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STATE JOURNAL, SATUKDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1S94. : 33 firs if: our family ehould ba provided with tlia Well-known emergency medicine, CHERRY PECTORAL The best remedy for all disease of the Throat and Lungs. Prompt to act, Sure to Cure U T;(j D .1 t II I V X and Jewel Stoves and Rao sres AT . . A j 5 c West GET FORTY CENTS A DAY. You can save $1.00 per ton Los Cerrillos Anthracite Coal, bv Tin-: SiifTH-WKSTEiv Fcei, 0';4 Kansas avenue. - t'lr tor t.ood Tantr. As for tha iks fur attending sick and assisting- ia the buritl of the dead, it ia in extremely bad fur n to rush into print. We don't render ass stance for thanks, but for humanity's side. If friends come in to wait upon your Biek, thank thern at tiiH time, or show your gratitude by your action.- Yates Center News. Our Eroutoatc Egg Coal is just what you need for grates and ranges. Give it a trial. T K SflVTH-WKSTEHS FrKl COMPANY, (3 J i Kansas Avenue. Ilorso blankets and robes. A large stock just received. COI.IMBUS BfGQY Co. IX Holmes, druggist. 731 Kansas are. Shirts mended bv the Peerless. Try Fut'mm's $3 Warranted shoes. II U V- - ' ' 't - i f 'Worn- WILL GOUDON GET OUT 1 C :!--i--2 tj Strange Behavior of Lawyer W. E. Dom. 11? PAID I $2C0 ATTORNEY FEE Bat Totally Xcj-leets to Bo Anything for Hi Client HU Ssliil Lansuwlifs fit Jail. Within a few days J. G. Waters will apply for a writ of habeas corpus for the release of George Gordon, the "gold brick man" from the county jail. And thereby hangs a chain of evidence that may result in trouble to a well known Topeka lawyer. Mrs. Mamie Frazier of 123 West Sixth street, is a sister of Gordon who came here two weeks ago from Chicago to try to get her brother out of trouble. She tells a story of unfair treatment at the hands of Lawyer W. E. Dum which she substantiates by telegrams and receipts To a Jouesal reporter Mrs. Frazier said today: "When my brother was first arrested Mr. Dom went down to the jail and got himself retained as tha lawyer in the case. My brother's bond was fixed at $1,000, ami Dom telegraphed home to us to try to raise the amount. We found we , couldn't raise that much, and the neit time he telegraphed that the loud had teen reduced to $350, although I under stand it was njt, and then followed a telegram saying- if we would remit $200 right away he would have my brother ou the streets in twenty-four hours.' I sent a friend of ours, Thomas McGraw by name, to Topeka with the $200. lie didn't want to pay Dom mail George (Gordon) was released; but Dom said ae couldn't get him out till the next day, and as Mr. McGraw had to hurry homo that day, he paid the money and took a receipt, and here it is." Mrs. Frazier displayed tha ft llowing receipt, $200. oct. 2, 1SUL : ; RECEIVED FEUM THOMAS MO ; :SBAW, TWO IICSUKtO DOI.LAKS, I.N I : ADJ. GORDON CASE. : W. K. DOM. : KANSAS DBNTAL PARLORS 715 2IAS. AVE. (OVER GUILiB'S MUSIC STORE,) Dr. J. H.Goodwin, Prop. 2 A DR. J. H. GOODWIN has succeeded in discovering a method which enables us to extract the most sensitive teeth, old roots and snags without pain or bad results. This is the fifth successful year, and when we say we can take out any and all kinds of teeth pain lessly, we can prove what we say. If you do not believe this come to our office and be convinced. We can furnish you thousands of testi monials of those who have tried our method, and pronounce it a k 4 i 4 grand success. for Laborers on tlw I'mu.ii, . Canal Strike t ki'ty Cents a hay. Panama, IXuv. 10. A strike has taken place auioiij.- the laborers on the Culebra section of the Panama canal. The men nro paid oulv thirty-dve to forty cents a day and hud their ovn supplies. They demand an increase to fifty cents. This demand has la refused, and the canal authorities are uga;jius new rnea to fill the strikers places. The men are mak ing threats, aud as a precaution the gov ernment has reinforced the Culebra police. Sew York U '3k Mtttrment. Xkw Yuhk, Nov. 1C1. -The weekly bank statement shows the following- changes: Kesurvo, decrease $1,534,526; crast $1,U1 T.JjU; upscie, decrease $T8. 500; lfal trudnrs, decrease f 2,1S3,300; deposits, dft rause $ 2,y'S,7U0; circulation, decrease 3 1U.20U. Tha banks now hold (01 .t.)i;t,t;.j in excess of the require ments of the 25 pur eeut rule. Will the State Jocks al please ob Brrve to its readers this evening that the Populist party with the Democratic con tingent are just njw, 12 m., passing away between us and the sun, Heekingf other climes, as thfy have lost their abid ing place here forever, Amen. Truly yours, Titos. Ester. by using For sale Mrs. Frazier continued: "We waited several weeks and my brother was not released, and then I determined to come to Topeka, although it was a yreat in convenience to me. I hunted up Dom but found he was out of town, lie did not return for several days. I have found out since that ha took the ? 200, went to Kansas City and spent it. W hen he pot back I asked him to go and see my brother and get him out. lie prom ised to do so, but he didn't. I asked hitn several times afterward! and h; always promised to but never did. For the ja-?t two weflks 1 have djue nothing- but walk from the bouse here to th jail, then to Dom's office and back again. Although Dom was paid the money over a month ago, with the understanding- he was to get my brother out the next day, he hasn't been near my brother since. "Dom's partner, Mr. Atchison, was paid $23 additional to siet George out on a writ of habeas corpus, but I do not feel so badly towards him because I really think he did the best he knew how. "After I found it was no use trying to get Dom or Atchison to do anything I took the case to J. G. Waters. lie will try to get my brother out ami I have no doubt he will be successful. I don't know whether there is any way of get ting Dom's $200 back or nut. That rests entirely with Air. Waters." Mr. Dom does not deny to a Jour nal reporter that he took the money and disposed of it, but av.ys that this morning he made a settlement in the cse with Gordon through Mr. Waters that is satis factory to them botli. It is understood, that Dom is to pay Mr. Waters' attorney fee. George Gordon was seen by a Journal reporter at the county jail this afternoon in the presence of i r. Dom. Gordon did not wish under the circumstances to talk about the matter if it had been set tled to the satisfaction of Mr. Waters, lie did not deny the statements and said he bad no doubt that his sister and lr. Waters told the truth and nothing but the truth. It is stated today th it Dim based his agreement to get Gordon out i f jail on the promise of County Attorney fcfafTord to dismiss the case. This agreement is said to have been made because it was impossible to secure a conviction without the identical "gold brick" used by Gor don. .Later, Couuty Attorney Safifurd sent a note to Gordon's sister in which he said the state had additional evidence that insured Gordon's conviction atjd made release at this time impossible. It is understood that County Attorney Saf ford claims to have the real "gold brick," holding it as evidence. will CA iTii y r iTirs C A US. .ts.V JV ?-V W-ysV Xn. We use only a simple remedy on the gunis. The ire is absolutely no danger. Don't be f0 deceived by having some one who f($ knows nothing of us, tell you we are a fraud or that we 'are only ! here temporarily. J ,.5vb y-- rr -jfr -'-'-&- 0 -7. & t v t -AW I W. J. Covey, Extractor. We are the only dentists in the city who will make you a set of teeth, and guarantee them, for $7.00. We only charge 25c for painless extracting. We have the largest patronage in the cit-. 0 1 1 : v. Teeth Extracted Without Pain... .25 Set of Beautiful Tee th, Guaranteed 7.00 Best Gold Fillings l.OO up. Silver Fillings tO Crown and Bridge Work, per Tooth, 22k gold. . 5.00 MM P P ,1 , it L. L. Goodwin. ft 0 i ; : ' ) NORTH TOPEKA. NortU Side of -tl fLOATS EE5T F0H 5H1KT5- IMS l?OCTEi L CAMJU CO, CIMTt. Tom Keed Says l!u-.iiifss "Will Show Eflects of I)emocrtlo liule. Portland, Me., ov. 10. Thomas II Reed says of the election: "The result assures the country the peace it bo much requires. The rest of the country seems to have been moved by the same cause that moved the east ern states. Democrats everywhere, either by silence or by action, seem to have helped to partially save the union from the follies of inexperienced and injudicious men. "1 say partially, for we shall be for tunate indeed if business does not carry the scars of ths last eighteen months a very considerable time. The country is much to be congratulated, especially if we RepublicaQs make a judicious use of the victory." Charles K. Uoiliday, w ho was a candi date ou the Democratic ticket for clerk of the d.rtrict court, says he ra i ahead of the rent of the Democratic ticket. Li.s total vote ia the county was Rev. W. F. File invited the young peo ple of his church and Sunday school to his home last night, and they came ia good numbers and h id a very pleasant evening. Refreshments were sarved. Our Frontenac Egg Coal is just what you need fur grates and ranges. Give it a trial. The Socth-welisrs Fuel Compact, 034 Kansas avenue Toj)ea Cuil . o m 4 ii y. Items of Interest, from tlie the iiiver. Cash! ia what talks at Brill's A full line of tinware at Brill's. Special prices on dinner sets at Brill's. We use only the best tin in our tinware at Brill's. Onlv use the best steel for stove pipes at Brill's. 835 Kan. ave., N Topeka, for lowest prices on Oak stoves. F. II. Parkerson and family, from Manhattan, have located at 116 Kiou street. Arrangements have been made at the reform school to give a series of concerts there this winter. See the only genuine White Oak stoves at Brill's. The White Oak stoves are guaranteed air tight at Brill's. Special prices on Cook Stoves at Brill's. Special nrices on our entire line of stoves, tinware, queenaware, lamps and glassware at O. Si. Brill's. Kob McMasters is filling the vacancy at A J. Arnold & Son's caused by the departure of Jas. Kennedy. Edgar Arnold and Ed Kennedy will go on a hunting trip Tuesday and remain away until after the ratitication. Mrs. L. C. Arnold, who has been visit-inc- her cousin. Captain A J. Arnold, will leave tomorrow to pay her son a visit in Washington, D. C. Get our prices before buying your stoves. O. I. Brill. Buy Oak Stoves at O. M. Brill's. The Junior union of the North Bap tist church will give an entertainment at the church Friday evening, Nov. 10. An interesting programme will be rendered. One of the inmates of Bedwell's pri vate asylum escaped yeiterday from the dangerous ward. lie came upto Kansas avenue w ith his chains on him and in his stocking feet. Mr. Bedwell succeeded in capturing- him with little difficulty and led him back to the asylum. Queenaware at O. M. Brill's. Remember we do a cash business, and our prices will be accordingly, at O. M. Brill's. Take your prescriptions to A. J. Arnold & Son, 821 Kan ave. Established 1S70. A complete line of homceopathic rem edies at A J. Arnold & Sou's. At the Congregational church there will be Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. to morrow; preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Junior Endeavor, 4-30 p. m. ; Senior Endeavor, 0:30 p. m. At 11 a. m. the pastor will preach on "Uoreb's Burning Bush." At 7:30 p. rn. the theme will be "A Deserter." Special music for the eve ning service aa usual. Mrs. J. II Griffin, of Lawrence, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. A. Ilerrinsr, for a few davs, will go to Val ley Falls today to visit relatives at that place. When fire department No. 1 was mak ing the run in answer to an alarm turned in from Box No. 9, the hose reel collided with a vegetable wagon, occupied bv a boy named James Patterson, the front axle of the wagon was brokea at the b3 I 9 ii n n 11 pry Croaking competition has. utterly failed to stem the tide of popular approval that has carried the Golden Eagle's Great Free Wool Sale on to an unparalleled success. The people are with us because this sale is in the interests of the icople. "Whether the next Congress be Republican or Democratic does not alter the fact that wool is free January 1, and prices must come down in consequence. First to appreciate that fact, the Golden Eagle has hewed to that line first and last and never sought to evade it. Ihese are facts plain, palpable, hard-hitting facts that have hurt prehistoric competition, but have plainly pleased the people. The Golden Eagle repeats and stands ready to" prove its assertions, that it is selling Better Clothing, and selling it for less money than any house in the city the job-lot dealers or factory profit extortionists not barred. NT i. IS -A sir i spindle and the boy narrowly escaped i being crushed under the hose reel. No j blame could be attached to either the S driver of the hose cart or the bov, as both did all in their power to avoid collision. SHERIFF COOK DEFEATED. The Brave Officer JVho Foiled the Wash ington Court House Mab Suowtnl Under. Columbcs, O., Nov. 10. Sheriff Cook, of Washington Court House, O., who prevented a mob from hanging a negro, was defeated at the late election by 1,650 votes. He was a Republican and had 1,000 votes in his favor to start with, AS GOMPERS VIEWS IT. ttaND SAW IS A GOOD THING, SHAVE WITH." BUT NOT TO ! IS THE PROPER THING FOR HO USE-CLEAN IMG. President Cleveland Responsible for the Republican Victory. New York, Nov. 1i. Samuel Goed pers, president of the American Federa tion of Labor, comments thus on Tues day's avalanche: "The election results signify that the people are less partisan than citizens They are weaning them reives from passive partisanship and utilizing their franchise to punish those who criminally violate the interests of the masses. In this fact lies the hop for a better future. Gen erally considered, the elections have shown that the masses hold President sible for the unsettled condition of busi ness during the last winter. The precip itation of the industrial crisis of 183. and the calling out of troops at Chicago in violation of the constitutional rights and guarantees are some of the causes whicu contributed to the political avalanche." PARK HURST Victory IS JIODEST. for Good Government Felt All Over the Country. ' New York, Nov. 10. "This victory," said Dr. Parkhurst today, "hm touched me, 1 may say, without or af fection, most tenderly. It has made it self felt all over the United States, and men interested in good government in other cities are paying that if New York can get reform their cities can get it also. A telegram from Chicago says the vic tory is not only local but national. And I feel now that this ia only the beginning of the work. The great number of ballots cast Cleveland and txia administration reopon- for Tammany shows that there is a broad leavening of ignorance in the ci?y. and there never was o large a ground of education in New York as there is now. The city vigilance league i aroused to morn enthusiasm now even than it has been before, nod all the young men feel as I do, that the work has only beirun. "We propose to have the rnachinf-rv of the league always oiled and roidy an 1 m it there will be no polities. We urn nut in this movement for oflice, and 1 know that had I come in and said I would be mayor my influence would have btteu lost." by uslrts? For suits You can save $1.00 per ton Los Cerrillos Anthracite Coal. by TlIE SoUTH-Wt.STERN Ft' .L COMPANY, t'-i 1 Kansas Aveu in: Berry Elder brought suit today for a divorce from Polly Eider, to whom he was married fourteen years ago m Ken tucky. He charges abandonment o f more than a year's standing. 1