Newspaper Page Text
g ht eaw *rl ans ;esmtnt OFF Alt JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. S. . II914,. Editor and Proprietoer. OFFTW: , N. 94 CAMP STREET. aYmrly ubecrlption Ins d ar , $1; hal yea:'y, S ltr-r,. $4 bingle epieple. i euta wyTu Wrutir c.alacswr is pblterb every Batrday. Lbeserit'0.n .as s.,ly In dvance. I' NtAT MORNING, All;t'-; I;, 1SWI. National I)eanocrtatic Ticket. FOR PHEN(IDENT (O Nx1W YORK. FOR TICE PRESIDENT: FIRANI I'. ISLAIH, OF MTSIOURI, Irleetores fr the !! te at Lar ge I--OCYER~NOF C WI('KLIF'FF, of Waes Fohilana lbAIAH OARRKTT. io Ouase.ta ALTERNATES: JAMER P. F, RFT. If Jeffer.n. JUDGE J. N I.EA, of Orict,,. Dieatriet Eleetors a Pirus C'oneesmosil D'rlect ....... A SAMtOtLL sesond .. .. ..... M B BRAlDY Ibrd .. .. .. .. A . HilsRtKIN. orth .. .... . A. DOSLANi'. th . . . . D CULELMAN AL1 ERNATES: Ptrst DitetLsle....T. P. 8H1 RBYrRNE. Setsod .. . ..... iljO. W. RAt(E. Third .... J II KENNARD iartlt ..... .. . EN t'L'.LL N. P rtb W F kLb 'K +i ,.1. I HR I .i I l" " KNAPSACKERS.' Aeccorditu to ti. Now.t York Tribune, (Gen. Buth r, " iin a blrni:al.t and instructive rl' el,." the oiler day, " facetiously st lued l(oal 1in11 of the S. nth. the carpet-bagg,ir ocracy to µit, " klap," We can't for the world Lee th. f'aeti, isiess of the appl, il tit n. 'The fa, t is. fac4'tiouse ;l a1 fr Ir nl b. ing ;:uth i., tlte ,. I',,rt Fi: her was wh,,u he a alnt d to t:tk. it. and coul i t, because,r of is, mud, iittai le ,pr:l, n-ity to run away as soon as he coime in striking distance ,if it. Th, re is I.o n:ure of this (1.,h lent miniifest in hinj, w ht-n st ling to the hii. hst etf ,rtI of his telnis, than thire is in a etipe. lyv,,;iat gru: Lung otr t, .t.:.s, or a N. rway rat ,brr.w my in it, t 1... . 1;tlr ha, lon, , like }ulanitaiff. len the " of wit in others," that lie autl I Is Tribune alimirirs wouldl .in bth.'ere that he a l. res.,inilets the " fat kn:ght 'in lbeing "'Litty himself." I he nsttanie just.t (it,,. lput forward in sup poeit of this iniiulh: t .li u, only prve, thlh. iII, utiit.l . hl.t:lO .sS of it. It by '' Kn p sackers," it is pretended that the so-ci led " al men ofat the South " are ex-['uion s.l diers who are still, in a ttfl-rent tiel, of op.ra. tions,. cout, I lg s itli " rebels," the pre tensi,,n is t,,taily and Ipi..paly at v.riancei with ftet. Such a conceit is just as easy a t lying--but that isn't the- so: ulof N% it. The .h the title of the clais ini ilestilo to tih n.aei 1 of " knal ein krs ' ican.'t l e concidet, tl., ir sacking proclivities in a .,eneral waIy are I t to Ibe disputed. Th' y ae realy to ,.y- t thilg--- .r,, , d iladu ., thtre are no prIlri- t nary hard lighting anld rtal danger-fro: a I btate tIt,suryv to it i'' irt'.red- inti w,"ll"t. A friend of ours while in New York douai. the s- i-,n rof the Ileno.ocratic Noni;nati-ig t C('onvi ntion, chanced one day in cunversation with a ]:;.tdlicl flrield upon the sulbj.,'t of S uthiern oliui )os of Northern tmen; said the lpubhli, in: " ftow do your fo1ks like Thad. Lt.vens -" The Soithern man wi cs fo)r. dl to adcuit that our af~ict ion for " iron w, a,, ks "" was not so intense as to endan.:er the general hit.lth of any restlint of Louliian I. '.An lit n. li.t!er,' cntiined the lidt i, whatg do , ou' Southernetrs think of hIn ii In. Butler, nh i, N, w Orhils p, ole love' ' intensly." " I.,Lo ];tler ' exclaimedt the iagrtl hilit, hy, how is that : " V, ry sit ple,' .,il our iniiind, "it is just becauise 'uhere our treasure is, there is our heart also, " 1h'1 ltepublican cloed the cony, r- tl sation alrltly. ft Tro.' Csus.. i . I.. i-Art s... Vie leulie ri it i. pritly 'v.ll dti rti.iied npon that livi or aix ot the crack MIolile yachts .ill '.si n,.i over to to eingige in tI . grond regatta at ,our lake In1 t< co tl.e 1 ih aidl , ih inst. The iti.ola. dil be to 1. the fast.s utboat in lMo),ile t.n, will ,- c. et te ii:.. llr aIrn :we .l: l ok f r exce ll.:t d Ntirt. Ihi.q .l ,I the D,,ilnio, aol hida ; i thoiein nmorli if tioo rer i r 'linIiI' ii lir 5, 'it:t rs !itil 10 ( ti ta-tnt . ,htn 1it;ny is and Lts fille'., are ihuiant and full if hi1'e. 1 lut ti., nr.nt re inen.tbrit U no> p Itry ant..'-,r,1 onints th, iill lh.v !,r tLrl; it , arl t. 11 imutt take cve ry inr,.i'lt m n if they \wait to hlew vittin ll;i't I r, 1:.t timol on th si it pilitat.n of (,. .J. N. Ii'utr, i WVdkin ( I county, , Missslilppi and consiithe,.d to It. 1 SVtlen, Et <,t, r,,tt ,n f tctt,,t 11 t io,,n strc,.t. I TLe -:. 1I. ... 1ot r. il uins I i iw mxdhiling. Permitnss tho irolpose beling alsint fromu ii the ity turitrng the iliiter, can L h.iv to' i Dabsy or Vi\ ikl (f I tI ,,isr.T sent to them by leaving their addrlr as at this otlce. .re crt r,. sti'iti to gs se n,-tice ti :t a t Atuist 1i.t 11 1. Mr. All wishing to join tLb: club are ri.iluisted to Ic pres cut. It The New Irliteana Cottn and Produce Circnear An' is a a admirabe paper, not only for its coaire. ie ler.·t:venes.a, its rrectness, and the eucilsn" man- ef ler in wst tai l poissible intelligence concerning li.' cilnsirtrce of this port Is given,. but also firr the sail if the arir'. The onumber for Auunet l 5th ftii odel if its kind, and should be in the t hanos of every merchant and statistician in the bele 8< H' E , I T lK J4 oN sRtrI.w RtAD. --A tie n rat " in another tiotlin shows tht firom and aft' r L this, the lt.h irost., a passenger train leaves the rega dep.t at 5:3l r. u.. making coinections with lie' trains cr Vickebutrg. Meridipan, and the Mussissippi cole ('entral for the Noth and East. c Accommodation t.-'laa leave Sundays at 7:11) . cent , , ming as far a Bro,,khaven. l'eturnrng, leave tii that town at ,. ;0 a. ii., oT Mondays, arriving here The advertisement gives fu11 exphanatione. an NtoTcs1 O " s -, .-il ._Ae will be seem by reference to our advertising columns, the splendid steamship Laura wOIt disc 'ntinue her Monday tripe to the watering p~aces, u:,"dl further er It OLUCe. C TIFHIJ ' CONSTITUTIONAL VIEW. It is generally known that the Honorable RLEANS, Alt ander H. Stephens, of Georgia, has been Sfor some time engaged in the preparation of a work on the late war. As first medita'ed, u it was designed to be complete in a single volume. But growing on his hands, he was obliged to extend it into two volumes, the first of which is now issuedl in good style from saturdr. thiipre as of the Natilual Publishing Company. PIl.:ladel hia, atl incln'les upwards of iix 1 unidred xqnarto p.-gCs. Tch title of this work, " A ('Cstiituti 'nal View of the late War be tween the Sttr. its causes, character, con,idulict ket. and r sul:t. Iresented in a series of coll,.piies at Liberty Hall," scarcely does justic-e, judgl;ing by the part herein offered,, to the scop,, varie 1i ty ,nt i ter of its rnontents The pres-nt o vltunie ternaxiates with an in',nirv int tlh, t structural nature of the federal Union,. th- P e,,itlict of ideas which led toa colll,.ni ,' t a, rmus, and the character of the wn r thus tun. dxx ed. The cosid.. ration o, th. ofP the war oni Lbth sides in its r-l:t ,'io tio couti tutionul principles. with its tit al resultst up n iu Ir'1" the American systeim of Iree government, is I reserved t'tr axioth. r v.latue. ft We colnfess that the' implression na l,, upon is by' So fmuch of the w ik as is nw before W is is a very favoralle disa.pptl,,itent.i Iii lyl as a. elstlusate(d Mr. Stephlliens's intel " 1, ut.::t uI 1p,itical " ix tion, we li tl heta iN. iear, d t :,t 1.e hot Ii tl,,rt.ikel in cut rj'ri ' t h, not his gr x-p of thu ht ,r ý f rIest i cli, aouhl prI l. to mu l'h fr hlt t.ractial dixscrniminaton. skill n f~.l'trv in ,xaithirstip. Bitt il ioie of thlxse does 1.e quiil style snigx -tc au la ,,.-rab'tle xi,q ui , S thI t l., exam ,hs f (','C t o 'nd . Ii t,, i u' noti a sI\ilxc of I'etdaxiti' nliLtatin ,of th,,e "C n., . b. IIx Ih ,- 1', : -rn- tihe i t c.r ia runu uin (yen. c in i ..l.i ,rv i (It thx I ', stltii ti ,,rl i r n ttil I t ructive constitutni:al hist, re l t the led :'i d ,ver( - Iac stxled nlenl, in a tixaiier l-rely easy and tLtratn. , e xax'r- 'The etl ct at the c'llo,ulies i at one cnrtc ,l Iv tnt tor and t xpolitait. r. . ,.-'impix, u .,1 by aiil,h" ai e c PI) ,la- ,Il1 ite ' ,-t x tttiois and .l ",ex'ieupltlicat' ` l i. Iu n 1 r from hi hi-. k,~., ,I the hlauing staitesm'u (of wi: t na ih lw ay n ,: , . in ce, t;a.t wit tx e I l' ut pt ri ,, l 1[ ' of . i tli hsted as ti. fust'itltl ,.d . , , t 1[r. tlo way as Ste plns i;s 1n e .Irldal I ft h, itous. T"hi sape- au cx .ly true of ith, treatu 'it of the intell . itii l dIe reat in and xoral qualitl's of ('lay. We\VOster and (' dl- ol of his , un. There arn, f'ew itn(es of its 1i' 'h ntl ri- iilt:d 'ess w:th as Ittid ex,ageruatd , a- th, s vt: irr - P"'rt titures exhiL,.t. to like A very notabllh fa,ct in th, historx y ,f x ,,iin. xip tiers," ix givn by Mr. Stxih.l - ., I. that tue mnlIs d.el Siiai o ;,i those publit m.xen x ý, be fare-s . met,,e, t L ftat m;y be called ('e 'is!tltti lt t stxt-.l: :, i , no xi u ml:atter Low rldely they mfliy have d.'' rd I, Lce a sup- the filst instance fro, u Mr. C i'houu's Stat's' set , thi rights di,'titx:., gravitated nltixmat,'l,' I, hixp- lo i, d instiunct to the . , te,' . it a i i l- itn c led nt-slon of' the doctrine ai the on- onu e a:." r 1- , Il: I 5 l- i.g a guaratte e of a constitutional III,~n ou] >. rax- aid of const:txctioxal lib.rty. Mr. "t. i . n', h1 1 Ire- h, iself, wulo was nuiit, furo,'rly, an a,,'c , u cta ri dnce Itici1le c f Mr. ('ClhLn, ' ,v no: sei, to i sii'!y i sy is this solt of involntitary trll,:li, to the' ,4!4us n:i h Of tL.e g1 t,xt t'ar'hlllxx ni wt1, hol he c'.,nfet'... to i.'e hax e ,tl , alfter M r. .1 -1f,.r, ,n, thi. n -t ti. ir I ilosohllical ar: 1 '.fouuitd of A.nw: ri,'an stit,-. I I re I t nit n. Ev\ttsai'e bearing the santo ti ,tim,:Iy will :. y , tthe -I,'x il , <s anx d xaliu, oL Mr. (:i. ; ii U:l , tL i , f the hul, le al (' .stitntio::, x, a ic tt- e ro a pact between slv,,re; ;tan l nt'e,. lt ,t , i!. .t. iflej ihi fronm all ',retl '- iolsdi rixti,,hx Illx e htirt that file hI tr . ,at .1.... Hi ux d n'i t only to, enact liws t fr the I :iln, ! it Wi, Siil l ,rt of " ftretcr ,l. fthis l.a r i v.ty so ts . t~. c ' ' Ir i) ,a d. it f r, ntllt , t" i c o n, ti alL,,u n liits r tnell , the Ir d1 to pwIIer of it r uT is before us--c utral d CIl ,"tit It Is lids- rciE neral osttlc to la , therev'e l 1 t, Al 'An I gvernnant. :s undr-to, Iby Wetbir n t what ., tflh rson, Mladlson, (:ilL nuu, is repnudi tte'l] t ,at Iin. an the principle of c( utr.d c.'rcr: : i:t l - ll- i S iprte.Le. Lo c ;s iLwxr' ble. ad the at A ry TEE RIVER A GREA SEWER. iute thenC 'ii'iSO ' -iath irt The aitation ,of tLe profj it for rm-au.e n, ds3 h. r- the st(ock lantuIIg lLan the siauhLter h,.:;,, eEh l fin.i .1h fti-c on (ity, 'ni the -ir'llx thatl t!, lit aHniai l rt-tusselt xx ithesel lices lt ll' t!.i lih e rlxer ill frent xf tl.e clt' to si: '1 aln cxtint a- I t .. or t,, He rexoltiog t0. thi, t- i.-s and lprijid,.w nI I toi ti .ttli. i. x',i i, i. t,) suppest soile I- t etll been iixitxii ..luit i L x liph 'xt it a Ir,,.t .n cx'nitllcer.'xl nitt ly, of a gnra axbultxi x n h i i .; . i. ;, xi . ' ,, r cxn 'eii. :.l hl ht t. i 1jlii t i l:laat 1 crxit 'cintiu xlntxal -'", r. o .- 'l C e ,ir . t. (If all the i,:xl'', a wht h :t ,rfor :r fn iht e itiore 1 ' inll than thI. \\ltin: !'U'j"Ip l c lP..l L to di-cn-· tl ;tustic.andc.\l,den of nia, t t 'lst ,-at the lxxin i ri c eix t ,x i'h''d xi i ''ill x trii , id l. iril.n ut t. i o.tlin 1" ii i -'x iot ll t e .e1i' ii l,1 II lte t· i x xrly i' l tl. ii', x i f i.e \.-t , i ' . Iage, sxttli i lit. I, .lit,itit n x or iminn x r I, i t c, titxdix xl ini tl. it "¢;t ..i'ixi ,s t tl.e xthle. ,f thi Mx-.x1.x[, F,'r ti.' r x ti tis the irti , h rintr i L I r l ,.rts thi of this in.n ix.. w .ier i . 1 Ii. It h t t a. rable clidxi.ts, 'il tii' i''itxx''.' rdf" tx xx er a territory "itrn chiti, fr ,'x ti 1, -. h ty it tis a t, tlhe 1ioekv " ,x ni , tuxo :'iu I .-,.i tl"i i4. letorto o the t;iulf ift itex- o. If ti, l i ,ix i y. evil, what i- tLe et dt ' Wutl l t Iir te.'il- tot ut. slt-i -l' t!,at no ii-i-fect - in I tv,nt t !,. e r, re t!I a per!et Irexvetnilx, I hxumin!i l" "'if f,: i anr And e miny al-) Sf, I- .av tiht lhx, Iv.r, i. e re- thlc cL:racter of a it'nmIe:t 'x.l a d:r.!llcer b n- of r 0 1use, 1s C, x ' n, ah. an .bsiuteix ii . aut s xon the coinlrtly, is rilatix :'. a or''at I].'lltxg. les t ,tr 1'' t rlix-r. or, In L :,,:,, ,it. x ih ,as"'. rx J, , :he nituxal stre .L., f wttrt 'il tih eSi th.' .sxnr:' 8.ct hae belongs to aln ixax.lul4 'IC ssti'n of ntt' rl 'ec; stewer(. "} ( ;1:, 1 wor! l, w:tL itLs t t cr,'wded poulatlxnt'ls. xii' its coitless work-' The I r -LiIs. andi its t-rrll, we a r and wastl.. ayx te ccnern e r.garided a, a:: iimLxI-,.ce Ac::_ean t tl',i ii1- tripsto th Ioisible to be claiused except by the lter-. arrolli pi culean process enlarge to a proIportionate aware, scale. ]ht for this putlfication, the beueli. wh rex Scent work of nature, men would be staded by ow rO tl.eir own filth. is nc f the chief reoa- eanla re sons why the sites of neairly all the great iit~er 01 anIetent anil xxOi'txrn tiUes haile borlicrd on toar on rivers, on thle sea, or n lak Ink. A gresa city on a tat llin ait!:xut drainage is a fla T"I I i po ".ilility. It f lows that every stream nd given r mnst hoxl. In x'.Iltion or in crude form. ilmorie ta bico r r eh-s of tiltlxv hsDi waste mtatters Sr'h icat )e5 n'af' co :t, :, cui.:V tL5 shxruo lxxw wlck I hJgest 1W. causes water to seek its level. An aibsolutely torable lure river is, therefore, wholly out of the ques t been tion. In order that men and their habitations ation of uhay be decently and wholesomely clean, rivers lita'ed, must be in some measure defiled. But it is single not impossible largely to reduce this measure he was without detriment to human cleanliness and es, the hei.lth, and with much augmentation of the re le from sources of human subsistence. To do this Wmen must initate Nature's laboratory where, Sf .ix :n endlit s round, reproduction is evolved awork, from deca. The refuse of London and Paris Var be- shich now so pollutes the Thames and the Seine that tich cannot live in those riveri, if lnie given by mechanical and chemical contrivance uging to asCri,"ulture, would be able to feed London vari- and aris. Much the greater part, doubtless, res-'nt of this waste could hbe prevented. And it til, the same remark applies to every other .n the place where ec(onomly bas not extended to S, the utmost the utilization of ret'use. The dili vus t c- ipnce with which this branch of e 'onoumy is du.t practiced in China accounts for the enormousi >tti- polulation and the sustained liroductive up n I power of that country. The great material ent, I Irollem which the science of the Western nit tlins is called to solve is to give to agriculture, without detriment to cleanliness an:d health, r ilman l waste that had its source i:i agri:cul r lure, or an etu ul,, nt. For lack of such re Intl- torieti:, ome of the once fertile regi us of Intel- the od l wlid are now almost barren nal dc I ''lttl itted. The amount of life-sustaining lt r In.,t Is washed into the sea thrib lh the 31M ,soppi is incahl table. The_ an.ricult'r ,l Srv hi; ri.l I , s of the great vaolh y sutffers i this way l init.nsu l a fig htf:il .sitrtctiot ; an 1 extrovr e diary its that richness is. science must :it 1, tg th come to tlte retcur of agritull l re, ith d. ,t tad.'lat( means of compensation, or the ipr, th .cess Lu.i-t jet.ult in wide spreit Ili,,..ster. tb'' e- -ý.-- utiing A liicnd of ours, rlcently rettirl: 1 trtu a i and I trip in the iuterior of tIies:,.,uri. ii.e .s s,:ite 'ceri- account of the cin itilon of talluirs ti,.-r,'. I'ii, . entthutiasIm lherevecr hl hay been is luten., r 1tia l Iover Se nmouttr and lair ; Demiocrati chllt ' au I etit eve4 lhcre, ailt no town or villag, is SIn witLottt itn ilertt puole, rom whicl i1 at thie woi at nantes of oLr ch,.mplons. iit b the lu ril. ,jtittus tlaws pas-'d driir the var. alict Mr. tt-thiluds of the white 'ien are Iitfianhi.e 1. apt- and for the I tit three years have beena entirely tuiil debaril the prnulege if exp,1rsLug thi.r S(' l- olinions in aty (ther nlanner thanu the simple ,: i'h ntttrance of thci. I;:t on the third of N, thl SN vi ntber will be elected niot pre-identi i eltc tors. 1~nt State ot.-cr<. and in alhitit,n the, , in- tIut stion of Inegro ultt8riage itn the State will ie Ili,, decided. With ill these interests at st:ak.'. ncu.e, the IlIe of Missouri, tired of H.iithal tv , o :'att.v, Lave det ruti ted that their v -t.e , l e, i w 1 eird, and ire taLklltg ouch tut astire, t I ;at,.t' secure a vote as art, niecessary. Ileartily ld we is upathze with them in their r*.stiveness n ad- under oppression, and much as we lepreaete "r I- any resort to extriune measures to o -taln e. ,'i oiur mo st sacred rig.ts,. ytt stie ci llnt llbit '". n hhld tilat tihere is ta p inlt where fot.bearanlce ', ictasi s to be a virttue. Missouri is n >w rap:.t I ' rtacdhig that stage. TrnTE 1.I56915I.ITl BILl. t it e ft e 'f w :'g it a sittope s i of the ' eliit bi sty atH l" wh, h b)t eIday pas.ed the House, atd I,,: witch now gaes to the governor for his signa- t tu:e. : i r e tir-t tectirn proviles that all persons el . it ed or appoite d t, any aice shall be r,.quired by , , Iv r o r, b, f' re a Co hnitn ls i' ,n i ., ,-ueti. tot tie le , athi pr. ,del Ii the thrs se el ,n f the il I, . he tc Lt n r ilip , ' .i . , . • . ,, ai pa rin or tititln pal. it I o not ri 'unie a cinmi-lOon friom htie cover ii r alt,. hetfore taking their seats, take the Si ath parecritbed In the third section. i Ie tihtd section sets forth the follo)wio g oath to r up e bcrI-ibd it ty all , tice-ho.iders: "I, . H.. rtl Ij al n tci, ntrty -wear or allhia. as the cast may be 1 t, i hr I have tot been convictel If tree.. n, p.r , the ur. fctrgejy, bribery or other Cr:me ltumtillt!le I iLa te penitentiary: that I did not hbll r ,fi e ,i Itt, or n ttary. .r cnie year or mnre, tin oe the I r.- srge' al ,,n lstlhd ' The ('onfederate tItes ,if I a al ! A rl : that 1 did nott register ii Self as anl ei ,i ,. to ithe 'ited -lates that Id it tct tact as i tn, , :eur .f gul lilat ban s during the late :ebell,,i, : t ,I ttat i ti c adv,,cacy of treason Ih I io wilt, ,.r Ip l -h Alet pal er articles, or preas t: etrr ,na aIt i" nring e late rebelliion, and that I did not vote I, r al at d .r, t! e Dtrdin i f -e es.ion i aLy Sutate ' d At y 1 troun :incl.i- in tlie above cat:ogue of v ters, who i, s in due form taken the re, at. M tion ath." hL.,.1 be exemnpted from takli this itt oath; or an; person w l-i has "prlnir tI the tirat di day of January eighteen hundred aid cixty- hi egit , f.,voed tie t\e t.tir n of the laws of t it i.r iltid Staes, poputarly knwn as the ire .-ttr-t('it n at is (I toticret.,. an I tipeniy at S atd arttvly atd the iujal men r it the tt ,' akago n :tr.g tn'hto11lat eflect, except :e ha en il- apgt 'I at) iirt' i0n oir rebhellimn agRl.t the l I i. lnt. te. r .,isen ail arid comfotf to the lt e t! P rCl tl, litlr hiavling taken an oa'h as l Stt tielt lrIi ttoa .,r as l ,i'rl ttt.vt'ilt. a I r I au ext ( at I e tr iJndlli al oty ier of a ly e '.tlr. F, ght ito .Ippi irt the Ci.ti.ttal n of the Uilted SateS." t I TI e iet t.on ptr vidte futher that any person dis sit SflaLt'hltd tt the ftiurteerith anieodinieLt to tile (< r st~t te I+ < f ti e ' ,,ltd I:atc , I ) has. be \i itIt I ietl dtdly iaittl (iIgl ressfrrotal tl lan abilty, hudt uflite .n taklt . oath lito itht et! t oI titiOlt ! lourth itdi ltis that at i f tl e sab v i r- rats ust I sb takhei thitn i.r y lays afti L ti. t eli t IiI : i I 'Iht "ll ,. are lin t ditiy catb riibel tI, - IfTI(a t l~rrt ;lt athrity in that tl;t I tIicy T S t :, 'i pr,;l'ls an impriaon ene -' Iel l S 'ler ;n 1, I'en enti .iryt r It t :+e. th, u t ih i r i r.' :ld-t t~tf Ih ealt,e ve litleE. 't< o - thl eti t-t tt the tiklng of the the hl, Vr IAth -hall ni t Irivabdate the r l.Lt ,,' , ,n oe-'ul g cl tthe griond oi itehlbihtiy ol the il' '- a ti- I i 'i h !,pit t s 'aking thte <iaths.. i(, ( , r e '' : h ItrcvTde- t!. at all persons now l,1,], ,hte alal l, Iman thlty day C. c mplpiy L Itl. , very rl't-lli of the fortcgolng te 'otn- n o Pa o ,r iil, ;l ae itf aili.lie 80 to do, u haiiag their i <" e di clartd Silt ant. e r -c"ru . I aghth that the oficial acte of tre i tlh >e e per tw i tat ti till the oai h ret tired in o tie ''lie 3--l (c;fitd hatil, titer the expiratlin of that dale, he lll.+ at d \',;I. t atid flrthrer ordaina I it al liv atinr) ini ceiase friti t that tiie n 'lihst A y iy it tLi e t t li e ii, ri - 1Uli itly c'n.telcd, e 5i:ti hl Ia) t .e c.,on de, aared elected all - naliri us ftee,, etCI.. IreCel rl ( e hIje CollnlrU e ,e ll eat ul an hii li hIip of the < i e. ard that any f es pal ldn 1- to ht h ittltiglblte pertoll ' shall Doit ach treete thte r a rt er pain thern from paying them agi.ain to belt nlte enacts that the putnis:m.tlt for a ki fal ire I the pereon d 'lared inelgbl to do the tier ovarc at once to the pary de't*red ehlectd, tige i af books., papers, archlive-, etc. pertalning to tth ti e ir the attempt itf alty mU'It t.ate parrty Bel tointtrfere w;th I( ll Clceevor In the dis 'harte eve tof his dulties. shall be puonched with a fin., if not atu . les thtan lt . nor tiore than lhl0r) atd aiti im- The pJrltonlnert in the conmmin jail for not It d than n.or three niontha nor luore than one year. and erctui n ten in the osiual repeatllng c!lan. blag i .ectton eleven provides that the act shall go tinto ectt from and after its pa--age. Met - -,4 - _eigh - The fine passenger packet A. it. Brown. nnder e coerrmcnd of Captain W. $. l:assett, will m ke two Lu 1 . trips lo that popular place 'I puble ret- rt--the of t r. ( arrolIton (;ardens-whibh as our are a sil e aware, is now in charge of Col. "Dan Hi kock.k is r who certain;y knows bow to keep a hotel, and we .L know that 1Calt. Bassett knows how to run a Had stesambn:a'--!eavea the foot of Canal at-eet at last 3:lt and .':30. Returning, leaves the gardens at to o 4 ':0 and ;:,0 r. . A fine band of music will be Cami Son hoard. Mari lull r Tn TacT A~sD rT TsI"ura.--Healthfnl beauity IT ih given to the complemon by Phaloa's fragrats and coling Paphian Lotion or Fooral Beaontiler. Pat It bhs been submitted to the most powerfa. chem- even ital teots and reagents, and pronounced in the caw hiJghest degree salbrioaus. Third solutely LOCAL POLITICS. et qules- The teeresrl r I ersee clube itations Will confer a favor upon the editors of this col , rivere umn by sending to the Cuscanr office after each But it is meeting of the several clubs which they represent, measure a synopsis of the proceedings. We are oom tess and pelted to ask this from them, as the rapidly la. f the re- creasing number of Democratic clubs in the city do thia render it impossible for a local force, however where, large, to attend every meeting. We wish to make evolved this column a complete compendium of local political intelligence, and, with the aid of our d Pais friends, will certainly do so. But such assistance and the is necessary. We trust tt that the Democrats of the Iveri, if city will give it. trivance 7 e DsIemeratte plrata ef '"8. London A numerous club of the Third District. ail the members of which are young men of excellent ubltlCes, family, full of enthusiasm and determination for And the caeas of Seymour and Blair, held a mass other meeting last evening, corner of Elysian Fields y and (;oodchildreu streets. several other clubs uded to aiteided also, at the invitation of1 the " Spirits," 'he dili- and an immense gathering of the Third Itlatrict cciyzens was brought together to listen to Profea unny i ., r lthmitry and other distingumbed speakers. rrmous Ihe old man eloquent chain'd the attention of uct hearers all through his speech. He reminded s duti of the famous orators - Ilterli'il Th-,.e ancent.t wh se nr*ttlts eloqunene wSelIued at wthi bait ,e t Dm rmrae. n 1- bl,o k the arren, and Iuiml.d 'ver iresee ulture, i To baced. n and Artaxerxes sa hroes ' The i'k-Li:ET reporter had to leave before Mr. l Dinltry had got through, and cannot tell what agricul. speakers followed him. ioc re- The sixth Waad Washtblast Democratte ('Clumb ;oil of He'd a meeting last nightat the corner of Jhnson toll de- street and hayou Ritad, and elected F. chltebert t ;,nGtt rtnd marshal and Geo. H. Tardy and Leo-i H :zhal. assistant marshals. Re.,lutious ftro i lit" the F' urth Ward National Democratic C(ub iltur I ii dorsang the course pursued by the (H n. E. L. Jewell, senator from the Second listrlct, il de ft ndiR g the interests of the people ~t Louisiana 'tr-orx- and of this city ; and protesting agatnut the ex. tSt at' (f rer ator samnhola from the 3enae and of F. . . Zachare and ('hallea Stringer fr , I the 0 I uith s nee, were read and uinaoimorusly adoit,-1. lie llrl-. 'Itrty additional members were enrolled and the clob ediourr ed to n eet at the same place next F riday evening at 7 o'clock. tulr thlanks are tendered to the Washington De. i' a ni cratr' tlub, of the ninth ward,for an ivitaton 1iie to atternd a g and procestnn and nltn metn':, which is to take place near the barracks next Tile-day, in honor of the presentation of a bcn clift prominent orators. l Tae eymwer Guodes Orr'is'd il last l iesday evening in the second lit t war and already numbers one hundred mlitnhera, L II,' tefollownin gentlemen are their ''fl 'r : J. Baldwin Iituf president: John Mcl'helin, v e pr, dent; I h,... t '. Mc('all, secretary ; Win. II. !ise 1. I' ,ni hnan-ial secretsry; John ., Tiw ne,, itirel ti, arurer: (itanve Ie ol rt mrlarshal : and P. N. or diI,. P. HI. Condou, Paul Lecourt and f. lt. tii tci eyv, ai. t. siille itr tM tCall has our thanks for his attention. of N 'It. e (iides I) astrong. met last night at the cn'ter of Magaz heo and Pioefarre streets Th..v I ekc- were addresred by .Mr J. B. Prague, president ,f n tihe the second Ward 1 lib. whose remai k were I rincipa,ly devoted to the urging upu every will n nit bt r to at onice enroll hluself as a member of stake'. the regntar Ward Club. This was good alviseen i t i- tthe part of Mr. Prague. and we hope It will be acted upon by every I,dependrnt club in town. "l t eI ir pre-ident, J Baldwin I)ff, respinlded in r' t> sell choisen word' in behaf of the club, and pledged the comilliance of every member in Mr. ily l l'riguOe's suggestion. The (indes then drew up t venes, in line in trout of their hall, cap in hand, and iron, the gallery. Miss Lu Champ decorated th-ir I flag wi'h a beautiful wreath, accompanying the 1 i e'.ti presentation wlih a flw gra-eful remrtiks. After it it a rltsponse from their prie-i ent, the clib marched ,ft aird paraded throuigh the principil street,. trance Fur the serenade and hearty cheers they gave the r. I:. Ls tNT our thanks are die. I he Fesell Guards, It'd ncue of their " live " meelugso last ( At it the necessary preparations were tmade flr tIe receptiion of a hinler-the secondl Oin+ to lie ii t en to the club n xr Th:irslay night. Tae ore sentati, n is to tnk- place at the restftenc f Mr. t e, and yiik, on Erato street. Mr. 11. l),pri was hur n signa- ored by the club with being selected to carry the J new standard. Twenty cnthusiast:c )De 'n, r 's el ]-t placed their r:rnes up, n the rolls a l I tour:sen red by tionorary menibers were electel. \We are re v t quested to annntlOuce to all hoorary members thit t f the ait teting is called for to mnirrow night, at whlco al, Tihe aeslour (adoe., rver- A new and rapidly growing club, helh a meetinr F the last night at the Empire ll,,u-e. on the clrn-r t ,f Jackson and Tchoipitoulas streets. Their otlihers o ath to are A. 1). lHenriqurz, president; Sain. Cotton, t f . vice.presideat: l. C(. lIriwn, secretary and tree- . ' i b surar. L.ast night in able address was delivered d i'r- Ly the president, and we regcet much that the 1ic1I, plressure of other duties obliged us to hear btit a C' ti i , potion of it. The following gentlemen were -r the elected honrary ,5,embers: Jun H. t('arter' E. v te otf i1 H~ tson, J. I L'otton, li idilaS West, T. b. 0+ I, " t iC - lins, A. W. Bosworthii iro. A. F'dihck, J iH. t as i', duI re. Captain Sahlltl! Diowly, lcherd Boil I, I a: tirick Irwin, lDr. Ths. Nichlol.ot, to Ite i.r The club Imeets again on [hureday night next, ih rIIn s and on Saturday will have a turnout. Tier,' is te '. r also a negro cabt under the protection of the t4.' B ale ' dets, which, we 'earn, is doing very well. all ue of The Llevethk Ward Club lIt st. Met last night on the corner of Fourth and Tchonp. this Itc(ilai streets. Iniiatoty steps were taseli t I brat di lde the ward into snl-precincts, as suggerted ou ixtv- by the parish executive cmrnlrttee. Arrtange- e. Sof nints were also made for the construction of a the wwm, to be located on the coruor ol .'Sevenrh leny Srd Mlagarine streets, on a lot kindly ofl1ervd for the the pl rpose ly ('ol. luace. The club nimeets on tihi Iaur dla y text on the corner of Fourth and "'']i lcuo;|,loulas streets. sir n The ( resent Meaunted ('Club. t te One of the fitrest in twn, n.te' on Prvilay niht at V the lale Ball. Mr. t II. Mey whi, had bee, elected Ic l i itS itesldent. Wan for iid, Friy niright, on accant of t I' Ia, ick ot tin~e, ahlih c'-uld t: t lie elreSid trim buti less. t, hail in his r'-ignautin, whi'h th club' T es. ver? unwillhregly ac(epted! Mr. .arn z-I Ilfenltr. di son, well known to our citizens. was unanirnmously 20 t elected to fill the vacant place. and Mc. J. M. 1 te Allen. another ild resident, was selected as first nut i lie pre ~ deilt in place of Mr. Henderson. S-mie Iy, ts ty srev-en new a-tive members and a numib:r M S of OLiraryt ones were elected into the organilz S 'iisi. "I he riifori whih they al,~pr ed "n", ts o o1 o white pantaloron, black coat. white leather belt, ad a vi-y handme cap, red leitere3 In hi".. iCy e club meets again on Tuesday next, at E-.g.e l Insaew"at Demwevwete Cll, tr I A arrge rumner of citizens of the Sec nd Dit. ittil h t l l,ateli 1 cluh under the -tb cve naile 't e the ttirleas aItllro . .With but tew ex'etlrons the uhclibi is composed of Italian, wlho have never vied h1, !i rte, ut whoii arse deitermndl to tik"e an ~ , a-livne prt ii tie al ltr'achiiig campign arid to b a i slt their voiteA Ii r the [teticrai1c noiinineva, ya to -".,nnour and Blair. The following gerrlnen tn i were sel. ct, d , fliers of the club: Presrlent, a n l'acl s l.alarre : vl'e prealdens, Ignacio i reua, ier Seta,Uo Meerer H. Perclval, John Youenes: sic 'eretary. John H. B rison: treasurer, Amilar tin I:nh ,nb: tar-hli, )secar Hianco; assistants, Messrs. Sau S. (Gri.o 0. d A. Sparl . ias The Maollrmoa (lub,. A youtftnl organizati -i, pa-sed up Canal siro-t a -i htrt white alter the procession of the I air s, ;uards had proceeded on their way up town. Tie f M1agtrciiana presented an imposring apperaraic as ind are a flue aet of young fellows. buccess to tie thei. to The Blulr nuards Jamler, Another j·vral band of youthful Democrats, nim i btgrig abu' a Lundred and fity membert, gave d h. tie I al-c T three hearty cheers and an hearty a rn d, tiger, about 10 o'cl(ck last night. Tiun he The Jchoso lnvlielhles TA, rty Beld a very large and enthosltastic mi-eti·g last For 'e eveiing at the corner of Jacksaon anit Basia r ot sitrets. l'b suaal club busineuss was per:ormd. only c- The nlovincible. will rally at their i iui roomni to.- P5 an iorrow evenig toi receive the fourth ward clubs, Bat and eminent speakers will address the asusm- P blage. go The Fraah Blairt Cadets Met last evenine 'fur the transaction of busine, as.... eightbitive members present. Arrangement4sw re ir ade for the club to parade Saturday evening ne\ti: also, that they hold a special meeting on o Thursday eveniteo, Augut 20th. The young ladies eta he of the third ward intend presenting this club with tala re a silk flag on sonme future day. A. B. smal. E*q., ! ia president of this fine body of young menoo, and P. Leahy, Esq.. secretary. The tibPtwla Iswmeersa DE a Had a fine meeting in No. 3 Marigny Buildings at last night. We regret our reporter had too much ( at to occupy him and his confrere on C'analand • Pt Camp streets to admit of either going down to the l.a-c Marigny Boildings. The CaLzCkNT shall have a fr the lull report of the next meetng of the Bibernias, w"' for they deserve it. The E ahte W rd WIlde Awalke Demeeratu (lub r. - Paraded the different districts of the city last Seveng, in magnificent style. They were at lest fi ur bhundred strong. They are among the most L Sstalwart and tearless cltiiens of the good oln a'se lThird. They were on foot, wloh lanterns and Io tra pareaoles sad marched down Cseal street with open ranks. Among them were many cid abe fa l ads, both before and during as well ad since this col the war. tar each iTh Alr *nlgb. present, Thbnsad of people of both sexes and every epr e thronged the Canal boulevard as the son soot e 0omr- beneath the western horison yesterday. About 8Idly In. 8 o'clock the knghbta were in faull frce, extending the city their mounted ranks from near the whbarftown almost to the Old Levee street end of the custom ower bone, a ditance of full five hnndred yards. At to make the hbead of the column were two or three car tf local riages containing newspaper reporters, those of our hardy wighta looking as coorand sell-indulgent a' any ytbarite of a millionaire. The car containing sistance the munaoians was a very elaborate affair, and pro ts of the fortly decorated with drapery. garlands and trans farencles. The signal wan given about 8 o'olock by Gen. Hays to advance, which was beauti atl the fully obeyed. The route taken by the prnoee rvellent Pson has already been suicilently described. Wio for When the knights turned up Camp street, a maas the music wagon halted in front I f a ''oted Fields `rates flag which waved from the balcony of the r cluba ('ty Hotel, and the lice proceeded on until the pirits ~ center had reached the flag. The club then halted. Itbatrict ' he apactouc verandah of the City Hotel was full Profes- of the beauty and fashion of the city. When eakers. the line was in perfect order, the Hon. Robert lion of N. Ogden, one of the most brtlliant orators of minded the day. addressed the gallant array beneath him, holding in has right hand a silken banner of sp it It as purity. We could not get near enough, on account of the crowd, to overhear the remarks of Mr. Ogden; but they must base been very stir riog and appropriate, for the crowd were conti ore Mr. unally interrupting him with rapturous applause. I what The audresa was short--too short, apparently-a rare virtue in pa-litical harangues. Want of tullrl acrate re vented our reporter from witnesaing the end ol the ceremonies. hneon bThe display of the Blair Knights was an ex iehert ceediog'y tasteful and splendid one. (here was I Leo- gallant horsemanship and knightly bearing, as i fro i well as costly decorations. ('tlb The Creaseet Ctty Demoersate Club F.. L. Wll meet at their wirwanl, corner of Jaca.on and in de- Pvtiania streets fuacnay evenlrg. at 7 o'clock tit ulsiana order to prepare for the reception of a banner to he ex be prese,ted by the ladies, on the 21st init. A e and fril attendance is desired. the The Blair Guards of 'dl " Ile'd a meeting last evening, but car 'reporter i t (too mach pressed for time: tesides, whih n t or e of the nmembers half promised to turnish a ctpy of the proceedings. naton The mathk Ward Demerratle Club " Met last night at the cor.u r It J.n hnun treet a tnet c l ho'n Ir ad. if r the purpi se of organizinr,. a ho- Tne rest It rill be given in Tuesday's Coe-casr. eteral Colored Mteamboatraen'a Drmoeratle intl,. A meeting of tLis club was held last eveningar, according to anncouncement, at the corner of F'ul tecond tn and Poydras streets. The meeting was no~ nher. llumerous. but an hour's notice having b-en -f: t' r'ed on ai.y of the members. mtith, of K."n , a ticly. made a sensible, manly and moderate ii. 1. at tech. The Li.berty Guards A colored club, under the protection of the Fos S l. b a Is. me I arn, soon to be presented with a couU paieg bitier. That is the right way to go to tn. wc k. at the The IPrst Ward Club Thy Were occupied chiefly at tt!eir tmeeting last tirzht cot f in the discus.ion of the proposition made by the were pti iab executive committse to divide the ward for every it e ore thorough canvassing of it into slh -pre rer of rciot-. The idea met with favor and will Ipro csieein bbI) he carried out. The regular weekly ineet. Iii be g of this club is on Saturday eleniog at Eagle town. Hal. led in Mass Meettms Is the Third Ward . and We learn that on Thursday next will be held at a Ir. the corner of Claiborne and Common stree'a r a w up tir e place for such an afltir) a grand mass meet iand ie of the unterritfid ol the Old Third. We have their not yet obtained the particulara, but will post the a the pb l:c when we are iulormi d. After Gretna Demeratle (tab. rchel The Democracy of the parish of Jefferson, right re"''. back, held a meeting on Tuesdayeveiing, August b 'e the 4. at the hall of David ('rockett 'ire Company. In (;ertna, for the purpose of organiziug a hemi- a c-stac club for the campaign. The following a night. t fiers were elected: 'resident, P. F. V La e fr borre; vice president first ward, B. M,i ahbe; ;I t~ ie vi e president second ward, James iiustrup; tre vie president third ward, Henry Fiber : secre- d f Sr. tary,. Wiliam Mc('lune; treasurer, Peter Meutz; t biu mairshal, Clement Labalre; aids, F. It. Hatch and y the Jamens eenoy. t Mt ia Mr. T. P Sherborne made a strictly political r:thn speech. to whih the club listened with riter-t., - I re vif iornldy applauding the more mention of the rthat nasmesof Seymour and Blair. rhin ' The r tb is oallod the G:retna Domcrati C:ub, and meets every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Ti Ext cutiei Comnmittee-First ward, Iaac W. In eting Sprague; second ward, T. I). Rogan ; th rd ward. Ti -r of Ieiierre Gardere, sixth preinbt, W. B. Berthoud, i ters of Inarataria. tton, (nommittee on Resolution-A- . 8. Cox, chair trea. tran, F. ID. Hatch, Frank Hennings, Rlbert Mid. ered d( tn and Clement Labarre. tthe The following resolutions were adopted by the it a cith: were 1' ol' /lr., That we, the citizens of Gretna and o r SE. ricity, favorable to the Democratic cause, here. TC I v foani an organ'zatino to be denominated the la I, " Gretna Democratio C'lub." ou t .a ic c1,f, That the ohjec; of this association is to promote the election of Seymour and Blalr and ext ikhe cause of Democracy. Sis I~ ,ired. That, as the Radical party is only (a. lsing t;e colored man to betray him, we Invite all persons of color to unite with us against the Ilie.ats, and to all such we pledge our aid. A ft: o/rd. That in this coming electcion we will Q n-use oCr utmost endeavors to secure a maj nrlty for Ped our candidates In this parish, and to burl from i owr a party that has become obnoxious. I, , d. That we tender our sincere thanks to Itsh i-d Crockett Fire Conipiany for the use of their hail. ('lubh Meetigor on Monday Nige. n The h;air (;uards, corner of Cedar sand .Julia , d sr, e:a, at 7j[ o'clock. 1 ie fourth sub-precinct club of the Third \Ward, ov r at akokn'a soloon, at 7* o'clock. - Germnan ('lub, at ('handler's warehouse, on 'te choupt t.ouas street, near the Soraparu market, ui'lhe rio*did Ward ('lored Club, at No. 2-li) Tr h upntoules street, I o'ciock. I r T e i oniornr. membern oifthie l'osil G(;uards, at sly 20 't . ( hiarles aireet. at 7t o'clock. Pr . 'Itbe colored IDemnocrto eteamboat Club, cur. nitr Oif Fulton and Paydras streets, at 7 o'clok. i Ihe Seynmour Guides, corner of I'oufarre aen, ic-i ,azilue streets, at 7k o' lo, k. ' Ioie ' cms'ltu ian Club, 7 uclock, at tLeir ball ono Canal street. eit, I t l lj. i or Trredary evrening, the l h l .talit. at tile Firt.L Prt*7v ar: i ti li by Rev Dr t'almilr. l. T' IA I'i .LL toJi 'IE i ., dalugher of the isos hamul Somner., k., .0' t. tuci ti Iy. N.. 'eads. icr DIh1D . Ln f'rlnt"a ns r, ci5g .t -,' 1t sr nt nlso n'ele set t'a. a . or 40 Ie-ri. JE Iatjtr. 5 LAl i'is ii t:.., i' , i Ri , b, sitce, ralelmet Li t hl a bta s Ir t i l t itr i iruy n A.* 'e eii , anb irei, sad Vtckonurg papar.d is..r crpyn i rtin WLdir.lsdai errmiar, Ancist 12. LO.l.I F. JONas., ai e. 1 n ttr h "2gtt hlals, nt ,ke tl . " ,aphI n ot Fn l',n ,I + Par. l aIr iHp IArlOi AaphI.E I.MopDa BoYRI hios, th* msn lga. Bp Bator aI -- -- -- ----- -------- - C1 PAalona " IP A ItII IA N L O TI O ) N " --rOr-w BEAUTIrTINO THE SKIN AND COMPLEXION. a PIFALOfN'S *Paphsa L,,tion " rass cii ERlp TlOnbi. ?ME(KLER, PI.'Ip, McA4A BhTii, a TAN, ea sand renders the Rgin sft. lFr sad tIirr.ii srs at "r Lddles i itie nurery it is anilsshs. Oor .wtaiom Pa in fter tihaniag it ha. no esiusl. " i'sphcisa Liraon 'a the e sOamlyi riliis enisrly ioT diesoas aid bnomltli of the .tin. in PH PlOa~ot't " P"telha Sm~p" for tiso ?slst, nrner7 sadI a Ith will not (,hap trh Shin. P . Pim-c. 2esta per (te. Sold br acl Drwass. Br forrpet W careAo s e, 'a . .l axao-- a oo., t-sassts.. a t. a 'mu . Tart g OAPETTIo. la and AL a a 5 sOhands; oaqr. h Pn-.lsDa, .prRw , Dss.h sCAMPuAnoatrasva. halfu to.esw saep~rd to sso arlath 0 Larkna f e1da. Pas sa I tub t C'. MIT.LE R, ti ATLXMonKE I, orkmL do.ssi au basS •tyv• sad e•suntad nu To Bhapbufggerr " BTEAMBOAT MEN AND OIlERS. It b )owa shst vnrn e froem sas 0ts st r, rlrt ork bytll~og eH S'L*a-oaa Ited ij' --" - m5'.r;r y dao, -tltn ut Prm, ac sI5il Isnpt, y 1 street SA s Irirl SAirdIt 8 Erlts any cid ad staLe ARRIVING ANT' TO ARtVI, Id eve A I'ea stock of ALL STL1ES AND Q UALIyTIf i oan aok the celebrated About R C MIPION SIX FOuR *, tendn To the Inelt mad most ezpesive Shkirts mon:frctarld, i oustom S. N. MOODY ' do. At ree car Celebrated fhirt Kmporium, Igentos CORNER OF CAWAL AND ROYAL rRE~TI staining md pro. Offuce d trans MUTUAL AID AND BENEVOLENT LIYp o'loc INbURANtL E AtSOCIATION proces- OF LOCISIANA. lcribed. street. The ollowting nared gestlemeu were e'e*ted R'ARD Or United DIRli'TORS for tee above mentioned Aslocitlinf}r ther" . Of th suning we year., dating August 1, 1868 ntil the J M LAPITE. W. . YMOr'Nr baited. JO( LAVID.-I, L B P,'rtlFhR. II Z.I'BaiH ER, W.M. M I'LH 'P fuAl I K MABKe C. ,VAR.,,'. hen . r . WV f'. ip \ Robert W ('OO,.R, THOi K FiN .&L DAVII, Mc'COARD, PArlthsc IRi i r, ti him, I * A•I'l ELD, JN C. oIti . if sp t.- (LRARD SrTTB, W. C NI('HOLi 5gh, on At a meetinr of the Board of Directors. eild the 4: day or ImArkl AnIest, 1168, the to lowing named gentlemenO were e!tetje ry stir- oicersof the Asociation to sqerve two Are. Coot i JNO. DAVID4tN. President; iiW 8 PINK Firm Pleeoet, itly-R B. W Tli'Nit. i'retoar) )f title L. A. PtlUKtNIiR, iroacurrr; e W B. KOONTZ. Attorney. W. C. IICHIOLI, M. D, k'csicisen. e wa The office of the Association for the preoent . lotaret tl the ng, as old baik of New. riean., corner of Unaio and - t i'"larie streets, where the i'flicer of the Assoa.ation are prepared to f reelr, applicatlons for melheral ip. ck n Conuttinued .rrirags. rier to 't. A VILLI.IAI.I I)>A.PY IN, orter ...........CANAL STREET..... ... . 150 whih Rteceivr!lhiii week a fnoe ae ertereet of Paris BI. I) lE t 1011l IltiA MANIA. SIILK SAEiSE Frmted It l.l no; ( tilPI. aid a et rtn alu.,rtmellt n .'" burg Mretw nlod P4i"1 Al' ''t'i. Wtlie htr,.iiles tioTi asd iil.D RAND. t e. (w ,,ads of the latest make will be r.eolved reuraly all stret rosunmer. . W. DAI''IIIN. r. Retail Store. No 1i,) .a..a .tvt. r Wheleale Roome l o i I .'oi e .,'resit. iets. 'tiii Hraadwan. Nitr York. SFui . Carrer A Co. bhcn CELEBRATED PATENT IMPROVED Kon COI·r'x' o mP.. erate A FULL ASSORTMENT ot the I.TEST MANUVAO. TI RI4 of t ieo eelk' known anld oat appoiedi (INitl is no.w iFoe- r-erived and ntastly on hand, toiether with SAWS, .Lt. S.I'S41. t;ATN, HBHIBTL'., H()IES, e'c. h to IIIe wide and unseryaseeI reputati.t, of tOi I i1 N tlr., ih. rtwt the cuntry ie to we'll esrtb i(hed to require fort: er ,or. tticams or Itdormueot to 1tle- planter nizht FObTEI &A (i)., Agents. y lhe No. 1IU 'irarier ,ret., Sfir Noew irleauo I.. iDu)eases of Ihe Eye. Dr .11,'l I' POV FRPGER, (Ate rh.!'tant to Dr Si o'e!, 1' ,rl.; (el LLIls', li t'l ual strtt,. New iirlen. I ,hi- e htl.:i trm 11 to 2 o'chlcL t' 1 llo for Diiesae. of the E,. dat urlayas from i t, uo' lock P: yl'rins and a Veoairl ca. S d. , ul e inr--rrtd to attend the (' Demonstration with e t tle )ptLa i sct re. etc. Po r patieuts will be trme-r lid oip i- e ,ted on :re. 'of hrge tthe oard So tlse Putblic. right Notice Is hereby given that the uiderslnged iare Cathorslle ict Mr. lIIARLSe MOKci iN, owner of tlhe Morgan, Ilore of 7. in t'Ited tates m.ll steamers, to take MainOe RisHse s, ',eargo erai- aI,; Merct.adleoheipped by Iles telsierl piynig to Mobile or wing any of the renas ports. AT ONE IIALF TiHE; RArFeN LA- ALOI'TtD BY THE HtiARD OF L'tULEaWRlriRRI OP she; htW ORLEKANJ JulJ 1.,.i rup; Mr. Morgn's eC r tidelenre in hiu steo mrn anml an vneset Cere- desire to pr.omte trad ai.naete New Orlemua. Mobile Iad thi 'UtZ.; exas ports, have dio'ated thlis coire aind .',r p.' ticu'r those interestel are invited to call at theeoe, e. ald . l('amp street. CHAS. A. WillI'NEF & CO., Agents, the J'Masnanna Co('outr Ties. U We heare L"rge "upply .f the celebrated A1,LIOATOR TIlt in hand, wh. h are o. eurpae.,d in ialilty of ra. n, ie. . il); .-r.1 batEnglih r.'uufar ture rand (lllIy gusrn ard, Als',FAN AN' T IE, sad DIAMiOND • "R. so e tensrveII orud to lomlr year i, For sale In an quasllt y to nlt beorers CHAMBElid & I.ATTINf , air. st oarenrelet street. Iron C'otton Ties. the - In addition to the celebrated ARROW TIER, I am now and prepared to rceive ordese from the trade, for the PELF VAN. ere- TENINii BU('KLE TlEi, lt mlade of the best quality Ean the lish Iron, and BAND of any repquised length. H. T. BARrLETT, n i (eneral Agent. 43 CarondeOt street, Just Opened. sitty the A NEW rIOTOGRAPH GALLERY, will for Corner Magazine sad St. Andrew Streets, Over Liperman's Dry Goods Stere. to - S PIIOTOGIRAPIit 0? 50 per dosen; AMBR(iTYPEn 75 tutlen IiORICELAIN PICrL'KiN S$1; i Atid all wa-nk gu*aranted equl to asy aone in tihe city. Caill anrd our Spltmren. rd, WIlEY & S ()JY. on Catlttcl,. et, at Preston & Merrill s Yeast Powder and Sugar of r Lemons, or Portable Lemonade. P'reoto A Merrill will proril-ut6 oi pereon eo err+rirtlnq alkl t a, ltu, wil Ito held r ,r.i ,be siid p, . , r, fl " oi- - t that the f it oie a lrtiiic itoy,ie - e te et yrll S rtrlulas or mehf l ·s r ltlitEsiT<N & MEI.RILI., titrari. tiiy9t 1'('4 S .1'wr Orlceaas aos lollce. Tln ofI Arrlval and Departure of MaIIe Riiite OlS --Ntw l()rnllet to Bralrhier, leavee daily except boilste t0L--Ne (Orlecol to Cuuton. deprtiara dlly. IA - los3~I 3 . M , Hulday 1 Arrives dualy at I iaute .,---New orletr to St Fraurelsvllle, suipplyi:, atI C the oifee oapertd, depa·nture Modiay at 3 r e Cad Frlday at 8 A. M. A riven Moi- •iil FrCiii a --urrtioi ng. t Kute Pam-e-Pew Orl**us to, irrl O. us Jefe'rso t.I Ideparture Monoday) aut Ihurade at . Arrive Mla, I Tirlrsdny at i p. . si te e1.-.1ew (irlears to RBrn. lattlemont, Lr'we ('i nt di poriiireTuea•y Ind nryt L e s A. I. Arrives ii. da) and Thulhday. - outi rao-N, w (Orleas to hIblie, dlearture daily at I e. M.. banday at 12 i. Arrtvesl dilyy iy . . . Hote 'tU7--New Orleesis to t'ovtrlgntn. La. densnrtarel Mday and Thursdy t 8 a. . Arrirves Taeeidy ad Frudag Ii'ite -. Ne' r)rleane to Allers, departure d4Uy at 2 4 C. Anreee daily yt II L i. houto Ore--New (I lencee lo mitrsbmtrlg Inpplying al toe oefcee opened tit vl,:lbbrg; also Red Rleor and Oo-a-eii SParlbee. Depereae Ttuelday and baturday at 3 . e. A-. rlve on Moliday ano Frlday mornings. allshl |r LtLe Cows TUTartue yantd 1hcr.nrey ot~ 4 ..00 dSaturtaye at ll L . e. Pseceturole atoettys at li1 alls fIur ( alersrton, Htlusn, ttnindail, n an Antne , Brtwueclle. Braoee s~tlliCo via New iOrleCae Cnd OpalI,,sal Iallrosd, cloe t7 A. U. on Sunday and Tttaradey. I Tartr of Postage fr lexle., Cuba, WelL IndIes etc. Onedalonpe, MNrtinique. Frenc- and Dctch Oloane Lt. Vinluent i Slt. Lucia St. Vunest, l'rlildad, rsa--dl cenitO nlfbai on . tptonoL (uba Meao. Hartl. Prto RicO. a. i Thomua Jemrirt nVenerue, tCno g tatee of Colombia, Engilbsh Uiomla- mnon hiat oe , oblillgoory. o!hvi4 ChIl, aauder-.J34 eent half os., obl.gatory. CII lalr Postage *Ilgman, witzerltand and OGermay, 8 eents eek. Ioae 4,. Pnglo Id 4, ad Itay 1 entesa . Buses 1,. vie H kmberlsg 8 rnte ncie weden 13, via Hamburl It ants sob. CIrcee are rted a. book pacews, 4 on. Or ender. Ooee 5los... Ope at 8 ot'eak A. M., ; clese at q I. andys,, otse epeas at o eloLk a. IL.; e:oeat ll. B. W. TALIAFBRRO, t' Puetmsaeta