Newspaper Page Text
TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 21, ,1900. G How hard a mother has to coax before she can get her child to take its first step. It is just about as hard to induce a confirmed invalid, especially one suffer ing with weakness of the lungs, to take the first step to health. There is a lack of confidence, and perhaps a crushing experience of a former failure which depresses and discourages the sufferer. In spite of doubts and fears you will take the first step to health when you take the first dose of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It never fails to help. In ninety-eight cases out of one hundred it never fails to cure. Never mind about the symptoms. Obstinate cough, bleeding of the lungs, spitting of blood, emaciation, night-sweats, condi tions which if neglected or unskillfully treated terminate in consumption, have all been perfectly and permanently cured by "Golden Medical Discovery." Sick persons are invited to consult Dr. X- V. Pierce by letter, absolutely without fee or charge. Every letter is regarded as sacredly confidential. Each answer is mailed in a plain envelope. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgi cal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. " My wife was taken sick in August, 1807," writes Vm. Huelbig, Esq., of Benton. Franklin Co., Ills. "The doctors and neighbors pro nounced her trouble consumption. I had two physicians but they did not do much good. She coughed night and day ; could not lie down for coughinjf and she got down very low. I thought she never could be cured. Then I trot four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Lis . covery and she took all of it. and is all right dow. She is stouter than before we were mar ried. She i taking care of the baby and does all the housework including the washing." Why suffer the pangs of rheumatism when ! KOHL'S RHEUMATIC CURE gives quick relief and permanent cure. All Druggists. Price $1.00. TEA GOES UP Hetailers Make a Rush for the Stock on Sand. New York, July 21. The trouble in China Is already influencing the whole sale tea market of this country. With in the last few days the price of tea has advanced from one to two cents a pound, and still further increases seem likely, inasmuch as with the continu ance of the difficulties in China it will cost more to import. When the out break began it was computed that there were about twenty-eight million pounds of tea in this country. That Btock Is being rapidly bought up by re tailers, and should the hostilities ex tend to the tea growing districts a rapid rise in the price of the commodity will result. The great tea producing cen ters of China, however, are not yet threatened with the strife in which the boxers are engaged. Even should the murderous movement extend the fields whence come most of the teas which are used In this country would not be Effected for many months. Should the boxers ever get so far south as the iTang Tse Kiang valley and block the Yang Tse Kiang river, by means of which at least fifty per cent of the tea grown in China is earired to the sea ports, consumers of tea will have to pay considerately more for their favorite beverage than they do now. $19.00 3Denvery Colorado Springs and Pueblo via the Santa Fe. Tickets on sale July 23 and 24. Good rteurning until August 24. Account An nual Convention Young People's Chris tian Union at Denver. We also have the last Colorado excursion of the season, leaving here August 2, good until Oc tober 31. The Santa Fe is the only line running ui observation car to Colorado Springs. "Weekly Bank Statement. . New York. July 21. The weekly bank statement shows the following changes: Surplus reserves, increased $4,121,755; loans, decreased $3.3X1.100; specie, increased $1.- dsi.iuu: legal venders, increased S2.zli.HU0; deposits, decreased, $1,315,100: circulation. Increased, 747,100. The banks now hold $34,081,9j0 In excess of the requirements the 25 per cent- rule. One-half of my store for rent- P. W. Swearingen, jeweler, 724 Kansas ave. I Colors I Guaranteed, ages of Collars and Cuffs smoothed. . Mending Free of Charge. Family Washing 3 to 5 cents a Eormd see Family Washing ists. HIGH-GRADE WORK. MODERN FINISH. PROMPT SERVICE. J TopekaLaandryCo. Co-Operative.) 'Phone 153. 625 Jackson St. TO SEIZE LI. CContinued from First Page.) that to interfere forcibly with his free dom of movement would precipitate a crisis in the southern provinces of China and certainly would prevent him from doing anything for the foreign minis ters, if he is acting in good faith. Feel ing that the powers themselves are now willing to admit the error made by their naval commanders in not following Ad miral Kempff's advice at Taku, the of ficials here deprecate the adoption by any of the powers of further measures in the same wrong direction. Possibly this subject may form the basis of some rapid diplomatic exchanges. Beside Mr. Wu, who came with his two cable messages, Secretary Hay saw this morning Senator Burrows and suc ceeded in converting that senator in a half hour's talk from a pessimistic view regarding- the situation. It is frankly stated that he had all along felt that the legationers had been killed, but he was now satisfied that they were alive and being protected by the Chinese officials. General Leonard Wood also saw Sec retary Hay. He is deeply concerned over the fate of Missionary Condit Smith, his son-in-law, who, with his wife, was in United States legation in Pekin, but he is now also disposed to believe that they have been saved with the others. There have been no fresh orders to the troops, and in fact there is nothing new in the military or naval situation, save the brief casualty list from Admiral Remey. HOW IT MIGHT BE DONE. New York, July 21. A dispatch to the Tribune from London, says: Mr. Conger's message to the state de partment came like a. voice from a tomb and startled Europe. One of the best informed men of the veteran military service said that he ac cepted the text of Mr. Conger's message as a full and satisfactory proof that the ministers were alive. When asked how he could explain the protracted defense of the inclosure protected by a palisade of moderate height, he asserted that the military guards had probably seized a commanding position on the great wTall, where they had held the mobs at bay. He also was confident that the minis ters and the women had been trans ferred by a secret passage under the wall into the imperial city and had been hidden in the palace. Another veteran of the consular service in China inform ed me that while he could not account for the American minister's reputed message, he could not comprehend how it had been possible for so weak and in defensible a position as the British em bassy inclosure to be held for weeks against persistent assaults of soldiery armed with artillery and that he was reluctantly forced to believe that the ministers and all refugees had perished. MINISTERS UNDER PROTECTION. Paris, July 21. Yu Keng, the Chinese minister here, today handed to the min ister of foreign affairs, M. Delcasse, an Imperial edict, dated July IK, giving the assurance that -all the foreign ministers in Pekin except Baron von Ketteler, the the German minister, were then safe and sound, under the protection of the imperial court. At the council of ministers today the minister of foreign affairs. 'M. Delcasse, read a telegram from the emperor of China, asking the mediation of France with foreign powers. The telegram was signed by Kwang hu, and not by Pun Chan, the son of Prince Tuan. The reply given by M. Delcasse was that the re quest would be considered only upon ab solute knowledge that the following acts had been accomplished: First That if efficacious protection and absolute freedom of communication had been assured between the French minister at Pekin and his colleagues of the diplomatic corps, and their re spective governments. Second When Prince Tuan and the high functionaries responsible for the actual "events had been dismissed the government to await Inevitable punish ment. , Third When the authorities and bodies of troops throughout the entire empire shall have received an order to cease hostilities against roreigners. Fourth When- measures have been taken for the rigorous repression of the boxers. M. Delcasse notified the cabinet that all the powers had responded favorably to the proposition to pre vent, the ex portation of arms to China. CHINESE ALL GONE. London, July 21. The admiralty this afternoon received the following tele gram from Admiral Seymour: "Tien Tsin and neighborhood entirely evacuated by Chinese." BRITONS NOT TO BE DECEIVED. London, July 21. Sir Chih-Chen-Leh-Feng-Loh, the Chinese minister to Great Britain, visited the foreign office this afternoon and communicated what purported to be an imperial edict giv ing assurances taht on July 18, all the foreign ministers at Pekin, except Baron Von Kettler, -were safe and sound, and under the protection of the imperial court. The Chinese minister did not see the British minister of af fairs, Lord Salisbury. The alleged edict was received without comment. The correspondent of the Associated Press has the highest authority for saying that not the slightest credence is at tached by the British government to this latest statement and that the gov ernment is also quite unable to under stand the credence which is accorded at Washington to Minister Conger's mes sage to the state department there. Lord Salisbury, according to this au thority is convinced of the truth of the original reports of the massacre of for eigners at Pekin. A SENSIBLE REPLY. Brussels, July 21. The charge d'af faires at the Chinese legation here this morning received a telegram from Sir Chih-Chen-Ich-Feng, the Chinese min ister at London, saying he had just re ceived a telegram from the governor of Shan Tung, transmitted by Sheng, the administrator of telegraphs at Shang hai, stp.ting that all the foreign repre sentatives at Pekin were safe. This dis patch having been communicated to the Belgian minister of foreign affairs, M. Paul de Favereau, that official demand ed that he be put in communication with the Belgian minister at Pekin and informed as to the situation of Belgian refugees in that city. LONDON STILL INCREDULOUS. London, July 21 The unreserved cred ence given to Minister Conger's mes sage by officials at Washington con tinues to occasion surprise in London. The absence of any date and the ab sence of acknow-ledgment of receipt of the telegram from the state department are considered here as fatal drawbacks to acceptance of the message as a reply to Secretarfy Hay or, as anything but a spontaneous appeal for help, sent off long prior to the alleged date of the message. This all absorbing topic Is fully canvassed in its pros and cons, but all theories admittedly present diffi culties which only add to the obscurity of the situation and render the unravel ling of the puzzle the harder. The announcement of the British cruiserd Bonaventura's departure from Woo bung, as alleged In pursuit of Li Hung Chang, comes somewhat as a sur prise after the honors paid the Chinese viceroy at Hong Kong, but confirmation of the news will meet the approval of a large majority as Li Hung Chang's pres ent attitude is regarded. as being char acteristically dubious. As Li Hung Chang was booked for Shanghai, the departure of the warship from the nearby port of Woo Sung seems to indicate a suspicion on tne part ox the government that his real objective point may be elsewhere, where he would not be so easily reached by representa tives of the powers. The Chinese invasion of Siberia ap pears to have been checked so promptly, that probably, it will not be continued. It is reported from Che Foo that the international commanders have con cluded that it will be useless to try to advance on Pekin before the middle of August- CHINESE ABE A SURPRISE Even to Those Persons Who Know Them Best. New York, July 21. Sir Walter Hil ller, who has just recently been ap pointed adviser to the military authori ties in China by the British government was a passenger on the steamship Lu cania which reached port today from Liverpool. Speaking of his mission Sir Walter said: "My appointment is that of a political office and I am under orders to proceed at once to loin Sir Alfred Gazelle, who is the present commander in chief of the British forces in China. I know the country thoroughly .and speak the lang uage. When shown the dispatch received from Minister Conger yesterday, Sir Walter said: "This is the most hopeful news that has come from China for a long time. However, I would not trust information received through Chinese sources, for they are like all Asiatic people tney will lie whenever it is to their interest to do so. It would be to their interest to disseminate false information if the ministers had been massacred." When told that Secretary Hay had urged all the powers to make all haste to Pekin. Sir Walter said that the dim culty of travel in China was one of the great problems against which foreign ers would have to contend. The road from Tien Tsin to Pekin was well nigh impassable. The Pel Ho was navigable only a short distance, and military equipments could not be taken over the roads with any advantage. On making an advance to Pekin, he said, the first step necessary would be to clear Tien Tsin of the Chinese and protect the base of the allies. This would be necessary before any advance could be made. "The Chinese," he continued, "have surprised and puzzled me. Even know ing them as well as I do I never ex pected that they would make such a de cided stand." Sir Walter will leave for China via Vancouver. REPORT OF BRIST0W. A Document of 20,000 Words to Be Made Public Next Week. Washington, July 21. The report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Bristow on the Cuban postal frauds was submitted to Postmaster General Chas. Emory Smith today. The present report is a document of 20,000 words. There are 60 exhibits, comprising copies of letters, testimony, statistics of various kinds, affidavits, etc. The report makes numerous recom mendations, but the postmaster general is withholding any information concern ing them. He has carefully considered the report, which he says he will make public next week. BOUT WELL ATTACKS HOAR Charges the Senator With Garbling a jLetter on Imperialism. Boston, July 21. Ex-Governor George S. Boutwell has made a statement criti cising Senator Hoar and charging the latter with so garbling the contents of a private letter as to make it appear that Mr. Boutwell indorsed the senator's de cision to support President McKinley. Mr. Boutwell publishes the letter in full, which was an indorsement of Mr. Hoar's speech of April 17 in the senate, when he attacked the president's Phil ippine policy and declared McKinley de served defeat for his position and was destined to get it. Mr. Boutwell says Senator Hoar's speech was distributed to the Anti-Imperialist league for its caustic arraign ment of President McKinley and not as an indorsement of the senator's support of the president in the coming cam paign. NOT BY ASSASSINATION. Noakes Thought Ooebel Was to Be Killed in a Fight Georgetown, Ky., July 21. Robert Noakes, whose testimony in the Powers case began yesterday, was cross-examined by Judge Tinsley today. He said he was deceived into a talk with Colonel Campbell at Big Stone Gap, Va., prior to his arrest, where the latter met him, as Mr. Kramar, interested in mining. The conversation led into poli tics and then to the Goebel assassina tion. He said Campbell did not promise anything for his testimony. Witness said that he had an idea that Goebel was to be killed, but he thought it would be in a fight and not by as sassination. When told by John Pow ers to keep out of range as some fellows in the lobby were going to do the work for Goebel when he came in, he hurried off to prevent the assassination. Noakes was re-examined regarding the trip of himself and his men to Frankfort at the time of the meeting of the election commissioners in Decem ber. He repeated that Powers had in structed him to have his men crowd into the state house so the governor would have an excuse to call out the militia. When they got there, however. Governor Bradley refused them admittance. Wit ness reiterated that the object of Pow ers and others was to intimidate the commissioners. Witness was still on the stand when the court took a recess till afternoon. Passengers Badly Frightened. New York, July 21. Captain Burg, of the Savannah line steamer City of Bir mingham, reports that when passing Sandy Hook shortly after noon vesterdav, bound in from Savannah, a shell, which was fired from the Sandy Hook proving grounds struck the water between his ves sel and the shore, about 150 feet from the vessel and ricochetting passed over his vessel about midships. There was great excitement about the vessel over what was considered a very narrow escape, and many of the passengers were very much frightened. Snow in Michigan. Chicago, July 21. A special to the Rec ord from Marshall. Mich., says: Snow fell here last evening for a few minutes during the course of a hard wind storm. The wind did much damage, blowing down orchards and barns, unroofing houses and breaking glass. Des Moines Will Hold It Des Moines, la.. July 21. Since the burn ing of the auditorium Chairman Weaver of the state Republican committee has been undecided as to the location for th next convention. Today he declared that n wtta saLisneu im tne progress ot tne work on the new auditorium, and form ally announced that the convention would be held in Des Moines on the first day of August, as originally intended. Jamaicans Are Disappointed. TTintrofnn T -i mo I no Tulw Of rni. British secretary of state for the colon- - "J" Jt' 4 -M-i-aiiiiijisL let 111, UJ- utty cabled to the West Indian government that their militia will not be required pointment to the Jamaica contingent. A NARROW ESCAPE. (Continued from First Page. Japanese, American and British enter ed the city at 2 o'clock on the morning of July 14. Their entry was unopposed. The American flag at half mast was hoisted over the south gate. The walls were strewn with the corpses of Chi nese soldiers killed by the shell fire which caused their flight. None, apparently, was hit by bullets, the damage being done by lyddite shells. There is a terrible row over the burn ing of the town. The natives went loot ing through the Chinese town. The bank and the arsenals were heavy suf ferers. An advance movement . on Pekin is not contemplated soon. The American wounded crowd the hospital, but all - are doing well. The flags of the allied armies are all half masted. Colonel Liscum was burled at Tongku. WATERS TO NAME HARVEY. Will Nominate Topeka Man at Fu sion Convention. Capt. J. G. Waters is not at his office today. He has been wandering around town, sojourning briefly at the state house, on corners, under the shade of friendly trees, always making a point to keep away from people who might en gage in conversation with him. This enforced solitude is due to the fact that Mr. Waters, who under dif ferent circumstances is very congenial, is putting together the speech which he will make in the Fort Scott convention next week presenting the name of A. M. Harvey as a candidate for lieutenant governor. "Good morning, Mr. Waters," said a Journal man to the captain today. "I desire to present to this convention the name of one of the brightest' and ablest young men in ," was the reply to the salutation. A friend of Mr. Waters who was in formed as to the arrangement made by Harvey and Waters, cleared the atmos phere by explaining trie condition under which the noted Topekan was abroad from his usual haunts. SHUCK S STORY Told on the Witness Stand in , the Jester Trial. St. Louis, July 21. A special to the Post-Dispatch from New London, Mo., says: Francis P. Shuck, aged 48, of St.Louis, Mo., told this story from the witness stand at the Jester murder trial today: "In 1871, I was journeying from Knox county, Mo., to Audrain county, Mo., to visit relatives near Mexico. When I reached Renick, I met an elderly and a young man with two wagons and a buffalo calf. I talked with the young man, whom I afterwards learned was Gilbert Gates. .He told me he was from Kansas and was going to his home near Chicago. He wanted me to ride with him to Sidney, 16 miles, but the old man, whom I afterward learned was Alexan der Jester, objected. He said to me: 'You had better go where you started.' " Mr. Shuck said they parted, but after wards he met the old man driving along the road near Sidney. This time he was by himself, but had two teams. Jester yelled Hello as they passed. The witness said he saw Jester again. This time he was in the Paris, Mo., Jail. Mr. Shuck said he had seen in the newspaper that it was alleged that Jes ter had killed Gates, and he called at the jail to see if the prisoner was the same old man who had objected to his riding with Gates. He called at the jail and talked to Jester about 20 minutes. The prisoner at first said he did not re call seeing Shuck, but finally asked him if he was going to appear in court against him. "I told him," said the wit ness, that nobody knew I had seen the two teams at Sidney. The prisoner then told me that Gates cut his own throat. Jester then choked up and I left him." STOLE A BICYCLE. Country Boy Wanted to "Do Some thing Mean." Bennie Brown, a 14 year old boy who lives at Wakarusa with his grand father, Colonel Brown, was arrested this morning for stealing a bicycle from one of the A. D. T. boys. Toung Brown was walking around the state house and saw the messenger boy ride up and leave his wheel while he went in to de liver a message. He couldn't resist the temptation, and so got on the wheel, rode it down to Paine's pawnshop and traded it for a silver watch. The A. D. T. boy was informed by a bystander that a boy had taken his wheel and he easily tracked him to Paines. Toung Brown had not left the store before he was arrested by Officer Lucas. At the police station he was very penitent and when asked why he stole the wheel said: "I don't know; just because I wanted to do something mean, I guess." He came up - from Wa arusa on the blind of the fast mail last night, he said. When search ed a revolver was found. Just as young Brown was brought into the station another bicycle was re ported us stolen from the Y. M. C. A. Brown denied having any knowledge of It RAINS EAST AND WEST. Weather Predictions Fulfilled But Not in Topeka. It is not unusual but the weather forecaster mis3ed it Friday when he announced showers in east portion. But there were showers, according to the weather map. In northern Kan sas. The forecast to-day is "fair to night and Sunday. Warmer to-night." The maximum temperature up to 11 o clock this morning was is and the minimum 57. The wind was south, blowing four miles an hour. The re ports up to 7 o'clock Friday morning snow the following rains: Baker, 1.4s; Concordia, 1,16; Dodge City.0; Macks ville, .81; Manhattan, .31; McPherson, .93; Hays City, 0; Osage City, .32; Se dan, .04; Toronto, .05; Wichita, .10. The report is "good general rains fell since Thursday morning over the corn and wheat region. The heaviest was in Iowa, Kansas and western Missouri." B URTON MAN BEATEN. Trhth About Labette County is at Last Out The Burton managers claim the nomi nees for senator and representative in La bette county. Some of the Burton work ers told a State Journal reporter yester day that the convention could have been managed so as to have instructions for Burton, but that such action was deemed unnecessary. It was conceded that the nominee for senator A. A. Osgood, was not committed, but nevertheless the Bur ton people claim him. A letter to the Journal from Oswego contains the fol lowing: "W. J. Lough, of Altamont. an avowed Burton candidate for state senator, was defeated in the county convention, and A. A. Osgood, of Jarsons. who is non eommital upon the senatorial question, was nominated iy a very decisive vote." SUMMER YACATION In Business Circles Depends i Upon Settlement of Labor Troubles. New York, July 21. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says : The midsummer vacation has already disposed of the prophets who gave it a "week or two, but there are a few signs to indicate Its probable duration. The compact of lake ore producers in order to sell standard Bessemer ore below $5.50 at lower lake ports this year, with coke held at $2.50, much lessens the probability that the market will wait for Bessemer pig to go far below $lo, and some in creased buying already appears by mak ers of implements, not as yet in season contracts, Dut enough to give nope. Not much beyond waiting is probable until wages for the coming year can be settled. The same, extensive building strikes which have cut off the use of much struc tural steel have also prevented a vast use of lumber, wnicn was, UKe iron, ex traordinarily . advanced in prices. The eastern association tried without avail to hold prices and tne iNortn uaronna asso ciation caused extensive curtailment of output, while the lake association two weeks ago resoivea to maintain prices, Dut tne needed marnei uoes not yet ap- npar. When cotton had been easily held above 10 cents and then had dropped sharply, a Liverpool speculator again ?nowcu now easily Americans are induced to accept higher prices for the quantity they have lett tor sale, rne gooas mar, quite embarrassed at the best, is not helped by such vagaries and the closing ot Import ant mills was the more meritorious be cause it gave occasion at the end of a season with an oversupply here both of goods and material to rest until Euro peans have settled their affairs. Without formal agreement the woolen Industry adopted in part the same course, many mills having stopped or reduced force, so that experts believe that less than half the capacity is now at work because the nature of the next season's demand does not yet appear. There has resulted more willingness to sell wool, es pecially where warehouses are not plenty, and jjrices average fully two cents lower than in February, but manufacturers are inquiring more earnestly just now to find out what goods they can see than where they can get materials. Further important changes the exact nature of which may not be reported are appearing in the heavy decline of packer hides at Chicago, ranging from c to c, with sales said to be from 40.000 to 50,000, and also in heavy sales of leather to man ufacturers. The sharp fall of two cents in wheat and four cents in corn appears to reflect public conclusions, after hearing much evidence, official and unofficial, regarding the extent of injury to both grains. The shipments go on at a tuiet and moderate pace, in three weeks from Atlantic ports, 5,661,501 bushels of wheat, flour included, against 6,505.693 last year: from Pacific ports, 1:691,597 bushels, against 1,278,648 last year, and in corn 9,620,568 bushels against 9,289.999 last year. Failures for the week have been 231 in the United States against 145 last year, and 27 in Canada against 23 last year. NORTH TOPEKA. Items Intended for this column should be left with the Kimball Printing com pany. 835 Kansas avenue. Winston Fuller of St. Joseph is visit ing In tovn. Miss Edith Putnam went to Kansas City this morning to visit her aunt. Miss Reka Yonkers left today for Chicago where she will visit friends. Oscar C. Salyer Is studying law under the direction of his father, James C. Salyer. Miss Cora Baker of 919 Jackson street will return Sunday from a week's visit to Cjuncil Grove friends. Miss Abble Dearborn of Silver Lake is expected home Sunday from Colo rado Springs where she has been spend ing several months. Mr. and Mrs. William Van Ness are expected home today from Creston, la., where they have been visiting relatives for the past ten days. The lantern craze is again in full swing among the children and the clerks In the dry goods stores are be sieged for empty boxes. There will be a session of the Sunday school at the Church of the Good Shep herd tomorrow morning at 9:45. Mr. J. A. Campbell will be superintendent. Mrs. H. H. Fowler and little daughter, Anna, left today for their home in Hope, Kan., after visiting Mrs. Fowler's par ents,Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Henry of Qulncy street, for several weeks. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet Monday afternoon at three o'clock with Mrs. Forbes, 1001 Monroe street. A good attendance is urged as there will be election of offi cers. Mrs. Frank Baker and son Frank of 919 Jackson street, Miss McLaughlin, Miss Anna McLaughlin and Mr. Mead McLaughlin went to the Potta-watomie Indian reservation today to witness the Green Corn dance. x Mrs. Arthur S. Kane and little son went to Atchison yesterday to visit Mrs. Kane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sharrard, and her sister, Mrs. H. J. Bailey of Fort Worth, Texas, who is also visiting there. Mrs. Christopher Reardon, of Needles, Cal., is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Austin Malone at 843 Qulncy street. Mrs. Reardon was formerly Miss Belle Dougherty. Mrs. Malone is also enter taining her niece. Miss Hattie Cole of Pueblo, Col. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bowman and children, Florence and Mildred, Miss Myrtle Seymour, Miss Elizabeth Tharp, Mrs. V. B. Kistler and son Edwin, Miss Nina Hilton and Miss Marlett compose a party who wTill leave the first of August for Green Mountain Falla- to spend a month. At the central Avenue Christian church the services tomorrow will be preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Mr. F. A. Powell. Morning sub ject, "The Law and Gospel." Evening subject, "Hearing and Doing." Bible school at 10 a. m. Junior C. E. at 3 p. m. and Senior C. E. at 7 p. m. At the recommendation of the Frank lin institute of Philadelphia "the John Scott medal" has been awarded to Mr. i Morris Mbskowitz, who invented the lighting of trains electrically from the motion of the car axle. To receive this medal is considered a great distinction. Mr Moskowitz's wife was formerly Miss Celia England of North Topeka. A jolly party of young people congre gated at the residence of W. H. Cald well, Central avenue, at ail hours of the morning of the 20th, from 3 to 7 o'clock, during the rain storm, and embarked in a large wagon for an overland trip to the reservation to see the Indian corn dance, and to enjoy a few days' outing, going prepared with a large tent and plenty of provender for themselves and four horses. The party consisted of Mrs. Browning and daughters, Mrs. Gil man, Grant and Earle Giiman, Clarence and Will Hamilton, Mr. Will Miller, Misses Jessie Giiman, Stella Youngs, Anna Kimball, Oral, Ella and Leila Caldwell. Telephone 271 J. C. GOINGS, Commission Merchant, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Receiver and Shipper tff Graio. H3 East Fifth Street. Leased private market an gossip wire to Chicago. Always in the market for cash grain. Consignments of grain and correspondence solicited. SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES First Presbyterian church. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. J. D. Countermine. D. X. Morning, "Christ In the Book of Genesis" (second in a series).- Evening, "Present Day Fulfillment of Prophecv." Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; Junior En deavor, 3 p. m.; Senior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. First Baptist church, corner Ninth and Jackson streets. Sunday school,, 9:30 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E. meeting, at 7 p.m. Rev. G. F. Holt, of Minneapolis, Minn., will preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. First Lutheran church, corner Fifth and . Harrison streets. Rev. H. A. Ott, pastor. Services with sermon at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Third Presbyterian church, corner Fourth and Branner streets. H. G. Fon ken, pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock, subject, "Perspicuity of the Christ Life"; evening service at 8 o'clock, subject, "The Latter Day Saints." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; Junior Endeavor at 2:30 p. m., and Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:45 p. m. Second United Presbyterian church, Bennetts flats. West Twelfth street. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. John P. White, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject in the m?.-ning, "Ye are Not Your Own," I Cor. 6:19, 20. Evening subject. 2 Kinss, 5:12. Sabbath school at 10 a. nr.; young people's meeting at 7:15; juniors at 6:30 p. m. Third Christian church, corner of Third and Lake streets. F. E. Mallbry, the pastor, will preach at 10:45 a. m., and 8 p. m. United Brethren church. Twelfth and Qulncy streets. 10 a. m., Sunday school; II a. m. and 8 p. m., preaching by Prof. Chas. Bissett, of Lecompton; 7 p. m., Y. P. C. U. S. C. Coblentz, pastor. First Church of Christ, Scientist, cor ner of Huntoon and Polk streets. Serv ices at 11 a. m. Subject. "Love." The Church of Spiritualism will hold its regular conference meeting at Lincoln Post hall tomorrow at 2:3i p. m. Lecture in the evening at 8 o'clock by F. E. Mil ler, of DeSoto. First United Presbyterian, corner of Eighth and Topeka avenues. Rev. M. F. McKirahan, pastor. Preaching tomor row at 11 o'clock on "The Curse of Idol atry," and at 8 o'clock on "Should the Christian Nations let China Alone?" Sabbath school at 12:15. Dr. S. G. Stew art will lead the Christian Endeavor at 7 o'clock: topic, "The Need at Our Door." First Unitarian church. Services at 11 a. m. with sermon by the minister. Rev. Abram Wyman. Subject. "Just for To day." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Grace Cathedral, bishop, the Rt. Rev. Frank R. Millspaugh, D. D. ; dean, the Very Rev. John W. Sykes; canon, the Rev. Maurice J. Bywater. 7:30 a. m.. Holy Communion: 9:30 a. m.. Sunday school: 11. morning prayer. Litany; ser mon by Very Rev. John W. Sykes; no evening service. Good Shepherd, North Topeka. 9:45, Sunday school, under charge of J. A. Campbell; no other service. St. Simons, corner Seventh and West ern avenue. 9:45 Sunday school; 4:30, evening prayer and sermon. Calvary mission. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., morning prayer and ad dress. North Topeka Baptist church. Comer Laurent and Harrison streets. Rev. W. B. Hutchinson, pastor. Services at It a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject. "Wise Fools"; evening subject, "What Religion Really Is." Gospel service on Sunday at 4:15 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A. rooms, 623 Jackson street. Camp meeting at the West Garfield park Sunday under the auspices of several of the different churches. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; preaching at 11 a. m., J p. m., and 8 p. m. First Congregational church. Rev. D. M. Fisk. D. D., pastor. 11 a. m., "The Double Tragedy in China"; 8 p: m., "Have Christianity and Civilization any Right to invade China r - . Divine Science hall. 623 Ouincv street. LeRoy Moore, leader. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Services at U a- m. and 8 p. rn. Morning subject, "Lm-e, the Saviour of All; evening subject, "Brotherhood. Tuesday evening, healing service. First Methodist Episcopal church. J. T. McFarland, T. D., pastor. Class meet ings, 9:30 a. m. ; Junior League, 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m., subject, "God's Vul tures"; Sunday school, 2:30 p. m. Jeffer son street branch school, 2:45 p. m. Ep worth League, 6:45 p. m. ; vesper service, full printed programme. 8 p. - m. Mrs. Warner, the new soloist, will sing two selections at the evening service. TODAY'S MARKETREPORT. Chicago. July 21. WHEAT The wheat market opened strong and during the fore part of the session today received gooa support. Liverpool was higher and a pri vate cable from that city reported no Argentine wheat offered while American wheat was cheaper than the Russian and Danubian. September opened c over yesterday at 783-c, sold to 7sc, dropped on commission house selling to 77c and then recovered to 78c. Trade was fairly active. Receipts here amount ed to 72 cars, 28 of contract grade. Min neapolis and Duluth reported 265 cars. against 244 last week and 409 a year ago. The remainder of the session was fairly active. Fluctuations were narrow and the tone firm, September closing c over yes terday at 78(5.c. CORN Corn was firm, despite good weather as cables were higher. Receipts light and the cash situation strong. The week's business is put at - 4.000,000 bu. This was a big consideration in the buy ing by traders during the morning. Sep tember opened &c up at 39fac. touched 39c. dropped on profit taking to 39c, and then recovered to 39c. Re ceipts were 362 cars. The close was firm, September c up at 39c. OATS Oat3 were quiet and firm, shorts covering on the strength of wheat and corn. September opened c better at 23(3e. sold at 23c. and then eased to 231ic, where the market steadied. Re ceipts were 146 cars. Reports from the northwest showed some improvement in crop prospects. PROVISIONS Provisions were quiet but steady, helped by the grain strength. September pork opened 12e up at $12.00 to $12.05 and eased to $11.92: September lard opened 2c better at $6.80 and September nDs be nigner at t.2rao.Mt. FLAX Cash: N. W.. $1.70(511.75; Sep tember, 1.40; October, $1.31. RYE July, 54c: September, 55c BARLEY 40480. TIMOTHY September, $3.37; October, Chicaeo Livestock Market. Chieae-o. .Tnlv 2t nATTr-R-UpwInts. 100; nominally steady. Good to prime steers, $5.O0&5.65; poor to medium, J4.40W 5.00: Stockers and fppdprq. X3.25ffM.75: r-ows. $3.00'a4.50; heifers, $3.005.00 Cahners. $2.00 tfz.s; duus $S.004.65: calves. $4.50fT6.25: Texas fed steers, $4.25(35.00; Texas grass actrexM. a.Z0'a 1& ; lexas DU11S, $2.&0'a 3. 75. HOGS Receipts today, 9.000: Monday, 30.000: left over. 5.701: SAr1(W Merhar- tor, $5.35. Mixed and butchers, $5.10?5.35: good ir, lue "ea-y, o.JD'go..; rougn neavy, $o.00G5.10; light, $5.1565.33; bulk of sales, SHEEP Receipts, 500; sheep and lambs i.iraj.y. uuuu to ctwice wetners, $4.ooa4.50 fair to choice mixed; $3.00&3.S5; western Biitrep, iexas sneep. 33.0O?7 4.00 native lambs, $4.00tj.5.70; western lambs, $5.009.50. Kansas City Livestock Market. Kansas City. Mo.. Jnlv srt patttu Receipts, 50; market unchanged" Heavy ers, $3M?y4,eo: butcher cows and heifers $3.1CEi4.75;. canners, $2.5(kfi3.10; fed westerns' $S.85& 5.30? Texas fed, $4.0fra4.30; grass Tex ans, $3.0Oig4.OO. HOGS Receipts, 5,000; market strong to 5c higher. Bulk of sales. $5.05115.15; heavy, $5.OfKri5.20: packers. $5.05fi5.1"ii.; mixed and light, $4.95fa5.15; yorkers, $; pigs $4.7555.05. SHEEP No sheep. Kansas City Produce Market. Kansas City. Mo., July 21. WHEAT September, 69c. Cash: No. 2 hard. 69 fa 70c: No. 3, 67'&69c; No, 2 red. 74c: No. 3" 6SH'S73c. CORN September, 3714c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 37c; No. 2 white, 40c; No. 3. 39c OATS No. 2 white, 25VS26c. RYE No. 2. 52c. HAY Choice timothy, " $10.00; choice prairie. $7.50. BUTTER Creamery, l&18c; dairy, fancy. 14c. EGGS Fresh, 8c Cotton Market New York, July 21. COTTON Spot closed quiet. Middling uplands, 10c; mid ling gulf, 10c Sales, 134 bales. Topeka Markets Today. Topeka July H, CATTLE. COWS AND HEIFERS 2.603.25 " HOGS. : LIGHT $4.60-34.85. MEDIUM AND HEAVY $4.70-54.95." GRAIN. NO. 2 WHEAT 66c NO. 2 CORN 36c. NO. 2 OATS 22c ' HAY $5.00i&5.50. PRODUCE. EGGS 9 cents. CHICKENS 6S centa. BUTTER 13c Topeka Hide Market. Topeka July 21. Based on Chicago and Boston quota tions. The following are net prices paid In Topeka this week: GREEN SALT CURED C NO. 1 TALLOW-3'jc- . GREEN SALT HALF CURED 60. New York TTp-Town Gossip. Furnished by J. C. Goings, Commission. Merchant, 112 East Fifth street. Topeku, Kan., receiver and shipper of grain. New York, Julv 21. Local and speclfio Influences in some case's largely suggest ive of manipulation were responsible for what activltv and strength were shown by yesterday's stock market. More than 20 per cent, of the total transactions wiCf contributed by the American sugar relink Ing and almost 10 per cent, by American tobacco. Seven stocks were dealt In to the extent to exceed 10.000 shares. These seven stocks monopolized more -than 50 per cent, of the total dealings of the day. Such a showing is proof that it was not large consideration of legitimate news which influenced the bulk of the opecu lation. It may, however, be proof that the stock market Is In strong hands, and that it is dangerous to operate on tha short side. Confident predictions are heard that the bull - movement is to be carried further. Certainly if speclaltK-a subject to local or domestic consideration are in mind the fact that the London stock exchange will be closed .should be of advantage to the operators on th3 bull side. The recent improvement in tho iron and steel stocks is obviously in tlio direction of discounting future favorable developments In trade. There are some signs of an approaching change for the better in iron and Its collateral markets. Market Gossip. Liverpool: Wheat, d higher; corn, higher. Omaha receipts: Hogs, 5,200: cattle, 200. Duluth receipts last year, 148 cars; Min neapolis, 261 cars. Kansas City receipts: Wheat. 415 cars; last year, 147. Corn, 72 cars; last year, 90. Oats, 9 cars; last year, 8. Northwest receipts: Minneapolis, 213 cars; last year, 261. Duluth, 52 cars; lant year, 148. A story Is going the rounds that a couple of Chicago corn bulls became so disgusted that they agreed to go down and jump into Lake Michigan and com mit suicide, but they returned with the statement that the lake was so full of corn "bulls" they couldn't get in. Clearances: Wheat and flour, 280,000 bu.; corn, 372.000 bu. Puts, September wheat, 77c; calls, 793ic Puts, September corn, 3S;54c; calls, 40Vsc. Good Monday. Primary receipts: Wheat, 791,000 bu: last year, 760,000 bu. Corn, 608,000 bu.; last year, 877.000 bu. Chicago: Estimated receipts for Mon day Wheat, 60 cars; corn, 350 cars; oats, 185 cars; hogs, 30,000. Grain Letter. WHEAT Liverpool cables were higher today, which was In sympathy with our advance of yesterday, and the feeling at the opening was bullish. Heavy buying orders appeared and the markets advanced c above last night's closing. On the advance there was a lot of wheat for sale and the market broke back to 77T6c for September. It steadied up and advanced to 7Sc again, and after fluctu ating between 78c and 78Vic balance of the session closed at 7814c to 7s?ge. North west receipts were only 265 cars, against 409 a year ago. , Clearances, 2O8.00O bush els. The temper Is turning stronger and cash demand Is improved. We look for wheat to gradually seek a higher level, and believe purchases on the breaks will re sult in sure profits. CORN Corn was strong again today, closing at the top. Cables were fcd higher. Receipts are light and shipments liberal. The market had a hard break, which was nothing but a shake-out. Wa look for a better market. OATS Oats were quiet and steadv. PROVISIONS There were only 9,000 hogs in Chicago, and market strong at the yards. Pork is advancing rapidly, just as we. predicted, and will go muclj higher. J. C. GOINGS. Sugar Market. New York, July 21. SUGAR Raw, strong: fair refining. 4c; centrifugal, 'JS test, 4c: molasses sugar, 4Vgc COFFEE Easy: No. 7 Rio. c. New York, July 21. BUTTER Firm. Current packed factory, 14Q16c; creamery, 16&I9.c. New York Money Market. New York, July 21. MONEY Money on call nominal, no loans; prime mercantile paper. 4(ii4 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S7i4 for demand and $4.8374'a 4.84 for CO days; posted rates. $4.84Va4.85 and $4.88; commercial bills, $-t.83Vtft SILVER Bar silver, 61c; silver certifi cates. 61iaS2H.c; Mexican dollars, 4S'4c BONDS United States refunding 2s, when issued, registered, 104: coupon. 101; 2s, registered, 100: 3s, registered, l'M'i; coupon, H014; new 4s, registered, 132HS coupon, 133; old 4s, registered, 115'i; coupon, 1151s ; 5s, registered, U34; coupjn, 114 'A- Range of Prices. Furnished by J. C. Goings. Commission Merchant, 112 East Fifth street, Topeka, Kansas, receiver and shipper of grain. Chicago, July 21. Article. Open High Low Close Yes. WHEAT July ... 77 77 70 77-H 76 Aug ... 7714 77 76 77 76"ii Sept ... 7SVi- 78 77Ti 78y4- 77-T4 CORN July ... 39 39- 391,4 S9-H 3914 Aug ... 3914 3i)i, 39i.-i 39-i5 3:iV Sept ... 39-& 39Vi- 39 9 8ii OATS July 2314 23 Aug ... 23 23- 2aVi 2S 23 Sept ... 23- 23 . 23 23 23-?4 POK It July 12 00 11 75 Sept ...12 05 12 13 11 92 12 15 11 87 LARD July 6 82 6 72 Sept ... 6 80 6 90 6 77 6 87 6 77 Oct. 6 82 6 92 6 83 6 90-62 6 80 Rl BS July 6 S3 6 85 Sept ... 6 92-95 7 05 6 90 7 02 6 7 Oct- ... 6 SO 7 00 6 87 7 00 6 8a KANSAS CITY: WHEAT Julv 7 67 Sept ... 6914 6i4 69 69 6S CORN Sept ... 37 371i S7 371,4 36 Ranges of Prices on Stocks. Furnished by J. C. Goings, Commission Merchant, 112 East Fifth street, Topeku, Kan., receiver and shipper of grain. New York, July 21. Stocks. Op'nHigh Low ICl'se j Yes. I I I I 1 12? 129 12614 126' 127 99 99 99 9", I 1-9 94 94 93 8 !3ti 36 35 34 34 31 66 66 6''. 5Hij 5 S4 34 8414 34l 34 125 12B 125 12i;126 117 H)7i. Kr7 1U7 l'tfi 111 111 Jll 111 110 26 26 26 26 1 2 69 70 6M 6 69 91 fto !: 9u 80 80 79 79 79 51 51 50 51 60 75 75 75i 75! 75 68 58 67 5S 57 X3 S31, K3 83 I 83 129 130 129 120;130 33 81 33 83 33 27 27 27 27 27 60'4 60 69 60 W' 76 77 76 76 76 69 71 69 71 69 51 61 51 61 51 73 73 73 73 V3 11 11 11 11 Sugar People's Gas .. Am. Tobacco .. A. S. & w B. R. T. Federal Steel .. C. B. & Q C. R. I. & P.. C. M. & St- P.. Atchison com.. Atchison pfd .. Manhattan Western Union Mo. Pacific U. Pac. pfd .. U. Pac. com .. Atchison adj .. N. Y. Central.. So. Pacific C Sr O Reading ti. & o T. C. & I N. Pac. com .. L N. C. & G. W. ....