Newspaper Page Text
ST ATE JOURNAL, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1894. o HILL IS THERE. The Senator Opens Headquarters lit Saratoga. lie is toLe Temporary Chairman of Convention. MIGHT BE GOVERNOR. But He Would Doubtless Decline the Nomination. Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 23. There is not a man versed in the ways of icaventions of political parties that ever saw a scene like that which con fronts the Democratic party to day. The predicament is explained in a very fe iw words by Lieutenant Governor Sheehan. lie said: "There is not a man or politician here that knows who the nominee of the party will be until the convention meets. It is anybody or any faction candi date and this convention will be a Democratic one in every sense of the word.' It is perfectly probable a;id not at all out of the line of possibility that there will be a. repetition of the convention 1378, when the galleries nominated Seymour for governor, he afterwards declining to run and Robinson being1 selected as the candidate. The re ception that will oe accorded Senator Ji ill by the convention will undoubt edly take on a remarkable phase and will be one long to be remembered by every person present ani it is proba ble that he will be nominated by ac clamation from the galleries. That he will decline, however, is almost cer tain anil there will have to be a new nomination. Senator II " 11 arrived last evening and opened headquarters at Grand Union hotel. From the time of his arrival until the late hours of the night it was besieged by crowds of delegates. To a reporter he sa d: "I received word that I was to Ve tho temporary chairman of the convention. I know nothing about who is the most prominent candidate and I have no opinion to express a.s to who will be the nominee of the convention " Later he was shown the dispatch received by th" press about the declination of Mr. Gaynor and he said laconically: ' It s?ems that the propsr thing1 is to refuse to be a candidate." The Tammany, braves struck the village j-esterday afternoon. Several of their delegates were seen in re gard to the placing of Tammany's stren gth and every man favors Will iam r. Whitney. When asked as to the Flower boom they seemed to be iiMiiimons enough, but expressed little hope of his retracting1 his with drawal. Kx-spcaker Kulzer said: "William C. Whitney is the man. Senator 11 ill excepted, ha Is the man to carry the f-tate this fall lie will make his per sonal wishes subservient to his par ty's demands." Tammany delegates will hold a conference and will prob ably come out as one man for William C. Whitney. PROCLAMATION TO ELKS. Grand Kxalted Ruler Friday Tla IB sued a Manifesto to All Lodge. Reading, Pit... Sept. 23. As a result of a meeting held here yesterday D3' the grand officers of the Elks, Grand Exalted Ruler William II. Friday, of Brooklyn, N. Y., issued a proclama tion to all lodges in the United States reeltiag the dissension in the order resulting in two grand lodge meeting's in 1391 at Jamestown and at Atlantic Citj-. Ex alted lluler Friday says by the de cision of the courts, the Jamestown prand lodge has teen recognized as the only legal body and that in 1803 all lodges were directed to stop hold ing secular sessions, picnics, etc., on the r-abbath after January 1, 1803. Certain lodges have refused to obey this order. Mr. Friday suspended the charters of the following lodges: New York, No. 1; Philadelphia, Na 2; Baltimore, No. 7; Boston, No. 10; Washinrrton, No. 15: Denver, CoL, No. 17, and Norfolk' No. for holding Sunday meetings, and the Baltimore lodge as suspended for hold ing a Sunday picnic which members of the lodge attended. The action is severely denounced by Mr. Friday, and ha orders that the above lodge bo prohibited from meeting as Elks. Seven or more law-abiding members of the above lodge may reorganize, however, upon proper application. TOUT UK ED TO DEATH. alttuy Skeleton With Manacles Attached luuul la St. Petersburg. St. PErKRSBjF.o, Sept. 25. A num ber of skeletons with manacles at tached to the arm and leg bones have been found buried close to the sur face of the ccurt yard of the custom house here. A similar discovery w&i made a few years ago at almost tho same place, but upon the former oc casion instruments of torture were also iliseovere I with the skeletons. It is stated that a secret chancellory of the tyrannical regent Bieren, the favorite of Empress Anna, was situated where the remains were found. Anna ruled from 1730 to 1730. It is stated that 20,000 victims of Bieren's tyn.nay perished during these six years. Congress of Natural Scienca. Vienxa, Sept. 25. The German congress of natural science opened here yesterday morning with about 2,000 delegates present. Chevalier Stanislaus de Madsyski, the Austrian minister of public instruction, deliv ered the inaupiril address. He de nied the study of natural science forced ideals into the background. The greater progress made, the more strenuous would be the effort to weld natural and moral sciences into a harmonious whole. This was the aim the btats in public instruction. METHODISTS OF MISSOURI. Conference at Jtffcrion City Conclude Its Vvom and Adjourns. Jefferson City-, Mo., Sept. 25. The M. E. church conference (South) closed its sessions here yesterday. The morning hour was devoted to closing up reports and other routine business. Tho following statistics were fur nished concerning the affairs of the conference tor the present year: XuinD'-T of preacS'rs 164 Ltiurctt miaiberh'T 30.713 Annual gu n in mem bersbi p C?3 Inf mn oapti2-;d 4-3 Adults baptized 2,115 Number lip worth iea -ue 81 Leatr ue ruern her.-h: P 3,12)5 Number sunltr schools aT Number te- her - 2.M8 Nmnwr scttoan 2J,51'J Numbr cliiinUfi 33 Value church property ?7-'4.2J5 Value parMina-e W 4J" C'ontribut oni to foreign mis dens i.3L'9 Domestic ndss'.o.-s 5 4.133 Value ttve colleges 6"5,ioO Kudo1. merit icoi.e : tt4.0ut Produerive en do a1.: it: n t : 1 J ),o.X) K'iuoattonal con' rihutirms 5, S) Collection tor widow -a i cr 'ham I 5,775 EXPLOIlilKS RETURN. Last of the 1 art les I'ut Ashore by the Miranda Kotuni Home. St. Johns, N. F., Sept. 25. The last of the parties put asho-e on the Lab rador coast by the steamer Miranda, returned here yesterday by the vessel Virginia Lake. This was the Uni versity of Pennsylvania expedition; the four profess rs in charge of Pro fessor liite. The Dirty spent the summer making an exploration of Sandwich Bay, North Labrador. Three great rivers were explored anil charts of them made. Very valuable origin al collections of bird-, and butterflies were obtained. One of tiie party, Howard Eueknell. became very ill and one of the otliers ha I "to remain to take care of him. while the re maining two pursued their investiga tions. Mr. Buoknel. is much im proved in health, and ail arc satistied with the result of the expedition. A BAD (jAMJ 4VIPi:i) OUT. Arrest of !h:dr Cliiff W'i-id l"p tho C arecr of a IS.4d . rovvil. Washington, Sept. 25. Chief Ilazen of tho secret service yester lay re ceived a tele ?ra:a ami ntneiag the arrjst at :i, M . . of J. B. Mc Cnliough charred with i in puraonat ng thj chief of the secret service, forgery, and r.i attempting to pro cure the printing of counterfeit United States notes. Lucie a II hour 1 was also arrested at Mahien. .Mo. eh.irged with being a count tic .t r. 1 1 u '. I was the chief oi Uie V:i on an 1 Hulley gang, arrested a f v.- .lays a to. The Grant heau-piates, wuicli tne notes were printed. an J .S ;,.') in bogus notes w ere capture. I. Tie am st com pletely wipes nit this notorious yang, and all th.-ir plates, i:: aey and materials have been e.tpture I. KtrtS for a ('(ili.r.'il To -u list. Nkwton". Kan.. Sept. :..".--Tlwre. was a great stir among tne colored popu lation of Ncto:i when it was an nounced yesterday thai J. I!. Gibhs, of Kansas Cit, Kan., a Populist colored man, would speak at the court house. A band of colored men was organized, which was well supplied with egas. When the speaker appeared to to to the place of speaking he was given such a lib eral application of eggs t hat he was compelled to retire and seek police protection in order to reach his des tination. Desperado Miot by ai Ofi;e-r. Fatette. Mo., Sent. .". Bill Brown, a tonsrh and desperate negro man, j was fatally shot last night by Deputy j Constable J. K. Twyman at .Arm- j strong. The constable Lad a warrant for Brown's arrest and told him to ' consider himself arrested. The ne- j gro remarked that no man could ; arrest him and at the sntie time made a motion as if to uni.v a revolver ; when Tw vma :i lire 1. T bail en tered his right side and passed through the liver. Queer Freak of a Traveling Man. Grkeley, Col., Sept. 2'. James P. Weaver, repre -entin g the Weaver Electric Automatic ilurglar Alarm and Door Bell company of Indian apolis, and claiming to he a cousin to General J. B. Weaver, began shooting1 a revolver at random in the Exchange hotel yesterd.iy. One bullet hit a man named Hobbs in the knee and it is feared he wil l lose hi- !e t. Weaver was arret.j'l. He is believed to be temporarily insane. A Hanit Teller in Jail Kansas City, Mo., Sept. :. E '.gar O. Bishop, teller of the Bank of S. II. Mills of "0-'.)! Walnut street, was ar rested yesterday forenoon jn the charge of grand larceny. is ac cused of robbing the bank of ,l,0-.)0. Bishop is locked up in the county jail in default of 3 :,0L)U bail. The arrest was made on the information of J. W. Bowman, resident agent of the Amer ican Security company of New York city. To Exterminate the i:utiun Thistle. Denver, Col., Sept. 25, The county commissioners of this (Arapahoe) county decided to aid town boards and farmers to exterminate the Rus sian thistle. It is estimated that it will cost S20.00O to exterminate the thistle in the immediate vicinity of Denver alone. Took Atrophlne by Mistake. Springfield, Mo., Sept. 25. Mrs. Robinson, of a highly respected fam ily of thir city, took a dose of poison by mistake yesterday, whicli may prove fatal. She has been ill and in tended to take medicine, but used the wrong vial, which contained atrophiae. Van Horn lias a W!kawar. Kansas Cixt. Mo., Sept. 25. The Republican primaries iver; hotly con tested yesterday except in the vote for candidate for congress, where Colonel II. T. Van Horn had an easy walkover. CocUrell on the Huntings. Richmond, Mo., Sept. 25. Senator Cock re 11 onenei his compaign in Mis souri yesterday, speaking for two hours to one of the largest au i most euthubiasiic audiences of the season. ENDED DRAW. Xeitlier Himmer Xor Murphy Could Win. The Xew Orleans Fight Lasted Twenty-live Rounds. MURPHY WAS WARY. His GeneralshipAloneKept Him from Defeat. New Oeleaxs, La., Sept. 25. Mur phy and Plimmer opened the fall fistie carnival here last night with twenty rive rounds of hard fighting to a draw. The battle was at the Olympic club before 5,000 people and for a purse of ?,'.r00: S.?,000 to the winner and 8500 to the loer. First round The work in tl e tirst round was very pretty. Flimmer landed several left-handed punches on the head and rights over the heart. Though he missed one of the most vicious cuttings ever seen in the ring here, Plimmer had away the best of the round. The remaining rounds were largely repetitions of the first, Murphy hav ing the better of it only in the tenth and twelfth. In several rounds Plim mer poe.nded his man all over the ring, nut could not put him out. Mur phy was the favorite with the audi ence and fought gamely all through. When the men shook hands for the wind up, iD the twenty-fifth, Plim mer's blows seemed to have the most steam. The little Englishman landed some hard body blows with the right and some hard blows with his left. The audience rose in a body to hear the verdict. The referee declared the match a draw and his decision re ceived general approbation. Plimmer had the best of the fighting, but the little Bostonlan's gameness and gen eralship saved him through the re quired twenty-five rounds. To-night .lack Everhardt, the local favorite, will give Stanton Abbott a return fight for a purse of 1,500. The carnival will close with the greatest fight that has taken place in the last two years. Bob Fitzsimmons and Dan Creedon will defend the middle-weight championship of the world. WIRE TWO TORNADOES. lioth Twisters Devastated the Northern Fart of Iowa. Forest City, Iowa, Sept. 25. Fri day night's tornado passed over this section, devastating everything in its path. It came from the southwest and divided south of Buffalo Center, this county, with a larger and more destructive portion going south and east, the other portion northeast. In Eden, this county, many buildings were destroyed and six or eight per sons so far reported killed and fifty or more wounded. In the track of the other portion, which swept with dire destruction through Hancock and Cerro Gordo counties more than a dozen are re ported killed and probably 100 wounded. As an illustration of the power of the cyclone, Dick Gamble's iron pump was stripped out of his 100-foot well in the twinkling of an eye and carried a distance of ten rods. Great excite ment prevails all along the track of the c clone, as many children and grown people as well are missing and cannot be found. An Eyota dispatch says: The cy clone which visited this village Friday night struck Laird station, three miles south on the Southwestern, set ling the depot across the track, over turning several cars loaded with coal and twisting the wheels from the cars. HIAWATHA GETS IT. I'nllraan Co-Operative Club Will Locate In the Kansas Town. Hiawatha, Kan., Sept. 25. The Pullman Co-Operative club, which has been considering a proposition from Topeka, Lawrence and other Kansas towus for the location of their manu facturing plant, closed a deal with the citizens of Hiawatha yesterday. The first installment, of workmen will be brought from Pullman at once and work on temporary shops will be commenced immediately. Ar rangements have been made with the city to use the surplus power from the city water-works until the shops are completed, and the first work done will be to put an improved bicycle on the market. The club con sists of about 200 of the most skilled workmen in the Pullman shops, and all will come to Hiawatha just as soon as work can be provided for them. The city has filled up in an ticipation of this movement, and not a vacant store building can be had now anywhere. Property owners on business streets are preparing to put up new building's to supply t;,e de mand that now exists for roomi. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART Jim Alien, a Full I'.lool Choctaw, Exe cuted at Caddo, I. X. Caddo, Ind. Ter., Sept. 25. Yester day at 2 p. m., at the Pushmatba dis trict court ground in Jackson eount5 thi'-ty miles from here, Jim Allen, a full-blood Choctaw, aged about 24 years, who was convicted in August, was shot by Deputy Sheriff Robert Jackson. Early yesterday morning religious services were held. At first Allen did not seem to be in the least concerned about what was going to happen in a few hours. He ad mitted his guilt and said he had made peace with his maker and was ready to go. He walked from the jail to the court house, a distance of about fifty yards, with comparative indiffer ence. He went into the court house, knelt down over his coffin and offered up a farewell prayer; then pulled off iiis coai and had rolled back the collar of his shirt and had painted a white Jteart on ms Dreast over Jus own 1 .! t. lie died almost y after tee shot was liivd. DON'T FEAR SMALLPOX. Dr. Mnnn Says There Jwn't Incli Hanger I'romthe Leavenworth Epidemic Dr. JIuno, president of the city health board, said to a Journal reporter today: "Ad far as the danger of suiall-pox is concerned, I am of the opinion that there is absolutely no danger whatever of the d'ueaae breaking out here. It U a spring disease nearly always, ar.d come3 from filth ind crowded conditions of living. So in the present excellent sanitary con ditions of the city, we have little reason to fear amall-pox from Leavenworth. You have noticed that when email-pox breaks out in a city it is always among a class who pay no attention to vaccina tion. "lhe present move to have all school children vaccinated is a good one, and it affords a safeguard against any possible epidemic iu small-pox. People some times forget that the vaccination will not prove effective for a period longer than seven years. "In vaccinating the school children we occasionally find a child whose parents object to it. The objection generally comes from some pseudo-scientific fellow who can give no good reason for Lis ob jection." An Old Feud Ended. Newport, Ark., Sept. 25. Dr. R. P. Wilson, one of the most prominent men in Arkansas, was shot and almost instantly killed by Robert Simmons, chief of police of Newport, late yes terday afternoon. The tragedy is the culmination of an old feud between the two men. When they met a quar rel ensued, pistols were drawn and Simmons shot Wilson three times through the body. Simmons is in jail. Postmaster Short in Chillicothe, Mo., H iri Account?, -opt. 2". Post- master Campbell of Wiie ling, this county, has been r moved and his bondsmen have been placed in psF sion. He is reported to be short tdTi. URIEFS 1JY WIRE. In Vienna it is semi-otficially stated that the czar is suffering from Bright's disease of the kidneys. The signal station on the summit of Pike's Peak i to be abandoned by the weather bureau at the end oi this month. 'George R. Anderson of the District of Columbia, a secretary of legation at Rio Janeiro, Brazil, who is at home on leave has resigned on account of ill health. The Democrats of Carroll county, Maryland, have passed resolutions strongly denouncing Gorman and Gibson, and advocating the election of senators by direct vote. The shipments of standard silver dollars during the last week amount ed to 909,853. The shipments of frac tional silver coin during the present month to date aggregated $1,014,075. Archbishop Satolli, on behaif of Pope Leo, lias conferred on the Rev. James McMahon of the Catholic uni versity, an appointment as prelate of the Holy See, with the title of mon seignor. The officials of the Japanese lega tion den' the story cabled to London via Vancouver, B. C, that the Kow Shung affair has been settled by the Japanese governme nt apologizing and paying 875,000 indemnity. Count Honore A. Mercier, Quebec's ex-premier, is sinking rapidly, and it is believed cannot outlive the week. He made his will on Saturday, and Cardinal Rampolla was called on for Papal benediction for the dying man. Private advices state that Ambassa dor Bayard will sail from Southamp ton October 6 for the United States. Mr. Bayard was granted leave of ab sence several months asro, so he is at liberty to come home at his pleasure. Dispatches received from Batavia, Java, say Matarim, capital of the island of Lombok, has been almost destroyed by the bombardment of the Dutch fleet. The besieged Balinese are beginning to suffer from famine, and are expected to capitulate shortly. At a christening party at Patapaseo Neck, Md., John Bond took up an old army musket, supposed to be un loaded, and proceeded to explain how it was used during the war. The gun exploded, killing a child named Charles Zeige igoef er, and danger ously wounding the mother. John L. Sullivan, while driving about Washington dropped in at the White house. The place was closed for repairs, so the ex-pugilist was not admitted, although he explained to the watchman at the main door that he was much better known than he who occupied the mansion. The railroads have oifered to the Washington Inter-state Democratic association round trip tickets for one fare, good for thirty days, for all voters in the government service who wish to go to their homes on election day. Credentials from the associa tion must be presented in order to ob- 1 tain the reduced rates. The Protestant Episcopal church of the Ascension atCtiic-igo, which was left $150,000 by the will of the late Isaac Clarence Marsh on condition of remaining "high church," is likely to lose the legacy through a second will. By the second will the property is bequeathed to relatives -. the de ceased and the church w ll receive the money only in the eveui of the testator's sister dying without chil dren. The second will makes no "high church" proviso. Judge Ross, in the federal court of Los Angeles, Cal., sentenced Gal agher and Buchanan, American Rail way union strikers, to eight months' imprisonment in the county jail and a fine of S500. The outcome of the trial has caused a sensation. The men are among those who attempted to intimidate non-union men on the Southern Pacific railway during the strike. There are many other cases pending of similar import. The Indian land ad j ust ment league, of which William Lloyd Garrison wf Boston, is president, is preparing to form a colony of Indians iu Chicago, The three Blue Jacket giris from Vinita, Ind. Ter., have notified the officers of the league that they will study and teach music in Chicago dariDg the corjin? winter. Thev are full-blooded Cherokees and Dr. T. J. Miles, a full-blooded Sac and Fox, a graduate of the university of Penn sylvania, has also promised to join the colony. The officers of the league expect to have a llourishing Indian settlement planted there within the next few month. NO WATER FOR THESE ANIMALS Deer, Antelope and Coyotes Who Live lQ Amarieaa Desert Places. Students ' of natural history hay always been puzzled to know whether certain animal can live without water for a long time, says the New York World. In Central and Southern New Mexico there is an immense desert to which the earliest Spanish adventur ers gave the name Jornada del Muerta, or Journey to Death. This desert ia over 100 miles long and from thirty to seventy miles wide and is entirely waterless. This is known to be a fact as every mile of it has been traversed in the past twenty years. The nearest permanent water to this desert i3 the Rio Grande, from which it is separated by the lofty range known as the Ca vallos mountains, which are almost impassable to man or beast. Previous to 1880 this desert was inhabited by vast herds of antelope. There aro some, antelope there now, besides coyotes and other animals. From May to September is the rainy beason in I this region, and the moisture derived from the scanty herbrgo might be suf ficient to sustain lift , bat during- the other eight months there isn't a drop of water obtainable, and the vegeta tion is as dry as tinder. It is claimed that many wild animals feed in the early morning and thereby obtain an abundance of moisture from the dew which covers the vegetation, but in the elevated region of Jornada there is no sensible precipitation of dew in the dry season. The most desolate territory in North America, south of Labrador, is the peninsula of Lower California. Capo i San Lucas is the extreme southern point, and about ten miles north of this a spur of mountains runs from west to east, or from the Pacific to the gulf of LowerCalifornia, forming, as it were, a basin toward the cape. This basin is mostly covered with a densa , growi h of dwarf trees, growing lux uriantly out of the dazzHng white pand. : Not a particle of surface water is to bo ; found anywh.-re in this basin, and, strange as ir ;;viv seem, this place has deer. Tho Mexicans living here, when asked where the door get water, reply that there is nom- hu 3 the doer do not require any. Ti oil an 1 west coast3 ! of Lower Californ'..: a'o m ! in islands, tome of which area h.v. e::n ired yards in diameter and other.-; inluv, i:i extent, ; and with few exceptions Void of vege- 1 tation and utterly waterles-. An American vho has epent a day, and ; sometimes two days, on each of tl .eSO islands, reports having round there the ; coyote, or wild dog. The only water , the thirsty coyote may drink is the suit 1 water of the Pacific. But does he drink it, or does he get along without any drinking water at allr1 Or are these animals of the Southwest like the camel, which has a second btomach which is used as a reservoir for water, and is filled by the camel beforo going' on long desert journeys and drawn j upon for water when needed? It is , paid that Arabs, knowing this, when ! themselves suffering from thirst, slay j their camels and appropriate their water supply. New System of Notation. The British postoffice has recently introduced a new system of notation for its date stamps. The letters from A to M are used to represent the hours and also twelve intervals of five min utes each; thus A A means 1, A B 1:10, and so on. A. m. and p. m. ai-e expressed by A and P after an as terisk; thus MCA means 12:15 a. m. A Wood Mine. In Upper Tonkin there are wood ! mines, according to the report of a French consul. The wood, which was j originally a pine forest, was swal'i, '. 1 up by the earth, which covers it to a depth of eight yards. Some of the j trees are a yard in diameter; the wood ' is imperishable and is sold to the Chi- i nese for coffins. . I Cnlerstan1 the Sex. Hostess Vhy do the Chinese crip pie the best oi their girl babies so inhu manlj ? - . Tra veler To save their darlings j lifelong suffering. ' j "How can it be?" "When the Chinese girls grow up j they are able to wear small shoes i without torture." The Pope's To ml. The sculptor Marasai has begun work on the monument that is to cover the pope's tomb. It is of black mar ble, surmounted by the figure of a lion, having on the right a statue of faith, with a torch in one hand and the bible in the other, and on the left the statue of truth bearing1 the pope's coat-of-arms. , A Windfall. Mother I have just heard some thing that you ought to know; Your father tells me that your husband is hopelessly involved. Married Daughter Isn't that lovely! Now, maybe he'll make over all his property to me! A Submarine Boat. Abram Barton of Bristol, England, has devised a submarine boat for which he claims a speed of sixteen knots. It is shark-shaped and is pro pelled by twin screws located at what would be the fans of the fluke in the fish. They Are Successful. There are two small Jewish agricul tural colonies in California, the first in Orange Vale, opposite Folsom, and the other in Portcrville, near Fresno. Both have passed the experimental stage and promise success. Only a Fragment. The at rial space within the limit of our vision is calculated to have a di ameter of 420.000,000 miles and a cir cumference of 1,329,742,000,000 miles. And this is only a fragment of tha Laa-ixienBiti- of sniica. J Y v h'W j 1 IVORYl fd IT F1PAXS A V. rOK TABLE LINEN. THE PROCTER GAMBLE CO.. CINT1. EXCURSIONS SANTA FE ROUTE. j Home seekers' excursion to Texa, j Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, ! Arizona, Idaho, Arkansas, Louisiana and ! southwest Missouri. Tickets sold October 0, good for twenty days. One fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Santa Fe route, i St. Louis and Kt-t urn !l.."o. Tickets sold September 23 to October i 6 inclusive, good to return including October 8. Santa Fe route. Laurence aud Kefuin 7H Cents for IH ! marrK Fail'. Tickets sold September 23 to 29, good to return including September 30. santa Fe rente. City and IUturn fi.OO, For Pr.esis of Pallas parade, for grand ball, for Karnival K rewe. th Sunt a Fo i will sell tickets to Kansas City and re I turn at one fare for tho round trip. Tickets sold October 1 to 7 -ijielusive, good to return including October y. tspeciul train from Kansas City to Topeka af'.er Prie-ds of Pallas parade October , :J. Su tit a. Fo route. I'riest of I'allas l'nratle at Kunxiis City October 1. Special train leaving Xanaus City after the parade by the Santa Fo route, .f.uo fur the round trip. Small in tdze, great in results: Di Wilt's Little Farly Risers. B"st pill fur Constipation, best for Sick llealicha best for Sour Stomacli. J. Iv. Joun Your 11 loo 'I iw Your; lAfi'. Without good blood coursing through your veins vou will soon look wrinkled an ! dried up. A few doses of Beggs' Blootl Puritier and Blood V , i. r will change your system, giviug you a he .Uhy. fresh and youthful appearance. Sold and guaranteed by your popular druggist, W. K. Kennady. Horner. Topeka Coal Co. A satisfied customer is a permanent one. That's why we recommend Da Witt's Early Risers. They cure constipa tion, Indigestion and Biliousness J. K. Jones. Horner. Topeka Coal Co. The Statu Jodrnal's Want and Mis cellaneous columns reach each working day in the week more than twico as mauy Topeka people as can ba reached hrougti any otlier pap.-tr. This is a fact. 1'Klt ton. Screen Nut Coal. Toi'eka Coal Co. One word describes it "perfection. We refer to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, cures obstinate so , burns, skin diseases and is a well known cure for piles. J. K. Jones. l'Llt TO.N. Screen Nut Coal,. Toi'KivA Coal Co. Tho State Journal' Want ami Mis cellaneous columns reach eicil working day iu the week more than twic? as many Topeka people as cau be reached through auy other paper. This is a fact. r f - 1 if A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. The following rfma rk:i Me eecrt In a Ifly'i life Trill interest t lie reauer- 'i'cra lima ti;,.e I bad a lerrihle pain at tny heart, vlii. h ihit tered almoxt Incessantly, i had ti !ir' ! " and could not slep. 1 would If" (ne'ti I to sit up in bed and V.eli li jf"1 from .rr y r-itni -acli until I tljouuht every tulnwn vi ol'l 1 inv last. There was a fvellr:? of " t ' ' n bout mv hen ft, mid T tvaw iifiakl to draw a full breath. I couldn't sKeejj a nmm with out. shthiiT down r:-.-l:iiK: but, 11-:j!c (jod, by tins help of New Heart. urn (ill ti.- .t is past and I fool Iikf another v Hi -fore u -i ilie N'e'V I't ui f (Jure I bud tr !." i liferent, so-ci ' h:J re rued ies hii'1 i t ?;. !( by doctors without any leueiit until I ;n hot h diseoura-Jfd arid :i sius-o-d. My lne'iJird bought me a Lot t le of Dr. .V-l.e.' .N ew I .-;, i t. I'ure, andatn happy tos'iv I nevr n-L-retti d it. as 1 now have a uplwndid i.r-,et lie r.'t sleep well. I wel rhed 1Z.. prui.d.4 h ri I -cau taking tho ruined v. fci.d now I weish irj-v Its eff-eet 'in n:y cii litis been truly ir.arve,. ous. It far s;iri)Hs.-es ny other ii.eet'-Jruj I have ever taifti or any hone tit I en-r n reived from pii y-leiaiiM." M r. Hat ry fctai r, l ot tsvf lie, I'a., October 12. l".e. Dr. Miies' New Heart Cure is sold on posi tive fruai-anti-e by u il l ruirif isls. or by t he I r. Miles Medical Co., Kikbart, Ind.. on re.-eit ut rri'-e, flper bottle, b b 1 1 !es J.J. expr-s i.f -bald. Thin creat diwoery by hn uiiiei.t rx.Ja!it la heart diMse. contain eiUiei iia.U -4 nor dangerous dregs. ior laale bjr sll Urugtitti,