Newspaper Page Text
6 STATE JOURNAL, TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY 7, 1896. mom nventory Sale Bargains. $100 Beaver Capes, for. .$ 65 OO ea 135 Marten Capes, for. . 90 OO ea 175 Mink Capes for. . . . 120 OO ea 100 Seal Capes for ... . 72 OO ea 75 Seal Capes for SO OO ea 50 Seal Capes for .... 35 OO ea 35 Astrachan Capes . . 22 50 ea 55 Persian lamb Capes 19 50 ea 20 Baltic Seal Capes.. 13 SO ea 35 Seal Collars for .... 25 OO ea 25 Chinchilla Collars. 19 OO ea 30 Mink Muff & Collar 19 5Q ea DRESSGOODS. 50-in stylish Diagonals, 50-in English Tweed suitings,were CQC 90c and $1.25 yd.; this sale . . UvJyd Black Diagonal Cheviot was tf .11.35 yd, for D I yd Black. Cheval Cord, was $1.25 ft I $ yd, for 40 Black Mohair Granite, &1 itc J was yu, iui ww j Also in navy blue, black mohair, Perche ef fects sold at 75c yd for 59o yd Ladies' quilted Skirts, were $2 each, for $1.69 each. 4) Ladies' lined satine Skirts, were $2.25 each, for $1.89 each. Ladies' lined satine Skirts, were $2.50 each, for $2.19 each. W Ladies' Flannellette Night Robes, were $1 each for 85c each. 40 Beaver shawls,were $3 ea,for $1.98 ea CRANE WINS A POINT. His Exceisior Readers Are Accepted by the Board. MRS. BURTON MAKES A SPEECH In Favor of the American Book Com -linny's Readers Details or J lie Heel- ins:- At the monthly meeting of the board of education last night the fourth and lifih readers of the Excelsior series pub lished by George W. Crane were selected to succeed the American Book: company's publications, now in use. The action was in the nature of a surprise as it was thought that nothing more would be done with the matter. The action came up on the report of the text book committee, which was made by Chairman Millar. The commit tee favored the change of books, and Mr. Miller spoke a few words for the propo sition, saying that complaint was being made that pupils could not trade old books for new of the Harper series as the MUNYON What Mrs. Hemung Owes to His Im proved HonioM pailiic Remedies. CHRONIC CATARRH Or tbe 3Iost Obstinate Satnre Thor oughly and Permanently Cured. Oyapepsia, Rheumatlim, Kidney and All Blood and Verve Diseases Cured by Hnnyon's Improved Homeopathic Remedies At All Druggists. 85 Cents a Bottle. Mrs. H. D. A. Henning. 2000 Hollina street, Baltimore. Md., says: "My daugh ter Louisa sufiered from catarrh of the nose and throat for five years or more. Every morning her nose was completely stopped up with mucus and she suffered from pain and pressure across her fore head, sneezing and raising mucus from the throat, difficulty in breathing and heaviness across the chest. I tried sev eral physicians and different kinds of treatment, but she found bo benefit. Fin ally 1 began treating her with Munyon's Catarrh Remedies, and in a short time she was completely cured and has never had a symptom since." Are you willing to spend 50 cents for a cure that positively cures catarrh by re moving the cause of the disease? If so aak your druggist for a 25 cent bottle of Munvon's Catarrh Cure and a 25 cent bottle of Catarrh Tablets. The Catarrh Cure will eradicate the disease from the system and the tablets will cleanse and heal the afflicted parts and restore them to a natural and healthful condition . Munyon's Remedies contain positive 'cures for all diseases.- At all druggists, tnostly 25 cents. Personal letters to Professor Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered with free - medical advice for Hay disease. nnrcumu oc ou., 625 0 627 KANSAS AVE. Fancy Eiderdowns, were 65c fftC yd, go at UUyd Double Faced Eiderdowns, GtfjC were 75c, this sale Oa&yd California Blankets, were tf I f $13.50 pair, for $ IP pr Ladies' Silk Belt Hose Supporters, 17c pair. Ladies' Fine Pocketbooks,-were 75c, for 50c each. Gents' Heavy Lined Gloves, were $1.25 pair, for 98c pair. Ladies' Heavy Fur Top Kid Gloves, were $1.75 pair, for $1.38 pair. Ladies' Heavy Double Knit Wool Mittens, 15c and 25c pair. Silk Covered Down Pillows, special this sale, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 each. Tapestry Chair Cushions, $1.98 each. P I yd (h I Q C an I .Bal ,,rl contract and agreement called for. There were but eight of the ten mem bers of the board present. Jesse Shaw occupied the chair, with Members Wil son, Wilder, Beck, Powell, Macferran and Squires present, and Priddy and Westerlield absent Dr. Powell favored more time to con sider the report before action was taken and wanted the matter pur. off until the next meeting. He was answered by Mr. Miller, who urged action, stating that they had already been considering the matter all fall. Sir. Wilson, who ha3 been in favor of the Excelsior series en tire from the start, also spoke in favor of the Crane readers. Mrs. Burton, wife of the representa tive of the American Book company, who is in Chicago at present, asked to be allowed to say a few worda This was granted and she bitterly criticised the Excelsior readers. She asked the board not to be governed by "wild talk" of Mr. Crane, but by the interests of the children. She said that the board had a contract with the book company for Harper's readers and that there were several hundred of the books on hand. Air. Squires explained that the board had determined on the O. C Hill readers, but that the American Book company had substituted Harper's. He did not consider that they were bound to the present series. Mr. Crane made a mild speech in favor of his books. He said that the Hill readers were not supplied by the American Book company be cause it had determined not to furnish that book where It could pos sibly substitute something eise. "My books have no more errors in them thau the American Book company's," said Mr. Crane. Dr. Powell again counseled delay, but his motion to defer action a month was lost, and the vote taken. Dr. Powell and Mr. Beck voted against adopting the fourth and fifth Excelsior readers but the report of the committee was adopted by the vote of Wilson, Wilder, Miller, Squires and Macferran. The board adapted a motion by Mr. Beck to advise the high school committee to secure a speaker for the midwinter commencement, instead of having ora tions by members of the graduating class. HAD TO SIGN THE CHECKS. Peculiar Method of - a Santa Monica, Calif. Robber to Secure Casta. Los Angelks, Jan. 7. A H. Brownley of London, Canada was held up on the beach at Santa Monica and at the point of a pistol forced to sign ten American express company checks of $50 each Brownley made the acquaintance of the man by whom he was robbed while trav eling and the two were walking on the beach when the stranger drew a pistol and demanded Brownley's money. Brown ley had nothing but the express com pany's checks which he was compelled to sign. Pom in Place City Conncil. The Potwin Place city council con vened in regular session last evening. Mayor W. M. Forbes presiding. Of councilmen there was just a quorum present, Messrs. Atwood, Oglesvy and Griffith. Those absent were Willard and Jetmore. No business of importance came up before the meeting. The fol lowing bills were allowed: James Booth for team, $6.25; J. E. Wilson for work, $6.25; D. K. Thompson for laying brick sidewalk and labor, $1U7.96; E. P. Ewart for lumber, $19.14; Kitchell & Mar bur?, $17.20; ban Vapor Street .Light com pany, $29.75; H. P. Miller, $2.U0. 3 Germantown Yarn, large skeins, 3 for 25c. Fancy Denim Table Covers, were $1.25, for $1 each. BOOKS I Well bound, 10c a volume. Popular new books sold at $1.50 vol- ume, this sale, 98c volume. Books sold at 75c a volume, 49c a volume. (p Calendars at one-half price. SWINE BREEDERS HERE. Forty Members of the Association Meet and Discuss Papers. The Kansas Swine Breeders' associa tion held its sixth annual session yester day afternoon and evening and this morning at the parlor of the National hotel. Not more than forty members of the association were present. R. S. Cooke, of Wichita, is president, and O. P. Updegraff, of Topeka, is the secretary. During the afternoon and evening yes terday there were several good papers. P. S. Cooke read his president's address. H. S. Day, of Dwight. was not present and his paper, "Why I Breed Chester Whites." was read by J. T. Law ton, of Topeka. Among other papers were, "What I Know of Bers shires," by J. R Killough of Richland; "The Bacon Hog for the English Mar ket," by H. B. Cowles of Topeka, and "Public Swine Sales," a general discus sion led by S. A Sawyer and Eli Zim merman. At the evening session ex-Gov. G. W. Glick of Atchison was present and so was F. B. Coburn. -Mr. Glick, who has had thirty year3 experience with all kinds of hogs, in and and out of politics, said that of all the hogs he had had to do with from poli ticians up he preferred Berkshires. Those who attended the meetings of the association were. G. W. Glick, Atch ison;. T. A. Hubbard. Rome; G. W. Ber ry, Berry ton; H. M. Kirkpatrick.Conners; J. L Bhss, Ottawa. Johu Warner, Man hattan; J. E. HoagUnd, Holton; G. A. Watkins, Whiting; M. C. Van3ell, Mus cotah; J. F. Ripley, Severance; W. A. Harris, Linwood; J. S. Magars, Arcadia; S. A. Sawyer. Manhattan; AR Killough, Richland; C. E. Westbrook, Peabody; J. S. Lawton, North Topeka; D. A Will iams, Silver Lake; B. Al. Winter, Irving; R. A Steele, Belvoir; D. L Button, North Topeka; D. M. Frost, Garden City; John Whitworth, Emporia; Prof. E Haworth, Lawrence; J. P. Brown, Thompsonville, and J. B. Zaue, Topeka. Af ter a Pardon for 51. P, Heath. An application has been filed with the state board of pardons asking for the pardon of H. P. Heath who was sent to the penitentiary from Emporia for three years for attempting to obtain money under false pretenses by using the name of Frank H. Truesdell. Heath has some rich relatives in Iowa who are using their influence to secure his release. 1 LOCAL MENTION. The Populist league of Topeka will hold its annual election of officers this evening, at 4:20 Kansas avenue. The election is to be followed by a banquet. At the Christian church, Rev. D. D. Boyle preached to a large audience last night on the theme, "The Woman at Jacob's Well." Service tonight at 7:30 o'clock, the first half hour being devoted to song, led by Mr. Dawdy. Miss Carrie F. Klusmeier died of con sumption at her residence, 301 Polk street, this city, at 1:30 p.m., January 6tb, aged 32 years. The remains will be taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr. R. C. Moore, at Holton, Kansas, Tuesday afternoon, January 7th. from which place the funeral will be held Friday, January 10th, at 2 p. in. Notice. I have employed Wm. Lietzow as meat cutter at my market and he would be glad to have all his friends to come and see him on West Sixth street, two blocks from Kansas ave. G. P. Beach. If you want all the news subscribe for the Jouknau IN THE SOCIETY WORLD. Annual Epiphany Party at Mr. and Mrs. Henderson's. GENERAL BOTES OF SOCIETY. Pea-sonal Items of Interest About Topeka People and Visitors in Town (Persons sending social Items to this depart ment will please give their name and address in order to secure publication, i Ye Queene Byddeth toe suppe Wytb. her Twelfth Night, January Sixth at seven by Ye Towne Clcck. Bone at ye White." Palace, S;tua'e in ye gcodlie citie of Potwin. Bidden by this antique document which was of beautifully inscribed parchment, the vestrymen and their wives, and clergy and their wives who comprise the Epiphany party of Grace church, assembled last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hender son in Potwin, for their yearly reunion. The purpose of the Epiphany party which is held on Twelfth Night, is to bring together the lay officers of the church onco a year, at which the ring in the Epiphany cake represents the cor poration. Last evening there were no absentees'. Those present were Bishop and Mn Frank R. Millsoaugh.Dean and Mrs. Har ry L Bodley, Dr. and Mrs. S. E Sheldon, Dr. and Mrs. J. C McClintock, Mr. and Airs. D. W. Nellis, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kellam, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E Holliday, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. N. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Noel, Canon Miner, Mi68 Smilej", the host, Mr. Hen derson, and the hostess and queen Mrs. Henderson. The handsome house was decorated throughout with roses and other flowers, as well as palms and an abundance of Christmas greens and holly. On either side of the throne stood small Christmas trees from which by direction of the queen, the ladies and gentlemen selected a present. These were all small musical instru ments, trumpets, drums, triangles, tam bourines, etc., and each had a duplicate on the other tree. The ladies selecting from the one at the left of the throne and the gentlemen from the one at the right were instructed to find a partner for supper by matching their instruments thus chosen. After much merriment, all were seated at the large table, and four small tables all of which were decorated, and supper was served in courses. The Epiphany cake was cut by tho I king, Mr. D. W. Nellis representing the senior warden and Mrs. Millspaugh find ing the ring in her slice of cake was officially declared the queen for next year, when she will be hostess at the Epiphany party. The king was chosen in the usual fash ion by each gentlemen taking a bean from a cup with twelve beans in it, eleven white ones and one black one, Mr. P. G. Noel securing the black. Then Bishop Millspaugh crowned them, the king with a gilt cardboard crown and the queen with a coronet of flowers. The bishop also made a beautiful me morial address ragardwig the late Bishop Thomas, and trace's of his life work, and its influence as found by Bishop Mills paugh following in his footsteps. A letter of greeting was read from Mr. and Mrs. C. R O'Donald, and a telegram from Mrs. Bishop Thomas. From the wassail bowl the assembled company drank the health of Dean Bodley the new member, who has been appointed scribe. Dean Bodley bowed before the throne and greeted the pair thus: 0 Queen, the Dean! To thee O King, my spouse I bring. 1 hat to ye royal pair Allegiance we may swear. To Queen arul King, our troth we plight, 'i ill next Twelfth Night. O Q.ueen 1 promise: Never your rights to, circumscribe. Always to your n:n is to subscribe. ITour enemies ever to proscribe The proper rites for this occasion to prescribe, 'lhe records of it faithfully to inscribe. Its observances to describe. Toyou all proper glory and majesty ascribe. And ever to be faithfully your scribe. After the formalities of the evening were over the guests made merry as boys and girls, then parted to meet next year with the new queen, Mrs. F. P. Millspaugh. At an fimporla Party. Among the Topeka people present at a large party given at Emporia New Year's eve, wero "!r. and Mrs. Eastman and Miss Gussie Fuller. Mrs. Eastman wore a ikirtof black and blue pompadour silk, fancy decolete bod ice of blue crepon, blue slippers and gloves. Miss Fuller, skirt of black brocade sat in, fancy bodice of white silk draped in white chiffon and trimmed with bands of jet black. Miss Kittle Whitley, of Emporia, who has frequently been Miss Fuller's guest, pink organdy over, pink taffeta, stock and folded belt of pink satin, gloves and slippers en suite. Miss Hattie Lakin, also popular in To peka society, pink taffeta silk, low cut bodice outlined with wild roses, folded belt of pink satin ribbon. Mrs. I. J. Keebler. handsome costume of black silk crepon, vest of heavy cream satin, overlaid with gold passementerie, stock collar and folded belt of violet vel vet Mre. I. D. Lewis, Mrs. George Craw ford's sister, handsome street costume. Mrs. Harry Hood, handsome street costume. Miss Sallie Flenniken. blue and white organdy over white silk, trimmed with knots and bands of pale blue satin, blue gloves and slippers. Gen.ral Social Nte. During the progress of the New Year's party at Library hall a telegram to the Sans Pareil club from Miss Ona" McFad den was read. It said: "A happy New Year to you, one and all. I wish that I could call." The annual meeting of the Kindergar ten association will take place at the Throop hotel tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Crosby and chil dren returned today from St. Louis, ac companied by Mrs, Crosby's sister, Miss Adeil Deickriedie, who will visit them. Mr. aud Mrs. E. A. Beecher entertain ed Mr. Fred Newman acd children, Maj. Calvin Hood and wife, Miss Alice Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hood and Mr. Theo. Hammatt of Topeka at a very elegant 6 o'clock dinner New Year's day. Empo ria Gazette. Palmer B. Felt of Barnes, who has been visiting his uncle, E K. Felt, left today to attend the university at Law rence. Mr. Hal Hazlett has returned to medi cal school at St. Louis. The committee on arrangements for the charity ball will meet at the Cope land this evening. The Topeka Whist club met last even ing with Mr. G. E Pounds. Mr. W. J. Black and Mr. Pounds lead in the score. A N.'w Rebakah Dae;ree Lodp. Monarch Rebekah Degree lodge was instituted by Mrs. Annette Bartle last evening at 418 Kansas avenue with a membership of thirty-six. The following officers were installed: Noble grand, Zora B. West; vice grand, Elizabeth Jones, secretary, Blanche Brooks; treasurer, Alice Crofford; war den, Lillian Vick; outside guard an, Maty Lane; inside guardian, Lissio Sbillinglaw. At the close a banquet was held which was enjoyed by all. PEARL EYTINGE A WRECK. A Once Stated Actress tbe Victim of Liquor aud Bangs. Chicago, 111., Jan. 7. A Times-Herald special from New York says: The news that Peurl Eytinge is lying critically ill at the Flower hospital in this city, suffer ing from alcoholism and morphine poisoning, will come as a shock to many people the country over, who remem bered the woman as a beautiful and ac complished actress, who for years charmed the audiences at Wallack's, where she took ingenue parts under the management of Lester Wallack. Later she startled the theater-going public by appearing as Isa in 'The Clemenceau Caao." Miss Eytinge was yesterday removed from her home on East Forty-eighth street to the hospital. The house whete she lives was given to Miss Eytinge in 1S9J by Bobert Cheeseboro, the vaselino manufacturer. The woman's beauty is a thing of the past. She is a slave to drink and narcotic drugs. Not yet 40 years of age, her life and brains have been burned out, and the end is very near. WAS A PATHETIC FUNERAL Fonr Boys Burled a Dog That Had Been a Faithful Friend and Companion. Washington Star: I was walk ing along the canal the other day when1 my attention was at tracted by a novel funeral procession. Four little boys, the oldest about 10 years of age, and the youngest a tod dler of two or three summers, wero crying as though their little hearts were broken. The oldest was drawing a small band wagon, which contained a bundle. Following this were the other three boys in line. Each had upon his arm a strip of black, calico, while the wagon was decorated with the same material. I stopped them and asked what the matter was. "It's a funeral, sir," said the eldest boy; "our little dog died yesterday." Then lift ing the little bundle from the wagon he threw it into the canal, and the Sour brothers put their arms around each other, gave way to a grief as real as any they will ever know, for the dog was their playmate and they loved him as they did one another. And as the boys slowly wended their ways back, home, I could see that there would be little play for them that day. The Court Couldn't Decide. From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat: Judge Buck, of the Superior court at Spokane, has for three days past been hearing arguments in the case of the state against John W. Considine, pro prietor of a variety theater, who is charged with the crime of having (Vio lated a new state law called the "oar maid act." wnich prohibits females from being employed in any place where is liquor is sold, and which was being attacked as to its constitutionali ty. The lawyers had all assembled in court this morning to resume argu ments, when Judge Buck arose and said: "Gentlemen, I learned for the first time last night that my wife was the author of that bill, and, that being tho case, I will decline to pass upon the question of its constitutionality." The arguments will now have to be gone over again before one of the other judges. Life in Washington. The absence of nerve-racking noises is a heavenly feature of this town. A New Yorker naturally feels when he gets to Washington as if he had arrived at some peaceful hamlet like Flushing or Nyack-on-the-Hudson. He is also surprised to find how far his money goes. One groveling commercial crea ture declares that he never was rich but once in his life, and that was when he was making $125 a month in Wash ington. He had everything he wanted, he belonged to a swell club, dressed like a lord, had a Manhattan cocktail every morning and smoked the best cigars. In an evil hour he accepted a place in New York at $7,000 a year, and he has been on the ragged edge of pau perism ever " since. Boston Tran script's Washington letter. : '.rh A Matter of Patience. Tt seems to rfie, Joslah." said Mrs. Corntossel, "thet we ain't keepin' up with the times." "Never you mind, Mandy." was the reply; "never you mind. The styles keep a changin' so often an' so fast thet ef we jes' stick right whur we air, they're boun' ter come our way in the course of time, an' we'll be right in the swim wethout no effort whatsomever." One at a Time, Please. Father (whose wife has presented him with twins) Tommy you may stay home from school to-day and to-morrow tell the teacher that you have two new brothers. Tommy Wouldn't it be better to say I have only one new brother? Then I can stay home a day next week for the other one? Oakland Times. Try ns on collars. We can make them look like new. Peerless Steam Laundry, 112 and 114 W. 8th. ' FOR NEGLIGEE WEAR, Bow the Kew Tea Gowns and Breakfast dacitets Are Made and Trimmed. The latest negligee gowns and lingerie of all sorts and descriptions display a growth in extravagance which is in pro portion to the luxurious tastes of the day, and the demand for pretty under garments seems likely to continue, de spite the fads of the new woman and the periodical attempts of the dress re- A STYLISH TEA GOWN". formers to bring about a revolution in feminine attire. Negligee gowns for morning wear are made of cashmere, flowered taffeta silk, French flannels and crepons, one of the last, in cream white spotted with white silk dots and lined with pink or blue Uk, being espe cially effective. Albatross may be sub stituted for tbe silk lining, as it is cheaper, warmer and almost as pretty. The more dressy gowns, whioh aspire to the dignity of tea gowns, are made of fancy brocaded silks, velveteens and lib erty satin. Green and -blue- lined with pink are both pretty and a gown of apri cot satin is especially attractive, made quite plain, with a large fichu of ivory white chiffon, edged with lace, covering the shoulders and crossing in front with long ends, and fastened down balow the bu6t and at the waist with rosettes and straps of ribbon. The watteau back is a favorite style for tea gowns as well as the more simple- morning dress, and the fullness may be either shirred or laid in double box plaits across the shoulders. Cashmere gowns with full fronts of soft silk are still worn as of old, except that the deep, square collar of velvet or silk, bordered with a frill of lace, stamps them new. A gown illustrated in tho New York Snn, which reports these lato styles, is of crepon in any of the pet colors and the collar is of velvet in a darker shade, cut square in tho back and with stole ends in front and trimmed with applique lace insertion on the edge. Frills of lace finis the sleeves, and sat in ribbon ties around the waist. Breakfast jackets of flounced and striped taffeta in light and medium shades are lined -warmly with albatross and cut in a simple straight sac fitted partially under the arms and drawn down in a few plaits at the waist both back and front. Wide collars of various sizes and shapes cover the shoulders and many of the sleeves are made after the bishop pattern, with either frills of laco or a lace trimmed cuff at the waist. The collars are made of alternate bands of silk and lace insertion and trimmed on the edge with lace. The neckband of ribbon has a ruffle of lace and ribbon ties around the waist. How to Make Poached Egga With Gravy. The eggs must be very fresh and can only be poached a few at a time. Boil some acidulated water w-ith a little salt, break the eggs in a shallow saucer and slip them in, dropping each egg exactly in the spot where the water bubbles. With a small, deep skimmer turn tbe egg, gathering it together so that it takes an oblong shape. Then remove the pan to the side of the fire until the egg is hard enough not to break Lift it up, pour hot gravy over, laying each egg on a round of toast, and serve at once. Venetian Bent Iron Work. Venetian bent iron work is very sim ply constructed, and although the fin ished work may seem to a great many people to be quite a task, that only a thorough mechanic can master, this is FLOWER STAND IN IRONWORK. not the case, as any skillful amateur can reproduce almost any design in this kind of work without any previous knowledge -of the art. Ironwork of this kind gives an opportunity to those who have a desire to get up something en tirely novel to ornament their homes, and to assist in this laudable work The Dec orator and Furnisher gives an illustra tion of a stand to serve as a receptacle for a dainty glass vase. There are stores in the larger cities where all the ma terial for art metal work is kept and at such a low price that all can avail themselves of the materials for execut ing this interesting work qj, UkY0R SUTE0. SAN FRANCISCO EXECUT1VEA MODELER IN DOUGH. Makes Tittle Flgra and Seals Likenesses "of These Familiar Animal Grow Under Ills Fingers with Rapidity It la a "TowUka Talent. " ROM THE SAN Francisco Chroni cle: Great men are peculiar in their hours of ease. All of them have their hobbies in private life and ride them. History teems with incidents. Nero had a passion for fid dling and Cincin- natus grew the best cabbages in early Rome, nearly as good as those grown Eome centuries later by George I in his new English garden. Peter the Great was an amateur ship-builder of no mean ability, while Henry III of France was an artificer in clocks, several of the Louises also being expert locksmiths. Few of the really great men except Jim Corbett were ever given to athletics, but there is one notable instance in the case of Louis Philippe, for the season that, while he had never practiced on the cinder path, he became at one bound the most remarkable sprinter in Europe. Everybody knows all about good King Cole, who was a jolly old soul, which brings the history of hob bies down to Mayor Sutro, of San Fran cisco, lord of the seal rock, grand seigneur of the City Hall and a whole lot of other things besides. Mayor Sutro has a hobby an artistic one at that which his modesty has kept hid den for, lo, these many years, fifteen at least. The Mayor is a modeler in clay and dougfc, an humble follower in the classic footsteps of Phidias and Michael Angelo. With a twist of his wrist and a twirl of his thumbs he turns out won derful forms, testifying to his genius and his skill and the bea'uty of the plas tic art. His Honor has never tried his hand at an herioc piece and, while h9 can, he has done very little in clay. He prefers dough. He fairly revels in dough. Let artistic souls writhe In agony ever wliat they may consider a plebeian prostitution of a noble art. Let them turn up their noses and rail at dough! What of it? Mayor Sutro cannot help it. Like King Midas of old, everything he touches turns to dough; and at the present time they say he has more of it than any other great man in San Francisco. Having plenty, he does what he pleases with it, and h9 pleases to make little pigs and baby seals and cows and horses and to cover them over with a coating of mucilage and present them to his friends as souvenirs. Verily, in the hands of May or Sutro, dough has supplemented the rocks of ancient art. For something like fifteen years has Mayor Sutro con cealed his greatest accomplishment from the people who are now his con stituents. For nearly three lustres has he chosen to conceal the light of his genius under a bushel. Now it Is all out. The Mayor has blushingly ac knowledged it and stands ready to take his place in the hall of fame in company with Alexander Badlam and the butter sculptress. Dough and butter! Bread and oleo! "Yes," said Mayor Sutro in his office the other day. after a certain amount of fcasbful hesitation, "I make a good many little things out of dough, principally animals. Little pigs, little seals, cows and horses. I have a talent that way, and I have amused a great many people with it in the last fifteen years. I dou't know, really, how I dis covered it a sort of Topsy-like talent, I suppose. It just grew. When I was in Europe some years ago I used to make little figures out of me bread I would take from the table, and surprise a great many people. Very few people here knew I could do this just a few of my friends, and I have not said very much about it. I have a number of the figures at my house out on the Heights, and several of my friends have more. Just as soon as they are made, you know, you coat them with mucilage, and they will last any length of time." The first intimation of the Mayor's genius in this direction, outside of his own immediate family, was given on the veranda of Argioni's Hotel, on How ell rrvuntain, one hot summer's day about eight years ago. His now Honor had driven up the hot dusty road in the hottest day in all the year, and once he had cleared the cobwebs from his throat was a positive godsend to the summer girls, who hadn't seen anyone to talk to but themselves, a far-gone consump tive and the red-headed landlord. They took him in tow immediately, and bi3 Honor held forth on the then most pop ular subject with himself, himself. Even interest in this flagged after a time, and the guests paraded in for dinner clearly ennuied. They went through the meal perfunctorily, and when it was finished returned to the veranda. Sutro started in afresh on his popular subject, and while he talked, the young ladies noticed he was working in his hands the inside of a piece of bread he had taken from the table. Away he talked and fingered the bread, until suddenly he stopped and har.led to the voung lady nearest him the product of his hands a perfect little pig. The monarch of seal rocks was in demand at once. Each summer girl present wanted a sample of his art, and so long as Argioni's bread held out Sutro turned out chickens, more pigs, seals, cats, dromedaries and horses. It is said that he blushed furiously all that afternoon and the next day at the compliments paid to his really won derful skill. Any number of these same pieces, furnished at Argioni's eight years ago. and coated with mu cilage on the spot to keep them from cracking, are still in a beautiful state of preservation.