Newspaper Page Text
Eht 1gw 01etanS ý,tsttnt OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. FI'NfAY MORNINO, AUGS'T l1, qi0. Atl1TIOI SALLS MOIDAT. CBAl T NAFH sOalt. at 11 a'eloek A. I., at salesrooe ernrm fit (' Perdid., furnitura 01 rfsOMReTY Roum. a Co. sai at 11 A. U., at PhlL Lime's stable, irsnrr msti. hr, mule, sa. s rr ss.Vrtea.e mm assecond page. OFI IClAL. MAYORALTY OF New ORI.ANS, City Hall, Aug. 10, 1 .1. [Io. 977-N. e.] I,''colvedl, That the controller be and he is here vy sauthorized, after five days notloe -in the e ffmial journal, to sell a contract to the lowest brcder or bidders, fr tlrnishing all the lumber lecessary for the use of the city, for one year, according to speciicatl.s on file in the ofice of the city surveyor. (bigned ! ALFRID KeaRNY, President Board Amisteant 4ldermen. (ligned) THi-AS MARaar, President Board Aldermen. Approved Aug. lo. i, ;4. (,hued) Jonte R. CONwAY, Mayor. A true copy: Jous W. OVERAL.L, Secretary. CoNoTRiLER's OFFCri, ('ITT HALL, New Orleans, Augast 15, I4t. i Notice is hereby given that the controller will at his tflice on Satnuray, August 22d, l i;i, at i,oon, adjudicsate to the lowest bidder or bidders the above contract as per specifioation. P'As. LAsARas, Deputy Controller. FI'l('cI ICATIONR FOR Till Ci)TRti'T FI'R FlRNTICB Ii, ALl. ItK 1 I 1i5K NJChitSAY Fiu TtlaT I ta ( I THK t ITY F.R O5NE YFAR. The lunnbe- shall be partly of yellow pine and pastly oft cypress. ot the best quality, free from rap, eplits, had knots and other defects cd In lated to impair its .trength or durability. It shall be t various sizes, varying from one to five witchem In tbhickness, from twelve to eighteen itlches in width. anid fr m twenty ti thirty feet in i in'h, bei:ig mostly wanted for the c'nestructiou fi street bridges, repairs. f wharves, stage planks, cEtc. The said lumher shall be delivered on duly atthori-ed requ;eii:lO s, app:oved as requ red by Sritinig -'it) ordinances, in such quantities and at ,ur h piart, as i.ay be required by bo'h the city Stirvyr r and street co' l tiis-Oiner, wrli n the time spetcilied in said cffi,-ers' orders., tder a penalty o( ten dollasr for ear b neglect or nion-iomplitante, aiid a luither penalty if hbaing the lumber. reglected to be furhl.hed by the , ontractr, piur (hbaed by the said offi'ers at said coutra't r's axpl nse, at whatever cost the said oll sera might ihe able to poutire the name. The amolunt of the fit a and of the lulmber this pirchi-d by said Sfliers, to be deducted out of the settlemen a to tie liade by the city to haid contra .tor. ecurnity to an amount ,of five thousand ,I illars e aill be required to guarantee the faithful per t i;tangee of the contract. I'a) no tts in iach in the delivery to the city of each and every ten thousand or feet of Ium. Ler, arid accepltuni'e of the sarle by the street ( inlllliltsi le and the city "urvey ,r reaper ively, tlh city retainiug in guarantlie, until the per foirmance of the whole contrect, ten per cent. of t:,e sallnnnt o( each anid every sett!etuant to be iLinle to said contra-.tor. The contr.irt shall be adjudicated for a term of (one ear, ti, bglln on the day of the ,,pruval of the adjudication by the Cotomion C ancil. It is well unuerstod, that in case of failure by 1l.e contractor to beria or tint-h the delivery of st It lumbier, or any part thereof, within the pe rinide tixd, or in case the Common Council be dssatittled with the quality of or the manner in which the sinme is b-rig delivered, the C mmnn (ounncil shall have the right to annul the con tract without putting the contractor in default., Cs required ty article ltyi of the Civil Code. andl without apply ing to a court of juo'ice to annul the ene, and risthout indemnity; and it is alio well tinderttood that in case the contractor shall, at tny time. abandon the furnishing and delivery (,f sid lutIiber, or not lurlish and complete the sane in couformi'y with his contract, the said conitractor shall forfeit all clainms he may have for any part of the derveries made by bhln np to the date of his abatndonment, and that the cl'y Fladi be thereby discharged ad released fromt any aid all liability therefor; and it is also well under stoiod. that in case the contract be resold, the run tractor and his securities shall be held an 1 blund. in solhli, to pay unto the city all loss or difference ihetween the pir "e at which the contra'tir oar p tilly contracted to furnish and deliver the said lumber, and the prioe at which it may be adj di csated at a resale or readJj.idistion. Bull- to be per thoiu-aud feet (board nlruiure) of 3ellow pine lulmber, furnished and delivere I nd per th, uanud feet (hIoard measure) cypress in,.ber, fitr -hid aril delivered. TNe (r eai ts, August 14, 14(:l'I . (huigutd L. S.tR ,I ( ty AtSurveyr. A pproved by the cimmittee 2n stree a nd land Ie of oth both ardl- of the Common ('ouu',il. ( tnIed) T I. tSH . I hairmen. (hQRALD PARPIRELI. hair . s Pas. IAttAtg, h t puty C:outrtler. blsioRl r ,tiF New ()Kk as,, City lHall, Aug. 10, 1i, ,. i [No. .,;6-N. A.] /I, "'ti,tl. That the rontroller be and is hereby Suthi Ized to adjudl"a'e to the lowest resoonIbinl Itder a ltelr tibye diaysanotice In the otfi in .II irus. a lthe c nutract ut lilrt g ino the 7ih I)liatrtiit mCouirt ron-e, under the tls'ervlailn of thie surveyor an i inr acordilrce with plai an r speclt:atlons on file in his iffcse. (8ignad) AnrED KKASNT. President Board Asalsternt Alderlnen. (Signedl 'iHiuaus Maunir, President Board Aldermen. Approved Aug. 10, 1 '.. .'cned) lioIt, R (ONWAY. Msyor. b A htue coipy: In tt tH . ( lvs t. SI ecretary. CO'cTrIII.KR'8 OVI"i C('ITY 51T, I New t)rleanst Aigtut I le,5 Ntice is berehy given thai the cntroller wi.l. at hbisi t ce, il-iltaturldAy.Au nt 22' :'. at n in al I -I alre to the lowest bidder or bidders, thi c-n tract as per specitfiiatins. l's. 1L a.,ns. Deputy ('C-ontrAiger. -; it IS l fi ATIONul II',C, FiRNilT I Tii! RFPAIRS AlIt Ar t' '-il j (C1it -KT A . AI- O t '0 )K iii E t iiAu ()t rHi 'II11it ADi 'Ii a TIIT I ilIT 'Tt u ,Ir KI s. 5l I T ' II TKile' T C('()URT. The existing parttiot in the centcr shall be re Inm<)ed. !he c, ter opening e ll blie fle le I w th a tran e siwe hgtt tand the re:tnaiialter with a brick wall ol ti salie lickniesa as the oli one. 1 he party wall dlvidlig the present r ,s from the galer) et all be deto-lichede illiin lnug tihe tw., ht Ile. r:ght and lft. aind shal, be rebuilt solid art II ia. with the two side wails. A guider, a shown on the pllt antn Serti)n slaIllI ,e placed acro-a the "pace lcit, to Muport thse louis il thc tipper i i. hr. T'wo biew partition lihail be pun op to d vids the t pres, ti r otl froiii the clerk's of fe 'f the* 7n r r astd i uritLh i, ltrlrt lCourts. the dtuldiing beiog fi r )ellie pine. llat ed one fot apart. Two liew doors, wilth transom lights, on ;he Lall, at in tlace of tholse existling. lhe openirIge on t'hartres street shall be over- i haoled and tboroutghly repaired, the wa! s aund i i llogs shall be llastered three coats anud hard c icii.. hed. In each of the clerks' oficis for the Third., I, r:rth and S-veuth Ilbetrict ( )urts, aisal be a iti iht of wlldiig stairs similar in cnstrution to I tt ie sli ady existing in the Supremie and l'irth I' sttlt (Courts. Around the walls tuere shall be Ia a ifour feet tIh wainecotitg, made of narrow inch yellow pine i, ri-ig, with a moulding on top. The lskirtiig shalt le sixteen inches high. one and a half Inch thLik atd three Inches mouldings. The Jodge's altl i tirk' stands, the lawyers' table, the platfurm t.r the jury seats, the deputy shrrilf's stand, the witness benches and railing, shall bie similar to thoise now used in the TlirJ iitrtict C'ourt, and pla-ed in conformity wits 7hidI St,-ry--The Bfloor shall be leveled; the C olld tie beamus shall be Ooiliieted, leveled, , etrengthened. cramnped and bolted through ,at. The ji.tit fir tL.e new floor shall be of the best yellow pine t by 8. supported by trimmers 2 hby . well nailed to the old timbers and plcoed 1 r. iLchea frm incters.r Sthe upper Joists for ceiling shall be of similar The studding fIrming wall all rond the man said rof arnd ir tle par lina eh s!l be of 3 lit I. placed 1 foot frolu center ald resting on 2 pirstesi Sby 4 above and below. '1be doir posts shall be 4 by 4. The chimney lne. tow existing shall be pulled down wuecever te found in bad cositiou, and rebuilt from the level of the o d loor to the top, above the roof. - The flooring shall be of narrow, yellow pine, 14, VS. tongued and grooved, of good quality and free or bad defec's. The partition doors, with trasnom lights, sh"a' be double pannel, 1t thick, hanged with 4-lac i butt binges, and a good American rim lock. The transom lights in the partitions shall be o! the same dimensions as those above the doors. lhe present door of the law library shall be on used in the new room. The skirtings all round the rooms and passage a. stall be of 1* cypress, 12 inches high, with a 3 Itch moulding. The walls, ceilings, partitions, throughont'the third story, shall be lathed and plastered three coats, hard finished. Four new dormants, similar to those already existu g shall be placed as marked on the plan. The main stairs, leading from the second story to the third, shall be made as per plan, with 1} inch risers. 1j inch treads, with mouldings and re. return nosing walnut railing, with turned ballas the tars. dovetailed in the treads, and a fancy-turned est newell, also of black walnut. ter two water closets, as per plan, with porcelain r, basins, and lead pipes, two inches in diameter. of decending into the yard's gutter. The fl Loring shall be raised above the flooring of the passage. anid shall be covered with zinc, (No. 13 ) having a lah sufficient to carry off the water into the pipes leading to the yard. I he walls shall be wainscoted, four feet high on 'ach side; one partition six feet high to divide the two closets, and one lattice door to each closet. 1 he stairs leading to the cupola shall be re. paired. 'lhe cupola and the outside of the dormant win diwse shall receive three coats of the best white I lead and shall be sanded. The wood work, usnaily ill painted and the iron. shall receive three c )a's of at paint of the color designated. irs The roof slating shall be overhauled and thor. oughly repaired, and the ridges and chimneys poirnted all round with good mortar of lime and a bite sharp sand. The valleys, hanging gutters and leaders shall f he thoroughly repaired all round the main build ti g. and those missing or decayed shill be re placed. nd Ihe gas pipes now existing shall be repaired, im and new ones placed wherever designated on the a- plane, with ordinary fixtures and burners. all Ite fix ores of the Seventh District Court shall e be riliar to those of the Toird. n hlie new glazing shall be of the best quality of in American glass, and the broken panes of glass u shall be replaced wherever required. OGNEiRAL CLA'Si8. The whole work shall be executed inconformily I y a ith the plans aid specifications, and under the S kulerv:siln of the city surveyor. a' In case of omlsslon of anything necessary to tI si mplete the work above described, the coan tractor shall bind himself to have it done at his ty w n expense, upon the requisition of the city , turv lor. Ir hle contractor shall be bound to begin the 'r work ten dals after the approval of the adju dl sation by the Common Coun -il, and to ctm. lit pete the trme on the 16th of October next, un Sdt t a peinalty of twenty-five do-lars per day for id rach and every day the samte is not completed. to 'Payment in cashr on the completion of the d wrk, and acceptance of the same by the city sirvecar and colmlittee of streets and landinag. d r- A recurity of one thousand dollars shall be r'quired frim the contractor to guarantee the t f itbful perfornmance of the contract. ' 1 Is well understood that in case of failure by the contractor to brgia or tfnish the work, or ' Lty part thereof, witnln the perlud fixed or In ' care the coancil be dissatisfied with the manoi it ;.er in hich the wirk is being exe-uted, the a . , until shall have the right to annul the cuon. if tract without putting the contractor in default, as renotred by artlc;e 1903 of the Civil Code, If and at hiut applying to a court ,of justice to C a!niul the same, and without idemnity; and it is y .1-o well understood that into case the contractor i '-hall at any tnie abandon the work, or not tltish or complete the samie in confoimity with ' S hi;, contract, the contractor shail forfeit all S caime he may have for any part of the work Suone by hint up to the date of the abandon m niut, and that the city shall be thereby dis t h taurged from any and all liaol ity therefor; aul it ia alto well understood that In case the con e tract he resold, the contractor and his securi ties shall be held ansd bound in solido to pay it itito the city all ines or ditlerence between the ti S price at which the contractor originally con t at sited to perform the work and the price at w wh ch It may be ajudicated at a resale or read e j2dication. o bids to be for the whole work complete. y New Orleans, August 12, Ir;n. n Y ('sgned) L. S-htou, City Surveyor. S A, ipruved by the com~ittees on asreets and lanalotg of both boards of the Common Council. I-Neued) T. H Siarlts, C C -lned) GEKLD FARiiLL, Chairmen. hegistered August 16. 1soi. P. 'LAc:asH, Deputy Controller. MAYORALTY OF NaW tiALANS, i City Hall, Aug. 10, 15tc., i [No. ~;h-N. 8 ] 1., , ,. That the controller be and he is here by autli(,r ,zd to sajudicate, after five days notte' to the official journal, to the lowest bidder or bid ders a contract to supply the city with coal for a - ne 3ear, according to specifications on file in the tlte of the city surveyor. P rilfedd) AI.sREnD KARNly, re President Board Assistant Aldermen. 'Sgneo) TOMAS MaKg Y, President Board Aldermen. t Approved Aug. 10, 1i68. ,-igned) Juin R. CoNWAY, Mayor. A true copy : t I JoiN W. OVERALL, Seoretary. CONTROLtI.ER' OFeFIE, CITY HAlL.., p SNew Orleans, August 15, 1,;. r Notice is hereby giren that the controller will - bat his ffice, on Saturday. August 22, 1toi-i, at Sron.n, adjudicate to the lowest bidder or bidders bi the ( bute contract, aS per specifications. e PA'a. Laina~ni , Deputy ~'untroller. a I'(HI-ICtATIONO SiORt Tl'i uOi'i ACT POH FI 1NItIIT- i INO Tig CITY WITr PIITBlUC4. coAL oi FOu hiu YEAK. It he coal shall be of the beet qrtaiity of Pitte- 'O burg coal, ini the Iltips, properly s'reened, and frlee Irntm Inipurities and foreign matters. it will be delivered, on the orders of the con t olier, from time to time as required, in acy part ut the city. A fine of ten dollaro shall be imposed on the con tiactor for at-h ald every day after one day's ,,ice, that sany deilvery may be delayed. -+ curity to an amount of three thousant dollars shill be rtqulired to guarantee the faithful per titniance of the contract. 'a)ments oin ash on the delivery of each five -it loiidred or lliire barrels, the city retaining In r turantte ten per cent. of the aniount of each it -eit!tment until the completion of the whole con- * 1 1e -ontract to commence from the date cl the tllrn,,al of the aJ-udl-atlon by the Common CiurtcU . oh It is well understood that in case of failure by a Ite cotractor to deliver the coal ais above speci- b fei or in case the Common C'unnil be dissatishled li with it. qualIty, the Coummon Cooi 'il shall have ih toe right to anoul the contract without putting li he cotrac'or in default as required by article I f I the (Civil Code, and without applying to a ae on urt justice to annul the same. and without in ,i o-i-at ; and it is also well understood that in i * a.e ii e cnitractor 1a1ll at any time abandon his Sn rect, the contract.,r shall forfeit al. .laiUoi he a iay hie for any part of the coal delivered by a !hit up to the date of the abandonment, and that Io tt. e ,ty shall be thereby discharged and releised I :ri u, any and all liability therefor; and it is also veil understood that liu case the contract be re- it .o:d the contractor and his secuiities vha I be held e aid bound, nla SolId, to pay unt, the city ol loss1 Sr d tertrii e between the price at which the ian - p 'ractor irllinaly cotitra,'ted to furni-h anl de~!ver I ihe c al. ala d tLe pr.ce at whi h it may De ati i crca'etd at a resae or reajiidicatii n. 2. Lide to be per barrel of coal turlushed and de ivered. I New turlans, August ;. 1 -. iu N.n b t ..I. Jit o;,; City Pnrveynr. ApTroved by the conilllttees on itreets and lat dllges I boUlt boatrd of the Common C_'ouiil. i (g Led ', T. II. ti u L airmen. , .!gnedi Gt;l:aL , FaiagLL. i c i:rcglitered A ugust i. - If's. PI- I.o, ens., Dlepity ( ontrollcr. ameaae mrrae- fo oC or lI5rr5a0l . Anieit i, 1 Arrived yesterday- 2. Texas t;ivis. - l; n and Yearliongs. 2,;6 bheep. Sold-3.l-s 'he Texas Beeves. 21 C'alves and Yearlings, 20 Hlqgs. Ld 2 Milch Cows. bltock on sale--dlI Texas iht ves. s27 Caves and earlines, 51 Logs, 3'- m l.eep and 19 Milch Cows.We quote: r res •5m, 0 fa I sses, a bass-........ - _ - r 55,u messfe Id q ql~lt. I li.......... ,. *o 51, rssmcu. 24dqllaaltty. he.... i. 555 2rl, 010 - xea 3,d quality, be lar d ........ .... I j; 12 ,,r n~os........... .......................... 0 - i O7 , 5r qulit. , b·l.......asi ......... - I + • I rcows, lm eamtd, 111heed... .Nil Cw 001 4 .,0i s t C ................' -4 - - v etim Bo ts There has been no movement whatever In the money market to-day. Gold hbad fluctuated in a : c cordance with the alterations at New York. but under a limited supply and demand, operations o! have been confined to $;7 500. in several lots, at rates ranging from 1468@146}. 8ales of Silver be ve been rigidly confined to driblets, anod we still quote Gold at 146041474, American Halves g stled Quarters 136@137 and Mexican Dollars 1500 FoaiGoN Excnarsis-There has been no move he uent worthy of special notice since our last ia ee el her Sterling or Francs. The market is almost wholly bare of Commercial Foreign Bills, and the y Ingeiry on the part of remitters cannot be re girded as much better than nominal. The total Sales to day have been confined to £1750 Sterling I aimd 6t5 700f. Bank Francs at previous quotations. Od I)oMasTtc ExcuANso.--The remittance demand u for Saturday. has shown a very heavy falling off ed to-day. There is no longer any commercial sight ,or bhort sight upon the market, and operations in in the way of purchases b banks sad bankers to er. say have been restricted to $40(00. $7000 and $)0 - g 100O) New Yo. k sight at 4 y cent. premium, $Si,000 :e. nd $25,000 and $37 000 do. at j@J V cent. di - count. We still quote New York sight at } V t" cent. premium at bank and t5qt 4 cent. premium ,,ut of doors for sight checks on the Northers on cities. de USCCERaNT Nora AND EcRITImss-TInactivity ch is still the leading feature of the movement under tile above heading. Rates of city and State notes rev are constantly changing, but operations in either ale of too restricted a character to establish quo. to ations. Bank of Louisiana notes are no longer t saleable at any price, and the movement in the ly general run of btocks and bonds is wholly sus of penned. OrLa'AL DISPAIrcss.-We are indebted to ir- ihe Western Union Telegraph line for copies of ys the following private dispatches received from nd hat route to-day, via: l Nete York. Aug. 15-10 A. u.--Gold opens at all141;5. 10:30 A. x.-Gold 1461. Cotton quiet and id- toln. Receivta of week ,:1 net. 16tJ gross. he e ceipts at all United States ports 10H00 bales. Ster Itug 103~@109A. 12 x.-Gold 1461. Cotton holders ask advance; buyers operate with can. be ti, nnominally middling 2'4c., Mobile ;0c., Or al leans 30c.-asking 1o. highlber. Sterling steady. :a I . u--Gold closed 144. Cotton dull and nominal. Sales to day 1000 bales. Middling 2Dic , o Mobi!e 2!iiec., Orleans 30c. Sterllng steady. .'Lreropool, Aug. 15--11:15 a. u.-Cotton market active; estimated sales 1.,000 bales; oulauds It';d , Orleans 1014. 3 P. M.--otton buoyant and y higLer. Sales 20,000 bales. Uplands 1041., Or le leans 1t 'd. o tomeraal _~ntUtlinu. Cansnlcr cii'rois t. 5 O mIr malp, h~t tr.tsV K maotn. A ugust 15, 188. ('IT07TO'- There has been no movement what. Sever in tlce market to day. Oifferings were unu aually light throughout, and buyers uniformly re Sted to Ipuichiae at asking prices. As no sa;e "r Nave been eflected during the day we are, or Si.,urse, unable to furnish reliable, or even closely e dapproximating quotations. . dStock on and ept. 17 ............ . ... 1,8 < ,r t *."d Mnce et . rda.. . ................. U 7 to 1ide ,ir' Iroim i,~fl.oe. "rples" and C,tto3 r,"-t rd en n., C, ad b ied bare nce 1 1 bcpteaiber 1, 107 .................. . ...... 6 815---t1 '7,. S xcrted since ta a terdy ................ .. 265 ELprted t,re oa ......... .................. ..67 2l '--, 7~ S Sots on band ad o sblDboar............... ... 1,361 The extorts were exclusively for New York. Ft i,Ar AND Mtol .asass-The market for Sugar continues quiet, while there are no transactions S batever to rept rt in Molasses. Rltes are nomi ir tally nichanged, and we continue to quote Cuba ,t sugar, grocery grades. 124I1?~,lc j.. I.ouisiana Sn- " ogr. prime to choice 14ic;l.. jti lb. Louisiana I toi ice ret-oiled Molasses -Sc. and Cuba do. 45, k ,ci j gallon. F lt i d-The demand was light, and transactions cot Letid princmipally to the hoicer grades. Sales , n ebrace 1Ct l b0l1s..viz: 100 superflte at $ý 3771. I, a sd 10lO low treble at $:I 75, 2n0t choice treble at ll t, I, do. at $12, and 200 do. upon terms whit-h were withheld. We also note a sale yes terlay, satd Inot previously reported by us, of .6,( I li'e. choice Flour at $1 2i. a (,o- Owmg to the very limited offerings, this t portion of the grain market was neglected uioufihout the day. The supply on the landing '. \ry I gbt, aid does not embrace any assort ntent. Prltes continue without any quiotable betie. the sales were 171 sacks mixed Corn at d i 124, and 300 white mixed at $1 15. )a`- The only transaction under this heading nt. a, sale of 1C.1 sacks at i;ic. lt.a^--Cont:nues in only moderate request at ,lt . us rates; 300 sacks in lots were sol.l to-day it $1 _2}, and one lot of 250 pcks at $1 2; , i, 1bs. HAl--There is none on the landing. Choice Wesatern from warehou.e is retailing at $27. Pot --The market continues inactive. [Holders I ore tirm at prevlous rates ; 5 bbls. mess sold at R t, . We continue to quote $"t1@$3t 50, accord- L n u.c to quality. BI- tces--Business was confined tooa light jobbing ,r and leral trade. We note sales of 15 casks clear I e , des at 1:"c., and 5 tiernes sugar-cared hams at 1OAc. ie quote shoulders at 14c . clear ribbed a sIes 1,j617c.. and clear sides 176cltc. tb.. 1.Ali-Is dull and quiet. We hear of nothing d ,n exrcess of a retail business, and quote choice in t erce. at 191(tljc., in krgs 21lIit . ft lb. 50 nititoHrTe--he freight movement still dis- hi 'loses a very heavy and steady falling oti. The tonnage in port on foreign and domestic ac- be count is reduced to the summer standard, while the demands for freight room indicate a corres pondung or perhaps greater abatement. We now noate nominally cotton to Liverpool by steam, I +1U~d d.; by sail cotton, 7-16d.: tobacco 3[s.; t our is.; London ~d. for cotton, 37s. 6d. for to- i Sbacco. To New York by steam and saild c. for b cotton, 14@15c. for core, 60@75c. for flour, and $8 tor tobacco. To Boston by sail .j@jo. for cotton, i 15(@l7o. for corn and65@70c. for flonr. To Bre nen by sail, ~(le. for cotton, and 35s. for to Ssbaco. To Bavre by sail, lio. for cotton, and $12 for tobacco. To Philadelphia, by steam, Ic. ,or cotton. To Boston. steam, lc. for cotton, flour 80c.. grain 170. III Otss ontes, o.5 Oln a. outda srota. AugiIt 155,. 18 tit In resuming our duties--which were brought to I 4 rather abrupt close, last night week, by an accl- I -iLIt which befell us during the procession of the -e niour Kulrghts -we take occasion to return our -ic~tre and heartfelt thanks to our cumerous nirn dv fir the many favors which they bestowed upon s durinog our confinement to our bed. andl * asoure them that their kin- attentions will ever -e Lel in grateful remembrance. itbrsn old Htelios arose yesterday, he fortud not a sitgle cloud to obstruct his way--in fact, the sky was. up to noon. to use a popular expre.-ion, os flear as a tell. After that hour, a iew dark Sltndos maTde tLeir appearanco in the southeastern I horizon, and at 4 r. M. a heavy rain storm burst i1.on us, which, however, was of but short dare. It was with feelings of the deepest sorrow that we heard of the den.ise of our bosom friend and tro er companUlin in-arms,l Clhas Hithnan, tr.!y clerk of the well known Red River packet, I -izie llipkinse. It death ocicuirred on M in lay set at Shreveiport. the precise cause of whToh we !ase, as yet, been unable to ascertain. He had. I owever, been uffering for some time from a per fsver. l'oor t barlie '-we had so oft f[ced 1 ,eth t getherin a thou-and forms both noton the is'tle !i id and in camp, that it is hard now to :nal ze that you are gione, list forever frrom our "I t. I et as lnlg as our reason holds its away I yLr tnemory waill live in our heart. Farewell i harhe : May the green turf relt linhtly upon tny I rt-ast. cr4d may we meet sciu in a better asal ,ahiIer lInd. i le body of our friend ihas. S. Hi'Tmian will arrve ocn the sriamer Kichmond, which is the next duP fr, n! I:ed tRver. The flags of a mBjrtty of the steamers in port !i llas)ed at balo-mast yesterday, as a tok.n of i t'lit to the memory of tiaut. Harvey . tiloth. a wtel known Red Hiver communier. fits death ccrurred a few days ago at St. Iouis. ?7he ligrht-draft passenger packet, Rose Franks, T ': der command of the popular Capt. Jno. \W . c SI, lite. leaves positively on Monday the 17th inst., . for Jeff-rson, bhreveport and all Intermediate icdings, g:ring through bills to .lefferson witnont tt e privilege of rechipping. Shippers may rely nT, i the F'ranks leavrng as advertised, also upon her going tkronah. Mr. Jasper Russ stiUl has cl arge of her office. Bussness on the landing did not evince any nra ked degree of reviving activity yes'erday--t ira h business in this 6Ibcality seems to be played cat. if we can be allowed the use of this popular IO - hou:d the skies prove propitious to-day the favraie A. (;. Brown. tItder command if Capt. W. F. Bassett, will make her usual excorslin trips to Carrnllton to-day, leaving the foot of C'anal etreet at :: ) and 5 to r. ., We will in our next issue endeavor to give the position of all steamers laid up at this port, the retairs which they ares at present undergoing, etc. SThe arrivals yesterday were: PRuth from St. Louis. Bert Able from ctels, A. 1. brown from Lower Coast and Gr(ey gle from Bayou Sar. The colored steamboatmea held a regular meet irg at their olab room, corner of Fulton and Poy the dras streets, yesterday evening, and adjourned to - meet on Monday next at 7 P. . Paactual attend but at ce ia requested. ono The Gyov. Allea from Greenville, and Mittle at B'ephens from Bayou Bar, are due to night. ver The departuree yesterday were: Bart Able, ,w Capt. Harrison, for Natchez, with a light freight ,e, sad but few pasenagers. (ien. Quitman, Capt S Le others, for QVcksburg, with a fair freight and a cabin full of passengers. Grey Eagle, Capt. Ba ,,- ranco, for Bayou Sara, with a splendid trip both is of freight and people. Flicker Capt. Ancoin, for lost Laoour he. Lula I. and Right Way, for Red River, the both with very good trips. re arhtu eanteUiatusu. Is. " " ,ndO eesea Dlmo., no. N OAN? BSN e, on Suede. August t6, 1tm. gbt (eae d westerda. S Stesmebip Wariposa. Kimble for New York A Moulton I teamsbip Creecent City, C ear for lew York to- Wood, Law & Ladwtgsan S hteamnhbip Junista, Hoxte, for Philadelphia via HIarea 01 rervey. Nickerson Ao )teamship Morag, Farwell, for Mobile, in balir.t. di - C A Whitney Ace Steamer Mollie Able, Duble. for St Louis Meaotr Jlrr ,etwed esterday. Steamship W O Hew.. Tri.p, from Indianola sad Galveston, to t A Whitney e-lst district i 8teambip tt Mary, Bourne, Irom Indianola, to C A Whitney ter Lec-ist ditinet teg Steamship IlHude, Blakeny, from ladianola, to master Is1 disstrct her Steamship (oncordia. near, from tBoston via Havana, to u . ('rervy' Nickreson ,cr.-td istrict ger hr C'harlotte , pper, from Penaacola, to muater--New the bloop Veakle Smith, from Grand C'illou. to master-2d die tU.l troet 15 8TKAMBOATS. to Grey Eagle Baranco. from Bayne Sara of Bart Able Hlnlon,. from Nat.hes Ms v. Carroll. trom MNn Ie LI I ocrotila I vris. fromn Mbile Ela Wood. DeBouhebl. from Fnglish Tara It Waollon Ru,. from Eng int Turn i Ru b, Pegram, ram St ILoui te- Belew Omitl Up. e h- hip Paelfic. Fee, 47 cays from New York, to Crvcy. Nlekl ., Schr Indian, Pe'derson, from Mlnatittan in ballast, to E W ly. l NFW TORl---tenmship M riposa--l bale eo'toe m hbales noio 22 bales bidet 1122 rid. 73 beS wool b6WI hide tahbon 4, -1kh cotton eed 1U bblls bone dust 197 caes maone $51 376 Lu h+W YORK-Steamship Creocent 'itv-184 halos cotion 02 alers wool 63 balen paper ltIk I bhles moss e ubls Cto. Itns n- beIt meat W o belll o 23 hhln tbaihno 31 b o rc idela 76 tids h-i4 bll bhles 75 Ibla clay 190 se cotol need 43 cskI bones 73 Ilhds iron 32 t, n. loose iron 127 pkls mine P. ILAIEOLPHIAL VIA HArLANA-Rteamshklp .hnita- I'hiladelpbin---l3U bbl cony 62621 norn 8 ha.en paper etibck 3 inales moss havan--2640( bbl- ,or Il) l atthl si te. 4a t,. hams 700 sIt. oatr 46 eaI bran '76n ta d oU kegs lard 61 isle. hay AX WOLCS-Steamer MllIe Able--tuadry mdse Ii - I INDIANOLA Ae D ALVECTOI --cteamhlp Wi t Hewem t 11t2 sprce MI Y1 sbury-Shti;dnli M ByI ,t n--17 bales c,: re- t n lut Itey , 1--- era eke lAalMnee --1 hda. II int bides e I2 tillw I eks wool nek iroeiswa W Y VWtherell A o * Ia a beerwr 64. hides 6 hdl bode AtlaHltle In. Omce--i Iks 0 w'o t nho,d. WA LundWe-2 do I' 11 Dodsn-4 an e J iyb !in --l habd c ttle.Mc uold A Mnbie--suodresm to order "I . 22 na M Cott<,n iN)DiANtiL--S emslhip Ft M.ary-$lO Oa ner. Wynn. Sl'--h,'3 head cattle M erEld A ohlt-.-undrle. to,,rder g6MOB. Ll-Stlemer MStrn--79 bea v etos n bles pchielngs to0 brnr-I10 bat*- sbe.tin I. hmion Newg, .. ecc--25I hl Ih . bncco 1) Panett--i pks. do Wakebrleath a Joepb--nue. tr e to, rde P.,1oA(" LA--ct r Chariotte--31,03) feet 0 gino iu lag. 4 hiesnhby I, order-2 pi ,n old copper W M .,rar - iE,BILL -Saeaser Lncrelir--l iNe noton. to i 1I .1 MN 1 A.lru die--0 I. 1, paper Itaers ,,ie --4 do Pl, ue--.i bb t tllrperttne S He.-e- 2 bitl hio RN -lmtchel tr--2 cr.tes hI nri Rutord & IraI-7- 9 itoles Bobet Bro-I74 bdlls iron lirs and sesdren nto orioer st IN oA ()I. A-Orteamhihp tlidson--Lot cattle to order HNbTO-a-a p CLunEords--Aitd midae a l ST leeeta oB f Prtadmee s ST LOUiS-treamer Roth-2 bhile onions 150 h1,ilep -l 2 bn eags ller I Meys r- ple gs P I egre cll bbgnh e e I e. glaw.wnre Il li branu 344 bbl flour F Delalsdil--2i6 do ,rt2 itli' do J I. fbuoin lcu-r bd isle i hbei Woot, M atthews a. .t.3:2 do J 1H Pot lilne Aco--lto d, Kebr I'pdike Ao- ;1t 14is toiaes brll M Du-ff-2 cas glalnware I: cikin bieon 2 C I bltl pur- D W C oanford eo--nO, di, J S aIall, Ae,- Il c ekt-iboon 51 bis lonr C F Laumn--721 hbl t ,uir 1i7i Lio tbrn I6I41 shk oats 50l Il. mo 0 i ke wh,.it t, order--i -aone toils. J T itickv--lil bbls onions A M Millt e--i I, x i iid.e Jun. FraKih-I do Ill cLk baern 2 iblts pri iii bhl tl,,llr es A . AWhitney teo--res bibl. Hltlr tbbs bmeal H (;ri rh .o, !5 tIm' Ilsort sa lIernste nl--tlil bbll t or Conb. D ":honde S e- 3 dou rendhon me A tiace-242 du H Klennoedy o :I -d,. 310 hf dl it ioar A Odndnhl--t131 .o 321 bbhIs meal to S lmenoneth, Cassy e.---2 bbls flour 2 bhIl- it i h0 be. cnll ei 8 l lxns soap Aien. Wayne .t)--54 hsa mail A Boelh--I Sbht. gga SairehiTd & Mi hon -2I0 tes hmns 50 eite lard All .ii. fut Kej, it Caultle d--4 bblh men, li lthds bi.. in A irttleto--, tbds tibahee Jao B King--7 i, 2o . hbls fltir i N T-rr-lo-10Uh bbla flour J It Vilbleauo-2U dJ e Olrtesny a !d c.'--i, d,. ( teo R Hnrd--I1 don J 1 vLnlitrO Aco -25 do A F li-n a t--5) dl WnoWd iA (oiript--' dt, I A Po-lreeun :le t .g .1 d. Iltrri ,t B ldwell--34 dlo 96 srk eorn 13 -k5s Iran to ' . . il' Syla h --bk en- i tebers 2:3 hIllo, Honr u7 T Hnddeeke A e c--:h9 I,bIi mrl J John-n Ac,t--d bbln egg. E a Demll, al tn rle II learbrr >I S 'Ulilh-- pkg. ws~erl, 0 W Sller--15 ill.f 01 LI, h one r F itio--ll pc. t h ing Ptyneo. Huntitng n Sco-l il.n h.mss Bumey koi5t sik oat.n J E lmit.n--.5 ,.is it ,or (i fi Dlemer-- 5 ,, J %I |+enh.rglsr-69 hi bhls beer R F. uhnat- "'- dh, 2 bbll do trs (;ee Elms.-27 thill- st,dletree. M , ,saith 2,n keg ' o,ite teni SIS Tidd -~ll.k whet 5Sl ks l)triv a Ci t lin,--10ok go entieco N L e.itse lter,, 2 pkg mdes Bren-h e red th r -a- e bi. wnt ihet Yn Hlo-l97 bbl. sh u 41 Alicrn A i'Clibur--4 pkr boilts J 8 W,l.d,- bhol niise Pt J . Wnallis hc--2 hi bh s ber 19 coops fools J Zeloler--6 hdl sir-il H B I , n Smlth l-io-7 box i lk.a'.wre Mrs J , (;.llhe 2e 0 d.- 2Mdis brl ms Jno T Moore acro-- en at to order-To tal Io Iibd to cco BA t 1U SARtA--steamer Grey Eagle-1i bale cotton to re J Dulist -I heaen wool Prech.-rd A dekman-e e bble pats SIt r1 peitoe. .M1 Labneleroe--7 be s otion. L )Duootre--25 std tce E Foretar-- hbales bgsl DBrtiuny A I- "..-'prnm--0 pnmkitns -na.t .th Caterman---3 wagonsl II ae I. i..i 't U it V M-nosdne to order Ig NAltti D--Oenmer Bart ATble-I ble new ecttoa to II F i)le--I do itd lwer-I- do ffergt Allen Aco--I do r Ililidrreit Pea kre --I ble ,Il I bs wool T lt Uender It · -0 hatles aeshly T H J M AlIlea --4 sale cottc e. it Ma-i h--bb pottoes R LV Walker-16l do 17 pkg. fruitto itAnuirl ie--6 do BAters- doi tTr- in Tr tmti-- do N Sl·t I.eLr-22 bdils iron tils s B N ewman Ac--i brle wool 1 ask ii.", o. A der- sundrlesl to ordet--nt 4 htres n w '-olton S E.illIoH TUIURt--teomer Ella Wood--20 bble potatoe and nsndoe, to orosr ING;L.ISH Tt'RN-Steamer Wae13o-164 bhts potatoe 11 hI hbl n te 2s ke gnrlc ae .n.dries to orde S (;HAND l'AtI Lilti'-ilo.e Velnc--6 bShie molaseel 3t hf' bhe mnol I sli and emdies to order l taoeeop a b oy sattreds. SNEWa RLEIAR. JACEMO • ORRAT P C IIIRN - 1. a5 7T 1edpl Iron L eeda eo--2i bar. 26 bdls iron Folgee t t+-21.Uili brln O Sobbr--3 -~ill e ron Keep A Ho.,-li Cts 51ult ]i trnmoutonl--lt do J W ,irilei--1i J Mancheoo- I- I']tni-51i do FnoeebhtP-l6ElAby---.J R Bnirma Id SEW ORLEAJER OPKII*)1gO • IREAT WENTKRN. Ii ,h bhles moe J W noman Ao---2 hlds snd .sndrie to SI PIIIP LLNCH UNDERTAKER, 99 ST, t. CAnLES 8rSTRT. Melatlle. Msbaonay. BlcS Wtnann and Plain f'oa l * iwen hand todiths kmbalmed nnd tarefotty sh-pped l) auura tededd to to person and he hope by strIcts alten tion to oLtaio a tibre of piiblie potroung. el Ih MONROE hARDY, UI0DaDRTIKR, No.. 2Io. 2110 and 317 Meenlce slteet. between Jnl -i d Rt Joeph. raupcttolly announone to hbn friei d. and the nl.utllr ner.lly than he will eontinea the Undertabin inl-I n.+* ofth· lrit Demlel Mourm+ it the hoore 'annd. rill beop i sod t:uotn. Boiew.od. Mahogany Stank alnut and P1 in i '`tne Bridle, Embalmed snetlrred and Ireenr y -hipped. fr CARRY wrlt he ass-sted by Mr. JOHN BAt{ -.rc known I. eouoertlon witS the bhunblne. A CL WXLL' TRC I'IAT. An fIt which reetrom fOray Halr to Ite orneigal enioe. So wablng el the bedL neocteary. Fore sIa by I hi N. MI)irsOlN, Importrr and Wholtele Druggeit. No.12 'Mafizlns at., DII JAM{,IY.K, bhodlare and rai Droggilt no 134 a'nnl .tre, jlruuist, coiner Felleiv and Mago.;ne atrect. And at the Depot of Fll.l~ ptiar-ig - Meu 14 lironune areelt, Cnr anl NEW ORLEANS, May lt. togs. Raelelnuanjeiied ct!. ri, I.end ha my erptimentn AP t"111"D T M ,LF`. I rec,,llnt, e tha t It Isn.e n. the heet I ~e haC iltor It tn.irit coloro In tat mrunn nwhich I beruno .8-n my signalnee. olged, FtII.IX nIAKOg, Importer o0 Homeai Rulr. iiiirill Ebip,,rlomi. Hotel dea Etr~ntire-. Nn 20 IlnaOirioetre-t FLhmeT REIrII ANiD SOLD MIDAL 1 AWARDED TO BUCK'B BRILLIANT, AI TEI DENT OO(KIES STOTV. Ive ab Sv easue fty per eent leseat, and bkb bet. - or hled than any other stuoe ow in am. Thin le tact riltt Ienonetrited and lr.'netnaltly proven ml the Msnhan ici' and Aglctrinrsl Feai o flew OrLtmeae LtOn,~d tee n.e Evres •uc ahe Steore guanMted and daliesed any. where winhin the nity fre ef charg. Also, ecetlyt7 en heed a latep and soplete asetmel at of HEATINGO AID COOKIYtA STOVEat e1 the mat Ia. peder Pemn ldUeedvanotagesm offered to the tra B. BALLEI, AscIt. NiL t88 Tohooptoul stres . Ordeeedt mL kbe Ne Mmbe-tes o- d Dell*n' Ezrbege, se. lo Sn- Charls streLt. or el tlhe e Oesas Pesnche. will rel w reompt aetese I 0UCuIEKSORM TO AE~E k ENaUADS. Melllag Ieaeee of addler aad I wIes, ti S-aecleomul o-- ' 8ADDLER!y, BtarDWAtKR. BLTING, PACKING AND -na. ISTesepteeL a al New Leeme and g os d Ii emuse irte. Ir y OW YO K. I,. to " 0 NEW 1fSo DIIsigle i T-e1111111 Is IIposEp^ ars l. Cr'.aweIo. s*a Waa shS*, ht marpe, eaei e A , The St.em 0ip .s VAILL, Commander. owmliriwhsK haed dieadema soakes IATUADAZ Ar gst 2d, at . a. Pesge .....................................O.... Preighe hr L1VTEPOOL, HAYVB aed BREN3 talma= tby n-se, end Orme bibe 10 bes tea hMr aml Pe amwlh or gagmem appid te I E OUMla0 8, l Oe eudee itemS. FOR NEW YORK on - EWEEWASTP WTEAMERIP LINl. no Osepig the Saeelu st. s. ORNRRAL GRANT ..................Oi P H. 1. Qt. co CR3E8 NT CITY ¶................... ... ... i Wdr. r 1SHRMAN ........................ ....ap W,,,. ..ary. IILNERAL IEADE .............. saal A. W. Serpe. UNITED 8TATES G Ie. Motes. IblUsng fhe New Teort EVERYT SATIDAT. my The sre.m...k WM. l'. HENRY, Commeader, to wII eave te whad. ae i J ter e Strees, as SAT URDAT, August 2d, i at. a. S The Steaomers have sepearter eaee.dase for pa oreusr. oABIN PASSAGE ...............................,,,,* Per height er pests apply to WOOD. 10W a LWDWIGBSU. No. 190 Opmme streeL The eteaeb, GON GRANT will fIble, leaing se above on SATURDAY, August )29h GA.LVES T()N-.1NP IAJLNO()I. MORGAN INEI UU. SL AI sUTEAMsIP. FOr QALVWTO- AND TDIANOLA-TE toowrag neuw Iro low-perNao stesips form thI W. O. Wewoee....l. C. Har(rs....Aueta. t sr......... Ae............ Harta me Alib I. ............ (e es .......... or .ai , 'itmos .t..........a.... T ar . ... a.. H tya r.r a, y Jooophleo. Wns 0. ew.., GEO. E. TRIPP, Oommander. Will Bail em WEDNESDAT. Aougst 19th, St A. a. 3 Ptrlight er pesge apply to OHAS A. WHITNEY a 00. Aaeman, 3 60 ad M Omap etrm. I Fre'ght insurod , t one ha'f the rates adopted by the Board of L t derwriters July I.t , Ir1. FO TRIA .....................AO TRXAS. INBIDE EERWICR'S BAT ROUTE, -va NEW ORLEANS. OPELOUBAS AND GREAT WESTERN RAIL0oAD, l"5ltm o e n A T.o( 8 suti r o'nden. on RUNYDAY.8 and Tu' NDeLATS a thetoe a.. an d the train leaigo the Algiers Dpo at u . arr a at Bra.hear City aTUDA, tag lb. n2rgn a. tea atTN-Th e lowpres edhron J mph .....................CAAN . H. rVIW, W.SUNDAYS AND. TALBOT, mm T oart to it bd and state re mas. If the ntme i uno'ble r. c ELVERY DA their own li htera Fthe ofriht orf the p lonR. a troed Complo.0 edStreet, or at the Freight inud t o h th e rteor s oped by the Bord SW. BALEY. Sperwr. JuenIden BIAZo()I A.NTIA P O. ALLIANOB LINE U. B. MAIL SBTAMSHIPS. Laves onr SATUDAY. Auust 2lLd, M. A. a. FOR H1IAZO0 IAATIAbOO VIA GALVES TON -Te lop llsureSis-wheal iron trhlp > ~C. Harris, w. H. TALBOA, Commander, - Will v ses soe, fr)om her wharf, fotof St. Joeep street, arrying the nled States m alt If the steamer in unable to cross the Braso. bar, roodl to be delivered at ahie tackle Suerns, ton pJay theilr own lighterag Fot freighty or pa. re CH Aegh WHITNEY A CO., Agents, tO and d Camp strees. Freight inrurtd at our half th rates dopted by the Board of IodVrrwnteru. Jul. I 1o6d FL( 1 II)A A POirN . FOE FLORIDA POETS. TALLIANCE LINE UI. & MAIL STI EAMSHIPS. FOR P33MA(LA L WARRIWOIO . AND I' OILTUN APALAICITOL.A, BY. NALiA, CIEDAR LRn, rTAM eh AND KEY WESe. tr FerndGna and J Oack.nrlll, cheap.. than on other r,ýfia Freigh' to New To. via Cedar Keys, Florida KRlt rad and metemhlpTs orsoedtng at ernandina, ao lowe r rate and dspa it This li to copooed of the fllowilg steamhublps. to sell orr te arhe and *Omt of Evere y at. llirTac,. ,. 1. CLAPP, Commander. LavacOqa, L. IL LIVINTON Command., Leureson TIIUSDAY August 20th, atL a.M. Tle steamship AlAeaace. e CLAP, CommanoNr, Will lee her wharf, foet o~ Calliope mtrose a abose tling frrlght and passengers for the e r naed ports. For f.tght r passu, apply to I. W. PERKINS, Agster, N6 Crrondsle smesL,. N H.l-Shppm willt pl prcur orderVes from Agent' ,l bheerr ncerdlng frulght to thLe .ttmer rPhOed LeNaeTllta VT DMaLNr P l VI se AsragiWg ar . SBLISHED LOWER THAN Y lT OTHERI LINE. m forthr Ioration address , . N. oAE3IIIGml, W PIe a North Sirep , Nee Tnet. W. H. WRN, IPeidre; MAl(A, ies1 dPoetIa TOWBOTU. 'I 'flEx t0NiCKEOIaCIAES, WbHIN) TO t.RTL port, he. sbled the foliowrng toK .,: ECIPB LNE R Aerleeli Thou. A. ouue, ueor. DIJNRU E I AD B IIt, lb· t[m ay tuW iyt o Im J. C. NOR, BOIlS or M. [)ULMLr S. r,,.'---- a t Mr.o pt to to C Otomp e., ISre 'phed Se als.-ellteg S.tapePn m a..mes STI A-USATI-ITEAXATS. S Rlll[h- - CRANGE OF HOEL FRIIOBT TAKER AT TWENTrY-I-r FER iR BELOW COAD RATER. ROnWA IWE DAT W.. L MRAIL waI, eakubed by as enitswi - Pawnm.. Dam stam.sq mwr ................T. IMo. OA1o)L. o-mmem r ............ .. O. J. BLAMa a .* rsmose ................JAI HOIP I, ** 0Ae of wbelb wll da the adiy l of leb 1F a trait, except on turdaJy they Ieve o arrival of theo 4 r. L. tral., PO i'tIo Mttlreoo, ewtrl g e Ut . 8.YI Dam rdght pd thob toI Meetonm.oy. Oetumbh, Wal Petlm -M r ad AItLata, G0.1 by roil flrm Miobil per New Totd S Freight iioured at oe-alf the rates dopted by the Bear of Laderwriters Jtly lat, 1110. NOTICE.-Thh e steamers utech. ia their way to asa Itrom Mobile, at Bay ht Louis Pass Ctristiel and MosIe. ippi City, weather and aide permittlng; ,eist New Orlans on te 551al of the I 7 º trait. exaog on Satardy tsar laeo arrival of theIt. Lttain. aad EoIeat 2il3 r0. a mob. Ott. FAIT FERIGH? LINE. . ly. U FREIGHT TAKER AS PER NEW TARIFF. MWR D] AIr JSIEMET. F = NEW OLEANS. VIA MORGAN L UO.. Mal stemoe to Mob.l and thaMS by rll to MOYTOOMAY., OOLUMEUS, WEST POINT. MAOOi I- d ATLANTA. A., A.Oape thn ally oher woos. Preight will be rsesirod hern daly up to 11% A. a., hr ht day's boat, at Pea tebhatrala Balird Dept. and ferwarded as above, at lIw rates thea by any othe rmess iS ladIng sitd threr gh. up te 114. - dily at thoo.lea 44 LA. WHITNEY a · o, anme. 0 and W Oamp fill" ro Al A t b e.sflgaed to asge of Mobile mad agn Nortsera Rsdread ,Moboa N. R -The ostmer will leave on Saturday o arrival of he 4 r. a. train, Insteae of as heretfore at 2r . WWATERING PILACER. 1FOR WATERING PLACE-MOYOAN LAE E. /, SMall Steomea FOEW AY ST. LOUIS PASS CIIRISTIAm alF aipp City,. Biloxi. Ooeam prings, Pascageola a a, Point Clear o, t .m iow-pmuro Iam stnme r Ia.r., Oapt JOUIEPH M. WALKER, will make re. or tripe to o sfeilows, on. arrival o l'ooochartrmai R "lromd Kral On TUESDAL and THURSDAYS, If. a trala On ATURIDATR 12 a, ratm-e thi trip petaig to Psa, iole wnr Point Oil retaenl ltwil e Sprltng tNDAY. WF.DNPO DAY and RIDAY Ebvuaon.; peosgulaad Polnt lear rd oaery bUDAY MORNIANG The abore tipe wll to regularly made umless prevmted by bad weather w r water. OA. AS. A. WRIIEY A CO., Agests, 0I and 1 COamp street FOR WATERINGl PLACBS. FOR BAY ST. LOUIR. PArs CFIRTIITAN. WIgI[ flkl'I Tl1, BILIOXI. O(EA*N SPRIMtN AND ) 'ACA-t,)LLA. T "E FAVORITE eND hELEGANT LOW-PrES eSide-Wheel bteomer Creole, SCapt JAS Mc. O. BAKER, SWill mskhe nrelar trips to t )e a ,evs pces as e f, Iewnd O arel-sal of P--.tchartralm tailrod tirts. M)NI)AYL ad 1, AtRD IrDANY, to''.ok Ar. a trartl i(5edndaysoaet.m triGU. to GaADgulK ITAT-TDA. 2 0i tr.l, Rclornld t.lllea4e ( 4,en, ,prnnge hI'NDAI EVRNrTNQ( "rand TUI.AT.A M(1RNIN IN ; Prucagoula TIHLiDAY SMROHNINU l0 -o'lc. k. She a.bove 11tu will Ihe retlalrly moade ulks provated by bad weather or l.,w water PiE' l R MA 5N, Alsot, 17 A CommoI street RLGUL OHGRAND IMLF PAtCKlT--TiIOUOtl I DAY tLIH r. -HR NEW, LI~liT.LRAPT PASSENUGR PACKET O* 5 bRn a RAm.Bll , MusAt Lcavo Iltrrey'. Canal FIEKY TI'RlF4fY end nATIIR. 1" AY at m) Aa . Leaver lirond Isls hl ERY MJODAY mad TMLUIODAI ,t 7A a Johb E llgN ar, Capt. J. 0. BENSON, Wll ueave aeer. For frlht or pama apply on bear, ....o TH(. KFvvF. , ,C..,,o ;5 Pn.dr.x t.... THROUGHl LINE FOR JEFIAERi 'N Dltl('r. tLmvem M ,NI.'ND , Aur 17 at 5 r. a. .OBR rVPFIPgreos . hl.1 nItP.P(pRT, bOoly " lyou, Grand Nyou. Grand core.,, St Mrarioa, Cotilo. t Al.acodt., Norman's, tarblu'a, and ll itt.eroodii. loa. tug--lbO A No I low water rseanoer etanmer 4J W. BWHITE Ma ter. J. L RUHSKCIark. Will leave 00 above. For trreght or pogs . rapply ., hoard4 or to N 0 D() ItI , P.2 Tch-oltuela.stlat. - A Htli()T A 'l) , iA A Common 'troet. REGLULARM WEKLY PACKET. Ieave. EVEYT DATUEDAY, at 6 P. S. iOR= G *rA O. 3 R, mS. R.AUIC. . BO?. luomenryrill trake irmsy ror all mnIealn on the Ils ilee) (fotle, Alamndrir , serman' arbts.s, and all ame. ardite Iandlng, (wtill tak freight for hrovepoet ued IrtrIM. m.d-etc lottliae reshlppie, at A).tebdrle..4.Tt A Nt,. I I,, water picket--l place of ht NlcLot.. Amile W gleyr. JOLP R U r OWITD, Mlem, Lo Olaytos and . J. Dowry, Clerks, leave as aove, F or freight orc semp o pb erao WIIURN LORDWI W rsrD tremsle '1 bh Ar.,Te yag.y will take freight with pegerons for d Toasnt hudr ot w has the mouth of Maenfd River Adao ll be on ntet e ladin D spiroe frewigt ,viey ThendWe LAr PaA(KT. Learv EVEry WEDURhDAT, at p. . O A I MONN R R Y CiLUMBIA. HA rlooburl. Troiol and ". 1 tntr.^ nd Ino-L tne, fot patrugoor pacoko (ieoam. L. H. PATTI R1O, Muter; J. W WALDEN, 01mb WIll leavep.ttlroly as aove For foghe tsr Ieply on borador to WINBURN AITrOD, AresTe P. lO will take frlight and aImele s leo Sty othera bot ist th l tde taIhg flrgt toaoql Mefed l'oi . anod D'Arbonee. wth pro a vils s. VISRSU R(*. LNAVII( EVERy TUESDAY ATI v. r. RM . Allel, . Jmlo. W. CANNON, ,unL, Doealdevltle, and . intermedat leadle lho (0v. Allte mauae clrse t an,lts wrths eta :ALUMET stV Vosbor for all om Tao river. Nhlpprt ftll pay freihbt to sli plan tattos loading.. Ireev EVRlY AUURDAT, a I Ip. t T. P. Loother. m--tlr, toe A1y-es,.. .ll tm RshLig all OOaLt Iadingo. o. e h w Vel ae MINNOTI * ADAMS, N Ooemrsev.edi the Ieemer tis. QUlttam ceutctes Vlehbuel wi steeoru oeunteme and t:aodmoe ItOr Vao and Talaha.lMm trrrs and stotmacr Jcla ad RtbIo.,a for 8 Iamob1, Emee phil lard ll lntirotcolete aludloo. PARISIAN PERFUMERY, Ptrnlrd ob riho Frreup of the FT-rb. , ad eztrsiveiy t(iAtAD A 00 N TLANoIYLAwo ond MANILLS. H()i QI EPT, lhb n.w scott lcid e dCo aretbe ouly Im. ,rl.r ivp urp te frt, g extract of YLaogy andfro the Ph"l-li, to lliel SI tlA Cli A lu'S' TOLlTINF, a de.I Oi Totlet Watlr, noprer to Itan do Cologee Toilet Tinegr, or Florida Ri(tAfD C(o.58 MIRANDA SOAP, eziotoitay per ftm~d cod kbeplvg Its fro,,e to the loo. RIAUIDA 0 O0 MYIRAfDA PJMACrUM, tor preserv. IetaoId beSOt fliop the hir. a eliottcyr Irreorctog tbh and perionri the Oratr. ,IOALD S ',O.'Y TOfrl-,'K0 1. a remorrhie roe. prltton. .prtdu tno a brllelsot wb rUeee to l-e tloth RIGA I) A C(r.'5 ROoM POI)DO.I, u.porlor to Violet ord all otter Store', nod Rice Ptwdore. 'i'H. LITTLE MOfTtIR- a l'If')E TO THE TOILET. with l'iottgrapLhc Iollluatlons, wllt te sect on rt-aip, of ofo 'A holoeale R'gaed A Co.. 4. roe d+ Rlcholtee. Perle Liepot GOaoral to Now Orlenl st Cheirtr street. CE 0. PALME JOS H WIleD, I. B 0OE., Imomsc e4 Wlesol 04 etal soese ta i. Ue. O u" ak UlomD strom. Sow O(.ea, La