Newspaper Page Text
STATE JOTTRXAT,. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AUGUST 8 189 1 HANDY THING TO HAYil MM 'nPTTTTTTT-r-' WESTSBN ITo House Eitould 3e WittiDut a Feather D'oster Holder. f FOUNDRY AND MACHINE VJOBK Easily Blad If tbe Instructions Given B low Are CarrleiJ Oat Hat a Cents Needed to liny tbe 3Ia.terlal u ESTABLISHED 187S. rORMKKLY TopeSa Foundry 0 Hachlno Worts, ESTABLISHED 1868. It. L. COFRAN, Proprietor. IIaITCTACTURER OP STEAM ENGINES, MILL MA CnTNEII! , SHAFTING, PULLEYS, GEARINGS, FITTINGS, ETC. The feather brush is as popular as ever aa a useful ornament for a draw-inj-room, and there is, therefore no ex cuse to be made for dust upon brackets, pictures or knickkr.aeks of sny sort. The holder shown here is, as s;en frcm the tltetch, by no means eluborate, and - - - . ...... .-.. .1 ' . " i - v..- .. . r r-- u n A STRANGE CASE. How an Encrr.y was Foiled. The ff:!o-Inrr ernnl-iii tlrtrment will be road wi.ii inieii-e : -1 cannot des-crlbe t he nuinlK croi"y sensal:cn t LutoxiMfd in ii.y airrns. hands ami ic-s. Iliad tomb anil bent ttio-e parts u.!i il I hey r o I sore, to o trcon e in a mt:t.ur the c ui feollns t hat bud taken f-osvsion of then;. In inn. 1 bad a M r;i n -" wcnVcne-s In my ln-c and around my wuist,'tO':elliiTV I'.ii m indescribable V'"' feeiinr iri ir.v sfo:nn-:i. I'iiy.-i'-in ns said it w as o iw p I r, 3 " pf . r a I v -N. from I-.ich. acrord Intr to their universal oom-Iusjon, there is "O relief. Onco it tautens upo?i a rcrs-on, il-ey -;iv. it roj'-irnes Its i:isi jio'-s totii-ss until it roaches a vital point and t' pul.c-rer dies. Such wa? rr.7 r pect. I h"d Leon doctcrtnt; a v.-;ir a:ul n 1 a.f sH-acI -, but vi:h no par-tir-n'f.r lienef t. rhon I t n rdvert isi nent rf Ir Kile-i' Ilostcrat'vo ; .e ino, prot-und a l-ottlo and boaa ushir it. Marvelous as it inav soem. but a frrv days bad passed before everv bit of t '.:at rw? fee.ins bud left me, find "there lias not l ien even tl.e 6,irhttst Indication of is roturr. I no- feci as wed as I ever tliJ. an l fcstve gained ten pounds in v-eight. though I had run iov,n from 170 to 1 ;7. Four o. hers li:ne used Pr. Miles' Uestorattr Nervine on my rocomen tbition. and it bas ben ns ss t isfaciorv In their cases ni tn tr'tte." James K;ine. La Hue, O. Ir. Miles' Uetorru ive N'erv ine is fold by all drucsris's on a iitiv jriiuramee, or sent, direct by the Tr. Miles iVeoi"-al Co.. E.Whart, Ind.. on isveift of p :i. si p"r bottie. six bottles for -.". e press prepaid, it Is free from Opiates or da nsrei-ous a ni for Kale by all Draffsitat. 0:0 If GL AS V vjf a 5? " R ISTHE BE3T. O at 1 fci las NO SQUEAKING. S. CORDOVAN, FRENCH 1 EljAf IcLLED CALF. f v 4 o.sp FOLIC .3 Soles. V -:tta fine. 2.41 7- 3dy5Sck::lSk:esl LADIES- EEsTD0NCOlA ;x D FOR CATALOGUE V'L-DOUCLAS, Yon cna save "tin"? lr rrcliiniug l Xj liuUTi.T. !"Ue. BfCaoe, wc aieic lirf fst ti.anuractiirers of Advertised shoes in tlie vorld, ai;d guarantee the value by str-mji.ttt? tb name ana price on the bottom, v. h:rn pmte ?ts ynu against hij;h prices a:'.'l ihe i'-:.idlctr.aii's piolits. er shoca enttal cu'o::t v.oric ia s vie, easy fitir:jf and . " s. We h tve 1 1 : ' u sold every, v. iiere at l'.i rr v rices lor tbe value given t an r-y oiher v.r. ;.e". Tak tJ3 substitute. If your i-ealer tau-.iot sup;.y you. we cau. wold by C. Is A ISli J, 2i' Kinsaa ave. J M o. w a i r -, .-.o;; 11 3.11s v LU II HA II T & rEa.NbTiO'M, 8iS Iiu.u3a3 Av3., HORTII TOPHIIA. ..J i ii or!. HE3RA S fe 1 2iUiJ -'. PviTiove FrocU s, FT.-"d( 1 X Ljver - Most, tiieyic ia- J .-nhiirn d.:. i i, mid f'orv tho sLia l- its r!si- 1 ,r.:-V ual fret hnes?, proauciJiff c .'-o '"" cie-.r nc.l ho.-iiu.y c c ra- y ijia"' f-,-' plexion. upctior lonli vo' ' " - Ireparutkf st! yerfpt!y tarroless. At all cruL'uLsia, or imiici ior 5(.cti. Send for Circular. VIOLA 3X!N EC. If ' mplr !ncomprbl rj b min purifvlnijt .s. ar-. iui.ind r the til u cn.i without . t .'. for l. i. -r---. A')-oiui"'f ' uiji dtUcati rua- C. triTT TiR A. C3t.,TctESC. O- St Denis Hotel, ESOAD WAT AND ELEYSNTH ST., tUViKwit tiraft Cliurcli.) J1.01 P!3 SAT A!J1 UPw iSl. TTio most centra'. y !o?afI bote! In th e'ty, endi;Cieii on ;ho Ktir..) ean p an. at in lera a pr.ees. eeeniiV euiarid by a new an I iiatiii om U1itn tii.i. iluuinss iii former ctntc.ty. tlienw lliniti (Coia is ona of tun Tmajt i - meiuoi LMcorauuii in tus cooa WIl. TAYLO?.. EhOOSCD BY THf tlEnTMOLiniinilB jUiH.llU!ai. MlN-TGOt -' fJ - lA-q Ai.rrt yr": cj'e A tnot 11. A t Li to iitTcrra f-r ... . nl Soi c Throat, " Il fn tn-kot. rcalr to r- m lirt Indi-ation of cn 6. Inntl.n.d I am J fret i'f Ore. F uti'fai-iitn ims-rnnte. o or uoMy reiunoed. Prif, ftt . Xri d fre at lr i m. liesiiered mml, W ceuia. K. I, Ci jtiN, It., lireo RiTen, kbci, C. S. i.!r.j'v-"o-f" ft rflTI PI Tii 8jrp snd Mf.'t rrm"y for ' ' ' s I I a.lsk.n diseases. Fuenia. H. a.Sa t Khcjm. "'1 t-r8. W'.rnB, Cms. ITndcrftil rem f..r r1 frlr e. J.", eta. m lir J S 1 4 y.'- .ir t-T rasil pr-m; j A d 1 r . m iti,iTp. ti ffLr,1! UNIOiM PACIFIC ROUTE. CenTrr.rnioradv rprfn:i and l'ueblo S15 for dip I'.oua.l Trip. Tickets on mle Ausrust 10th and 11th, rooi return. tie Au -list 19, 5 and Sej tetnter 13, lSJi. I'or all infortnatioa Cail at C2.j ICaiisdS ve. A. m. Fuller, City Agent.- The Stats Joorsai's Want and Mis cellaneous column re.icb. eacij woik.u? day in the wees more than twica a ninny Topeka peopls as cin ba recliei tbrouh any other ptper. Tka U a lact. All lad es are invite! to call and gee the Majestic steel rno je in ot.ier-ition, at W. A. L. Tbmpaon Ll'd'we. Col The Daily statu Joutt.HAt. prlau ail the Dews. The nintmrith Stock of sroods at Altlien & McIanua' must Lb reduced. They will go at prices to please tLe public. Webb & I3arr;3,drut'i3t3, Beanett'dFlat3 The Topeka Di u; Co., in opera liouie. ? . I. FEATITER Lirsri-B IIOLCEB. most of the effect depends upon the colors and materials employed for it. Of course it is made up oa a founda tion of stout cardboard, whijh is cut Into a diamond shape and used with one point- uppermofat, the brush being slipped into a loop specially made for it. Cut a piece of moire, or of satin, or velvet, or plush, for the front, just; about one-half inch larg-er all round than the cardboard. Cut also a band of buckram about two inches wide, and three inches longer than will stretch aerose the diamond horizontal ly from point to point. Cover this buck ram with pin or vel vet to ac z "1 witli the rest of thv covering-, and line thu middle of this band with a scrap of silk; the ends need not be -thus lined. Sew a number of little imitation ferns, or larg-e spanjrlas at equal distances along- the center of this band, tnd add ecme small pompons or drops of sntw kind to tlie lower edcre. Lay thi3 band across the center of the satin from point tr point, sew it down firmly at each end from the wron side, kit leave the exact mi idlo of tlw band slack so that the handle of the brush will slip easily into it. The reason for linin.'r the middle part of the baud is now obvious. Now stretch the satin very tigditly over the cardboard, dratvin;r the raw cdrjfcs together on ths wronj si lc w ith lacing stitches of strong thread. Ua careful to "jet the land i:i the middle quite straight, lor the holder will be anything- but ornamental if this is crooked. It is as well to add the cord round the eJjjes below the band, tha bow at the tipof the point, and the riii to hang- the holder up by, before liuhi r the back neatly with sateen or a piece of plaiu silk. It is quite possible to ranko up the feather bru.-.k iiisclc at home, if the worker is anxious fur the wh-Ve thing to be of her own wcrk-vi'ship, or if fhe happens to have a of fancy feathers that she would like to use up. A 'ttirned" stick is needed, which may either be gdUcd or enrmjiicd. Take the shortest of the feathers and arra tge them with the tips downward round the lower edge of the stick. Tie thorn firmly in xlace with some line twine, and g-luo this well to prevent it frcm coming un tied. Add a. second set of fe-aihors rather lonjrcr than the others, and se cure them also with fine twine, pining this as before. Continue this until the brush is full enough, and hide the ends of the lastsetof feathers with a "sugar paper" shaped piece of velvet, secured here and there with a touch of glue, and having a band of wide gold braid tacked round the upper edge to hide the place where the velvet and stick meet. The lower edge of the velvet should be van dyked. It is a good plan to use kid or leather instead of velvet, ard there should be no dilTiculty in getting this of a good and suitable color, as many bookbinders will dispose of scraps loft over from their own work. Mats for tbe Taljlo. It is too bad to have one's polished tables and stands covered wr.h little rings where a vase has stood and the water has overflowed. There is no need of this, cither. Id very body should have cn hand au abundant supply of theso mats. These need not bo obtru bive in design. In fact, no one wants aDy more the elaborate confect ion that were once wont to call atteation to their crocheted splendors in our draw ing rooms. Make the latter-day vase mats of small round's of olive-green felt, preferably not ornamented at all except for a "pinked" border. No one will notice them, bat they will keep your rosewood and mahogany from harm. Punctuality hat Irtue. The habit of being always a little late is so general that it night seem unavoidable, were it not that punctu ality is secured from the very persons at fault when the occasions are as griardcd as in the wedding- to which the foolish virgins failed to gain ad mission because "the doors were shut." It is better to truin up children to order, punctuality, honesty in keeping engagements, as a part of keeping one's word, and so teach them not only self reliance, but maka them men and women on whom reliance may be placed. Why Women Chew Com. Some one buying- chewing gum at a candy shop lately !cgan to apologize for the plebeian purchase: "Oh, we don't think anything about it any more," replied the "So many women chew gnm for dyspepsia that we always tcke it for granted that that is why it is wanted-' 8 THE IMPERTINENT BABOON HAT PIN CUSHIONS. Two Pretty flesfjrns Which Can Be Mad at Small Cost. In these days when hat pins are as much of a fad and of a necessity with al, as stick pins, it is desirable that ap propriate receptacles be provided for them in order that they shall not mar the dainty toilet cushion with their huge perforations. Where a suspended cushion seems most convenient the al ways attractive little Japanese doll may be utilized. Choose one with a head measuring- six inches in circum ference. To dress one, as shown in Fig "J in the illustration, fold a half yard of three-inch ribbon together and crease it to designate the bottom of the cushion. Sew thirteen small gilt spangles along the bottom, with a gilt bead in vJhe middle of each to fasten it on. Overhand the sides of the ribbon to within an inch and a half of the op posite end; stuf? with hair or wool and fasten it around the doll's neck. A half yard of the same ribbon is cut in two and folded lengthwise for the sleeves; overhand, turn in the ends at the bottom, and attach to the dress at the shoulder. Now take a yard and a qu.arter of half-inch ribbon, fasten it over the shoulder and tie about the waist with bow and ends in front, al though the really Japanese lady al ways wears her sash ends behind, neatly tucked up into a sort of roll or cushion. A loop of this same ribbon is fastened to the belt in the back to sus pend the cushion by. Decorate the sleeves and shoulder straps with spangles and beads, and finish with a fringe of the beads. Letter on the skirt "Hat Pins" in g-ilt. forming the letters to look as much like Japanese characters as possible. The standard cushion shown in Fig. 1 requires a bit of thin cardboard, five by nine inches, for the sides of the ia . .j wyyi'AWI ii ','3 I t A IV. A-1 J 43 FIO. 1. FIG. 2. foundation, and a circular piece two and a half inches in diameter for the bottom. Cover these with any pretty scrap of silk or plush, fitting- the out side snugly about the cardboard, which you have sewn in a cylinder; sew in a piece three and a half inches in diam eter for the top, leaving an aperture through, which you may stuff the cush ion, rounding- ujj the top. If all your toilet appointments are white, cover this with a rude of lace of fine dotted Swiss, and tie at the top with bows and loops of narrow ribbon. American Agriculturist. I'XIOS iAtlllt HOCTE, IP 1 DOLLARS 15 DOLLARS To Denver and return, 44 oiorado Springs and return, 44 Puel lo and reiurn. Via the Union Pacific. Tickets on sale Auarust 10th and 11th. Account League of American Wheelmen meeting. For further particulars call on A. M. Fuller, Agt., U. P. Sys: Call for Cubeb Cough Cure and insist upon having: nothing else. Ho and 50 cent bottles. 1 ry it and if it is not as we say the best remedy of the kind in the world we asl you to condemn it to all your friends. bold Vy Rowley Bros. Tcrrn in hf liorliy JfonntIn, The "Scenic Line of the World," the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, offers I. tour. fts1 in Colorado, Utah and JSew Mex ico the choicest resorts, and to the trans continental traveler (he grandest scenery. Double daily train service with through Pullman sleepers and tourists' cars be tween Denver nd San Francisco and Los Angeles. Ft r discripiive j amphleta address S. A. Hoopkk.G. P. A., Denver, CoL The. Mate At Althen & McManus' is still on. We are turuiug out elegant suits at $16.50. Call and look thenj over. Good work done by the Peerless. ti: AND THE ATHLETIC CROCODILE. SANTA FE ROUTE. ON TO WASHINGTON. Th Santa B7 Pu la L w K it I'or 1-C i gt ot ljrtJii:4 Conclave. The Santa Fe road has again taken the reius in its ovvu hands by announcing ihat it will make a one fare round trip rate for the great Knights of Pythias conclave at Washington, D. C, regardless of action of other lines. Dates of s tie wdl be August 23 and 24, final limit Sept. 8, wuicn can be extended to Sept. 15, by deposit with joint ugeut in aihiugfoii. Tuere is uo restriction to return on speeided dates. Privilege will alluwed of coining- bacii to eastern gateways of A. T. !c ts. F. R R, by a d.ifereut line than that used going. Tut conces sions are not only available for K. of P. but are open to the general public. ANNUAL, KLtSION. G. A. K , Pittsburg:, Ph. auU Fe Rou'e. To enable comrades, their lamilies and friends to malto this trip to the great national (Jraud Army and Naval reunions at Pittsburg, Pa., the t-ania Fe, always liri 1o arrange for tbe comfort and ac commodation of its pa'.ron.s, has made the low ra.e of one fare for the round i rip. A. so note the Santa Fe will accept these tickets for return passage on any di;e to and including Septeaiber 23. 'tickets sold September 7 and 8. To I'f iivr ii1 llMiurn. The tanta Fe route seli3 round trip uckets at $1., August 10 and 11. For particular;, see Rowley r$K03, City Passenger Agents. ROCK ISuANO ROUTE. To Wantiinff on For ilin ICulzlits of i y bi 14 CiiucIhtp. $29.25 for the round trip. Tickets on saie Aug-. 23 and i:4. limit Sept. 13. Good to go ona way and return sn- (O'.her. Auj'body can buy otre. I'ittsliiiie . A. it. iclvetH Sil 39. "Less tliati cue fnre for the round trip; open tickets sold Sept. 7 and 8; good to return any day including Sept. 2H. Good to btop-over east of Chicago. Colorado and l.rtaru Sli.OO. Tickets on sale Aug-. 10 and 11; good to return Aug. 19 and 23, or Sept 13. Iltrrliiawaii ii. A. It. One faro for round trip, Aug. 14 to Two trains daily. llalton IJeps peial Trains. Aur. 14 to IT; over 51)0 entries 18. for races; UJ ceuts for round trip. Special train to Kansas City Sunday, $1.50 rouud trip. oios PAtinc noi'm DOLLARS 13 DOLLARS '.To Denver and return, 44 Colorado Springs and return 44 Pueblo and return, "Via the Union Pacific. Tickets on sale August 10th and 11th. Account League of American Wheelmen meeting. For further particulars call on A. M. Fuller, AgL, U. P. Sys. A Bt-autiiier For I.adlno. Everybody admires a beautiful com plexion. Ladios who have used the cel ebrated Eider Fiower Cream, recoibmend it as the greatest complexion beautilier in the market. It is used by society la dies. For sale by J. K. Jones. We put on new neckband on ehirt3. Peerless Steam Laundry, 11 J and 114 et Eighth street. I- iiy Mans Mrriiiin. No Griping, no Kausea, uo Pain, when De Witt's Little Early Rises are taken. Small PilL Best Pilk Best PiR J. K. Jones. Silver Leaf tomato catsup is anti-peptic and should be u ied at your meals regu larly. For sale by all leading grocers. One word describes it "perfection." We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, cures obstinate Bores, burns, skin diseases and is a well known cure for piles. J. K. Jones. Ho loo Desire at C" 1 - r , Transparent Mkbl V Begffs' Blood Puritter and Blood Maker will remove all disorders from the blood and leave your aiiin clear, transparent and youthful. Sold and warranted by W. R. Keuuady. Try Phillips' mineral water It is cot eidered the liuest water for taa stomaco. bia . -biifhta avenue. Try ii The Static Journal's Waut and Mis cellaneous columns reach each working day in the wee more than twice as niauy Topeka people as can be reached through any otuer paper. This is a fact. Th Crawnlnj Il-aaly of Woman Is a luxuriant growth of Hair. Begg- Llrtir ltenewer is guaranteed to give sausfaciiun, as it is pure y a vegetable preparation, and acts directly on the roots of the hair. W. IL Ixennady. Sold and warranted by 7 , J Write for Prices. TOi?EIA, iJLJLB. .11 rrmmrr i nTTTTrm i m r c g i nTmmrrrnTmriTiiTmmririii f mmm HODEKA M I . mmmmmtmBBmrnmer aLaammmaexi. g J jj H'lIUlUl ixiiiHiLiiLUiLTiiii ciiii Linii nniLuixiiuiiii rm n u fel3 AVTJiTUil. IT yon wish to buy or rent n first clatt new or coua-b.a.nd PiifO or Oaaa cpon the host favokablk tsbma, call upon us. We have securea thefervices of first class piano muibei acl EtrAJE nd are prepared to repolish ail kinds of musical Instruments, furcture, etc. tZJ" REPAIRING SOLICITED. WASHBURN term ojicns oop.eiuber 1-' ARTKTJH MASSEY, Practical Hors-ihocr 213 WEST FIFTH ST., rriPho,ie . TOPEKA, KANSAS. Horses with diseased fet skilfully treaajl Clraaat and road shoem; a speciiilty. THiionse TRASIS FROJI Kansas City St. Joseph TO s .. ST. LODIS, CHICAGO. O'JIKA, FECEIJ, ST.PADL,Kmi?SAF0LI3 CKLT OKI CHAMQ1 OF CARS TO TUB ilTiiAUTic Coast TBI BEST LINK FOB Hew York, Pliiladelpltia, XJouton, Waslainston. AID AU. POtlfTS riORTBC AirT3 EAST. D. O. IVES, Gmmarml Pauangar A treat, u tmSgk t or instance, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Bay City, Mich., acc.demly bpilled scalding waier over her little boy. She promptly applied De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. giving instant relief, li's a wouderfully good salve for burnes, bruises, sores, and a sure cure for Piles. J. K- Jones. "There is a Salve lor every wound" We refer to De Witt's Witch Hzel Salve, cures burns, bruises, cuts, indoleat sores s a local application in the nostrils ii cures ca arm, and always cures piles. J. K. Jones. Having purchased F. W. Whittier's nterest in the firm, we are prepared to give the people of Topeka the best the market aifords. Whitnkt & Son. liiO Kansas ave. A satisfied customer is a permanent one. That's why we recommend De Witt's Early Risers. They cure constipa tion. Indigestion and Biliousness J. K. Jones. ' Are Yon Troahlett With Constipation or Sick Headache? If so, why not try Beggs' Little Giant Pills? It only takes one pill a day; forty pills in i bottle. One bottle will cure you. and ,nly cos's 25 cents. Sold and warranted by W. R. Keonady. Furman's clearing sale price3 will save you mouey in footwear. lCcated at Toppka. Kansas. Admits both sexes. Fxpenses reasonable. Colleglarn aai Acavlemic of stil ly. Norm tl C'uro. Six buibl ug. A library of over ii, ni v.i ume.. line reHttin ; room. lHii.irt-iieuCs of Art, M.iie. locution. Survc n i,. Naoiril fco. .irp. AnntflitAlitl M i,ilr rl 1 .:iiiui'w . Tli,. ir ti . ri u 1 1 t .n . if in r.U'i. i.i 1- .A ;-!uji!i:Jl7ijl MANUFACTURE ALL, STYLES SHtRTS TO ORDER. We hav Just received the fi.vest UMt of Summer Shirtings ever ibown in Topeka CALL AND SEE THEM. IN COIf VKCTION WITH . mt I TCPEiA STEA2 LAUNDRY. E. M. WOOLOEli, MKr. 625 IlCKiOf STSJT. 1 i LI li COLLEGE, f mm hulsh; FLORIST Cernsr Elmwood and Willow irinu!', Pot win 11 see, TOPEKA, KANSAS. Grows and Ils piaota. tikn a eialty of cut flowers. Does ail kinds' cl Coral work in a Urst-clat manaac TCLEpH01"h 9 1 L-: nP9K KANSAS AVE. yT OCT, Now Is tbe time, and W. I. W Oln.' Eardwaia a.oro is tbe yiac to bi:y jour POULTRY IIETTIilG. TOPEKA Til ATT f3 FE TZ l7Ti in.i. rnMPitnv 503 It. a a. Ave. Tele. UJ T. P. BACC3. i rop. DZZlii'L.Y'U Yon, r,M.' j Ui4 S Is tl a U KlOWu" .' Relievos C-t.arrh n X jEJnS'J Vrlnl treatment or auii.t.-1 r. Iatioijax. Staui rtrt-laa. I-I.ry. Buritan . a - i Tltaoa . J. C OILtSKUT. a J.aai.a Sir a. 1 oil billlliLi As yoxi lik3 it. J.K. Jones, Druist, COl KASAS Alt. ARCHITtr. JOSEPH MmRoHALL, Architect ami Superintfn Jen!:, lOJ kA.N sAl AVt.M'ii