Newspaper Page Text
i f jf rf - PART SECOND, t Pairs 9 TOPEKA, KANSAS, SEPTEMBER 25, 1S96. FRIDAY EVENING. TWO CENTS. FRIDAY EVENING. TWO CENTS. Li r sr. - - - t 3 I ' VI THE STATE JOURNAL'S NEW BUILDING, ERECTED IN 1S96, FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THIS PAPER. THE STATE JOURA! A Description of the New Home Especially Constructed For This Paper, And Into Which the Ofiice and Plant Have Just Been Located. A Model Newspaper Building With 2Iodern Facilities and Equipment. It's Entire Three Floors Used Alone For the Publication of the State Journal. On this page is given an outline pic ture showing the new State Journal Building, into which the plant and newspaper office has just been moved. The building stands on a site, one of the most prominent in Topeka, where The Journal has been published for eleven years during its entire present ownership, with the exception of the period during the construction of the new building when temporary quarters were occupied at 111 and 113 East Sev enth street. The new and permanent home of the paper is located at the southeast cor ner of Kansas avenue and Eighth street, on two lots with a frontage of fifty feet on Kansas avenue and seventy-five feet on Eighth street. The building is constructed in a most sub stantial manner of brick and stone, the facing being of the best hydraulic red pressed brick. The building is of three floors, two stories and basement, is entirely used for the publication ot the State Journal newspaper and has been planned and erected w ith the view of affording the very best facilities for the publication of a modern daily. The architect is Mr. H. M. Hadley ot this city, who is one of the ablest and nest qualified men in his profession. He has designed and constructed a large number of prominent buildings and residences in Topeka and in many cities and towns in Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri. In preparing the plans and specifica tions for the State Journal building, Mr. Hadley has been most careful, ac curate and pains taking. Many months wwe taken in order to first construct the building on paper properly and with the best arrangements and facil ities. No architect could have been more patient nor accommodating in making the various changes from time to time as required by the State Jour nal in order to make a model building tor the use demanded. The actual contract was let on April 11. 1S96, to Michael Heery, and on the same day work was begun in removing the old one story building which had stood as the home of the paper under the present management for ten years. Michael Heery is one of the best known contractors in the state. He has lived In Topeka for more than a quarter ot a century and has constructed many ot the prominent buildings of this city. He is at present a member of the state board of public works, and no con tractor in Kansas bears a better repu tation for ability and integrity. The State Journal building is one to which he can "point with pride." Under Mr. Heery were a large number of sub-contractors, as well as a number of others whose work was in addition to and in dependent of the general contract taken by Mr. Heery. The various sub contractors used the greatest care and took the same pride in their work, seeming determined that the State Journal building should be a model of workmanship and material and one to which they could always refer as an ex ample of their skill and ability. The excavating for the basement and foundations was done by David Mc Nair. The brick and stone work was by J. A. Nelson and Chas. Tulien, w ho had a large force of skilled workmen under them. It is said that there is no build ing in Topeka which has a better foun dation than this one. The trenches were dug in a solid bed of fine clay. A thick concrete course of Portland cement and broken rock was placed in the trenches and thoroughly rammed In an approved manner. After the concrete cama the tootla course of huge blocks of stone from the Deer Creek quaries. These rock were so large as to create the most favorable comment as they were put in place. Three of them made a load for a large stone wagon. Each stone was about two feet thick, the same width and about three Eeet in length. The brick was furnished by the To peka Vitrified Brick Works, with the exception of the facing brick which came from the Kansas City Hydraulic Pressed Brick company, the quality be ing the best made by that concern. The brick was purchased through Wallace M. Rynerson of this city. The iron work came from R. L. Co fran's Western Foundry and Machine shops, one of the oldest and best in stitutions in the west, a concern which always turns out the best of material anil product. The galvanized iron work was made by that well known manufacturer, Louis Van Dorp. The lumber was furnished by the Chicago Lumber company, Robert Pierce, president, and the joists used for the floors were made to order of extra strength and especially trussed to provide unyielding floors. The floors are all double and have deadening pa per between. What is known as the mill work, which includes the doors and win dows and the glass, was furnished by Jonathan Thomas, one of the best and strongest firms in the state of Kan sas. The plastering was done by Robert Hallahan, and the material used was the famous Acme cement from Gyp sum City, Kansas. and supplied through W. I. Miller of Topeka. This plaster is practically fireproof and is hard like stone. The roof was built by John Bradley of the Topeka Roofing company. Mr. Bradley says it contains the pure as phalt and is in every way one of the best roofs in Topeka. The painting was by P. S. Withers and Charles Miller, who do not hesitate to refer to their work on this build ing. The exterior coior is the Sherman-Williams celebrated paint and was furnished by Swift & Holliday. The interior finish is in the natural wood with several coats of oil and with Berry Brothers' varnish from the same concern. The hardware was made to order by the Reading Hardware company of Reading, Pa., and is of the material known as Bauer-Barff. The iron railings were furnished by the Topeka Co-Operative Plumbing company. The windows are all hung with copper cables, instead of rope. The cut stone work is from the yards of Cuthbert & Sargent. The terra cotta window sills are something new and will not wash and mar the brick work. They are from the St. Louis Terra Cotta Works. The building was designed to be plain, convenient and substantial, and this theory is carried to results throughout. Among the contracts which were in addition to the principal contract ta ken by Mr. Heery, were the following: The plumbing, gas fitting and heat ing, which is one of the most extensive and complete orders of its kind in To peka, was taken by the well known firm of Prescott & Co., of this city. The heating is on the hot water system. The boiler is what is known as the Ideal" and Prescott & Co. propose that their work in this line shall be a model in every respect and entirely in consonance with the name, "Ideal," of the particular system of hot water heating adopted. The large floor space in the business office covered with tiling exhibits the work of Pernald, Martin & Co. The de sign i3 what is known as the basket pattern, the colors are dark red and buff. At the entrance the name "State Journal" is worked in tile let ters into the body of the floor. The speaking tubes, connecting the various departments of the paper, were furnished by Arthur Lee of this city. The electric light wiring was done by E. P. Jordan of this city, ffhis work was done in careful compliance with insurance rules and in such a manner as to be one of the model pieces of electric light construction in this city. Mr. Jordan for many years was fore man for the Edison company of this city, but is now a contractor for him self. All material is of the highest grade. Vitrified bushings and brass armored conduit, are used to insulate from wood, brick and stone walls. A fire proof cut-out box is placed on each floor, where all circuits terminate. A very convenient feature of the wiring worthy of note, is the way circuits are arranged. Every room in the building has from two to three circuits in it, so that if one should go out, a person is not left in darkness, while it is being repaired. The wires are sufficient to carry twice the number of lights that are in use, without a noticeable drop, and so arranged that the building can be put on the two or three wire sys tem. A large switch is located where main service enters the building so that the current can be cut off every department in an instant. Mr. Jordan is naturally proud of his portion of the construction of the building. The electric motor wiring for the two power motors, and various electric sup plies for the building were furnished by the Edison Electric Light and Il luminating company of Topeka. The tinting of the walls in the count ing room and otherroomswas done by W. W. Gillespie, an expert Topeka dec orator. In the basement Is the large storage room for paper. As The Journal uses a car load of white paper for its daily edition alone each month, an idea may be formed of the necessity of a capac ious storage room for this supply. In the rear of the paper room is the coal room; adjoining this is the boiler room. A large portion of the basement is taken up by the special foundation for the press and by the shafting for driv ing the press, stereotype machinery and linotypes, all the belts and shaft ing being beneath the floor on which the machinery is located. The remain der of the basement furnishes the car riers and newsboys' room. This is connected with the press room above by an automatic box and chute, which delivers the papers from the press room to the carriers in lots of 200 cop ies. The building is strong in two very important features, light and air, and is so constructed that both are ad mitted on the four sides of the build ing. The building completed costs $12 000 and was erected by Frank P. MacLen nan, the owner of the State Journal, as the home of the paper and for the ex clusive use in the publication thereof. THE THREE FLOORS. How the Various Offices and Depart ments Are Arranged. On the first floor at the corner is the counting room, or business office. This room is twenty-three by twenty-seven feet and is divided by a long oak coun ter which separates the desks and working department from the portion given to customers and the public, a space nine by twenty-seven feet floored with tiling. To the right of the business office is the composing and linotype room, which with the mailing department is given a floor space of twenty-three by seventy three feet. This room is one of the model rooms of its kind. The lino types occupy the front portion and their operation is in plain view from the side walk and also through a large window from the business office. This room receives light and air from four sides. In the rear of the business office and occupying the middle of the Eighth street front is the press room, which is one of the most unique imaginable. The press is so located that a width of eighteen feet of plate glass, in two win dows, gives the public a view of thi marvelous machine from the sidewalk and those who care to spend an hour and more at the windows can see the State Journal's eleven thousand papers printed each day. If they can count from two to three a second and have the patience to be accurate and pains taking they will learn that the State Journal actually prints each day more than eleven thousand complete eight page daily papers. In the rear of the press room and ad jacent to the press room is the stereo type room, the newspaper's foundry. The operation of printing and stereo typing is described in another column in this issue. Leading up from the business office is what is said to be the easiest flight of stairs in Topeka. Half way up from a broad landing opens a door to a bal cony from which ladies and visitors generally may see the press without danger or annoyance. At the head of the stairs is a roomy corridor from which opens the various upstairs departments of the paper. Here is Mr. MacLennan's office, from which is one of the finest views of To peka's business streets. Adjoining is the telegraph office. Here the Associ ated Press wires go all day long and ail night, too, the news being taken off In this room far the State Journal from 7:30 in the moring till 5 and later in the evening. The Associated Presa news is taken frcm. the wire by sound directly upon the typewriter by a tele graph operator employed by the Asso ciated Press exclusively for the State Journal. The Journal also receives a typewritten copy of all the news which comes during the night. In the tele graph room are also special wires for receiving election and special news. Here also is located a set of "repeat ers" which send the news automatically to Wichita, the only other point in Kan sas where the full Associated Press re port is delivered. The wires into the Journal's telegraph office are carried into the building in a 19-wire cable. Several of these wires are for future use. Aside from news wires they in clude electric clock, Western Union call and messenger wires. The tele graph office of the Journal is one of the most complete in the country. Adjoining the telegraph room is that of Mr. F. H. Collier, associate editor of the paper. This is one of the most comfortable working rooms in the building and off from it, with a door also from the corridor, is the reporters' headquarters, a room full of light and air covering a floor space of twenty three by twenty-eight . feet. Other rooms on this floor are for the exchange department, filing room, artist's room and toilet rooms. THE GROWTH OF THE PAPER. From 800 to 1 1,000 Circulation in Eleven Years. In October, 1885, when the present proprietor bought the State Journal at public auction the total circulation was 800 copies and seven carriers were em ployed to deliver the paper in Topeka. Today the total circulation exceeds 11,000 and forty-three carriers are em ployed, who receive their papers each evening at the Journal ofiice. The daily in 18S5 was of four pages only, contained about one-fifth the amount of news and cost the subscribers more money than it does today. Washburn college students alone earn ever $500 a month delivering State Journals to regular subscribers in To peka. The carriers are young men and in the main are students at Washburn, the high school or the business colleges. This paper devotes so much space to its carriers and circulation because cir culation is of prime importance about a newspaper. The advertiser wants to reach all the people, net for one day or one week, but for any or every day, and the paper which goes everyday to practically everybody in Topeka who can read, is the paper which reaches the merchants' customers and before whom he can place his announcements promptly and surely. The Journal furnishes a detailed statement of its circulation every year. These figures are guaranteed by a $100 forfeit by the American Newspaper Di rectory publishers of New York, which concern also guarantees that the State Journal for the last year had a larger circulation than any other Topeka daily. The following Is a true statement of the growth of the circulation of the To peka Daily State Journal: In 1885 the circulation was 800 January 1, 1S31, were printed 3,125 Dally average for year 1891 4,380 Daily average for year 18S2 5,069 Daily average for year 1893 6,213 Daily average for year 1894 8,418 Dally average for year 1895 9,217 Daily average 1st 6 months, 1896 j. 10,625 THE WORKING FORCE. The Large If umber of People Requir ed on a Live Newspaper. Few people understand or appreciate the large number of people required iri the conduct of a modern daily news paper and the enormous expense de manded to produce a paper which is sold for two cents a copy or delivered each evening for ten cents a week. The State Journal employs eighty To peka people whose names are given be low. Forty-three young men are re quired to deliver the daily edition in Topeka and suburbs. These forty three make an average of five dollars a week each, some more, others less, an aggregate of nearly ten thousand dollars a year. This is a pretty big sum for the circulating of one paper in one city, but then the work is thor oughly done and Topeka and vicinity are literally enveloped in Journals every evening. The aggregate amount spent for labor by the Journal is about $35,000 annu ally, or nearly $3,000 monthly. This is more than half the gross receipts. In addition to the list below the Jour nal has carriers, agents and corre spondents in various Kansas towns. Editorial Department. FRANK P. MAC LENNAN, Editor and Proprietor. FRED H. COLLIER, Associate Ed itor. L. L. KIENE, City Editor. M. F. MURPHY, Telegraph Editor. W. T. BROWN, Proof Reader and Special Writer. FRED W. BADGER, Reporter. E. W. TATMAN, Political Reporter. AUSTIN C. BRADY. Railroad Re porter. WM. M. LYON, Reporter. E. W. ELLIS, Exchange and Sport ing Reporter. MAUDE GERALDINE STACEY, So ciety Reporter. W. W. CARR, Associated Presa Tel egraph Operator. Business Department OSCAR D. WOLF, Circulator. CHAS. E. LAGERSTBOM, Advertis ing Manager. LEE SIDWELL, Book-keeper. HARRY SCULL, Advertising Solicitor. CHAS. S. HUTTON, Traveling Agent HARRY C. ROOT, Traveling Agent. J. M. BLAKE, Traveling Agent. GEO. P. WALLACE. Display "AA" Compositor. JOHN W. MAXWELL, Display "Ad" Compositor. D. H. CRABBS, Display "Ad" Com positor. Stereotype and Press Rooms. J. H. WETHERELL, Stereotyper. E. J. EARLY, Pressman. RAYMOND EVANS, Assistant Stere otyper and Assistant Pressman. Mailing Department. IKE M. COHEN. Mailing Clerk. ROSS HELLER, Assistant Mailing Clerk. BEN F. COHN, Assistant Mailing clerk. LEON DETLOR, Messenger. HAYDEN EDMONDS, Janitor. Carriers Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route Route No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18'. No. 19. No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. No. 43. of Regular Routes. NAME. J. C. Wolcott. N. O. Bartholomew. E. B. Akers. Forrest McDonald. D. T. Schoonover. H. M. Frank. H. L. Nelson. J. L. Axtell. A. J. Newton. H. C. Fraser. Ernest McDonald. Robert S. Pond. A. G. Martin. R. C. Boss. E. B. Tilt. L. A. Halbert. W. R. Axtell. A. E. Hjbinson. E. G. Hughes. A. C. Marsh. Samuel Adams. R. M. Coulson. J. F. Cell. C. M. Chase. Jas. G. Chumos. W. L. Cunningham. W. L. Wall. V. G. Kropf. H. C. Wilson. A. G. Frank. W. G. Magaw. W. H. Nelson. , G. C. Findlay. , Elliott B. King. , Burton Axtell. H. G. Titt. T. P. Martin. J. D. Cook. K. C. Greene. C. R. Forbes. Theo. N. Wellman. J. D. Clark. C. L. Polk. Composing Room. E. C. MAC LENNAN, Foreman. FRANK H. VOGEL. Linotype Ma chinist. WM. H. BURTON, Linotype Operator. FRANK H. JONES, Linotype Oper ator. PAUL C. PHARES, Linotype Opera tor. JAS. D. STEVENS, Linotype Opera tor. H. S. BURTON. Linotype Operator. AL F. SIEBER. Head Setter. A GLASS HOUSE IN WATER. A London Millionaire to Indulge in a New Fad. New York, Sept. 25. The lates luxury in which millionaires may indulge is described in a London cable in Sunday's Sun. An Englishman, who has a lake upon his estate, recently caused it to be tem porarily drained, and, in the deepest part, had a house built, which contains three rooms, a smoking room, a dining room and a servant' waiting room. The framework of the house is iron, the floor stone, resting upon a foundation f conerote. The sides and roof are composed of thick plate glass. There is a passage under water from the bpathouse to the glass house and air is obtained through large clumps of ar tificial water lilies, which rest upon the surface of the lake. It is Indescribably pleasant to sit in one of the rooms upon a warm day. The air is cool. No sound is to be heard and it is especially interesting to watch the fish swimming around, attracted by the glare of the electric lights- The house and passage cost comparatively little to build. The millionaire to whom this belongs contemplates a more ambitious scheme. He has upon his estate two square miles of forest. This tract he intends to close, first by a wide, deep trench, sec ond by a strong iron railing and third by a high stone wall.He will then turn loose into the inclosure every sort of wild animal that he can procure lions, tigers, elephants and every kind of beast in order to ascertain if they can live at large in this climate and with out unduly interfering with each other. FIVE TOLLGATES LEFT. Turnpike Raiders Have Nearly Com pleted Their Work. Springfield, Ky., Sept. 25. The free turnpike mob destroyed five toll gates Saturday night and three last night. These two raids leave only five gates standing in Washington county, the raiders having destroyed forty-three in all. Saturday night the mob rode up to the Tick crek pike gate while it was guarded by twelve men. The leader of the mob was ordered to take his men away or go to jail. The mob then lev eled shotguns at the guards and forced them to surrender. The mob forced the guards to cut the gate down and drove them back to town. Two of the raiders. Joe Settles and Charles Miller, were in court today on the charge of destroying toll gates, but nothing could be proved against them and they were discharged. WORKING FOR SUFFRAGE. Different California Religious Denom inations Favor It San Francisco, Sept. 25. Woman suf frage seems to have become quite the correct thing and many prominent so ciety folks have taken it up and are la boring for it heart and soul. The la dies are by no means alone in their fight, for a number of well known gen tlemen are making a quiet but effect ive campaign among their friends, se curing what the women need most of all votes. In religious circles also the movement has met with hearty indorsement. The Christian Ministers' association set the ecclesiastical ball a-rolling at their convention in Santa Cruz last month, unanimously adopting a strong resolu tion in favor of woman suffrage. A little later the Baptists at their annual convention passed a similar res olution without a dissenting vote, and now come the Methodists, who passe 1 a similar resolution at the conference in Pacific Grove on the 11th inst. $ x x & ifyyili i 1 We hope every reader of this paper will be "In it," and have a glorious time. We want to be "In it." We want you to think first of this store when you C have wants to fill in our lines. We know by the way our business grows 5 that we are in touch with the people. When we tell you of our bargains you know they are here for you. OurDress Goods Counter is one of the busiest in the store, vre won't sell you Cotton for Wool, or Jute for Flax. Here are good things: 18c yd 25c yd 39c yd Yard wide Mixtures, made of cot ton, wool and silk, very stylish. 25c is the Bargain price the largest store in the west are selling these goods at, we're smaller, so is our price Our all wool 36 in. Serge nnrl fslcclmfrf all the best colors, great value at There's a style, a quality and little ness of price comprised in our Suit ings that make them at- QAn J J A tractive, a particularly Qrflj V II good line we are selling at J 52 in. all wool Ladies' Cloth, all colors and black, Honey saver at Hosiery Underwear. We keep honest, wearable kinds. Our Ladies' 40 gauge, double heel and toe Gordon Dye Hose at 19 and 25c pair are just unmatchable, that's all. Ladies' fast black, white feet, dou ble heel and toe Hose 12c- Put a pair of our Boys' heavy stock ings at i2c a pair on the youngster once and you'll find how to save money. Ladies' swiss ribbed plush lined Underwear, silk trimmed, at 25e Is a regular 38c value with others. Men's 65 per cent wool Underwear at 50?i is a great value, we claim to save you iSc at least on each garment. anket Bargains, Are of interest now. We're got the largest stock and are mak ing the lowest prices in the city strong assertions it's to your advantage to make us prore them. The prices commence at 39c pr. for 10- 4 cotton; the next ones, good size and heavier, at 48c pr.; the same in 1 1- 4 at ioc a pr. more. The Wabash Blanket, a very heavy, wool mixed, 10-4 size, at 98c pr. And the 1 1-4 size at $1.19 pr. are strong arguments in favor of our as sertion. Strictly all wool scarlet Blankets, full double bed size, $1.69 pr. LINENS. There's a fascination about Linens for the thrifty housewife; there's a double fascination when the prices are so much beneath values. Bleached and Unbleached Union Damask as low as 18c yd., but go a little higher and for 39c we have a beautiful, soft- finished, German Damask, that would seem cheap to anyone at 50c. In Red Damask a popular price is 25c a yd. We can sell you the red and white checks, gold mixtures and green and red dyes that are perfectly fast and are always offered at 39c, at the same as the common kinds. 25c yd. lif Mini I 1 Him DRAW YOUR ATTENTION. FESTIVAL WEEK CALLS FOR A NEW HAT. Walking Hats in the newest styles from 58s up. Trimmed Hats, trimmad as you want them, from $1.50 to $6.00. MRS. HARDING has charge of our Milinery Department, which is a guarantee of good work. Short Story of Solid Shoes. Women's Calf Shoe, medium heavy sole, patent leather tip, for 81.39. A splendid Young Ladies' School Shoe. Our $1.48 Ladies' Shoe is, to say the least, the best for the money to be had. For the Men that have always paid from $2.00 to S3.00 for their Shoeft, we have a stylish and good Shoe for 81.48. in Our Useful Articles Departmeni YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING INTERESTING. Our Opaque shade at 25c is a good thing. 1 qt. Long Handle Dipper, 4c. 3 qf. copper bottom Coffee Pot, 15c. 4 qt. Stew Kettles, lOc Ciaair Bottoms, 6o. Large Yellow Nappies, 7c 1 qt. be.3t Ammonia, lOc. 10x12 Covered Slates, 10c. Small Slates, 2c Pint Tin Dipper, lc. A Good Whip, 8c. Large Hand Decorated Japan ese Lantern, 6c. WE'LL SATISFY YOU OR REFUND YOUR MONEY.. NEW YGMi HO East Sixth Street. distributor of Bargain;