Newspaper Page Text
STATE JOTTED AI THURSDAY ETCNIN" AUGUST 16. 189 1. t -. ) ' nil k t HEISTS! SITUATIONS! REAL ESTATE! AUCTION SALES! & OTHER CLASSIFIED ADS. THuTorKiA Statu Jocrxau (ruarantees, ever day it is ir 11 1. to a locai Cir;ju, t:ou in. .re than iloi'o.e lhat of itny other lope-kap.ti-er.miJ by . h '"V I. .I.e. c -inn uJ Tim raa;e tills papee Hi u chenpe.i. a we 1 as no be. da ly Jvr' ' in-.- in c.s.aed aaveru Suouta Ludlow oust. lit: but FIVE CENTS A LINE, or 20 ecu line fur a week; ao ceau by (.,,; c r"ii'R:i-ri ,reryday exceeds 5.000 tot c ri-i: .a.ioii over 8.0jJ. so:n detuned statements of circulation pr leu. 1 on ai-p iCatiou tr-Calaud ue any afternoon betwwn 4 U4 6. toe liauJ.omest. a-test, in Jit perfect piece of nrintiii 2 u:a-:i nery in Kansas a rteb Perfect ic;: ire winc.i pr ut irom two to UfM p.cie a-iia.o pt er it sueonA SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Am oi !n ne- 1 or work? If so. yon ar- at u'i ihcso - '.1 liiii - f"r a is..3taa:e .Q thai .t.reauoil. U I i;e till notice apwirj t'.u hi ate .J.iL'H.s'Ah win pu.iiisii tree ou Sa.urday. Aioit.Mv and lu-v-ai. f r i1h.i or Kan.a I-Cll,!.- notice !' "' Ht ,illl NVailt'-il." Il"S mc-wil.u: rive ..nt. or in.rty-iiva words, in iY-avids 1 that all advert iiwii-iuu of id, ua i;re ari ;n. I in previous ',0 l-Mi o'c.oc .-.atuniay m run..:: aiso a We lim 3a. T:iur,daV a I.I Fr.Jay. ah advert. sin ; of tins c.iiis handed ui bi lea o'cioci W eduesita lll'T-l:- 5. No advertisements of t!ii nature) to be started iiccpi on a.iu .iriyi an-1 V dndays. Nooo laa..o(i is itieurre t 011 Hie purl of me adverus er. N j -of! iiy air, u-;e ly man or -.vo:nan need hesitate to take aiiianlatte of tin Oiler. No oce In I u iifs- or havuiu employment is expected to take advantage of it. but an outer invited ( avail liie.usiiiVai uen y. WANTED HELP. "II'.A"1!!!' l: el: a Mo man f-r sate scent. L.fe or lite iiMii iuce experience preferred. Address I-'., .lonrua . , . Id At 23 Huchanan. wnite girl for general In)1 -e vork. "WAN 1KI Aton pood waist innk- : . Mrs. i .0 -r Scev.-nson it Co. store. Vil'.N !s wan ed to sell on commission an e.i-v si- 1:114 article 111 ric.n ty of Top.-ka a'i 1 1.1 m 1 :ii i(eU'i' 1 Minsas. will 'ii:iran- t- i- joj ! il pay fi ui si irt. Call at ( oininer ci 1 ." mt-'i an. I r s mi ran t. No. Kansas ave.. (lulu U 10 -j v 111. M. A. SU pinau. ' 1 1 1 I'la.'H liy man and wife on a fart: 1 or r:tn-li: i:i:dir-tanl.s eat !e and stock 111 -i-iit-ral. F.r.t c as reicreuces. Ad dress ti. li. 1 a in, .Maple Hi 1. Kan. A N 1 1'. 1 1 Cord d nin room and kilclion gil l at once; !. 1'.. corner tli and vuaicy. "AX ! I'M -i. nation by a i.Vyear-oid boy. Ail cress F. li. Lane. 1M5 Kansas ave. A ' , S 1 I-1 1 l o-i t mi by l.uly as stenorn pher or clerk. Ai.di ess " V. "E. Si." care Jour- ice AVAM'I 1 isituac on by younaf niiin: wants an v iin 1 01 1 ly li t wor : 1111 a'1.0 .0 do !io ivy work on aco.iant of pour h-'a.tli; gooil refer-em-es. Ailuress iNtck btrauJberg, care uhio bouse, c il y. AN rKI-U'u"U of any kind to make an lion -st aviii-i; eood rei'ereuee. Address Clias. l-'osier, th.s c lii .-e. ""AN 111 1 Nurs.ll i; Greenwood ae:itie. Kood references; l'otwin. ' A M i l Work by a boy 13 years old. w!io lias a ;eiitie. veh Doilv: would hrfe work 111 wit eh i 1 e 11 il uso Llie pony. Address l.," earn JoLin al. 'ANTED A fdrl to work ia candy store; lvausas a e. A'A -Tl-.D A ir-:i:;eman fof cool personal appear imv and addres-s) to repre.-.en the indus.ri t bfe inuranc basiiiess; " one with ln l :5.r.o i a::. I sober habit, eaa sejiirj a a. oJ payihs; pasniou. v. til chance for proinouo.i. A pp y fin 111 s to 0 a. in. and 5 to U p. m.. or ad di es, W.i. Ba .-in in. superiiteudeut, tkl iCaa bas ave., iopeka, WANTED ffllSCELLANEOUS. IV AMI l)-To exchange ood faim frTof inciihibrance for cuy property, laqune at lis East - ixta t. W A N 1 hi) I he you nil colored man who stopped the frlnened horse on West ;xth sireei Sunday evemuii to call at Till West ern ave.i ie. A.N i i;L t.asoi no stoves cieaaeJ for l. j 1 at lluil stove repair company. Ho li. sea. AN 1 Jil 011 li Miami (.retail smaa a an. rei es.auj maul v A.ilAa lo Hove, Sio. ui am uuujj- tio.d KiMtds. I -fur m, ec. .-SAI V SWIM. Situ. 12J K. !i St.. rEI?CIIAia' ii.AAoi.iJ 4 SIO.tAli3 CO. FOl RCNT-H OUSE3. .Mtl; Kli.N i NiorTargebaTntTTloyJi N '-Houses m Oakland, f. C. Moore, 4- J Jvausas avt iiue. "ir - UlCNT Tlie U. S. Hotel opposite the .Mi , ...... in 1 .10 uu Uepjt uu 5tU U. luquirj at 4i i Je.f ,.fou st. JOU l;tiX A tin room house, 313 east luth. "iroi: li ENT Four room house. 1013 Madison , Llv' l"Pi.ri at .Monroe st. "J,""!"!: l; liN l A Ue.vj room house, ilia Morie roe st: eei. 1VU i N r Ho is of six rooms aud barn. l".Hi."e aiU OS. -lid St. , v... - 1 a t.a six roo.n ..o..-j. uiud O. III. LUIII-. il DUo.uw '.""oi; 11 N I rooms at 4Jt Jetlerson st. - U n-T w.:l Uo..rd (or r -m. lm: I.I-..N 1 A tor-iislieJ room with board in yr.aa fami.y. ;u ...peka ave. l.'i'K lit.N l'-Xi,e trout j.u.lor; board if de S'leu; ,17 aU Jiarea si. I1'."'-. 1,1;"N l l:'e,4ut upstairs apartments, I'art.y Corucr 4..U auU JacKsun. roa sAut-REni. estate. .... noice sii aaroaa trao.oi ..ic.-ji r . ...10 ti.j ua .uu wsj., 1; price r:i uiiu Uvui iaj ta Si.', pjr acri. ow tuiracasa. y, . ai. t'osBH, &o.e a 'oat. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 1. Ol. .sa IJ -l vv Mrire safes, very cheap, one l,:"'Ol loor. w.tli steel iuide utHir; ono IllT.e lainr ai.i ' it a,.:-jo. East 1- X .1 k:. van be seen at 1S I, -AI I-. Pu -e I -red st l ernard puppies. -l. b Sir h .o..)l.; and lop. ka Ke.i No! 8i .s.. m, re:-i,ler.-d siojk and will mu.o Hue targe dos. I.i5 Luhao st. W. Jl Everts. jyJK &AI.EA ,;,),,a young cow giving four Kaaoas ot ijud. daily. . O. UtTuiiij. "JOIl sale one top bujj?y In fair condition, 5.0; one set o( shijiu uuil douliaj uarues die.ip, at M.-k iiorr & uv. I.'OR SALE Ten shares Topeka Commercial t"l'ril' coiapAuy auMi Alaise C Ajuit. Uruuton, Oii-, ' FOI RENT-ROOB. 1,'Oic HtN 1 ita:i ,oiiie o,!t -e rooms over 410 Kansas ave. lin.ioie H04 Monroo. 17 OR PALE Hors-i, harness and top buggy. Price $40. 711 MadUou. i,"OK SALE Five room bo'ise. S east front, lots on corner line, two days, $4 so. Six room house, two lou. nice sua le troas.oaiyS.i50. 1. C Moon. 4to Kansas avenue. 1, OK SALE Fiust livar colored pointer pnp. Wi.l il clicap if J.d at once. Inquire 60SH Kanaa at. FUK mart cnap; tlx years o.d; a bMUty; 4U Uoeka ave. ItMt SALE Two-year-oid Jsrsey bud; corner Thomas and Chester, UaiaaJ. Inu i-Ai.i. several ao to 1,200 pound liorje. E. J. Smail, at American ban. oi tu io peka. 1,T o it SAI.i Sliort tune .0:1:11 a. u fur cent iii.eresc. Mnion l.reeusp.iu. IOK Ki.Al. estate or reiual proper. see iiened.ct . Co.. o-u Kansaj aye. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND The belt place to rent foldln? chair and tab e. The Pnueuix t uraiuiru Co., 714 Kansas ave. W. M. JJ.yaoa. Jia aer. IOL'Nl) Window shadei for 'na each at the 1 hueu.x t urni.ure Co., 714 Kausas ave. 1700 1 The cheapo -it piaco to buv furnitura. iliti PI- iux i-'uruxture Co., 7.1 ivaui.ii ava. JUST A white setter bird do? with yellow ears and a yehow spot on lop of hips. Re ward for return of same 10 W. It. Keuaady' urns store. 4tU and Kansas avj. JOU siJ iiie p.acc) 10 uave p..i .Wiu; Luuu;. Alien, sjj av'a. loi. si. MISCELLANEOUS. UPHUI.STE..Y AND CABIN ET MA KIN O Ail Kiiuis of laruiture 1 uLi.nat work neaily done. Saitslacnoa ijuaransed. Paui Paaed, 11a; East Ed.n sc. VPPI.ICATION poll PAUIJJN Notice is lie.ei.y j;.ven that app.ic i.;oa will b made lo the jrovernor of the s. ate of Ka isas at the ex ecutive omce m tne city of t'opeiva, on Monday lile lOili oi siepenioor. 16.4, to." 1I10 paruua of .Nathan H. ,voi;te, who was c mvicied at the Aprn term of 1sj4, of tae disir.ct co in 01 sdiaw neo couuiy upon me cli irja 01 obtaining money under pretense , and sentence.! to a term oi uuprisonaieui. 111 iho state pea.weu.iary. Mm. Naiha.s li. VV OLfFK. Topeka. Au gust Gin, ISj. pIAXOTU K -All orders left at E. li. -- (jui.d's, 713 Kansas ave:iue, wid oe prompt: attended to. riaiuuei iracey. JUST found the place where you can eet your fiitnitnro repaired an 1 a s packed for suip ment. . leanaiy; ana laying carp its a spociaiC. Aii kinds 01 jreiieral joooin; wor clone 011 short notice. Wo: k narau .eeJ by a yood meciiau.c. No. 417 est iouili street. IOtt SALE- Ciilt eilj!) tlrsc ino-Caej. 7. 4, J. lo lier ceuC biiaoa Oreenpau. nAKNESS AND UEPAU; WH K. Harney and snoe shop; paten; leatner pjliiiifir burtry tops: repair in ad kinds of leat.ur 00 li; shoe bad sole 1 forty rents. E. 1-'. liea derson. lid1. West bixtii siree:. c 'A liPEXTKR and repair work. Address, Vv m. Reedy, box. a.'J. North iopeka, Kans. surgeon: H. leEord l'aiee. iope..a, Ivans. M. &. Vt ARE). A. AL. M. L 717 Kansas AVK.VfE Honrs: 2 to S p. m. nosjiital for womea SoJ creeuwood avenne. J J. UAMPSlIIRi-:, M. S., M. li. fJ and surgeon. 01 j iaiisas Aveuae, Topeka I R. 1. 11. Coieoru, K-iUney and l'nv.tie ui A ease. 7j Kaunas avenae. I )it. c A. ILiLL. J J 300 East Fourth Strest. HENRY W. POiiV. M. U. I wll i , C Avl-liUA. Kansas. f ii E. SIIELUJN. AI. I.. O huituicu if i-Mi 11HKHS1 or wony, with private hoap.tiil. Cilica: No. 7io Kansas Ave. J. C. AluCiiiitoCit. A. Al.. M. l. . Eranod atorrs. A. B.. M. D. JlfCMXTOCii MTUttlt. Practice limited to S Li lieiiili Y aa J UijiiASSI OF WOMEN, iaj ivaiuaj avoaaa. oai; uaari a to 4 p. ui. "I 1 it. MARY K. STEWART. fc4 iiarrison tel., corner of 7th S- OBSTETRICS) AND Li;SEA3E.3 OJf' WOMKS, Hours: lo to 1J a. m.. 2 to 4 p. in. Tee. zj7. f aja C. liAii-iiO. Ai. L. Office 730 Kan. Ave. .Residence, lath and Clay. Oillce Hours D a, m. to IA a. ia .and p. in. t J S p. iu. Phone t'J. It. it.VA AlAatiJlA Li, T09 Kansas Avaxtia. Tele. n. OR, J. K. M IT I, VANE special aiteution triven to chroalo dlseasoi. uniue open uu no . 600 Kas. Ave. Phone 82. L. A. RYDER, M. D. , OFFICE and residence cor. Gordon strest anl Central ave.. North ioodiva. Puoua 21k Uses the i-ir.niterhoif system of trea lneut, a siiccessiai aud pa.ii., trmuiidiit lor pites. nstuia. hsnure, etc. MONEY TO LOAN. T OAXSon farms and city property made at 1 low rates. Privilege of pay.cji $1 )3 or more. 1. L. Betzer, 51D Kansas aveuae, Dad.ey's bank. MONEY LOANED on horses, piano, house hold goods, and aa k lids of chattel securi ties. L. iiiscoe tWJ Kansas avet;ue. room J. ONE a." to loan ou uouds. ixioi taei or par- kuuai iiotes. ' uon Lioixia aud uiortc tei l ouche aud so. i. J a.i.M (jHkkxii'ax. L Alt XI Es w.shin a sat ail paying i.htj meut lor ttieir iiuaay. can at uata un , u v ood st Co. aaaaii VJ. DENTISTRY. GEO. P. AaUiON. D.D. S.. DENTIST. N. "W. corner Eighth and Kansas avenue. Topeka, Kansas. First published in the Official city paper Aug ust is, 1304.J PROPOSALS F0K COAL. Office of Roarp ok EDVCATioy, iOI'KKA, Kail.. AU. li, 1Sj4. f Sealed prouosaiii be received at t.iis oH;ce until 7 o'clock p. m.. reptember a, lor supply ing tiie public kCiioo.s of uiis city lor ll.e sciiool year lsj 4-j with tiie best Osatre City sl.aft coal, iuaied in Osace City, or the ei;u. aien t of said coal, mined ia tiie inune liate v ic.uity of Osa-e Ci.y. and for , such ouaat.ty of au.liraciteor senu-aiitnraeite coal as may oe reqii.iej. liios wiil be considered lor supplyiptr all tbe sCiioois in th j ci.y, 1 r be seboois north of tdie rati', or iiie aCliuois south cf tiie r.vtr. Ai coai must be de..vered in sncii qjantities. at such times, sereene 1, and weitrlied ou such scales as the board may desiua.e, at the ex pense 01 the contractor. Each o.d mus. enclose a certified cl.ecK lor j.o 1. payable to tae board of education, in case tiie successful binder fan to ei.ter ;Uto m contract and lorn sil a sa.isiac lory bond m llie suai of ; l.bou Within tnree days of the tune of the award. 'ibe board reserves the right to reject ail bids. AJLSO PROPOSALS FOS STATIONERY. At the same time and plae, bids will be re ceived for aoy ream i. more or .es. cf lti-iHjuud cap, reed as per sample m tais oiiice. and 4oJ gross. No. 10 pens and 125 No. 4.4 pens, deliv ered ;t such times aud quantities as tbe board may direct. llie board reserves therwf t to reject al'. bids. H. VV. i'AKNswum h, Clext of d oi Edtt nation. f First published in the offlclal city paper Aug ust Id. li4J Ordinanca No. 1735. ANOKDIXANXE levyinj a i?".al asiet to redeem and pay on-teni.h of the principal, tiie sain being the seventh annual LUSt.l ntwui. thereof, and to pay tiie seventh install ment oi interest on the internal improvement bonds of tne e.ty ot iopeka. issued lor ma par pose oi payniK the cost of ana curbins lue fo.low.iiK named streets and aveuuas iu tne sa.d c.y. to wit: EiXtii s.reec. o.Xiaj avo n..e, Auishtu avenue, ien.h avouaeand liarii sun street, sa.d principal and interest tiUtUr- Ui ISjo. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Councirmea of the city ot iooeita : Section l. That for the purpose of providing a lu.iJ .0 redeem an i pay too .nstanuiju. of pr me. pat m ttur.u,i iu 13.0.01 interuai .iu,jrove uien Oouas 01 tne city of lopeita. sa.d instaii luont beni uiie-aiiitU thereof, and said boa as itn v .Lt uecii issued for me purpose of pnf.S t..e cost of pavuiii and curom t..o ev er d s.ieots and a.enue ter Ue scrioed, and lor the purpo.e ot paying tide seveutu annual uianinent of et on ihe who.e of said bonus rema.uiuif uu- Ea.d, sala iuteiest maturing .u isao. uui o ereoy levied anJ asse sod asessiueut ou caci o.ocA separately, on all lots and p.ecos cf ground l.ab.e there.or to tiie center of .ne biocii ou bo.h siuOi ot the foi.owiojj named stieets and avenue, in said city accord. 114 to alia ppiaised Vniue thereof wiih-u. regard, to the bUitdins or improvements thereon, and said speciala sessmeut is based on iha special ap piaiseinenl ot sa.d lots and p.ece- oi ground uesci'ioed and the several amounts of prnicip tl and niteroj.1 hereby levied and assesseu aija.nst the saiue lor tae purposes meutioued Herein are as foitows, to w.t: Lots on Jackson street. Paving Sixth avenue. E. Lot No 163, priu 20 03. int 4 U3. lotal 23 5s. " " li. priu io od. int 4 U5, total 10 5S. " " li7, priu 21 uii. int 5 to. total 0 o. Lots on S.x ill avenue. E. i'avui Sixth avenue. E. Lot No 11, priu 33 SM, int 7 4J. pria 33 aa. " 7u, pr.n '5 73, int ti li, pn.i al i)3. " " 03, prtn i t, int 5 7J. total -M ii. " tiij. priu M da. int 4 Uii. total Za .VS. irk. prm 'Jo tia, hit 4 Uo. i5 u6. " " liJ. ir.u Ul 6J, int 6 2J, M 6t. " ' ou. pr.u iti asi. nit 4 lio, total 'J4 o4, 5s. pr n a uj, hit 4 70, iotai -J4 ao. " Ui. plan ia tio, int 4 7., total L'4 aO. " " fi. plan 1-d t, ill. 4 70, to.a. a4 3 . " " f., prm ia a 1, lut4 u, total 24 ao. " 50, priu i titi, int 6 -'o, lolal ( ati. Lots ou Van Huron street. Pavmj Sixth avenue. K. Lot No 104, prin 14 s4. int 3 47, total 17 91. " 1(Jj. priu 14 44, int a 47, total I7,al. " " ltis, pr.u 13 47, int 3 71. toial la IS. " " ItH. pr.u 13 3i. int 3 73. iota! la 27. " " laii, pr.u 14 5o, lilt 3 4a, loi 17 lii. " " las. pr.u 14 &o, iui3 4d, tola. 1. aa. Lots on Jackson street. Paving S.xth avenue. K. Lot No 19J, pria 21 75, int 5 23. to.a. 26 as. " 1U3. pun 2U 72. in. 4 US, -5 7u. " lt.7, prm 20 72, nit 'Ja, 23 7o. Lots on Sixih avenue. E. Pavmg Sixth avenue. E. Lot No 43, prin 21 73. in. 5 23. total 2G 9S. ' " 5i, prin la 08, in 4 73, to.a. L4 41. - o3. priu iU u, int 4 73. totai 24 41. " " 6a, pr.u 20 .2, .lit 4 aa, to a. 23 70. '- 01, pria 21 7o. nit 6 23. totai 2J t3. " G3, p. ni -Kl 72, .u l 4 us. total 23 .0. " o3. priu 20 72. nit 4 ai, total 23 70. ' ' o7. pr.u 23 S2, hat 3 7-. total 2a 54, " " lia, prm 23 aa, nil 6 22, total 32 12. " -' 71. prm 31 07, uu 7 46, lota. 33. Lots on Van Uureu Street. Pav.n S.xth. ave nu east. Lot No IC3. prin 12 37, hit 2 07. total 15 34. . ic ft oi lot No 163. prm 7 U2. int 1 al total J 83. . a ft of lot N 1G j, prin 4 4 iut 1 OG. total 5 01. Lot. No lu7, prm 13 i'J, ml 3 17, total li 3ti. Lots on Sixth avenue east. Paving Sixth ave nue tat. Lot No 43. prin 17 31, int 4 15. total 21 43 E 13 ft oi lot to 4u, prin 3 aa iut 2 15, total 11 oi. W 12 ft of lot No 42, pr.n 7 12, int 1 71. total i. 20 ft of lot No 40, prin 1187, iut 2 85, total 14 72. Lot No 36, prin 13 &, lilt 3 7G, total 10 42. 34. prm 14 84, int 3 5u. ioiat 18 41). " 32. prill 14 43. iut 3 46, tota: 17 s:. " ' 30, prill 14 43, iUt3 46, total 17 S'J. " " ia, prui 14 43. mt 3 46, ioal 17 -sa. " " 26, pr.n 13 2o, hit 3 iJ6, 13 at. Lots on Harrison stieat. Pav.nj Sixth avenue ea-t. Lot No 164. prin 11 54. int 2 77, total 14 31. " 166. pr.n 11 54, iut 2 77, total 14 31. " 1 8. or.u IJ 37, mt 2 97. tot il 1 i 34. " 1U4, iriu 12 37, hit 2 t7. 15 34. " " lMi. pr.n 11 54. ni 2 78. total 14 32. " " las, pnu 11 64, iut 2 73, total 14 32. Lots on Van Puren street, paving Sixth ave nue east. Lot No 193, prin 13 19. Int 3 17, total 10 36. lad, priu 12 37. mt 2 U7, total 13 34. " " 197, pr.u 12 37, int 2 i7, total 15 34. Lots on Sixth avenue east. Paving sixth ave nue east. Lot No 47. prin 17 31, int 4 15. total 21 41 " 45. pnn 4 s4. int 3 56, tota. 18 4J. ' " 43. prm 14 61, iut 3 56, total 13 40. " " 41, priu 14 84, bit 3 5 .. total 18 40. ' " 39. prm 14 84. in. 3 56. 13 40. " 37. prtu 15 66, iut 3 76. total 19 42. " " 33, priu 13 66, iut 3 76. total IU 42. " " 3 , prill 14 84, int 3 56, total 13 40. " " 81 . prm 14 43. int 3 46. total 17 Si. " ' 29, pun 14 43, iut 3 46, total 1." 89. NFOftof lot No 87, prin 10 31, int J 47, total 12 7S. N 0 ft of lot No S3, prin 10 72, Int 2 53, total 13 30. S 5i ft of lot No 27, prin 4 12. int 93c. total 5 10. is 50 it of lot No 25, priu 4 53. int 1 09, total 5 62. Lots on Harrison street, Sixth ave east. Lot No 163. prin 11 50, Int 2 76. total 14 26. N yt of let No 165. prin 6 75. int 139, total 7 14. S H of lot No 165, pria 0 75, lot 1 39, total 7 14. Lot No 167. prin 12 27. Int 2 94. total 15 21. Lois on Sixth avenue, paviuy S xtli avenue east. S 95 ft of lot No 24, prin 11 50, iut 2 76, total 14 2a -s 35 ft of lot No 24. prin S 07, int 74c. total 3 81 S 95 ft of lot No 22. prin 10 73. int 2 53, total 1 3 32. N 35 ft of lot No 22. pria 2 30. Int 55c, total 2 83. S 95 ft of lot No 23. prin 9 07, Int 2 33, total 12 3 ". N 33 ft of lot No. 20. prill 2 30. Iut S5C. total 2 85. hot No 18. pr.n 11 S3, int 2 Su, total 14 74. E 2 ft of lot No 16, prill 95C, Lot 22c, total 1 17. W 23 ft of lot No 16. pria 10 93, int 2 Ci, total 13 53. Lot No 14. prin 11 83. int 2 86. total 14 74. Lot No 12, pr.n 11 88, int 2 86. 14 74. Lot No lo. pi in 11 83, int 2 86. totai 14 .4. Lot No 8. pr.u 12 27. iut 2 4, tota. 15 21. Lots on Topeka avenue, paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 164. prm 10 7 1 int 2 59. total 13 32. " ' 166, prill 10 73. lilt 2 59, 13 32. " " 16s. pr.u il 5j, iut 2 76, 14 26. ' 1.-2. pr n 7 67, iut 1 81, totai 9 51. 184. pr u 7 2s. int 1 74. totai 9 02. " lMi. 7 0j, iut 1 7o, 8 79. " " 133, pr.u 6 90, ml 1 66. tot tl 8 56. ' 19 pr.u 6 71, iut i 6 1, to.a. 8 31. " 192, pi lll 6 52, Iut 1 57 U).a.8 09. 194, prm 11 50. mt 2 70. 14 23. N 15 ft 01 ot No 196, prm 6 44. iut 1 55, total 7 99. 10 ft of lot No 190. prin 4 29. int l 03, total 5 3 .'. Lot No 193. prin 10 73. Int 2 59, total 13 82. Lot on Harrison street, paving Six h avenue. Lot No 193. pr,n 12 27, iut 2 91. total 15 21. ' ia;. prin 11 5 , mt 2 76, 14 26. " 197. prin 11 50, int 2 76, total 14 23. Lots on Sith avenve, pavini? Sixth avenue. Lot No 23, prin 14 57. int 3 5 -. totat 13 07. ' 21, prm 13 03. iut 3 13. 16 6. ' " 19, pr.u 12 27, iut 2 94, total 15 21. " " 17. pr.n 11 8a, int 2 86. total 14 74. E 10 ft lo No 15, prin 4 73, int 1 15, total 59 W 15 ft of lot No 15, pria 7 13, int 1 70, total 8 S3. Lot No 13. prin 11 J3, Int 2 P6, total 14 74. " 11, pi iu 11 88, lilt 2 86, total 14 74. 9, pria II 83. iut 2 86, total 14 74. " " 7, pr.n 12 27, int 2 94, 15 21. Lots on Topeka avenue, paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 163. prui 12 31, Int 2 as. total 15 2. " " 165. pr.u i2 31, iut 2 95. 15 28. " " 167, pr.n 13 19, int 3 17, total 10 SS. 17a. pr.n 7 91, iut 1 91, 9 82. " - 17... prm 8 13, iut 1 95, total IU 08. " 177. priu 8 35. iut 2 01, total 103. " " 17a, priu 8 a, iut 2 11, total 10 9c, Lota on Sixth aveaae west, paving S.xth ave. Lot No 8, pr.n 12 75. int 3 07. total 15 82. K f :ot No 10. prm 6 ui. mt 1 46. total 7 50. W H of lot No 1 . prm 6 o4, int 1 46, total 7 50. Ixt No 12. win 11 oi. ,nt 2 79. .otai 14 44. E --i of lot Na 14. pr.n 6 82. mt 1 41. (o.bI 7 23. "W n ot lot No 14. priu 5 82, mt 1 41. Iotai 7 23. Lo. No 16, prin i 1 to i, int 2 79. 14 44. " ' 13, pr n 11 05. iut 2 7a, 14 44. " " 20 pr.u 11 65, iut 2 79 total 14 44. 22. pr.u 11 63, iut 2 79, totai 14 il. 2. prm 12 53, uit 3 01, to i 15 34. Lot on Tyler street, paving: Sixth avenue. Lot No 164. prin 9 23. int 2 22, total H 45. ' 166. prin 9 23, tut 2 22. total 11 43. ' " 168, prm 10 H, iut 2 42, total 12 53. " 194. prm 9 83. int 2 80, to 1 12 19. ?7 H of lot No 196. prin 4 47. Int 1 07, total 3 5k 8 H of lot No lad. pr.n 4 47. int 1 u7, total 5 54. Lot No 193, prin 8 93, iut 2 14, total 11 t7. Leu on Topska avenue, paring Sixth avenue. Lot No ui, pria 8 98, int 2 14. total 11 07. " " 14, pria 3 J, iut 3 04, lo S3. " " 183, priu 8 2i. iut 1 93, 10 24. " 1S7. pr.n 04. iut 1 S3, to Jl. 9 39. " lsa, prm 7 8J. int i 87, 9 . " 19i, pr.n 7 59. tut I 83, tota. 9 42. - ' 193. prin 13 40, mt 3 . 16 62. " 195. prm 12 50, inc 3 oO. 13 5J. " " 197, prm 12 30. int 3 tw, 15 30. Lots on Sixth avenue wet pavintr lxtn avenue. Lot No 7. prin 12 50. Int 3 00. 15 50. 9, pr.u 12 06, iu. 2 9j, 14 9 i. " " li. pr.n li oi . int 2 73, 14 39. " " 13. prm 11 61. iut 2 73. total 14 39. " " 15. pr.u 11 61. int 2 73. lotal 14 39, " 17. 'pr.u 11 61, iut 2 78, 14 3J. " " 19. pr.u 1 1 Oi, m! 2 7 . 14 3J. E H of lot No jl, pi .u j al, int i 4J, total 7 2L W vi of lot 21. prm 5 81. mt 1 40. total 7 21. Lo. No 23. pr.n 12 50, in. 3 0J, tot .1 15 5J. Lots on Tyler street. Paviug .sixth avenue. Lot No 163, prm 10 48. in. 2 5t. total 12 99. " " 165. prm 10 43, iut 2 51. iota. 12 aa. " " lo7. priu 11 63. ltit 2 77, total 14 8J. Lot on Sixth avenua W. Paving S.xth avenue. Lot No 26, priu 14 67, Int 3 52. total 18 19. " " 23, priu 13 61. int 3 27, total 16 9J. Sj, prin 13 80. hit 3 20. total 16 53. ' 32. pr.n 13 10, int 3 14. .otal 10 24. 34. prm 13 10. int 3 14, total 10 24. " " 36. priu 13 3d. int 3 20. totat IS 56. " 33. priu 13 30, in. 3 20. totai 16 56. " 40, pnu 13 10, int 3 14. total 16 24. " " 42. prtu 13 10, int 3 14. total 16 24. " 44. prm 13 10. m. 3 14. total la 24. " 46, pnu 13 10, Iut 8 14. 16 24. " " 43, prin 13 63. int 3 23. to ai 10 91. Lots on Polk street. Paving S.xth avenue. Lot No 104. prin 9 44, int 2 27, total ll 71. N '4 of lot No 100. priu 4 72. int 1 13. total 5 90. S Vx of lot No 166. pr.u 4 72. iut 1 18. total 5 90. Lot No 168, prill 9 1.6, int 2 39, total 12 33. " " 194, pr.n 10 41, iut 2 51, total 12 92. " 196, pr.n 9 89, illt 2 33, total 12 27. " ' 198, prin 9 8J, iut 2 33, totai 12 27. Lots on Tyler street. sixth avenua. Lot No 193, prin 11 43. int 2 74, total 14 19. " ' 195, prm 10 41. int 2 51. totai 12 92. " 197, prm lo 41, iut 2 51, total 12 92. Lots on Sixth avenue W. Paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 25. prin 14 57. int 3 53, total 13 10, " 27. prin 13 53. mt 3 24, totai 16 77. " 29, pr.u 13 27, iut 3 18. tota 10 45. " 31. prin 13 01, int 8 12. total 16 13. " 33. prm 13 01, hit 3 12, totai 16 13. " " 8 i, prm 13 27, hit 3 18. 16 45. " " 37. prm 13 27. int 3 is. total 10 43. " " 39, prin 13 01. iut 3 12. 16 13. " " 41, prm 13 Oi. iut 3 12, total 10 13. " " 43. prm 13 01. iut 3 12. total Id 13. " 45. pr n 13 ol. iut 3 12, 16 13. " 47. pr.u 13 53, int 8 24, lotal 16 77. Lots on Po.k s.reet. Paving Six.h ave.iue. N of lot No 163. priu 4 64, Int 1 11, total 5 75. Lots on Sixth avenue west. Paving S.xth ave. Lot No 50. prin 12 69. int 3 0 ", totat 15 74. " 52, priu 12 2J, mt 2 93. total 15 13. " " 54. pr.n 12 44. Iut 2 as, total 15 42. " " 56, pr.u 12 09, iut 3 05, 15 74. ' " 68, priu 12 ua, iut 3 05, iotai 15 74. " " 69, pr.u 12 a3, hit 3 t.9. total 16 02. Lots on Tay.or street. Pav.n; S.xCa avenue. Lot No 164, pr.u 9 27, int 2 22, total 11 49. ' 166, pr.u 9 27, iut 2 22, 11 49. " " 168. prm 9 70, int 2 31, 12 lo. " " 194, pnu 10 74. hit 2 53. 13 32. " 196. prm 10 27, iut 2 4j. total 12 73. " 18. pria 10 27. iut 2 46, totai 12 73. Lots on Polk street. Paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 193, priu 10 27. nt 2 46, total 12 73. ' " la. priu 9 SJ. hit 2 3i, 12 15. " " 197. prm 9 8J, mt 2 35, total 12 15. Lots on Sixth avenue west. Paving S xth ave. Lot No -i9. prin 13 07. int 8 13, total 16 22. " " 51. prill 12 6:1. iut 3 02, lOtal 15 62. " ' C.l, priu 12 14, iut 2 91, total 15 05. " ' -5, prm 12 11, hit 2 91. total 13 05. " 57. pnu 12 :4 iut 2 '..I, totai 15 o5. ' 59. prm u 87. hit 2 97, 15 34. " " 61, priu 12 37, lilt 2 97, 15 34. " 66, pr.u 12 14, int 2 al. total i5 u. " " o3. pr.u 12 H. int 2 91, tota. 15 05. " " 67, prm 12 14, mt 2 ai. total 13 05. " ' 69. prm 12 60. iut 3 1)2. t 15 02. - 71, priu 13 ()', mt 3 15. totai 16 22. " " 74, pr li i5 5., mt 3 74. la 33. " 70. pr.u 15 0-1. Hit 3 0.. lota. 18 Oi. " " 73, pr.u 14 43. iut 3 47, total i7 93. ' 86. prill 13 93. lilt 3 3i. .Otal 17 23. " " 82, pr.u la 37, iut 3 20. tola. 10 57. 4, pr.n 1J 37. int 3 2. tota. 16 .7. " 86, prm 12 3 , ill. 3 07, totai 1583. ' " 88, prm 12 23. 111 1 2 aa, i5 20. " 90, pr.u 11 76. iu. 2 oi, lotal 14 3t. N Oi ft 01 lot No 92, pr.u 2 a6, iut oac, total 8 W Vt of lot Xo 94, prin 5 37, int 1 3i. to'al e 91. IxH No 96. pnu li 42, iut 2 75, 14 i7. Lots on Westeru avenue. Pav. ug S.x.h ave. Lot No 164. prin 9 19, mt 2 21, total 11 40. 100, pr.u 9 1', iut 2 21, totai 11 40. " " 163. prin 9 75. iut 2 33. la oS. Lot on Taylor stre-t. Paving Sixth avenue. Lot .no 163. prln 12 25, int 2 93. total 15 20. " 165, prin 12 25, int 2 Ho, total 15 20. " " 177. priu 12 81. nit 3 67. to a. 15 33. " " 193, pr.n 1J 22. iut 3 13, total 10 49. ' " 195. prm 12 67, lot 3 Oi. 15 71. " " la7, pr.n 12 07. 111. 3 01, totai 15 71. Lots on Sixtii avenue V. Paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 73, pr.n 15 42. mt 3 71. to al 19 13. 75, pr.u 14 7. iut 3 57, total ia 44. " 77, pr.u 14 32, int 3 41, total 17 70. " " 7a, pr.u 13 .7. ui. 3 3J, totai 17 07. E 'jOf lot No ol, prm 6 61, m. 1 53, totai 8 19. "W of lot No 1, pr n o 01, iut 1 03, to.a. 8 19. Lot so 83, pr.n 13 22 ait 3 1 j, totai 16 41. - 85, pirn 12 67, hit 3 U4. totat 15 71. E V4 of lot ao 87, p. in 0 oO iut 1 40, t itai 7 52. W of iOt No 7. pr.u 0 60. nit I 40, 7 52. Lot No 89, pr.n 11 57, iut 2 73, to.a 14 35. " 91, pnu 11 29, iut 2 7a, total 13 ao. " " 93. pr.u 11 02, iut 2 54. to.a 13 00. ' 95, prm li 29, iut 2 70. 13 99. Lots on Western avenue. I'avmg .-.Ixth ave. Lot No 195. prin 9 91. int 2 39, 12 3 ). " lot, prm 9 30 iut 2 -3. totai 11 01. " 193. priu 9 36, iut 2 25. 11 61. " 153, prru 10 oj, iut 2 63. .3 06. " 105. prm 10 53, iut 2 53. 13 j6. 167, prm 11 3i. int 3 72, 14 oo. Lots on Sixth avonue W. Paving S.xth avenue. Lot No 93. prm 1 i 39. int 3 70, 19 09. ' 100, priu 13 77. int 3 36, total 17 07. 102, pr.U 13 3.'. lilt 3 20, total 16 57. " lo4. pr.u 13 90, iat 3 li. 10 u7. " .lo, pnu id ao. in. 3 ll. .o.a. 10 07. " 112. pr.u 12 50, iut 3 o2, total 15 53. 114. pr.U 12 50. lilt 3 02, -otai 15 53. " " 110. prm 12 50, iut 3 03. to.a. 1 53. " 113. prm 12 50. iut 3 o2 total 15 58. " " i-o. pnu 12 90. int 3 11, 16 o7. Lots oo Fdun jre street. Pav ug S.x.h avenue. Lot No 104, prm 10 53. int 2 53. 13 06. -n 14 of lot No 160. prin 5 27, int 1 2 ', total 6 52. S H of lot No 105, p. in 5 27, iut 1 20, 6 53. Lot No 108. prm it 34. iu. 2 12. totai 14 oJ. Lotsi n Western avenue. Paving r-ixtli avenue. Lo. No 193. prin 1181. int J 72. total 14 0J. 19a. pr.u 10 53, iut 2 53. 13 06. ' " 197. prm 10 53, in. 2 53, t tai 13 00. Lots oa Sixth avenue- W. Paving Sixtii avenue. Lot No 97. prin 13 39. hit 3 70, total 19 09. " 99. pr n 13 77, Hit 3 3 1. total 17 07. 101. prin 13 37. int 3 2J, total 16 57. loi, prin 12 96, iut 3 ll, totai 10 07. 105. pnu 12 50. iut 3 02, totai 15 58. " 107. priu 12 96. iut 3 11, to al 16 or, lo9, priu 12 90. int 3 li, 18 j7. " Hi. pr.n 12 56, nt 3 02, 15 53. " 113, prin 12 50, int 3 02, total 15 33. ' 115. pr.n 12 56. 111c 3 02. total 15 53. " 117. prill 12 7.6. lilt 3 -2. total 15 58. ipj, prm 12 90, iut 3 11. totai 10 u7. Lots on Fiilinore s.rett- Piviuir Sixth avenue. Lot No 194, prin 11 34. Int 2 72, total 14 OA " 190. prm 10 53. mt 2 53, 13 uo. " 193. prin 10 s. m 2 53. 13 00. iti.i. pr.u lu3l, int 2 43. u 82. 105. prm 10 84, mt 2 48. total 12 bj. " lo7, priu U 21. hit 2 69. 13 90. Lots on Sxth avenua. V. Paving Sixth aven ae. Lot No 122. prin It 03. int 3 32. total IS 17. 124. pr.n 12 ai. in. 3 !0, 16 01. " 126, pr.n 12 59. int 3 00. 15 50, " 123, prm 12 5J. iut 3 00, total 13 5o. " 13j, pr 11 12 5J, iut 3 oa, total 15 50. !;). pr.n 12 . 3. iut 3 16. total 10 0.3. " 134. priu 13 9.1, iut 3 10. total 10 on. " " 136. priu 12 5i. iut 3 00, total 15 50. 163, , ria 12 aa. iut 3 lo, totai 10 03. 14j. prin 13 36. iat 3 20, toial Id 3'i. .. m, prin 13 79, int 3 31. total 17 10. " 144, priu 14 05. iut 3 52, lolal 13 17. Lots on Clay street. Paving S.xth avenue. Lot No 104. prin 10 34, in: 2 48, totl 12 82. " 160, prin 10 Si. iut 2 4, tota. 12 32, - 168, prm 11 22, mt 2 69. lota. 13 90. Lots on Fitlm jre stredi. Paving S.xth Avenue. Lot No 193. prin 11 21, int. 2 69. totai 13 9j. " " lao, p. m 10 ai, nit 2 43, total 12 82. 197, prm lo 3i, mi 2 48, 13 32. Lots on Sixth Avenue Wat. Paving Sixth Ave nue. N 90 ft lot No 121, priu 1031. int243. total 12 82. S 4J ft lot No 121. priu 4 31. mt 1 Oi, tota. 5 31. N ao ft lo. N 1 121, prm 9 3, iut 2 27, totai 11 75. S 4-J ft lot No 1 3. prm 3 45. m. 8-C, tota. 4 27. Lot No 125, prm 12 jj, mt 3 0J, otai ia 5J. - 1 j, prill 12 6J, lilt 8 00, total 15 50. " " 129, prln 12 00, Int s 00, total H 00. ' " 131, prln 12 93, int 8 10. totnl-ia 0.3. ' " 133, prin 12 93, lot 3 10, total 13 03. " - 135, pr.u 12 60, iut 3 00, total 15 50. " 137. 'Tin 12 83. int 3 10, total Id 03. 139, priQ 13 80. lot S 20. total 16Ti6, 141. prui 13 79, int 8 81, total 17 10. " " 14J. priu 14 i. iat 8 id. 1 17. Let oa C ay K.reet. Sixth Avenue. Lot No 194, pr.n 11 Si. it 1 , total 11 X " 1W, priu ioi. int 3 4. li il. " ' 193, prin 10 81, hit 2 4S, total 12 32. " " 163. pnu 11 23. int 2 70, total 13 93. " lu5. pr.n il 23, in; 3 70. total 13 as. " " 107, prm 12 03. lat 2 89. total 14 92. Lots oa Sixth Avenue Wjst. Paving Sixth Ave nue. W 1-2 of lot No 16 pnn 6 42. int 1 35, toral 7 97. Lot No 162. prin 12 43, iut 2 a8, total 15 41. " " li4, pr. a 12 4i. in: 2 91. total 15 41. 160. prm Id 43, in: 2 9i. totai 15 41. " " 10. pria 12 S3, int 3 .3, tota. 15 al. Lots on B ichanan S.reet. Paving Sixth atreet. Lot No 161, priu 9 82. int 2 al, total 11 93. N 1-2 of lot No 106, priu 4 31. Int 1 13. totil 5 96. S 1-2 of lo: No 100, priu 4 81, int 1 13, total 6 90. Lo. No 163, priu 11 23, int 2 79, to al 13 K3. " 194, prin 11 23, mt 2 70, tota. 13 93. " 10, prm 9 62, mt 2 31. totai 11 93. 1 93. priu 9 62, lnf 2 31, iotai 11 93. Lot on Ciay S.reet. Paving Six.h Avenue. Lot No U3. prln 12 03, In: 2 S3, total 14 92. " " 193, prm 11 23. Iut 2 70, total 13 98. " 197. prin 11 23. iut 2 70, lotal 13 93. Lots oa Six.ii avenue w'et. S.xth Ave nue. Lot No 145. prln 14 4 1. iut 3 43. totil 17 93. " 147. prm 12 83. mt 3 03, 15 91. " 14J, pnn 13 83. mt S03, 15 91. " " 151, p. m 12 83, hit 8 03, total 15 91. " " 153. pr.n 12 83. nit 8 03, total 15 91. " 135. prm 13 -3. int 3 13. total 16 41. " 167. prm 13 -3, in: 3 13. total 16 41. " 15 , prin 12 83. int 3 03, to al 15 91. ' " 101, prm 12 43, lu. 2 98. total 15 41. " 163, prm 12 43, iut 2 as, 14 41. " ' 105, prm 12 43, iut 2 98. 15 41. " 10;, pnu 1-83. iut 3 08. total 15 91. Lots on Buchanan street, paving sixth avenue. Lot No 103, priu 11 53, Int 2 79. total 14 38. " " 165. prin 11 09. int 2 79, total 14 33. " 167. pnu 12 48, int 2 99, total 15 47. Lots on Sixth ave west, paving Sixtii avenue. Lot No 170, prin 15 13, int 3 04, total 18 73. " 172. pr n 13 37, iut 3 2J, toial 10 57. " 174. pnu 12 93. int 8 11. total 16 04. m " " 176. pnu 12 48, iut 2 9. tota. 15 47. " 178. pr.u 12 43, iut 2 99, total 15 47. " 13J, prm 12 93, ict 3 11, total 16 (H. " " 182, pr.n 12 43. iut 2 99. total 1547. " " la4, pr.n 12 01, int 2 89, total 14 93. " " 1 6. pr.n 11 59, iut 2 79, total 14 33. " " 13i. pnu 11 14. In. 2 67, total 13 81. " " 19J. pr.u 11 14, int 2 67, total U 81. " " 192, pnu 12 43, int 2 99, totai 13 47. Lots oa Lincoln strea., paving Six.h avenue. Lot No 164. prin 10 70, int 2 57. total 13 27. N Vt of lot No 100, pith 5 35. iut 1 29, total 6 64, S Vt of lot Mo 100, prln 5 35, int 1 29, total 6 04. Lot No 163. prln 11 59, int 2 79, total 14 33. " la4. prm 11 5J, int 2 79, total 14 33. " lad. pnu 10 70, hit 2 57, 13 27. " " laa. prm lo 70. iut 2 07. total 13 27. Lots on Buchanan street, paviug avenue. Lot No 193, priu 12 48, int 2 99. total 15 47. " 19., pnn ll 59. in: 2 79. total 14 33. " " 197. pr.u 11 59, tut 2 79, total 14 33. Lots on S.x.h aveaiu wast, pavings xth avanue Lot No 109, priu 15 15, Iut 3 64, total 13 79. " 171. pr.u 13 3.. irt 3 20, total 10 57, " ' 173. pr.u 12 93. iut 3 11. 10 04, " 175, priu 12 43 int 2 99, to.a! 15 17. " 177, prm 12 43. int 2 99. total 15 47. " " 179. pnu 12 93. mt 3 11, total 10 04. ' " 181. prin 12 43. int 2 99. total 15 47. " 18J. pnn 12 04, Int 2 89. total 14 93. " " 183. prm 11 5a, 111.2 79. total 14 33. " ' la7, pr u 11 11, m. 2 07, 13 al. " " 13J, pr.u 11 14, iut 2 67. tota 13 81. " " 191, prin 12 48, .11. 2 93 15 47. Lots on L ncoin street. S.xth avenue. Lot No 103. priu 12 03, int 2 91, total 14 99. N ij of lot No 10"'. pnn C 04, int 1 46, toial 7 50. S V of lot No 105, pr.n 0 01. hit 1 46. total 7 50. Lot No 107, priu 12 53, in. 3 01, total 15 54. Lots on Sixth avenue west. Paving Sixth ave. Lot No 194. prin 13 37. int 8 Si. total 17 21. " 190, pr.u 13 93, int 3 11, total 16 09. ' " l'i3, prin 12 53, int 3 01, total 15 34. " " 200, priu 12 53. int 3 01. total 15 54. " " 2,12, pnn 12 33. hit 3 01, 15 54. " 201, pr.u 12 -.'3. mt 3 11, 10 ('.. ' " '206. pnn 12 53, hit 3 01, total 15 51. ' " '20s, priu 12 Oi, mt 2 91, total 14 99. " ' 210, piiu 12 03. iut 2 91, 14 99. ' 2 2, pr.u 12 os. hit 2 91, total 14 99. " 21 1, pr.n 12 53, hit 3 01. total 15 54. " " 210, pr.n 13 42, hit 3 23, total 10 03. Lots on Lane street. I'aving Sixth avenuo. Lot No la4, pr'.n 10 74. int 2 59, total 13 33. " 100. prm 10 74, iut 2 69. tota 13 33. " " 103, pnn 11 6J. mt 2 79, total 14 42. ' " 194, pr.u 11 29. int 2 70, total 13 !9. 19 i. prin 10 35, int 2 4s, total 12 8:t. " ' 193, prill 10 33, iut 2 43, iotai 12 83. Lots on Lincoln street. Paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 193. prin 12 70, Int 3 05, total 15 75. 193. prin ll 70, int 2 S3, total ll 49. " la7, pr.n 11 70. int 2 83, lotal 14 43. Lots on Sixth avenue west. Paving Sixth ave. Lot No 193. pnn 1 1 11. int 3 33, total 17 49. " la5. pnn i3 17, int 3 10, total 10 33. " " 197. prm 12 70. int 3 05. total 15 75. " " 199, pnn 12 7o. mt 3 05, total 16 75. " 201, pr.n 2 70, Hit 3 05, total 15 73. 203, prill 13 70, int 3 16. total 10 33. " " 205, prm 12 7 , Int 3 05. totai 15 75. '207, prill 12 23. Iut 2 94, total 15 17. " 2i iy. prin 12 23, int 2 91, total 15 17. ' " 211, pr.u 12 23. hit 2 91, total 15 17. 2:n. pnu 12 70, int 2 05, total 15 75. " 215, pr.n 13 17, int 8 16, totai 10 33. Lots on Lane street, paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 103. priu 12 45 Iat 2 98, totai 15 41. " 103. pr.n 12 45, 1 it 2 9 total 13 43. " " lo7, pr.u 13 48, iut 3 24, total 16 72. Lots on Sixth avenue west, paving S.xth auenue. Lot No 218, priu 15 04, iut 3 61, total 18 65. .. .. 2JU. pnn 14 no, int3 30, total 17 30. u 222, prill 13 43, lilt 3 24, total 10 72. ' " 221, priu 12 97, illt 3 11. to al 1068. " 2:6, priu 12 97, iut 3 11, tota; 10 03. " " 228 prill 13 48. iut 3 24. total 10 72, " ' 230, priu 12 98, Iut 3 11. to al 16 oa. " " 232. prm 12 45. int 2 98. iotai 15 43. " " 2 14, prm ll 93, iut 2 so, 14 79. " ' 26 i. prm 11 41, iut 2 75, total 14 10. " ' '233, pnu 10 89, int 2 02, total 13 51. " " '240, pri.i 11 93, int 2 80. total 14 79. Lots on West s.reet, Sixth avenue. Lot No 104, prin 85. int 2 87, total 12 22. 106, pr.u 9 8 j. int 2 37. total 12 22. " ' 103. priu 10 37. Int 2 50, to al 12 87. " 191, pnu 9 99, lat 2 40. total 12 39. " 196. prt.l 9 3, int 2 20, total 11 u9. ' " 193 prin 8 83, Int 2 13. total 11 01. Lots on Line street, paving Sixth avenue. Lot No 193. prin 12 76. lot 3 00, total 15 82. 193, prin 11 65. iut 2 80, 14 4 . ' 197. prm 11 63. int 2 30, to . 14 43. Lots on S.xth avenuj west, paving Sixth avenue. I ot No 217, priu 15 54. int 3 73. tota 19 27. E 15 ft of tot No 219, pr.n 8 C6, tut 2 03, total 10 74. W 10 ft of lot No 2 9, prin 5 77. int 1 33, total 7 15. 1. t No 221, prln 13 87. int3 34, total 17 21. " 223. prin 13 32. into 19, total 16 51. " 225, pr.n 13 32. iu. 3 19, 16 51. " " 227. pr.n 13 sr. int 3 3i, to.a. 17 21. ' 229. prm 13 32, hit 3 19. total 18 f.l, E Vt of lot No 231. prin 6 33, iut 1 54, total 1 92. W n of lot No 31, prin 6 33, Int 1 04. total 7 92 Lot No 233, prin 12 21. Int 2 93, total 15 14. " " 235, prill 1 1 f. in . 2 80 14 45. " 237, pnu 11 10, hit 2 65, totat 13 70. " '239, prin 12 21, .nt 2,93, total 15 14. Lots on Jackson s.reet. Paving Fifth street. Lot No 127, pr.n 12 8). int 8 07, total 15 87. 129, prin 12 -30, int 3 o7. total 15 7. " " 13 ,prm 12 8J, int 3 07. totai 15 37. ' la3. prm 12 8 '. Iut 3 07, 15 87. " " 133. pr.u 12 3 , int 3 07, total 15 87. " 137. priu 12 oo. iut a 07. 15 e?. Lot on Van Buren street. Favinr Fifth street. Lot N'o l-S. prin 8 53. int 2 05, total 10 53. N 5 it ot No 13 J. pr.n 1 71, int 4oc. total 211. S 20 ft lot No 136. prm 6 82. int 1 64. total 8 43. Lot No 132, p.-ltl 3 53, iut 2 05. total 10 58. " 140. pr.n 10 24. int 2 40. total 12 70. " 142. pnu 12 3 J, hit 3 07. total 13 e7. " 144. prin 17 oo. int 4 1 j, total 21 10. W 70 ft lot -no 10, prin 10 27, mt 2 40, total 12 73. W 70 ft lot No 145. prin 6 60, int 1 53, total 8 1. "W 70 ft lot No 150. i rin 5 13. hit 1 23. tota. 6 36. W 274 ft of e 73 ft lot NO 140, prin 2 07, int 63C, totai 3 2J. W 27 ij ft of e 75 ft lot No 143, Int 1 83, prin 42c, total 2 2 i. W 27: i ft of e 75 ft lot No 150, pria 1 47, Int 85C, total I 82. W 22'i ft of e 47!i ft lot No 148, pria 2 20, Int 53C. totai 2 73. W 22V, ft of e 47W ft lot No 143, pria 1 47, lat 33C, total 1 82. W j2 ft of e 47;- ft lot No 150, pria 1 10, tut 26c. totai 1 3. E 25 ft I d No 146. prin 2 93. int 70c. total 3 63. E 25 ft tot No 143. prin 1 83. int 44c. 2 27. E 2o f t lot No I 5o. priu I 47, iut 3 ic. total 1 e3. Lot No 152 pr.n 8 81. nt 2 li, to 91. 134. priu 8 80. In. 2 11, to.a. 10 91. ". 150. pnu 8 so, iu; 2 il, total lo ai. " " 133, prm 8 8 i. .lit 2 11. tota 16 91. N H of .ot No 160. pr.u 4 4), int 1 07. totil 5 47. S V, of iot No 16.. prm 4 4J, int 1 07, to al 6 47. Lot No 162, prm 8 oo. iat 2 li, total 10 oi. Lots oa Jaeksua street. Paring Fifth street, Front 100 ft lot Xo 145, prU 20 I7,U.t 1 S ' ! 36 01. Front 100 ft lot No 147, prui 13 21, If t S 1 . 1 18 38. Front 100 ft lot No 149. prin 11 CO. int 2 t, i 18 64. Kear 0 ft lot Ko 143, pria 6 80, Int 1 t. ' ( 18. Bear 60 ft lot No 147. prin 4 4 bit l f, f 47. Kear 50 ft lot Xo 148. prln s tl, Tut Si t 4 5. Lot No 151. prin 12 84. Int 3 0. rv ' n v N i-i of lot No 13.1, pr.n 42. int 1 fi..i 7 -SSoflotNo 1.53. pria 6 44. bat 1 Lot No 1.5.'.. prm 12 4. Int 3 uS. tetai 1 :. 157. pr.n 12 84. iut a on, to ai i . . . " 159. prm 12 84. Int aos. total i j . " " 101. pr.u 12 31. iut 3 08. to a. 1 . f. . Lots on Jackson 7treet. paving 1 -l.tia. Lot No 235. prln 14 6J. int 3 51. total n l". " 2 7, pria 11 66, lilt 3 f.i, total in 17. " " 239. prin 14 60, iut 8 51. total : I Lots oa Van Burea street, paving -nue. Lot No 25. prln 12 R5. Int s 02, total 1 " ' -. ' 23-. pr.n 12 SO, hit 3 ci. toia. 1 " 240. pria 14 60. int 8 51. total 13 1.. Lots on Eighth avenua eait paviug L.ata kv hum. Lot No 50, prin 20 94. int 5 02, total 15 V 23 1-8 ft Of lot No 52. priu 16 w, lot is l - ,t a 20 46. E 8 l-S ft of lot No OS. pria 2 01'. Lit : ju, Utu 2 Cm. Lot NO 53. prln 10 75. Int4 03, total 2J 73. ' " 6o, prm 10 75, iut 4 i)3, toial 21 ". 3. " 26, pnu 2161, lilt 5 IS. total i- . J . " is. priu 19 45. iut 4 06. total il. " " 80, pnn 17 2a. int 4 14. toi I 21 s a. " " 82, pnn 17 29. lilt 4 I t, tolai 21 1-1. "W i; of lot No 84. pnn 8 64. iut 2 a7. t .1 19 7t. K tf of Int No !, lrin 8 84. lut 2 t"il io 7 '.. Lot No ao. prin 17 29, lut 4 14. lotal -.:l 41 W 10 2-3 It of iot No 33, prm C 92, I 1 vV, to', a. 8 59. E 10 ft Of lot No 83, pria 10 37, hit 2 5 J, toi .tl 12 87. Lot No 40. prin 17 29, Int 4 14. total 21 4 1. 42. pr.u 17 29, iut 4 14. total 21 4 ). " " 44. pi iu 17 29, lilt 4 14. total 2 1 ,. " 40, pr.u 19 45. In: 4 60. totai 24 11. ' " 43, priu 21 01. illtS lo. lolal ki 7a. Lots on Van Buren street faring E:,:i..'i ata uue. Lot No 235, prln 15 13. int 3 08. total is 7 !. N ! of lot No 2.i7, pr.n 7 iW, int 1 v.'. toial 9 S t of lot No '2a7, prin 7 56. hit 1 a.-, I " . i 9 i. Lot NO 239, priu 17 29. iut 4 14, total 21 4 l. Lots on Harri. on street paving EUtblti imoiw. Lot No 2:w, prin 12 97. lut 3 1 1, total 10 iw. " 23 j, prm 12 97, iut 3 ll. 1-. oi. " " 249, piiu 13 13, iut 3 6.1, total i J .. Lots on Qumcy street. Pavinij; Tenth aim. Lot No 307, prin 9 25, int 2 -.a. total ll 4i. ' iJOJ, pllli 9 2a, Hit 2 2a, toial 11 4s. " ll, prm 9 ao, iut 2 ao, total 12 22. Lots on Kansas avenue. Paving '1 avwhu i. Lot No 803, prin 24 00, lnl 5 92, total a 1 ti. " " 810, pnu 24 00. illt 6 92, total a ) :', 812. pr.n 27 71. iut 6 6.". total al 4i. N 1, ft lot No 314. pl'iU, 1 11 Illt 2-.C. total 1 .0. b23 j It lot No 814, pnn 1; , lot 4 is, t ... a 21 61.. Lot N08I6, prln 18 49, lnt4 4, total 2' vt. " BIS, pnu 13 49, hit 4 4 4. total 22 !' . 32J, prm 21 5a. iut 5 i:, iot i i i . " ' 322, prm K4 60. bit 5 92. total 86 53. 824, prm 30 82. int 7 40. 38 22. Lots on Tenth avenue E. Paviug Tenth a? euu. Lot No 101. prin 10 79, Int 2 53. lotal 13 37. " loo. prm 9 2, iut 2 23, toial 11 43. " " 103, prm 9 25, lut 2 -.3. 11 43. " 110. pr.n 9 25, ml 2 23, total ll 43. " " 112, pnn 9 25, hit 2 2a, tbial 1J 43. " 114, pr.u 9 25, int 2 2.1. 11 4s. 110, pnu 9 2a, hit 2 23, total 11 43. " " 118, prill 10 43, lilt 2 ol, total 12 93. " " 120. prin 12 33, lilt 2 96. total 13 -J. " " lua, pr.n 11 57, int 2 73. total 14 ai. " " loo, pr.u lo oa, uit 2 40, total 12 43. " 17, prui il- 03, liit 2 46. lo al 12 43. 109, prm 10 03, illt 2 40. total 12 43. " " 111, prm 10 03, int 2 46, toial 12 43. " 113, pr.u 10 0.4, Illt 2 40, totai 12 43. 115. priu 10 03, illt 2 40, total 12 4.1. " 117. prm 11 03. illt 2 78, total 14 85. " " 119. pnn 13 On, int 8 24. total 10 74. Lots on Q iincy street. I'aving 'ii-nth avuue. Lot No .i7. prm 12 34, lut 2 90, total 15 3d. " b.J9, priu il o7, 1 it 2 73, total 14 " '241, OTIU 11 57. int 2 73. lotal 14 35. Lot on Kansas avenue. Paving Tenth avenue. Lot No 3 20, prin 34 71, int 8 S3, total 43 04. " 328, priu 20 99, in. 6 43, total 33 47. 3JJ. pnu 23 14. lut 6 05, total 23 69. " " 832. pnu 19 28, hit 4 52, 23 90. ' " 34. prm 17 35, illt 4 17. total 21 52. " 33a, prm 15 43. int 3 71, toial 19 14. " " a:), pi'.U 21 21, lilt 5 10, total 20 31. 3 10, pr.U 19 28, Hit 4 62, tola! Kl WO. ' " 8rt2, piiu 17 35, Ult 4 17, total 21 52. Lots on Kansas avenuo. I'aving Tenth avenue. Lot No 307, prui 23 39, Int 0 02, total 29 ol. aoa. prm 23 39, iu. 6 Oa, total 29 01. ' 81 1, pr.U 25 73, Ult 6 16, to. ai 31 92. " ma, pnu 17 05, iut 4 22, lolal 21 77. " " 813, pr.U 17 05, hit 4 22, lotal 21 77. " 817, pr.n 17 65, lut 4 22 total 21 77. " " 319. prm 17 05, iut 4 22. loiai 21 77. " ' 321, prill 21 05, illt 5 65, total 26 10. " " 323, priu 28 07, hit 6 75. total 34 82. Lots on Jacits -n street. Paving Teu.h avenue. Lot No 8 )8, pnn 11 70, Int 2 80, total 11 so. " ' 816, priu 11 76, iut 2 80, lolal 14 0O. " " 312, prm 12 87, iut 3 03, total 15 90. Lots on Tcutli ave. east. Paviug Teuth avenue. Lot No 74, pnn 14 J4. int 8 37, 17 41. " 76, pr.n 11 7o, mt 2 ho, toial 14 ao. " " 73, pr.u U 63, iut 2 63, total 13 00. " " 80. prm 9 30, int 2 24, total 11 00. " " 82, pnu 9 36, iut 2 24, total 1 1 00. " " 84, prin 9 3a, In. 2 24, total 11 6 . " " SO, prui 9 30. iut 2 24, toiai 1 1 lio. " 83, prui 9 36. IU. 2 24. lotal 11 06. " " 9o. prm 11 76, lut 2 so, total 14 ao. " 7a, prm 10 91, mt 4 07. Iotai 20 93. W 9 In lot No 76, pnu 43c, lut inc. total 53c. E 24: ft of lot No 7o, prm 13 41, uu 2 22, total 16 03. Lot No 77. prin 12 31, Int 2 95. total 15 25. " ' 7t, pi in 11 07, iut 2 06, lotal 13 7a. ' 81, pr.n 11 t)7, mt 2 66, 13 73. " " 83, prm 1 I 07, iut 2 66. total 13 73. " 85, prill 11 117, Illt 2 66, lo.Ul 13 73. H7, p.-Ill 1 I 07, lilt 2 00. total 13 73. " " 83, prm 13 84, Hit 3 32. total 17 10. Lots on Kausas aveuue. I'avmg Tenth avenue. Lot No 325, priu 32 23, int 7 74, total 40 02. " 82.", pi IU 21 6 ), lilt 5 96, lolal 3 ) sVj. " " 329, pnn 21 52, hit 5 17, tolni 26 61). " " 831, pnu 18 45, lilt 4 42, totai 22 87. " " 343, prm 10 91, int 4 07, total 20 as. " " 335, priu 15 37, Illt 3 70. total 19 1)7. " 837, prm 21 52, hit 5 17, total 26 6. " 333, pnu 13 45, lilt 4 42. lolal 22 87. Lots on Jackson street. Paviug Tenth avenue. Lot No 833. prin 9 22, Int 2 22, total 11 41. " " 84J, pnu 7 6:, lul 1 85. totai 9 54. " 842, prln 7 69, int 1 85, total 9 04. Lots on Jactson street. I'aving Teuth avenue. Lot No 337, prln 11 22, lut 3 13, total 10 40. N (4 of lot -No 33J, prm a ol, iut 1 32, 6 83. S V, of iot -no 369, prm 5 51, iut 1 si, lotal 6 as. Lot ,o 841, pr.u 11 ol, iut 2 65, tola i 13 t0. Lots on Van Buren strest. Paving Tenth ave. Lot No Zi prui 11 01, Int 2 63. total 13 (.0. " " 8n, priu w 55, iut 2 a t, tota. 11 85. " 32, pr.u 9 65, iut 2 ao, lotal 11 8-5. Lots on Ten h avenuo E. Paving ienth avenue. E 6 ft lot No 53, prin 2 94. lut 7oc. lotal 3 Lot ino 57, prin 14 oa, int h ai, lolal 13 22. f.a, jirtu 14 69, int 3 51, lotal 13 22. " " 61. pr.n 1 69, mt 8 63, toral Is '2-.!. " ' 13, prm 14 m, mt 3 63, total 13 22. " " 6:5, prm 14 69, ,U. 8 ."si, tola. 8 24. 87, pnn 4 i.a, mt 3 0a, total 13 . ' 69, prin 10 52, int 3 96, toial 20 43. " 71, pi in 13 36, .Ut 4 40, total 22 76. 25, pr.u 13 04, Int 4 34 lotal 22 33. ' 27, prtu 16 24, lut 3 90, vu 14. " " 29, priu 14 43, hit 3 40, totai 17 ad. W 28?i, ft iot No 31, prm 12 ea, iut 8 03, total 15 00. E 3H ft lot No 31, prin 1 80, Int 43c, total 2 2a. Lot No 33 priu 14 43, int 8 40, iotai 17 8:4. " 3i, pnn 14 4d, iu. 8 46, total 17 89. W 23H ft lot No 87, prm 12 03, Uit 3 03, totai 15 06. E v. of lot No 43, prin 7 2?, Int 1 74, total 3 W. Lot No 45, priu 10 '24, Int 8 S. ). total 20 14. 47, priu 13 01, lut 4 8-4. total 2a a. Lots en Van ilureu street. Paviug Tenth ave. Lot No 337, prin 13 1.3, int 3 03. total 15 06. N H of iot No 319, priu 0 41, int 1 at, to al 6 72. S '-. of iot No 33J, prm 5 41 Inc 1 al, total 0 7i Lot No 341. pr.u lo 83, int 2 60, tola. 13 43. Lots on Harrison Paving Tenth avenue. Lot No 338. prln 12 C3, int 8 03, total 15 00. N Vt of lo. No 810, prm 5 41, hit 1 3i, toial 0 73. S V -f iot No 810. priu 0 41, iut 1 ol, total 6 72. Lot No a42, prui 10 e3. iut 2 60. totai 13 43. Lots on Harrison street. Paving Harrison street. Lot No 110, prin 21 31. int 5 11, total 20 42. ' 112. pnu 19 82, hit 4 76, t itai Jl 38. " " U4. pr.n 17 84, .1)14 23, to al 22 12. " 116, pr.U 1 34, iut 4 23. total 22 13. " 113, pnn 17 M, mt4 28, t ai 22 12, ' " " l.o, pr.u 17 84. iut 4 28, to ai 2: 12. " I22, pnn 17 8 4, nit 4 23, total 22 12. 124. prm 1 7 84, hit 4 23. lotal 22 12. 426, pr.n 17 81, hit 4 23. 22 12. ' " 128, pnn 17 84, iut 4 28, total 22 12. " 180, prm 1 84, int 4 23. 22 12. " 132. pr.U 17 84, lUt 4 23, total 22 12, 134, prm 17 84, nil 4 23, total 23 12. " 1j6, pi Hi 17 84. iut 4 28, 2- 12. V 4 of lo. No las. priu 8 92. iut 2 15, total 11 0. . W ' Vt of s !- of lot No 1-3, prm 0 aa, iut I 42, t0w' Hof lot N'O 140. pria 13 87, lut 8 91. total 17 21. . .continued oa Eigulu Page.J (