Newspaper Page Text
8 TATE JOT7B2TAI,, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1891. TT7 Or V o BEXTS! SITUATIONS! REAL ESTATE! AUCTION SALES! & OTHER CLASSIFIED ADS. Tiik Tor-frK Statu Journal jruaranteiss, very day it is prmto i. to giva a local circula tion more than doui e tnat of any other Tope ka paper. and by far .Mors than all OiUar ( oinbiutd. Ih:s makes this paper the cheapest, as well as the bet ilaiiy advertia tn medium in Topeka. tho clajsuied advertise ments ueiow costing but FIVE CENTS A LINE, or 20 cents a line fur a week; DO cents by tho month. City circulation ev-iryday exceeds 5,000 total circulation over 8.)m). Sw.,rn lit-La .e.l u tments of circulation pr seme I cm a;p.icatio l. I-WCadautl see uiy afternoon between 4 and R. thj ban ls.n)et. f isiest. must perfect p:ee c!1,; rlntin 4 nifi uh mer y in Kansas a Web Perfect in.; prr.-.s. -aiiich prcits from two to thrao Cuu piett s-pace papers a ssuoud. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Are ynu in need of work? If so, yon art at llheriy to u these columns for assistance in that'i. Wli le this notio appsar tha f-i ATB Joi'Hjrat wi.l pub.ish free on Sa.urday, Monday and Tuesd y. for Topena or Kansas V-'ipio. au nonces or "itiiatKjRi Wanted," not exceed ,uir rive line.-, or thirty-live words, in i-Litn. T roTidoa That ail advertisements of tin natuir ar lianti in previous to ten tt'ciuc ,-satur.iaj imrtiiuft: aiso on Wednes day. Thursday and Friday, all advertising of tins class tiauded in by tea o'clock: Wednesday tturn in n. No a.ivertloment of this nature to be started except on Sauruayg and Wednesday!. Nooo iluation is incurred 311 the part of the advertis er. No worthy and needv man or woman need resitate to take a-iviuiiaife of this offer. N"o one in iii ,jips or h.,virj r employment is expected to Uake advantage of 1., tut ail others invited U avail thcijiseives fri eiy. WANTED HELP. AY ANTED Gent ral housework. Call at 1223 .." n y street, south Topeka. .rANTi:i)By a young man a position as an aiuaiiii-nsis. S years experience in law and Abstract iices, owns his own typewriter, a new 8 :mh- 1'reuiier. He ;t of references. Address, W. A. W, tin office A" A VT I' D Eirploynient by young man where he can gt business experience; has pood business education ami best of references; Lves at home. '.sain. ' Journal office. A'A N't 1:1 Situation as nurse, a seamstress, understands massage, aiso can do tailor work. 21.1 Harrison st. A T A NT ICIJ f rood seamstress wishes' work; w,i ,tw- che.i ) by wee.-c. Andress T. K., Journal oitice. AY AM ED Housecleanlng by woman. 123 N'ort .1 Van buieu st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. AVAN I ED To tiake k'ol'l watch for bicycle. Aillrei-,, "Watch." cire Journal. lyAMKii-S'foiil h ml platform scales; must bo hi yt ud older. C. S. iiaker. Biu Kai lsas aVi'uiie. A AN 1 h.IJ To furnish boiird and room to a coup e 15ro.-r-ry.11en t.r clerks in exchange Ir ur faruduro at dacksou st. "AN 1 1-1) In nice priv.i'.e family few more v boarders; rooris to rent, aid W est 7th st. A Y"AN'l pu a f , w first class boarders and v roomers at tj Jackson st. " A XT VAj i o i Uy iie'.fers. part Jersey, 4 tuoiiihs andovjr. Add. "Jrsey." JutiruaL A yAN'l E'U A few more horses to pasture, k t tunes soutfeasi id" city. J .jj. Free. and. AVAMEU-Tlin ladies of Topeka to know , ' roie month ouiy. tney can get their aresse, made from 'he latest styies tor M.&J. Mrs. ii.i..:d. 11.1 west Tenth. A"A N 1 El.) Eurnaces to repair at tin shop, s-V.i Kansas ave. ti. Ci. Lee. W" A N 1 ED P. arid tuning by S. F. Hogue. J u r.een years ernp.oyel by li. B. Uu'ud. I do an tun p.ano ti nin for the following linns Orders h it, at either piace K. B. Ouud. 71a Kansas uvenue. or i laiicocs. 6. Frost, 7ol Kansas uveaue. i'eifplione W"- 1 Gasoiiae, cook and heating stoves or address The IIcli. Stove Rkpati Co., 110 East Eigluh street. "W" AN I' Kl) Some small real estate loans. .Simon i.reeuspau. rAMEU To move, sl'oltiior ship house- hoi 1 ciiods. freight, etc. -sai.v i Mii..Kit, l.a E. 6tli St MERUlA.Nla' lliNaEtlt sioltAGE CO FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOi: I; KN'T-lioml five room house. 210 Harri son, lu.piiro Mi Monroe. , , FOU KKNT sorre good 3. 5, 6 and 7-room dwel onus well leca ed. A. A. Kodgers. Koom 11, Loiumbiau blind . 114. I,""l)lt KEN 1 Thr e-rooni house. 516 W. First street; conveni .-ut for horses. li"" IJKN 1 Thiee-rootii hou se, wardrobe ill''0lIar- aisJetlcrson. "1 7 OR HI NT Tw. neat 5-room frame houses. -m on e M'tnc line east of shops; very cheap It . CEai ,nier. auuniey-at-law. 5J5 Kau. ave. "I'"1 ,'KNiTta k"oi six room house Inquire l Or. Eoby. l a W est 6th st. "iuire FOR RENT-ROOMS. T?OJl li EN r Su i t UaTuiiruTnijIr fl r5p.i.r; cheap. 7U Jackson I KNT-Ni.-e'y furnished' front room tjiiinty'st" D1 hrst noor. Tli iron 1; EN T I'lej ssntiy furnish -a- uished rooms. 4-'l OUincy st. ed or unfur- l','t'1,1rFu " h,Hl r'". suitable for J,li- 4.ian liur-n street. l,,f1,1-Ii:iKhf,r7Fur "f'nished rooms ter lutit house leepmg. D.-a Monroe. I'artl'v frouhi'?111." uPa' apartments. Partly furnlshel. Corner ih and Jackson. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATi. TT'OK H LE -Co-.ia., on Ijumm , ' '"t to street car. Terms, smad cash r:'jn.?ni.,reir.aiad,.r .n Mnall amounts "monthly Miaress . . Journal oirioe. ' OK ALfc-C ho ce suburban tracts of 5 acres -- or wiore. adlolainr the citv on the west at irict-s ri .ga.ji iroai ij to i7iper acre, o'ue t.I tcasa. VV'. ii. Fyninss, aoie Agent. FrSMeE-MISCELLANEOUS. I'Ok ALK Go oTuprTg1)rpTaT 8a'". a. so orgm nearly new. cad 719 Clay -pOR S ALE-Ftcjr Buff Cochins. Tlvmouth -- Kock and Ligot iiranmas. ao Monroe. 1?OR 3 .!;- hfar. a good-sized black horse f- wlli drive s:a,- i or double; sound and gent.e. at r..s j r-peka ave. J.lmur. Wbeei' Weiht IT-OS SALE Fullblood Jersey cow. fcivinir muk. Call at 416 East First it. lylDS IOK KALE a good piano. Inquire or ad USitM WaaUu aveu.e. . JIn nrA iffir I?OR SALE Hotel f trr.iture an 1 fixtures at a sacrifice, doing pav iuir businoss. trooct rea sons for selling. . Address, .Norm Hotel, .Niclt ei'bou, Kan. IOK HALF. Organ, almost new; also bouse- hoidsiooui. 7-;a Clay. SALE Jllt edge Ort mortgages, 7 s, 9, - 10 per cent. Simon Ureeuspi-u. 7"OK SALE Short timu loans at i-t per cont - Interest. Sitnon Ureenapan. ErtOIt KEAL estate or rental property see Benedict &. Co., Wl Kansas ave. MISCELLANEOUS. 31 ILLINE 1:Y, fait and winter goods; Just In. Mrs. Lidor. tail Kansas avenue. KEWAhD-lakea from the postotiiee In S?- Norili lupeka, a gout Leaded cane, en graved c. W. Auij.e. August itj, 17." ily re turning It to the posLotuce the above reward will bo paid; no questions asked. lo.C.lluwitt. TO EXCHANGE 100 ace farm located in Labette county, Kansas, for Topeka in&ido resi dence property or lots. Farm well unproved; four hundred fruit trees; two t,ood springs; good dwelling house; ai! fenced and and cross fenced. No encuinbr nice; will assume live to tight huuured encumbrance. Address, W. S. It., iol West Sixth st., Hutchinson, Kansas. ! FOR I XCII AXGE Forty acre improved farm ; near Topeka to exchange ior city property. A. j A. i;odger, Koom 11, Columbian bundiug. ! T AhGAIXS-Ten-acre tract three-fourths of nine wosC of Wasiiburii College, nearly all in cultivation, small house, good weil; also cot tage house ol six rooms on West street between tsixih and Seve.ith. two lots, eod frui; ,aud stiade trees. J. 11. Hunt, llti West sixth st. riIIAT fine trimmer. Miss Ilyiaad of Chicago has returned and entailed tor llie season. Mrs. Elder, J1 Kansu.s ave. 1MN SHOF Moved to Kansas i O. G. iveaue. Lee. JCST found tlie place where you can get your furniture repaired and also pa-'iceJ lor ship ment, cleaning and carpjis a specialty. All kinds of general joboing worji done oil short notice. Work guaranteed by a good mochamo. o. 417 AVest Tenth s.reet. 1J1ANO TU Nr.K-All orders left at E. K. Guild's, 713 Kansas avomie. wilt be promptly attended to. sainuui i'rauuy. .TAKXES3 AND UETAlit WO.'ilC Harness A A and shoe shop; patent leataer poiisii f jr bugyy tops; repairs in ail kuias of leatner; shoes naif soied forty ceats. . F. Hen derson, lis West Sixth street. A FtPENTElt and repair work. Address. ' Win. Kewly, box nil, North lopeka, Kaus. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. G. H. GRAHAM, M. D , SPECIALIST. sAi Kansas avenue, eye, ear, nose and throa., ca.arrh, rheuma tism, lungs and liver, o.ood and sk.n diseases and diseases of women and children. Consultation and advice tree, tails attended day or night, bj Kansas avenue, lopeka. Kan sas. Those who caii tills lnou.ii 1 wui treat for $3 per montli until cured; so caii at once, ieie pnoue ai7. ; H. DeFord Patee, i TJl,'1 T A T Ti;ril Tope&a, Kans. ( kJA J-lVAXXAJAkJ At -r H. WAKD, A.M.. M. D ' 717 Kansas Avkncb. Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. Privafe hospital for woman Sjj Greenwood avenue. K. 1. B. Coicurd, ivitiiuey and lrivaie dis eases. 1 Jo IvaUaJkS avtaa. 1J It. G. A. 1ULL. 7J lie i lenie 901 Quiacy Street Office. 900 East 4in street. HE X 11 Y W. K'OUV. M. D. ioi'K m. a, Kansas. SUltGEOX. SE. SHELDON. M. D.. UKI(Ui" AXO illsSA"ftS OB- WOHIS, Wltll private hospital. OiUoe. .No. 7id Kansas Ave. J. C McUiiiiUjcii. A. M.. M. D. Frances Sirrs. A. B.. M. t. sfrCMiMTtH;!. fc 4XOiItW, Practice limited to SUltGiiEYaud 01SKASB3 OF WOMEN, saj Kansas aveuua. Oiiloe Hours. 8 to 4 p. in. TDA C. BAKXES. M. D. Office 732 Kan. Ave. Kesldenne, 13th ami Clay. Office Hours 9 a, ra. to 11 a. in .and a p. m. Uj 6 p. ni. l'uoue UJ. -jQH. KVA UAlibLNU, 709 Kansas Avrwub. Tele. 403. TA H. J. K. MULVAXS --' special attention given to ehronlo diseases. OUloo open axl flours. 000 Kas. Ave. Phone 83. L. A. RYDER, M. D. , "VFFICE and residence cor. Gordon street aal v Central ave.. North fopeiia. Puone 214. Uses the liriukerhoff system of Keuual treat ment, a successful and pa. mess treatiaeai for piles, llstula, Usfiure. uleeration, etc. CARPETD CLEANING. II AKMOI.A I'roi ess. Satisfaction guaran teed. 1. H. Fosdick, 307 Ctiandier St. MONEY TO LOAN. LOANS on farms and city property made at low rates. Privi.ege of paying ?loa or more. I. L., 519 Kauas avenue. Dudley's bank. MONEY LOANED on horses, pianos, ho us-v hoid goods and all kinds of chattel securi ties. L. liiscoe, 523 Kansas avenue, room 3. MON'i-Y to loan on bonds, mortgages or per sonal notes. Simon Oreen'spa.v. G OOD notes and mortgages bought and sold. S1MOM GK EtXsPAS. PAKTIFS wishing a safe and paying invest ment for their money, caii at ouce on a. M. Wood & Co., &a4 Kansas ave. A. Tin ti s o Ttn o in t. s . GRAND OPERA O HOUSE. Two Nights n&y SZPX2IOE3 21 and 25, TH2S TOP-HAD 0. Lincoln .1. Carter's .11 niu mot ti i-enlc I rod o e t iotx. The Awful Tornado. The Grat Kigging Scene. S.x Tars Furling a Monster Sail. Th toilisiou of To Ocean Liners at full Soeed. liie Mighty Open Sea Scene with Waves KuLiiing Mounia u High. Dissecting room of a Medical t oliege. Chicago Harbor at Xight and many otiier scenic wonders. 'To hold, as well as win success. Keep all your play-bill promises." LINCOLN J. CAKTKK. ISyP.eserved seat on sale at th-j Sim irug Co BAITCIITG-. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wetherell's cla-ses in Dancing Academy. Masonic Bu idiujj, Jackson street, wul open for Children Saiurday. Septem ber 22nd.. S to 5:so p. ra. Adults. Monday, Sep tember 24, 8 to 10:3O p. m. children e ass un der the direction of Mrs. Weihareii and Mama Smith. Hail for rent for seiect partiea. For terms call or address at Acaieray. fa, HiMlltil I W 1 !. ftel Catarrh atid Cold ,a tne . .1 lnibnUy by 1 OQ apo.i'.ait.ioil ' Cure" H-tl Hn'ses A 3 'fs.MMO' V- '"r-Ty''V Mm.1 1111 me w- w tnwtf nc e u t or Ukm p 1 e rroa. cor-iffif lata. 900. 212 and 114 Vet &th, Laualrx Feari&aj Steam 113 8AITA F2 TBLAIX3 TO KtIB OX. Ia Effect ts and after Sept. 14. 1891. "WESTBOUXD. 2! Leave Kansas City. Arrive Topeka. Leave Topeka, Trains. Wichita local. .. Oklahoma Si Texas local... Den. 61 Tex. Ltin California Lim . . Kansas City &. Topeka piug.. Colorado Night Express Man. 61 B. Acc. Ex. Sunday. .. 113- 8:15 amil0:S5 am10:40 am :35 am'l0:40 ara :9 ) ara 11:50 am ;o pin! 3:43 pU 113! 8 lSaui'10 5: 9:SJ am'll 3 1:35 piai 3 109 4:30 pm 6 9:05 pm 11 :40 pmj ... :20 pmjll:30 pra ) 7:80 ana 153 lietwoon Kansas City and lopeka omy. EASTBOUXD. -Ji 1 Arrive 1 Leave i Arrive Trains. Topeka.i Topeka. Kansas 1 ; 114j 1:50 pmj 2:00 pm 4:20 pm 6: 2:33 pm' 2:53 pm' 5:00 pm 4! 7:10 pm 7:30 pm 9:3oprn 8 5:40 ami 5:45 am' 8:00 am I 1 K. C. Local. Chicago Vesti bule L!m Columbian Lim. Missouri Kiver Night Ex 1 opeka and Kansas City Plug Man. & B. Ace. Ex. Sunday... 110 154 7:30 am 9:40 am 9:00 pm Between Kansas City and Topeka ouiy. ATCHISON AND ST. JOSEPH. Trains. 1 Leave 1 Leave 1 Arrive '!S1 - Ut.-lilt'n'Tnnulia Pacific. Mexico & Texas Ex press Xight Exp fi Al n ... O.IT am 11 li I am 107j 3:15 pm 0:15 pm 11:10 pm 1 . Leave I Arrive Arrive Topeka. Atchis'n St. Joe. St. Joe Express. St. Joe Evening Express 10Si 5:43 am 7:33 am I 106 4:30 pm1 6:35 pm 8:30 am 7:35 pm Buy railroad, Pullman or stvamshin tickets of ROWLEY BROS., Agents Santa Fe route, southeast corner Sixth and Kansas avenue. Topeka. Or W. C Gakvky, Agent at Depot, Or ABi'OlD iSi Sox , Agents. North Topeka. EOSX ISLAX3 E0UT2. In effect on and after April 29, 1394. WESTBOUND. Leave i Trains. No. Kansas ! Arrive Leave City. Topeka. Topeka. 6olld Vestibule Express A 11 11:20 am 1:25 pm 1 :35 pm Through Fast Express B 9 9:20 pro 11 :30 pm 11:40 pm Chicago. Texas Express A 1 I0:3sam 12:40pm 12:55 pm South w e s t er n Lv S. J. Express A 13 9:35am'i2:40 pm Southwest Nlfiht Lv S.J. I Express B 5 8 :(J pmj 11 :30 pm 11:50pm EASTBOUND. Arrive Trains. No. Arrive I.eav Kansas Topeka. Topeka. City. Limited Ex- press A 12 8:25 pm 3:30 pm 5:35 pm Solid Limited Vestibule Ex press A 2 3:43 pm 3:50pm 5:55pm St. Joseph and Eastern Ex -I Ar S. J. press A 14 3:55 pm 7:20pm Express and Mail via S- Ar S. J. Joseph C 4 6:35am 5:50am 9:oam Express and Mall via Kan- kas City Cj 10 6:45 am 6:00 am SjOOam A Dally. B Daily, except Saturday. C Dally, except Monday. For tlcko. sleeping-car berths and general lnformaaon, Ciil at City Ticket office, 60! Kan sas sveivHe. comer Hixth street, (teJepluiiie 4ao; at Passenger Station, corner First street and Kajisas avenue, t teleirfioiie 384); or at Fostofsloe. North lope Ha, ttelepnone 3G4i. H O. GARVEY, City Passenger Agent. U3I35 PACIFIC. Ctiaaage f Tline. In Kfrect Ffbrnkry 7, 1893. UNION PACIFIC E AS 1 BOUND. Arrives Trains. Na. Leaves Leaves Kansas Deover. Topeka. City. Eastern VestS bu f.J Express, Limit-od 8 8-80 pm 2:47 pm 5:00 pm 2 9. 06 ami 4:50 am 7:00 am Leaves Junct'n Kansas City ao- City. commod juou . 8 4:30 am 7:19 ami 9:80 am UNION PACIFIC WESTBOUND. Leaves Kansas City. Trains. No. Leaves Arrives Topeka . Den ver . Denver & Pacific , V estibuled Express 10: 45 am 9:00 pm 4:00 pm 12:55 pm 11:10 pm 7:80 am 5 : 30 pm Arrives Junct'n Junction City Accommoda::oo. City. 50 pmi 9:20 pm Daily, except Sua pay. All others daily. Train No. 8. solid vestibule to Ch.cago. dining ear, free chatr cars, etc., running over the Chicago & Alton from Kansas City, Las through sleeper for St. Lewis via Missouri Train No. 7. solid vestibule for Denver, mak ing direct connection for Pacific coast, through Pullman car for Sait Lake; through colonist car to Portland, etc.. etc. City ticket office, 635 Kansas avenue. L. T. fc S. V. EANT. . . f via Merlden and I .,. Iave Topeka. .. Oskaioosa. f7:3Ca.m Arrive Leavenworth 11:00 a. ni WKST. Leave Leavenworth, via Oskaioosa.. 4:50 p. m Arrive Topeka 8 :20 p.m Accommodation, daily ex. Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC. Train. No L'v's lopeka Topeka and Fort Seott ao commooation 2y 1Q:Q0 a. m. A'v's Topeka Topeka and Fort Scott ao commocalion 2S6 6:30 p. to. V IN E W OO D & HIGHLAND PABK It. It. 1 Trains will leave Qulncv Street station week ; days for Vine wood as follows: 6:45, ll:5l, 8:07, 5:41. i rains win leave Vinewood for Cjuincy atreet . at 7:57, 1.-03, 4:19. r60. ' .... SLNbAV TRAIXs. I-ave Quincy street S:(H. 6:19. 10:38, 11:51. j 1:50.3:07 . 4:34. 5:41. 7:30, 8:4J, 9:;X). ' Leavn Viiiewood 8:4A 9:50, 11:13, 12:30, S:30, 1 S:47 . 5:04. 6:24. Extra Sunday trains will be run according to company orders. Topeka faun Cure: EstsbUsaed i "Vaottixiix, i medical and ! Stirslcal Treatment. ! Servaak kul rhronlo tfiseu avnd i diae.Hea of womrs. VACUUM specialties: Parmlyaist. svakd old iaekes that mealetae lickv f ail .ct to ear. W. a FHANCIS, Man'g'r. 31 Otis Avran W. HE LOOK3 LIKE SHAKESPEARE. Career of Ila.ll Calne, the lllckcm ot th Isle of 31 an. Hall Caine, the Dickens of the Isle of Man, is one of the most interesting lit erary men in Great Birtain. He looks like the pictures of Shakespeare, and like the im mortal bard of Avon is a man of many parts. Ho was born in Run corn, Lanca- eiure, 41 years ago of Manx and sf -a tv. ion -k o i . I Ji nJ passed the most of his busy lifa on the isle of hall caine. Man, the scene cf so many of his successful stories "The Deemster." "The Manxman" and ethers. He was educated to be an archi tect, but made the acquaintance of Ros eetti when he was about 25 years of age, and at the yoet's suggestion sought fame and fortune in the literary world of London. He wrote book reviews and poetry, lectured for a time and worked for tha newspapers, but attracted 110 jreat at tention in the field of literature until he published his first novel "The Shadow of a Crime" in 1884. The , etory was very well received, and his later books, especially "The Deemster" and "The Manxman," have given him a high place among the foremost writers of fiction in England. Competent critics aver that in sustained power, in somber Intensity, in grim humor and in dra matic vigor he lias no superior among the English novelists of his generation. Several of his novels have been dram atized and have proved profitable plays, and he is now ambitious, it is eaid, to publish a vivid and realistic life of Christ that he has written. He i3 also very much interested iu the hapless condition ot the Russian Jews and is an earnest student of sociological condi tions and movements. He divides his time between London and his mountain home on the isle of Man. At the latter place ho leads a very primitive i;fe. His wife does her own milking, churning and cheesemaking, and the novelist, loosely, almost untidily dressed, wanders over the mountain paths thinking out the plots of his sto ries or spends his time in his den writ ing or studying some subject that he is particularly interested iu. Hi3 most suc cessful play is "Bon-My-Chree, " a dram atization of "The Deemster." A CAMPAIGN LIE NAILED. Miss Bates Did Not Sidetrack a Rival Poli tician ly Promising Marrlnge. Miss Emma F. Bates, the Republican and Prohibition candidate for state su perintendent of schools of North Dako ta, has only been in politics a short time, but (die lias already been compell ed to nail what she characterizes as one of the most outrageous campaign lias f s- MISS EMMA F. BATES. the brain of a political Ananias ever concocted. The lie in question was to the effect that when she began her can vass for the nomination her most formi dable opponent was one John H. De vine. She demanded unconditional sur render, so the story goes, but the ungal lant Devine refused to abandon the race except for a consideration, and when Miss Bates asked its nature he told her that he would give her a clear field if she would marry him and make him her deputy when she secured the office. The story, as an indication of the Na poleonic ability the woman of the fu ture may demonstrate as a practical politician, is very interesting, but Miss Bates shatters it at a. blow by declaring that it is a campaign lie pure and sim ple. Miss Bates is a native of Chautauqua county, N. Y. , and was educated in the Forestville free academy and Allegha ny college. She then took a special course in elocution in the Philadelphia National School of Oratory, was two years in the Seminary of Western Penn sylvania in Clarion and was principal of tho graded school in Collins, N. Y. , for a year. After two more years of work as a teacher in the high school in Clarion she went west to grow up with the country and located in Milnor, X. D. , where she taught three years iu the normal school. For the past three or four years she has been preceptress in the Valley City (N. D. ) normal school and is well and favorably known throughout th9 state as an institute conductor and lecturer for the Women's Christian Temperance union. She is an eloquent speaker, and her voice is always raised in behalf of education, religion and good morals. She is leader in the White Shield work and has done much for unfortunate women "in connection with her W. C. T. LT. labors. The office she is now peeking is the first she has ever aspired to, but she can nail a campaign lie as promptly and effectively as a veteran politician. British Shipping. Great Britain owm more than one third of the actual shipping of the world '4.071 out of 42,247 vessels. V. - 3,1W 1 A V- - . , 1. - - ." jJZ - J V. HATS, SHIRTS UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, NECKWEAR SUSPENDERS Oo kjOIii. AT LATE in style, GOOD in quality and CHEAP in price. The best Ql White Shirt in the world. CLOTHING to order in the LATEST Style. Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. O. Jotinsoii. HOLLEH IS CONVICTED. The Jury Says Ho Sold. Liquor Contrary to Law. BEN JORDAN, JOINTt-ST, ON TRIAL. The Jnry Takes Ills Case in Hand This nornins-Other Court Matters. Druggist Fred Holler sold liquor in violation of law, so the district court jury decided yesterday afternoon. The liquor case was concluded about 3:3U o'clock and the jury was out but an hour when it returned a verdict, findiug Holler guilty on one count. Lawyer llib Case gave notice that he would' file a motion asking for a new trial. Hen Jordan who has served more time in the county jail for selling liquor than any other man in Topeka, was tried ao-ain in the district court this morning tor seven counts of his favorite offense. The jury at last returns was stiil o.i but it seems certain that he wiil i found guilty in a majority if 11 all the counts. He operated a club on Railroad street in North Topeka, not la. from the corner of Jackson. He opened ttiis club shortly after being released from the county jail, where he was serv ing a term for the same oilenae. 1 he county commissioners released him be fore his time was up by reason of his poor health, and Ms promise never to soli liquor again. Jordau is one or the big lower branches in the faaiilv tree of the Jordan that has always been a source of trouble to tho police and other oflicers of the law. several of the minor Jordans were present at the trial of the case. Those who claim to have bought liquor of Jordan are: Bob Wilkeraon, William P.amey, J. F. Felker, Alexander Garrett and Young Langley. The case ot Lee Jones, charged by Rev. C. M. Sheldon with selling liquor contrary to the orovisions of his drug gist's permit, was'uot tried in the district court today, as advertised. 1 he case was continued indefinitely by reason of the absence of Jones' attorney, David Over myer who is campaigning at Atchison and other Kansas points. The case may be tried next week. The district court is not in session this afternoon. Judge Hazen, the bailiff, stenographer, and County Attorney tear ford, are going to the races. The only case' set for tomorrow is that of William Doyle, charged with the burglary of Payne's shoe store. N OUTU TOPEKA. Items of Interest from the North Side of the Kiver. Al Wiley is back from Denver, where he has been all summer. 200 pounds fresh cat fish at Goodman Broa, S41 Kansas avenue. A complete line of homoepathic reme dies at A J. Arnold & Son's. We have a tine lot of fresh celery to day. Goodman Bros., 841 Kansas ave. Charles Steinberger has returned from a short business trip to Leavenworth. Take your prescriptions to A J. Arnold & Son, 821 Kan ave. Established 1870. The street cleaning force was saved a large amount of work by last night's rain. The flambeau club will meet for drill this evening at their rooms in the Bar ratt block. Mrs E. M. Wilcox is visiting her daughter who is attending school at Osage Mission. Sam Dolman is making arrangements to winter his herd of mules in the country north, of town. The Ladies' Foreign Missionary so cietv gave a tea at the Kansas Avenue Al. E. church parsonage this afternoon. The entertainment to have been given by the ladies of the Rebekah degree last night was postponed on account of the storm. W AI Gu3hard, who has been in Kan sas 'titv some weeks taking medical treatment, is much improved in health and will return in a few days. Charley Curtis is home for the re mainder of the week. He goes to Green wood county next week. He reports en thusiastic meetings everywhere. The yield of potatoes on the "truck" farms in the valley is said to be far below the average, but there is a good profit left yet at the present and prospective prices. Rev J. G. Maver, who was one of the early pastors of the Baptist church, but who has been located at various points in the west since, has returned here to live. He is accompanied by his family. Try Phillips' mineral water ltls oj sidered the finest water for taa Btomaoh. tliJ W. Eighth, avenue. Trv r. x516 KANSAS. AVE. THE GRANITE STATE CAMPAIGN Charles A. lluslt-1 and Henry . Kent, the ltivul Candidates Fur (ioveruur. Hon. Charles A. Busiel, who has Ix'en nominated for governor of New Hampshire by the Republicans, was a Democrat prior to 19, but the tariff plank in tho Democratic platform that year caused him to J6in the ranks of tho Republicans. Tie was bom in Meredith village, N. H., Nov. 24, 8-4:2, but when only 4 years of age became a resi dent of L'lconia, where ho has since re sided. Hh learned the hosiery business in his father's mill and has built tip a large trade mid become wealthy. In 1S78 and 187!) ho wa a member of the etute legislature and was the lir.-st mayor of Laconia. He is a man of large interests outside his regular bur.i-.ioss. He is a diructor of -A CIIARI.LS A. IU'PlEL in n::y o. t.:.:. r the Concord and Montreal rui! -.'.i! a a member of the executive ho ,,-d. is also a director of the 1 .!:; .! n. Cu:,;-. and Montri-al, Meredith ai.d C-iUw New Boston, l'V iiiklin an 1 Tilt tj, 1 Moose Lako and 1'rolllo and Frai.oo. Notch railremd-i and president of : Lake Shorn railroad. Tho Democrat ic canliil".?i-f. r g. ive or of New Ilampshiro is Henry O. K .ut of Lancaster, who was colonel of i h 1 Seventeenth New Hampshire volume 1 . and who has frequently oeeniiit-d hiii state offices. He is about oj years ot :igr, and has been it memlx r of the le-'is!,-.-ture on numerous occasion.-. During President Cleveland's first, term Tie was naval officer in Bout on. Ho is now banker in Lancaster and w.i i Humiliated for governov by acclamation. Swedish Literature In Aiiicrli-a. There' is a movement mi foot to inter est tho American publics in Swedish books, and a 3wedo of New York city has prepared a list of alxut 500 Swedish books that he hopt s will 1 found suit able to largo libraries. Many of them are already foimd in tho chief libraries of western cities, where thero is a con niderablo Swedish population. Moi-t of them have been published within the last quarter of a century. MYSTERIES! The Nervous System the Seat of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. No mystery has ever comparwl wltb that of human life. I thus been tho leading huo.ieet of professional rescarrli aiel BtuiJy in all 11 ,?.. but notwithstanding this fact it is not pener- ally known that the stmt of Ufo W loca td In t.h u p per part of tho spinal cord, near the bntw of 1 he brain, and ar t.efi&i tl vo 14 I till port ion of 1 lio IKTVOIH fVM- U'lii that even the prick of n. lieeulo will rum.) instant death. Rrvent dleovrles have demonstrated thnt all tlieorsraui. of the body ai-.j under tho con trol of tun nerve coolers, lo-al''l In or near tho baso of the brain, and that when these am deranired the organs which 1 hey supp'y Willi nerve lluid ure also deranged, ivlmii It lit re membered that a serious Injury to the hplnul cord will cnusc puralys's of the body below the injure. 1 point, oocause t h 1,1 rv ron-n 14 prevented by tho Injury ! rum reach i d; tb paralysed portion. It will he understood iio v the deraintprnent of tlien-rvo center-, will cause the derangement of tho various organs which they supply with nerc force. Two-thirds of chronic di pases arn duo to the imperfect action of the nerve center at thehuseof tho brain, not from a Ui hient primarily originating in tho r-ran It self. The ereat. iiiUlak' of phyiiciues) lu treating t lir-e disoa tin y truat. th or-run rather than tho r.erve centum which are th cause of the trouble. lilt. Fbamcms lifi.KS. the relebrnled spe cial it .has profoitixiiy studied t hlM Hub ject b r over 2') vears, and ha- rriinie rn my IrniM. riant discov ei-itw in connection wit h It. tlilef anions them being tho f act. cont ai ned In tlin R'ji' Htatement. and that tho ordinary mi.tho'ii of treatment are wronfr. All licaJarbu, iUzi ness. dultnoH4, contusion, pro-sur, Piues, mania, moiancholy. insanity, epilepsy, m. 'itus dance, etc., ar nnrvoust disuasts no matter how caused. The wonderful sneer. of Dr. Miles' Kestortttlve Nervine Is d tie to t ho fa'-t th:it It Is hase(J on the, foreu'olna principle. Uk. Milks' HearoHATIVB Nikvisi; la sold by all druXists on a. poKitiro puarantee, or sent; direct by Dr. Mkdicac Co., KiKliart. Ind., on receipt of price, l per bottle. sl bottles for $.", express prepaid. It cuntajutui oelther opiates nor dkujerou drug. e.r rule y II lr jrrtxta. k '.CX v'A