Newspaper Page Text
Sht # 0w *rigani Qtsa tfl. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. . O. IlEaON. EdltoIr amd rreprste.r. OFFT,. Nb OCAM BTUTEET. 1 Hl I ALLY R(.Rtl(11N'I p habIod EVERTY IOUNI$4-Miedry Owl e. rawly 0hee.rlptho., In odvoacO $10; IloU ,mar, Mi; el* y cpU. |Stae ls* m I, ; I I s, to: Iasteo of Advoert1stat lm.r a I ,mo 23 I.mteasL m0ea0 . mo -th. a 1!.m a o. ar /. 140 !I u....... .. " ...'I 2e5I " ° 1 S' S 1125 $8 tn ' r . r s nS o eveery .t .r 1 2 y1 to 43 CIaL.. . ' III ISOC 360 " 421) trto.. w "' ;U 8 III 6340" I Eir m erged t n. . e rit the me of e r 1" I Pr Mglahn; maol 5u6n1.t4i)ir. l o Io nt.1 LI ' square ote .ad I o.rth se tr,.... t I0?1r0 U em0 , * . h a o. artt a. 61 611 . per .Qir '. dvertIem.ent brP terd at .laotWoal tod aU rged u new mob IR1r , 5a. L" t pr . " ,. e". irt ,. ":: t r :- . - .r ""r I- ," arka aor payd s < '.a r~oru ,nrt' ,. !I b .l oln.dhc {lz Ume "nu8 .ch . rged %aort 7y a• . 11. '." ere arr ~t v er l 4 helln bWe ' t.,M mi. at. • snare + 1* " . - 14 mi b t.e l 'ID I isole 10a11t I ilts W o"*, . 4.'-1. O . 7 I 51 0I0]1NL Us publshed -eery a4turlay . or-io n . r Subser'1 tloI , $S I .!:d a ,. r. isn.r - tb 0ylrty sial arlroty Isame ratc l t ae. t O lf l" .0wvl lortI. &L..4r . . l ,.'. : 41' ,.I.uu 1 ) ..nsJi I A,0'..ts . s11.1 .-ie 0- 's70o4'.., se 1 00400 '..0 ia soot.. - a ...... 1 not s I N ct WI ....... 0021.II'. ser.?oooro 3m 0 b41 Ifur . 1 I 7 " .4 " " t0 5 ..... t 40 ' "" ' i . 4 ' 0 Four1 t.. . .l, I ... " 4 .. 4.1'. h4't ... 9, .- Y n 41 > %I" '' t 1 .. 1ur , h1 II ,- r, , 1,+ C .- . , I ,- eJ0O( It) 4814 l( R 1 am } ety .rn r'. II c4 I . I n -'. y.1. ue.-d in cicknees. I 'cr 'e 4V4 I t r !:oj1 't on 11 A0. We 1I,-] m4o1e aI tt L,,':ch , , u'd eat n l,< t i, e c(ream. I W,'it In to wid. hn la.rly wade the e 1.1 ,l (,i l lull. lii. -.w it a1 I1 , .,-e. II' gave tiI. , therw e. I Blla -" r. a, -P ,, . . ir+j of chu:-ra luooroui. a,, : . Iaoy- 'rredt fl n . .f wi'h !.1ving ,aved h11 . T!_A' , f! ( , * cht ,a II ,ti,:, , e la it It wtnl'her. It an 0vldtet case oIt virtue It3 Uown res1 a 1. It via I analy been 1 oI'reo, that 1)e 14 8a natUt ral rtu',1 of ,t .! ,t r..tkr It n, . hy h, t. '. 111i it r, . " . . .,.1 . s. t. , :a T'Y n put a kett'e oi alrt·llnr ·') :I ",e ^;r" an ! k,.,p it the r ' to i it ub ' .i Wot,t be 1h , g beltur tilo l Lart" hrn Ie. -.01i4 let ul io (nr., .\ 1 1 .av, y 1 k",4I ) 'In" LTrt ,rrl ovs .r te tire 'i! It !", ,I r lt' e .1 r ' f ', , I' I h, b.n ' a , , , ,"It. t.'i' ...,., I:: tie rat. .,,.1, .tl, ' 1 'act -it "a w s:,t to I · .. r,' .. ., ?t . e A ",'r t!e Falit a: r L' . ' , ii' I In't. 911 t '.1 t , ),n tit, ' a '' crearp `'rPf t er a ' . T 'wa*,r : .' 1, 1 . t "-i g t, o 'ast. ~ I ef ,r, .. 1 ,P t l t r ,,1 'o .t get P n1. r'i ,," t,'r ipt r t4,e InI ,,iler th'e h tter, It o ,e w3 tI.: I:.t up it *-t:0 -,I wi ky Vstill wI I ' r ser nt 9:1 -I,-!Ia' v,, ' w ,I't) and prou. e, I to dia'l! the n'r, 1 ('it. A.f',r ,1t' "'t :" the in 1 ',t 4 . , t' " " 4, t"' l) t ' ' h '. po . 1 ,' l, li't l . atllp. and t i pl U 7 1u 1 t1 it. ,N. B.-- T,e Ilib d 14 tlt0 to 1'"1 takeln thi A'ttna lV. It il o;),j us' d fr i'. ' rt "I. s tt 1h),, tat p r.i in of tl,.' It). ('1 , .z -:.y j t here that he ''.8i't Un 1 : pttar d it, site". t i9 'r in 'ermal 1im tprov tm-tit Rtt' r a.; bu1t we kl''I w (':'z I; itt1r c 1rt'n thle 1mu1 Ito Le ba1, k .part of town, i ' ,,coln0e ,s.k aIl a't o w'1 a lt'd watrr. a till te. i C lr-,l to 7-r w!'h 4 '. . 1 t 'h ' 1 1 1i4 4- a!. 't 1) rt'" a I. .r I ir,' bly w ; h , r .` n 1it aid, Int re. 1H is is ohouln'tr tI ,'es-arv ',r th,, ,u c 4-. 1'f l t, ,' , 1 !0 1 I' 11, . 1' l1"- 1L, Sl, t wI ' r I. F1.1; r y1" f: lh t , t 3 t 0 't r1 1 , whl,'1 1 Ip cream t rioe' Wr.. , b ll', I a Wtegro t.o keep I .r I. "b.'tt 1r !t, e t' at: t re"t :r,t the 1 :1, the ' re1 e.. nom frPor'r - in 1th1i a it Wat..., it II ''' rI '"' I 'II t ', 0 7T1 414 t t.f 1 4 a4.8 wave r ta a" , it ,+ ;, t h. t't t·h, y ,r. ThI If (1' 41 . '1 4 4 ,r r f 44t T , I 41 ' 4 01,,l A') .. . - L ., 4p t 1 w rer "1 1 + tr. e'/er 0 I. / t ,h- ma i he to'l by it pe' L h: '.;j I 'r. ". i , t t "h " 0 o , t it -' t. "J e -a. t w,,y t, b,, t u.t, bit -Il- 'h de bI 4- 1 , r l t to ta e .f ?t 1 t ll iI I + "' (" ,{, . I 1 0 ' .'l f ils. i n1 1t inlt+iz tl, - V I I"l t I 'I 4111144 SI' r 11 0.1 n. h" F t e1l t[ I 4 " 4P II t w'-' the ... .- ,I : '-- Ie it be.l4ore 141 4 t 1r0t1 ' -:r-' y 1t 111 01me4 1r8 ' 4.ti1 ,+ ItW '1 /,er ' I ,rl. - ,, . the pro , ,4 . ' I 4 , , 1 4 "8 , 'o ,1 , ".1 ' t.1 -1r- ! a I . " - (4.f ' I0 e 'ur , n i r J - 9. , os "h ( '1 < r. " 31rd. x i + i ,-, ,, , ' j h . s .' , t t,., , 1 ," y 1J. '.ud(h. I' I i h t , 4, A" r .r l 1 r M011ter i... ' . 1, .sj, . A. r - a, + ,, he ,' " 'I '. tcoy I. L reLLliN AT BRIuHEIR CIII. i ATTEMPT 10 ASSA88INATE HIM. Ijeoal to tLe New O.lcains i'recent't BaasHLaAR, Auzuat 13, I-!1-. An extensive meeting o! the Detn crats of this portion of the parish of St. Mary was yesterday ca,'ed to order It the rafdr'ad depot at this place . by L. J. Dodge, president of the Steedmrun Iemu crate c Club, under whose auspices the meeting was teld. Our ee'eemed fellow townqnan, C ,I. . I" SMarki. that patrlarch in poltics anJ veteran in s atnrt. was caled to the stand and tn a speech fraubht w:th zeal aid potent in argutuent oeemou! to inspire the hushed :xinll:i: t te wlti a portion of h.s own patriot anx. His tierce itages t tilt L adl Cal palty were c)insie onily by the ecathing invectivees shiwerd up!o it 16 i:aerabt, s' ti.t Wag" reprecentatlvte. 1.en tameO trward Mr F. Me''ov ,.,.: l' ln ni a t ,tr. bt llti:,t t rword a, It-. t IihI 'ltllts. i at t-etrl fd to coltvey conl itout.l to ilinu y t 't , (; red I ft'r. t lii, h"&a-rr,e . N. a' was introduced it. Mary's coarnipln t I'en (, ra ), A I.. lu, ker, a very anel,- ,t p::i i mci - h ,it of oir y we s i alaso g. a"- t,4 S I t I . .,, id aio long weile the eChr eri'-i iw.! I CI lh' <a ied up aull Jr+' pthotller' "a t ,'n dl ,a re 'I e Uppr val . ,)o the trutfhs he uttered. F"oi . .i' 1"a - vs g the wel. kn own :.1 re l ",rator 1% I i- It,,,.r,n . 1[** " ,:htnerh 1 by co, I, r a dil ti: . He wa u'd lhave the slheri uo ill Ilki .t hland that he ni1'0;t L m '-r theln . 1t1 gouo s int.i Ii re so that th, c, . d hear whit'i ne h-at to a isa l ioau il Ir e i tio loie Up),i tl l ri.' t. I I t i , I, ., ata he knew they£ h d treenl ordere 1 fy SLe wi ,ile s 0laws e w. i '., . l eL bi '.uKe . I .,) " a 0'( D I~ s l , i . . 11 ll c : s it v eI t 111 ! i, t lthat he i i, , , . tle ret i ' tI L . ,k. l S thiat we* w:tat It;ev were afrild of. II. " e ,: l ered In .hlore ! 'sdtJcal preseher $ ) f",r I i t ')r 1 J xt P u -i U:..Y ) L e ti ;e ad lie Or Li vii ' . |tr. Al ,.'I -, :t w js a L.,,py ,: a. r ie r. ,, uied , IIa't plct q 1 ,I , ,V tie i - hi r - ai'.,, t:i r a , .t r:y nL :1 - - -r I e n ho r (,1t r tr . , N hi I W et .,f tl'," i l t 'r 1 I.[ f U . 1i' 1, ] . ter+, .N( '.t il+ o ,' :) s the t l , t , It *' . a tl, ,,r:e.' .m, i : ~ , ,, ' r eylr , ar ad .,r, a ".. f,: u',i c 1 V1.h4 'I. Sii .. t hl a c been allu .d to tat .lt al eh a lc 'rs tle :M-. d '.,eir .I,-, .1 .u t) :(,t ,,, o,.,J L., a ti It x - - ; it to tie pa.o et at - ou r im"'ti.'.i . .i1 ' i w ,. the il tI. a I hlds, bres Ill ,rn.. hv " t' r 1 , it d .i.en. And ithe ei lilel rties t:l t th-, 'e I! ,e tiab' ge ttith . i , were Out ,at'-iLd .1 ;' I 3,t ti e t, i+ ' .. , th . ei-v c d . ' s rt . l' the Iew ,at e c. ited ni-ilier'. of tie l ,: .at hi t 4I' at. the hegr es to h ett ll ,"`1 .f I ,tyr i r tl a'I, ca e trit t:her lo - . tru.i' thl e le A i i utt ie c'v, rit.tJe w v., r i t g i s. .11.i - I '!, d rtvo vii, wit. ( a t, ih ,4i-trid.e , X ) Axt n ,1 thil h ps. .eo: lg 4.Ji .houting I or t,, )u' d-u bt, k ont- it b-s. lhxy wetre, h .vver, ci,me wr,:ut uleon -ht ed tI) Ltd tust t:', 0- ,,e c·t.l.@ It i r -a t lt . i . . a ' , - ' .i t !,-o ti 1 ii u i.,,t 1 lr ,i. i i not ;i C ap aredt it ,t . I e 1,,y r -ult of Ill, .r 1 'iIe y It e pt N t, i It, I, e ,f it .i tiO eO party t, ij- 1 k b. en ,' 4 [IPn. Cl atll utluarmi c ,,,rt,i u an l 'w , IFt'V,,Im 'r t| ,It wert ir 1. 14 p het, at the I 1, , t , k h, , rt ' i l , x i.t, . t ) , , of the ibay. J J.i.. ..a i litiN FROM MY NOrE- 001K. J I- . :1 . 1I u1t ,I i t I ltL IL oA ,. A4 v 7 1 " t te.- COI'. A Fr' c I ,, r i tant ',l ; ti '.i rm , i b:x . e I,, you, i tr- it a a hl, t I t at dl h art t tea'i S , rved of I . h now :l ; t it, kan '' , thi ,: k \1 e n ll tlite . aL.3 to eat 1 tl irns ' TI.11 L t . L as-:'-i 111 T it 1t . Yt a:, is N, h h-. d.. ,.",; ' Iy % e oL n , .i t. i ! r't F 7 l i it i . b , e t .a t pl a !-t. r t ro t '', ti turt o r l h.le altlll n 1.x. ' , ,, ,e h-I ,., LI,, , S, ii r 1i !tr t, i1, oi r I, 1 i.'tI j roits :l I i l , p t I L,,. . to. "t . i.paith wN' . .I o t 3 t , a I it t e , ,i t : ' tons la t Ni. tw !.ie :ei-t of itltt.k o.d. A.Il i,' t i'lL 1 A lt d l t a i ti. eI l hv , l rl err t . t I t IL an'- s ie t la Ia f "va0 at: u tied i ytt 1 hiear at 'ly ! at ,itn iv' TL ' rei 1 t ,r. : t. f ai J II l. thbiks, so wl ! he act " i a-ut ar ..: ,i :,rx A - tr all t'. ti "i Cf i lie in t.Le word hculi, peaxce u - l .pe ii 1 t i fi t ru hi,, wii l not hapr pen t u]to th.a n a r %. tLr t w-r 1.:1 ai ,p ,:,ted ,'n1 t o i be'il t"t i en e s t',.. , , a r,. i ' n ent i,. ;, e t" d t.r is h n l tp . y tea.< hn' by x :r, y e. 'i t~.t is a v it deal of vital air ' l' Itn u t " No lman I c wh-l!y ha! st a e."' "'What w'te vit an I.n ''r'ty titai oe ht ii aI a n -S er~ie, of th,e t,..ta i t, eh ni n . i I .a. '-. , ibitl.d hitr etl < ( . ,lh afir oint , ; .t .r to f . :r,.r -Crt$ e anhd h': , r -la N.t. .:e at ': aIe tI , ' - ! that , lor h I l,. u d r r i ty i!1ft iti, I tI tt .'+ itry a td d iire. late r .t aer very e ,, e. ! spirt asof "':vin ty. 1.+1l r 1t . J,- u a'r y .r f - , ,err r.' . , t •l O l te th heal theb ;t. k .. t .t ,. )r , ttt - t,? haver ocf t i+P goo,,d. " lW y shoi, t e. l ,c p .r I p t: s er r , i ii' T I ' ' tr i , r. 7i: ' we | (+k ran w atll: d? -parcisg',rdc rh, Fdlrr et 'tiiv' xi L' tl t Le u . h b. >* ,re h r ii . ( lennn is giVe n to arn rot onri'y t(I et fl tern se .Niver ar , n. o thuse :on ,u lve to do without _< tt. , a dv ce. "a'r ni ny i' 'h " ''V v a -n t a '. LLtd ew pe. l, p r tr , ; , , t" . ·' ticet ; ei + ti I .<h i r itii t o r, aa'',e "h 'i It ii e" a i, r ni , i ire kto w t it i t t' t it the .d ' r -ti - to tre' , h' t.'c t , : i e f ,-,m t tt , ca , : t '. t ) d 1. 'to . e ' "t t i r ti'geil£ t Ii :r y " . ,i ,- I .. , "c i t ,ik i - + '-tier. . r, . toiii, .t , 'i r a W] 1:.-0' c--let. i It i-i lud i po Io I n r +v t *e '. c-c-c t rxt i i cia k r: ii tie axi u r ie ac ri. 'i . me te' d ' duct i nle *n 'iVr te' " ht e, xad Ixia..e a "e- i a et d herculi,' oter , ,excn oewf chd e I Ixo , trou- i- t i-aw-e l I'i i ft r a ciaopf ote er h eaa , b n she is at hi-xn f ,line d le ab i fe Ih "rill t i flt ww - a -' tvnd househ,! ]e-," w' ,:o taxei t ) psy.' w II . NW-Vi 'lIAL ITBe, Erc. Prepared 'er tah Nlw Orleans '- ". ent.' There ate 5I I p iper 1uin I o Italy. thotr pro. [d. ducts amounting to 23 nMo Ot') francs an'rurily. the nte rteducton ,f 'lte army in Austria gives 10 0 men back to agprculturil labor. Tiete are 1,i(100 nm:.h cows in the dairies arouhid .-t. Lit.ia . this Last )ear California raised 200 0,')) silk cocoons. Tit estmarltd product for 1-4; .s 2,0)O0 in)) "ay (Iring 1I ,7 R. t kland, Maine, manuatactored Iae (n00 (li bar rls of ime.. Inu iprlgue' s ,.,t'n nill1. at AItgusta, Me., m1an - lacltured 1,43" - ,rards of iimuslln i'at year. n ore that, ]I,l"' w, u, en are employed in mating a, e ane, derv I tie vant us , I i.a of laly S1he tr awberry crip o' Viueland. N J., the 1 In pre-i: t hi on was 3 ,.5; I1 quirts. 'liir I rie R.ailway otipany have contracted for ".ý 0 t Ins of teel ,a.!]. mI hLe cost of all the telegraph line now in n io ' O rit oi, i- eetiiiiated at $4:2 'il tiM&0. S1 he i'-and of Nova tliti,i has an area or - 7. ing '1i ,re tales aid a p pu atio ' of ab,' u' :' I o. ie wi'rat r p t ii a.ntsota fur 1~,- ilieti I t- . ed a 12.1 0 lt O t1 -, eis. I I (ina exl I ted 10 ,000,00)u worth of rice n .at yetar. 1i, L, bre are thirty one vineyards in the 3)nora y V , (C'nlitoronla. couidilinl 2.2T0 acres. I it average annual prsodu h ii, n ,f Iron at the , r, t 11, ittaiun N Trkn ab oi ut Iltl,lilt tns.. S Se lit en var.e'ies of n:necral substances have , s it en tI ad at the geyser rs of alifornria. ( ' (Lcfito conauitae daily 2,:,1,412 gallons of , re wU!L r. Ii a h cal telegraph I flice in New York. Ifteen re I '.- , ar t. enpi.led In sendr ie ind receiving liew id' i~ .' .' TI ey danly airrage 2 "21) me-sages. Ail ' A tedoc.ltioi in Lun1 hast eitab ilh-" I1l , 14; t I 'uls ahr the 4ratu,toua supply of water to I it t t I hd anim als. t{ , Ihe itrcvtt.e derived by the Spaniah I, 'err , o ' ifr r io le II al, si lottery d ;rtirg the year I Si ! i J J ii 20th, I ,, wa: $. 7: 2" . i g r e i t o 'r ' to e I '.A i it A r T are , t t' .! lo L-ter. -t, '! area .t :L.u t.,.tre of A ('lifournia f.i' ner l, :'":ly harveslte fl:ty . bahlley, i ' ; : It b:e 'a the . i kt n. o' Norf l Ik, Vi., g it er l w ttMie it in ri acd - -, i . - i , 'I 1' r m .,, ht }] f L'u i ' 1 w l T8 IP;p, cli c It' It tt ti rt.Uiie h ayri. it , er t1 n ui' i :,s t ai d er r ing iii' fi'tilt tIV3'l.t t2,r- 'ultt tl auiy ,tire..)' S - 1 , { l l , at 1;1 i" 'lra:.r, tl '. ci, ' ,f . , Sra I , i , t r tto a w 1u.'a _}'aul 1: T -.-y' I tr S I.' t ",t ' is allr a t ,l' d I7 ",' t ex. ", -trt..i' ex it e ra it l rotl.c :ious, heavy an r'ti 'er y ,". e . iN k I tr, . Itartly emp ire ca, , , .tt1 ,in l 0 atr' hrr ' at 1 S re vl 'd 1 ' I e r!iar, r tr }, ar. rty I . .. !' a -, r : of 1 - 7 t ' ther, wa. I t i' Ip 4i t rI t 't 'tl.ii /Ivy 1 i't. poult, u tin it t i 1 1 t ' 1 . { " r I" 1, 1 . , :.e lk n f l, ' -,- ,o reai r tlc city of %1 °s r -a re a , i e 1 "ut 1i air 'I t U l d, an d I' I:tt r I 'Lt, ,in r iare ii ll t X I it. . t Ijan Mla.1 si d '. v1 J :1 I , I du/' il. I" , t. "S l e,n rf uratl ' .a n 4.., rep'rta (1. .r ( l ! n-h lttIe tal - s t ai : has aIveraged ' -- I ,,- t . r acare. i t '. 'tile O , C .a l:',i -lr Ill4 in fA 1'e' i'i it.'t., ", dul '' 'Le bn b.1 qa ,t e C-a - '1 i~ t uuers anda t he I tl a ' .lOA l.,ter ti y ut ', , : ra si ' re a ,.f 1,t,,r a al net e ii i 4 ,"f 'i rd; ". i t ' t el i, edl -ate-,i rniig the 'r# . t" " hll.a nt t 1 t Fl ' a ir t', ' t era , I e - i , t g t n"eg il F'Iypt has tea-ed 'n he re. I ,t " i flve rld'e (Tr : rL ,it·)tn l I c fr w tr, l a ,e ] , t'.s,. f the I 4 i lately In ,' nt~7l ". ,w .,. I ',I eat . u- o c i ) r t t .t b .e l ,,i: t . a l li e b , - !.W9 ) . t' 'i ritl ý l it ,r,"ttr ie i - Fart. ry at t la'+te , rn nmhP r V ' ,I' C , t l ' . - ', I ' oi rf " ' iu t :r t, "'' o, ip( ty wire a$1 7 " f,.. r , , d '.r i n t,. at h ie t, N. u ' . It .' r , !. TL,i i I . ' e , r a t ' i 1rn 'I , l iI tr '" lll of , Lassi.:etes cc-I" r1. st , s, ,1,, I .' ,is,,pt n. 1! is,., fre l k bg "L i.ol, e I 'ro m <all, 1 , " h ,t ,1 , a t , I a I'nt a d r hue ru la acturer- u-e till', alt , i t ' r i t, a S 11 ' re arc aho h 0 t ;,,+, . (') , ' °l n''& st im]D Used . ' , teagl ,t tM , and t'. Irlyet W.t , " p* !I I w rd. Ie ai ra tronl ( 'l, ,rt t t ' " r ' d r., '.v f!: " . r, y : d a, utt 0 ti'' 0 u i ' ar o " i t rN.' r, . c: Fe orch l,1. of t' Iwg ' " ;,r . ita rJrault,ar ,, r lt, rtoi, ih seta good exa.iulp a ri' 2.t , ti C ari , . S, ,' 't 1 ", ' , :i ' l ie n , Crit $H p ,' ! I . i r 7 1t N -a a W tcr' tI f the I8 nit , .I - s ye l r . ' ' 1 . I '. "- t I, tli', !1i i a ' t* s 'i :'. . l ~a '. t , ` It I \ ,t l n Iiti.4 tai , -.oer''t g .an ,t It T te ' I. , e, c-i tt' i.-L I e. 1 . 1 n tr , t'iet t e r 'f . I t a pii ret a I ' 'i 'a Li ] r :n a ll t JIi -l' l nr a i rtnllteva t ' at t ' , e oal taut in uoiveraitt. '1r at T i1'i" is high ant r tling a I. i I , t ' r ;, art - !t :e 'r T " tt'! . 4 e Pie r iticli tar.g evere twenenn Pe1e that tal ~a~ab e in adraite. anr tire ba:hce in aI i a -: Janore -,t and r. I,, t. Ar. i. F n, B . yd :;'e t pe rnle.e.s mare the ait :1. r" -o. a i !r.rt t' sirr e is hief and only attn 4rtlo. tl l.ft, t h |.re t . t,, ja p U\ \ r, - ol r t.'r ',, . the tra:tng 1f nor J th. tie PERSONAL AND POLITICAL ITlEM The DeTnocraite State o*nventifn of New York ro. neets Septembtn r 2d, at Albany. Hi o. 1I. F. Morrill has Ween renominated for yes C -,gress by the Republicans in Pennsy vana. The Demiera ' of the iftih dis'raot of Kentucky ries have ocminated Boyd Winchester. The hc w York Herald's latest presidential Mns. ticket is Grant and Blair. I he Dnocrats havre about 2000 majority in red iito'nol. i,-. n, i's friends have already put him to the n- test .,b net. It will in reality be Larder to put h nm ii than it was to put him out. :logp It rui-. that the nmeaning of the mystical let rJy terI (;. A. R." has been discovered. They stand the tr " (lbnt and Rum." (;utl-, th-i k- the November eleo'ion will he for c -I dered a Flay-Grant :'; pc,.ceeding -[l1ioton I aSt. in lt. Queen., the stake-holder. has declared the 1. (',,io' it i urrn , lit a draw, siat harnldedt the 7 atVer, who was present. his half of the stakes. lurat Ila.aiead of the (Ciz-innatil c.'oimer-cial sti- ,s takrd of there as a Republican caudid ,te for (i nllielr . If Le can all rd to go to Washuington ce Le will onle atn rxrelleut M. C. (Ore i,f the i( i' it' papert represen's rmw-in P. ora I hn-e in a little Irlaid in the Mi-asi-.ippi river. li-kr ,g after two s'eainloat. named ' D nt ' the rac " " end" tlpnlicninm," which have left h iI bie, nJ. sLe are steaming out of eight. 've The gallartI G, oeral Buell whot aved Gtrant an'! he s -btitt r, aImn. from-i an iIgl rules defe t and of iuter ditrun'ttoi, at Shilob, or Pltr.h-rg La idinig. av,. as pil, I p, r' , Se) Wour and BUair. no says ten Ie blaiL.e .tdard.rt. It. e, n.phlis it 1 t.e 11th, the grand jury flnntd a trl ue I ill agbil st lnu . T. A . ll -,1 1ton, state tci .a , ur fr r iijury, i having taken ilht test t oath. te a as an (fnicer ofl the c'oufederate Sree. r ' I -ii's 1.fe f (-ar.t eortt:ns a chspte- ent;i i cr led, * Getneral (;r tit asi a sina smnrl.'" 'ie ti-e iy : itN t loii' d,. trd w ,,i-d he, i-i a pit.l- t are r) w !k, a c:iapter entitled " The -ard:ae s a t\ hlt'e." ili Ilemocratic Congreea-inna l(Covenion,. for r :tv t fir-t tit'ict ,f .it chigen, nominated 1! irn. Mt. the J 'is, ,x htr v, r tlie i t. In the f ilti tq ,]. r t. e aitheto rats nominated Lytitu G.. 1 i-on, u1 ii . f,;,-r.. in 1 e I, put 'l;en Rte c invention of as+e nt " t , e \\" ('. I.tIer and • r a 'I . I t -r - .l I t. , " ri-',d l , pi ltre-ilenrticl ' r - f rr t' : r tt at ':r.-e: e ts. it It girs, randidate for ('ri .'. f. r le tao.e at arge. ltong terit:, and f. A n I' I I -t'i for the shi rt term.i i l ',v. i-a.w I-. Ksl-, ch, late of Moasac,ni,ett 1 .t irI rrecently ecertr ,f thbe tli a !ui tn ' ii J Ur of i L iil. te-5 l}til ti ' s an .is-ilri- fr ( 'to ,p r -n, a- .r' a | - t c , of [l ,if . -:l ,-y l I rk ,, I. i . he l itrles to t e d f _l ted. Butt are Ita ll -t !i . - SI ,t.ry A. Fiwle, a chron:rcer of smnil beer ill it a' ,li a id 'ih. r tf h-t-,r-al note' ',f ith , f. A' bot art, i a rt-gl r ci , trhtior A 1i IIc 1t it ii.n: Iy -pe itl niV t i' n f i , , r p e. All " 1:te et go t tthe' licketns, to,-lr ior la ' t r. ii 're Patr',,nnor." the, I I. I a ,p r trfrtl ' -t.1.' ' ihTllw- it ,,ra , " t It I rtly IittI bt,.i , i,,l ildly bh tiO bt y it i li dit a -l a c , , , , 1 L, ,I -. I'ie, g, li le', ,,1, t. )". , Liltt , it ol rate." " Let l t- lite Il e late J. ha W ilon pri,,luce I l:,i Ii ntl ('nI i 'i.e frli e if the tine-t spr-i n ,hse ,t h S ty , cLia ty ,.ver i---ned froint the prInc . I,-.v t. I ur t. iit r : a wk on pontitlation And if it '- ' er ., Q , " ' r s tl!, iMt. aid .as an htitr , i', :,ft. H.:ritarl o. I ferr'-d on tim tht t,;;r 'e if B A., in rtco-l' .til l i of hie s itll-tvs a print-rs \V -, ni dia wLo sL r Gesin. Grant at it. ,oil. t " ' i., tenrliF tlhe loading if ac. upile of wAt ,+ ut o l, tr ',: he 'W vo nut 'n o the re ,ntry, w h + r,- his w tu.i 'y iwere to tspendtl tie -ui, titer reliOrts htmi e f say I g: I have mioved an aimoy, aI1 I inve u,, t i lit. and of the two ..t I, ' ev r to to - ti e a ir ny "." 't ry ptli isophical is the Irish Republi ' when it "e . s: " I -Ht n i-t .n Anuit rian p i1t , i i-t wa ri r" ,i,. tiie A i eii. ar ; 1 apint. antd thal t it i thi :r ,w ci 7it itp thl t entlt . otn ti v-,ti s", ,t 1 .o 'i ' it d I ,t 1,1 ti t!, It their being horn in Ierlan.i r. I ! a tie - :. ee ives in a nuthlell the wtio.e t! , hy of ., Iped c;tizetih-,. and is wir I ten at t It , . i <e IL . 1 a ,in , of i " t- , 'lnven ln ,lt plie ,k. Sl i.,tdi al exchtange accuses the I)emIiratir l i . p " t it -'iltt'g te it ii rnatin Wh nll-vt r tirat ii S -i td a , t"i to sIiti llan'1 is lli ,nti-,n-d. I i . ý'.( etrrw\ s -1 t, n the lhlinnl iW the party an Ii:e , rer,- may -tie Iianic.l waid bhowe. ms our IH-lical . tr 1 Id f ,' i.r-e iii; l s an alli:lity between a , V ,n I i a,, ts tra d 'da ,ritkrllI u i.' i t'ulw asa tdtptue: . ,' i. r " 1I t. , r', :li Ia thie age's of giv.'rti unI' i- , T , I : -, G t.. bcl,otitd, secrttary ,fi war, b-e- not ai I, h'i ti:! ll a frienld to worillltgnn : ar Ii Ii tl..t it etilr, a iy is to be thl order f the m y j M d t i I U i.t lmelt'e with the geLerals, and nt W v Ili -tatee. l- it lreo-wirck. "Pretty Birdl") danhlher B t ' carldy," the read ch:et if th; \iV;nlebag, -. . ,! n the lith in-tant of ii bries Niletaielt lIn th I t e-i , of h r chlild, at the I.a ( ro.-e dep it, ii at , i. I ,' ,. il t i lIlrlee l ren;f t, 1 a mllp ul taiotl '"- n I St e +n.,y, Knil a as l e witlit n,-it ullllit to tihe op . at tI, Itrt h ier lii t..d ot live i -led. Four di a t r -"t !i erei lluis were held by tie Wiuueba- Ir S ., e- - 1, r the reinsra . I Ile Iirv. .I, -.,ipn i'. l/Iivejiy, a w ill known i i I tr r t-o irattr t .s l tii.s li ieirge .!h,-r. e itr tl i ' i llt hilge ('hroui'e. near 1 -t -i1, i' to:e sh i4tii- ,- of ithis tani gtoei\trt in ui , :a a spl, y fro ,i te edt| or for s hru -ir- I( Sn , It'- It n of I.omvj. s spe..,. .... t ) ui' 'e i- r tr h (via wire -irack, as an i tu re bi.aLti land rireated as sourn as 1 hi S i- -- ,' e th , -i.,yv cenmt r'- h:mself by Savinlg 'he Senatr t tr il k, p 'e PlI,-,-ir nt ill order., ' ' iI a l'-its an . ,t -it o i r e le ,i ivo assiured, I tA'ving been it. * d t-, admtn 'h"+ newel, (,il+e cert I: itV , G. I e S..'- ai,,h t lfor r'y menian,. B., t ritrli-,- d, h, t , 'hst wheii "-.) lilt-r -'-na in1, hie g-ei -I tIis al 1 i riatl it( i if tie a ttt 's w I,il t ai I ally aI i t - i i tnght itltm I w h lti'rpi t-pht.ii ,ers as , r, I ! tt w 1, Iid better call on the rocks to n ] 1.i i '-l:Ith Cotriuer has rettrns from ninhtlv in nI . i it- - in t'i ttul ' ky. liav i ,+oi y thrtel t- nP .. - ', r . . ' . ...i t lie h....i ti-lit. I ar p- l ti 1 l ow a gain of 23.T;t1 tIetiocratic votea over lIt li.H. LIa a (lIe,'rti.- e In the trlpubhltan vite of ", I i son'. nit ,trlit thus fIr in 147 Sl:: d:t a:i lTrobhb -\ sine d 'WIlll m , hblt Wlli n1) a" h- t' ti th 7 i- an' tl 1 ter-tsir ' v -lte i i ,h. a' u ,, be alout ; I}+0 and Stevenson'q nl Io i" , i Wit , the v,igest of the wil-kno wn I, b , ,r . 1 rerr d tr, t the+ 1', o, n tl , , i r i s, tarly in Nelplettlm r. Iii It, k ; t o l - -'it-I ' l to h ite tte beut v Ii ( I r oo ti, a t, I.'li |o 1 ar en :rpr S it i-. t, s fir Ita lit-ri- ,i , I a! i Ltr Ii I.t L- i d to the gulden shores if 'i,,t t body ' ,f il i. iicipint wais Iild iai. in il: S';''' -mt ai ct.iver ucrtwa, and at the sidis were 1 hii ii) pine lati adtc. Tieupp' e lr hall , - ' i td giaca. Ililow t l --in-crtipt'i ie Si , li- in Attrntah uc, aid iea- It Ki S r - I alkt atid cw iorld. lie reni tl ter of tl, . rtitireleis. O(n a Ftantd at the benid if the cttib r At w - a harp (if lllrnorLt .ieu, with the wurds " Ire- r ,..0i' I-iSd ' Inigenltone, W rkel in. t A a p'kigii diehted i'l Mtrs Lui-rettla i ihltn i I a istt. Mnla e, frotilt Fort C. -. itnlth. - t ittaII r - letr ii reacted ti- iit. Lo ...... ., ,ilti , I ity. I .r ii t(litall a the ii slip of Hlear-tilat gra,,. " a i i.X Iditian ch et. wliho wa kilted receihtly ii a si ni: utitl- with sil-tu itilets near that ;lust, and II te i - t ti , Mis r U'llhiuog by slie relative iil -Ie arlty a. t prei t. i Ii t i en c ents titttlfi IS ttl+e it rti.. - - '. ad it a il etalned ty tile postmnater ther ' r rol-p)ilent. Ite 'rtile to t~he lady to retI t ' , ,,tae, (ir Ithe scalp would lie seilt to tse SI-.i-d l.ttir 1,tl1f e. I A writer Ili the tndepsnlInt ays: " It is nut iF: - i I.l ~srwe that we-eaw tire trunuka of a NS-w Y-,rk , li.n.t ahi -a la bLr wan a repectabie dry g, I'ii t I r. rlarkt d Madamne la Martllise d - L tee ilame I,larg that of one of thle ohlest of the the Sr-n--h nihbility. 'hatre are American ciiontees - iy the citre. arnd baroueases by the hun i, . l i s "t.,y one Aritetcan w,,ian, we believe, has waro , ite ci t riet of a itictiete: but there is one, the i 'ntlghter i tf a New Yerk grocer, wio iS a prin te-, aid reiiatm-- by marriage to her muSot gra- n ittt is maJesty. itaee!i Victuria. hi 1! e New York correspiondent of the Ph:l!-el It a Litlger vayn: 'rItntment Iemicratic poih day lilciatt. whl( have bern ritltcltingl and cimparlo Sio' baratlga wi'Li tle day ourtwoi past.h-ivt it r-rutrLed to tet. c:ty iii irder ', prepare fr tii Ilk Srring Stas 'te curvention. The gvernorshio i -t-! a to he alr.,ad setthid. Hoffman, it is th.junht, 1i w:. ie ,nita'rl hy acclaoation. Han. Mr. SL rply of Bru klyn. the only compbetitor he was l:i :i kly to have. w! recevrce a complimnentary vote. asi d waitt that. it i- -Ia. he and his friends wiil be n *as,'led. with the nnderstanding that two year e !i t ee it will be hli Mtorphy's) torn, certain. -"e alliterative Bs hivs presented B'tler as a -l Bra-t, a B, y-m Bine. a Bellrgerent and a Ilocc- ak l itat, and tanre branded. bro. id and bliltered hi Sus as iarsbhbas. tils latest prtean part la that - ed of the w.lit.' Barkia; indeed, his readines to rush nex 'r, ft r irn. alr n'i ant his appear-ante fi-st it A tLe fitld as a tongressinsal candidate froit the s . ES fifth Masaeate ite district out-tle .Jim to be classed oraltholelically as Early Bird Butler. ork The E.r'y Bird has made two early hids-,th fret last Friday, In a letter to the editor of a for (;Gloucester paper, and the second on iaorday ngelt, in a "peeeb to the cit nas of Glonues er . sky In both spec.t and letter he anocouces that B.tkis butler is willing to be a candidate for ial C egress it the Radical party is wutlog to re noulnate him.-[N. Y. World. in All the badge makers were in attendance at Tamnmany. and wiets the coup d'e'ar was visible. the tf tl ey started, on a rae,. to look up Sevm our put photugrapts. The flr't one out of the hall ri-bed for a car, but was beaten by another g -n';erus let- of grea'er leg al attainments, who also found him and stlf routdone by a messenger posted at the tele graph lb ice dlown torn. lie had notified all the he bhy ps, and scouts were sent to all the main pho too t. prsphes,Giurr:ey. Brady. Anthony, etc., for the governor's fac-similes. We saw one enterprising the indivioual make off with the big portrait from the lannimaty itself. The supply was short, but they were iqut kly duplicated, and, before nignt. the itl Lad done a good day's work for the tic tii for crac party. The same scene was repeated at ton the t.onation of Blair.--[E. A H lshiugtol dispatch of the Ilth, says: "A P. etl tr in vindication of G(;en. Grant's order extnell er. ig Jews fit m ha department, published by -sil : ,- non Wolf. of Bosutin. lan f of this place, has ceasel left great itdlignatiDn among the Israelites or this piea e. 1 he letter first appeared in the itostin rranscript, n! and was written in reply to a letter published in ni the Boston Post, 4itrted 'Max.' Mr. Wolf says 1. 'he order was ieased in a moment of just indigns yi tlio u. Lever contemplating injury to honest, pa trioi,c Jewish American citizens; that the order ind Lever harnred any ine, not even in thought, ex ate cI pi t.hosie whomi we. as Jews. despise and hold eat iti coten pt ' By the publication of this letter ate Mr. Wolf has br.lnght down upon himself lasting ex crati, n. I.- as than five niottths ago Mr. WI r, It' in ai a ddress nta:e it' this cit-.. t,I. 1,eol this uln.-" ie rt r tof ;rnt's as art itnfamous order, worthy of a- a Hap.burg or a B. mt., t it never an merican." Wa'e i xrTact the followtog fr-in the Union A !vr o ate, ila.e : A protimn ni .ti. ir of the t.i:,,u N a n.y whie driving with afriend a fewI daat -.I .,t , took u,, stoiti. to etioivte some of the clara ter int i t if Irant, declarttg tIat the A.,eii.ti ,, i , n, p;.' did not undertalnd hunt. 'I saw," Il;d tuls Sli er, 's great deal of hlnt duri g 'he war ,*o "P know all is strtong and weak pi-ur: '.. r ae.ifd .lie of the party, "do n t:- nk he si: Sriht mant to elect piresident of tile United tale-'" iI, u , 1 ine i I Lon oltier replied : ' h t etlrpevlil uA i n r oUn ui ts iceer. It the peipe de.tire in i,'ni y tr e. , t rLoet d he eeced ; Icr,. It it tiy kt.ow U, e -.f the loani, I will stake iI) rep ltatiot n S 'l pre di, ti n t ltit it be i del. ted, he wili pro r c a, lnu;tlf dic astir within taelve monihs aft-r hi n in bor, , Into, nlice." This is til e oI iti ,u t a 1- r,' i - :;.", who held tltse per-onal r- tuiO . I ILh Grant uu.tug the greater purtion of the iiie ' war. , le Washi rne family have a j,,int summer r. ridIr ice on the old home.eead at Livermore. Ns. or let t ;- e e ulru 'v !( stl. I, a i was con structed on the principle of old fash!loired hiu~ alit), bi nu of -,ti--ti Lut dinimnsiton t accomrniu - c its ii.e rtven tr .tiers. their ianilies. cotisIu , Snr: P Latevtr gelsts they see fit to invite. fIle . tl. y mtet every sutuin er eL d slteid the hot sle nC i 1i a pieiat Ltt Pociel mittiotilt. lthe tatier, 1-riel H A aelbturne, is eighty ye-st old, and enjtys cx ei I n t t heah. Tte name of the "' Vastlbutrne" h , hi ers are as follows: Israel Wahhhirne. Ir., t1 , o; ?in ey Aahbihui tte, of Mlinnertii;t E lhu li. ,.ish Butrne, of I1 t.,oi; : (adwalla -r (C. Sin-hbu- ie.,t Hi-., nitn.: Willuam A. Ii. \\'r h rtr e+ ,fl Califtortia: and ('harles and Smii Il \it-l:ut Li. Iwo if them, E ruandCalwllt lder. are Lo in Congress. and have served togetier re Ii Wedl y. F"- two terms lvrael Wahburne, Jr.. was al o a It ember, I u retired on being elected gave rintr aiit \Villiam was once a n l catte in t'aliiurits, but was defeated. Mr. Sidney to A ashbnrne has been proposed once or twice, but Lt ier rest ited a nUliutnall o,. TLlere arc two it her Vaashburnes in Con'gress-e:leral Web,, ,nrl e. of Ildiara, end tini. it. Wa% l onit ne, of r Maees~alinsetts. Their re!'tiunsht:pto "the famny ' is, h evcer, bit d taRnt. In a recent letter to the Revolution from P-ter- t -e oro , Mrs. Stanton writes: (1 last Wouring we tn had the p;e a-re of preachir;g in "the Freeu SLurtch " n the " Women of the Bible," to a Ic ltrie tilt attentive audience. At five r i , as oi S ti, .uittin h:ere. the corgregation asemnl led ti ,. crltl, ie t!.Vi nmorning discourse, where we had ; tuite a i tr;' t di.tieu ion on tie while que ,ti,,, i, - I tu illrage for wioman. At the close, a rI.tug a .i i ani taken, w lith was almost t inirilm iii It ure fi rmative only one maiden lady anil one ,l-I - ridi " iti. heutdore Viiat. riintg in oppotiti) i I, i i 1, atitih In t l e leteertry that evrnlig. we -,uon i - The, dire wantleritg amongton the tombs. We re , mared to cur k:nnian, tlfat he seemed whol y I I ,ve-n over to the dead pa-t. Approacli:.,g hlit, y Mr. lnmith said : " So you are not willing tl.a' th I [ w ni F t - utd vrol " No, N r," eli r,.e 1. I St h."u ,e a-ked. " :ee tue," said hi, "the r B tile fort - s it '' " BRut ti pose.' we sail, "ht a - , ll: n i 'ave lituatics, diltCts, drllrik rde, thieve II1 O I e- urdIerei fir hnubands, or have no his'ls l t t at a 1, .bat t:t n ?" Theodore thought a m iue:,:. . at d d : 'When I am better infurned I w.1 als tier.'" -' !Ipecials from Richmond state that at the )Demo I crat i alr etirg ti: re on the 10th there wai a 'arg r att.-r diace tot hites and blacks. While iieaerl i ild was srpeaking, he was interrupted two or ai r t ret t.mes by a negro seated at the window of a a a shanty near the eta. d. teveral cried out, " Dry ' up., w.tie others yelled. " Let us pull the shanty t1 I down." The negro persisted in Ihis boisterous iin t. t rruption, when a cry was raised. "go fir th 3m," h r snd a rush was niede at the house, wh'ch wire t b hi nihadtd with pauvig stones. The crowd was b thre wn iunto a patne .rid fled in all aractous,. p ' re( r was Pont restored, hbt in a few momenta p an, ther parte, occurred. the white tmen resumaed Li nti e!r atlta k on the shanty, and the hIo-te was t elertd uand the inmates ran through the ,i kt -,iii re In:,t the street, pursud by the witens. lie it t i'P tunan was severely wounded on the heatd by t a brck and a pouliceuan and a numbero of others t w a r, s ightly iojured. IDuring the distarbin e ci antther white ttan was datngerously cut. l',st i negroes aere morlally wounded.tnd one sllghtly. s A larne It i.I-er itf tt r:al. Ii'., -del t, be ,----.1 ill h nI l it-alt rin thI, etindt. wvpre t(isittl W i-ri 'h i n r is8 Lad I-ten dtcludgaid who poiuv.kd tse l i t. .i I acy wri'trn c¢-~ntun alfon in th+e to: ,-u Tl'l, (, 1. t, 2"th atll ir g ti chowU the Fulr ,e1.c - Il .. th ti i tl re is nothing in the p itt rli i , hII r Ilitical party here jutrifying repuh-ition. i- i 'tr ':: g muich ttntia ti n In financi l cir:les. T[,. ,. i. r, tht . f rmes says t is " written ,y an 0 Aener 'at ;,rit if gre-t experience." Copf -a -f tI e leti' r in ttrcubtr liriti L.ave ticen firw-a,.t 1 ,t 'i t, i e:, • t I ,l er ,,,it nt bti k rg f! IICP II. L. ,n t.0 tlheir agents here, wll Irlt i. , a'" t-?o wh.thr the rews It expree.44s ae t i e if ot:r ICo.,ttl a' large. This shOwa tioe In I irtar. e at'a tel tII it. Amongi the str,,4 ,nltrt.u nide ty the " eminent jurist "is tilhe fit -w i-we: " Iteer. Is nt wili a: el5 ii :,t I :t ted -'at a the Pligh'cst tenderny teward eu tie l.i-ir it-i.t.. Icr the f-url,,,stt if gaining lart d I. n lantIpge r·s ht sr ,l trii term reli Ii ie titil, a-g .itt their i i)lienr.s, there ia not, I feel un t il - t . l i.,' t diapi)iititn itt that dirc , - U n :t-l a v el'gt. ,ir hart) in the I'notted S'tem. T tw t i. adilg I ,, il!ctl parties are hoth e Il l y l']edlrel Ii tIe ri-deu tlt-itn ol thut prlbii diett a: ( I ' l: i t, it 'rt . e, al artd e,1itatbl, f r t -, a l,. I el -a: tin, alti b,+th partties are eg ftill .ti-lit tIt'ed Lilt to go i-i- tld that. Ni, fiarty ') An.t r: a c. nld stand ot an houir whi-ch il , il 1 | ri es- ti go li y)'rl tit iL n U rlther dlirectli)Uo. I , I i-ees il 1ot, uot courle, conaeient to suvh oppre -,\' ti\atatilo tio va-, more tliai is due. or in a dit rt nt t curren y fromrn what the contract fairly atd li leiuies. and no party will be heard for ai 'ir t t aisk t' t anything tes thati the w..l.. cib: aird interecl in the currency sttpolated st ui .l Ie t.-:e." - Ftetntts-sw --k a,. - reth Are...,., Irl,.r. [From the New T++'k fIr . Mrs. Tcmtoidle rose at 11:22 yesterday morn. i g atd weas dres.ed at 4. .rs. Foote callrd on her dentist last week and lft her measure for a aet of opper teeth. Her L.-itand Is delighted. 8he cant talk till she gets M:-s Aramlnte Penelope Hermine Sally Jones v I as a Lew pdonle. P. S.-The "dear oreatture " h ie at Il.(b Lad dyspepsia on ·aturday, but we are happy to announce him eonvaleseenL. I Mr. Hlflalutian MacFitz Voo ' fool,. took a walk in the avenne last evening. He was aecompanied y his cane and mustache. i Muas '0 chneIder had her weekly hysterics theOb day biefore yesterday. Miss tazelle forgot to paint her cheeks,. and was rcinceinentl] mistaken for the consumptive - Miss Hiobbies bf her betrothed. ('oesqasoees likely to prove fatal, if not to ide, at least to CO lIr. Ihandy wa bitten by a cowardly musln to, in the back of the neck, att6:15 r. .,ud.-o y. v l:etult, s-mse polite prufanity. Miss Fatforty i engaged to-her r,"oiae for a n new dres. ,.onas ,eartmnasber, Esq., made a impres. isrn, last night. on-an easy chair. Miss Brownnet (with two n's) lan lore with a- aoutk of a boat st. Miss Misnathrope's King Charles dog was oll p. Sped Ia'ely. Ihr birth-day, which Ie on Tuesday r next, will be ceebrated by a large party. SM~hsn·et, ltuneral may be expected s soon l cs Mrs. s'ont die.a be BeOw iEuX ITEMS. le. hg ('apt. J H. Hamilton. of Ranston, is deas a M rehouse parish is agitated over a scherse for lay a railroad Into Arkansas. er . An industrial and stock fair Is to be held at . at Opt louses on the 20th of Oc'ober, tinder the ma for agenrent of Dr. A. L. Plough, of this city. re. The factory at Waco, Fezas, conoutai 100 looll. ar d can manufacture 5000 yards of cotton good! at per day. The machinery Is in first rate order, bat le. owiing to the entire lack of raw material has not ur been in operation for the last ,w,, it uths. led The Natchez Times of the h says;: ' Rea Ian Riser I. still fal in. and has abot resched tbe in ordinar) low water mark. fhe Rose Franekt, o te. ber lart trip up, remained flIt f ;ur hours on the ihe ;rsand Ecore bar. aid was colupi lIl to dischirge ho. the mat of hir freight to get over." the The Vicksburg Herald i nirreted that on the ing Yazoo river chsrbn is cured by givi'ig the 'uriles tr iI. u, thirty to if ty drops of iqu i,,rti, in a pint of iey water the dose rarely :euirinig ripettti il. It is he al-o advisable to grease the animal ti keep off S ithle-. at We learn that a citored woman was found ahbt, dead. near ligerville, La., a fe' days ago. No 'A clue h, been found to the murder. It appears 11 that pointlce cinnOt he the cauce for the irlrAg.S r. in Ib it place, inaeninch ad some i f the vitmtnes e.l were Radicals, others Democrats, and soauo touot e. no plar in politic e p, Ti e (;alveeton ( iviliin of tle ith says: P ,r the in last two or three weeks an an,,recedented revival ). of religion I as been ging on in the M-tleodist ia. ci orch in this city. (; eat int,-rest appears to be ra Lauiterted. and a grist usaniy scesiounlt t the or church have a ready ti an-ptrrl: and still the x good work goes on with iucreace vigor. Id Yeeterday, says the Irwasnville Itsuchero of er the let, passed through Browntiville on their ra ,e torn fri m Tu.pan, Moers J A. and J. N. -4tra. r, Iban Beever and Cobb. all brinaiog their families with trtem, and two d ays befie Rich.n ,Vi of aj sd I.ttle returned, leaving their fstumiea t, ft)l " low 1lnie ly the gulf route. kessrs. S'rabhi t (. efirni the previ<u( reports of the iu.nsontaleness ,u of tlet I l t ai v+liet foir all Aurican colony. 1 I e'lhinivri le Republican gives an at a (it , of tLe murder there, ou the tin iur., of 'heritT A. J. , w Il by a t .uio uail u latedl Wtooeui. l'hi body , the shertff was pierc'e by five pistol i, i-. (ite. ,,,t 'rim the youniit man's pi"t'l { sad itI r l 'h l hotiy Of L.ti Itinole, hl'bhy 1,' -it '1 iJh t rilt i se" a iso tle r iu t ltisine st aa irfs. 11 h cbo. tin, took plat e .i the liub'i~yLq are. I i ii ''i.'. the li t of I gnguit, rh out two tiulet y behl v het 'owe mrf F .k. ,.., .I1i this. partih, and int:n, r'ttey ,,ni tie \ew i(r' 'uri Jikit i n tilI i. N. 1:. It., t ne Jt.hni lINeal and (ran (O'-al his bi th, r, smbut-l'.l and Iiur. rel Mr. HM arshal r ~tonll a in Ithe snit l Onws iy and oultrageonr a nanrer by pt ,itri g hitm to leuth. wath a mnsiket coni.:niaig buckshot. he H' Luwtailie t I'exast Courier menti,ins the airival of Judge larse aft,t a 'ouruif a ,e miu'nths Si ht -teri T. xia : and cays ilnt 'iml re p1,a" of the all ol t of crine committed wi'hin ii . udicial d sir it does not ,reire-pold with 0,, ideas pro Illu aa, d by the t (c.lnt:rl e vuI lawl, 4ellc. antd ,i : ec. .u~.'e Itia+e rep,.tti that there was ne'ver bh tar . r ir in his dietrtct. Viclbturst hoas .ad a uire'ingt to hear Comrnmo e di ri hluongunoery t iplaiu his euterpr:+e, whi:.h is to bilu d b) su!,c rli ti a line of pw, rfnl i anl d ill nit use w pre -ore eteaiera to ply bti wei*r 'alto anrd New ir teinst. lie stt, .I trat $ ;,7 t,0t) lhd alread) Ibeen eubscri(ted towardsa toti:ling tthe Srt boat, whiri i, undter w.ty at l.uev,i, e, and that it was drrtrablle to have every town on the liver n 'erectedi in the 'tile. .!Le hernian ( t.s-.' t'ourirr learns that the l, r ill charge of a large uirine of ct'tie, a tiat 1l1((0 br, !, trout t:he v,, ~ i t., , r' , , is ",r'sti w. l. l hd. i b t.' ig t.Jii.t l and Sh.twi r, were hlti' kid by a large numblll r oif ('11.iteine Indians. It1 r I I s LOrth i! Fort t'i.h. Ihe lollana .taim. pI edi iltr etltire diw oe. Ilte ('turer s)ai thi re p, rtid killiug or Major Diiuglerty of ;aiuesville, together with eitirial of hi taIndis who were tIrly , tg a lit ol cattle to Kais.u-, prlv.t. iKi',, rre ..t A baiton Houge papelr sai ' riii rapit, Ialing of the river Lcaune. the batture It miany plales to rPLk in. aorta at a timle. T is is ilt ,ery en. ci urIIagRg, a Ithes slinkst injure tlhe .tlbiliry of thi i-vleve. at d wll, ti t year, if not in this corn I et 11e buildin of many new levt eai the paria,. u \\ Iilecruute the saIme cobdlltion iof things exists Sail i.,t ug the river tat hakm i the tther parishes. s r toor KeIt gg -h.u'd turry tillli levee bill as I· at srt i rrthle, eo as to get ready toi crm neree I peralt , s i alt year. No iti tir mean it lit we )k ,ow Af, i r an Lbe devised, are at haind to iuih t t:. ni w levet s tlat iertairly wili b.' retluired jn't xti r. Ni nomney in war po"kit, otine Inl thl Sta'e tree-ury, nlione in ltour bitl iia. and none ia t.e aithb of our trelit, the prospect for a 'gou il r ' a lecidedly ."o'lifirt ilu . "The (reuada (Itias.) -'t tinel, if August 4th, eult: "MAil another victim, to appease the wrath of the Icyal leaguers, has been added to the 1lt I t trime. A deal and duliib bhick boy, known as 1. i, b l., was a.i i piiiur ,ut wrls~ in thl e l ite shr anatlon ( f Mir. Rhbert Mcqwine, was shot aild i:stan y killed on M,,nday night last. asitu Ini~ ti rth of this city. When first brought into tthe t'rir'l". :t t was sup;pon.e1. as he was deaf anil tI.u.tll a..d iut.ucateld, that he could nt tCoin tiltr ts'late his thongl lt s i as wittesse. A gentleuian, ir. ('. r"rltham, a wa, however tound who could uderstand bohb hy signs almtust as well as if he I :d the use of sltetch Ihe eutpposition wat that lilth i ulnd have mad.le ne-h revelttiu,s in the late auI.eCi-tationi as -u-till have c'ompli,"ated oarly It o are now screeneld by sie-eSy. and in order to e1, rce him Ciime ecissary of the loyal league hli the our b 'y murdered." the Wtinbiboiri 1 rankl;n parish, La.) Run of the bth, says: " We have iheartl from a reliable source that a plot, i' ncocted at llltinght, has bt Ia::id in New aIrltar.s to imake a rai loin the pariah if Fratrk!ini. Two oif t',i leadeirs a the plot ar,. Ir. a bitn y airi lu.ts II. ('rawfortl. The ameis of the parties in the plot we with hi.:d at present. Whituey is to be the lealer of the rtid Itpioin tle tlestiloogeti f < rawfor,, the itte.dtd vic itts art to lie stlt .r hutg wherever t'Und We give the allove t nio i-lfe tale. Thllat the tiid has Ilihe e+ Ii i-le ar- i i f c-i l ie-I i ile cirttu, aiad wi 'uve tittn f t'Ithe with the rus i -f cinit ole f the inht .r ' i t v 't elr , blut there are i, erg tA* t ,1r v i fii ritlu n nt d1 it. tint kniiw.' CiAt. T, NiASH'S SALLS, 'IIAREPII T. .nltH, AUCTIONEER AND BROKER. o cir MsI. .C Oat' Alan t n W~, ,rer tf St. "h'ar'* .'-'a , n·, t i. \NdJ IL I Ireg ueA-f- IrunJllaJ aHY OSAm. T. 3A555, Ari Triaa . - sitt. a. M . .t., II4I C t.lten Mitt. 1 -l kR i-- R . t I TI rt - Ire. ,r, , MON IGOMERY BROS. & CO.'S SALES, ILKAP, ARD PER MFCoiigy MAL ()F ELEGtANT Mi.aci and tlel. i*nrse. sileas r, i 'tddle or..s rlt Wo*rL Mal Pin* M licb CoW laails. idlarnsa Waloaa. st., sac. at bsreoe & U. Moasoeoser. AMlotousr. _jIlifllly Alsisl 12. am Ii iej. £ a, a fp. liaisr a iLsbls yrlavler sreLt. wi i - lsgasU MatIcb Hores Z assa es alas aores ins Millch Oows 'st.-T, sad Ot Muulss atism. Wagees, 9 ?shaal-)ath a 0 5. Tesg r, ltlu. VFUIiliJ....... FTIKNITUOKE.......UhKNITLLA C1 MOaTo.llBU I1es. *(t).. R U. Mnaoscayr. raatmlonr. · tosurul ssaartmtass el HOUbSJoi()utD F itlitl'tK, el ss kruoal iahul I oavyl laird Wlauttl T as i'it, syllri Nrio tials Mhehi s• T -t it ie AIkt s fsts *r0l . ioo r5. ,ea s a , ,wg - ;Tres--ssh4m a p. - Truriay . ates. A, DJCHIRON'S SALES. C...... a.. ......COTTON , IN. NT A. DEt llROs . 1" .A ." . -. __ A rorinov Ps w r. • •, AT" . Augustr iS c+uuwt ui wim ,n rmta7 vii. rtu tit Let h i 4 ties.n-i baud r.tiott G(ins. aliitit..Ora~la Othanl olleLaL . Aloe Le wish c1 i auve.ii i.. et - und-- samus- -s. pr _ Nsn Otisa u Agauls, it. u llla ('' il+U --J"· lrr- D .+,w .c, S no LI