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4 , -1" f :'o i 1 1 ' S ' r t -i 1 i TOPEKA, KANSAS, DECEMBER 22, 189G. TWO CENTS. TUESDAY EVEXTXG. TUESDAY EVENING. TWO CENT ( - STANDSJT WELL. Chicago Bears Up Bravely Un der the Collapse Of the Ills National Bank of Illinois. Tso Unas of Any Consequence Are Reported OX OTIIEIl CITY IJAXKS Severe Denunciation of the Criminal Carelessness And Mismanagement of tlie Broken Bank. Ohicatro. Vice. 22. The assets of the National bank of Illinois which closed its doors yesterday are said to include it", addition to the $2.47.-.W'i loaned the Calumet Kleetrie $:mh,hm advanced to Ro)ert Berger. a son-in-law of Presi dent George Schneider. SMv.OOQ advanc ed to C.A.Weiss another son-in-law and over Ssiio.'iOO of doubtful debts. Berger is a partner in the firm of K. P. Dreyer R- Co., w hich also ent into the hands of a. receiver yesterday and Weiss is a brewer. The losses liv the failure will fall up on l.i'Tl individual depositors, and :,:0 national, state and private banks. In cluded among- the depositors are the treasurers of the city of Chicago, and of the state of Illinois. The deposits of the treasurers of the city of Chicago and Cook county will atrgretrate almost Si.iioo.nyO. The amount at the present time on deposit by the state treasurer is comparatively small. Among the depositors were many la corporations and receivers. They included the receivers of the Northern Paeirlo railroad and the receiver of the w hiskv trust. The deposits of E. S. Dreyer & Co., include the funds of the Wst Park board. The amount at the time the bank closed was about $310,000. The failure of the National bank of Illinois was due to the fact that its en tire capital of i2.O00.0eO and SiutMw over and above its surplus of $et!0,noo had been leaned on Calumet electrical stock. Five hundred thousand dollars was leaned to Dreyer Co., who had spread their capital out so extensively that they were unable to con.oentrate it in time to save themselves. The oth er failures were due to the locking up of assets held bv the National bank of I. limns. it is probable that all depositors will lee paid in full. At a meeting of the clearing' house banks, upon recommendation of the clearing house committee which had maoe an examination of the affairs of the National bank of Illinois, the clear ing house barks ugreed to advance 7e P -r eent on ail claims against the Na tional bank of Illinois which shall have been cei titled to by the receiver as be ing on deposit in that bank. 'i lie peie-iai sentiment of opinion was that the depositors would receive their money in full. The bank now has on hand, in cash means, nearly 40 per cent of their entire liabilities. No banks have repuested any assist ance from the clearing- house. The bank statements published today, on the eail of the comptroller of the cur ren( y, at the close of business on the 17th instant, show very strong reserves. There has been very little excitement today in banking circles in this city. Tiie following resolutions were "ad opted at the meetingr Resolved, That the clearing: house committee, after calling to their aid ruth other persons as they may desire, be requested to formulate a plan which will enable creditors of the National Batik of Illinois to avail themselves of the offer of the associated banks to make the advance by way of loans to creditors to the extent of 75 per cent up n properly proven claims. The chairman of the clearing house stated that the willingness of bankers to do this was so evident that it is not probable that any formal obligation to accomplish the object will be necessarv, although the committee appointed will' fiivo prompt attention to the duty im posed orl them. The following dispatch has been re ceived by the president of the clearing house committee. Washington. D. C. Dec. 21. I have appointed Hank Examin-r Mr Keen temper, try receiver of the Nation Hank of Illinois, and instructed him to publish notice for creditors to prove claims. He informs me that the clear ing house committee agrees to advance 7". per cent on evidence of claims No tice will be published at once, and if claims are pros en immediately I snail within so days be able to pav a Verv considerable dividend. I appreciate the notion of the clearing house in offering to advance on such certificates signed) JASIKS II. KOKELS, Comptroller. Another suspension was recorded yes terday afternoon. judire IWton ap pointed Johti H. Nichols receiver f,.r the property of Frederick Wiersema. who owns the "Koseland Hank." which is situated in Koseland. The appointment was made on the application of tieor-je Dal-mberg. a judgment creditor of Wiersema. to the extent of S-leo. The complainant attribute,! the embarrass ment of Jlr. Wiersema to the con fection of the latter with the National Tank .if intnois. Tne assets were placed at $ . 5. Oee. and the deposits at Srm vo. i He bank will resume bu a few days. uiess within city fpxds in the raw. Washington. Pee. 22. Mr. Eckels, the comptroller of the currency todav re ceived a telegram from air. Mo'voa the receiver of the National hank of Il linois, statin that the books of the bank show that quite large sums of puPhs funds, belonging to the city of Chioasro. were on deposit. In reply the comptroller sent air. McKeorr the" fol lowing teieeram: "Teletrram relative to puobc funds received. You make ar lancements with depositors thereof to issue to them at once e-rtPieates 'for suih amounts of their detosl as an examination of the books V.f the ba-k makes clearly appear is due them this v lii enaoie them to avail themselves of the oner of the c!.-arina house to ad vance id per cent and so prevent em barrassment in meetine-Dublic eoendi itures. KXClTKaiKNT DTPS OCT. Chicatro, liec. 22. The excitement at tendant unon the collapse of th'- Na tional bank of Illinois and its tlireeVl'--peudent banks appears to have died out teday. Hun? of more or less mac -Uiiude were made yesterday on'ievtral bankinsr institutions, notably the Gar den City Banking ft Trust company. The doors of that tnsritutlon were open ed Jin hour before bankimr hours today, but by 10:80 a. m., the withdrawals had ceased and deposits had trebled the amount taken out. Withdrawals at other l.enks were few and far between. It is generally expected that Bank Ex amiuer aicKeon will be appointed re ceiver permanently for the National bank of Illinois. Chieapo, 1:30 p. m. Th"re is quite a little run on the llinois Trust & Pav ings' bank. Depositors are handed 30 day notices except where they can sat isfy the officials that the money they desire is for a legitimate purpose. The result of u. it is believed will have a ood effect on denositors in savinsrs banks sranerally. The giving of the no tice has the approval of the clearing house committee. ST. PAUL BANK INVOLVED. Bank of Minnesota, Capital $600, OOO, Closes-Union Stock Yards Bank, Also. St. Paul, Dec. 22. State Bank Exam iner Kenyon today took possession of the Bank of Minnesota and as a result of the closing" of this the Pnion Stock Yards' bank also closed. The Bank of Minnesota's capital is $tjiu.000 and it was considered one of the strongest banks in the west. The Bank of Minnesota was the old est bank in St. Paul. It was establish ed by Dawson & Co. in ls.".i. Liabilities Capital stock paid in $000. 0Oj: surplus funds, $10ti, oaO: undivided profits. $h'2.7S3.11; individual deposits, l.on.n.-,o.if.; time certificates of depos its. Jl.041.793. s2 : due to banks. $;:0:!,21S.71; demand certificates of deposits, $101, a22.90. Total $3,320,359.49. The rason given by the bank officers for the failure was the general strin gency of the times a.nd tlie difficulty in making- collections. sources Loans and dicounts. $2. 30: miscellaneous bonds. $(9.Cs4.6'j : 341 overdrafts, $7,677.21; banking houses. 1 &.",): other real estate. .$105,741.60: furniture and fixtures, $10,000: expenses paid. J3.990.19. Due from banks $319. 1X9.02; exchange for clearing house $29, fol.14. CHICAGO BANKS. They Have Prepared a Statement Showing Their Condition. Chicago. Dec. 22. t'nder the general call issued by the comptroller of the currency, the national banks of this city have prepared a statem-nt showing their condition at the close of business December 17. The last previous state ment was made October 6. Tiie 14 banks show total loans of $.53. G39.223. as compared with $03,660,693, October 6. a loss in loans of $25,470. The total deposits are $94. 391. 452. as compar ed with $3.25s.20S, a grain of $11,133,244. The cash resources amount to J47.N90. (on. as compared with $37,761,503, a gain of S10.134.5S0. Tiie legal requirement in reserve is 25 per cent, or for the 11 banks $23,597, oJ3. while there is hold ?47.i596.0i9l or more than 50 per cent. There is held in excess of the legal requirement $24 -298, 22tl. OUGHT TO GO TO PRISON". The Manipulators of the Funds of the Chicago Bank Chicago. Dec. 22. The Tribune says that in the case of the National Bank of Illinois, "the manipulation of the books was such as to practically amount to the falsification of ac counts." It is claimed that one loan of .$900,000 made to the Calumet Kleetrie company was charged up to foreign exchange instead of being entered in a proper manner. Other irregularities in con nection with the loans made to the Cal umet Kleetrie company are said to have taken place. STILL PLEAD IGNORANCE. Kobert E. Jenkins, one of the direc tors of the National Bank of Illinois, says: "The directors did not know the size of the loan on the Calumet Elec tric. The discovery of the condition of the loan was as much of a sur prise to me as to the public. The same thing is true of the loan to Dreyer & Co. The directors were unaware of the loans which appear to have carried the bank down, or were until the latter part of last week. I do not care to say w ho I believe was to blame for the directors being kept in the dark as to the magnitude of these loans." BRYAN ON BANK FAILURE. "The Officials CanTeU You All About the Good Times." Chicago. Dec. 22. W. J. Bryan was not five minutes in ( 'hieaso wtioi be heard i he news of tlie bank failures. Al though he was far from gratified by tlie news, it was plainly evident that he re garded it as a preliminary vindication for the iate champions of the llemoeratic cause, air. Bryan, when asked his opin ion eoncerning the failares. said: "While this is a subject 1 do not care to comment on at any lenirth, I must say that these bank failures do not afford a very promisirot ouilook for our future commercial and nr.aneial welfare. Haw ever. 1 suppose the bank officials of Chi cago will be able to tell you all about the progress of the good times that are com ing " ANGUS & GIItfTOIE FAIL. Asa Result of the Bank of Illinois Failure Liabilities $250,000. f ':ia iro, rec. 22. "Wm. Dill was today a; ip.t in i . d a recc-i yt for thf tr -ncral eor;-Tr;i-;irur lirm of Angus Sc Gintok- upon ai Tica.E !m of John A n.tis. one of the mem bers of the firm. Th' failure is in lirer-tty tiie r-'sul! of the suspension of" tS;e Na tional I'-ank of Illinois, to which insfi!u ti'Ui the tirm wps in.h'ht'l $.'.-..). Tho suspension of the hank. it is stated, ru : :ie,i t t- rrn's ere- lit. Assets were iven at $:w.UfU and liahilitit s at $27,u.bOO. Carried Governor AUg-eld. Ohicairo. Pec. 22. One of the features of th" I ri-yer failure is said to he that '"iov ernor Ait&ifdd was carried hy tb Dreyer hank to tne extent of ;7" o-tti. The t:ovcr nor is also salt) to he hidehtod vo the Xa yoiuii Bank of Illinois to the extent of Ttfew York Correspondents. New York. Dp'1. 22. Tlie New York cor-r.-spor.d-uit of the Kank of Minnesota are the i 'has Nat ion a i ha nk nmi Mrrrhants National hank. .fuViais of t huse har.ks s;,y that the St. Paul bank had only small accounts wilh them. The "ASaeUid Silver District." Cleveland. Ohio. Deo. 22. Senators Thurston of Xehr-ka, and Sfhoup of T'h!h. arrived in the city this mornin an.l ve-e driven immediately to the of fice of M. A. Karma. Messrs. Thurston and Shoup came here it is paid to ursre Mr. Harma's influence- towards The se-h-t'tmn of some man representing the ' ' a f i ec t e d silver district, a-s a m em be r of the cabinet. Funny ' Chalk-taik" tonight. LEFT IIEK DOOR UNLOCKED Thieves Looked it for Her After Bob ting the House. Mrs. W. J. wife of a oomposi- j tor in the state winter's establishment on Hast Kiehth street, took her hus j band to his work last evening just after I supper. I'pon arriving- at home with her horse she tried to enter the front door of her house at l!fl9 Kansas ave nue, but found It locked. This frigtit ened her, as she knew that she had left it unlocked. She tried it again but it was securely fastened. She suspeeted that burglars were in the house and went to the house of a neighbor near by. Finding no one at home she returned to her own yard. This was at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Cronin sat down in the back yard to await the re turn of her husband. She was afraid to enter the house. The back door was unlocked and she sat near it watchimr to see if any one came out. Shortly before 11 she summoned cour age to enter the house. Ten minutes afterward her husband returned from his eveninrr's work at the printing- es tablishment, t'pon investigation it was found that the house had been en tered by burglars, that $27 had been taken from a purse which was hidden between the mattresses of the bed in an upper room. Nothing else was missed. The front door had been locked from the outside, evidently done by the per sons who entered the house. The po lice department was notified this morning- and inspected the premises. Mrs. Cronin said that the purse contained two $10 bills, three $1 bills and the balance, $4 in silver. Hl UT RY SCALDING WATER Mrs. Arthur Lee Falls While Carrying a Basin of It. Mrs. Arthur Lee. proprietor of the electrical establishment at S30 Kansas avenue, who resides at 1116 Tyler street was severely scalded about the face and neck Sunday evening-. Mrs. Lee's injuries may result in some slight dis figurement. Mrs. Lee was walkiner across the din intr room at her home carrying a basin of boiling water in her hand, when she tripped and fell forward. The basin slipped from her hand as she fell and struck the floor with sufficient force to splash the scalding water into her face and over her shoulders. Fortunately, none of the water entered her eyes. Mi". L-e ho was in the room at once removed the clothing from about his wire's shoulders, and his presence of mind in this way prevented the water from irdlicting a serious injury. A phys ician was called, but by the time he ar rived Mrs. Lee was delirious with pain. Under his care, however, she soon be came comfortable, and is now improv ing rapidly. 31015 DOES DEVILTRY. Not Content With Hanging Negroes, It Burns Negroes' Houses. Mayfield, Ky., Dec. 22. A part of the mob that hanged Jim Stone yesterday morning went on the rampage again last night. One hundred shots were fired into the residence of Tom Cham bers, colored, and the house was after ward set on fire and burned, destroying- three other buildings. There is much bitter feeling, the negroes having made threats to avenge the lynching of Stone and the killing of Henry Finney. A number of negroes have been warned to leave town and more trouble is expected. IX JUNCTION RULE. House Committee Not Much in Favor of Limiting Power of Injunction. Washington, Dee. 22. The issue which was in the last presidential campaign, "government by injunction," was the subject of debate by the house com mittee on judiciary today. The com mittee has before it a substitute for the bill which passed the senate last June, dividing contempts of court into direct and indirect classes and permitting trials by jury in the latter cases. This substitute is not so sweeping in character as the senate bill and the sentiment of the committee seemed to be to still further limit its scope. There was a general expression, however, to the effect that United States courts showed a tendency to strain their jur isdiction on the ground of contempt to the point of infringement on the right of trial by jury and a bill probably will be reported. KATE FIELD'S REMAINS. They Arrived in San Francisco From Honolulu Today. San Francisco, Dec. 22. The re mains of Miss Kate Field arrived this morning from Honolulu on the steamer Belgio. The casket was enclosed in a wooden covering and placed aboard tha steamer at Honolulu, without any dis play. As soon as the steamer docks here the remains will be taken to the crematory. Arrangements are being made for memorial services to be held in Trinity Episcopal church. The ashes will be sent for final interment to Mount Auburn. SENTENCED BY SCORES. Forty Anarchists Condemned to 20 Years Imprisonment at Barcelona Barcelona. Dec. 22. An additional batch of anarchists was sentenced to day. Forty of them were condemned to 20 years imprisonment and 28 to eight years in prison. No Favors for Bank Wreckers. Denver. Dec. 22. In the United States district court Judg- Hallett announced that he would overrule all motions on behalf of Dow. Mct'lurken & Miller, the convicted Commercial bank wreckers, and that he would not listen to any argument. He gave counsel until Janu ary 22 to prepare papers in an appeal. I Sail wns fixed at $10, (too for each prison er. Bonds will be furnished this after noon. L. Craicj Hurt in a Eunaway. L. Crp.ig. a farmer living 21 mile.s east of the1 city, and a companion drove to the city this morning in a single buggy. When nt the Shawnee mil! corner at x.l't o'clock the h.rse Mr. Craig was driving ran away and Mr. Craig and his companion were thrdwn out. Xear the Chesterfield hotel the horse rail atrainst a pole, the shafts of the buggy n t'te broken off and the vehic le stoo ped. Mr. Craig's leg was wrenched se verely. His companion escaped with slight bruises. Gaylord & Bareiey, tailors, have re moved to second floor, same number, 62S Kansas avenue. UP AGAINST IT. The Problem of the "Unem ployed" In Denver. Four Thousand Workingmen Out of Work HOLD A MASS MEETING And Ask the City to Start Pub lic Improvements. Rev. Myron Reed and Others Address the Meeting. Denver, Dec. 22. The problem of taking care of the unemployed in Den ver has become serious. Sunday after noon four thousand alleged starving workmen, clamoring for something to occupy their time and enable them to keep body and soul together for a time longer, filled Coliseum hallin response to a widely circulated call for a mass meeting of the unemployed. The attendance was a revelation to those who have been sounding the praises of Colorado as an elysium for laborers, but the remarks of the speak ers were equally startling. They coun seled violence if necessary to force the state to a recognition of the fact that starvation was stalking in the midst of the workers, and unless some relief measures could be devised at an early day there was no telling what would happen. Among the speakers were the Rev. Myron Reed and the Rev. Thomas Uzzel, two ministers who have always been hailed as friends of labor. Before the meeting a procession formed on Larimer street in front of the city hall and marched to the meet ing place. It was an undisciplined, poorly dressed regiment of about 400 men that marched through the streets, but its appearance was eloquent of mis ery to him who realized that many of those men had wives and little chil dren dependent upon them, and that they could find no work by means of which to support them. A volunteer brass band headed the procession. At the start 1ST men were in line, but by the time Sixteenth street was reached the ranks of the proletar ian army had swelled to more than 400. To give assurance of their loyalty, the men carried a large American flag and half a dozen mottoes, such as these: "We want work," "Coal $4 per ton. No work in sight," "Work. not soup houses," "Public improvement without injunction." "This is 'a hungry X-mas for the unemployed." The procession was followed by crowds on both sidewalks, and when the hall was reached it was then two thirds full. The people crowded in un til all the seats were taken and people stood in close ranks in the aisles and all around the outskirts of the assem blage. The procession and meeting were both orderly. Myron Reed said: "I don't know that I am glad and I fear that I am sad to see this meeting and know the occasion for it. I feel as did Abraham Lincoln after the seven days battle and the retreat from the Peninsula. He said he felt like a big, overgrown boy who had stubbed his toe. He was too big to cry and it hurt too bad to laugh (laughter). There is something left even after the election the right of free assemblage, the right to bear arms which we will exercise, if we have to. (Applause.) The right to free speech, which I am exercising now. "The fact that three sky pilots and one business man are here shows that you know that these sky pilots under stand more about the true condition of the poor that 100 business men. If the business men will attend to the transportation question atid other questions, the sky pilots would have more money and less work. (Laughter and applause.) "I apprehend that all men have the right to live. Men are ail land animals. Near my house there are several small farms unoccupied, arid in the eye of justice unearned. They haven't been utilized since the Utes left them. (Laughter.) That wasn't intended for a pun. though it's a good one. I don't think much of the present state of society. I'll tell you that. The society that can be the oc casion of a meeting like this ought to quit. It has no right to live under Ootl. I do ask for a comfortable earth for all God's people. I cut a clipping from an utterance of Cardinal Man ning. He says that the man who has no work, who is willing to work and can't get work, has a right to steal. (Applause.) "There are some people who are sat isfied with things as they are. They throw sixes every time, and they like it. 'They don't want anyone to exam ine the dice or to change the game. "I see nothing for it but for the city of Denver to provide for the unem ployed. I don't want a statement from the board of public works that it is im possible. I want people to see the sit uation. If work is not given, men will begin to walk the middle of the street at night and hold up citizens. It's a mere question of economy. Shall we support them in the county jail, and in the spring have nothing to show for it, or shall we put the unemployed to work and in the spring have an im proved city to show for it? People sneer Coxey. I say Coxey had a good scheme. He wanted to put the unem ployed to work building roads." Rev. Thomas Uzzel touched a popu lar chord when he dwelt on the ineffi ciency of the public authorities. He said : "You want work first. What are you going to do? "I'd go down here to the city hall the vry first thing and I'd drown some of those fellows in the sand of Sand creek. Now, if you want to find me. I'll tell you where I live. It is 131 Mary street. Xear my place there are four acres of weeds. I was afraid to pass that place. Now. I went to the city hall to see about it. I went to one department and they told me that wasn't th department. 1 went to an other department and they referred me to the health commissioner. I went to him and he said it was the right place to come, but he had nt) appropri ation. I could get no satisfaction. I pay taxes in this town. Men starving practically all about us and 1 couldn't get them to cut those weeds. I had to cut them myself to save my chil dren from getting sick. Those fel lows sit down there and smoke good cigars and close up appropriations. (Applause.) "Now I have a stone sidewalk on my street that stands at an angle of about 45 degrees. Whom will I go to about it? Will the governor of Colorado fix that sidewalk? Must I go to the presi dent of the United States about it or wait until next March and see Mc Kinley about it? In the name of God, will somebody tell me who has charge of tne sidewalks in this city ? (Laugh ter.) "Somebody asked me if the McKinley boom had struck me. and I told him I thought it had. (Laughter.) Before the election I got $2 for marrying peo ple. Since the election I only get $1 for a wedding. I took five weddings and a halfand went down and bought a pair of shoes the first kid glove shoes I have bought for some time. I had to get them on account of that sidewalk. If they'll let me I can em ploy 5.OU0 men at a dollar a day before 9 o'clocK tomorrow." The meeting adopted resolutions de manding public improvements. FIRST LITTLE NOTE Of a Revolution Which May Over throw the Spanish Monarchy. Madrid, Dec. 22. The Correspon dencia asserts that the gendarmes have dispersed a small revolutionary band that has been organized near this city. MAY HAVE HOT CHRISTMAS Temperature it is Promised May Go Even Higher. But two days now until Christmas, and the temperature in Kansas would do credit to early spring or Indian sum mer. California can scarcely make a belter showing. At two o'clock this afternoon the thermometer registered 67 degrees, and Mr. Jennings stated that it was liable to clinch several de grees higher before 5 o'clock. According to the prediction sent out by the weather bureau, the pleasant weather is to continue tomorrow and it is posible that Christmas, lsys, will show a higher temperature than any Christmas in the history of the state. Fair weather tonight and tomorrow is the prediction. TO TAKE RESSIGLES PLACE W. C. Nixon to Occupy It, F. H. Man ter Agent at Kansas City. F. H. Manter, commercial agent of the Santa Fe at Kansas City, will suc ceed W. C. Nixon as general agent of the company at Chicago. Mr. Nixon will take the position of superintendent of the Chicago division, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Ressigue, on January 1. Mr. Manter will be succeeded at Kansas City by Mr. Frank B. Mont gomery, at present traffic manager of the George Fowler, Son & Co., packing firm of Kansas City. HIRED THE OPERA HOUSE. Murder Trial at Fender, Neb., is Made a Public Spectacle. Pender, Neb., Dec. 22. The prelimi nary hearing of Dr. J. S. Goodmanson, recently of Chicago, who is held on the charge of giving strychnine to his wife which resulted in death, was begun to day. A large number of people throng ed the streets today anxious to listen to the testimony. All the attorneys are in the city and busy on the case. The hearing will probably occupy several days, as there are a large number of witnesses to ex amine and considerable important testi mony will be taken. The county officials hired the opera house to accommodate the spectators. PINGREE S INJUNCTION. He Stops Work on a County Building Alleging Bribery. Detroit, Dec. 22. A temporary in junction was granted by the circuit court today on application of Mayor Pingree, restraining the county super visors from confirming a proposed con tract for the erection of a county building. The mayor alleges bribery against eleven of the supervisors, but their names are not mentioned. The board was to have confirmed the con tract today. . A PLACE FOU EDWARDS. The Secretary of State Offered a Situa tion With the Mexican Central. There is a report current that Secre tary of State V. C. Edwards has re ceived an offer from the Mexican Cen tral railway of a position, in its land department. Mr.Edwards is not in the city today and no one in his office knows anything: in reg-ard to it. Cap tain Stover says that unless the offer came yesterday he does not think there is any truth in the rumor. Hobson Again in Trouble. Ex-Policeman William O . Holson, who figured conspicuously in t he beer stealing; scandal several months aero and was discharged from the police force is in the county jail, having been arrested by ex-Chief Wilkerson at Kan sas City, Mo. He sold property which Wilkerson had secured by mortgage and it was for this that he was arrest ed. "Pegleg" is Shrewd, "Pegleg' McClafferty was arraigrned yesterday in poiice court for disturbing the peace. "You had better plead guilty and be fined $20," said Chief Gardiner, "for when you are proved guilty you will get $27." "Not on your life. Xot a bit of it. One time I took John Gard iner's advice a.nd pleaded g"uilty to sell ing whisky when I wasn't guilty and they fined me SH'O.Xo sir, none of that." The case was continued until this aft ernoon when Patrolman Pinkston will tell how '"Peglog" carried on in his orgies in Smoky Row. Abilene Hydrant Kental Still Vexei Abilene. Dec. 22. Manager Rogers re ceived notice from heaebjua rters of the water company that it wiil not accept the $2.-"v0 a var offered for hyd rant remal. It is the city's move now. On January 1 it will tender S?.2."0 fcr six months rental which wiil probably be c red it f-d on ac count and suit brought for the remaining STuO claimed by the company. Acrobatic Tame White Praine Do;. Norton. rec. 22. The proprietor of the Cottage hotel here has a prairie dog. as white as a domestic white rabbit. He is ar, tame as any domestic canint- and has been learned many funny tricks, such as walking on his hind -g--;. iurrdni;- sumer saults and "playing dead." ! Ie is neith er afraid -f dogs nor cats and makes his home exclusively within the hostelry. HIS JS3AY til Zll '-'CJpunBT Uii5as ssei-i.cj -t.ioAi ano op O s.w X-G.u eqj si poos iioq -jnq daqo aiou. ox WEYLER 111 THE FIELD, Tlie Cuban Captain General Leaves Havana Today. Frantic Effort to Be 31ade to "Do Something" BE F01I E JANUARY 1ST To Forestall the Action of Con gress. So Four Women Are Killed Xear Alfonso, Cuba. Havana, Dec. 22. Captain General Weyler left Havana at 8 o'clock this morning, on bard the Spanish cruiser. Leg-aspi, bound for Slariel, north of the military line across the province of Pinar del Rio, with the intention of resuming- personal command of the op erations against the insurgents in that part of Cuba. General Solano reports from Santa Clara that Lieutenant Colonel Oliver in command of the Granada battalion, has had an engagement in that district with a force of insurgents. The gene ral adds that the enemy had over 200 killed and wounded. The insurgents have lifted the rails and derailed an exploring- engine near Yaguaramas, province of Matanzas, killing the conductor and so seriously injuring the engineer that both his legs had to be amputated. TO FORCE THE FIGHTING. New York. Dec. 22. A Key West special to the World says: General Weyler will take the field in Santa Clara province to force the fighting. The captain general is disturbed by reports of insurgent operations in Santa Clara. Besides a strong hint is said to have reached him from Madrid that something must be done by Janu ary 1, to forestall the action by congress on the Cameron resolution. A number of dead bodies of pacificos (non-combatants), four of them bodies of women, were found by a Cuban band Saturday near Alfonso. London. Dec. 22. The Standard's Ma drid correspondent says that the gov ernment has signified to the Washing ton government that it is satisfied with the friendly tone of President Cleve land's messaee and with the attitude of Mr. Olney before the senatorial com mittee on foreign relations. This cor respondent says: "Senor Canovas will no take the: slightest notice of all the talk or reso lutions by congress as long as the ex ecutive preserves an attitude in har mony with the usages and province of international law which Spain is enti tied to expect both President Cleveland and McKinley to respect. He antici pates that similar common sense will animate the American press and people when the jingo scare fades away. In deed, it would be next to impossible for any Spanish government to yield to foreign interference now. "The press today is much cooler and is confident of gaining time. Rumors of unusual war preparations must be received with caution as the ministers are only asking within the budget lim its. They do not wish any aggressive meaning to be attached to purely de fensive precaution and to the provision of war stores for Cuba and the Philip pines." The Daily News warns the Spanish war minister against any war-like prep arations against the United States. "'It is quite clear," says the Daily News, "that nothing is ever intended to come of the Cameron resolution." VEST DOES NOT SPEAK. And Anti-Cubanites Think They Have Won a Victory. Washington. Dec. 22. A large audience in the setiate galleries was considerably disappointed today over the failure of Senator Vest to make a speech on the president's prerogative on the Cuban question and tiie consequent failure of Senator Hill to reply to him. "I don't know." said Senator Vest, "how the impression got out that I would speak today. I never said that I would." "I certainly cannot reply to Senator Vest if he does not speak." said Senator Hill. The senate became aware of this condition of affairs early in the day but the galleries remained in ignorance dur ing a greater part of the session, many retaining their seats in the back where they could be regaied with such a debate as the present session has not witnessed. The misapprehension as to the senator's intentions grew out of the fact that he had said that he would "call up" the res olution today. He had said nothing of any intention to make a speech but every one rushed to the conclusion that he could have no other purpose in getting it up. The opponents assert that the Missouri senator's failure to talk is due to the fact that he has been induced to look into authorities which do not sustain his view of the question and that he has now con cluded to investigate further before speaking. The question is one requiring close attention to precedents and the con stitutional points and all recognize that it is necessary to proeeed with care. Senators agreed that if Vest and Hill did not speak the entire Cuban question should go over until after tin1 holidays. "We've got them beat." said Senator Hale, sententiously. He spoke for the anti-Cubanites. WOMEN GIVE JEWELS. New York Women Take Off Orna ments to Put in the Cuban Con tribution. New York. Dec. 22. A meeting in memory of the late General Antonio Maceo was held in Chickering hall un der the auspices of the 15 Cuban socie ties of New York, about l.DOl) persons being present. The greatest excitement prevailed. When the collection boxes were passed. women, who composed nearly one-half of the audience, tore off their rings and other articles of jewelry and threw them in. ARBITRATION Proposed Between Spain and United States to Settle Cuban Question. London, Dec. 22. A special dispatch from Paris says it is suggested that Great Britain. France and Italy, the three powers most interested, offer their services in the Cuban question in order to prevent a conflict between Spain and the 1'nited States and to terminate the revolution. Congratulated on T,l"aceD-3 Death. Madrid, Dec. 22. The Gaulician col ony of Cuba has cabled its congratu lations to the queen regent on the dt of Antonio Maceo. NO 1-CENT FAKES. Elayor Swift of Cir.carro, Vetoes the Cheaper Fare Ordinance. Chicago, Deo. 22. The ordinance pro viding for four cent street car fares iu this city which was recently passed by the city council by a large majority hat been vetoed by Mayor Swift ami the council at its meeting last night, sus tained the veto by a vote of 20 to 47. Mayor Swift in his veto message s.ii i if he signed the measure he would place the city in the doubtful position of hav ing consented to violate what the street car companies had accepted in good faith as a contract. These central is stated the fare should be five cents and besides the mayor declared, there was no public demand for a cheaper street car fare. A large number of street car em ployes were in the galleries and wildly applauded every speech made again.- c the ordinance and when Mayor Swift read his message constantly interrupt ed him with cheers. Immediately after the ordinance w:m passed by the council a week utro 1 1; streetcar companies threatened a!! then employes with a reduction in wag'-s. As a consequence the employes have been working for the defeat of the ordi nance. THE "CAPITAL" SUFI). Damages Claimed by A. II. Case lor an Article Published a Year Ago. Lawyer A. H. Case, through his at torneys, W. P. Douthitt. Joseph Waters and Quinton & Quinto has brought suit in the district ti against John R. Mulvane. Harold Chase and Dell Keizer for $25.iki ! ages. In his petition he claims tha1 December 29, ly.". there was public an article in tlie Topeka Daily Cai T. rr- ital under the following caption: MAY BE DISBARRED. A. H. CASE AND JTDGR OA R 10 Y MAY LOSt: LICENSES TO PRAC TICE IN KANSAS. MRS. MARY BROWN FILES CHAR GES AGAINST THEM. SAYS THEY DKF!!AlrDED HER. OUT OF NEARLY $2 WHILE l'.l-y.l ATTORNEYS. BOTH LAWYERS HAVE BEEN PROMINENT IN TOPEKA FOR MANY YEARS CASE WILL BE HEARD FEB. The plaintiff alleges that the artie' published was a "certain false, mali cious ami efamatory libel." He further alleges that the publica tion of the artieje has eaus-ii him tM lose much money and to cast dis -se-li; upon his character. He thertfere :isk. that he be awarded damages br tms in the sum of J25.000. JEWELL'S CORN CROP First County in Kansa3 to Pass til? Ten Million Eushel Mark. Mankato, Dec. 22. S. J. Not! -in writes to the .Mankato Monitor that Jewell county produced this year 1" -710,741 bushels of corn and is the oroy county in the state that has ever pass ed the 10.(1(10,0(11) bushel mark. Mr. Norton claims that Jewell coun ty produced 1.700.0"0 bush 'Is more than any other county in Kansas, and 2."!.'. 000 bushels more than the "v we.-t-rn counties of the state. and a!--o twice as much more a.s all the cloven states and territories lying we-t o;' Kansas. Jewell county ttlso raised S.S4.000 bushels more corn than f 11 sit of the New England states and Florida, combined. The writer figur-s Jewell county as the corn center of" the conti nent. VISIT TI1F I! Fl OH SATO II V. A Number of the legislators Inspect the Hutchinson Institution. Hutchinson. Dec. 22. The stare re formatory here was visited yesterday by Senator Armstrong of Great le nd. Helm and Frank Field of this c.iint. Representatives P. P. Carr of Stafford county, and J. L. Eeighner of Rice. According to Sena t. u- A rmsl rung thre is no political significance to the con ference here. He says that he is in terested in the needs of the state re formatory, and that the other senafois and representatives feel as he d es about the matter anil they deemed it wise to call at the institution and in spect it themselves, so that they would be able, from a personal asquaintat:- e with the work, to work and vote for its best interests when the legislature met. MILLER IS CONVICTED. Winfield Man Awaiting Santsnce at New Orleans for Dealing in Bad Money. New Orleans, Dec. 21. J. C. Miller, son of G. W. Miller, an extensive catrle raiser of Winfield, Has., was Saturday convicted in the I'nifed States circuit court here of having coun terfei i e 1 c and attempting to pas sociate, B. A. Davidso tnem. His ;e--was aiso con- vieted. Miller and Davidson were arrested on Canal street December 14, 1MO. a.v! it t the Lyte house, where they were slop ping, over S'.l.ioo wort h of spurious com and silver certificates were urseovered by the officers. Many important letp rs were found on Milh-r from promin ' business men throughout Kansas. Ok lahoma and other Western and South ern states. Ulchard Mansfield Brings Suit. St. Joseph, Dec. 22. Richard Mare field, the actor, has fib d a suit for- against Manager Brignam of the Or t .-. ford Opera Rouse. Maiif.treU claoas that he was g tiara n.t erd i.r.00 for i, s performance, but was paid only .f.'iio, as the receipts fell short. A Look Through South ilissour. F.i '. The Kansas City, Fort Scoit fe M an phis R. R. Co. has just issued n ir... . r.ificent book ot sixty or more pr.ot j engraved views of varied scenery i i South Missouri. From tne.-e vievs n i accurate knowledge can be obtained ai to the productions and gem: r.ii topog raphy of mat highly favoi eu t:;;,i that is now attract). ig the atteiiti :1 of homeseekers and investors the coun try over. The title of the book is "Snap Phot' in South Missouri." It will be in.i;iei tree. Ad-ire 3. E. LOCKWjOP, A-ansas Oil, iiiu.