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Oht 4W @rlnut Qjtictnt PUNDAY MORNINO, AU ,U~T 16 1868. A New Work a lw5t5e+ a S . PAW BONES AT WORE-WHERE THE DEAD BOS0nr tOME FROM- HoW THEY ARE CIUT Ue--I I THEY RaE PRESERVED FROM) DECAY -- WfKp TrniT (oi TO-"A FOCI. AND PESTILENrTIAL (c ) (,ilitOAlION OF VAPORS." BY A PHYSICIAN IN THE N. Y. MAIL. Prominent among the charitable instltntiion r,, New York are the desen or m,.re hopta;s, a,-. i house, and prisons that are managed by tho IL commissioners of charities anid crrection.' Their expense rmaunts to about $S.)O,000. It is refreshing to know that so maich at least of oul innmmense taxation is well and honestly spent. These iustitutic,n offer sights more interesting ,L than most of the other " lHonu " of New York: :t yet citizens rarely visit them. and strangers ar, a content to make the tour of therm in ani aiftrnoo, as Not so the phll--sophic expeditions which we pr,.l (ce i, conduct thriugh their p/n'ero:iv.. Lt us go first to the Bellevue lfespital and its apps siages of dead otuse, morgue. and college. In a squalid street we dtscnver a squil gate. way near the East river. Enter; the porter in o his lodge upon the left will Not challenge yo7 unness your mien dispays vacillation of purreMe. h But as yon pass into the broad grounds filed wit! n lowers that lie within tie gate, yoa see that other visitors have come to grief at the porter's Iodtde - visitors that had packages of pies in their han iR visitors that had bottles of whisky in their pok- i ets with black necks viathly eminent froll teinIt Coat talls-visitors who tho-ight to rne tie sIIll' languishing patient, their friend. with the act.i lows dulcet of a tart, or tle bttled elyltim of strong waters. But the liqiuor law and- the oa try law are in fiil force at the saces of tlilevuie I't ft )hidden iuxuries are ornfil,'ted for the pt i,,nt' welfare, and the visitor flia'y tnters, like us. en p'y bandd. Let us foluow the crowd of n -!;,'a: zi ritsl v wlo jostle each other along the grt- l w"i k. T) hy dt not enter the hospital : they reps I :, Ieat bhiilding Itat ataind at the water -. e , nrcw n:edntal C liege that has b-en engi tfted It , the ho-1-ital. let us go with twr,rne4ael' mn-irri ii g, and see the hi sital sme other time, w',,. we come as the guests of the festive com.ui- r ci, ncr-. ater.ding a narrow\7 flight of stairs, we findl onreelves in a lectur -r orni of mo Ierare csz- I , the vortex of its semi-circular rows of ben, h-% a lecturer is holding forth to the restless comrupviy of students. It is the suave barker, the or.-i nental I:iliott. the acc-omnplihed, curreou+ Ha'. ilton. Ilorenus the popular, the bland Fuint, . - nD .t, or his ani'ah!e ju:i ,r tie mn,,i,reut l.iyl r let tures., ain ' no Ilnger-or somie other eie-t I ctf tie faculty, each Inli,trtiog sl-ch mne twl, !,«0 as ihe is porseseed of. All the -i-encec from botany to phlebotomy, are treated of it turn. Hoiw dell the lec',orc are to unprofeseiona , Let re run up anoth--r fllght of narrow stlir, an I inva(e' the iint-sat of the col e^r. A strai ge odor of inugled chemi-try and d, ""i strikes upon our nostrils. We push aside t;e dJ, r that opens into the dissectlig room nli. l, o -iv. benes in all his glor) ' Wooden tables iin-I wnt!i zinc are ranged in doi.' le r-wasdowi the itength of the no m, arid upon eli tatle lies the gh \ . wwatk.l a human i ,y- . w:t!i rTg' age1 rlulet-, ditenl'awelted, its gloriltug e es ' lixed nu vt. canciy." A few of li* trpop~st display run ircl oultnes and fair -"i,; irtitros, lit moot of trern are re, uced to tatters by the ditee tiin kit'e, -rirt pre'er.t the livid, sbtlr ken and rigid apple "r-;c' thi-, recults fro.Ti lt,.g expo-ore t-, the air. 1' i-'s of students surround the talts. I": , i'i b,. i a a-sgned to four disrei.t. rr. The pti! Iilt of ina or y. printed upon a red '-S h ptaper teit sh ,ii . blold stains lie r ,ttiil i '-nl. y than a w:lt -r pLge. lies i-lien up iu the table. The knee scalped setparates musia^ from mtnclo disch s s- the delicate and hlliung trik iof nerves. or foliows thie complicated path f f the arierili brat., L'-a, which are readi.y rccuognizble by tli*, sliditedl solution whi -h 'hey contail. Injectedl iin to thi nt in ir,'er to - ', lk the decay of the tissatln. AdI tie suilt, ito used fir d-aection are thus i pared wit, an antise1,ti-' l,;iuon and re:etmin f .r a nit nth tr more upon the mi --i'ting tabt , I r. ielding to drcompositin. It nmust be il:ferred, however, that they idtfutse ' an earthly o lor of de cay," so pinctrant that it clitngs . the di*isecttor i sprte If lhi abhltions. Tlhtughi hl wash L:i-n-.' w h titre. anhd be e er , l. .an, tL' t ':. ivIi , deconlpt, ition passes ihri. 'g th- lurin s into t'i Vital ire ntaition of the di-'t,. :1 r, and reappears in Lie very breath. The Rs'u ntt is somne'i::i.. liangerotsly poiouna in these lish r., the sligitesi t 'it or -, ra'ch ,erc lIr U Iln:o (lin ' tIhe syste'n with the virtie of ti decaying tissues. norgeon*s are sometimes Ic I op by accidental innoculation, andi death oir Ir not very unlrequently .ts a result of theie ' d, see tulg woundls.' Where are all those " subjects" otbtainedl f . diseoiing purp)osms lluman life. like other commodities. has itn re fuse. In a great hospital like Bellevue. s-ire d1e yearly who have neither friend nor relative to claim their bodies. After a re~sonable time of delay, their mortal remains are sent to hlie variolus colleges for the use of dicsecti, n. I,, li--tn st - ing" is no longer the excit:r:g re:rau n oti tte nLedical student. There is a sad satisfaction in re letting that these " subjectsc.' which as living m,,n aRid w omen were utterly useless in the world. Iguoranrt, vicious, diseased, and not of stiuftient eetlltntt:Oi, for burial after death-toe ernmplletest fI;lores mlaginable-are thus f -ui I at !+st t, have a ier tai conmpensating value. IvIing, they were go,)1 for nothing; but their ,rifad bodies are highly serviceabie. They are ilne r tive, elhqient tid niolntory; they are the roost tluable if tet 1 .er, ard ci ntrihtte an Intlturta3t share to that eSi lt tien which is probably the mist var;od an I valit able t~at the schools can ais--te eduicatitn ii the !tsician. The por " bummer ' hlue to'l let us bhope, a suffitient use anid ;latiti tilon Ir his hlife. for he has bectiie a beneflctort at lait. [his dissecting room i- like iothers in thie i-i Hlaving seen it, we have seen thltn all. Let II' glance at another ' v; of nlOrt!lty "" bf-re leaving the hospital grout-ds. [his , the ,1.. -' room, o(,r ( Mftrgtic. as it is ,leI ater t, larger licrisian lustitUti-in iul ill ih i-ih it - mi detled. It is a sin-ll riootnml dlv.· ieI ' " t i.- w .t c partntents by a gltes caserment. leht'ied "I i .- - pear fliur marble tales, su1,p-,rt' d ,I i' 1, ' : each fearing a lrid crpce, hailf cli, ' I i ,' ret of the garnment hang nrar ly to ctit IrI I-t filcatiun. A stream of croton water titws tit-r each corpse. Hither are brought the b idies o such persons as are found dead in the streets ) driiw.ed ad ri withoutclue to the ni nei er ,-Ia-ii.i. huiil es., the victimis of accidrlt t s ,,r , t -, ,- l y - the bodies of the spopleette at I sl sul tr k.-r. ,t: ' ,xposed upon these tables in the ,i pe 'ti: tt- ) nity be recognized and claimed. (If n-)e h ii i I st d sixty c(rl'se thus exi,,sed durn'g 1-:-- ftIy four were thus Identiftled. In adjacent roo. lu:r" tie c-roners' fices aitnd the dead-Loil.c, wh ee i-i res i-f . f(it s were tileii at a timnt dtie i t , Ir'eti t liested term . N ,i - Il,:imant ,pt. r [i , l bid cc ai -re renioved ironi ttte MI irg!cr &i1 )c i:, Ii ti-. ethrr with the fragtotlut-$ if hulmnch wre 'k -k' .a tLe dissecting ritoms, in thie PPtter' FPild." AsldnOus dlaectors ilI often work siX s : ciil.t Lourta in a day. It:d ail iexhai.i 'til'ti , aid otten proves serhtosly depres.sing ta) lt health. Though the odor ofi thy corlie, at t!r., extrietely reprtsilve to the stuilent. is h.r, y n,'ured after a few day' fauitiarity with H tanited air. lke the ,!)e i-" hand, the nostrl ,,f -., di-nt -i r l eolL·is saib'tid to t!he e.,,ime:t it wi TrIs :n. lin tle ro, byil Mlteical ('iierce, the .ea-; .u n If whlich are I.ed duringt' hot weather. the stU dents have the most son -nonfrtahle tltune ii 1i serCum-. Heat is not an antiseptic, and tte I. g l!atrtlete' dissecting rooni lies tlot hblat a ct-iJ slniv atmiphere. But this inconvernince in set tl hy inaNty sdvannta5e- quiet, freedom triin rt)Ie and clowdllg. alid the rural situation of the -lin'. enthusiants roy ib seen boillo7 t'e lunSi liad. in iolder to separate mre reatiily the bit hn of the sUil. There gentlemen are trrLiig for prizes, and aill receive tioeme dal oilnmemorsting their skill in msaking anatomicll lrt parations. But enough of horrors for the No MOnimn Frt A TIIu.nIlRINi RnD.-tt a f4t:h n.eeting in one of the townc in the uteri ir of peiisnylsaii, where a new meeting house had ilst fbeei erectld. iht question was agitated with re-petrt to having a libhining rod put up. Opin! n Iere ireely inter.haibtui., ciii the priject seeti.' to Iiieet wilt getleral f~vo'. f , . - l an iti-ifentiaI and wealthy old tIernlal thius iet htimself swing : giv insg uterarne to a rather novel satrleteot, one not iD a cordneir'C with the generally re-eived ,ptni-,n of the establbhed taws of Nature and P'rovidenc* V Now, gentlemens, I tells you vat I tlnks. I tinks we hash b'eetl toi rii:rh trutble and expetsh, sl ncnc has gin tolars more as I to build a church for is Lord, anr- nl-X trannI ty we gives tt to him, and if he wIll dor der down his ownhbose, den I seys. let him donder arwayv--I gives no vote nor moLish for doundetigg rod !" Ti-is miii.ti, iii r.o speecll proved a settler of the uI elrpe prwM a abandoned, 8the meeting was ajonod he. d. altd the ta .certlh arihiors h"rm-nized beaut:fl ly over a gles of lager at the villafi . mf. rein From C'hamnier.'s torns a'. " He shall never have a penny," stormed U "t aw Rance; " I will cut him iti witO a vhihiug." on l My dear Bunce." said I, "you have alrea'n go contradicted yourself, in first denying hitl a . I .e ty and then promising him twelve. I never heir ,(on ),,n contradict yourself (although often othe ava people) except when in a paassion, and that is nro' to the Iramne of mind in which to sit down to aites ,.,P your will." sad "}uind yonr own business, sir, and leave mA t a manage tuine," was the prompt and severe re joinder. the o' o ur business is mine, Nicholas," continues. I,. quietly. " sine we are par'ners. \Ve ba" et een frieLds, boy and man, for these forty year' a and I am not going to permit you to quarrel w.tL ,w ILe ' Whfo wants to quarrel"" said Une'e Ban e peevaihly. i " \eil, I don't : but I would rather even tt a' i -honld hal pen than that ini old friend shoult I i c' ilmreif such an injusice as to coundemn a yu!!. 'o iti. w, who has no other relation in the w ,rI. l unheaald; your own sister's son. George; I a.. e ashamed of you' " ai ' I I heard Pack of nonsense," spnttered thel _,t SId lelih w. "The thing's as plain as the nose ou. w I your face."'' ci ' Thank you," said I. "However, ., u'may Oa i .I ollens'se thun ga as voi pease about aiy no"' id to only don't be ui just to C'hariey.'" II "I am Tnot ulj lst. The facts are thb e:I I e. had adopted thsatboy and meant to, treat ih:.i a" t ti ny own son. He has disgraced hbeselt by bet ti e or i"Rg on a l utic ra-e cour-e a sum he had ni' I, t tOst meats of p,)ing if he lst-a gnmlhlte'. I S ir, and a ( sat : t!at's ,hat he's prived iunisIc. h a. k- aid I'!l laie Ilothl g more to do with hli ." | 'i ' You had bi tter inlquire Tnto the miatter a l t: , rthcr, bl r Iunce," ' ait ' . with w ,rne dI i , ' erea i f manner or I liked Charley upon his uw . , of 'cot,t, a- w a I he;.I.'e he wa. the iily rei I Ta ry ve of my Ir end and partner, one of the ui 't i i A. ii I sit e Ittl anid gr sly 1 r-j odiced uieu Wits'. :l nu,. , ie .iiuial Exchange. I. s. " 't re i` nio Ling t ce inquired about, on Ioe. I:-n if ny late nephew " , it was juit T t its w LI , -tern :.I r alled his "stern etierm ,Ili i ' u " i, u-e that phrase ist iuk" his " ilntern 1 l rtiia ) I sa)y ) - ' )e , ir, even if liy Ist' r * II ew had had the fitly ilinrile to pay, whiti I ., r, i: rt, he not, I would disinherit himu r (r iI i lg it ; aL.d even if he didnu't bet, he was , 1 tli ae , ''-" aid thi' is i pla 'Ce tiu eilhew oli ' ' lI i- m n i," Th ou i d r i l lit . la -P siil ta nh tI Ihi !, i' : lre ir a letter fr-m ir V :etL.'iS I'c ret t1iT"T' li' 1l wliT hi rt-,iire+ :r '.'" e ia'i atTiti ,i. M i t I it " .4IAd uw h ' it le lhence w:thdrew I.. nii o 1 -it 'sit ;'o e g as +'r" that is hi pe'lo l r -'iTt 'Tv It,, l at tur ofli:e anl sismhed the dour behieit 11l- lOur Irm was Cunre ,l C )e, and there had been t, n ibthL r iein.Lber il it. '-ie us te,, tur 've tit- N(A Ir o I y lelts. V, e w it" in relt'a !l 11r.T S 1 ,er IV - I it le a lss t rienlds up ionI 'h t ar' sun' e i ut 1 i ciled t in l'ti-e BLlti e beTec-a se ( lluart e e, dil. w lu. until that Titluhcky I erby d y, lad le, wee e ill . itat a lt ori's oT f hiLs asot rti.,e : andil i''. w ele ithe youtg feiow's pr espect It l'ghted, all Ar S. i tle ,ld ul, -- st, etions left withwit any huinti lh i I 'rel .-wortlk to co iin i t t. ie Ie usli'i,' t A ' bnhdly, who oknew Nicholas Bltice I', , I :aired of the turf. lad tuld hbii that ('i:rhy Ii 1 rltortriti had het lifty pl l'i'ds to ten against I'a. V. I}Ta. ifor 'Le lierby, u i'D.oi liwns. ta i 1 had n, greater ! ve t r racti'g, or perhap, tm of or I r r ty. thas Nich,.las had. ,'t I 'oT l Iit ' i• :v a i t!e mr re aliwance for the fillies of yiiTli, sir e*, l \ l w Ie 1 fliound t ys If crssel, or even' dis l1 vs be litd nl tie til.;k of human knlldness within tio ti tld ,iii Lot ntltantly torn sour, as it hid done Ts !'u ' tl in 1 iult e's dairy, with the cad ettect I ,1s,\ d'e- oi n u itield. Hie had gone straight to Charley lpon:l ' I T the ie tirlniltai received, an.d said: " lid you ,. ten S Ti; Stoi to l.p:.s iow si , itsir. and bet fifty p TiTnd- t S ( it n i Ti al+g ilst a race L.,r.l ' AuT,.s 'r T: ' wI S \'It-. r No And ( harley f.r trio bo I;u . couid not hase told a lie if lie had tried--had an. ge tri -wer, d, " cs, uncle," and there the matter had ended. ,to o, now, being well convinel-t that Cao!te es, l:nitce 'si as iltlexile as the iron in which we i it.iit, in his r..uIlve to wliake no further iuiitry thl .ito the tiiaIt-r I determined to make it ilnsei In fior t itl. tl.eir r.tkeL . I was not very It petll as . to tLe to .it ,': tie ive tgati-i.::i, but still I thought , there ii.'ht i'. su e mntli ating ci ittr i.tulTs. ii S, 'r thte fact as it stood to ked I.I a-ker, it -ee! e I r"t tile, than it ntight to di. from what I k'Tew of w, ed !he )iont fr.:io.v. It- was 'll, t the srt of lad t, Ie ,eaie hl. diises itie wc, a , ;lk in a governit'ht t i !.':ct t- I e.itceie wi'hinti h1. knew was e'pe' t , S,rt'ful I, 1 ," un ,e ahi JaIr han, a.d tL~t, n i rik :sI' iI a -'it, e evor;t a nUtii that was e' Iti o ti,' a tILI l h s a 'liei' l tiii'ai . l ' iT . It li,, e al I . Iin Ii was true. perilledi a great deal more than thi-t pr 1ot l, pr' r, tI)' il operTa'li.,, c " l not Ir , but that W -i all ill the way of busines-, and r it w s I, n t't sitIi habits that tihe oll gentle t ie i l t.5 . I. ,'li t l,. at.tI for bi i hhe I i ,i,k 1 t r ' la I I all, In oiiiero. "lIst Charley shbail haIv,, oIr -liT rktd his wirk at the Sword and ;tun i d:!iol,! ,,r di ' 1)'s pleasure was a !in of Itt elt tll st In*r at I bie Ian h;, uncle' eyest but that he shoaid htv,, i -pent 'lat daa) lni ia tl--e i'uirst., and there bett- ,l I ,y p i uti ' tl.e tn,,,rt I okei , ai t th T le wh,- in t lei re r, iin Iita t he worse it appeared for my yo'lung ' d Ie tr:i ! tl cileit, and the less did I wader at t t the lie, p: n o dnle Ilunce's toreheas as lie I: I of it I:n L'i tutimber fraaime-but biy no means as C:- o , iiis n as l:, ul l er--a d a ad ihie t-:a" ; 'rkl uti p , i h ' lii i t:,at tihey treiil, led to apprios h , ui den. th\e tt en lie left the l ftlies Ir tihe day as he was a'- T i ''olt' it to do an bLiar or es before IIte, his jiun, r, W bat I ',! , untl t' tl o remark : "t' o e, liJn-ce,y ii wa. t i aril at eait ',1t t. eiln a ihurry about this nmatter ot Ip,',r ant, itr- : peirhapL s I may have tui t ii yia -,T ,', r.l ir t;o , li t it to it winsV, whish ia) caSuse yut, to t.,l,,s at ices JI ere tl of lar l." l "er "'i ,i ulmnal well, 'n'e, an-d I thanlk yon,'" si: t ,d ek, .ie lit i. " ulit [ t ~stl see laly tyitr t , l til and l ,c i e l..:I. -un inttriciltis as will, at al e ent, t, tii pr0el tC ii . lyp''party tli:ing, after liiy decies , ' I cr, Into It.e ands ot the betting rin." . c'lli e I i. tr ien -eet N iLLia, kince, bit bit. ai tee ievir. It ,o glad to see him i tr. ;,r it was i et l [ tiii nIT h' ld iTeeti W olinitTeT s,-re, a5. unis-s i' e I 1 l I i r!v -i , !ie lad, L'iharley's c 'ai T ir w tld h.' i i,'" had the power s', t, w ioii. 1 , . Ni,,, hi r ii ,' ti r hr15 o Ce lIeen lIne, theNr ti iT ala).e rom lor reconeliiticot; and as soon as to ii Tl- It luiice was roitnidt the erner, I took a hau- to "'rc onu to t! e Sword alid i a t I IlIC. t SLad beIa n arredt t ri c ,,ing aio that, on the next r nI u, [I y pair',ner and I shoold dine together at .r.u houst : asid we lid so. At ire tun. ( i. e) adibee·n ke..l i., ttlat w'as',l v.. r n o . -'T-t . L'o Ie' e bic ne had iiot C tile to the ,L t t I i.t a!id it s- ti dest.t by l'- weariedl a I i tiii .it.i itJ.) :iihatltt, tinat lie had Lbeei tccalsied llII -{ Tt ,' :, , -'<r --:,i i l;. sg ,1 greeiti e , i' ,!5 I i l .b: t :.. e had beeti reim L 'i L ' w o I ,so , it Ti i 5t atrut' 01f tie mt geii'leni t, i uti I wit ,as retii.ted t i plit a gotd fa' Tp in t,' i-1 i'ter. " SOt, r gl',T( tealthi, Ni-'ioila." sad I as iye ipuilel the s inret to ae. alter 0inner," and ' 'li arien g"-ld he: alth." ' . e I;ua e -tarlt'i asaif he bad bL,,- u1 'i'. I - , - ota i ' have that y. utuii :,TT, sUi::. T IfTy- ir nt ioUi Id it iv hear ih," olsereied eiC p t e . i. e a - ': i ,, i Iliust havey m ty ' r , - 1 l- , LI , IT ..1-h5htI t. II rl . I ye t"Rri "e r e - rA 3 l i o:. r LIrti IniLIgy b a cs e f r e ni T - r '"I o(htu:d thllik sot." initrt, slj E <. e fin0s, , r wr,,:'g pren ist, Webil,. I Live ruel-'l rd . n' i r hnln r implltn ly because e I . ,, ii n :i "Needs lone!" echued the o I si . ln ' Thb ,! i' !is tone was meant to be ci-tlelllptuotl t -t I . : Iletrctede in it an a ,". "I teau what I a~s ert, o'. f::, !, rp 3 tty. " Tte lad his i b a-~ , I w... n.l.ii , thte ok ' r .t . -n 0a . C e ..' f ,r thI .t : ,ras :4 n ,t It ie t( , excu e an in dis 'ret-on, t it I w i , ng - -rd thenhave d .,' wehit. [u',s,.'i. -l ass ie genltIman ind o l eihpe'S I as a s ! s et si g; s it nI the w ieihatter.' I- he l ,p rain the wi.' glacs between n.y eye anll the iil'.t. s·, ! the ,isack'd y es i one wI. rc.:ev C hit mind, may now affri to enjoy himselt. L II le Bunc~ seemed to gasp tor air. " Whii il tte deit- :--why, you're niakiug a foo! ot in-. are ex la:med ie savage y. " D, vou mean to te!l edal :, he did nitt go down to the Derby '" itl ( f ciours ie ie id. Ti" giverni::lentn eet' ! : . the The --oveornment - sent -him '' repeated my I respected partner like one tn a dreani. ( " oust so. " saild I. " But dJnt -et i:TT trochb Ti you wtih the partlculars of a subtje:t whi ii h!, :ir is distasteful to you, and about which you have \ bad quite made up your niind. I have now performed w i tsy duty in this matter, and there's an end l itI a Sna This i good wine. If its no se:ret, may I ask wbat did yiou 've icr it dozen:" ad Fifty pounds. Fifty pondos to ten agsainst PaI! t gir amyra muttered the? ol man. Tt.en: "It's all bi anot !;e, Coe." cried he, nudlenly " H ,w dare y ni ts k to moe about the government sending-- " "c . Mr. Bunce." interrupted I tirmly. ' I wIl nv p S. I endure such language. Ye'1 may be as brutal and 'ii, Urljust as yu please to your owa flelh and b~oss , t d but you sheli not bully me. 1 am not in the habit s it of tellmg lies. The fact is if you really wish to a he, ear the fact, and not merely to flater your own vote reconeived pir.ion), Chabrley Thornton coud I nit baye avoided-- But stop; ;firtafwrct me ines ttler tbinag. If Messrs. Bar A Bullion had offered you ed. Iabddy on tbe Derby day, when you were aelerk the their oice, upon the condition that yoo wool i over go apnd see the race, would you have acceptd It, or wouid yiu not '" "Well. I ruppose I should," said Uncle Bance, reluotant;7. " No, you don't; ye u are sore you would; you'd !.ave g-,.. ..k . ysht. W,1 i, that being granted. ton and your nt phew are in the same biat. t re goveram*nt gave a bhlicay on the Dierby day *, he clerks in the Sword and G;un O0i:e. upon the a ondition I have mnenuoned, and all those wh availed thenlelves of the offer I ledged their wo:rd rr nee the . ppurtrn:ty as it was intended to he lic i-ed. I(' hailey hbvineobtained hisday'aleav-. ,ad not gone to Epsom Downs, he would have bi !:aved uihke a getlemru. That'a csear, I hoe." "The goverlnmient ought to be asha e u of I thenmselves: " lse, ved Uacle Bunce. " Very rev:y : o' ). or nephew is not the govern 'et. and altr ough I he.I from the chief of his d pa: ti: r t a i..- r xcelent account o: bhe young feer 'o r it s I ,ft ;i:,ely he ever will he. Thos. , • .,e. t, ch a e n n so far from shirking his duarv 7a go to tl.e Ie rby, I barley only obeyed ordler, ri)d, I I ave noi dru-t, with great cheerfa.-ess is - erail v exs elient wine. ' Did tt e g. vrIe ment ake him bet hlfy pou'tdi 'n tit t aalllst I'al yr.?"' ingletred the old gentle Itlat pi ll t y. ar't.-r a long sslie e " The goveran met didr't. but the ofice did," ' said I. ': , tiln way: There was a lDe'by swee. ,,it up amor.g the word and r;un clerks, as io t wate i.- i ate at e\ry overnmenr t o-ii offic, ' r'harlev put in tIs sovereign like the rert. l'-r ihapl dat was wrong of hlnm; bu: if you never nd wi s-e, ter-nd NI holaa. when you were a i._.n¢ n.aQr all I can say is. you were too good ti,, a< I shouldn't tanry you were ever Irkely t~, d:e of that c--n plaint." I ruse, and going t, tl e wit dow that looked out into the quiet street. threw it up to, let in the sumner at,. "Com' . , n.e. )u'oil t r,:ve his putting into the sweep. a-:d I. " i dont tr:k you to be generous, but to le '- . " I IrgP him that. of courle, but for the et I I .l riot t cg, v- Lv:m. Pow is it poeslhle that ', e .d la.rve hail anything to do with his ot nl. a, g a bit whIch, if he had lost, he could u flie , i " .a- 1 i. gieitly, " and it would have I 1- ti in at ci J .ter er i--i kIe trans ttion ir f f li h . i no t sai the i, it y Yet. Mr Bunce; yea hac ieru wror g thr,.rughrout this matter hitherto. an I r u are r,' ! v w. I say tlat t'harlry wei. - Sve I wi !r li f Iunaw ,rt v of being y,.ir re:a t' if I e ied Iot lait the ,.,dds agaiu t h' l'r Vrs r srt' i ir ve it Ilhe ca a wao -"',p y this.l Chr.atey drew ' ;Irra in thin sovereigu sweet, r a t a:I it the miate had w. n. he wrrill have recelvad it - r e all the ,-,erkrs -u rrlhrrired to it' at Irart on, !. drerd p uIda. Ili obvioia duty, thelr , a- ai Ii i, of rbuine-s -arid not a merely gabllllin p -i ectitl r-wa- t I tmake s-ine ptorti iu of the o ti.i :,) ra, c II" i t r. fire Lt.ited ifty pounas to p tr p, unl agan-t the it. , ; it ahor had wrn, he I n,: abnve clear ! irfty p. arnd- hy the tran- i\t in: s i o it wa t al r Blou h r lt, the a.tu,'r young - W ii ntrdig I tir n )' rc i ten rrrr .m the io(,ele'gn , invette d." cth tia wt', ws+ :t' r,.uI Vnr'e lHain I kling, Irhrt say. niirt nn,' urllnf ttiy f ,ril.h ·irowreve-r, y,-ru nmost corfeas that arpiranuces .er,. r u r h against the lad. " N. .1 bit." aid I. " On the contrary, they P Are ver. n:oi hb in his favrr. ('C e , to ia wind,ow it re, at d .1,dge t r ,rm -elf : there he is, at tn , r : 'r i r v ',;:' I r ire ter witri le for him ', li he !t, k :'k a yi of ro .urr cuin , g h*nrC-dlt,i I trite-- -. L u have pictured li it. or hlkey Sgrow int.. aly .nh :,orrid shae' Unless he t rIp, er- t- draw a ti.v -rit Ito a sweep a seeonD time-w i h :. at v. ry Ikely-l will aintwer fir I ni t! at t e w ll Iever bet in ha lire again. tornie. sir. y' i a rhletie for hlrn." And Uncle lunce did ahrtlie, as cht-elf illy as any blackbird : and an tie yurig feli-ow ran t:p, he held hlI. hand out thr, , ii tl - o; en wiTnd , to let himr kinow a' ortie i. t a I was explailned and forgiven. An. 'hin t" Camte lull, -re., and siamethir g which I halt ',i-i )d tr, I i privately krpt hot tIr hun doirw -tai--Icfr I tile I;unin e's c,,ok loved the 14l1 wa or,I.rlght' up by way of dinner, arnd IEncle I;urn, . a d I ai d Charley had a merry eveurig to gethi r after il'. Mketches or a rague. C, rrespr,,h , e ri , :.e ro ti.o Jourlr I' i,,,i E, June 12, 1,:. TilR APo-rTI u*' CLOCK. W1 ',, in tie ii.riiket place we will wait for the h, o.r. 'r I ere . sa cu i,,u- old cloik that t, kid . or -el,tUires at . t ten the ý-wedi werrr thilu ler;prg at ite gates < f I'rga arnd when B >henlri a. a great and Iawert'ili kin ,id nn, just as it a, t:I uK:g uLw. Taeu'y tour Lours--tie dry and i.ghit--are n arke-i on ',e dial. iiuead of twelve. for iu.e ilurk IL-wa 'Le ul. VWhen the wrgit S,.'re- th-e race (F tI..i titl rbecomes ),ar, . iii t as t!e ir ght i. aei whenti the day approalches It 'i ita l g'rit i hite f Ce i out t t m --t the light. S . an tell ] IrI it what tllle ti)e sun risen, an i at wa lt t oir ie all set. H ririi.h, the heverr Sji ,,w wI.o nlade it, wa soemething of an artrrn.r ,.r; but u eu knew little a out the stars in t. .," I ut tie hour l: s arrived--it is ten o'clock Watch i(l sely, tor ite dI,.'-ate nrechan -u ii inw at worK. (ut of a .small door abve tihe dial rintn '0 a tike'etin, ghit-tr y and gritu. .Around its b., I-y tir k old Father Tinme ias hutg hili reilot-sw lei- scythe. The gaunt lirure produ-es an hrar rlass, and turns it to inidl:at that another hour .,- i, as a tl 1. at the new has comrmenceiJ. It ti en I ll r rl)ientv a bell rope preci-rely as the rt;i ct xtrn in i neOw i rc ila d village crir it d 1>A n a uabrath mornint. At earlh pill tihe h)eil rlt esarsd the okeletotr bowS a its ah il ai pproval. ihen out of the tisterlh,ius tower romtes a liai,r witt a is of g li. He -i en h iat tight. t r it it Sdlent Ilis Irn!e has rome, and he har'e to li.avr :-wo d y grdo d b l Li. lie wakr abnut an i .7t e,!t oh. grund with hi+.t; k. l:,re Is avarnce In, hii and eve--a cort of c rdJ. re lhtr.. - 'irg atter doillarr, that noilO f a, rl - , L ' ,- ..T.rc. i t m C ,a-t- ri r,.,r rf ther ~, k. W\l. n t", releto tai ra i: th,. h n-, hrtt it rt i t!i Imiper retire the tower. Inen a greaTl rI r ze door opens, srd toie twelve apsitest pacs bi. ore the Sailnr:, ati bow down t r him. Far no on thie tw.r, their fairc look ife-ihke, and te Cere Is Imrr--eve. Iw Iheautlult to thir.k or thie scenes enacred !.err n T'rta- rI, ur:der tle eye of th· olid clork. , 4 i r:te liaurrtct-Ou aolh I- t rlriie hruro it hia t sid aray. Ih tii.+ orl hul:hI, up ,n whi h the tuia r vst-r rP the great digiitaries of Prague u~e t, Iold their tlaLqyiets and feao:s. Here they en terrinir d their AUctrian rnlrs, and ililberatet up (b rl,sepo i ical evenrt of the age. In thr grr at cuare li lo Ir , t. the tolurnrart ernts of thre ol,, -'hii s ry ae rT itii. Ii !i.n hand a 1h 1i I krg thin. ;nlnr ri in hri . After haViO g OriUgi rila, hr battle., 1.C CaIlne ito thie lists of a tourn aillot iulr ,is , in tiii- very a ' re., arr wir uwa rir rsed try a:. a Li.(.ni:!r t wh e ,,erie wrvsl,,ag-.r aa-l whrre sin a - crrri-tr-r ihrar hir. \.e ni a wt. e hr--t iie lade cl<lairpr -! err handsi and cleering ti. - r i (.ul kr lht, and then the Iiear o;d clock - r kit g '!,e ,ur of the k!ong' d fert. lhen+ a 'eC )i ar. alt, iU thin vrr , erluIre, i flii v:ewC .rf Ci, dr, hlrv.n urriers of nrre ratnkl were h, ! cded htr r':.e rad run away frrrm the Iratte r t..t t Lu'I.,ri. I:it tte ord ,r ok witrit-hed Ii r ' r -iight lirnut thlO, trre--one lwhlecri. . i ornectrd t'h ouir own hiltory and hrolietf. It we,... , ,' . ni'. r the b trl-e of \,liii :e Hil. whrr Sr r ,i head ro ...·' ,·, r vl - nW w arsti' , ,I :- ,e tt cr 1e -wa , ril-iht traet ,r . Lz, 0 -. r ; , . ::,ti ai p eared ,ii tha t wlie. i - -' . r i t a ,, k- i Is ' : t h- wIre ,r d th a t h at . , n · n.':,' h.h Fr tirrr ,l ndr ,Ii l lt- r fs : . i i: trt n rre. th rt ril liu ake. t Ini:, i alt r .-t w , , i -, rth - t I -rig. ;.! , 'i , o 4'.--A array-i- ,,f Mr. P -, 1 ,0 ) , :. ,l . t t r w :: ,J - r o le ;m n t +tn in i i f t e n It. o 1 Wl t aatle- tyal,81 D v er ti, hal; ai ot-" eI re:-i : ore i-f rl. e)y ri nitt to alii :I p 0n'-.! - , Ir- lhrrit rt!erai,' oti !. l O Pihii Ot a ;here rn ' , with -,il- e o r rvic'ilsn of tie m n rm ' -tice ntture, tie has had two ,,.nti n vii I .,:e w ealth ard i -nto.: - ,,,.:.:i i t- I c rence t r, popula r -pinion wr " p.e tIrr o a iti as tanod thi ri- b,:,h. Ai ti, on ..n....o. I ''A ,ration if thi t arm he has never t , :+' g; - l n, l h. igiir g to r-trn, - r 'lr ed r 5l'i!!t-ir -ieIe pe rv e. in leed, eo lie Of h ri t atr Ireabr- e ie rtie were ven o nn , ti dey-, wl t . I lg tivhted fri-i twelve t,- twerrty i n'-erril fr t-irt · d tr 'rit an omnte u lr rom -i .lute FI rs-e >i -r.b.e ,urinmer ,-ayw ,hir bi, Speent in Itrill:.: '! r ih the ga-lrdens and -P-tier. I aalerre , ft r i { ,ii ( ,.rirt, ai- 'Ihe eveing at a eunip 'n ona d iter 'o Ill. Lnr-rd l:ii. And yet hr. bas always expr'esrat grert reare ,t for the imatn 1 t- ira f re!gi-, n, and li rf.orel h,,lrtohf a tirt, Strelwver i tte rcar.ial dcrran a f t .ie 4 I or catei ral (1urch. i' which he wa, trro,.ht up Indeed, few nien have better exemptraied the prrnciplles of a'hristuanity in daily life. Truthful tr e,- 'tresS bo!revit .n every tranarctlon, faitlt' trr duty. hertable. gentle, Firm in atheren,'e tF renht tree from the vices common to men (rt a " uence. uneelilhe. stern in rebuke of wror 2. pri 1i.r t in assistance to merit never prie ik-I rtItro tie ute of profane language. and dtsc.rii[n tenar.ciug it in others, he has been an exanlimle to Smany men ol lon-lsr profefssaoI. A n^isPt e',tort is ntakin' For a horse ,a'r ailro d K A II.KOA rS. pOATCOlATRAIiN UAIIDAD C COMPANY. This Road, at new oateded, will be opened to the pub-. he on Sundayr the 1oth Ielsat. Fare to and trtm the Lake, same day, TWENTY-FIVE hL,dren under 12 year of age will be charged TEN CENTS. ry min The City Termines is f ted at the Head of lafyette steet, s l here with'. % few yards sl the Steamboat and Barge Lenud par is, and ti the immedtate vicinity of all the Warlbones and L Western Produce Dealers, the Company ha erected a e ,.RAND FREIGHT DEPOT, with a capacity of at lotto u " t,~us~nd barrels. Ii- erving CITY TELEGRAPH TIME as closely n pt ;,.ot le. the Tr.ato s ll run as follows, halitag at t'ana d e *trert, at French Market, t Old Passenger Depot and at I. iborne street: I Steam Train leaves New D'pt. Steam Train I*ores I.ake Endt :t o cl. k A. r. 5 , clttk a . u 2 12 .. r.. 1 . s rp 5 .. .. 4 .. ..g t 7 .. .. 9oh The 9 r i Train fr,,m the Lake wel not io beyond the Ps i senger eI), t at the heral of Elysan Fields s reat. The I.rl .e 'r will leave the city at 4 A. a , and the L ke t I I ., ad .a.. t, for the present, run beyond ther I Drl,,,t. f. or .a t i." or err1 (i BR 'hers and Fishing parties. astea. to Trau -,lll ;c.e. t . Ne DD.ept at 4t o' rl a sanMunday morn gI .gn AI extra trip wL.1 sus be run at 1 b clock tr the dy. Barrage, Ill h h erh ,1d ef'rcts and fam ly srpplies will b rr(e .ed at 0 I I) Ii P( T If the traveler e, pre' In i t tnt eventl, the pac.k.g t must be br.Ton,, t onty rn the '. S 'e departre o,, the to mer or %'1:ch they are :l.u:r IN and th.n f t later than hlrt ,ty , :tter prior W the pasttoLg the trin wrhin connrr t- with her Trane r,* rmnr Wob tle ,r the Watering Placer who may r . ,.re their r ha.gage rno e rrct, dt ver. .1 at t!ll ()A e.'p" wJ p ene express their win to,. t,'e ,oh cre of thle bo., wlt Ili take 0elra re il sOee t l that .LearL ptlopltry is aOsruxt lO p rtrs sepo.r'e y on the wharf. titf (I PA'fI)I'lY. sh Oerost Sn-r ,: to i ,. t. r ,'ltIOLBG IRATEES 01r FREIG1I PI atrwrtr ail NEW ORL.EANS, hew York, Boston, Phtlltdelahls and All Points North and East, VIA N. 0, J AND olRFAT NOiRTIIERY AND MIS 1> I'Yil ('hCiTRAL RAILLOAKIS TFr"'. ALT.L AIL RO UTE. th o ainsurance Required. f THROUGII BILLS LADIT1t SIGNED AND RATES) GUCARANTsED. N, O., J. AND . N. RAILROAD OFFICE, } ,Nev ()tlrlu., .)aly i. ICW'. i:ippers are It form l that we are L.ow trursportlng freig I at betwote New e o r en h .I New Y9ork,. osto, ib.lde ', ,,.. eor , t very oItw rre not ¢ a sIvingl t. t'lo shipper by t< ll rute tf,. rnTWFi T 'T;',FIFi' PER ' r. iCE All cla*tims f i, so, or overcharge will be promptly to set led p lints ot del esry. Fr 'urlher iufotrmolaon tapply at the Depot, on Crllioyp b, struot, or at the ,ice of the Cumpo.y, ho. d1 tcaron.telet street. T. R WILLIAMS, General Supeatteode L SJttOS r o'o : G:c(ere Frei.cht ArrL rI it - -- t- I AND E.W JACKSON. I Shll .'es..le and Retail Dealer in Famlly Groceries asna Plaotattola *pplles, u BAT')N Rl(l'i;E, LA. llghest Price Paid for ('otton. ('cOiTOi 'I HE) t d ill I'PE' to tI IT' i'LANTERP. 'i :r k c my firend, and the tpubli.c gErnra ly for .heir for r e, p '- , rt, re.pect' ld "o1, it a contit.uarcto ,". It a .r. .re Iatn '*Ir a' Srt tite t'5rf, I I ,I U .,.h v i.e t Il,,i-.' r .. . , e.h , ,fI eottn , lw. t f: i. .ro,'a. e l Tw ,'r. y .r u- ' re ti nl alrnu gt ,tch o i ta r hp or nv s; n r olle me t, get !rel.h I 'wer th to tro osutl ,Ir "gr. ; .;t ; ce,, r tl ., -,rat,+.i " A lldit W l'Itr.. S,r."" eu,|'y , l.t tbind ndwo.l ,t'er tsao. at',o.., t Prh,. A%l)ii\V .Ao KitUN, et('o-ner T',irl and I,* ·re..tre@', ADMEW J. AIKEN. (Succesosr to Aiken A Rainey.) I Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, NO Go C'ARONDELET STREET, New Orlean,. .C. BAREL.I.I. P ODOCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 67 Tchoopltoulaeu treedt SNEW ORLEANS. EISAl . A ll( V ('L . o0 .. (M. INIsAD, I. ATOOOlK. JOB OrlfIieL tBsoeaosse to O. Wilkta Goe..) --03 UI I gALl 0? ettle. oe snad shep. SOON tANDIWG, IAL5IANUBB eAI-WLLItAM nlLLa OOMMNISION MiEIHANTB, FOR THE PUROMAl ,e-., Forwardlong an hbipmet of tidds. Lethet, Weel, Beeewa, rCallow, and Tea ning Materocs. o Is s ad a t'OMMERiO E SREET, NIPE W OLTW BtA S OOM'NlAl IOD M I AORART. her tieU e ehap, lles i mMmrio Mr as rs TO4E ONEDIY, AT OLIBA, 01UU W. JMORRIS · CO. (Kemo.'d rom C 2 a nd l street.) T TANAL AND 17 CHO84MAN MTREETS. erl Cmlso . MercaOte. PrlBe* AtIore aItetrsL And Del:erl lt Nii ktnds of ROKI<'U LTL'RAL IMPLEM ENT, Aertd for Fire a cd B srglar Poroof SF e and COTTOh d' hmermn~ be tohe· .'l e a netnnat loektlteinl CATAWBa aTAc Htt. VTNI(A R, etp cdri alwayree in hsI d A'I"I'TTL( lEV8 AT LAW. . . M TCEPAL- AtifORNET AT LAW, l o. s Caaonsdels srtroetl NEW ORIEANN 'IrO IVEIT NT48 WILLy, AM M. EcOLEB, ltroroea tt L5w. OFFIC-E, 51| NOlR H IlD HTRBT0 iT. LoU07, MG WPll i(ort. P 'tent., ad tpresr Ptt i ad old reA ,ected clsm peting tors Our pro·ts fro e, we o btain ptoperl oC rIt appllctio, fr" tee l whmo It efmi and ·o h~rlaving be the IhastO for A *me Ati oe aroe. Sattede to Ipoptly; advies fe toalli sm o RIe or she rlelre, r w deavred Po a·eiT Tt' IIN . WrOLKntaLK M&FOURA wo t rer ae sLtnlt Cwotd. Ideo ( Ceaccrae eshreo ptios t ro 4 terope, tind Locrapt, b) rcm a Ln ,,er to or ral e O ,l rt , e Pucl Y parntfe ('st, "+~~~ ~~ PIolA Idl E ........... NOr I /;P. - ---. - ._ - - ___-- - N.O. STUAMBHIP COMPANY. C iA JeS .......................... Vm & Tn t S 1EW ORLEANSB STABHIP OOMPANY. UNITED BTATI OF AMEIuIA. kOI 0a Lonai. Omr o New Omauxu. Ile %t Tau t w this efk s a dad Iobe sty. Is the Tter of or Lord one thouuad eighbt huded and itrty.-tght nd of the Independence of the Uniteld States tie olnety-second, beore me Edward Ivy. a y peibUbl P a nd ror the ctty sad Paeish td New Or - seas, 8tate of oInuteana aforenald, duly comm' onned and swrre, persnally eam ad pear d the pratie hre-taster named sad unsanIned win soverlsy belatid that. aevltll themssIves eo the ponlcLns tO t-e atWou of the Sat of aLsislena eelativ to the serg-gnom :Ieon of cerporeattms to this State, they have eovenartd anu .re h and do bythse preoents esoeant. age ad al~* Iov, sd three whom they oresmt. to feorm thet selee into anda cnsltntte s ce,rnoret on feo the objees o ae lerposs, and under the stnlptlations regulatios and oblge aes llHeslg ti wit: ARTICE L n SThe ame ad tile of Usaid Company shll he the "WEW DORLPANR STEAVhHI" CUOSRANY," aod Ite domiell I. wreeby estabIwhee io the city of New Orleans and it shall eist and constase for the term of tweaty Ive years from the lot of thees premeUte. nnse o,,foer diseolved. a hereioalte preli'dd 'or. I. shall hove a cr orate weal with a devie npe" ;Io oms and the eame of the Company apoe the margi ARPICLE II. The object of asd company I to constreet er otherwise pre +are and mainlta one or moresteamshipe, to coulsttt a line ,r lion of steamships. to be owned a',d c ,ntrolle. In tie city N New Or eoans, and to trade between c ty and soany por or p it. ao the Atlantle cast or 'bulf of VMex.c. Tho manager of seed oemp-any shll be tie proper re oe 1 whom to oer cItlu ott nte nt lther legal proesso waser Ia tOhe saod .onpaay may be nterstedd. ARTICLE IIL The apital stoCt of said Compasny i hereby ttxsd at the sum o.f TWt) tHLNDRIED nND )PITY TiL : SANI Di()L I ARb. Ldeded Im to sharn of hilt D'ollr a.1 of hitre. to be rid at er betre the tig'.ntg of the pe resCots; wuo br ° eApiten may be lncrsed t. au amount nut ercsedle one nIal. los. if theleese should he required by twehie epitL ARTICLE IV. The affair of lsad Coepanyr hall re ndo the retloan sad maclyeemoun ol t.dw ,rd tlgonot. who may at any time toe. tle pris t ue of le.r.lI ting with him one or lre e pe .tL. lfr, inting the st.okhodlder - the (Compay, s.olect to re ,pT proea- ot tie Bard ,, ('otrutl wto enael se ab tdl ,' Agents to ale it is t acti the bsainat of said tompane L ARTICLE V. ilntO r I. The reanoe metings ef te Istoek ",'it n of the tl: m t aherl, be rotld auualdly, teom .,cy ,'u tle first Tnredsdy It, Vebrt-cyr lte5, et w: ,et ertite at ntjrllty fc cpital chat choos e ste of tl.,'r onra h'~ ee'.er sr oct)e.te.;,,r :the a suing yeare. e.b. o:ld', c. trtllte ond , rm a Btmard oft ,lltre,. Ut! w'teh thesald Ronaer rhall be haliealetIn esd lttles to one te :1 on l m-t:r.e rgon. h' it. Ald ul:'1 the elelt ait !)lrcto: n tle fre aid. the lfllowllg uamd perelsnr oall ¢tIltltntr the tfire Bard or ('ont.ol, vie M. J Sl'rt. Wll ClKlL.VY. J PEMl ERitl. J. AKMIITtt~). t, J. Mct'.UJKEY. htc 2 The farnle t, e'ecat )tro. tor., e o tf.reol.l.aa:.0', n,; Ill.sIe the .ald c,,r:,ert'.t b,l, Lt the Board in , l it'b' .aslnneto exercise its runetions. utl I aeso. ysard can be Sit 3. Three embern of said BR~ard oel ,-roe shlel lee * tote aqt:lem lerle Ie ti lrtrai..t,.-." "f thlrl.e-, and the we'd 1a,•rd s heerhy ,.,alted wit' to I powel r I, trnle anI ad, ::t such y laws, rules and rlge t hoees a they naay deem requl site aid ecnesry for t I.e ',,-ntay y t d tLe tranel a ,lfr ln f It olr, . sh t - id :, thIe ,tr.c e 1h1.Il nd: co nr wen'c t o th the ir: .:. tent I d eernlni of thll Art ofe Incorporlntt or wth Ltn e sanel thlt btate. An i th te mpornry e eece of the o no tner mtLey ty) elect a Cb tr int Lt) prestde ltnt r meting they halil h ve p,,oer and a e hereuy sltl.itoed te boy .n' sell stegmsrhlp. nel rel e st*t etc, fo. the u.ens r the t',o: pan), to make epntrtcle ieatss. ner. ges' hbe ystloaeiton and ecmpr:m:se.l to hI s.tar es f .f i. err .and er ,,ti. tCo, botrrw mpery, atd toI uild or lan;e to ba e rsalt lstlamsahp f,. the nes of rsai ('m rttnl y. Sac Il lany r'.eeer of sntd i ard estll cOae to be Itotr-huoldor ot th d Compnly during h e . therI of, 'n. , lile sbhll be dao atl t s, .tut. ard In the etent ,r the de t'. rueteralenst ialenee, :7r reetrl,lli of an y mretes.-rof .laid .ard of toteotrl, e the said Board of ,ntrol shall have po w.I to.l oI .xcm as,rued tl:erely uItil tlhe firs. relllo ' i wrtoe tbherertf.r of the 8t ".eholdersl or the lectisu -, imritr ti the' .lonpehy Sale . The end Boord stiall meet monthly for the tras sCtlele ofh b'un0,a d Ith Rln:ier rne ctl,:re 3 to gether at any tmed by dlt''l! cli s, t' notice In wrltigl. ARTiCLE VL scnoll I It shall be th duty of the Mnager toe eetp, ol I OeanU t be kePtiI thlenlld l,:o.k.. In the eame n,f t: u ''m arry, at co,,rec; rord ,d the prio:eerdnl", trenlyetlol, meSt ,,ruts, propert, tI elaplers n c dleI.rr, as well ash a tus,o, .aen;. of thsl ctr, B Ohjrt ct to t: a approv r of the oa t, rd oi o,mntrl. ia the uante ald for ateRo, t olt ter tc,mpap.y nad t be alcre aothorlr anrd e, powered t,, drr r l ehrs to ore t cn.tereltgtled by the Secrtary, ad traset all bosklnr ee' leOn threrrut Svc. i. I shell he the duty of the Manager of so!l Comparny to exhibit , or !.e tm ,a enxh·l-red tnr ilet,,, Ikb, I or whheneerr theret- ratulrod by them all 'ho boote. p*c..o acoontt and -lcumewter Ie:to,utl, isa rd ,:l.,nptaoy Sid Il.. to tet empr on or oef,- ta.d tsrtiil of tetn-h t..ti.:, a detraied statemen et po t b:no er and Iffaire of the ('npnpanr darrg the pr"ctedln o mel n. ioc 3. e. the ecrut of t'ie resfeatlion. permlenlmt hlsst:e ser d h o' tdle Mt. ac"r te. B-,trd t .n;r.,, t,oll omu. .~ te';) pro . l od r ;,tlrt it a M ", .er prx a , who shell ct aits ae Lultltlo! l Irst ·aaltlnoelc stc ,erl•ter of the lStdek olTre sat a l.:,o, tol ' o the d'itl-kl:ncprl clirl, prlred .t, Je a ,-lnytcer }mit sn.," i:.o il-tl C etS , .. tf lmet an emlect nn utltnt!l) there l or. anrd 1n thr ,+to 1 the ter.:l, -ry hslrt nol thle anolger, the othrei 1 B -air , ofy Cr rol ebtal hoveC piwer to appoint ra Tmi.Ler I:ro teon atll At the stoIT,', nerell r oe :ar 1ep e.'lel of the "onpar' y, the MLarnce in a m ak a t rapt. . ·4r. f, .' i. otter tad t' lIui ia lie '- deem elxeledi.ailt alIl n.'en.rry fr the nter*t t I the t' ne ev :. whl: ch intlung Sah e itare ot oe l'e, thle ad i' urpanoy s..: bO entt.l t L one tote lo a matters hbrulght bIte-re I tec f. The laid Ma*nvrer shll heve 1,-we o to apolnt 'ecrettry .ge t and other elo.,.y+es ainl aIly. tn I o'tcer I htcacnl.s .buot d act thr. ull enre tro the. e ;loe r v ll ia.e 9oard , f ('ontr, 1, an !.e may ror. 're solu Nto rst,ry, -er:t.e r oe lar employe at any time. wtho,ut the ea1hons cf said Bear. ARTIC(LE VIL On the expiratiet of tre sItd term of twfty-flre ypers - e4etntefere uroed upon fo. it:e soxttet:e of t .ad l,-'ll.7 amalrlty o: the setcah, llers IIn c;e1rol s^.: hve power tpo eotcrmits n pl the mh de f cilllng and dosp.isteg of al the property anld eff.cts hel~ngtei tbo •ad dtmpnlle. an arl, to doe de .p.n a:.d fi the te rm ld e, nd't:elnd a' the sie o, dIlposltion thereof, aid tI:ally of wanding ap sad Iqeldathi l s ffarh the beet advatage. ARTICLE TIIL Three-flrthls of the sto:h~sn der In capItal thI bhave the oewer t wind cnp entd s ttle the nlnllout aed af fars t f Wle Conpany, at raly tr:ime durnns i!s enrlt. cvi. 'r Tf me hIa any met:fi, atlon. al;tl -n~ or chrn,* res, tDit act. on glrtl -o sitly days poevo' notire in two oe tUo swpreopes publireh a thils city. ARTIt'LE IX. All tranofere ofl stocksl bsh be made il the *eeo of t.h Cnndpary. and reordeI a nI o ,lk of tranner to be 1k;,t f,.I ,hal pces.n Tho neo rtorhotldre illpdllg blmtisela 1slt l .rfler torbiled bes aitL ter 11 th rl~Ldtltsl sod tlp itltnra Cu thIs act rnd salIr ay reo'm. rogu1aat sr b-lawsl modersiedtopuee punenrce thereof. LRtICLE I. le stoetlholdof shall ·eeo bo held Ilablo eersposbit Tor the conert tss, or Itlite ol and Ciumpany. obe pond the amoent ofa has nt-,- rin sad t",,l, eery norshall auy mere otfrm-hltlv l the or'u.l,nnt:n ,,t .ed l'oapeny hace the :I ..II rlt,;ll:l. tie i'tla'rr ut.,, lr Ot exolelir a. , t, ! :ee to 100 .rcoaeor labhlly tLan the ARTICLE I. The srtd ('ic'an y shtl! s*n eed he tedi ol fs . eeorte oec oand cpltp'iy, sod ploal anid he : oadd ae.c.rdln ly ARTI('I.L XII. The fol- wapn amed perrmy r t,, lt. , cl,'en o rca Corn cr~y. ·~d e ere eoletl*(l 1,, the t-,',,1:er Ii f !.sir- plh.-d Ipe.eII- tl., tLhelr Iclmee rrelc.,, t,, w1t M J :: it 'I ..i ( rcovy, .Ieo. serm ltren. Tht-e. B. oa., Is. Jrlooer, J B. tnre-,, tlb, : D .*Ed.,.. r J II':rW A Pr:msto . .... A. ., cr . .. rl -,l -e narte: D,.aenf. G ii lrtl.lPaw. DMes :. Mcw'n rd. K-.l.leeI lt e" I, II |'erah:-, &. ctRubtrge A WAe. WI helmu, Bogart. sod otber,. ARTIOLE XIII. The Boerid f (',tm: W . ; FO Ol rE' Oew retn relecI Onorthee lu,.crr pt', I e I:1o n 11a . . l' l l Ilt n:-, ,,,p, sltb Ibd ehl haere retaed the afrllretd flmr ofoer mililo. ORh Aeoctatlen IsrI 0" tItl ,rp.rnt:,r, as eoou ow the rcm odfllert ·n.d entrh~l·' Brl by flth. Hr,.O¢ B.t hA ptrr"*o, ho rllt,,e.lre m-.rt, ryd tel t-, tAt, .Te5, B1 ar 1 ', .<re-,:le re .,eclre t.elr 7t1:0e rAceep,':-,ely T' d ete 0nt |la.eldlti- ctt:e iee , r estarleeetsll the dy, le,.L:l lo ldaer elr.t shren welte. Ie p7 'enr.-ne If (iSO, clorck tnef Mrdl. Soai,. e.:my-petmt wl.neree wh ereetuna t esn their o sfor wtD rstld p mrae aad me Steram Il:,: remtertO I') illll-. -oe. W. racsni J oe l Melhls J k *l,,A ilr Y DEdwtrd HIggtnat Jnto. AemtsoM . Edw A ,rieos. LWD ARI) ITe, lotary PohIlo. In pere of eie Ciart. P. acl:. Rwstu. M. . . IET.NOI.D . OLer. 12 end ~ 2 FRCNT h TREET, RIaw Oa310lg is pretarcd to make eerrctl for flee RI,;!- T.-IRI WORK of any Dscr!;-tll.n or QV-tntlty, at the lcwset Poes Manuafaturer of C reneont Brood III.ORK RIIOR. Aclo. on ('iaey' PATE.NT EARTH B'IREI. O rdErsle t 1 oin . IS Roulrlen lloac le Idtl Pos e ,:Ft. - l'- re, e e Pree n:e t Altec--r. Iong s.ei, tSuMg Misu h ettles. Dresng Ma . hns w ll . Celtee Peess. wn Sews Ol ar alu. rue-e Iots. easeeen all* hin of PlantiMo : t' Ises t Woer Y1 sad e Ysptm f Saaley Is RAND UIUUU ro LIIUN SEDSU-6O. L· I OUA IAM-4. oim of lie.. Eagis Ur Min.. E M_•EDICAL. *1C '·AL TK.fATTMMNf Por V51KOIh17 DISEANeK-Dn Do RA r '. I' will islte hii,.scef and ra:u-.,rtocer tbn Ihllol Rwt gr tls dtc »rs vi,'I "cret liieue. ,Whites. lie norrhl ,ih, I -r., R eun.tltis a. oult, I)ipryLt, Chhrese Ltrr ('C. mp Sint. UWLisri Of the tutl.. ar Orolse mud Da'+eae. t-'naultat'nso et'-y day rrta 1i e 'cok" n,1111 r L at hisctc . cores-" ,,f Olrlea al! Sao i'D ettreets Riesden", I 76 Oiles.oe t .t UIs. I. ILnOFT. PHTImOIAN AND AOO WII31U. Oes wad midaie 3o. lS krammen, twen ialresd 1i Jallas sresa 3eW ORLlauZa It ,. Og(e 12 a to I .eloct p. L IspIelsIA : Pslsi. Dieae and It eatrem W H TAIES THE IONaIT Dr. WO.O1 mare be wll pay $1000 to any parse who - reald a prren osrtly cn Ony ple Is ta tly reo, ea4 'c.mpl.y Nea itoalder. Brewnt d-ck. Hear, amersa ide l Hips. Abdomee. Len. Al ki. Pwl, tioe. letlrual oe t.rnal asote or cbrol. 111 tClen. Pl !eo',und, ightful 'n-rr-In taIr. all pain. trium any esees. an intic. Nartlct.e froe m mter io bite li t mt tu o Imt lsea Lablr Pi--esa quick as Pain lP'ait. or reduce illtaemnioa.a Srtapid y henl permdneutle nus .tn. tive no pIll in ttresp ; ,ee.tllno wetlrer app ct to the wrOstt I Ifah or t T metI .r,ole ,r aIed paron. and i balrrnl. ou Ptli Palul. Appllied ar aet 5$ tueodel e< rues J 111. iiRA.VLV. Sol. Agent for New Orleans and iL4te 0o LatuiSaL Countiry slrsl-ielsr.. ind F i...... -ppler. At I 2-lmasse N. [lter a Ito,-aus' Ile, 6 asydrnesk t, ima arctaorer et m il tko eiadisr: tditreis-l e lir reuxmined tle pates% 1t'.1l we rated Tle b. the U. 8 llrerumlnt f,, -,a sfetue l u'np the altnkuf tlter. nid (oued in 1e Irisr.- s ple bed csremps.oad well cicelaoteno t xefits ad er. . to sicki tttr tle dgeutl·e rsna i harve pescirbd .aid Bitters seeral tlrne, aned IS .ery entna I bd Oeiai to arnts theil bensedoal effect remain. iutTlmes. s: r mspecllly, or 'N oa .s.dliet wootstl A. IMlrt'IEt tt D I a$ltstralst. I be e enund the past e .hold tor her reitae ee e hialakol BtUeren nad ted sotlia inc nt Isgssdlnse there .f crlculated to mnt iltJrteusll upoen he hamean ysuer, udnle aklie to Iinotrdiuate qautlt . ldeded, It to II nl ptihbeh ,rdiel aromattle hter . . IMITH, ,). Yur lilaluki litter. whrich i have eamined do ad toatlel anIy lngrdIetse nJurrno to bheast, ad sma bhe moela de sdns the he n want l a ,e tr of r tabola Tourn., M srylltip'R.R, M n. A IIOOi FOU T R SIAeISTllVNATTN. J. BALDWIN DSFP'S TREATISE OSV PRTVlr SA T-. F At, o in potctc, I ce t Power. oser, o ItN r;'lt. wt.h Ni e to elmra'oeImenta ho Marrlrae, -holld b- roes ,s. all ca i L pinsla mllrau steIt . ma.l ni realesi of an, hlYI lrow Orleasnl llsewl Ietlteato 'Tsi MWnarsie etroe% WhseIe l sir1ate dimel e Nes ntteily Tl aterl. GRIMACUIT & CO., CIIENMISTS, 4i sBUs RIOIUELLE.U, rAla. AsiLma, Opprcssione. DyopIten IIInDAeN tIl .ARP1TEi OF CANAtHId INDICt. I'RkILRFT IT KIrt LT A Ce. CILIIitTT PAllIO. iRet, eil telrieel tt .i, Fran. n . hsil ti I tll ter ititLi heie It ." Yde 1!,.l mIL' -rtli.n are . ".,Yreilen rLoIY r f tvie s alit-s ott i cr s tla ;0ur1 rdd0 exnr naedus, r,,,e l, r-l.sontLil I d titaUlli C e t Liod co rite relief. Dlgelo e Ierllrar of Pepelie. CIRiLst ALLT A l, . CIf tisNIIITS, PA IIS. I'l f iN S. Ilit licr) .'miln c n ,,,r) -if Dr thtVlo-t,i . . . n ,s ' . L - .. r ' I to J. 1, ' 1 "' t'n le' h, om t to ii."t r+ inn, t~ril. , ', , t ,,r "..' . +.lO.t sp " Cr l,1L par i1., ti IKl t-. t, " t ri . i. ,i,, a i t h l i ot li is I e i,+. , -1 1 y itt die .i-lti f et too s ll, to iP testtasl,le c. I it . tlUr llt- rte hal l, rs.tsu. str . , Lr e alll, inbte .lt . I ei, +t lon . to l sl nlo.a I i .' ll t. s a l. e ell rt,,hml Ibf ' Pplu. atnd I '* . I L rLIw sl)h Ant y ea Loitln n, ile ' Ar 4 l my fo Wedr le OI w , e llilu t le ailt ULlt (, lerei, '. laprel. it I tIi tMI e d srtul pD Cu Lcy.e APPIIOVED BY THF PARIS ACADEII I)I UL.) t INB SuriM due Ulson'r Iodide oC Iroe LMd SMne 500mM 1e111.. TI e treatment of chli,i l',,lt ..r rtnu ,-,e lls t,ttion II alwysl , Iii andIllr uithe. Oint,- l-tt,)0 I priituin lion. i It s.ts, wihch l.t -,,rt lrtttlt i T,.e ea ,r'o tlcs of Pr,, tr I Il onI tii. of rL r rlle l nll' ,i. ( latr , 0c e,,asrali.'r i i t tills I ilaenttILle ·,II o isolco - i htllt i .h.t,, t-lclt w s .r, wtt h.iasll oll as Irn, Ie. al. sre 1It1 t.- , t CO , . 'the Plls. k, . t ,it.c h S' itrl-n i !t Pti retI y ii, t -ees and lr ,·il or slldn~etrti n .llluil'e pit-l rtlt to tle pti1. . f 0,u.14. 'u ,Itllne in ail aueri:eH, id l I a anld l anIuens autro - Nlo weere Copalba and ubeba. fiiALL-eL tIAYCAM Lli AIND LdLtLit F.ItIBAOY OF MATI'O V1EIETAI.iL Whern al tier mlctssnc,ics neas ts,ei lheta prepmarsisstil will ialways el0ct , iet Ttt$a Iteltr rt-idSuid eeuisosdt4 y sonr f sevre recedt and chroiric aose of prlvato dilaa , rthe are need in the Ilslpltal I ltnr. y hile aeli- rated I r. RNc,-d. and are ,Iniid arr.tly iuperi ,tr alI hitl5 erOu li tsn nI. ral rerm iel i nd Ce -, ,l l 15 n, O,'ul-slc The utinje tlI i. an to rfoent and eosle Is eOrO chrolnc asesa Syrrp of Preruvtla MrLk Iad Iron. OBIMAl.L T A 00., dhemlits to H. I. S 1. Prlni e Nlplacr. Plert. Tith tiedtlr l r t ere' In t an rs ':rc oh' fLtrt the n-tire 'r..l,'r m . .l.f P rleu ean lIts e , tShe It . t, tin ct, com I ited . lJ. Irtn. ul tl+,n ' ( t mu t . t'e. hi'eu lu It I.r, - W e, II.) t 'a o i l .i . rl, l S u 1,' tP ,,lfl let. r o ,urn 1 1 , I, ItN ( rt, n I- kW 1..- ,, t , iOt, t thW t.- ars n sAN I. I 0r.l e y 4 su 1 ' n t ? L' wt i' I 11 ei weeo Ne ork. r ,, I o ll--ia - ot "l .'d I· i t ltr a i , 1.i ri .t theo teetrtes. N ot, ic n A l tiaia s i yseipa, o sat osann n ua r . r . al , , r. l..-. Y. IttRE eO . I: he ,1.1La." IIItll ;. ,n, ,r,,l i i rxt: t . 1t '.+llei,, tl t, a., p,,,*r (n. . .' . . ,Al ita dgelt e l cE 0RtAsB of It,. Syrup are ia oe .mle Deport Gener alIn SLew Or rso il g at Yi-, nL COfIP Ii, ''g 1'1 . lrM b ta .rha. NEý VOIth. 7onN l .I U TIE R ACIiNCLOSI. SOLEI AGENTS IN NEW 11OK Mio x-C'ord5 ti' RAt Al. It? hlAlo, HUISIAN K 15Kb AEld Ot elncr W seae Irnd a i.sIs A ils iS i )"er ft io Lwlao Itislei asi. ,I IA Wt, -tts 'st. t i0w , t:tt i'it. Ne. 37 WelSl SlresS NPW YOrlK. PCWTRmItl Eit VD'u l PI l V't tiIttll'TION. Io. y-r i'aJi ANAL.. New Ysrh. - I I* B W A'S PUCI A NU .NI leiAW sIe. uN sUPAEK LOW. PEWO TLE Laprtesd and Stlpettl teeels 04.d. Ordo I led premptllp ad itbtllp an she IeNsa ei and prresIee made oely fresem IrIel Oca ianu reHall Isse Orderl sil be IBlin ATAMLE ON tL-.sIVEhUJ, cee s efst etIn r eamlI eshle Plol nd nomd l t losmIed OemtllsIPme em m il sondlo l dia 0. ·ll FI Pe Oemesil a enesedfl SIn. TWO AND & UA&1 -- M IN 155 ed 1J1 Keganleeiet, ben Jella mad oS i i i eh an Hams InIs el. Alle, orlu gean cutel fer Blre. I. MAN Freprtlser.