Newspaper Page Text
STATE JOURNAL, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6, 1896. 7 A5TS,RENTS,SIT- UATI05S, REAL ESTATE, AUC TION SALES AND OTHER CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENTS. Tax Topeia Stats: Journal guarantees, every day it is printed, to give a local circulation by far aor than all other Dailies com bined. This makes this paper the cheapest, a well as the best, daily advertising medium in Topeka. the classified advertisements below testing but Five Cettts & Line, or 20 cents a line for a week; GO cents by the toon th. Average datly circulation for the six months ending June 30, 1395, was 9,334. Sworn detailed statements of circulation pre sented to advertisers on application. Call and see any afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock the handsomest, fastest, most perfect piece of machinery in Kansas a Web Per fecting press, which prints from two to three (Complete 8-page papers per second. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Are you In need of work? If so, you are at liberty to use these columns for assistance in that direction. While this notice appears the State Joukxal will publish free on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, for Topeka or Kansas people, all notices of "Situations Wanted," not exceeding five lines, or thirty-five words, in length, provided that all advertisements of that nature are handed In previous to ten o'clock Saturday morning; also on Wednesday, Thurs- r cay and I'Hday, all advertising of this class handed in by ten o'clock Wednesday morning. No advertisements of this nature to be started except on Saturdays and Wednesdays. No obli gation is Incurred on the part of the advertiser. No worthy and needy man or woman need hesi tate to take advantage of this offer. No one In business or having employment Is expected to take advantage of it, but all others are invited avail themselves freely. WANTED HELP. ANTED Situation as house keener: thor oughly competent. Address E. :v. Journal W ANTLD Position by experienced nurse; call at 930 Monroe. W ANTED Nursing: best ot references; ;urs. i.ane. I73:i Lano st. VAN 1ED-Place to do housework in small ' family at once. Address 724 Van Buren. VVT ANTED Middle aged man having family ' wants work in city; has had experience in hotel work, also.gensral store; quick and ac curate in figures and competent to take charge of small business. Address 3. L. S., Journal. WANTED Situation by German-American pharmacist of 10 years experience; regis tered; married, age 34: best of No. 1 reference from first to last employer. Address Optimus, I. O. box 85. Carbonaalo. Osaire eountv. Kan. VT7 iTFH (ilrnaMnn. . I , i I i t i ,1 nn.rnr ouly need a chance to assert themselves. If you need them in your business please write me. Experienced in clothing, shoes, carpets and groceries. Familiar with office work. Ad dress J. 1. A., tins office. "VV7' ANTED A man who understands burn- WW rtr iliarinal Aili!mGE 11, iv Orui itr w ANTED Good white girl for general iiuubfiNorK at 0.5-1 viay si 7 ANTED A good white girl for general hnnsnnrnrlr- t AT f",,ir,,r ct- l0 to 150 Pa'd salesmen for cigars; ex V1 " " " perience not necessary; extra in ducements to customers. Bishop & Kline, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED M ISC ELL AN EO US. irANTED A counter Dlatform sca'es. Art uress, stating price. 113 west otu. scales. "V7 ANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms 1st noor preterred. reasonable rent, refer ence. Address llooms, care Journal. WANTED Team and wagon for clear va- cant lot in Topeka. Goodwin Coal Co. "WANTED Horses to winter at Vinewood " park; enquire 215 east :0th st. T'AXTE 1 A lady who is employed during the day to occupy or share room In mod ern house with furnace and bath. Cheap rent and board if desimd; private family. Address Home. Journal office. WANTED To buy milch-stock or fat cattle, or will trade milkers for fat ones. Also buy young sound horses; 334 Harrison s:. John V oiff. WANTED Fartner with $2,000 to take half interest in good paying hotel. Address Hotel, care Journal. WANTED Gentleman roomers and bcard- ers; first class accomodations; no extra charge for heat, Mansion House.620 Jackson st. "VVr ANTED Horses to winter. Best of stab ... HHK- Leave orders at GIG Kansas ave. H. W . McAfee. AV'ANTED You to try our heavy adjustable TT..11 o. --"" v.rt3LinK. otuve ana repairs. Hull Stove Kepalr Co., 116 East sth st. WANTED stock groceries or general mer rnaiunca r'.ic-i, t . , : . . YY 7 ANTED Your carpet cleaning. (Harmo- r ' " it, 1J i tuincy. ""AMED Your freight to haul. our saie to move, .hip. move or rl l VV 4NTED l'arties --xpectlrig EUKIOHT to leave their bills of lading, or ea 1 us by phone. Prompt deliverv make on dav of trrl yal. TOPEKA IKAXSFK CO.? rKaksaslve Either Phone 320. E. p. Bacon. Prou. 8 ""e WANrlil,ArrUcation for loans oa cool " city or farm property. Rates six tj 'e7,c Per. cont mterest according to sire of loan Milo Norton, agent. 110 west Sixth ava.. Toue ka. Kans. K jF hn,,EX?S;eteral ''esirableTToTr nouses, cheap. Benedict & Co., G01 Kan. ave. pOK RENT-Five room cottage in good re- FOR RENT-ROOMS. -- rooms, cheap. 713 Topeka ave UUIurnlsnea FOR RENT 4 rooms downstair ,,,.,.., . or unfurnished; cheap"!". Murns ave FOR RENT-Pleasant home.reasonable board for two gents; L.C. L.. Journal TTOR RENT-Furnished room with or without A board at 301 west 12th st. witnout fOR RENT Furnished room, with heat suit able for two gentlemen. 522 Monroe st. WofQ1-Swm cneP- Topeka Vinegar W FOP QAI c Micrn .kip... FOR SALE 7 pounds of bol:ing beef 26c; 2 pounds steak 15c; beef roass 6c. C. E. Tlll- son, 531 Topeka ave. LHh saI.E-Od easy payments, best sewing A machine made, the Standard. E. W. Hughes.lOT East 5th street. ETOK SALE Blacksmith snop in good town A in Osage county; good lrade;only 2 shops in towns on Santa Fe road; consisting of one cor ner lot 25x175, shop 18x50. also shed adjoining 5x50; complete line of tools for blacksmith and wagon repairing, iron and wood stock, etc. Bargain if sold soon. Address A. M. Journal. 'OK REAL ESTATE or rental property, see Benedict & Co., 601 Kansas avo. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A bunch of keys on east 5th street. Owner can have same by calling at this of fice and paying for this advertisement. LOST A pony mare, bay with white stripe down face, forelock cut, clipped ear and white hind foot. Return to 1254 Tyler street and receive reward. f 'OL'ND A man who will clean your watch or clock for 50 cents. 805 Kansas ave. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 17 OR SALE 8,000 acres choice land in one - body, highly improved. 5 miles from rail road station. 40 miles from Topeka. J1S.SS per acre; suitable to cut up into small farms. Write for particulars. 230 aeres, 10 miles from Topeka, 100 acres In cultivation: GO fruit trees, house, barn, fenced, etc.; anap at 115 per acre. 240 acres. Douglas county, near Lawrence, well improved. Panic price of 1896. $4,300. 240 acres, Butler county, near lowanda, well improved; house, barn, orchard, etc.; must sell S2.600. 371 acres. Woodson county, 7 miles from Hum boldt; same from Chanute. well improved; 150 acres in cultivation; 12.50 per acre. 320 acres in Allen county, smooth land, well improved, hi mile from station; $17 per acre. 5 acres, 2 miles from city, good land. $550. 80 acres 10 miles from Topeka, well improv ed. $1,800. 20 acre stock farm, 10 miles from Topeka, well improved, $5,500. Blacksmith shop and complete set of tools, including residence, in good little country town, $800. Trade A choice residence property In Man hattan for a farm. Merchandise of all kinds to trade and sell. In addition to a large list of farms. I have some small tracts, suburban to the city, from 5 to 40 aereSi, Improved and unimproved, $40 to S00 per acre. Also city property at prices you can afford.. THOS. G. SHILLINGLAW. Leal Estate and Eental agent, 115 east Fifth st, Topeka, Kansas. X70R SALE Improved farm of 65 acres, four A? miles from state Address let ters t o box 100. Topeka. IE you want to sell IF you want to buy IF you want to rent F yon want to trade IF you want a loan oa CALL ON OR WRITE. EEAL' ESTATE T. G. Shlllinglaw, 115 East Oth st.. Topeka, Kansas. L""OK RENT OK SALE. Desirable homos In L Oakland. P. C. Moore. 420 Kansas ave. MONEY. $1 tff to loan on farm W. B. l.owrance. JJJ Crawford building Topeka. MONEY ADVANCED To B. R. employes of good standing at reasonable rates. Small loans a specialty. No callateral required. A 11 transactions stfietly confidential. Call and s ee us at 822 north Kansas ave. Bail 'phone 367. MISCELLANEOUS. STRAYED OR STOLEN Saturday night from cue block east of cemetery gate, one bay horse with some gray, short tail, coilar marks, splint on front leg. Reward for return to Ed Mattingly at above address. c 1 HIT 1 f ciq;.,' ,.,., ry . . ....... - 1. . t. 1 (.1 I tUID iriiaraiiteert tn Jill w-lin ennip it rlma amination free. Address C. K. Dill. Oakland, corner Kellam and Iowa. ""OTICE is hereby given that I have been au- thorized by the district court to offer for sale the book accounts of Stevenson & Co. The accounts will be open for inspection and the receipts of the bids lor the same at my office, room 10, Bank of Topeka building, from Janua ry 20 to February 1, 1396. David A. Mulvane, Assignee. EAVKN WORTH HOUSE-411 E. 4th St.; good meals 10c: lunch at all hours; neat rooms newly furnished. Thomas Peat, Prop. WE HAVE IT-Good coal and full weight. Topeka Transfer Coal Co. Tel 32a SJ. P.ESTORICK -Metaphysician, will be at the front parlor at 120 east Sixth st , Wed nesdays and Fridays of each week from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. and will treat all diseases that flesh is err to. VITRIFIED Brick walks laid cheap. John Ritchie. 1106 yuincy st. NOTICE. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Be it known that my petition is on file in the office of the probate court of Shawnea coun ty. Kansas, asking for a permit to sell intoxi cating liquors at No. 124 East Fourth street. In Second wurd in the city of Topeka, Kansas;anl the hearing of the same is set for Friday, January 10th, 1896. at 9 o'clock a. m. M. A. FUKCHES9. Topeka. Kan., Dec. 10. 1395. JlMUSEMKNTS. Q RAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday, January 7. "AND THE CAT CAME BACK." Tho king laugh maker, the bright comedy, CHARLEY'S AUNT BY BBA.nOS THOMAS. Management of Charles Frohman. Presented In the same manner as Seen in New York 350 Nights. Don't do anything until you see Auntie. Seats on sale Saturday. Price,, 25, 50, 75 and $1. The Columbia Bicycle Pad Calendar For 1896 YOU NEED IT. A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for mem oranda. The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest of all fall of dainty pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and sport. Occasionally reminds yon of the superb quality of Columbia Bicycles and of your need of one. Yon won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five 2-cent stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MANUFACTURING CO.. HARTFORD, CONN. ART STORE. WL. TRTJMBUIX. 720 Kansas stTe.. fine art store, etchings, water colors, Berlin photos, etc. Dresden pastel colors. Latest novelties in framing and mouldings. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. PW. GRIGGS & CO.. 203 west Sixth ave. Can save money for those needing imple ments, hardware, lawn mowers, Duggles, har ness, stoves, etc. BOOTS AND SHOES. GM. CHASE Si CO., 623 Kansas ave. Cor- rect styles in high grade shoes at popular prices. TKM. KIETZMANf, 416 Kansas are., boots " and shoes. Also ladies', men's and children's slippers and rubber goods. Best bargains in the city by far. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. KANSAS BOOK AND BIBLE HOUSE 825 Kansas ave., J. W. Prlddy, Mgr. Teach er's Bibles, family and pulpit Bibles. Sabbath school supplies. Picture framing, etc. THE KELLAM BOOK & STATIONERY CO, 603 Kansas ave. Latest books, correct sta tionery. N ewest wall paper. Artistic framing. Tennis and base baii supplies. BOOK EXCHANGE. S32 Kansas ave. New and second hand books, stationery etc. Old books, magazines, etc.. taken In exchange. Back numbers supplied. School books a specialty. BAKERIES. HENRY VESPER, li3 east 6th st. Maker of the celebrated Henry Vesper's Machine made bread. Ask your dealers for Vesper's sweet goods. They are better than others. CLOTHING. T A. CLEMENTS. 631 Kansas avenue. A-', clothiers, hatters and furnishers. High grade goods in all departments. Agents for the Dunlap bat. CORNICE & ROOFING WORKS. JOHN MBAIRD, 216 west 6th st. Copper anil galvanized cornice and metal work. The pefect cut-off tin roofing. Hot air fur naces a specialty. Harrison phone 368. OBEET SANDSTROM, 110 West Sixth si. Tin and iron roofing. All kinds of metal work. Improved systems for warming and ventilating schools, churches and residences. LOUIS VAN DOSP, 619-621 Jackson st. Gal vxnized iron cornices. Tin and slate roof ing. All kinds of metal work. Outside work a spocialty. A J. PETERSON. 1109 east 6th st All kinds tin and sheet iron work. Roofing, gut tering and furnace work. AH kinds ot tinware. CHINA, GLASS & QUEENS WARE IJAENSWORTH & ASHBY, 503 Kansas ave. Choice display of I.ibby cut glass, table cut lery, lamps and lamp fittings. Our specialty is low prices. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. CHAS. S. EAGLE, manufacturers of cigars and maker of the noted "Silver Statue." acknowledged to be the best cigar by all con noisseurs and dealers. TP BKODEF.SON. 718 Kansas ave., maker of AU. -our Success." 5 cent cigar and the "Lin da Vista," 10 cent cigar. Sold by all dealers. These goods are unexcelled. CUERY BKO S., Smoke their celebrated "Lit ' tie Chief," best 5 cent cigar in the market CARRIAGE WORKS. KANSAS CARRIAGE WORKS. 209 West 6th H. L. Rehkopf. Prop. Fine carriage, wag ons, road carts, suikeys. etc. Repairing, paint ing and trimming a specialty. JORUJGJSJTS II. M. WASHBURN. 823 Kansas ave.. drugs and art materials. Window glass, paint ers' goods, moth camphor, sponges, etc. China paints a specialty. WF, KUNZ'S Pharmacy, corner Sixth and Topeka aves. Stationery, fancy goods, toilet articles and perfumery. Prescriptions ac curately compounded. Tel.35. Res. SOS Topeka av. OA. KEENE. 803 Kansas ave.. expert phar- macist. news dealer and stationer; city agent for St. Louis Globe, Republic. Kansas City Times and Journal. Leave your orders. FLOUR AND FEED NVAN SLICK, successor to H. Boughten, 509-511 West Tenth St., wholesale and re tail dealer In flour, feed, grain, hay, seeds and coal. Telephone 467. Close prices my specialty. w. I. BOYER Wholesale and retail flour. feed, hav and salt. Cotton seed meal: Ralston health flour. White rock the great hoof packing. 210 W. Sixth st. Phones 470. TA. BECK, 212-214 E. Sixth ave. Grain flour, feed and seeds. Manufacture all kinds chopped feed. Cleaned and chipped oats a specialty. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS TOFEKA FOUNDRY". Millice Hoicomb. props., corner Second and Jackson. Ma chine work, castings, patterns, models, brass work, etc. Repairing done. Work guaranteed. GROCERIES. EXCHANGE CO.'S store. 122 E. Sixth St.. H. Often, manager, wholesale and retail; staple and fine groceries a specialty. Headquarters for farm supplies. JAMES WERTS. 585 Topeka ave.. groceries and feed. Only high-grade goods handled at satisfactory prices. Country butler and eggs a specialty. LOUIS WISS. 134 N. Qulncy St., grocery and meat market. Everything the best at low est prices. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. GLUX, 200 W. Sixth ave., the reliable grocer, can use you better and give you better goods for the same money than any other grocer. A. M. LESLIE. 334 Taylor St.. dealer In gro- ceries and fresh and salt meats, will meet all competition in the grocery or meat market line. T-? L JONES, 109 East Sixth st.. groceries A flour and feed; meat market in connection. 1 can save you money, as close prices prevail in every line. Also sell coal. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. PQ. DAVIS. 718 Kansas ave., manufacturer of and dealer in harness, saddles, bridles, whips, etc. My aim is to make low prices, and give good goods. OSCAR KRAUSS 224 Kansas ave.. harness and saddlery, hardware. Leather findings and shoe store supplies. Cut sale leather a spec ialty. Write for prices. HOTELS. CHESTERFIELD HOTEL. John F. Carter, lessee. All modern improvements. Rates $2.00 per day. Special prices for theatrical parties and regular business. HARDWARE. WA. L. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO.. 517-519 Kansas ave.. are closing out at cost stoves and ranges. If you wish to save i money see them. JEWELERS- JAMES B. HAYDEN, Jeweler and Optician. Complete stock of watches, diamonds, silverware, etc. Eyes examined and spectacles properly fitted. Af EDMONDS. 532 Kansas Ave. Watches. Jewelry, Diamonds, and optical goods. Watch repairing a speciality. All work war ranted. No charge for testing the eyes. LAUNDRIES. AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY. A. C. Keating, manager, 112 West Seventh st. Short time work a specialty. Special pains taken to Insure the finest work. Telephone 341. LIVERY STABLES. UB. McCURDY. V. S., prop.. 114 West 5th st. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto. F'ine turnouts. Boarding a specialty. Personal supervision a feature. Tel. 166. MEAT MARKETS. CA. MAYEK, 931 Kansas ave., dealer in fresh and salt meats, poultry, fish, etc. Choice country butter. All orders promptly deliv ered. Eell telephone 196. HANSON BROS.. 1121 West Sixth. Parlor Meat Market. Besides a well stocked meat market we handle game, fish and poultry. Fresh butter. Tel. 182. ROWNE Si GARV1N.1U05 Topeka ave. Fresh and salt meats, poultry, game and fish. Full line Heinz's pickets and preserves. MILLINERY. ri HE BAZAAR. Miss M. B. itahr, 505 Kau A sas ave. The latest Parisian modes, and fashionable trimmer. Prices the lowest and styles the best. MEN'S HATTERS cV OUTFITTERS EAGLE & CURRY, sole agents for the cele brated "Youmans" hats. Suits to order. Fine neck wear a specialty. Look at our line of 50c ties. MONEY TO LOAN. PARTIES wishing a safe and paying invest ment for their money, call at once on S. M. Wood (St Co., 534 Kansas avenue. MONEY LOANED on horses, pianos, house hold goods and all kinds of chattel securi ties. L. Biscoe. 523 Kansas avenue, room 3. PLATING & MACHINE WORKS. "VT LUX. 416 Jackson st. Gold, silver and -i-l nickel plating and machine works. Brass work. Bicycle repairing, enameling, brass pol ishing, safes, locks and repairng, PIANOS AND ORGANS. CONRON BROS., 825 Kansas ave. Dealers in the celebrated Estey pianos and organs. Piano tuning and repairing by experts a spo cialty. PJAJNIBERS A ALLEN Practical Plumber; 26 years ex- perience; personal attention given to ail work; steam and hot water fitter; work guar anteed; SOS Kansas ave, Bell lei. 3Ss. Res. 9-5 North Topeka ave. YV7" WELLS, No. 816 Kansas ave., (base- muijLj j 'luiuumu, SLcaiii auu gas lilblug. tion guaranteed, prices moderate. Ornamental window and pump work. ROBERT MOOD, 117 W. Sixth ave. Plumb ing, gas fitting, steam and hot water heat ing. A large assortment of gas fixtures. Both telephones No. 131. SHEAHAN & SON, 123 East Seventh street Contractors for plumbing and heating. We guarantee satisfactory work and moderate prices. Tel. 307. PUMP SHOP. S STANTON. 207 W. felxth ave., maker of the Topeka Force Pump. Also dealer in pumps of all Kinds, drive wells. Tin shop, roofing, etc. Repairing. REAL ESTATE LOANS. rp E. BOWMAN & Co. Mortgages of size A and kind to suit investors always on hand. Prompt money, lowest rates to borrow on cen tral, city, or farm properties. JHPAJSHC)P HARNESS AND REPAIR WORK Harness and shoe shop; patent leather polish for buggy tops; repairs in all kinds of leather goods; shoes half soled cheap. E. F. Hender son, 117 East Sixth street. SPRING BED, MATTRESS FACT" Y YVM- SCHICK, prop., 127 Kansas ave. A maker of pillows. Upholstering and Also re pairing a feature, ieatners renovated and mattresses made over. Tel. 436. SECOND-HAND STORES- LOWE & BENNETT, 303 Kansas ave. New and second-hand furniture, queensware. stoves, etc. Stove repairs, and gasoline and other stoves repaired. Storage a specialty. TOPEKA COFFEE & SPICE MILLS. ED. GILES & CO., 614 Kansas ave. Tea, Japanese goods, etc. Roasters of coffee. Makers of pure spices, baking powder and flavoring extracts. Telephone 7t. UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. "-i EO. B. PALMER Funeral Supply Co. and funeral director. Ofiiee 809 Kansas ave. Res. 1021 Van Buren. Office tel. 146, residence tel. 87. OTTO KUEHNE & CO.. props., manfr's Silver Leaf brands table luxuries. Pickles, iellies. olives, sauces, etc. Also the Silver Leaf vinegar aud Gypsy Queen baking powder. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JOHN MARTIN. HARRY L. HEAtD. MARTIN & HEALD, Attorneys-at-Iaw. 715 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kan. w F. SCHOCH. Attorney at Law. 625-627 Kansas ave. Practices in all courts. ALBERT H. HORTON. (late Chief Justice) with Waggener. Horton & Orr, Lawyers. Booms 4, S and 6, Third floor. Central National Bank. C. M. WELCH . K. G. WILSON. WELCH WILSON, ATTOKIT2YS AT LAW, 623 Kansas Avenue. Commercial Law and Laud Litigation. De faulted Mortgages attended to. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 1) R. STELLA KIRBY, 600 Kansas ave. Office hours 10 to 11 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. '1'hone 123. L. A. RYDER, M. D. OFFICE and residence cor. Gordon street and Central ave.. North Topeka. Phone 214. Uses the Brinkerhoff system of Rectal treat ment, a successful and painless treatment for piles, fistula, flshure, ulceration, etc. SE. SHELDON, M. D.. SUROKR i' AND DISEASES OF WOMEN, With private hospital. Office: No. 720 Kansas Are. JDA C. BARNES, M. D. Office 782 Kan. Ave. Residence 18th and Clay. Office hours 9 a. m. to 11 a. m.. and 3 p. in. to 5 p. m. Harrison telephone 98 residence, and 09 office. FRANCES STORRS, M. D Surgery and Dis eases of Women. Office at residence, 1818 Fillmore st. Office hours: 3 to 5 p. m. D It. EVA HARDISG. HOMEOPATHIST. 629 Kansas ave. Bell telephone 432. MRS.M ARY' McKINSTEY, magnetic healing massage treatment. Residence and office 335 Jackson. Harrison phone 40$. We can knep voa clean Peerless Steam Laundry, 113 and 114 W. Eighth. SOLID THROUGH TRAINS FROM Kansas City St. Joseph TO 8t mw, Chieagf), Omaha, Peoria, St. Paul and Minneapolis. With Dining Oars, Vestibuled Braving Boa Bleeping Cart, Reclining OhaU Oars (seats free.) Only ess change of Oars ts The Atlantic Coast THE BEST LINE FOR New York, Boston, Baltimore, Washington Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg, And Eastern Points. For 7all Iufsrmatloa Ail Arena H. C. ORR, Ass't Qea'l Pas a. Ag't.. Kansas City,' JEs. THE Chicago & Alton R. R. SLY mm BALLASTED TRACK. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN Kansas City Ayn Chicago, Kansas City St. Louis, St. Louis I2 Chicago. lie Extra Charge for Passage in Palace Recll um m NOB IN" Fast Yestftnled Limited Trains. Ask your own Home Ticket Acent for ticket! Tia au Chicago si Aiioa rtanroaa. or writs to D. BOWES, Gsn'l Western Passenger Agt, 216 XTb?tli Broadway, St. Lcuis, Mo. JASiES CUABLTOS, General Passenger and Ticket Agenfc CHICAGO, II. I- U3I0H PACIFIC. Change of Time in effect Decem ber 1st, 1333. EASTBOUND. ArriTes Kansas City. Trains. No. Leaves Vopeka. Eastern Vesti buled Express Limited 8:20 pm 12:50 pm 2:C0pm 6:00 pm 6:37 ami 8:50 am WESTBOUND. Leaves Kansas City. Trains. Leaves Topeka Arrives Denver. Denver & Pacific Vestibuled Express 7:30 p:n 9:40 pm 2:25 pm 3 l0:40am12:80 pm 4:20 am Train No. 3. The California and Oregon Limited, leaves Topeka every day in the year at 12:30 noon. Solid vestibuled train, Puitscli Gas. steam Heat. Pullman Palace Dining Cars. No change to Denver, Cheyenne, OgJen and Los Angeles. Topeka to San Francisco in 70 hours; Topeka to Portland in 68 hours. Please compare with other lines. Denver and California Fast Line leaves To poka dally at 9:40 p m.. and arrives in Denver at 2:25 p. m. next day. Pullman Tourist Sleep ing Car. Topeka to Portland without change. Pullman Buffet Service, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars on this train. No other line makes this quick time. This Is the shortest and by far the best line to Denver. F. A. LK WIS, Ticket Agent City ticket office, 525 Kansas avenue, Topeka, Kansas. MISSOURI 1'AClHC. Train. No Lv's Topeka Topeka and Fort Scott ac commodation. 8:30 a. m. A'v's Topeka Topeka and Tort Scott ac- conimouauon 286 5:30 p. m. THE BEARINGS The Cycling authority of America, Over 100 Page AH the News. Fully lllnstrated. Best Bicycle paper published. $2.00 per year. Samples free. Bearing Pub. Co., GHICA GO. FREE TO BALD HEADS We will mail on applica tion. free information how to grow hair upon a !a!i head, stop falliuff hair ana remove scaip mmmbv. Address, Altenheim lei. Dispensary, 127 East Third street, Cincinnati, O. John C. ricCHntock, A.M., M.D. SSJKGEOX. Office 830 Kan. Ave. I Res., 1313 Flllmorn Hour, 3 to 4 p. in. I Hour, 9 to 10 a. m. II you want all tUe news subscribe tor tas J ogbxai THE FELON'S STORY. "Conde.uned to die," he muttered, "and that tomorrow !' ' And as he spoke he paced his cell with quick, feverish tread. His eyes were fas tened on the cold iron floor. Suddenly he raised them. "Did you say why?" he cried, with a fierceness that made us start. ' ' Did you ask why it was I killed her, and she my wife?" You would have known by his eyes that there was a dark shadow either ot crime or approaching death upon him. Again he paced the hard iron beneath him. "And she my wife! Yes, curse her, she ! was my wife I Ah, how I hated her I With what pleasure I crushed the life out of her body and heard her last gurgling moan!" He turned suddenly and faced ns. His eyes were fiery red. But that we knew he was sane we might have supposed him to be a maniac- "You do not know," he went on spas modically, "you do not know what hatred is until you have hated the wife whom you onoe thought you had loved. Among the demons below there is nothing thnt can equal it. To live in her repulsive presence, to calmly endure her little acts of tenderness by which she hopes deluded soul to drive the tempest from your brow, and to feel the loathed touch of her arms about you all this will turn your heart into a black and burning hell. "Slowly it grew upon me, and the poison was already deep into my soul when I first felt the revulsion of feeling. One day the touch of her hand was unpleasant to my brow. It had always soothed before. That was the first outward sign of the dark night that was coming. I could' not ex plain it I do not believe there lives a man who can. She had done nothing to cause it. She was as true and faithful as ever wife was, and I loved her. I was sure oi that. "But it had come, and I felt its icy fin gers chill my blood. I struggled to throw it off, but in vain. Day by day she grow more loathsome, more repulsive to me, until at laat I despised her vnry presence. She must have seen the dark moods that came over me, and she tried to dispel them with kisses that burned and seared and with whispers of love that fell upon my ears like the hiss of serpents. "It was an awful thine to hate this woman as I did, and she my wife. Hen every movement was repulsive, every word that she spoke whs discord to my being, every touch of her hand sent a flaming hell into my heart. "Soon I began to plan dark things, half unknowing what it was at first, and the very thought frightened me when it cams into my brain. It was not long before I grew accustomed to it, and calmly and de liberately, yet with gloating pleasure, I would form plots against the life of this woman whom I hated, this wife of my bosom. "It grew to be an absorbing mania. I dreamod of nothing else, found pleasure in no other thought, and all the while the dark and murderous passion was fanned to deadlier purpose by her every loving word and movement. "Carefully and cunningly I laid my plans for her murder. I would kill her while she sjept, in the early part of the night. Then I would give her trunk the appearance of having been rifled. I would go out into the town, get a friend to come home with me, and when I walked into her room would make the ghastly discov ery and shout for my friend to come in. Together we would investigate and find t hat she had been dead only a short while. I would call in an officer, accuse one of the servants, and then let the law do the rest. "It was about half past 10 at night, and I knew by her deep and regular breathing that she slept soundly. The light was burn ing dimly, aud even in her sleep I hated her with a hatred that belongs to the souls of the damned. I did not have to muster up my courage to do the deed. I gloated at the prospect and had to restrain myself until the time came. "I pressed my fingers fiercely and fran tically against her throat. I could hardly keep from shouting when I did. She struggled violently, but I held her with a demon's grip. With one of her hands she caught me by the wrist with such force that I had to pull violently to get it away. But soon it was over, and she had ceased breathing. Even death did not end my hatred. I longed for her to be hid from my sight. "The other parts of my plot were carried through without a break. The servant was arrested before morning, and then I was jubilant and happy, though I took good care to conceal it. "Karly tho next day several officers were there looking into the murder. I knew of course that they could not suspect me, and I was in the room with them as they were seeking some clew to the crime. One of them, looked at me a little curiously once or twice, and it made me just a trifle nerv ous, but how could he suspect mo? I chuckled to myself at the idea. And If he did, what proof had ho? "Presently, as he was bending over the dead body of my wife, he looked round suddenly and glanced, I thought, at my left hand. But I looked, and there was no scratch or mark upon It to betray me, and I was reassured. Then he called us to him where he bent over the body. In tho closed and stiffened fingers of the right hand he had found something. With a good deal of difficulty and with the help of the other officers, he forced It out. I did not see what it was, for he held it in his hand. "Before I could realize what bad hap pened, he and the others had seized me and forced my right hand up. There they saw my cuft and in it a gold button. Then he raised my left hand, and we all saw that the other button was gone. "I had not noticed it before, and my face must have blanched. But the officer only smiled. He held up the object that he had just forced out of my dead wife's hand. "It was a gold button, the ezaot coun terpart of the one I wore! "In hor struggles the night before she bad torn it from its place and held it in her hand to convict me of her murder. " Yes, tomorrow I will die," he repeated as he commenced pacing the iron floor again, "and with the last throb of my heart I will still curse her memory." W. M. Hobby in Atlanta Constitution. NOT HIS BRIDE'S MONEY THat is to Pay for Repairing Dales ot Marlborough's Palace. London, Jan. 6. In view of the num erous misstatements which have been made with reference to the improvements made at Blenheim castle, the home of the duke of Marlboroutrh, the duke author izes the publication of the report of the chartered accounts, showing that the en tire improvements had been paid out of the proceeds of the sale of Sunderland library and the portion of the Blenheim picture?, enamels and china to which the oresent duke became entitled at his majority. C. H. MORRISON Scientific Optician Graduate of the Chicago Opthalmlc College. 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