Newspaper Page Text
STATE JOURNAL, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 8. 1894. 6 To Restore hair which has become thin, and keep the scalp clean and healthy, use 9 ff) HAIR VIGOR It prevents the hair -from falling out or turning gray. The best Dressing Yellow, lrifrt ITp and Wriakletl. Ia this the way your face looks? If so; try Begg' Blood Purilier aud Blood 3Iaker. It not only purities the blood, K but renews it. and gives your face a bright ' youthful appearance. Sold and warran ted by W. It. KennaJy, 4th and Kas. Ave Peerle33 Steam Laundry Peerless Eteam Laundry. Brgjs' Little feiiant PIllK Are the must complete pill on the mar ket, besides being the cheapest, as one pill is a dose, and forty doses in each bottle. Every piM guaranteed to give satisfaction by W. K. Kennady, 4th and Kas. Ave. It cure3 blood and skin disorders. It does this quickly and permanently. Is there any good reason why you should not use De Witt's Sarsaparilla? It reco mends itself. J. K. Jones. jDkt t'oand the Place Where you can get your furniture re paired and also packed for shipment Cleaning and laying carpets a specialty. All kinds of general jobbing work done on short notice. Work guaranteed by a good mechanic No 417 West Tenth street. Iil-M Can fee 4'ureiL. The greatest pile remedy ever discov ered is Beggs' German Salve. It relieves at once, ami effects a perinameut cure in an incredible short space of time. Also excellent for Cuts, Scalds, Burns and Bruises. Kvery box warranted by W. R Kennady, Fourth and ia;isas avenue. Omaha, SeU, May 4, 1891. To Whom it May Canceru; I am troubled considerably with head ache and have tried almost everything which is used a preventative or cure, but thero is nothing that has done me so much good as lvrause's Headache Cap sules. Albert Heller. Sold by all druggists. In ion S'arifie Ir.xruraioii TO KANSAS CITr JUNE 10, '94. The Uuiou Pacitic will run a special excursion to Kansas City, Sunday, June 0, '94, leaving Topeka at 7:40 a. m., re turning leaving Kansas City at 7:o0 p. m.. arriving at 'i'upeka at 9:43 p. in. Fare for the round trip $1.50. A. M. Filler, City Agt. Pure blood means good health. Re-in-force it with De Witt's Sarsapariila. It purities the blood, cures Eruptions, Ec zema, Scrofula and all diseases arising from impure blood. It recommends it self, J. K. Jones. Omaha, Neb., May 5, 1891. To Whom it May Concern: I have suffered for years with neural gic headache and Krause's Headache Capslues is the only remedy that has done me any good. Would recommend them to all similarly affected. Chas. Passot, 710 N. 16th street Sold by all druggists. For Hoarseness, Chronic Sore Throat, Bronchitis and severe throat troubles, Cubeb Cough Cure is always sure. The active principle of Cubeb 'cannot be gain Baid. All druegists and physicians will testify to its healing uroperties and suc cessful action on the mucous membrane. Sold by Rowley Bros. De Witt's Sarsapariila is prepared for cleansing the blood from impurities and disease. It does this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impared by disease. It recommends itself. J. K. Jones. We put on new neckbands on shirts. Peerless Steam Laundry, 112 and 114 West Eighth street. r " A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War is Over. A Well-k nown Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Makes a Disclosure. Indiana contributed her thousands of brave soldiers to the war, and no state bears a bet ter record In that respect than it does. In literature It U rapidly acquiring aa enviable place. In war and literature Solomon Yewell, well known as a writer aa "Sol," has won an honorable position. Dur ing the l;-te war lie was a member of Co. M. 21. N. Y. Cavalry and of the 13th Indiana In fantry Volunteers. Regarding: an important Circumstance be writes as follows". "jtoveral of us o!d veterans here are using lr. Miles' Kestorative NerTine, Heart Cure and Nerve and Liver Pills, all of them giving splendid satisfaction. In fact, we have never used remedies that compare with them. Of the Pills we must say they are the best com bination of the qualities required in a prep aration of tbeir nature we have ever known, ne have none but words of praise for them. They are the outgrowth of a new principle in medicine, and tone up the system wonder fully. We say to all, try these remedies." -Solomon Yewell, Marion, Ind., Iec. 5, 1S92. These remedies are sold by all drusgists ou a positive guarantee, or sent direct bv the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.. oh re ceipt of price, il per lottle, six liottles io, ex press preDaid. They positively contain neither Opiates nor dangerous drugs. . t or ly af 1 DrassliU. f ?0 i STYUSH EMBROIDERY. Eomethinr About the Very Latest Thing- In Embroidery. JL Combination of Xlonlton Braid with. Embroidery Excellent Model in too Shape of m, Ctuhlon Corner for Table Linen. The very latest thing in needlework is a combination of the honiton braid with embroidery. Heretofore we have had the lovely lace work, and we have even seen the braids used as braids simply, but their use for applique and their combination with long- and short stitch are both new and immensely ef fective. The work is simple in the extreme and requires no knowledge beyond that which every woman has. The secret of success lies in the design and in the selection of colors. If you are careful that both of these are good, the rest will surely follow, and you may be as sured of success. The cushion shown in the first draw ing is excellent as a model, and can - - BAGS COLOB ANE OLD' PINK. either be exactly copied or modified to suit your needs. The original has just been completed by a clever woman, who makes all her own designs. The foundation is pale' sage-colored furniture sateen. The central figure is worked in long and short stitch with old pink Turkish floss, and the center is filled with fancy stitches of the same. The antennae like lines that run from it were first drawn with a brush, then covered with the braid, neatly pasted on. Each one of the sections is buttonholed irregu larly with old pink filo floss around its entire edge, and each joint is entirely worked over with the same. The com bination" of tones is charming, and the rapidity of the work is an immense ad vantage in these days of hurry and hustle, when one has hardly time suf ficient to indulge in the love for mak ing pretty things. The second illustration shows one corner of a tea table cover, and is all white. The material is heavy linen, a fine quality of what is known as "butcher's linen," and all the work ia done with A. TABLE COVEB IN PURB WHITE. white wash silk. The large figures in the corners are purely conventional, and are worked with heavy silk. The braid is put on precisely aa already de scribed, but with white in place of col ored floss. The edge of the cloth is finished with a wide hem, simply hemstitched, and the whole has the rare merit of laun dering perfectly and without need of special care. Beautiful as colored embroidery un questionably is, it has the disadvantage of requiring the greatest care. Even the wonderful wash dyes must be treated with respect; and, as every housekeeper knows, it is difficult to re move tea and coffee stains without hot ter water and more soap than they al low. The pure white covers are, there fore, steadily growing in favor, and as this one has the merit of being effective without being exacting, it deserves a hearty recognition from all busy wom en folk. N. Y. Recorder. Where the Baby Sleeps. Cradles have gone out of date for babies, whose little brains are injured, we are told, by the rocking motion. Whether this is so or not certainly no one need long for the pretty swaying arks of earlier days who sees the love ly beds provided for the infant of '94. One is like a great basket mounted on cross-legs of wickerwork. At the head there is a sort of tripod which sup ports a canopy that does not come over the crib at all, but merely falls to the floor in tied-back curtains much like those at a draped dressing table. The body of the little bed is entirely cov ered with three rows of broad lace sewed to a lining that is fitted over the wickerwork. There are bows of white ribbon at the lower corners. Bi Ack Hosiery I Doomed. In Paris the cry has gone up: "Xo more black stockings," and the shops in Paris are eager to please, and, obe dient to the voices of their fashionable customers, exhibit now heaps of silk and thread hosiery, all of the same color, but infinitely varied in shades, from, the dark gray called steel gray to the palest dove tint; a few white articles are seen among the lot, and far away, in a remote corner, a thou sand pairs of black silk stockings, open-worked, as thin as the webs of the most artistic spider, lovely, but disdained and 6nubbed by their friends of old, axe given away almost for nothing', X4' ji-z 1 - m ,r 1 74 av 'As T OUTING COSTUMES FpR CIRLS. The coat on the right is of russet cashmere with cherry velvet trimming. The gabriella represented in the central iig-ure is of gendarme bine hopsack with black velvet ribbon. There is a large chip poke bonnet with lace and ribbon. The figure on the left represents a frock co;tt o gobelin surah serge with darker shade of trim ming. There ia a Duehessa d' Uzes iiat of black chip with a bunch of myosotia in front: FOE- LITTLE FOLKS. The Spider's Oration. Come, children, who fancy we spiders are fools. And view the lace houses we build without tools. I'm just about finishing one at the lattice. Come quick, and I'll operate for you. c'1 gratis. And v here do you think, are my shuttle and loam? You fea no machinery- here in the room, Xo sill; thread nor cotton, and yet you all see This wonderful fabric is woven by me. It's all in my little round abdomen here. Xo steam apparatus to burst, never fearl It's hard to explain to you just how I do it. Look sharp, and perhaps your bright eyes will see through iu The costume Cinderella wora at her first ball -Was v. rought by an ancestor, robe, veil and ail. With hues of the raiubow the fabric was blended. - She captured the prince, but you know how It ended. "What would a fine lady not give to possess A spider web drapery o'er a silk Urebss! The weaver, if human, would win a great name While artisan spiders no merit may claim For the unobtrusive and skillful and wise. We try to relieve you of troublesome flies. We're hunted and scouted with duster and broom. And all our fine tapestry swept from the room. WTien questions, "What spiders were made for?" arise. Some wiseacre answers, "They're made to catch flies!" "And what were flies made for?" he answers again. "To feed hungry spiders. I'm sure this Is plain." Now this is chop logic, or reason in rings. Observe how I amputate this beetle's wings. There! done like an M. D., with minus a tool. Xow, have I not proved you the spider's no fool? I've shown him a weaver the best In the na tion. An architect planning his own habitation, A maker of traps to catch fishes with wings, A surgeon accomplishing wonderful things, A skilled decorator of mansion and cot, A plain, honest worker content with his lot. And 1 ast, you'll ad rnit.little children I know it, I've proved him an orator, scholar and poet. Mary F. Van Dyck in Christian Work. A Self Peelins Banana. Much interest can be excited round the family table by the following simple trick: Challenge everybody to peel a banana without touching it. Naturally they will consider such a feat impossi ble, and yon will then proceed to show them how easy it is. Procure a bottle with a neck about the thickness of a banana, and drop into it some alcoholic spirit. Set the spirit alight, and while it is burning place in the neck of the bottle the smaller end of the banana, on which yon have secretly made four longitudinal incisions. To the utter amazement of the company, the banana will gradually disappear into the bottle, shedding its skin as the invisible force drags it down. The trick i3 performed by purely natural means. The fire in the bottle produces a partial vacuum, and the outside atmosphere presses the fruit into empty space. Iiglit, Darkness and laght. This is a little trick which 'handy .girls can perform as well as handy boys. In fact, there being dolls in the game makes it quite appropriate for. girls. - Cut out of pasteboard two dolls and attach to the hands of each one a goose quill tube. A goose quill toothpick will be just the thing because the ends are already sharpened, as they should a. i be. With two strips of paper and a drop Pto they are easily held in posi- tion, as shown by the cut. Then fill four-fifths of the quills with sand. The remaining fifth of one tube fill with gunpowder and the other with phos phor. Bits of paper can also be used for the filling in place of the sand. Try to put on a knowing air as you exhibit your tools to your spectators and sur round the thing with all the mystery you please. Have the candle lighted by one of the persons in the room, which must not ba too brilliantly lighted to make the candle light insignificant. Hold your dolls, as you see by the illus tration, opposite the candle flame and mumble something. As soon as the powder becomes ignited there will be an explosion, which blows out the light, while a moment later the phosphorous blaze will rekindle the wick of the can dle It is a very amusing trick and causes great merriment among an audience of young people. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Where She Would Come Out. A teacher asked a bright little girl, ""What country is opposite to us on the globe?" "Don't know, sir, " she answer ed. "Well, now," pursued the teacher, "if I were to bore a holv through the earth and you were to get in it at this tnd, where would you come out?" "Out ef the hole, sir, ' replied the pupil, with an air of triumph. Exchange. Officially Exempc. Irate Citizen I want to make complaint gainst a man whose barn faces mine on the alley between Ham street and Bone venue, near Lazarus court. Police Official What is the trouble? "He piles all kinds of rubbish out there. We could J-eep a clean alley if it wasn't for him. H s mixes his ashes and garbage and throws it half the time over against my barn. I've talked to him about it time and again, and it doesn't do any good." "What's his name?" "Higgson." "Higgson ? Does he live on Ham streetr" "Yes." 'In a big brown house?" "Yes. That's the man. I want to enter a complaint against him. I want him prosecuted." "My friend, you'd better go back home. Higjrson's the health officer." Chicago Tribune. The Way It Work. Dora How did yon fall in love with Mr. Clinker so suddenly? Cora Father forbade him to come to the house. Brooklyn Life. Union Pacifie Exenrslon. TO KANSAS CITT JUSB 10, '94. The Union Pacific will run a special excursion to Kansas City. Sunday, June 10, '94, leaving Topeka at 7:40 a. m., re turning leaving Kansas City at 7:30 p. m., arriving at Topeka at 9:45 p. m. Fare for round trip $1.50. A. M. Fcller, City Agt. 32 calls up the Peerless 1 J i - - v - - r m a x -tft-.B-j - ji-Kj ' i v-'r' we A. ATfc. E. JL WOOLGER, Mgr. hud: WESTEEH 1 FOUNDRY AND ESTABLISHED 1S75. rOHHKRLT Topeka Foundry jg Machine Works, ESTABLISHED 1868. R. L. COFRAN, Proprietor. "MANtJFACTTJREK of steam engines, mill machineby, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, GEARINGS, FITTINGS, ETC. Write for Prices. AC1D S13 TXAZTSA.S AVENUE. ir you wl3h to buy or rent a first cla&s new or second-hand Piako or Okoah, open the most favorable tkumb, call upon us. We have secured the services of a first class piano polishkr attd KHPArEmai and are prepared to repolUh all kinds of musical instruments, furniture, etc. tW REPAIRING SGLICITED. Has removed his business to 107 East Rixth avonus, where he will do a General Undertaking and Embalming business. I HAVE FIRST CLASS LADY AND GENTLEMEN EMBALMERS. X have the Finast and largest Chapel and Best Morgue in the city, and belong to no combine of antl-comuine. omce Rev. R. D. Ingersoll, Embalmer. mmm hulse, FLORIST Corner Elmwood and Willow Avenue Potwia Place, TOPEKA, KANSAS. Grows and sells plants. Makes a spe elaity of cut flowers. Does all kinds of floral work in a first-class man neb one application. Cures Head Noises Sc. DEAFNESS. Can or write l JUfi flasonla Ten: pie, Chlemr. 'rial treatmentor sample tree Sola by armr grists, &lc IPoz7 tlio ILaclies. Have you handsome paper and envelopes tot correspondence? Itnl you ever try Hake's put up in neac boxes Whice lioso. Chamois Snia and Velvec brands, ruled and unruled? yf-lieauilul French and Crepe Tissue, all colors, lor snaues. ornameucs. etc. JTr YiV I,'' W Drnn and SUtionorr. SOLID THROUGH TRAINS HUH' e FKOM Kansas City St. Joseph TO ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, OMAHA, PEORIA, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS OHLT OKK CHANGE OF CARS TO TBI Atlantic Coast. THE BEST LIXK FOB Hew York, IPlxiladelpliia, Booton, "Washington AXD AXX. POINTS NORTH aitd EAST, i D. O. IVES, YIIaWOOD asd highland park STREET RAILWAY. Trains will leave Monroe Street Station weolc days for Vinewood as follows: 6:45, 9:19, 11:51, 1:50. 3:07. 4:24. 5:41. Trains will leave Vinewood for Monroe street at 7:25, 9:59, 12:30, 2:30. 3:47, 5:04,6:24. 8U"1A.Y TRAINS. r,eave Monroe street 8:02, 9:19, 10:36, 11:51, 1:50. 3:07, 4:24. 5:41. Leave Vinewood 8:42 9:50, 11:18, 12:30. 2:80, S:47. 5:04. 6:24. . Extra Sunday trains will be run according to company orders. Pocket edition time table wil be Issued in near future. ARCHITECT. JOSEPH MARSHALL. Architect and Superintendent, lOO KANSAS AVENUE. The State Jocrsal's WantUnd Mis cellaneous columns reach each working day in the week more than twice aa many Topeka people a3 can be reached through any other paper.- This U a fact TOPEKA STEAO1 LAUNDRY. Largest and most complete in tlie State. in connec- nun wners repair ou.r customers' shirts W Ttw Phone 153. 625 Jackson St. MACHINE WORKS, TOPEKA, KAS. iniinnnj. mum is open nay ami uigui 107 Kaat lxth Avfnuc Trlrplione Xo. 4-99. gd33 EJanera Bilk Edo 1MB .Natioctax. Stables. 3 t : v Flnt-1M Llvarf . Banrder. .pvetnitx. T!.tane 40. J. C OILtHKWT, I lOe Jaokion Stra.U Pr.'r, I ARTHUR MASSEY, Practical Hofse-Shocr 213 WEST FIFTH ST., wnapuon 4S8. TOPEKA, KANSAS. Eerses with diseased feet skilfully treated. Crack and road shoeing a specialty. TOPEKA. . TRANSFER rrmiii ""Hr'HY, 509 Kas. Ave. Tele. P. P. BACOH, Prop. FRENCH TISSDE PAPER! TBI LABSI9T USI IX TUB CITY. AM, CHINA AND ART MATERIAI. COMPLETE SEWS DEPAST2EBT. W aslibiiirri, Drussiit, aa KAXSAS ATJK. CAPITAL COAL YARD, 112 WEST FOURTH ST. Osase Coal 3.45 per ton Cut prices on all Coal and Wood orders. Oram's Jersey Bull Is located here. Come In and see me If you want cheap price on Coal or Wood. X. "W. E. GRANT, WEST UKTU BT. j an r swat