Newspaper Page Text
STATE JOURNAL, WBDXESD1Y EVCNNTr, 1ST OVBM!!5 THIS 14, 1S9I, I t li 1 f f li iliii i i Ml Ji D 5 HEMS! SITUATIONS! HEAL ESTATE! AUCTION SALES 1 & OTHER CLASSIFIED ADS. ThiTopsk State Jocrsal guarantees, very day it is priu U, to jrivo a locat clrou.s, t.on tTi'jre than duuoif tiat of any other T(ij k:t f -r. a i-l t y tar l ore than all Other J),.;i.- C ombined. lhis maites this paper the riM-atxvt. well is the ret ita ly aivru in medium iu Topek t. ...a claisiiled aaver l.a mauls below costing t ut FIVE CENTS A LINE, er so cents a. line (ir week; 50 cents by the month. ;.ty eircu'atiou every lay exceeds 6,000 total circulation over -t.d Sworn aeta.iea ,t;temoritj of circulation pre sented on as-paoat.orj. f-' a.i i ee any afternoon between 4 and 6. tun Imn-lMiiiiMt, fa;e:-t. m,j-t perfect piece cfji'rm- ,un tuacittuer y in Kaunas a Wei) Perfect. lu press, which pr;o:s from two to three coiO papers a second. SITUATIONS WANTED FR EE. Are you In nd cf work? If so. you are at rberty to ne 1.','' e coiumai for assistance la tnat ai.-i'ft nn. V a:l ttiU appear the h- i axis Jot ksilwiI: p j r 1 1 s n I ra on a. unlay. Won Jay an 1 Tuesday, for Topeic or Kausa )'9opin, aii notices of "s.tu.tioa Wanted." not ' i.r, : fle, or fi.r.v fiv words, in l'-iiir;u. J'iovidud that ail advertisement of tai.t nature are handed in previous to t.n oV.'. .-ouurday m.ira.n?; alio on Weda tiay, 1 tiursday ji riUay. all advertisin? of tut das LauuuU to oy tea e'etock Wediiosday li.'.r:ii.-. -No a.;yerHmnU of this nature to be started mt pptoD .Samrdnys and Weduesdays. .No ol ij-idin-u is ttfurroJ oq tlie part of tua advertis er. No wc rtly and 1 eedy man or woman need hesitate to take adva icate of tum offer. So one In liuitipss or fin pioyment is expected to t.iKe advantage of it Lut aii otuor iuyiusd ( avail liiuuiseiTes fretdy. WANT ED H EL P. ANT! I) r.ond competent white girl at l.u'j Ihroop strt et. 'ANT1I)- V sni m who travels, to soil our coods for j prtui; trit 1e; dress troods. edt m idt-s, j'vins, it. i utwuad. d tiu.tsks. etJ. TUo J'liriu-ii Ia o M.lis. iw ,jji. fuiittdoipliit. Ta. lrAN 11 1) Activti salesni'sa to handle our ' "'. no ped d.iu r. Sai.iry $7.3 per moiltll, and ex pnvos put I to all. Odo Is etitirelv no.v. Apply quit- ;iy. 1. o. 1J js 63Js, Bostou. Nlass. 1VAN1 MI) SaHsi iau; salary from start; permauoiit pi ten. Browu Bros. Co., Nur serymen. Chicago, Til ViAN TED MISCELLANEOUS. A " AN! M 1'osition by lad v as stonosrraph- er; w.ll work for jo per week, itefereuce furnlaued. Address .V.' tins otiice. TANT1 1 A ulu so to take care of children r .loi.Kiit li.jii,e work. V ruo or call at C'-'t IluchaDau st. W'-A NT 1.1 1'os-t on i!i dry (joods or grocery More by reitalj.o married man and strictly temperate. Ad.lress "xi." Journal. IVAXTTP-iiHi or more to come to the Cres- -eu; and pet a yootl meal. Homemade tTi'ad and i:ood butttr always. ' A N T I I ) -Kv.Tyne to use Washburn's pure ; pole c.der. Jtis tne best. Send or ders to sj jvaiisas an., or k. u. box Jtitj. lyAMiii-Tonri er stove repairs for you. Ml-.. Ion S; siu ,d3U. 70J Kaosas ave. "VA NTKI-Uaso!i 1-'. co k and heating stnvu ' to lei air. .-siov )s st up or store!. 'lur. Jicll. Jiuvit Rei aik Co.. 110 East t.ihth st "IVANTITi-Furnaces to re pair at tin shop, T S'7:i nriiis ii; li'.. ,1 1 .... WA;NTl l''in imm, sioiiiior ship houae T hold L'oods. frei .'he, etc. SA! .V ,t Sfil.'i.s kk. 1.-3 E. in MEKCTi ANls' litA Si- Eli i, SiOiiAGE CO. FOl REFIT-HOUSES. 1 O H 1: i:l--s r-H)inhoiTsTv7uiTut xni, M-iiuui. Appiy 617 Kansas ave. OH K F N'T Six riKtn li dush withcisteru and river water, li .jnire at ti-.'o .Monroo. I J I I" .1 OR Hi'.NT-A -h d six room house. Inquire of Dr. floby, lia est 6Lh at. OK l: i:T--rour room cottage, corner Sec ond and lylor st OU I. T NT F i'Misheu rooiii5 and board if 1. Ilia M )nroe st. OK KFNT 3 fi rnislit-d rooms for house keep,u.r. down s airs. !i'3 -Monroe. n TJKN'T Two furnished rooms, 713 To- ave.; eiectrnj lurut and bath. FO SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I-"' ,,:,,s 'v I ' -Fres T"cowwiilrTvo"'wein wi.f, ,i'J clay st. J?oi: SAEK i'r,n It,i:es' and chllden's cloaks 2 a-Jes than wlioiesaie price. 117 West 5th. I-"'','1" SALF Houseiiold coods; must sell 617 illiesfreet8" AU &UO dr,TiI1-' mare cheap! l'"'!oiXIlN"", h"I,,e on Buchanan street, few e .r"! '",t suA t,4; payment of i t an Kr iVv1 ,Tl sTuro thli- Call not later itiau 1 nday. 1 10 l.uc banan. i,rAh-.nTCh'?;i fire proof safe 24x40. T.peka. 'vator. m ?-ar Works.NortU X"4 ?.A 'K-i""'"7 and meat market. Call at - Jefferson st. H. ALtuker. i'"0i!',M,'1','lrA T""1 vntlt work horse, l.y.o 'ou'rJ I .''T'V-'.'t; or will t-:tde for cow. ln j.nre 5 o c1o :k, at 4.10 Fo.k St. (f -Jtlns stove, inquire 218 East V,th a". KeDt ' Watcb- Hugh, of es, P'alKl mhat:i P poll SAI -E-One l laeksmith shop wen eo.rn- m,?, ' " ' l"w" nrar 1 Heka in Kod mil- r . 11 ls aed trade vear roun I i r one wn V e l? t','!', A ""i ope "1 work a . Vi ea co horse shoeing and plow or&. Address -Q. j.' Journal otiice? l',JI,; A L estate or rental property see I MISCELLANEOUS. 1L KITE. ATTOltVPV imue,,,;c?;,!n;fr-a,, actice I ?'- I) 1; D i he tnrniture and repair shon Tc ,,e. !;u"' 1 "rUl Jackson to sixth and ro fe VT,i,jrrt continuance of - K bn, 'iT1' AU kimU of house AoIJ -.ou-utJ4njf ch anxwd ty James Long. STr ndf Zr2? S-ioi-EN-Sorrell ware, both a lea',,,.r , Wh"e,""'v aukies. hitched to , ! w.nVi"1"10 '"-y- nearly new i 'ii'- 'v , y I K-:iril . P1 l-KJntr, Kansas ar. -. T. l' Joetnany cohere. PARPEN-TEH aul reoair worUr laa- w m. itee ly. box 82a. North Topeka. Kaus." T I s T found the pi where yon can et vo tr liie-.t. J. l-aivn- ami !av, carp-ts a specia't" AH kinds of general Jbiaj; wok d.fne on s i ,V; -I r"- ii -',!ar '" 1 uy a good mechauio. No. r.j W est fentu streei. JTALShsH ANDkKPAlS WORS.-HamfM J-A and shoe s'lop; ta:eQt leather p"", f" b.iy tops: repairs fa ad kiuls of lea'Ur (roo.H; naif s T? i forty ceuu. a. b ilaa sisriotv, us;. W est t U;a i.eet. ' OS T l'art pu; do r, name Jim: $10 rewri. 2 Address Autiia Sie-abarg, s.ivtr (1ST One child's white aninri fur cTe. - liotura to 816 West itnii and reward. OiT Ladies' gold watch. JIaicpdeu, 2fo. i l-wTlu. Letum to th.s otiice. LOST OB STOLEN" i'ciin? livor eoinred bird tlon. 4 months oid. wiiiio lei-t ami Uit-aat. Inward for its return to eusH Kausave. MONEY TO LOAN. MONKV TO LOAX-LoDi! or March Co., Koalas -j ami 3, avenue. ,hrrt time. 7vs Kaiacts MONEY LOANED on horses, ilanos, ho l-stv-lioid uodi ami all kinds of eUatiel securi ties. L. mi-)d. jja Kaiisdis aveci-ie. ro.iin -i. PAKTihS wislnuar a saia aad payiuj invest ment fur iin-ir money. Cd.i at ouco oil is. Al. Wood Co., 6-i Kansas uva PHYSICIANS AND E II R G O M 5. Ji. UeFord I'atec, ( lopoKa. Kalis. ( SPiOIAllST. Otiice Hoiei TUroop. W ALJJ, A. 2d.. M. JJ Tir Kansas Avesl-h. Honrs: 5 to 1 p. in. 1'nvai.a for wo.nea 3J3 Greeuwood aveuua. 13 K. MAltY K. STKU ART. Ml Harrison street. Consulting hours l ) a. m to J i. m. TITIN K V W. ltOilV. 2,1. U. i IT 4 i ii V i;. siifT. iT)N. .;.i).. l-Cl'KliV A'L UHVS4 O!" WOME. With private hospital, oniui-. Xo. Tjj Kansas Ave. "I ilA C. Office 7r3 Kan. Ate. Kesldence, l?th and Clay. Office Hours i a, m. to u a. m .aad 8 p. m. ta 6 p. m. 1'houe 9-J. IAK. J. K. MULVANE- opecUti aLteatiou t-ivea to chro ulo diseases. 600 Ka3. Are- Pliona 82. L. A. RYDER, M. D. , "VFFTCK and residence cor. fiordon street an! Central av.i.. .orcu Topea. Jl'ujae -JU, Uses the Brm.vurlioit byste.u of titectai tfeai loeat, a succossiut aud paiuiess treatmeui tor piles, Ustuia, Usuure, uicuratiou, til:. "VJOTICK H. 15. Turoer. couvi.ej of the crime of forgery in the Uistr.ct court of Shawuee county, Kaunas, will uu Lh'3 l ith day of November, 1-sji, maie application to the gov ernor of lae siaie of Kansas for i tr ton. 1. B. 1LHN-EI5. 'PO WflOM IT MAY CONCl-.EX-Be it known -- that my petition is on hie m the prohata court aakiu,' lur u permit to sou luioxic tmir iupiors at No. a.;4 Kansas avou in, in too Sejoud wartl of the city of mp.iki. Hearinjf for tue same is sot for Noveuioer lij, isji, at ) a. ux. l H. Wallacs. Topeka. Kan., Oct. IS, 1S31. f m if A f-flRAM HULSE, 1 -5 - .' ' J.K'A Cor. Elnwood ar.i Willow Are., T rot win Place, Topeka, iiuisas. l;h t i Grows and sells Plants. Makes ' a A a speciaity of Cut Flovrers. Doe - j 1 ' I all kinds of floral work in first y t , i-J clasa manner. Telephone 433. it : f - '-W. -wis - trvzr-rl w-KSrrr'A f - "'-.i-a a Vh ; . J -x T TwiHHA I Transfer Company, t 9 KAKSAS AVi:. A Tele. Z2Z. T. P. EA:::T, Prep, AUTIIUPu 21 ASS AIT, Practical - IiorseShoer. 213 WEST FIFTH STREET. Tekpiom 433, - - - Topeka. Horses with diseased feet skilfully treated. Track and roai-shoe ng a specialty. 2TATIC2TA1L STABIiES, rirst-class Livery, roard::? a speciality Tehphoze 15. GILCHSISr Z.ZZZ, 7-3 Jacluoa street. Prcpriators. G CII0 OLi rl'AS3 for ladles fcud is'ectlemea MONDAY evenings, 8 p. n . Socitl par ties HUDAY even- V-V. 'i.'t VJ re5 u 1 r ed. Mr. & Mrs. J. H.Wetherell, Masonic Building. tViU Jackson Street. -s-.l- -s, h.LTR9MP. TopatKas. Horse Maakets and robea. A large stock jmt receivoi COLCMBcS 3T7G6T Co. Pond's Buaiueea College gives the best instruction aad lowest rates la tits city. Si t " p. . T . SAITA F3 LOUTS. IRA1XJ TO RIBS OX. Id i: fleet on J J after Sot. 4, 1394. WFgTBOtTx Ieave Kansas City. Arr, ve Topeka. Leave Topeka. Trains. "Wi'-hita & Tex. T-.xpress- Teu. & lex. aufornia l.i;u.. Kansas City . I'-u p ijiUt Express .. Man. & li. Acc. i-x. Sunday. .. 113' 8:15 am'l0:35 am 10:40 am 5 9:00 am;il:00 am 11:05 am 8j 1:50 pm: 3:45 pm i:5o pin 109, 4:30 pm! 6:40 pm' 7 9:apm!ll:35 pm 11 :43 prn 7:30 am iietweeu Kansas City and lojieka ou.y. EASTBOUND. i Arrive Leave Arrive Trains. ? Topeka. Topeka.l Kansas : City. K. C. Local 114 l:.V)pm 2:(K) pm' 4:20 pm Columbian Lim. 4 2:15 pm: 2:4o pm, 5:0O pm C h eago Llm fc 5:45 pm 6:05 pmj 8:u0 pra Nuiht Ex t S:-'5ami 3:35 am! 5:45 am At, antic Exp 2 4:uo am1 4:luam 6:10 am Kansas City puijf no 7:80 am 9:40 am Man. S. D. Acc. Lx. Sunday... 154 9:00pm Between Kansas City and Topeka omy. ATLhioON AND ST. JOSEPH. Trains. No.! ea,vo LLei:T l-rArri,T! jSt. Joe. Atchis n Topeka. Iay Express.... 105' 8:00 am1 9:00 am'l0:55 am iMiiht Lxp 107 8:00 pm. 9:10 pm 11:15 pm Leave Arrive Arrive Topeka. Atclus'D! t. Joe. BTornlng Exp 10S 4:15 ami 6:15 am! 7:1") am Itenuig Lxp lOti 4:30 pmj 6:35 pmj 7:85 pm Buy railroad, Pullman or steamship tickets of KO W LEY BROS., Apents Santa Fe route, southeast corner Siith aud Kansas avenuo. Topeka. Or W. C. liAui'Rr, Aeut at Depot, Or A &'OLl) 54 Sox, Anonts, North Topeka. EOCK ISLAKO ECUTS. ia effect on and after Oct 7. 1334. WESTBOUND. Leave ) I Kansas I Arrive Leave City. (Topeka. Topoka. Trains. No. Through Fast Express H 8 Chleaero, Texas Express A 1 South western Express A 13 Southwest Night Express Ai 25 9:00 pm'U:10 pm, 11 :20 pm I. 10:50 am 12:55 pm LvS. J. 9:3o arail2:50 pm 1:05 pm lv ;s. ,. 7 :40 pm 11:01 pm'll :20 pm EASTBOUND. Arrive Kansas City. Trains. No. Arrive Topeka. Leave Topeka. Solid Limited esl.bule Ex press St. Joseph Eastern press .. .. Express ...A and ..A arid 3:55 pm 4:00 pm 3:55 pm 6:15pm Ar S. ,T. 7 : 20 pm Ar 3. J. .Mail via St. Joseph C 5:35 am 5:40 ami 9:25 aui Express aud Mali via Kan sas City A 2G 5:35 am 5:40 am! 7 :45 am A Dally. B Daily except Saturday. I'.inv, except iviontiay. i- or tickets, sleeping-car berths and general Information, call at City Ticket ofiice. 60 1 Kau- sus ilvenn. nnrnor siivrh r i-t.,,1 liulunlina 41 i. I at Passenger Station, corner First street ami 1 Kansas avenue, (telephone :s4); oral i'os toiaco. j North Topena, (teisphone 3i4). 11 . O. (iAKV EY, City l'assenger Agent. UZI33 PACiriO. Chang of Time. In Effect October 7, 1894. UNION PACIFIC EASTBOUND. Arrives Trains. No. Leaves Leaves Kansas Denver, lopeka. City, Eastern Vesti buled Express, Limited 8 S-20pm 2:50 pm 5:00 prn 2 12.50 aim 7:0)am 9:20 am UNION PACIFIC WESTBOUND. Leavesi j Trains. No. Kansas leaves I Arrives City. Topeka. Denver. Denver Si Pacific Vestibuled Kxvress 7 6:45 pm 8:55 pm 1:40 pm 1 9:00amlll:00 am 3:45 am Daily, except SMnpay. Ail others daily. Train No. 8. solid v.tslibuie to Ch-eao. oiolna; car, lree cha r cars, etc., rtinniDir over the Cii eago & Alton from Kansas cuy. nas through s.eeper for St. Louis via Missouri I'acilic. Train No. 7. solid vasiibuie for Denver, mak- ing direct connection for Pacific coast, through oilman car for Sait Lake; through colonist car to Portland, etc.. etc. City t.cketoaiee, 525 Kansas avenue. MISSOURI PACIFIC. Train. No L't's Topeka Topeka and Fort Scott hie commodation 285 10:00 a. m. A'T' Topeka Topeka and Fort Scott ac- oommodation 286 5:80p.m. I- T. & S. W. EAST. via Merlden and I . I Oskalooa. f 7:30 a.m Leave Topeka. Arrive I-eavenworth Il:u0a.m WEST. Leave Leavenworth, via Oskaloosa.. 4:81 p.ra Arrive Topeka g p.m Accommodation, daily ex. Sunday. V1NEWOOD & HIGHLAND PARK It. It. Trains will leave Quinev Sireet station week days, lor Vinewood as follows: 6:45, ll:5i, 8:07. 541. Trains wm leave Vinewood for Quincy streeS at 7:57. 1:02, 4:19. 6:50. M'MDAI TRA1XS. Leave Quincy street 9:19, 10:33, 11:51. 1:50. 3:07.4:24, 5.41, 7:3u, 8:43, 9:50. Leave Vinewood 9:50, 11:16, 12:30, 2:30, 3-47, 5:04. 6:24. Extra Sunday trains will be run according to company orders. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. C. M. Welch. E. O. Wilson". WELCH & WILSON, ATTOKSEV3 AT LAW. 6.3 Kansas Avenue. Commercial Law and Land Litigation. De faulted Mortiaires attended to. in aii iate and Federal Courts. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday, November 14 ET I 1 W r n r r- - SILL IIT A GAME OF CARDS AITS Behind The Scenes. The Greatest Actcr of the A'e. 312 aad 114 "VYeat 8th, Peerleias Eteam Laundry. First published Nov. 14, 1SU4, ia the official city paper. Ofilclal Proceeding. Council Chamber, ToptKA, Kansas, I 2iov. 12, 1SJ4. ) Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Councilman flulman, Pattison, btevens, Stephenson, Ettliuger, Brad ford, Fellows, Fultou aud Griggs 9. Absent: Burgess 1. Mayor T. W. Har rison, presiding. Quorum present. The minutes of .ov. 5, isy4, were pre sented, and on motion of Mr. Fulton the reading of the same was dispensed with and the minutes approved Permission was granted the Republi can County Central committee to erect a reviewing stand uu Kansas avenue. A petition of Jesse ti, Laugston and six others, requesting- that gutters on .Eighth avenue, east, between Jefferson and Adams, be cleaned aud the catch basins and streets be repaired, bo aa to prevent water from standing there, was presented and referred to committee on streets and walks. J. B. llibben, city physician, requested that one additional sanitary oliicer be ap pointed. (See resolution.) The following reports for October, 1894, were presented and ordered placed on tile, viz: City treasurer, city physi cian, food inspector, police judge, A. J. McFry, city dump; superintendent elec tric lights, license tax collector, dog tax collector and the weighmastera. The judiciary committee to whom was referred the petition of A. A. Hurd and others for the paving of Twelfth street between Topeka avenue and Tyler street made the following report: Your committee on judiciary to whom was referred the petition of A. A. Hurd and others have had the same under con sideration and request me to make the following- report, viz: In order to secure the paving of a street there should be presented to the council a petition signed by a majority of the resident property owners of a majority of the front feet on the street to be paved. When such a petition is presented then the council may pass a resolution declar ing it necessary to pave such street and cause the same to be published for four (4) consecutive weeks in the ofiicial city paper. If two-thirds of the owners of the property resident in the city whose property is liable to assessment, file their protests within twenty days, then the city council will not cause said street to be paved If two-thirds do not protest, then the city council may proceed in the manner provided by law. It is not imperative because a petition is presented that the city council order the paving done. The law says when they shall deem it necessary they may pass a resolution. The petition under consideration does not contain a majority of the names of property owners by front feotto be taxed lor making the im provemeut. ri. li. Bradford, Chairman. On motion the report was adopted. The eame committee made the follow ing report in reference to cluinus for la bor and material furnished for sewers 11 aad 12: Your committee on judiciary to whom was referred the several claims of par ties who had furnished labor and mate rial to the contractors Decker, Mullins A: Berry to build the sewers in sewer dis tricts eleven and twelve in the city of To peka, uuder contract with the city, hav ing had the same under consideration, direct me to make the following report, viz: It has been made to appear that these several persona have not beeu paid for the labor and material furnished by taom to build said sewers for the city, and it also appears that there is money in the treasury of the city belonging to a fund raised for the purpose of p; y.ny for said sewers. 1 nerefore we recommend that the said claimants iisnigu to the city of Topeka all their right, title and interest in said claims against Decker, -Muilins ct Berry for labor and material furnished and ia addition thereto make, execute and deliver to th city a good au i sutlicient Loud in a sum double the amount of their said claim conditioned that should a court of competent j risdiction deter mine that said claims are not payable by the city of Topeka to said persons, or that the claim of said persons are not prior to any other claims that they will refund to the city all of said sums of money so paid, so that the city of Topeka shadl not lose anything by reason of said pay.tnents to said claimants. S. B. Bkadford. Chairman. On motion the report was adopted and ordered placed on tile. The committee on streets and walks reported back the resolution in reference to the removal of the city scales, stating that the same have been placed on Jack eon street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, and are now in first class condi tion. On motion the report was ordered placed on file. Mr. Futon called up the matter of the tddewalk in front of the Ragsdale prop erty on Tenth, avenue east. (See resolu tions.) The matter of the confirmation of William Tweed ale as city engineer, which was postponed from tne last meeting, was called up. -Mr. Fellows opposed his confirmation, believing, he said, that the expense was unnecessary, and moved that the appointme nt be rejected ilr. Stevens requested the opinion of the city attorney on the question. Mr. Til iotson said that the city charter provides for a city engineer, a vd that his opinion such officer is necessary. He also stated that the engineer is l. gaily actiug until his appointment shall h ivebeen rejected by the council. Mr. Ftilows' motion, on roll call, was adopted by the following vote: Ayes Ilolmaa. Ptv'tison, Stevens, Fellows, Fulton and Grigps 6. Nays Stephenson, Ettlinger an d Bradford 3. Mr. Ettlinger moved that the city at torney be instructed to prepare an amendment to the salary ordinance fixing the salary of the city engineer at fluu.00 per month, which motion prevailed The matter of the East Side Circle railroad was laid over until the lirst regu lar meeting of the council in December, The following resolution wai offered by Mr. Bradford: Resolved, By the mayor and council of the city of Topeka, that while we have the utmost confidence in the ab, lity of our city attorney and associate con ncil to manage the case kno wn as the D scker, Mullina & Berry case. Yet for th pur pose of getting tbeir b eat effort whil e the events of the case ai"e fresh in their minds we most respectfully request th' they preceed to secure the case made and file the same in the supreme court and as soon as convenient thereafter prepare and file their briefs in said caue. On motion the resolution was adopted. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Ettlinger: Resolved, By the mayor and council, That the mayor be and he is hereby authorized and requested to employ one additional sanitary officer. On roll call the resolution was adopted. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Uolmau: Resolved, That the street commission, er be and is hereby ordered, to grade the a)ley between Harrison and Topeka av enue, aud between Ninth aud Tenth streets to the grade established by ordi nances of the city, the alley being at this time considerably above grade, causing considerable damage to property owners adjacent. Referred to the com mittee on streets and walks. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Griggs: Resolved By the mayor and council men, that on aud after the 15th day ot this month until further action by the mayor and council, we dispense with all the officers of the street force except the street commissioner and one foreman. On roll call the resolution was lost. The following resolution was olfered by Mr. Fulton: Resolved, By the mayor and council, that the street commissioner t e directed to place the new sidewalk on north side of what is known as the Ragsdale prop erty on line of the old walk. On roll-call the resolution was lost. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Bradford: Resolved. By the mayor and council of the city of Topeka, that lots numbered on Tenth street east be excepted from the contract let to Mr. John Richtie. On motion the resolution was adopted. Mr. Bradford introduced an ordinance appropriating certain sums of money for the purpose of purchasing certain claims against Decker, Mullins fc Berry for la bor and material used in the construc tion of sewers in Sewer Districts .Nos 11 aud 12, which was read the first time and referred to the judiciary committee with instructions to report an ordiuauce in accordance with their report of No vember 12, 1894 Uu motion the council adjourned S. S. McFaddks. City Clerk. GETTING A SQUARE MEAL. The Visitor Finally Explained Where He Hail Heard the Clergyman. A hard featured man dressed in a tew suit of very cheap black called at the house of a well known clergyman, arid upon giving his name was invited to tako a seat in the gentleman's stndy. "I have a few days to spend in town," Raid the visitor, "and I did not want to leave without calling and paying tny respects to you. I have heard you preach many a time." "Yes," said the parson, beginning to tako au interest in the visitor. "II e your preaching, and though I do not belong to your church, yet I muKt av vou preach tho best btriiion I tiver heard. " "Yes," said the parson. "There are so very few good preach ers now, very few in whose uprightness wo can place trust, that when we meet one of the right kind we like to express our appreciation." "Yes, "the good man repeated, and as the bell tinkled he rose and said, "Come, my friend, and take eome lunch with me. " The visitor was only too happy, and, seated at the table, began to oat with an avidity that attracted the host's at tention. "You eay that you have heard me preach many a time, ' 'remarked the min ister. "Oh, yes," the man replied, convey ing an ample allowance of mashed po tatoes into his mouth. "I don't ever remember seeing you at my church. I suppose you have heard me in the country?"' "No," said the visitor, helping him self to beans, "not in the country." "Certainly not in town:" "Well, soiteryes and sorter not. Yon know, you preached at the prison for some time. I was there for stealing a horse and cart and finished my time to day. Thank you for the bread." Lon don Spare Moments. He Mistrusted His Sex. A Durham miner, aged 73, visited a Newcastle lawyer, a bachelor, for the purpose of making his will. The old man's property consisted of two small cottages, which had cost him 1S0, and a little furniture. Tho lawyer having asked his client how he wished to dispose of his prop erty, the latter replied: "11a auld wom an hes to hev all se lang as she's ma widdow. Efter that ma bairns gets all." "What age is your old woman?" ask ed the lawyer. "Seventy-two," replied the miner. "And how long have you and your wife been married?" asked the lawyer. "Over 50 years." replied the miner. Thereupon the lawyer suggested to his client that he should give the wife the interest during her life whether she con tinued a widow or otherwise. "Hinney, aa winnot. Aa'll hev ma aan way," said the miner. "But surely," replied the lawyer, "you don't expect your old woman, now 72 years old, would marry again after' your death?" The miner, looking the lawyer full in the face, answered with much so lemnity, "Wey, hinney, thor's nae knaa ing what young cheps like yourself will de for money." Pearson's Weekly. The e iv Slap of Rana. Size 22x16 inches; in colors. Revised and corrected in every detail with all changes up to "date. Each railroad by separate color; express companies and lines over which they operate; the dis tance between towns; each county in a distinct color; towns and streams correct ly located. Compiled from official sources and absolutely reliable. By mail, prepaid. 10 centa. (Stamps.) Adams Bros., printers and publisher, Topeka. Rock Island Playing Cards. No. 601 Kans. Ave. Read the "Wants." Many of them are as interesting as news items, bee if it 'S 111)1 so should be provided with the well-known e m e r r c n c y medicine, f-: V:-"'V f ' " " CHERRY PECTORAL The best remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Prompt to act, Gn 4r f'i't -? - SOLID liroooii i riii ni: TUOJl Kansas CitySt. Joseph TO st. louis,, Omaha, Pecria, ST,PADL,GEinS&P0L!3 Only One Chungs of Pan to th ATLANTIC COAST. The lient Line l or Hew, York. P.iilaclelpliin, Boston, Vaililnton. and ull Point NORTH and EAC7. D. O. WZS, (General Passenger Aifrui, nt. I,,.- .' t. THE r1 uiiiunuuviLiiLi ut i ili U. QT.L1 STCn: E ALL '.STEl THUIT. ITO CIIiVTJGi: OF 4 t BETWEEN KANSAS CITYam) Cilil .if, KANSAS CITY ami ST. I. (M IS, ST. LOUIS and CII It Willi. Mo Eitn Charge for Paisajo ia Palace Itecliiiiiii; (hair Cars NOR I Pi Fast VesiliM Liarel Jmp. Ask your own HomeTirkst Ai'f-nt f. r t !!... Via the riiieaiio & Anon ItailroaU. or hi a i. IK BOWKH, Clen'I Westeru A, t., iilli SOKTU lilt jADMAV, T. L"H, M'l. JAMK-i (HTKIIOV, General l'aofiisiT atxl Tirkst Ai''" '. chkauo, uu Mi,pla-Ml I-.mpliaisis. A p'-ntlenian who spent a urn: a small village in Norfolk K-1U kind hearted woman wit bout t)i est idea of making him i-idi.-u!'.i his follow boarders si chance fora laugh at liia expend-. "We had haildix k for mij j night, and happening to l.o j hungry I ate heartily of it, but tunateJy swallowed a beui. Om.i young women of the bonsi' hi'Il tc comfort me by saying that n would over come- from a fi.lil.ijii' would dissolve of lti-ilf. "Mrs. II. had been observing a ionsly and now spoke: " 'Don't bo too suro ab tit "a.i said. 'I think you ought to titl e thing at once, Mr. B., for we once by his getting a fishbone throat.' " Eoudon Paper. nu r bm i:.- i y i.i i :! Ill ' Ot' t ' 1 1 V 1 J 1:;:, t ii (' ii l. Noboily Iielpei liltu. A story of Hootch honesty cojuf i f n Dundee. A small boy bad t;ke! i prize for an exceptionally wtll tL map. After the examination t !. t. er, a little doubtful, aked tho lad: "Who helped you with this m. James?" "Nobody, sir." "Come, now, tell me tho Didn't your brother help you?" "No, sir. lie did it all." r.Iiltv; kee Wiscoiihin. Not au I .i. y J il. "It is in pvidenoo, " said the j ' "that the prisoner beat his wife." "Hardly, your honor, " re; 1 i -d t prisoner. "I am but a frail man, havo always said that my w i'o i v woman who was hard to Lent." , t a Constitution. Miss Morgan II ow Allen talks! There seems to In ject that he is not informed on. Paddington (who is nut-Cy j He Vays ho inherited the gi:t. testers were barbers, you kiurw. - in ma. .n. n . liiMHiivi.ii r t f M 1 1 - Ilia Ijiptniiatioa. rrf. ' tt i . .- -