Orleans, afforded the highest pleasure to the rudience-a pleasure which was manifested in the highest and most unmistakable manner. At the conclusion of the tableaux, the barriers were removed and the brilliant audience present surged forth upon the dancing floor to indulge in the revel ries of the dance, the promenade and the tete-a-tete. The Mistick Krewe, having disbanded, dispersed amid the crowd and joined in the dance, in a manner which showed them to be very gentlemanly and agreeable devils./ The manner in which they preserved their incognito, and the propinquity of their disguises, which stood the test of close inspection, afforded equal pleasure to the gay throng oifguests. When we left the theater it was densely crowded in every part, and a scene of brilliancy and enjoyment, such as is not to be snurpassed. Anpther very pleasant part of the night we spent at the ball of the YOUNG MEN 8 SOCIETY. Odd Fellows' Hall was crowded with the array of youthful beauty and vivatity which the re-unions of the Young Menus Society never fail to call forth' Every District in the city was represented; and it being Mardi-Gras, a very large proportion of the dancers were in mask and fancy costume. The warmth of the night, however, rendered masks un comfortable, and towards morning there were very few faces concealed. As we dance once in a while, we joined in the festivity, and tried in vain to decide which District was represented by the most charming belles. We polkaed with a beautiful princess of the First District, and decided in favor of the First. We varsovied with a Creole queen of beauty and grace from the Second District, and changed our mind. We waltzed with a most' captivating nun from the Third District, only to have our previous opinions completely upset. And then we schottisched with a sylph from the Fourth District, personating " Ameri ca,' with such a change of opinion that we finally decided we had no opinion at all. Really. what is a susceptible young man to do, at a ball like this ? An attractive feature of the ball was the appear ance of the " W. K.'s"-White Knights, we suppose, for all were dressed after the fashion of Gabriel Ravel int his White Knight personations. They were very completely disguised, and went through a variety of antics, appropriate to Mardi-Gras, after which they disappeared as suddenly as they came. Whence they came and whither they went we did not learn, being too much interested in the above-mentioned belles to pay particular regard to them. The ball went off like a pleasant dream, and all went home with a re gret that Mardi-Gras was over. OTHER FESTIVITIES. Not being ubiquitous, we could not be present at all the balls that took place, or at any more than the two above described. We are credibly informed, however, that the masquerade of Mr. Rutoer, at the Orleans theater, was fully as brilliant and delightful an affair as any of its predecessors. There were mas querades also in the Fourth District and Jefferson City, under auspices which we know must have made them delightful to all who attended : not to speak of private soirees in dilferent parts of the city, given by those who prefer home under any and all circum otances. So, the rush of gaiety- or at least the dancing palt of it-is over for the season ; and a more brilliant season of such amusements has never brightened our CresceatCity annals. There will be balls hereafter, but at leisurely intervals, proportioned to the increas ing warmth of the weather. A STRANGE CAsE.--James Daly died some time ago in Cincinnati, leaving a considerable fortune. In a recent suit it appeared that over thirty years ago lie married in Ireland, and lived with his wife till she was the mother of four children. tie then came to the United States,.inteading, he said, to send for her. In 1831 lie married in Cincinnati, and lived with his second wife till his death, she also being the mother of several children. A few years before he died his first wile heard that he was living in Cincinnati, and came out front Ireland. Ile was terribly perplexed by his two wives, yet admitted his first marriage. The second wife, however, succeeded in inducing hilm to convey all his property to trustees for her benefit. The first wife brought suit for dower, and the court awarded it to her. Teleegra -fi to tha . LOVIIZAJ ;ll3MGI$LAiITU1Z3 ir van Mrsowisa WIs. 1 BTwox Boueg, Feb 25.-=b nt-In-the Seaete today, the Hmse bil repealing the law againt bet ting upon electlounwas taken up andee.erred in. Also an act relative to the clerks of the diarent District Courts - The resolutions concurring in the fnerat chequies of Dr. Kane, were taken up and adopted. Mr. Hyana, from the Committee a Banks- and Banking Institutions, made a report relative to the violation of the act of 1842, by various banks in the State, and ofred a bill tosneet the over lamne :of all. notes In contravention ofe act. This bill was the order of the day for Monday next. The Benking Commltteealso reported a bill ex empting capital invested in free banking from manul cip tainxation. Houee.-ln the House, the (mmittee on Propoi tioss and rievanoe reported an act torpeal an set taxing insurance companies for the boeaset'nd support of fire companies, which was referred, as. also a bill for making a loan to the New Orleans ScBohool of Medicine, the latter to a e6mmittee of Ave. An act to prevent the imnlgratlon of free egrees into the State we referred to the Jdilnary Ceunit tee. Also an act making it a. penal opens~to ell liqsor to.a slave was referred to the amse committee., An act to provide for the revenue of the Charity Hospital was also referred. An act relative to the emancipation of slaves pased' by a vote of 46 to 15. New York Markets. New Youa, Feb. 24.-Forlo sed with a declining tendency. Wheat and Corn are both frma Pork, Beef and Bacon closed buoyant. Whisky is held at 29c. - Cneinnati Markets. CiNcINnATI, Feb. 24.-Flour closed dull. Bacon is in fair demand. Sides are held at 104e. liver Intelligence. Lo0IsvLLn, Feb. 24--There is five feet water on the falls. Vuorsatino, Feb. 25.-The Low Water pamed don at 11 A. M., the Henry Chouteaa at noon, the Alex Scott at 5 and the Virginia at 8 o'clock this evening. Lotstlana l.egislature. BATON Roavs, Feb. 21, "857.-Senate.-Senate met at 10 o'clock. Mr. Oliver introduced an Act to authorise the Auditor of Public Accounts to sell a certain tract of land in Catahoula parish, which had beqn forfeited to the State for the non-payment of taxes. Mr. Phillips introduced an Act to provide for the sale of the Swamp Lands of the State. Referred to Committee on Lands and Levees. Mr. Martel moved a reconsideration of thevote. given on the bill relative to the New Orleans School of Medicine, which was carried, and On motion of Mr. Monday, the substitute reported by the committee was laid on the table indefinitely; the bill as it came from the House passed the second reading. Senate went into Executive session. After the doors were open, Mr. Chew introduced a resolution to authorize the Commissioner of Fourth Swamp Land District to employ a guard to protect the levee of Diamond Island Bend the House refused to pass it to a third reading. The bill or the kdmnistration of the Penitentiry was then taken up. Pending discussion on it the Senate adjourned. House.-The House met pursuant to adjournment, the Speaker in the chair. Present, fifty-three members. Prayer bythe Rev. Mr. Guion. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Special Order of the Day.-Immediately after the journal was read, the House proceeded to the consid eration of the re-districting the State in Judicial Dis tricts. After considerable discussion the House orderedthe bill to be engrossed for a thiirl reading. The Act grantingthe aid of the State to the New Orleans and Baton Rouge Railroad Company was, on motion of Mr. Lawrason, madethe special order of the day for Thursday next at 12 o'clock. The Act reported favorably by the Committe onin ternal Improvements, relative to the establishment of a Board of Public Works, and dividing the State into Districts for that purpose was on sotion of W. Van Wickle, made the special order of the day for Wednes day next. Mr. Handall introduced an Act making an appro priation of $15,000 for keeping adredge-boat in Bayou Lafourche. Referred to Committee on Internal Im provements. Mr. Harper introduced an Act to abolish the office Iof Superintendent of Public Education. Referred to Committee on Public Education. Mr. Polk gave notice that he would introduce an Act to amend Article 92 of the Constitution. The Mouse soon after adjourned. MOBILE AND Ono RAtLROAD. - The Mobile papers of Tuesday last publish a long report from the ehgineer of the Mobile and Ohio Railroal, from which we extract the following : Completed to Jackson, and a connection formed by steamer with Cairo, it will, with the Tennessee Central and Memphis and Charleston Railroads, form a contidoois line, reducing thejine between Memphis and Cairo about twentyhouors. This will- be more rapid than the present route through the eastern cities to the North, and will induce a heavy travel, and the equipment should be ordered to be delivered next fall. Summing up, then, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad is in successful operation for 197 miles, the' nett earnings of which, without being extended, will be sufficient this year to pay operating expenses, and the interest in all the debt already incurred und required to be contracted for its extension to Okalona and Columbus from the south -and to Jackson from the north. The nett earnings of the past year are equal to nearly 5J per cent. in the cost to Macon,and upwards of 6 per cent. in the average lengtli in operation during the year. Of the remaining distance of 2751 miles of the main line to Columbus, Ky., 242 nmiesl are ready for the track, the timbers for laying which are delivered on 113 miles, and the company have on hand and arriving more than one hundred miles of iron. The balance of the graduation, masonry and bridging is nnder contract, progressing, and will be completed in time for the track. With the work so far advanced towards comple tion, possessing 1,163,000 acres of land well set with best quality pines, unsurpassed by any pine lands on the coast for tinmber for the production of naval stores, and equal in value to those further north, which readily command five to six dollars per acre with paper amounting to $40,000 guaranteed by responsible individuals in this city for the purchase of iron-$200,000 loaned by the State of Mississippi, to be applied above Macon, and $135,000 of the bonds of the State of Tennessee yet to be drawn, it would he strange indeed if the iron and equipment could not be obtained for 174 miles of track and 29 miles of branches. THE IRISH RIOT AT HunsoN.-The New York Mir ror of the 17th furnishes the following particulars of the Hibernian emeute on the railroad at Bergen, aI ready mentioned : Yesterday, the Washington Volunteers were an duty in the city of Hudson,where the riot occurred on Sat urday night. It has been quiet since 10 o'clock on Salurday night, except a little fightiug on Sunday, and there is no further aplprehensiosof trouble, The current reports of this natir hive been greatly exag gerated. About four hundred men-one half of whom were Corkonians from the district of Munaster fought against an equal number of Connatightmen. They were dispersed by the firemen, and the military and special piilice hre arrested iftyone of them and preserved order. Four shanties were burned. No lives were lost, but three or four men are badly in. jured, and one of them, named James Kelly, cannot long survive, if, indeed, he is alive this morning. The Hudson County Actillery of Hoboken were on guard about th ejail lat night. Upon the territory of the battle all is quiet. Tihe shanties are to a great extent abandoned, aud there iss o probability of a fresh out break. RtlooonE TnEATY vWlTH MbtxICO.--A correspondent I of the New York Herald writes from Mexioo under Sdate of February 1, that, oc the previous evening, a treaty had been signed between the United States and Mtexico, by'. which this Government is to loan $15, 000,000. Of this sum $3,000,000 goes to pay Ameri can claims. As security for the loan the United States is to receive fifteen per cent. of the customs. Arrangements are also to be made for more unre stricted commercial intercourse between the two countries. A postal treaty will also go into operation at the same time. There was a magazine article once published, in which the clause ' woman is the sharer of maul' joys and happiues.," was made, by the misprint of a single letter, to read, " wouma is the shaver of man s Sjoys and happiness." ...,..A , , 01 irY' saw" ..stdeCr.. v ....(vol q ··; So .Bsd a7-, rd. - Jwiwd1eiantt "wd 6 grphe* diptc, iiaphteh.blg dhp~d~ usmt idiel11ýr lb.. r oder Iauid#U~ft~ - lyl b of1ýý cohiedhaa idite~r, M~t0' l ,Ati, Xaemsb s i~ay Al, wL. `ibpfh paerei.w oibs dm..dti o4 t do~ llt 0ft.~rrlod ga .. · ah..rwi a05.01sh. 4fta.s5.rh7,of% Yd~d~i&~l* ... ckiweppa ~re.- Trq . ~t t plper th le .hit- wth isa a-caurod &J.i~-wr.swd..4hi,w dh&bPJ. Ihhslsai 1 .e 1 1a` dci ,Dl bio.itci'wspleguiz d~·law~iaat*ma av. .ca*.4 7aylierd coedpsa +`p ~led$I. e4Uhr ~ Atj b.d 'a Teoi , kotho o..kivet'a~od aLdm aidhaifr s*W ato p1Urt7 *hlbselly brickt maaoer.n,.r~h3r -itdischargaed. .a }f Mpi~atthwte ai rid ap7 a.q auisppidi h~u EIiaDly ar trl with Lk-dl& lK, ApkaV he, . aoa.perd waLs· fab:p, of .ia.i-g paoplea Passd Mmdes.-wn. daniieai fp hi. Woauia-.ruaa a amip d hi.Teai l anaeit hqmi -; Xeimiiiaptn.t h ` ..I.p hMj ' dyb.CIrI olete ~i4* k ~~~aaq! d fosI Ghadie; ipuitc..1iyhatwih a~~r~~rLYs dufaants Ple ft, Whihea seayt totipa.r M~~bdsi.tttIhio wsia~~g. aehou V. * d~·~sopbleiileae,.hagad ith itafa oeir o-bh'id4. Baoto~Due Swuot'uVavL-Jasp Dm10~~ was Isi. Aqua~n~., l oaoped was W,~Pl aoga atI~~ haarothpe~mrlaasdPi, a 'ila.t sat 'iapotsa hi ohlldt.·a. Tb, dgaaaa Isaistitwuia KiS iapidsys, wai rsaaa~hsile _______knhi~ so`$D'ole .AiD - gym Of t CounciA mo last ove do. .nioevn -mdse poolp, 1O n 03.00 mere In he Chair poin street e ojnsg ..iotap the rio loq Ip ,-mmitteeea E Motgo0 yweelnood to the .0300 a c3,0,, lpl 00 odoohtooahooS3 h A res haI n tram te Assistat Bond Wortes! , fr thrap po oitment ofa. nt com e o confe u.7onoh0 gc of OhJ ul of the 1a~nn Wilest, t was cooentcl, ed4B b~ontdmoll. Wo o miood _fhird op ed oh. WCommitgee:o A eoluo tiof ohollo[oou ooooo oacoo a oR 01 WdjO.aL Thanclr ocmlboned by te ro000000000d1.o¶, tho o the o y altalt ntSes uas, wee eeneerro n. 6everal un opopo po o ran uddid ere The meaeage from the Ariamt Bord u hed budgetwas reolved nd laiduponthe ss sklai A report of the Ance Commerce amo' * That portion reeom oeoioa the oulbOoelo o testes y persons to school the property r aet did W o was rferre ttas to the exrmdrhnee. The eaiarU'le report was aopted. A~rpglyt1q nmrrfbi g nth b. q9m"n' of ooundry hill. wa dopted A cell no01n0(trin theooioo.psoe - oootoo, authoorizig Yeeo.00.D O..o.k t*te oO to00ea,0000. ays for the cyty h n the soft iowitou d bhyjM.s.Games pooe the. coiy, oo. adopted. f hooofoooeoool to reve ,0010 forooppooo io Washigito. o 0d . 1.0,7 t3 icot, of a 000300.701 0.oe at Theo onel idodget was.then o nlo op. The Item for plnok roads wos omeeded by mooobqtinO100O for $9000). the amount of the .ppropdoolono 1.00h0. Diltrict. i MI. Olto offered relolution to. appoprl3 te0 .0 too bol, a engine hooooioropokosad. Tidde, oloolmprNoooo dld thoolihe 0 3 , for C re leo ot Co mpo ny N o. o I eoon pt i su btr it o d sOO mOa s from the cotingent fund. The taOlehle watt diided and the vote taken, first upon th usin.rýpgr~nlo and Ladder Company N o. .n 3, ado ie.0 Oh, . ah 0.0,n for the rooooidoopp roproio oooaod .d Mro.030enrd 01ferodda resolotion to add t tq the ehd for Impro tln fo Cia- oeehe ,+Uoutt Dtdcte colws cad The he og estimates , hedes weadn p dokm alteration. Te depoio on 0ot the contfl0 gnt Mnd. R i The budget was then adopted entire , vote one -t10e Plaa soiiodg na. because ho tood tioes wouldexed haoued, reclpt. The Botod Oloon oijouoood. BItol O AooISSISAT & A -L30u, Halln the Chair, and . d i ooot. The r0le0 wore ,usoo.dod too Oh, OOroodtoooO4 o oa.oloty authorlolog C. B. LLta C ten ir to oieeoo. maroet hooopo ocity prnoerss 00 tae own00 of ClChborne aod SL Beroard aooooo, Third IhldrioO prooided he return the maroet to .he oilyo o the aspiration o 16 years fom the let r January sat Sdapted The Mao trabamitted oop. of the ooport oo the Idopiod oioers of the M330oghb estat. Reforred to0the PFloah~omo mioio.. Also, a mess00 informing the Board tclhat th.2001.o Juybdpeetdthe) Robin U1gg lmkX l man and igain immediate seton laths e Esrr tol itreta 300 htdP condsthag o000ht 0o. c.B O1 0 Th. Treasurer reported af[Hd on trend Y and " Iq of llcoooooluoooud. . .. " TeBoard of lAr m vi a od omurmme t Yoenr wic w0 .3tgiven. 000030s 0 000000 v for ooClo 'rah ;Lek Irwin glmo . a half or t4 s "epteiue ntblc ýi·8' Petitions were read by t01000 0.10d r 0ed0 .00.1, The p.03. 10on of Jmoeph dohoI, eoo0ra.tor f ioro 0303o6 0000., op rte,, 000., to Oh oily bS idoow, too 310r Mbto . 00 f eillo0.o, 0,01.. .hioh ii. 00.0 COooooml~rooo 100 ooooo 30010 0.oood ototy aoterooooog the c000t0.0,, we rodlo 0h3. 8,0.000d Londing Committee, after a mlotion to m 0Able by.Yr. JoiaootI and n speech in which lie argued the micead Ty of odn`r o ooletoro up to th iovary letter oa' their boon.o of 30e eiog oT B3oleto f, str00 cotootor of the BSoeoo. Di0,00, p.0yyig .ooo. tHlisste or woro done., the treet Comm000iodoo bhviog odooed to Is0ue the said ,oif rt000o, . 0. referred to the Sued and oandiog Commiteeowit an amendmleo by or. rboll that the Street 0C0Mm00100.ner be directed 0. l000e 00003er.03 preyed fo,; Mr. H. maoig antoher Wap.kO obh 3l which tOoadii·o th0e 0treet10 foioool oo b 000 a responsible olood .od boo. 01.0ht 1e 00 000t00, buOt thto dpO the B0.01 had underaken to interfere 0ith Olth boamen, be woood odofor no 0Rooo.oioo. boloe In order, one w000.301,03 fho mooting oil iooope Iooloodoy paooioof the swmp didtrioct.t bit. Doe 0.0,0e'0 reoolutiono tor chooging th. otlbto the r0ul0r mootii0g oftohe Bliord Irom Tuesdody 0 Weodnesdy, was ooled up, but 00w0n100t1 o.3000000 of Mo. Raymond, the ree1ln tion was withdlrawn. A reolution calling on the Comptrooler to fu the Boa0d wth a lest of all the city propeoty wihln the o ors dabo, , adopted. Mr. Rlaoyood dooered a resolotion for .oo Loiog oll o0olooh rnn)Sregabnr topedS challis son. tits atglt d carreies on esrnnd&,. ' r. ollandd moved to Jay It heti1·l~r ~~~~o 000. d0r0.d aooyso M3r. D 0.oborre mo00d to postpooe the oeool,03o0o ioolS 0370 Mlo. Rloaymood doflned his oioo b , yig athp topen p oo for oopt poot of the city was good ho far or putt .00nd30,01! roooio 000d.001800 hod the rgh1.t0 choln oo 00..00th0 churrohe hod the right Iikewiseo; hebdmittid thaLt.f theoi0o of crryi og hio pole0, be00ould give togo to hhi,, ophioogooatwhawoor boohoogbt c0itiv 0000008 ohHyt ahy ourt-]meh c shou3000d8 be Bo. tL mo030on, 0 potponeru 0000001000d opt... 0 f, le. D then moreo too d oend byoi riopg outofb the, 3vol 0oon t.ioooo," 'ndin0o odogto,0,o,, "wooden p.0.00.. 000,0,01,0 high," and onaled tr the oyo and ooy. Yr. O.er0on walled for rho0 prooiooo qotoeido. Th, toigloo rdodhlo woo 00. voted upono nddlost, f0,3007. Rsaplullo w ere offered for changing the ranmro the Second Distoiot Roodooer and the 0ieco30.0 001010 School Board, in the iilol'CtOy 0ll, 0o as to convert ach m the useshof the oher, a0 ao0 o 00 rot ooedin Silo. Adopted. A rsoution nofor repairng g the 10000000oli00 oO at the ofoot of Spain street. ot os of 0.0 exceoding &e0, we0 a 1opted .100s one for repairing a ioooo plleet of. 0 the BIoond D W~orier 000. lollod. Io view oi t oeoopproahohog warm etheoro, of. feodroi resooluon foroouthoriog the 00 to roeoo, the ploce of moeoting of the heoBod of aooi Alderman bao the 000in on the oppo0ie side of the 01 ll, whc A, wh1h hue 0indo00000000 ing Oil.oayo0tt 0 0ree , Lo00. Th, Fioonunoooommitee teooned upon sondroy oootlro,'00 subhmo0,te.dre cis lo,.or, h o ihodiogoho the Fh commitoooo e,',pr00i00000h re b00i hot,, of h LboboO in rc10.000 to b .00ec pmI ay recn io o iyiion 1wtw0000ha0 0 end the oily. and ohich the Supreome Coiot has dooreed tot hemo oo; Ioidotoh. ai,0provl ofte tiomm000 oat'l,001. Adopgdd0300. 00ll0nd oori gai,[io iit leoI gl reatiooo dn. tO,, oooootol h000000.10 to whom as0n roforrrd she .0pootdoo ooOW,,. 0m HelOllo do monsor otoo n 0 0 poperq to toie citly I 0 1.0l, 0,p000en001 iti, oOOimOO.00000h000,r0p0rt00thrugh It. chair0n,0 H . MO Ryomond. 70,0 0000001000 eoooood having e. s,,e In e~ the prnyoaillou, and nllbmetedc a pre t mble as a rew Olulot for i' Mr. 01,rlnd'h offr, t0.ether with is 0.0d iOlofOefO0.0 0 h000i0001'0o0, ail belt to 10 0 000ho., 0 icooeio p.,inp oo h00ura ploooooy 0 s00, ooodio louth . the upper 0i000pof she ity hodiditheo0.100hO Yr. , oh.t oto ad that the .oo.poo; .fsoid tuotion forth 0ith, orld 1-1hi, brig gi100,010. bet that 1 it0 olab 0000.00000. two yerar or [wa it would he wrorth a graatdde on;mroao, Iood ooOt bholly o00r the 000000 otthe QU3000 oftrlo sod oummeod sto in. the oirt hod better accept- hooooor dirt 03 migi, ohoo to f0 Mo. ho Labaoo 0ow4 that ho 0oul0 role fir the compromioe, althoughlh biasoartoreoolted at It00 5.. 0o1.oyo anleulood that the O0oooPM ofered 00 000 - oil h ,orn th0n 0,010,00d stated that he000u1 ootlhic ot ce hiullflg Mr. t -la~nd d for o small aIn amount; he woULdsoarer, for hie 0. partooio 00000t e00t00a, and pay taooeo 0.0(100dem3 olmiolo the oiry far the loss. M.r, Oiotlioood bohol 1.0 uooioooolty t1. oily 0 weootid. haw s c l, anld aunt In for eoenprotl'iea, it uibf oore . lu the city by it. Mr. Overal th lr ama had barn alnad in te ctlrulnal preneeulubu of Mr. would 0,e 00,ito 00010e 0it. him civily, if oyothing wed p. oootolo by it. The roaaoution for accepting Mo. OOolold, '00!o, was .1000 ,otlospurn and aoop.). by 6 i 2; the nay. ill IpuJ. Ituilln and trend Tie report of thoe Commit0, 0o Streoto mad Londngo s.0d 0.. ropooos 0f.te orher eo0dt03u mm0. toea embraced odoblog of oootoltneoo importance; sod ,0 old ilapooiug of them, the 0 o80d ,,djooo,,d. A lInd speculator 10¢ to ing his tract against the chooge of th10 it woos io healthy ooround I foor ok t to die, that toh, inha olhat ,tteit JIl breath with a oorksroew.