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STATE JOURNATj, SATURDAY EVENTSTGr. JUNE 8. 1895. 3 Theories ARE GOOD. Facts ARE BETTERS Theories supported by Facts are invincible. Allcock's Porous Plaster is, without doubt, the best external remedy for strains, sprains, lame back, sciatica, and congestion of the chest. Always Make Sureani e:t the tenuine Allcock's. Never put p with an imitation. Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Hive no equal as a relief and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills purify the blood, tone tip the system. There is no remedy like them. "WITH ROOTKIXK BA1HY OILS. Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Pile, Fis tula, Eczema, and. all Skin and .Female I)ieaci. Cancer of the nose, eye, lip, ear. neck, breast, stomach, in fact, all internal or external or gans or tissues cured without knife or burn ing plasters, but with soothing aromatic oils. Beware of frauds and Imitators, as there are others who hope to profit by advertising to cure these diseases with an oil. Cut this out and send it for an illustrated book on the above dis eases. Mailed free. Address UK. D. M. BYE COMBINATION' OIL CUKE; Kansas City( Kansas. When writing mention State Journal. I RAM OULSE, FLORIST. I Cor. Elmwooi and Willow Ave., t: rotwia fiaca, xopeaa, Kansas. w,n Grows and sells Plants. Makes hSsj n anecialtv of Cut Flowers. Does f&ia ail ainas 01 liorai worn in ursi. class manner. Telecbono 453. ARTEUa MAS3AT, Practical - HorssShoer. 213 WEST FIFTH Telephone 488, - - STREET. - Topefca. Ilnrses with diseased feet skilfully treated. TracTt and road-shoeing a specialty. TRY SILVER LEAF TOMATO CATSUP Is antiseptic and should be used at your meals regu larly. For sale bj lead D grocers. . f 1 To THE EdITOE PI ers that I have a positive remedy for the above named diseasa. By its timely ttse thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall he glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consumption if thev will Bend me their express and post office address. X.A.Sloeum, M.G., 183 Pearl St.,Xew York Ladies' waiat3 laundered in a first class manner at Peerless Steam Laun dry, 112 and 114 West Eighth street. Concert at Oarfleld Park. Marshall's band will , give their usual open - air Concert at Garfield park Sunday after noon. Band concert at Garfield park Sunday fcf.ernaoii. (Sancer tired I POM SC IMPTIfiy HEWS OFKANSASL A Brakeman Rescues a Mother and Child from. Death. Gang of Cattle Thieves Appre hended at Eureka. OTHER STATE NEWS. K. U. Football Dates for Next Fall Are Arranged. Ottawa, June 8. Passengers who came in on the "Emporia plug" report a thrilling scene at Le Loup, in which a woman and babe were placed in jeopar dy of life, and saved through the quick witted action and bravery of Brakeman Mart Deen. They heard a succession of thrilling screams, and saw a woman holding a babe and a man apparently being drag ged by the cars along the platform. The man, who wore the cap of a brake man, was evidently endeavoring to re lease the lady, whose garments had been caught on the iron work; it was a despe rate struggle, for several times the two persons were almost dragged from their feet to be rolled against the wheels; but the plucky man held fast, and finally the lady's dress skirts gave way at the waist and she was dragged into security. A boy had in the meantime sprung to the rescue and caught the baby from its mother's arms. Conductor Scott had signaled his en gineer to go ahead before the lady had time to get off the steps. Her dress caught on some projection, and but for Brakeman Deen she would have been whirled under the wheels. NEXT FALL'S FOOT BALL. Manager Mitchell Arranges Several Dates for the K. U. Taam, Lawrence, June 8. Mr. Rolla Mitch ell, manager of the Kansas university foot ball team, announces that a game has been arranged with the Illinois uni versity team for two weeks prior to the regular season on McCook field in this city. Thi3 will bring the game on Octo ber 19. The game that has beeu played for the past two years with Michigan uni versity team could not be arranged this year because of the trip east the Ann Arbor boys have arranged to make. In its place, however, a game will be arranged to take place at Kansas City between Kansas university and either the Minne sota or Chicago university team. Both are willing to play and the game will be fixed. The 'Varsity team has also re ceived an offer from the Leland Stanford university team to visit California at Christmas time, for a couple of games, and this trip with a stay of a week will also probably be arranged. CATTLE THIEVES AT EDKEKA. They Steal Six tern Heud and Ship Them to Kansas City. Eureka, June 8. The arrest and im prisonment here of Dave Herrick and F. II, Whittleby for cattle Stealing will, it is believed, be the means of breaking up a gang which has been operating in this county for some time and giving annoy ance. Whittleby and Herrick took sixteen head of cattle out of the "Lone Tree" pasture of Hardy & Ravenswood of this county last Sunday night, drove them to Olpe and loaded them Monday night and shipped them to Kansas City. J. LL Lamps, a former resident of Eureka, who is a salesman, suspected something was wrong and telegraphed to ( aptain Hardy asking about it. Before they found out whether any cattle were missing Whittleby had been taken into custody at Kansas City and confessed. He implicated Herrick and a man named Harrington. Herrick was arrested. Harrington is supposed to be fictitious. The cattle were shipped back from Kansas City to Hamilton. Killed Uy Ilioken "Wheel. Independence, June 8. W. M. Brown, one of the workmen at the Sad Iron fac tory, was instally killed while at work at a polishing wheel about two feet in diameter, covered with leather, and re volving at the rate of about 2,500 evolu tions per minute. The leather covering by some means parted, and the loose end struck him with terrific force over the heart In fact, so rapid were the revo lutions, that he was struck a number of times before he could fall. Attempt at Train Wrecking. Atchison, June 8. An attempt was made yesterday by unknown parties to wreck the is. & &i. passenger train which leaves Atchison for the nitftli shortly be fore 12 o'clock. A big tie was placed across the rails in a place where it would not have been observed until the train was upon it, about five miles north of Atchison. Henry Meier, a farmer, hap pened to be passing, observed it and took it off the track. Bu Wichita 21,000 or 27,000? Wichita, June 8. The postoffice de partment has made quite a revelation concerning the population of Wichita. Their figures indicate, that the city has at least 27,500 people, although the figures given by Enumerator Caldwell do not go that far by a long way. The figures of the entire population of the city as re turned by Mr. Caldwell are 21,700. The figures of the enumerator made by the postoffice department for adults alone are 19,336. Pratt Bank Cathter Drowned. Pratt, June 8. Gust Carlander, cash ier of the First National bank at this place, was drowned at Waldack's grove late Thursday. He went in bathing and was taken with the cramps. Judge J. C. Ellis dived to the bottom of the lake and brought up the body, but too late to re vive him. Rev. J. H. Hopkins to Leave Atchison. Atchison, June 8. Rev. John Henry Hopkins will leave Atchison. The re port is that he has accepted a call to the pastorate of Christ Episcopal church, St. Joe. Rev. Mr. Hopkins came here in April, 1873. It is understood he will leave for SSL Joe about July 1, How in the world can you expect to be cured of the Piles unless you get a box of Beggs' German Salve? Sample boxes free. Equally good for Scalds, Burns, Old Sores, etc, Sold and warranted by all druggists, THE GREAT RELAY RACE. Time Between Xew York and Chicago Six Hours and forty-Seven Minutes. New York, June 8 The great exhi bition of long distance riding in the his tory of cycling between Chicago and this city terminated at 1:56 o'clock this morning at the junction of Sixteenth street and the Boulevard. The great race, which required a great deal of careful preparation, started from Chicago Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and was to cover 1,000 miles intervening between that city and New York. The record has been broken and the distance covered by six hours and forty-seven miqutes better time. In organizing this relay, a departure was made by a distinction in the colors worn by the riders. The military was represented by blue and postal .service by red. Mr. McMad, Postmaster Dayton's pri vate secretary, received the message by the red forwarded by Postmaster Hesing of Chicago, and represented the post office department, and 47 minutes later Gen. Miles received from the blue the message from Gen. Merritt It all it required over 500 riders and substitutes to carry the messages. The Royal Baking Powder is the great est of the modern time helps to perfect cooking, and every receipt requiring a raising ingredient should embody it. FORGED CALDWELL'S NAME A Leavenworth Colored Man Tries to Bunco the Tonanoxie Bank. Leavenworth, June 8. Geo. Lewis, the notorious forger, has not yet been arrested, but the officers of the law are on his trail. He tried to bunco the Ton ganoxie bank out of $ 300, as the follow ing will show: Leavenworth, Kas., June 4, 1895. Cashier Tonganoxie State Bank, Tonganoxie. Kansas. My Dear Sir: I have just mailed to Mr. David J. Conley my personal check No, 20, on the Manufacturers' National bank of this city for $300, which 1 wish you would be kind enough to cash when he presents it to your bank. I notify you of this issue, as he has an invalid wife, and had to sell me a piece of property he owned in this city to raise the money to send her away for treatment, and as he is a stranger in your city I want to remove any cause that might make him enter tain any delay in getting his money. He is a colored man. Yours very truly, Alexander Caldwell, Lewis no doubt became familiar with Mr. Caldwell's handwriting while in the Kansas penitentiary, as Mr. Caldwell had his wagon works there, and the forgery of the name would deceive any one. The cook should examine carefully the label of the baking powder and see that she is not imposed upon. If the grocer sends anything but the Royal, send it back, as one cook did five times until she got the RoyaL The only safe way is for the cook to have the finest things to work with, and the Royal is not only the finest but the most economical to use because it goes so much further. WILL PUSH THE FIGHT. A National Free Silver Democratic Con vention "Will Be Called. Springfield, 111., June 8. It is no longer a secret that the Illinois silver ites, under the leadership of Governor Altgeld and William II. Hinrichsen, in tend to cut loose from the present na tional Democratic organization and form a new Democratic free silver party. The plans were laid months ago, and so far everything has worked smoothly in the interests of the managers of the new de parture. The echoes of the state conven tion had scarcely died away when Chair man Hinrichsen declared that the state committee would now start in on the national work. "If the national committee refuses to call a national Democratic convention," Mr. Hinrichsen said, "we shall call on the state committees of the various states to act with the Illinois committee in calling such a convention. The result of such a national conference will be the same as that of our state convention. It will unify the party and leave the gold men in a hopeless minority." This bold utterance is backed up by Governor Altgeld, who said that the call ing of a national convention was the original purpose of the men who called the Illinois silver convention. "I was the originator, or rather, one of the originators, of the national conven tion scheme," the governor said, "and I did everything in my power to secure its adoption. WTe are not content with sim ply expressing our convictions. We are going to fight for them and push the fight all along the line." The national committee will be re quested to call a national convention, but it is not dreamed that it will accede to the request Neither Chairman Hinrich sen nor Governor Altgeld expects it to. Then Mr. Hinrichsen will ask the various state committees to join with him in calling such a convention. Wherover a state committee re fuses to join the call the free silver Democrats of that state will be re quested to issue a call for a state conven tion to select delegates to the national convention. In other words it is the programme to ignore the national com mittee and all state committees that do not fall in line and call a national silver convention, which is expected to reor ganize the party and take the reins of organization in its own hands. This, of course, means the disruption of the Democratic party. The leaders in the movement have now gone too .far to re treat. Twenty-four of the national commit teemen are opposed to the free coinage idea, twenty-two favor free silver, while the views of four are not known. BRITISH INDANGER. Tribesmen of Chitral Threaten To Take English Troops. Calcutta, June 8 Dispatches re ceived here from Simla say that the tribesmen of Chitral are again threaten ing to take the British troops. A body of 500 tribesmen is collected in the vicinity of Dargai and the British are preparing for an attack. Later dispatches from Simla say that a body of Shirannis has surprised a vil lage twenty miles from Fort Sandeman in the Zhobio country and killed a Brit ish lieutenant and seven men. The Statb Journal's Want and Mis cellaneous columns reach each working day in the week more than twice as many Topeka people as can be reached through any other paper. This is a fact. Bratt keeee kindergarten literature, IDA B. WELLS IN TOWN. The Agitator Against Lynching of Black Men Visits Topeka. Perhaps the one colored woman on earth who has a world wide reputation as a writer, lecturer and reformer is Ida B. Wells, who is in Topeka this after noon to lecture at the A. M. E. church at Seventh and Topeka avenue this even ing. Her specialty is agitation against lynch law in the south and she is mak ing a bold fight. Miss Wells is of medium stature. Her eyes are keen and black and her dress tasty. She appears to be a thoroughly educated woman, speaks with precision and decision, is never at a loss tor a word and is always' sure of her utter ances. Withal she is a very agreeble young colored woman young because she does not look over twenty-six, though she admits she is thirty-two. A Journal reporter found her at the home of Nick Childs on Quincy street, where several of the most prominent colored people of the city have met her today. She was willing to talk on the subject in which she is so deeply interested. "It ts my life work," she 6aid, "and I have studied it well. The facts have been so distorted that the people in the north and elsewhere do not realize the extent of the lynchings in the south. Since 1882 2.000 colored people have been lynched in the south. The number has steadily increased since the war until in 1894 it reached 200; four of those were women and three of them were burned. People in the north are led by the Associated Press reports, and the telegraph, which of course are own ed in the south by the people of the south, that all these lynchings are to ex piate atrocious crimes on women and children. 1 have indisputable evidence to prove that that is not so. "1 think a verv good medium is the negro's behavior in the south during the war. I he white men were at the front fighting to keep the colored man in slav ery. The very colored man he sought to" injure was left at home to take care of the white man s wife and children, and there was not one breach of trust, not one. "I was forced into this work by the lynching of three of my personal friends at Memphis, Tenn., on the 9th of May, 1892. I had quit teaching school then, and had established iu successful opera tion a newspaper which we called the Free Speech. "The three men lynched were respect ed grocerymen. Sneak thieves had made an attempt on their property and they resented it by firing on them. It was time to teach the niggers a lesson, the white men said, and they took the colored men from the jail and lynched them. The paper referred to them as three colored toughs. In the next issue of my paper I printed an editorial de nouncing the lynchers and the officers that allowed it. The daily papers advised that I be lynched and a committee waited on me, but I had gone to New York. They sacked the office, chased my business manager out of the city, and I was informed that if I came back I weuld certainly be lynched. as the trains were being watched. I have not been back, but I immediately began my crusade against lynching in the south and I shall con tinue it Anti-lynching club9 are being formed all over the United States where I have been for the purpose of educat ing the people on the subject. I have confidence enough in the American peo ple to believe that if they are once ac quainted with the exact facts the prac tice will be stamped out. "I could tell you of hundreds of lynch ings that have occurred and the facts distorted that I know all about myself, having visited the scenes and investigat ed them thoroughly." Miss Wells has issued several books the latest being "A Red Record, Tabulat ed Statistics of Lynchings and Their Al leged Causes in the United States." She has edited several papers and has been employed to do special writing along the line of her work for many of the leading newspapers of the world. She has lectured through Europe and was received by the queen of England. "I am occasionally threatened from Memphis to this day with death if I do not cease my work against lynching," she said "Dees it scare you any?" asked the reporter. Miss Wells closed her eyes for a mo ment and smiled; "I haven't quit yet," she said. The accompanying picture is good of her. "The Royal Baking 'Powder Is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or any injurious sub stances. E. G. Love, Ph.D.," Late U. S. Gov't Chemist NORTH TOPEKA. Items of Interest from the North 81 da of the Biver. J.M.Bryan has returned from a two weeks' stay in Colorado. The Rathbone Sisters, lodge 43, initi ated one candidate last evening. Miss Georgia Trout of Wamego is the guest of Misses Maggie and Kate CollisL Mrs. R. Fulton of Quincy street will go to Abilene tomorrow to visit rela tives. Chaa. Armstrong, horse shoeing. 129 vA 'i2!"v V fskSifli j li if 1 twit IDA B. WELLS. West Harris street Satisfaction guaran teed. Rev. J. A Tracy, of Payette. Idaho, arrived this morning to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tracy. Frank Conkling of fire station No. 1 left at noon today to visit friends near Emporia. He will return Monday. Miss Bertha Smith of Muncie, In diana, will arrive Wednesday to visit Miss Nellie Butterly on Van Buren street Mrs. C Smead of Fennville, Michigan, who has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Hall on Quincy street, left yesterday for home. The river is on a tear. According to the government guage on the street car bridge, there was a rise of 6 feet be tween 2 p. m. yesterday and 8 a. m. to day. Mrs. ,J. Brand returned today to her home in St Louis after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Swarty, on Van Buren street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Presby terian church will give an ice cream social at the home of Mrs. A J. Arnold on Jackson street, Tuesday evening. Rev. C. J. Horned of Valley Falls will occupy one of Rev. C. Holman's cottages at Manitou this summer and was in the city yesterday on his way there. Fifteen boy friends of Harry Fraser gathered and surprised him at his home, 1524 Madison street yesterday afternoon in honor of his eleventh birthday. Mrs. Ben Payne and daughter Jessie returned at noon today from a week's visit to Kansas City. Mrs. S. T. Fulton of Kansas City returned with them. A Hensen, who has been the day clerk at the Union Pacific hotel during the past month, will leave tomorrow to take a similar position with the Santa e sys tem. A farewell reception was given Miss America Moore last evening at the home of Jlr. and Mrs. 1). lhomas. Miss Moore is a niece of the latter. She will return soon to her home in Christian county, Kentucky. , A good crowd listened to the first evening band concert of the season at Garfield . park last, evening. A large number of cyclers attended, many of whom were ladies. The members of the Laurent street tennis club will bold a meeting at the courts next Wednesday evening between the hours of 7 and 8 o'clock. Business of importance will be considered. In terest in the club is increasing. The Woman's Republican association met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. Roirdan, on Kansas avenue, and continued the study of Canfield's local government in Kansas. It was decided te meet but once a month hereafter, and the next meeting will occur on the third Friday in July. Lukens Bros., North Topeka, is the place to buy Steitz & Walker buggies and road wagons, surries, etc. They are the best to be found and cheapest. John G. Spahn, a young Russian, son of Nicolaus Spahn, living near the Cap ital elevator, will be married next Tues day, June 11th, to a young Russian lady of Salina, Kas. Reverend Father Henry will perform the ceremony, at the St. Joseph German Catholic church, at 8 o'clock a. m. The party will then go to the house of the groom's father, where the wedding festivities will take place according to the Russian cus tom, and all the friends of the young couple have been invited to attend. Eight quarter kegs of Milwaukee beer have been ordered, and everybody will be expected to enjoy themselves and have a pleasant time. Lodge & Colvin, 119 and 121 West Nor ris street, proprietors of the Capital Liv- ary, reed and Sale Stables. Horses board ed at $10 per month. Satisfaction guar enteed. II. Riordan, 1234 N. Kansas avenue, choice groceries and meats. Do not call unless you want good goods for fair prices. Pratt Bros., 818 North Kansas Ave., dealers in hardware, wood and iron pumps, implements, wind mills, pumps, eta We can save you money. C. W. Willets, 1006 N. Kan. av., gradu ate of the Oriental School of Embalming. A handsome hearse in connection. Low est prices and best goods in the city. Mason & Flood, 922 Kas. ave.. black smithing, horseshoeing, plow and repair works. Done promptly and guaranteed. North Topeka Carriage works, 115 and 117 Laurent st, George J. Graves & Sons, Proprietors. Vehicles of all kinds made and repaired. A. J. Arnold & Son, 821 North Kansas avenue. Prescriptions. A complete stock of druggists sundries. Headquarters for. all of Munyon's Remedies. J. H. Heller, 1002 N. Kan. Ave., grocery and meat market Good treatment and fine meats and groceries, you can do bet ter here than elsewhere. The Magnet Restaurant and Short Order house, A J. Proudtit, 840 N. Kan. Ave. Wholesale fruts and confectionery. For first class dental work go to Lyon & Reynolds, 832 Kansas avenue, rooms 1-2-3. Our best set teeth $8. Painless extracting for one mouth 25 cents. If you want a photo of your Trilby foot, go to Courtney's. Rev. J. A Stewart, colored, formerly of Topeka died in Olathe Thursday. His body has been brought here for in terment The funeral services will be held at 3 p. m. tomorrow at the B Street Baptist church and will be in charge of the members of lodge No. 5 colored Ma sons, of which he was a member. Rev. Peter Barker will preach the sermon and the interment will occur at Topeka cemetery. For thirty years the Royal has been the standard for purity and strength in baking powders, and has been placed at the head by every board of official ex aminers, whether State or National. TODAY'S MARKET REPORT. Furnished by the Associatasl Press to the State Journal. Chicago, June 8. Wheat started strong today and soon turned weak. There were more bad crop reports and other bullish news, but the market was loaded down with heavy realizing sales and buying orders were less numerous than yesterday. July which closed last night at 80, opened at from 80 to 80, selling to 79. Corn was steady on the weather. July opened unchanged at 52, sold from 52 to 52J and reacted to to the open ing price. Oats were higher on crop damage re Dorts. July opened Jc higher at 30, sold to 30 and reacted to 30. Provisions were firm on light hog re ceipts and higher prices at the yards. September pork opened So higher at tl2.9ft September lard sold at $6.82J and ribs at $6.52. Hogs Receipts today 10,000; left over 8,000. Official " yesterday 22,595; ship ments 2,401. Market active, prices aver aging a shade higher. Light 94.25455; mixed, $4354.70; heavy 4304.70; rough $4.304.45. Estimated receipts of hogs Monday 31,000. Cattle Receipts 300; Official re ceipts yesterday, 2,881; shipments 1, 419. Market alow and strong. Sheep Receipts 2,500. Official re ceipts yesterday 2,265; shipments 6, 280. Market quiet but steady Kansas City Utrket, Kansas Citi, June 8. Cattle Re ceipts, 300; shipments, 1,100. Mar ket nominally steady. Texas steers 2. 40a90; Texas cowa, $2.15a00; beef Bteers; $3.o05.45; native cows, $ 1.75 4.25; stockers and feeders, $2.50 4.25; bulls $2.004.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,300; shipments, 900. Market strong to 10 cents higher; Bulk of sales, $4.254.45; heavies, $4.40 4.55; packers, $4.2J4.55; mixed, $4104.40; lights, f&754.25; yorkers, $4.15:84.25; pigs, $3.00i00. Sheep Receipts, 3,000; shipments, 1,900. Market steady. Wheat Quiet;No. 2 hard 8031; No. 2 red 85S6; rejected 79080. Corn Easier; Na2 mixed 47c; No. 2 white, 49 Oats Lower; No. 2 mixed 27) 28c; No. 2 white, 3132V. Ryk Scarce. Nu 2, 70c bid. Bran Steady; 5367. Hat Firm, Unchanged. Butter Weak. Unchanged. Egos Weak, unchanged. CHICAGO -HAKKIil' LETTER. Furnished by the Topeka Grain and Stoek Exchange. Koom 5. Columbian ftuildlnr. The heavy selling by one or two prom inent commission houses continued de pressing the market to 7UJg for July, but it was absorbed; as soon hs the sell ing ceased the market began to work op and closed at the top, the highest closing on the crop by nearly one cent. Slate crop reports are very bad and there i no sign of the breaking of the great drouth in the winter wheat states. The Modern Miller publishes a crop estimate of 193 million winter wheat and says Egypt will again have to import corn. Reports from California say the crop has been damaged 3) per cent by hot winds. Everything indicates a bullish government report on Mouday, should this occur the bears will have lost the last prop on which they have been resting. It must be evident to everyone that the crop has run down materially siuce the last estimates were made and it is still losing ground. Primary receipts for the week were 475.0J0 less and ship ment 650,000 nioro than the previous week indication, a decrease of three mil lion in the visible. The northwest is ex pected to decrease one million. Corn and oats closes strong and are ap parently going higher." The weather is against growing crops and receipts of corn are falling off materially. The de mand is also improving. Provisions are as dull as ever, nothing has moved them out of their rut ' Open, iliga Low. Oo.d. 804 81 79' 81 81 14 82 80; 82?a 52 ! b2 53 52i 52;8 53 54'8 03 54 3j 30 31 Is' 30 31 30 31 30 31 12. 5U 12 25 12.7. 12.62 12.67 12.90 12.9i 12.85 12.95 0.52 6.60 6.6J 6 00 0.62 C.83 6 So 6.82 6.S2 6.22 6.35 6.30 6.35 6 35 6.52 6.55 6.50 6.55 Wheat Cash. July. Sept. Corn Cash July. Sept. Cash July. Sept. Cash July. Sept. Cash. July. Sept Cash July. Sept Oats Pork Lard Ribs Market GoMsip. Car lots at Chicago, wheat 53, graded 48; corn 22S, graded 202; oats 207, graded 104 Estimated cars, Monday, wheat 40, corn 225, oats 200. Hogs at Chicago today 10,000, esti mated Monday 31,000. Minneapolis millers bought 75,000 bushels cash wheat yesterday and heavy sales of flour for export reported. Estimated decrease at Minneapolis this weak 3'J0,000. Receipts of wheat at Chicago 8,000, corn 159,000, oats 269,000 Daily Trade Bulletin says: Stocks of flour in the United States and Canada decreased 229,060 barrels dur ing May a:id supplies of wheat decreased 18,220,000 bushels, an aggre gate decrease of 19,353,000. The decrease during April was 13,524,000, and during May, 1894, was 10,210,1)00. Increase in supplies aud afloat for Europe during May was 2,300,000, and in store in Europe 1,700,000; total, 47,000,000; not decrease iu the world supply during May 15,353, 000. Decrease in the world's supply since January 1st about 56,806,000, against 35, 901,000 during the same time in 1894 Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Colorado fair and warmer weather. Wheat out of store 188,000, corn 338, 000, oats 136,000. Receipts by canal, corn 23,000, o la 6,000; transfers, wheat 44, corn 8 cars. Berlin: WTheat closed 1 in rka higher. The 4 ports cleared for export today, wheat 56,000 bu., corn 97.899, oats flour 10,434 packages. Kansas City: Cash wheat todav, No. 2 red 85 to 86; No. 2 hard 80 to 81. Michigan crop report issued for June by the secretary of state says: The aver age condition of wheat in the southern counties June 1st was 66 per cent and in the state 72 per cent The condition has been reported lower in the state on this date mentioned but once in 10 years. This was in 1838, when the figures lor the southern counties were 62 and for the state 63 per cent Puts on July wheat good for Monday next 80 calls 84. On July corn puta 52, calis 53. Curb, July wheat 82. Kew Vark. ftuzar .Market. New York, June 8. Sugar held firmer; refined dull. Raw, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED A girl for general house work; must come well recommended. Apply 1240 Clay st FOR SALE 3 office desks, 1 letter press, of fice arm chairs, revolving cnair, linoleum, floor oil cloth, rockers and office tables. 601 Clay st FOE SALE Ingrain carpets, window shades, bed lounge, plush parlor chairs, parlor table and cbeaile curtains. 609 Clay st.