OCR Interpretation

The Topeka state journal. [volume] (Topeka, Kansas) 1892-1980, December 13, 1897, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016014/1897-12-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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Jiew York Union PrintersAbout
to Strike
To Enforce Granting of an
Eight Hour Day.
Are Ready to Quit Work To
morrow 'ight.
Employers Are Organized For a
Long, Hard Fight.
Kew Tork, Dee. 13. It is probable
that within 48 hours the 3.000 printers
employed in the 162 book and job
printing- offices of this city will be idle
the result of a strike.
Typographical union No. 6 has taken
the first step. The union men in spec
ial session have decided to give the
'loss" printers until Tuesday night to
accede to the demand for a nine hour
day. If by that time ttae demand re
mains unrecognized, the print3 will
Etrike. The union has agreed to levy
a 4 per cent campaign tax upon every
dollar earned by the total union mem
lership of 5.000, to be used as a fund to
support the strike.
A month ago Typographical ITnion
No. 6 requested the proprietors of
book and job oflices to meet the wishes
of their employes and fix upon nine
hours as a working day. Prior to this
th printers of this country and Can
ada had. by a two-thirds vote, declar
ed for the same principle and had au
thorized the International Union, to
force the issue.
The employers were duly notified,
but they seemingly ignored the matter.
Then the Typothetae held a meeting,
and, according to the report given out
by one of its members, a resolution
nas passed declining to make nine
hours a working day and subscribing
J..Cu-0 as a "defense fund" with which
to tight any attempt to enforce the de
mand. All the union book and job printers
of the United States and Canada are
watching the struggle. If the New
Turk printers win. their brethren
elsewhere will probably insist on the
new time schedule.
II. A. Fiske Going to His Work
Terribly IJeateu hy a
IT. A. Fiske reported to the dispensary
this morning to have an ugly cut on his
face attended to.
Fiske was on his way to work this
morning as usual, and as he was nearing
the shops he was set upon by a footpad.
The footpad struck him with a pair of
brass "knucks." but did not knock him
down. Fiske tried to close with his an
tagonist and when he did so the un
known man broke away and escaped.
The shopman's face was badly cut and
bleeding profusely. He stopped the flow
of blood with his handkerchief and made
bis way to the hospital, where his wound
was dressed by Dr. Eegleston.
Fiske said he never saw the man before,
but that he could probably identify him.
He was a white man. but beyond this
Fiske gave no description.
Fiske lives at l-ir. Kansas avenue and
hns been in the employ of the Santa Fe
several years as a blacksmith.
A Lobby of New Yorksra Will Go to
New Tork, Dec. 13. About a dozen
merchants, a number of railroad offi
cials and committees representing the
various associations of ticket brokers
in the city are to appear before the
railroad committee of the house in
Washington. December 17, at the hear
ing on the bill to prevent the sale of
tickets by the brokers not regularly ap
pointed agents cf a railroad.
The merchants who are to appear be
fore the committee are members of the
merchants' association who were influ
ential in securing the New York state
law. The railroad men backed by the
merchants' association and the promi
nent business men of the city are de
termined to have the bill passed, if pos
sible. They have taken the question to
congTess, because the state law has
been proved a failure, owing to its lim
ited scope and because there is a ques
tion as to its constitutionality.
Kai3ss a Fair of 8 Found Dumbbells
14,000 Times in 105 Minutes.
New Tork. Dec. 13. Hans Frohmer,
"culled" a pair of eight pound dumb
bells 14.000 times in one hour and forty
five minutes.
The feat was performed Sunday af
ternoon at the Physical Culture acad
emy at 106 Westworth street.
At exactly 3:30 o'clock Frohmer grot
the word and started off at a speedy
clip. He reeled off 100 in 35 seconds
and completed his first 1.000 in six min
utes, which he equaled on his tenth
thousand, but the others ranged from
feven to nine minutes. He completed
his eighth thousand in 59 minutes and
finished 12,000 in one hour and thirty
Then it was proposed that Frohmer
Btop there, but the athlete insisted on
continuing to the end and executed the
fourteen thousandth "curl" at 5:15, or
just one hour and forty-five minutes
from the time he started.
In order to show that the exertion
had not affected him unpleasantly
Frohmer proceeded to toss some heavy
weights about in an extremely free and
easy manner.
Metal Found Worth $1,500 Per Ton.
Denver. Dec. 13. Uranium has been
discovered near Black Hawk. Col. The
mineral is worth $1,500 per ton and the
agents of a French syndicate have an
nounced that they will buy all that can
be produced as it is much desired by
the French government for hardening
and solidifying gun metal and armor
It Has Been Taiau to the Supreme
Court of Illinois.
Alton, 111., Dec. 13. The Alton public
school color line fight will be trans
ferred to Springfield. Mayor Henry
Brueggeman, City Councillor H. S. Ba
ker and Attorney J. F. McGinnis. will
go there today to file in the state su
preme court the final answer of this
city to the petition of the colored citi
zens, Palmer and Brenholt, for a writ
of mandamus to compel th3 admission
of colored children indiscriminately to
all public schools in the city.
It will be argued that the points set
forth in the petition are all null and
void: that the city, in providing new,
conveniently located and perfectly
equipped school houses and assigning
the colored pupils thereto, has acted
clearly within the law, and has not only
not discriminated against the colored
children, but acted for their best mor
al and intellectual advancement.
This will be the line of defense.
Meantime, the fight here, while it has
ceased to be aggressive, is on as severe
ly as ever. No colored chiid is allowed
to enter any other than th new
schools assigned to them, and while the
attendance in the latter has slightly in
creased the colored people jgenerally
have persisted in their policy of keeping
the children at )iome rather than to
submit to the dictation of the board of
Deputy Sheriff Sheehan and a
Crazy Man Hare an Ex
citing Time.
Deputy Sheriff Larry Sheehan had
an exciting struggle with a maniac
this forenoon, and If Turnkey Mc
Knight had not come to his assistance
he might have been severely dealt
A colored man named Theodore Kd
wards was tried in the probate court
and found insane. He was in charge
of Deputy Sheehan and appeared quiet
enough in the court room, but when
the deputy started back to jail with
him, he was not so peaceably inclined
Just in front of the jail he attempted
to break away from Deputy Sheehan.
The officer seized him, and in a mo
ment the two men were rolling in the
snow. They finally struggled to their
feet, when the insane man again at
tacked the deputy, and again the men
went down in the snow by the side
walk. Turnkey McKnight heard the noise
and ran out to find Deputy Sheehan
and his prisoner engaged in a hand to
hand encounter in the snow. He took
a hand, and the two men finally suc
ceeded in overpowering Edwards.
Two or three men came running up
by this time and Edwards ivs- lifted up
and carried into the jail, whe?e he was
locked in a steel cage. After being
locked up he offered no further resist
ance. .
Edwards attacked Jailer Leech and
Turnkey McKnight last night, and it
was with great difficulty that they suc
ceeded in overpowering him. His In
sanity is the result of business troubles
His little farm north of Topeka has
been sold for taxes, and that so preyed
upon him that his mind became unbal
Attorney Now Arguing Over the So
Called Legal Ballots.
The completed count in the Kepley
Cook contest shows the following re
sults: Straight ballots counted for Cook.. 4, 747
Straight ballots counted for Kep
ley 4,420
Majority for Cook on straight bal
lots 327
Ballots objected to by Cook's attor
neys (not counted) 3S3
Ballots objected to by Kepley's at
torneys (not counted) 152
Defective ballots claimed by Kep-
ley, (not counted) 51
Defective ballots claimed by Cook
and not counted 19
Allowing all the defective and "ob
jected to" ballots to both sides the
count still shows that Cook has a ma
jority of 162.
The question now is how many of tha
ballots that have been thrown out will
be counted and upon that point the at
torneys are making their arguments
this afternoon. The figures given above
do not include the vote of Rossville
township or the fourth precinct of the
Second ward objected to by Cook's at
torneys nor the vote of Oakland object
ed to by Kepley's attorneys for mis
takes of the judges.
Sheriff Kepley's attorneys say that
the question now is how many of the
ballots thrown out are illegal. If they'
can sustain the legality of the Kepley
ballots thrown out or objected to and
Mr. Cook would fail to do as well with
the ballots objected to by Sheriff Kep
ley's attorneys the result might be in
Kepley's favor. These are questions
that will be submitted to the contest
court and no one can tell what the re
sult will be.
(S. C. Clemens has made a discovery
which may materially affect the contest
for sheriff and it may go farther and
invalidate all the elections held last fall,
he says. It may be that Mr. Clemens
is about to perpetrate a joke on the
Cook adherents for he says that he
does not intend to use the discovery
The "discovery" is the fact that the
late election law. is invalid and that
therefore all elections held under it are
invalid. As but one election has been
held since it was passed it would apply
only to that. It is evident from a
Klance that there is something wrong
with the law but what effect it will
have upon the election held under it is
undoubtedly a more serious question.
The defect in the law is that the act it
self and the title do not correspond.
The title provides for the amendment
of chapter 78 of the laws of 1S93 but the
act itself says nothing about amending
any law. It is a new law entirely.
Either tho Body Must be Produced or
the Kurder Proved.
Chicago, Dec. 13. Attorneys Harmon
and Kiese. in their defense of A. L.
Luetgert, have decided to base a strong
fight on the point of the corpus delicit.
They have been making a special study
of the law covering this point.
They will contend for the principle
of common law enunciated years and
years ago by Lord Hale, that a man
cannot be convicted where the corpus
delicti and the offense are both proved
by circumstantial evidence. Either the
body must be produced or the murder
proved to have been committed, and
proved by direct testimony.
Got. Leedy Issues a Peremptory
Order Today
Requiring All State Appointees
to Make Reports
To the Chief Executive Every
Thirty Days.
This is in Accordance With the
Governor Leedy tomorrow will trans
mit to the various state officials ap
pointed by him, the grain and oil in
spectors, bank commissioner, superin
tendent of insurance and others a let
ter asking them to file with the state
auditor, in conformity with paragraph.
6SS3 of the general statutes on or before
the fifteenth of each month, a detailed,
sworn statement of all fees and monies
collected and disbursed by them.
Although this law has been on the
statute books since 1S8D, Governor Lee
dy is the first executive who has made
any effort to secure its enforcement. '
Had the Republican attorney general
who was trying to oust John Breiden
thal been aware of the existence of
such a law, he might have been suc
cessful in the effort to create a vacancy
for the benefit of a Republican.
Governor Leedy determined, during
the controversy concerning the failure
of State Oil Inspector Wharton to make
monthly reports, to go to the bottom of
the matter and he sent the following
letter to the attorney general:
"A law passed in 1877 says that cer
tain officers there in named and all
others who receive and disburse money
for the state are to make monthly re
ports to the state auditor . Since that
time laws have been made creating new
offices such as oil inspector, insurance
commissioner, bank commissioner, and
grain inspector, each appearing to have
an enactment of its own with regard
to the method in which the respective
offices so created shall report. I would
be glad if you would let me know to
what officials, in your judgment, the
law originally made refers and which
of them are governed by statutes since
created with special reference to the
given officers."
Mr. Boyle today sent a lengthy opin
ion to the governor in which he holds
that all state officers, elective or ap
pointive, who receive and distribute
moneys, must make such monthly re
ports. This includes the secretary of
state, auditor, oil inspector, grain in
spector and superintendent of insur
ance. The bank commissioner, it is held,
must make quarterly reports now, but
should have made ninthly reports
prior to the enactment of the new
banking law last winter.
Secretary Bush and TV. E. Culver,
state grain inspector, are the only of
ficials who have been complying with
the law. All others, if they do not com
ply with the law, will be called before
the governor to explain.
Oil Inspector Wharton and Bank
Commissioner Breidenthal will also be
expected to file their formerly neg
lected statements with the auditor.
No other state administration has
had the courage to demand these re
ports, although the law contemplates
that all officers handling money shall
be held to a strict accountability.
Wind Increasing and Storm
Grows Worse in Western
Dispatches this afternoon from the
western counties state that the snow
storm is rapidly becoming a blizzard.
The wind is rising and the weather
becoming much colder.
A special from Lincoln Center, Kan.,
says a heavy blizzard is raging. It be
gan 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in
creasing in fury with each hour. The
snow fall is about three inches. The
blizzard is hard on cattle.
Snow has been falling all night and
a larga part of today in Topeka and vi
cinityr but much of it melts as soon as
it falls.
City Can Find No'Engineers Capable
of Operating the Pump.
Fort Scott. Dec. 13. Not a drop of
water has been served to the consum
ers of this city since Mayor Hesser took
charge of the waterworks Saturday
evening. Employes of the water com
pany refuse to work for the city and no
engineer can le found who can operate
the pumps. The city authorities accuse
the company's engineer of having"spik
ed" the pumps.
The superintendent of the works has
served notice on the city that the safe
ty of the pumping station is in danger
because of the incompetency of the
men who are attempting to run it. Ho
tels, factories and consumers generally
are compelled to obtain water from pri
vate sources, which are insufficient to
supply the needs. The trouble grows
out of the city forcing the water com
pany to sell its plant.
It Turns Over Seven Houses an d
Wrecks a Vessel.
Tew Orleans. La., Dec. 13. A small
cyclone visited Point La Hache, 45
miles below New Orleans this morning.
Seven houses were capsized and a lug
ger was wrecked and one man lost his
Bridge Jumper Leaps Into ths Miss
issippi at Memphis.
Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 13. Kearney
Parson Speedy, professional diver and
athlete, leaped from the railing of the
big cantilever bridge between this city
and West Memphis, into the Mississip
pi river, a distance of 125 feet, swam to
a waiting skiff and was rowed ashore
uninjured, at 2:30 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon. The feat was witnessed by a
crowd of 2,000 people.
More Than 1.00O Men Are Reported
to be on tho Way Out.
Victoria, B. C.,Dec.l3. By the steam
er Topeka, from Dyea, news is received
that more than a thousand ill-provisioned
men stampeded from Dawson
during the latter part of October and
impelled by the haunting fear of fam
ine, are now madly forcing their way
over the mountains.
Auk, the Indian mail carrier, who
brings this report, left the Yukon capi
tal fully ten days after the Dalton par
ty. He says that the vanguard of the
terror stricken army is following less
than a week behind him. Auk declares
that fully 25 per cent of the stampeding
army will never live to recite the ter
rors of their flight from the north.
The river steamers Bella and Weare,
it now appears, did not land more than
100 tons of provisions on their arrival
in Dawson in the early part of October,
owing to their having been held up at
Circle City.
The only bright view of the situation
is that the crossing of the pass above
Dyea and Skaguaj has lately been
greatly improved and within a month
will be in excellent condition.
Dyea parties headed by George F.
Ulmer, propose to go to the relief of
1 the hungry at Dawson.They will make
the L nlted fatates government, an offer
to deliver 50,000 pounds of provisions
within 50 days after the time of start
ing for Dawson, for the sum of $75,000.
They already have 5,000 pounds of pro
visions cached at Lake Bennett, which
they will take in over the Chilkoot pass
this winter. Ulmer will go south by the
next steamer to lay his proposition be
fore the secretary of war by wire.
It is stated that material for the pro
posed railroad over Taku pass has al
ready been shipped from the east.
John Bogard Attacked in a Resort
Known as Molly's Place.
John Bogard, a teamster who lives
at Kansas City, Kan., was beaten and
robbed Saturday morning in a house
on Monroe street between Third and
Fourth streets. He immediately re
ported the case to the police depart
ment. Early this morning W. Daily, a
plumber, and Charles Smith, a brake
man, were arrested by the police,
charged with being the guilty parties.
Saturday Bogard walked up Monroe
street in search of a certain house. W.
Daily met him and volunteered to take
him to it. The two entered the resort,
which is known as "Molly's Place."
Charles Smith, who is a cousin of
Bogard, was inside. Bogard says:
"Daily and I were in one room and
Smith was in the other. I gave one of
the girls a push, and as I did so Daily
ran his hand into my pocket and took
my pocketbook. As soon as I discover
ed it I said: 'Daily, give me my pock
etbook.' He said: 'I haven't got your
pocketbook, you .' Then he
hauled off and hit me in the face. He
struck me three times, and he must
have had some iron thing in his hand,
for he cut my face on both sides of my.
nose and loosened several teeth. When
I got my senses again, I told the police
about it. Daily was the one who rob
bed me. Since that he tried to compro
mise the case with me. My pocket
book had $26 in cash and a railroad
check payable December 17. He of
fered to give me $20, but I wouldn't ac
cept anything of the kind. I sold my
team at Kansas City and was going
west. Smith didn't have anything to
do with robbing me. He is my cousin.
He was in the next room, though, when
Daily knocked me -down, and he was
arrested along with Daily."
This morning at 2:40 o'clock Daily
was arrested at the Holliday house,
while Smith was found at the resort on
Monroe street. Today Smith -was re
leased. Daily will be turned over to
the state for trial on the charge of
robbery. He has been working at his
trade in Topeka for several months.
The resort at which the trouble occur
red is a notorious one. there having
been many attempts made at robbery,
some of which were successful. At
this place both white and colored dis
orderly women stay.
The Death of Bud Chase, Through a
Sad Accident While Hunt
ing Rabbits.
Bud Chase, son of Charles F. Chase,
who lives a half mile south from Bell
view, while hunting last Saturday aft
ernoon in company with his brother
Johnnie and Herbert Hughes, a neigh
bor's son, lost his life. While the other
boys were cutting alders in a thicket
75 feet away, he climbed the bank of
Deer creek to look for a rabbit. A large
tree grows near the top of the bank,
with a network of roots that have been
bared by the action of the stream. It
is thought that as he stepped upon this
he slipped and, in falling, struck the
hammer of his shotgun upon one of
these roots. The heavy charge entered
his forehead a little above the center
between the eyes and came out high up
on the opposite side. As he rolled to
the bottom of the ravine his terror
stricken companions sprang to the spot,
only to find him already dead.
While the little brother watched the
body the other boy dashed to the Chase
home a mile and a half away and an
nounced the dreadful news. The terri
fied parents hastening to the place, be
held a scene too shocking to be de
scribed. With the aid of a neighbor,
who came with a one-horse wagon, they
lifted the lifeless form and bore it home.
The funeral that was held at the Bell
view school house this afternoon was
largely attended by his sorrowing
friends and was an occasion that will
not soon be forgotten. The remains
were interred in Topeka cemetery.
Bud had been a carrier of the Jour
nal, was a manly, helpful, noble boy, 15
years of a-ge, and was held in the high
est esteem of all who knew him.
Judge Hazia Refuses to Grant an In
junction Against John Branner.
Judge Hazen today refused to enjoin
John Branner from renting his building
for the use of a joint. This is the one
case ) which the temperance committee
succeeded in getting a favorable verdict.
The jury found that Branner had knowl
edge that liquor was being sold in his
building.but found that another man than
the one charged was the keeper of the
Judge Hazen held that the keeper was
a necessary party to the suit and that
therefore he would p-ive a judgment for
Mr. Branner. The temperance commit
tee made a special effort in this case.
They say that if they can enjoin the own
ers of buildings in which joints are situ
ated, they have a weapon with they can
drive the joints out of business, but it ap
pears that even this has failed.
HE CETSjBI 0,000
Knights of Maccabees Must Pay
a Large Sum
To Lenna Winslow Whose Kid
ney They Dislocated
In Initiating Him at Kansas
City Some Time Ago.
In the Midst of the Tomfoolery
and He Fell.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 13. Lenna
Winslow, who sued the Knights of Mac
cabees for $25,000 for dislocating one of
his kidneys while Initiating him into
the local order four years ago, has been
awarded $10,000 by a jury in Judge
Gates' division of the circuit court.
The story of how Winslow joined the
Knights of the Maccabees at the Fifth
Street opera house in Kansas City,
Kan., four years ago, has been appar
ently told under oath in open court, and
the public has a right to its burning
curiosity no longer.
Mr. Winslow is a butcher by trade.
He owned a shop on Minnesota avenue.
He was healthy then and it was with a
light heart and a faithful kidney that
he went one night to be initiated into
the "tent" of the Maccabees. He was
greeted joyfully then he now believes
maliciously at the door of the ante
room by the outer guard and taken into
an inner room, where were the waiting
members and officers of the lodge in
long, black, red and white robes and
masks. He had been through the
physical examination and passed suc
cessfully, but two members took . him
outside again and put him through
another one. He was then brought in
and required to take the oath never to
divulge the secrets of the order.
"You are now about to pass through
the three years' warfare," said a voice;
"it is full of dangers and you must be
physically and mentally capable of
withstanding its hardships."
Winslow was blindfolded and given a
heavy pack to carry on his back for the
Here he was challenged.
"It-appears," said a voice, "that the
stranger has been guilty of gross mis
representation, that he might join our
order. He has represented himself to
be younger than he really is, in order
to obtain a lower rate of insurance; his
age, weight and height are not what he
has sworn them to be in his written ap
plication, which ,we have here. I find
on examination that his pulse is irreg
ular, and that his lungs and heart are
"I lind upon inquiry," said another
voice, "that his moral character is far
from that which a true Knight .of the
Maccabees should be. He has misrep
resented his moral conduct."
Lenna began to be afraid he was go
ing to be blackballed.
Another voice spoke:
"From the indisputable evidence at
hand it seems the candidate is totally
unfit to be one of us. In his application
he has been guilty of deception, fraud
and gross misrepresentation."
A former voice spoke again.
"I find," it said, "that the stranger is
in a very bad condition and likely to die
at any time. Many of his muscles are
totally ossified; he has a double and
conflicting pulse, and the valves of his
heart are rusty ana out of repair.
"His lung are not mates, his left one
refusing to act in harmony with his
right one."
"No punishment can be too severe
for such base conduct," said the big
voice, which seemed to be in charge,
"away w-ith him and let him be severe
ly dealt with."
Rough hands seized Lenna and hur
ried him to the door, amid angry cries
of "Away with him! Away with him!"
by the members.
But just as they reached the door a
voice commanded them to halt.
"Perhaps we have been too hasty," it
said, and Lenna was taken back, made
to breath up and down, sideways and
diagonally, perform various calisthe
nics with arms and legs and finally
blow through a noiseless tin horn, call
ed a lung tester.
All this was the preliminary work in
detail as laid down in the official ritual.
Then he was pronounced all right and
told to prepare for the "first year's
It has been supposed by the general
public that candidates for initiation to
secret lodges are disrobed. Lenna re
tained the majority of his garments.
The first part of the journey was the
"crossing of the bridge." The "bridge"
was only a narrow plank. with each end
on a soap box. He couldn't have fallen
more than a foot, but Lenna, being
blindfolded, did not know that.
"Steady your nerves," said the lieu
tenant commander. "You are about to
cross a narrow and frail bridge high
above a deep stream. A terrible storm
approaches. Be careful or your next
step may be your last."
Lenna balanced himself along the
sagging board with arms outstretched.
There was a sound of falling water and
of hissing wind which he thought must
be the storm coming for he could feel
the wind. But it was only the mem
bers pouring water from one pail into
another and pumping a hand bellows in
Lenna's face.
Then Lenna stepped to the floor
"The bridge has been safely passed,"
said the voice, "and all retreat is cut
"We are in the enemy's country. Ah,
I see them coming now armed and
ready for battle. We must be quick and
hide or we shall be captured. Get down
on your hands and knees and crawl into
this cave till they have passed. Keep
your head down so it will not strike the
rocks. Be careful that your hands do
not come in contact with the snakes,
lizards and other deadly reptiles that
infest this cave."
Lenna was undecided whether to stay
and fight it out or take his chances
with the snakes. He chose the hitter
and crouching crawled on the floor.
A strip of oilcloth covered with a wet
cloth to represent the damp Moor of a
cave was spread in front of him.
He could hear the enemy approach,
and the clank and clash of spears, and
just then he put his hand on a cold,
wet rubber snake, and he yelled. An
other coiled itself about his neck and
closed its jaws on his chin, and he
yelled again and tore it loose. Damp
rubber snakes crawled over his hands
while the members hissed in his ears.
Lenna wanted to go home, but he
couldn't back out now. The "second
year's warfare" began at the foot of a
"rugged mountain," a voice told Lenna,
and he was made to run around the
room, falling over rocks, which were
bags filled with sawdust, until he was
sore and mad. He was marched up an
incline which was really a plank
which led from the floor to a table
and here he was halted while the com
mander addressed him.
"You are now on the brink of a deep
and yawning cavern," said the voice.
"You must cross it or you cannot reach
the camp of the Maccabees, which lies
beyond the mountains. One misstep
or mistake will send you to death, or
the rocks below. A rope hangs from
above. Take it and jump, letting your
self down hand over hand till you reach
the bottom. Pull the rope twice and
we will know you are safe. Jump."
This was where Lenna made his un
fortunate error. He had had enough
of snakes and rocks and river3, and
didn't propose to do any bridge jump
ing act down the side of a mountain,
though he had never heard of any moun
tains in Kansas City, Kan., before.
So he refused to jump, and, as the ri
tual said it was all right, somebody
pushed him. As Lenna fell he bumped one
of his kidneys on the edge of the table,
and that is what formed the basis of
the suit for damages.
Escaped Lunatic From the Asy
lum Turns Up at Buffalo, N.Y.
James T. Nolan, who escaped from the
Topeka asylum October S, appeared at the
home of relatives at BufTalo, N. Y., a
few days ago, probably the worst spec
tacle ever seen in that city. His clothing
was a mass of rags, covered with grime:
his hair dishevelled, hanging in tangles
over his eyes: hat rim gone; lace unshav
ed: shoes worn out and torn; his counte
nance the picture of misery and depriva
tion. These unmistakable evidences of hard
ships bore witness to the struggle the un
fortunate man had undergone to reach
the home of friends. He is now at the
home of his aunt. Mrs. J. W. Keough, on
Myrtle avenue in Buffalo, where his
mother's relatives also reside.
The Nolan case is but another -sad pic
ture of a man who seemed destined for a
happier destiny than dragging out the
days of a miserable existence in an Insane
He went to Ellis, Kan., when he was 8
years old, 24 years ago. At the age of
21 he was married to Miss Stont of Havs
City. He taught school 14 years. He
was appointed as a cadet to West Point
by Congressman Hanbaek and passed a
first class examination, except in gram
mar. Failing to go to West Point, he took up
the study of law during the time bo was
teaching school, and was afterwards ad
mitted to the bar by Judge S. A. Osborn,
who complimented Nolan in open court
and commended him for the excellent ex
amination he had passed.
Some time ago Nolan went insane. He
became convinced that a mob was after
him to avenge some crime he had com
mitted. He was not violent, but melan
choly. He was sent to the asylum, but
escaped. When be disappeared an effort
was made to rind him. but the authorities
were unsuccessful and the stipt-riiitend-nt
sent Nolan's clothing and other belong
ings home., giving up the-search. Mrs.
Nolan then came to Topeka and of Gov
ernor Leedy demanded an investigation
for the purpose of ascertaining why her
husband had not been watched more
Nolan's arrival at Buffalo clears up the
mystery of his disappearance.
All the Churches Will ba Represent
ed at Mrs. McKinley's Funeral
Canton, Dec. 13. Information is definite
that all the members of the cabinet with
the exception of Secretary Gage will be
present at the funeral of Mrs. McKinley,
which will take place at 1 o'clock tomor
row. Vice President Hobart has just
announced that he cannot come. The of
ficials from Washington will reach Canton
on Tuesday.
The indications now are that the funeral
will be the largest ever held in Canton.
Business will be practically suspended in
the city. All the churches will be rep
resented at the services and distinguished
men will be present from all parts of the
Rev. Dr. Manchester, pastor of Mrs. Mc
Kinley's church, will make a very brief
address, in order to permit the pastors of
other churches to express a sentiment.
Christian Scientists Erect a $6,000
Church at Sioux City.
Sioux City, la.. Dec. 3. Sioux City
Christian Scientists thrice dedicated a
new church Sunday, the first of that faith
ever built In Iowa. It cost $6.0c0. all of
which was fully paid when the trustees
accepted the building from the contract
ors. Though a frame building, with a seat
ing capacity of less than 1,000. it is one
of the prettiest bits of ecclesiastic archi
tecture in the city.
The local pastor. Miss Clara Shepard,
conducted the initial services. Visitors
from this and adjoining states were nu
Webb WcNaU Says, Ha Will Examine
the Travelers1 Kansas Holdings.
Webb McNall said today:
"The real estate holdings of the Trav
elers' Insurance company, according to
its annual report on file in this ofhee,
are of the value of the sum of $1,953.
756.09, and of this amount $3fi5,365.12 is
located in Kansas. Its report further
shows a3 to its real estate mortgages
that , it. has $5,377,156.02 in the aggre
gate. Of this amount a large propor
tion of the same is located in Kan
pas. '"On account of Mr. Batterson having
placed the records of his office under
the control of Mr. Retts, insurance
commissioner of Connecticut, so that
the Kansas department cannot obtain
control of them at this time, this de
partment has decided to proceed from
this office to make an investigation of
their Kansas holdings as to the value
of same, both as to real estate holdings
and mortgages, direct from this office,
having as a criterion the company's
sworn annual report on file in this of
fice, which is the best evidence as to
the value the company has placed up
on the same."
Scalded at tha Shopi
Robert Black, a clerk in the car serv
ice department, was carrying a buck
et of hot water yesterday, when he
stumbled, and in falling, his right fore
arm was badly scalded. The injured
arm was dressed yesterday at the San
ta Fe hospital. Black will be able to
use his arm in a. few days.
And Less Buncombe in Police
Is What Citizens of Topeka are
Whether Populists or Republi
cans, They Do Not
Public Sentiment in Favor o
Cutting Down Expenses.
Police Board Disposed to bo
President J. B. Billard, of the board
of police commissioners, today received
the following letter from Mayor Chas.
A. Fellows in regard to the proposed
reduction of the police force to conform
to the law:
Topeka, Kan., Dec. 11. 1S97.
Hon. J. B. Billard, President Board of
Police Commissioners of the City of
Topeka, Topeka, Kan.
Dear Sir: Referring to our conversa
tion of the 9th inst., in which you ur;je
that the mayor and council refrain from
insisting that the board of police com
missioners comply with the decision of
Judge Hazen concerning the police
force, I have talked with several of the
councilmen. in fact a majority of the
members of the city council, and with,
many citizens and tax payers, and I am
compelled to inform you that the city
v. iil insist that your board be required
to comply with the law. No other
course would be right or just. A viola
tion of the law of this state by the po
lice commissioners or city officers can
not be justified in any possible way. To
follow your suggestions and allow the
police commissioners to continue their
present organization of the police force,
without any reduction in number, grade
or expense, without a protest oh our
part, would, we believe, be a betrayal
of the trust reposed in us by the peo
ple. As to your suggestion that if the city
insisted on the law being complied with,
that your board would raise all salar
ies to their maximum limit and would
endeavor to make the police depart
ment cost as much as at present, 1 am
confident your conduct will receive and
merit the censure and condemnation of
the people of this city, and in my judg
ment, will not receive the approval of
the executive of this state. Your board)
ought to be willing to use every effort
to reduce the running expenses of the
city, and ought not. as a matter of spite,
add additional burdens to our tax pay
ers. The efficiency of the police lon e
will not be impaired by taking off a i'.-A-of
the "fringes and plumbs" that it has
been decorated with as a mere matter
of display.
We have tried to reduce the expenses
of the city to the lowest possible limit
and we expect you, who have control o
one of the principal departments. to fol
low our example. If you do not, the re
sponsibility must rest upon you and
the administration you represent.
Yours truly,
C. A. FELLOWS. Mayor.
President Billard will answer the
Mayor Fellows letter. At the meeting
of the police board held Saturday night,
no action was taken in the matter. A
discussion was had about it.
Mr. Billard said in regard to it: "We
talked about at the meeting but no
action was taken. We may have a
special meeting of the board this week
lo consider the question. I received
Mayor Fellows' letter only this morn
ing. I shall prepare an answer to it.
We think that it would be wise not to
reduce the force and that is the reason
we suggested raising the salary of cer
tain officers to the maximum so that
with the extra money we could main
tain the efficiency."
Mr. Billard's answer will contain the
suggestions as already made, together
with a statement of the needs of tne de
partment and a way of rttiching if pos
sible, some compromise.
It is the opinion of Mayor Fellows
and the city council that the police
board is making a grand stand play to
prevent the reduction of the police
At a recent conference President Bil
lard informed Mayor Fellows that the
city would save nothing by ordering
the reduction of the force because the
law allows the board to raise the sal
ary of the police judge to $1,200. He
now receives $SoO. He said that there
were other instances where salaries
might be raised and the city would con
sequently have a. crippled force but one
just as expensive. Mayor Fellows was
stumped by the audacious statement.
He did not want to believe that three
officers of the city would raise the sal
aries of officers in their employ simp
ly for spite.
There are others besides the city
council upon whom the pettiness of
the police commissioners would fall,
and they are the men. Populists and
Republicans, who pay the taxes. It i
doubtful if Populist business men will
stand extravagance by the Topeka po
lice department or any city department
The police board does not like to let
go of any policemen. They are part of
a powerful political machine and they
do not want to do anything to destroy
the effectiveness of the machine, but
of course this does not affect the busi
ness men who pay the expenses.
There is a scramble to shift the re
sponsibility on the council.
Joins the Democrats on Account of
Denver, Dec. 13. Judge Morton S.
Bailey. Populist candidate for governor,
who was defeated by Alva Adams in
1S!6. has announced his purpose to act
in the future with the Democratic par
ty. He says that he surrenders none
of his principles, but, as the tight is
now between free coinage and monome
tallism, the Democratic party has the
better claims to his support.
Major Inmr.n Goes to Salt Lake.
Major Henry Inman left Sunday for
Salt Lake City, where he will spend
two weeks gathering data for his work
on "The Salt Lake Trail." Major In
man has not yet received any royalties
on his book, which is already in the
third edition. He says that he intends
to buy a little home near Topeka.whera
he will spend the rest of his life. "That
is all I care for or desire," said he. "I
want a little quiet place where I caa
settle down and call it home."

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