Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW ORLEANS CRESCENT. VOLUME XVIII. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1868. NUMBER 2. 11 --.. .- ..... ii .agdress -To rta Nj EERVOLf' AND DEBILITATED Sufferlngs Have Been Protracted I¶1DI)EN CAUSES, WHOSE CASES REQURE PROMPT TREATMENT -ýre -IG itender Exirtenee I)eairable. 1i yoe o as Terier from tuvotuntary dtsharges, what Slr idestltprd ' ce poe your general hea·th Do yeo teeate k, deb itatedd. se y tired ? Dues a ints exertion produce palpitation of the b-art? Dore your liver or urlrnary organs, ir your kidneys, fhe queotly get out of order? sl your urioe ome times thick, milky, or lucky, or 'a It ropy on ntling; or does a thick seam rise to the ttp, or is a sadl gnent at the bottom after it has stood awhile ? Do you hane spells of rhort breathlng or dyspepsia? Are your beoels conslipatedl De you have spells of tailring eor rushe of blood to the head' Is your memory impaired? I youer mind constant y dwelling upon this sobje-t? In you feel dull, listlets moping, tired of company oft ire? I)n you wib to be left aloe, to get away f',m everybody? D "e acry Iottte thi' g laker y<on otart or )amp! Is your sleep broken -r restiles? Is the luster of your eye as brilliant; the bloom on your obeek ar bright ? Doe you enjoy youre.rf in society a well? o0 yeS peurne yror hbusliCe with the same energy ? Do you feel as muh confidence in yourself ? Are your sptrits dull and fEtging, given to ifts of melan eholy ? If so, de net iay it to your liver or dvypopei. aeve you restlese night., your back weak your knees weak, and harv yIo but tittle spptite, and you atttribhot this odyspepuia or liver complaint ? Niow, roeder, IELF-ABUSE. VENEREAL DISE&IE8 badly rored, and sexual exreeem, are all capaobe of pro taciog a weaknmes of the geseratl e oranar. 'he organs of genersaon, when in perfect health, make i e ma-n. Did you ever'think that those bold, delant, enerpette peree -eridg, unuccOsful bnsiness men a·e always those whose geloers iee organs are in perfect health ? You serur hear such mea *orpltren of being melancholy, of nervounluoe. of pylpitation elke r*t They are never afraid they canot eucoeed in basitnma; they do.r't become sad and dilcouraoed, they are awla) politerd pleasant in the company of ladies, and Iook you and thlo rig it In the face-uone of your duwncust looks oany oth meanot.rres acoet them. I do not mean those who keep the oroaes io oamed by running to excess Tuere will not only ruin their ceoltitutions, but also those they du business with or for. flow many men from badly cored diseases, from the erects eJself-abuse and exenes, havre brounht arout that state ..f weakues in those organs that has redoed the reeral system so much as to induce alno,.t every otCr disease-idiocy, Iu nlat, paralysis, spinal asertions, e*melde and almoat every ether form of disease which humant' Is bheir to, and the nrl Smass of the trouble swcely ever suspected, and he'e doc kered ftor a but the rgo',t one Disease of these organs re quire the as. of a Diuretic. elnmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu -te THIEt CL+REAT Pit .ItE.TIO, A CERTAIN CURE FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, I[DINY8, ERATEL. DROPSl. ORANIC WIAKNEIs, FEMALE OOMPLAINTB, OlNiRAL DEBILITY, .LL D1gEASCI OF THE URINARY ORGAry. IZaIaINg IN MALE OR FEMALE, 1 ' attever ('atmroe O)riginatitrg Aug no mator how reetment is eo.bmittd to Conouamption or taenity toa o ,rlus Our drub nod hblod are soUolrtp d from theru a. -re ard the beltb and happOnee. and that o! Postority dopd tlou prompt see of a rehltable remedy. ELI.MBOlD EXTRACI T B5CIIS .~rTABL1p OID y.WArD O011 ,EARIS. --l'retare tby 1i. T. nEIMBOLD. DPRt ,:mTr, r3 I}roadway, New r ork and l'S Sffth I 'th streft. Ph lcdelphia. i pRltCIp-.1 3or to*.e ,r fix b I.tfrr o- $ o .0, delilvered toeny addusa bold ly aoi Dru rotsa evern wera LD iOIE A:l (UIFUCINIt or-eon done up ton eol-eu r"erd wrapp. ith rnc-tiOmile of my t'T:hemi Warel..uu nsideigned B. T. BELMBOLD The pretrroetor w-, - peodld to d~pt arbh a wrapper becaune o' the gr wtnir popo+ Irit of his aericles, and to ppreet sp,.rtoue ad daDoeronea riE ORE80EBT' DIBPATOHEB. FROM WASHlINTO)N. DEATH OF A SON OF GENtRAL SCHJFIELO. THE TEXAS CATTLE DISEASE. INTERESTING OFFICIAL STATEMENT. -- 'n nIý'I O w0 L al' s -. BRI. NORTHERN CAPITAL IN NJRTH CAROLINA, Determined Attempt at Suicide. FINANCIAL , 1ATTiERW. S-TATIS'I'] ('AL ItEi' OI.''T NI\\'s FlOMI S'I'. I)OMIINGO. I:NCKES C'MIET--INDIAN TROUBLES. wA-mInI-taroy, Angast 13.-A son of Secretary St hotl, Id ls ued at West Point. A statement concerning the Texas onattle die. ease, made bvy .. R. Ilodge. statiticianr of the dtlpartmlient of aerticulture, sa the re·silt of ex- 1 t, iied Investigati n, contains the f allowing pilont: v i. that the di-eae is uoium niniated by cattle r from Texas. Florida and other portions of the !1 guit c(ast. That such disease is itself unknown in Texas or on 'he gull coast. l I. That the cattle communicating It are not only a apparently healthy, but are generally impruving L in ( oidtion. SThat Wt.ile ,,local herds receiving the infee ti,,i, Learly all die, they never communicate the tl:-eae to othiers. . either a onsiderable increase in ele ira tIe or a di-'ance of tw3 or three deerer- of t' !ltlde lll iri the startrng point Is necessary t A ,liven-p the virns into a twity and viruleanry, and t a further progress of two degrees of latltule ant a few weeks in tinime it sufiitient to eliminate the I" fromi the e)-.etu. u That lezas oi:tle removed to other m;:is nat' sFecto( rn as the Missi-.lppi b')ttniat litp to the :i;th parallel communicate no infection to l ca! (ards. 7 " hat medication hasthus far been of no avail. Mr. liodge concludes that the disease cannot a bec one general and that it cannot exist outl y wthmL the novementa of Teaac cattle, whlnc euld be regulatd or supliresecI and that it -oesa not result from tracel, but fronm clinmati die, ace. M r-. General 1awlins and Mre. Senator Trunbull are tilli aice bit their c.- dition is critical. f lsa!,d conl: iesicner Wison issues a circular cauitung reki.ters arl- receivers that three see to, n ionly call be entered in one township on c al lege F( 1;p. r-, natir Abbott states that over $l10,0l,i4l1 of Nirthern capital has been inveated in North Ca rolina since the war. It is now stated that Risecrans will defer has departure until October. oterlnal revenue rece'pte: $.7-.000. .1 `,. Iitghatin, late deputy co-lector of the part at liichmtond, attemp'ed sui ide. lie stabh .d tiunelf eleven ti,'es abut the heart art cat his thre at. Little hcpes are entertained of ho: rae o It is stated, ou doubtful authori'y, that C(o;n o,i-',, tier It-:litus aIll resln unconditi o al!y from regard to MN 'iulloch'a feelihng anil wi.hei. Ie civnver-i n0 of seventhlirties into tivce twen lie' l.aa ceased. They are now worth themr face in currency. t;en. 1 hom as . Ewing i- prominently mentioned t for the Alaska collectorship I he statistical report shows that imports of cof ree, c,,tion. tlax. heu.p and silk goods, india-rub her, opltur, pantesalt, cola ani tea, have Ilrgely decltitd; and the entries of glase. gums, hides. irecdi us stones, spices, sugarr,tin, tohba ':o, cigars aid lumber exthbit an increase-the other articles being in 1l',e u-~l quantites. Advices fr--m it. lDomingo to the 25th ult. re Iort ()igando, the revilutionary leaser, within ttree miles of Agoa. Gen. Cabrol was with horn. It is stated that Baez was to guarantee the Alt. \' la gunno and the Simana coal for an logl h loan. tHe continued to open and examine all the mails, and is said so have f trced the t-i'ih con tul to op n his mail in order to search for revolu tionary docunienta. F n ke's comet was first seen from the naval ob servatory here yesterday morning. Situation : Itlg t ascension 7 hours, declination It degrees m tinutes. Ihe Indian troubles in Kansas are grow;ng worse. Seven men were killed yesterday, ant 'he Indians in large numbers are murdering the ,t ttlers on Slomon ('reek. Tie peoe:,! of sher t'reek are about cut off without provli inc. an t ate nearly tint of ammunition. ;Gv. (' a;f" - rd making preparations to organize and arm the set tlers for defense. FRgO RALEIGH. Thei Delmeeratlte Stac , Cnvemt'lo--Toreh. light PrCeere lon and Speeesle. RnLl(ii.ii. N. C., Aug. l:.--Th DeImocratic tnn v ntion adjtourted to-day at '2 o'clo k. The t lchiight pr ceosi on last rtght excseded in bri iliU(cy anthllig ever CeeCil in this city. it wai il.l o.loed that three ihusand persons were in tlhe A number if speeches were mal-. The num h, r ot actual delegates in at'enldanc e e eesdel a th, i.sand. It wa-s the itist grant an-i umposin ,i I.'C al gs'liherlt; g ill tiRs ,tati sItp in 1 l. 'I he convlntUolln udored the n,mntllerti and plat forll of ti e Na'ional Irun','ralti ' C('ot ven' in nlrranil sly. Several strng resolations In refer elce to Stnte oifiers were also aid ipted. J i.. Jarris. Esq . of the Fi'irt Ii.trtict. and Maj. .1 hi Htihes, of Newbhrn of the srecnd dli-itrit, cire ieonmrated presrdential electors in their re 1ectile districts. The ifluenece of the convention is rp'ardled by its tlteuds a having been moit hapy'anO ex Seusive. 7RO0 ST. LOUIS. flerrlble nludlia OGtrage. FT. I. ·ii , Aug. I- -AdvIces from tn!,,mn lit" h-ansu , report horriblile Intl!n Ii'rag".s in htic ' I -nri-n River s-ttlemeo te. Men h tee --en I ted, wntien ravishlied, clidren Captu,iu , t4ock .tottn and thie counttry stripped of provienes. FROM UEW YORK. Fstal Tacht Aecldent'-"C'tral Amerl an e, c Z.esadadmnd Auotr,5ll, Sew- iHrettish PreteetOrate of the FeJlee Ieiatde--Ta -N-w Yiti,'K Anu. 15 -A pleasnre yacht was ,in inte alid =nrik In the harbhr to iybyhyastear !lip. Four perone were ren ,led and a nimbor oif all" and gentleein wLre drowned. i'r: 1 larn not vet ascertained. ie steamnier Itenr ''ar has arr;wil !r)m As ,it awall. -bringina Soilt - in so im1. lr i:ce i.d four srallors had died on th· Ioited laiten steamer Assilpee cn the coast of Ceatral inrlca. IAdvriceS receired at Panama represent that f--nr ear.bquake shocks were felt June 2":h, on tae rctirn coast of Aui.iraiia. An abnndant harvest is anticipatdc ow ag to -trtTdasot rains. A Chinmamn mnrdlered Mr. .Lee and three chIl ?r, n at Iron Bank dirggtg. The Australian .,-lt nit-uk 'Comnatnv have m I ri :trgementa with the k:ng of the i eye lan Ii. it volrng the settlement of American claimi an o Ihe rhbabtle establishment of Briti-h pri,:ecto rite over the F'eee group. Tne terms of t'ie d i-h rter i ei as:c: sd c.,o-ld erm -ie ex- teirmeit an Ont the whie settlers. The British c.o nl pro . tests tat the king had granted powers to the na icmpany. such as the impoeition of taxes. whi'h She could not legally trainsfer, and the whoe mrt ter awatts a of the commodore of the Am5 s trahan s·nadron. The political crisIs in VlctoriA will likely pro. in e areat ilireas itn icoaeq ,ence of the 1a1ns rv refuting to resign. TIe aasembly had directe:d the cresation of the:r pay ftrm the treasury. The natives of the northern part of New Z.a land were murdering the whi'es. A force of F v,,lllunteers were organizing to bring th to mur 11) derers to Justice. at th FROM MONTOOMETy. c th New Cty sOvernmelt-.-ll ,.o.r sad RBlar to mec ils. m MONTrooMgsR, Aug. 15.-The new mayor ap ce I pouted by the governor was inaugurated to day. W The new I(ity Cuoncil also met. The police force pi is half black. and many of the city ofif err are it, etres. the old city clerk and treasurer were cu re elected. TI ere was a large Seymour and Blair meeting at to day at Wetunpka. About 00O persona wer' Go present. Speeches were made by ex Gr v. Thus. p H. W atts and other prominent men. FROM UIOPI fj -it Lord Wapter at the l.view of the Imoertal Qa*rd--echtrfer H al.Id Urp--Rverdy t Johmeb a at QueemsoCLewa-ertaus Disturb- si once to I, elaad-Tbhe rench Ioam. 10. PA*I., Aug. 1 i -Lord Napier of Mhgdala was a amongf the dl*tingui.hed visi!ors who parti-ipated in ieeterday's review of the National and hupe- c rinl Guard. I he French royal family was enthasisasicaltly cheered by the people. Mirts. H, nri Hilchefort, ecdtor of La Lantcrner. has been sentenced to pay a flne of 10,0Ut. and a va yeai's imprisonment. at ('omte ItR. de MNorean Tanerny is appointed first Ih secretary o it tie Wanhlington leeatin. t. I he Mlt lteur. speaking of the recent Frenoh t' loan, states that thirty four times the amiJut ie askl d had nl'read been subscribed. i,'.t1 .-Toi s,. Aug. [l.- the lily of tlificore, I's a IIb lIeverdy on hoard, has arrivei. 1\ i Lo.l or. Aug. 1 .-.ihpatahes from Irelan-. he gvi: g particuilars of fl,t drel of lawt ess':ei ss in i lifliperary. have been received. It seems that I whtile one of the greae landlords of that regoon. 1Y risn..d S oily, was serving th- ustual n ,t'es on oiA !hit various teneailts Ie was killed by an ulku twn perron. . A -'lnig I ldy of police atteruptt I to I errt' thep tirlsll . t whet: the p1,liCe in turn were ettrcily atta-cked, two of whom were shot deald o, nod ftour s injured. At last adveces quiet Ju had been rest'red. FEOM SOUTHWEST PASS. cci -r ,ti otr-,T 'rPAR, Aug. I--Noon.-- ar-irme. ter 7'r : wrid ea.t and fresh Weather rtrnv. tltI Arried : -teanhir p litunio,, lilakeney, In litnsla to'er. No de artulree. of iii rr-tl PA--, Aug. 15- i P. y.-l ar ,meter "i ,, Wind east and fresh. No arrivals. Saaie : hteamtiip Harlan. IIVER NEWS. i v.,oi.o Aur. 1.-.-Passed up : Rimarik ie lalstlit.l. Do)wn: Atlantic and barges last night, I and luv. At!ie at noon to-day. River lalhiug it .!ow y. -I. r-.. Aucust l .-RLiver O'ationrv. I\ ,n.- i o, Aug. l..-l'Passed down, KlSgour at pe -1. M. I .i -it E. A g. I -,.River falling, with four ot feet I) rre I'n'eb In the sanal. Weather i ear iad piteuiaht. MARKETS. I.,notuo, Aug. 1.-Noon-Consola '4 . Boods the 71-. FtrnaioiT, I 1g.1.-oonda 74. At I'Ptn , Aug. 13 -Bourse fi uiner; rents 7:'17. I SI rl, tiL, Aug. 13 --Noon.- (',,t'n oipens ' ar::ve and Ligler. Middling 0,.l . d. i (.ulik tlrleans 1II .1. I-ales e :timat".d at l. ipt t 'l.le . -i t1 l i 'l t.- 1.1-ens nig--Artz, 1>. ('ottn '!,o ,;d hbt:oant anrd high. 'ltIes "'2 1 00 bales. I ldhinug I"tt;l quiet and o:: e r u:l a epý c1 y Sw. Yote. Aug. 15 -(Cotton market firm. n( 4a' ' to-day 1201 ,ales: mn dd lingenpaundo 2't. F' i.r dull, (7 ( lci . I w- r : Mtate suupier Sitie 7 ', the s 7'. er r, bla'e $- 51)5 ' n, Whbeat du!l, 2"s l (-. ' wer. ('ortn 1tf . I ewer. Whi'bLky a:live and r, tirno r- in bIcd ,r 7, t, ,. Mess p rk tq' et and steadv, .2- .,t' , 7 . . l.ard steadv-kettle rea deret 1 '65u1 c. Naval etorea dull, groceries ed llet. Fre' fghts a shade better. Money Arm- - ^ call loin s R5. 'I The baik statement is cnsidered unfeavrrafle. " Gt;( výron.ents titmer at the close. Gid firmer, r' cir iii s.trtong at 14t. ,c 147 Stocks heavy. 1aR N i Ot ,I o l. 1 . IT Ihe tk staternelt sh iws t' a dtet rease in I ao s of $1. ',7,.'I0'. (,f o- ":e frl $1 e- t i eiriulation If i.01i, of deposits I - l IIi it it legal ti-uttersll Ifl .1i,,15o.. Mt 1, !., Aug. 15.-Ct',on market qaiet. Oaes t day 115 bales: mrdd toga 17e:. RHce;pa ., bales. E.xports 110: bates. F'. l.or ,-, Ang. 15.--Ttiba.cco active. Super- } toe Fi our $6t 2"l oo. "thtit $1 - ,2 . (' )rrn r ,.. ttt, ina, ,',-3". Pit k $' I 1~ i l. re tacon Shtonlders needed: clear lb sid-a IIS., cl rat diles 17c. Lard i 1t . l.1i --%iI K, Anu . 1.- -a ~les Gi. htas. Tobaeo o at hirn rates. to medium leaf $7e,'. 1 : cat ting I ..4517. tpertine fltir $7. Wheat - Prime f12 I., for red and 12 20 for white. (. r in hi ak M ,i. Oslate .I e. Mless pork $2. lord I: I 1-. Bacon--bhouuders lt.., clear rib .:ls 17 :.. fiear sides 17 I. Ilu,k reats--tShouilert 12 i. I clear sides I..'. Wthisky--Raw, free, $1 23, l 3I . Cott: n- hMidaliin 2-,. P ('T'tr'InATi. , aLug. 15.-Floir dill, 23° . lower. Sheat easier t$ t,"2 40. Corn ':! ;5:It . Otits ii r Ii;o. Pork $2. 7,5. Lard 1I4c. Bulk meats-- t t uliders 12lc., sides 4lte. Bacon-- 'iulders I . Ii4.. clear rnt sides 1. , clear stiles 171 hAui; .lla;t2'i'. Butter l. lowirt. Chee e I h. ;. Apples i '4. 'eshbesm -I r.a;. Al itTr-a. (;G., August 1.5.--( ttton merkrt ctln Sthi.erl etxceedrlily dull. iSales to day 2 ii ;ea. ' tati on , nillllI . T -'al sock in A ugusts t1o I II mrb,,rg by actual ciout t 1-72 halt. I ,n, AOtuto 15.- iCottin qo et an , an- I 1 tare, /Id. e.tcellrlts I bale ; exports coastwise t tA) i i.- IV. Augpn t 13.-- Cotto n m -rk u' ,]J 1 , 9-ti .to two dovs ti1 fiet. Mt l'lits it"" 1at -.. Ret'et- ftr t sdy:l i ileel. litp r:" AI.i:t t ,is J] ti, -7'. H. I1 i s:f - Tue 13iee o01 e )terdsy has the folowing: t. \e Iave bon i~f.rrmettl on gi.d au'no-,fy that E II. liurell, 4 ,l e of the 'nr'i t m'es n'r " t, i.rt fi r L.ouiitrtat . wao arreste I to New V-irk a y few daynleo anld held I coninrmnent f ,r several b ft tIire at ite instance of an Indivol.rul in B fstni. , who let s-loe roestno to coliplatIlo of JoJdge [urel I to irs cffi 'isl casaitty. T.e arrest wa mni-ie at thle breskflast tal e ot the Fifth -venne Hltel, the , duile betrg in conipany with Mr. J. P. ' tilt in,. of dhi· city, whi procured hail in the i'n of lifty t!.c isand diollsre, after which th- pttttin,.r was re 1 la ,1 W ,.e hove not the fa.t-s upon which this anrr. -t wa ha-ed., iut the large ,tond ilidi- otea that S,! crimnne charged against him 1a of a grave char- t Ishrley F. who is wed known to the press of t I ut kv arid Tennessee, once naw a y . Ir: ' a t a.Ll. somehow hbdi ot tlhe witti -haul 1 ,t thi nrio ntcir, attemnpt to play P'i.a',le Iia the 1.117 n. i l.u nu." The attempt waasn i:hierarle f littue, .e a: t next nimrnig I-s ptaper t',tit.i'rlid a dra ttar'l(e .ritiisom in whtth the amhitious yeing laidy I wa- tit ltat the part .of i . , l'P.'- i pt eare 1 ti bfl I a s!hae nr so tno dilffilet for her remarks ,lv fine' ' u !I emtured power, and w~ alIriseled. In the t ndt-t (if tertn:s to try a series or ritce *c*a e-tarteror noitil 'xperience sbould ttlliny her nI :,te~nting a hiRgher role. This artile Mas1, C i ( , 4, ,the actre ., r ,la for the first tim e In the ' e f a young mroan who was mad:7v i- iv el. l t ' . le D at (litCe tlrt itt(, tear.Tn. Tne t 'in n an f it that It moinlt d-fotl her character as an 5rt't'e 5 .atrt all comers., and imrni.ed:tely r-he-t tor the new. P ,er c- toe, dIteri.-e I t, hv-i an rt a cy or ld. He found F. seatel on an eon p y ail keg ty the storve sm ,ktug a ah rt ti:le to0 c'1 polm tlig to tl e obnoxtus a ri-le n tnse j.per whit-,h he held in his hasd, demanded to kuow 1- who crite it. Sdid. sald F. ' .And do yon dare to t'1 mt sir, tha Misa Cor Sda fan't 1lsy #-e. 'lit' I " repi 'etd I. SAnd I te 1 ycu, sir." said MivJ Cordelia', <, frlIl on. with a frightful oath, that sre can .| a'- I't. I' Thn.' sad F., taking the p;'ea from his mouth, - wly the I--11 d tr't ate io It " i 11, o.. 1t c.--. struak the young man domb. s ('has. T. Nash will estil to mrrow at 11 o'clock a. i.. at his saleurooms. a arge asortme nt ni ro* huseahold turnire. See adeertisement. oncal ' nteligene. I. !shLA.l I orT.--T,.e resolution which on' a F'rlday pased the House. providing for the way- ` o Itig of the 1':.itd etates Sag over ail dta'e offi'es I p and |l.aitutioins contains the curious provislon 1I that the stars ard s'rupe sbhah wave over the p c -ur'l uOsesP i the several parishes donlog u the e.arou thereof. We ernppose that in order < to produce a compliance with the require- ti ments of this act the Legilature will at o,1'e a amend the Constitutiur so as to compel eact r ctour house to have a assaion-or, In accordance it wi't the wording of the act, it may he that the ct paristes shall each hold a sessi.n. Whierheer t ir"te lr'atien we give, the spectacle, woen It culn e. off will be a curious ote. A bill was yesterday introduced into the Hoase, at ,;,,prritnug $)lt,000i to pay the expeans of tse (.er-ral Assernbly I.gialatolres wits IlI eia pit ys are ratler costly luxuries. A Lunmber of bills relating to the Inances of the Sate will be brought forward to the Huse to morrow. They embrace some three or four dtf ferent schemes for funding the liabilities of the State, for tle paym eut of levee bunds. etc. si Isabelle. a to c:red member, in the discussion in the hliuse, yesterday, of the eligiblli y bill. very appntoriately told his confreres to beware how 1tey made the proviiunas of the law too stringent, a as the present delightful state of Ltepubli 'an domi- r nation nmay some day cese,. when the law, when an re-d by a tIernocratic givernor and tDe'ni in ceatric udges, might operate In a nioner siene wlhat disagreeable to Aladical would be office bilders. T7i E Niii i.riY --What a glorluse, soul ele vat:ig .:tc e talt wa, iu the itHouse yesteriit th ahen the eligibility bill was under discussion! The till, as pre-entted. was full of graomtati-ul IU said ihetorli-l ire' uracies: but when some of t'e t ,re ,irtelilhent white and colored mern- pi ers u oved tlleodntant, simiply verhal andt abs bIy ) "·'. h ,ry to trie proper nuderstanding of Lre its I rnovi.ios, it would have thrilled the 1siil of \ ii r t c 'II ttih Ileasure could he have seen tile il Ie, 'Intu eartnecuenes with which eu-'it atien 1- ft It.i I '* were voted down by the Repubtllcn rile i I tc iiH -s,. The hill, whi 'h was conistriitel ly the 1 ait ry citmittee of the Senate, finally II pan.-ed the II luSc, and now i ;t-1 to the '*atute tiot k of the -t ,t with all its Inaccuracies. " hle is It is a g r c-a t coutary." Nor Io.rci sou, a young Romeo sallied out one er noot llgt eve w'thi his guitar to serenade his re Juliet, ahto lives in a large frame house in the rt ar if the becond l)I*trlct. His atteutto~s were a as dl.agreeable as his volre was dilco daunt. The Ii ChotLe1iuence was that whilst In the muist of I L o. k ut tip n the tiar, imy irve. • ·.t. n c, t!hum With thine eyes" the contents of a slop bucket were emptied upon hI. ]Ltnau niIoeI the baltuuy ablive. Thi., throwing i of Icold water iupon, the mnsician catued InIi to , ta-e Lit i'icit! sr airs fIr that night; L I it the it I-inl.t following he was back at his post, with an th tiubreilta spread , tir his hitad, and his nlrlsic u i " l1 ptilay. Ve ut,leratalid the inamorata has sluc c bted to so much dlevotioi and pertinacity, anid I" Is ionr to ue married to her nmusical lover, at AT A I - r ntllr last right, two very j.youn cc Ditnn ctar*, menbers of the Fossil (iitird.. at)- l ptared in front of our otll,e and gave three of tile s Seastiett ci-eers we have ever beard f r Sev nt( ur and Ilair, and then three more fir the ('Ie. ( .. lii. g tlhus re lieved therriselves of their r perit nt) e'ithu las ml, they. with the air of man tl ho Lad done their duty, marched olt in good orde-r. u, A ',;iao nI OMAN has recenily excited a good c, eal (. curiosity simting the b, riders in a tI tis' e n pr Ci,,n p tre, t nearly tp 0 o ,te `t. l'atr t-k' thr , i i:. i hrv, ral ffiicers t the federal army ate aH t on.; ill tic ILtt.atsa. This woman his been i ti-:ed by ther II arb hinv up anol down in front of t'te house, n ghily, for nearly the whole of the past wtek. Attracted by the martial stride and the so llerly tin of the woman, c apt. Deiusay tinaly l ti nrti-d heatr. .he tde,'lar td she was kein,,lug tuatd iv-r him and his comirades, for there i, a .r liot on hand tt: assa sinate thetm the first oppor- c' tuii" Tue c'Pptain believes her t, be olu-ne hfe t, id I nt PLe had served as a soldier in the S federal army for months, and had been in hat'les: t!. ' `t,l f. - ha id not been discover,,l Cei- p" ntDronoen - . . . .-. ;.~n. ,.. ,, i. Tits TtswrNeATrIE yesterday, as shown by the thetrmitieter at L'. Dubhamel's, removed to 111ll (anlll street, was as folows: At i; a. a. 7J de- A grees : I' a. .: ; P. a. e : 6 r. U. .;. ( ,i. t RIt1:it;TON alias R1tland has been arrest- r ed t v ne pohle on aiSuspiet -n of having been ou gaged in a highway robbery, perpetrated a few pi r slirti sio. on the person of a gentleman wh) a as a tltln on Erato street. The a'tuu it of the It ri-ht try wass $1.. ar'I Mr. Reddington ahlsin Btr laid a ii have to give a pretty clear an sltlfats'- at tiry seciunt of hunselt before he can be released d IroL. the clutches of the law. W ri ti i.I Haiati has been arrested by specell d or!,( r i air, at the itst: ,-e of Alexander I arter, a Li a'-:a ses Harris of -s ardhg. (u. I'. JA(i-siti) has also been arrested charged ii by Liewis ; ceenwaldt wrth ewinliag hti at vJ- ti ri II. tties to the amount of Slun. Jack-on was reluiried to turnsh ball in the sum of 1-$10, which I was doli e immediately. A MA: .NAiDt JIr~ttItS CARPRNRITE Was arrested I ci h,aturday night, with a quautl'y of valuable ir Cu .iti hts posi*esstron. tnppo-ed to have beeni Sl( it n. He retused to explatu his pi-ition. or to - s tes how lie a'rune by the R'oo t I. The r, :order I ere.fore very properly ordered him to be locked up to await an examination. t TIt, t r .i:F: "73 regular and supernumerary f pi I, eaien in this city. (i, t RI ian the coroner for the First and Fourth lthe r rs held no less than thirteen inquests uponll still bi rn children. This mortality is unsual and trgltt il. Ti c. MI- at- iCe rwotan, all negroes., have leer, rreeitd ini the I'lret Itiatrict, anI arraigned < h, I :t i LIarter Becker, h-argel wirb steillngg 'i C- n· r.uer ,hle oum of $2ll1 Ir tm the dwelling a .t -tn Inlitrto-:he. wh:ch was destrioye ty tire a ,i it 14th July last. A little girl. the culll of tl e .v tian. is the principal witoeas for the prose- i ,u- oi. lThe iI lt~ rties that awh t the tuC ltig r a .ls 1 Irnir g she ,h kei d a pas'age tut ,t tme i ,t e , er I tii k Ii i ti',, i r ti thet a ho u e . Tt ere , - - : t i u:-r-td, it. -t't l;:.ditg It co-taued a great . , ,i toiuirey, she , ttt it n tbhe al lor. and ranu - ii ii to the street again. When 4i-e retirnef the r, ty we- gFoLt., One of the men a .usd hia liel: started a styhah biaroer --hop. 'Inc toaIt tior ltO.!CEi CIMMsIstONER.i have ri r iied to the prlie if New I)rleaus lthat not1e .: tt I in w:ll he alliwed ti be met-itiers of aty iut u :s l tub or ouit er tolitical orgat izn tt I i. Tne iaw retluires this, and the law abtiltd be co I hlvsi ra IS vG-T-ntI has sent Peter i ,nmra] felt e the -, at .le':t t 'Court fir oh ailttitz I r-i -v utdvr faise pretences from M'. ,-,rge Matr - a lumber merchant near the itld ;asin. A -uO nsPed Green, atae .1J-hnsilli., hasl been arri ,t-I in ,Le First II strut. chargetl wth wi'r a : a - ,iarctty of !bar.tres from the stable of Dloc N .: .i.,t ta in in the Firt Distrilct Inek up fir stelalog a IoChet book coot1tiii'g *'- itr lin Mr. ( i-tione, on (Gr-vier st eet. Jones is the hJelt t Rcal ditry nbat was arrested, a firtlight acr, ard ent l,i the parish priaon on thaige of but - Fa ) : ibut eas released on bal. A ' -.iO t - i,-i iii roibed i .the preimse 2:7 larters ctreet. a few hrights ~co, iif tropertii apo-:h -20. The grester part ofthe arti- i' bh i ei rcuuvertd, but the Irg;ro hbas nut yet: bn ; r v.Y FrPl~c t A(tw a" R)o .-- Y'-.tIer i< . the :.:aIl , t.i.;teed and de -r ,-,a griv" y if I: rc:er Becketr's court wa aso inewLatdisatrbed, ;:, row ial Dpcr eid ;n this wise: A va;abuorl at ix - i.ise i flter, be tte way.) who bh J hben o-.Acted of sonie niilerneanuor and ord wed ,t t- pfi a n, was approtbed ly a policeman., who at 0 t. blaid hieasy onl the riminai's shcatuider, v it lii.e remoark, '' mi- alte.g." "7ke y-,.r -s,:e I ne - said tle prioner sttrnly. ' -) viiu i race along, ai.l doi't mak anty fui-a iHi t tt r: s I Lthe city gunrdian stthinrg V; Ilt a at . rds can express hia utter ainaza n ti, noct tii, ay fa t., when the rofflrn jerkt i g a tugs pistol out of :is p.;et, presenated I i c, it J at lr. i nrea.t. ,, li renlon in tne -eltter I rrt ' val r," Ltnuiht the pil.ernan, and eii-lt - r a- d kitutel from ;u friint if ite ptti- l iin atrifile r.-. tsan tio tie His idiei rreuat left a y-un 1 t )er. well khaiwn in tawn, betteen whim and 1e flirther the terror -stCsit a fhtltal hal lI-nt - t Ili tug shiU twio :eet trim ti, rnt.te otf the ., ' W i i w :h rnrse ard re .a dlies of whbot . .r. tie ctiniornal i:ted be trigger-bat the c-aU .- u~Pld. he lawy)er about as machd ~-aitel k a 'l the strte of aftarsi as L, policelmat had ft ivn, departed eapsdtti-nuely "l In ensued C stcde ndescribtaLle in its nwil tore , Irlneeis*tble laut:;roti eur- ad real danger to te 'participants. I he ecatterat'on is described to .s ano being a very f.r rfesembiaoce to the thgbt at l1ull Rut, chile the erreamsn of the women, the ouibs of the men, the ilid rush of the African poupdatiun of the cou(rt-room for the do ir, etft tI he aterplts if the dtrietares of the court to presere that gravity in*eparable from all Coo nec'ed with the jud ciary, n,_* have been a s'ght 1 "o see. After a abort continuance of this state of things the prisoner was secured . his pistol taken away the African. resumed their nslal classie rose -on the railings of the losny, the lawyers on took ltheir ,di ernly vacated seatS, the judge pro 1 cededt to try the uext case, anu. order reigued in -N crass. - STATE L.Ei(llIATUTRE. in bu S"OR Y-FIH I T .DA-'. Heaoae wf Repriesentatveet ble SeTU IDA, Angust i', . e69. The House met Lt noon, Speaker Lew:el pre siding. (' .plain Kingston prayed. at' Minutes dipen1ed -th. Bt pt rmasi' n. Enne.rd, of St. Mary, intrudoeed ion a ro-.olution authorizic the commnttee ore ra l r-ads to lasit, during toe recesa of she t~:na, ioch railroads In the R-t e as they shall sme lit, p I in older to report relaii:e to !he;r condiwon. 8 IMrPORTS OIr TARNtIe i'oMsrrrTi . rail Enrollment-reported the following bills- en errssed: bi An act relative to draic-t" certain portion. of thi, pior-lies oif trleane and leffTrson. A j ilnt rslrution relatir 'to the flying of the Ne L rit d S-it "s flag over Statt offlces. 1n sit giving to the Third st'rict Court of the We parish of trleasn jori.dictionin certain cases. Art act rels Ive to the retc-attlon of the burnt ret.o tdi ofl Rtapitde parish. trol Anu at l.rvidire ftr the ir.-etture of crimlnall, under eigh:een yeas of age, convicted of an of- lot ft a- tI capital. At a, at to emncipa'e Geo. C' Phillips. A jui"t resolution exo re·-ir , the sense of the wet lituse on the death of Thad Stevens. q t' rplorationi- (hi an at relative to the town of hoe lati, p lavorsaly It-It ordered engrossed. SiI, un act t, iicorpotratethe Si ringa' and Pawn. - era' I;aBk of New ilrlnns uiinfavorahlv, with a not re n tilt l dation of indefinite pitponement. 8 It, mitittun of DeIeranip. of Orleans, the report hbr its ito' agreed wilt. but consideration of the bi.I tizeld 'ir Saturday next. (' rnt explti-ea--An act appropriating w ,l(, lI t to pay Intleage tf members and per diem ofit itrnbers, and emiplo!eu and other expenaes of i e G( utrtal Aessebly. Read twice, ordered at prlt tt d arid goes to coinalttee of the whole. 1 Clainms-On the resolution granting to W. W. tort Hleidtn pay fur four months, during the recess of p ith tlaird ltsitrict (tourt; nafavorably by a ma ,,lty report. ;. Ibe, of Orleans, asked a day in which to pre pIurr a nIIiorlty repotrt. Gr.anted by the H >ase, chU at i ti ti .utject wilt be dec.ded on Monday. After toune inetlechtul attempts on the part of certain Troptublicau members to introduce a res*o- er Iitilon authorizttn the emniloymen t of twenty 1 nt-eu cltrks, the II -ue wint into the (ionMITTKg F0" T11t WtI()LE. I Itarper. of St. ('harle, to the chair, to consider y, tie ete ate registration bill Iir tutlon of i lt,rt y. of Oitichita, the coin ittete rietuned to ,conr.der the Se t-st hill, btt pin tuls:itnit , d i,r it a hill createid by Morey. and re 1 trn iert.ded to the Hou-e that the suhtiitu'e be dge pr.rrt 1 Made the special order of the day fir t \r el -,la) next at at 12 o'ilock. The ommittee the thtu h . e. LI .IOILATI i: lgRlIOiN. TI e recrmmendal, o: the committee ou the 1itt -wLue sare adopted by the House. C Sli.Ls UN TitIlR sCi)ND S ADInr(. 117 A hill to! aScerttin tl.e eligbility of offi:e hold 1 $r' t,ll pIroviding ftr the ount;ng of th se deo ter c' ti d in, 'luia e by this act. PI', : ig the d-ut"ton. a message from the S-cate was received announcing concurrence In gra itte tou!',a ,g hills: Ne it aet ~providtnvfiA na.T.AiftiaLn.of th)ta .itlo a. t an, An ot sanlhori/ing the P'ateo auditor to emp'oy Ut ' e al.'its nal clrrk' and two messengers, with '1 luit tu n'eits. Pla A J nt resllltiton guaranteeing freedom of I, e t l, w ilIi an -ltuhmentsl, a d asking concur t.nce in hl hills: C An act for the relief of Mr. Pierson of Union fan par-. trir An set awending the law relative to the adop tII:. ott htll iir. At, at t eiving to the Third, Fourth, Fifth, S;xth bi and eventh Ihi'ret t-it urtt ul New Orleasusuria- pit dctiti in certain cass. 1 An act relattie ie delinquent tax collectors. Ant act prov:d:ng for the time of bolding the distrlct ciunrt in the I'welft Judicial Dii rict. i Alt act iustrnt Ting the board ,of puhiic works to exanitte IU O the etnditton of the canals lIall'ig bet to tie town of Napoleouvile, pariah of Assuimn A tion. An act to provide pensions for veterans of 1 1-I1 '15. 1 e eligibilit hill was then, after some dis- ,,. cn-oin, and a number of ineffectual attemtpts to, rntredy the granmati -al errors embodied in it, ad <l,:td i n its second r-ading, and the rules hoe- no tg heen vuspende.d, was litnally passed by a vote y of ",, to 11. The bill go'e g to the governor. In the course ,if the debate Noble, of Orleans, -taed that he knew of at least 150 Republians in that by its provisions would be ousted, and there- titi fore favored its passage. The Hllouse then proceeded to take up the Ben- se Sate bill providing fur the tilling of vacancies cre a'ed by the eligibtlty act. ' lhe first section provi .es that all vacancies shall e Slitiled by Sappottuienis by the governor. Ini sri nutnln-enit Itt i", pr,tiJling that the pt vacanc es snhail he tilled by election., Noble I t irlsians iloke at length, arguing the let loricn 'itu iiOlna ty of o|prlt i*ius jtidtes. The srn ,ndnl-nt was not adopted. The lIrstsection - adtlt i tya vttel of 1o to 13. S1 et t t i.d eri-tilon, which priviesa that ii case , thi . -i ati dhull exit In the : fltics of senator or TI ri- Ir e Iatt 'tt,' was atiopted. ! I, , II was then put itont i+s third reading. a ld fitu ia l y ta n -e d Iy a v wt , ,f 4 2 t , 2 1f. L.e luuoe then adjuurned unutil Monday at 11 1i '' It ik. Mi. ie Sarilges, the French ambassador at I: - J, lea been abliged to ask a guard of Frejh pt sthlu ri for hi- somnDer residence at Frascati, 01o i ritt is the iRsecur ty of the envirtis of Romne. Is I t. rrnch Ipapers say: " lIe in a Iluin capsh:e of tt*-t't:,llt g I, t fnli-t , f,r hie ived long at W asaing t r, tthe alid of rint' ver .tot'inR.g' Tl., I tirdoitt ' ,trt .ournal advertiv en " l Kilk (f C CIt: " .ere. a (t ler'ed An trruan tistr."t Pt ai d Anuecr.n ICt-iite-Iup-tl Ci ktuil.t 'tf t'esoe CI St' Ails I alifoirtia sBays: " P'ick-me-up Cot:kilta 1: we call i utiderorstand hosing pieti lihoiuiis.ds oii men atto I,,l becn indrlging In them on the Barbary c a.t, it keld up aso brought intothe alaboose in i in itv i.itble condition by the p'ica; i:.ut the Slik itf Lu unibers " gets uris. , f f T AIt I T it. 1ili, l ,, A Its, f ; i1. --. O nif re r-! .ature derCy Onf the tlatrs. lf zdnt t r ' n der It t'LL illd +++.truc a) b le . N ay . m: Iore , It m a k es lt" hra. e tl uas wite it Paria uas'blt b antu.e , -reatb as tdorlfer; n a . " . the Asweetuo-t breath R t g ~ .'.r I eakr rf vanlt* .e" Neither the teeth nor 1 ute gun ca il I, tc<'to ,lrW p ; it i t t se. d di tly. . TiL in.,pIre 'ar-.b eyrt a large as4 d wragrou-s f tali !It p',lace o,, ietiJn'aJl layst.of bought. twot ,t; l eL i- ii erxtent. opp,-a te tl.e ho ts h as l planta - t ;. -I ,! axn.,itt n .Ma rt . c -rc . At cra nlderable 5 -ii, a, t|e r, it aeld ley hle gonthe ltothe 'd a' It. iad tte wh a le ali ,l.t below tr at da·ger- t r .ns a Ld threuterd t t tind r Tha- WrI *iug at atLi krar 's Homer lliad, in tla tlr~e pi e:C1 e Oi i llt i lr.Sl, aln yert It h in revtv ; btle b(tn perpttrated hy " rebel.o ' t hh m , te eny eat.rl trimnltuial crltcth ef that unhappaly r. twi d iace, irr rated oy the title ,I the ieabr- sid l t , n. liit b ie a H ed, i wras rather " acrrvat Sr; i --o ight hL:ve beten urged to extrem:ues on .i w e:leud e. At any rate the thig wl , dne to le tte I 'lr)o+ " s, Mr. Biackurn has rrvived g the [p+I ahd. to the rate of the meal-Iat, Ca'led od ' ],a s ,,use'a Plwl',x Hl mer lited, tbrertens. g, !n . *t tie ana tne. th)tt if they dem,,th that he wte , I, r lg out su ,het headlng it walk Blackbura's an ,,rt culer I'I., onr Honler iliad. ofr corse those ,U iw et t:ed al,;at·rs won't throw the thing itot |i ' i at v hore. But It they shold cry oat. with tad .- i t Nr',tner'on, in i'lelding'a noel. " Ii 1tt-t or'' we don't asee tow the general reler i' -' iald etiert$ly CuOeIonn thePa,-[.ew York rituL NDITOxIIAL t RAl &rgali, nreO. Thurlow Weed finds London ver- hot. Edward Forest is is Boeton in gocl'health. G. A. T. is wring a novel. Extreme clamor--the hollow of the root.--[E. lstorl is in Floresee. I'bhengrsphic reportrs are wanted in l}ance. Whisky-skin Kadsh- aspires to Congress. Secretary Welles arnwedat the Hub on the Itk on the Tallapoosa. The Prince of Wales rok six private boxes to see Schneider. and camnsin " ff6n with win'." Seven thousand dogs Led beets taken to pound in New York up to the I:,tb. V hales are disporting o!F 9ahant. happys buteris Violet colored ink is in imui a long fashions. ble yoeng ladiese. The rush to the White Morae ~lrela now com menced in earnest. The Chicago Times has a croulation of 16,000 aid the Chicago Tribune of 4i1i9t. Bright colored bows and nee cles are very fask. lonable for young ladies just at I resent. Auiunt UBelont's Newporl eiq.'pge seems ta p ried from Hyde Park. Several joarnaliets in Ci -nnuat' are trying to raise funds to start a two-ceut mornang paper. Mrs. Stowe is doing a new novel at ftook bridge. Five bhndred equipages were cot.ted on the Newport drive. 4 Lotta is playing in the new " Fir'-!'ly " at Wall ack's. The Tribune has turned out about firt; tthors from the dtflerent members ,f its editorial staff. t)ne of the " knowing ones" is said to have lost f$'",Nr on the races at -'arators. The carriages and horses of 4queen t\'torla were sent to I.ucerne. The end of the Pacific Rtiltway track is three hondred miles east of bait Lake. 'the English and contirental crop report are not favrrable at all. 8t bneider is to receive f'0inO francs a mouth In her new engagement n l'arse. Puny colored calico far- have been iatcolazied w th k ncess at the sea side. \ plaster, made of ch! ,r' u' of zinc, blood root at I wheat flour, will, it is said, cure a cancer. Thirteen churches in Buston are althout pas to-is. White gloves are pr scribed In European so c:ity. :)eaconesses are to be revived in Beecher's chur ch. S'omiuodoro Vanderbilt's wife Is slowly recov ering from an att ick of paralysis. Thanks to Mr. Frank Small and the officers of the stranier lonise. Three new cance of yellow fever at the New York quensrantine. The son of the caricaturist Cruikshank has ap. plied to be declared a bankrupt. Iliad. Stevens was baptized just before his diath bhy a sister of charity. Private cable dispatches express the opinion that .:dah Menken committed suicide. Mr. Conway has been telling a bad story about Louisiana to a paper in Hartford. Gtld dlels. d in New York yesterday at 146: to 117. The reports of Indian outrages in Texas are terrible. Some ghoul-like fiend has hbeen desecrating the gra f of l.ola Montez, in Greenwood Cemc.ery, New York. anr e Hr 1'zird.JPI*t r Stei.fnltPda the recctJtun Butler. The Empire Parish thinks the rice crop of Pltsuenaues will amount to fifty thousand barrels. huger and corn promise finely. Grant says be had rather move an army than a family. The Itemocrats intend to save hL- the trouble of one move. A high ('hitese official ha issued an order for bidding idolatrous processions, and advising the pI olle to spend less time In heathen temples. Ti arrow Weed sits up to have his bed made, and writes to his paper about meeting Messrs. \ItLthrorp and Lawrence, of Boston, in London. " Sun," of the ('hinere embassy, is said to have been " smitten" with the charms of one of the A :burn belles. No less than two hundred kinds of hats are wr at by men, and all fashionable, the presentses It is estimated that there are two thousand news-boys and three hunired news girls in New Y .rk. I, ung ladies at the watering places all walk in the acknowledged style of elegance--upon their ties ; so says the authoritative Mail. Can any or our readers tell as the name of the second woman '- [N. Y. Mail.] 4:ve was the first, and Ann Gelical was the seconid. " here are fifty-two pure and ninety eight Im pure milkmen in Cincinnati.- [Ex. I he New Orleans milkmen are classified with less trouble. it I s a matter of surprise to some of the Caaf dans tlhat the Ioimlnoio bank notes have a repre enstation of a ship Ily ig the stars and stripes. They w re printed nto ('aoada, tno. .e learn from the FI'. pire Parish that six pris onirs s.'aped from the' Plaquemlues jail on the Iltbh, makilog ten wh'> have gotten out within a nioith. t An editor notices ia the San Pancisco market purple figs from tHrckton, which weigh a quarter of a poond avoirdapoia each, mand are nearly as large as a man's 'ist. Mr. Edward torynolds. father of lMajr General J. 1. Reynolds, ommianding the Department of Texnas. died on zhe 12th at his resldence In L.afay ette, Irdiiana, r.~gsd tiorty two years. t licp-res of the crops by telegraph f:om all parts if the coory are. on the whoe, quite Sche ring. h says a New York dispatn of the a 13th. SA contexporary statrs that " wheat in full ear was steen in tlhe netgliorhood of t-.rthamptoa the ot)ie'r lay." We s~ial be glad to learn wasm it , s seen . a cor,d Iu...ay empty months. -[Pun. e The " :w York N.'jl has no neo-, to Inf~orm Its rT-aere ths way thr;e somne of the Suu'hern Iollee h \ Ida a 8bultbur Epricigo are rs..arkably beauti ft ul. S ('a'.;,lic acid i eeinning to play an Impotant part a more wa., than one. A ihyr"l e of go-,d rep'.te and pra.i ice a· erts .· It twill cw r con Ciri;rtiion, if tbn psatient w'! habruaily br athea~ atruosphere i-pregnatcd b- it. S An imnpec'i.ous count"y edi:tor duns h;a Ipatroa ta filhws: "A man :.Jght as well attempt to le .uench the phosphorsr-zentt from tl, us tail-nd of a liqhtrig brg with a ajairt gun, as '' t > try to:an a newipaper wthiut ountey." A letter from New York ti t'e bethis-ter Unlo'at in is calc'.tted to g:e the impreslson that hinet an itrtictam of the merits of actors n the New York t i're-us not to be ,obtained, bit that ara.r ement edi,.rs praise or censure in pr portive to th, ar. urint of the " retainer." t Colored footlights are the Istest noveity that ii heir*g introduced ir,, ietersr. , t . ater in ed Pbiladelphia is to havi thorn next seas' n, aud It led is not at all siprbrhle that many o' .er similar Y establi-iimenti wll follow co.l befr ,re the winter ' se'· ri t rminstes. (".lired "no are alsto be see iog itrodoced upon tLe sta4 in place of red 01t rte. and the hght sent throe gh them answers all it purposes, and atthe amte time oiratts the aus Ir pleascant asU ai'.asilly does away with all sea danuger.