Newspaper Page Text
TOPEKA STATE JOUHXAIj. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 8, 1900. 3 Vhat is Good for The Landlord is Good for The Guest. What Will Help Others Will Surely Help You Read What Landlord Keiiey, of Waterloo, Ind., Says of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin: . ' ''.. l :V t-a. - -31, " - . '-i ri -w ,; -v.'-'r.-f's Waterloo, Ind., December 7, 1S99. TL" Woni T. .Vjv Cjnctrn: I was troubled with a dull pain in rny stomach for six months, and I tried all the i: actors in town and they did me no good. So I saw Dr. Cald-well s Syrup Pepsin a Ivertised and after takin? three bottles was cured, and have never been bothered isce. I can't make this too strong to suit the circumstance. ALFRED KELLEY. , Proprietor Locke's Hotel, Waterloo, Ind. SOLD BY R. W. Squires, 732 Kansas Avenue. A. O- Rosser, corner JOth. and Topeka Avenue. Swift &c Holliiay Drug; Co., 523 Kansas Avenue. A. S. Kane & Co., Family Drug- Store, S32 North Kansas Avenue. IT IS FINISHED. First Session of 36th Congress Erouglit to a Close. Washington, June 8. Congress ad Jo.imcd sine die at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. For the senate- it was a Jay of nailing. The naval appropria tion (.ill the stumbling block to final adjournment cou'd not be agreed to by the conferees of the two houses, and tr.e disagreement was reported to the senate early In the day. The report as accepted by the senate, which re fused to request another conference, although Mr.- Hale expressed the belief that an agreement might be reached. At ?, o'clock, after several recesses had t-en taken it became known to the sen ate that th? house had concurred in. the senate amrdnvnt remaining in con troversy, and F'.n afterward the house resolution providing for final adjourn ment was pa?s'd. an amendment fixing the b'Mjr at 5 o'clock. June 7. It was not until 4:1) o'clock, twenty minutes before the h.iur fixed for ad-j'-urnmer.t, that th pr-sident pro tern, j 11? the senate, Mr. Fry-. a:lixed his sig- j nature to the naval bill. j With some other measures it was hur ried to the president, who was in wait- j irs in his nwm at the capitol and was i e lined ty him a few minutes later. I Tie concluding hour f the session was purely a social ses.-ion. No busi- I r.ess L 'Vi n i the udptlni of the cus- torvary resolution of thanks to the j chair (Mr. Frye) was accomplished. ! In a knowiadgnv-nt of the compli- j nv-T.t Mr. Fry d-livered a brief and j graceful speech, which was received j wsth cordial applause throughout the i chamber. j The conclusion of the work of the i seT-.n.te was quiet and perfunctory, at- J teni.-..i hy no exciting scenes, suclj as are often incident to tne close of a , SHORTEST LINE. COLORADO FLYER. You can't find any other IMP quite equal to the (TUP BRAND. LLuvri Lb jo .... . . m,ji'- , u I i as I VI 1 h 'I S . Tin f 11 n M. at m session, and when the gavel fell finally expressions of relief and gladness were heard from all senators. IN THE HOUSE Washington, June S.Ia marked con trast with the exciting scenes attend ing the bitter struggles of the closin hours of the session, Speaker Hender son laid down his gavel at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the conclusion of one of the most picturesque scenes which has ever occurred in the hall of representatives. During a brief recess taken n-ithin 20 minutes of the time fixed for the final adjournment to give the president an opportunity to affix his signature to the bills that were be ing rushed to him for approval, a group of members, led by Mr. Mercer (Xev.i, Mr. Fail (Tex), Mr. Fitzger ald (Mais.) and Mr. Tawney (Minn.) congregated in the area to the left of the speaker's rostrum and began sing ing patriotic ail's. The galleries were banked to the doors. "Columbia. Gem of the Ocean," "Auld Lang Syne," "The Red, White and Blue." succes sively rang out. As the singing pro ceeded members joined the group until without regard to age or party the en tire membership of the house joined in the chorus. The spectators in the gal leries applauded each song until the strains cf "Dixie" filled the hall. Then their unbounded enthusiasm broke out in wild cheers. But the enthusiasm "Dixie" evoked was not to be compared with the remarkable demonstration wliich followed when, in a clear, ring ing tenor. Mr. Fitzgerald (Mass.) start ed the national anthem with the in spiring words "Through the dawn's eariy light" The principal feature of the closing day in the house was the reversal of its action in turning down the conferees on the naval bill for yielding on the item relating to ocean surveys. Over night the sentiment of the house underwent a complete change and the members voted by a. large majority to accept outright the senate amendment, which goes much further than the compro mise which the conferees offered. The new conferees. led by Mr. Cannon, who ha 1 brought in a compromise which tney conisuered more satisfactory, were itmiminiously pushed aside. It was a distinct victory for the old conferees. Messrs. Foss (111 ), Dawson (W. Va.), and Cummings X. T.). The other fea ture of the closing day was the course of Mr. Lentz (O.) in blocking unani mous consent legislation. For three days he has objected to bills because the majority would, not allow the tes timony in the Coeur d'Alene investiga tion to be printed, and he maintained his position to the end. Broke the Clay Pigeon Record. X'tica, N. T., June 8. At the state shoot in this city today J. S. Fanning killed 21S clay pigeons with a mis3, thus breaking the world's record. The high est previous score was 211, made by C. A- Toung, of Ohio. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO AND RETURN, $24, Via the Santa Ee. Tickets on sale June 1st: stopover al lowed at Colorado common points. Tourist Rates to Colorado and Utah. Tickets will be sold from points of Missouri Pacifc to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Colo., and Salt Lake and Ogden, Utah, June 1st to Sep tember loth, at greatly reduced rates. See nearest ticket agent or write H. C. TOWXSEXD, G. P. T. A.. St. Loui3. Mo. F. E. NIPPS, Agent. Topeka, Kansas. Bass Ball. Santa Fe Reds vs. Washburn college, Saturday. June 9th. Admission 25c Game cailed at 3:30. CASTOR 1 A Tor Infants and CMldren. Tfcs Kind Yea Haia Always Eonglst Bears the Signature of RAILROADJIEVS. Mr. Edward Grafstrom Assumes His New Position in Topeka. Recently Appointed Mechanical Engineer of the Santa Fe. HAS HAD EXPERIENCE. Was Connected With Pennsyl- yania Lines For 17 Tears. Later Held Similar Position on Illinois Central. Mr. Edward Grafstrom, who was re cently appointed mechanical engineer of the Santa Fe, has arrived in Topeka and will at once take up the duties of the position. Mr. Grafstrom succeeds Mr. R. F. Hoffman, who resigned some time ago to take a position with a railway pub lication m tne east. The new engineer is a. eraduate of the Boras Technical collese. one of the foremost colleges in Sweden. When he first ' came to America he became connected with the Pennsylvania lines and remained with this system 17 years in the capacity of mechanical engineer. He went from tms road to the Illinois Central, leav ing that line to accept the position with the Santa Re. Mr. Grafstrom will have charge of all locomotive, car and other draughting and of the physical and chemical laboratories. Hi3 work will be under the direction of the assistant superintendent of machinery. Mr. Grafstrom is a frequent contrib utor to the technical press. An instruc tive article by him appears in the June number of the American Engineer and Railroad Journal, on the subject Freight and Car Draft Gears." NORTH WESTERN'S ANNUAL. Stockholders Ealify the Purchase of Several Branch Lanes. Chicago, June 8. The stockholders of the Chicago & Northwestern railway held their annual meeting here. B fore proceeding to the transaction of regular business, they took favorable action on the proposition of the direc tors to purchase a number of proprie tary roads. The roads which were af fected by this action and which will be come a part of the parent system are: The Boyer Valley, The Harlan and Kukman. The Minnesota and Iowa. The Iowa, Minnesota and Northwestern, The Winona and St. Peter, The Dakota Central and the Minnesota and South Dakota. The annual statement shows a total net income for the year ending May of $10,051,244. From this sum for real estate purchases,constructkn and other items, together with dividends on the common and prererred stock were taken, leaving a surplus, exclusive of the land income, of $1,594,309. The session was much longer than had been expected by many and a rumor was afloat to the effect that some changes in the officers of the road were under discussion. ROCK ISLAND SHOWING. Full Text of Report Submitted to Stockholders by Pres. Purdy. The report submitted by President Purdy at the annual meeting of the Rock Island stockholders in Chicago this week was as follows: Gross earnings from operation. $22,650,604.91 Operating expenses$14 ,.:i.7x 52 Taxes &j$.6S:;.36 14.9S2.430.S8 Net earnings from operation... 7.668,154.03 Add income from loans and in vestments 638,439.61 Add net cash receipts from land sold 3,000.00 Net income $ 8.369.593.64 From this amount has been paid: For interest on bmded debt $3,055,313.33 For rentals of leas ed lines 717,416.99 For rentals and tolls Missouri riv er bridges 134,802.20 Forcividend on cap ital stock, 4 per cent 1.999.5S6.00 5.907,115.52 Surplus for the year J 2.42.475.12 In addition to dividends there was dis tributed among the stockholders $4S9,-Si-6.5a, as a special dividend. "In comparison with the previous year, passenger earnings show an increase of $47. 455.17, or &.5 per cent, which is made up of an increase in earnings from con necting lines of $117,016.66. or 33.92 per cent, and an increase from business originating on pur line of i370.43S.51. or S.79 per cent. The total number cf passengers carried I increased 742.i02. or 12. t-7 per cent. The veree- distance traveled by each passen ger during the year ending March 31. 199. was fortv-two mile. and during the past vear fortv miles. The rate per passenger per mile for the year ending March 31. ls'.-O. was 2.34 cents, and for the year end ing March 31.190" was 2.62 cents. "Freight earnings for the year increased tl.529.436.49. or 10.66 per cent. The revenue from through freight (freisht delivered to or received from connecting lines in creased $:.6S7. or 11. 5 per cent, and the revenue from local freights increased $334,719.49. or 8.9S per cent. Of the entire fr"ight earnings 5s1. 14 per cent was from through freight, and 4n6 per cent from local freight. The movement of freight, as compared with the previous year, shows an increase of 6T.9.616 tons, or ..n! per cent, the rate per ton per mile being 0.99 cent, the same as for the last fiscal year." BIBLE FOR RAIL ROAD MEN. One Presented to Santa Fe Engineers and Firemen Shows Result of Use. A table in the reading room of the en gineers and firemen of the Santa Fe in this city is piled high with technical pa pers and magazines. The only book to be found on the table is a Bible. The book appears to have had considerable use, although it has not been the pro perty of the reading room for a very great length of time. " The book is an International Teachers" Bible with a concordance, references, and helps, together with a full set of maps. On the front fly leaf is found the following: The A. T. & S. F. Railroad Engineers and Firemens' Reading Room at To peka, Kansas: This Bible is presented for the use of the men using this room, by a feilow railroad man in the hope that it may in terest, instruct, or help while away a lonely hour, with the fervent wish that we who have to take our lives in our hands and the lives of our fellow be ines, may realize our responsibilities and be preserved from all harm. With the best wishes and kindest re gards. THE GIVER. Topeka,, Kan., July 16, 1SS9. BOERS AND UNION PACIFIC. Representative Wes3els"Will Lay Pro posals Before His People. Chicago, June 8. A vigorous effort is being made by officials of the Union Fa- cific Railway company to induce Boers to come to this country and settle on the cheap lands owned by the corpora tion along its lines in Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and other western states. C. E. W antland, one or tne chief land agents of the company, visited Wash ington during the recent stay of the en voys in that city and conferred with thern. it is said, regarding the com pany's colonization scheme. Mr. Wantland, who is of Dutch an cestry, is confident that thousands of the farmers of the Transvaal will come to the United States rather than submit to British rule if the result of the pres ent war favors the latter nation. The railroad company has promised to re fund all railroad fares paid by the Boers from any port in the country to he western lands provided the ticket pur chaser buys 320 acres of land. It is understood that the Boers in the Transvaal will leave there if their in dependence is taken from them and fa vorable offers from this country would be listened to eagerly, according to the Boer envoys. Mr. Wessels, one of the representatives of the South African Republic, said yesterday: "While we believe that the Boers win obtain free dom, or at least partial freedom, within a year or so, if not at once, we are very uncertain as to the future. If anv def inite offer is made to us as the official representatives cf the people in South Africa we shall be glad to lay it before them and give them an- opportunity to aeciae wnetner tney wish, to come to America or not." GAS IN OKLAHOMA. Rich Discovery Made at the Hock Island Town of Granite. El Reno, Ok., June S. Great excite--luxjdj aui'aiuEao sireAaad luatn nal town of the Rock Island road, over the discovery of natural gas on the farm of J. L. Armstrong, about two miles from the new town, and at the base of Headquarters Mountain, in the Wichita range. The flow was struck last Thursday while boring for water, and is of such strength as to stop further pro gress until more suitable machinery may be obtained. The gas has a pres sure of probably 125 pounds, A large corporation was formed to handle it, and immediate steps taken to utilize the now. Indications of coal and oil have been seen In that country for several years, but the discovery of nat ural gas in the Wichita Mountains was a great surprise. The Rock Island has built into that country, and as a result the mountains are swarming with pros pectors. A PRESIDENTS ROMANCE. Railway Executive Marries a Girl De spite an Irate Father. Sioux City, la., June 8. W. C McXa mara, president of Eastern Nebraska and Gulf railroad, and Miss Mary Mc Allister, of Dakota City, Jseb.. were united in marriage yesterday at the Hotel Garrison, Justice of the Peace Ferris performing the ceremony. The young bride was driven forty miles in the night from Pender. Neb. This move was made to prevent the irate father of the girl from interfering with the ceremony. McNamara and the father have been fighting in the courts for weeks for possession of the girl. McAllister has made many threats and there may be more trouble yet. . ENGINE OP MANY NUMBERS. Identity of L. & T. Locomotive No. 1 Has Changed Several Times. "X.fon Tamer Afiios Beeler made a trip with the Leavenworth and Topeka engine Nd 1 yesterday. This engine may boast of having had more numbers than falls to the lot of an ordinary en gine. The engine is an eight-wheeler. This eneine w as originally "Xo. 1" on the Wichita & Western railway. After doing service on this road the initiais were changed from W. & W. to A. T. & S. F. After the initials were changed the engine first bore the number of 491. Later this was changed to 71. And final ly, the engine, after being in the repair shops for several weeks, has come out the L. & T. No. 1. TRAMP TRAINING SCHOOL. Railroad Officials Declare That One Exists at Denver. The tramp question is one that is giving the railroads considerable trou ble. Railroad men say that the city of Denver is a training school for tramps. Boys and young men will begin their career there by hanging around the wa ter tank, boarding freight and passen ger trains and riding out to the repair shop suburbs. These trips continue dur ing several months. After becoming thoroughly accustomed to stealing they begin to extend their journeys. Becom ing braver they make a run to Color ado. Springs and Limon. And finally, to add the finishing touches to their. course of instruction a trip is made to Color ado Springs. Pueblo and back by way of the Sprinsrs and Limon to Denver. After this they are ready to take long transcontinental tours. SANTA FE CHANGES. Extensions of Territory Announced on the Oklahoma Division. A number of important changes have been made on the Oklahoma division of the Santa Fe. Trainmaster J. F. McXally has had hi3 jurisdiction extended to include that portion of the Eastern Oklahoma rail way from Eastern Oklahoma Junction to Stillwater. O. T. The jurisdiction of H. Allen, roadmas ter. will be from mile post 3.10. Arkansas City extension, just east of Eastern Ok lahoma Junction to Purcell. I. T.. and the Eastern Oklahoma railway from Eastern Oklahoma Junction to Stiilwa ter. O. T. Headquarters will be at Guthrie. The jurisdiction of W. Eglington, road- master, will be over tne . E. & W. v. from Florence to Winfield Junction Over the W. & S. W. from Winfield Junction to Arkansas City and Arkan sas City extension from Arkansas Cny to mile post 230. just east of Eastern Oklahoma Junction. Headquarters at Arkansas City. The jurisdiction of Roadmaster C. M. Connell is extended to include that part of the C. K. & v - from Augusta to Mul vane. Headquarters at Newton. Excursion For Colorado Teachers. The Rock Island will run an excursion from Colorado points east on June 11 and 12. This excursion will be for school teachers. The schools have all been let out for the summer and the teachers will be given the opportunity to visit the eastern cities. The passenger de partment has ordered extra equipment m the shape of ten Pullman sleepers. These sleepers will be for use on the special trains. RAILROAD LOCALS. J. C. BonnelL advertising agent of the Rock Island, made a call at the Rock Island passenger office in this city yes terday. Rev. H.'O. Ott. the newly elected pas tor of the English Lutheran church in this city, delivered an address in the Santa Fe coach shop today at noon. A large crowd was present. Dean Low, of the Rock Island law department, is in Kansas City. DERSON WINS. Effort to Oust Keceirer of Colby Land OSce Fails. Senatorial Question Investigation Behind OFFICIAL FOR BURTON. Senator Eater's Friends Are Consequently Aggrieved. Charges Were Preferred by A. E. Greene of Lecompton. The Sixth congressional district Re publicans have been involved for some weeks in a quarrel over Cyrus Ander son, receiver of the United States land office at Colby, an effort being made to have Anderson removed from office. The quarrel has ended by the report of Commissioner Bingham Herman of the general land office, who has sustain ed Anderson and finds that the receiver is not guilty of the charges. The charges were made by A. R. Greene of Lecompton, an examiner for the land offices. A dispatch from Washington tells the following story of the trou ble: "The fight was opened on Anderson by Greene on March 8. In a report to the department he made several charges against the receiver, among others that the receiver was absent from his office without leave, that he permitted his clerk to sign his name to important official documents, that he made fase certificates, and that he was in col lusion with other parties to secure gov ernment land for his own use for a small amount In support of the charges an affidavit of a former clerk in the office, A. L, Rich, was tiled by the in spector. "Receiver Anderson was notified of the charges preferred against him and in reply denied each and every one ex cept the one charging him with absent ing himself from office without leave. He also produced an affidavit from A. L. Rich which placed Inspector Greene in an embarrassing situation. In this affidavit Rich swore that he was in duced by Greene to sign the first affi davit; that he did not know what it contained as he read it over very hur riedly; that in consideration of his signing it Greene and P.egister Will coxson promised to see that he was re instated in the civil service and station ed at New Orleans at $1,200 per year. Rich produced a letter from Wllicoxson in which the latter said that Senator Baker, 'being at the head of the civil service committee, can fix matters O. K., and that he (Willcoxson) 'could always get help from Senator Baker when every one else fails.' "From a Kansan now holding a posi tion here, but n ho keeps in close touch with polities at home, it is asserted that the movement to remove Anderson due to the senatorial squabble in that state. Senator Baker named An derson for receiver of the Colby land office. Anderson is now working for J. R. Burton. Greene also owes his appointment to Senator Baker and, in order to punish Anderson for his in gratitude towards Baker, concluded to have him removed rrom otnee. sut Commissioner Hermann, of the general land office, stood by Anderson. "A supplemental charge was made Anderson was a hard drinker. To offset this, affidavits w-ere produced to show that Anderson had always been a total abstainer; that he does rot even. know what liquor tastes like, and its hilarious effect is a stranger to him. "In his report to the secretary of the interior, the land commissioner re views all of the evidence submitted in the case at length. "Neglect of duty, habitual careless ness and absence without leave formed the basis of charges 1 and 2. Speak ing of them, the land commissioner says: "The Inspector's specifications of these charges are that the receiver was absent from his office about one-fifth of the time when he should have been there, that he was grossly careless in his handling of important official pa pers, and that he permitted his clerk to sign his name to receipts which he should have signed himself. In sup port of these, the inspector presented the atfidavit or A. l. Kicn. a ion-mer clerk In the office. No other testi mony was adduced. In his affidavit Rich declared that the receiver would absent himself for intervals of three and four days at a time; that he was away fully one-fifth or the time and that, on one occasion, a whole day was spent in searching for a homestead ap plication which tne receiver nan mis- id. This office is now in receipt or an afnnavit trora Air. Kicn iu wmcn he says the Inspector Greene called at his office on Marcn Lo last ana re quested him to make the affidavit, but tiat he declined to do so on that occa sion; that the inspector returned a week later, when he consented to make it, after being urgently requested to do so by th" inspector and Register Willcoxson of the Colby land office, and after they had each given him assur ance of their personal fnendsmp and their promise that they w-ould see that he was reinstated in the civil service and secure for him at any time a clerk- hip at New Orleans at J1.2U0 per an num, and ne runner says mai ne now feels and realizes that he was unduly When the excretory organs fail to Miiiilii ILliCUl ? mal accumulation ot eRete matter wnicn poisons ana ciogs trie oioou, anu v. ucwuk: awm Tbis noison is carried through the eeneral circulation to all parts of the body, and upon reaching the skin surface there is a redness and eruption, and by certain peculiarities we recognize Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt Rheum, Psoriasis, Ervsirjelas and many other skin troubles, more or less severe. While' the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and Dowders mav allay the itching and burning, but never cure, no matter how long and faithfully 1 . . , . .... - 1 1 1 .i V V, .1 continued, ana tne condition is oiten aggravaiea asu ssan pcimaiicuu; "j"- "j Tut disease is more moa sHia deep; me ec!!?e . '-... - The many preparations of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc., not only do not cure and break down the constitution. S. S. S., nature's own remedy II LUC CWLlSLlt.tH.101I. ature's own remedy, made ;s blood and skin troubles, .ffoh, raTfAr r-Tit-c hlfwl anrl &Ir1. t-nnh,p heaithv action to the different organs, S. S. S. cures permanently because it IP!) Skin Diseases will be sent free upon application. 604 - 6J3 - GJi KANSAS AV-SNUii SOME SPECIAL PRICES ON V HOT WEATHER CLOT Here Tomorrow. Men's Good'Alpaca Coats, Tomorrow Men's Fine Blue Serge the regular 5 quality, Men's Fine Light-Weight Summer Suits in Serge, light Worsteds and fancy Cheviors, worth $14.50, 15.00 and 16.50 Your choice tomorrow . Boys' Good Wash Suits worth 75c :..48c tomorrow Boys' 50c Wash Suits tomorrow 0" for.. O0t Fine Wool Suits sold at $4.00 in Boys' 2 piece Suits special tomorrow at, influenced in the matter." The affida vit, he says, was prepared by In spector Greene and he signed it with out reading it carefully. He asked to modify his first sworn, statement so that it w-ould read that Receiver An derson was not absent over four or" five days a month, including the time , lost on account of the severe sickness of the receiver. In the matter of care lessness, he declared that it was stated in an unfair manner and that Mr. An derson was as painstaking as any re ceiver ever was. The records show that the receiver was absent probably fifty days in the twenty-six - months. He admits that he did wrong in ab senting himself without leave, and while he disclaims any attempt to jus tf his acts he says that other officers of his acquaintance had done the same thing. "As to' tW charge of neglect of duty and habitual carelessness it is recalled that Mr. Greene has failed to find or re port any fact" from the records of his office which show that the receiver has faiied to perform his entire duties. The Coiby land office has been inspected four times by Inspector Greene. In his report on August 1. Isito. the inspector said: 'The hooks r,f the receiver are fairly well kept, the officers devote their entire time to their official duties and are capable and deserving men.' "On May 11. 1SW, the inspector 'found the receiver on duty and hard at work. The office was in good shape.' On December 4. the inspector in his re port said: 'The management of the of fice is good, the officers are faithful and capable, and the work is in fine condition in the office.' "In his report on March 8. Inspector Greene says, among other things: 'The business of the office is well in hand, anci the volume is large. Only by the indefa tigable work ot the register has it ben possible to keep up the current work. I disiike exceedingly to except the receiver from this statement, but he is not atten tive to his duties and is derelict in other respects.' But the inspector fails to men tion any fact disclosed by the records of the office which in any way supports this assertion. He neither gives the source of his information nor afterward supports his charges by the testimony of any othr person except Rich, who, in a second affi- davit, discredits his own statements made in the first one. There is nothing in the charge- that the receiver permitted his clerk to sig-n his name to important tesral documents. The clerk only signed his name to unimportant matters, such as is the custom in every office of trust. "As to the fourth charge, that the re- ceiver made false certificates, in that he signed weekly statements of cash in blank for ue during his absence, it can not be sustained The f'fth charge, that the receiver was guilty of collusion with an applicant for the purchase of lands for his own u?" and benefit contrary to law. was also explain ed satisfactorily and dismissed. "In addition to Mr. Anderson's answer, this; office is in receipt of a number of letters from prominent Kansans. includ ing: such state officers as the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary- of stare, auditor and attorney greneral, ten county officers and a number of prominent busi ness and professional men. who tstlfy to the excellence of the receiver's charac ter and reputation, both as a citizen and an officer. I therefore desire to give the following conclusions; "First The first and seconi speciflca- carry off the waste material from the system, 9.95 " . - , . of roots, herbs and barks, of great purifying and tomcal properties, quickly because it goes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates and restores nor rcaTisI it (Tries cleanses and enriches the blood, ana thus relieves me svsiem 01 aii wbuuu leaves none of the original poison to reterment in the blood and cans a fresn attack. xieaitny Diooo. is necesisarv lu picscivc luul jca. , euiwu - - - plexion so much desired bv all. S. S. S. can be relied upon with certainty to keep the blood in perfect order, "it has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a cen tury ; no other medicine can show such a record. S. S. S. contains no poisonous minerals is purely vegetable harmless. Our medical department is in charge of physicians of large experience in treating Wood and skin diseases, who will take pleasure in aiding by their ad vice and direction ail who desire it. Write fullv and freelv about your case ; your letters are held m strictest confidence. We make no charee whatever for this service. Onr book on Blood and THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 HIM worth $1.50, 7 95 Coats - tomorrow iJ 3 J? Men's Light-Weight Bal briggan Underwear worth 40 cents, OK tomorrow. dmJ Fine Balbriggan Under wear the 75c quality, tomorrow i vif at H'U- 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 Men's Silk Bosom Shirts worth 75 cents, tomorrow 50c CCIMEY CAPS L CAST IRON Ash Pit Doors, Grates, Thresholds, Fig Troughs, Etc TOPEKA FOUNDRY 2nd and Jackson. SMOKE KLAUER'S GOLD BUG. V i. v;Z?TT CIG.4.T. tirna are sustained in a large measure. The receiver was grill ty of alentinsr him self from office without leave, and he was ! somewhat careieps in handling official j documents. However, such conduct is ex- - - - "r-v 3. L.rr Ui CALCll'Tkl. nipuLdu'Ja ot the receiver, and of his general, accur ate and honest supervision of hid ff:c and hi- prompt and correct reports to this office. The department has a risnc. though, to presume that its officers are at their posts cf duty, and the ri?ht of the public to f rd them there is equally I unquestioned. There in a further p-ilia- j tion in the receiver's absence wherein it j appears that sickness sometimes was the i occasion, and which, if p-op?riy ?hjwn at the ttme. would have hn protection un ! der the rsrulations. Therefore, a?? to suc'a I unauthorized absence and to such ne- . tct. the charges ar su.aine-j, and far the receiver merits th censure of this office, and it is so conveyed to him. Be-, yond this it is net propr to go. This of f?e can not uphold the inspector as to the further charge as to hii incompetence, fale certification or r-ga .rd 1 r. e- collusion with applicant to purchase lands for lt receiver's owrj use. "S--cond Th- receiver makes complete refutation oi. these other charges, and. in my opinion, the evUi-nce does- not sun part the inspector's orr. plaint a to suri items, and I must rp-rt tha.t I find Re ceiver Anoerson sustained in competence as an officer, and in inrftsrrity an-d so briety as a man Gf repute in hia commun ity. "Such being- the conclusion reached in this review of the case, the recommenda tion of the inspector 13 rt-z concurred in, and Cyrus Anderson should b ret-Jned as receiver of the Colby land office."' there is an abnor- " elrcnisilea is pslscned. skin diseases, but soon ruin the digestion and normal,