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h1 gLow erwans rscrn. BUNIDAy MORNING, AUGUST I1;, IS.u. Thel'o c'•lees. Tue following beautilul poem was written by Chars l Ijckene: When the lessons and tanks are ended, And the As h ,ol for the day di lu-mised, And the little ones gather ro -nd me, To bid e go, oi night and be kilsed; O'! the little white arm that encircle ly neck in a tenider embrace. O : tte i-itlesI that are hal.e , heaven, Rhtedding suueht:ne of love on my fate. And when they are gone. I eit dreaming Of niy btldhilo d, tod , lovely to last ; Of luive thant ny .eart wili remember, While it wake. tou he pulse of the past, Ere the w.r d and Its wickedtless made me A partner f p,-rrow and gin; Whil if the fliry of (God way aibout me, And the glary of gladness within. O( my hear grows weak as a women's, Ar d the fionlitano of feelig will fl )w, Wit n I think -I the paths steep and stony, Where the f,,e' of the dear ones min' ri ; Of the mountains of sin hanging o'er them, Of the tempest if fate blowing wild; O! there's othilng on earth hail so holy As the innocent heart of a child'. They are idol rof hearts and of homeholds; 11t y are aingel of (;,d in d,og lis ; fli. ulilight a'lli tl eeips in their tresses t,, guir3 tli I gleain. in their eyes. CIL.' tI. -e trIu i t,, from home and from lheaven, t eV have IIs filrue ruore imanly and ml'd: Ait l i w ui,, i L to JeanI could liken The klgduiou of cGod to a child. T a-k not a life fIr the dear ones, All ldi+i,t. as otlieti have done; Bit that .l, namy have Jus' enluI h Plilt )w To temp" r "I glai e 1,f t', ,,1 I w, t.'d i r } y +., I to gu.' ,< t u P11, "I u. I, r y, w,.,.l l1 itI oia- k ti,; yself ; Ali. ' * . i '' I' r - :ir,." I'u.: a lhL- i . ,- E l, ; lr I, L self. TIe twig i,- sn a tv britile-1, I heae Ltni.-Lred tie rule and the rod: I love taI tht them the goodno., of know elge, l'] i y h at t taiu ih' te the gii'dnPes t l;,J; 4) heatil i- aI i.: on ,if dark .e-s, i here I shut ' rit fromii bre,-k.,g a rul li) f(lownIs cF',i -i lt icorre, 1 il: !1) love i t. law ot tt.'e a i ))jI. I ail 1 It are tI- ot.,l It ule in thte luto nnr I' trea. r-t '- ' , l : ;o ,l . Al Lh' w I rteis -i tur the t aier niie. That i te. t ie e i hirni at t t ,or I idt .all i the" tio d- nights " and the kiss. s Anid the pi it o- heir io'inteit grey, The Fr, up i,, ti- jreen at, I the flowers hbat art brouhlIt every toring to inc. I shall miss it ii at niorn and at eve - I11I t situ l+I, "he i bt.oul a d ti Le , the t I l aill nu-Pi t}, 1 , h £un of thel i , A r.d hlie tr el, p of ti,.tir I , it e 'et, When the le. i, are all eidett, Arit d aiith .'s : "' .Leh i .,, - di . i-- el hy t e l,'t .,' m g ' tr , r i l lI 1,, bL, st i " e h'g' t andl ' h --r-1. A l,.atIhe. t-rlv thr 1'.' M .:! th ; +',e A qtarrer i f a i,'tti'iy acle ahiu.i-e was the drink I of -rer ii Ie .i' ittIen, gr nni- a! I fol t.isir an i c peolle IofI the I, wet uie--: ito I ty its iri t ardent lovers are toi e 1-1l ii a n ^ri e r'-i el ald weil to o, 'i sitian'. liitrsry trn-n, .prf. s -re. arnletf, a-its, ni. i-itests:i , tie rn- ser lators stp1. keeters even ic i."'; n , y- ,t 'he u s iles il to it-s :. live .e I: ' t' t:,. . detlriaule | -rovs ati ,ins whhl seleti, th-y AV , nmim art rene ed w a ivllty fto an e':fe !tel oii ii, deve-pinlg a ,oir:d new ideas, and whi . th is, it is bent ved, hive istiret miany iin iii w iti of ilieifituniS ,n t' il-rafnre an- art. il' i ,y,'. 5n, but, then, th.l.e whi. n Iatb atlll y ez r-.iae tih h ln 'Pt i t i l-e F- in di--ve, r tist thier can pr,! e ipoetric Iv niotb'"e" Ii. ,.it its at an il til at 'a . arriv s when hert. v tltpirpillpee'e, thar ex'.,'e. Si clt of i tfhe itfiele tna'l frl'l'!ties wIhl -h on C e seet n, (~ s eay ,n 0 ii' hai rmte-. Aft r the -t 'ra-'i s t of th.i i- i+nn. Whih :it. I.egraid, wl has sitidl 1 i rl .ii eti i'roi ' i:. ''s ti bte i e , It e i' estest Pi' n of n :- t le yon seei-m to luoe y !ir feet, and you n. i' t , I li ti t e-- re'a i, it liuiit h rnzt-n. yi pr l y inaskinei that yf u al u e l i iu 1i tun direi I oiti i ' e itiitl'e, whereas Vc1i a' s ",'"ly - rj "t,. - , ) tte inc, herent. A tb-intthe i -tt the Irai ii','ike any ItheP r -tlllllllnla : ui p.roduces eii' .r til nI vr druuket'ri.ess of Le'r. the furl ius t 'rie". on If b'ra n i) . . I, t It a e " ' il r .ia n t 1 '(,a e ' r' I w1i1 , It is an igr o ie I : I . " -troy '.e 111 '·1 It :t'it I it has l e iior lis ti ri,'a..zed its votiari'se t i i dri e lit i-iog ' of th' m. T'here are tlwo - si of ab!,-iti:ie dr nie';. Thei te. aftIoh' tii t- i- t- i i ' a short lmei tak' i to ,itbib og 4 in it trl , ii. (tarfti it's. wl.eti ii iof a n i de"iri' n -t 'e CIlatr(t It Ir The ''he , r II : ,- P - -glt r, i::d i, the Fasr e tin e , ti- iit. ,iersat t, i. . ! )t is ; , opon them tle f' prta e. ". : I nep'i-a il y r0no'S graedil, are n-ne t. ' less, sur '. 4is n hI r' t er th ftc ,former e'ti-s are nalyty n 5 siv 1 1 gres \' 1i., w !cth. l.,,r- . v- r.! Inast- iil u I iit'r thacn ne ss ll r ci l ' i i hby pirn's o- wine ant i is ollolwed biy ex'ren- dteprelssion atil a ssnqst onl e , t lilgnL e wl b , . r t1 t, bhe got re I It. e" r a a ilte the llge .tOvo orais bhecome derant--Jt, "hee S I i ,ite COnIntllile 1to t nlininih, h. iti I ii Sit-,i e'', r lost. itnd an iateose thirst snpti es its pal '. , Ni - ti!iues a i.ireint a t Ifellvil of ili'asuileess a jisitlili l sl- . t ,- a- i,,lhipdtl i by lerna-ti us of glitliie's sihl iniin tllig in Itse - r : i ,- i as tasit daRy lde'itle1, hitlhi.- ril- tion'is I: p,' an I !,'sr iI[ beti . A. A lesire if s fl u 'i i rni fr-ito ii- ,!lt- Is ili a qUaintll a-l Pes taks p lresOll in u fl ifthe 'l'l.r.T', o " hoIveP C -ln Il l f tn e I ftr-' tl' rli s ofr I ' Ils i i i triay be veen: !c nt i-d ii ,phre-lsoi l by a . tlhi' :it-snr hily,. art hit brta ia I' 0."', -l y l s -ri -f t-li ittll-i, r lcliii lli'ti uPtilsrit 'tiio 1 rI i'. '1 l ii. tl ie Is sf.-I ni ri t' lip) ,r ihe fln -itt d+ ulittdi,. j'F - t ii r l c ,f1- I Pe fl eII IS '0 , ei 10m e f- , or aIn!', " 11a .l :it l'iy ro)i r|I$ 'PI"'il , Ip . i . i, tl n- . . Al i ri , etii i t . rt * 11i is ceraltu., aiui d ...-- tlnitis I rvreiy delayel very long. 'the -i t oil-ti- tfh t n irst li,-It C n- ii.ia t it ise lba iti al ais" i fit e aitl- i er is a lii ' i, i t • in ..t the iuosclel,t colin l * i-im it i' tili t -,tr a:tr I o f th e I ps a n d 0 i.-es, i f the f ', I a l "il , ullg' in tie a tis, i a Jl ani len . I ,e- e ' * e . -oi art e, Ie b i I'i 1 oOs "-'-n1'1i'l a i a d ih tl Bn t loi s ofi tih .ii-a l p o 'e l : til is r t Iiil tbhe t ia _* r ey l h oi ile Ilit , Ia i +. h',.4 rI"w] tlielii'irlt-, iift I'll - -' I l'h Wa.I at , -at --I1. viti, l( - -evr' rt ori. Hi 5i-?', i -'a vII I the brntl f , l .a .i'e !th ep htre'. , iii i .' ui nore disturbId Ib i ' e Iis, I oihl r iices -,. 1 u-u ,t, 'akefirg. . ; 'r, l rs ' - ilv' .iis . ,i-'eed" i rl gil i fiu'tS afnl t l s * - l i ,,Is e vi t 'il tlty o v e p s ' , p l ul i allt i i-I n o , t'n o. ,l-Ir- i n i. i s it ,i - l t , I-r- ,.r h , l,' i- i I - ali ..,eI | + i, + :n .te t tof el t l, I . the"1 e nl ,r- s o ti stteller. c etr, atG ral f '5~'a 71l - . ;,, t aut'. P a r .i t. e t .c i-.n u , , s w . . s ,a- l .- - . 'a - ter o!F Rlla l'( b oIIPt I Itffl' o jl If I 1I'1 •* r ftfI ti - I crl le I f tl ie' flit-lr . .4 1eg v ir Sci( I. (, I11"I '1 1t7l (f the to r¢nS vi bnTil WA, ltr ie' tf il-t i ir o" the iwisl: Ii if tiiw' I t lt.i . a a i ' e vI' ,-i la "f hu ti, es 5s *itiokti,, .ifi t ' , ita t,5ttit'1' c' i,'1 is it 4- iii, , 1 isia s 'alc 5 . " e - (riit + "Pi1 ' l, . i I '" l l 2 11. -- no 5 I i - . tt 0 eii or , I*ihP. frin- ' ,a to. s s i. "I ,l 1 i i b . .i -ii d t d 'a n l 4 1t 'R , wI f 1i i I- i l .111 '1 i , , 1.11 t e . +1 p r.-v iot l y ¥t b r ii d- d A t . i. , , '-J I i theti ,.,i-Ie-. inrl tfie ' 1 il , - csri a d . - I.I ct-i t ,e otler. , i) cafii . 1, ) tIs i It. tifi i niwifi c-u" -' -r i-to the .- im ;> iu i . Tue. - in-tot h-ari a i. k-it to ) ltitatif thi. '-ght 5hiaiv "' . und t ,, is rre tie U' ,tc d ei tia tit nti ai i i ' lo g n l e . s it u i , w ' & i 1 e' t .. I,:1 1 t itrd. i-u 1 .e-1ie't-al an. . ti-op. S l , a t. 1 vn r It , ,- v e r e , li - ." , q: ! h s t e ,f , ~r - f.:, the pre-iSe tit If or-en. or S , , fa n , v t , liroduee t se m i~ky w hi' e '' i ste , , i I, e us ei.ii,-&t, belug dei]ly . . frt l'- Its 's C':u of ahatlthe irinker', i I iin hi-i t al e l.i'i led t.. intgaxiti te S - iailv aft ,ie li-ca l iiittedt f-i te ,f r--iilve us, at a ertraih-it us iot | est ti d.I1s -iste tie r at eg-e aid tl rit cii'tim.ea in draag i( s ,f that fait.i, - -l iii WHILc i i '. ttle ptli1 , Sf1.1 p i tate m nc Ltiive- if '%iP.e.. -tinl e -t ihleS drtiki'ig i-i- a i si ih saiid t be t 'stoial, dril c 1ut yov . erlti I nve sprung rip w -1' t' i-i " tIa hie t it,. f larusIt, them di-pense ft.e itnsi-lious wv aga at the Laeda of pretty wcgci. nWTMHm eCROPS The Bosier Banner. of the 8th, says: " The ntton worm has. witholit a diouht, male Its ap nesrance in Boseier. Mr. Frank .1. Smith informs is that he saw the wortm on the plantations of liers. Bollirgaworth and Dilliard, on lt-4 River. As yet, the number of worms seen are sma!l. though it is predicted the third crop will tie in am le time and force to be of serious damage." The bhr4veport Gazette of the Ith says: " The Preather during the na-t week has been clou ty. .gllht showers have fallen almost every day. 'Te eepl-rts of the worm are coonlI:c'ing. ?oms plan 'iri siate that they have numbtrs on their ctto,, there affirnm tey have none. The worm his not 'jird the co wn np t, date, hot cntiued ra1j, 'Cve made it run to wee,! and throw off fori . he prospects for a large crop are not as good as he) were laset week." lihe Brandon (Mias.) Repub'ican of the 1 "'h : 'The tnseeesant heavy raims that have fall-, itriLg the past six on seven weeks have well n:,h ruined our proaspel ts for a cotton crop. l'lanr'ae tier asto the Ilrount of damaIge done up to the ,-resent t'nle, but all agree that if the rulln- c ,-I 'Nile a week longer a half crop cannot be in t Ie. lIhe weed his grown to aii enoorlloul size. an htl-i , slhaded the b'itom no l+ which were rinrm-'d b n,re the rains set in, that a larse omber of th-'ni ',ve aiready ri'ted, and the balance ar- )il i,, I o rot unless we have a week or two of -v,-' i,..' If the raino Cec n iw an I h ttton i4 t I i.,;r.' ',y the w, rme, we will make o wo tih rI< o t a ',); in the land plan elI. wi'el is at leant a fourth1 le-, In the atiountit plante-d I it i," 'r. 1 he tIili vepart amnltlm-tern of the tIh, -av : the deaily lhwnr.s o. t, ,iit wick have I aldilat.y ti the+ pr.u.t ,r f a fill! tt(li'lr p". thliovtih the wend ar.d fruit looik as well as s-O ill be deelr, d. 1 Ie areat luit.l+ar now it the wrn" a whlch hp rii- 1e ite, anppearante in v it la oirtl~ln,e ou tl hei 1, ar h. V ii uus are the IlIIunl ,ni t', , a tt 1 ii r . ', l.itJly any two of thlin arrt riing. Iet, iA have warI): others haven i,. Snrh are (confidentt th iy are ruined; others that the- .t'ill make I. oul I af to an average cr ,p iu - ,f 'he a -rn,. It is very diffi2ult to armlve at ry definite iotlll Ls on at thlisi tlime, o I'i ,-rig ,ris the reports e lnd ol,!!ons oIf the farmier. ,ie ghr ' IP \t r) ev!Jid l t Ge wartml is abh~'it, IV 1h vtr) mall in il/ie at this tiioe, aiid nit sih e tio ii iiu' I. U aosgag in its present state. It will have to io tlhii ugh 'It 'Preilt lchlnr~g , lefi re it reiail- i lant siLt- d iit -tr*. Ih w lhich etiablt, s It , ct" 1llt S' y tio deerr,,y tLe ae-d. Th:i, we trust, \v I i'e tl, rn,-st if the truit tium- to ripein. T ie 'Ip at - art tIne. tick-i iii advlia ini if '' tt ', r uniI the won to ti i ti -h lieh 1 t apt p ,; ir !h ' t ! ' eali-ti. It, oing ai uit:Tereroi- -fI .it weeks iita' rl the l iotto( thin year 0i-ar I'-t isut y;ar a Felitleii li In ilt :l-c on'R ,0 r'var bvi - i !,' re, brt utn ht l..t,, , ir ofV; -e ,.n th,- I15";, ,f .1 iy, i -itilk of cit-t n hliter-alv ti idled bh tie w i n. If'tc sane ietilIetrnui , ea ill our iii a, ,ni1 \if it ly a lt, a d hutl ,rnsed us that thel wl r It. t i i , h lit I . :,rFi) t t. th!~ugh th, y were r, it ere 1 ther , 4 I i, rn p', ttiy p itt n ily. t h He is uite "-' t. - na1! St e i : I-.l and thinks hbe will lnake as illu :i a - lie atn parik il l . - rl'lt:'1 R AtI) PrMat O -.t. ITIM' S. liere we'e al 7 mur.l, r, . - sn i -le, a. u i , ii hi ) t il - i1, Ia I ltay d r ing ' , I " 1r ti eiiail iati ti Ir I koi itVI 11i h ,,o t e Frei -it n t,,.li a-,i r tl tie r i . , it to Oh-erie A certan 1eser\ve. A ]'ar l- cc t r i e r ," ,l er:.ted ttit' hea w ai y tf it v oli ot ten p r. and terliol} ql Iu rel,,ln, h it [,t " I .t,'iu d ,ett'e ? a , le i- ,'H. r .ii ., t h ', to s u ll , w i t , . H r r ( ,. I f o r "y , ; .v I'catiin- a I is i nw p-a J. .Mr. l uiip . u"-' r,-a: terlilmt mini ra-ti--i at ! e , w .. : "I- - -.! u i r. ilrr thi n '- . ,!ay ' 1 h ,- ,.tibly, ¢rn,. o)s at h,, c tlt.' t t- i,T -1 ha- s, tii uti . tiir-s m.a-ii y ,i" - Iid, a '-t--teel aind unis ei- -1 -sy 1 Pt , wing p,: -an' ',rry c ~,,, f.,' 1' .i r a; F -t '- ' ..:. ; th- e i1p ,r i wit, ~nr li- d i.!' tr ! g t r the ('"-' ' - 11 •,t |. ! to +'+},. i' h o i ,,:I' t .%',e , ,e a, t o! , r , I , ,i, ae l ir t g ht a I " 9,}1 , i.Tv Il ', . }V r;I ,!)" re! a it a; Ft,+ i or i' cr u iai / I t tgwe.i e lT i i Iii. I t i, ,it1 I :rI ' E- 1I " Iu w .- ' 1To, et- nW v a-, |i' ! . ... I+ i,,, )\ . , 1 ar t' a''i'-,' ii ! t a drain . to ,- -p k t ' ps w-re S it p'l d. wasi on' f ei cr thie true I-urc:e it toe Sfi t -I, ell wasC , -s ; , b t' nti m hia. ' u h , ' tti ul t , inforit tbe aut uitt p r.cs ti i - rr )r. I lan " re- pon! nt r i- the ?'aIi ' I t . r t - - " I.," taily p t " :it il '" , ! ., I tl , pontati hal iti , I , lan i uf , r e,i , , T e , ' l· In r t e i t ! , 1i t 0toi t ters- lil D-u1n. t ,i the .I,-i ,t .,,at r r t ,, !.e w on' 1 ,-' I '1 y 1 .t'J e t , 1 A w i-'," w, r ,- i: t !' ait n 'lt it ' hL h . .: t a. " fir 1e t 1 " Sir ae He ,.,- ? ,~; Ia , i ia pr-i 'r I- b t l. a1, S 1 ' I " , P er, r 1 , , ',i, W i a. 5n 'tr awl.:tg to aUpi 'r ir thl e bit, t , li ' n e, ,:' ' t-,',, '*l r. 'a pere- n'r "' wi t it i, ned t r hka hi,)ht e. ti:' ,ttree:il,' ,;,u urn- a t i tt ,i d i ton y i,,t.' 1! , Fr nti . ::,- - ra! far:ly ail lar dia''t g i - li-itits l ra repirt-ed to have h-eti n ' i aly a ,ed :,Ate'J ti ai n spell a- , :--e it u propt , l I, inI aciepte, by the p-r'y -in a p . , I of t , Itr re i' tci attlinmen't it , art' , r iphv. Tih, eaxtriplen lranht wil'h eve- !!' : : t at 2 c uI- h i U I t( e t li t te Ite . 1t.i ,'wets ll f the co pte't Ire 'it ' t , ) ( , r1 t. t i't l A. a , - ', 'g " , w e r e p t' te ' a' + r ll, . i w , n t oth e 1 ith-r of rler~t : |'rtice 1 -t . " i'n 'ts : iatin) C irvl iart, : the ei t Ii e r,. :- t, Ir lre iLiern at, I: atilr finilly, a re-,I i ", i caviced n ni-i nerrlmenilt ti) thi jiry of - x --'i -i a.,+ n1. ( e a -n i' the '''-rica, 14 i 'ls. Fres .spesleon at il*me i te ihtira '- ' ak : . r.- ' - -r r i - t-.F . - *i .it ' lev I aw a lt e lo -r i-- i Pt-' It11. a li t btl, as t erie 1 A r na l thatt ,e[+ rtal l "ty < + i-li. , iatre nni-ltl tlitiiite llof t))e (ti 0 ti i Uir I i t -i-i Pa al in wath h ti all I , , t. thL e1- F -v "- . I C t-, 1 ei , i . -:a 'ati tn l La Vi O'ii e iher nl iafYr'e i-kt i o i I r th ,,r ,f the "Left -11 , f that liniilu, pllt:., sni 'ti- i-n- i,,i ui i-er, ti rl!* -m "i1. "ihi -, - i· ,,, t, c i-ti' ' -i-' c a i, n ae ' - r"n.-' Ht · 1 I - i, , i- -l a-. . t , , ,I, ' - . a ra ta - -r o e " t Iii ' , ~ " n mv o , -l7. 1 C' la i I , t - uln , t t n, iJ . ',l I1howi\ r, wia i It tl, e a, t . A w' * II iF wIvi tli t I1i C I artiha l * rila t - a '-, t i o tr ir - r y , , r , tc 'l - r, , - a- i we i thc a I ril e. 1i i s - i 1 lla " , , ii, jatt eCtl- toat and pii- - ,,,e upartrti e 's 1 t i lH i f tri to , ,J e.- , c. ifr--h tef h ';,'hii.t: C lt IIitii v ,i t' a i i , . to th i lie w : u '. - ,it if r l > a uI l. l 1 - i 7t .l i -i 4 , i I T . - - Itt's e Ickeat - , eh i -ly av it wi--u in Srtll, tl. l, IllS tII-- , I a ! ' , it vi L oral ant Cr- ,, --' : pr . , n S, ' sev, -r i y-arm ii, t- ,- I ,~r f er+, y, it .l ti-ie I a: -i, t : Ia ii a taht ti r r i:t ci, -if is i ii-ai -e f iflit-'ll arcitet h e, f-Il- It t,- L,1 's its tit.rve i, lee tIle-- ilhtri-a Cr0 r , f , teld i,. to w ni--ti b the tirllicse devutec acpa -, at - I i r in s t'e it g-, srra-in ting, fu-v rihinm a I i-rating ti-i l es l +e rOinl o- t i w , i ti - P.. 11Pv tIlil I mltin him in they w, te ap -,a'c e it t Lru-t i- ,g f ,,re tsD o r alit- l a- Il t ,i ir t g a i of tt :- i l t r. te ,- lw --i ts . an t ,+teid y the iI es reeti n ,,Zi itS C le a h - I . a ' .vwrth- l the allarinie is - I -e T it ita It ,_i il, a ,, 0- he ri, w iii--' .iesin, in-' a la fv l ret i'si ',tl tii re cit varial- ages ad a hn ieti Wit-n p ,'i .-oter iii,- 1-all wa5, where y--n ,iL flat loi tinriltg tis ait t Ie i-r I.-r ervat-i wearii-g thl mTaroui n aci -rei - Ic> ." ii - the t riee, you beteec lillt yri ilve i 'ti eily Itep let i ,Ito the in 'cr iur cv "rt y tr I if en . atI-ia-if - w |ai'v n i At :at rI -r Max - an. asibtc ft or. nil all ariund are to be aseei : - ' aliti.-n tlItt, xa--ic , 1 -a 1 ie ra.** Ni) -,i tt wi a -e oit of ;i-iee here, and ii r I' a beauy ot the whit . 3 tte winwa, wh tiof-lt a i -ri, of colored btis, trrangeld iin ths ex 1 i*i' -ttlila ,r deP rllra ! rs i-f the A 'h ilv bt4- : ti '' tI, e eit. g is trescoed in a msnner perfect!y 'n ko-p -i: e asinig room iDto which VitiUT arS -+ t uti.vle - by the e irtertlus serv.nte siecus t- 'rita ter vs tiidderln to T't I or ,arrenti. l" a- tlan tI I vnd nivthing to ojr Ct Vi io this thlarfli~c r'i/U,, ; arld but for the noderL cuwtumre of the person. wh itI we meet here, we might very well In tgin that we are not in the an'e room of tihe Freu-ni )prnce, hot In an apartment coontra^te3l aet decorated by an ar"bltect of the perit d of 4ugru top, ant that thore magniieent wrall paintns, rep re-eniing ecerics of 1oa, n myt:lk gy. Cr rae u,. der the maric penrtl of a c',nteimnj rary of Mark Antl r y and not tunder that of 'one ,t Elr, t.e I)e'c'r.,lza mrost tileuter pip",. A ariiall orranery in tuba, curitialy wroi-,it to iah. gat.y arid r,-ewiod, aidla ereaty t, tL - char rr, rg in roesion wbl:h this rlo:im make up, n tih 1,.,lcrder. The rext apartment irthe rereptiin ht'l. Pr nm the villa f a I' ,'lal e)her!'e you ee e i to a-'.,, Mil 1,I a ar.dden irnto t'i armory of a kl itry t ",f tr* mid !ir ages. In every nicrhe atar,-i t;- Ia -),' r. th','at! tII: f' ntr. if a ms i' n i'l k..;:ý', · ai with wi(,rd and lan-e, or bi'tle-tiL r i;,.: -, arrirgr-d with cti i, --raehle syrnme'rietl t.te ad -ro the wall'. All d-c -rat;in , aire vi perfect k-ep-rg with t11rn." I0'. arebIti .t-, "riter, phsl , t, pt r. : ' live igot tie'n uip. \VnW ere -vc(r 3'u itri'i r.r nearlir g eve . yrou w-,l not disc,-v-r anyL ) rI;u dlrBg you of the nineteenth erit ry. TL( ,i whi -h 'hi, room mrked on thi I w., einter I i' a very curiou one. ardt th is trhe * , -t l-ro, f of the crni urlnmate skill arld i i.eau;'y ltl w i.l h it ala eeni rix d up. It ldoe-I. a t li i( ',ee in.ueouilr, but lik a rumm prce.rved free'i ir,' nitalt f,,r tive hundrl'e, years. 'I hr e doors lead outt if this curions re.epliin I all. Few if the viritrs who, are not Intiulas.lty a, qlainted willth the prii a are per ltteI iI t) p"u erate any furth:rier and to enter by thei r ,re lra ipi rext t;,ree rir'nso which are muchi wirialer. hIt all lurri.r.lhed and iecoraited with er , itre ta're. (One t heI ire contilo* the ail iar iri oif the rrit re. It Ia nt as lirrige as sme if tile a-ii,-i. - I, , try he fIurl in Paris ,i,, its enviro, ." )oi t ) 'r. tiled with FICpecr eni of the rare t .r i ini1 .t irui nirine erei,ir . I it p W.a lice Olier' lii aqlliarllnl with Clie,'ral rire ri l i .,.I" 1 a I; e st id , Iends lre sums to eurlr tit choice and valuable adlitiunis. I ieri lll' g else i tIhi arqlririum r-nit ri'n - Is l (i f 'l.e ocean. I Ie frre iro d wall lh iw iti. in a * ii a t-leer ii intd Nreprtrrn., rt-net willrh a tri di;' aid eatited il L ien rhirt try tle ie ,i h . , s'e e: . AU:lphi'r.te. Shelll shl. ed i,n-.u 'a :ri,d a ri.anle l- sllp rt, everywhrere hl reisi)r lrr y vi . ralt i ' -"lee ,f Im agi Ii irt shellsli lhre ," - pitt t" !ok.- like ai eliirmu, a . i c' h:lii ev-y w e-i. rci re-, ,ir- ie, .t lire or-i-n. 1 , -'-e a r r t i+, ltl , l r-rt ig or. itraw ia t 'i ,i . Iti .t It r i',et ior i, ,ier ir c i lc I ) yog'r i ii i r.r , m i., 1' , ri . ti , I iike t e triiirr io ll ",i:, r! A , I ', Tit I d, i t h Ii I II m l.e1s u .l f tiir, J1 'I I- Ii i he iti. ,kC:'i l r n of tt. r• pri '-, a' I w t , ' !lt I f t e' e ', anu wh""r in tye weo i1, a ' 'str itlii -i-uti- l lie -a r i i t siri. . 1. ai , tPil. It . 'l- lin4 the w t 4: a tilt 1i,',ll ri- li c Ito tIi, ' . Ii ' il- , .' iwi Iii s +ila ,i- . S - Lt h ,, ic r, 1, . i R !t se il g r It r e i ii r .r I i t ' , at ,: , . , l et , at r 0 -1 l )l( 1i i, " I e ti.u c ,u s io . e. l'et i' i.t thi r 0rn a ii :t. will. ' t. t l i o Wi el I t'i' rt , All -t " l l e! Kakr, Mlv.ral year- I x I; I , t i r i , u, -e .i. ,,i: t+, ' i tler !tI," t :,liart ri jl. } l't. r - we l.: ', at {l { 'I ,;, the 11 ,Il e of tl e t"- w'", ., h . t i" w. I :. d i, e d t" : "- I )r', r ', rr - i. , i I r i r.. Irtl tict I re,:.. It ei . t S1 I , T ll. \ ' a i' ' t l: ii a°' , .(, 1 : :.1. i II ·erl · + l ], ' ll ,er !:'tf ]" ' ' , ' ~ 1 x ,.1 li, ~l." r , ' I.,1 ' ,'.n l a , it , . , * Im a i - i l wi a x a. I l 00 I' I t l t " r t .S n CiI rr' ; . ,i i . in t .h ,i ' : 1 1 'ii I .I1 r " .ll .- ( ' "illh t L' 1 11, sly tI illS I, t .N , , . ,.l h S it' it ti ro.,t , rt'I ei r I 4 , ,. . 'ti w. -.1 i t 0 a apir I 'i, , "i.w 'rai t u' , l' . rI ldi't ",i i re ri a I, I r ,ii ,scar c i, Ih I. ti i n-'.I Iii6 l+,o .ili l iii, lid i . ih.r t , , -r- , -rl.r S i ti ' i , , , ti. ' ii i wr ;,iI: , T rI s I "',' ,,] sue |, Lti' r-! ,_ r ,L' . e t..t1 i, - I. I- r1¶',3 ·' - rat i i Ii ir rhe 1 -i' ,r -a r e.ew ' .1 tp" - wu l, ,i'. - ' i n-I re Sh It . .ir many )sni i. he u I a L '"a . tri e ' u.t aii , 113 r i In Ig r, i e. 0f lt,: g r a' hu ., h a, 'i A i- m ·i. le i, n rii' fi l ii 11,. n Vr , le ',- w i l- ,P i, te u , r'r, ,ere. b t he hu ie -I ,- a . t'. a 1'g ' I r -. t.e aPt j .Ila' }i] '. i a r :, 1 .r , 'l, a { i " ii- liii " - 14 n- -f t, el, ' h at, o - ;.n, andl tii.n, wht . r , nIC H ' c n i -re f f tir s i at e pi t for i- i rn It ,iý , i t ip . -t r in.- . i, i .t d- , ri. w r f - t leo i i' n the ta . ,r the wl i.w, w tr I l'h .i i,, - e \i.i r ' i I, ' 1 " 'I og m s,-t ,, ". ,. lr'.t " th it irirll. : 0 i t l e f i l ti ira. r- i' . i ' r i i pi i er ar l iit 'le. i i cc ve rlMl, a 1, 0', a ' I 4' i 'ltr , air 1 1nn - 'ile r., i, thae t r- .: I , ,es ow ~k ri ,. air , , h:,'-" w I ll t' a ,"' , :,,r u e d t,. c rrry w ita:l .' (; - ":rirr. r a n ie tur i an i . u tia - iin itr iiii ' u-' i r ill d i irtri r .ir beisrt o' tr Z - ;a4 -' I 1 1 ca u ria t c ,-;' l ,c t , tl, 1 iik i 1 i. . t i d r, hrto ' .i t ie,,r ie i !e itrie': h r inn "grt.t ,, the prl ', by dinr of p",r.rverr . . an 1 S xror I ria tor cur ceeded i i reovertg n:,t of the i " ha trer i 'r 'ies. I7I ii e, a en h i i '- i 'i m e 1 the t v - fu - i lre ali,- b w .e h1a i i al-it t ie c iiwe o our iet 'erC itreu IP'Wti `i i , 1 !i i tile i l "ig. r, . 'Ii nide ewl p li-r il-. t' i -e cr. w i i i SI rI r aihiriald for hriu, t rerkhi al't wi ' r- e di t l i ,-n wi.r- for i'irie .ir ' ,ar I n 1,t hie a ity. i r .i-tai :e+ .P r t 't h ih ie re a rl ii t h e , t j a - i ': it t w e -l v e i le , I ei , - t 't r .t l m .r "' l- - '- aI r'e e . a, he dy : <it o - e i- ,e N 'l v a nra , lir ,ir a I t liu t s u I aL d - tr,' ,I it. l blitebe ire ryl V -:rehi n tI re i - h i ni I i' L - i i) ii1" ' ( ii -h e el V Ii i ,f r r - - r le i , o r i - l ,i li'i i. 1/e,.Li 'li t tu' ill r t ,o , Wi h-,ii.. It t nit , li, 'try, ,r he, tri ,- - ,,es t, tL' -ii nol ht-e !sI. -c .'i'4 , e-, '', h l t i-e a l, i , ira , ,t a- ie 13 ir il hit lUtrt.'. "' 1 ,' 5 .-. C ..i , > i- . r o - i i et-ri tr sr t- h i r i - -- - ed r olm-s to the dii. -ti,-t, w.rl ,. 4. 1 -( hll1 n lirwpar l t w. 1 i t' e t e o .* a 'i t, dd aiter ,i;+-i i. r ih. url :.*,i o I ii - U l t , hii e laa r , i ts bJm e w , wi iy , ,i i ar iil 1 1 , i , - oi ,, r - ' , ic ( ' i lh 'l e D Ii u - ,.st i ri: rer- it t<. . ri.+ i,--" .p e i , r , i, ', .' l l. e I u reroe -ir tl'r. az; I, wi urder i Co e r i v . i "'r. (,so. In re-- I . her . Iy i" tic m I t it , erf af-p0t r t i ir t i p hr e , ir t. e i r. - , i ]J, la .i, Pee I't t ' till, a ,riv-- t ' ti , ,''on l '. - i ,(r eiIlmtr.lekil liIf itli,; t. or .r' l,,€ e t 1 pe piarlir f a.l C, i l1 t1.e the i* oi <.rR Cmr. 10, I itaN i' "i', ' 1 th ltad ' - - '" ii li kn,. % l<tel a8,l U.hei-" Irven- p--u- i of ir ,,, :t. ,, folr :nl)r~L' iiat . ,e , ti kewrnrtti. L i t i i. ti t' iixure.-i.Oc ritlt. ua l e id id r r ". t h il .C. ; a iit t, -i . a ' ,al l-t., al.{ertad n to ti e hLrxu atiyt 0i >w i a d. & I m r:+tad to grive L/ arclthinat tao wished!,' " 11. Prert.rn.Mee otf alb "o .amlB.t. Jo-4'PIr HAYIDN't9 "I.T THERW BE LI'P. '" Every one wished to particip4te ti the festival. which was to render homage t the veteran G "r. msn conralner, the great Joseph Iaydo, on the "ccaseon of the twenty fifth p-rforman,'e of the n~aestru's great work. "The Crea'ion." Ten years had t ipes J ,iawe the drft pertr nimnc, of ' rne i'reatlon" at Vienna, and alread v the sublima nos:n lposition had wade the tour of ELi.ope, sil ha I '.rn t"p'rforme e an i let the moat enth siaatle ap. plance In London and Pari. in Amrsterdamii aid "t P'eterhburg. In Berlin. and all the large a,,d nalill Cites of ttermaliy. * C* a T.-day, the twenty fifth perf oriance of "The ' reatio"n was to take place at \leuns, and J Iseph Haydn hutnself was to be present at the c in 'e't. 1 e t<iCnlittee of arranugemeant had i' vitud h:mn Lstd he accepted the invitation. Altt' 'izi h I sevent)-serven years were resting heavily oni hia I end. and bad piar) 'ed hi. streugth. he couil n:it a 'l'bear' the hi',,rhble request u bhis frieo k an I admirers, and to had replied, with a to I th.' nimile, to the comlmittee of arrsageoments, wh ,t. letasten hal conveyed the ilvits I n to hii : :' I ,hall csne t, ttke leave of the worldl w:th my ' ('retitn,' and bid a last farewell to rmy ftir V in r.Pee. I ,', will ,sf!eo yet silg my ' Ureaoa,' b it I hear it for IIhe l, lt time I" ' For "te lat :ne " These were the word. whi, h had thrliledl all the friends and admiurer o' ti.e Ilertro ati. fi led them with the ardeut 4-. -,e t., greet him ,nre more, and render bhit bomoage for the last time. Por all felt and kn'w lla. in had spoken the truth, anI that hbig -I I wee drawing near. All. t erefore longed to take sart in thtr last tritampl!h of the C intlooer ) 'if "' - I'retl,i ," wh'.nt death had already touched with is a'eX rable finger H. ice, there was a perfect jam in front of ter univer.ity buiild;ng. * * * As they cil!t I n,,: - admuit'ed into the hail, they re. iausne Il tie street II. front of the h:llln Ing as they Iu i u,, hear Hnydn'a nint-: they wi-hed at least to see Lils Ifc end il eer Lh.i on his a rival. : t' ere wat a urging crowd a ,n iln t,e fel tc ely ier rated un ericr y hall. Al; h;t I 'i I, u i tl oir hi, :day att;r., aul .,y and profouulietl 'i u u t ealied: ir it all fac es. * " " Ai.d '.5w the I. .r was at hand when th. ' Sn cert wa n to inl, n.'I ". The ac :e;iP e had taken tle:r ' eto the ,.rchetra ceased titing toe r ti -r nt :l, ti, ite nlri:;rs were in readsulea , an t e cominit'ee of arrsnatsu.esu.ti hat g ne dw >wa 's t e stti et door t.. await Ilall'n airrlvnl. Ie :ad Ibeen expected already fir s let t'in ait d te ,at;,i eo began t. whilepr auxi ilily - W1I i e. perlepa, not ' Tilne. after all' Wll is i I- itt,.* tio it parilIt hit tso go ti the o n ert t u.e the might be tii urloil to N,'w tl.e ,].,'r opennt and a heanitlif! the igh i'r.a e cr' p st ', anre'! ti it. .i it4 m idati ill tin te , ;i lets uof tight a'l aug yOillIag let, ar .*0 ' u , 'is. t .':r, i l I - t I w w tI wI.ll ars. , 'i tr ssi ir t t.I 011 ,ill bent f rm ot ai (I11 i m il. ilt:r ',e al pisle ani I wall. n I Ito his foreheli t'i r ity lseven )ears of his fe hai drawni d-c'as S. , s. Ltt fro,, t.i ltarge blue eyes heart-. t-ito trir. lire ify' li. tl thli*re was csilPe: i g I : ile anll d ti .l ' illisg i the smIll of his in '' . i 11 ;..e r If1 re aof : teay c a, wi s sete,, t', il p,-.i ti. o. ! ,r l ,f a , i" in a pl ainly d's.. 1l, tut I.:1 a lead ftll oJ f rd u jeti.' ,!inlty, hi. t, r n, aid Mil , iL high foreh.eal ,rrouu le I by Ib d c- l ,,v ed I, l, Il.h seveau w .t Cau 'l w l Ii as "'ir Eir is n l tw g ti ii l I i ll I a Id i c . tl ,, W i l s i i li ke.l'i to Il lia i ipll, »I:,,i wlh lse "IS '.! at ti t at ; e y +.l pci-iratei fir i te , iu, tl e fsl.otileis t Au. trlc . iOn the left a. e Itof tls" a-} itair s ent t iu t dh ue. ei l , h' i.u - wio ,ae'i tpicas. hit0 nle isf , 'k'a p , , 1- , r Ily sV'a.e th theme ftw walk,., Kreu aer nI J 'liiitnit anl tie other tanmbera of the c iu .1' In I f at iauigae ,els s. 1 ii t',ig ticheeri greeted their app trn a 'i-e: It e w , r alitenice r -e. * " C In lI 't, toie l Iis tli al of tr e audience increasel at eveiy stoep 4 , . ::.e pr| ,'aes ', s,it ' ailted. H.i . tw, tit iiatlf.l lailes of high rank cant tI ii ei t ' 11 aaild presente i i hima , ia n the mitill I itf "! I sen.ri r ti I veilvet, p-,euis wrt a l bly I aliu aI i, :; . , 1 i. a ,l printtl,,l on sil r , I. n . A r th an lt Ii e. rnt'y bi p Ired ctoplen of th*t*e 1, stil f' t' r I t !Sii tlhe li l. anl d all ab iatedl j. ''. s : 1 I,. . to JI eri : l)diu. the GI ruian mtiisi n" ' , s. h Haydnid . qi te 'vercolne, his eyes till-] w tl tt,- i C.el . il heal againk t tiooe i a l i i hisi ' !r I crtial pallor oversnr rei I hi et. ,kt, h t aL1 'kI tt.,lctr dolted ai tlusuh he hil the l i s ro, dear, dear M a'str . ' eail t hr ti . ce-Ctn I *erbay. b tni ngi over ihn tenderly. ' a:e i iw sw, ' l ,u tremble, atnd ate so paie : Are h ' . (i ,r iti.' said Haydn, with a gentle sm e, " a , 1 iM in t,' .t . e . at th!i h fImr, Wh Ch Ir I I is reward l ,r a long liie t iard l Is ti. 1is "' i 1- i's IS 'iiis 'a' buit is l!vee ina sit i weakl eAT it . .. , - • a -k sadri I ecai s tohe lulil is all al !irc with the tired at rs1l,.. ''.. ,. . ..... w ')olet wrmth llhas entered it, and the pear imornil I t " i ' r- -i and t'ea.b i'nii." '1i I'rii'eas l'Eaterh aiv took imnpet tvply fr 'in I F-*rs e ,:i'erscc thect tle Il ket'i nh ,i in w ' "'I L I rif ll was enveloie J; sh- l.ipre l t i h -' s re a aliaS an I wrapp I it carefau'y sar 'uuta li. fee't I r e. in pit. was ttltiweid a 'neliatl'y 'ir the f I rit "-e- l.ichteriiein am I K.nelky. al I tl.- I , .st Seer- : hautiitz and ~* ieimllanu. T'l' y i-si, d t, el I e ra i'ul erlmine fira, andl thir turtwikal ant I Pe uleu ahawlis. ardl wrapped t'ieml aronil the old S :: , r, and trtat.lihrre I the Un tnl ,'I.In i ,s. Wi ,:h thmy placed unter his b,0lI anl d his tar ns, cti 'ii akets wi'h wi' b th vy e'vered h:'us. tI,'n a!lo.wedl themi n linrgly toi do so. and, s t.kPd, wi'h gl.n ' . i f J1Syf I ti mo'tl,'I the hi -- l i t 1. lilldit who i&diilfelted no mul t, 'iler sl: 'I t1.( a i-,r iitO. I wt y , an I not PP now '" he sail to hl. se,', in a imw voice. i hby ,li.,e n it D ath kis l:ly wor ., i J i titIia wrid I ati le s hn o. 'el it y .'t ia s gi gtoe laid niy heal hal no uri re. Geai. Ii it.e in lt t alid o n thhe pa '.t 'i "Ant yet y.i lse ftor e. I tihe to oiit"i,' paid t:e l'r'ai ens i'sth.eralyy. enthueiiavtlcicy, ' 'l I williebr n I It r iiart . -, a r d, i It en c art I ere I a.d ion isrt i, toeph Ilhydo will never dii anl evrer Ise ahrgottenl. now wan every tstnd. sil i 1-r ', I ist i iS lia neat a& t. . it rla r f I s t .j c , rii. , tla , i gru n nsa Io the orchllstra. I he a'Ids nrlce li.te -,la in brel thless leat 'r . t:i . S tiI+ aele ent lie ,'noae i re an, c nu ,i ,. the i t.-i d iple t i i -k n son c14' r.v - 1 . s when I ek not y th, 'e l if : lr h n b. erl 'is , l e ,arn.,y iad IU iino s l n i'es i + !>,'+ .1 a Istr. re thlae rall,, dekindcln war- itt ilt ' rtt ' r e S .a t i'i ,n h e -I * i 1 s , la g rd , " L t : : heS . I[ re e'r tk ni t: t,'e of it; he hearg n 'Iy ,.s at. i'ti i Liltt l ents riitd'isiricl. !a , sii +'ieth intal, S It , i , " , atr ti. eh)owe c" :I a w rk of his own get ie. F I, eiefSrrin 'epr.'"''i,'". tin J51Sepi. If, kvln strdb t add tiul fl St ttiie e e -Ill b , .ca'.esi e. t -1 'le la ,k ash the h ea rr, ha fate, I:t 'i , te • a , : e , elteathy lpsl: hi. eyps 'ink '-r ! 1. !. t , c rit i' g ee, l' ,CC e -. i ae .itre, S: tsie Pri.ce. a-Eter'sny wi*a ' ii I ti -i stIs.a l.rn, t,: rnt=! asic " ,', J Ih return to the q let h ia-n. we'' iwain ', ca, *s,' lHar in. alkidly, '' ci t i fe cr: a bh that I 1b1i. r n'l'ila o [Os a '< ? lilt's. a, ans. atnag see-c to e tal T'sea ! rae. 4i t'li 1 t ,r n S r - " ...n ie i it e sesti I l p ac t al'i ass a'l s' wi b w ia ted t'1 leaven. On the w:.'-s of Iii! ] et Priecene P.einrbay be'l'e'a t<, l's fr.: a e. " "soe i-im away." the atl., tI.e en cl'teli eat w'!, kltk himn. I ha stl)* in I,': 7er. T¢ s airsm b-it ias '.loaa, al.h-st,, 'i perh, s a i " i, ,,t , la in le ydu sitJ_'cl t.* an 'ta - T''" ai a pdliu'Ii.a' Py, and sti *ey ginel n ''n i , rnrit tha tall. y , gins a .'art ir if it g-t.t ts+rso-, • ;. I1,. ft' "r ,' ni, ',, I Aan if it h' I gs 'a'" enx re- 'in to the bx yon'er- ti ha tripe rr wr. i he Iat isY', d itolo g and &rlent.. for a1? . t: '5 sd we'it Ila tIn deygel aiveron.., f r a. Ln a. Ladt,', ac 'od song at ill tsa'. N'sw Io e h' it ho, s tn lti eye•. r* icr lel, f-a:her. a ] b, h e, al- tl '.an ,'tliee : he fiIt tlat it wan F a, ' i' n e Ist i estsi in usl itO d hits, ani is5" w-. d to ii. !rere eki at tas hlali tL the wurld, I I- 'erlas d. ii's eni',er',r. th a g' rrti- usnd Ie paiht.d bak the ftra'n.ii wo would e! nt an-I re;,laccI ini s !,n 5 itdir. NW he wal las- honaer 'a weak S ' ,~ u ,ln a, hr feI& M'.r,' q atd a "tSte, Iat ,.tell+d faowcrd wtL C rYpi lte-'lal.g,, F t' 't i"C:' t.w.aar'si th -ea' i atc.t en*at mla 't , , n fr tit O it. a1 llaidl Ii sn l . whi,"ch a ' ut, a n Iltier, .tn al. key,, lA tr," kat ul i St ,,rc. lIe trri-d 'sac fes' tiwacrdl the erupe rtlabi" hi.5eye abeanse'I with 1Ive and xhat'- t Oln.iad b g btj ta Licy Lia lestrate La'snz with impressive enthusiasm-the hymn wi:ch he had omposed ten years ago. Ia the days of Austria'" adversity. and which he had sanl every day snr'e then-the hymn, " Gott crh,ifr Fraiuz d*', Kaiser, urctsrn .mten Kaiser PFranz'" And the audience rose and gazed with profound emotion upon Joseph Haydn's gleaming face. and then not t.. the emperor, who was standing smllingly in his bo; ansid the empress, from whose eyes two Iert' tears rolled down her pale cheeks; and with one accord the vast crowd commenced singing "(I'fd prc-erve tht* smper r." etc FTaryn's hands dr. pped exhanausted from the key,: his firm rocke,d to and fro. and half fain' erc I.e sank back into the arms of 8sliert and Ktrentzer. She audience panted: all forgot the imper a' hymnu, std I, uked only at the venerable old mae-. 'to, alntm 'tlieri and K eiutz-r lwiered! Softly Into the ea.y-chair which had bees brought t" them " Take rue home, dear ,ons," he said, faintly: SFin ni. my '('reatiin;' my sol will rem tin rwith yrn, bnt my body can no longer stay )lid age has bhr Ken its FIet.gthi . h'aewell, farewell, a:I f yon' Mty ool will atways be among you when iyou wstir my omluio : my body will gJ, but the oslI ail rrutau. Farewell '" Arid the votaries of art who had conveyed htm io te I all now pas'ed the mae-str 's chair agti iont their thoul,ler., and carried it slowly to the 1111 .uw or the entrance. Tle autiet:re st.ioo in silent reverngie ano Iotktdl ui to thydn's pDasing form, and id trt o t break tl.hi profound stilltiess by uttering a st nd. I hey bad fae fare welt t, the univeraitly brye.v I anl, r 1tred nitisOtroi only by bowt!g their heads to hi'it and shedding teasts of smotion --farewell forever. S., rt' 1 e pnni Dr,'t eis-ton b t now arrived at the dlitr. . ,eph H Ia)Ju Irited lis weary head olince tl re : Li epilrit g,'.amed onice tit .re i his eyes: an i ,ri, stitn of utnitterablelove beamed fro i lia u.,id tte: he tre t het d ,ut t hi e arti to , ar rl the' itllreetra as if to bln it, and greeted it wit i hit i r e. wiltl the a dinr of his heal and the tears an ir: i fi.led tlk ey,'s. A . 'w ti-t it.g and stiling passed hbrough the ;il ; n it Le las rc 'urage i. nueghl ti tI:i p htl h i al hear"t were prouf andly moved, adi <t Ir I'.I with tears. I;rit Iow he disappeared aond the door closed beah it J ,se ph Ilaydo. The I ;.'rilnn mae-tr, ht a tI iI) e.eehrated bil S outhe(, I. artli i t the Pn 'iii - ' 'e , I. le of V' n: t i. Lite had detta:"l . I". uI, t a Itiin l wrerat which usually ounly death ,rant to p ,te ti it t i ;.ti 1 be Shakers or l.ebaesa. S TER I'lt l 0 MI. V'INCt NT. The IRev. Henry V \ucut, whose visit t) tt,.~ tcolu try 1,55 slg plansuire to liany it our cit z, ns. r, i,! to an Enh gli''. j )urnal the Lon t i i 'tar, '. it :' ItiW g ocoiuut of itne ý.o tier eulietti. ,I t at L.ela: Io .:l I! ti ate : "i)i 'hen t.rtl.we-ti.ep b ,ri Ptthe'4tlateorv' ew Yirn-. wi hln a nmile of the dividinrg lie of M s-, - t lurts, aid about tne hunlired and lity mitles a It ,ii, t.i' ,i-ny of New York, i tlie - i' tuiter retreat t I., h.t on ', rl. e. ItuIl , mi'rll'atail ai l val- f It ve I' ,' , gardens. arat hiorles ali tfrauet apresti ,it i.'ld atl d at V" y il in ear v iryam l, auty r, !i d , , :,e .fi ii :I .s at, -l vad':l M ~t L ' t l' 'ii \Nl e i . IiOn the sile of i t ., oft tiChe I i ta u - Mlount Lebti ann-i' 'mnti'ditg a tlne view ,t the It Ltot- pat ,ratnia. l '..,i i e tirvie d tiu: t p-,r Oi-ns i t lit lir bodVy : people catled iby the vulgar, the .",nkere.' "I li, :, , o iv f believer,' is the pro.dun t of t!,al 11. It V h, 0neest'ai tu, of the mind al t .oil th it a 'i ed itself in EPatanIt astd Europe d ring t iiht greIter plit it the Illlt c utrl y Westey, Shii lied. the cIreuih I'rclh.tLa, El-autlel SwedenL hlg. aniid othere, all represien'ed with more or teses t, uth wad power the y,'arnliig of living sale I I,,r l.t., ile aid sa va' lio l abthi great aw aie n I g, ai !! e tiuie of the I' iluoni wealth, tniany rar ege d,.ciitrues ar it new sects rode anll tell, in1 t a•n . 'l g theb'e we iuh t ('!a-a the peliple called t ` f nl, r+. th, i: lh t y,, r I ,t Ann Le-, of 1M1 n 'l,.-!,"r, "ri1ath!r 'i mo , ur,. -r str(ng rehlv't . tlt it "iia, aiti, j lneid ly 'ix or eight brelthrean ait t rs un tiert',' got Itince of a vit"ti. left I gl t:,l for .1"rtI tt a ettl ng In this cou'itry. " A:ter w iikii g .e ar.c'ely for alvtinr, andi suf fer Ig ,inh pairse''iti aunl Itard,'i p folr any lty i tr-., tie [ tli l, i..l caloher' i:hiti at religt-ios , vu v' t :n ite w 7 ,1 os t o V' 'terrvtit, near Alb 'iy iqn ,. 1, 1779 )a great revival of religlit oC"i, red I i NVa L blii n. t ',d in o'her toIwns Aind viilagre, ti ai'd Iniat y of these plie.' le were grit hliy im- v prse I by Ann lce and her frien Is tihat the ti no h lidd i len ti giatther llellenlives o)Ut of the world, .: i li the power oif the Itl y ipilrlt " to crt '.fy r ai I viwrI ')I licts'--an.] to enter i:lto the pllll'al S hMiletiltal i hurch in the pra.'ti-:l of perfect ' 'as- t i vy. Itl',perrhice, charity, blrtiterly and asiterly t , t--dth, tin t,, ig 57I jpr vate prop.'rty f ir the c in. a i-.i goo I, anid having, like the eary Chri"-isos. all Ih tIlt ' ill Otu iti ,1 .' i"r , their gre it .r: ,ir ar ,) i it I ieanl s a'lttIued t iadoi, t. "i ht:i pir 'ress was nec-'sarily slow. as they I tiI, tik it crr,. tli, heavy o tIi b i rue hy ,or nary c Tien ;iti womllien if the world. rhe 'taktr c Ont a iun.lile t ci itel tui t It :tuilies. hi':-iln sight p ol tf t, i o:her at M illit Il.- htil in are three of these e fnui'iies North tami!yi (1 'i.rch 'ai .ly an I nOlthl a tinily. The first numberra ixty brethren and e lriter", the seoond one hun red laut twenty. In t the New Lebaun lli eit'iy t!.re are altogeher e cli t if threw fa li;ie - In all five hundrd hrrth- t ren ar;d i.ters. hike New .el,en-in so.lety owns t stx thiU.aid acres ot iold ilarge or-p ri in tiof wh 'b i drevoted to fuel thnibe'r an'! sh,*p t'h's people als-, possess garden seeds, here an i frlltts, ! -c:i are eterywhere famied for th.r il islaty. "Thiui.ighotut the Utiion tiere are erig tern tionrrl-bl.-g "hak"r ocileties, stare Ily Iieiqg a -:1i att' iits, and enj.,oyig a perfect ;orninnl'lty of wtriady goods. It s ah w:th no sanil del. lit on Fri lay evening la-t II titld uy-e!'l In irollt of a stage wagu'n, with nty friend Williani tir tecre of l'htlalep'ia, a ridji tirclen UmileI over uirddJy roads betwete (:Ca iaii cllli t.ltatNOII. It wia ev¥eniJ, and t'te -'i t" ilt'g cuti loatheI lii's alt-Il valeyo in a ft ia tt Ict Ihie rivilete were rew ilen by heavy rnio,. asiJ tircanti lit ruic'ievl and sparaiedi down t4ie ra t ci, . tiapig iuto lie itaigitng her esth I;r :re-, tlec atti Cl I wari were bcaltd by rait true.' tia' gitltened Ilue dilnmotda is t'e rays 'ii Li e't;li i eii. i e rt'atrs i'd N trt t I 'l' a -'it 1: tentn ('ilick slluld wi(re wel'Cio.n. wit iini S': - '.y . i I i erI y eri- tr, a i, we t tin gra, rl , '- uil-: e t' i. ii ll l l' ',1 -i il h te i ..:ety. 0 at n*< ' uj . •it wee ci 'ilt"i' ,at i d to 'io r broth ., ian t S i ,' - ' 't i-i S itn at s iien t wi -.i r , ar) lo T! e h e n ten ali i ,t,.rs tt N ,r bt ti" ".i i'. lii 4 Len e iittiteatil h -i -. iri l iiI ris ratnI ' thir 'h I toL e rT r'rtl ' ' f ]t. at,2 . l' y i- ' at i ,iat Ic, I 'i ' ,to* Il ii trit -i tt'e evnt'tg anI i re re tr re-ia''i 'I At tcl oiOu': •li t, uoun c) iy ',n eLnd c f tlie tc'i. e, h [. th +'her. itt-,,se tiot' ti they al kblud I tL atI ] l r thaInks i a ttrlciayerv In s!Puil si it . - 1i I tY trieid i:t I to-k ,r rrealsl in , 'niat I t -r t c:l, retr a' . 1 re tiire:f ai t nt -g ,a -. I " L , r Iti e, ti:C a ~,'l',te- ne.i , feast. h r . i !,- i, . . .. l" a h } ' , r lr Ih a" li:e. 1il I W to . roaui itt at ar.'' frc"'h buttlr ii't ili i a at 5 i'5ii -t wei cii Lked meat, p , 1 : t: ,- p.· :,.,~ a I- ii t ' ii ver" I. i I hi . , , . I. t'.vatiisl h t e' , ,e ' tllu ' lne y. Wnti t l :, It i , f to , , I at I 000'Pd Uc t ' re into ·x • 'ittl u t t ,t i h b perfect deltitit ulrll is -V :,. A:> t ru . 'f the hoies aio -tal' I ea a.t lint, ed ll c d, 'ii I t i niittlf l, i ati ar i ar iet or .hlar-l. frIr m, Iw +, , , tt ti I "',i eh'nnsae. Ttc 1icrc*i' a1 oI ". t p. b1t 't bi, i fc l p-ace, < /re at ., . .. t u - i c -c . f t re ' t r . ,t· : :' th e "f a r .rstt'Jl f or -t. tce t'4 ' e T., ml 'i emn i t- -o of al,., I , I .c a.. i>. nti Lhi t e, t" . ' t','y fr, t tir.. !Mr l . @t brir l mW., y tT, - '-orti, u-- t0 or w; i j,,o)L't -cI. S'. ei ate nil itti, liu0, it' teary in in . t -'.~ r lay p, t we attcr.,:il Ii 'rclii r ;ler I tr o e i n an'! w-mnit.ei ti- 1 r.te ". ' in the prusence Of Sb 'h'lr e i tL' " -"cid a hi tiit, wiite they sit ned ii -ing u I: t,. f, : ,. ,eI Ly <it'-cr en r Itw I . .'r t i ai> tner, caine a p ,werf iii cxut ,rtd t, i-irt In the w.rds 'tre 'or ttereure no ,ih iitii lll f 'tt, r frr (1 who aru l. tnritt ) ii'ia. ih sp, he ot the a- inty they had a hiervel tve . its arld and the pitwee tf lust atit evil iy '.e gre ciid favor of trod, aiaiotitnitug, with tr',tt' ,rc-v ty, 'that every gitiiii auit perfet't 'i ' t c lt -'it. i I" ] d' alit! i;i1 'the p- wer if ili t ( hrtl'.t He wee luille wed by a brief extiortatiua fre, one - • it-e asic then formed in the cenelr of the r, -. three brtihers and three elsers star ip g fete to face. The remainder then forme'! in a Sri le ri tintd the rto :11. 1'he brethren and sisters :i the ieiter of the ronm asang hytinv wti-e hlie real trved rtu',l'd -hem In ain4d tif lenee, iii ,¥ ugj 1 the, Ociatt nicds 55 theat wetanl ln (itchi i 1esaluig. All was grrely performed, with ta evident profound sense of awe. On conday this worship w an repeated. with the addition of a more hrvely spiritual song and sauee. Tow atlkers hold to the example of Miriam and King David and other members of Lie ancient cthurch I rshifeeting thei- J ,y and ratitude at the gond nees of God towards them by spiritual songe and dances. SAlthnslh the ceremony was new to me, I felt no levity, but wae gravrly impressed by the deep tolemtity of w-at I new. I wva permitted t ai1 Ires tie cs.em-nhv. and on n Itday nt.iht, hy :livi tation, net the (thur,-h fanmlyt. nd ivOe, to the be-t of iy ahility, a sketC h of the p)ei*ent etete of religion to Enclnd, in the .stahtlided Chlrrch and in the tdiseLtnll boldi-e. They appeared par it ularly impres.ed by the aco ilt I gave ,tf 'be great wa rk result"Kg froe, tle Itlor. of Mrr riur arin: annd at th-th fermtlieit they desired ma to say in brethren in Fiegltand th at they hIestid o il for all the work dte by :-3 wu:king of the lIly Spirit itn other churrheq. CON( A r-;oit . "I nad not time to nmke myself a'-itainted with all the pec lliaritics of their belief. I hirre ,) ,i ubt they hold niolty vi'oea front which I sh , til asein' ; but I felt In no muni lfor dii iin. and sad no(,t , plrtunity enough or patient inveotit, ¾1;n of the doctrinles wll h kept therI as I tr,n tiLer at ic. Those wt hi desire inuormnti ti on these points mite search 'hem out for toe eielves; they will hind them epitotuns*.-d in works tuihiiuedl by the uorelty. I contentedl lvelf withl tho re iults I saw ,eftfre me, and talolght thel suffl clently retmslakalble to ,iontuaudOj the respectful and thoughtItul ateutluu of the Church and the world. I aw a community of men and women of all ages living a pure celibhate Ile, tinder the sine rnot, lull if ewetness, love and i ugentin Mi - happy family of brotherr anud wi-tI-ra. I kbe rb st man i of thenl hil beeu Itlaried men and woitien before they were led. hy a religious pytr iavle and motive to crucify all worldly luir.' and enter into what they regard u the minlleuolil at it t. I kitew that th Isle lihad bn ben ived monks and rlune, twho were exchid, I Iroi eC It it ther with a ptrion-tike tigr. uuita luck aidi k y. bultts ad hnir; I it ahre I haw a Ispiritual fantly--ihe orn1e husband ai , wife enltetlug upions u he Iit' in the bdily pr' 'l't of each ,ithr andl Ib t ths e'h -te iomu it !y had rste-le thin ifse if purity for cicv ,ity y s arwith t 't: any cud arising to di;n the of i's ctrt.'y. ' tf curse, weal' c claim, fIIow anthee s',nge he" Arid th I ro.,ig rte an 1 the itb raise thet iell if laughter; but the -ltker-" mit i') redly, 'Not n'nt use, hut unto (;li be IIll the gl try.' Hle warld laouhsgain. and l auieti:r; lb it * ,r an. awer ,s tit o, n t of thiu , i,. il t t lti peiple Il ys open ti the giaze of all tie wirli. I at intire. over, a p ulr lle w,it wili rit I Id pr vt' pripe ty; ,A people M k~ rest e ,'r..-y and ins po'e't hirmiu ny Rand prosperity tip n ar inillnity it atl)odi. I'he lream n l L topla It bl--,, rearlrtitd. 'Iu-ty work hard, theyv ei' jy lthe fr.itu it tL o r in u-~ .- th-y live sinmlly aud frt.ratlly.- I ,r ten vC-t-r they h'tave eased t, eat swine, ie- t ) drink atebiolic drunks, excel tI Ut r niedital ldvile 'I saw ith.t thil ',onlllluu liSty )'` i gi i ;lrit froin a deieper nmo'vs thran aiet 'i. ore i tit itI eal tlu . Ii det in orul i 1it:t p ut i oilt i t ,r.t 1,t iid ',ii para-ri p , : tu T ,'(V t ulI nt ud rstrua l noa so cal' el 1 s tians ' br :hrr n nnt I snl'rr ) c'oull lie n.reiliersc i tile th airne rel lhuita ft 'y or oit rob ad be di .l ate- t slot t -t - p r in t in t'houi. o f th- tei,". r ity wuild butt ah iret t iuiv t pretirig that i,, te world t; roite they will all te waliing to h.,ve 'terr al thulgl o in t p l t it.' ['i'u ( their c, r i t i." idea si i l "t(' Ire, u s a +," gi on rin itse, nrtdl-i, !, a lat Ia w ·rthy the cotuteniplatOiio of thouti htI ti t n. ' I1 sIqiired into the Iittrnal working of the ct LItiuiiy- as to tinW il.itntes or rtliunderti tatld ing ieti cm ttfleI, if they iii iiiitnatly aroe. I was tlid that Lire agrail thev ttl,trPed the i'hria tin p, in-- Jn thim i ' i - ti , rthr or cOtr atlone, ai d, I f that liled. - t I it untoi the chut h :' andl that so fir. aill it-l imoved on wtit harnt ity antd nl -erui d 1i"f ul',' 'i , ' 1 dlst , tti - .ed theili An uhtl r thtl i I Ihavt ',, t eeLn in reltitin to the F- -ke~s. Every one in Aterl , i with wh u I Seiv up|i-en CI "-ikeb ithy oft i. r iiritlol tbisr - e r'. , 1 TP i( trutrath.i• ,s , of thic;r i >ri,,-tV in theo leHI I', wi lh their f,l tw me ln; all hear thii tten itini-ni, with the e r'eption of thlt- degrTded piot; I w ho eneve hetre are ino eu -h th;ogs as va t', l an1 tr nl .,it the earth. 'itinti'y the enil enu oit thts cornnirit ity mll t have ta cae. Wha\'t is that causta't ! d noUt pre tend to nitw er i t i- question. ; tur t it ii a q lectl in wIr:hy oi* an ane-wer. Many ni1tilar etnlerlillnlet have t(tally lilel. Why hasi this suctceeded ? \l hiln t it- fait f 'l y yearn tt' I )wetlLte experi rusi t-'ngltanld and Aetrit have failed, bat ihkL ri-m is a ,Iinit and tri,-tio hiant fact. 1. it me urge iupon tiVtnuet aid it trle ii thir ramblesiI the, ugh Atttl ,a to ait the -laker itilinunitty a Mhitit fi iteanon and if they are dispo-ed to io tli re 'How ran these thitugs t- .i, tauiwr it, h ie -t,,I are ' \ 1, the l, rttthl'en aId caiters h'ioar ( ,,rnt-r. ait( to)ok the train fir New T u)rk. Litder t 'ederic'k Evnii iI an Etn i.thita ,by hirth, c i. ftr-n ,h 'te ,,hi , ,'Ain ry of i re'-,tr. If-- is a tall mln, with an eiarnent. th tnllhful ftee, and a pileasant ,play or grave rluttd the m oith. fle al1peara to Ie over sixty yeiirs of age. tie is daltble in hi man;ers, anid aixiIXIts to iottnmii'ni cate hlis ol)piniiuns to inquirerc. I monverted with tihree or i ur E',iglishnmeD, whi were happy inl the r:t ,,i itt otf he liven they ha1i I ul , l. v warma t hs k+ are due, anId are thut ;ulti,'ih tenider-, to the , retbten and slatere for the loving splt-pitality." --- - * - ~~ - - ( aCes. al Pise. ?rem A'I the Yner Rnoud -o ~ p iutom tlace out of the ditancte of our p -1I:Pnres. Tlhe were and wili always he ! .... - to ur. rhe ti'.' of there was a g", T,. ; it tome eiither frtin Yohrklhire or iur h i t I it om a 'Iitanit pie. It wai bfiritiful to I~tk a t, d i ei-it.t:ig Wrs i;,p rat itur. I' wasi a hi'-e it mh ,,f a ,1t , with brown tijlulrs, Pea Itas Ic- ItS let-I[li ( cn l at utr ibc)hi u ll I' ttheIntetS a L I . rt . itt( t, - i/ tI lii ta i. t, v in r i , It frut'l 'erea I-lal- )iS d, intt the hrnawiea i1,,+w It :' Iu' n ia'gly r nr e tI u s lt hitu ll tI, ,puul Shi pi.. Wlthin, ownied tip and st mitntl hi 1-in ctliri: foIds. lay lit tie eatahble suln it h Of N ,aic' ark at) i ented t, u-r :i thglry -t*a i 'lie 1 vut o l i 1t' at'er -icy we -nrie il ni tre-th it'rt.4, trs +.1 ti ii ly dcl,,b orty rii'im, :ou ltave . li--. ti t iti. - ll. si--t .g in, rit -a "a]* ' T + r.. e,, ag. rp olH ( t the ,',l 'uts0: t'1+11, 1 ,1 . H iti, i, i - bl ti l a s II e l i t 4 a lli e l.l ie t a - L . ,I. t I, t io . r I- r u -,vt- iit th very .pril l 1h** 011 T1 I w lwe tti 'h ) niet ult :euI L ti Stifle h.- " ti ai, r Intl -rded, ac so wt ,oit il i the rrdna I' I t' I: ''. s i t , i, 'o an a tnilery Sgglt ti -' I Jpf y ftly acre Iiiltbiiti- . Itir e, tin titasi-i lt" it' itrttrly r iir tay Ia virity t'uiK , rt:ose I t I', aIsi] I' t" ,*I:I thIy r . :li- atiti , rf . lh tene.t aI ,tt . h it:lSvnr tf fr, m, a0h-,i -e i- c ut, i f'd r ,, h I ,t ap t e ' re ris1- hi tie riey tubK e . iotlde iliti anriir t ital. a -, e.h-tcl latir a tare rewar r d oit. t'.li tS, I I ttl lo l'l a r .i iS t i lt wi . S i I ! -t -- tit hi trs i . .. .t , ' t i l .' I li- ii n - t lt, 1 " 5 ; r tirt - tua stk il 1 I tat iis i ft of the i It. i I. t -i' Ii - ' ) . .. -i ig Wa~le n thi . ,tr : , * atk, | iiit the oII. tf til , -I .t Ini r. tiI. . i n ic I . e v-l,-i- a-ct ,.la ,,r' •; . r,.. + --. w n r riWdi y I iet Juti t.e an tugl-t - y it. t - c i Ii r y i,. lt i t '.. i t& , rt ,l tr~- ,i t a - wen stat t ie-C Sti i t "I r 'te in tore '·rai nr *, ri ta i i tr- slth r nti i. t . ,tr , ,ty e-t I, t, - + tr.. ,>;, ,o y t r · . 7'n r . r h L I *y ai i ti ~ iIIi a il i t we tw ar, ttot, n -, Ci. 1i , aId h , -d '.r hi t k ' ' It .. t .i I t)h },a rr ,. I 'r , . t b , . Sto 'iOT 'Tiltx , at:'. . Ste law the rnt-u lit rI t wah' a 't t, eP- lt't trotr will nt-i ' nl-v - ;i- n r worl. .% i , drank i 'i"1 , an vr'v- feel it mi r - hit' [I c i to- n, t , ntl rt its t nt-n yy) L 'h oh wa it. I-- i t ii - L r d o t seh eh -w t. it l y , I' I -it -tar iv'-ie i;.ri pp pii, i',i Nv-er tue 'al'ted. don't ytoi, i, r, !i l.ter ---ur -heai Lat tt more 'f <til tu0r) nem ii i- r, r. ar m ik (h-ic) |ile ti ,icigt i4 r or ( - k h it bone a-ti li kC heaee oitelsi s. i "-ti beer "utrovt mi-tori • "' e 'M-tmtor betet tr Jlstt IIt1 li p ,,titt it' d t - w hi-e was ut" ,,', , cti 1, : What am t -whit ae yut, -at 1.-ia I i-aet- fl ittef Vonc vi tre m t ri- rt- t 'I ,a '- , e t ra'rlisc ran get a sht basn gn my wty. If SI.r 'is -ot ron t-Ianu , ii to -