Newspaper Page Text
ri k rl I ui Jt f-ll i J* 5*V "J,' A? »i St L- TOf Vf •ai 1%' 4 P* PV1 "M- jKttOJtviUf 3(aunial. local and Miscellaneous. •M K n o v i f/e *«i 7.K HF.IT. 3, 1874. ie iiofontuLne.. JOa.i I&m XSnglish ttet...., OoiumbU K':1 Hock Fjkasantville... Attica... Wheeling.......... OFVK P. O Marys villa IcIa .............. Or** port Hun il ton 0Jley F. 1). Buyer. P, Hucklew. J. H. i. Warren oh. I Amen. K. W. Starr. W. H. Miner. I). 1'. Catheart. John 1'olaon. W. Vanausdal. J. R. HrolM. I).T. Durham. H. K. Fofter. Theo. \V,ut. A, N. Heed. psrtoiu named atott, art wr avr criUr*. M't. thnll trrumpUy 1'"* tf*i I'&tlUiti, and arr anlh/rritfd to tak*. tu^t^riptu-ns far JOVnyAl., and rt".I« imi f/r*ird m"n*y, WUh ut rrfrrit' '.r V-/u' ifilt"? u/'-n Vtrlnf wl rtcetph t» tut.Kri, UtT- 0,r /J! w* „U )-wi in our fjfiti und U/ ot rVk'.'id"! •/any f'ltlnrr. Knoxville Townalilp Republl can Convention. The Republicans of Knoxville town ship are requested to meet in Mans Convention at the court house in K uoxville, on SATURDAY, BEPT. 12, 1874, •t 1 o'clock p. m., fur the purpose of eliminating candidates for township -|||icea, as follows: vl'wo Justicea of the Peace. One Assewidli One Clerk. Two ContstsftflW. Three Trustees. And to select a township Central Committe for the ensuing year. Let the attendance be as full a* poa IP'1®' |ly order of Comtnlttee. GKO. L. UntnTcir, Ch'n. DOM'T FOROKT the County Fair, Sept. 15,10 and 17. tiATVAT Hhect Music received aad ordered dally. Just out: Iowa waltz, march, and polka, at Btewart's music A FFMALB battle mit flete occurred In the Jones and I'ipher neighbor liood south of Knoxville one day last WOek. Four ladies met on the high way and exchanged incivilities in vigourous Mtyle. The cause of the un pleasantness our reporter was unable to learn, as he lacked the requisite courage to approach so near the scene of conflict as to interview the parties. Htfcnding upon an eminence at a safe distance, he watched with eager inter est the events of the conflict. There was no bloodshed. The parties each carried home a lock of hair from the beads of the other combatants to be woven in a wreath and preserved as a token of tho victory achieved. Of coursu each will claim tho victory and the championship, and another meet log will be required to settle that mat ter. Our reporter will endeavor to be en hand to report the return game iu fell. LADIES, a cordial invitation IN ex tended to you to attend the County Fair, and compete for the many pre miums offered on articles In your de partments. UTAOK Buknki» HY Limn-much— •jjtiRoh Mesler, of Dallas township, lost ft atack of wheat by lightning one day last week. Timely action saved from burning all bis stacks except the one •truck. ,5 h-t •. ft fef.,.' Lh Ilh-A %'.*» j\ rTiN HA I.K.—Hew ad vertiMement, this caption, on this page. ItKv. P. 11. JACOK has returned to -Knoxville for permanent stay, after a vinit of several nx. nths in Indiana and Kentucky, lie has so far recovered from tho ellects of hh paralytic stroke to be able to walk from his resi dence into town, nearly a mile, a» he 4)il on Tuewday thin week. HAI'KKMKNT, of tiie Lord'eanp- per will be celebrated at the Lutlierau church next Kabbath at 11, a. m. 8er mon by Rev. D. P. (jrosscupof Iowa (}Uy At 7:30, p. m. services will lie Jield, after which tho Pastor, Rev. tftough, will be instulled, Rev's Yel ter am\ UrosHcup oUlciutiug. AUftie jK|i'dially Invited. Jf. R. C'MN(»MAN, of Dalian twrn Ship, lias recently lont several head of Oftttle from an overdose of green corn. His 'cattle broke Into his cornfield, AUd before being discovered had eaten eo much as to produce death to a num ber. At our lutcHt word it wuu furred tlial the whole herd would die. I'HorKitTY 10.\( IIANCJK.—We have a rumor that Mr. Brown hus exchanged Ilia residence and store property at JSew Chicago, DUIIUM township, tijiw county, for the 8t. James Hotel prop er! y in Onkaloosa. WAHIIUSOTON TOWNHIIII' Ri:i»unLi CAN COMVKK'J'ION.—The RejiubUcans Of Washington township are request ed to meet in Mass Convention at 3 o'clock p. iu., on Haturduy, tiept. 12, tW-1, attJosport, for the ]urpose of plac ing iu nomination candidates for the various towIIHII11 offices to be filled by tuiftcUuu iu October. JOHN MAYMKKHY, Ch'n of Committee. CiBOCl'JKlivH, iJueeiiHWure, Glassware, at very bu^t Ji^urua at Burns', Utpf tu J»4i|0 I SUXDA Y-fi» UOOL. Cox VKXTIO*.— The Third Annual Convention of the Clay Township Bunday-school Asso ciation will be held at the campground on Walnut Creek, Wednesday, Sept. 9, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. All friends of Hunday-echools are invited to attend. RENOVATION.—^The subscriber I* operating with a Feather Renovating Machine, in a building two blocks eaat of the Public square, on Main street, Knoxville. Beds and pillows renovated in the best manner oo short notice and on reasonable terms. Fea thers will betaken to the machine and returned the same day, without extra charge. Leave orders at the shop, or at the Jouio Ai, O/llce. II. W. GBOOM. 9tf.) Knoxville, Aug. 4th, 1874. gmm NEW PAINT Bifoi'.—Attention is call to the advertisement this week appearing in these colums, announc ing the new firm of, Burris A Booth, painters, glaziers and paper-hangers. Hhop just west of Busslng's Mill. Leave orders at the hhop or at the Tremont House, for any work in the line they advertise, and it will receive prompt attention. All work warran ted. SHARP PKACTK K.—A rumor cornea to ua from Franklin township that some sharper played a wily but suc cessful trick upon a couple of farmers in that vicinity a few days since. We get it th us: A stranger stopped at the house of John Duncan, an old gentle man living on a farm in the western part of the township, and said he wanted to buy the farm. After an examination of the premises a con tract was agreed upon but the pur chaser claimed that his money waa at Indianola, and Mr. Duncan must ac company him to that place to prepare the papers and get his pay. This was agreed upon and the sharper also suc ceeded in buying a span of mules from Mr. Duncan, paying $100 down, and promising the remainder of the price at Indianola. The two started. On the way, the man bought a buggy, paid down, promising to send the remainder back by Mr. Duncan. At Indlanoln, they stopped at a hotel for the night, and were to complete their business iu the morning. They re tired. In the morning Mr. Bharper rose very early and ordered his team, saying that he was going a few miles Into the country, and would be back within a few hours. He left instruc tions that the old gentleman should not be called until breakfast time. Mulea, buggy and man bad not return ed at last word. LICKNSB waa issued during the past mouth by the Clerk to the following inatiimonittl candidates: James Reynolds, Mary HendriS W ii Phillips, Louisa Terry A Kerr, O Jenkins N Lofollet, Iddlngs A I) Littell, Barbara E Buttrj O Jones, Mary O Pifer Thomason, Wilson v Rosenberg, (Jaalsko Mak John Pruitt, Moggie McFarlauft W Roblnett, Lydia Benefiold W Greensman, 10 Funk Houtman, Hollebrands W Hcott, Catharine Butler Willis, Hamilton. V 1- -V 4 (M, mm MR. UKOOM, the feather renovator has been compelled to go home for a few weeks. He will return to Knox ville about October 1st, when he will give another opportunity to citizens to avail themselves of the advantages he oilers. Be ready when he cornea to have your beds renovated. It will puy, iu health, comfort and economy. Having tried it and seen the advan tages of the process, we cau cheerfully recommend it to others. A NEW WONIKK.—The large amount of glassware and groceries daily sold at Kruck & FJy's grocery and queensware store, south aide of Public bquare. IOWA FINK STOCK GA/ICTTK should be in the bunds of every furmer in the Htate. Published monthly at Vinton, Iowa, by C. ii. Wilkiusou 4 C9. fj per annum. TUB CLIITKIT B- B. Club of this place have received an Invitation to pluy a game at an early day, against the Club at Marhhiilltown, which now holds tho champiouship of tho Btnte. The boys expect to make a short tour within the next few weeks and play at Oskalooaa, Marshall town and Dea Molues. KELLY & WOODKUFF have receiv ed the largest and most valua ble stock of perfumes, soaps, brushes and fancy toilet articles ever brought to Knoxvilio. GEO. P. DUNTLKY'S Entertainment of Magic and Fun, Knoxville, Satur day, Sept. 5th. Ventriloquism, mag ic, science, art and fun, are the promi nent features of the entertainment. 8. Jones, Frank 8. Stoikwell, Misses Mollie and Barnetta Winfrey are announced among the performers. Mr Btockwill is posted as "one of tho funniest men of the vjorld," Saturday is tbo timo. 'A ::v 1 Auction Kale. On Garden Bquare, Pella, Iowa, Saturday, September 5th 1874, at 1 o'clock p, .3 Champion Fanning Millf?, made by Blake Elliot,& Racine •1 Wilde's Corn Stalk Cutters 2 Dia mond Corn Plows 1 two-hone Prairie Breaker 1 Road Scraper 1 Knox Washer 1 velocipede, or garden plow hand corn-planters post-hole borers, etc. The above are all new and will be sold without regard to cost. TermsTwelve months credit on all Bums over five dollars. D. C. MOSIKB, Auctioneer. Mrsic.—Call at Stewart's Music Store, east side square, and examine bis »tock of splendid organs, pianos, minor musical instruments, sheet mueic, etc. First-claeis goods, fair prices and easy term*. 1 FAIKH.—Oakuiootsa—Aug. 31st to Bept. 3d, inclusive. Newton—Sept. 8 to 10, inclusive. Knoxville—Sept. 15,16 and 17. State—Keokuk—Sept. 21 to 25, In clusive. (jttumwa—Sept. 15 to 18 inclusive, Chariton—Bept. 8-10. Centra! Iowa District—Dee Moines. Sept. 8 11. indianola—Sept. 1-3. Prairie City—frarmers'Union—Sept. 20th and 30th, Oct. 1st and 2d. A1 bla-Sepf ft. 10,11. MK. E. BKOU.H has traded bis flne farm in Perry township, to Cunning hams of Knoxville for twelve hun dred and eighty acres of land In Holt Co. Texas, where he expects to move some time In October. Eli is one of the substantial farmers of Perry, aixl when he leaves old Marion will loose one of her best citizens. Success to you, Eli .—Monroe Iff,raid. REV. MEKSIION, Couuty Superin tendent is so exceedingly impartial as a public officer, that lie publishes his notiees to teachers and directors at the expense of the county, in the I)emo vrat, Made and Miner only, thinking thus to spite the JOURNAL, and make it repent having shown up his ignor ance and utter unfitness for his official position. As mediums for giving in formation to the people, the old gen tleman has the right to use just such papers as he chooses, and we are not disposed to complalu. He also has a perfect right, perhaps, to go to sleep In his buggy when traveling on pub lic business at $3 'per day, and let his horses stop in the lanes and eat dog fennel in the fince corners while be snoozes and nods, and bebs for flies, and drops the lines and whip, and dreams away his precious $3 time, im agining he Is making a 2:40 record and doing great service for the people and the Grange Ahti-Monop. party, Per haps he thinks that as the story has not appeared in the JOURNAL, nobody saw him thus illustrating Grange ofTlcial economy in the highway near Wheeling, a few weeks since. Per haps we shouldn't have told the story. Maybe we shouldn't tell how he hired other men at public expense to con duct the late Teachers' Institute ^blle he had the name of it, and did no thing but ring the bell and curry water. Verily Marion county has a Superin tendent of Schools of whom no coun try district could be proud. He ought to go to Arkansaw. RUK the call for Knoxville township Republican Convention at heud of this page. 2 p. in., bept. 12, i* the time. Gov STONE has returned from his Stumping tour. If it is fair to judge of the effects of his campaign by the number of people he addressed, the the world is not much better or worse for his swing. At Ceder Rapids, for Instance, according to one report, he talked to empty benches. Another report says the audience numbered about two dozen and a third tays not above thirty persona. THE IIKHALD la "almost ashamed to record the numerous burglaries" happening in Oskuloosa without a single offender being brought to jus tice. 'Iwo occurred Sunday uigltfc last week. STKWAHT'H MUSIC RTOKR, in this city is doing a thriving business. Will, thinks it no great thing to sell two or three organs per day. HIH instruments are of the best make, and are sold on good terms and at low pri ces. Call and examine stock. ODD FKLLOWS SOCIABLE.—A Socia ble and Festival will be given by the Odd Fellows' Order of this city in their new Hull Friday evening, Sept. 4th. All members of the Order, ami their families are invited. Special invita tions are Bent 1 MH WOODKUFF, whose horse was taken from bis let at night, as men tioned in tbe Journal last week, says that recent developments have con vinced him that he was mistaken in his supposition that the horse was ta ken by Mr, Conway, who is entitled to th is statement, bis name having been used in such a way as to show that he was suspected. A MUSICAL CONVENTION, will be held at Oskaloosa, commencing next Tuesday and closing Friday. Geo. F. Root, of Chicago will conduct the convention. Free entertainments will be furnished to persons attending from abroad, A number of ptreona from Knoxville will attend. MENDOTA, III. Aug. 22,1874.—No man by tbe name of Arlington ever worked for us, either tuning organs or anything else, in any way or shape whatever, neither for the old Co., Tukesbery, Carpenter & Co. And we will say that he cannot buy organs from us at any price until we know him and who he is. In referring to our copy book (copy of letters we find that we have no correspondence with any man by name of Stewart, in any form whatever. Yours Respectfully, CAKPENTEK SCOTTA WIHE, Manufacturers of tbe Western Cot tage Organs. The above notioe is in reply to F. Arlington, agent of Taylor & Farley Organ. He offered to bet money that be had tuned instruments for the above named firm. We aim to com pete with first-class instruments, and with gentlemen, but not with F. Ar lington or with his instruments. The Webteru Cottage Organ, which ha* received recommendations from many eminent musician*, is for sale at Brobst's Book and Music store. KKNDIO to the Lodgcu at lituuil- ton and Monroe. AN AMATKUU NINK, calling them selves Self-Rakers, we understand weut from this place io LVLHI on Tues day of this week and played a game with a picked up uine, getting beaten by a score of 34 to 13. Having been beaten at home by the Clodhoppers, boys from 12 to 14 years old, they should know better than to go so far hunting luurcli, Pcllu scivgd tji^i right, VERTBEES. mm FAIR at Indianola this week. Howard Cunningham has gone up to capture the premiums OB fine hogs. He never fails. WHITK LKAD.—One ton, best qual ty, just received by Kelly & Wood ruff. ODD FEI#IXW8' SOCIABLE and Festi val in the new Hall Friday evening. All members of the order, and their families, are invited. THE BLADE cornea to us tble week without its usual letter from Knox ville. Where's Peggotty? JACOB W. HONNOLD, one of Sum mit township's early 6etUem is dan gerously 111. STTLL THEY TOME tft btry goods where the best bargains can be had. The store of Kruck & Ely Is tbe place. South side of Square. THE OSKALOOSA HERALDwill Issue a daily during the county fair, and gratuitously circulate 1500 copies, re porting the fair each day as it progres ses. This is a chronic, but enterpris ing and creditable habit with the Herald. &. iv B. M. BOYDSTON, of this place, as we learn from the Clarion, has been engaged to teach the pu school in Casey, Guthrie county. STUMP are increasing their stock of groceries, queensware, and glassware whieli will be sold as cheap, if not cheaper than any other house In town. New store, northwest corner of Public Squared Come and see us. FRUIT JAKH may be had at lowest figures b^ calling on W. E. Burns. JOHN MINER, formerly of this county, writes us from Raymond, Rice county, Kansas, under date of 24th ult., that the grasshoppers have destroyed the entire corn crop in that region and a majority of the settlers will be left destitute. The wheat crop is good, but lie thinks there is not one fourth enough of it to supply the coun tl.v in the absence of corn. Mr. Min er's entire crop has been destroyed by tbe insects. We Imve similar distressing reports from ail parts of the Slutc* of Kansas and Nebrasku. Munv futilities are forced to leave the country und return to their old homes in Iowa and other States. Others are obliged to sell all their stock for such prices as they can get, for lack of coru to feed during tbe winter. STRAYED OK STOLEN, from the sub scriber 2} miles south of Knoxville, July 11, 1874, a red roan mare, 3 years old, large and likely bears a scar on right fore paster joint. A reward of $10 will be paid for the return of the mare, or information that will lead to ber recovery. MITA. MAKY MCCONAUGIIEY. 19-18-16. FJJOW TTTE BLADE we learn that a slight frost waa aeen at Otley last Sun day morning. Esq. Haning, of Red Rock, has by the Governor been commissioned a notary public. A flve-yeBr-old child of Walker Teter, of Union township, died on the 24th ult, of brain lever. Fielding Clark has returned to Red Rock after a year's stay iu Nebraska He was cheated out of hi* crop by G. Hoppers. 4 Ruben Core and J. V. and Henry Yowell, of Red Rock, started for Mis souri last Wednesday to purchase hogs to be brought to this county for feed U»fr a s y v m,'- THE TIME for the Fair approaches. Keep it in mind Sept. 15,16 and 17. THE MONROECo. Republicans have nominated S. W. H. Grilflii for Clerk, J. R. Cuotle for Recorder, and James M. Porter for Surveyor. KRUCK & ELY have just received a new supply of glassware. Call and examine goods and prices.^ FOR DRUG3, painters' materials and implements, brushes, toilet articles, etc., etc., go to Kelly & Woodrufl'a drug store, northeast corner of squure. They have the largest stock iu the city, and propose to sell at lowest pos sible rates. ISAAC WILSEV, one of tfteold set tlers in the vicinity of Hamilton, died last Sunday. He was a member of Hamilton Lodge, I. O. O. F., and was buried with tbe honors of the Order. SIMPSON COLLKOE,Indianola,opens for the fall term this week. ORGANS AND PIANO3are being sold at a rapid rate by W. L. Stewart, at his music store, east side of the Public Square. The excellent quality of the instruments he sells, the low rates and easy terms he offers, have already given him an excellent trade. A large number of instruments always on hand for inspection. Call and see. NEW PELLA HACK-LINE.—The sub scriber has secured the mail contract from Pella to Knoxville, and put on good teams and hacks for daily service. He will carry passengers and express as cheap as any other line, and make sure connections with morning trains east. Office at Amos House, Knox ville. NATHAN WILEY. (7-tf) FOSTER, of the Ottumwa §»*•!£, and Evans of the Democrat, both pro tem, Anti-Monops, are very saucy to each other. Here is Foster's last: WHY is Sam BKvans like tbe troubled sea? Because he casts up mire and dirt. Why is he a contradiction of terms Because ho keeps his spirits up, by turning spirits down. NEW GROCERY STORE.—After Thursday, Aug. 13th, Kendig A Btump will be found ready to sell groceries queensware etc., at their new store room northwest corner of Public Square, Knoxviile, Iowa. Our old customers bringing in new custo mers almost every time they come to our store, goes to prove that Kendig & Stump are selling as low as the low est. Come everybody and give ua a call. Oo TO BURNS for best groceries of all kinds. He is prepared to meet the Uarveat trade with lowest rates. STEWART will give you good terms and low rates on a first class organ or Piano. Inquire at his Music Store east side of Public Square. THE CONCERT given last Friday evning by the Musical Convention was well attended, and added about $50 to the resources of the Association. The entire Programme embracing Bixteen pieces, was admirably presented, con ductor and performers, without ex* ception, doing credit to themselvs. There were nearly one hundred sing ers on the stage. Among the excel lent pieces—well received and applaud ed, were: CHORUSES, by the class: "Away* the Morning Freshly Breaking " still,"—very good "Beauti ful, Winding River Now the Eve ning Bells are Sounding." SOLOS.—"Thou art so Near and yet so Far"—Miss Ella Ungles—Piano accompaniment by Miss Alice French. Voluntaries, instrumental—organ, by Prof. Palmer, and piano, by Mrs. Rob inson, both very fine "Paddy's Wed ding day, humorous, by Prof. Cory. DUETS.—"BringMe the Bowl," mu sical dialogue—Prof. Waugh and Miss Young "Wandering In May Time"— Miss Addie Mathews and Mrs. Gilson- Come where the Mists Lie sleeping —Mrs. Gilson and Mrs. Walker. Other pieces, perhaps equally de serving, we forbear to meutlOB for lack of space. READ THE SPEECH of E.N. Gates, Anti-Monopoly candidate for Con gress. We are glad to be able to lay it before our readers. It is really rich. Do not on any account fail to read it, and see what a poor, silly old man the Antis are asking you to seud to Con gress. We can't review It now may have something to say of it hereafter* LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE PELLA. AuarST 31,1874. The Enoch Arden Combination played to fair houses here last wcek. We hear of a large number of per sons coming back to this neighbor hood from KUIIHUH and Nebraska this fall: The gjaashoppers, hot winds and drouth were too much for them. Jacob Markle, one |of our largest stock feeders, has ju*t received 350 head of cattle from the vicinity of Ft. Dodge, which he vvijl feed on his farm rtno mile eontof town. He drove them through, tho freight, under the new i law bvLuu ttUoul ^15^ur g4r tiiyq^ iMn 1 before, v S.*. '*W The stone foundation of thP foundry is completed and ihe hrf w work will commence in a few Rev. E. C. Spinney prea.-h'.-J'hf. farewell sermon in the First !«,.. church yesterday. There was attendance. He will return to England to-morrow. Miss Hunt, of Fairfax Vt been added to the College Fa^ft* She is said to be a young ladv of fl culture, and an excellent teacher Large quantities of grain is r,ai»lr,» over the K. & I). M. II. R. eve??!"? The extra train recently pm on li' tween Des Moines and OtturnwaUuT ed almost exclusively for transporting grain. u» Prof. Amos N. Currier, formerly rf the Central University, but now o« the Iowa State University at low. City, arrived in town last Saturdav to visit friends, and be present at the dedicatory services of tbe New RUK tist church. •Dal)* President Dunn, of the Central University, returned last week from an extended tour through the Nc. England States. Thad. P. Varney will occupy Mass dam'a new hall for two nights this week. Rev. Mr. Bodlne, of Germantown N. Y. who it was expected would ac cept the call of the Second Reform church, writes that he cannot do so as he has accepted a call from the Re form church at Bushnell, III. The dedicatory services at the New First Baptist church yesterday were largoly attended, a number being present from abroad. President Dunn preached the dedicatory sermon. It being announced that $1,000 were yet needed to finish paying for the build ing so far. a collection was taken up and $1,150 raised in a few minutes. The other part of the building will be completed next year. An Ecclesiastical Council met here last Saturday for tbe purpose of exam ining Prof. A. Lougbridge, of the University, and 011 yesterday he waa duly ordained as a minister of the Bap tist church. He will remain in the College another year, after which he goes to India to do missionary work. The Fall Term of the College opens next Tuesday. Students have already arrived in large numbers, and the school promises to be au unsually full one. Hank Carson, who has been con ductor on tbe freight train betweeu Pella and Des Moines for several years, makes his last trip to-day. Hank McMurray is his successor. Clark Livingston, Ed. Griswold. "Fatty" Smith, Bob. Givin, and Billy Forker, all the old passenger conductors on the K. & D. M. R. H., have resigned and their places are ta ken by new men. A match game of Base ball was played here last Friday between the Eddyville club and a Pella Nine, re sulting in a victory for Eddyville by a score of 11 to 17. Pella has no regu larly organized club, but scared up a nine and played the Eddyville boya "just for fun." S. M. Jones, the Great Magician and Illusivonist," holds forth at Maas dam's Hall next Friday eveuing. Another "nest-hiding" case has come to tho surface here, which will probably be investigated some time this week. Geo. Soesman, who came here a few days ago and commenced business on the west side of the square, as a hide, fur and rag dealer, was arrested and taken to Keokuk last Saturday oo a charge of forgery. Marshal Lee took him down. The recent rains were very muoh needed in this locality. A boy named Elmore Foster, living six miles east of Monroe, while out iu Skunk River bottom last Friday buut ing wild grapes, in company with some other children, went into the river swimming and getting beyond his was drowned- KATE KINATSX* Centaur Liniment. There it no pain which tkiOM* taur Liniment will not rell#»« no •walling it will not subdue, and no UmsD«M which It will not eura. This i* atrong language, fcut it la trua. It has produced mora curfa of rheuinatUm, Duuralgia, lockjaw patny, upmina, awellinga. called brea«t«, »cald», burn* aalt rheum, ear-acbe, etc., upon tbe huuian frame, and of strains, vpavin, galls, etc. upon animal* In one year than haie all other pretended remedied since the world bfgan. It Is a count»r-lrritant. »n all healing pain reliefer. Cripples throw awaj their crutch))*, tbe lame walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless and the woudded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is published around each bottle. It Is selling as no article e*»r before sold, and It sells because It does juntwbatit pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheuma tism, pain or swelling deserre to suffer If they will not ase Centaur Mnlment. More than lOW certifi cates of remarkable cures, Including frozen limbs chronic rhuumatlim,gout, running tumor#, etc., bate been receitedt W# will send a circular containing certificate*, recipe, etc., gratis, to any one retjuestlci! it. Ore bottla of the yellow wrapper Centaur Lini ment U worth one hundred dollars for spavined or ewnenied horses and mules, jor for screw-worm la (beep. Btock-ownern— this liniment Is worth yoult attention. No family should be without Cent*of Liniment. 8old by all Druggists. 60 cents per bot tle large bottl.s $1.00. J. B. Boa« Co, Broadway, New York. CAS'lOKIA 1* more than a nulMtilule fr ca* tor oil. It U the only w/e article In exUteace which W curtain to akh!utiInthe food, retruiat" tin) buwell", cure »virnl colic, anil proijui-e natural deep. It cuuteiiin neither minerals, morpi.lne or aiit lH).. anl i« pleaaant to lake. Children uee«l not cry, atid molbem may reel. Marked*. CHICAGO August 31. CATTLE—Iteceipts 4,200: fairly active prlcc steady though few good steers arriving most sales were Tex ans at range of 'Z 12(" i37A common to good fair to choice native steers bold at o {0(i (5 80, and extra lot 6 4r). IIOU.S—Receipts 0,000 active and firm 10c higher on best grades G5) ('tC 00 for common to fair 7 50 good 7 loQ.^6 choice to extra. WHEAT—Quiet, weak and a shade lower, notwithstanding favora ble eastern und foreign markets, and only moderate receipts market o s e i e I s o I n e w 7 old 1,00 No 2, 93 cash seller* at for September or October No 3,90 rejected, 8o. CORN—Faily active, firm and A shivlo Uitter No 2, cash or Sep* Iteiuber 07J October: ULilv jjiixfcd, |67t itycud, vjjft ,/S» o K v 4 Hi