Newspaper Page Text
TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 15, 1899. 7 Remington Hling and tabulating Attachment to the Remington Standard Typewriter is a wonder. WONDERFULLY QUICK, WONDERFULLY SIMPLE, WONDERFULLY USEFUL, WONDERFULLY ACCURATE At a touch the carriage jumps from the ,in the next column." and over rnnn ana eta mm io.OQJW .OTKs" FORi SALE: BY ALL REMINGTON TYPEWRITER DEALERS. J. F. MYERS, Local Dealer, Topeka, Kansas. Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, I05 W. 9th St., Kansas City, Mo. J. W. Mergan and "Almontonian,'- J. "W. Mergan's trotting stallion Al montonian. dark seal brown or black horse. 164 hands high, weighs 1.250 pounds. Call at No. 223 Hancock street after 4 p. rn. for ail information about id horse. 5M0KE KLAUER'S GOLD BUG. 5 cent Cizajt BEST 1D CHEAPEST ROUTE to NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD Via Niagara Falls. Illustrative descriptive matter mailed free on request. C. EC., HELLER, T. P. A., Room 8. Exchange, Kansas City, Mo. Seat and Health to Mother and Child MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHTXG STRUT tu been used for over FIFTY YEARS BY MILLIONS! OF MOTHERS for their CHILL'REX WHILE TEETHING, Willi PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tha CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, AL LAYS all PAIN. CURES WIND COLIC and Is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA, fold by Drupgists in every part of the world. Re sure ar-.d ask for '"Mrs. Win dow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty -nva cents a bonis. IN A PYTHON'S FANGS. Exciting Scene in the Elk Fair Not On the Frogamme. New Castle, July 14. A drizzling rain this afternoon prevented a very large attendance at the Elks' street fair. A good deal of excitement was caused this afternoon by one of the snakes. The owner of the show was endeavoring to get it to eat and was holding a live chicken by the legs and was swinging the fowl back and forth above the head of the snake. This he kept up for fully rive minutes, at the same time giving the Fnake a push every once in awhile to induce hitn to make a strike at the chicken. The glass door of the cage was open full and the tent was crowded with people, when the snake gave a sudden bound from the cage, shot past the keeper's body and seized his arms in its powerful jaws. The people in the tent made aa rush for the outside and quite a panic ensued for a few min utes. The showman could be heard inside talking to the snake, and when the people finally ventured in the snake was back in its cage, while Mr. Lam brigger was rubbing his arm. The arm is badly discolored, but. as the bite of the serrent is not poisonous, it will cause him no harm. He says that he thought for awhile that his arm was broken. St. Louis and Return $11.20, Via the Santa Fe. Account annual reunion of Elks, tick ets on sale June 19th and 20th. Final limit June 24th. See T. L. King, agent" for paticulars. The? "Quick Meal," the best gasoline atove on earth. Culver & Bailey, 829 Kansas avenue. ' No better equipped shop nor finer watchmakers than at Campbell's, 625 Sanaa avenue. jrv-.v1 '- last character written to the exact place any "number ot column, thm . t.oa ALL FOB HOME. Commercial Club Pushing "Made In Topeka" Movement The Commercial club at Its meeting last evening endorsed the "Made in Topeka" circular which has been pre pared by the committee on manufac tures, and ordered that 10,000 copies of the circular be printed for distribution among the citizens of Topeka. It shows what can be accomplished if the people of Topeka will support the manufactur ing institutions that are established here, and will go a long ways towards solving the trust problem locally. The circular is as follows: To the Retail Merchants and Consumers of Topeka: The Commercial club has taken the subject of home industry in hand and wishes to call your attention to some of the benefits to accrue from patronizing goods "Made in Topeka." If you will buy all the flour you use or sell from the home mills, ten men will be given work. If you will buy all the cigars you smoke or sell from home manufacturers, 40 more men will be given work in To peka. If you will buy all the pickles, baking powder, catsup and similar goods that you use or sell from the Topeka manu facturer ten more men will be given work. If you will buy all the woolens that you use or sell from the Topeka mill 100 more employes will be added to the rolls of the institution. In two months time you will by this simple act have added 160 heads of families to the population of your city. Five to a family would make the wel come addition of 800 to the number now residing in the city. This means that the business of the city will at once be increased nearly two per cent and that your business will ex perience the same increase. Can you afford to buy goods else where? In Kansas City, the cry "patronize home industry" has been raised and a perfect furore exists. Forty cigar mak makers have been added to the number already employed and even Topeka sent down three. Men are wearing but tons with the home industry legend on them. Business houses are proud to ex hibit the label "Made in Kansas City, U. S. A.," and as a result hundreds of dollars which were sent east are now staying in Kansas City and every mer chant great and small, is reaping, the benefit, for no other class of people spend money as freely as workingmen when they have it, and you have it en tirely within your pover to give it to them to spend. To the end that the goods from To peka manufacturers may be known.the Commercial club has adopted a label, a copy ofw hich is printed hereon. It is our sincere hope that manufacturers and merchants will as far as possible place it on all goods manufactured in the city and sold by merchants. Awnings, bee hives, books (all kinds.) boots and shoes, brooms, butter, bar ber supplies, brick, baking powder, boil ers, blinds, blankets, boxes (paper ind cigar), badges, carpets, carriages, ci gars, candies, castings, iron all kinds), cellulose, copper ware, cornices, corn meal, cider, condiments, (table), dresses, doors, door plates, engines, extracts, ex ray machines, flour, frames (picture), furniture, fur goods, hats, harness, hair goods, horse shoes, ice, ice cream, light (gas and electric), lime, mattresses.mir rors, milinery goods, monuments, metal signs, machinery (mill, etc..) packing house products, photographs, plows, pumps, proprietary medicines, rubber stamps, signs, soda water, spices, shirts, spring beds, sash, saddles.tents, trusses, tinware, trunks, vinegar wagons, wool ens and yeast, are all manufactured in Tupeka and lithographing is executed here. You can not afford to ignore this ap peal. Are you with tis? The label adopted is similar to the one published in the State Journal a short time ago when the "home indus try" agitation first commenced. VOLUNTEERS SATISFIED. They Show Little Inclination to Re enlist at Manila. Washington, June 15. Pursuing a policy determined upon some months ago. General Otis is organizing three regiments in the Philippines composed of officers and men of the state volun teers who desire to remain in the serv ice. The army bill authorized this kind of enlistment in the Philippines. If the full complement cannot be made up from these discharged volunteers in the Philippines, the regiments will be or ganized and offered in skeleton form until recruits can be sent from the United Slates to fill them. General Otis and the volunteer officers in the Philippines have been consulting to see how many men w ill enlist. The number has not been very large, as there seems to be a desire on the part of the volun teers to return to the United States with their organizations. These three proposed regiments, with three regi ments of regulars to sail from San Francisco on the 22nd and 24th. and those under orders for Manila, will give General Otis 33.000 righting men. It is stated positively at the war de partment that the report that it was in tended to reduce the cavalry troops and artillery batteries in this country to 95 men each in order to increase the com panies in the Philippines to 150 men each is absolutely without foundation. The Peerless Steam Laundry has put on the latest device for smoothing the edges of collars and cuffs. Butte,Mont, J2S.85, via Santa Fe Route. CONTEST SPIRITED. Suck Fin Tournament Is Becoming Interesting. The contest in the duck pin tourna ment on the T. A. A. alleys Wednesday night between the Sunflowers and the Topekas resulted in a victory for the Sunflowers by two pins. The score was: Topekas. 1.208: Sunflowers. 1,210. This places the Sunflowers in the lead in the tournament. They still have one more game to play with the strong Santa Fe team, which may change the final standing of the teams. The Santa Fes and Topekas are tied for second place. The Tosekas have one more game to play with the All Stars. Last night's play changed the indi vidual averages somewhat. Carr moved up from second to first place with an average of 85 5-12. Robert Thompson improved his position and is now in sec ond place, seven pins behind the first man. Prizes will be awarded for individual and team averages. The contest closes next week. J0INTI8TS FINED. Chief of Police Announces That He Controls Situation. "I believe the jointists are routed," said Chief Ramsey today. "This 'double-barreled' ordinance about selling liquor and maintaining a place where liquor is sold is too much for them. The fines make the opera tion of the places too expensive and the proprietors cannot stand the drain upon their money drawers." Yesterday James Sheasley was fined $200 and his appeal bond placed at $1, 000. Charles Jockheck was arrested again on Tuesday evening and stoutly affirms that his place is closed and will not be opened again. Bob Pigg and W. W. Kiley, who operated on East Sixth street have closed, and A. B. Crist was arrested yesterday for sell ing liquor in the rear of the Milwaukee restaurant. KANSAS ARTIST. Channel P. Townsley of New York city is in Topeka today. Mr. Townsley is a Kansas product and is meeting with success as an ar tist in the metropolis. He has been do ing illustrative work for nearly all the magazines and illustrated papers. He is now connected with the New York School of Art. Mr. Townsley was a student in Wash burn college in the early eighties and was afterward a colleague in the art schools of Paris. He married Miss Kil mer, a daughter of Capt. C. B. Kilmer of Topeka. FOR HORSE STEALING. Morris Cummin gs Arrested For Theft In Nebraska. Officer Lucas arrested Morris Cum mings at noon today charging him with stealing a horse and buggy in Auburn, Neb. A card was received at police station giving the description of a horse and buggy that was stolen in Auburn. Last night Officer Hendricks reported that he believed the horse had been sold to H. C. Lindsey. This morning Officer Lucas started to hunt up the case and found a horse answering the description had been sold to Lindsey. He started to hunt the man. A reward of $75 is offer ed for the man. horse and buggy. Wrord was received at police station that the man was in a resort on Smoky Row. Officers Bundy and Matthews started for the place down Jackson street. Sergt. Donovan was on Kansas avenue and heard of it and started for the place. Bundy, Matthews and Dono van reached the resort in time to see Officer Lucas coming out with the man, Lucas found him drunk and in bed. TO KEEP RIGHT ON. Commercial Club Will Not Adjourn For Summer. The Commercial club will not suspend its meeting during the summer. There is entirely too much business demand ing its attention. At the meeting "Wednesday evening J. B. Billard moved that the meetings be continued during the hot weather regardless of what has been the custom heretofore. Mr. Billard called attention to the fact that matters of importance are continually coming up for consider ation, and the club concluded that "Greater Topeka" demanded that no recess should be taken during- the sum mer. Consequently the meetings will be continued as usual. DEATHS AND FUNERALS. Walter J. VanNice, aged 31 years, died Wednesday night at his home, 718 Tay lor street. The funeral will be held from the residence Friday morning at 10 o'clock. J. A. Gorham, aged 58, died Wednes day noon at his home, 1900 Harrison street. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from the house at three o'clock. Mr. Gorham was a member of Lincoln Post. What you want is not temporary relief from piles but a cure to stay cured. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles, and they stay cured. Soothes and quickly heals old sores, scalds, cuts. burns, wounds and skin diseases. Geo. W. Stans field. W. H. Wilson, A. J. Arnold & Son, A. J. Kane & Co. A HOT TIME Can be avoided in your home during these hot summer months by not burning coal. Burn Gasoline; Get the right kind of a Gasoline Stove and there's no danger. We sell the right kind at the right price. T. J. Couglin Hardware Co. 703 Kansas Ave. THE BOX FACTORY. Talk About a Box Trust Cracker Con cern History. There are trusts and rumors of trusts many are mere rumors. So much is said and written about these combina tions of trade that they are naturally expected to lurk in almost every dark alley and behind . every mill and fac-tory- A report that the box factory was the next victim, brought a State Journal report to interview L. H. Crandell, the proprietor of the Topeka Paper Box factory on Van Buren street. Mr. Cran dell said: "I have never been approached by any agent of a trust, and do not think a trust has been organized yet, but I believe one is in the process of forma tion, and as a preliminary to that end the larger manufacturers are endeavor ing to freeze out the smaller ones so that there will not be so many factories to be corralled. 'T have received good patronage from many of the Topeka business men who require boxes, but recently prices I could not meet have been made to some of my best customers by eastern factories. "I do not especially blame business men for saving all they can, but such a policy means the encouragement of the formation of the trust and which eventually may drive the Topeka con cern out of business. When the trust gets control the prices will, of course, be advanced far above what they would be with legitimate ompetition. "There were at one time three box factories doing business in Kansas City. Competition was so keen between them that none of them were making money. A few months ago two of them were burned up, leaving only one in control of the field, and no other fac tory has dared to go in there and start, so that Kansas City is now an easy field to control." Mr. Crandell has had experience with trusts before, and he realizes the dif ficulties before a small concern and the need of the support of the territory in which it does business. "Several years ago," said Mr. Cran dell, "I owned a half interest in the To peka Cracker factory. At that time trusts were in their infancy, but a cracker trust was organized strong enough to stifle competition. The To peka factory fought it for awhile, but the trust sent crackers into Topeka and sold" them at the same price per pound that the Topeka factory paid for its flour, so that if it met the trust price, it received nothing for the other mater ials, its labor, nor for expenses. The majority of the merchants bought trust crackers because they were cheaper, and the result was that in a few months the Topeka factory was forced Into the trust. "The trust dictated not only the price at which the crackers should be sold, but also the kind and amount of flour and lard to be used in them, so that the crackers of one factory should be no better than those of another factory. The Topeka factory was required to de posit $1,000 in cash with the trust as a forfeit to keep it from violating any of the rules of the trust. Prices were advanced in Topeka and the factory made money. Whenever another fac tory was to be run out the trust put crackers in its territory at a price far below cost, and the loss was made up from the trust treasury. The Topeka factory was eventually burned by an incendiary." CLAIMED Bl TWO. Wife No. 1 and Wife No. 2 See Their , Husband Sentenced. A peculiar spectacle was witnessed in district court late Wednesday after noon. It was the sight of a man con fessing to having two wives, while both women who claimed him as their hus band sat looking on, apparently the best of friends. The man was J. L. Gilbert, who was arrested at Oakland several weeks ago on the charge of bigamy, and who has been in the county jail awaiting trial ever since. He entered a plea of guilty and Judge Hazen gave him the mini mum sentence for the offense, a fine of $100 and a jail sentence of 90 days. Mr. Gilbert evidently did not know how serious an offense he was commit ting at the time he committed it, for when he was arrested he laughed about it until the officers explained to him that he was a felon in the eyes of the law. Since then he has treated the matter seriously. That is the reason why hev was given such a light sen tence. Judge Hazen warned him, how ever, that he never wanted to hear of his doing the like again. While waiting for the case to be called and while sentence was being pronounced upon Gilbert, both of his wives occupied seats side by side among the spectators. They came to the court room together, and occasionally whis pered to each other while waiting for Gilbert's case to be called. The older woman, Mrs. Gilbert No. 1, was ac companied by her little boy, who point ed to his father when he first caught sight of him. The woman's face was hard and relentless. She had suffered enough at the hands of her faithless husband, and she wished to see him punished. With the other woman it was differ ent. She was a pretty girl of 18, and it could be seen at a glance that her affections were still centered on the man who had deceived her. The tears flowed down her cheeks and at times sobs shook her frame. She has repeat edly declared that she loved Gilbert and meant to stay by him through all his troubles. As soon as the trial was over and Gilbert had been taken back to the county jail to begin his sentence, the two women, with the little boy between them, left the court room together. BROUGHT TO A TRUCE. From the Detroit Free Press. Such occurrences as this are inevit able. The father is a veteran of the civil war and the son helped settle things in Cuba. "You don't know what war is," said the old gentleman at dinner the other day. "It's nothing to go over and clean out a lot of half-breeds and heathens. Wre fought as brave a lot of men as ever strapped on a knapsack or pulled a trigger, and we didn't come home kicking because our bill of fare wasn't up to that of a five-dollar-a-day hotel." "Oh, I guess you did your share of kicking, from what I read. And I guess you didn't strike anything much hotter than it was going up that hill at San tiago." "Papa," said little Johnny from near the foot of the table, "do you mean that a man that was wounded or killed in your war was any more woundeded or killeded than they was in brother Ike's war?" The older veteran simply hoisted his napkin on his fork, and the Cuban hero smilingly acknowledged the surrender. $32,50. $32.5G. The above greatly reduced rate has been made by the Union Pacific to Cali fornia points. Through tourist sleepers, quicker time than any other line. For tickets and full information call on F. A. Lewis, city ticket agent, or J. C. Fulton, depot agent. The "Victor" bicycle for $30 until June 30. Culver & Bailey, 829 Kansas avenue. MUNYON'S INDALER CURES CATARRH Colds, Coughs, Hay Fever, Bron chitis, Asthma and all Diseases the Throat and Lungs. Cloud of Medicated Vapor r Inhaled through the month and emitted from the nos trils, cleansing and Taporiiing all tee Inflamed and diseased parts which, cannot b reached oj medicine taken into the atomachi It Teaches the sore spots It heals the raw places It got to the seat of disease It acts as a balm and tonic to the whole system $1.00 at druggists or sent by mail. 1S0S A.rch St., rhila RANKS THINNING. Twenty-eight Old Settlers Pass Away During the Year. The twenty-second annual "old set tlers' ' picirtc was held Wednesday at Garfield park. The ranks of the old settlers are thin ning, and since the picnic a year ago twenty-eight have become settlers in an other land. To recruit and keep the or-e-anizsrion alive it was decided to allow those who were in Topeka during the civil 1 war to Decome memoers ana aiso ineu- j children. Col. C. K. Holliday was added to the committee in charge of the work of issuiner a historv of Tooeka. On ac- ) count of the rain many did not attend, and it was decided to hold another picnic later in the summer. CANAL COMMISSION. . Meets This Morning and Prepares For Business. Washington, June 15. The members of the commission appointed by the president to examine into the question of the feasible route for a canal across the Isthmus of Panama met in this city this morning in the Corcoran building. The only absentee was ex-Senator Pasco of Florida. Admiral Walker was elected presi dent, after which the commission called upon the president in a "body to pay their respects. Later they went to the state department and called upon Sec retary Hay, with whom they discussed somewhat in detail the plans of the work before them. WRONG MAN DEAD. Blunder of Coroner May Cause Com plication in Yoeman Murder Case. Before the coroner's jury in the Jack-son-Yoeman shooting affray had com menced to hear evidence Coroner West erfieid, anticipating the verdict, wrote it out. After the usual introduction he wrote that "We, the jury, find that G. F. Jackson came to his death by a bullet' shot from a revolver in the hands of S. E. Yoeman." The paper was ready for the jury to sign as soon as the ver dict was reached. At the conclusion of the evidence the jury signed the pa per without reading it, demanded their fees and departed. The question of the legality or the in quest arises from the fact that the man who was killed was not G. F. Jackson, but David T. Jackson. "You have found the wrong man dead," someone said to the coroner. "Oh, it's easy enough to scratch that out and put in the right name," he replied. That was done, but the fact remains that the jury came to the conclusion that some other man was killed. ATHLETIC FIELD. Washburn College May Have One of Its Own. The prospects for a good season in athletics at Washburn college next year are good. This year's base ball and foot ball teams were the best for many years and the interest in athletics has been revived. An athletic field is being talked of, with a track, gridiron,diamond,court and grand stand. Many of the best base ball and foot ball players are to return next year and the field may be realized. . MARION REPUBLICANS. County Ticket Nominated and Admin istration Endorsed. The Republicans of Marion county nominated the following ticket yester day: J. C. Lilley, Burns, treasurer. A. O. Wheeler, Peabody, sheriff. Ira Sterling, Catlin, clerk. Carl Erlich, Lehigh, register deeds. Ross Case, Marion, surveyor. Dr. Runkel. Hillsboro, coroner. Resolutions endorsing the administra tion in state and nation were adopted. GOT HIS MONEY BACK. Mysterious Young Man Is Again Happy. The young man who was robbed Tuesday night in a hotel by a woman of questionable character, recovered his money. He kept hunting all day and at four o'clock in the afternoon found the young woman just ready to board a train for the west. He accused her of the theft She admitted she was "hard up" and thought she had a good chance to re plenish her purse and took the money. She astonished the crowd on the depot platform by diving into her shoe top and producing the roll of bills, after which she boarded the train and left town. The police have succeeded in suppress ing the young man's name. MA If HAVE A REST. Governor Stanley Completes Speech Making Tour. Governor Stanley delivers today the address before the graduating class of the Friends' university at Wichita. The governor will return to Topeka tonight. He will be in his office tomorrow and Saturday and during all of next week. The tour of the governor to make speeches has about ended. The various schools are closing and he will devote more time to the affairs of his office. The governor has made more speeches since he was inaugurated than the aver age governor makes during a two years' term of office. Homeseekers Excursion. To Oklahoma and Texas will be run by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe rail way on the first and third Tuesday in each month. This favorite route passes through the most fertile part of Okla homa and the famous Chickasaw Na tion on through Texas to the Gulf. It is equipped in first class style with all modern improvements and the tourists and homeseekers are assured lowest rates and first class serviee. Be sure your ticket ' reads from Kansas City over A. T. & S. F. railway. For further information regarding soil, climate and lands in Oklahoma, ex cursion dates and rates write to Ringer Bros., real estate dealers, Edmond. O. T., or T. J. Nichols, 509 Kansas avenue, Topeka, Kan., our local agent. r phi SOUTHERN PACIFIC BUYS. Absorbs the Santa Ana and Newport Line at a Cost of $400,000. Los Angeles, June 15. The Southern Pacific company has absorbed the Santa Ana and Newport road, recently purchased by J. Ross Clark. ine roaa extends from Santa Ana to Newport Beach, a distance of ten miles, and then to Westminster, the entire line being 22 miles long. The sale includes all the roiling stock, tracks and rights of way of the Santa Ana and Newport com pany, together with the long wharf at Newport Beach and the shipping privi leges. The consideration is said to be $400,000. This purchase gives the Southern Pa cific another important coast terminus, where the lumber business alone for j several years past has amounted to many tnousanas ul umiurs turn uv.Liy. POLITICAL GOSSIP. Story About Senator Baker Support ing Bailey. The politicians are gossiping over a rumor that Baker and Leland have de cided to work together in supporting Bailey for congress in the First dis trict next year. It is claimed that the conditions surrounding the preliminary skirmishes for United States senator compel Mr. Baker to work with Le land. Mr. Leland, however, denies the re port and says he has not seen Mr. Baker for some time. "When I did see him we did not talk about this sub ject, and no agreement of any kind has been made between us on congressional affairs. "Mr. Bailey may have decided that he will support Bailey in preference to Curtis, but he has informed me of noth ing concerning his intentions." Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Return $19.00 via the Santa Fe- Tickets on sale from June 25th to July 11th. The only line having rock bal last track from Topeka to Colorado. No dust or dirt. Harvey eating houses. See T. L. King, Agt. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Dishwasher at . taurant, 624 Kansas ave. Walker's res- WANTED A situation by a boy of 18: can give a good rererence. Aaureas ., Room 5, 907 E. 6th St., upstairs. CASH for acceptable ideas. State if pat ented. ThePatent Record, Baltimore, Md. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Apprentice girl for millinery. 721 Kansas ave. wantrT) Four ladv solicitors: no com mission: nay salary. Room 1, Fifth Avenue hotel. Ed. H. Soice. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Lunch counter man at Walk er's restaurant, 624 Kansas ave. WANTED To do house painting for bi cycle. Call or address 1031 Arch st. WANTED To trade good farm (clear) for good threshing outfit. L. J. Hol cornb, Norton, Kan. WANTED Gasoline stoves to clean, $1, guaranteed for season; old burners re- t laced by new improved burners. 'Phone 13. Hull Stove and Repair Co.. 116 E. Sto. FOE SENT B.OOMS. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 307 E. 8th St. FOR RENT-i-One nicely furnished front room, modern. 606 West 6th ave. FOR RENT Furnished room with board. 900 Topeka ave. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with bath and gas: splendid neighborhood. Address "M-," care Journal. FOR RENT Unfurnished south half of house, newly papered and painted. 51S Quincy. FOR RENT Pleasant furnished rooms. 707 Madison st. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, modern conveniences. 207 E. 10th st. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for lisht housekeeping: also pleasant upper east front furnished room with large alcove. 421 Quincy. FOR RENT Fine, light office rooms, 730 Kansas ave. Dr. Roby. FOR RENT One-half of store 7?2 Kan sas ave. after July 1. Sullivan & Dela hoyde. FOR RENT Pleasant furnished rooms. 118 West Sixth st. FOR RENT Very pleasant furnished room. 421 Quincy st. JFOBENT HOUSES FOR RENT Neat cottage of four rooms. centrally located. Price $10 per month. Inquire 908 Madison St. FOR RENT 3 room cottage at 320 Jeffer son. Apply to Benedict & Co. FOR RENT 8 room house, 1405 W. 6th St. Apply T. E. Bowman & Co. FOR RENT 10 room house, 1110 Jackson. Apply to T. E. Bowman & Co. De sirable place for a boarding house. FOR RENT Northeast corner Sth and Lincoln sts., newly painted 7 room cot tage with every modern convenience, $25 per month. Address E. B. A., care Journal. FOR SALS MISCELLANE OTJSv FOR SALE Household goods, also square piano, sewing machine. Sale continues until all is sold. 307 E. 8th st. FOR SALE Stock of qpndy and cigars with fixtures. Address Candy, care Journal. FOR SALE Well bred brood mare with "Pilgrim" colt by her side, or will trade for good driver. Thos. H. Bain, 623 aKn sas ave. GROCERY AND MEAT FIXTURES FOR sale in the building at 712 West Twelfth st- Lewis Roach, 1101 Western ave. FOR SALE H. H. goods for storage charges, Thursday to Saturday. 117 E. 6th st. FOR SALE 50.000 sweet potato plants: pure vellow Jerseys, $1 per 1.000: ycliow Nanseirionds, 75c. J. I. McCormick, Shorey, Kan. FOR SALE Good cornfed chickens. dressed and delivered, fresh from the farm to your house every week. Address John Williams, care Journal office. FOR SALE Phaeton, good order. $21; sad dle and bridle, $5. 516 Harrison. FOR SALE Good milch cow. 821 North Madison. FOR SALE Fine team horsas. fast and stylish, nicely mated. Fine buggy, pole, thills, and nice single and double harness, separate or together. I will trade for something of equal value. Address Roger P. Van Hook, Room 11, Columbian bldg. FRESCO WORK. W. W. GILLESPIE, Fresco Painter. De signs and estimates furnished on all classes of work. 1714 West Fifteenth. To peka, Kan. Refers to his work In State Journal building. FOB, SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 3 acres southwest of Wash burn college, 4 room cottage, well, cis tern, fruit, fenced. $900. TOPEKA REALTY CO., 534 Kan. ave. ' H. MACFERRAN. Mgr. FOR SALE Buchanan St., 6 rooms, cel lar under wnoie house, cut rocK xounaa tion, well, cistern, sewer, $1,500. i.o'.tv.A KtAL,T i CO.. oJ4 is-an. ave. H. MACFERRAN, Mgr. FOR SALE 4 room cottage, Jersey cow, surrey ana Harness, am Lime st. FOR SALE 9 room house, mantel, electric lights, city and cistern water in house. bath sewer, cemented cellar, 1 lots, barn, near Huntoon and Western ave., $2,300 $o00 cash, balance monthly. FOR SALE 4 room house. 1 lot, well, cis tern, price 3uu in payments. SCOTT & CO., 615 Kansas Ave. FOR SALErNice suburban 7 acre tract with 5 room dwelling and barn: soma fruit and shade trees. Price $250 per acre. C. D. Myers, executor. FOR SALE OR RENT Good house and barn, cdrner 8th and Monroe: 12 rooms, cellar, city water, cistern, location conven ient, pleasant and desirable; furnished rooms rent at $6 to $10. G. G. Burton, 223 E. 8th ave., Topeka, Kan. FOR SALE New 5 room house. Crane and Lake, on time. F. Fensky. FOR SALE 40 lots at $30 each. , 25 lots at $40. 18 lots at $45. 17 lots at $75. 4 lots at $90. 3 lots at $125. M. HEERY, 109 East Third. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Stub of checks. Finder please re turn to 1514 West st. and receive reward. LOST A gentleman's blue serge vest be tween Santa Fe depot and 6th st. round house. Finder please call at 218 West Gordon St., North Topeka; receive. reward. MISCELLANJEOTJS RED CLOVER and orchard grass pasture for cattle. Inquire of T. M. James, jr., Postoftice Book Store, North Topeka. FOR EXCHANGE Dental work for good typewriter. X. Y. Z., care Journal. LIST YOUR PROPERTY for sale or rent. THE PETERSON REAL ESTATE CO., 113 West Sixth st. R-I-P-A-N-8. 10 for 3 cents at druggists." They banish pain and prolong life. One gives relief. No matter what's the mat ter one will do you good. MONEY. MONEY to patent your ideas obtained bj? our am. jraient rtecora, .Baltimore. Md. j LOANS on pianos, typewriters, b'.cvcles, guns, watches, diamonds and aiiv per sonal property. L. L'iscoe, 523 Kansas ave. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. MILTON BROWN, lawyer. Practice in all state and federal courts. Suite 41, Craw ford bldg., Topeka, Kan. STORAGE. STORAGE The Topeka S:or.i!re and Warehouse Co. (formerly Topek Storage Co.. 30o Kansas ave.) stores stoves, house hold goods, etc. On June 1 removed to new fireproof stone building. 212 ami 214 Kansas ave. C. D. Skinner, Prop. TURKISH BATHS. Tl KKIa H AND MINERAL BATHS at the Topeka Mineral Wells. Experienced attendants. 316 Harrison st. WATCHES cleaned, 75c: clocks. 50e; mainsprings, 7Gc; crystals, 10c. Cash paid for old gold or silver. All work guar anteed. Old. jewelry exchanged for new. If hard up, see Uncle Sam. 512 Kan. ave. SPECIALISTS DR. J. ALBERT BERRY, 631 Kan. avaL Tel. 765. Stomach, Intestines and Rectum. DR. C. H. GUIBOR, Diseases of the Nosev Throat and Lunga. 706 Kansas ave. MACETINESHOPS MADE IN TOPEKA Established 1879. Machines of all kinds at the Capital Iron Works, East 7th st. and Santrt Fe tracks. Large foundry. Improved ma chinery. Moderate prices. Estimates cheerfully given. H. K. Brooks and G. V. Brooks, proprietors. LAWN MOWERS sharpened. 75c; razors and clippers. Golden Rule, 514 Kan. ave. PAVING. THE OFFICE of the Capital City Vitrified iricK ana saving co. nas been removed to 118 West Eighth t. JAMES B. HAYDEN, Jeweler and Opti cian. Complete stock of watches, dia monds, silverware, etc. Eyes examined and spectacles properly fitted. BICYCLES. U. S. CYCLE CO.. 118 E. Sih St. National and Union bicycles. Sundries, repairs. TOPEKA CYCLE CO.. 112 W. Rth St. Bicycles and sundries; bicycles and tandems lor rent; repairing of ail kinds. XORISTS MRS. J. R. HAGUE. Florist, successor to R. J. Groves, 817 Kansas ave. 'Phone 602. STAMPS. SEALS AND STENCILS." THE J. C. DARLING CO.. 734 KAN. AV. High Grade Rubber Siamps; prompt work, low price. Catalogue Frt;. Phone 2H2. jrijffjjHOPs. J. M. BAIRD, hot air furnaces, pumps and tin roofing. 216 W. 6th. Tel. 359. MUSICAL. MISS MABEL MARTIN, teacher of piano and harmony, 407 Greenwood ave.. Pot win. OFFICE and residence corner Gordon r. and Central ave.. North Topeka. 'Phone 214 Uses the Brlnkerhoff system of rectal treatment, a successful and painless treatment for piles, hstula, iishure, ul ceration, etc. S. E. SHELDON. M. D. Surgery and diseases of women, with private hospitaL Office No. 720 Kan. ave. IDA C. BARNES. M. D. " Office 732 Kansas ave. Residence Thir teenth and Clay. Office hours: 9 a. m. to 11 a. m., and 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. Telephone 698 residence and 16 office. GOSSETT & BLAKELY, No. 519 Kansas ave. (Dudley's bank), having purchased the Van Valkenburg Insurance agency, solicit your business. Fire insurance com panies represented : Liverpool & London & Globe, Hartford, Niagara. North Brit ish & Mercantile. Sun. and ImperiaL Th Standard Accident and New Jersey Plata Glass are also represented. MASSAGE. VAPOR BATHS and massage treatment, 312 Kansas ave., by Mrs. Blanchard.