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4 The State Journal TWENTY-THIRD YEAR. By Frank P. MacLennan. Official Paper of the City of Topeka, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Paily edition, delivered by carrier, 10 cents a week to any part of Topeka or suburbs, or at the same price in any Kansas town where this paper has a oar lier system. By mail, three months $ .90 Sy mail, one year 3.60 Weekly edition, per year 50 X A ti s, ifc A 'fc A A: A; A J,AX A JANUARY 1 896. 4 1 Wealber In 1I cations. Chicago. Jan. 6. For Kansas: Fair aDd warmer tonight and Tuesday; southerly winds. If Mr. Cleveland desires to be presi dent again he should go to Venezuela and run. Thb Oskaloosa Independent is now an eight-page, seven column paper, and one of the handsomest in the state. Where is that $69,000,000 of gold which has been coined at the United States mints daring the past year? It is said that Gladstone's eyes are better and he has resumed work. The chances are now in favor of there not being a tree left in the vicinity of Ha warden. A California court has decided that Chinese born in this country are citizens. John will now probably soad for his wife. If they are citizens of course they must be allowed to vote. Del Valentine: Tom Anderson is the big Rock Island man in Topeka; Jerry Black is the big Santa Fe man in the same Tillage, and they are mixing up right lively on rates this winter. Tom nu' Jerry is, or are, as the case may be, right popular in righteous Topeka. It is now reported that the president is mad at the syndicate and may not is sue any bonds at all. It is almost too good to be true. In the mean time the gold reserve is perilously near the $60,000,000 mark which he established some time ago. If as Governor Morrill TBtimates, all applicants for jobs who failed to get them are against him and his adminis tration, there must be an army of them. He will show wisdom, therefore, in de clining to be a candidate for renomina tion. The report of R. G. Dun & Co. for the year shows that the marked advances in the prices of many articles of commerce earlier in the year were nearly all lost before the close. The closing prices of 1895 were on an average very little above those at the beginning of the year. There is nothing more delusive and misleading than the practice of estimat ing our exports in dollars and cents. If they were estimated in bushels and pounds they would doubtless show a con siderable increase over the so-called prosperous years when the balance of trade was largely in our favor. It is low prices resulting from a gold standard that causes the adverse trade conditions. We send out the products, but they are sold at the prices of India, China and Egypt There is one remedy, and that is to restore bimetallic prices; then the balance of trade will again be in our favor and the outflow of gold will be stopped. Newspapers which favor bonds and a gold standard take great pleasure in mentioning the fact that the national debt of various European nations is much greater than that of the United States. They neglect to call attention, however, to the additional fact that our national debt is bat a small percentage of the total indebtedness, represented by real estate mortgages, municipal, county, state, railroad and corporation bonds Jargely held in Europe. This is a form of indebtedness comparatively unknown over there, and is just as much a burden on the entire people of the United States as the national debt is. The interest is ollectedjoff the people in increased fares, freight rates and profits of various kinds. It is now said that the United States will take steps for the purpose of com pelling Turkey to pay an indemnity for the destruction of the American mis sions, even to the extent of forcing the passage of the Dardanelles and making a demonstration in front of Constantino ple. Mr. Olney seems to have all the serve that is necessary or proper in every foreign complication except the Waller affair. While we are protecting the Venezuelans and demanding justice for the missionaries, poor Waller is per mitted to lie unnoticed in a French prison. The only apparent reason for this is that his skin is black, although it la probably little darker than that of the majority of the Venezuelans. Sun. Mon. Tue. j Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat 12 3 4 S67 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 w WHO WANTS GOLD? Under the caption uIs the Street All," the New World deals in the following manner with the gold question: "Why is it that the supposed needs of Wall street using the term as descrip tive of the stock gamblers and the money shavers of the country are alone or chiefly considered in deciding the needs of the treasury? "The people of the country the great mass of 12,000,000 voters are not suffer ing for gold. Any one of the govern ment's half dozen or more kinds of money will satisfy them. There only trouble is to get enough greenbacks, treasury notes, coin certificates, national bank notes or even cart wheel dollars. Even the active business men are not clamoring for gold. It is only the bank ers and a small ring of them, with other dabblers in cent-percents, who are raid ing the treasury and calling for more gold. "Why does not the government try the plan for a while of considering the wel fare and needs of the whole people, and let 'the street' look out for itself? That would be a novelty at least. It might work well. Is it not worth a trial?" The World says truly. The farmers, the artisans, the miners, the railroad em ployes, the merchants, the doctors, the lawyers; none of these are asking for gold. The others should not be criticised, for it is their business, and there is no law against their business. But the eagerness with which the servants of the people at Washington rush out to meet their demands is what is objected to. In stead of representing the interests of 70, 000,000 people they bend every energy at their command toward delivering them over to these birds of prey. The recent interview with Gov. Mor rill, in which he declared his belief that prohibition was a failure and should be abandoned, and that the system of atate control should be submitted in its stead, was read with regret, not only by all friends of prohibition but by all of Gov. Morrill's friends, as well. No one can question the right of the governor to his own opinion on any subject whatsoever. But the right or at least the wisdom of expressing that opinion at such a time and in such a way as will directly en courage violations of the law, and add materially to the difficulties of enforcing the law, may well be questioned. The governor has made a serious mistake, officially, personally and politically. Iola Register. The State Journal from the first said that the governor had cot the necessary backbone for a chief executive and was a blunderer. Now they are all saying it. A large majority of the people of the United States will endorse one of the principles of the A P. A as set forth by the supreme president of the order. The A P. A is declared to be opposed to the issuance of bonds. It has been decided that Dickinson county cannot afford to have a grand jury, but then Dickinson county has no medical college. AT GRAM) OPERA HOUSE. Trilby Wall Played to mi Audience SuflV; ing Severely From Cold. The indications for tomorrow night are stormy and colder at the Grand, with a cold wave sweeping off the stage into the parqtiette every time the curtaiu goes up. It is not to be wondered at that Mr. Crawford does not beat the stage. It is enough to expect to raise the tempera ture of the auditorium three degrees above freezing point that people may be semi-comfortable with their cloaks and overcoats on. The "guy" of the player who turned his coat collar and began shivering while "holding the center" Saturday night, al though the whole audience laughed was, therefore, in bad taste. The audience al ways feels so sorry for the players at the Grand that it almost forgets to be cold itself. "Trilby" was enjoyed by a fair house Saturday night, but in the afternoon the attendance was poor indeed. The play is a strong attraction and the cast well balanced throughout. Miss Edith Crane as DuMaurier's heroine was altogether lovely. She does not suffer a bit by comparison with Virginia Harned of the "original." The same cannot be said of Harry G. Carleton as Svengali. lie was repulsive, not horrible. When Wilton Lackaye plays the part he hypnotizes not only Trilby, but the audience. In the situations where the villiany of the man is most strongly brought out Lack- aye makes you shudder. His makeup is ' not as offensive as mansion a. still, tne 1 latter was good. Topeka cannot expect to see such people as Lackaye under the present opera house regime. The other principal and minor parts wore taken in a smooth, conscientious way, refreshing in a road company. One or two of the players caught colds which prevented their speaking loudly enough to be understood by the audience. But the listeners sympathized with thena and enj jyed the play. 1HEY TOOK RAZORS. Thlovo Enter the Urn; Store of A. J. Kan of North Topeka. Sometime between twelve o'clock Sat urday night and Sunday morning thieves entered the drug store of A J. Kane at 826 North Kansas avenue, and made away with goods amounting in value to about $50. The thieves opened a back window. The goods taken were liquors, cigars and razors. Four razors are missing. A young woman who sleeps up stairs heard a noise about 1:30, and it is proba ble that it was at that time the store was entered. NOW THE "GOODLANDEK' Name of the Larrei; Hotel ia Fort Scott Changed. Fort Scott, Kan., Jan. 6. The name of the hotel which, since its erection, has been known as the Inter-State, has been changed to the Qoodlander, after C W. Goodlaoder, sr., who is now the exclusive owner of the house, he having secured the stock from the others interested. We mend and sew on buttons free of charge. Peerless Steam laundry. IN THE SUNNY VENEZUELA. Features of Life in a Land of Per petual Summer. CHS THOUSAND RIYERS TRAVERSE The Republic's Surface - Oroat Mi sa cral Wealth -Customs of the Carlbs. Venezuela, the country about -which we are just now talking the most, is the one about which we know tbo least. Most of us have a dim idea that it is somewhere on the northern coast of South America, that it contains the Ori noco river, that it was freed by Bolivar and that it is a country where earth quakes and revolutions are of almost daily occurrence. We have learned late- AN ORINOCO RIVER BOAT. ly, too, that England wants a slice of it in which there are goldfields and that Venezuela asks tis for protection. As a matter of fact, Venezuela is one of the most interesting countries of the western hemisphere. It is no insignifi cant little republic, bnt a nation with an area three times as large as that of France and greater than any country in Europe except Russia. It is ten times as large as the British isles and has a pop ulation of 3,500,000 of people. Its south ern boundary is almost under the equa tor, but its northern seacoast is over ten degrees north of that line. If tho temperature depended wholly on latitude. Venezuela would be a very hot place, bnt the diversity of its surface gives it a wide range of climate. In the low marshes the mercury stands at over 100 degrees above, bnt the naked natives can look np to the farofl mountain tops where the eternal snows glisten in the son. The northern part of the country is ribbed with the ranges of the Ancles, and on their broad plateaus and in their fertile, elevated valleys are built cities which have a climate that is almost ideal. Their whole year is ono continu ous spring. Their summer days are the warm, sunshiny days of May, and their winter days aro those of showery April. But the great glory of Venezuela is its rivers. It is probably the best water ed country on the globe. Over 1,000 rivers traverse its surface, and one of these, the Orinoco, is one of the greatest in the world. The Orinoco rises in tho far southern part of the country in a spot which has not yet been visited by civilized man and runs almost directly north for over 1,400 miles. It is navi gable for over 1,000 miles of its length, and many of its 436 tributaries are also big enough to be traversed by steam boats. These great waterways furnish easy means of communication with tho adjoining countries of Colombia, Ecua dor, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil. With so many great rivers, "Venezuela ought to be a well explored country. But it is not. The southern portion of it is practically unknown to white men. The reason for this is that while the watercourses are wide enough and deep enough to float good sized boats they are blocked by the tangle of primeval forests. Wonderful forests these are, too, in which species which with us are mere vegetables or shrubs grow to be tower ing trees. The pain trees in the Vene zuelan forests are gigantic growths. The woods that line the banks of these streams are impenetrable, for the rank vegetation towers away above the head of a man, and the trees and underbrush VENEZUELA PALMS. are laced and intertwined and matted by great vines aud creepers. The branch es form an arch over the streams, and the natives paddle their canoes in a twi light even at noonday. Tet these very forests are one of the great sources of Venezuela's wealth. Today they form a barrier to the spread of civilization, but the time is near when they will be the magnet that will attract civilization. At the last nation al exposition at Caracas there were ex hibited 3,070 different kinds of woods, embracing every variety used in the arts and architecture. There are acres ol giant mahogany, red cedar, rosewood and other precious trees that have never been touched by the ax. There are trees which produce robber thousands ol square miles of them. In tho trackless forests are myriads of plants which are worth their weight in gold in the chem ist's shop. These are some of the unde veloped resources of this wonderful country. The whole of Venezuela, in fact, is practically undeveloped. The principal export product is coffee. In the contro versy which has recently attracted sc much public attention it has been fre quently remarked that the interest ol the United Sta-tes in Venezuela was a sentimental and not a practical one, that we did not oare whether her mar kets were open to Uncle Sam or John Bull. Here are some facts that touch on this point: As long ago as 1889 Venezu ela exported to the United States prod ucts to the value of $10,000,000 and im ported from our country manufactured goods to the extent of half that sum. This was more than she annually sells and buys from England, Germany, France and all the other countries of Europe. We get from the Venezuelans coffee, cocoa and sugar. They buy from us cotton cloth, machinery, hams, flour and lard. There is a direct line of steamships between the United States and La Guay ru, and many sailing ships connect the two countries. We are connected with them by cable also. What this trade will amount to when the boundless re sources of Venezuela shall have begun to be developed can only be imagined. As for the mineral wealth of Vene zuela, it cannot well be estimated. The gold mines, most of which are located in the territory which Great Britain, wants, are not particularly rich. When their wealth has been more fully de veloped, it may be discovered that they are worth more than they now ap pear to be. The value of the copper, sil ver, iron and coal mines there is indis putably great. Besides this thero are great lakes of asphalt, much more valua ble than those on the island of Trinidad, which England now holds. The native Indians cf Venezuela are an interesting race. They are divided into a number of distinct tribes, and of some little is known. Those of the Ori noco region, who inhabit the disputed territory, are generally called Caribs. They wear the least clothes of any peo ple on earth. The entire costume of a Carib, male or female, consists of a small loin cloth. They are of small stature and of low vitality. They die of wounds that would not trouble a civi lized man. At 35 the Carib is old and wrinkled, and he generally dies before he is 40. The Caribs have some queer customs. Tho women pierce their lower lips and stick sharp pieces of wood through them, point outward. Needless to say, kissing does not obtain among the Caribs. In LAKE DWELLINGS OF VENEZUELAN NATIVES. accordance with the strange custom of "couvade, " tho father of a newborn child goes to bed for two weeks and is nursed carefully while the mother at tends to her regular household duties. The Indians live in a most primitive way, many of them inhabiting huts built on piles to elevate them above the waters of the lakes or marshes. These lake dwellings are a picturesque feature of Venezuela scenery. Although the white people in Ven ezuela comprise only one-fifth of the en tire population, it is a civilized country and is rapidly progressing. Its govern ment is modeled after that of the Unit ed States, and its territory is divided in to nine large states, a federal district, fivo territories and two national settle ments. Its cities are of such importance that our government is represented by as many as 13 consuls and consular agents in them. ' There are several lines of railroads. The telegraph, the tele phone and the electric light nre all used by Venezuelans, and the systems are be ing rapidly extended. Caracas, tho cap ital, is a city of about 80,000. It is lo cated about nine miles inland from its seaport, La Guayra, with which it is connected by a railroad that climbs a mountain range. As most of the governing class are of Spanish descent the universal language is Spanish, but almost every one speaks French or German and English besides. Agriculture is the chief industry, be cause the soil is so fertile that little ef fort is required to raise the most abun dant crops. The value of tho annual ex portations of coffee alone amounts to over $ 12,000,000. The mines, which are practically undeveloped, sent out last year gold, silver, copper and quick silver to the value of $6,000,000. It is a great country, with a great future bo fore it, and some day will be in a posi tion to richly repay Uncle Sam for the fatherly interest he is now manifesting in its welfare. Skwell Ford. Uncle Sam's Army. - The men of our army are believed to be physically the best chosen body of soldiers in the world. At a recent ex amination of applicants for enlistment in a western city 200 presented them selves, and all but 4 were rejected. t "City" of London Growing Smaller. In the "city" of London the night population is only 28,000, though in 1861 it was 112,000. The day census taken in May, 1S91, showed that 1,186,- 000 persons and 92,000 vehicles entered and left the "city." As Bad as English. 1 There are words in the Chinese lan guage that have as many aa 40 different meanings, each depending on the into nation used in pronouncing it. L In London the bicycling women of the upper 10,000 have their wheels painted to match their carriage. PEDKKSON OF W1NNECONNE Se Says the University of Wisconsin Id Too Aristocratic. Pederson, Oscar E. Pederson of Win neconne, is on the warpath against aris tocracy in college life, and is doing his level best to accomplish the overthrow of Pro f ess or Charles Kendall Adams, M. A., LL. D., president of the U n i v e r sity of Wisconsin. Pe derson is super intendent of schools of Win nebago county, Oscar E. pederson. and recently made charges that under Professor Ad ams' management the university has raised its fees so high that poor boys have no chance to enter, that Adams is an aristocrat and has no sympathy with the common people, that the number of pupils is decreasing for this reason and that owing to lack of discipline many pupils carouse in saloons and become in toxicated. The charges have caused a fu rore in Wisconsin educational Circles and a committee has been appointed to in vestigate them. Oscar E. Pederson was born in the old Indian village of Winneconne, 13 miles from Oshkosh, in 1867. His parents were poor, and he has gained a good education by the exercise of considerable will power. He worked hard to get a common school education, and then by even harder work secured a year's study in Valparaiso, Ind., and a three years' course in Lawrence university, Apple ton, Wis. He has risen from obscurity to his present position, and is one of the youngest school superintendents in the west, as well as one of the well inform ed, progressive superintendents of Wis consin. He says tht state pays $400 per capita to educate her university stu dents and only $2 per capita annually for the tutoring of her common school children. Professor Adams is one of America's best known educators. He was born in Vermont 60 years ago, was graduated from the University of Michigan in 1852, and became president of Cornell university in 13S5. He remained at Cor nell until 1892, whn he devoted a year to historical research and then accepted a call to the presidency of the Universi ty of Wisconsin. His dofenders say that the only aristocracy he recognizes is the aristocracy of brains and good scholar ship. THE CHAINED CATARACT. Niagara's Mammoth Turbine Wheels and Dynamos and the Power They Develop. There is one very important difference between Colonel Mulberry Sellers and Dr. Coleman Sellers. "There's millions in it" was the view of each concerning bis pet scheme, but of the twain Cole man Sellers alono is hot on the trail of DR. COLEMAN SELLERS. the cash. He is the president and chief engineer of the Niagara Falls Power company, and thus far the work of har nessing the great cataract has been a thorough success. At the present time two turbine wheels are operated by the water of the Niagara river and a third is held in reserve so that the numerous customers of the company may not suf fer in case one of the regular turbines is disabled. Theso turbines severally de velop 5,400 horsepower and turn two mammoth dynamos, each of which gen erates 5,000 electrical horsepower. Each turbine wheel is inclosed in a steel casing and is 28 feet from the bot tom of the great tunnel which dis charges the water into the river below the falls. In the casing also are two wheels, an upper and a lower, which are connected with a great vertical shaft 38 inches in diameter and 160 feet long. This shaft weighs 80,000 pounds and extends upward 160 feet to its dynamo. The field magnets of the dynamo, which are attached to the up per end of the shaft and revolve with it, also weigh 80,000 pounds. They are at tached to the inside surface of a wrought iron ring over 1 1 feet in diameter, and when the mammoth turbine and the gigantic dynamo warm up to their work the outside of this ring flies around at tho rate of 104 miles an hour. The water which turns the wheel is conveyed from the canal above by a great steel pipe3Jg feet in diameter and rushes into the turbine with such force that it lifts the entire weight of 160,000 pounds so that the lower end of the shaft does net rest upon a "step," as in other water wheels, but is suspended, whirl ing at the rate of 250 revolutions per minute. Thus far the power has been all utilized at Niagara falls, and none of it has consequently been transmitted long distances. The company is confi dent, however, that when more turbines are in operation the power may be eco nomically conducted to Buffalo and suc cessfully compete with steam power. Perfumed Batter. Perfumed butter is becoming fashion able in New York. Wrapped in cheese cloth, the batter is allowed to stand in a bed of roses or violeta. CLAIRETTE SOAP "SAY BOSS! Them People if sr i-tf 1 . " - ' GROCERIES I r-sr THE WESTERN. Foundry $0 Machine Works, ESTABLISHED 1876. FORMERLY TOPEKA FOUNDRY AND BACHINE WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1868. Tfrj only place in the city where you can get a complete power plant from a steam engine to a set collar from (took. Get Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. 1. L. COFRAJU, pp. TOPEKA, KANSAS. E. 0, DE MOSS. ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, We buy our goods from the best factories on earth. UNDERTAKERS. Our prices are 25 per cent lower than any combine or anti-combine. Hmimn 'Phone 77. Roll 'Phonfi 193. DE MOSS & PjEJTWEIjIj. 'HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOL O H.K.BROOKS. (Established 1878.) e. W. BROOKS. V Capita! Iron Works (Two bicclts south of Santa Ve Builders' Iron work of ail descriptions. achioists, Iron and Enpinos and machinery repaired. Pattern work and difficult repairs a specialty. Shaftin" pulleys, hamjers and brass nttinss of all descriptions in stock. Steam, gas or electric powers furnished. Millwrlghting and gas engine repairs a specialty. Magazines HOKE. tDi mis t-J?mi w u lit ; r-v r i tv FRANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY f Contains each Month : Original Water Color j frontispiece; J 29 Quarto vages cl Keamnj 'linns- More Literary Matter end lllustra- i tlons than any other Magazine to America. , 25Cts.; 94 a rear. , ank Leslie's Pleasant Hours! FOR BOYS AND CiRLS. r IIIKUI, nuuimnuro, " f Fullv illustrated. Tho best writers for young ! people contribute to it. 10 cts. ; $1 a year. ( ;. A. R. Officers Installed. Saturday evening w;.3 a happy one at Lincoln post hali. It waa the occasion for the installation of tho officers of the post and Lincoln circle ladies of the G. A. R. The following officers of Lincoln post were installed by Commander A. McGregor: Post commander, J. M. Mil ler; senior vice commander, George C. Stoker; junior vice commander, M. F. McKirahan; quartermaster, II. J. Bev fUe; officer of the day, G. W. Weed; officer of the guard, W. E. Brubaker; snrgeon, S. E. Martiu; chaplain, G. W. Barge; adjutant, J. Lee Knight; sergeant major, J. S. Langston; quartermaster sergeant, P. M. Kim ble. Mrs. M. O; Cartlidge installed the following officers of Lincoln Circle: President, Mrs. Fannie Davis; senior vice president, Mrs. C. Stoker; junior vice president, Mrs. Randlett; treasurer, Mrs. Kincaid. chaplain, Mra. Rodgers; condnclress, Mrs. Cart; guard, Mrs. Roach; secretary, Mies Eila E Wade. Short speeches were made by George T. Anthony and Post Commander Miller. llinerai Vt ater. The finest in the west. Come and trv it J. W. Phillips, 612 W. Eighth ave. O Popular ! FOB THE Fl Won't Take This oap They Want CLAIRETTE SOAP" Everybody wants Clairette Soap who knows the good ness of it. Try it once and you will refuse all other kinds, too. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, ST. JL.Ol.IS. L. M. FEN WELL. 523 QUINCY STREET. depot on Seventh st.) Brass Founders. Harper's Bazar IN 1696 The twenty -ninth year of HARPER'S BAZfl. R, beginning in Jannary, 1896, finds it maintaining its deserved reputation both as a fashion Journal and a weekly periodical for home reading. Every week the BAZAR presents beautiful toilettes for various occasion , Sandoz, Baude, and Chapcis illustrate and engrave the newest designs from the finest model in Paris and Berlin. New York Fashions epitomizes cur rent Btyles in New York. A fortnightly pattern-sheet supplement with diagrams and directions enables women to cut aud make their own gowns, and is of great value to the professional modiste as well as to the amateur dressmaker. Children's Clothing receives constant attention. Fashions for Men are de scribed in full detail by a man-about-town. Oar Paris Letter, by Kathar ine De Fokest, is a sprightly weekly re cital of fashion, gossip, and social doings in Paris, given by a clever woman in an entertaining way. Both the serials for 139S are the work of American women. Mrs. Gerald, by Maria Louise Pool, is a striking story of Mew England life. MaktE. Wilkins, in Jerome, a Poor nan, discusses th aiwaya ititaresting problems of the re lations between labor and capital. Short stories will be written by the best authors. Special Departments. Music, The Outdoor Woman, Personals, What We Are Doing, Women and Men, report and di&cuss therasa of immediate interest. Answers to Correspodents. Ques tions receive the personal attention of the editor, and are answered at the earl iest practicable date after thnir receipt. The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with th9 first Number for January of each years. When no time is mem ;iou ed, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Remittance should be made by Post office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chanca of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order or Harper is Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Haper's Magazine $4 00 Harper's Weekly 00 Harper's Bazar 4 00 Harper's Round Table 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Address HARPER BROTHERS P. O. Box 959. N. Y. City Everybody takes the Journal, if