Newspaper Page Text
'uW«e S,m| 'life. StOT- y Htr TFA ID iterla VOC 4 I inch, INGE tivalo Sontitjr E8TEI ueral ?0l(l fr iilU te *2 174) iw fr In fTi-rr i b«li 'H get tkrai o dovitta good WJB .Y, OIEWK, IT CLE6! i"! Lb NEW »F eside, FlRtSlDl Irfrj ro* iihtr*. W icil in: °r w.ii 5^. Frctii Kau««ii ATHELPTON, CLAY C. KANSAS. ED- JOUKXAL:—8inw I ins* wrote YOB the came, and in tm#d«y took ali our corn. The boys have saved 6* bcwli*ls»of winter wheat, and it looks well. There are thou.-^mlsof acres of wiieat grown, and »1I settlers think next vertr will good season for corn. Price of winter whent, 75 toOOcts.. spring 40 to 60 eta. There is plenty »f It i» tlio couutry, Imt some of us litv*4iot money tobtiy enough even tit Hint price. \Y« still are pleased vvitli thf coun try, l.ut the |»eo|tie are nenrly all gm«js rs we cannot get things u* we could in Iowa. From tb* low* A/Mvu.tur^i l»«p«ri There are four woolen factories with a capital of $100,(MX) two iron foundries, capital $80,000 and other smaller manufacturing establish ments, besides plenty of flouring miilft—all doing a thriving trade. SHIPMENTS FKOM 1'ELLA FOE THE YEAli 1*73. CQKSOI.I DATED STATEMENT OF FREIGHTS FORWARDED FKOM OTLEY IN 1&73. No. of hogs .'. 19,348 No. of cattle 1,875 No. of sheep 1,012 No. of horses 42 No. bu.-hi'is wheat 75,8-15 No. bushels oats, rye, and bar ley 24,000 No. bushels corn 31,040 No. bushels potatoes 25,200 No. pounds flour.. 60,200 No. pounds eggs. butter and poultry 31,539 No. pounds wool 1,800 Total ii*. freights 15,411,781 Charges on freights forwarded $25,125 Charges on freight* received... 4,343 Receipts for tickets sold 1,678 Speaker Blaine* I had quite nn interesting chat with one of Speaker Blaine's old col lege mates the other day. The gen tleman, a now distinguished lawyer says that at school Blaine gave little indication of the future man that he became. Blaine, as it is quite well known, was educated at Little Wash ington Pa., the once famous educa tional rival of Canonsburg, Pa., and where so many prominent men in the country have been educated. Blaine at school was remarkable for two things—his aptitude for mathe matics and his huge nose. So large was his nose that his college nick* name was Nosy Blaine. He was excessively quick at mathematics, and in this study stood first in his class. Outside of this his seerni ng jo« ers were not more than ordinary. As a debater he was a lamentable fail ure. He stammered in search of language, and in argument he was very barren. Now Blaine is consid ered one of the quickest thinkers or most ready speakers in the Ameri can politics, and as a debater he is nearly the only man in the House of Representatives who would be a match for Ben Butler in case of poli tical sparring. Blaine posse.-ses a power of invective and an arssur ance in pushing home thrusts that are very remarkable.— At K. It. MCPHETERS. wm, Bfarloit omiiy. JJV W. \V. CRADUICK. Tltesummer Urouglit decreased the usual average of cereals. Fruit abundant, but of inferior quality. In terest in fruit growing is increasing K.»me orchards this year yielding ], .500 bushel*. Tltere arg many beauti ful artificial groVt* t»f maple and walnut. Building stone i8 abundant, and of excellent quality. There are two eight feet veins of coal, and ^numerous smaller deposits of from three to aix f«et. The best coal, dt-llveied, oust tea cents per bushel. There is abundance of timber on the Pes Moines, and Cedar rivers, and numerous smaller streams. tl»e #»!ecti held on the Kttli inst., the fallowing Township Officers were elected Jo the different townships TOWNSHIP. Trustee*—T,f\vis ftiituHa—Jobn Marsh, J*s Copeland. I)Ai.r.AS. TritK/rc*—JM Smith, W Wilson, Horstman. Justices—John Willis, John Miller. Cterk—J M« Corkle. A*»t-**orK —T Wilson. Cbntiablea—John S Wella, Coltridor FKANKUN. Trustee*—A Worth. A**CH*or—J Gifford. UumtabUa—G Jesse Rows A*se*Hoi—W .........17') No. of horse* No. Me No. of hogf No. of sheep No. pound* mpork N». pom:.Is htrd and tallow ...115.12") No. pounds hides 8(J,(!•} No. poundn Wool ."3,770 No. pounds flour 1,00 J,!M10 No. pounds grasa Heed* 41,780 No. pounds egg* and butter...,7K),41»» No. htJ.sliet.s wheat (i4,0f') No. bushels corn 1,715 No. bushels oat.« 141,204 No. bushels potatoes........ 88,0IK No. J?H. lumber No. lbs. lath and shingles 2*2,ooo No. ».s. wood 2o,ooo No. lbs. stone and brick-" No. it,s. ftg'l mach's and pliments No. lbs. househ goods fur... No. lbs. merchandise 300.570 Cash received for freights, as above $40,730 Cash received for freights de livered here 52,930 Cash received for sale of tickets 16,090 v de Linden. Constables—A boo. iin- .... 13,270 and 87,420 Lee, 11 Johnson. LIBKKTY. Trv.itets—I*ah A A Davis. Trustees—}\ Washington Correspondence of the. PiUtburg Lea der. **Bay Window Gates "is the name gTvr-n to the late iron-tariff candi date for Congress in this District by Knox of the Xutllanola Ilcrald. EYK Marsh, J«s Harvey, Davkl Loyuichnn. Jiixticm—II Dnrham, W Berry. Clerk—A Clark. Assessor—John Whiiley. A WelclMjr, Lev} Mills Swan .hilien. Justices—T A Harding, Wangfa. Clerk—W Vinson, Frank Edwards INDIANA. miifeii S H«ine», -A. Borris, Jas JoltflPei. Benj Rogeis, WmMeOrtider. Clerk—J MfVev. Anttenxor—lobn Mark. CormtiLbles—W Itutherford WRoebnck. Ivsoxvxrxit. Trn.itoe*—Thomas JuMices—G Keaton, Wm Wllaon, Justices—Q4o B«l«, Wm Roan, Ran som Council. Cleric—ti Pack. Assessor—F Ierore. Constables—J Still well, Ilethor- in«ton, EH Perry. PERRY. .26,180 1,170 Trustees—Andrew Carter, 1 C«»re, E Weat. Justices—E Hsxming, S S Sagor. Clerk—FM Mullen. assessor—I'' Drowning1. ConstaJblcs—W in Ham iter, 8 8 Patty. SUMMIT. 7V«jrfa«—A Baker, Dooel, Qaorge Oreutt. Justices—U II LongmoN^ Grant. Clerk— A Hrolwt. Assessor— I W Fisher. Constables—J E I5r wn, W V lip", Irwin H«»l«on. JimticeH—^11 Clerk— AND Jeukina, I Beneel, K Hart, John Smith. (Xerk—W Rijftr. AxxeHxor—E K Woodruff. Constables—G Marshall, Wm Shields. LAKE PRAIRIE. T'-n,ti0#t—L v de Linden, Knyper, Sfll. Justice* E Grafe, Henry Notion. Clerk—F W Brlnklioff. Collins, George W Dona boo, Iliratn Ma&toller. Justices—W Hnnhe«, Brnus. Clerk—JhhICS Rrons. A uses*or— A n i e vv Collina. Constables—Jared Porter, W Dona* POLK. Tr%tstees—3 S Kverrett, Reynolda, Wm Kent. Justice*— wyiigarden. Clerk—I) MfFeetens John Van- McFeeter«. Assessor—Sylvester 804,070 McCown. Constables— W Harris, Vlilf, Pi.EASANT *ROVB. TrujfUtet—Jaiueti laud. Foahier, HenJ Ciave- Justices—Wm Clerk—A Miner, Jacob Jackaon Liu-hfteld. Assessor— John Elliott. Constables—VV 11 Dchii, W Shoot. 11 i-.n IlociC. Rloa. SWAN. Trustees-—Simon Walker, David Phil iiarii ("Miner, Jaa Wilaoa. Win Fairly. Assessor—Thomas Inlow. Constables—T Stradley, Walker UNION. Trustees—I) IJ Horseman, Rack- man, James WorihiiiKton. Justices- A Reynold*, Jasper Nye. Clerk—J O Isiiam. Assessor-\\ II .Sumner Constables— S .Smith. Hugh Kiner, an^ O W Karler and K Shiel tied. W A.SHI NO TDK. Trustees—J Bailey, DeWitt, Justices—John Corkle. Clerk—¥ Mayberry, E W Mc Ajren. A ssessor—E/. a me*. Osu*tables—\\rVAG niugton. Auderaoo, W Ban- Political Calender, 1974. October 22, West Virginia, con gressmen. November 2, Louisiana, state ofli cers nnd congressmen. November 4, Alabama, state o/li cers and congressmen. November 5, Kentucky, congress men. November 8, Arkansas, congress men. November S, Delaware, state offi cers and congressmen. November 3, Florida, congress men. November 3, Illinois, state officers and congressmen. November Kansas, state officers and congressmen. November 3, Maryland, congress-, men. November 3, Massachusetts, state officers and congressmen. November 3, Michigan, state offi cers and congressmen. November 3, Minnesota, congress men. November 8, Missouri, state offi cers and congressmen. November 3, New Jersey, State officers and congressman. November 3, New York, state offi cers and congiessmen. November 3, South Carolina, state Officers aifd congressmen. November «, "Texas, congressmen. November 3, Virginia, congress men. A lieutenant-governor, as provided by the new constitution, will be elected for the first time in Pennsyl vania. EAR.—Dr. Camplell cures ali diseases of the eye. Granulation of the lids, opacity of the coiner, .cataract, peterygiuiu, contraction ol the lids, staphyloma, and in fact all diseases of the eye and ear, and cures deafness in almost every case in hand. Dr. Campbell cures scrofula in ail its atages, spinal and nervous all'ections. Dr. Campbell inserts artificial eye«, They are a new importation, very beautiful, and of every variety. In stead of cutting out the old eye, as for merly pra -tieed, he adapts the new eye to the r. mains, more or less, of the old one. No instruments being used except, the fingers, there is no pain in having the eye lilted. Dr. Campbell oti'ers his professional Services to all an tiering from disease* of the eye and ear. An experience of fifteen y»ars, during which he baa devoted his attention exclusively to all species of diseases to which these orirans are liable, warrants him in saying that his treatment, even in the most aggravated CHM-S. will he success ful. Charges moderate, and the clos est attention trivett to patients. Those sutiering fr- tn sore eyes or ears should call on him without delay. He cures all chronic diseases with electricity. He performs ail operations in the shortest time. The atomized Med lea iEren system. Dr. Campbell's new method of curing diseases of the longs ami throat, reduc ing such medicines as the diseases de mand to warm the vapor which tlie patient inhales ami breathes, thus bringing the remedies immediately to all parts of the diseased organs, produc ing immediate relief, and a perma nent cure in the most pleasant man ner. Will beat theTreniont House, in Knoxville on the Ud and 3d dayaol efcli nioni b. Oiigiual Police. To A. 8AI.YAI HN You are hereby notified, that OH tr before the 14th day of October A. 1. 1874, a petition of Harriet Ann Hal yards ill be tiled iu the office of tiie Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Ntato of Iowa, in and for Marion county, claiming a decree ot divorce from you on the ground ol your willful absence for the care and control of James II. Halyards minor child and that her name be Changed to Harriet Ann Ilelmick. And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second •lav of tiie December Term. A. D. i874, of said Court, which will com mence on the 7th day of December A. I). 1874, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon. BTONR & AVRRS i flft-22] Plaintiff* Attorneys, Lrfoil .\ollce. To WIIOM IT MAY CONCKIW: Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in the otli'-e of tiie Clerk of the Circuit Court of Marion count.y. Iowa, un instrument in writing pur porting to be the last will and testa ment of Jacob W. ilonnold. deceased, which will come on for hearing on the first day of the next December Term of said Court, commencing on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1S74, at which time and place all persons in terested may be beard. Dated at Knoxville, 8eptember28th. 1874. tjegal Notice. h-'-'n -M To WHOM rr MAY CONCKRN: Notice Is hereby priven that there Is now on file in the ottice of the Icrk ol the Circuit ourt of .Marion eounty, Iowa, an instrument in writing |ur fMrting to he the bint will ami t.«?Hta ment of Wm. MeKern, deceased, whieh will come on for bearing on the first day of the next December term of said jCourt, commencintr on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1874, at which time and place all persons in teres ted may be heard. Dated at Knoxville, October 7tls# 1874. ALLEN HAMHICK, Clerk. (20-23) Admlnlilriitar'i Kotldt. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the Circuit Court of Marion County, Iowa, as Special Administrator of the Estate of Jacob W. Honuoid, de ceased. All persons knowing tbemselve* indebted to said deceased, are reques ted to come forward and make pay ment without delay and all perMiim bavin# claim* against said estate will present them for allowance, duly verified according to law. JOHN W. IIOKNOLD, (20-23) Special Administrator. Hept. 28th, 1874. Legal \otic«, TO WHOM IT MAY CoNfKBir. Notice is berelty ^iveu that on the first day of the next December term of the Circuit Court of Marion c.unity, Iowa, the 7th day of December, IS74, A. J. Huttou will make application to be discharged as administrator of the estate of P. P. Morrow, Deceased. ALI.KN HAMHICK, Clerk. Knoxville. Oe*. 1, 1874. KIIK K -'ure tlima -r ly 'i .5 i fe-ji yri. 1. .',A "C«nnot ronrot** my LOR^. WH«t !F tho mattur with rnr *«ifh. I think I) imift »»nt clriintnit." "Oil IK. p«pu ,l.-^r I '1*ti't t!• iij K It srl rlrkiitofT, «••*uht linliv M.,| hint it waxhliiK in On- banln (or ir *. i•1 ijiliic uii'riiiii) ." "W. 3FI. RIOG. IjKALKK IN WATCnWS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. TOYS SPECTACLES, MUSICAL IN8TRU. MBNTS AND FANCY OOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. SPECTAL ATTKNTION UIVEN TO RE PAIRING. sri\ OF HI WATCH NOKTII SIDE OF M^'ARE. Wind m« wl*h -«r« nntl treat me well An Ifi UIH hnv« fair pl«v. And 1 I.I vou will try nnd toll The |r«rUe tiuio of day. But If peirhanee I «houU atoy Adit f«ilt irlrn th.' hoar. Then takr n« qntck to RIk'*(hop, and he will giv« m. power. c4 Cx3 ALLEN HAM RICK Clerk Circuit Court. [20-23J C.J E—1 & k viy (!£0-23*) DR. GREEN'S FAMILY MEDICINES. 4 re- tin1 rutiU of *n oxperim-* of thirty year* In tlii prm'iirr 1 (ihinielaii. lllltrr 'i'onir.-Ao of r'ot« and harlj#. ju tiri-iurlv «,i.| itivr1i''ltjnll v i.tnliu*.! timi mi try paTtof th« iJiccinwMl U«ly remitet tin. lirlj. rnjuirod. it in n'it cloitiiMil »r ft patifea all th» of llf*. bat for'lyoi'T'^a, l/iliio« nml ll»«r r*,iri[Ulut«. f»»»r anl (aiie. -li"Ur«. 4 Mlity, «nl *11 dlm-nHK* i the otoinai-h. I»*r. an't 'li|t».tl»« r/.in» It l» an »-ffwtu*i rKintj'ly. A" |.r»»«utlrn nfMii.t heyn »n.| n/u« an4 malati"u 'll*»an:'' It i» ot furj a»wd It «tr?riptl|» •n* nii'l Ixilldr U| th« rt«Mlltntrl ny.tiiro and giren r» a«w-J .tnnifth to all partn'.f tb« hutly. —Art« a 1lnr*tlr Ta''uant Kl|ifCloraiil- A prompt mutely UP MIl ID WM-# 1 lr |.y, ''Ut. (fr«i t-i anl ditw«f«» of thr Mad "trr »D'i purlfirn th- blood, cur«-i n'mfula «nJ rb».uin«ti'- abd D«ural«|a uan«, and »li of tlif uriovry oryanc f«r'•OURIj# nil I tb« IUIIKO and 'Imet. and the fir» uta^w of ouiuui{ittoa and typbutd »«T Liver iNlt A*•«! PIIla Ar* prepared »rpte»»- to ai tli»ionlr in rnnou aoote and chroniceaael, tb»y without d»pi-tiriu, I'rlintaH blulmrnt—Open* th« poraa of a. T.tiAkTt** a th'- aod p«-riftrai.-» u. ib» boo* t.r (rat of p»lo (ti»* in.' "Ilni to man i b«Mt a» »p*«dily anj catward •pi ll'-atlnn an. fnrol* y a!i drn-/Kl*''and dealera l.»-iai CO, BuxllDftoa, Iowa vL-jiV? 'ic-iSW-l 4 Vi -3 d- S i z COLOKKD INNIVTOUAL.—Oolly, but don't dese white folks all admire my style! I must be stunnin' in dese yer new close, which I Just done gone and go at mm ft PAim's. 19-14~lyr 4t-4'ri "ir- is? W ©USTAV EBESI-I&ST. I Vft i' 1 k»KHIK AST COII^EB KNOXVILLE, 111 ft.,* -b—i PUBLIC gsw I A(iENT FOK THE CKLKliitA .1) Chickering and Mathusek Piand. Western Cottage Organs, and Standard A Good Stock of Sheet Music, and all Kinds of Musical Merchandise. All Orders will receive Prompt I (ten I lot, A. M. BItOIlMT, A if lit lor Enoxvilie uuU »iiltti(y, 6:S3y2. IVKW »nor. BURE.I3 I BOOTH. Houie, nnd Ornnmeiilal FalntiiiK, Orninlnv aud Olid inf. Special attention g!T«a to CARRIAGE.*™ BUGGY PAINTING! Buggfea ra-varniibad ud ia the b««t GLAZHO PAPER II4NOSNO Job* taken and atock forni«hei at the lowett B(ure«. All work w irranUd. Call and tee ut at oar fliop WMt Bo«- •iug'« mill, Knoxville. 19—I3if 'V !Si "'A1--— o 1 rn z CJ o- w V9 SQUAKH, IQfJA. vl v 'w*' "i-'- 1 -1 I Furnitur®. •I. MCCLELLAND, ANITFACTUEIR of ft4 D«al«r ia *11 kind* of Plain and Ornamental Farnifure, Sailing for «wh Mily* k *Mblt4 to flri tki Lowest Pricea and Guarantee Satiifactloa. Shop on aorth weat corner of Public Square |£n#x vine. lew*. ftSStf r**» Milner & Palmer. A LABOR STOCK OP Tin* (SotH C^srlnoitt, &nd Fancy Vestirp. Z 0 O 0 z a mutt LINK or Clctiicg, Qknti' ruraichiag Cooftr, Truaks «ai 7&Iises. Tl 31 SUITS MADE TO ORDER in: ME. I .Y BX'SIXESM! Talk i« eheop, but rft«M tell we have got the oooua and are hound to fell. We want it dUtinc'ly OB deTstood that it in oar »»m to do a larger l.titirepp, m»ke lTicro new ru»t'nier», and cs n:»re (f nodf thi la than ever before. We hnve got the Stock that wi I do It and all we "blow"' for, li Cuctonieri". Our burineao baa been alisfnotory, hot we are Anxious to itirrefroe It, and know what i? neces sary to bring about that mult, vif..: "Good Hoode, fikir and square d«ahlg, aud low pricea." CO O O O 0) Milner & Palmer, Knoxville. Icfyfi. Wf«t Side of Square. JOLLY'S CitnM Mar M» W) Ii Deiigned to Aid Beginners av.) Innrnor* i?«»i»rnlly In a'quiiln? propor i.lllon •it tIn* liatid ami pi*ii mu! tbf inu-rnlnr tii. In writltiK AH IKH if I.«i,I tl I r"» la im Mnnd.' I'ni Il» *l!l Prurllf* tvlmf lliry l.rnrn. -ry »rti»ll rlilUln-n w«ll a« a.lultr vqnlr^ nn ex ni'ivfiimiit l.y ilm uh» of thU attiti.linebt Without n Trxclier It In a K«%rirHl finpinInt that writing la Rot 'aoirht. in our pnl.ll. (.rhool*. but thin l.« Ju-I it climild l»i. turn ii..• an v tni«.|nr known tlial ll In al nio.t 11,.].J«H!t.1-tu tearh Ii Mii-c«»»fully in our ».-hool* under tb« pr'«'til «rruIint. Wliv ft-nm ten to liftmen yeare in a IruiileM attempt to leara I'rof I1 iil»ena of the onkalcoaa Ru«ln»*aol. Iei e iian bad school auppiltid and uja he U c«]ivili£«il that XT WlLXt DO ALI* THAT Kg OU)M ED FOIC I I'," and tlila la owYj one of thouiand* ef UttiBoniaU tlvit •light be glren, TUB READY WKITEB Ul WOBTH ITS WEIGHT XV If ••omprh 7-43 Ijr Organs. QOLDI (t|» pupil fo »rlte *«b* Hhoald. PeHf addreM, tlnl'lied In nood atyln with Htm cedar loi'rtef for .Mi cu. Full iii'tructloai acoi.Bipauy it. Areata •vabt«J. AdJr.ifts CJ. W. JOLLY, TfftnWA OKccuta, Iowa. STOP! STOP!! STOP!!! HERE IS THE PLACE!! D. T. COATS Will gire yo« la CLOTHING, I1««TS and SE0i s, Groceries, etc., etc., At Hard Times Pricm, Call for what yoa wiat. Only Dry tioodi ftoM •™ji| -V .^1 to writ* a practical bund whoti, by tlio uto of proper UK-am It will require but a few wuekn? How poplin luive aiicvfeildi. In |,rn 'tlclnr lpnTfl 3 nearly ••very day if tbeir achrml liv«», let hotel register*and otli-r •l.'iint iire» ami rfritinj *i lent. The KKADY WlilTKIl doca tlui work aatUfnctof|ty and parent* nhoulil aee ilmt tbelr children uae It ua til ptTiper Irvlii'e tjen.oie natural. i ^, M' l'f f- TO LOIN On Improved Farms, an.l MT«?S^0TTRT, for a f-rri o jeira, at IO FI« K CKNT. I.MF.ItlXT. Kor full printi-'l i .irtii ui«rH, W, Ji'aaaft & ii»uk4U*addref.s, ^itfButgt *«wa. Ml V«rtk M* of the Pnbllc Square, Kidiilk, Ii iy-i7to --a- :i'i.' i-!