Newspaper Page Text
Sttamtrs eawing port ao-ag3. Ad ADYERTIBED IN THE DAILY CMBOUNT. llnsa. August 16. 1a66, Tease . JO4EPIIINE, Ia'-tUirn ." _ A'A Meo t .......... MAIL SttAT--&eI...............r era ieaarg. August 17, IM66. Lels V.'lle. ......J. JHN KILt tR ,. Re sot .. . p' Red KIer ..... ROtOF FRANKI Whit. ... t Pr Ptalh... LAURA. Walker-- , a ......... 9c At waortunt Preat•.... 'tiKE)LP. Baler--r ......... .. I ole MAIL ( .- .... ...2 PM F (1.1 1 I('A 1,. --- r-.oeraatle a trt. tI ( . mutee - A Fpeci<al Meetu f tht. eronm.itter wll b. hel et t'." ]tot '., N. .' ."rr '. ui "tcr et. ,n 110%D AY KV''.F N at..h Inet at I. A frit t yet 'n itOe 1. d treedt nine"b of rrr .iope"r. nce w lltb br u.l"t ncfole the I, in eltt, r trier, T. L M A'(1N, Prestl eI: TtOlaa recetary. - * onalstltutl~in b.-Temr. wahl b, , Fp let o.eting o' tres tub on M ..'l)fAy RIRlINI, ou Ipu 17, at ,heir H llt, N. . a i .treet mtuber. are pr' Strul rly Crrltuert+ t., I |,el: cu et l. . lu ur tnei of Vital t, ort . wl hl, brouu h..t befure them y 'r, lol.. Jwr() . A AUSTIN, Prelsdent. ----"reerLt q'li Dlrye.trll.le Uiteb, t& c'rt C (' ub will ;,r nrmtlt at 'b..' Wirw.., r c',r'.tl .'a u sad ' rettatt .t'be. to, TU'ESDAY taYrE'KP1Jtlo. t0, at 7 'etl ck, tou neni.. ate arr.n, mentalt'or the r.te til.. of the b . uer 'o be p" s.utel by the Labies on the2ist. Felt at teudu e to.l.ed. TPRD N. OJDEI Proa.dnt. T Lnta nOVY. Pt-eftary. l--- IenI h-Jretekmn i avlnelblta. wtll. ra!ly at thelr I ut. Ro'sn. cerner nf Canal an It Ktam street, on tt'P DAY 1\ ENt l the 17 l, ins . to rcvfstev %.-n Fourtt W. d Club.h tst.ert.l. w t e puntul at a 'cl,.:k, r -urheat preakers will edrr.eJ or meetLig By ore r , .JA. s. lnlTr. Presiient ('HtA{ f ate.'p, te . er'e'. ---Hradquartera F.artt W%-d ý tletncratic t utt c",rner o.'f anaI and FP"nk in .tree:.-New (le.a.. Ananat 11. 1tit --Tie recta r woºak. tm-t.f .' ft( 'nt "t, Ir " ah w1LI be .1'- .t tht ar.t, t..ea I .r"et.. -,,tier t 1, al ad F' .n~rn atre t. IVERY THIt'K',DAY IV\'V IN.l et 7 ',clark All rem cr.t are i,v erdtl ,. ttend e bt Iw woto mela b.rl , n--: .s the .l spt tt',ml'tt . t f, tie ata lt. v 1' , Ill I t e , . UM iTh. T. ('hot maln. I'II A. Bi. PYEN: E KIDNEY P toHiRPER.1.N() KERAK I J I ZA' I1HKIE JAMEI Mt 'KAt'KxN., IN . J LAW LEta tH oder. u,") tR )I A* .o l o IIIa , ur rt r |u ' * I,"," - The tade awake Elihah W asd UA..on erost'. hIt W, T ftr e ti 'tri 1, m'e. I. y tttH)KDa . MV1K lit; . er E . ct ha-.oo. - ,e . El a'.,o andi Ifete at e"t The I. tltl"wiIt . ewt' " f ' r,'. N A LI a4 tAS-P-'re. o.." SW t HC.- KON-'-I t v ,--Prei.lel. JANE li,, ILL-24 1ice 're.ldei t II sT I DER- 'crrtar, A Mpr` I)UIINI Tre.nrer INM t WAgit--Mar.h." J HI.,t IL. J. H FA4tERT. A t -Rt' i JAIt 0i1HOON. a I a LtIt Mtl o uted 'tlu - #A .t .f , m s -o. )t ,,- t t er Inr Tn iidl t.'. "n lily ~11i er ,r Insttber \ re Prelae. to - .. Ni. A lei EcK ,rd Nale'. WV A. Wn':1 r(i ..e'-t I, E F llir. A . .tannt Mar-tb t.-A. Ii t',.eip., D M. Kllpatri.k, I. AIt.rrtOI . Jr be 'reartea- Ithn I'. tte, ders n, V. 'r,.oouer-Ad'o i ,t", 8,,,ncare iTeeter--.nWih R.,l kn., ester ofI He a "-(' r , - ,ft A m.tli. ng h '+ I nTI'EfltY EVE P' Ilit. I, A t .t t , at " 1 i ia, at La'le iII.! A p l' tlal attetLda ce ias I '. t I l .Iro. C(. H ,1 r a I.I. S..-r ter' --- ledqarlt'er l'ourth Ward Nrtloteal D.m.",lcrate 'l,+., c ,r tr , , 'r ard .a .hl, m tr a--V'ow t r ean. Au 'u-t 11. ,: -_" ' Il iA t w .eklv Ime tull n, the a ' r f'lh . ltl a Ie he'.' *t t'- I- ha qua*rrt s arner t' al aidF rrnkl n trees c' , It, W\V. 'E'IU.AY t VKf I i ti 7) , 'c'" At, All ID to.crta't oe rte " e y at i .te.t t,' ,it' nl lvf rd. r-" ,ft;ktt AN, 'i l t. J. o PrITr AttIR a Se rartr. a-- aily Rat ! Mialy!-lti d P .'W t1t Central tub neeto. vtry I t' |).¥Y if1 ' .') r a l 4 -t 1 h r'o treet ~ tr ,, ," . , p 1 alt bus net. All D,. :u·.cratl a- ,r L1 i f t, ete ,,1I J. VAN ZANI'. U '-e. IeLt. W .I. GRADY fhec"relary laaat.errnatl' Matate 'etra l o ut ta ntt T.. Re ..i meerie .,( t ,. amn(b toe w L, : e'd evec r lF iltA Y,A kI. \ th lf I. ,at. v at .t "Cr ~ mra, 1.,5 Caaal .te.t. J V' tIRAiAT L4tE(' ALA N(.I'%'Ilt(.B ---ta-telel otllee.--'h- te taluer Laullro. C(' m t Jo'* As'her r, tfI r-fteltr ti cllt tt.i :ebelr hlJUlAY TRtIIP to the Wae il t lI.E V 't lt" I V Uwm E't .4'ftAli --- Tresirre.'a " *tle.. ('as 1alt. Ne'w bi. le nn , Aug II +- . --'- .tlten ," tf r. "rTxes t,'r Ten D%,l - lt. Al '..t 2'2 2 r a . T.x' srte. ra u ha.e x ehasce ot pay Lt.ty fae. in tI rY M ' I-. '" W K '.4I'ST Trre.arrr. "-- ('' iat. af la.., o a me. New Otincs Aagtll.t't I(.6 A ameaelt t "irlt e rtl' fDfrt. St.1 I.ef t .. 5 f.I tr C.''tdC I 1t Peae I. P','. nn t1 ic- lt'.l got, Lt 'h -- H-- t, t I I, ler'mr· -t.t w 1 "' +.< tretd n· ita '0 , Ito tech iCkb lACr ot on.. nd alfter 'tl(N (AI R Wth Illtla. -- l1.. a RB ak of I eo'la.*-.-ew O Ur. leams J l.t .7 l"r"'-A' f ',-,tin. .,I Iue R a' DI t'ttra, thsl daft. r lt;t. det l t . Ii. ,. "r. .'t'r tc t wa .la.' pntay hie oAn ua.fter the lth Ao AR.f' ,f.', A. FAE.REr. I'a.hl«r. -----A'' --l-+Ll'eum ...~+--Hli :O.....I.. - mere tsna' HRank ew' O'rwaaa. JItal Il. ti6l -At or e a -wtoe , e~.d·o of eD e s'pr+. Itoe. this day toe " , ft ieot1,,. re-o,+ It,s uant t.''f. toot) , Re. ho rd. lba t the Iok h, ."~tr.e"tr it rye:t * ir1 1~ l - a t the ibankrng b ure 150 S A'I'UILD& the 2:d An. ut next, r m 10 .cL, ctk a n to 2 ,'' , k r a , tn r lot- lot ()a tt proptr t) ., a lurter roedu tlo'tn of the capit os the bank d tn Ire rropr tf of rtine '-r t mhe a Ilh.r of .treL. so bos t to f nvert them r ni,, C .btf1t, 11 .teh nt. ' yd I in the _ l,, . rIre y,.rf T ,Ie -.' Il, - , 1,' r , da , ltee in orl r to Iir+ ate thle +'pitlr 'f the BHank t., F l. ld " ,, YTaB.and 'il (t1') Is1." a rT., to ts reprea. ttll , by . nd dlr ,l e' lt FlI 'lbhtaaduAAAd lJ I thara ll 01 It 11" h THl(lMA-i 1. ,IX. "'a.hioe. -Same. Flreme'a Itusrr-ate ('tampon ofew ()r . e 26('.a np street 1'.. I. I 'r -Teo pnerw pablluit s app'rrh-'tiln t i- to itate that there 0x,.t. te ' t t la rltflte At aa t '.r'llt aln' thar tile ttnttr .d U a'. I se r tlnu ltble "r the ',,rtr.ta t ,' tthl I 'm'ttra, e B L. MIlI0t At'DITN, Prlodent. - - - W a "rst eln 15.- . ca" tn' A s . r.i.l. n ' fow Or(..a Ju p i-- e ti C, t iu. ie llte n souPl sn l the Rolist If' am tt~o I !hll Aoa"l'lrtli,+, ate owr road' at. rs,'ett.ev a:,h, llh.a il 0ot rfol,et mnde bhy Llats motled to aloer I til ,m le t r eir L l DHI W.rr t ' lfrm,,L e linc l. ('hil r t-er. 5 t. oLY . tI t t. 3., r t•trt f,'e te I ftfL, f'e7 Tcr,. 't rit IALDKR, In er ',,ec- o pe li n, corn. rll e lo r e p, of · Com 5 'r bt 'tost Is ntd,.'.r .a et' I r tr.d, e 1i N ItAM t'T.',V nre al', . -tt'C '22 f wI~otft ot t t' s *P t W.1 .fl.+..I. r n D rtdrle :."'rar Ap.';aomd rraC I A ?Ptltltat. i, 'itlei.- n2L Li.0.'ty .l'o, ..Ii.'14 (I' t(u ) H 't I nt.K r.-I' , . a t, het i r nl - £bd ail u, ,,,. r, dtt, 1 t-t tt. L tfr AAD r eet dtrett Cedf.a ' fwe t L . itIllan rtdetl.,ce .i5 Dr5aleoatreft. .ft't . jIkeofty oftr ' t iT. . Ad¥.l ,it WALTt Prr.'.rt J. lowl a ; ta c ') , Mr-t. . vT' (. ·eCOS ('Itd rtak 5la- aw s-ortlaos.. Jnp 2, I't.A- Anrtmetlll'ft,'",h1 |l'.'atr" Ire. I Ittl it af t tlftlfdti , TIId.l .IF PEh i' NI' fr-e tl'. " belt' , -l • q light C".opYft - t 5epruh hi-w rl I. Ll. m,,,;< .. ~ s-uaea en aftlha, .p. 1 .orv OItr ielai tepro•ftt~tiflt l, \VI lt gKRft. Tree.fftrer ie ol the P gw tteais t httstlfip iLte witi bo 'oand at 06. ot tho -ta'trn' sad rdero' Inarrnce Ctmplny, '9 Oaml.r,'fial tInanrane CompJnY, Corner of I amp sad tIca minrai Plot's. fllroahftrf tlath',rur. P'lydre s tre nt. MeltLsekey * Mas.. Gravtr stree(. .o Iar k shf W0 theaaa New 0 lrnt., Ao "tf t rt ',ft O ttC I a. r the I a tt ""rfI,- t 'Ofre. ,. t " ,. Oatf of to 1tnt . t. .t ftt' . fttf V t f·* t lntl '' ,ttt'pt Itl1h 'at iIe i "t·II thf. d·Lt. OLCfttft C tt t• I ado dcp."to'f -Ilnaas HBnk 5-.o'1sl,*at .-t •0 I s Jn. e 17. 1'ftt --It *It.t, a i'. ' t'.O wit:+ . c: I,,lt.' oi0i ,. 1t. •t ebt.t thro. Ann ft to loadls dep tatte rhy .ate Bl O·r r~ said u In 'pose wllto, be 1IIIr l,,'i ftFi Vr'PRFl.',h L'. er'6 -rent 5,ers-eta ar SLh Bank - ,hE ,W ' Ca tefPr Auditor t f hr tae pur or f w ..tinljen spp' t:+lon dtel M th.t rw1ee th . nll.t t dfpoeited by r l fttft tftfr tAi;E FRERET. Ct"hh er , ....,,, ,,.,., .,_---%.;.,.nu.:',.,' • btel,' ltha- r '' r Vt to, pele. lhc • t Iscoaled aIars-' lIrre te ol , i the Howard of oL.utlon. Dub-ys*-d Hasbr. 15, th old, l·nlzre ne htrule pr'ot 3 . th'. ,inr. or tl e leI Cn`ia 'laaall nits rhtl of st i tas; q e5t the IIi lt.he .ll bedlye tooutg or nt aned tese of t.o u ilt b r. d s r th f le pr Dr of*. ld l w tlll Dnot - dlur Pef ro anlrd rOwl aowlrd eo Ulichelo'a W Fg~r, Ne 11It tII' att t l1.w Yrork. NEW ADVERTISEMENTO. N W . .................... WI C We expect to receve regaar'y severol branld of py )rR WI,TOIRN RECTIFIED and OLD BOLUR IN Will- KIm., and the cormin wed, under the new regi~'alon, re duced tax. we will have eghbty barrels of very old Bouron Wh:sky ad one bun, red barrel ,f 's. e'e.o n. make of the celrbated un.a.ufcture of James A. Mller a CilI'LEN ('() K WIIIKR, that we warrant nd is known p .rend In 'ia sty ad favor F.r s. aIn lots b, noit th- troed by COBB, DiLUONDE A CO.. Ag-nt.. e7 N .t * ..- t,.r t C HOICE rPlo lzU oNs. 2)00 barrele beery tandare MER PORK oK l)i Prime MES8 PORK Pa 150 roks prime BACON, Asorted qulaltlee. 1) k.g. prine.. Leaf IARD. tO) brb's FL I ' I., .snrted q'isl'tiot 330 bbls. choice FLOUR. usLurpaoed, hranded " i r'rn F R, ymi ur " now landinl, of new Wbehi. 1110 tlerc ech ire sugar u,led I A'. eel 2.h) pieces of Kentucky BA(iifiiN, sew and old stOI., le. For sale in .ots to suit puotbuees Les 005BB, DOLIHOiWDE A 0, 7 Na Lor .r r NOTI(E TO TAX PAlIg,. - 1 OFFICE CITY ASP.eRSR'i. City Hall. Aug. A 15, 16it-. The Board of ('ity Aslessr re hInain compleedl thlc r-.'l. ofrOLs .a.tifor bI year 1040. alI Copies tb~ree,,.fltl , been alt with "he Tlcrtr) ntit he hoaird a 1(,l, Iu. ' y tl tle mnay be.... and examine: by any of tr owren l rIpr,,riy or t o.x t)e+ f eaid cite, trrn 9 ) 1 o , n AI i to 2 u chwk r r. dw, y L% , ude*.a ix'eptod, hlr t 1tr!irt. sa)y 'rom the 1l7h0 i sitnt. ster wetch tiere t e , ,, - ick rr on thet2d., 21, 24m, 25an ai dI 6 h ,If Sejiti or renti to o, t..,.er tie ihp Istious "oude by ptartoe ci sideriug cegriced. S I' HARI'PR, Peretary Ae.rd Mt A..... , ONE DOLLAR AND FtIFrY CNTS , Wl 11, y ONE POUND of nor FIlE'OT M'XED ';3r., and Black; TEA gyararsteel er'.tl to any l1,' i,:id . + city. J W PLATF A Co, Tea Deaiers an Id re:ers. 1(r2 Cam'. trert, cornt r r P v.t',0.. 'EW OKRIEI NR J4'K MN AND OREAIF NORTHERN RAILROAD. To tnhbe e fect SIed .y, 06th elst., at O P.V. A PA88EtNUER TRAIN LEAItEsr DAII,Y t s5 I. H , m*u ng c,titr, ''t,,p a , t h frri:. ",, V,, s ,ur~. , erndt, "., a . wi t h the Kiuelsippl 'eLtr. Railroad for tho N,,rtO and Let. A 't'OMMOIIiATI(IN TRAINS LEAVE O() 8'ND415 .t 7 40 A a, oling a far an Hrotkh vol IRntornn., leanr Hrookhaven at 3 30 IL on MUNDAYS, arrivini in Sea iiliet It l 10:p' A i Lxcuri,rn i. cketn are good for Train of atn-day nr Sir day C,-"-v rd rains of Runder r Monday south i all ri arrlves :i. New ctrle.ame. I ie Irm FRItI(IHT TRA.N LIA-'EN DALY ernopt Sunday., T 8 WILY iAt8Y , (lea*ral SuperntendenL JAMI I (IN RE Genteral F'riit Age-it FD WARt. . enera Trs ... .on. nn 4e. Ltnt. IIARID)WARX AT LOW PRICll. A\XI.S. FLOWS IlOES, IRON; bTtEL, ANVILI, 18dLS, CHIAINS. Et c, Etc. For saoe by B J. WET,. I nl 1:1 M!N rinne ""eft HIIET IRON .. ........ IHFIET IRO N SIIEET IRON-75- hndlrs: Ho-p end tMan IROI N-- ':nidle, horns . oe IRON-; indlet Pour d, Fquare and Fs' I RON, TIN PI ArT, 1':- 1IN, Et.. Etc" F, r sa!e LIIW by B J. WEST, 11 Anl 121 Marcne .t-Cet liL.. .. .... .......... ..E.. ASSOIRTED SIZES. For tle L"W iy B. J. WE'T, F 119 nd 121 HagCi ne stre t. O IVE OIL.. ITAlIAN PANTS, rC.. I t drg ex P rig I hor '. ,i Genn, an 1 for sale by t: e :d ,, ,;. a, \MAIAR'NIf ari VERMI l LI . aii ' k ' ' LI' . AIL, lia, . tI IltI a ,I aL. 4t , le r e' rtied nd tglar i R I' , .,xe* .Mr-TO 4 a*. enA1 11''.* ,r.n ..+' IHAK IMPEARE FO. ADILT, NO. N- GIROD STREET. BETWElN BAR) 1: ) I ANE DRYAI)EI .tRLI'.LTS, New Orleans. Johnu i e, ie. .ol A ::,be. pe.are. S H w. ",p. IGEDDESL. HAhE-I'l. RE A (C') , Tron secI Braes Foindter edl HMc!lini.t. '1 rn NI, Driat.'lr .a hlbn". ni H l : i " n tierlring a et 'ira', Ii' -,Ire r:tt, Coal totn. Venteat,,rs cod sa-. Wi . ea. lila kiilth Wirk if)al nItn AAII: OILO! PAINTS! R Pl: (BRlD)';ETeiN NAI.S )I 0. fk.g· . u,,w a'ndtng from usTa:. a i RIw L.erwred IIL. Itl Mni:a.e ROPE. (i" DPtor , Coal (-IL .' "e.- -r,1 Wrapilng PAPER. 7 ton \ : te LEAD, In Wo.i, ~and Tin. 2L, n oes PAINTI, usorteil, icolred. ,or e a: on.e-t m·arkiet 11 A W!ttlH.IL.CK I 3; No '9 ' I Leteoe te.,, I: . e , i.tTI e (_I'O.AL. ..... WOOD (OIL. FaP , liel witlli to sunrlyt trellt tree w.ti (i-Co ' : tV u rsh Y.rd corne-r rytaniall·' Fe:, tyrrd .Hl otters ei e " ttl ded to. - i e i t hattr a, e )t r e!t HlUn ( :o l r In , aK I)t mi t< .I SA-T ,LO * ('mlt' (lll l.l., UAblSARE. GlN., RIFLFS, SlTSi) RS. 7 , : !Freti IO, Barredotl, T' iN-t ";e piI 'I '-liiie l :re ed .LI(u T GLh NS ou $. t' 'ui \,l . " NI e 'It- . n i ! I.., n o R ''. ,VE Ni i, , d " A " :, ·eke I ' t th I i* oLIHA N aio I' .nte Hll( ; ,1l. ,,ret It .i lii, r n rt-. -1IAXLth. Atii t i1 ... R L T.I n b Sc,,. Cl ',. ',' le nr.rri nt (oO0 o EW8 R. ...0001 NEWs FOR 1HE tiA" , ,!.TA ,'.Yi' Ezrerelom Trip. HALP FARE-...... ALF FARE. En. toen T ckets at HAL.' FpARRF, good 'rn An;.: Iet to'etWesl.ter 1I 1. 0-it be Ittwii Ie '.0e In.( ;~ VTI L. E-- A:l.w ni ex , l..·t, ... t, .: . w... t, c e :, r I I r s .d ,.-r ,. d - Fr'e ,r R,.'nd Trip--$Bd 7 75. LIN r llt I RIO lhke pern;ti e ',r -, . : !r o 1.e t' ,"? . a*,eelt <n , Ih the \ aIr alr Asd en ,e*i^ ta.,r , .. p-iit e : thiiiri eaed lenr . u -'eit pae lng th ii- i .lgtt fare. Through T,, ket for Round Trip--$- O. For partireulers apply at ttr Tirkr: I.*re i' :,r i Or ie... Jtnck-n tad i;,eat NSr ',: , c, I np and I'.o t moe t'a tee r t er el ,t.'i FD W4RP Ot.nerelTi'ke" TOBACCO IMAN UFACTOIY. Corner (hartrr ud Cost etreta r. J . IARiRAII SIN theakfl for the patronage extendei e him ltoee the eabllehmnt of bhi ftLtor hba eoeaetnt 3 s 1 hbt beet xert one to tnrnsee hie wll-deerel rinti. tIoe. lad heeor Able to eeetothe hoatbor htte*ea e nopr,,r ar-ioet of ewl tobIeo for oe tloeig, pet ep Le all torer of pac euae ioltittbetrndo HI seniet t of Chowe ?obeoen e'twa oe *. to cenowmd bh eweery ertwaL I0001 REWARD. Reolved. That in view ,il t :. Increao f ctnterfell N(h tLP l'IE, Fe tien '.'r 'ee : ii lt-cott K it.i ,d Cor. areward *~l I~Ll I' IC tn' , !,.r d l~e d t-rliil anilld (.lui Cit fIce een piene. Drlere nre ,.'d tit nteo Ar'.*:-,t e: oea ey pi eeniL PtUUA stl!i CO.LIoterlt coin. in ti 'are G1 T BeUREII&RD. Preldesnt N. O. sad "'rtl.rtoe EaelrtteJ Co. SSigned F WIN rZ, Nelwr t le Or eal City R-ilrotia do. (lintgd) DAVID MciOA D, Preldene rKIa ee t CIty RItr-lisO Co iS(IlIed) W. H M¢,;L.L AN PEeldit St Chnerte I 4l.o5.'0 . lN Iaod' C A LARUZI" lre deat t'aIa and Clabt ne .00 Beflroee(' . (tfgne) lieO I"LArKI-. Preatcnt UreIet Rlirlid Cc. AMMUSEMENTS. SiE1crlAT cCITY rTaarT CLUB REGATTAS IN LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN, Undec the mospices of the aLove named Club, -Will be giver SO the 1ilh and SOth lastat. FIRbT DAY-WEDIESDAy, 19TH ACUGTUT. First clasI Price IS a ord Cla Prize.............. .r....... re lt). Ihird Cla Prie* ................Pa1ne a. SECOND DAY-THlR'ADAY, 7TH AUIGUST. Tbe sa..e omount' in Pur.m wtill be given to each t'las A rrdalu we c io st, dded on the part of the hI, to our bro:her I htetsme on toe Coast and Mobile to pate wr,:s ul on the occasion. J. O. N.XON, Commodore. AI R sarClr ActilgRocreta-y PIEIAIRME EXC CL'I OS T CARKuLLTON. Fverv Rnant'y I the euaso-Thbe fiat side-wheel n eeger slte0 er A. 4;. BROWN) , W S. Bot mL. ater. e.oer f.* t ,.! ansl trt for ('arrnlltnn Olard.n. EVr IY ý-Is:"[t at .'- .nd 51, oclkork . U. Returning, Ieave. h l rnd1 -.' J.,k.'t, strrt. tck Landlag, or any t.h-ef ,";-h·T ,a,., rrv r+-n hal,.t kM'C 'I'('I KY I >'UTTEK Y. DI.AWIN OP O E\T'IJU&T STATE LOTTRIIT PO ACL,.oT 15 -OLAB 4694. PL!(CT PLAN .I,91 101111 U 4 I. _ 4 I '7 ' 9 4 2 :'9 I 726915 I. 7 I t. , fie. anrumd ,ru a n r c..a.d in u: relamla .olttrte by i T IHOWARD. ILtenseod Lottery Dealer, CormU Gnam and commmoa atraes N((TICE - BRWARE OFp 810' t8 L ,TFTRIES - o Biaa.s Prerrs .'cl P'y Prar-s or names , peer.,,n Snnuin tprr, are ever ad.rtesod by the IKetutgy a" KETL'CKII TATE L4OTTElIE. OHAS. T. HOWARD will thal day open the sale of OOM. 1INATIION LOTTERY TICKETS, os r.e Three lnmber elan Y Iol ow e: On MI day. Wedneoday Sad TLared 0y. Tickets $2 i0, $5 and $10. Oa Tuet lay Sad Saturday. Ticketa $1, $6 and $10. On Friday. Tickets S. Sharee is all the above Srhermo s In Proportlln. Pllas, of the Lottrnes. u.d explanation of the Drawing will be sent each purchaber. Japltal Pnto. In $1 cheme ....................... ....$ t a5pitl Prte in $2 a) Schene ..................... 10 Il spltal Prize, Ior $5 c'er e ... .................. ) aII) 'aptal Prise, for $10 cheme.. ..................... I. 00 All Orders are I romptly illetd by retUae mall; and the Man .r 'n' (aitcl tren.e and Coin m:stoners' certtfaeu polltm tIraains are sent to all purc..mers Immediately ate the A I commnrleatlons are etrtctly snfld.ntli'. An orderl tr laor th.n flne Dollar wil. n.t be exreuted. All the drasinls are publl.hed In the New York, Nlew elmie and St. LunI dally paer IN ORDERItNY TIClKETR , E o,,ee the amount of money -* ear addrels. by mall, for wh .t yon with to purreh.m n. me im Lottery in which cou wlrb it liveftd, and w"ether yo, rean Wholes. Halver or Qnarter., on raeeipt of whltc we end eas' s, rdered bly irrt mail, together with the echese. Il:l 1.n all the solvent Banks. Bank ('becks, to'rt ctes e Jrpoltes and Pestage Stamps. reclrved In payment for fock eta. Prle Tickets 'hhod be retuored to this omce for osyment r renewal in other Tickets. They wil bte paid In Banl becks. er in such manner as will be.t aecommedate the o rc C der Addnress all Ordern e CIIA., t. H()OWARD, Lo.k R~ox 61r'. dew trlroan La ()OFFI 'IA I. P Ot LAMATION. .....P OCLAMATIO OF QARANTINE. BTira or Lortraton, Exctm'V Dsrratnetr , N Ur an, Ky 21, la W'rnlist An Act of the Lelgilfature appr vrt oIMrch 15. 106 it t'ed "Ani act to etoattlL --r. tone ,r t e prc' totton f 'he State prvrdle that the tiGovrnor ,f tare itstr .r. a, t.-u. la r-.e l t n sltt n up, the drivc .I the R ,rd ,t )1. It, ds e .rnlt .1 it e where tott-rn sh t t reton t, be Sreve o pte l)ittaac'. t.flat- oat or tfrie teJl' d.rao eto'o t'" " i, i it fctt t 'lfo I t't. .t t rng the natier o' dvl . q pis, stlner t" he fer'. tr.e' , h thre ernel. t',etr pmseongers, oMl +n.. as d crewsl. c4ng trom i .nrb p ce ,r plu'es. Iow ta ereorte t1o {..ruma es 't the pr,,v-,tons of the at s'urolsid. I o Ister thl. mny proclmathton o d I berea ao clare the place- herlnafter nomed to be infected p f ,eo . a itat a I ven s , trttrter with r'retter. crewl, pa'oterrrra . :i •arges arrlvingl from sald pl|u,, or havinu motuchel .,r 41.1 ledti at .. ent em., haIll be abject to a tutra', t ~a ; t :re. thlt ten d,. or t r ,lt.gor porlo . mar toh, ,'. - drrted ncee..rt ,' the Beard ofI Helb. t, totlae effe-t from .t ttsr the pr.tmt'g.ttn of this pr.clamot ,on A'" c ,nn of' tie a uart n n. l.w. t o ' ,"re pr",clInmel lil tIe severe! s pit '.rd If t1e p1,uOl" Ie pr--'-...Id h Sr are deern ed luadqtiiate. the pa'ties .,ffetid t 'r'l be de ,xered 1p t,,tV' nr ii1tars net ' irtie t, heLe lt with TIe t, ,ee x.",cll are h.r-hy decnored ,alx'ted. o a ore .a'd1 are t!e 'oIlo ng to wit All t! y ~rt. of caragua. Central America. and the pDrt h1rlt irI,1ra m hand lad Re of thU rata i hAove. and bhe t r.(eilendenu e uf the CL1ted tLttea 1, L:B --' ,,d. By te l rnr any. or retar of Mta e. ( MAlA DIA IK 1 EI A.D If ol'ltN' KIlN 109 NEW LEtLB AND 91 FULTO(N SrlEEr. I am preparcd t ry r c'tl n 'ro ronm rtln.,I ald wer' rla tiL t. ,raar,. Ml;t.ct',-e P., . 'e r. B'.* r.m '. J t ,;, , I' rgoes, riCpIe l;r*'n ( rr lnll tes ing>l a, .wept me f mxl',lr In the Or.d radt ste Ira..tare rnll. tr,,: a " .:a' d .o' , St Ot I t ta Ier ' ,re tha. ; :' . ,,,t!; . 1t f a t. ' t' .I i eoa, tI. be 't. tar to n.i ' I *.n i'- Iendc ti, re+'t ni Cel1 r bht· noder my 1 , C' *I: ,, ( tr:. [o I r d MLI tl'ril at reol0 ' ff ratts. * C, , men w . ii. ee L PEKh i, W A~' I L.\,' +'r hern; I • K i. a I: -.n .n · ,y 'o'r it-urstr ce rl kat •r I Iat r maa,,: plc :'0 AlKED W I 49)N, 018 New Leree tn, 't FI ',tot:n tr eet.c T . . .- or M t une f+r a-' 14 ·ugar ", ,.n and foP*T. r MI IS ... .' t, iit c O 1sr .,· I( K 041. P ) I . . RRYAf Tf4 I ... ) 1'.LIAE t O r TABLE JA N ' ' ,'NY. Tb.e on'cer ' -,r ', tr.n o' tl'o *ar Apr. 'It.r o' ',. 1" stso-p t'Io., Ir , ,rl. : t· a, lbba'ti:'t.~ o t. · . L." f+ . , r T.]T - . .t, *-, p i .4 A r ~* T r, ;r.,,ime , r CI:r n r te t r +i, c· ir t tie . * 'a. b TF \1 en· In: the aree ' o; Lfght cn 're sen DATI.Y ,t L - Tf t lt '1'T NAs Hl. Aut '.r-c. 0' 'horte "t'rrt' .ue •n "'ob 't·. 'f2 a,.' I NAfi. att.: - so at the 'tee of lIENtlY 7 Lt'. , Y ano t.. 00 CtHILoTl %'tnnas'ut'at 'rjti ITt TEKT IT THlOMOUHL'L1' It w!7: rcet yon n0thlng to do so. Iy marking applf'lton to the·ned, a u"' nr wr!l he mnt to 'uis · . .o , aOd r, u 'f11 he 'howl' how to *e is, ,and a reI'-,ah eanhIb oft tle gvose to tet the Maahtne to decide ai to L mertle. Tbe Magnolts Wahlulg Mmehtim Will do yaor raolnt wutt oneobhl1f t'm labhr.a ,me ioe~p aad o mar. eatr thsn yam oeoally oe. wli more lb. omt at le Maohne a. the wear of elothes ad tn fuel a taI tInm one year. rak. so eop doeer awa wth the ,oesty of otsnd t aro e t Wamlanst tb, p end reeae bo uh Pbrrom to aiI the b'.aa of fltlly ioop me to. aao tram Octtino emt and wall Is masy lnttalsbe bthe mess of prremyLtr Ics-. cem sad rafng a dooor 'l PlL An ,.rsaour (''34WBEtEL WBIWTOER n gLzed", the Mls'blte. aid Is made .tf fnala utabbher Cyilted . iso .nla the elolem mImort rces to Ir,,luac madCpo !1o Uhtnt IManll a Weahebri muadle the Wemem' Health. mad afro ermw both Labor ard KIome. L L tOILLARD. N,,. ff15 pay Ire. etreet Clner of the Palent At gh ior l.ootaae W 41NTIU. AW £T I -A sMALL TWO-stoIRT HOUSE, Oi S(ttape with (r oar er Ierooms. ear aity rIod, 'r kdLi ,. auInorsa hd. br small f-mlty. Lat Ipa.d prompt ly. Adces. H. \ 'S lltchiMle. lrANTI e-AC AP aND CO(PORTABLK It R n.. ,d m o. a yud rd ( Address, wth tems. a i LIa. this se n. W AN1E7D-BVbRY KinEE(GETIl PERSON OTI' "of emp ymect, dho deire a profitb anod plemaaso ba I";. Wo iggeo with a I. L"l of bte hine .t it el PlY0a Prtreir of the Southern GenerIls, the SdtudorI No utheln Hito.rical Work, . e e. ne bat re.t lsq wnbs is.ord from t I. hbooum alesmen clear f'ro. $414) to $.50 per moot'. Dler'prirvoelrculr vinrlolg f l. 'hlmell will be .eat o r,. Addres or call ol isme. H. Mlommel. 1 ('amp sltrert. .New (r sans W AI ED-A iOMPkhTLNT LIFE INAllS"R4% E Ace,ct cud ovesal tood wLoL.cltora Apply by ltter . lork R, x 04 ~ A %TFD-T RFKE 0I'.N LEM8 ANd) rtHEI t wr y, t~ t cupy three laretry fr, t troloim , w:thll b . I're $6 $71 and $l Der month Also twt ro,.m t .r lg tg renil" 'e.n; price.l. Apply 2il Canall tret, Mro F. h (,Inik. '4'ATED.-1MPLOYMrNT AT ANY HOIEKf t (tcups mon whbch will llraIh a ,coptort f·r htm+-lt an.l t's il a c:l.ltmnilcnt I rntln..ylK , .pol t'Chuhrb who i. e-sh e ofl gt. Ig.atilt ln in any cclluption.ta. ao ,'r) lbutu.l w . I .Ueo' ib, da. ii d an Irctrvles oht.ioil by . , Pell t (t i', t-cn. t (ti .-r. 'A TI:tll--A THIIR LADY WiIh.E4 A r a tl c i a f. l vO E.l lieh go,verne.. to. ynoulr ,lld en 1 h l. i ' lpnnlln ri a a• o " d seensstre. s a ll Ire-.anr,.k r. A1 1i- e1 hi,,, to, make nrr.,lf Ken-r ally ,,.-fn:. .Ia no I hbjt-io I.. trCa r to go. i01to be wecuory. AppiyctI ti .*cetoi, Ml.. M A C'. \TAtITED--AI Al it' K. WASHER AiD IR'iN er T. toeus comoett pr.r an at tu*ion and gy.l ."a. a.. uired. Rive bet,t a steady ihdltn.'lus wht. e ,m. .:nd ar ply. Apply o. i;', .trest corner ,o ifOviil th SAINTSI'D--H1 A Ot No' LADI IN VEKY KE fake I..,tr.e, t iii,.ld oi c - cnd..l-t. tbi i, t turlit t , "r htotl(kl e . itr sand ao.l.t tr, ,ewso wit;' have no eobhet in to trvel and S coan ,anion if reqtuired. Address Mis O. T. White b'rouib 'mrecent offee. -H TANTKED-A WIDOW LADY DFSIREdl A situatilo a Nursefir the 'oek. in the city or w,|ul ,.velt ort.o'e ,ome.. or would tct ch.rhgeio a rh'.u tit ftl. ty d arlg thi e abseitoe' O en famlly The best of ro fee f its tev..r. Apply t. 67 '"llehy straert. -" AAT' ElI-kPLOYMENT 6Y A MlDDLh-AtlKD R idov Lads as YsacLer ,ir a Ladis' Compailon. For rrlererne ap:ly at 213 JulLa street. I .AI T -D-o gAR PLANTATIONS- PARTIEi del. o'".t of Silinig Iagr Plautatlo, s ae Inlted to iend on drcsi tl 's, a we hirve many loualtie for htel from liertse si bag to bt Oraeen A Eidler, Real et. Agei, 21 I'ommertal Plae~. dew Orlean. 'ANTED--a GENTLE-MAN O1F MATURE YThAA TV nd who has bad a large bustiness xepeema In New trllean. wihe. a stitatillon to a mereanttle bouse whec th. -ompeatlt i 0 would be officlent to seppor hlimsellf nd witfe a a rel~ectah r inoner He feel. sa-9ld bhaIt be could oet thr rientr-mrso of lany person Te amplest raom mendlthmel ai n be harnoAbod. ats leflt a the Omiosa0 oiee to 0 a b. will meet with prompt atientlon. SI'AOHiIA LOTTERY. G EOiA STATIE LUTTUiW- -ro was- -MENEIT OF TYHE MASONIO ORPHANH' HOE. Supplemeatarg mad OI mbleaUtl C I 4lae ALO, AUl. ' 5' ltA. I . , 5 .. s . ,; t I 9Ih. 1 '10 U tl'hi i... it 'h A ..,r.. ur baiul. at AlIanta lie.. Il.- 15tl dly of Augsot. Ltbh AI1. X. M WALoLA1'E, I ommwbrin. M. V. V. D. (ORPUT. o The daily drawi~" of the tGeorgia ixas Lottery are pa- shtd In the MI. ph's Appeal. Atisnta 'yon.titnltioallot. armtn, ab Pews acod Herald AUilnt inlselligencr, cad olther Fo 'ertr papers tieN of which, to..teher with the oleffi drarl s georri trom Atlantla may he see at the aenera ffic, No. !5 Commerclil !'lac. Ilteratlson faralshebd d prises esesio b e DA'F C. JOhNITON, Ageat. Ofee No 15 ('otmmerdll PIs. PAW [ N E #r P--UIiIO L U 'il )Ri 7 IIE PARTIIERRIIIIP l'-itf, te cli oti I- lc twee $ K ihum" t, .hln J Wintu tIderi t er name til Ioi, 1N hl'.IN r i,, lsth b.iar at ,N. 15tlI anl, street. It tl.te day it-. c lied ' y tiutua' co.nset. Mr .1 .I Wtl%, n as lun rep 1 - 1halt es ft tIe u, ' ne ud wi 1 ctitit ut thlo h'.il - t ts hersalter on his own sccoutltt. .iA R. lUII N I. J'.'N .1 WINK. New Orliae, Angus' '5th 1-eA. )IsOLUTION........ .....DIsOLUTIONd. reP CepArtnership heretofore exltlnlg coder the namo of IEiEDlD .A NEW ION iN thib day diltseced by mutu.l c,,osent. t par y will signl the Lame el the firl in J. MI.DD N.ew (:rlans, August 1, 15. C. W. NiEWr.N. t'(tPA RTNFRSITII'-Thoe udercialed hase formel a Co. p.rtner-t i.,, datin~g ftr. o Jnl I, 1 , under the, namo aud .,,re I Illi 4 h)VAKD t-.r ins pnru " of c the I' Ito lunnes berat,.r ire coudlt'ted iy MEUD ) blPoTliN J. M-.,iD lv;t. R. D. BuVARD. P'!,-r;.: 'l"tluhores l\ert semrnt. I wold inorm my "r, ' . ",ai ritiieiir w i Mostr. )i0 . H ) 1.:t05 N, I r i tr atr. and a..uli. re.prtit'l.>v t tot c"." l)iuiLUTION ....... .......DIOL'TION. The ',t ,f LI.OAN A CLAIBORNE having this day h- r, it "e r,! Icy m' Iu: al .- u-iti, fie 'g- W at. Lo"res. I' a..·umr ttr at, atltlt . ,It the firm. and will henc-ltrth cn tiue ,Le I usLnees e hit ohwn name and for t so own ,ecunt 0l.o WM . II)AN. Jv W. C. C. CLAIBORNE, Jit New Orleans, July 14, 1sr.4. DI16SS(1I. TTON-THlE l' IP'ARTNERNHIP HFRETO tei ' tll hriracr, tee utoder.rt ed unider thie Orn i P(ri,' Is itAr i,(iNAlID . .'.1, Itt tOi day di.ctlvrl by ,l.n;' cnent James M Brooke and Lui.s IH l lay wi! I. 0 a ltc ait the Ilqudiation Iof the belatIesa. ad will se te I."a. tf Lhe lirui Lur that p oP-e ontv Perpro lIt'tM MADOt)NI4LD. L . Lely. L. II. LE GAY. New Or cane, July 13. Is ('OPARTNERNHIP-- TH. U'NDERTII(NED HAVE ti- .:,v r ot, red itl , ta t I ,artier-Li o der i he firm .tyile ., f ." l B i I. LAIHbt5RKN+ Oi flr tll. tran.asatn.,.l a ii TTI 1 F7ACTURAioE ail G!ENERAL tU'IMMibS·,ON litiueaes. JAMES M. RROOKSi. W I'. UT tl', lOKNE, Ia. LOdle I 1. LE GAY. New Or(It eons. July 14. 14. 'tPA HRI TNEReII P -Thoe ondersnlged hat tlhla nur f rmed - c,,rrrtvner.hlp nld,|r thr suame and st l, f IIASRIt A HiI) AELL. for the ollrpue of cnt nlitllh' (h. lly he blllness heretofore cendltucl by Jnoa Ine o, H dIDWELL Iew Olrleans. 15 Pi'oydra street. Jonelst, (i. Pe'rri' i to t ·btoe. me oltchrfully reoomoncad the ew' lrm otur t ucesorn, tu the pOOroaage of the .4 htItl.Lo JAbES I' 'INOILY, JO1N FOX. bo'@ (lt onls. J.1ne lIt IOh. HxFFTr (OMulWs lONER *EPaltp. r. t* ,.ll N'. a I. -tt, No. 7 r, 's H llt-Noa rleans 1 Two ti) iATI ', diterent i',olri. S fh t. I, 'ottt a 't t dt lv,. aonl tte oe:t'or e S,. oL .t. bet 1' ',, o. cnlot util' , ,.0 .1 N PII 'll HPulY cstre: t',lmmi~ lrr.. 'It ET (OMMI*'iO5 FRUN DEPAUT I., N U . N.' 7 I t r lHll-N .m itottr som1e 1io.--lere o re li ht to the ,otrtol iltrict Po, I, ton Dry dil. 'ett betol.h.."i ltita ccI hlllp itreoeo. c oltrth..- bil k .i ,1 w ite it tilt. 1 , it r, t lhlr .Il w , h yo alv . v , it I l'n. tl n a ,hI ' - ' * I RK i' Y,. Itr Le t 'cc ilmit : t er A1.+. UF A A, VY V I':, 'e r Btlr~o ,,! r, n-trl,,%lno ll ritll" . In w , 't ,iL.a. L . o n IIe. D A Y , ,. t , ' I1 ' •I 1 2 7't ', I .KA--whoo c.,ilttetmerof O0.t',n'i hpc o I c , i' i'otmnt ,o oro' ti e rttlrel •'l INP mEEt TYI lP IEELD. I ANDRETII S NEIW ('i·KP gr, w.h o iof 1001' "r.-0 v ,,. cl,= l t T.rmip' Re t T,, Trnip; [rne Gl,). Tnr, i+ n.:. I ip l , w niti h e I It1 II -011 t,. Op, to , . r oO ("ii rrt.'ctr, 'ALLtAaLE IRIPPIKEITY AT A\UCTION. Oie.Tdlrd .f thet ('e'ebrated Propertp AI.EG AA aPRINON. tIJ': L • 'd ,l ;tubli t 'r,0'L,,t, ol. \V0D.0ESDAY ths Id do, r.Jt.' PASIbIr 41h0r1)rll41,"I A Ai'RaliFA Lei I A'. ;. FA tMING Adt.- MI. iA LAb btott ttr ,. ; I'T i. . i': ld dC''r*d r ,,la d lsh f" a I : ,ma i ttln R i n thet (t,+.'ty. M ttmomtrv tt..orof ry r. i." rT• 1het nlotl ane'n ac ommodanl d a.i re adri tate :,r, Irt tt.a t t. pooOt 'tof he 1 10 0.e, celnItag Oh priper tr. "0f 'I ci V.hIt,l@l'c Welt Ant it'namtl o et.rtlI n hill 1 by a ,'rmlin I II1 Uloth, I alliu r,. or t . ACo hou. Lsedent Parlmr . t HBOifTI! *AB FITrEB ealew a i ee ateirm s. 144 POTDRA8 TIIEmT. DRAB ST. CHARLEB, WD miote £ pame e MhIIt Sea aS e, emUes Order Lamn 3ea N. 1b. EehsV mi Deaelg Is rFO RENT. L'OX RET OX SALW-Tfl TWOs-TOR Y i rochP uildig Ne 211 Jnla street, betwnis (:are dat . and flseet wish dwellng aw..vl M(OS& coombei, and5 Isrlsltd nstherear. Lot2lhyblS1 0 ot F f ether p. olern Inquire ast No. Unto asrst, front ooe, stec oUer. LOI II*ENUT-'OR THE S(MMr I,--A COllrttI j able and e us, Pnlsb bed Dwelltng i. the upper port the Ponthb Ditreed ~ roese t t ohs N o ld t•*alt s loo le trta nr To ri nihmbe and careful neut the . h., be very resasnable The prance are retired; the y.r' iarme, with a numher of bederi fsts trecs-herdn. Peo tu h..r Iarteeia Ier hqire at Camp street R 't MI AT-rHiA Fuuas-trtat {RICO SThlR N, i T.hocptt .. se street betw-a Peydrle end La o tyrttl stree's. foameily eccpted by I. D. Medet * Co PasescT gos tasn elep . Iqulit a thse paes or at No It tchonltit a - street. FL'OR LN.T OR LKEAB--THE leItIB ND hi - will known UnIted State Hotel opp•se s Poatobar R rats Railroad depot. a i sa Pils etreet, between V, al tny and Mores noreet. T an snterprsingL keeper this pIot lusr otebihhmeot will be learm r er I ore e e Appl e so C E. hirard*y A 1,. 17 EIcehans*e P.a n FsIL RET-FAMII.JET AND ENTLEMIIKNt m be -oesmodsted with laire aity hest Ktumsl with nithont b -aid. Also day bo erdn. Twe large front rog thabt oonret with slidin bdoo Parties wlshing to alrt. l er rooms would do wel to l l 4 U·sl stree oorner , to Librl II IN BANKRLPUYTYY. ITE':D TIATT' DIITIIT COURT r Ill'lrl .'f Loullsana--lIn anlkruptcy-Nlo. 2P--In the n rnsttier fd I, hlard oweIr. blnknrl -H t ew 1loeu Ietlnd s'o wer, i .or ! ~ l ew irleal. . anId nlw a esi l t ,f i'z ,r. city llou.'siopl. sad dielret aft resil, duo' d-l<ttarod nekrit AT uttder the Act ,of ongree of Vo*.clt It, Il6, tths day l.r I SlToli t' st tttiotl piaytn frtr e di crtie and c rtit -ofr theirrof, frot ali hlt debhtI ld thr clalmi protr do u, tier ,id act it, itl it therefore given to all cieditors tel have provlleI Sr dbt , dt a to tuo bth-r penorn in Ilateres. that the 16ti .naont November, 1"0e. at 1I I a. it ts-,Kudd ,r thf hod r r Ko tthe *o.m, eod ttt1 they m•ar then ,dP'teo-tttr et.It hd .how celtns. tf any tlhey hive. why the pra, erPef the la tl c ht-'-Io, .bul nuot re ar• t l er ' s 1,eo. oew (leasl. Angutt 15 1M69 iurit 24 -i1 i. I I:W I)eon r 'lt-l. I N 'I t ISTATE.C DIArTRIOr s'OU T Sl;ttrtettIt I on ae as-Io SaIrllotcy-N-o. 1.6 -lc tIle ltaltIi of " 5i n.tlitth. b.,krtlpt-- heoe N h. , i Siit.i , 11 dlidti l stlod s, r mrembo r ,f the rIm of rm th t Ikt Iot oul lo poarlb of Avyel es, gtdo ditt a'urrealid. d, ll d. ci.erd Blkrnpt undo' the Act tn' t'grlsrellt Motrch t2, Ilr. hi. itt diy fil.rd n siod I' I, t t Itrtltln prytrlnIg lr a dlt -ihtrle rad oortitoatr therw.o, from eal hl debtlsl and -ther St, •s pr,' vhble under arid act Ntl'o it tbererftore .te to tll creditors who htae proved ttert debt., and t, i 1 o ther t '< ors it iin'tere-t, that the lout .vy f l'ovemer, I' Ia II ~ , Ito .,ell for the ear, igt{ tI trhe atoe, and tIEt they may thent ma there mLnsoo t.d tl (ow It I a. they have, why ite prayer of the sli6 iitts o, ' ,,lld tot be oratalt p SOltk'i l tiee, New Or 'eus, AuoiLt i 19Ril at s;ll~; (t "rl X. L''IlW, ltputel Cl'rt SDirtrirl f L, at .s-In th- matter f I.onck .t oV. . Or ln. haukrulpt-I- n BMonrupcpy No 4i-WhorrW., L "v' it renitrese l.elu of New tli a a partsh of tirlene, aed to. 'lrt fi, rei-nd duty otrlret btnkrnpt under the so. of t'. -rer. of Mar. h 2, 7;; hle. th's day hi-. in sai court itse ,il, pry, flm for a dl. d l.aare ld crt.6l lea the rmef frotl, : tit e leh. I ad .oller clulm- prt ble u.lder slai I t. nr,no.'uit i T Eiler to aI rresiltrl who, hee prvced their del . .ol to all ,tihee per.oll iIt into-ret thst the i did' d tv ,f N I r ot. tr, 11 t 11 It I . i. s t rllgod fior the hoaring If the se, o thaLt it., o mat then and t, are tat.ll l ail I w rnle 1 eti y they ve, why the p-ayer ol the said .etltl t tI Irk -':it,-l New Or eaie. tugoet l,1il4 oat i t IIAt t'ldtt)R'P. C'lerk. I' I'I'Jlou H 4I'AT EI HIII T R I ("T ('t00 ' l " - a I L- t' et Tf lea tnA- It tIe mi otter I* I,' tam Lrtht1tt and DOeDt LrqUihatrL., Ind,.t.,tt1o ,.IIas i I.oittrs f ht u:m of It' A D. I rtlthbrt, Satlhkrtnot, n, 13r In Blentroptre -- inet 'V, iarr l' f hartr ed een viitdl Inlhart idtvi.lul Iv in ! ct - a tonlsers et the Irm of WI A U Lrqtihart of the ctoy .f Yew (r tait , part- i of 're ius tlt di- t t A , . di y tde T oare '' It nik u i i d, r the l .t f , I , lltre r t, M irth 21. 14; L hte ,i d,) t .d i t tltd tt ,urti Ioattito it-atloile la r • ,. it •r-e .ni .ertotiti thlltoti !'rslm oll thoeir deb ld otll-t- B N. ".,e - t el!e rr L:lVellt all ' cretitor+ whol hive proved tie!. ,irlt. at d t l- l othe- r p - et i au lt utet that toh I'' - . ,f tolebr Iol t 11 A Ins ts gna d to- he hostrllt ,t Ihe rame. latd thait tey m then and there atternnd at +h w con, e i' I tny they ive, ahby the prayet of the r*1i peo tl,.n ,h ti d Fot se erattt L Ttlrts b ~it.ce. ew rleans Anl 1, IM. 13.7h la0 NA. l.ATIBORfE. ('leok SIhl'IID .Tl'ATES DISTRICT -'O RST 51 i, tirtt o L- ,.ian--in the matoer if Won,. littit 11 b:.nkrupt i t ilonrpt . T. , io. 1419 WheroeW,n I-Ii-I-- I ,II ti, , i l .. rw t-,tr'etalt. a d Ltttrtlt ol rllrleoi I, to r ·r I,.os krupt t nior it.r Art ot t'onrgres of March 21 1,' i hie tl,t. ay Pled in , n t' olrt a petition prlaylll for a dlm chl itttd reeocrtcltr t. rool, trom all ho debtt sod o1ter olhln' a- raitd act. c tt' r ttiec -,reo r+, t t 1 ereditors who here prole' t' I it debts mid t~ a iother peleont im Interest that toe Iith do' of enl.'or 1'" at tlI I e , s arl usitned for LtI hesring I t. rIAe. Land thalt they maly the and ter attend atd htioi It t. ny they Ihve, ab the prayer of the soId pettit,.. shitld- not he rrlted C:lrk' (Pi.e New Orleans, July 17l. DI , 7yt 21 elsu K. LoloW, pukpoly ferk. f %TNITWD STATES DIeTRICT CO'RT oL)htrlet of L·oaotlan- I-n it matter of romnel L. tIt r Hanl rtpt. in Htnkrottpt.y, No. b7.-WhlreaT Sotoouel Ih. ittr of toe pntllh of R-elv-lle ond Diatrtit a ,reald. dill dre r. d al Itrupt ul:der the Act of Co,, tgen o' %Wch : 2 067 hu thi d.y ed s ol t'oort a etil'tn praying ftrn ti isare au o tcert,hate tlerol fti,,nn ll ht . doebta andl ,othe itln;t tptovob ilender .aid Act. toioe as tt.erefore g|.u ttt I1 r-ettnrl w, o nets p, or d their dbtt, tad t all 'sthor ps.t -,ot i ,nterest that thre 16tr d. o i Novemuer. L66I It ti -lck A At, iso usgnd f,,l the I rlntg ol th. nsale and that trhe nas then stoa there attend o Id h ,w cttouoe any they have wh t he pr'-r af the . ,d pet tl,. ohn d not be ared :retk't t (i. , New Orleae. Juol 21 :t0. -104 snt ,t K. LI,F A Deputy I 'lrt UiTA fT'l) sTJT M DISTRICT (OUIRT I .tret of Loumiinl- I-n the mttoer of A'holoe 'or r lIroutn. butrupt. I|tasthrtiI-y, No. :ft Wohere. , Alphoni-se i1 nll ,teri, of th. t tyt o,' ew e Irillona , rd Dl.trt tsfor·oid I duii , ecilard bhhkrult under the Act of taoigres of af Ic :. IN7, he (LtL day fi edl ton id Courtr a pet tiJu prt'yion Sr .,sl-haroe ad e, t icate the etf, from all his debts nta .,thl r ale ut" p, ' v le r ]dey "cid act , i tre io tl eret re tlven tot I I creolto who have proved toir ne, a - ., t I t -t. O rther p trtls in iteeta. that the Idth ,.ay 1t b, n,,erI -t, at II A A.. In walged otr 0i," oearLng( of t' onli., t' ht the mty len coanl e iattend eIsl sr.hw can. . it any they, why he prayer of toe said petltion 1 Iru't i PIe Ne- Orleans, J Joy 17 14'. S21 5 211 K lit'E\%. Desott ('lerk. I NITf ) STATEN IlliTRICt' COt' T- Ul trt't ,f -u-I tie MI .er of Airultet -rd. I,.,kru;t Ia Bt.tnkrttltc , N- ill WI ' tosea. . te I'' ,a of. tihe it y of New Orlaoo anot L el.,rlt afureol"d, doiy eclred bahkrupt Iut-r the Atl If Cosoros If M.rrh 26 I1; hal thist dy) hitd Il .srd taeut upetittor p otilt It r a d.lchtoe aod t- rtlh'citt ttri-f frm sllhthl debt a•nd other clats proahble under 1 ,,-te in therefore i tent it ll reditort who hll~ proved their ,ehtO.. land t i i tll ihe pernout I tr It.rert, that the t i ;,t ' doey o' Nto ,heir, t, oat I I e., is in .illoue I or the iteart, ,of the r.t, anl t lst they) l y then sad there attena and .'~w ,tte, it Ia) they tate, why ihe prayer of te said peatrlio si-oeid Itot hte grlat*d ileeh . t l c New Orlnleas, Jully 17 Otl. J!'LI Illr+II K. Listl i. Doontr C'lerk. I XITFD STATES DIeTIICP C(ES'Ir- Lo IIrltot if Luitistna -In the Mattur of Itre flo r,-. A tt,.h ba•hkruptl in Bsokrepty Io. lit Wt-res'-. DLe)ltus Ir' & ('to . ty re)yfus. Juo. i'reytuo tod A l)e u.o ~lo f toe 'Ity ,, et t)r1ri llc r Itl I)tstrtst tifuotafotloI ltty 'lottr d hltatkrllllt Itittr tsefA< S I t it terrole irvennt~ 2 il 0rdtano wht htva pr ,vi tii , t all - Itor prno ts int iteot t., th-t the o *1tii J.) o st. Itithtt, at tt t1t . ,is tit(tuet ,r the o ie.rl.ttt, S,' -. ,. d thal t thr) rn v then si tl i here a tt'9' i lll -', .,,.- ir ani) trt hve, whry it.e proyer ot he en I ptitt i, , --at' e, Orieano , Jult 17 Ilt ILNIT? I) nTtTle tC DICTlIEFr statI tT . l-lritt t t , ,t .tnltst i-- ll tI e mo tter ofl At I 5 t .,I1 rtlin a ntl-l·te. it SBatrupoly Os- L IWroos e I S ,1 (,,1m.. , n, ol ew tirte , and DI nlri t , ,rr , o y d ·l, red bankrplr t i1 ,I~e r the A I't ,Io i . ,lUKreme ofl ,1 L ,it 1 ., t +l r tnth f it,+ ied slr used -it ' 'i-rito c -I lot-I0 rn*u m .*rge al+,+cl in tr therre, from •l th(eer debts •n11 otfer Ttrtst lotder tte tot. hN i9 e ti ts.Ireo're Liv-u ti -t I crt.ltt whro e phae tri ' their debts. iend cto ll Iothe Por.oolt it oerat Oh' t r lobtl t. t ,et t thle, IVt t I1 tle . o e lstrtuetis r rle t trtl. ,,I tLe +lite. aIllI th t they rney thenl l*t., these ,tte, , an,| .i , , ietoe. It Dsy ttt o*cte. why tlhe prlY)er o the eslid Ytitolll S.l ro.4t l of Urlea J I I oito Piert is tr, t N'f t.Us. - sn the fMltter f.t-o tIo-t t e tr* t r itt -- opr I 4Il i eo, I.. It rry the, tl-- e wly te o ,o -ot lro Aetrio( Jhld lt I -, d tot o fk rte tral- -lid. I ]@ll n tcd tttt te oorl oin., Jnl I o t Ito-to Ii oT toD a TITI DIstri III:T tntprair *t 1 pr, I- ba h E, vet a-t l'un r t e t,, 'o i rIl l .-r e t* , n o,. e l is ( t prvr01 r alid U hot I, • th. * ref, re lvern t, at erirt lltr wh a here pr V@,l Itr)· t i-,i r . to . t itatr poreon. iltermt, tt.r t iteoie I'c is) o , ~ r.I r 'IN- st I e M , i in s ew f b bt ' . , , e ,~a a tti ttt omt then t nd thiroattendt d -ht -Iso It fal they hive o ho yhe prayer t thle sad petition ,ot- n-d Ilot Ise aratted rrt 1 . Sc, %w trl s, a Lt Jlt' 7 ly 0 lerk I h' El STTPS DISTBItT Cot SF Littrit ttof L'otttanao I-fts totier or Its t o hoo.t ri.oth. it .uril t i Ikto mll. , N f he W rm r ,, -.. r5 'lop of to ie otir' tf I·t1o-r. ,t- Liirtn titt.'-t oo k ,+idrr hek ut eI rdlurthe o f gr| t2. luj trr.cttl· * n 1 as-i d crrtI peo ,.ri pr· riur oalli- dhrleo latd rtl eo ttere o 'ru0 al tiotter eotto inot r oth.r c( Ite pr6 . tetunder sint dt ttt. o1 1+i te at'e ory-en t tII crtetin rel he dtl prttey.!e 0 the name. i ,d t ee may t·ey ta d t ther-1tn tn, lll shoW f at ittr thte whh prayed r oIt•e o d pIed idtso idtlTo dT;d t os t , o ontt e Iti C' K I.oW Dew ell· ntyrier t 431flt1R I& ¶ .....D ISSTS~ tI1r 3T I t ould ert, t lll - lfro mN ant s lald 0 . d the plotct ocni rnaiy tiets htet rtlst-t , mf irof Log t I-tln ..-, romt Ie ow Il3 land ndst Idtr'red It o tlllt Ot Bro a B t t. r oa r It tr tfor t lorl ed th·t I ,eaet elr Oe Itdrrlhe 'r l nollt at .n o fr a I'notart CottL'ersd itra tr IIocatE-oll a'i tlitor wh I ' po-r 'tr ire rln,,dto -e Yore pne- en 0 tereah t-I't hwurilar m Inythe t'ho t e whyte Ibprayer fhe sardpe KE ToAL - -.... ..... ......XE BS V at, I wtrld oespofntfily na tfy mo psrtrn. a-d the potblict go, Ot I RAlme SiK RrT ea1 tht herI w nens- neahat I-tatr tow onl dlitd o a tl II o wel e e of atiltS. QEL1ZEIL LjE1S SMI.ral5 MILITARY ACADEMY. As Newemetle. HENRY COUNTY, KERTTUCKY. On Eteamber 15th, IOr, KIRRY RMITII, with a cbop o f apo ar" ti,, . ho.e eltlc .ti. n. are of the b.glhet ordlr, wil open, at Niewoe.'ai, A MI ITART ACADEMY PER SOYS. n1ewem-el I. locaed In the belt iy blace.ra re(tn of ioeuy county. eqat ditas l\ Ifor m sel ) frola let loni.' Ilo. Fr., sltra rnd I le Dlt n , , the L,,lItatoe Lno I' t 'n tt*t Railroad. c n acted with each by ro..d ma.ce.desttI p~ae. ano abot two houra travel bi rtl from L.. u v Ie ItLe Acde my bu Idllg. -uwLe' bb hlo.. f. a @ of modern eo.talctt,, reamtlrably .daptad for. .,h alpolp t, ,,m id ' i .ted ,s the alhurba o' thea twll. The .t d-d r.t I l t,,n il aim at tborolha.te in every branch, to b r mt ed bty Io pa tlls i. mni we Ing examlion. The "tI to line will to itrict'y melitay, punlctuatty anal • 'to p'e.r In the prrflomance ofe."r 'y lute the dlu"-.. -rparoment wrtll t. on., ucated w th cl' od llbero'sti at 81 .o,',er the khalib t ,ifTo t si d untl sItat' I o ,t oft "a- 0,,l.'. tbe . r..olen i diyld.d Int, Is.. to ms f t.e',ty w* . C, Ih, the Fr t c.,m'im'ciug on depr-mb-r Stl TIha I or, es for rv.,lythlnv. • teR,"no ni, ors. b ,.k "n ' 0..1," - .l at tIrd'alto n-tiln ir1t hrne 'undnd' aa-, ."y-el,' adI -r u U n currencyr, for .le ltlre tire , ll of forty lew ie. at le In two o.ui; u-IsIOent. ohn aL he b-at a nln f . it term iof he " n No i ds't-a"n tI ,m a w II t.e tmue fr al.tleo, dardn the olerm except ito pr.,ra~ , tld . t k ntws or hnolrltl dchtret, antm evtCeen te a au it. ,it tor tulfills 'oar s ill, t l re tCulol 'ltform lirbu I obrm oa rse inooonable terms ,, and ttlIte-etay at L nlav.lie prioee As the i.uw her of pll'" Ia tir tet, oheo wlsh.rg b soacre plce. In lto Ineti tll, 'hi-Ulec sol. at at-. In thllst mtL: h Lal pl· ent on, dlee. Ln i eintenr. and diact ni t the .d'll' in , te yoeth, toe Pr!iripal h pe tO are tie th eporuron'it 'I his Itlre d. in tho' o~n.mouwatltb. For thrther tn'lrntn'len a-d dee E KIRRY 'IMlII tarenat. Iltt, l ie t, caen t as aEmlseeo. ,r, 'he l,' .,'alle ard Frankfort itllroad, whence omnitonesi wil on e. 0, ', to fewcaat'e K. IK CAR" ATZ INhTITI" .E 167 PI'TANIA BTRELT, CORNER OF FIRaLF. iDay Ad Ueardleg e SCee frr Teo.e Ladles. Pslitan of 16~&-9 w' l commence on IIt September exlt. This Instittlion ofare a beolthy cad see'edllocat .i. w,. stacls a. rooms a.ld Ihald 0d Lround. The colse ofl Intructlln ti cona t , bytte molt pateat Pro osn r. at d co opr eas the bhrteece, I.tual ean aI t Ac lplltimetl t tL,, ut t lu L'.e beLt slho',l, . nOR 1 ian,-ita IIiat'0e or I plh it the a.nltlte G.L/ lllblI (l.I.EAL , WASttI.N *TON, D ('. The Nesolnn of the several dlp rt, rtnl t opean f ,l'ow, ilo te T'.e.l o' . tlUhe7l , we ht w, Olct, er t1O s., a ltl.a th T',.I I C iO O, 1 aul ' 'II. no'r Lta tl'l.tutr oftil ' It saat,'lclllll .llueoilua'nllI,..t a l ,lioallty ot toe fotl-tol to M,,ettn, l -her I1', ie Io, a nllege a rn l I I, , e' n to ,, the ofta rI1al sU ht"l.n ho bia n1h , C taC t a ltuner It at the frn t IICa ,, l a non.a lI manner f rll r ll 1 I, ln b th't ou rtit an lnc ahl "f t ' antra of . i 's .nth tro, Ovary , riter It. grld tell hal oe s rill.- l ae Ixlt-nt, ., a . f s 'twitn .,'t Munroe that the tll'lrsl e ofI hiari ng dot .I0 it, f weret, ., 0 gumen . to the huprrem- t s au t n " I 'e t from pill It It men and of viel'lng usralr'. si oil to',, I.ell In . rose oathterd at this center, wti :d fuster a comp.eloserve mental '1 h pt 'Ye rn tlory Fehbel a at a thoru ugh tl' n at f r 1.'.I no.ll arid pot l/st'tt,nt tr " I e I n. I'"l1 0 . p "~ , Thel. at, . r, Sc ..ol ho. three . ' , .......n and Le . ure', Law t, ..t1. fur rno the Medc.l etc 'I hb eI0x1 r.e w ae on sIn at other ColleogrI. Nulmlber , litlld nl thep p1t yaor i44 at W, a~&ill.tP, T D, Por...-lnt AL1BERT L OUYO' *(' OUUL H.ATAWA. PIKE COUNTY, MISt, New Oreeas, Jackson rod OGreat Northera Ra.rre. FOURTHt ANNUAL SERSION WILL COMMRiECE ON THE FItbhT MONDAY OF BEPTEMDII. 1,6t. Extractof a letter to Mr Lyon. published by permia.n, . from the Right Nev. W. . 1) EF N, D. D. HBishop of it.,. Itoo, oe f Miss iuippi, and Cbancellor of the IUoverulty I the toouth: " If the rCople genera ly only knew how lona you have been engaged In ter bhig, bow dtligently you have traitned vouarse for the wonk how 0wia'y you hate chbo a,onl for our school, bow auch you have efected wl.bin two, r th ea yea a. how wholes me il the moral and rtligious atm,wphare of t ,r sahoal. how It .rough II the tlechl'g of v ry dep-lltnat, al.d bow .aexcoptionble !la the chart, ter of tihe , t1 Iwhoi n) a,1 bI re already senL forth with your etlmilnr lulr upon theill, y ,I would bhe pained to ubd that you bhd ao moRt, hfor the lollult part of tt ,e who w, uod desire to cona unler yI nr tralllllg Ihe )ilsll.ippl Ditocean ('Conv ntion of 1*0t pahli.hte that "the pride anId glory f our Di.o'se is Aller L'on'ls eci..,l at V', ta·W " Cattltuol of the Frhool , ,l agnloa rl InrOrmatln , ty to, obtaned In New Orlena of Robert Pltkin., EsI' , 13 a, l V'amlp .tr0.t W iNlHINO TOlI ('OLLlReOR - L(XINtrtt'V. YVIt,.llA -T-he next rasll'l open, II T.,a dllay ' lFepton.ltr. t4In, 'ad rl.s 0Ibh thllbtIloy Ito lol'O i-') aI.., FatlI) yeto ,atlt, f Oti. It F. LEE, t'rta dut. Wlti plrc, tesor,- of Latin. tlreek. Lathemaane M.,d. rn Lanaua',-l., Moral Yhibophv. tiLt ry and Engitsth Laugunage au t 1te rature Apple tlo thelultlct, Nlural Ill,. nb)phy, t bIll,,.ry sad Lawawtsld ,o'ly. .'Ilh e a eodi.trlhl'il-d ut- I l'' I"o vI nI Art- : 2 FP tll I" ofl leaI' l "url"I~ IF .iF rTllrt .·,4 I'hllas phy. I F -il say ol I on In each of 'ho.. Iie,.ll' rr1,.1 a dl.t act Rc elolhr a I el-0, and the egre e of Muster if A ,, i opes a the tIo ,lt~e,,l n ech n Ic are Irn n. 1 -. - p lart t lll t nI Olrir e are coneiIrrd, illo Ptr . Ilut l a l ti p'o Sof l I'lb F n,or anod tall r It Fanaer. By the tll ,I a hill nroral. olf o ilant prolt"elra,l prlov htl t Inn ale I ,r t"'. r. Illh dr llllt' I t I e i.t par sllll , .t r of EU l l, Aus slo t ,I M, .Lan I a.r,noge.r lie atllomolto i XI'ltS- All anena.ry exatllses need not erce l $3715 For ull particulars apply to E. C. O)ORDO,. ULItVERAITY IIIGU sCH(uOOL AT OO6HlEN DEPOT, VIRIINtA I'ENTP.AL R. II., UOClaRID.t -(l.: !t , IalN,.i ta. H. 1. B. WOOD Prltnetpal. A .1. WI)D and TIIOt. A. t11'hl. Aeulnate I'rlia,,lli. Third ,eason-Septmbehr It' I'e, to June . 15. Mt9 hllatat aed Htdye IaeleunAeo. Math·mlait . I',1,, En. naaa·eO ,c inliL UBracbhe, tlemnt of 'isturl cad M- ,rl So-rm CaC ad ltt,,ry Noy rnd I llag Men athorouth'y prare.d for the I'n.ver aI alrd I l r al m 'lead iy tn I' 0. ,r1 , f . h . ,, rt - Trla ualor she- Ia, ,, o ,n N,,,anrd. Tuotlro. u11t., tIhu . i t' ---Ili, en BHra., RN,&'lrI,(hlr e"-on*' Ve P(Lr H BIlTElA t'OLl. U I:. PASS ('UlH'lIAN. M!SAiS'l.PII. Iloroa porated lay Act *(.llnateure of IloA P!IK(f TFI, [Y (COiII.TF4N RiItlTiltFR. Ii -I IIIIOIha * wn ~ll 'l* : ri,m 1 r,rl .. 'a i,,o , iii . I facllit n 'or ,tlh him srli ... ntllr hM lthi arrow I , . i d I* l , t Venlr S ld in . il t,-,,,,aI.t ,o .-I an, t,,r. a'a1 ua.anatx,-dedO r- atrtad lor lrltcua.ra. apply to T'EAI'IILt 01' ALL AltlN':tld' A Thorough Eaiteb Edmeetloe. Modt-r IanImUag~e mId Muela. DRAWIONG, LANDI'A 'PE AND PORrHItrAITI . ·trealre Ho•·,l. Io. 121i hLartleM ire*n New Otecee, Rer. . IeaLck, Now laaan,. LI: Prol f H )lltn. ('h, rlttlin. t. t . IHon Trlmaoln, L a Iry,. Lao-,a'r til J"'a- ptLsan, how or.ault, Pr., T. L. a-t e1,. OUIsJIAA ISTAT3 SEMI3ABW, gRAR ALEXANDILA. LOIIlIANA, Fer .ded mnd Bapported by the i eee o Leamlsila The eat aon leehgle Bepteumber 7th, LAH, aed ellue AcnU bA a feau amrp oT a a a oe Is li b'ubraa of Utearacre and atolecce aemally teagbh it tie rnet Coll·iea aed Cehoiriltle OoaI. or troan--l'.mbhaeoe an ptn naher m Acad. ale Ireameedat. Hacludane ar tLefy, dettofn 1nd sl10." Itonda o eeri, a taol Muoh i 45 po Dl guerta cd e a Coemeredl School. TV al--er DII anlapeemea, .oe eltthull. itlli, 1sn l pe thteIil gi ig pl It edm . h it e pg lJaula tt Lca (eadetoreoord it tme du dla g tl h 4 mld ehui lu e daptem of eatree. Addm D. P. OYD. llTaitlPtedtL V I·OOIIA MILITAd I*1TLT r . WI.lBNOON. VIPUINIA. pLmil' tl, ai be ra .ttd foe the a~eibeutm t Oele teadrd add ll',nal I 'ud.ta lato thl. ItitttItlell Tbome itenla-ut thb a.rnere moathe d at paneplis eImuataR l ath. i w oi' Cl dtittl•t ie lego atiet by h enn o tea e.4th .Ctoael malt b ee mce o, VrfAtsd'h It. tITtl. *not,,iet iont. L ,lLIT LLONEi SICEL FOI A0t1. IIHATAWAL PIE COUNT?. ItlNlINLPI. 01w Oaieu nd Jeea Ride'ratleI Caee/l um e atered ai cte . 5I0I31 tITKUr , £e. ile 1 dl Caep treitie NIw OrleIe