Newspaper Page Text
STATE JOTTRAIa THURSDAT EVENING MAY 10. 1894. 1 KENTS ! SITUATIONS I REAL ESTATE! AUCTION SALES! & OTHER CLASSIFIED ADS. TkTopka Statb Jocrxai. "ar??i every day it is primed, to giva a loca'' c'rl tion more than douale that of any ofT"P ka paper, and by tax M or tho lf l.h.a omb.ned. This mases tnis paper the cheapest, a well as the best dally advr'i Jrif medium in Topeka. tua classUieU adTaruae tuvuu below costinj but FIVE CENTS A LINE, or 20 cents a line for a week; 60 cents by Of "cTty 'circulation everyday exceed! 6,000 total circulation over a.M0. Sworn detaiied scatementa of circulation pre tented on application. . t4f"Callaul see any afternoon between 4 ana 6. the handsomest, fastest, most perfect piece) of pruning machinery in Kansas a Web Perfect Ins press, whicli prints from two to throe Oom pie la 8-pa papers a second. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE, Are you In need of work? If so. you are at liberty to use these columns for assistance in that direotion. While tins notice appears the M at Joir.val will publish tree on Sa:urday. Monday and Tuesday, for lopekii or Kansas peopie, ail notices oi "Situations Wanted.' not exceeding Ave lines, or tlurry-fivo words, in leujftu. Provided that all advertisements of this nature are handed in previous to ten o'cioek Saturday morning; also on Wednes day. Thursday aad Friday, all advertising of this cLass handed in by tea o'clock Wednesday morning- . .No advertisements of this nature to be started except on Saturdays and Weiluesdays. No ob ligation is lucurred on the part of the advertis er. No worthy and needy man or woman -need hesitate to take advauta-49 of this offer. N'o one in business or having employment is expected to take advantage of it. but ail others invited to avail themselves freely. WANTED SITUATIONS. - "XANTE1) A situation as stenographer, will work for srn.'ill salary. Address Miss AL M-. 903 East Third St. X XT' AN TED A situation as farmer on a stock farm or vegetable and fruit farm. Address box Topeka. Kansas. W'AN IEO Situation as deliveryman. Ex- perieuced. Acquainted with city aud best of city reference. 9.ii Muurou St., Norin Topeita. "IXTANTED Employment by tborouglily edu- caced voting man; indoor work preferred. Best of references. D. A. Jf ., this office. A Widow wislies work for her son ane id. Call or address ilrs. Khodes, bis Lincoln st. TANTKD The ladies and physicians of Topeka to know Mrs. J. E. I-.euharL, ex perience i nurse, can be found at N'o. sj - Kious street. Nortu i'ope-ta. at very reasonube rates, aud best of references. N OTICES OF MEETINGS. IIFTII WARD It seems that a caucus-was ca led Ui the Fifth ward for tonigut by a self! Without the Knowl edge ot the Kepuolmau commiace of the wrd. and as wo had pub.ishe 1 tne action of the commuted a week ago. aud atcer a gener al confutation with the of the ward requesting ail those wuo desire their names placed on the list of delegates to hand tin same to the cjmmittee oefore the loth iusc. . jet. tor the sak-j or harmony and the future best interest of the lt.puulie;iu party, we wal hold the list open until J o'clocn J-'ridav. and any others who ueslre their iiames placed ou the ticket please hand the same to either of the committee men. J. M. Hare, Joii.v I.ITCHIE, 1B.'XIS Hofr, Fifth ward county central committee. raMlE Republican voters of HjlUan I Park -a precinct w.U hold a caucus at the school house, Friday evening. 7:3J. to select deleuttes to be voted for at the primaries to goto the county convention to se.ert da.tjua.os to the state conveution. li. E. FiauJers, chairman of IriFiH WARD REPUBLICAN" CAUCUS w.ll be held at Lud's had at 7:3U o'clock. Thursday evening, for the p.irpose of naming candidates for do.daies to the couuty Conveu tion to be voted lor at the primaries on Saturday next. Let every Republican auend. O. li. Titus. S F. irosch. W. Uutga, S. H. Jones, C. W. Campbe.l, cjuuuittee. LI. Republican voters of the First ward In tavor of sending an umnstructed delegation to the county convention, are requested to meet at No. 1 tire staiio.j, in the First Ward, on Thursday evening. May 10th. for the purpose of selecting ten domijates and ten alternates to represent the interests of the rirst ward iu the county convention to be held on May 19, lmti. WANTED HELP. A ANTED At once a good woman cook to leave the city; wage 14 per week; also man aud wife tor farm work. Topeka Exchange 8j6 Kansas avenue. TV A N TED Ev perieuced dining room girl at Dutton house. "ANTED A good reliable girl for general uouv nurkttisio est auventu st. T ANTED A good girl for general house work. Iikju Van iiur.a st. AtANTku Giri for general housework. 607 Tenth ave. west. TADIE3-Wanted to write at home: Tttl.J.?t!iiy.: no Cjinvassinif. Iteply with stamp. Miss iAN Nit. t LLK.NUR, South Bend. Iud. TJOLLAKD vs. Breckinridge celebrated breach pi promise case; Agents Wanted: book ready; Uistory of htigauts; illustrated; 6O0.000 wih be sold; fkospkctls W. H. FKR- OL sON CO.. Ciutluuati, O. WANTED-BOARDE RS . ROQ M E R S WAXTED-Boomen and boarders at the Career House. 4xt and 4oJ tjuinjy street. The house has cuauaed hands, the rooms are large and well veanUted. Good board, if da sired. Bam room free. Mrs. A. P. Barnes WANTED-STOCK TO TA.S 1 El -Stiw lr tr ntKrupj pienty shade, pieuy water, good care, f jur rnhes east of North Topeka ou the Urautvdle roau. Terms reasonable. Inquire at Jon js & W hitney s milk opot. 11 West Sutth St. WANTED M ISC ELL AN EOUS. "rA.TEI Vour carpets to elean by the Chandlers01 ' J" indict. au7 A'-TED To exchange three clear lots on n-'. Q,(?rSaSfSI"- r tDe eilUit? " two lots ou r-?if.vlof, CHrP"ter work and material. Cad at 13 j V oodiawu ave.. Potwui Piace. WANTED All unemployed women and girls thV a i an. av, taeir nitln8 "d address at the iupeka Exchange. tKj Kansas ave. "VA,:NTtl TJ'e People to kuowthat we keep G. 1). Moored lopeka aveuui: "V A.NnT-Iwu p.aper 10 c:ea": made good as new for one-third cost; work guaran teed. Address t. J. Mayhood, 91 Kansas ave" "W yo ""rant groceries or meats come KinsaaveStll"18 " 'rmiwrHGood,citT ,oanS: naT8 ome utoaey ana uan ksui n urwn U . v. uwi,gjtgO. EUfCA-tii. m Kansas aV WASTED People to know that they can get fresh buttermult and sweet cream ever day from butterimos wajon or at ij laoe sfc. W ANTED Gaso ine stoves to repair at tia shop; slu Kaunas avenue. ti. Lea. w 'ANTED Some 8 mad real estate loans. Simon ureensoan. w J ANTED Watches, clocks and umbrellas 10 repair at ji ivansas ave., upstairs. WA-NTAD To move, STOiiii or slui house hold goods, freight, etc. hAt.v &. SKl.vxKtt, 123 K. 6th St., MERCHANTS AiiA-NSFiii a. STORAtiEE CO. AN 1 E U Olrt you never heard of tin ware so ciieap. iiversiue store, tsi ivausas ave. ANlfc-u iou to go to the Riverside store xiu save voux uiouuv. Vi taiivunva ( FOR SALE-PERSON AL PROPERTY I 170RSALE 3-year old fresh cow. 404 Kan i -A sas avenue. DOR SALE 1 boys bicycle In good condition. i- $15. rred Skinner. 15 Monroe s st. 17OR SALE At Santa Fe House, furniture - and business; will sell cheap; doing a good business: '-'3 regular boarders: come quick. 4th and Mailison sts. FOR SALE A No. 8 rane. almost new. Par ties leaving city. Room 5. 410 Kansas ave , IOit SALE No. 8 washboller, worth SlJja, now oJc. Riverside tore. 7ju Kansa.s ave. FOR RENT ROOMS. IOK RENT Three unfurnished rooms snit- aoie 1 or iigut nousetteeping. 'Jits vjuuicy st. 17OR RENT 2 unfurnished lower rooms. 8U3 - (juiucy st. IOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished south - room with alcove; 33o Vau Buren. FOR RENT A suit of rooms or separate at 511 Harrison avenue. Inquire of Xr .Mitch -ell or Judge RigUtmire. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. IO It SALE OR TRADE Two good town lott - on horse and buggy. 631 Jeilerson st. I70R SALE An 8-room house, well, cistern - and city water; oue lot aa 1 a hi.f. Will sell cheap. Roasotis for selling, owner is going to leave the city. Inquire 5U7 I'olk street. 1,0 R SALE Choice suburban tracts of 5 acres or more, adjoining the city ou the west, at prices rangiug from lii to $i7j per acre. Oue third casu. W. M. Forbes, Sole Agent. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF JEWELRY. ilie stock of jewelry at 5j9 Kausas avenue has been taken by the mortgagees, and must be soid and possession of room given at once. No goods luoved. everything goes without regard to price. . IOR SALE One sidebar top buggy in good shape; Jo4 West Twelfth st. IOrt SALE CHEAP Oue large Jersey cow, - or wou.d exchange for a good driving horse aud pay cash dxllerence. W. M. Furues, 111 West S.xtn ave. IOR SALE A restaurant and lunch room doing a good busuuss aul wen located. Small capital required. Inquire for advertiser at Journal oiiice be.w.-sn 11 aud 1- o'cIook. EOU SALE Short time loans at 12 per cent interest. Simon jreenspau. IOR REAL estate or reutal property see - Benedict & Co.. 001 Kansas ave. IOR SALE OR TRADE My beautiful home, No. 3o7 Harrison st. V. U. Uriitttii. 10 R SALE Gilt edge Urst mortgages, 7, a, a, 10 per cent. Siaiou Greeuspau. FOR RENT HOUSES. IOR RENT Five room cottage nicely ar- ranged, 806 Clay. J. W. Smith, 6:1 Kail. av. I7"OR RENT A furnished house for the suml - met In Potwin. References required. Cal mornmgs, at kzi Greenwood ave. T?OR RENT Five room house. 1017 Kansas J- ave. Inquire at 904 Monroe st. IOR RENT A good 6-rooin house, very cen - trai. newly papered and painted throughout. AlsoaT-room house iu hue repair, good barn. two large but stads, large grouuds. very tine i cation. T. ii. Bowman & Co.. Hti W. Sixth st lo st. 170R RENT Cottage, ti4 Polk street; cellar. tiara una soft water, t . t. ft leutig. 1?jtl RENT Four room house, 713 Madison - st. Inquire at 21t West 6th st. IOR RENT Nice house, one block frorn, Washburn couege. Bata aud stable. Thus. S. Lyon, lti.j College ave. IOR RENT A good six room house. Inquire - ol Dr. Rohv. lid West ttu si. FOR SALE OR TRADE. IOR EXCHANGE For plastering one 50-foot lot. ciear, near shops; have more adjoin lug to sell at ai--3 each; mouihiy payiueats. or will exuuauge for farm property. J as. C. Smith, los East. Third st. LOSTAND FOND. IOUND The place to have plumbing done;A. - Alien, eua Kausas ave. lei. aos. MISCELLANEOUS. FTER MAY 15. until June 1st, I will clean all carpets by hiariuola process lor 5 cents per yard. J. li. Fosdicrt, 307 Cliaudier st. CluLKN From pasture, four miles north of 3 city ou Rocnesler road, bay mare hve years old, weight auout sjO pounds, lame in left tore loot. Reward lor her return to litt East Third street. J. it. ateveus. AT B. WARD. A.M., 31. D 717 Kasas AVKKUB. Hours: 1 to 5 p. m. Private hospital for women SjJ Greenwood avenue. TERSONAL CHEQUES are good at home. American Express Company IRA VELERS CHEWES aiford ail facilities ot your own baiiK accouut auywuere in the wor.d. Principal oiiice ot company, k Broadway, N. i'. ICE CHESTS Any size, made to order at prices to suit the tunes, ai furniture shop near coiner Fourth and JacKson sts. CARPETS CLEANED by the Amos process are always satisfactory. Leave orders at Ladies' Excuange, IU West Sixth; H. D. carr. 514 Polk street, or Amos N. Eshleinan, &3d Han cock street. ' i 'KV Topeka Avenue Exchange. 529 Topeka -X. ave., ageucy fur Eudora Creamery Butter. K"OU SPECIAL, orders 1 Wish the following A. real estate loaus: i-J.oOO; il.jjo;; sjsjo; 700; tXM; i-joO; jjt x)j. Mouey here, no de lay. A lew large loans wanted. L. L. Uou-or, 513 Kansas ave., Duuey's bank. lUFSXA, Kan.. April SO, 134. To the Ladies: The Amos Process of carpet cleaning is sure ly a success. 1 cieau all iciuds of Ciass carpets and rugs wttiuut ro.ujyuig them from the uoor. The transtormatiou is simply wou uoriui. Ad wuri must be satisfactory or I wui asK no pay. 1 give au work my persouai atten tion. order left at Ladies Exchange, 119 West tlth street, li. 1. Carr. i.j PoLk street, or Amos N. Eshieuian. 333 Hancock street, wdl receive prompt atteutlou. Give this process a trial aud oe cuuvuiced that it uas superior merit. liespectluliy. Amos N. EjHlkmas. LRACiiCAL PIANO 1UNER xears of fas AV lory experience. s. iracy, 7ul Kausas ave. w WILLIAM D WIGHT CHURCH Analytical . . nuu jioioimiitti v-iit-. -iiisL uiu Assayur. cxaiuiuaiiuii wi iiuuoiim ucposibs ttul lllluoS- oaioes: Denver. Coio Presuott, Ariza. f RS. E. K. LILLY, nurse, can 1m) touna a. JA 111 West bixtn street Subscribe for the Daily Statk Journal. LEGAL NOTICES. First published on the 3rd day of May, 1SS4, in the oflicial city paper. 1V0TICE. CXTY OF TOPKA, J May 8, 1834- t To whom It may concern : Notice Is hereby given that we the under signed residents and free holders of the eity of Topeka, James GUlett, J. S. Codins and S. Barnes, were duly appointed by the mayor and council of the city of Tepeka and having duly qualified as appraisers to ascertain the actual vaiua of the land proposal to be taken under Ordinance No. 1707, approved April 4th. 1894, for the purpose of extendiug Third street and for opening the alley in the block between second and Third streets and Taylor street and West ern avenue in said city and also to assess, and appraise the damages and benefits arising therefrom to the tots and pieces of property lying and situated in the benefit district created and established by said ordinance which is de scribed as follows, to-wit: On the east by Taylor street; on the north by Second street: on the west by Western avenue; on the south by the south line of section it J. township 11, range 16, and the north line of Third street ail in Shawnee county, sta.e of Kansas. And also to make a true value and appraise ment of all the lots and pieces of ground situ ated in said benefit district without regard to the buildings or improvements thereon. And notice is hereby further giwn that we will meet as such appraisers on the 15th day of May, 1S34, at 3: so o 0.00k a. m. of said day at the intersection of Western avenue and Third street produced, city of Topeka, in said benefit district, for the purpose of ascertaining the ac tual value and making appraisement of the property and assessing the damages ttai bene fits as aforesaid. James gillbtt, S. Barnes, J. S. COLLI.V9. Appraisers. First published on the 3rd day of May, 1S3L in the oiilclal city paper. J NOTICE. City ov Topeka, I May a, 1334. J To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that we the undersign ed residents aud freeholders of the city of To peka. James Gillett. J. S. Collins aud S. Barnes were duly appointed by the mayor aud couucU ot the city ot lopeka, anu having duly qualified as appraisers to ascertain the actual value of the laud proposed to be taken under ordinance No. 1710, approved April 26. 1S34, for the purpose of opeuing and extendiug of the alley north of Fourth street between Western avenue and Fil more street, in said city aud also to assess and appraise the damages and beueiits arising there from to the lots and pieces of property lying aud situated iu the benefit district created and es tablished by said ordinance which is described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Fourth street and Western avenue: thence northerly along the center of Western avenue to the center of Second street, thence westerly along the ceuter of aecond street extended to tue center of the alley between Western avenue and Fiimore street; tueiice southerly along the cen ter of said alley or alley extended north from Fourth street to the north line of Third street extended; thence west along the north line of Third street extended to tue center of Fiimore street; thence southerly aiougthe center 01 Fii more street to the center of Fourth street; thence easterly along the ceuter of Fourth street to the center of W estern avenue and point of beginning. Aud also to make a true value and appraisement of all the lots and pieces of grouud situated In said benefit district without regard to the build lugs or improvements thereon. And notice is hereby further given that we will meet as such appraisers on the 15th day of May. 1834, at 9:30 o clock a. in., of said day at the intersection of Western avenue aud Third street produced, city of Topeka, in said beaelit district, for the purpose of ascertaining the ac tual value and making appraisement of the property and assessing damages and benefits as aforesaid. jAHKaGiLLEtr, J. S. Col lusts, S.BAKNES, Appraisers. First published May 4, 1894. in the official city - paper. J NOTICE. City of Topeka, I May 4, la 34. ) To whom It may concern: Notice is hereby given that we, the under signed, residents and freeholders of the city of TopoKa. F. -VI. Newiand. C. H. Titus, aud J. A. Gorhain, were duly appointed by the mayor aud couucil of the city of iopeKa, and having duty qualified as appraisers to ascertain the actual value of the laud proposed to be taken uhder ordinance No. 170-i, approved April 4th, 1834, for the purpose of opening and extending Locust street iu said city and also assess and appraise the damages and benefit? arising therefrom, to the lots aud pieces of property lying and situat ed in the benefit district, created aud establish ed by said ordinance, which is described as fol lows, to-wit: Commencing at the center of the Intersection of Fourth street and the alley between Lafayette and Locust streets in Veale's addition; thence westerly along the center of Fourth street to the ceuter of the intersection of the alley between Locust street and the Shunganuuga creek; thence southerly along the center of said ailey to the division line between Yea.e's addition and Parkdale addition; thence southerly aloug the line between blocks 12 aud 13 in Parkdale addition to tie north line of Sixth street; theuce southerly to the south line of Sixth street be tween lots 4o5 and 4u7 in Parkdale addition, fronting on Sixth street between Locust and Lawrence streets; thence southerly between said lots to the north line of the alley between Sixth and Seventh streets; thence easterly to the center line of the alley between Locust and Lawrence streets; thence southerly along the center of said alley to the center of Seventh street; thence easterly along: the center of Seventh street to the center of the alley between Locust and Lafayette streets, or Lafayette pro duced; thence northerly along the ceuter of said alley to the division line between the Douthitt tract and Parkdale addition; thence north along said division line to the east au l west division line between Veale's addition aud the Douthitt tract: thence east to the center of the alley between Locust and Lafayette streets; theuce northerly along the center of sa.d alley to the ceuter of Fourtn street and the place of beginning. And also to make a rue value and appraise ment of ail the lots and pieces of ground situ ted in said benefit district without regard to the buildings or Improvements thereon. And notice Is hereby further given that we will meet as such appraisers on the 16th day of May. 1834, at 9 o.clock a. m. of said day, at the corner of Sixth avenue and Locust street, Topeka. in said benefit district, for tne purpose of ascertaining the actual value and making appraisement of the property and assessing the damages and benefits as aforesaid. F. M. Nlcw la no, C. H, Titcs. J. A GOEHAM, Appraisers, NOTICES. "V"OTTCE To whom it may concern: Be it -- known that our petition is on hie in the pro bate court asking for a permit to seil intoxicat ing liquors at No. 523 Kausas avenue, in the Fourth ward of the city of Topexa. Hearing for same is set for May 19th at 9 a. m. SWLFI & HOLLLDAT. April 17, 1394. MONEY TO LOAN. I ON E X to loan ua bonds, luur tgaiie or per-i-A- souai notes. Simox Grhkxspax. i ' OOA note and mortgages bought and soid. V StMOX GRKKJtSPAN'. ARTIES wishing a sate ana paying" iuves A uient for their money, can at ouM on Wood At Co. 634 Kansas ava. It cures blood and skin disorders. It does this quickly and permanently. Is there any good reason why you should not use De Witt's BarsaparLUa? It reco mends itself. J. K. Jones, B U STP SSC HA N G ES "tHAITGE OF BUSINESS SALE Owing to v' a change to take place in our business we are compelled to reduce our stock which is the largest and most complete line of Men and Children's clothing and Gents Furnishing gootis In the city. Every article in our establishment hares this great reduction in price uotuiug re Served. For $5.00 we win sell a nice light colored spring suit usually soid for $9.00. For $8.75 we are showing a fine line of Crier KUs, Cassimere and Worsted suits cut iu the latest style, and well made, regular price of these goods $12 and $14.00. Er $itj.5o we give yon your choice of any f3and $J4 suits in the house. For 98 cents we sed you a child's Knee Pants suit, ages 4 to 14. regular price $1.75. i or a fine Scotch or Worsted suit so 111 by other for $4.00 and 5.iM. Our $4.50 Roy's suits include an the latest styles and nobby patterns in the market. Ask for them. Men's Raibriggan Underwear, all colors, worth $1.25 a suit. Saie price 85 cents. Men's hats in ail the latest shapes, sold by other houses for $3.00. Our price $1.50. Men's heavy cloth pants well made, worth $1.73. Bale price $1.00. Men's Fine Dress Pants; we have the most Complete line of these goods in the city. Ail goods usually sold $3.50, $6 and $7. we are Bow offering for $4.50. Don't fad to mem this. We have a full and well selected stock of men's summer shirta which It will pay to see. Our line of trunks and valises share this same reduction. As this is an opportunity which will probably never again present itself to the buyers of this eity. it should be taken advantage of by every purchaser of clothing in Topeka. - Mail orders accompanied by the cash will receive our prompt and careful attention. ETTEN SON'S bquare Dealing Clothing Company, 43J Kansas avenue. Opposite posloffioe. ANNOUNCEMENTS. I AM a candidate for probate Judge, subject to the Republican primaries. Kindly re member me. Johm L. gut. I AM a candidate for the nomination for Pro bate Judge before the Republican primaries. G. .N. Elliott. I am a candidate for Probate Judge, subject to the Republican primaries, 1894. 1HOHA9 H. BAI2T. WE are authorized to announce that Aaron . P. Jetmore is a candidate lor the office of County Attorney, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming Republican primaries. I am a candidate for cierk of the district court, subject to election. J. L. Soui-r. I HEREBY announce myself for seciin I term as couuty attorney. li. C. Saffukd. I AM a candidate for clerk of the district court, subject to the Republican nomination. JOSIAU JOKUAN. I AM a candidate for clerk of the district COUXt. A. F. CHESSES'. MALE RITCHIE, candidate for clerk of the district court, subject to tue Republican primaries. LAM a candidate for clerk of the district court subject to thd decision of the Republican pri maries. E. M. CoChtBiiLL.. Dr. A. M. Callahan is a candidate for clerk of district court, subject to tne Republican nom ination, 1094. rpo THE REPUBLICAN VOTER3 of Shaw--X- nee County: I wiil be a candidate for the onlce of clerk of the district coiiri of Shawnoe couuty, at the Republican primaries this spring. 1 have lived in Kansas all my life, ai ways worked zealously for the success of ths Repuo iican party, and have never before been a can didate for ofhee. If chosen for this responsible position, I promise the mast eihcientaad faita tul attention to me duties of the office. H. J. Adams, Attorney, ill .East liigutn Sk, Topeka, SURGEONS. UEZ7:- SURGEON. SK. SHELDON. M.D.. ttRSIRI AND DISEASES Or WOUKJT. Office: Ko. TMl Kansas Ave. J. C. McClintock. A. M.. M. D. Frances Storrs. A. B., M. D. BleCLTXTOCK A 8TOIIBS, Practice limited to SURGERY and DISEASES OF WOMKN. 8J Kansas avenue. Ofhce hours, 8 to 4 p. in. TlB- MARY E. STEWART. Harrison St., corner of 7th St OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN. Hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Tele. 237. DA C. BAK-NKS, M. D. Office and residence, 732 Kansas Avenue. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 11 a. m .and 8 p. m. to 5 p. in. Thone 99. 31 AGGIB L. MCCKEA, M.D., J.BL.50. 732 KANSAS AVZOTK OFFICB HOtJBS: 8 to 10 a.m.. 12:30 to 8 p.m.. 6:80 to 7:30 p.m. J-jR. iV'A Tele. 402. lCi. 709 Kansas avkxttb. TB. J. K. MULVANE Special attention given to chronic diseases. vjuice open an nours. COO Kas. Ave. Phone 82. gTELLA. KIRBY, B. S. M. D., Office and Residence, 706 West Sixth St. Office Hours : 2-5 and 7-8 p. m. Telephone 123. 13 it, AL it. AnlUtUcLL, At. A. Omen Bii 9. Kansas Ave. Tel. !t49. Residence 931 N. Van Buren street. Tel. 199. L. A. RYDH, M. D. , OFFICE and residence cor. Gordon street and Central ave.. North Topeka. r"houe 214. Uses the Brinkerhotf system ot rtectal treat ment, a successful and palmess treatment lor piles, fistula, fishure, ulceration, etc. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. LINUS S. WEBB. AXTOJUTKY AT LAW. 117 Sixth Avenue West RIRNEY'S :Cafarrh Powder ln tha TTftUrt Tnatantly by one application Cures Head Noises A DEAFNESS. writ AOS JaMonle Tvaipl, ChVtMr- al treatment or sample trm Bold by dxutfffiata. bOo. VIISWOOD AID HIGZLAID FAEZ STREET RAILWAY. Trains will leave Monroe Street Station week davs for Vinewood as follows: 6:45,9:19, lli&l, 8:07. 5:41. Trains will leave Vinewood for Monroe street at 7:57, 10:a2, 1:02, 4:19. 6:50. SUNDAY TRAW8L Leave Monroe street 8:02, 9:19, 10:36. 11:51, 1:50. 8:07. 4:'24. 6:41. Leave Vinewood 8:42, 9:50, 11:18, 12:30, 3:30, 8:47. 5:04. 6:24. Extra Sunday trains will be run according to company orders. Pocket edition time table wil he issued in near future. . " m7 jSr-ir. 2Tor tlio X.adies. Have you handsome paper and envelopes for Correspondence? Did you ever try Hake s put up in neat boxes White Rose. Chamois SXia aud Velvet brands, ruled and uuruieJ? -t2EBeauti!ul French and Crepe Tissue, ail r colors, for shades, ornaments, etc j. K. joy Es,pan msxrn' ARCHITECT. JOSEPH MARSHALL, Architect and Superintendent, lOOA KANSAS .A.VENUG, J liku Ulmm i . 110 East Stii Sto Our Genuine Quaker Homemade Bread iu fo: sale at tne following nrstclass firms: The Star Grocery. 112' East Sixth street YV. W. Manspeaker Mer. Co., 711 Kas. av. Q. 8. Sage, corner 10th and Monroe eta. R. L Jones, 12th, and Kansas ave. J. L. Wood 18th and Kansas aye. Tubbs, 8th and ToDeka ave. George Means, 810 West 8th st. E. L. Dibert, 8th and Clay sts. James Shaw, 7th and Lincoln sts. D. . Knox, 6th and Buchanan sts. J. S. Grice and Son, 905 West 6th st. Whittlesey Mer. Co., 2nd and Madison sta. 1. u u 8th 44 . . Chas. Dryer, 2nd and Harrison sts. 1 Baldwin, 402 East 8th St Davia, Princess Gro lath and Lincoln. M. B. Smith, 10th and Morris ave. Henry Ritter & Son; 6th and Clay sts. And any of our four wagons. Our genuine Quaker Homemade bread has our reg istered trade mark, on each loaf a red shield, all others are not genuine; don't buy any without the brand. VESPER & CO., HO East OtH. St. You see them Bicycles (Their sales attest 1 SNC Catalorae free at cmr"affencies,"x rifejk ot mailed tot two a-ccnt RAMBLER, EAGLE ALT AIR, . CRESCENT. ITCHELL GRIGGS & Hardware, Implements. Stoves and SOS WEST til'SLTTM. AVEXTJE WHEELS TO BENT BY HOUK AND . DA'S. IMPERIAL, ALUMINUM, WAVEKLY, L0YELL DIAMOND. BATMAN & TOWN Jiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic:iiEiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii:c;ciiiiiiiiiiii:iixiiiEiii: Einy I C. NELSOlsr nnrnftiiRMT Tn mn ssc (Vltitunftfti iMimn. i. 5Ka SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS NOW IN. :: CORRECT STYLE AND PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. r PRICES MODERATE. j 500 Kansas Avenue, - - - Topeka, Kansa3. 1 liinHi!iiiiiuimiii!niii:i!iiii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiini:iHi!i!ii!ii!ii All Bniinrn Itrinrhrn. NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR tOXNKCllO.N W1IU 6 pedal attention to Grtda R'n ll.a. jtO Writing I.moimi $2.0t. James Werts, 6th and Topeka Te. W. Q. Frazeur, Iluntoon and Lincoln sta. Armantrout, 1 ith and Clay sts. Coll eg-e Hill Meat Mar., 15th and Lincoln. Geo. C Beach, 218 West 6th st. L K. Trneblood, Aubnrndalo. J. K. Thompson, 413 Kansas ave. Messrs. Laws, 404 East 4th sC Freeman Bros., 114 Kansas ave. Hammond & Co., 203 Kansas ave. Felkner,506 East Sth st. Grant Lux, 6th and Jackson sts. L. D. Roose, 202 West 6th are. Topeka Grocery Co., 7u6 Kansas are. J. J. Bonewitz, 1225 Van Buren. N. X. Goodman Bros., 841 Kas. ave., N. T. Empire Bakery, 219 West Cih st. everywhere. their popularity. stamps POPE MFG. CO., ' Boston, New York, Chicago, Hartford. oJijligl" ft MARBDRfi. AXTEIX, Tinware, 120 E. 8th St. OPES EYENIHGS. Hhorthand d Tvpewrltlnt. BOOKKKEHNO ATI l'E A1A.NSIIIP I.f SUUKIUASU iu' L. H. STRICKLER, 82 nd 53 Uuinojr 61.. lvtfBit.m, Bicycles, e Repairs. 1' SEND,