Newspaper Page Text
f'l BAEKEB, Publish*. KXOXViLLE, IOTA. liOXi., i i-KM AAD UAKDK, -V you wish short biscuit without mttcfc shortening, do not knead them. —Celery Vinegar.—Put half a pint of celery seed in one quart of vinegar bottle it, and in a month it will be fit for u.-e. Strain before putting in the castor bottle. —A Maine farmer this season has raised four tons of squashes on a gravelly hillside of less than half an acre. The crop now sells at two cents a pouad. Liberal manuring and careful tending is the whole secret. —Oysters Scalloped in a Pan.—Vix well the finely-chopjcd yolks of six hard boiled eggs, six ounces of bread crumbs, three saltspoonfuls of salt and one each of ground cloves, mace and white pep per.' Blanch 100 oysters, put them in a lcep pudding-dish, in layers, alternately with the egg and crumbs finish with the latter, and on the top spread two ounces jf butter cut into small dice. Bake in a quick oven from twenty to thirty min vtes. —Bleaching Flannel.—Flannel which ba9 become yellow with use may be Meached by putting it for some days in a solution of hard soap to which strong ammonia has been added. The best proportions are one pound and a half of liard curd soap, fifty pounds of soft water, and two-thirds of a pound of strong ammonia solution. The same ob ject may, be attained in a shorter time by placing the flannel for a quarter of an hour in a weak solution of bisulphate of sodium, to which a little hydrochloric acid has been added. —Vinegar Candy.—One cup white sugar one-half cup vinegar boil till it crisps in cold water. This makes an excellent candy, and something beneficial also, as it is good for colds. If the vinegar be very strong, take a little less of it, and some water, but the strength of the vinegar does nol often hurt. When-done pour out on but tered plates, and either mark oft' in squares of an inch or two wide, as it cools, or else, when cool enough to han dle, draw it until it is nice and white then cut it into stieks. —The following recipe may merit a trial in the West next year. It Is recom mended as a preventive against the po tato disease: Dissolve two pounds of lime in live quarts of water, adding two pounds of flower of sulphur. When the dissolution is complete stir the wh(4e, and pour over about forty pounds o seed potatoes, taking care that the pota toes are thoroughly saturated. T'his mixture is regarded as an infallible pre ventive against potato disease, and has for the last six years been extensively used throughout France.—Appletvn Journal. —The Herald of Hmlth has the follow ing on breaking in" boots and shoes. It is true to the letter: 1. Never break in" new boots or shoes. If they are not easy when new don't take them, for the boots will break your feet oftener than your feet will break the boots. 2. If you goon "breaking in" boot leather you will need a special last, made with all sorts of knobs and protuberances to cor respond with your distorted joints then you will be sorry. 3. If you have large feet, admit it in all honesty, and have your boots made accordingly then you will be happy. 4. If your shoemaker don't know enough to make easy bo«-ts and shoes, refuse to take his work aad tell him to learn his trade before asking your patronage. Teatilatlon of Itee-HiTliu There has been a great deal written and said about ventilating hives. We till know that the bees will stop every crack they can with prvjtoliti, or bee glue," and thus secure themselves against drafts ef cold air in severe weather. In summer bees liang more or less outside the hive, and by fanning with their wings at the entrance indicate that plenty of air is acceptable. We find some cornmendably sensible notions on this subject credited to Mr. 8. C. Balch, as read before the National lice-Keepers' Association at a recent meeting: I have my hives made as tight as the best mechanics can make them (they are double hives at that), and in the fall allow the bees to glue the top as close as they will (and they will make it nearly air light), and am very careful not to re move the covers too late for them to do so. I then close the entrance so as to leave not more than one inch square for the strongest colonies—others in propor tion—and if they have sufficient food and enough bees they are there prepared for their winter quarters whenever win ter oomes. My winter repository is as tight as brick and mortar can make it, with two outoide ventilators, each two by four inches, and one at the top four inches square, which I consider "ventilation" enough for 100 colonies and were it not for my belief that it is always best to let well-e«oug'u alone, I would give none at all. But will not hives and combs become damp and moldy with such treatment? There will be a little dampness and some white mold, but is there not more with upward ventilation? ('old ar, pass ing through the hives and being warmed by coming in contact with ttw bees, would of itsetlf create a humid atmos phere, whicii would condense and col lect on unoccupied comb and the walls of the hive. As a result of this we have our uncapped honey diluted, fenmmted pollen and moldy combs. Bee-keepers, do you not find this the case with up ward ventilation? I do not without it- Again, the cold air passing in from die bottom of the hive strikes the bees on the outside of the cluster, and like souse farmer's hogs, sleejwng in a fence corner, that quarrel and squeal for the middle of the nest, thev, too, are constantly trying to get inside the cluster where it is warmer, and the whole colony is kept on the move, the bees on the outside trying to get inside, and those on the inside of the cluster to stay inside. Bees have another peculiarity—instinct if vou—and that is, whenever disturbed they do one of two things -tight or eat. They have nothing to fight, so they eat until gorged with honey, and finally void their ?u ces in the hive. This, in my opin ion, accounts for the b*es soiling their hives, or. as many term it, dysentery. My bees do sot have it. Do yours? ^oulay it to bad honey may it not also be bad pollen or bee* bread, and are you sure that it is not madtt »o by the way you treat jour bees? -1 Now for raauBer TentiltUoa I pre i i them entrance according to the strength TllP KTinYl'l PJOlirnaL the colony and the amount of work 1 lit? JVllUA V IllU O UJ. J-LCllt ihejr to bave ninc j.a Y v oue.mch holes or ventilators to the hive, and if the colony be strong and the weather ex cessively warm I open all, ventilating in proportion to strength of colonics and warmth of atmosphere and rarely have bees cluster outside the hive, and -till Dot have it so cold as to chill, brood or prevent their making comb or molding wax.—Rural N(w Yorker. Work for All mt Home. ladtv or country. No capital needed. Liberal pay offered. Poxi'i'th/ no htunlvng but a legitimate and established business de siring to have work done. Inclose tea cents fur circular and particulars, or twenty-live cent* for sample and directions. Address G. Walker, Room », No. 157 La 8alle street, Chi cago, III. —A Yankee editor throws up the sponge with the remark that it don't pj»y to run a paper in a town where busi ness men read almanacs and pick their teeth with the tail of a herring." Blrrdlag from Luagi, C»t»rrh, Bron chitis, Consumption—A Wonderful Can. Rochi«tir. N. Y., June IS, 1874. R. V. Pirac*, M. D-, liulValo, N. Y.: Dear Sir—I had suffered from Catarrh In an agpravaled farm for about twelve years, and (or several vears from Bronchial trouble. Tried many doctors and things with no lat in^ benefit. In Mnv, '72, becoming nearly worn out with exeessivc Editorial labors on a iJroncliitis mper in New York city, 1 Mas attacked with in a severe "form, suffering almost a total loss of voice. I returned home here, but had been home only two weeks w hen I was completely prostrated with Hemorrhage from the Lungs, having four ssirre bh#lnf tt/jsllx within two teerks, aiul Jirst three imdt n\udays. In the September following 1 itii proved sufficiently to be able to be about, though in a very leeble state. My Bronchial trouble remained and the Catarrh was ten fold worse than before. Every effort for reli'-f seemed fruitless. I seemed to be losing .ground daily. I continued in this feeble sUte, raising blood almost daily, until about the lirstof Marc h, *7Lt, when 1 became so bud as to be entirely confined to the house. A friend suggested your remedies. But I was ex tremely skeptical that they would do me good, as 1 had lost all heart in remedies, and began to look upon medicine and doctors with dis gust. However, I obtained one of your ircu Fars, and read it carefully, from which 1 came to the conclusion that you understood your business, at least 1 finally obtained a quan tity of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets, and commenced their vigorous use according to directions. To my surprise I soon began to improve. The Discovery and I'ellets in a short time brought out a severe eruption, which continued for several weeks. I felt much better, my appetite improved, and 1 gained In strength ana flesh. In three months every vestige ot the Catarrh was gurie, the Bronchitis had nearly disappeared, b:td no Cough whatever, and I had entirely ocascd to raise blood and, contrary to the expectation of some of my friends, the cure has remained permanent. 1 have had no more Hem orrhages from the Lungs, and am entirely free from Catarrh, from which I had sutFered so much and so long. The debt of gratitude 1 owe for the blessing I have r«:eived at your hands knows no bounds. I imi thor oughly satisfied, from my experience, that your medicines will master the wo-st forms of that odious disease, Catarrh, as well as Throat and Lung Diseases. I have recom mended them to very many and eltall ever speak in their praise. Gratefully yours, W*. U. Uvxnckk. P. O. Box 807, Rochester, N. Y. Old Hcmbugb Dibcaiidkd. Thank heaven, the old-school practice is pass ing away. Ipecac, aloes, calomel, blis tering, the lancet and (worse than all) vwdiatted rum have given place to a new remedy which bids fair to become the universal medicine of mankind. V Co., Proprietors, New iiave inkoah Bittkks is that remedy. It is destined to take precedence of all other curatives now before the world. The pharmaco poeia and conspectus of the regular Fac ulty contain nothing that will compare with it. Every day hundreds of the sit k are emancipating themselves from sys terns of treatment which entail great expense and do no good, and are flying to this cheap and absolutely certain means of relief. Dyspepsia, rheumatism, liver complaint, periodic fevers, nick headache, kidney diseases, constipation, nervous directions and, in short, all mala dies, acute or chronic, which do not involve the irreparable injury of some vital organ are cured by thie pure inalto holic vegetable restorative. S Cuue!—8ake Chii.i. am OrI»x.B, FOU SALKIIR AM. Dkcguihts. To good health the liver must be kept in order. SanfordV Liver Invijrorator haa be come a staple family medicine. Purely vege table—Cathartic and Tonic—for itft derunjje iwents of Liver, Stomach and Bow tie clears the complexion, cures sick-iieada«ie. 8hun imitations. Try Sariford,n Liver ImngoraUrr. Tnn Narragansett Collar Company are turnlni out from 7.r,(KJ0 to lOO/KX) Khnwood ai»d Warwick Collars a day. Thin shows their iiiimeiibc popularity. If you have Dot worn them, we would advise you to do so.—Neva York Timet. Tub Nokthwwjtbkh Horbb N*ii Oo.'i Finished Nail is the l»eat in the world. How 4s» Look Yoanf-UlitMa.-I** '1 |.aiut Or use vl. Jlalr ilestorers, but simply apply {Hasan's Magnolia Kaim upon your face, neck and h*u1*, and use Lyon* Kathalron upon your hair. The Balic makes your complexion pearly, soft and natural, and y©« c*n tell what did It. It removes freckles, tan, satlowaess, rlnff-marka, mwf h-patches, etc., and In place -of a red, rustic face yon %mire the marble purity of an exquialte belle. It gives u middle age the bloom of perpoWal youth. Add these effect* to a aplendid head of lWr produced by tbe Kathalron. and a lady has dime lwr beat in the way »f adornment. Brothers will have nit spinster sistera wtien t.'je»e artlcb-s are around. Dr. Dan'l Weattr, ofBoston, fell down a mining shaft near D«a*er, "6 feet. I.e was terribly bruised, limbs broken, and suppoaed to be dead. M«• lean Moatang Liniment was freely uaed, conaciousnnss restored, his life saved, and he came home In sl§U weeks. Thla is tlie nwjat wonderful article for Bruise*, Bpralas. lihenmatUta, Swelling, Spavin, Iilngbone, ^jores, or any flesh, bone or muscie ailment txion man or beast, ever discovered. It is humanity to animal*. It has saved much suffering and many useless doctor* bills. 11 can be had for 30 ct*. and $1.00 per bottle, in any drug store. Iiut beware of counterfeits. TlicjeH" uine Is wrapped in a fine steel-plate label, signed "G. W. Weatbrook, Chcniist." The People's Stamp of V»l«e^-Tb« tension colored fashion-plate, ai*da variety of other fashion illustrations. The literary con tents are useful, instructive and interesting. A beantifnl chromo—" The Rescue"—which is copy of an original oil painting, and pronounced the handsomest chromo ever offered by a pub lisher to hi» patrons, is given to each advance paying subisc-iber for 1*75. Subocriptiou pric«: One copy one year. $H.OO two copiea, $i-00 three. $7.50 four, $10.00 five, and one extra to getter up of club. SHOO eiitht, and one extra, $21.00 eleven, and one extra, $^.50 tw«ut» three. and one extra. Published by L.^A. (todev. Philadelphia. T'a. Send your name ami address to Dr. C. K. niacfeall, (1 Washington street. Chieairo, aud receive nla lelln anil Catalogue of new books free. P-r day at home. Terms Free. AddreM hriN*r* at Co.. I'ortlaiid. Maine, enr FOOT |viw»r tr S«w*. Prtoa •uuif. akmnut**., aj,-niora, W. day mvie Ad4 re«uv $10 k ANY.unit,of 0K WtNTIM) KHPLOVHKNT-t' Ir either let t!irm address the W 1- KI'.V A (.ENVY COM 1'AN V, ChiCAgw, lit A MONTH. Afrentu Wanted eveiywhei*. U1, /V/ Sn Hnmbua. Send S et. stamp fur particu lar". to K. 1VAI.LKI! CO., Mis X. 5th St.. St. L»nt*. C|»4)fT l»Ell 1A Y OiminltiMtin ur $30 week S.ll arv, miv! i \j»-!]«es. We "tfi-r ft Aoneetoor|H«i.f "Kw, V ft. A u:nl iAptsWaDleie wit! p«JT it. Apply now. i. Webber dt Co., Miiriua, O. UKWTS WABTTHD, Men or Women. JBM week irf^!ted. Th' »'frt h'rte. Write at COWKN & Eighth street. New Address iod»r»eei's Ktn ilre I'ible Book mid Map House, CHICAGO, 1U* t.. I). Ward. IIlull Bridge I'. x., N. V. :y, by P.O. money ordernr reentered ter, 'for fjuu-k and iM-runuieiit relief mi Chilli- and Kever without quinine. SEND To Millars and Engine Owuors. To nearly doubleyor.r steam pnireranil nj'-e faal ali*o, addreas J. I-. 'r_vLLAT. luri:u^-Un. Itwa, MONTH -Agents wanted every wl.-re. liim'.iieHS hanorable aud ft rut i 1 .nn. INrtieular* aoiit free. AditPea* ,1'iHN WOltl'llA CO.. St. Lou:-. Mo Bristol Clotces Wista r.4 Tj»Si» !e-»C, '!i.e:i»-ii. ACJKMTS WASTED. i-!id for rireulars. Weoffttf K 1 liA I KDMCfc.MK.VrS. I.mmkw' l-RtRxn" eonTaln? 7 artlctet •iled by every IjkIv—1'ater.t Spool .Mer, Seiiimirs, Thlmt)«, ete. -fruaran worth fl.flO. Sample Box. bv mail, ii i iii". AtJi-nti wanted. )'II'MllACOn I- S. I-.,'• •feel, !•!-,..n, I'll. FIVE MTSTERiOUS PICTURES. Iteautles. StranKf. Cim i-'-'.y Coiieealvd Pu/?1 Hit? Problems. FKKK TO ALU Adilreaa, wl stump. ADAMS ii CO., 4 Pearl «!reet, Bocton. f* A—The choleenf In the world.—tvi *»rteW 1 n 111 u es—larife.~t eomnaav ill Aineriej—nta I artb le --pleaiu-s ewrytmdy—Trade CM.' i ly i:i-reiutluK—Agents ivutited e\erywltcr»— -t ••ei:rni« -d-m't waxte time—*en 1 i-Circular to Kobbkt ell»,U Ve»t-y bt.. N. v., i*. O. Box lWL ADVKltTl-iKKS! Am. Nuwtpaper iiioti ie|.M ti-till mm 1 .'** JjUJie rn, Ui vuled m"i 1 sulxlt via i ns. Bi nd .'{-cent stamp for Map showing loca Moii of papers, with combined and sej.urate liati. i-'iviiiirest'inates for eoat advurtisinn Addrtai S. I'. BANBOltl*. 11* Momoe street, Chieago, Hi. AGENT S i ii'^E W ANT ED MMd y U A K i!N Wrnmmmmmmm fi .. nt WANTED! Addresf K. READ THISI placed III the humls of At Can iiiaiiaifi- territory -Mill Will pay K It Y if pri fern d. Adlr«---i V* J. Ijoi I, M» A- 'i a«» Lak. Sum*.—Dr. Wll- lioftV Tonic is curative and pmtcctlrp. It will cure Chills und protect from further at tacks. Ita reputation is i-istiililirthed. ite coinpoKition is simple and (•••iciilitic. It con tain* no poison. It act# promptly and iU ctfucts are permanent. It ih cheap, because it saves doctor*' bills. It 1b harnikss, speedr in action and delii litftil in its eftcs'to. Tiy ft and prove all tlialV said. Wiikbj/CK, Fin- AGENTS Awanlni Hi#* IIi(hfBi Jltdftl I»nn* £, IE, I, CHROMOS AND FRAMES, 5f»l Drondwuy New York, Sli rcon opi s aid Views, Albums. iniphosro[.e«. 1' nJf Jt a Kprciai', HOG RIGGER. 16,000.(1(10 nines, 'l oll|£« Hold. STEINWAY §rand, Spare anil UpriaM PiaioL Superior to all other*. Ft-tv Piano Warranted (o^ Five Year*. 1 ilnst rated Catalogues, with 1'rlco List, Dulhsl free on aiiidicauou. 111 thk o.MY A Got- onunent indorsement, which legalizes (ha Ml* Of J* LA-VTATt o3f BiTTaas, is not the only stamp affixed Vo that famous V*o*tabl*Toxic. It bear*. In addi tion to that official sanction, the stu.L mobc yalva* bl* rrA*Por pviilio ai-pbobatio*. Go»ET.—Tbe engravings in the No rember nantlm ot Oodey't Lady's Book are of tbe o*nal high order of excellence, and comprise a beautiful steai-platt, a wood engraving, *n ttr J-jiKt U'l, Hii el, \.-w ..lie CUSHING S MANUAL Of Parliamentary Practice. Itn!e« of :iiid 4e»iafe in d- ii'ierntive M •eii|lll-H. An itithx/t'iixohir hnmi jor vrery wemr ber of a deiiOvruUve botty, a&xj lite authority In all ttio Stat'-s. "The most authoritative »rpninder of Americaa purliHiiientiirv law hus. fciiuuier. 1'rn .• ii.'j I I-His. !,t l»v III,111 on receipt of ••!««, Addr"-»T1|().\1I'SI.V l!i (iv\ V ACO.. Husi'm, Self-Threading HaohineJ F'r i ,*• IHSEAD: air- SHUTTLE IN 7 1! yvci kivtb AMI i A M.v\ i WAWTK MACiilSi. 94'4 Wsliniili Avenue, BEFORE SUBSCRIBING I'.'/ftttJv tiiftfTAfin*' f'tr y LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE' profusely lltvi-t rated, rediiM. a til *. brilliant, enter taining alio ln*u ii. Mve [X'rloil .-al. V.-url) aubw rlptlon illClU'lillK """I" •."-.. o. s-r!!i-r sendinr'bls mi tajfei ami a preinl .nn U» en. suh Toaci-il Im pre«'rit»vl •ibof fisnbscri- .lis UlllOIJIrr. |l|»n illlll JII.IITWM ber« tb!s lnaaajc.ii' l»put st W.m per year to (ir ('IIAMHKKH*H K5CVI MU'.flUIA, 10 Vefls pr-.-e fnI.cri. to the p.-rson gettingn»the i lu'v. fcpei-iineii fjtirnlHfr, with pr'-nilum list, matlsid on r-• ai'ii'T ot "''.• ij* -. J. I. I !I'F"!VC'tTT ft ffi., rI V.I WHEELER & WILSON'S Celebrated Rotary-Hook Lock-Stitch SEWING MACHINE FOR FAMILY tJSE* SfilVISO MACHINE For Leather Wort and Heayy Tailoriif. Wheeler & Wilson's Kamlly Sewing Machine wa*fA Jtr-J iiitroduri .1 into the I„.um hold f«r gi'iienn and for morr than Marn'r/ year* ha* stood uHrimlrt. More thmi 1.000,000 have been sore, a number far eveeedlng the totul sales of any otiier machine of its Ciaas. Wheeler & Wilson's New No. 6 Sewing Machine Is designed to do In a superior manner a w tder ranjte oi work than any sewing machine heretofore produced. It is especially adapted to the stitching ot boot* and thoeri, harnes», carriage trimmings, glace*, leather work genen.tlly, bags, hosiery, clothing, and *(ir,r fabrk-iut eu-ry description. It is intended to lie op erated either by foot, or uta tiljOier Tate of speed than other machines by steam or other power, and Is rapid ly gaining that pre-eminence for manutacturinic pur poses which their family machine has long maintained In the household. Send for Circular, giving teatlni« lilala and description of Hie machine, to Wheeler & WiUon M'f'g Co., I SPa W boili UsMwiirf Be 11 )n-,n_ Kiager Ui..» ,|.r ts Tone«i I. hj im.hI,p.rtt ^.id, Circulsrb li. r. AUdrcts H, W. UllxACo. Decatur, III, lO flrst-cliu» bnslneai i int induce a larg* I- i,. nl Work it fei tli« l.ook that has beei '11 IREAD THIS STFIVWW A criN'w, 9 15J5" "i/cna\fy M.ui«. WANTED^ To sell hi IKIMK Sill TT1,K SKWIVI- MA CUI.vk. i»ltl K »r. It..«!••• 'e-ika Kf r: I! ||»IK MltTtl.K" "W yon .in- K*I»KKIKN Kl I'll !.«• liiiHiness or not. If yon v»Mi to liny H-IV.IM1 A 111 N K for family US':, 11r ciicuiai* Hli. •In.* yjil 1,.,* to save UloltCjr. A.Mi.-s JOII\HO, I.AllK «fe CO, Cnirwn. Ilu tsnrr- II', ai.l»I» Market str-et. fi.iV.- ASTHMA.* opliam,N AM Inn a Hprclflfs bl#" I UI«J )DIT A •»nj it fix^t *i*c«U«ot 1 D. 1."-i \orfh K For by l'rujrM«iA» |1 hy 1KIAL PXfKAUK FKEE. I'dt'H AVI A o in hiK" Thia lnestl- mable voucher of Its rare properties aa aToxiC, umrrtjrt and Act*»ativela world-wide. CoWe ?o.B7 s i -3-5? **11 "Wi Blake's Patent Steam Pumps, Ma OVLR 7,OCO IN UkE! mI: lALi nti: PI 1MDQ V :u rUIIIrO I f^teain I'uTi.p* tor every VHnet* of work. Hri,,l Cot .eauilo|/m aiid JI -1 Jirii e. I-'. I.I.AiiK M'l'ii u, Nkw V• nil, and fiObo.Cu ,--.t_C'-ill:Altt I BOOK AGENTS. ^-rSHv's cel. tirai. rr It Is en tlr- i-. --"lie, UNWRITTEN HISTC3Y, approprl.*te mid to the point. It lw a "wowl, yet ry word true a Itomance. \a History in every i e mi 1 ndliin storx. vi a \^'hite Man's tale poi'tl nl, yet tin- moid stioiis prose: a wild, i-xeltinit "lory, •.ill of life and tire and liiagnllleeiit. diwcriptlon. It I -*lil ae/1 heyonii ail rivalry, it Is beautiful1)' lllua '•1 rated with entire new ruts. Our terms to ap-ntn for i tills liopk ure unusually liberal, and we furnish i'n.m fki"rrs and (lt"i Ki i hv.k. I'.raneh oftli*) opened at 'ChK'avo. Hcud at once for purtleulsra and jn:t choice S.f territory. Addie.s AMI KK AN 1'UBLMJlINy CO., 1U Handolph street, Chicago. lWJ)r/^fr/l/rr0'V f0/ 3»o )f'£ GET THE BEST. 10,000 if •(«./ ./..i.«'/.•,* m.t in ctUmariu. 3000 Engraving*: 1840 Pagea Quarto. Price It2. "Tiik ii»rr 1-narTiCAi. K.*oi.i*w ricriowAe-r •JIXAJ«T." (Jwtrttrly Jirinrtc, OrM-er, JU3. SO 0*0 1. The sales of Webster's l»r'-»lonaries throuifhf«t th*. country in 1X1• w«n: Ji times as large as the »«kJ»n o' anyother lintioiiaiies In proof "t this we .will s»nri to any perron, o»i applu atlou. th« MatPuientscf mot H* It -olc'elli rs from eearjr •«KJltou of the country. Published by «i. St. V. MICKKIAM, fiprlfiiffleld, Mass. AGKNTa WAKTi.ii i'OR Tili TRUE HISTORY BROOKLYN SCANDAL 'Dy. ^,., i.'•*v' i'i• .i and startling dl«- |o«itr#« (i A'- iL tli- 'imn-i ri-nt i ng lie most 11.1 -1 -r e In IIm: mind* of the people to obtain It. O give* the 1 »le inner IdMorv of lie i real Scandal Hnd l« the only /and oithmlii- V.OTV on IIi«-hiiIi|i III f.# Pf*. roB KEAilLY TIITHTY YEAH* THK RICHMOND PRINTS Qiltro. They *rr i«rtxinve\ tn all t)" novr'!ti»»ofr.iiing liijf »i.'i hj a!h -.«j'** miltwJ fo vaiiU of ui+ny ix-nton*. Aiaofig we tud "STANDARD GRAY STYLES," Proper for tins or tat ili aiul in Chocolate Standard Styles, In great variety, sod widely known sa m»J HepriDtt. Nothing )tt/-r for^la'iy near bear Ur.kgUi as qv/rtfit ubov*. 1 oar reUnifr alwuld fcaii® ttfni.iivl ymr itrnnlBi'ft'if an—iowu Will mfaidJa U/- RI VINEGAR BITTERS Dr. J. Walker's California Vin egar Bitters aro a purely Vcgetabl* preparation, made chiolly from tho na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, ''What is tho causo of tha unparalleled success of V ters CM Broadway, Mew York. epbdeo & c~*~ CD l*U w Sq »-s till? s 2 J. cr 05 1~ i tn Sr Oi *i !r im B7ir 2 CD 53®$? £.3^1 e+ inoHt I kv It nella at sight. id for M-riiiKto and u full dexerlpMon of the .. .,ri. (i!i!ri'«i \TI"V M. IT(iMMfiMi O Oii e.^'o. 111., or .-!. i.oiiii-. Mo. KVKItV IIOLMKIKH^O CAN UK DI P PLIKI) WITH A IIKAI TIU'LI^ II.l.l MI KAT1NO U.U, BV THK KK1VHIVK SAKKTV A* .U At HIVK. IT IS HIMI'MC IN TI(W, hIKK I\ OI'KltA* TIOIS, A VI) ICIl'l'A I l\ KKSI'I/rw. FOR VII,I.K IIKM.HI IIAIJIOMKR IJIS'I'ITI Titles, K'K I'HK. KKTSTfl'VB AI'IMH ATI UHllilW TIIK .HINT PKKKKfT HIKING IK IM.I MI.\ A'lIOM YKT IHMtlVKHKI). I* A MI'll I.KTS A M» F\ l.t, I KOIC'I \TIO\O V APPbK ATIIIK. KKVHTO\K H.U'H'f'V OAH MA IIIVK O. ,1. It. WI I.MI\, I'HKN., II. HA K KK, »K ., 711 KAVSII.M il', no liiiiKitrv h'r., m:va toitii. Dreka's LDictionary Blotter1 A Jiiottiiig w.t!....-t "f »i.'let| writers are liable to spell Incorrectly• nd for t»t» •crlpuve I'riee IJsu t. DHKK A, 1JU41 Chestnut street, Pi.iladi lphia, Pa. AGENTS READ THIS I JOHN Jout, }'.!•: i. one Of the hriKiit-t of as a ii ,onr I iiior Me, and It Is v* -ry hn!• inegar it t" Our answer is, that they removo the causo of disease, and tho patient re covers his health. They aro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Ueuovator and Invigorator of tho system. Never before in tho history of tho world has a mciiicino boon compounded ponsessinp tho rcniarkalilo qualities of Vinroar Hitters in healinp tha sick of every dieaso niiin is heir to. They are a pcntlo l'urgativo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver ana Visccral Organs, in Bilions Diseases. The properties of I)k. Walker's VUKIIAR 151TTKU.s are Aperient, Dianhoretic, Caruuuativw, Nutritious, Laxative, Uiuretic, Sedative. Counter-Irritant Sudorific, Altera tive. and Anti-Hilious. CJrat eful Thousands proclaim Vfn EGar Hiiters tho most wonderful In vigoniut that ever sunuinod tho sinking Byitein. No Person ran take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones aro not de stroyed by mineral poison or otlior means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. jliliutis. Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which aro lent in tlie valleys of our groat rivers throughout tho United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande, Pc wl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ko anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensivo de rangements of tho stomach aud liver, ami other abdominal viscera. Ia their treatment, a purgativo, exerting a pow erful intiuenco upon theso various or ganR, is cssentiaHy necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purposo equal to J. W alker's V Fortify the body iu?ainstdisease by purifying all its lluidswith Vinkoar Bitteks. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ilead aclie, rain in tho Shoulders, Couglis, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Had Tasto in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, i'alpita tation of tho Heart, Inllammation of the Lungs, l'ain in the region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia:. One bottlo will prove a hotter guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swelling, Llcer*. Kry*t|cluH, Swelled Neck, Goitre, herofuloiiH liifliiiuiiialion*, Indolent ItiUanimationn, Mercurial A flections, Old Bores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Soro Ky«», etc. In these, an in nil other constitutional Ii eases, Wai.kkk's Viniujak liirrhitii have •howu their great curativo powers in tho obstinate und intractable t'^ PAUL S pred.i' 'liti h's lioolt will bcai. n,»rk* silly entertaining uuK.—SprircgfieiUHo Kfinlc puoli"in. WV l\. Tlie hook has ben demanded by A pul,. .c I :. i, ortoo general to be disregarded. -.V. I, l'rihuite. Wan It hhilcupeare or Bacon who said of Jot n I'aul's new loi,n Thtr'.'t magic Ih th* tctb of Ut"~ if. Y. GrupKU. John Paul's Book will be a clever one, for its author touches nothing tliat ha does not adorn.~Hrmjklyn Argu*. It will b« a pleasant, attractive volume.—Harper's W'elly. i'oraoagencyfor tiiiabook.addrws COI.IIJIHIA.?i BOOJKCWMlOsgWA Mf*, CMcatMK cohch. For Inflammatory and Chronic Ithen matisin, (iout, Bilious, Ki-mit tent and Inu.-i mittent Fever8, L)isea,sesof tho lilood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, thcKo Hitters have no coual. Such Diseases are canned by Vitiated lilood. Mechanical Diseswes.—Personson- faged in Paints and Minerals, such as lumbero, 'J'ype-hetters, (iold beaters and Miners, as Uiey advance in life, aro subject t* paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of WALKKit's VlU Iuiii n i h'i s iii-ch- ionally. For Sk'in Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, «^alt Uheiini, I'.lotches, Spots, Pimples, l*ustules, Uoils, ("aVbtincles, King-worms. Scald Lead, Sore Eyes, Krysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Iliseasirs of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug tip and carried out of the system in a short tiuio by tho uso of these Hitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lnrking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and remoVed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelmintics will free tho system from worms lika these Hitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, theso Tonic Kitten) display so decided an iiiflueuce that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated lilood when ever von find it* inipuritM's bursting throurh tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sorei cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins cdeanso it when it in foul your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tho system will follow. it. m. Mcdonald & co., I""3(rirUti find (ii-n. A rii Sni i), California, Mid cor. of WunliiiitrtKii «n1 Ctiarlto:i St*., M. Y. Sold hy all Iru|$£l*t* and Dialers. In Watur'a .Medicine Chut, tbe Earth,there la no (pacific nujKjrior to tlie water* ot the MlUer Warrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient laan luiprovrni (or llldlfentliKi. n[xni that world-renowned remedy !oijMh«« und ohMtlj«tlon. It Ih ul UiUX: WB CALL THS SPECIAL ATTEINTIOlf or IXL THOS* raoiM RELIABLE INDEMNITY HIA80NABLB C08T TO TH* FLAX Or RENEWABLE TERM INSURANCE Aa recently dvflsod and adopted br th« LifelnsuranceCo., Which, by reason of its simplicity, economy and aU|tatlllty to tho want* of the general iubiic darin* these times of financial oinbarressmcnt, is destined to become The Most Popular Plan ot LIFE INSURANCE XVKBINTRODUCED. Circular*, containing rates and full Information, will be forwarded free uii application to the Homo Olllco, St. Louis, Or Ai of the Company's Agcnta. OTGOOD ACIRirrs NBUDBO 1b All VlF occupied Territory. Ib American Meat and Vegetable Chopper. An Improved Meat and Vcpmblfl Chopper to tftkn the place of Untold Knife «i..| Tiny In preparinn tlio varloiiH arlicleH of loud which reiiuire chnppliiK, nueli aaSauKiice, Mince Meat, ShUiiIh, l!:i: km I:, much of bo inegar itters. as they will speedily removo tho dark colored viscid matter with which tho towels aro loaded,- at tho samo timo stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestivo organs. l-'L.-iSi, WK«*tiU»l»»K «'f varloiiH k\ndn, Iiuh come ered u preva Krult una in-ccsKily In every well eonducied hiiiiHclioid nx a riotheh-Wrli.upr or I'onkinn stove. While for lloteln. llakene*. Ki-MaurantH anil i'uiiUi- In Nt it ut Ii imh w here inik'e i| mint it lea of food are ruiulrud, •ueli u miM-hine Ih absolutely InilUpeiiwilile. Of the inativ InvcntlonH dexlKiied for the pnrponfl. the only .me which iiaa Htood the teat of time and proved ii 'ftct Hwrtsm Ih tliP ATtuTirftu/' of which llioro than ri"i.ii«lliii\e heen wild ami Uve years'Con •tant tine liac nrovi'd their superiority over all other i"hopper*. Tliey mi\ e their coat I n labor every year, and no ureat. lias the demand for them become that thn annual Kiili'h How Iimounl to morn than three time* that of all other Kamlly ('hopper* comblneil—a fact Which l« Mutncleiit cvUIctiee of tlielr Httperlor merit. He veil Sold by alcr» ev erywlnre. For Urecrlptlvc Circular aud i'rlco 1.1 nL addreM i. \. *. co„ 11U Chuinlii r* S»in-t, !V«*\v ork.. tlnit hirp'itii1 «*r nioirey w-ist.-iraud thrown away every year in (riAil,!i.|t.HIU. I .aces. Kid (i loves etc., widen beci-mo pnllrd Hirh IH*'* ft*M Hinl HTO jul'l fthidn liot h.iit wiii ii Tlu ru U uo lougrr wi/ ox cunc. "r "'its V -'-rn! HH-"\ FXIAORAN S A O I E N Will Clean all klnil* of riothlnjr. Mllk«, Lneen, Kid (ilove* etc., etc. it remove- litlill, «ri-nie and Titr i v» n'TLY,and wltliout tl.o least injury to tho rtlicut fabric.. Makes Old Clothes look Like Hew ApnlsW3D!ei.nEri,:i.',,,:.i', I Htl.O 11V ACKNTS AND Dltl'CJOlSTS. Ml ••uler« i.r..m:,nr lilted y W. W. II IJ.OCK, |.^ Kin', i icKV'l, A 19 •Im l«,oii NI i'I i I, li i' i. f* I. Young Men deal ring to (If theuiwlvea fir IiuhIih an will Imi InlereHted to know II. It. liryKiit'HClib Kiinlni-Ka olli'K1- la III the iar«esl IiimIitullm of the kind America. Three hii ml hn* tuition, with nil the ad- vnni^iKex of this en at liuMne.~n tniiiiin^ i.cho,I, riwlii butt:»S nix monthH ffill, and one year •M. Mr. II. II. Itryant, the original founder of tlie chain if coibyeK, haa withdrawn na a partner from all the K"' o)» ol the chain In order to ul\e IiIh whole time to bt.ildinir u? In ClilcaKD ail liihtitutloii far Iii advance of any Ihiwmw Hi-hool beret.i|V,re in existence in thlx country, ami thla piir|Kini) Ih rit{ rapidly coinplNlieil. The ti mi:h uro put at u low it'', li. lnn li ed njion a laiye put ron Hi.-,-. II. I,: ., I. 1 .I'.lll ol VII !y, w CHICACO km. II |-i ."1 e I Ml SUSIN^-COILEGF_.!STNAYRB SE COR STATEFIIW^WNGTONM,." C-HICAG-O NB1W MUNICHOOlva. THE MORNING STAR. Hy l. 1, ildiiiiMn iiiaili. A. iunllili, jkuLlwuWUM "feacred Crown," etc., coMPBiaiNO: 1. MuHlral Notation. 4. Hymn Tuned. 2. Vocal Culture. 5. Antliems and Thanta. 8. Kour-part Soiih*. 8. Standard Tunc*. I'riee |l.6U hiiinplo Cojjjr Hunt poiitpald on receipt or » Rook In Rvery Choir." THE ANTHEM OFFERING. New \iitln i!)j. .-^eijtefn rn. \f, .f Th and haiilw. Krjr Open) am) I'/i-inK 1' i. Iii it- Hi inhip. I). k\ linn*, W. K'I i mi and .1, II. Tknh nr. i'riee i.(«i. hample Copy w ni jajiitpaid on receipt °fLEK K1IKPAJRD, PubUaltera, Uoatanu Just Ready. tb! EomiHic rmv n, II or I lie 'I I .,1 I'w e i y e I' III n e i the I iflM-OM'. er with cirei Uemeillei 11 luent ol' tin- liet. re hi III [lie for In* uoiih of Ii) .K»l!t.K K. hll I I'M A N J). Togeth lor the (reutmerit of 1KK- til K A\l) V KI.I^.W KKVKIt, by W. II llot. t.Mi'.ir, M. I New Orleiir.H, |J(. KlK|,lh 1-^litloN. hitijile ojili-H F^.lll. Sent free on rt ei-ifit of price HALL'S by mail by piildlnhcrii, or Uiay bu ordered from any booknelicr. Kor the nreaent edition a chapter haa been added on (lie inunatceineut of children diirlnif the flmt few dayu of life the inoHt iiniiortant diiya. in many respectx, of tlielr whole existence. Many valuable mitrt'eitio/iM are kIvcii here, widen, if carefully followed out, would t-ave the little and tln-ir iitteiiil nil« much needle*h Ktifferlnx and ver) materially dlmi!iinli the rate* Of Infant inort-illly. eontalna the photix (fraph of the aurlior. J'ti'illnlied by 'I he boon friHthe photograph and anto- The Western NewMComp'y, 4!4 & 44 Kandolph St., Clil«'nK* PATENT STANDARD SAFES AT 'HARD PAN'PRICES. HALL'S SAFE & LOCK CO. A O I PAPKft U printed with INS m*tiuf»cture4 ty V