Newspaper Page Text
J. t: TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, SATURDAY EVENING. JULY 21, 1900. iwmis ID 3IISCELLLE01S IDS. "WANTED SITUATIONS. 1VAXTED-Position in store by teacher of 6 years' experience. Teacher. Juurnu. WANTED A place as housekeeper Call or address Gospel Mission. 212 North ivansas ave.. Topeka. Kas. GOVERN.MEXT POSITIONS Don't pre pare for anv- civil service psamir.aui.ri without seeing our illustrated catalogue of information. Sent free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington. D. C. WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Stenographers. bookkeepers, -.' salesmen, druggists and teachers desir ' ins positions in Texas are invited to ad dress "The Texas Business Bureau," J. W. Hudnall. proprietor, Paias. Tei. SEVERAL trustworthy persons to man age our in their own and near by counties: mainiy office work conducted at home: salary $:o a year and expense-:: menti m r I'cri-ncP and enclose self -addressed stamped envelope. The Domin ion Co., Dept. L, Chicago. Cheap Excursion Rates to Colorado Ca. Jens 21, July 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13, and AO. 2 Tickets from pcint3 west of Missouri River, and east of Colby. Kan., to Den ver. Colorado Springs. Manitou. Pueblo. Salt Lake City and Ogden. Utah, and re turn, will be sold by the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE At rate of Cas Resralar Firs ?lz3 32.C0 " for Round Trip, Return Limit October 31, 1903. BEST LINE TO DENVER Only Direct Line to Colorado Springs and Manitou. Take advantage of these cheap rates and spend your vacation in Colorado Sleeping car reservations may be made now for any of the excursions. Write for full information and the beautiful book. "COLORADO THE MAGNIFICENT' sent free. E. W. THOMPSON. A. G. P. A.. Topeka. Kan. JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A.. Chicago. Summer Excursions VIA The Union Pacific will place in effect; on June 21, July 7 to 10 inc., July 13th and August 2nd, Summer Excursion rates of 0E FARE FOR ROUND TRIP pins S'2.00 from Kansas and Xebraski points TO Seaver, Colarado S?ria?3, PasTsI CkIss, ax.1 Salt Las. ' Tickets good for return until Oct. 31st. For Time Tables and fullinformatioa call on F. A. Lewis, City Ticket Agt., or J. C. Fulton, Depot Agent. "THE NEW YORK and BOSTON LIMITED.' EASTBOUND. D Lv. ST. LOUIS 8.00 ATLY. a. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. a. m. a. m a. m. a. m. a. m. p. m. p. m. Ar. Terre Haute 12.36 " Indianapolis 2.25 " Cleveland 9.55 " Buffalo 4.00 " Rochester 5.40 " Syracuse T.35 " Utica S.53 " Albany 11.15 " NEW YORK 2.55 " BOSTON 4.55 NEW MORNING TRAIN With Through Pullman Sleepers, ST. LOUIS TO NEW YORK. ST. LOL'IS TO BOSTON. Vestibu'.ed Coaches. All menl serred in Pining trs. This train receives all M. -rains Connection at St. Louis from the West and Southwest. C. W. Green, T. P. a.. Kansas City, Ma C. L. HlLLEARY, A. U. F. A., at. Louis, Mow 19.00 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo via the Santa Fa. Tickets on sale July 23 and 24. Good returning- until August 24 Account An nual Convention Young People's Chris tian Union at Denver. We also have th last Colorado excursion of the season leaving here August 2, good until Oc tober 3L The Santa Fe is the only line running an observation car to Colorado Springs Builds up the system: puts pure, rich blood in the veins: makes men and wo men strong and healthy. Burdock Blood titters- At any drug store. Bfo4Four WASTED KALE HELP. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: only 8 weeks required. Special offer of board, tools, transportation and scholar ship continued until August on account of demand for our graduates. Splendid chance for from distance. Cat alogue mailed free. Moler Barber College, St. Louis, Mo. . WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED Experienced dishwasher, at Holliday mjtel. corner Fourth and Hol liday streets. UDV TO TRAVEL in Kansas; $30 monthly and all expenses to start. Per manent position If satisfactory- Self addressed envelope for reply. Address Manager MacBrady, Star bldg.. Chicago. CROCHETHR3 WANTED To crochet for us at home. good pay. Chicago Cro chet Co.. & learbtrn St.. uaicago, ill. WANTED Good white girl for house work. J243 Western avenue. WANTED Kitchen girl, at once. South east corner Eighth and Quincy. $2.5uO c an BE MADE during next six months by hustling agents handling our white ana fancy ruboer cottars, cults, bosoms and neckties. Patented and guar anteed goods. Enclose stamp for special plan. M. 6c M. MIg. Co., sprmgneid. Mass. WANTED EVERWHERE- Hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, sam pies, etc.: no canvassing: good pay. toun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. $50.00 PEti MONTH during the campaign and permanent position after. Man or lady. Ziegler Co., 322 Dearborn SL, Chi- BRYAN'-MC KIVLF.T-Chance once in four years. Make $100 with 25c capital All ages, both sexes, coin money. Send 4o and get illustrated catalogue and samples worth loo. Frank I. Clark Co. 513 V. Baltimore St.. Baltimore. Md. $50 WEEKLY selling Tug or Shaft Car rier and Life Saver. Exclusive territory: sample free. Enterprise Mfg. Co., B 42, Cincinnati. o. AGENTS $2i.) per month and expenses to call on hotels, restaurants, saloons, pri vate re.-;i-i:res and introduce our goods Samples absolutely free. Greatest seller ever put on the market. Odorless Disin fectant Co., B 167. Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS tit." a month sure to honest, in dustrious men following our instruc tions, exhibiting at fairs, picnics, etc.. the greatest me iuirucal wonder ot the agt -ur Combination Butter Separator and ice Cream r reexer. two machines in one. It is the only machine that will separate Lutter trom milk or cream sweet or sour. in less than rive minutes, and make ice cream in less than three minutes. A child ran operate it. Write toduy for sole agency and ch-ice of territory. Aeroating Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. GENERAL AGENTS in every locality in the United States to represent large con cern ami appoint agents on a strictly sal ary basis of $5.')o per month and all trav eling expenses pai-i. Address Dept. 74, 1;70 Park ave.. New York. AGENTS WANTED Good, live men can make mon-y taking orders for photo, buttons, me-allions. jewelry, etc. Partic ulars free. St. Louis Button Co., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS WANTED To be Independent. learn the grandest paying profession of the age. A beautiful book and informa tion absolutely free. American Institute of Science, Nevada. Mo. DO YOU" WANT traveling job on sal ary? Answer. Triumph Co.. Dallas. Tex. "WANTED - SALESMEN. BflGHT"Y"6uXG'LNofae'to''tral'. advertise and collect: salarv vear and ail expenses to start. Self -addressed envelope for reply. Address Secretary Langtun. 3oa Dearborn. Chicago. WANTED Enterprising traveling sales man to represent established financial house as side line (carry no samples and not interfering with present employment : can increase their income materially with but little effort and time; give territory an. I particulars: splendid opportunity for uufii-is uj vrt lui:uci.uuii. Address f. o. box ai, .e fork. SALESMEN wanted for a rapid selling necessity u-ed in every home; exclusive territory, big commissions. The Tusca rawas Mfg. Co., Canal Dover, Ohio. ESTABLISHED JOBBING- HOUSE wants specialty salesmen to call on drug, dry goods and general store trade. Commis sion only, t uii time ana Dona required. Adress Manager, loc6-ls Dearborn, Chi cago, ill. BUSINESS CHANCES. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Agents who have their own office and some spare time can materially increase their incomes without expense or trouble r interrerir.g with present business, and make permanent connection with well known nnur.cuil house. Address Finan cial, box 2ob7. New York city. BUY WHEAT We believe there is 10c a bushel profit to be made at present prices. Send for our Wk, "Successful Siieculatibn.'' J. K. Comstock. 23 Trad ers' bldg.. Chicago. DIVIDEND' paying oil stock for sale: guarantee satisfaction; also California real estate f.r eastern. Ralph Muney, 3o West First, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To loan. $500, on real estate. A. H. R. WANTED To buy. a small milk route. Miik. care Journal. WANTED Calves and fat cattle, all kinds. Leave word or write, 921 Kansas avenue. WANTED To trade lady's or gent's gold watch for baby carriage. E. E., Journal. WANTED To buy second-hand !-horse power gasoline engine. Address C. E. L. Journal. WANTED Lace curtains and portieres to dean. Mrs. Fosdick. 725 Quincy at. FOR RENT ROOMS. FOR RENT Office room No. 2. 531 Kan sas avenue. FOR RENT Two rooms on first floor, at 21- East Ninth St. FOR RENT Large, airy, furnished room. north and south windows, modern con veniences. 13 Van Buren street. FOR RENT Large, well furnished rooms. with ail modern conveniences. Iu20 Jack son street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. 611 est Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished south room. 919 Tyler street. FOR RENT Recently modernized furn ished rooms for light housekeeping; also single rooms. 421 Quincy st. FOR RENT Furnished rooms cooL S. W. corner Fifth and Madison st. FOB SALE SEAL ESTATE. rWSAL&V'' A choice tract of - gold-bearing shale land. L. P. land agent, 623 Kansas ave. FOR SALE : Railroad lands on 10 years' time. Half rates. U. P. land agent 523 "K'a n-ja ave. FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished house to small family. 9 rooms, bath, furnace, cistern, welL and city water. 2ti Clay street. FOR RENT W. 6th St.. 8 rooms, modern. 1245 Clay st., 8 rooms, modern. 4th and Clay, 6 rooms, bath. 713 Lane. 8 rooms, bath. barn. 13i36 Western ave.. 8 rooms, bath, grates. 719 Quincy, 9 rooms, grates, bath, gas, etc. 1279 Western ave., 8 rooms, bath. 2u Clay, 9 rooms, modern, barn. And some others; J. E. TORRINGTON. Tel. 228. 109 W. Sixth St. FOR RENT 4 room cottage on west side near 6th, $8. 2 rooms at 3uo Eeast 5th, J4. 6 room house on West sth. S15. 10 room modern hsuse on Topeka ave nue, $40. s room modern house on Tyler near 4th, J20. 8 room house on Lane St.. $17. 6 room house on Taylor. $16. 4 room cottage. 213 West 12th. A modern 8 room house on Taylor. $25. A A RODGERS. 110 West Sixth. FOR RENT Five room house. ISO Em melt st., east of shops. FOR RENT S room house. Enquire 616 Jackson street- FOR RENT A handsome 8 room resi dence. 2u) Clay. Modern. $20.00. Tele phone 69S. FOR RENT 5 room house. 1266 Lincoln street. Elder, 611 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 4 year old bay mare; speedy. gentle. sound, safe anywhere, city broke, single and double, $75.i. Clark, 1547 Logan St., North Topeka. FOR SALE New gas range. 4 holes; oak sideboard, "Red Cross" heating stove, wardrobe. carpets. dining room and kitchen fumitrue. J. L. Howard, 520 Kansas avenue, upstairs. FOR SALE Several organs, at half price; also one good upright piano and a com bination pool table. 931 E. 6th st. FOR SALE Good young horse, suitable for work or drive. Call 624 Western ave. FOR SALE Transplanted celery plants. Iu21 Madison street. FOR SALE New road wagon, never been used: cheap. Enquire at 819 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE Jersey heifer calf, six weeks' old. yj7 Morris avenue. FOR SALE First-class lady's wheel cheap. A. A., care Journal. FOR SAI-E Fresh Jersey cow and calf, pigs, chickens, horse, harness, two seat, ed rig. 22d and Madison, Pierce add. FUR SALE Lady's high grade Victor bicycle, good as new: or will trade for horse, lado North Kansas avenue. FOR SALE At cost. Gasoline Stoves and Refriger ators. JUNBi & SON. 320 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE 1 light spring wagon. $15.0: 1 heavier for 2U.'. 213 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow. 201 Greenwood avenue. FOR SALE A square Emerson piano, Paid $7' for same: will sell for $60 cash. Apply 111 E. 5th St.. down stairs. FOR SALE Driving or work horse, choice of three: buggy, hay wagon, mower, etc. K33 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE One Smith Premier type writer, in good condition. $30 if sold at once. Call aol Madison street- FOR SALE Extra good family horse. $; good driving horse. $45: good family plug. $25: also good box cart and de livery wagon. DAVIS MERCANTILE CO., 601 Topeka avenue. FOR SALE Large butter or ice box. oil tank, cracker stands and covers, tea. coffee and spice cans, candy jars, and other grocery and meat fixtures from other stock. We have no room for them. Must sell. DAVIS MERCANTILE CO.. 601 Topeka avenue. FOR SALE Medium-sixed Mosler. Bah mann & Co. safe, in good condition. THE TRUST CO. OF AMERICA. Crawford building. FOR SALE 20 or 25 ft. iron frame awn ing, with canvas for 12 foot sidewalk, $1.0u per foot. 114 West 7th st. MISCELLANEOUS. BABY CARRIAGES Will exchange for anything in household goods. E. C. WARREN, 418 Kansas Ave. TO TRADE A block of 21 lots on 20th and Adams for improved property. M Heery. FOR EXCHANGE SO acres Wabaunsee county grass land, clear, for small To peka property. J. E. TORRINGTON'. 1U9 W. Sixth St. FOR RENT Services of a gasoline re pair man. All work guaranteed. E. C. WARREN, 418 Kansas ave. EVERY ONE wanting a Monument will do well to see me before buying, as I can save you money and give you the very best work and material. See me at 630 Lawrence St., or Topeka cemetery. H. T. Kay. CLEAN OUT SALE of refrigerators, baby carriages, mattings, at WARREN'S. WARREN has a number of first-class 2nd hand New Process gasoline stoves, caah or trade. 418 Kansas ave. FOUND Near Journal office, lady's pocketbook. Owner may have same by calling at Journal office and proving prop erty and paying for this ad. STRAYED From Tenth and Lincoln, one large bay horse, rope wrapped around neck. Reward. A. H. Case. CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME RUSSELL, the world's re nowned clairvoyant trance medium and ocult wonder. Reads your entire life past, present and future. She gixes you advice on business, love, marriage, di vorces, absent friends, social or domestic affairs. Hours. 9 a. m. to & p. m., daily. Sunday. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Parlors, 215 East Seventh street. PATENTS. J. A. ROS EN. SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. F. M. Comstock. Mechanical Engineer. 418 Kansas Ave., rooms 3, 4 and 5. PERSONAL. WANTED A name for new magazine. $Gti for best. One dollar subscription must accompany choice- C. A. Tierney. publisher. Westrield, Mass. YOUR FUTURE foretold by stars; let me help you understand your character and abiiity. Send luc and date for trial reading. Prof. Atwood, box 34, ill. Ver- " TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. NOTICE My application for a permit to sell intoxicating liquors, according to law. at 607 Kansas aveue. in the Fourth ward of the city of Topeka, Is now on file in the office of the probate Judge of Shawnee county. Kansas. The hearing of the same Is set for Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. m. July 31. 1900 G. W. FLAK. I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. F03. SALS S7 W. C. STEPHEASOJ & CO. 609 KANSAS AYSITTS Over Eis'by's. Over Eig-'by's. 1 lots on Klein St. near 3d. New 6 room cottage, cellar, well and cistern, nicely papered throughout, nice shade and bluegrass. Price $1,350; part cash, bal ance monthly payments. 4 room cottage on Fillmore between 6th and 7th in good condition. Price $SW: small payment down, balance monthly payments. 2 fine lots, east front, high ground, on Tyler near 6th, large 6 room house, cel lar, weil and cistern and city water in sink in kitchen, sewer connection, brick walks, barn. See me about this at once. Price $2.5jO. Might take clear lots well located as part payment. 4 lots on Lane st.. east front. 4 room ; house, cellar, well water, shade and out buildings. Price $500, small payment down, balance In monthly payments. 3 lots east front on Madison near Sec ond, large 7 room house, cellar, well and cistern, shade and bluegrass. large barn; all in good condition. Must be sold. See me about price and terms. 5 room house, east front, near 4th on Madison. Front hall and stair.- city and cistern water, barn. Price $1,500. 5 room house on Jefferson between 5th and 6th. east front, cellar, well and cis tern. Price $1,500. 5 room house, cellar, well and cistern, coal shed and outbuildings, barn, nice shade. Price, $l,u00. On Jefferson near Eighth. 5 room two story house on Jefferson near 3d. east front, well and cistern; all in nice condition. - Price $1,150; $100 cash, balance monthly payments. 2 lots. 5 room cottage, on the corner of Leland and 4th. Price $7u0, $100 cash, bal ance monthly payments. 5 room house on Chandler, between 4th and Sth. $700. $150 cash, balance monthly payments. A nice 5 room cottage. 10 foot ceilings, rooms nicely painted and papered, nice grape arbor, two story barn, shade and bluegrass. Price, $1,100, on Chandler sL, near 4th. l1 lots, east front, on Monroe and 3rd. 5 room cottage and a house of 6 rooms on the rear of lots. Price $2,200. 5 room cottage on Manroe, east front, cellar, cistern, barn, sewer connection. Price. $1,100. 2 lots. 3 room house, good well of water, on 4th street, east. $450; $50 cash, balance payments. 2 lots an east Sth street near Madison. room house, gas and fixtures, cemented cellar, sewer connecton. barn, elegant shade. Will offer for a few days at fc,2Wi. This is a bargain. MONEY TO LOAN On first real estate mortgages. Houses to rent. Fire insurance written at the lowest rates. I I r FOR QUICK SALE A No. 1 bakery, doing well; well fur nished. Can sell to right party if sold next week. See S. M. WOOD & CO.. 534 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE Cottage. 6 rooms 3 lots. every con venience, terms easy.- $1,750. 8 room cottage, close, city and cistern water, cellar, laxge barn. $l,aoo. Pay ments. Close in. 8 room house, east front, hall, well, cistern, cellar, 3 lots and barn. $1,400. A bargain. 7 room house, hall, closets, cellar, cis tern, barn, 3 lots, on car line. $1,650. 3 room cottage, well, outbuildings, 1H lots. Payments; $300. 10 acres, large house, orchard, fenced. Nice place for hogs and chickens. Terms easy. iSon. Nice business property on Kansas ave nue. Will pay 12 percent, on price asked. See this. 10 room house near Washburn. Good property. $1.4uu. We have some fine farms and ranches at bargains. Houses to rent. Money to loan. Want to buy good driving horse. SCOTT & SCOTT, 615 Kansas ave., Topeka, Kas. FOR SALE A fine property In Heery's addition. 3 blocks east of Santa Fe shops. Original cost $2,M); our price, $1,000. Fine 6 room house, city and cistern water In kitchen, front and back stair way, fine oak mantel, well screened, hard wood finish. I- lots, on Madison. $1.S). I1. east front lots on Madison near 8th, and neat 4 room cottage, $1.1'J0. 6 room house, cistern, cellar and 1 lot, on Quincy near 3rd. $1,100. 2 lots and neat a room cottage on Quincy near 2nd. $1.50. 3 lots and 6 room dwelling on North Madison, in fine condition; cellar, cistern and well water. Near junction Santa Fe and U. P. railroads. $1,000. 4 room cottage, in tine repair, on Ad ams near 3rd $s50. 6 room house and fine bam on Branner near 3rd. $1,100. l-i lots and good 5 room house and barn; good well and cistern, fine fruit, on To peka avenue facing fair ground. $450. 3 good lots on west side, 2U blocks of street car line. If sold soon. $100. m. good east front lots on Buchanan, $35o. RODGERS, DAVIS & CO.. 110 West Sixth. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. Vacant lots in Lowman Hill. $25 each. Good 7 room house, Harrison, 200 block, $3.1u0. Good 6 room house, Topeka avenue, 300 block. $2.iuo. . Good 5 room house, Topeka avenue, 600 block. $i.6uo. Good 7 room modern house, Topeka ave nue, 5u0 block, $3,750. Fine 10 room modern house, Topeka ave nue near Fourteenth, $5.50u. 3 vacant lots on Harrison, 3 blocks from state house, $l,2uu. 6 room house and "barn, Tyler, 500 block, $l,7iH). Small house and 2 lots on East Fourth, $3S0. Elegant 7 room home in North Topeka, $1.5oo. Little cottage home in North Topeka, $450. 3 vacant lots on corner of Saywell and Kansas avenue. Make an offer. Good Kansas avenue home of C rooms, Ha lots, $1,060. 2 story brick building, full lot. on Kan sas avenue, for $5,500. Good investment Lots in Oakland. $17.50 each. Nice home on Van Buren between Tenth and Eleventh, for $3.2u0. Suburban tract of bottom land, highly improved, $2.7uo. Bouora farm, 7 miles west, $40 per acre. 3 acres in Seabrook. $200. 2ij homes In North Topeka. Farms in all parts of Shawnee county. 1.500 acre ranch. 30 miles southwest of citv. 400 acres cultivated. 15 buildings. other extensive improvements. or lease or sale. Several modern residnces in west part of city that we cannot publish location of. Come and see us. PAYNE, & THOMPSON. 627 Kansas ave. FOR SALE 5 corner lots. Weet 6th St. A bargain. A 9 room house. 1H lots and barn, on Lincoln St.; furnace heat, bath, city and cistern water. 627 Kansas ave. FOR SALE A fin, ui.l.urliu n home. 7 room house, barn, sheds, fine fruit. 6 acres of ground. All bottom land. A bargain. PAYNE & THOMPSON. 627 Kansas ave. FOR SALE 6 room house. 1 lot. Tyler St. owner says we must sell. room house ana lots, irrier st- a bargain. See us quick. 3 lots on corner ot ATrier at, jaust sen. See us. 5 room cottaae and 2 lots. Buchanan St. between 5th and Sth sts. Must be sold. For a bargain see us. 627 Kansas ave. FOR SALE 10-gall on Van coffee urn. c neap. j--. v v Aiittc,--. 418 Kansas ave. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE ROUDEBUSH. HOUSES 5 room house. 2 lots, on Harrison, close in: well, cistern, cellar. $1,300. Fine modern new house. Topeka ave. $5,000. 6 room house on Polk near pavement, east front. $1,000. 4 room cottage on Clay, 2 lots. $1,200. - 5 room house, 1H lots, on Buchanan, southwest part of city. $1,000; easy terms. 4 room cottage on Taylor, l1! lots, near pavement. $1,250. Kansas avenue investment property. 2 house. 4 rooms each, on Adams, close to shops, rent $14 per month. $1,150. 8 room modern house, new, on 13th st. pavement, fine bath, mantle. gTate. bam; might trade for cheaper property. Modem house on Fillmore, 3 lots, east front, near Sth, $4,400. 2 lots. 6 room house, on Sth. between To peka ave. and Tyler. $1,750. 6 room house on Tyler, close In, $1,450. 9 or 10 room house on Monroe, good lo cation, $3,000. Several houses on Morris ave., prices ranging from $600 up. 2 small houses, good repair, to trade for 2 or 3 acres, improved, near city. VACANT LOTS 2 lots on Van Buren, south 14th, $250 each: east front. 3 lots on Buchanan, near 5th. $1,000. Some fine lots, 3 or 4 blocks from new city hall, $500 each. " 1H lots on Fillmore near Third, $750. Vft lota, east front, on Harrison. $675. I-ots on nearly every street In city as cheap as can be sold. FARMS AND SMALL TRACTS- 4--- acres of bottom land, near shops. $800. 320-acre bottom farm, west of city, $27.50 per acre, well improved. 10 acres. 1 mile from city limits; might trade for house in city. 5 acres, near Reform school. Improved, $1,100. 80 acres nicely improved. 8 miles from city; will take city property for part pay. 40 acres 4 miles from P. O., $1,250. 5 acres, $300. I have several good houses for rent. If you wish to buy or dispose of real estate, see EMMETT E. ROUDEBUSH, Phone 267. 115 West 6th. FOR SALE A good 7 room residence, near Clay and 6th. 2 lots, fine shade, 2 grates, furnace heat. sink, sewer, city water and cistern. Large barn. All for $2,400. Is hard to beat for the money. A complete modern house, furnace heat, southwest of the capltol, for $3,000, part time. A neat modern cottage, 6 rooms, extra fine, near Central park. $2,100. A complete modern 9 room residence, with fine reception hall. 61 foot front, southwest of capitol, east front. Price $2,800. A good cottage. 3 blocks of Bethany, east front, for We have IS acres adjoining Topeka to sell as a whole for less than one-half for what it will sell for In acre tracts. If you would double your money see- us. Is only 2 blocks from car line. 7 blocks from pavement. IS lots on Fillmore street opposite M. A. Low residence, for $600 if taken Monday' or Tuesday. Finest vacant site in city. Will you be the fortunate one? lt2 or 3 elegant lots, northeast corner Buchanan and 13th. for $400 each. Are 162 feet deep. Look at them. Pavement, park, sewer, water, all there. See us for largest list of bargains in the city. , BENEDICT & CO., 601 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE 8 room house, 3 blocks from postoffice, Madison street. $1,000. 5 room cottage, 1 acre, well. $700. 6 room house, 1H lots, Taylor St.. $1,500. 5 room cottage, 75 foot front, corner on Fillmore street, $1,200. 6 room house, 45 foot front, Morris ave nue. $1.15). 6 room house. 2 lots. Topeka ave., $850. Vacant lots in all parts of city. List of good houses to rent. If you are looking for a snap, see us. BARNES REAL ESTATE CO.. 'Phone 2t2. 113 West Fifth St. FOR SALE Nice little house of two rooms and sum mer kitchen, l1 east front lots. In Walnut grove, good well and outbuildings. $300.00. 4 rooms, 1H lots, on Van Buren st.j in South Topeka. good barn," chicken house and outbuildings, good repair, $800.00. Rents for $8.00. Just east of Santa Fe shops, nice house of 5 rooms and 2 east front lots, easy terms. $600.00. Better see this at once; Price may go up. A first-clas3 investment on Topeka ave nue, near Sth. 2 houses and 2 lots, 7 rooms each, rent for $15 each. Price $3,500.00. Near Washburn college. 2 lots. 10 rooms, barn, well, good repair, $1,350.00. Can you build a 10-room house for this today? On Jefferson, south of 8th. 5 rooms, 1H lots, cistern, well, barn, east front, fine repair. This property will please you. $l,nao.uu. . NORTH TOPEKA. Monroe St.. 7 rooms, 2 lots, east front, well, cistern, city water, cost $2,500.00; our price, $1,600. VACANT LOTS. 3 lots, near Central Park, on corner near paving. Only $1,050.00. If you are looking i iHitlHlnff cifu l.t lie ahnnr ir-iit this I t block west of 10th st. paving. 122xlS0 feet, east front, fine location; only $2.uuO.G0. Let us show you this quick. 5 lots, near fairgrounds, $100 each. TOPEKA REALTY CO.. 534 Kan. ave... H. MACFERRAN. Mgr. FOR SALE SNAP Van Buren st.. near 19th, a well built 4-room house. 1 lots, well, bam. chicken house, etc. This place is very cheap at $800. Let us show it to you. TOPEKA REALTY CO.. 534 Kan. ave., H. MACFERRAN, Mgr. rOR SALE 150 houses in North Topeka. 2j0 houses South side, east and west of avenue. l.Oiw vacant lots. Big bargains in real estate. See us at once PAYNE & THOMPSON, 627 Kansas ave. for s ale no. 132, 5 rooms, 1 lot, near shops, terms, $650. No. 1S4. 4 rooms, 1 lot. East 4th, easy terms, $600. No. 1S5. 3 rooms, 1 lot, close In, east side, payments, $450. No. 191, a rooms, 2 lots, 5th and Lake, $). No. 220. 4 rooms, 3 lots, bam, etc., east side, terms, $u0. No. 2S7. 2 rooms, 1 lot, near shops, easy terms, $125. No. 291. 4 rooms, 1 lots. Clay and King, $J0. No. 418. 3 rooms, 1 lot, close In, East 8th, terms. $450. No. 425. 6 rooms, 1 lot, near 8th and Jef ferson, cheap. No. 40O. 4 rooms. 1 lot. Chestnut, $5n0. No. 469, 4 rooms, 2 lots, Monroe and 10th, snap. J. D. MILLER & CO.. 517 Kansas avenue. WANTED To purchase a good $1,200 or $1,500 house, between Washburn college and city. A. W. Parsons, care Journal. FOR SALE . , ,, Clav st. near 19th, 5 rooms, 2 lots, well. brick walks, etc. Only $M0. Can you bufld a 5 room house for $500? TOPEKA REALTY CO.. 534 Kan. ave. H. MACFERRAN. Mgr. FOR SALE 10 acres upland 1 mile south of river and station on Santa Fe 13 miles east of Topeka. 2 room log house, needs repairs. 20 acres in tillage, some voung fruit, some timber, fine fruit land. Price $6U. Easy terms. J. E. TORRINGTON. 109 W. Sixth St. FOR SALE or trade for vacant lots, 2 houses and S lots on Lawrence St.; com bined rent. $12 per month. Price. $L2i:o. TOPEKA. REALTY CO.. 534 Kan. Ave. H. MACFERRAN. Mgr. FOR SALE Near 10th and Monroe, 2 lots, room house, water in kitchen, sewer connection, stable, fine shade. A very neat home. Nonresident owner will sell cheap. Ill w. 10th st-, 14 lots. 8 room house, one of the best bargains on the market. J. E. TORRINGTON. 109 W. SixTSJ- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. YOURS FOR COST 25 rolls matting, 10c and upwards. 50 gasoline stoves, new or 2nd-hand. 100 bedsteads. 50c and upwards. li) springs. 50c and upwards. High-back chairs. 50c and upwards. Large stock to select from. Baby carriages. Your own price so we get first cost. Kitchen safes and cooking; utensils. Cook stoves, at cose Queensware and glassware, lounges and couches: in fact all the necessities for housekeeping, can be found in our place. We buy and sell second-hand stoves and are always ready to exchange for any thing. We clean and repair gasoline stoves, and people say we do it right. All work guar anteed. If you want to buy, sell or exchange, our stock is complete In both new and 2nd-hand line. We pay the freight on all goods shipped to- adjoining counties. E. C. WARREN, 418 Kansas ave. FOR SALE Several sections of elegant lands on 10 years' time. U. P. land agent, 523 Kan sas avenue. FOR SALE Fine bottom -lands, alfalfa and stock lands, lu years' time. U. P. land agent, 523 Kansas avenue. FOR SALE The cheapest farm in Kansas on the best terms. U. P. land agent. 523 Kansas avenue. OR SALE Railroad lands, from 160 acres to sev eral sections, at $2 to $4 per acre, en 10 years' time. U. P. land agent, 523 Kan sas' avenue. FOR SALE Good lot close In. gain. Enquire 919 Tyler street. A bar- PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. DR. L. D. MC KINLEY, late superintend ent Topeka Insane Asylum. Office, rooms, 28 and 29, Keith building. ( CHARLES C. BRADLEY, M. D. Office 511 Kansas ave. Phone, 67S-2. Residence, 5U West 7th street. 'Phone 678-3. Henry W. Roby. M. D.. SURGEON. CO Kansas Avenue. Residence. Twenty first si. and Kansas ave. Topeka. Kan L. A. iRMJER, M. D. OFFICE and residence comer Oordcn C. and Central ave., Norh Topeka. 'PT me 214. Uses the Brinkerhoff system of r eta! treatment, a successful and painless reat ment for piles, fistula, flshure. ulceration etc. IDA C BARNES. M. D. . Office 732 Kansas ave. Residence Thir teenth and Clay. Office hours: 9 a. m.. to 11 a m.. and 3 p. m.. to 5 p. m. Telephone 5i8 r&aideneo and 16 office. F. H. MARTIN, M. D., 404 KANSAS avenue, over Wallace's drug store. Phones: 476. residence. 635 office. DR. EVA HARDING. Homeopathlat. Kansas ave. Telephone 402. STAMPS, SEALS AND STENCILS THE J. C. DARLING CO.. 734 Kan. Ave. Rubber stamps, brass and aluminum trade checks. Prices low. Catalogue free. Tel. 293. FREE MESSENGER SERVICE. PULL a Postal Telegraph-Cable Box. or call by telephone No. 417 and have your Want Ads brought to The State Journal omce oy rree messenger. io cuarge to j you ior messenger service. i.ost ot classi fied ads. 5 cents per line of six words Vo the line and every fraction thereof. BIYCLES TOPEKA CYCLE CO.. 112 West ?th et, Tel. 706. Bicycles and sunartes: bicycles and tandems for rent; repairing of ail kinds. V. 3. CYCLE CO.. 118 E. Sth st. National and Union bicycles. Sundries, repairs. SPECIALISTS. DR. C. H. QUIBOR, Diseases of tile Nose. Throat and Lungs 706 Kansas avenue. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. MIL-TON BROWN, lawyer. Practice in all state and federal courts. Suite 41. Craw ford bidfc. Tspeka. Kan. MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN on farm and dry pro perty. Low rate of interest. J. M. BRIER, 15 Columbian Bidg. MONEY TO LOAN on live stock, pianos, organs, typewriters, household goods and personal security. L. Biseoe, 523 Kan. ave. TO LOAN Money on real estate. Month ly payments. Low Interest. See East man. 115 West Sixth st. JEWELERS. JAMES B. HATDEN, Jeweler and Opti cian. Complete stock of watches, dia. mrMi-ia. silverware, etc.. Eyes examined and spectacles prcperly fitted. MACHINE SHOPS. MACHINE SHOP Lawn mowers sharp ened, razors and clippers ground. Base ball and sporting goods. Golden Rule Machine works, 514 Kansas ave. FLASHLIGHT PHOTOS. PORTRAITS taken at your home or our studio, day or evening. Nichols Flash Light Studio. 708 Kansas ave. HAIR GOODS. SWITCHES, CHAINS. WIGS; your own design to order. Face treatments. Mra. Hattie Van Vleck, 220 East Fifth at. FLORISTS. MRS. J. R. HAGUE, Florist, successor to R. J. Groves. 817 Kansas ave. Phone 60S. CUT FLOWERS and floral designs at Hayes". 107 West Eighth st. 'Phone 68. WATCHMAKER. WATCHES cleaned. 75c: clocks. 60e; main springs, ibc; crystals. 10c Cah paid for old gold or silver. Ail work guaranteed. Old jewelry exchanged for new. If hard up. see Cncle Sam. 512 Kansas avenue. JiTORAGS MERCHANTS' TRANFER A STORAGE Co.. packs, ships and stores household goods. Tel. 186. Clarence Skinner. 123 E. 6th St. LEGAL. (First published in the Topeka State Jour nal juiy zi, NOTICE. Mayor's office, Topeka, Kas., July 21, 1900. There will be a special meeting of the council of the city of Topeka. July 23. ISxXj, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose of hear ing any and all complaints that may be made as to the valuation made by the appraisers of all lots, pieces and parcels of ground liable for the cost of the Improve ment by gTading. curbing and paving: Woodiawn avenue from Ashland avenue to Willow avenue. In the city of Topeka. (Seal.) C. J. DREW, Mayor.. Attest: J. H. SQULRES. City Clerk. LEGAL. (First published in the Topeka State Jour nal July Zl, laoo. NOTICE. ' City of Topeka, July 21, 1900. To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that we. the un dersigned residents and freeholders of tha city oX Topeka. R. M. Spivey. James G'l lett and A. p. Benson, were duly appoint ed by the mayor and council of the city of Topeka, and having duty qualified as ap praisers to ascertain the actual value of the land proposed to be taken under or dinance No. 214L approved April 25. ffr. for the purpose of opening an alley on the north side oflot 131 and in the rear of lots 151 and 167, inclusive, on Parkdala street, commonly called Lime street in said city, and also to assess and appraise the damages and benetits arising ther from, to the lots and pieces of pro:erry lying and situated in the benefit district created and established by said ordinance, which is described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point fifteen feet south of the north line of lot No. 131 on Park dale street: thence westerly parallel with the north line of said lot, 13- feet; thence southerly parallel with the west line of Parkdale street to the south line of lot No. 1S7 on Parkdale street: thence westerly fifteen feet: thtnea northerly and parallel with the west liro of Parkdale street and 120 feet westerly thereof to the south bank of the nunga creek: thence easterly along the south bank of said creek to the west line of Parkdale street: thence southerly alonr " the west line of Parkdale street to tha piace of beginning. And also to make a true value and ap praisement of all lots and pieces of ground situated in said benefit district, without regard to the buildings or improvements thereon. And notice Is hereby further given that we will meet as such apritsers on the 2nd day of August, at 9 o'clock a. m. of said day in front of lot No. 107. Park dale street, comim nly called Lime stre.-t. city of Topeka. in said benefit district, for the purpose o" ascertaining the actual value and Tasking appraisement of the property a'.d assessing damages and ben efits as a.'oresaid. S. M. SPIVEY. JAMES G1LLETT, A. P. BENSON. Appraisers. (First published in the Topeka State Jour nal, July Is, laoO.) NOTICE. At" a meeting: of the council of the city of Topeka held July 17. lyuO, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved. That the mayor and council of the city of Topeka deem it necessary for the best incerests of said city that Fillmore street from the south line of Sixth avenue to the north line of Tenth avenue be graded and paved thirty ft wide with vitriried brick on sand founda tion and curbed with Port Scott sand stone. J. V. F. HUGHLS. I hereby certify that the above is a tru and correct copy of the original now on file in my office. J. H. SQUIRES. (.Seal.) City Clerk- t PROPOSAL FOR BCILJjIXGS A N f heating system. Eepartmnt of the In terior, office of Indian affairs. Washing ton, D. C, July 16. 1ju. Sealed proposals endorsed "Proposals for improvement. Haakeil Institute." and addressed to the commissioner of Indian affairs, Washing ton. L. C. will be received at th Indian office until 2 o'clock p. in. of Tuesday; August 14. for furnishing the ma teriala and labor required to construct and complete school, laundry and shop bui'd Ines and a heating system at Haskell In stitute. Lawrence. Kansas, in strict ac cordance with plans, specifications and In structions to bid'iers, which may be ex amined at this office, the offices of the 'World.' Lawrpnoe, Kas.. "The Time." Leavenworth. Kas.. "The State Journal." Topeka. Kas.. the "Buiiders and Tracers' Exchange." Omaha. Neb., the "Build rs and Traders Exchange.' Milwaukee. Wis., the Northwestern Manufacturers' associa tion. St. Paul. Minn., the United States Indian warehouse. 15 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., and at the school. For fur ther information apply to H. B. Peairs, superintendent Haketl Institute, Law rence, Kas. W. A. Jones, commissioner. (First published tn the Topeka State Jour nal July 20, law. PROPOSALS. Office of the City Clerk, Topeka. Kas. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Monday. July 23, 100, at 5 o'clock p. m., for grading, curbing and paving Piercy street from Lane street to Williston street. ' INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. L Proposals under different names will not be received from one firm or associa tion. 2. The city council of the city of To peka reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids which may not be advantageous to the city. 3. Each bidder will be required to de posit with the citv clerk, to the credit of the city of Topeka, a certified check of deposit, of five per cent, of the proposed contract .and In no case to be less than fifty 50 dollars, as a guaranty that he will enter into the contract If awarded t-j him, according to the terms of his bid, within live days after the certification of the award. 4. In all bids made by a firm, the in dividual names of the members must be written out. and must be signed in full, giving the Christian names: but the sign ers may, if they chotjse. describe them selves in addition as doing a business un der a given name and style as a firm. 5. The place of residence of every bid der, with county and state, must be given after his signature, which must be written in full. 6. Any one signing a proposal as the agent of another or others, must file with It legal evidence of his authority to do so. 7. Alterations b-y erasures or interlinea tions should be explained or noted in the rxmnrtui 1 fivr the sie-nature of the biddt-r. 8. All prices must btj written as weil as expressed in figures. 9. A failure to comply with any of the above Instructions will be considered as of sufficient ground for rejecting any bid. but the right is reserved to waive sutm defect. , . 10. No proposal will be accepted from any person or firm who is in arrears to the citv of Topeka upon debt or con tract, who is in default as surety, or otherwise, upon any obligation to the ctiy: who has failed in previous contracts to compiv with the requirements of the soecifications and to fulfill his contracts. 11. Proposals should be addressed t the citv clerk, citv of Topeka. and In dorsed ""Proposals for grading, curbing and paving." . ... 12. Proposals must be made in fu.l con formity with all specifications, and on blanks furnished by the city of Topeka. 13. Proposals shall specify the rate per cubic vard for all grding and necessary preparation of roadbed, which price shall include everything re-tuired under th specifications of the same, the rate pr lineal foot for all the new curbing fur nished and set. for re-setting old curbing: the price per cubic yard for concrete, if any is used: the rate per square yard for paving, and for re-laying old pavement, which shall Include all the required ma terial, foundations and labor to com plete the same. 14. No extra compensation will be air lowed for the laying of raised cross walks, nor for wood headers. 15. Samples of the paving brick and curbing and 1 other material shall ac company each bid. Every sample shall oe plainly labeled with the date of bid. name of bidder, and place from which it was brought. Such samples will not be re turned to bidders, but under all circum stances will be retained by the city whether bids are accepted or not. No proposals for paving and curbing will M considered if not accompanied by samples. J. H. SQUIRES. City Clerk. Dated Topeka, Kas., 20th day of Juiy. 1S0O. PAVING. THE OFEICEof the Capital City Vltrlflel Brick and Paving Co.. baa been removed to IAS West Eighth streew