Newspaper Page Text
7 wfcA. ak RENTS ! S ITUATIONS I REAL ESTATE! AUCTION SALES! & OTHER CLASSIFIED ADS. THsTntTKv s tate JorRXAL guarantees, evervtlay it is printed. t- zivj a local circula tion "more than double t la; of any other Tope ka pH r. and by far Worn than nil Otlief liir Cinbiiiel. This makes this paper the cheapest, as well as th s Pest uaily ai vert la in i im Jit rn in Topeka. ho classified auvertu luuuts be.ow costing Imt FIVE CENTS A LINE, or 20 cents a line for a week; SO cent by the month. Cty circulation everyday exceeds 5,000 total c;.rcni;itii n over ,(. Mwra dota. ied statements of circulation pr. Scut" I nil appdc ttion. tf('a linn! sp h n v afternoon between 4 and B. tii lian Ivimosi. lasi.-st, most perfect piece lpi inuug machinery in Kansas a Web Pertect in; press w inc. i prints from two to three coia-p-eto s-page papers a seimiil SITUATIONS WAN TED-FREE. Are you in need of work? If so, you are at liberty to us" th sn co.urnas for assistance in that ii. rt'ctiun. While -his notica appears the tTAi k Journal will p mush frr n on Saturday, Monday ami Tuesday, for Topeka or Kansai peoine, aii notices of 'Situations Waulmi." not txeeedii-.s five lines, "cr (tnrty-five words, in length. Provided that, ail advertisements of tins nature are handed in previous to ten o'rl ii.'K Saturday rii'rniuz: also on Wednes day, Thursday and Eri lay. all advertising of tins c;ass handed ia by ton o'clock Wednesday tuoruing. No auvert'sements of thl nature to be started except on Saturdays ai d Wednesdays. No ob ligation is incurred on -lie part of the advertis er. No wort.iy and needy man or woman need hesitate to taste advantage of this offer. No one in business or having employment is expected to advantage of it, lut ail ouiers tnvitod ta avail tuciiiseiirtj freely. VANTED-HELP. "rANTFD Situation as housekeeper by mid- die n'ed lauy in Ihe family of a widower or liiii'litMir preferred. ti-st of references. Mrs. K. Ii. J iioinpson. Clay Center. Kan. "'" A Vi l li Sewing; children's work a spe- ciait.-. 12-3 Pol street. A " AM K It I'osition as stationary engineer; ten yei-s experience, in or out of city. Address -j-j-j Klui'3 st. AN I Kl Position as first or second cook. Address LJU Kime St. S ' AN TEI Situa io i as nurse girl: had eon siderahl experience, "(i. Ii..' Journal. "A N 1 "El ) -S tuatio l a tailor shop; had iniiicr.iui3 xiMtriinue. Auuress "Ax. 51." Joutiat. A N'TEO Wash in r and ironing to do. r.e.-iso call at 113 Last 15th st. "W'AN'I i:i-A e,i:ip-tent young man would like a job r.giit av iv. Cah at 115 K. 15th st. "WAN I El A young lady would like a place as eiiai.ilier ma.d or dish washing at a hotel. 1 lease fail at Hi i .1st 15th st. T ANTI.D Work i aiming, house clean in-' or general jobb.nv by handy man. Terms reasonable. Address Jos. h antimaii, SU3 West Cordoj sc. 'AN T E I ) A jL'irl or woman wlio under stands plain anil is economical ; must no neat and j-ool ilisHjsiiiou. One who lias the above qualities and desires to earn an honest 1. vim; ,n a resin clitbiit place, can secure permanent eiiipliiymeLt at fair was.-es. Am in m hurry to ninKe an t tita.emeiu and win not Uo so until aii applications ate in. 1 nis will not a; pt;ar a,'am. "fciuplvymont," Journal. "TAN'rhU-Situation by first class butcher T can ma:ui- a stop. Address i'. A. W. . box li.-,, liu.-iiniiaiu . Kin. LN to sell Unking I'owder to the grocery'e. s-teady em )lo;. meut. exiierience un necessary, $7". uimtrhlv saiarv and expenses and o.-mmission. n olTor satisfactory address at once with pa-tieulars "wiaTumj yourself, V. S. theuiicai V orks, C hicago. " A.N 1 i l ( riri for general -ii-lim.a lVel W ;s.ei n ave. VA-N I i:i fiiri. co i cook; easy place, good watjfi. luquii'e at store, 1187 Lincoln. aMKi) Men to travel and take orde-s for chrar.s from dealers; $.' to $li)o per inonlli and expenses. Address with stamp, Au .nieM t,'arCj.,4J aal 4J JJearoorn street.;o, 1U. 'AN 1 1 1 t.ond girl f r general houtsework. 1'jl-' lyier t-lteet. 1 AN.i.K A to-id honest man with about --"' to tiui) tin U int -rest in ono of the U'i-i'st b is.:ie,s in TopeKa; tlie business is Weil i-'.an m! and making money. This is a snap for i s--od man; no other need apply. Address 1'ai luer, care Journal. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. "IV' AN 1 Ki To trade a No. 1 family horse for , :l - - -'ow r a s-af .ny bicjcie. Call at ti"l Quiney s'. V.AN1 KI A K"'1 full leather saddle, must be cheap. 4.-., Tavmr st. M'AXltli-Ta exchange cow for di-jBini; a weii. t a.l room m, buuuaiif. V l-T-lolmy i' double barrelled breph , -oad nir siiot ifun. N . Pi; mo st be a stromr '.'.'ot'"r- "'! otuiiwestern. 3rd and Adams A 1 v.!' nrt.iices to repair at tin snop, 't iv uisasuve. G. Oi. y hir for winter, a roo t 3' ia. u w iiron. or w juhI pxchanvtd a aSc-iuvli Rji-oii tor it ana pay di lereuco. uipoka Coal Co. "V V A N i Kl To trade pa.nthiir or papering lor liorse. liuntt r rti Sou, U6 West 7ih. "'ANTKK-A few first class boarders or ro miers at o-.o Ja j.vson strojt. ". 11 I ln nice private family few mora .''l'aruers; rooms to rent; uiti West 7tii st. ' -N 1 1- l ".aiio tu-iin- by S. V. H.tiruo. Ih.i ie. ii years l bv li. li. Cru.i.l. 1 uo an me piano tuui i3' for the following firms orders lett at eiluel p.ace-li. 1.. CiUiid. 7U Kansas avenue, or Bal cock j; Frost, Joi Kansas a euue. AV"" 1 KI Gasoline, cook and beating stoves " , f" 'cpair. sieves set. up or stored. Can or address The Hi-li, srovB Uepair Co.. , lit Last tihtl! street. AyAMKU-simii twill real estate loans. iluon Creenspm. VAN I Kl. lo move, sluiihor ship house- hold, irei;nc. etc. s,,-,.,,Av' v K'"I . I --3 E. 6th t. MUXllA.Ms' laA6t-it i SluiiAGE CO. FOR RENT-HOUSES. -F'wlr !;KXT rV'0' Jence. bath, city .,.' ",", , ,7, ;., ' -raies. nice place on Corner No. un clay s red.; wul barn L-Lediet i t " f ' al'ss and locations, t-t nea.i.u a. Co.. uol lv lasas ave. Fult HKNT-s-r-om house cheap; t-ood 1'a.r. John liactiie. llut: Q.nucy st re- X,(''L1:F'NTDe'ln h,a -r"n hoiis-e. bach . ii. inquire linnio: r'ioK1"'1""89' iU UaklaJJll- i'- C. Moore. jo Kansas avcuue. lSut IT; JT t raom ""us- inquire oi nr. iioby. us V1! est tith St. FOR RENT-ROOMS. '-x-i, n.r,uii H,pp rH. i-.i.r v.... .. , , etc. 1-e.u .uaer-7'i;X.u,v ,ut 'a atu' J: H"1 ; ?;. f F u ri la or unfurnished rooms -. lor ltihouseasj ug. S-.a Alouroe. . .J A. tTtiSlJi HUM kitlif i m.... I7"OR KENT Nlnely furnished rooms, froifl $1 to $r2; 709 Topeka ave. 1?OK KiiNT Furnished room; board If de- sired; terms reasonable. wHa:rison. 1,s(jK Kt.SI Suite of 2 pi ;asant unfurnishocl front rooms; Kood repair. 714 JuuKon kt. IOK RENT A furnlsaed room with la:S; - board if desired; 713 lopetta are. 1 FINELY furnished firstclass rooms and tatla board at 7ti Topeka ave. Ls ii; ItENT Elegant upstairs apartmenis, partly furnished- 4tn ana Jack.sou, FOFS SALE REAL ESTATE. iOil SALE 1 wo choice .oti, west of Kansas avenue 0 blocks, is-room restueuco oil J ope ka avenue, lyi lots. S3.--.iiv; a cottage west Eighth street, dose m. j'j io; a 0-room boUs-3 Western avenue near Sixth,; 2 .ots 2 blocks of post office, front, id. 50i; is acre tract i,ooj; 2 acres in city. ;Too; lw acres, improve I. 7 $.).voo; '2 houses and 3 lots on .Monroe street for $i,ti o. Lots of rood bargains. us. licne- dict & Co.. (All Kansas ave. I 7OU SALE Cottatre on Lawrence sTreet. con venient to street car. i t-riiis. sma 1 cash payment, rem linder In small amounts :uomldy or whi take part payme-n. m lurni.ure. Title Cit-ar. Address "-V. Y. Z." Journal olilce. T?OH SALE Choice suburban tracts of 5 acres -8- or more, adjo-nin the cuy on the west, at prices ranging from ii:5 to Si7s per acre. Une- W. il. 1'uUBis, aoie Agent. in ri casn. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 1?OR SALE fine heavy Norman draft team cheap, a years old, w&ll broke, k.ud and without blemishes, call at, 114J Ciay st. ir"OU SALE A few Plymouth Kick fowls; very reasonable if taken now. lou Quiucy st. 10 it SALE Jran. aimost new; also house hold tioods. 73 Clay. 17 OK SALE Fine secondhand household fur- niture. cheap; d.niiin, bed and parior sets, etc. Address "li. Ct.," this olhce. FOR SALE Cheap, family horse, harness and p'naeton; also oak toidiu bed. 5u7 West Eighth ave. I, -OK SALE Good hard coal stove very cheap. lliT Monroe street. iOK SALE Good leather toy phaeton, cheap. Inquire li25ii Topeka ave. ICHt SALE A bargain Nice residence be tween Fourth and Fifth on Madison street. Monthly payments. Brow u. this olhce. J, ""OK SALE Household Roods, almost new; northeast corner I2tii and Taylor sts. IOlt SALE Bedstead, spring mattress and cook stoye. Cla Tyler street. 170K SALE A litter of fine thoroughbred, pug puppies; 13-0 an Buren. 170K SALE Lar-re quantity jjooi lumber, cheap, at till Kansas ave., north. 1 70K SALE Fine litter of thorougnbred Eng- Usli pui? puppies; ioia ja-iison si. tOK SALE Fancy Iiurf Cochins. Plymouth Hock and Ligiit Braiim is; yjo Monroe. L70K SALE A hard coal base burner stove. J. II. Wethereil. Masonic building. I70K SALE Giit ede first morttrattes, L 10 per cent. Simon Greenspan. , S, 9, 701t SALE Good upright piano; bargain if C sold soon, aoo Clme si. 17 Oil SALE Short time loans at l-i per cent interest. Simon Greenspan. 17OH KEAL estate or rental property see Benedict Si Co., 001 Kansas ave. MISCELLANEOUS oTRAVHI) OR SfslLEN Monday eveiiini?. Sept. 10. half Jersey, dark reu cow, striped with o.a. rw. euils of bonis sawed of. Liberal reward lor mtormatiou or her return to W. E. TTopKius. soi Lincoln st. T "IN SUOP- -ilovetl to ii--, yj Kansas avenue. O. U. it. JUST found the place where you can get your furniture repaired and aiso pi I for ship meuc Cleaning and laying carpets a specialty. All kinds 01 general jouoni-; worst done oa snor; notice. Woriv uaranteeu oy a good mecnauio. ro. 417 West Teutii atresJt. PIANO TUN . It All orders left at h. H. Guild's, 713 Kansas avenue, wi.l Lj promptly attended to. Samuel Tiacey. nAKNESS AN D ItEPAlli WOitiC llarnss and bhoe shop; aleu leatud.- polish for busr 'y tops; repairs in ail km Is of leatuer goods; shoes hail soled forty ceulu,. li. F. Hen derson, lis; WestSixtli street. CI AEFENTKR and repair work. Address, -' Wm. Keedy, box North Topeka. Kans. AlTPEJCjLNTJiG II AKMULA I'rocess. Satisfaction gtiarau teed. i. II. Foadlck. 307 kt. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. G. H. GRAHAM. M. D , SPECIALIST. 63J Kansas avenue, eye, ear, nose and throat, catarrh. nietiiua ttsm, lungs and liver, b.ood and sk.n diseases and diseases of women aud children. C0usU1lat.ini and advice ircj. Ca is atteuued Ua or iiiKiit, t-3 Kans.-s HVende. lopeKa. ivan sas. Those wlio can this uijuiii 1 wm treat for ito per moath uaui cured; so ca.i at ouce. Teio phoiio 3,i7. AT SAliD. A.M.. M. I 717 Kansas AV'kxctb. Honrs: 2 tn " p. m. Private hospital for women sad Greenwood avenue. I iB. It. B. Colcord, Kidney and TTiyate dis 1 eases. 7o Kaasas avenue. 1K A. TULL. lle.iilAnfe Clill Oiiinv Slpont oilioe. ail East ui street. IT EN K Y wTkOBY. M. I. i ttlltlf; l-'ll V TurEKA, Kansas. f kHUUULUJlt SE. SHELDON". M. It., scKimur asb bis-basii of worEr, with private hospital. OUlco: No. 7Ai Kansai Ave. J. C McvJiiulooii. A. St.. SI. 1. Frances itlom. A. B.. M. D. MfrMXTOCIi A STOISUS, Prsolic limited to SL'KJK!tKni DijEASE3 OF WOMEN. auJ lvausas avenue. OtUue hours, 3 to 4 p. m. TDA C. BATiNiid, M. L. Office 733 Kan. Are. Kes'.dence, isth an 1 Clay. Ofllce Hours 9 a, m. w ii a. m .a. id a p, ia. to C p. m. Phone . JQK. tVA Tele. 4ty. ilATiULNU. 709 KAKSJJ A V E X C 1 I 1C J. K. 11U LVAXE -"- bpecUU attention (riTen to cbrotua diseases. oaija open ad hois. 600 Kai. Ave. Phona 81. L. A. RYDER, M. D. , FFICB and residence cor. Gssrdoa stroet and Central ave.. NorUi Topena. fuuue li. tses the BrmkorhofT syileia o lUecat treai ineut, a success! ii and painless troavaieut ior piles, astuia, lishure. uiooiat-ou. eso. DENTISTRY. J.EO. P. ASH AON, U.O. S-. UKNTTST. . N. W. corner Eljjhta and Kansas avenusj. Topeka. Kansas. Htp That ' u li With Begfrs' Cherry Cough Syrup. It is the most eilecttve aielicine ever put on the market fjr all throat and lone troubles. Price 25, CO and 1.00. W. R Kenna iy your euterpriaiag drufgist keeps iL T S3 SllTA r3 IBA1S3 to turn: oar. In EfToct on ind after Sept. 14. 1391. "WESTBOUND. 5! 1 Leave ? I Kansas : 1 City. Arrive Topeka. Leave Topeka. Trains. "Wichita local. .. Oklahoma Si Texas local... Ien. & Tex. Kim C'aufomia LIm . . Kansas City &i Topeka plue.. Colorado Nijjht Express Man. & B. Acc. Ex. Sunday. .. 113i 8:15 am 10:35 aia 10:40 am 10:40 am 61 :.J am lliso amdl:W m Q1 1 - l-i rn i ,.IT1 1)111 3:S5 pmj 3:45 pm 109 7 153 4:30 pm 6:40 pm 9:05 pm, 11:20 pin. 11:30 pm 7:30 am Between Kansas City aud "Topeka ouiy. EASTBOUXD. Arrive 1 Ijeave 1 Arrive Trains. ? Topeka. Topeka. Kansas : I City. K. C. Local 114 1:50 pm! 2:00 pm 4:20 pm Chicago Vesli- j bule Llm 6 2:35 pra 2:55 pm 5:00 pm Columbian Lim. 4 7:10 pin 7:30 pm 9:30 pm Missouri Kiver N ight Ex 8 5:40 ain 5:45 am 8:00 am Topeka and Kansas CUy plug 110 7:30am 9:40 am Man. & B. Acc. Ex. faunday... 154 9:00pm Between Kansas City and Topeka oniy. ATCHISON AND ST. JOSEPH. 3 Leave 1 Leave I Arrive Trains. No. SL Joe AtChis'n Topeka. Pacific. Mexico 61 Texas Ex press 1051 8:40 am 9:37 am'HiSOara NihC Exp 107 8:15 pm 9:15 pm,ll : 10 pm Leave Arrive i Arrive Topeka. Atchis'n: St. Joe. 1 St. Joe Express. IOS 5:45 ami 7:33 ami 8:30 am St. Joe Evening Express IOC 4:30 pmj 6:35 pmj 7:35 pm Buy railroad, Pullman or steamship tickets of KOWLEY BROS., Agents Santa Fe route, southeast corner Sixth aud Kansas avenue, Topeka. Or V. C Garvhv, Agent at Depot, Or AKNOLD & Son. Aseuts, North Topeka. ECCI I3LAI3 SCUTZ. In effect on and after April 28, 1394. WESTBOUNC Leave I Kansas Arrive City. ITopeka. Trains. No. Tave Topeka. Solid Vestibule Express A Through Fast Express H Chicago, Texas Express A booth western Express A. 11 9 1 13 ll:20am 1:25 pm S:20pm 11 :30 pm I:35 am' 12:40 pm Lv S.J. I 1:35 am 12:40 pm Ii s .1 1 1 :S5 pm 11:40 pm 12:55 pin Souin west N ilit fc-xpress ii I 3 8:(- pm'll :30 pmj 11 :5Q pm KASTBOUNIX I Arrive No. Arrive I Leave Kansas Topeka. jTcpeka. City. ; 1 ! 12 3:25 pm 3:30 pm 5:35 pm 2 3:45 pm 3:50 pm 5:53 pm Ar 3. J. 14 3:55 pm 7:0 pm j Ar S. J. I 4 5:35 am 5:50 am 9:20 am I !105j45ra6:00 am 8:00 am Train3. Limited press Solid Llii Vestibule pr?ss St. Joseph Eastern press . .. A! iped kx-; ...A and .. A nd Express Mail via J oseph Ci Express audi Mall via Kan- A Dally. B Dally, except Saturday. C Daily, except Monday. For tickets, sleepmfj-car berths and peneral Information, call at City Ticket oftlce. Sol Kan sas avenue, corner Sixth street, (telephone 43;o: at Passenger Station, corner tirst street and Kansas avenue, ( telephone usi) ; or at Postoftice, Noii-u Topeka, itotepuoue 8tH. H. O. GARVEY, City Passenger Ajjent. U3I33 PACIFIC. Change of Time. In Effect Felimnry 7, 1893. UNION PACIFIC EAST BoUNO. I I Arrives Trains. No. Leaves Leaves Kansas Douver. Topeka. City. Eastern Vcstl btiied Express, Limited.. 8 8-30 pm 2:47 pm 5:00 pm 2 9.05 am; 4:50 am, 7:00 am leaves J unct'n Kansas City ao- City. eommodation . 6 4:3", am 7:10 am 9:30 am UNION PACIFIC WESTBOUND. I.eavcs I I Trams. No. Kamas f Leaves j Arr ves City. ITopeka. Denver. Denver & Pacific I Vestibuled Express 7 10:45 am 12:55 pm 7:30 am 1 9:00 pril ll:10 pm 5:30 pm Arrives Junct'n Junct'on City City. Accoiiiinoda.wn 5 4:80 pm 6:50 pm 9:20 pm Daily, except S in p::y. All others dail Train No. 8. solid vystibuie to l u c&go. dining cr. free chair cars, etc.. running over the Chicago Si Alton from Kansas City, lias through sleeper for St. Ixiuis via M.ssouri Pac.fic. Irani No. 7, solid vestibule for Denver, mak ing direct connect. on for Pacific coast, through Pullman car for Sait Lake; through colonist car to Portland, etc.. etc. City ticivot office, 5'5 Kansas a venue. I T. & S. XV. EAST. Leave Topeka. .. i via Meriden and 1 Oska.oosa. 7:30 a.m Arrive Leavenworth 11:00 a.m WtST. Leave Iavea worth, via Oskaloosa.. 4:ET p.m Arrive Topeka 8 :2-J p.m Accommodation, daily ex. Sunday. MISStOCKI PACIFIC. Train. No L'g lopeka Topeka and Fort Scxjtt ac eommodation 285 10:00 a. m. A'v's Topeka Topeka atwl Fort Scott o commodatkm.. ........... ... 286 6:30 p.m. VIJiEWOOD & HIGHLAXD l'AKK K. It, Trains will leave Quincy Street station week davs for Y ice wood as follows: 6:45.11:51, S:u7, 6:41. '1 rains wiu leave Vlnewood tor Quhacy street at 7:67, 1:C2, 4:19. 6:50. 7- MNOA? TBAIXi Iave Quincv street 8:,"1:19, 10:88,11:51. 1:50.8:07 , 4:24.6:41. 7:30, 8:40. 9:30. leave Vine wood 8:4U, 9:50, 11:16,12.30,2:30, 8:47, 5:04. 6:24. Extra Sunday trains will ba run according to company orders. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS on farms and city property made at low rales. Privilege of paying iioj or more. I. L. Betzer. 519 Kansas avenue. Dudley's baok. MONEY" LOANED on horses, pianos, house hold goods and all kinds of chattel securi ties. L. Biseoe. 623 Kansas avenue, room 3- MONKY to loan on bonds, mortgages or per sonal notes. SlMOJ GRKKNSPAX. C OOD notes aud mortgages bought aad sold. " SiitOJr CritEKNSFAW. PARTIES wishins a safe and paying Invest ment for t!e:r money, call at once oa . M. Wood 6i Co., 534 Kansas ave. A.jer'3 Sar8aparilla ia justly co'aaidered the on It euro sjecilic fur blood dUorders. ro Restore hair which has become thin, and keep the ?calp clean and healthy, use HAIR VIGOR It prevents the hair from falling out or turning gray. The best ressuig1 FIRE ALARM NUMBERS. Morse and Jackson sts. 6 Kansas ave. and Kaiiroad St. ft Gordon and Taylor sts. Lsurent and Harrison sts. 8 Grant st. aud Topeka ave. 8 "A" st. and Topeka ave. 12 Kansas ave. and Fourth st. 1 Kansas ave and Second st. 14 No. 1 Station. Kansas ave. sear Gordea. 16 Monroe and Kious sts. 16 Kansas ave. and Garfield st. 17 Kansas and Tenth aves. 18 Kansas ave. and Thirteenth St. lv -Kansas and Euclid aves. 81 Crane and Adams sts. St No. 2 Station, 7th st. near Kansas ar S3 Lake st. and East Sixth are. Fourth and Branner sis. it, Seventh and Holliday sts. i Eighth ave. and Maiiison St. S7 Tenth ave. and Sac and Fax state road. !a Seventeenth aud Jeffersuo iU. SX Third and Monroe sis. 1 Sixth and Topeka aves. 2 Sixin ave. and Clay st. a No. 8 Station, Jefferson st. near Fourth, 84 Western ave. and Ninth St. tei TsfmJi and Topeka aves. W Fourth and Taylor sts. 7 No. 4 Station, Clay st. near Eighth ava, H Twelfth and Taylor sts. a Euclid ave. and Huuhauan st, 4a Thirteenth and Lane sts. 4ft Eleventh st. and Slotris ava. 4il Seventh and Lane sis. 47 Topeka ave. and Third St. b'l Eleventh aud Monroe sts. fts Tenth ave. unrt Lawrence st. 121 Klein and Seward aves. 1211 No. 408 East Sixth ave. Euclid and Cohege ave. 41 Van Buren and Twelfth ets. 61 Quiucy and t raue sts. 4-1 Fourth aud LaFayette sts. Boxes north of river. F!r alarms are sounded upon the tower bell at department headquarters by striking the Dticnber of the signal station nearest ihe fire, In this manner: If f'r box 4, four distinct strokes and repeated: If for box 13. oue stroke, a short fause, theu tkree strokes, and repealed, thus, III, 1-111, etc. "2a" is soundeu for all fires within the district bounded by Fifth, Ninth, Jackson and (juincv streets. Tbs sthokks. aud repeated, followed by the cumber of tiie signal station nearest the fire, la the skoond alarm for a serious lire. THRi-KsiBOKES, followed by twklvb, and repealed. Is the oeseral alarm for a ver dangerous fire, and calls out the entire depart ment with a detail of poiice. Two strokes, slowly, indicates firih ovt Oue long whistle from water works, for firi south of river. Tlree whikUes from same, fa fires north of river. LEGALS. (First published September 14, 1S94, In the offi cial city pap'er.J .NOTICE. ClTV; OF Toi'KfCA, KAV9., 1 September 14, lj-J4. ( To whom it may concern: NOTICE Is hereby given that we, the under signed residents and freeholders ot the city of '1 opeka, James Giilett. K. T. Chaney and f ee M. Carter, were duly appointed by the mayor and council of the city of lopeka, and having qualilioit as appraisers as required by law, un der ordinance No. 1727, approved July 24, lsta, unrt ordinance No. 1745, approved September 4. Ia4. establishing sewer district No. 17 and pro viding for appraisers. Slid sewer district is riescr.bed as follows, to w.t: AH that part of the ci y of commencing at a point a! the center of the intersection of Seventh aud Lincoln streets; thence southerly along the center of Lincoln street to the eenrer of iJignth avenue: thence westerly along the center of Eighth avenue to the tirsl adey west; thence northerly along said alley to the center of the in t ion of the east and west alley; thence wester y a ton? the center of the east and west aliey to the center ot Lane street; thence northerly along the c -liter of l.ane street fortv --seven and one-had feet; thence easterly between Ihe north and south halves of .ot No. 23 to the center of the north and south alley; thence northerly along the center of the ailey to the center of Seventh street; tlience easterly the center of Sev enth street to tne center of Lincoln street and the place of beginning, together w..h tlrs right of wav lor a sewer outlet to connect with sew er in sewer district district No. 11, as may be necessary along Seventh street. Notice is hereby further triven that we will meet as such appraisers ou the 2ist day of Sep tember, lsin, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the intersection of Seventh anil Lincoln streets, in said sewer district, for the purpose of ascer taining ' lie value and making appraisement of all lots, pieces and parcels of ground situated in the said sewer district No. 17. James Gii.i.ftt, 11. T. ClIAM K V. Lee SI. Cartkr, Appraisers. Nt. Joe 'alr and Itfice. ST. JOE ASD RETURN $2.35. Santa Fe route sells round trip tickets to St. Joe and return at $2.35. Tickets sold September 8th to 13th. Good to re turn until and including September 17th. Santa Fe route. Kvery household should be prepared for emergencies, for how often, "like a thief in the night" croup or whooping cough may come upon a dear child without warning and in a few hour9 place ita sweet life in balance by a slender thread. Cubeb Cough Cure promptly used, will avert all danger. Delays are dangerous. Sold by Rowley Bros. One word describes it "perfection. We refer to De Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve, cuie3 obstinate sores, burns, skin diseases and is a well known cure for piles. J. K. Jones. A satisfied customer is a permanent one. That's why we recommend Da Witt's Early Risers. They cure constipa tion, Indigestion and Biliousness J. K. Jones. Kassas City Excursion. On Sunday, Sept 16, the Rock Island will sell excurbion tickets to Kansas City for $1.50, round trip. Trains leave To peka 8:35 a. m. Special attractions in Kansas City. It's Pinow'j Pine Expectorant, that is guaranteed to cure coughs and col J. For sale by all druggista. Price, 25 and 50c bottle. Try Tspeka Pros Co. Under Opera House, for a good smoke. We put on new neckband on shirts. Peerless Steam Laundry, 114 and 111 West Eighth street. Small in size, great in results: De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best pill for Constipation, best for S"tek Headache best for Sour Stomach. J. K. Joae l? Bamboo 0 WAND. 2 OLONEL VAL ENTINE.a wor thy but some whit irascible army officer, just retired and looking forward to a life of well England on liberal glancing over the parned ease in half-pay, was recently arrived periodicals in a shady seat at the edge of the great military esplanade at Madras, on a certain blistering hot morning, when he looked up over his spectacles at three j figures that were approaching hita I across the parade ground. The approaching group consisted of i two junior officers and a pale, intel lectual-looking man, in the semi-civilian or fatigue dress of the navy. '"Ha:" thought Colonel Valentine. "Beekford and Dashwood, eh? with that ship surgeon, who is said to have been a detective in his time." Then a gentle, almost stealthy step near at hand caused him to turn, and his face colored angrily at what he considered an intrusion. "The devil!" exclaimed Colonel Val entine, as the new-comer, one of the mess stewards, a native Hindoo, came along the shaded path and paused obsequiously before him. "Ah, no, sahib colonel," gently pro tested the man; "not the devil, but only poor Mahmndi, who has been so miserably unfortunate as to offend you, and would beg your excellency's forgiveness." The man carried an ordinary long bamboo wand, or walking-stick, such as is a common custom with the serv ing men of the East, and which he kept softly balancing to wmd fro as he spoke. But the officer, who had had some words with this man some days pre vious, and had, indeed, procured his discharge from the mess service, was little disposed to mercy just now. "Out of my sight, dog!" he ex claimed. "How dare you take up my words in that way? Begone!" Mahmudi made a trembling salaara, though with a glint of the dark eyes and a slight compression of the full, wominish lips that should have placed the other on his guard. '"My situation is gone, my family in distress," he expostulated, yet more whiningly. "Am I to understand that the sahib colonel refuses to withdraw his displeasure from his poor Mahmudi, and " "Understand what you please, and bpgone, or I'll help you to the: right about!" roared the choleric old gen tleman, and he grasped his heavy Malacca stick menacingly. "A pretty pass, truly, when an officer " He was cut short by a repetition of the servile salaam, even more abject than before, but in the course of which the tip of the bamboo wand, seemingly by the most absolute inad vertence, just touched the baud with which the old officer grasped his walking- stick. The latter suddenly gave a sharp cry, his face first purpling-, then paling to ashy whiteness, his eyes fairly popping out of his head, as he pressed the hand to his lips, and then fell back on the rustic bench he had been so cosily oc cupying. "The plague the mysterious stroke. I am done for!" he gasped. Then he fell off the btnch insensi ble, while the three g-entlemen hur ried up, with an astounded cry, and the Hindoo clasped his hands to gether over his wand, apparently in even greater panic and consternation. They lifted up the stricken man, but a brief examination on the part "I AM DONE FOR. of Doctor Mardyn. the navy surgeon referred to, was sufficient for him to announce it as a case of instant death. "Thunder and lightning! the ninth victim," exclaimed Major Beekford. "When and how is this mysterious death-roll to end?" "How did it happen, Mahmudi?" de manded the surgeon, after a ghastly pause. "Yon were speaking to him. Had you said anything to excite or annoy him?" "Alas, no, sahibs!" repied the Hin doo. "On the contrary, the 6ahib colonel seemed to be in the best of humors. Suddenly ah, how shall I describe it? I was bowing before him in my thankfulness for he had just kindly said that I should be taken back in the mess service when, poufl be gave a cry of pain, ho clutched at his heart, and all was over." "Never mind," interposed the major; "run up to quarters and give the alarm. Be sura to bring back Doctor Pal-rave with you, to.j. " For a little over two months now, a horror of mystery and death had hung over the garrison Officer after officer had been mys teriously and appallingly stricken down by death in rapid succession. As Beekford had declared, Colouel Valentine made the ninth victim. The symptoms were the same in each and every case instantaneous paralysis, with intense speechless agony for the fleeting moment, then death as by an apoplectic stroke of un paralleled swiftness. Medical authorities were equally at fault. Snake bite was suggested more than anything else, but then the symptoms were different in many particulars from those attendant upon the bite of the cobra, which is responsible for nineteen-twentieths of the fatalities from this cause in India. Moreover, why should a commis sioned officer have been the victim in every instance never once a private soldier or any one in comparatively humble employment about the poist? Thus an element of private malice or vensreanoe seemed to enter into the mystery. Doctor Mardyn, who, as the colonel said, had once been a professional de tective, took a great interest in the mysterious deaths. He found that there was one man who had been in the immediate vicinity of each of the successive victims, and this man was the Hindoo, Mahmudi. The man had borne a good reputa tion at Madras, but upon making in quiries, the doctor discovered that along the coast, where he was em ployed before coming to Madras, he had the reputation of being vindictive and remorselessly revengeful to the last degree, although always under the cloak of a servile and treacherous amiability. Moreover the Hindoo had lived long in Sumatra, where he was associated as a boy with the terrible thugs. After the colonel's funeral, Mardyn was one of a group of officers who were discussing the last mournful event in the mess room, when Mah mudi who had again been taken into the service passed with his accus tomed salaam, and carrying the in evitable bamboo wand. An idea suddenly occurred to Mar dyn. "Here, Mahmudi A word with you, my man!" he called out. "Bet me look at that staff of yours a moment." The man looked startled, but (speed ily recovered his 6elf-possession, though instead of advancing he drew back. "This, shaib," he murmured, hold ing up the wand. "A simple, inof fensive reed that is all." Aiive it to me, I say!" cried Mardyn sternly enough now, and with a sig nificant vehemence that at once aroused the interest of his com panions. "A simple reed, yes; but why has it always been your com panion just prior to each of these mysterious deaths with which your presence or proximity has invariably been associated? That is what I want to know. Let me examine the staff, I say!" But at this juncture the Hindoo, to the surprise of everybody, suddenly took to his heels, with a terrified cry. The young surgeon, however, was after him in an instant. The Hindoo was overtaken; there was a briefslfetruggle for the posses sion of the stall, and then to the gen eral amazement, Mahmudi uttered a shrill scream, and fell as if shot. "It is fate!" he gasped, more com posedly, as they surrounded him. "Accursed sahibs! yes, I was the mur derer of one and all of them, and I glory in the record." He then stiffened oat, and instantly expired. A cry of horror then arose, as a lit tle serpent was perceived darting its ugly head out of the wand which the naval surg-eon carefully held in his hand. Doctor Palgrave, the post surgeon, assisted Mardyn in ths examination of the reptile that followed, and then 1, ... n 4-1, & ..... . I .. .. .. j 1 1 I- ' I UIJOICIJI - i Wild DUWCD91TD lULUll' ties was solved at last. The serpent was a specimen of the echys carinata, which is never more than a few inches long, and is so hor ribly venomous that its bite is capa ble of causing death in a few seconds. The murderous Hindoo had only re vived an ancient custom among -Indian criminals by confining it in the hollow of his bamboo wand, so that its head just barely protruded at the" open end. Then the merest touch of his unsus pecting enemy or object of his resent ment with the tip of the innocent looking but diabolical weapon would cause the snake to plunge its fan-s into the defenseless flesh, and death ensued with the certainty almost the suddenness of tha lightning stroke. It was fortunate for the clever sur geon that, in the struggle for the bamboo wand, the horrible reptile did not bite him instead of the murderous Hindoo. Italian !)octnri. Physicians in Italy are under pub lic authority more strictly than they are over here. Not long &go a physician in Rome was at a theater, when' some one sent in a call for him to come out at once and attend a case in which there were symptoms of cholera. The doctor refused to leave the theater, and as a result he was arrested the next day and brought into court, where, besides receiving a most scathing rebuke for his conduct from the judge, he was heavily fine.! and suspended for three months from the privilege of practicing his pro-ftiSbioa.