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TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL,, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1900. 13 Amateur Photographers Don't wait a week to have your Kodak Pictures fin ished when we can do them in a day, rain or shine. We develop and print every day. Kodaks for Rent. Views and Commercial Work. JOHN F. STRICKROTT, 515 Kansas Avenue. -X -tt -tt - -tt -tt -tt - -tt If you want to be well dressed and comfortable during the summer months wear one of our -tt -tc -tt -tt -K -tt -tt -K -tt -tt -tt -tt -tt -tt . - -tt -tt -ft -It -ft -tt Light lumrner Suits, 6. F. A63IEYER k CO., TAILORS. 623 Eansas Av2a.n0. Successors to Gaylord & Barclay J R G. KINLEY, Carriage Maker, For general repairs, painting and trimming, I employ first class mechanics in each branch of the business. ' Prices as low as good hoaest work will allow. Have some Buggies and road wagons on hand. The best rub ber tires on the market put on. X Call and See me and Get Prices. 1 424426 Jackson St. T. A. BECK, DEALER IN Grain, Flour, Feed, Hay and Straw, Field and Garden Seeds. Nos. 212 and 214 East 6th Ave Phone 90. Brighten Up That Furniture. Refintshing will make it look like new, and the expense is light. Work Guaranteed. FRANK YOUNG, ios West 10th. Telephone 516. A. W. Hopkins. W. M. Hopkins. HOPKINS & SON, MERCHANT POLICE. Private Work a Specialty. Office and Residence, 1015 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kas. CREAM AND WHITE Two Delicate Colors That Are Popular. Belt Iiuckles Are Going Out of Use. PISS NOW POPULAR. Brilliant Colors Hare Again in Hats. Come Collection of Interesting Topics For the Women. Eelt buckles are being replaced by belt pins. The belt when of ribbon or other soft material la simply crossed in front and fastened with this new device. Colored hats are extremely modish and are especially pretty with the thin summer gowns. A new combination of colors is "cream and white." This sounds simple but it would hardly pay aa amateur to at tempt it. Little girls are wearing the broad brimmed hats of Tuscan straw simply trimmed with a full bow of double faced ribbon in front, and strings. Just as every one has her poeketbook or finger purse decorated with a silver or gold monogram, comes the edict that the monogram must be carved in the leather to be strictly up-to-date. Colored gingham petticoats elaborate ly trimmed with lace and Insertion are being worn with wash dresses. Pink in all the prettiest tints is un doubtedly popular this season and striking combinations are made by the use of violet or heliotropes with it. Ash gray is one of the newest shades introduced but only women with perfect complexions should attempt to wear it. Among the loveliest creations in whit3 petticoats is one of white China silk, with two llounces of mousseline de soie, finely shirred at the top and dged with an insertion of silk lace. The corset cover which accompanies It is made of fine nainsock. and shows clusters of tucks separated by the lace insertions and tied on the shoulders with ribbon bows. The tiny band of black velvet contin ues to be worn around the base of white linen or fancy collars, and when worn with fancy ribbon collars, several tiny cut steel buckles or slides fastened on the velvet at intervals is a pretty addi tion. London has gone blouse mad. The swell shops go right on showing new de signs every day. and still the cry goes up for fresher things. Much la"e and fluffs of chiffon and the baby ribbon are worked into most of the summer styles. A New Fad. The tendency of the smart woman to choose black handles for her sunshades is very marked this season. The shop keepers say that the black handle never enjoyed such a vogue, and they account fur it by the equally great vogue of plain, pale colors, such as pink, blue, yellow and lilac. With a silk sunshade of any of these tints a black handle is more effective than the most elaborate stick of pale hue and mounted with fancy wood or precious metaJ. Ebony, gun metal and black oak are used for these sticks. Many of the tops are of cut jet, crystal or gun metal studded with jewels or picked out with gold. Summer Dancing Frocks. One of the daintiest of late Parisian creations is In the form of a dancing gown,light in weight, and made of pale- Fig. 1. Elonse corsage of gray taffeta, with applications of cream guipure, xne neck is cut oat over a yoke of pale blue mousseline. Fig. 2. Poiote waist of pink Liberty satin, 'with vet and lower sleeves of pink Liberty silk. A bolero of cream guipure is made up as a portion of the waist itself. Fig. 3. Blouse of cream satin, with hand-painted flowers. The yoke is cream mousseline. The edges of blouse and the sleeves "are bordered by rows of narrow black velvet ribbon. toned fabrics which are harmoniously blended. The undergown is of pale rose taffeta. Over this is a full skirt of white silk muslin, veiled in turn with an elab orate over-dress of sun-pleated muslin. The latter is panelled by means of in troduced stripes of Pompadour ribbon that appear at intervals all around the skirt, which is' divided at the left side of the front. The two sides are softly caught together under large fluffy ro settes of white muslin. The body is swathed in pleated white muslin divided by figured ribbon, and a high corsage belt of pink muslin over rose silk com pletes the lower portion. The shirred sleeves are finished with deep flounce of transparent gauze, and are divided by bands of Pompadour ribbon fastened back of the arm in small bows. A fea ture of the gown is the large rosette of silk muslin attached to the back of the neck and ending in wide sashes two, that reach almost to the foot of the skirt. Harper's Bazar. Pointers For the Well Dressed Woman. A hostess shows good taste in dress ing somewhat more simply than her guests. It is a reversal of the properties when a mother dresses her daughters in a more expensive style than herself. A woman's appearance must suggest that quality expressed in the slang of the day as "well groomed." Young girls make a distinction In their dress for little dinners by wearing lace or chiffon sleeves with their low necked gowns. For large dinners women reserve their finest gowns. They are subject to closer inspection and risk no defacement as at dances. For a ball the essential quality of a gown is its freshness. The only differ ence between the dress at a ball and an informal dance is in the degree of ele gance. Americans at tbe Exposition. Fair visitors to the exposition are writing home to say that American and English women are by far the best, that is to say, the most sensibly, dressed wo men at the great fair. French women, so these critics say, wear trailing gowns of light silk -or lawn, which would be suitable for a garden party or other afternoon affair, but which do not emerge triumphant from an all-day's struggle with heat, dust and the crowd. American women wisely adopt the simple, short-skirted costumes of serge or mohair, which sheds the dust ajid is so easily cleaned that, with a few fresh sliJrt waists or more dressy blouses, it keeps its wearer dainty and neat for weeks. And the woman who has once tried sight-seeing in a trailing gown will brave fashion many times before she attempts it again. Seasonable Topics of Conversation. Princess Sada, bride-to-be of the young Crown Prince of Japan, is to have a trousseau costing at least $1, 000.000. The emperor and the family of the bride will make up this enormous sum between them. The garments will be equally divided between Oriental and Parisian manufacture. The women of Abyssinia have all the law on their side. The woman owns everything, and may turn her husband out of doors at will, and, if taken back, he must buy his way with a peace of fering of a cow or half of the market price of a camel. Kight of divorce rests entirely with the wife, and she can di vorce her husband at will. A woman had the honor of building, at her own expense, the first school house within the limits of Chicago in 1831. Miss Marie Corelli, while driving re cently in the streets of London, was seriously injured by the horses taking fright at a tramcar and running away. Miss Helen Gladstone, daughter of England's Grand Old Man, is writing a biography of her father. She was his constant friend and confidant and has inherited much of his literary ability. Miss Gladstone was president of Newn- STYLISH SEPARATE CORSAGE. ham college for some years, and many noted English women have been gradu ated from the college. The Woman's club of Chicago has been honored by the city council by a request made of the president to ap point a member to serve on the special park commission for the improvement of the city. A business woman of Arizona, who cleared $400 the past season or, the sale of olives, has made a new departure in their preparation. She used the same formula as for mustard pickles, and the demand exceeded the supply from the start. She intends to put up her whole crop in October in the new way, and her invention marks a change in market able olives. The German empress is an energetic woman, rising at 5 o'clock and riding horseback for two hours, and drives in the afternoon. Her companion in riding and driving is her sister, the Duchess of Glucksburg, who shares with her in all her tastes. Culinary Department. HINTS FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. Sand is the most useful for scouring. and with its help tables and other wood- J en articles may ue ivtpi wiute wiin na.ii. the trouble entailed in producing the same effect with the scrubbing brush. Sand is also most useful in extinguish ing burning oil. Cast oil the flames It prevents their spreading by soaking up the oil, whereas water, used in the same way, would cause the oil to float and the fire to increase. Old newspapers are quite Invaluable to the thrifty housewire. Spread on the kitchen table when any dirty work is in hand, they will protect the wood from becoming soiled, and will save not only the labor of scouring, but the wear and tear of brushes and the waste of soap. For -window cleaning newspapers an swers the purpose as well as dusters, and for polishing a stove it is as good as a brush, and makes less dust. News paper should be used as much as possi ble for cleaning, for it not only prevents unnecessary wear of brushes and cloths, but also saves the household washing bill. TO HANG OVER THE COOK TABLE. A copy of the following measures will be found very useful to hang in the kitchen for reference: Four even teaspoonfuls liquid equal one even table-spoonful. Three even teaspoonfuls dry material equal one even tablespoonful. Sixteen tablespoonfuls liquid equal one cupful. Origin of a Familiar Costum. Like all familiar customs the origins of which are lost in antiquity, the wearing of orange blossoms at a wed ding is accounted for in various ways. Among other stories is the following popular legend from Spain: An African king presented a Spanish king with a magnificent orange tree, whose creamy, waxy blossoms and won derful fragrance excitedvthe admiration of the whole court. Many begged in vain for a branch of the plant, but a foreign ambassador was tormented by the desire to introduce so great a curi osity to his native land. He used every possible means, fair or foul, to accom plish his purpose, but all hi3 efforts coming to naught, he gave up in de spair. The fair daughter of the ' court gardener was loved by a young artisan, but lacked the dot which the family considered necessary to a bride. One day, chancing to break off a spray of orange blossoms, the gardener thought lessly gave it to his daughter. Seeing the coveted prize in the girl's hair, the wily ambassador offered her a sum sufficient for the desired dowry, provided she would give him the branch and say nothing about it. Her marriage was soon celebrated, and on her way to the altar, in grateful remembrance of the source of all her happiness, she se cretly broke off another bit of the lucky tree to adorn her hair. Whether the poor court gardener lost his head in consequence of his daugh, ter's treachery the legend does not state. but many lands now know the wonder ful tree, and ever since that wedding day orange blossoms have been consid ered a fitting adornment for a bride. A Restful Suggestion. When one goes home at night aft a fatiguing day, nothing is more restful than bathing the head and back of the neck with a towel wrung out of water as hot as can be borne. It soothes the nerves and rests the body and brain. The same treatment relieves a nervous headache as nothing else does. When one is overheated and there is a rush of blood to the head, a hot towel applied to the face and head is a great relief. HOW TO MAKE CUSTARDS-DELICIOUS FOR WARM DAYS. A good way of varying the simple custard is to put in each cup before the custard is poured in a tablespoon of either strawberry or raspberry jam. Dried or crystalized fruits are as good an addition as is the jam. Chocolate custards are made by adding to the cus tard mixture enough melted chocolate to give a rich color. For another custard pudding take the seeds from one-half pound of dates and fill the space with finely chopped nut meats, either almonds or English walnuts being good for the purpose. Press the edges of the dates together. roll them in powdered sugar and lay them aside till the custard is light brown. Take the custard from the oven, put the dates on top and cover with a meringue, flavored with vanilla. Brown in the oven and serve cold. For most of the custard puddings It Is well to make the custard richer by using more egg yolks and cream and milk in place of milk. A very rich pud ding is made by adding stoned raisins, preserved ginger and candied citron to the custard. A FEW WAYS TO SERVE TOMATOES. Tomatoes may be stuffed with a rice force-meat, and baked. ' To make a force-meat, take one-half cupful of boiled rice to every six tomatoes. Fla vor it with onion juice, a finely chopped green pepper, six finely cut mush rooms, and the tomato scooped from the shell. Season to taste with pepper and salt, and fill the shells with the mixture. Place the tomatoes open side down in a tin, plaGe a small piece of butter on each, and bake for about twenty minutes. Reverse them with a griddle turner, and garnish with par sley. To fry tomatoes, put two tablespoon fuls of butter in a frying pan, and add to it a tablespoonful of finely chopped onion. Cook the onion until it is yel low and remove it. Cut the tomatoes in halves, let a little of the juice drain from them, place them in the pan, and cook for five minutes. Turn them and cook them five minutes longer. Tomatoes may be salted and peppered, dipped into beaten egg and cracker crumbs and fried until they are brown. For these it is better not to use the onion. They are particularly delicious served with fish. COOK EGGS SLOWLY. Scientific experiments show that eggs should be cooked carefully arrd slowly at a low degree of heat, not only the egg which' is cooked in boiling water, but whenever, wherever and however it is to be cooked. Boiled, bakei1, fried or scrambled, cooked alone or in com bination with other fot.ds, the rule is the same. It is a common opinion that eggs can be cooked quicky and to ac complish this end it is necessary to use all the heat it is possible to command. It is admitted that eggs do cool: quick ly, as compared with other foods. ever when the slowest process is used, but eggs cooked rapidly at a high degree of heat lose a large per cent, of their value as a perfect food. Experiments made in cooking eggs show that when cooked at a high temperature the egg becomes hard and tough, while it ac quires a jelly-like consistency if cooked at a low degree of heat. It is in the TOPEKA, THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR. LOCATION On beautiful campus of 160 acres, two miles southwest of State Capitol; charming view; electric cars every 20 minutes. EQUIPMENT Six fine buildings; good library of over 8,000 volumes; labora tories and museums: new athletic field; competent faculty of specialists in their departments. COURSES OF STUDY Regular College Courses, leading to B. A. and B. S. degrees; thorough Academic Course, preparing for Freshmen Class; best advantages in Music, Art, Busi ness, Stenography, and Typewriting. EXPENSES Tuition, 40 per year; board and room, from $2.50 to J4.00 per week; other expenses reasonable. Occasional chances for self-help. The year just closed is the best in the history of the College, and the pros pects for next year are excellent. A large increase in attendance Is certain. Three new instructors will be added to the Faculty in German, Greek, and Vocal Music. For further information and catalogue, address GEO. majFall Term begins Sept. 12. Ai kff -tt -tt -K -K - - -tt -tt -K -fc -K -tt - -tt - TODBKa Grocers Sold Last Month 3000 Packages of HOME GELATINE. A Delicions Dessert That 3 Colors. ASK YOUR GROCER. V. O. RIG BY, Mgr., Topeka, Kansas. r Smoke the I Manufactured by Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing C. F. ROEDIGER'S Dye 0 Cleaning WORKS. 820 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kas. Work done on X Short Notice. STOP The Vagons or Telephone 622. SeTT BROS. FOR PURE ICE CREAM. Rush orders for Socials, Picnics, or oat of town parties given J prompt -attention. Our prices are the lowest. Given on request. J SPECIAL PRICES cookir of the eggr that the trouble in digesting It arises. A NOVEL CONCOCTION. From a Ixmir Island woman, members of whose family lived for a lonff time in Damascus, the following' recipe for rose syrup is obtained: Cut the roses in full bloom, pull out the petals and spread on a tray to pre vent mildew. Keep cutting the rosea off and spreading the petals out until there Is enough for a jar or tumbler of preserve, if you can do up only a small ouantlty. Then put the rose leaves into a' preserve kettle, with water, cover and cook till tender. Add susar and boil until it forms a syrup. Pour Into fruit cans or Jelly jars. In Damascus this Is served In small cups and passed around on silver trays for visitors to partake of. Tt makes, also, a delicious addition to pudding sauce, or tbe batter for deli rat" cake, and the English or American residents of Damascus have added it to mince pie meat with happy results, a peculiarly delicate flavor bein thus Im parted to the pie. ESSENTIALS OF CAKE BAKlNO. When making a cake regulate the temperature of the oven according to the kind of cake to be made. Fold the flour in carefully, instead cf by strong circular strokes. Keep the raisins, currants, and other fruit in a warm room over niht, dreda-e thoroutrhy with flour and stir in lightly the last thing. rsM rsa I pi 1 A it. If f atwS ffcybnSH wWmJI KANSAS. M. HERRICK, President. -K - -tt X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- j5-X-If X-X- Gives Universal Satisfaction 8 Flavors. X- ---- Best r 5c Cigar on Earth. Geo. Burghart. t Misfit and Tailor Work a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed, t t - ON LARGE ORDERS. --'- Lire the tins for loaf cake with oi!M parwr, and make the lining for a fruit or large loaf cake an inch high at the sides to support a paper cover and pre vent its baking too hard. Whip the whites of eggs to a coarse, moderately stiff froth rather than a fine stiff one. Place the cake in the oven as soon as the baking powder in added. Have everything In readiness before commencing to mix the Ingredient;": have the latter at the right tempera ture, and do not pusp"id the mixim? until the cake Is ready for the oven. According to an old housekeeper, two apples kept in the cake box will keep moderately rich cake moist for a length of time if the apples are renewed when withered. Menus For Tomorrow. FiREAKFABT. Oraham mush. Lunch bam. Poached eggs. Buttered toast. Fried potatoes. Coffee. DINNETt. Consomme. Tint chicken loaf. Cream Baked iwt potatoes. Lima beans. Olives. Radishes, Stuffed tomatoes. Custard. Sunshine cake. Coffee. SI'PPKR. Cold meat. Potato snlad. lirend and butter. Peaches with cream and sugar. Cuke.